(1 flN 2 II I 11 J 11. VI II .. SII V., , r ' .. .. . ' VOL. lL NO. 36. J- CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICAWILMINGTON-, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1861. . - TOOLE NUMBER 3,113 BV KIXTOH PRICK, PROPRIETOR. AR FULTON, Editor A. L. PRICE, Associate E . ' I I! I . II . Tanas of Sab dpln. Daily Paper, one year. Invariably in edvasoe....... M On WxeVy " " " W All letters on bat in connected with this office, ouki be addressed to the proprietor. BATES OF ADVERTISING., hal QrAR. uue day 15 Two days S"i Thresdaja... ....... AO Four day i ! ive days 75 One imi. ' Xwo weeks... 1 S7 On month........ .1 00 Tw mouth S 60 Tbrc months 00 Six month 8 00 OKI C,l'AB. (in day... ...... Two day...,... Three day. ...... Poor day's Five day......... One week......... Two weeks Od month Two month....., Three months..,., Six month ....... . ; o 4 0 74 71 OA 00 . I . ) . I . I . t . 4 . 7 .10 00 .14 00 tin yew 15 00 Una year. .30 CO Tea Une are counted a a square, and five Uiie or lees a hair-oaxs. Longer advertisement in proportion, ana an payaZl la advance. Whan sot paid la advsno 25 cent per squar will be charged after Ui Unit insertion. r All half-Bqaare not paid for is advance will be charg ed as a aquar. ........... mjr Arfrtiementa lnaerted at Snecial or Bishop Notice re charged one-half more than above rate eight lino (leiuisd) or lee coumea a square. - . aa-Advertisementa lnaerted every other day are charged . 1 1 if h . M- 97 cent per square ior eacu inaeruoa nwi m ui.. triio publication made without a responsible name: BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS . ijhiis u vniHRERT. TsDnnnra inn pnirvrmAI. PR ARM ACEHTIST. Imuvwu .... - . I Wii vihiitoi. N. (!. Keep constantly onjiand, 'elect took of 2uj, Jsfed- XVTeiV WW. ujin , ...... - "1 Tbtid rrtcJti, Wine and iiguori or Jfedtcai Hrpo, Vigart, Ac. ' ' i Particular attention paid to PiuscwrnoKi, FaiulT - ucoirin, uiDicmi chmt, o. '. ,' .Store Immediately under the " Carolina ITotel. . July H, lSW. . m. mr v Tit tt mr n n ... aMOMMISSIO Me'bCHAKTS and WHOLESALE GBO- CKKS, Mo, Jl aorta water oireci, Jnne 1, 1SS9. WiMfDiOTOW, N. C tOttrU . X0801I. CTCI I. TAWAMRIKOI. G ENERAL COMMISSION MEUCHANTS, June W, 1M1. ' WH.mnoTow, H. B. EIL.KH. ' -TXTHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MEii W CHANT, and DEALKH IU MA AL aiOUiia, earner Water and aiaraet eireeta, w unungton, a. v. . , April 3d. 1H6K. - - ITOKLEV 6i OLDHAM, 'BOCEHS AlfD COMMISSION MEBCn ANTS, SI OT CIAJLEK8 la COhM, OAia, FKAH, AU. WiLMWOTOM, K. O Birako.' rv.i Jnn. MrRn Prt.Munt nf th Riuik nf Wl!mctfVia. . . 1. PABei4iT. fcjq., Preeident ol tbe CoHtmerolitl HiU K. BIVKIIAV A(Oh : (SaeeMwr to Marroy.di , C0KHIS3ION MEBCnANTS AND WfiOLEWALB CBOCERfl, WA1KK HTUKKT, . v , - WILMINUTOW, N. C. : . IfCBBAT. 0. MCBB0M. t. T. MIIKBAt. February 1, 1159. m-tr JAS. O. SMITH . CO . YtOMMTSniON MEB0HANT3, offloe eocond atory, oorner Vy Bontn Water and Jttarl el arueui, wuaacgroQ, k. i... whore they are prepared to Attend to all basinew In tb Commiasioa line. . All bnaiBeee entnatod to them will bepnnotoaily aUinC ad to. ' - . : ; ' ... ' - i t C. U. ROBINSON . CO., AnOMMlSSlON AND FOBWABUINd MKBCBANTd I I - ' Wtl UINlWlk . . D. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard'a 8tore. Entrane vraer of Princes ana water itreeu. March 9, 860. - . . .. . , I'KION DIST1U.EHX. - WILMINGTON, N. C, A. H. VAN BOKKELEN. Paomirroa. ALL KINDS OF NATAL STOB233 porchJuMd,nanv tared and eold . - Wharfage and Storage fernithel, and Ooofmraq don-i At Zalrratea. , Jan. J, lBfi0100-tf. " WlLMiWdTOir, N. C. rrPOBTEIta, MA3rJACTUEEl;8, AO&NIS. ASDPta lerei in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Stei-1, NUi, lrijul tnral unpiemenia, ao. . ' J. j. OOI. W. r. IENOALL, J. I. KIMBALL . COX. KkNOALL, Ai CO. (COMMISSION UEKCHANTS AND WHOLESALE G20 - - - Ko. 11 4. 