Till- DAILY JOURNAL. la;.iLai,A STATI-S iF. AIKMC. WILSIiXGTO.N, N. C, WKDXESDAT. OCTOBER , 1SSI Ti Wailt Jor.al cm hereafter be bal,by lb voHtn- FOR PEES IDE ST. JEFFERSON DAVIS, , or Mississippi. FOR VICB PRKI1DKKT. ALEX. II , STEPHENS, Or GEORGIA. , ELECTORS iORTHE TATE AT tAMI. Was. B. Rodman, of Beaufort. Haywood W. Uuioa, of Lincoln. purrmcra. 1. John Pont, of Paaqantankd 1. H. K. Bond, f Uuoir. t. L. W. Humphrey, of Onlow, 4. Wm. Mel- McKay, of Cnmberlaud. A. Wtldf.a N. Vdearda, of Warren, t. Han. D. H. Rett), of klrUm, 7. A.O. F eater, of Randolph, I. J. M. Lung, of Cabarm. V. Anderson MHcball, of IredelL If. N. W. Waotino. of Buncombe. HOTK K. A ALL WHITE MALE RESIDENTS of tha Tr.w ol Wii miogtoa, able to bear arm, and Dot n'reedy connected with tma Military Company, ara requested to meet at the Towa Ball to-morrow, Wednesday afternoon, tie Suth lut , at 4 o'clock, to form an orgtniiat'oa lor tbe protection of U. Towa. Oct I9tb, 1861. J. DAW-ON, Mayor. i KOVKMBKtt orHf-tXTOIIKIt 3I1T. Ti Elections (or members of Congrees and f'r Electors of Prvsident and Viee President of the Con federate States, will be held tbrtugboot tLt State, on Widnwday.'Novtmbei" 6th, 1PG1, being tbe first Wed nesday in tha month. The officers ami soldiers of th;a State, whether in camp in thia Slala c-r Virginia, will tote on tin1 Thurs day before, Uing the 31st of Oatober. Tbe Counties composing the 4th District, are Rich mond, Robeson, Cumberland, Ilarnel!, B'ail n, Brimr wicdt, Columbus aud New Hanover. Twa Mllllla of New Hanover e Utnnawli k loniitlra. We are requested by Qcn. Andersm, commander ol Coast Defence I, to state that l e liui called on the civil authorities of the above counties f r the assembling ol tbe militia ol Brunswick county at Kniilbville ; and ol New Hanover at Wilniinglon, without dclsy. Kvcry man ia reqoesteJ lo bring such arms and ammunition an thty can procure, and come quick. lit ftallroada. Yesterday morning a foimidutle fleet soiled from Fortreu Monroe. What may he Its destination in of coarse wholly conjectural and must remain so for some days, or antll it is devi lotted by time. We presume that tbe coromnndcrs even did not know until outside of the Capes oi Virgiuia, s iu all piobubility the fleet sailed with scaled orders. Whether the expedition ia or is nut to pay Wilming ton visit we cannot say. It may oi it may not. It may attack our batter its or it may cot. It may psy as a visit on Its ' way Koutb. or it may reserve tbe first unbroken effort of its strength for au attack on Charles ton, or some other more important cotton port to the South of us, or It may make on attempt en Bcau'crt Harbor , North Carolina, or Tort Royal Harbor, South Carolina. Men. maybe lumkd at this or soma oilier point la this Stale South of 1 1 alters, or they may cot. All that must depend upon circumstaoct.s with which, as we are unacquainted we do not care to me-ddle. In this state of thing, it ia proper tu look at tbe thing fairly and calculate all the contingencies, tor this it th coarse for caftty. Suppsse the enemy should land in large force and tbtre should be danger of bis being able to overcome all the obstacles in his way to Wilmington, what policy ought to be pursued in regard to our railroads ? It is evident, on tbe least rt flection, that these roads would be our only chance to obtain imniediaU reiul'orce- menU from the north or tbe south, and that tbtir being destroyed or disabled would be far more injurious to us than it could be to the invaders. Burning down bridg os would , have the i fleet of isolating us, cutting ofl oir supplies, while tbe enemy would have the sea open as the basis of bis operations. II be attempts to peae trate into the interior by these roads, be could be pre vented, without permanent injury to tbe roads, or It us'tL ened delay to our people coming to our aid. We would suggest to all to leave this mutter to the authorities of tbe railroads, actirg in concert with the military authorities of the district. Let no unadvised or spontaneous action of citizens lead to any burning down of bridges or other destruction of the very means of our safety. By ta ving as little rolling stock here as possible, and by also having arrangements to take up the track from as much much of the road as might be deemed necessary, and carrying tbe rails to some points in the interior, tbe control, of the road could be still kept in the hands of their authorities, and these lines be used to bring along sufficient reinforcements to crash any invading force before they could either advance or fortify themselves. We have reason to know that all this ia fully understood by those who have tbe matter in charge, and they will be prepared to adopt all neces sary measures with the utmost promptitude. We look to a contingency .that may or may not oc cur a necessity that may or may not arise. We do not regard it as sufficiently imminent to occasion any aervonsnees or panic, but It is certainly not impossible, nor even so