- 1 11 Xy w h f VOL. 11. NO. 39. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1801. i WHOLE NUMBER 3,11 G BY rt'LTOM A PRICK, PROPRIETORS. .A3 FULTON, Editor A. L. TBICE, Associate E i.-r. . - - , j i t i Daily Paper, one year, invariably io advance. $'i 00 Weekly " -. " " J 50 - All letter os business connected, with this office, lanrt b addressed to tb proprietor. BATES OK ADVKKTisIN-., ALf C;CAX. On day I 2 Two day 574 three days.. . . ... ... 60 Four day ..... 1H Vjvt days... 74 One week 7 Two weeks ... .1 37) On month 2 00 One day. . Two dive....... Thread).... . ., Four day Five days., One week Two week...... One month 00 Two month..... . . 7 00 Three month. 10 00 Two month S (0 Three months 8 00 Six month 00 Cue yew .....lft 00 Six month 10 00 One jeer 30 00 Ten tines are counted m t square, end five line or leu a hall-square. Longer advertisements in proportion, and all payable in advance. When not paid la advance IS eenti per square will be charged arter the Drat insertion. W All half-aquare not paid for is advance will be cliarg Brl U at- ttiinaPes). - M-Advertiementa inserted aa Special or Bishop Noticee are charged one-ban more loan aoovr rates eiguv uaea (Winded) or less oournea a a square. AA-Advsrtiaomeuta inserted every other day are charged 37 1 cents per square Tor eacn insertion alter tne nm. mrH o pabiioatioa made without a responsible name. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS Will B. ERAMBEUT, TARUGGIST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, II Wll.MIKliTOW. N. C. IT ....t.nti mi tianit. a. aolnnt itwk of liruat. Mod- ieinet, Dometho and European Cliemicals, Fancy and In t 11 . . , . Iff. - . .J T fm I. .ill nn I A ouet .articles, rrines wtk jujaurfvr Vigars, dfce. ' ' .Particular attention paid to Psxscau-noKi, Family BEClrM, BitDlcma iBBSTB, so. . , MStore Immediately under the Carolina Hotel." a v July M, I860. - i a, c. At w. j. Muwtto, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE GRO. CERS, No. 22 North Water Btreet, Jane 16, 18M. , WqimiaTOW, N. C JOKrH . SLOMOM. ' '- CYltr I. YAKAMRINOS. ... , J. M. BLOSSOM S CO. Gr ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! Jane 28, 1861. - wilmikotow, w.i. TTTHOLE8ALB GROCER AND COMMISSION MER W r hint nrl l)Kl.f,tl IN NaAL HTORKB. oornst Water and Market streets, Wilmington, Jt. C. r ' i I, ,1 JAt. iTOILlT. OtBASt. - - TOICLKY A; OLPHAM, ' S BOCER9 AND COMMISfitON MERCHANTS, AND It dealers in Corn, oaib, pkas, ac. Vll WIHUMI. HI Ool. Jobh McBai, President of tht Bank of Wilmington. O. G. PiBflLIV, Esq., President ot the iowmrpa' Hnk v B. MURRAY i . ' (SiMWon to Murray Fawuck,V COkOOSSION MERCHANT8 AND WBOLEBAf.B GROCERS, -WATKH tiThF.ET, , ' WILMINGTON, N. O. ' b. atcBaiT. - o. a. atraoBiaoM. - j. t.i'a' Pebrnary 1, 1R59. ... i..- ' - 125-tf IAM1I 0. IkUTB. - alSI-M OWN. . JAS. C. SMITH A CO 10MMIB8ION MERCHANTS, oiSoe second story, coniot I Dnnili mil Hukt atrflots. Wi Imi nff ton . N . C. where they are prepared to itten l to all bniD- in ! -Oommiasiua line. ; ... .. , All boaineea entrusted to them ill be pacotcauy. att- lc dto. . .. . C. H. ROBI180W CO., nnvutcamM 1WT) FflItWAR.)IN(; MERCHANT i4 WlLMIXOTOh. N C. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard' Store. Eutruus i rner of Prince and Water streets. . March , 1S60. 1S8A29. " VSiOn UI8TIUl.fc.HV. ' " WILMINGTON. N. C, . n VIM nnk'K IM.FM PHnraiaros. A LL KINDS OP NAVAL HTOBE8 purchased, miiiiaf.' jl tared and sold Wharfage and Storage furnished, and (Xopraff am. fair rates. - Jan. , I860. loo-tr. 