11, North Water St. 'March nth, 1861 - IST-tf - ADAMS, BHOTHKHdfcCO . . COMMISSION MKBCHANTS, WairntsT(, N. C. ivt r -i n. u. u'nTn. COMMISSION AND FOBWABD1NO MEBCHANTS, -i .WiuanttroH, N. C. March 11, 185T . -" U-ty WUKEB HSAKK5, fSncoemor to Walker Mer Co.,) WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DRUGGIST, 44 Mabeit Stbiiit, WiLKrwrow, N. C. O. D. 1XLIS. . . MtTOHJlL KLLIS & MTTCIIELIj, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IN "10BN, PSAS, OATS, RYE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL MEAL; V.' IBKHH (iiiOUND MOUUtX, HUttttJS CUW t f.KU ' A LAO, JU8TSHN Atrn fiOHTU B1VKR BAY, , . Mt,ri wter fttrewt, : " " .iiw.. . O. - ' HAMKIHH HO' t I. b COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WiLnmoTOK, N. C. OBOB HABBI88, A. t. BOW ILL. W. W. HABRIS8 Oct. I at. IHS. . ). , . ' HM. U. CTL.K, 7 J ' (srCCESSOR TO HATHAWAY CO.,) COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLESALE GRO CEB, . Pept. 7tb. 1861 1-tf " WiLMtyoTOit, N. C. Will. H. KDiUlltDtfOM, "TVTT STREET, NEAB THE RAILROAD, 1V WlLM 1NOTOH. N. C Will rive hie nenonal attention to aelliBff or forwardieir, npoB commiwlon, all kind of Produce eent to hi care, and hope, by hi unremitting attention to boginesa, to merit a portion oi me puouo patronage. Will also attend to tilling order for all kind of Merchan dize, where the parties are uHcient!v known to jnstifv it, , Also to celling, at private or public sale. Real Estate in the town of Wilmington, at 1 per cent, commission. ' Presbyterian, Fayetteville ; Ledger, Wilson, copy weekly 3m.; Boagh Note, Goldsboro', 1 week daily, and tend bill to thie ouice. . . Oct. SO, 1860 1 tf. ' ' So M WE9T AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WiLBTiyeToti, N. C. WiU Mil, at private tale, Ootion. tfawtl Storm, and all kind oi prod ace, at a aznaJl eowwmetvm ; Aieo, Bank Stock at ..1 per eent. Bail Road Stock 1 per eent. B&1 Estate.............. 1 percent. Negroee. . 1 per eent Direct importation, Cargo Sale 1 per cent. Biraaa - v ' To the oltizen of Wilmington generaS. October 21. 1869 40-tf W. U. M'BABT. W. A. CrMMlXS. W. II. NcRART At CO, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealer in Pure Peruvian Guano and all other Fertil ten ; also Agent for Reeee't Guano, . Wiuukotok, N, C. Mr Special attention paid to sale of Cotton and Naval Store. " .. ; Cash advance on Produce when desired. Befer to the Bank ia Wilmington, Etiletrh, Kewbern, Tar koro', Greensboro' and Salisbury, N. C, and Cheraw, 8. C, Ac, Ae. OT,8.t,lSC9 ' 6- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . . iiNxtxa. i. riACoc. f RnrrRfMORit TO tVTI. FRAOCK a CO..) . Coy MlhMOS MKUCUANTn. Whole Grocer, and Pealera In Naval -tore, Cotton, and Koohro Produce, wiLimsijlua, r. vj. June W. Ml. 3 tf G l'A. FLOUR, BACON UAVS, T0BAC0. Ac, A. W. B. MoIlABY A CO. For le by May 4. COW PKAKICK BTUAW. IWVf h BOSHELH COW KA9; .VHfU T5 BALKH KICK STRAW. Jot received and fur Mile by KLLI8 A atlTOUU U 1,1(401. . . WH. IKHK A KE PRACTICALLY '( (rom Ui !. finding tl bi'iioKihle to procure aa rtO)i.ut ot Grooeiiea, we w lil tell li.e bAlaoce ol toct t reuucea price. July 1, m. GB . MTEIW, aCltUUIIta. 1f CASKS KICK; AO bozea Adamantine Candie ; , ; u " Tasiow v ... , A bhd. N. O. hugar ; 10 bbla. Uefloed " ' 10,000 lbs. Dried Fruit ; 24 bale Gauny Bagging ; , , . 24 coil Bal Hope : i 300 bbla. Floor, vurlou branda'; ' ' ' ' . 900 bag . ' . ' 1 ' - ; ; 100 bbl. derringi; . ! 60 Maokerel; bait, Molae, Coffee, Ac, Ac. Ia atore an.l for tale by T. 0. B. G. WORTH. 4iuy km DOU6E DOU8K. 400 buiheU fresh DOUSE, jut receiv ed, for a!e by ELMS 4 MUCH ELL. Kept. 14, 1861. ' - 11 ICB 8TRAW.