szs n 111 a. . A J - I i ls ii ii ii ii ii ii m ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii.ii m mm VOL. 11. NO. 2G. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON', X. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1861. WHOLE NUMBER 3,103 ItT -FULTON it PRICK, PROPRIETORS. .AH FCLTON, Editor A. L. PRICK, Associate K. - Tr "f Sorrrttwll. IiiW Paier, one yeer, Invnriablv in advance I Wvoklv " " AM i'etU-ts on biunnewi ror.nri ted wih this ofTi' . rr aMresrd to the proprietors. Rates op advertising. Hue day.. ...... . . Twa days... ...... Three day. ... Four daya ........ . I ''me it 1 wo days Three days. .... Four days Five day One week Two weeks.. . . One month Two months... Three moath. . Bis months 60 me days.., One week... Two weeka. 75 it One month 1 00 Two months 1 60 . . 4 .. I - Three months & 00 Six month.,,. 8 00 Una rear Ii 00 ..10 00 ..18 00 One year. . .SO 00 Tn mix m.r anunUd aa a sunara. and five line or i a baif-aqnare. Longer advertisements in proportion, and all payable in advance. When not paid in advance 25 eeuta per square will be charged after the first insertion. r All half-square not paid for ia advance wiilhe charg ed aa aqnare. -Advertisement inaerted as Special or Bishop Noticea are charged one-half more than above ratea eight line Waded) or leas eoauted as a aqnare. WAdTertiaementa inserted ererv other day are charged S74 cams per square for each insertion after the first. turHo publication made without a responsible name. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. EMPIRES UHTIUKRr, WILMHaTO . OFVKIiS FOR SALE. Alcohol. CAHPHENR. TUKPKNT1NK, INK TUHPENT1NK, BPlHITii TURPESTINg, K08IN, TAR. PITCH, VARNISH. NAVTIU. Apply to J. H. BL0H80M. Kept. 24; JOS. U. BL0SSt)M A Vi). C. S. VANAMK1SUK. NEW UUOCERY, CROCKERY AU IIUISK TCRNIslllKU STORK. BUB8CRIBER informs the public that he will on the first day of October, open a wnoiesaie ana ' CERY, CROCKERY AND (ir .NEBAl. House, r vna -' ING 8TOKK at Noa. 2(5 and 38 nonin r roui oirrn, n ton, N. C, where eferytbiiig in his line of business may be found. Orders solicited, and prompt d'pJtch,J,nEY Sept. 2th. 1PC0 J?".1- Mill) B. KHAJIBBKT, DRUGGIST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, Wilmington, N. C. keeps constantly on hand, a select stuck ol Drugs, Med icuu, Domestic and JCurojtean ChiTtixraU, Fancy and 7Vite Arhclet, Wine and Liquors for Medical Purpose, (Jigart, 4o. ... .Particular attention paid to Piiwiimiom, ratiiLi -Becifm, Maoicma CHEsTa, ao. a.btore immeaiaieiy nnaer me v-ruuu ..uw. Jnly 12, 1H6. 262-tf a. C. & W. J. Ml SHO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE GRO CERS, No. 22 North Water Street, June 16, lK,',t. LLi!i,'0.T2?L?l:- m m SMITH JUUM MCLAi-al. 'lT' SMITH & Mrl.Al RI!. CIO EMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ) WlLUlWOIMH, N. nana to Johm Dawsok, Esq.,Msyor. K. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank Mate N. C. July 1st, 1H.VJ j5S " . JOBKPb'b. L0SOH. CTSt-8 1. TAK AR1K0. j. K. BLOSSOM A C. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ijT Jnoa28.16l. WiLmneTow, N. (.. II. D. EIL.F.n, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION HER CHANT, aud DEALER IN NAAL STORES, corn W ater and Market atreott, Wilmington, N. C. April 2dLlW&8. AS. iTOIUT. AJ.M. OLMA STOKXJSY Ai OL.DI1AM, GB0CERS AND COMMISSIO'N MERCHANTS, AViJ ' DIALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AO. WlLMIlOTOl. N. fiiraiCM. Col. Jon Mcr.Ai, rresidont of thi Bank of Wilmington. O. Q. Pamlit, Esq., Presfdent ol tho Coromorcial lUvnli k ' . - E. HUKHAY 0, (Saeeessora to Murray Teacock.l C COMMISSION MERCHANTS j AND WHOLKSAfcK GROCERS, WATKH hTHF.ET, WILMINGTON, N. C. a. mcbbat. n, a. uractusox. i. t. mi'kbat. February 1, 19. ltf I.. O. Ill'OOINS A BOXS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCER IES 4 . GENERAL MERCHANDISE, B. E. Corn. Market and Second Street, WlHHNOTOK, N. C. AYJ-Orders from onr friends will receive prompt attention. Oct. 10. 