'J. M- lu.ilihai.M MM. WtLMiNuroir N. C. IMPOBTERS, MAlTUFACTUIlEIiS' AGENTS, AND I leres in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Naa, Agrtcol toral Implemenni, Ae. ' i J.J. COX, W. P. KBNDALL, J. m. KENDALL cor, ufcNUAi.ij, ro. "10MMISI0N MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GRO yj CEH3, .... . u J2, North Water St. Hareli 11th. lRfil 157-tf ADAMS. BtlOTHEKACO. c 0M1UBS10N MERCHANTS, ; ' T. C. B. U. WORTH, nOMMTSSION AND POBWAHDINO MERCHANTS, Ha If arch 11, 1857 15(S lv. WALKKH nKABKa,' fStwoesaor to Walker Mer A Co., ) 1 ' W HOLES ALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, 45 M ark IT !mirrr. wumwiw, w. tJ. 0. V. BLLIA. . J, MltMMlI,, ' KM.I9 A( MTTCIIEIX, WTTOI.KflAI.R ASD RETAIL DEALERS IS OORN, PEAS, OATS, RYE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL VEAL; " ALSO, ' &A8TKKW AND NORTH KITEll RAT, . . . . .... . ......... Nnh Wator Street, ' ; t'wiwii (J. - "'.Krwt l. 1- o i, COMMISSION MEEPHiNTS, " 1 . WtiaUNeroN, N. C. S0M H1RBIHK, A. i. HOWBLt. , W. W. WA!W. CHt. Ut. WW,. ' - . - " WM. 1. DTLKI, ' ! ' (srCCKSSOR TO HiTHAWAT A CO.,) COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLESALE GRO CER, - - - - -ait vtk loci 4.tf Wn.MrwoTOW. N. C. D.IM 1 ' I ' ' - - . - Witt. U. t il HIJHilli. NTJTT STREET, NEAR THE RAILROAD, 4 " ' x . ' WlLMINOTOW. N. 0!., Will give his personal attention to selling or lorwaraing, upon commission, all kinds of Produce sent to hi care, and hopes, by his unremitting attention to business, to, merit a portion of the public patronage. - Will also attend to filling order for all kinds of Merchan dize, where the parties are sufficiently known to justify it. Also to selling, at private or public aale. Real Estate io the town of Wilmington, at 1 per cent, commission. Presbyterian, Fayetteville ; Ledger. Wilson, copy weekly 3m.; Bough Notes, Goldaboro', 2 weeks daily, and send bills to this office. - . Oct. SO, 1880 7-tf. ' ' ' A UCTIONEEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . 3l - WruuKaTOw, N. C, Will bsTJ, at private sale. Ooiton. Naval Slur a, and all kind of produoa, at a mail wmmusum f Also, Bank Stock at 1 per cent. Rail Road Stock ....v ...1 per cent. Real Estate .1 per cent Negroee............ 1 per cont. IUreot Importation, Cargo Sale .1 pr oeut. Kirsss To the citisens of Wflmlngtorryena-oXii. ' " ' Ootober 21, 1SS9-40-tf , - ' ' ' B. . JMNWa. L. PKACOCX. JKN!V:I!GS & PEACOCK, " ' (STTCCKSSOBS TO OWTga, rkACOCI CO.,) ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Grocer, and Dealers in Naval Stores, Cotton, snd Southern Produce, , WILMINGTON, N. C. June 22. 1C1. " " tf IT IS WATCR-PROOVI THE SENTINEL'S OVERCOAT Is water-proof, sod sold by v J ' BALDWIN. . Oct. 10, M8I. ,4 MSCELL..NE0U ADVERTISEMENTS. l'A(. I u - FLOUR, BACON HAt8. TOBA(iCO, Ae.. Ac, Por sale by May. fc W. II. McUABY A IX. COW PKA KICK tTUiW, BUSHELS COW HKA8: -,UUU 76 BAXrM Kit E STRAW. Just received and (or sale by KLUS MITCHELL. f i, ia. . out uooita A RE PRACTICAL V i'iipotwible to procure an a wortment of Groceries, we will sell tne balauce ol slock at reduced prices. July 1, inftl, . GEO. MYERS. CASKS RICE; 60 boies Adamantine Candle . 3 " Tallow .- A hhd. N. O. ttujjar ; 10 bbls. Refined " I'l.OOO lb. Dried Pruit , 2& bales Gnony Banging; 26 coll Bale Rope f ". . 8'KI bbls. r'loor, various brands'; 200 bags " " ' ' 100 bbls. Herring; 60 Mackerel r halt, Molasaea, Coffee, Ac, Ac. la store and for sale by ' T. U. B. U. wtiitTU. July 17th ' TOU8E DOUSK. 400 bushels freah DOUHK. lust receiv XJ d, for e by . fcLLIS &, UUCUELU tiept. 24, lHtil. ICK STRAW, 60 bale for sale by KepU2A. ELLIS A MITCHELL - ' VORN. Kfi BUSHELS IN STORK. For sale by UJt JOS. ft. BLOSttOM A CXI. Kept. 24th, lCl 16-tt TKDNKI, BAttS AND VALiaiCd. X A DIES' . AND GENTLEMEN'S dreasing and travelling I J Trunks, uents atorrocoo ana r.natacled ivamsr travel ling Bags and every variety of Valises, for sale st - kept. ST.