-60 bale fo ale b con. PtAfV BUSHELS IS STORK. Foral by OUU JOS. It. BLObbOM CO. Sept. 21Lh, 1861 IC-tf TltrSK. BAGS AUVALIK8. LADIRH AND OEM'liEMES'S dresaing and travellirg TronL, Gent Morrocoo and Enameled leather travel ling Bag and every variety of Valine, for sale at tS.pt. 37. WILSON'S.' s HOVELS, Grindstone and Pttchfoik, for ml at Sept. 27. L www a. ' KLOCH. fi i;CL3 fresh ground Flour from new Wheat. Foe sale rjVby T . C B. G. WOETU. Sept. 14, ISfil. M EDICAL SADDLE BAGS Of all kind, at fept. 17th WlumH'H. HOI BKtXRNISIIIKO OOODS ' N groat variety, and at old prices, at L heft 21. - CASSIDET'B. UISS)Ll'TH)r Of CO-PA HTM K KKIIIP. f nUE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between X JAS. L. HATHAWAY and myself, under tbe Drm of li AT II AW AY h CO., having been dissolved, notice ! hereby given thst I shall proread to settle the business of the firm aa speedily as possible. WM. R. UTLEY. Sept. 7lh, 18til. 2-tf XWILL CONTINUE TbECOMMISSl(N AND GRO CERY business on my own account. Thankful for the patronage received while a member of tbe tirm of Hathaway Co., 1 solicit a continuance of tbe same from my friends and customers. w. u. uiir.i. Sept. 7th, 1801. 2-tf OCAKO OtTtKO. 4 KA BAGS REESE'S MANIPULATED GUANO tt)U 0 " Petersburg " " . 100 No. 1 Peruvian " 200 Sombrero ' " 24 bbla. Jarvis 4 Baker' 25 Phospbatic Lime. For 1e by Fept.14; W. H. McRABY CO. WUOLES h()CK8, EECEIVED this day, from onr House in Charlotte, N. C. 5,000 pair oountry knit Sock. r KAHNWEILEB 4 BROS., ' Id door from Exchange Corner, Front street. Aug. 22. - - .- A COMPLETE KDITIOS OF HARDEE'S TACTICS, well bound and containing au die plate ot the original work, for f I 25. The best and cheapest edition yetlnsued. For sale at Jnns latb. WUITAKKB'S NEW BOOK STORK. rADKIN, SALEM, CHARLOTTE and o.her State CaV " 1 . i nnr i .Tin . simeres, at bal.wwu .-. liKATIIICltl IiEATIlKHI OAK SOLE, Wax Upper,' Uorrooeo and fancy colored Lining, Binding, Eiismeled, Patent, Lace and Barrel Leather, tor sale at wiLsua d. OcU 1, 31 - BE ED UVK. . rN lot to suit purchasers, for sale by L BT0KLEY 4.0LDHAH. Oct. 2, - H EAD QUARTERS for OKFJCblt'S FATKiUK HUttlH ONE HUNDRED UNIFORM SHIRTS, nt. Oct. 1. BALDWIN'S. MAP OP TIIK BEAT OP WAR. riiH THE LINES OF Bail Road leading thereto; f V also, the Btrategleal Fointa a laid down. Jon run lished. Price 75o. For sale at July 23d. WEITAKKK'8 NEW BOOK STORK. KICK I RICRI ' ',.. CASKS RICE of best quality in Store, and for lie A. . IfJ A. V. I V. 'IU1UI July 17, tf 000 Aug. 2. REAMS ASSORTED WRITING PAPER. For sale at WHITAKER'ri BOOK STORK. sRW MUlC. riHK Southern Battle Sng. dedicated to rresi.l. nt Davis: L the Sontbera Mariellaiae; God and our Kighu. song aud chorus; Southern Republic Polka March, as performed by Bost's Military Brass Bsad; Ourbouthera Flag, written bv S. L. Hammond and dedicated to the Citadel Cadets, ol Charleston. S.C.; Jefferson Davis' Grand March; Our First President jaicbaiep, embellished with a large life-like bust of President Davis : Dixie Polka, by Here ; General Beau regard's Grand March ; the Soldier's M isnoa, song inscribed to our V oluutcors ; Palmetto Uuard March; traua starch of the Southern Confederacy ; the War Song of Dixie ; the Sunnv South Gallon : Band Polka, as pUyed by tbe New Orleans Brass Bands; the Flag uf the Free Eleven, 4c Alto, a new supply of late popular pieces, including " Let Me Kiss Him for Ilia Mother ; Ail Thing Love Thee, so do I: Rock me to Sieea Mother : the Day our Mother Died : the Cottage by tbe Sea ; Murmuring tea ; Song of Dixie ; Grob' Variations on Dixie; -Joanna ; Anvil Chorus, frsm lltrovatore ; Home to onr Mountains, do.; Ah, I have sighed to rest me, do.; Meet me by Moonlight, Duett; Sheila ot ocean ; Uorae wbere my Love Lies Dreaming, c, c. At WHUAh.ttt a new suua muhb, Aug. 8. .,.-.