improbable as to warrant our authorities in . neglecting to provide against it. - Thi foolish idea put forth that Mr. Rodman is not . elligible for election as Presidential Elector is not mere ly foolish. We fear it is worse ; that it was started and is kept afloat for sinister purposes by those who ought to know. better. . The allegation ia that Mr. Rodman holding aa office in tbe army of tbe Confederate States that of Captain, is not elligible to any other Confederate office. ilr. Hodman holds no commission or appointment of any 'wi "nder the Con federate States, lie ia getting ap a company under the State of North Carolina Whether be has yet got a commission or not is more than we know or care, as it does not affect tbe matter atalL Ilr. Rodman it at fully eligible as any man in the Slate. Wb az kiqccstx9 to warn all persons ownkg or controllicg clave against giving them passes to go to the Sound. Sundry misguided persons among them, in nearly ell cases indulged servants, have been detected in attf- - to communicate with and perhaps escape. to ttr ".rz Lincolnite vessels. That they would t .uttbeir miitake, would be Little advantage t. j vereia the lands of ttt enemy. Iba aa-ra eliqoa wbieb baa pmactfbed V r. Coif ran. bad alraad? tloirtiier4 Clirroia, Avery ana Frala. That etoLit of tha ft cat, war ;b drat arq boidMt hi ar raying ibenwalreaaraiMt UKcolabafor ba waa tnaog-nr-AUd bata Ut I at: trd iaru tud ptoaetibwa by 4ba mt ra nccracy. Lat toes ibing-a ba rtpmbpni natll tl day of ratlooirf- aot far datatit ata'l cdjne. Tbe above is from the Asaeville Ann of the 2tb instant. Tbe Avi dm the Eastern Democraey great injustice io the above. Iba Secessionists of the West were not bunted down by the Kaslern Democracy ; the clique that proscribed Clingman, Avery and Erwin, has no sympathy with tbe true Iemacracy of tbe feat Fur ourselves, we were, from first to last in favor f a W est crn man for Senator, a Western Secessionist. i1hc pecs liar claw of politicians with which tbe Standard now acts, must not he conlounded with tbe Eastern Democracy. Wi atoarr to learn from tbe Asbeville AVtrt, that Dr. James A. Dickson, of Kotke county, baa died of camp lever contracted In the camp at Yorktowo, Va. He was first Lieutenant in Capta:n Avery's company. Dr. Dickson waa an elector on the Breckinridge 1i bet hut fall. A good rpeaker, a fluent debater, and a clever man, be was generally and deservedly popular. Papers or Candidates that trill understand us as say ing what we distinctly diaavow and carefully guard against, must do so intentionally and for a purpose of their own, but surely not to subserve tbe ends of truth or fair dealing. Upon fucli, ressoning would be thrown away, and e xplanation Ufele-ssand undignified. Military Lire requires food. Unfortunately civil lite cannot be supported in full vigor in the total ab ane of physical nourishment We wicb our op coun try Iriends cou'd send down a little flour, and that tbe railroads could carry a few barrels for fumilies here lo eat. After aupplying the troops we winh they could squeeze through" a little of tbe "staff of lile" for the "rest of mnkind" and aluo womn-aiid-chi!dreB kind. - Hk wetTii'K of-'meetinir at the Town Hall this after- noima'so of entertainment to-night at the Theatre. we trcst that Ix'tu will be fully attended. (attain HiniARosoN's company of "Bladen Artil lery," a fine ce;nipany with lull ranks, srrivtd here yes terday. They are to bo employed for coast defence, probably at Fort Caswell or Fort Fisher or some other point. We understand that Mr. J)aniel N. McMillan, a pri vate in Cap). Uicliardson 'a company, the "Bludtn Ar tillery," whi'h irrived here on ywterdHy mornwig, Ml overboard Ir u fie steamer Hurt, about a quarter of a mile below the atoutb of Livingston Creek, during her piHsnge down on Monday night, and was drowned. Every effort was made to save the deceased. We are requested by Capt. B, to atk ol the gentle men who live in the vicinity ol Neill's Eddy, or the month of Livingston, that they will endeavor to recover the body ol Mr. McMillan, and give it a d.-cent inter ment, (for which Capt. It will bear all expensis,) or give it over to bis fumily should tbey call in time. Wiaii requested to stute tbat.DuBrntE Cittlur, Esq., Sequestration receiver, has re-moved bis office to the Journal Iluildmg, first door West, where he may hcraalter be found. ' Thkt publish some queer tilings in tbe northern pa pers sbout North Carolina, as witness tbe following from a Ilatteras correspondent of the New Tork TW bunt : When tha naws esma that Fort Hatteraa waa taken by the United Slat, a arrloua tarn waa givsu to tbe popular niind, and ii.nn were in favor of bavins tha blate, bv ita ICEiiia- tura, reaolva ttvelf lack iuto tba Union Hreopon aidea wara takaa and blowa war atruvk. Tha ReoeuioniaU had all tba arma, and fbay, of motmi, had tba upper band. Ore iran declared that "La waa a Union man and Dot aabatiRd to confeaa It." At thlasiprraaoa ba waa taken intoaabop. bla