- - ' - WILSONIB. s HOVELS, Grindstones and Pitchfoiks, for sale at Kept. 27. t? 1 BBLS fresh ground Flour from new Wheat. For sale O' ' by . T. O. A B. G. WORTH. hDt. 14, IMil. ' ' M EPICAL RADDLE BAGS. Of all kinds, at fept. 27th WII-HON'H. - IIOTJSEKlIRNISIIIIta OOOUS 1 N great variety, and at old prices, at bept H- uawium w. VlSMtLUTIOM OK C)-PAUT3IHlniH. fllHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between X JAH. L. HATHAWAY and myself, under the firm of UATUAWAI a, CO.. having been dissolved, notice 1 hereby given that I shall proceod to settle the buaines of tne ttrm as speedily as possible. M. it, uiii!l. uept, 7.10, 16UI. s-u fWIIX CONTINUB THE COMMISSION AND GRO CERY business oo my own acoount. Thankful for the patronage received while a member of the Urra of Hathaway A Co., 1 solicit a continuance of the same from my friends and customer. wu. K. UTL.bY. Heps. 7th. 1861. 2-tf OlASO-Cll'AO. 1 KC BA-Ra hebse's manipulated guano ; XtlU 40 Petersburg " . Ko " Mo, l Peruvian " 2U0 " Bombrero ,1 " 2S bbls. Jarvis A Bakr's " 2o " Piiosphatic Lime. For sslo by Kept. 14 W. 11. MoKARY A CO. AVOULiUN SOCRM. TJ ECEIVED this dsy, from our House in Charlotte, N. C, XX 6,000 pair country knit ro'M. 2d door from Exchange Corner, Front street. An?. 22. A COMPLKTAC KDITIOW OV HARDEE'S TACTICS, well bound and eoatainlngali the plates ol the original work, for f 1 23. lbs best and cheapest edition yet ixanea. ror saie at Jane lain. whita n.r.n m Miur iwue., YADEIN, SALEM, CHARLOTTE and o her Ktate Cas simeres, at BALliWIX'rt. LRATHKal I.KATIIKKI AKSOLE. Wsx Upper. Morrocco aud fancy colored J Lining, Binding, Enameled, Patent, l-are and Barrel i:..i ' i . . vtii uiiikiu lenuier. lor aaio si ' ' iuouj u. Oct. 2, 3t SKEU RtF. 'N Iota to suit purchasers. For sale by STOELEY A OLDHAM. Oct. 2, HEAD QUARTERS For OFFICER'S FATIGUE SHIRTS, OMb liUiUKEll UairUUSl HUIKIM, at Oct. 1. BALDWIN'S MAP OS" THE BEAT OP WAR. liriTH THE LINES OF Kail Roads leading thereto; i? aitio, tne strategical foiuu a Mia down, jusiruo lished. Price 76o. For sale at July 23d. WblTAKEit'B NEW BOOK STORE. RICE! RICBI CASKS RICE of best quality in Store, and for sil AV by A. c. uu. wuitiu. July 17, tf . ,'- 600 Aug. 2. REAMS sale at ASSORTED WRITING PAPER. For WHITAKEB'S BOOK hlORE. ' - NRW MUSIC. rilUK Southern Battle Sons, dedicated to President Davis; X the Hootbern Marellaiie ; God and onr Rights, song aud choius ; Southern Republic Polka March, a performed by Boat's IVlitary Brass Baad ; Our Southern Flag, written by 8. L. Hammond and dedicated to the Citadel cadets, of Charleston. S. O.; Jefferaoo Davis' Grand March; Our First rrexiueut (Quickstep, embellished with a large lile-lise oust of President Dsvis; Pixie Polka, by Hers; General Beau regard's Grand March : the Soldier's Mission, song inscribed to our Volunteers ;' Palmetto (juard March; Grand March of the Southern Confederacy ; the War Houg of Dixie ; the Bunny South Gallop ; Bsnd Polka, as plsyed by the New Orleans Brass Bands ; the Flag of the Free Eleven, Ac AUo a new supply of late popular pieces, including " Let Me Kit Him for His Mother; All Things Love Thee, so do I; Rock me to Sleep Mother; the Day our Mother Died; the Cottage by the bea ; Murmuring t-ea ; Song or Dixie : (irobe's Variations on Dixie; Joanita: Anvil Chorus, frm lltrovatore ; Home to our Mountains, do.; Ah, I have sighed to rest roe, do.; Meet me by Moonlight, Duett; Bhelis ol Ocean ; Come where my Love Lies Dreaming, Ac., Ac At . WHITAKEB'S NEW BOOK STORE. Aug. 8. . TRCRKR, BAGS AKD VALISEI. WE have on exhibition a flae assortment of TRUNKS, B AGS and VAL13E4, embracing all styles of pack ing Tiunks, O. G. Brass and Iron bound, Decatur, fet- Louis and the Victoria style. Sole Leather Trunks, with and with out covers, Ladies and Gentlemen's Dressing Trunk' Hat Boxes, Bags of all sizes and descriptions. Valise of au ma terial and patterns. For sale at WILSOS'S, Haines, Trnnk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Establishment, No. 6 Market street. Ang. 26. THIS MILITIA LAW OF dORTH CAROLINA, PASSED at the second Extra Session of the General As sembly, 186L For sale at Oct. 2. WHITAKER'S New Book Store. SUOB TUUKAU AAA favUB. F OR sale at . WILSON'S. Oct 2, St . OIL.! OIL.1 M ACHINERY, Lard, Train, Tanner and Seats foot Oil tor sale by the Barrel or Uallon, by n il.; u.n . Oct. 2. St - ' 5rii'iil6'00!'