-: - TBISKI. BAGS ASD VALISU. TTTE have on exhibition a floe assortment of TRUNKS, w f bAU3 and VALisES. embracing all style or pack log Trunks, O. G. Braaa and Iron bound, Decatur, St. Louis and tbe Victoria stvle. Sol Leather Trunks, with and with out coven, Ladies and Gentlemen' Dressing Trunk, Hat Boxes, Hug or an uses and descriptions, v allies of aii ma terial ana pattern. or sale at VtlLSUH d, Harness. Trunk. Saddler v. Leather and Oil Establishment. No. 6 Market street. Aug.' 26. TIIK UILITIA LAW OF KORTIl CAROUSIA. : PASSED- at the second Extra Session of the General A' sembly, latil. For sale at - ' wet. x. n HlTAKAJl H New Bock Store. at UAH. stbAU. . A LOT of good Brown Sagar, for sale by the hogshead, barrel or pound, by L. B. UUGXilNS 4 SONS. Aug. 23. DHUK TMUAVA1A Alt Pk.Ua. F OB sale at WILSON'S. 1 Oct 2, St OIL! OILt MACHINERY, Lard, Train, Tanner and Keats foot Oil for sale by the Barrel or Gallon, by WILSON. FOR SALE AND TO RLM " HXtK UK.HT. - FROM 1st OCTOBER, the fin two story Dwelling on tht corner of Red Crow and Third streets, at pre tot r m n l.i J k W. H. EJmundsuB. Kan. Also, sev eral Dwellirg lionsrs corofoitsblt lcstJ, and a Wsithouse ou IlendcrsuB's Alley. . Apply lo ; KICB'S N. K1IOV. Sept. 13th, IMI. T4W rt)u HESJT. SXVEItAL PLEASANT 0FFICE3 from the first of October next. Apply at Sept. J. TRE JOURNAL OFFICR. KtI IIIRK. s EVERAL able hcdled Negro Men, for ths Vialanre of the year. Apply to JAS. T. rETIEWAi 4 CO. Aug. 14. - ' - 1XR KT,-''-FROM "1st October Belt, several Warehouses and tiffl -ea on Muter ' A He v. South Water street, immedl- stslv North of Messrs. T. C A B. i. Worth's olloe,- . . . . -, im . ,,,,,i,l' Wpt. 14. - ' lfi-lf FOR ItBXT. TPR STORE oa Front street, at present occupied by William L. Jacobs, for one year from October 1st. For term apply to L. A. HART. Sept. 21. 14-tf roit itLrr. - i FROM OCTORKU 1st, 111, to October 1st, lHC'i, th following dwelling bouses oa Market street, between Seventh and Eighth streets, to wit i The house oa the comer of Market and Eighth streets, at present occupied by Mr. Laaa P. Pefrce; eHso, the bouse oa Market street, at present occupied hy Mr. X, W. Moor also, the house on Market street, at present occupied by Mr. J. K. Melts; also, the house on Adsrket street, at present occupied by Mr. A. K. Hall ; also, one bonis on Dock street, between Seventh and Kinhih streets, at present on-mpled by the Mi aesQuinns. Apply to, GRANT HARHKLL. Kept. 17th, lHtit. ' IMm. ' ' - - 7 FOR tlkNT. : ONE of the most pleasant nd convenient Rooms for bunlnnn In town. It i In the basement story of th Journal Building. For particulars snplv to ' . FDLtON 4 PRICE, . ' May 2:th, 18CL' Joureal Office.' , ""kwit baaIk. " CASKS r.ICE FROM CHARLESTON, varioa 1 J 1 grsdes, quality and prices. mst14?ihi. h arri5s 4 nown.i.. MACKEREL Ia bbls. and half bbla., for sals by ' ) April 4. M. MURRA YjbOO " There' omtlilng lo a flying car. . There' something in a huge balloon ;" ' and If the Poet Woodwortu hsd givea to hie sick horse or cow a certain popular remedy, he would undoubtedly have added In conclusion j There' something in dose of powder. i Every dote of these powders spesk for itself. It cures 11 tbe disease of horsee aud tows, and it e fleet are daily tierceptibln. Jf you have a sick horse or cow hKKrd, irokou down and worm ont with dlneaaes administer the powders, aud wstcb tbe result. It Is, without any equivo cation, tbe greatest hore and eattl medicine in the world. Found at - . , WILHON'S i Harness, Trunk, Saddle, Leathvrand Oil esUblisbmeut,' ; Ko. 6, MarVet street. ' TCMPKN TlftK HILL ONE TURPENTINE STILL, new. for ealeby Kept. 27, lftlil-19 tf JOS. It. BLOhSUat A CO. , 60.00O 1118, OP WtKJL -- i . . WILL make a large quantity of State Grey Cassimer, which we would be pleased to wake Into uniforms for Companies at home. The wool if sect to us, will be bonght and pah) for on delivery at ' BALDWIN'S. feept. 2ilh i ' v ' iiiok THKKAP, I N 1, 10, 50 or 100 lb. packages For late at l- ' CORN BAGS. 2,000 new Cora Bntt, for sale by Sept. 21. EliS 4 MITCBELL. , a BITS AUD aPURt. 