. VOL. -NO. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1861. WTIOLK NUMBEH 3.12G 49 V . HY rtLTUR PRICK, PHOPKI CTORIt J t.8 PULTON, Editor.. ...AL. PRICE, Anemt it ir, Terms f Kalwtipilaii. Pail; Paper, one veer, Invariably in advance Wwkly " All tetter en bualnesa connected with this otf.i', srMreswid M th proprietors. . " . '' ' RATES Or ADVERTING. - . . . 00 .. 1 so mnat be OKI 4 AS. Ou rlny Two days Three daye. Foarditya ....... Fit daye . One week Two. weeka. a. One moatb Two months Three months on dy .... 2S . .f i rs .i ' . . .5 . ! fl . . i rs .tit, .. 4 00. . . T 00 ..10 00 ..1 00 Two dy ,. Time da) a.,.. V r oar days ...... IT' . .1 . .. - 74 uue weex... Two weeks. '....;. 7 1 One month.. I 00 Two months.... Three month. .. Hi month.,.... 1 60 i 00 8 00 Six months ... On veer .11 00 One veer. ev...30 00.- Ten una ere eooated uil nere, end Bv line or lee a ' aaa-aouar. Longer advertisement in proportion, eud ell ta)able In advance. When not peld In aa venue 26 nt -per square will be charged after the llrtt Insertion. , X.U half-auarea not paid for la advance will be charg- d aa a aqaare. , , A-AdvertiaenieBta tnserted aa Special or Bishop Nnticea ' -ire charged one-Half mor-4ban above ratea eight liaea (leaded) or leas eountea aa a square. 0W AdveetiaemenU Inaerted everv other flaj are charged 1 33 eenta per aqnare lor eacn inaeruon aiier uie am. . who pablioation made without a responsible name. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .i.rmifir, boommoobb. PF.TTKWA t MOOHF1. n KNERAL COMMISSION MKBOH ANT VIOa,.lh6ll , No 2J North WaUr t, Wilmington, N. a ' IXH'IS B. ERA WHERT, DBUOGIBT ASD PUACTICAL PU AKMACE0TIST, Wu.MtNoroM. M.C, Kaecs eonstanCv on hand, a select stock of Dmg$, tltdr irtwa. Ixmetlto and Ewrovean ChemuxiU, Fancy and JVnirf Artide$, H.'i and Liquvrtfpr Uedxoal Fmrpotes, V.vaart. At. , . . ,- avParticular attention paid to pBiscEirriOMS, Famiit . Baoiraa, Hsuicuii CiiBirra, o. . ' . t.Store linmedlatelv nuder the " CarolinfloteL" Jolj 1J, 1849.. , 6 tf C. C. M Vf. J. JWTNHO, VH0(rMISfil0J MERCHANTH and WUOLE8ALE GHO .VX'EWri, No. Jl North WaUr Btreet, . Jjnn IB, lnr. - Wimiwatoii, N. C. JOSEPH . BLOB'OX. CTIl'S 8. T1HAMBINOI. . J. II. DLosson A CO. &E5ERAL COMMISSION MEUCHANT3, Jane . 1861. f WimmoTow, N. C. H. B. mCHI, - 1TTHOLKHALE UMO0EB AND COMMISSION MEB VV CHANTS and DKAI.EIi IN N A AL HTORK, eorni Water and Market streets, Wilmington, Ji. v. April 'id, 1H5H. JAB. YOIUrr. AI.BX. OLUBAB. 8TOKIJCV A OLOHAM, 1 BOCERH AND COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, AN'' VT UIAUSBS L CORN, OA1B, TKAS, U WamnOTOB, If. 0. Einast (-!,.! Jnrr. Mnltit. IrMtdent of th Beck of Wilralnjrton. . O. G. Pabmlbt. Km. President of the CtiincrciiU Hfitih V - K. MCURAV AtO (Saceeeeors to f nrntv A Peauwlt.t . , sHoMMSSiq.V MERCHANTS j ANU WHOLESALE OKOCERS, V , WATER STREET. f. , WILMINUTON, N.C. ' : b. mitkbat. ' o. b. snrxcmoN. i. r. mcbbat. ' Febrnary 1, 18o. 116-tf , ...... i i-i i I i I . 