!S.OW5,yr)! ytA yTds! cassi .IIU" 1 1 MEKB for the civic list, Cassimere for h civic lUt Business purposes! business purpose at PsU9 . BALDWIN'S. ornciM twoBD belt, WITH bras plates and of every material and color. Pistol Cases, Body Belts, Gun strops. Cartridge Box es, Ballet Boxes, Cap Boxes, Bayonet Scabbards, Bugle, Swords, Canteens, Ac, Ac, for aale at JAMES WILSON'S, . Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil establishment. Ocw2,-23-3t, - No. S Market tret. FOR SALE 1ND TO CLNT .X)H IIIIIR. S EVEBAL abl bodied Kepro Men, fur the haaiir of the year. Apply to - J AS. T. I ETTtW A V A CO. Aug. 14. Klt rtRKT, FROM" t I'etnlirr next, several Warehnnae and t'SW on Muter' Alley, Houih Water street, Immedi ately North of Messrs. T. C. A R. (i. Worth's rM. Apply to ELLIS A MIH'UKU.. Sept 24. IS if FOH IIKNT. THE STORE oa Front street, at present occupied by William L. Jacobs, for one year froru October l.t. For terms spply to L. A. II ART. Sept. 21. . 14 tf I KOR HauMT. ONE of the most pltnsnni and convenient IUotns for bu'lnea in town. It Is In the basemeut story of the Journal Building. For particular spplv to rULTUN & I'KICK, Msy JUb, ltSl. Joun al OUks. full sa L.K. AfCASKS RICK FROM CHARLESTON, varloo.. IV'' grades, quality ana prices. Mav 15. !. - r IIARR1SH A I10WFIJ.. M ACKER EL In bbU. end half bbls., for sal by April 4. H. MURRAY A " There' aometbing In a Hying ear. There' something In a huge balloon ;" and If the Poet Wood worth had gieo to bis sick horse or cow a certain popular remedy, be wou'd undoubtedly have added In eoncluioD - There's something In a dose of powde-s Every doss of tbes powder apeak for itself. It enre all the disease of horses and tow, aud its fleet are daily Cerovplibl. If jou hav a sli k horse or cow haggard, roken down and worm out with diseases admiuls'sr the powders, and watch the reault. It is, without any equivo cation, the greatest boras and cattle medicine In the world. Found at WILSON'S Harness, Trunk, Saddle, Leather and Oil establishment, No. t, Market street. TCUPlCNriNB BULL). O NE TURPENTINE STILL, new, for sale by riept. zt, mm iv-u Jim. it. bi.whum . -, 50,0tH AUK, OV WCNlLi WILL make a large quantity of Stat Gray Cassimere, - whioh we would be pleased to make Into uniforms for Companies at borne. The Wool if sent to us, will be bought and paid for on delivery at BALDWIN'S, riept. 20th - . SHOE TIIRRAO, rN S, 10, 60 or 100 lb. package. For sale at ' L Sept. 6. WILSON'S. CORN BAGS. 2,000 oew Cora Bags, for aale by Uept. 24. ALLIS A MITCHELL. BtTa ABO BPfJIIS. 1 IQ DOZEN of bpurs and HarBess and Br hire Bit. For J. I J al at - " JAM&H wjwt b Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather aud Oil Establishment, Bept.27lh No. 6 Market Street. SHIRTS! SHIRTS I mere. Ao , at Heps. 25. SHIRTS 1 rlauuel, Calico, Cassi BALDWIN'S. w ATER PROOF SEAMLESS OVER COATS, at ' Kept. 25. BAl.DWIN'H. TIIK WKST POin r PATTKUM FOR MILITARY OVER-CO ATS the bsst Otting garment out, mad by . BALDWIN. Hept. U. r v i "vj ( LBS. OF"(TOOD vvTioTTiriirbe iiurcliaiMiJ, Jv.llUU tf brought to Wilmington, and It will be immediately aent to the btate factories aud made Into Cas simeres for the Compauies In North Carolina, who will pro bably