1 IO DOZEN of Spur and Hsrness and Bridle Bits. For in; asie at JAMLS WILSON'S liaruea. Trunk, Saddlery, Leather aud Oil Establishment, hept. iltn gio. inarKei wireet. QH IRTSlInafsTsO fllTS ! "FlanDcLTCailco, Caasf O mere, Ao , at - - Sept. 25. BALDWIN'S. ' vv ATE II PROOF SEAMLESS OVER COATS, t Sept. 15. BALDWIN'S. TIIK WKT roiST PATTKIISI TOR MILITARY OVER-COATS tbe best fitting gsrment 1 ., naAm Ko llll liWInl . u . . , UI 1 . m-j .. . i ' . ... . SepL 11. - . , " "TjTXB"s70F GOOD WOOL will be pn"robase3, fjWsUUV if brought to Wilmington, and It will be immediately sent to the Mats fao tones and made into Ca- suneres lor me Companies in Aoila Carolina, who win pro. DaDiy leave their measure wiiu OALUwiH. Sept. void -' BHKAP DATS, )K BALES ON CONSIGNMENT, by dJ July 27. - i . Z. MURRAY 4 CO TO MAM FACTCRKU OP MILITARY WORK "I TARNEHH, BRIDLE, SCABBARD AND CAI BOX JJ. LKATUKli. Fnameled Cloth, all colors, " "? 1 dozen Brae Plate for Officers' Belts, 73 " Cartridge and Cap Box Knobs, . Morocco Leather, all colors, , 730 lb, of Shoe Thread, . 17 side of Patent Dash Leather, 211 gross of Harness aad Bridie Cackles. For salt at .. . WILSONS. Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Establishment, Ho. a Market street. Aug. .7, HEAD O.UART1CKH I,V)R ARMY GLOVES, BUCK. GANTLETS, Ac, Ac, at 1 li t, I. BALDWIN'S. II1KLK OCAItli U.I It WJfc.t. D EDICATE J TO THE WILMINGTON RIFLE GUARDS. Joat published and for am at Aug. 14. WHITAKER'S New Book Ptore. ' BRA HS I'LATK, IOR Officers' Belts, Knob for Cartridg and Gun Cap . Boxes, Hooks, 4c, Ao., tor manufacturers of Military work. Also an kinas or Jtiuciiie. For aai t . WlIJiON'S, Harness, Trunk, Saddlery. Leather and O0 Eatablikhment, No. 4 Market street. Sept. 4. PHOTOGRAPHIC MAP OP TUB SEAT OP WAR INCLUDING a Map of Virginia and Maryland ; the James River entrance, with the Batteries : Sectional Maps of Virginia on an enlarged scale, and plaa of the battle-Held near Bethel Church, Price $1 40. For eal at Aug. 8. - WHITAkf.lt H NK BOOK hTIIKK. JjN AMELED CLOT J, of aU eolora, at JEATHEB f all klad. at JN APSACK3 of every dsecrlptton, at Vr'FICERS 8W0RD BELTS, at WIL50N'S. WILSON'S. WILSON'S. WILSON'S. WILSON'S. JJILITA BY BUGLES, at LtaDDLES. BRIDLES. MARTINGALES, at S- WILSON'S. ITS AND SrURS, at .. 7 . ., WILSON'S, Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather aad Oil Establishment, No. 4 Market street. . x y 14 HIDI.O BAUOLICa, BIDLES, Martingales, BiU and epors, at Ang. 13, l6L - WILSON'.. I - MILITARY BELTS. OFFICERS' Sword and Pistol Belt of TaUot aad Enam eled Lsather. aad Morocco Beau of ail colors, at Ang. 13. . WILSON'S. ADYAKG 1M PRICK OP OFFICERS CXIPOHH9. IN cooseqtieoce of advance In Gray Caimeres, such a are used for OFFICEUH' L'NIFOBAiS, the price is ao cesasrtly increased $1 oa Coat and Paula; also, the pi ice of onr Coat ti, " " ' ' . . , Otnoer ordering will piea.ee use aoiice. T&H.M3 1 Cash oa delivery. O. S. BALDWIN. -' Manuiactcrer CIvie and Military Work. ' Sept. 17-dAw. - : - -: CHAIGK OK P2.ACK. v , . . WE have moved our place of aasinesa to the store No. 4. North Water street, formerly occupied by W. K. Covell, aext Soath of DeBosaett, Brown 4 Co., where we wi 11 be pleaM to MO OUT friend and customer. NOTICES. RJOTICR. ' ON AND AFTER TIT IB DATM ao rood tlU be deliver, ed atilese paid fur ia advaace. My businea wHI be eoodoeted strictly oath esah principle la futnre. I litvi reduood price to suit ths time, and being nnsnpelled te ps) Cs.h. esnoot sell excel t for cash, under any elrcnmatssftes. ; April loth " . 0. Fttl.rtMJT. - t u-PAHTRICRalUP' SiOTICKT" ritHE CNDERSItiNED have entered lata Co-PartBanhlp 1 la tb town of Wilmington, ti. C, undvr the firm ol SOU-'HEHLAND 4 COLEMAN, for the purpose of burin ? 