1 iakxi B. biuth: ivh OOSTIX J- J AS. C. MITU M CO- 10MM1WI0N MEliCHANTB, offloe second story, eornsr - V ' Bonth Water ana JB&riet sueeia, wiiminnon, is. v. where they ars prepare J to attend to all bnrfsose In to llnmralaalon lice. - ... Ail b ashless entrusted to them wiU be ponctoaUy art. 0i' edto. . ' . C. II. HOBISbON i CO., COMMISSION AND rOaWAHJINW MEKCBANTd j WiLmHOToa.il C . Office over Mr. J. A. "Willard's Btore. Entrane Cvfnerof JPrincees and Water streets. - " Kerch J, 160 16K.9. ' tMOJI D1ST1LL.KKV. ' WILMINGTON, N.C, a TT Tf 1 J tii 1 LT L' I L'tJ sD... . mv jt k A a xw AaiiiLif4i iiurwiivM A-IX KINDS OF NAT AX. BTOREb parohased, mannfac- XVtuied And sold i Wharfage and Storage furnished, and Ooopuragt don - ' la'r rates. Ja. X IMP. 100-tf. 4 T J.tk. aiOMIABUIV BUSI ' ' ' . . " WlLMUMifOK, N.C. THPOBTEK8, MANDKACTUBtliH' AUKNT8, AND Dea X leres in Hardware, Cult fry, Iron, Sic el, NnU. AjrricuJ - tural Impleraenta, Ac. ; .- ' . i. cac, W. r. KENDALL, COX. Kfe.ftDAL.iV CO. t. . KKKDALL C OMMISEION MKBCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GEO- CEBS, . no.ua ii, aorta jn tier bi, March Uth. 1861 147-tf ADAJMB, B RUTH Kit A COM 1 )MMTBSI0N MKBCHASiTb, WiLsrrMsrow, W. V. -,' v . -T. CAB. (i. WORTH, .n JMHISSION AND FOBWAADINO MKtiCHAJSTS, -Ij V. m . . ... VlLKIMtfTOK, N. C. tfarehll. 1MT 1MI l MALAVKM. mkahicb. fT-'eeor t Walker Meares Co., , WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DBUOGlhT, IS Mt but Stfsbt, Wilhthatoii. N. C. -n n mt ill K V. y- . ' ..J . V. MITCH ILL v SjLlis w uini WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IN flORN, PEAS, OATS, RYE, WHEAT BKAN, OIL MEAL; V f UKHU UttUUHU MUJlUfX, BUliMC At WW rfcfc ALSO, 1 MA8TKHS. AND AOBTB B1VXR BAT, ' " Bo Worth Water street, i .iii, B. C. COMMISSION MKBCHANTS. , WitsnwaTOji, N. C-. tmfU BABRIftK, A. 1. BOWSlt: . W. W. BABBtM. S Oct. tut. 111. ' - . . . -'UM.' AC li'lUKk, " (iTCCBBHOB TO H 1TB I WAT A CO..) - COMMISSION MEhCUANT AND WHOLESALE GRO CER, ' . v ept. Tih. 1861 i-tf Wilmikctow, W. C. B. B. JlMUXti- l. KACOCK. ' , . JEHKI.tGS it PBACOCK, (BTCCE980M TO WTEB, TKlCQCt A CO..) COMMISSION MEBCHANTs, Wholesale Grocers, and Lealer in Naval Mores, Cotton, and Southern-Produce, , - . . WILMINGTON, N. O. iMM tJ. IML - . t44tf - -' ' IT IS WATER-P1WOFI. niHE SESTTXEL'S 0VKCOAT is water-proof, sod sold l by. - - . BALDWIN. Oct. 10. 186L - ' -' OHIBTSI SHIBTSI SHIRTS ! flannel, Calico, Caasl- iTy mere, Ac " m J; , , , BALDWIN'S. Pept. 15. WATER PROOF SJEAMLES3 OVEB COATS, at ' Stpt-ia- - t, BALDWIN'S. HEAD QUARTERS ' J? Ost. 1. BALUWLM'li. ClOTTOI A.1D WOOL CARUVU doien of Cotton and WclCaidi,forsaleat WILSON'S. . Oct. 15. - POWD&B. Wfi are expecting daily a huge lot cf Dnpont's cele brated Powder, at JAMES WILSON'S Harness, Trunk, Saddlery; Leather and Oil Establishment, .... . . No. 6 Market Street. .. Oct. 5 11. . ' QHOU rEGf, at Oct. 15.