lesve their isoasure with BALDWIN. Wept. tn.h : MHKAK MATS) BALES ON CONSIGNMENT, by July 27. i.. MURRAY A CO 25 TO JIAM KAt I UM1CH OK JIIUITARV W'OMK, HAIIN'FH. BRIDLE, SCABBARD AND CAP BOX LEATHER. hnarueled Cloth, all colors, 61 dozen Brass Plates for Officers' Belts, 73 " Cartridge and Cap Box Knobs, Morocco leather, all color, 730 lb, of Hhoe Thread, 27 side of Patent Dash Leather, 211 gross of llaruea aad Bridle Ruckles. For sale at WILtsoN'H, Harness, Trunk. Saddlery, Leather and Oil Eslahliahment, No. 6 Market atreet. Aug. 27. IIKAO ODAHTEIKI JOR ARMY GLOVES, BUCK. GANTLETS, Ac. Ac, at 1 Oct. 1. BALDWIN'S. MIKLK tl tltUUl K KIKI', DEDICATE. TO THE WILMINGTON RIFLE GUARDS. Just published aud for sale at Ang. 'i4. Willi A KKK s ew iv.io p lore. UllASS rbATF . I7IOR Offioers' Belts, Knobs for 'Caitridge aud Gun Cap " Boxes, Hooks, An., Ao tor manufacturers of Military work. Also all kinds of Buckles. Fur sale at W ICON'S, Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil KbUbiihint-nt, No. 6 Market atreet. Kept. 6 PIIOTOORAPIIIC MAP OK TIIK DRAT OK WAR INCLUDING a Map of Virginia and Mary land; the James Liver eutrance, with the Batteries ; twedoual Maps ol Virginia on an enlarged scale, aud plan of the battle Held near net Del Uhurcn, rnce i nt). ror sale si Ang. 8. WHITAKER'S NEW BOOK STORK. jNAMELED CLOT J, of all colors, at WILSON'S. WILSON'S. EATHER or all kinds, at . . KNAPSACKS or every description, at WILCOX'S.. Vt FICERS' BW0RD BELTS, at I ) WILSON'S. riLIfAEY BUGLES, at 11 . WILSON'S. SaODLES, BRIDLES, KAUTI3iU ALIUS, at WILSON'S. HITS AND SPURS, at WILCN'H, . Barnes, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil EaUblirbment. No. 6 Market street. ug. IS KIOI.U SADDLE, RIDI.ES, Martingale, Bit as4 M urs, at Aug. 13. 1X61. wnso.v''". MILITART BELTS. 0 FFICERS Sword and Pistol Belt of Patent and Enam eled Leather, and Morocco Belt of all cobr, at Aug. IS. WliJloN'S'. A DVAVCB PRICK OK OFFICKrI' TJXIFORMS. IN consequence of advance In Gray C'assimeres, .such as are used for OFFICE H8' UNIFORMS, the price is ne- cesearily increased tl oo Coat and Pauts; also, the nice of oor Coats $1, Ofticers ordering will plerse take notice. TERMS: Cash on delivery. O. H. BALDWIN, Manufacturer Civic and Military Work. Fept. n.dAw. ' ' CHA5GK 4lF PLACE. WE have moved our place of business to the store No. 4. North Water street, formerly occopied by W. K. Covell, next South of DeBotsett, Brown A Co., where w will be pleased to ice our mends pa customer. Oct.. nuuin suA.MF.ii, IIORKR BRI'BIIRB AND Cl'HRT COMBS. 0,4 7 DOZEN of Hor Br ache and Curry Combs, For 4l sale at JAMES WllvON's. Harness. Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil fcstsbllsbmeot be pi. JO. n. aiaraev tn, HKHOVKD. WBITAKtR S KKW BOOK STORK - HAS been removed to the store formerly occupied by Mr. Walker Meares, Druggist, oa the North aide of Market atreet, pearly opposite uie old stand. . oct. 1. sClPPKRHOXO BRAkDV. I ff GALLONS superior Scuppernong Brandy, distilled 11 11 from pure Bcuppersoog Juice, a sample Of which can be sees at the stor of Mr. U. B. Eiler. - For sale by ... B. P. RISALDI, Oct. 1534-61 Elixabetbtown, N. C. 1. 1. PBTTEWAT, " OOOK HOOKS. PKTTKWAI t nUUHK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 02, 13vl No. 23 N orth WaUr it., Wtlmlncton, N. C. NOTICES. i J(IICK. "A V AKii srTrrt t'iiij niTr ... a. iii i.. ,i..h... ed unlca paid ror In advance. My buinee will be conducted strictly on the esh principle Id fiitur. I have reduced pries to suit the time, and heln compelled to pay cash, cannot sell excej t for cash, under any clrctimMaiires. A itwll Imt JS ir,.,,. 