noM nut Into a viea, aud acrawad nearly outof bia bead; and tba Ilpa which uttered tbe sentiment were treated In tba sates way, and both nearly pulled oat of bla faca. A lady juat fion WashfnRioa, N. C, tails ma about tha same time a company of men were aaaembled in a store and ex tolling tha aeoeaaloa flaf.wben an old Revolutionary soldier (tha ooly one known to ba living in N. C.,) Interfered, at d aked tha Bee easionista If they knew bow much tba old stn t and atrlpea eoat t- He anld ba did, tor he foagbt under them, and saw them when Brat raiaed, aad tbat be would never racrgnlza another. At thia ba was Uken, hia head half sha ved, a plaater put on, and tha plaster coveed with tar, and tba tar with feathera.and then be vaburle1 into tbe atreet I Who would thluk that a aiddiar of Washington would aver ba subjected to auch treatment In the laud where Washing ton biuiself waa ones almost worshipped aa If ha wara a god 1 How long will Americans allow auvh things to ba r These are but eamples of a serieaof barharoua acta, which, to mention tbem separately, would nil a diteo pasaa, and only make one's blood curdle in bia veins to tbink af them. Now that's rich, especially the part about tbe io. We have beard about people's noses beiog brought dowi to the griudstone, but a man with his nose in a vice, is certainly suggestive of unpleasant and ridiculous ideas. We must suppose that lies of this sort pass currctt at the North like shlnplastert do here. Tbe people agree to take tbem and ask no foolish questions of each other, since " everybody does it." IIiad Quarters 3d Ihfantst, M. C. Ftatr Taorrs, ) Camp Howe. Aeauia Crack. Vs.. Oct. 2ti. lKfil. Mfsre. Fulton t Price, Hear Sirs : Having never seen Id vour caoer a Hat of tha ofiioera of our Regiment, I have thought that it might par bapa intereat soma of your readers to know who wa all are, tbe mora especially as a great many of us are from Wil mington. Colonel, uaaton Mearea, Wilmington, LUCol., KobeitH. Cowan, " Major, Wm. U DeRoaaet, " ilr. Master, BogarP. Atkloson, Commiaaary, H. B. Willie, Wilmington, Adjutant, Wm. A. Cnmmiug, Hurgeon, Jaa. P. MoRea, Am t do. K. Black, Payettaviile, 3d do. do. J. O. Walker, Wilmington, Sddo. do. John Black, New Hanover. tJotnpaoy A Capt, JL H.Dryadale. Greene Connty; 1st Lloat. Beat, do.; 2d do. Albrlttoa. do ; 3d do. Williams, do. t'ompaDy B e apt. B. D. Thrastoo, ktrinswirk eouoty; 1st Lieut. J. B. Brown, Duplin county; Id do. T. lowaa, I Wilmington; 2 1 do 0. Ward, Duplin eoooty. 1 Company C Cant. Petar Mallott, FayetteTille; lat Lieut. Spearman, do.; 2d do. Horm, da.; Id do. Mallett, do. Company D. Capt. Edward Savage, Wilmington: lit Lt, , 2d do. E U. Mearea, do.; 2d do. John F. VanBok- ktlio, do. Corapaoy K. Capt. af . L. F. Radd, Onilow county; 1st Lieut. Lnnett, do.; 2d do. Moore, do.; 2d do. Porter, do. Company P. Capt, W. 11. Paralev, Wilmington; lat Lt , 2d do. B. B. Kadclifle, do.; 21 do. J. B. Buacimao, do. Company O Capt E. H. Rhodes, Onslow rounty ; 1st I ieut.Bol. Goroto, do.; 2d do. W. U. Qaince, Wilmington: 2d. do. 11. N. Bell, do. Company H. Capt. T. M. Bikes, Bladen eoonty ; 1st Lt. McNair, do.; 2d do. A. 8. Ualioway, Wilmington; 2d do. A. L. DeRoaaet. do. Company I Capt. Carreer, Beaufort county; lat Llest. Wattera, do.; 2d do. Oaylard, do.; 2d do. Craige, do. Company I. Capt, . Williama, New Hanover; lat Lt Arrnatrong, do.; 2d do. Baanennaa, do.; 2d do. Hand, do. KOM-COMMISSIOMSD STAFF. Pergaant Major, Thuratoa, Co. D, Wilmington, Q. M. Berg t, Haggarty, P, Commie. '' ReaTea, " P, Rmltbville, Hoapiul Hn-ae, Kennedy, F, Wilmington. Drum Major, Marshall, P, ' Arrlral f Troop. On Saturday last, a number ol Confedsrate troors arrived in Ooldsboro', and are now encamped at the Fair Ground. Tbey consist of Col. Wofford's Regi ment of Georgia Volunteers, and Lieut CoL 8 to vail 's Battalion of O. V, to which is attached a battery ol Light Artillery ; nineteen Companies in all The whole ol this force is under tbe immediate camraand af Col. O. W. C. Lee, Aid-de-Camp to the President These troops are ander tbe most admirable discipline, and present a very bandsoma appearance wben oa parade, and great activity and precision in drill, both tha lnfaatry and trtiUtrjGolddoro' Inbune, ith tnif. FatTBVilLa, If. C, Oct. jSib, 1S6I. Eiikirt of the Jout not: ient: Tp wul oleaaa do ma tho fat or to aclnowVdte tbroorb yobr paper, tbemaay abligationa nf the Sotb Begl - .taj A.U vlameyra ett t'tit anwgion, tur the auBierons acta of court er sud kindneaa estenJcd oor Rrginentj (aod eaiecially tba sick,) during oor atay ta your towo, and etea aibce our .arrif al bare. Thia feeling of J' ralitude ia uaiveraal, frcas tbe bigbeat ofScer td tbe bass Irat prrrate is our ranks. Aad. while frcm sotiona of delicacy I omit to mention iadividuala by aarner who were aa active ia deeds ot charity, I raa efiure tbem individual ly, tbat they will be lenUoned, and retnen bered too, by the grateful friends ia tLa family circlea of troeo wrom tbe band of adl ctioa bad atrickea down away fn s tbe com fort i.f home. To tha iadiea of W ilroirgton to tba Med'fal profeuion to tbaHtibliera Aid Society especially to tie citizena gen relJy for nnmeroge acta ol boapitality and kindnera, 1 am authorized and requested to retnra tbe aiucrra ackeowt edgementa of tba 30' h Kes-tmeot V. C. V. EUCitNE OKI.