- WILSON'S. HEAD Q'JAiHAUia for LadiM ana bsu Trunk, al ii. iiUsi. " BALOwbj'S.' WSCEIXANEOU ADVERTISEMENTS. cow PEA RICE ITUiW. ' f fff BUSHELS COW BRAS; . i T.VllJ 75 BaI.KH KICK BTK4W. Jott received end Mae 1, l MCI. . ' H'H BOOK) 4 RE PRACTICAL V impueaible to proeore an aeeortment of (iroceriee, we will aeu tbe balanoe of slock at reduced prices. 41UJ I,1W1( UKvJ. liYEBS. TOU8K IHJUHE too bnshela fresh DODSK.Juet receiv XJ ta, for II bf S.IXI3 A HI IUUKU fept. 14, iHtil. T ICR 8TBA W.-40 balea fo' sale b; e by Kl.Llft J.1T Fept. 1. & MITCH KM. corn. . 500 BUnHELS IN feTORG. For sal bv t JO. R. IiU)S80M Sept. 3(4lh, ltkil -T. lii-U TMCKKM, RIUS'ISU VtUIKI. ' Li Ti rlBH' AMU UEHTl.EMKX -l dreeeloa end traveUiea iranss. ueuts sturroooo asi Kiiame a ieatner travel- Iiug Hog and ever vamtv of alisea, for sale at Kept. 17. .... WILRONR SHOVELS, Crindatones tod Dtbr.k, for sale at Sept. t7. WILSON'S. FLOUH, P f BBLS fresh ground Floor from pew Wheat. For s J 'by m , , J. O. As B. G. WOBTH sale nepi It. imil. ' MEDICAL SADDLE BAGS. Of all kinds, at ept. 87th , . WII-ROM'R IlUl EI'L'RNIRIIIISO OOtlUS 1 N great variety! and at old prices, at :arhidkt's e UItML.TjTICM OP CU-PAHTMKRBII1P. Tj IBB CO-PA RTNEKSH IP heretofore existing between AS. L UaTHaWAT and myself, andsr the firm of HATHAWAY CO.. hiving been dissolved, notice hereby given that I shall procesd to settle the bnxioeiw of the firm aa speedily a possible. WM. H. UTLEY. fcept. Tlh, 1861. . . t-tf r WILL CONTINUE THE COMMISSION AND GEO X CEUY bo inem on my owo ncoonnt. Thsnkful for tbe patronage received while a member of the tirm of Mathawav A Co., 1 solicit a oontinoanc of the aame from my friends aud customer. WM. B. UTLEx. liept. 7th, 1H61. ' , - 1-tf til'AIVO CiVANO. BAGS BEBSE'S MANIPULATED GUANO ; 40 Petembnrs; " 450 10U " No. 1 Peruvian - " 3U0 ,k Sombrero " U bbls. Jarvis It Baker' " - ti Phosuhatio Lime. For sale by Fept. 14 W. H. MoKABY A CO. WOOLKN MOCK. T ECEIYED this day, from oar House In Charlotte, N. a LV 6,000 pahr oountry knit Mocks. ' KAHNWEILEB BROS,, , Id door from Exchange Corner, Front street. An?. 21. ' A COMFLKTB KUITIOX Or HARDEE'S TACTICS, well bonnd and PoaUInlngah the plates ot tbe original work, for f 1 li. The best and cheapest edition yet iued. For sale at June luih. WHITAKEK'S NEW BOOK STORE. "VTADKIN, SALEM, CHARLOTTE and o.her State Cas i aimeres, at CAi.unio LEATHER I LEATI1KK I OAK SOLE, Wax Upper, Morrocco and fancy colored Linlnff, BindiB:, Enameled. Patent. le and Barrel Lieatiier. for sale at wiLSoa B. Oct. 3, 3V IN loU to wit purchaser For wale hr w , . . STOKLfir OLDfllH. Oct'2, TTEAD OU AHTKRH JO. . . For OFFIOEB'S FATIC.fJB SHIRTS. ONE IICNQUKD UNIFORM tHUTH, 1. 