40-PARTNh.RfcllIP MOTICK. THE UNDERSKJ NED hav entered Into Co-Partnersblp In the town of Wilmington, N. C, under the firm of SOU- HKHL AND A COLEMAN, for ths purpose ofdmylng and selling NEtiRO SLAVES, where ths highest cash prices will be paid. They also have a house In Mobile, Alabama, where fkey wm iti.i Sim neu aiares on commission, l.liicrai auvau oes made upon slave left with them for sale. D. J. ROUTHERLAND, JAMES 0. COLEMAN. Angnst 1st, IWifl. aot NOTICH. SAMUEL B. JK.VNINOH and Lovet Peacock will carry oa Ih Cnmmiasioa and Forwarding buMinens at the old s'sod of th Iste Arm of Gwyer, Peaoock A Co., nndnr the name 01 denoinga a I'escocK, S - JKNMKatl. L. rtACtM.'. June 1 1 Oo'dnhoro' Trllmns copy. 2.I.? (iltOCGIilES. WILL, or.LL VKRY LOW FOR CASH. Boxes Csndf. IS Boxes Imon Rvrao. 50 60 Boxes Claretts, 14 Boxes B. B. Brandy, ' - .i nui uinger wins, 2i Rbl. Flu Whlakv's, 20 Bhla. Imported Liquors, Mt Boxe CandU), ; 40 RI.Is Angara, ' 10 R slf cheat BIsckTe. ' 2(0,C0O Kegars of various grades, from the verj best H ana to the cheapest domestics. Those wishtrfg to replenish their stock wilt And this a fa vorable opportunity for bargains, at . 17211 OKO. VYFIf. 'i-v r-ilWllITAKH I - '4. MARKET STREET, V5 y., r:-,'.:-.N yi l':':rj.jnfi -(North Bide,)' J Jil v t$-;:&ir-i;. 1 MILITARY UlXiKO.-Oilham's Manual, Uardle'sRiOe and Light Infantry Tactics, Scott's lulanlry Taotics, t uoper's aud Macomb' Tactics, Volunteers' Hand Book, HMnierhorn's Drill, Bsyonet Exercises U. S. Army, Science of War, Tactics fur Officer of lulautry, Cavalry aud Artil lery, School of the Guides, Evolutions uf the Line. Austrian InlauUy, Th kitta a4 Dow vVn U, 4mii Mnniara da, Naval rerouaaioii Liw'ks ana rrinicrs, by Lieut. J. II, Dahlgren, Instruction ror Amis with Percussion Locks, and liiiyoiitu witn Clanus, lustrucuons lor Mold Artillery, Ar tillerist' Manual, Jufleri' Naval Gunnery, t'avalry Tactic, Ac. the largext assortment ot jumkyjur Uw imum can at- wsv be rouad at WuJTAKElt n New BookHloi. April 24. , FI.OLB FLOl'It. I ,1AM ILY and Superllne In store, and for sals In lots to ; suit, by I , L. 11. UVUGINM A hiiNS. June 7tu, lHUi. IVER IMPING IN POPULARITY U that oolsbrated com ponnd, run KQVARiAN condition rowDxnx. , Many gentlemen In town and htnte have called ou us to ssy Hist we are at liberty to use their names as reference to the great healing and wonderful curative powers of 1 Ins re markable prrperaiion. it is without any rquivocatiou, the grcaleal burs snd catt.io memcina in r lie woiii. TIIK MANHATTAN LIXWKNT Cure Burns, Sprains, Bruises, Ac, and Is a sure remedy fur ItbeumatK) etiecllons. round st WILSON'S Uarneas, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Kstsbliahmeut, Ad, 0 alarkut street. Sept. l'Jtb, lrCl kwordi and I'iNtoK T EREATERS, Revolver-, Killu Bsrrel and other 1 Uloli; J V also, Cavalry aud lulautry bwuid. For sale at rwpt. 18th, lHtil. ' ttlLHON.-3. Officcra If word ltll O F Morocco, Kid hkiu aud Patent Leather. For 1 at Sept. 18th, 18BI. ... . . WIIW)N'S. I'lfttol Citacv Riiil IlclH F every materia', at bepl IHin, iblii, W1I.8UN . IIOK PKUS A,M) IIOK TIIUCAU. 0 F all numbers, at r'ept.zo. WILSON a. KNAPSACKS, Haversacks and Pistol Holder of evejy variety, ht WILSON'S. cpt. 20. OCR STOCK OF PUP. T) ECENTLT published, embrsces the new Man of Virgin AX ia, published in Richmond ; Pbotoiirsphic Msp of Uie t slot w ar,-elegantly colored and surrounded with a Vig nette of Purirsiia of the President, Generals Beaurrgai a, Ripley. Urtue. 4e ; Man of thel'on'edurste Miatis of Amer ica ;' Map ol the Western heat of War ; Map of the Seat of War, published 10 New rr leans; and the large and e'egint Msy W tbe.rat of Mar, Juat publn-hsd and received this m iiuicg. rveryttiing new ana aesirsuie ineund lu toe Lou federate State may te had at publlnhei's prices, at . Aug. 16. WHITAKER'S MEW BOOK BTORE. ' frr PBH. COUNTRY KNIT WOOLEN &OC is.