1859. asm o. iia. " ; MIlM 0o'i," JAS.C. SMITH &CO C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, oKce tecoai story, eorrar t Sonth Water and Markrt atreets, Wilaiinjon, N. C, whara they are prepared to ; tuui to oil buamoas ii th (lommission Una. . ' . All business eotroeted to thcaa will t pnactn&ilj attt-od edto. C. II. ROBIVS03 CO., ' C COMMISSION AND FOBWABDING MERCHANTS J WlLMWOTOa, & C. Office orer Mr. J. A. WiUard's Store. Entrana t,, rn?r of Princess and Water streets. Maroh 9W'?- UNION DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N. U., A. H. VAN BOKKELKN, Paoranroa. ALLKLNDBOF NAVAL BT03SH'pnrchaed, pinnofao tared and eold .... , Wbarfsga and Storage tarnished, and Ooortrag dona at Jan. 2, 1B60. 100-tf. : J. Ol. AtOAliAbOJi sua, WnmotoK, N. O. IMPORTERS, MANTJFACTCRERS' AGENTS, AND Dea leres in faardware, Cuitcty, Iron, Stefrl, Nalla, Agricul jural Implements, Ao. - ,j 1. 1. COX, W. P. EKNDALl., . . ISMDSL1. COX. KKKUALL, CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND W H0LE3ALE GEO- CKKS' So. 11 4 12, North Water St. March 12th. 1861 . li7tf ADAMS. BROTHER CO., CC0KMIS8I0N 11 EC HANTS, . ) y?ninigTOW, W. O. KDWI.X A. ItEITU, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, lso. W;ljii8toi, N. C. ' I.CAB. O. WOKTH, COMMBSIOH AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Wilmukjtow, M. C. Maroh 11. 1867 lilT laxxs AiroiMoa, awa asTaaa. AXDKRSOI A SAVAOE, 1 KSERAL OOMMISSION MS3CHANTS, jr . WiLmaTOn, S.O. Ubaral faab adTnc made on eonsls-nmn'a. WALtCEU XBAJIKA. fKosor to Walker itssrea 4 w HOLES ALK AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, ii MiUIT STBtBTI WILrNTO, W. J. o. t. u.w. - utohu.. ELLIS FITTCHKLL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CORN. PEAS, OATS, RYE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL MEAL; FRESH GROUND HOMINY, H0RSJS fcoW FiSD; ALSO, XASTZR3 AJSHi S0BTB BIYTR EST, So. Morth Water Straat, Wiutusaro! N. C Februrf II, UK t BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WM. It. I TLRV. fMTreSSOB TO RiTBtWlV CO..) (COVMI j cf.r. COVMIhSMN MERCHANT AND WHOLESALE GRO- I Krpt. 1 1 It, lMl 2-tf WlLmNOTON, N. C. S. . JKXNINOV L. PIACOCK. JKNNISJGS PK ACOCK, (srcorjomas to ewrkw, vsacocf a o..) (TM MISSION MERCHANTS, Wholeasle Grocers, and J I 'valors in Nsrsl Mores, Cotton, and fouthern Produce, WILMINGTON, N. V. June 22. lft'.l. 244 tf W9I. H. Knil IDWM, NUTT STREET, NEAR THE RAILROAD, . WiLMUioroa. N. C. Will five his personal attention to selliuir or torwardius;, npoa commiMsiou, all kinds of Produce sent to his care, and uop?s, by bis nnremittiog attention to oasiness, tt mm portion of tba publio nairoosire. WiU also attend to filling onlera for all kinds of Merehsn 1!i', where the uarties are utVn'lentl known to justify it AIko to sellinir, at priTste or publio aa la, Beat Estate in the town of Wilmington, at 1 per cent, commission. Presbyterian, Fayetterille ; Ledger, Wilson, coiiy weekly 3m.; Rough Notes, Goldsboro', 2 weeks daily, and send bills to this office. Oct. 30, 160 47 tf. H. M RAHT. a. cruKixa