4 BAL at . Oct. BALDWIN'S. MAP OP THE MEAT OP WAN, . VV riTH THE I.ISE- OF RaU Goads leading thereto; also, tne MrateEicai v ointa aa laid down. Just fun Untied. Price 760. For sale at July 23d. WhlTAKES'S NEW BOOK STORE. H1CEI HIC K I 100 (048K3 EICB r bet quality In Store, and for le I. C. 1 II. G. bXOUTU. July 17, tf ' GOO BEAMS ale at ASSORTED WBITING PAPER. For WHJTAKER'S BOOK STORK. Aug-1. NEW MUSIC. T AH B Southern Battle Song, dedicated to President Davis ; the rontbern mantellama : Uod and our Hunts, sons aud choiB; rlontbern Bepublio Polka March, as performed by Host's Military Brass Baud; Our Southern Flag, written bv S. 1,. Hammond and dedicated to the Citadel CadeU.ol ( harleaton, b. C; JeSerson Davis'-Orand March; Our First President Ualckstep. embelllsned witn a large we-llke bust ot President uvis; uixie folks, or tierx; ueneral Beau regard's Grand Maroh ; the Soldier's M ission, song inscribed to our Volunteers ; Palmetto Guard March: Grsud March of the Southern Confederacy : the War Bong of Dixie : the Hunny bourn uaiiop ; nana roixe, as pisyaa ty tne new Orleans Urasa Bands: tue t lag of tne rree eleven. Ac AUo a new supply of late popular piecea, including ' Let Me Kits Him for Ilia Mother; All TbingiLove Thee, so do i: uock me to eieep sioiner: toe Lray our stoineruwa: the Cottage by the bea ; Murmuring r-ea ; Song of Dixie ; .robe s Variations on Dixie; Juanita ; Anvil Chorus, frsm lltroratore ; Home to our Mountaius, do.; Ah, I have sighed to rest me. do.; Meet me by Moonlight, Duett; Shell ol Ocean ; Corns where my Love Lies Dreaming, Ac., ao. At WHUAh.Ut 8 MiW UOK BlOKfc. Ads. 8. ' TRUNKS, BAGS AND VALISES. IT'E have on exhibition a flue assortment of TRUXK8, VV BG4 and VALISES, embracing all at y lea of pack ing Trunks, O. G. Bras and iron bound, Decatur, St. Louis and the Victoria stjle, Sole Leather Trunks, with and with out covers, Ladies and Gentlemen's Dressing Trunks, Hat Boxest Bags of all sues and descriptions, Valises of all ma terial and pattsrns. . For sale at VJLTUH', Harness. Trunk, BadJisrv, Leather and Oil Establishment. No. A Market street. Aug. 26. TUB MILITIA LAW OP HOHTII CAROLINA, T ASSED at the Second Extra Session of the General As- X sembiy, IS1 For sale at Oct. 2. . WHITAKER'8 New Both Store. OIL I OIL! A I ACHINERY, Lard, Trsio, Tanoers aol KetU foot Oil XTX for sale by tbe Barrel or Usllnn, by WIL-ON. Oct. 2. St 5 fit 8,000! ,000!yard.r yard! ysrdt! CAtSI I i MEBB ior tbe civic list. Casaimer for the civio list- Bonnets purposes! business pa poses at OF FICERS IWOBD BELT, WITH bras plates and of every material and color. Pistol CiMa. Kodv Helta. Gun ttroos. Cartridge B"X- es, Bullet Boxes, Cap Boxes, Bavonet Scabbards, Bugles, 6 word. Canteens, Ac, Ac., for isle at J A Sir 3 niLaoa s. Harness Trunk, Eaddlery, Leather and Oil establishment, OcuJ. 2i-3t. No. i Market street. THB WKIT POI5IT PATTERS 170B UILITABY OVEB COATS the best fitting garment ; eat, mad by . - BALDWIN. Kept. 11. ; HOKE COIiFKDBHATB PAPEB K EUVKUH'ES. 1 C HfcAMS besrjtilully sUmped