-troa JvV country storekeepers, just received at tlcl. 1. BALDWIN'S. K ID i.lS)VE&, WOOLEN GLOVEi, 0ANTLET4, Ac, at Oct. i- . LflLl'z,jN M IL1TARY BUTTttNS, at Oct. 1. BALDWIN'S. Mil 1TARY PAIkTII FOR IHPAltTRY. c UT, TRIMMED AND MADE FOB TWO DOLLARS, at Oet I. AI,liwi n. I7NGLI.-H HALF UO.SB-flne Merino Wool by the sin li gle pair or duien. Cash only at Oct. 1 CH1KOAM ASD DHkStOr Tllk COM F b UATK ARMY. fllHK BOOK can be seen at A - ' JP O. ; The following extract is taken therefrom. "Bftton. For General Officer, and Officer ol tb tieoeral Matr. brisht silt, rounded at the edge, convex. raised jgle in Iht centre, with star surroundiua it. Larc sir to be one inch io exterior diameter; small siae half an men." ...... The nearest approximation to the above ia the Eagle But ton, Io every respect resembling It, (except the face of tb notion oa 00 stars 1 cao d naa at BALDWIN'S, S3 Market at,, Wiim.ngtOB, N. C. Kept. 14. - - - LECOl'LTDK RAZORS. . a THE GREAT FRENCH RAZOR never excelled nnlj . equalled to the world. , , A rare chance. ' ' ' .,. A perfect Rasor. -' ' Ao easy shave. A aervoua man cured. ' , v.'r , .1 1 ' All through toe happy rnfloence of a delightful Aate Call and see the new sioca ' BALDWIX'R. t-ept. 4. 0(T BBLS. COicago Meastei? , , , . Aug-4 Wto, 18L. .. - V RAIL R01D ADVERTISEMENTS. Ornea Can't. Scrr., Wil. A Ma. H. B. I wuruingioa. m. v., Oct. 2sth, 1ha, O noiKKio IHAVMLKKi. S AND AFTER TUURDAY, March 1st, th follow ing rk:hedule fur Passenger Train wUl b run iioo thl KoaJ.vlii " Uave Wilmington 6.00 A. M. and MS P. M. . Arrive st KiiicmviIIs... t.OA P. M. and 6.19 A. M. Leave Kintrsvlil 8.60 A. M. and S.4A P, M. Arrive at Wilmington....... 1.14 p. M. and 1.45 A.M. Close connections are madethrongh to Columbia, and with thedreenville and Columbia Rail Road by th Trail arri ving at aud leaviug Kingsvllle In ths afternoon. J. P. ROBERTSON, Genl. Bup't. Pn. 2tth. m .'. r48 TRANIORTATIO?l OrFICR Wn V.AU.n.U.l Wti.MiNaTOM, N. C, March 16th, Hull. J frr- v-- J"TI ON AND AFTER MON S? rlf -5 thltblnsL, a Freight . LI-"--?ylUilt Mm jL Tt',n will rim 00 Mil road, aa loliowa (Li Atoiiilnya ami Thursdays ; Down Tuesdsy and Frldav. Freight for this train mn.t b at the Depot by oue o'i look the day prevluus to departure No freight will s hereafter be carried by paasenter train, except at elisor tion of the Agent, wheo double rate will b chsrged. , T . L. LOVE, . Master of Traosportstloa. March lClh, 1861. r Ui-tf BOOKS AND STATIONERY. IMTItt'CTlON rtlll f IKLU ARTILLERY, MOli HALE at June 14. WHITAKER'S Nw Book Ptor. IIARDEE S TACTICS st 1 A June 14. WHITAKER'S New Book Ptoro. r0LUNTEER'a HAND BOOK, at ' .I,"?.H.-' WHITAKER'S New Rook Plore. f ROOFER'S MANUAL, at , - , . X June It. v WlllTAKER'M Nw IlookHtore. AND ROOK OP ARTILLERY, at June 14 . WHITAKER'S New Book Stor. IIAIIUKK M TACTIC. I TK hve Jlist received a new edition of Ria and Light Y lufantry Tactics, for the exercis ami manssurres of Troup, when acting Light lufantry or lhflemao. l'r tmrsd uridor H e direction or the War Department, by Col. W. J, lianlen, c. S. A." W have also two other, edition of Hardee's Tactic publhhrd In different parts ol th South, ern Confederacy. Also, the volunteer's Hind Hook, wbhb I a very useful abridgentctit of llnnlee's Complete wsrk. . At WHITAKER'S Net Book Slur, . June 12. MILITARY WORKS. WE KEEP a very large stock of these on hand. Qavt furnished many that we hav been told could not b obtained to any other Book Stor iu th Slat. Can fur. ni-li anything In our line to be had In the C. H. A., st June lit.Jhul. WHITAKER'S NEW BOOK BTOfiE. A UOOJJ MAP UK VIRGINIA, C CONTAINING all the Counties, principal Towns, Ball. J rosds, River aud Calais, aud all other Iutsrual Da. provsmeiits. For sale at June 14. wniTAKEIt'H New Book Stor. REWARDS. FIVK HlMiltKU DOI.I.AH HRWAItD. SfTftk, A REWARD of F1VH HUNDUED DOLLARS f) IV 7 will b paid out or the Town Treasury, for th apprehension and unlivery st the Jail In tbla place, of th ' uujtfu. luau HILL -. WAMtlV-avaw. wwUmi aA-Wga, wke ha recently conimltte'l a foul murder.