W. II. Mi U AllY A CO.. c OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in Pure Perovian Gnnno and all other Frrtil tera ; also, Agents ror neese uuano, ' WtLMlMOTOH. N. O. a Special attention paid to ssles of Cotton and Nival t tores. Cash advancca on Prodnne when desired Refer to the Banks in Wilmington, Raleigh, Newbern, Tsr boro', Greensboro' and halisbnry, N. C, and Cheraw, B. C., Ac, Ac. Not. tith, 1R60 1 S. M. WEST, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C, Will sell, at private sale, Cotton, ft'aval Mores, and all klnda of produce, at a small oommirsxon ; Also, Bauk Stock at 1 per cent, Rail Koad Stock I rer cent- Real Estate 1 per cant. Negroes 1 par oant. Direct importation, Cargo Sale 1 per cent uiriiu To the cltirena of Wilmington generally. October 21, 1H69 40-tf UAHHIII HOWELL. OMMIHSION Mk'UCH ANTS, WltMISOTOM, N. C. fiOBOa B ABBIHH, A. t. H0WILL. W. W. UABBlfl OCt. 1st, 1HAK. D. A. LAMO.1T. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No.. 3H North Water itrsst . Oct. 1 1 I -tf WimiNOTow. N. A NO, FLOUR, BACON HAMS, - TOBACCO, Ae., Ao. W. H. McltARY a. CO. For sale by May 4. COW PEAS RICE STRAW. 1ff( BUSHEW COW HE AS; eUUU 75 BALES RICE STRAW. Just recsired and lor sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. f ay 1, ISfil. OUB BOOKS ARE closed Irom this data. Finding It impossible to procure an assortment ol Groceries, we will sell the balance of slock at reduced prices. July 1,1861. OEvJ. MYERS. NUSDU1KS. 100 CASKS RICE; 60 boxes Adamantine Candies ; 25 " Tallow 6 hhda. N. O. Sugar ; ' 10 bbla. Refined ' 1000 lbs; Dried Fruit ; 25 bales Sonny Bagging ; 26 coils Bale Rope ; ttK) bbls. Flour, rarious brands'; 200 bags 100 bbls. Herrings; 60 ' Mackerel ; KrK. MolssHes, Coffee, Ac, Ac Iu store and for a'e by T. C. A B. G. WORTH. July 17th D OUSK-DOUSE.- -400 bushels fresh D0USE..jnt receir ELLIS A M11CHELL. ed, for sa'e by eept. 21, 1861. E. 10K BTRAW.-60 bales fo' sale by Kept. 24. ELLIS MITCHELL CORN. gQQ BUSHELS IN STOjUJ. Sept. 24th, 1SG1 For sals by 11. BLOSbOM A CO. lrt-ll THI NKS, DAGS AND VALISES. T ArIES' AND GENTLEMEN' dressing snd UaTeHirg l j Trunks, Gents Morrocco and Enameled leather travel ling Bags and every variety of Valises, for sale at Sept. 27. WILSON'S. s HOVELS, Grindstones and Pitcbfoiks, for ssle at Sept. 27. WILSON'S. FLOl'R. ('k BBLS fresh ground Floor from new Wheat, For sale fii b T. C. A B. G. WORTH. 8ept 14. lafil. EDICAL SADDLE BAGS. Of all kinds, at cpt. 27th WH.SQN 8. T)1RD r-EtD. Canary bead, Rape teed, Hemp teed, lor XJ sale where everything is to be had at HO t. 2. CASSIDEY'S. iiocsEFriiNisiiiNa uoovn f N grrat Tarioty, and at old prices, at Hept 21 CASSIDEY'S. IlJOL.CUN OF ID-PARTSKKsHIP. mHE Ci JL JAS. CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofo-e existing between L. HATHAWAY and myself, under. the firm ol HATHAWAY A CO.. having been dissolved, notice is hereby given that I shall proceed to settle tba buoineas of the firm as speedily as possible. WM. R. UTLKY- SepU 7th, 1861. 2 tf r WILL CONTINCE THE COMMISSION AND GRO-J X CERY business on my own account. Tbsnkfnl for the patronage received while a member of the firm of Hathaway x Co., 1 adttuit a continuance of the same from my friends and customers. WM. H. UTLEY. Sept. 7th, 1861. a-tf NEW FLOUR A supply of Sept. 18, 1SG1. Flonr from new wheat at CASSIDEY'S. "ORN MEAL A supply of Water I J Sept. 18, 1861. Mill Corn Meal at CANSIDEY'S. CROCKERY CROCKERY. ALABGE assortment of fine and common Crockery China, Glass, Earthenware, Stoneware, Lamps, Cutle ry, 4c, Ac, at CASSIDEY'S. Sept. 20. . Cit'ANO GUANO. 