-OM, Arfg Burgeon. m i ' " For tbe journal. HlAD Ql ARTSKS 2TH BlOlMU-T N. V.. I WlLMtKUTOM, Oct. 2Jtb, l'l. I Msskrs. Fmroaa : 1 deem it neither more nor lees tl an right for some cue In thia regiment to acknowledge, for the information of friends at home, and aa an act of just ire to t a oitixena of VHming toD, tba many klndneaeea tbat bae t rea extended to ua by tha reaidenta of tbia place, we f tbat w ai among Iriends. We know tbat our sick, rapeeially, bao rereivtd every a'tentioo at tba bands of ti e noble Iadiea nf your town, who bare supplied innumerable n ceaarea and com foita, aucbaalbeir thoughtful cara auggaatcd, aod their kind geaeroaity 1 rompted tteat to comribnt. Iboeabo tire experieni ed tb a kmrtnen w.ll not foivet it. It ia to be regretted tbat tbe twy prejudice of emanf eur Dumber should have tended tn'U'-e tbe relationa of the regiment and tha penile of Wilmington iq strong light belora tbe world by representing tbe latter aa luhiwpitable and dieeeurteoua. But all tbat ia past. We are all enga ged In oba glorious causa, and as tbe eolditr .coniinutu to endure the Writable bsrdnblj s incident to this suuygie, be is cheered by tba conviction tbst ll the good ai d mule are lor us, and tbat among nor truat friends, we tnsv count the lad ea of lbeouth, and not luaat suuug tbe 'h lndte ui the tuwn of Wilmingwn. AM rTl.CUU.t. i Ibl Attaelt ! mlol. A private letter from a c en'lenmn on board the U. 8. stesiu sloeip Keminole, oo lier late triji frolfi Wayhinir- lon to (JM 1 oiii t, lias been putilislMU iu th riuiaov: phia Build in. be f bowing are extrac's: U. S. Ktxam Huk p Skmim' i.k, 03 Forirei-s Monroe, Oct 16, lbCl. We arrived Lcre this uiormrg at 7 o'clock, huvuig left Washin(ion yserdBy morning. Nothing vry re murkahle eccurred ou the way dowu to Qiuntico crtkk. At t hut point the steamer I'ocuhoui.is. wnieh wass in -milis uheud ol us, threw three or fur shells inio the otffchesat EvatiHjxrt, or Shipping Point, Vu. The Hit was not retuini'ii, and vhe proeeeiltd on In r way. As we iieured the Point, at 10 A M., .our eh'i-Ls were cleared for action, all bands at quarters, hatclH-s closed ami every tiling rendy. At 10 45 tiny opened ou us, with rill -d shot and tl.cll, Irom three tialleritH, two en the tmak and one alxiut 400 yurds inlund, at KvunHjxirt. i hisc shot f. II twenty rex's short. The Stm'tiole rettiiucd the fire btiskly, und with f licet, Irom her pivot gun ai,d two medium 32 pounders. We kept on our ceuise, reluming their fiie during thirty-tive mintt'es, and rec iviug iht irs during forty-live. We were a floe target for them a slow steutner clear against the horizon, while tiny were hid in mrltj and bushes. We ceaxed firing ut 11 25, A. M , nfter which thty seut several ricocheting shots at. d all liunoVoiiie ones at our water line, which luckily lell short. We expend ed tweuty-lhrtv ehells, several particularly those plant ed by Captain (Jillis in person, with good e fleet. They sent us at least thirty rifled balls at.d bheiln, all splendid ly aimed, their guns being evidently well umnu d. Some of thi ir shot and shell went over m, about eight or nine feet clear of the deck, and only a lew fee t above my bead. These fell or burst from twenty to forty rods be yond on our port side. . Some burst just outside, before reaching as, and soma just over our heads. Fragments of shells flew about tbe deck and splinters in thousands. li t were struck eleven timet. .One bull cut away tbe main stays, scattering bits of irou chain down ou the deck. One shot through and shivered the mizz?n-mast. Several banged clear through tbe ship, in at oue side and out at the other. One rifled ball came through in tbat way, sttuck and carried away tho brass hand rail guard around the engine batch, and went out through tha opposite side of tbe ship. This ball went witbin Sve feet of me, and sent a piece of brusf, bent double like a boomerang, whizzinir over my head. How the balls do bias, and tha shells sing aloud a perfectly dis-1 linct, fascinatinc, locust-like soag; but growing louder snl faster aa tboyoome nearer, utangimr, biasing, and bursting t trough the air. 1 was never under fire -before, but I never ws cooler in my lile. I stoe.d by my cup- stsn and took my note s ot the time and tlie eft e t ot tb balls both wajs, jumping out of eur own smoke to see where tbe bails lexJged, Src, all jnt-t as a matter of course. But I thought of it ufterwurd, and it wus no joke. " t he fight was a severe one, aud without knowing what the other side suffered, I do know that the bemi note Buffered severely. So eoon as wo get rid of some expedition now on band, we shall probably tun in