1VA" NElir-( SLAVES, where thehlgbest cash arice will be paid. , They also have a house la Mobil, Alabama, where'they will receive and sell slaves oa commission. Liberal adva ees mad op on Iave left with them for sale. ,i 4. D. J. hOUTHITRI.ANn, ! . . JAMES U. COLEMAN, i Aagust 1st, 1HA9. - . st t SAMUEL B. JENNINGS aad Level Peaeockwal oarry en th Cnaimlwdoa aad Forwardin; bnlness at th eld stand of ths lata ft mi nf Owyef, feacock 4 Co.; under the ie of Jeimlnns A J Sfoct, , ; t -t t . a jsnMihua. l. rtAcocs, Jnns II On'dsboro' Trlbnns copy. ixi CltOCEKIES. lall.r. av.t.f. arsrnw low amn rim r)0 Rnraa Canil. UR.mt.mMflnn 40 Boxes Claretts, 24 Boxe B. B, Btaady , : vt nnia uinger wine, ; . 14 Bbl. FlnaWhtakf', ' 20 Bbl. Imported Llquoia, ... '. ! ' fO Bote t'andlua, -- 40 Bbls. Sugars, - y- .-?.;., 10 Half client Black Tea, 200,000 Segar of various grades, froifl th very best II ana to th cheapest dotaeetio. . " - , I Those wishing to replenish their stock will find this a fa vorabl opportunity for bargain, at My !; GEO. MTRR. i ,; 4&-& iH ' s H-riiWH i t a ir i.. it W li-.)rt-i frx-i:i MARKET STREET, V? - V.J, 7:- ui .Wllaalnctaw, . ';' ' I f-'fAvX-:s i1 hi l 3 MILITARY BOOKaWillbam'i Mional, Hardle'iRItt snd Light Infantry Tactics, Scott' Inlsntry Tactic, Cooper' aud Macomb' Tactic, Volunteer' Hand Hook, Sklmerhorn'e Drill, Bayonet Exerolse U. H. Army, Sctenoe of War, Tactic for OBloera of Infantry, Cavalry and Artil lery, School of the Guldea, Evolutions of tbe Line, Austrian Inlantry, Th Milie and How to Use It, Ordnance Memoran. u.,1iiwiiwiiuiiiw.,ii l i tun I , AiHIItk. -, if, Dablgren, Iimtrootlon for Arm with Percussion Look, and Bayounta with Clasp, Initructlon for Field Artillery, Ar tillerist;' Manual, Jeffers' Naval Gunnery, Cavalry Tactic, AC I he largest assortment or Hook for lh iitruv can al ways ne round at wmitakku h New Book Store. April si. , - . ' PLOTJR PI.OIR. TAMILY and Saperflne fa store, and for sal In lots te I ' ...I, I. m U Lit II li ! lai U t. u i-1 .11, June 27th, 1A1. JVER B1S1NG IN POPULARITY Is that celebrated com 5iLKdi.Q OSUIAN VOlfDlTIOS TO WDIRS. Many geutiemen In town and .state have called on a to say tbst we are at liberty to Bee their aamea aa rerorence to the great healing and wonderful curative powers of this re markable preperailoo. It is without any equivocation, tbe greatest nurse ana saute ueaioine in inn wona. TUX MA.SI1A IT AN LIMA KMT Cure Burn, Sprains, Bruises, Ac, and la a sure remedy for iiueuniau.! enactions, r ounaat wiLMO.Ttt Uaroeas, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Kstablishmcnt, . . . no, Market streeti Sept. 19th, I'.t 1 ftuord and I'lstol. T EPKATERS, Revolvers Kill Barrel and other 1 latoli; X-b aiso, iavairy ana iniautry owor as. t or sals at Sept, 18th, IHCI. WILSON'S.' Ofllccra' Sword llclfa 0 t Morocco, Kid Kkio and Patent Leather. For sale at bepu lHtfl, loot, j i , WILSON'S. Pistol Cnaea and Italia o F every material, at , . pi. taut, iu : r r wnjsosr HOB PEG AND IUOB TIIRKAD. 0 F li number, at , , Sept. 20. s . . - " WILSON'S., KNAPSACKS, Haversacks aad Pistol Holster of eveiv variety, at . WILSON'S. OCR aTOCK OP MA I'M, RECENTLY published, embraces tbe new Map of Virgin ia, published in Richmond j Photographic Map of ihe biat of War, elegantly colored and surroiiuded with a Vig nette of Portrait of the President, Generals Beauregard, Bipley, Bragg, Ae ; Map of theCon'ederatv States of Amer ica ; Man ol tbe Westera Seat of War ; Map of the Seal ol War, published la New Orleans; snd ths large aud elegant Map of the Seal of War, Just published and received this morulog. Avervthing uew and desirabia issued ia the Con- federate State may be bad at publisher's prices, at Ang. 16. wUliAlktttB alW HO OH. STOKE. Pf ( laA- COUNTRY KNIT WOOLEN SOCKS, from t)Uu country (tore keepers, just received at Oct. 1. BALDWIN'S. K ID t.LOVES, WOOLEN GLOVE i, GAKTLET.4, Ac, at wt. 1- . HALDW L H. IL1TARY UUTToNS, al - Oct. I. .., . . . ' ' BALUWIil IS. MILITARY PA AT FOR I II PANTRY. c UT, TRIMMED AND MADE FOR TWO DOLLAR, at Oct. 1. ' - BALDWIN'S. INtlLISH HALF HOSE line Merino Wool by th sm li gle pair or dozen. Cash only at . Oct. 1. , BALDWIN'S. lNIKOHM ARU DHaC.OP TUB. CON FEDEUATK ARMY. mui BOOK caabe wen at A ' " ' BALDWIS'3. . Tbe follow ng extract I taken, therefrom. . Bcttoks. For General Officers, and Officers al ths General SUIT, bright gilt, ronnded at the edit, convex. rataed Sajls in the centre, with star surrounding it, Larg six to be one inch ra exterior diameter ; amaU size naif an loch."v - ' - , Tb aearast approximation to th above is th Caala But. ton, ia every respect resembling it, (except the fat f th iwuwiu ao stars ; van ae naa at ' , BALDWIN'S, " 18 Market it.. Wilmington, N. C. Kept, 14. ' - , - 7 liKCOCtiTRB RAZORS. ' flAHB GREAT FRENCH RAZOR never excelled rarely JL equalled ia the world. A rare ehaooe. - - : A perfect Kaior. ' A aaay aaaa - " ? .""', : ." . ' A nervous man cored. ' ' , , , Ail through the happy loflaence of a delightful $havt 1 Call and sea th new stock at - . .- Hept. a. ' BAt.DWrV'S. i) ?i Bblk Ikicsgo Mesa leel ; 50 Packages iiavy and Pilot Bread, ta alrtlrM pack ages. For sale by . - MAUiUbd iiO rt LiM. i j J I i RAIL ROAD ADFERminTS. , Ornca Gaa'a. fccrr., Wit. 4 Msg, R. R. Wilmington, ti. C, OcLlotb, 1 ', AO I'll In 'i it A v a i i i, . a. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, March 1st, th follow Ing Schedule for Passenger Train will b run apoatal Iwsd, via i a , Leave Wilmington. . . . 1 00 A. K. and P. M. -Arrlv at KlngsvUle. t04 P, M. and (.14 A. M. l-esve Kinesvilie...... Sjto A. M. and 1.45 P. M, Arrive at Wilmington..:.... 1.13 p. M. and 1.44 A. tl. Close connections are made thronirb to Columbia, and with th Greenville and Columbia Ball Road by tU Ira.ns arri ving at and having Kingsvtlle in the afternooa. J. P. BOBEUTSON, Uett'LEup't. . Fse.lmn. laflO - ' , ' r4 THAflHPORTATION tirPlCW Wn C, A It. II. II, I Wii amoTos, N. C, March loth, licl. f Mm m- v.Tl ANl FTEll MON- A. ALL aLr"U H day, tlilhthliet.,e Freight V?,- t,, Tra'n will run ..n tl .a r-.4, as lltostlB AlosIas ujffliiirdy ( 1'own 'luextav and Fridays- Freight lur this train amt be at tt Iioi.ot if ot) o'clock th day, prevlrm to depsrture. No fretylit will hereafter be carried by paaaengsr train, extept at tiisore tioa of the Agent, whra double rate wUl b charred. - " ' T. L. tor:, , 'Master of Trawportatisa. March Iflth, lHcl. ll-tf ' BOOKS AND STITIONEItY, . HvHTRCCIlOM FOR b lKLO AtlTILLEILV. I0B BALE at JuneU. WHITAKER'S New Boo Store. . i , a - HARDEE'S TACTICS t - WlilTAKKR'S New Beok Store. VOLUNTEER'S HAND BOOK, at- u .W f JwielL WtJlTAKKU S New Book Store. f ROOPEll'S MANUAL, tt A. June II. WllITAKFR'H New Book Sir HANDBOOK OF AUTILtJCRY, at Jane 14, WHl'fAKicfe'tt New Beok Btore. IIAnDRB' TACTIC. ' WE have just roceivtd a new edition of R.II and Light Infuntry Tactic, for lb excreta and maneiuvre ef Troops, when actlog a Light Infantry or Biflerusn. Pre. parad audor th direction of the War Departmsnt, by Col. W. J. llardes, U. H. A." W hsvs aiso two other edition of Hardee's Tactics published In different parts ol th booth em Confederacy. Also, th volunteer' Rand-Book, wbha I a tury useful abridgement of Hardee' Complete work. At WUITAKUl'M Ktw Book Store, I June 11. . HI LIT All Y WORKS. - WE KEEP a vary large atook ef these on hand. Have furnished many that we have been tnldj could not be obtained In any other Boob Store In tka State, t'au far nl.h anything in our ban to be had In the (1, S. A., at June 14. lstil. WHITAKEU'S NEW BOOK STORE. A UOOD 41APOP VIROINIA, CONTAINING all ibe Coatitle, principal Towns, Ball, roads, River and Casals, aad all other Internal Im provement. For sal at Juno 14 WB IT A KEITH New Book Btore, REWARDS. - FIVB IltfNItRKIl DOLI.AIl