450 BAG3 REESE'S MANIPULATED GUANO ; '40" Peteisburg " 100 " No. 1 Peruvian " 200 " Sombrero '45 bbU. Jsrvis A Bakr s 2i " Phosphatic Linn. For sale by Fept. lsT W. H. MeRARY A CO. CROCKERY AND GLASS WAKE. A LARGE assortment Crocker. Glasi and Earthenware, XX. for sale very cheap, those wishing to supply ihemsevea mj advantage mould go to jAQ?ilci b. Aug. 27, CANDLES. " ADAMANTINE and Sperm Candles, by tha box or small er quantity, can be bad at CASblDEY 'S. Ang. 27. WOOLEN SOCKS. T) ECETYED this dav. from our Qousa in CharlotU. N. C. 'XV 4,000 pair country knit Hoeka. atiiantiLut buub., 2d door from Exchange Corner, Front street. As. 11. ynjHTH CAROLINA BACON. In store and for sale by L Aug. 12th L. B. HUGGINb) BONS. n et BBLS. Chicago Meaa Beef: 60 Pakagea Navy and Pilot Bread Dmwi ib ur urn pack HAKSiaa HOrVELU I. .1. At A. SL. fsa. r or saia Dy AUt 19ti, 1M1. - i Tnd FOR SALE TO RKM FR HK.T. FROM 1st OCTOBER, tU fin two atory on the corner of T! d rosa S'id TU'ril s:rc: T wt'Iling a I'lrl rii iirrnuira or .v. r c-uiuumiion, r..i. 4 Nn. .. ... . . ... a . I I ... . . rl Dwellu g I looses locate I, a'.u a War.-lmme oo liendeian'a Ailey. Apply to MCH'S S. SiXOV. Sep. l.Vh, IPfil. 7 t FOR If HYP. FROM the first day of Octnlier, ISi.!. t h OFFIC E on tha oornar uf Maikst and Water stree. Aui1t tti U. h. EILFRS. Sept Ulm.t. mr FOR RENT OR LKAKK. JUA VJ n.L BE RENTED OR LEASED from the 1st day of October next, tl s liuna and Lot bslona ilHii. Ing to Dr. H. R. Everett, deceased. It is well adapted lor a Boarding House rrroinary or tvlo families For fnrtlisr psitlcnlats appl( to .. . . A. C. EVERITT. JepL. 9 1 is FOR RENT, SEVERAL TLEAHANT OFFICES from tl.a fli.t of October next. Apply a Sept. I. THE JOURNAL OFFICE. FOR III HK. S EVER A L able bodied egro Men, for the bslsnce of tha year. Apply to . JAS. T. PKT1EWAV A CO. Aug. 14. -: ; i FOR RKNT. FROM 1st October next, sereral Warehouses and ('irises on Muter's Alley, South Water street, immedi ately North of Mcri.T. C. A B. G. Worth's nmVe. Apuly to ELLIS A MITCHELL. Sept 21. U if FtlR RENT. THE STORE on Front street, at preaent ocrnpled by William L Jacobs, for oneyesr from October Im. For lerms apiily to L.A.HART. Septal. ' 11 if FROM OCTOIIKU 1st, lnil, to October 1st, ISC2, the following dwelling bmises on Msiket street, between Seventh and Eiiiluli streets, to wit I The hnnse on the corner of Market and Kighth streets, st present occupied by Mrs Lsu'S P. Peirce ; also, tha house on Market stiest, at preseut occupied by Mr. J. W. Moore ! also, the house on Msiket atieut, st present occupied by Mr. J. E. Melts ; slso, the bousa on Murkct street, at present occupied by Mr. A. E. Hall; also, one bouse on llfiok street, betweea eleventh and Eighth streets, st present on -noted hv the Mis sesQuiuns. Arply to GRANT A 11 A KH 1 1.1,. hept. I7tb, IHiil. I (l-l m. ADIINlTRATOR'S HALF.. WILL BE HOLD on the Nth October next, at the late residence ol Mis. Frsnces Gisnt, oo f if ill street, in the town of Wi'mingtou, nil the UOUSEUOLD ASD KITCHEN- FUHMrUHK belonging to asid estsle -Also, a good Cook will be hired out lor the balance of the yesr. And on the 8th October, at the resideuce ol the un dersigned, on rightsville 8onnd, a took of Cattle belong ing to said estate, among which are several due milch coas JVmLj. Six months credit, witii spproved sscuritr. R. li. GRANT, Adm'r. Sept. 17; HI is MACKEREL In bbls. snd half bbla., for sals by April 