ISortb somewhere lor repairs. "The officers and men behaved well. Nad Captain Gillis stopped we should have been blown oat ot tbe water. Every one says that e.uus were never better handled than those" ol tbe enemy yesterday. Every thot came true. 1 he only wonder is that no lives were lest. A number were scratched by splinters. I was bit by tbem ball-a-dozen times. a "We expected a lively time pushing Malbias Point bat either they bave no batterv there, or tney allowed ur to go by it unmolested. We were abreast of tbe Point at 2.25, having been calh d to quarters at dinner to prepare for an emergency. At this point the channe carries vessels of our draught within less than half a mile of tbe bluff shore. A good battery, well manned, could command tbe river, and could have sunk us yes terday. After piping down, we were a second time called to action irom dinner, and threw shells at tbe Point, but without any return. So we were three times cleared for action during tbe day." Intelligence from thr Wrst By Fort Smith ad vices to the 17th iost, later inlormation has been ob tained of the state of affairs among the Indian tribes A messenger had arrived at Fort Smith, ou tbe evening of tbe ICtb, wbo reported tbat there waa considerable excitement among tbe upper tribes, aod that Opothkl- itoho, one of tbeir disaffected chiefs, was at tbe bead of aboat 2,000 men. A large number of net rocs, belong ing to Southern Indians, bad run away, and all tbe wo men and children have fled, and are now ia tbe Choctaw country. Tbe Southern Indians threaten vengeance cn the Lincoln adherents. Mr. Holmes, from the Creek agency had also arrived. He ears that Col. Mclotoah's regiment is moving up towards tbe Upper Creeks, and Col. Drew's Cherokee regiment ia also on the marco lor that region, it la Do ped That tbe delegatiMi arnt'by Mr. Ross to OroTHEL- ETonoHO will settle matters amicably, mere is no doubt but tbat Lincolo's emissaries have been at work among tbe upper Creeks. Richmond Examiner. Coal. We are glad to hear that after a good many disappoint meats and delays, tbe bringing down of coal from tbe Esrypt mine has been resumed, and tbat a boat load will leave bere to-morrow morning, destined lor Charleston, via tbe Wilmington and Manchester rail rood. Tbe interruptions to tbe business bave been uo fortunate, bat we trust tbey are now overcome, and that Mr. McClane. with bis accustomed energy, which has sustained him through all tbe disappoiutments about Deeo River navigation and of fire-damp explosions, wp.l now begin to realize tbe toll and profitable result of his long aud skilful labors in nneartning tne weaun or mat wonderful region of oar State. In these labors be has Dersevered for years, and deserves not only pecuniary benefits bat a grateful appreciation by those who arc interested in tbe prosperity and character of our State, tie is the only one. North or South, wbo Las gone to work in a scientific way, not content with a mere skim ming of tbe inferior mineral at tbe outcropping, iwmcn would only serve to damage tbe character of the rich coal below,) but working bis way, at a great expense. nearly E00 leet to toe basin oeiow. It is expected that in a few days tbe quantity will be aufficieni to require a daily instead of a tri-weekly train of cars. When the roaJ is finished to tbe month of tbe abaft, tbe transportatliSrwiU be greatly facilitate! And there are now about 400 bands employed upon tbe 2Jf miles to tbat point, by the three contractors, wbo hope to complete tbeir contracU and tbe road in Jana ary next fay. 06roi'r. J From tba OarkavDia Standard Siwtrb of t atartaw Brava, tc.his a laainu at roar wasbita. rtT int. 1W1. 1 Tl,e Indiana we're expee'ed ia at ten o'clock, and aboot tcat-OD7myTmaTU,Tuil.wTiig ineir urom. and aa old maa with a drawn aword. who delivered tba apeecb below. .Tba war dance waa in tba square tbe warriora being atrip- pad to tbair flgktiag coatauia. There were two compaoiee of tbem, aud aa tbey advanced into we run wnn heads erect, and traly martial bearing, teaesth tbelr'colora (a oofederata flue:) with Bine while atara laa circle, eurrouo- dlag one la red with a white border, and somewhat larger than the oireu. lo the rear of the eompaoK w re at ut twenty Indian women. T he color atafl beug p:-eJ in tha ground, tha waniora slowly circled around it, ar.d opoa a signal from tbe captains, tbey a:l stood tliil aod silent, while the old Biau U lure mentioned, drew bia aword, aod oioTiog slow l around-in the circto, tbua addretaed tbem : Warriora of tba Choctaw and bickasaw National look areund you. and what do you aea ? Yoa ae men ic every garb, aimed and equipped for war A atranga sight for my young men; Who are these men ? Tour brotera the men of lbs Soath men wha baveeoma fram tba bind of sunshine acrosa Red Hirer whoae atar ia ia tbe centra of your flag, aad who ara in our hearis aa their atar ia ia our eolore men, and tba ena of men, who dyed that atar in tba blood ol their b'ave, and with whom yoa. my