- Hald oegro Is th property ol Dr. '1'. II. Cerr ; I about live feet aigbt inche 111 jieignr, aged snout mty nvs, dark copper colour, bow le. licil, thick set, snd bald head has a wil in Wilmington, ths property or Alfred Martin, Kq. Hahl Hll.b.has been a runaway for three years pant, during whloh lime he ha been linking lu and around Wilmington, frequently passing oil ss a wuiiian, and is full ot schemes f r doilKlng arrest, Th above reward will b4 pahl immrdlstniy on his delivery as above. Jou D.twiONMayor. Wilmington, July 17, 1881 tf - a 0011 ik. 12 000 YA,,Ud,ll0,"', Kontocky Bagging, daily ex- IS.nou lbs. Iron for baling Cotton. ' I'H) k-gs of chulcj Ler Lsrd. :i 1 hhd. pr me t-i choice N. O. Sugar. . , 100 boxes Mar Candle 10 cheat. Giten and Blark Tea. '! bhl. choice early crop N. O. Molasses, , 'HI hints. Cardenas Molaa.es. For (ale by WM. U. UTLET. rp. 17,, . LKWO.a l-KHIOI. 2fAf'iN1('KI't"'us. Forsaleby .)U Sept. 17. WM. O. UTI.EY. C;MKIOL NEWS I GLORIOUS NKWll A NKWIIO iKL OPKXED IN WILMINGTON, N. V. I ON FRONT hTUfcET, pear Market street, and opposite the Cap Fear llauk, and In th centre of th busiaeM part oi th city. - TIIK i'ALM K1TO v HOTEL AND RESTAURANT! rr.it us t ' Roai d ami Lodging per day r. .11,60 Single Meals 60 Lodging, (without Meals, , ..... M " MEALS AT ALL HOURS I This House contains thirty Urge Weeping Room, wall ventilsUd snd furnished with new, clean Beds, The It, canon Is the best In the city, and every effort wDl be made to please the patrons or the ' PALMETTO." .,. J. II. liAlf.UV, Pniprtrtor. ' - - - (Formerly rf Bailey' Varieties.) 9. An Omnibus will be at th Depot, on the arrival of a'l the passenger trains, to convey paasengers to the Hons or auy part ol tho mty. June 16-2-W-tf JO NOHR CHKDIT. ' 7K ARK COMPELLED FROM NEfrysiTt hereafter V to adopt the cash system exclu.lvely. Hiiviiig ureiit uss lor all the money w can raise, we would take it as a favor of thoe thst owe La, to rail and sctile their bills. BROWN A ANDERbON. t.Nomiin work delivered from th stor after this! data without the cs.li. B. A A. , AprU 2iith, IHtil. 1'6-tf . FHKSII ruiiu, I.ROM NEW WHEAT, ground at the Cap Fear Flonr l' Mill, at greatly reduced price. By tho barrel, to hairs, half, quarter and eighth bag. Call aod a, at th Mill or office, Wilmington, N. C. J 11 1 27th BTOKLET A OLDHAM. , YKI.LOW METAL, 4r.i'n IM' YELLOW METAL, .lightly worrj .s)Ul For sale by G. C. A W. J. MUNRO. July l,itu, - - -' -. UILIIAM'S tSCHOOL FOR TIIH SOLDIER, AND Schilof th Company, for lufantry and Rifle drill. Jut i ne iiaed. Reoivd aud for sale al Kept.2 WHITAKER'S New Book Btor. QATTL.fc.le OF BCLL'S KA N AMU MANASSAS, ' JULY lelA and 21st, 1861. ACCOUNT of the advance of both armies ; th battle aod the defeat and rout of the enemy. Just published. Eeceived aod for sale at ' Ang. . WHirAKER'3 NEW BOOK STORE. MATTRRMSCS AU PILLOWS. COMPANIES can h furnbhrd with th abovatvry low price t y calling at C. POLVOGT'B Upbolstenng and Paper-Hanging store. April A. uiaM, IKS ASD MILITARY KOOK.9 S THE GKEATFHT VARIETY, at Jqly tJrd. WB1TA KER'S NEW BOOK STORE. 1 UUBD1 ARO IAHK. '" HANDSOMFLY MOUNIEO LINK BWOEDS, F sta, aod Bilk Sanhea. 'Just received from. a buu irra Mauntactory, and for sale at ADS'. I. ' .lllMRRiin urn ri " rv ' CiiILIHIS-t CLOTU1MUI c 10ST and less for cash, st Aog. 3t)tlt - -- - HAl.nw COUNTRY KNIT and imported Wool ha'f H Sept. V. ' - - I i SCHOOL B i C "T . WE HAVE large to-tr art- t , 1 imUi, Call at MxuXA.o ivsw l.Atiore.