4. K. MURRAY A CO. " There's something in a fiying car. There's something in a huge balloon ;" and If tho Poet Woodworth bad fii en to his sick hnrse or cow k certain popular remedy,' he would uudoubtedly have added in conclusion There's something In a dose of powders. EverT dose of these powders speak for itaelf. It cure all the diresaes of horses and tows, and IU tfleola are daily perctpiible. If )oa have a slrk bona or oow haggard, broken down and wrm out wilb dbeaees administer the powders, and watch the reenlt It Is, without any rqtiivo cation, the gieatest bone and cattle medicine In the woild Found at WII.HON S , Harness, Trunk, Saddle, Leather and Oil esta'diabment, v. 6, Market street. TUMPENITNK STILL. ONE TURPENTINE hTILL, new, for sale by Hept. 27, lsi.l 19-tf JOS. It. HL'.i-rulM k CO. CJPALDING'H GLUE.-Useltn inever houe-t he hsdst O S. pt. 18. CAShlDKV'M. !tU,OiM I US. tP AOoL W ILL maks a large quantity of Htate Grey ("assiniere, winch we would be pleased to make lu'o umloruia tor Companies at home. The vY out if aei.1 to us, will be bought aud paid ror on delivery at iiai.dw in a. hept. 20th SHOE TIIREAO, F 10, 60 or 100 lb. packages. For aule st hept. S. WILSON'S. CORS BAGS.-2,000 now Corn Bags, for sale by J t-ept. 21. ELLIS X MircHKLL. HITS AM e-n UN. UO DPZN of Spurs aud UArneaa snd lliidle Hi's. For i) sale at JAM r.S W I I.S 'N Uarnets. Truuk, Saddlery, Leather and oil Es'abiiahrnVnt, bent. 27th No. A Market Mreet. s HIRT3! SHIRTS! SHIRTS ! Flannel, Calico, Cassj RALDWIN'. Hept. 25. irATER PROOF SEAMLESS OVERCOATS, st VY Sept. '.'5. BALDWIN'S. 1IIK WF.BT POINT PATTERN 70R MILITARY OVER COATS-tbe bit U ting gsrnwnt out, made by Sept. It. 'l i ti I LB-. JF GOOD WOOL will bepurchaaed. fJVf.lUU if brought to Wi'mington, and It will be iomnediately sent to the Htate factories snd made into Cas amierea lor the Comuvjlis In North (.'aiuliiis, who will pro bably lesve their measures with UALUWJM . Hept. V0th . Ll! ULIK. AVERY GOOD AND UsEFUL ARTICLE. For sile at KELLEY'S BOOK bTORE. Ju'y6, lcl. niii.(.H, IN B lTTLES OK VARIOUS HIZKH. For isle st KFLLEi'S BOOR STORE. July 6, 18 .1. BLANK BOOKS. A LA H t.E supply of diflereut varieties, at KLLLkl b BOOS HT'RK. July 6, ll6l. FHEall FIAJlH, I.ROM NEW WHEAT, ground at the Cape Fear Flow Mills, at greatly reduced prices. By the barrel, in bags, half, quarter and eighth hags. Call -and see, at the Mill or Office, Wiimington, N. C. July 27th KTOKLKY A OLDHAM. YELLOW MF.TAL. 4Krk LBS. YtLUlW METAL, slightly worn. OUU tor sale by C A W. J. MUNUO. July 13th, IStil. . WHITE BKAN. SPLIT PEAS, Dried Fmit. Almonds, Butternnls, Filberts, best Green and Black Ten, Java, Coffee, Chocolate, Broma. Cocoa. Corn Starch, Maxiua, Ac, at July 16th, 1861. ' CASSIDEY'S. SHEAF TtATS. CYS? BALE ON CONSiGNUIi-s l, oy LO Jui727: E. MURRAY . A CO. KEROSENE OIL A BUBNLNO FLUID, mquantitlea to lnit t CAssIDEYS. Aug. 6. - . ; TO BIANCFACTCRER" OF MILITARY WORK. HARNESS. BRIDLE, SCABBARD AND CAP BOX LBA1HEB, , ' Enameled Cloth, all colors. 61 dozen Brass Flstoe for Officer! Belta, 73 " Cartridge end Cap Box Knobs, Morocco Leather, all colore. -7J0 lbs. of Hhoa Threao, t .mm of Patent Dash Leather, 211 groaa of Harness aai Bridle Bnckles For ssle at WILSON', TfarneM, Tronk, Salery, No. 6 Market etreet, Leather and Oil Estabilshant, Aug. 27. D RIED APPLES AND PEACHES, at June 17th CASSIDEY'S. RIO AND MOCHA COFFEG.. 