warriors, are bere to bare tbe toila, dangers, aod tha glory of war men who will lay down their lives in a ju.t cnuve, abd wbo, a yet, hate .ever turned their backs to their enemies. You, man and wariiois. uiuit emulate thur glo-ious deed (Deafen ing abouie from tbe warriors ) 1 et your enemies feel tba eoga of jour lanea. (Ugh, ugh ! l e ot your war path be through j our own green coiutield, but let jour kuivea drink tLeli a blood ofaour e acinus in tbeirown towns aod villages, side by aid with )our white brotiiars, who are fijhiiug for their rigbts-tnmr own properte, and for iba protection of the boiiea of their w ives and childien. VVar lur! wa bare tl.e same ltel:D&s, we bae tbe same drscriotion of property; and I need not tell yen to look aro'Hid and see tbe women and aiaid-na of your race, wbo a aaaembled to ske the warriora In their pai t? Their hTnds bars armed you for Iba fray, and tbeir hearts will be with jou id the ebi nf death." The Warhols' here broke ttrth into a dance, keening time to the beatu g of the drum, tni utteiiug tbe ca!p ballon, bred oil their guna and pistols; tbe eouien at tbe same time muting closer lo tb) circle, when au elderly matroa, ac compauied by the others, in a low; plaiutif voice, com niriited a song ia wh cb tbey wrra reminded of ttfeir moth er ai d tl.e homes the had olaved around when thV were bailee, and buw their mothers and siaterS bad a tended their lootetep when they were loo young to follow their fathers to huui the but'slo; and now they bad grown to ba men, thrir aiatera were cotnaratirely weak, tbeir niotheis bad grown od. and the bright sun had changed their riven locks io gr) ; aud now. tbouid their moth ra and ai.-ters, knowing tbey needed protection, ask it f stranger? o. should Uiuir uwm youni men who bare the r'ght, kuep the Noitbcrnera fi(.m polluting their soil? The excitement bere was intense. Tbe warriora sprang i .to tho i ir it It sbauts e.f difijnee. yelling aiii whooping, and tbe wemen rau lu o tbe circle through an opening maoe for the purpose, and dancing aroiiud the coiora cootinued lh. ir aong. I ut in a in ne aunnaled alraiu. iu wliich an illn aioii aai made to the deeds of tbeir forefathers, etc. Tba old veiuiao again came forward and asked a question, wkicb was not understood by rne, but which they auawered by " utli, ngh I" and then a 'tdreraed them acnn : i bee are the men who louitnt tour battles in former jenf, who were a terror to their enemies? (A n.ouruful wail.) Tl.cy have passed from our sight, and gone to tbe but'py laud, but tlie.r bl'iod flows through the veins of the Iiviijie. VS here are the warrioia ol their blood f (Here! here ! !) T his is the fi at time some of you bare dauced io the warrior a line; let nut your hearts tail, nor your aims grow weak, aa your country may need every blow." Jt whs the fi st opportunity your correspondent bssaver had to wiiue-s the novel ceremonies ol an ludian war dance. ud uo one can pro; eily appreciate theacene, anleaa be were ieciit, and saw the defiant aud determined expres siou indicated by tLe geatuieand general appearance of tbe men. " l llitk K I.1TTLK PlUS AND A BoBTAU.ID SOW." A li tliiiioi.il ctirresjiondtnt of tbe Charleston Mercury. under date of tie 22ud says : " The drili yesterduy afternoon, of Ransom's Regi ment ot Cavalry attracted a large atscmbrage, iu spit? of the raw, windy weather. The President, his wile, and other celebrities, were there. Npne failed to admire tbe drill, but all execrated tbe infinitely doleful aod ri diculous tune (they play but one) played by tbe four and twenty buglers. Tbat tune could not by any pos sibility bave been any other tune tbao the tune tbe old cow died on." IlcsKNt'RAJiTZ ckder a C1.0VD, The Cincinnati Commei ciat, of the lGtb, sujs : '1 his gentleman is taking his turn of unpopularity ne may have committed grave errors, and it is possible, that he is deficient in some of the .qualities of a " great Captain." We only know him as a maa of thorough military i dotation aud vuttt general information, who a lew weeks ago enjoyed au extraordinary measure of pub lic confidence. Now we cannot obtain our own con- gent to join in the outcry against him be;cause one part ol his army is ragged and another suffering with levers. No Uenernl of whom we have read was so fortunate as to conduct a cum pa in without finding transportation difficult, and many of tbe iuteimediaries dishonest. Napoleon bad to shoot a few qaarteruiasters, Jackaou longed for the e.pportuniiy ol doing likewise. The army ou the Kunawt a is suflVring from camp fevers. These arc certainly the result of tbe terrible weather that has prevailed, and the txhuusting forced marches that bave be-e-n made. The trceipa have se-en se vere service, and tbeir condition, ia consequence, is bad. Many now blame RoM'ticrsnz for bis n arch fiom Clarksburg. Suppose he had remained there to preserve the health ol bia troops, and kit Cox oo the (jauley to be cut eff by an overwhel uing force, as he surely would have been it not supported ? We do nut uuderlcke to say the com plaints against General KoeencraLZ are nnluundcd. Some of them muy be well grounded. But camp fe vers have decimated tbe best urmies under tbe greatest gene rals. '1 hey are the chief of the " horrors of war," and among tbu most effective of preventive is tbe intel ligent self care ol the soldiers. Without that, consum mate science, constant rare, genius, military or medical, will not avail. Officers from (be Kanawha tell us tbat the troops there are well clothed and have p'enty of good provisions. 