ItRtVlflO. -QFif U A HKVYAKD of F1VB HrjNDKRU DOLLArti OtJv IV. Will be paid out or lbs Town Treasnry, for th apprebiiasieii and delivery at the Jail In this place, of te negro man BILL WANKT, now ruanlng at large, wk has recently committed a foul murder. Said negro is the property ol Dr. '1'. M. Carr j is about lira feet eight inche la height, tgod about ttlty Ova, dark copper colour, how lc.Rcd, thick set, and bald boadhai a wii lu Wiliulugtoa," the property of AUrud Mtrtin, Esq. bald HILL he bee a runaway for three year past, during which time he ha been linking In and around VVIImlngton, frequently pamiag oil a a woman, and is full of scheme for dodging arras. The above reward wilt be paid immediately on his delivery a above. ' JOHN DA WaON, Mayor. Wilmington, July 17, ISfil tf , ,.v , - RCilDIIIBS. 12 000 Voted? kV' KMt0clf 7 E,D 16,000 lbs. Iron for baling Cotton. " " ' 100 keg of cholc lieaf Irfird. ' " ' , ! - ; 3i hhii. prime to cholc N, O. Eugar. ' 100 boxe Mar Candles. - ' " 10 cheau Greea and Black Tea. ' '-.v --. 25 bbls. choice early crop N. O. Molaiaei. ; ' ' lOhhd. Cardenu Molasses. ' ' For sale by WM. It. UTLET. ! 7. - . 1 : . ; I.KMOS LkMOmit. O nfi NICIi ,''mon' 'or alo by WM. B. DTLET5' tlLOHlOl'a NBWSt OliORIOl' IftWl I A NXWirOTtT. OPENED Iff WILUISaTOU, N. O. t Oil FRONT STREET, Bear Murket street, and opposite the ( an Fear Bank, and ia the centra of th bnsiaeaa psrt of tha city, ; .THE PALMETTO ' HOTEL AND RESTAURANT! Boaid am! Lodging ner day ... .. ..4M0 ... 40 ... 44 Single Meals Lodging, (without Meal,; .........,.,. MEALS AT ALL HOURS t This House contains thirty large Klueplug Rooms, well ventilated and furnished with new, clean Beds. " ' The location is tin best la the city, and every effort wf!l be made to plesae the patrons of the PALMETTO." . . M. UAlLavV, IVoprloior. .-. (Formerly ef Bailey' Varieties.) ! wj An Omnlbua will La at the Depot, on the arrival of all th liaseeneer trains, to euavnv naaaanear to tha II nnu or any pai-t of the city. ,, , , , Jane liiistf v'bjo MORM fatstrswp. ' a .'-' 5; WE ABE COMPE1.LFD FROM NECESSITY hereafte to adopt tbe csnh system exclusively. . Usving ergeat uaa lofall the money we n raise, w would ta.ke tt as a favor of those that owe ns, to call aud ettie their bill.- ' BROWN 4 ANDERSON." t-no mure .voi k delivered from the store after t!.!a date without tbe rash. B. 4 A. , April loth, 1861.' ' i-' ' Itig-lf ' ' I'KKMI PI.OCR. ' ' ' ' KOM3rKW WHEAT, ground at the Cape Fear Hon) 1? Mill, at greatly reduced nrloes. Bv the barrel, la bse, bslf, quarter and eighth bag. Call and ee, at d MUI or office, Wilmington, N. C. juiy ;ta tiTOHLEr 4 OLDHAM. VfcLLOW METAL. . A tZ(f IBS. YELLOW METAL, allchtly wnrn.. 1s'-vj vr rorsaie oy . - u. u. w, i. July wtu, iNil. . OILIIAH' BCIIOOL FOR TUB SOLDfRR, F a : ND Kchelol th Company, for Infantry and Rifle drilL XV. Jvu,t Lus'med d. Received and for sal at eept. x. WHITAKKR'S New Book Store. BATTLb.a OP SILL'S kit AAU MANAaaAa, " JULY lhtA and 21f, 1861. - -. ' ACCOUNT of the advance of both armies r th baf t!e and th defeat and rout of tha enemy. Just published. Received and for sale at Ang. a WHITAKER'S NEW BOOK PTOKE. MATXItESSKS AftD PILLOWS. COMPANIES eaa be furnished with the above st vry low price j calling at C FOLVOGT'S Uphol g and Paper-Hanging store. Apr l j . DHtmiL rllKI ASD MILITARY BOC'i. j 1 N THB GREATK8T VAKIETY, at--July 23rd. WHITAKER'S NEW BOOK FTT " IWOKDS AND HASHES. HANDSOMELY MOUNTED LINE gWOr.r', ! snd Silk Sashes. - Just reccred fivm a ' Manufactory, and for sale at Aug. . W HITAKER'S NV f n f r I'lllLWt KJ ' IU)1 m y ' ; i VJST and less for cash, at . Ang. 2h ' - . .. 1!U Y KNIT and tacorted W jol L., i r SerTt. 15. ! SCHOOL V TTTE HAYS a large f i sr 1 p- If CR4M VCs St . r . , , VCt. V. rtuia dtDAAiUa, ABgaat is aa.

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