3-7 ALSO, different grades Green and Black Teas, at Jane 17th . CASSIDEY'S. B EEF TONGUES tt JUS IB. CASSIS BT'8. XOTICKS. S.OIKK. AM) A FTKlt THIS DATE no romts will b. .Nil..,. Oed d unlen paid for In advance. Mr bndna m 111 t uuduOr4aiii. il t.ii raah piinnlpla in lutore. I hare li-iiiiien prit es i mi iiieiitue. and twins compelled tops) i tnm.t n il excrjt for rash, undnr arT clroointancef. ioth c. PDl.VotlT. ('sPARTNkUkirip'MrTICR. " I . t'M'KIIrtlGNER have entered into Co partnership J.r,".Vl,,.V",r.."f "","'". N. (, under tba firm of . ''''" tui.MHAI. r0r ths purpose of boring n. ellio NKiKo ril.A VW, where tha highest cask prices win tie psid. ' They alsu have a house in Mobile, Alabama, where they win rs. elve ant sell slaves on commission. Liberal sdvan c npoa slares left wtth them for aale. I. J. HOUTHERI.AND, . .... JAMES V.. COLKMAN. Angnt Int. mi St)t ' UKUCKKIESr WILL BELL VERY LOW F4R CASH, frrk BoxeeCendy, JA Boxes Lfnug S)rup, tJKJ e Hoses Claretts, 14 Boxes B. B. Brsndy, 21 Bbls Gingrr Wine, 2t Kbls. Fine Whisky's, 20 Bbls Imported Liquors, '0 Boxes 1 andles, , 40 Bbla Rngara. Id Half cheats Black Tea. 2M fOJI 1 egrsof various grsdes, flora the very beat H -suss to thsrbeapeat domestics. lhM.e wishing to replenish tknir stock will find this a fa- "I'l'oriunuy lur bargains, at May Jtf, , EO. MYERS. OATS. OATH. BUHHElJi MARYLAND OATS, for aa'a by JAS. T. PKT1EWAY A Co. 1(MH) I 11 5 C (wlt K BARRELS ( HO CK GUIE. for ssle hv 100 JAS. T. PETTEWAY A Co. Jun 11. ALE AND PtiMTKIt. M UIRS. BASS A Co , and Jenrers Fdlnbura- Ala and Iind iu Puitcr in bint bottles, st Jul" I7th CASSIDEY'S. niC'KLED J1KEF TONGUES, at I Juns 17th CA8SIDEY,,S. 10 BARHFLS Hplit peas aud White Beana,"at ' June 17th CASSIDEY'S. )I('Kl.l:i ONIONS and Glierkioa In 6 gallon kegs, at A. June uin CASMlDICY'H. Vgfift I , .1 111 111a' 1 v 11 y j -V,A II 11 1 I A ti III. y i MARKET STREET, ';;;J,"i-v!j ,ir . JjrWja WllnalHsUnn, N mm. Mm" AMY IliMiKB lillbsm's Manas), Bardie's Rifle Light Infantry Tactics, Hcott's Inlantrv Tactics. t uoper s and Macomb's T'aoliua, Volunteers' Hand Book, Skin erhoin's Prill, llsyonet Exercises U. H. Army, rtcleui e of War, Ta:tl. a for Ollicers of lulamry, Cavalry and Artll lery, Hchool of the Guides, Evolutions of tha Line, Austrian lulantry, The Bide and How to Use It, Ordnai ea Msfliorsn da, Naval Percussion Locks and Primers, by Lies'. J. 11. Dahigren, Inatrnctioo for Arms with Percussion Locks, and Uayouela with Clasps, for Field Artillery, Ar tilleHsta Manual. Jeflera' Naval Gunnery, ' 'avalry T so tic a, so. 1 urn largest asaortoirnt or ixiokn tor IA limes can al ways be fouud at W H TAKER'S New Book More. April 24. Ml I'M, r. r.f BOXES EXTRA HETFItSlVai Boap; 0J M) do. Pluos Brown Soap : 1 11 do. Colgate's Pale ami No. 1 Soap 1 , .rperm, ;iriii and Adamantine Candles, for sale In mis 10 sun ny woHTii A DANIEL. Msv ... - NAILS, NAILS. KKGH 4's, 6's, H A 10's. For sale by 50 JAS. T. PhTTEWAY A Co. June 17 iiAusi UAiiau HOMESPUN 2 BUMII.LO'UIN BAGS, 1UO0 Hesmlessextra I hnahel grain bags. For JAS. T. PEITEWaY A Co. 5000 sale by Jnns 12. MM S'lAMIII ANU CASDLKSi, YEAT POU DkllS, Baking Powders a d ConeantraUd Is avrn t-sni ts, Picklct, Comliiuents, Brooms, Wood and WRiow Wsie, Scotch Ale and London Porter, Wiea, Liq.ors and i-egais, iiroo s. Cocoa snd Chooolata, Flue Table and l.iveipool Hock Kslt. ity Mess Pork. CA-WlliK.V'H AENIlEZVOPfi. FLOl'R FLOl'R. TAMILY and Supeidne in store, snd lor sale In lota to suit, bf I.. B. U0GGI&S A HONS, m June 27th, 18H1. IVER (USING IN rOl CLAltlTY U that celebraUd com IX potnd, TDK EQVA niAN C0XVITI0N P0 WDSn.S. Many geuticiuen in town and Mate have elled on us to say mat e are at liberty to brs their names aa refvrene to the gieat healing and wotdar ful curailve puwera of this re markable preperation. It is without any equivocation, the greatest horse and cattle medicine In the world. 