'I he sickness which is to ba lumeoted, arises from tbe lorced marches to which the men have been subjected, and tbe unfavorable weather. Tba marches, it is true, bave not produced any brillaot victories, but tbe people have not been accustomed in this war to nod fault with generals for moving the soldiers abopt too much. T IMKI. I HAVE ATHiPTfcD TBE CAhll BtSTEM. I am com pelled to do this ia order to carry on the business. WALK Kit MKARhH, May 10th, 1861 2n3-tf 45 Market at Bffc-tlAL. .WilCh. I appeal to those indebted to me to come forward and aettle their accounts. It is of vital importance to tba com munity tbat tbe stock of Medicinea ba not exhausted. It is Itnpoeeible for me to hunt ap supplies without the cash. WALKER MKAKES, Jane 4 229-tf Prnggist A Apothecary, Aj Market at. r Single copies of tba Wilmington Dailt Jocbnal may be bad every day. aa soon aa issued, at WurrAiia's Nkw Book 8torb, Hakskt Btrxet. A laa at Killet's Boot Stork, and at tbia office. WANTED I A GIRL 12 or 15 years of age. .. -. Apply to WALKER MEAREa. 4 wot. S-tf. To lb Voters or lk4it Congrcaelonal Dtatrlet. We, tbe ondervigned. suggest tha name of the Hob. Thna. D. McDowell of Bladen, as'a candidate far Congress ia this District; believing that hia election will ba entirely accept- tasjivj wW txivj muui a'ABVli; . . . Mant Citixexs of Richmond Counit. Oet. 2rd, 1S61; RARK OPPORTIKITY I WASTED IMMEDIATELY, a man thoroughly qualiflel to take charge of SALT WOIiZS, and competent to car ry oo and superintend tbs manufacture of Salt by boiling, evaporating. 40., Ac. A good talaryjind conrlanl employ ment iS le giten. For particulars, enquire at thia office. 0et- 43-12t--lw BtrrTLKg. - A LEA SON ABLE PUICB will be paid for Onsrt Bottles , WALKER MEARES'. . , . Pragg a aad A potheeary, 4J Market atreet el IDC 14. flay HEAD tU-ARTERw. J0LD1ER8! SOLDIERS ! ! GET TOCB MONET'S WORTH. Buy Bh'rU. Buy Bags, Bay Overcoabt. Bay Pocks, Bay all you aeej at Oct T31 way tiiovee, BALDWIN'S. OffTfrERV HEAD tiCAVHTKR. FOB MILITARY OVER COAVS, cut after Confederate PUtaa, which eaa ba aeea at Oft. Seta. fcALDWOf w. .'. . . OlSSOLCTIOW. ; ' THE arm of HEDEICK t ETAS' ia thia day diaaolTed by mutual cooeot.Mrnysn Is aothoHzed to aetUo tbabaaisj neas of tba inn. ' . J. J. HEJBICK, 1. B. BTAS. Wilmington, V. C, Oct'tlb, 1861, aaawwaaawnaawl Tbe business of tba firm of BEDRJCK RTAS will ba closed immediately. The remainder of Aha stock wIH ba sold at greatly reduced prices, forCABII AU acoonnta are stopped from this day. AU porions indebted to tba firm are requested to ecaie forward and settle by cash or eat with- ont delay. ' J. H. BTAH. . Oct. 4tk, USI. to-JaiUw Bane Cats Fa as, I 2 1st Oct 1861. IllVIMKD Ko. 104. mHIH BAKK baa declared a Dividend of 6 par oaat, pay- able to Btockboidsrf oa and after tbe first day of No vember aext. J. G. BURR, Caihur. ayetterille Obaerver, Ealelgh Register, Standard and Elate Jonmal copy two weeks. . Oct. 22 . 40-2w. COMMERCIAL. . I tent dates from Liverpool.. Latent dates from Havre Oct 12 .Oct 10 WILVIHGTON MARKETS, OCTOBER 0. Tbe market ia poorly supplied with Proviaiona, aad prieee . rule ( xceeciugly high. The transecUona for tbe week have been meagre and ooefined to retail lota, tba want af atook alone preventing trautactiona. Tba folia wing ara lbs quo tationa : Br Cattle and SaEir Nona of eonaeqrtaace ara be ing brought to market aod tba atock la butchera' hands ia hardly sufficient for present wants. There ia a brisk de mand, and ws quote aa follows : Beeves on tba hoof (4 to 7 1 cents per lb for net meat, and Bheep M to 2 24 per bead aocording to quality. Beeswax Would aell very readily at 20 a 22 cents par lb. Bacoh Only a few scattering lots ara brought lata mar ket, which are readily taken at 23 to 25 cents for kog round, and 2a centa per lb. for bama. There is little or aona in re tailers' hands, and wo notice aa active demand. HiTTKa.A few amall parcels bave been received from Virginia, and sre retailing from atora at SO cents per ib. or ra Tbe atock ia exhausted, mad we therefore omit quotations. OB In the absence of receipts tha atoek baa become quite low, and tbe quantity remaining in dealers' bands is only about sufficient for present wanhs. There la a fair de mand, and wa quote at CO a 62 cents per bushel. Corn Wral rells from tba granaries at 75 eta. per bush. K'ros Bell from cans at 20 centa per dozen. Plocs None worthy of note baa been received for