aaaorted colon. Just aWJ received and for aa'.e at . Oct. 6. . WHITAKER'S New Bookstore. TTEAD QUARTERS, Oct 34, 1861. Trunks for Offlcers J-L I are purchased at cct. 15. BILDTIN'S: fXEAD QUARTERS. ot 91. Itfli Tr.nl. rn. nm. XX and Carpet Bag for Men ar purchased at OCl. . , JSALOWIS H. LADlEi HAT CASES, , Udie Hat Cases, ' Ladie Trunk, ' .. . , Ladi Trunk, " Carnet Bar. Sol Leather T ranks, A., t V M. t sjt EAinUI s. FOR SALE AND TO REM rtin iiirb. , SEVERAL able bodW hetro Men, for the bslanre nf tbe year. Apply to . a. T. PKTtEWAV A CO. Aug. 14. POK BtBtlsT, FROM 1st October wext, several Wsrehoosea ssd Offlces oa Mater's Alls?, Koath Water street, ininedi atelv North of Miwars. T. C. A B. i. Worth's nmM Apply to F.LLJS A MITCHELL. Ptjt. Ktf . PDR KsCNT. . . THE STORE on Front street, at present occupied bv William I.. Jacobs, for onsyesr from October 1st. For terms sddIv to : t.. A. HATtT. Sept. ir. . - U tf , FOR ItBtNT. ' ONI of the most ffeasfltit and eonvenlent Hoouis for bnlneaa la town. It is In tbe baaement story of the Journal Building. For particulars sni'lv to " rUl.TO.X A PRICK, May 2Hh. W. Jonrt.al OfRee. t KtMt BALK. 100, CASKS KICK FROM CHARLESTON. varU.ti arsdes. auslitv and nrioe. 1 May . Mg. HARRIS A flOWFtJ.. H f ACKEREL In bhla. and half bbls ibl., for sals by K. MUURAT A C IV A. April 4. CO. ' There's something in flying car. There's something In a huge balloon 1" and if the Poet Woodworth had gire to hi sick horse 01 cow certain popular remedy,- he would undoubtedly bt( auuvu 10 nunoiwion There' anmethlng in a doe of powders . Every do of these powders speak for itself It ourei all the disease of horse and tows, ssd Ita r fleets ar dHy neroeptible. If too have sick bora or eow bsggsrd, broken down and worm ont with dbsasea admlnls'er th powders, and watt; lb result. It la, without any qulvo ration, th g re test bore and ctttl medicine In the world. roonaat , WILSON'S Harness, Tronk, Paddle, Leather and Oil establishment, " ' No. A. Market at ree' TCHPKHriSlK BT1LL. VNE TURPENTINE STILL, new, fer sals by Sept. 27, iasl-.19.tf J OH. K. HLOt-SOM CO. Am 50,UUO LBS. OP WOOL WILL make a large quantity of Bute drey Caasimere, wbieh we would be pleased to make into uniforms for Companies at home. Tbe Wool If sent lo us, will bs bought auu paiu ior on unlivery ai UALUWlfl pi. Sept. 10th SHOE 111 UK A B, INS, 10, 60 or 100 lb. packages. For sal at X Sept, 6.. WlliKIN'rt. C10BN BAGS. 1,000 new Cora Rags, for sal by J Kept. 2i. ., ELLIS A MITCHELL. y bits Ann BPinM. , I I O DOZEN ol Spur and Uaraeas snd Bridle Bits. For A I sale st JAMES WILSON'S Uarnesa, Trnuk, Saddlery, leather sad Oil Establishment, Sept. 27th , No. A Market Hire!. ' .11)11 LB-. OFOOD WOOL will be purchased, OvrrJJ if brongbt to Wilmington, and It will Be immediately sent to tbe Mate factories and mad into Cas simeres for th Companies In North Carolina, who will pro- oaoiy wave iu;r