2A MAMUITAN LINIMENT Cures Burn., Hpiaiiia, Bruises, Ao., and is a sure remedy for bheumstii) sflectons. Fouud at WlL8lN'b Uarueas, Trunk, baddlery, Leather aod Oil Ksiabliahroeot, No. 6 Market street. Hept. I9lb, 1-61 . , Bwordi and I'lttols. I tPflATElH, lie vol vers. Ride Barrel and other 1 istols', Al aio. v.avairr ana luiautry swords. For sale at Hept. I81 h, ISliU WILSON S. Officers Kwvrd Itclls , O F Morocco, Kid Hain and Patent Leather. For sale at bepL 1Mb, 1861.. WILSON'S. lliol Cases OF every material, at berjt lmh, Ibbl. and lielfs WIL80S' SHOE PEOS AND SHOE THREAD, (T all numbers, at Vr eepk Ui, WILSON S. Tr-NAPSACKS, Haversacks and Pistol Hola'ers af evejy '""Vl SUdUfl D. erpt. 20. OCR STOCK OF MAPS. T ECENTLT pobliabed, embraces tha sew Map of Virgin- jt-sv ia, I'uuivucg ig areomoaa ; rnotoxrapoie Map ot tna D.aioi war, elegantly coiorea ana surrounded WiU a Vig nette of PoHrsits of the President. Geoersls Beauregard. Ripley, Bragg, Ae ; Map of tbeCon ederata States of Aer K; Map pi the Western beat of War; Map of tha Seat of n ar, puniiauea in new ur leans; ana ue Urge ana aiegant biiui uvKMiH . ar, jusi puuivneo ana rrceivvv um mining. KTeryuiing new and desirable isaed is ue ion tederais States may be had at publishers prices, at Aog. 16. WHITAKEK 3 NaW BOOa: bTORE. SWEET POTATOESA snpply of fin Sweet Potatoes at Hept .18, IHC1. CAHIDEY'S. A HUE BEANS ASD SPLIT PEAS, RACE GINGER, PreserTed Girger, Essauea Ciagar. White Mustaid Heed, Brown Mustard bted, Ground Musurd. French prepared Mustard. Black Pepper, Allspice, Pimento. Cl0Tee,. uUDeg. Cider Vinegar. All sons arti els for Pressrree and Piekiaa, at . CAfiolUSY 8. Sept. T. fill NS A I I kvl (Souib side,) m h BIISCELLJNEOVS.'. HEAD QUARTERS - , rosj NORTH CAROLINA CASSI51ERE. f-.W,lLlJf' HAlEi CHAPLOTM MAMUFAXTUTll. tCKt UHE your goods for winter waarf Vlrglnln Afar u " ." i" lrtPP'" wnr msrket of aaasnUal goods. Boy quick sad be sura to buy for rath, at BiLUWlNMIfarkalat Q CK salt. A supply of Back Halt eas be tad at sT5 Sept. 4. CABSIDkT'S. CtEHt ii k mil t O HERVILB SHIRTS, For Offlcera. for Officers, at BALDWIN'S. He pt. If. II HAM S J tm.HAM'S .. UILHAM H - AM'S OILHAMS MANUAL. M A N (1 AVfj, MANUAL, MANUAL MANUAL, for V0LCTTtlB8 VOLUSTs-kHS VOLUNTEFRU TOI.UNTEEKll VOLOHTKEBS and MILITIA, MILITIA. MILITIA, MILITIA, MILITIA. At Sept 4 WRITAKIB'g BOOK 1T0B1. WTLfOlf'i. JNAPSACKS at AVKR8ACK8 at JWORDS AND PISTOLS at jylLITABY GLOVES at a w ORD AND BODY BELTS at gHOEPIGSal yi'UHS AND BITS at ALL KINDS OK LEATHIR st WILSON'S. WrLSOM'B. WILBOH'B. WILBOa'8. WLUOS'I. WILSON'S. WILBoS'g Harness, Trunk, "addlery, Leather sn4 Oil KaUbllahmsoi, Kept. I i. Ihbl No-AWaikst HI. NU BLOCKADE OS S W t. El MEATS. . milE BABOON'S NAVY baa not yet baas able teas f. X leetually blookade oar port as to keep tba patriot! CaHSIDEY from rsplenlahlug his stock af goods. Ha baa Juat received from tba Wast ludlesa supply ol OUAVA MAHUKLADK cna JELLY, which Is psrlictly dsllolous, and which nan be had luqnauiillastoauttaltbe RendssvoM, For the sick there Is nothing nor pleasant than Guars Jtl ly or Msraielada. Sept. U. IOIVEHSAL FEED CUTTER. DOZKN Unlvaiaal Feed Cuttara. For sal by June 24. J AS. T. PKTTKWAT AS CO. SVHUEON'S IWllltUI SUHUEON'S WORD I OS LEFT, add a beastiful srUo.s. SI 8,PtJ,. BALDWIN'S. ARMY REGULATIONS. ABT1CLES OF WAR, and aou of Congraa erraililng tbs Army of tha Cyulederata Bistaa II 60.' For sale JtfcLLEi BOOK STORK. Aug. . 