aev eral weeks either by river or railroad, and in consequence ' tha stook has become conspletelr exhausted. There ia a brbk demand, and a few lots would sell quick at high prices. Ia tbe absence of salea we quote nominally at $7 is to 17 60 for auperfine, and $7 60 to 17 75 per bbl. for family. PiSH Mallets are brought to market slowly, and sail from carts at til to 110 per bbl. . . Lard la acarce, ana sella at 35 centa par lb. Molasses Hells in tha small way at 60 centa per gallon. Potatoks Prom carta and boata, Sweet aell at 70 to 75 centa per bushel. Poiltrt Is ia demand, and prices rule high. We quote from carta at 20 a 25 ceata far half grown, and SO a Slj eta. each fer grown fowls. Rics There is a fair atoek of clean on maiket, and we quota from first baode at I a 24 ceata per lb. tt-oAR Commoo brown sella at 14 a 14 oenta per lb. Kalt Bells at Id to tlO per sack for Liverpool ground, and $3 per bushel for Alum, aod tba supply Is pretty anion, exhausted. Borne partiea are engaged in making Bait on the coast, which ia brought to market and sold Si lots to auit at S3 per bushel. Tallow -Is wanted, and sells at 12) to 16 eents par lb. j FATETEVILLE Oct 28. Cotton The market ia firm at 8 75 for good. Bacon Very scarce ; 23 to 24 cents by the quantity. KlonrRuper t7to $7 10. Spirits Turpentine 17. ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR REST CHEAP. A PORTION of the basement of Journal building. Tbia la tha beat basement alory iu Wilmington tha pltob ia about 8 leet, well aired and tha room ia as.dry aa a baee meut can be made tba ioor being concreted and atone oa top, with wood floor over all ; aide walla furred aad plas tered neat, large room. Tba above rooms will ba ranted low. Oct 30. THOSE SWORDS H AVE ARRIVED at Oct. 80. WHITAEEB'B Book Store. W B HAVE just received a lot of beautiful Bworda, Bella and Bailies, at WHITAKfcJt'8 Book Stara. Oct Sit. , , ROUT II EH (I MADB SWORDS, BELTS AND BASHES, received thia morals f by Southern Express, at Oct. 30. WHITAKErl'B Book Store. . AHANDfeOME assortment of Drama and Flfea can be seen at WHJTAKEJt'8 Book Store. Oct 30. fTUIOSE METALLIC PIPES, are Just tbe ones fpr present X use. Call and see at Oct. 30th WHITAKKR'S Book Store. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT of Band Music received this morning, at WH1TAKR'8 Book Store. tct 30th . I) ROMS to suit dl Companies, at uci. auto . wmrARKH MBookBtore. ANY STYLE and quality of Flag made to order at short notice, at? WHHAKEK'8 Book Store. Oct 30th MILITAUT TUAPPIilOS. HAVERSACKS, KNAPSACKS, GAUNTLETS, aieT.Ta. Pistol Cases, Bowie Knife Cases, Canteens, Gun Straps, Leggins, Riding Baddies, Bridles, Bits, Spurs, Martingatee Ac. Ac, at WlLSOif'tJ. Oct. 3). COHX bHELLEKS AND GRISJDBTOHBR). s INULE and double wheel Corn Bbellers, and Grindstones. uci. ju. , r orsaieai wiLoua b. . VARNISH. MAYER A CO'B. pure leather Varnish, for sate by the gallon or barrel, at JAMEH WILSON'S, Harneaa, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil establishment, Oct. 30. No. 6, Market st Headquartera of tUo Dlelrtet of tho Capo Festr, I Wilmington, Oct 29th, 1861. f - srEO'Al 0BDK3, ) NO. 60. f " " " ' In the call for Militia, no employee of a Bail Road Com pany is included whose aarvicea for the Company are deem ed iudispeosable by the Superintendent thereof. By order Brig.C.ea. ANDERSON. 1 Oct. 30-2t. Asa't Adj't General. HEAD-QUARTERS, I Lower Division Wilmington Militia. 1 AT tha firing of two signal guns in rapid anceeaaioa, yon are to asaemble at tbe nsaal Parade ground, with all the guns and ammunition you can procure. Bv sDecial order. LI. M. MA80N. I Oct. 3w47-tf Lieut Com'dg. - . I PPKIl D1VI8IOI" WlLMlNOTOIf AtlUTIAa If ALL PKES white mala residenU ot Wilmington, living O North of Dock street, above tba age of 18, not already J enrolled ia some regularly organind Military Company, are required forthwith to arm, equip and enroll themaelrea for military duty, or abide the penalties of tba law, which I will rigidly enforce. avNo person ia exempt By order of tba Cot. Oct 30, 1861 47-3t W. L. SMITH, Capt .. - 1AT. ' OON THE 27th instant a CHECK made by John O. Hyer oa tba Cape Pear Bank, for One Hundred aod Forty DolKra, payable to Horae or Bearer, dated 26th Oct, 1861. All persona ara forwarned frcm trading for said Check aa payment aa. beea .topped. f ' j0mrg03f . Oct 30th, 1861. 7-Jt WANTED IMUtIKDIATBI.T. WE WISH to bny 2 good MULES, Wagon aod CT Harness ; 1 good HORSB aultablo for Harneaa or JQL Cart Apply to WORTH A DANIEL, o-47-tf. FFJ 4, North Water at IRISH POTATOKS1 IRISH POTATOES I' 11 """" WORTH 4 DANIEL, rv ui DDt-is in w.rv sh order. Tor sate dt Oct sr. 4, North Water at INPANTIIT OOMPAJIIK EQUIPPED TO ORDER, at JAMES WILSON'S -Harneaa. Trunk, Saddlery, Leather aad Oil Establishment, Oct 22 daw. No. 6 Market Street CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND YSTINOf, at . Oct 25. - BALDWIN'S. (JUtVICK SHIRTS. . O ' SERVICE SHIRTS. ForOfflesra, For Cr-u, at Oft. M. . " f i.BWWaV