1)EHCUS8ION CAP8st Sept. Iltb BALDWIN'S. WIIKIt ICVKR WE BUT OOODS niBR TEBMB ARK CAHH, sad w nut tall seoordlngly. X No exceptions to tha rule at , - ' BALDWIN'S. MILITAR HIOINU SADDLES, Tlx. I sr.,. ana.. an... o . tii", mis, spars, ao. For sals at I) July l. wnjtows. rtUAH, C'OFFEH ASD TEA. BEST White and Brown Soger, , Ht. Domingo, Java and Mochs roflee, . Ooloug. Iiupei ml, Gunpowder, Hyson and Tesnf Bi son Teas. For sileat ' Ang IB. CASBIDBT'S BUNDrZyiHTS Sit, W Mt StIC. ' ' ' " " HEAUREOARTH GRAND MARCH fills Onsrds' Quick Mep Bonnie Hue Flag "oulhern Maiaellaiea-JsnVr. a.n DavU' Grand Match Our Flrat Presl Wit's Qilck Bias Houthers Repnblio Polks arch -Col WJ Plantara' Oos vemlon March, by Hermann I- ecbrsiner Fla of the Free Eleven God and oor fights, Ae , 0 Also, mora of " Lai me Kiss htm for bis Mother "riosnls Jssn Murronrrlng Hea Come where my Love lies riteaming Dixie's lAsd Ah I I have Sighed to Rest Ms Home to oar MsanUlns I'll Prsy for Thee-Hoo Me to Bleep Mother Wbes lbs Swallows Homeward Fly-Part iBg Seresada All tfafsis lovs thee, Ho do J Wanlta Anvil Churns W mat by ensure Dixie Polka Kock of A gee Fairy Bella Cottage by the Sea, Ao , Ao. A 'so, the Operas of U Treevstore, sad Norma, ccinplets, at Aug. 2rt WHITAKER'H NFW BOOK BTOBK. " BilONAirWAMIa;. . -. , . , 1.1 1, li. 1 and I gallon Btons Jnga snd Jars. ' ' . I, 2, 1 and 6 gallon Demijohns. At ' Sept. 13. CASHrDETtS. tatM CAMPlllitt I A FEW pounds of re lined Gam Camphor lost received and lor aala, at P'- n. CASSIDEY'S. tlACS SALT ) Green and Black Teas - . s t once and fessence of Coffee; Sngari, Raw and Refined. At Aug. 20. TASSIDRY'S Bendeivous. HL 4J1L. mRAIN, Neat's Foot, Tanners' snd Machinery OH-U bar X rela. For sale by the gallon or barrel st . wiLsoys. II K AP BROOMS CHE A P BROOMS. lO.". DOZ. BROOMS to be eold at very lew price by X-J Hept. WORTH DANIEL. 41 ALT, PORK, MOLAssTlkis ". 7 O . Sugar, Tea. Coffee, Soap, Blarcb. Candles, Sauces, Pickles. CondimanLs. fLlB..tna Soda, Cream Tartar, . , . Spices, Pepper, Yeaat Powdere, baucepans, Tinware, Lanterns, st v Aug. II. CASSIDEY'S. MILITAY CIOODA. J a -- GUN snd Body Belts, Officer Swor Z Belts, Car risga Boxae, Cap Boxes, V J B)mi ncab bards, Knapsscks, Haversacks, Pistol ui uirk Cases sad Belts, Canteens, Bworda, Pifla Barrel sod other varieties of Pistols. Bugles, Military B. idles. Baddies, Mar tingales, Bits sad Spurs, Baddle-Bege Bsddla elotba snd Biatkeu, Ao., Ac, for sale at . WILSON'S BARBERS' SOAP Berber' Soap at -BALDWIN'S. flWILET BOATS at T . J- ' BALDWIN'S. ttOLOGSE WATER at " t BALDWIN'S. CORKSCREWS for carrying in the pockst, at BALDWIN'S. LcaviCE BHIKTB Offloers' Shirts, Officers' Bhtrta at 17 BALDWIN'S. I'S. TJNIFOBM CLOTH St fjWEalilflary Cutter at IS, a-TT.TTAHT Ovaronata at BALDWLSS. BALDWIN'S. 11 Sept. 6. . BALDWU'S. ; MOKE LIGHT I KEROSENE OIL, Burning Fluid, Sperm Candles, Ads. mtntina Candies, Tallow Candles, at . . 7. CASSIDEY'S. . : KtsOafelS OIL. A FRESH supply of Virginis BlasuBSUiig Cowl Oil, Jast XX. receiTsa at 6pL 1. CASelDtK'h. RIFLE CVAHUO.llCK.SIa.r'. DEDICATE. TO THE WILMLNQTOS Rir'LS CZXT Just published and for sale at -Ang.24. WHITAKER'8 New Bock Ft VIKkUAH, PaPra.U, W. CIDER TTNEOAB, Black Sumatra Terrer, Brows Mnstsrd Seed, Canary esed, at Anr. l. C tlA-roklla.n XCST RECETVED IN 6T0F.S a few k tf tackv Bportisf GtupQwier, til Ui - Eipt. 12. .rt C 0