measures witn BALDWIN riept. .uth - BI1KAP WATS. S)K BALES ON CONSIGNMENT, by July 37. k. MURBAT A CO. TO nANt'PACTt'HKUS OP IIILITARY WORK. HARNESS, BBIDLE, SCABSAltD AND CAP BOX LEATHER, Enameled Cloth, all colors, 61 dosen Brsss Piste for OlBoers' Belt, 73 ,' Cartrldg and Cap Bos Knob, ' Morocco Leather, all color, - 7S0 lbs. of Shoe Thread, , , ' 17 sides of Pstent Dash Leather, 111 gross of liar aad Bridie dnoUcs. For sala at , ( WILbON'B, name, Trunk. Saddler. Leather and OH Establishment. No. A Market strset. Aag. 27. - K1PLB GLAROCiLli K-HIKH. DEDICATED TO THB WILMINGTON RIFLE GUARDS. Just published and for sale at Aug. 24. , WHITAKER'S New Book Ptor. BRASS PLATES.'.. JOR Officers' Belts, Knob for Cartrldg snd Onn Oap ; Boxes, Hooks, Ac, Ac. for manufacturers of Military work. Also all kinds of Buckle. For Bale at WILSON'S, Uarnesa, Trunk. Saddlery.. Leather and Oil Establishment. No. 4 Market street. Sepk t. PHOTOGRAPHIC MAP OP THE SEAT OP WAH INCLUDING a Map of Virginia and Maryland ; the James Hirer entranos, with tbe batteries; Heeiional Msps of Virginia on an enlarged scale, and nlan of the battle-field near Bethel Churob, Price $ I AO V'nr sal at Ang. n: WHITAKEK'H NEW BOOK HTOHK. ENAMELED CLOTH, of all Hj, at j WILSON'S. IEATIiEK of all klnls, at J WILSON'S. 1 "N A Pd A CK3 of every description, st IV . WILSON'S. OFFICERS' 8W0RD BELTS, at WILSON'S. MLLITABT BUGLES, t . WILSON'S. LjaDDLES, BBIDLES, M ABTINQALES, t O WILSON'8. . HITS AXD BrUBS, at WILSON'S. Harness, Trunk, Saddler?. Leather aal Oil Establishment. No. I Market etrat. og. 16 KIOIWO ADDLE. H HHIDLES, Martingales, BiU snd f purs, at Aug. 13, 1M1. WHflON'-.. MILITARY BKL1. FFICEBS' Sword and Pistol Belts Of Paient rd Ffnara. v eiea Lamer, ana Morocco Belt or all Colors, st Ang IS. 'I"sb, saw WIliioN' POCKET TKtTAMKN TS. L.ARGE assertment at Oct 2. WHITAKEK'H New Book Stote. pocket miblkb. LARiiE assortment at Oct. 2. WHITAKER'S New Book Store. A BUY REGULATIONS. Price 17; at Cct. 8. WHITAKER'S New Book Stor. ARMY REGULATIONS. Price fl; at Oct ft. WBIIAKEU'S New Book Stor. A BMY REGULATIONS. Price ti S t IX. Oct. 8. WHlTAKKhS New Book Store. A BMY REGULATIONS. Pric II: t A. Oct 8. . ' WHITAKEh'S icw Hook Store. 50 BBLS. WHISKEY of various grde. For sal by Sept. 24. GEO. MYKK8 I W GROSS Velvet Bottle Coika. For eale by GEO. MYERS. . JKJ bepu 24. SEAMLESS OVERCOAT. WATE8 PROOF ! Water Proof 1 To stand Guard in I On duty oa duty ! . The Sentinel's Overcoat Th FeLliocl's Oteicost is WaTSR-FHOOF, and sold only at , BALDWIN'S. UCl. 10. . . BALUW1B K. s TBAW CUTTEUS AND CORN. Foralby Oct. 14. 1's.TTEWAY A MOORE. NAILS, HOOP IKON AND RIVETS. Pur aal iy Oct. 14. PETTEWAY A MOOBE. ENVELOPES. "H- . A FINE SUPPLY of North Carolina make. Just received per Adsm A Co'a Southern txpreea. A supply fur tb demand will be kept oa hand, st - - Octlih KPIXEY'H Book Store. faOLDiEMS AISD CIVILIAN. Kfc.ll Ex LEY'S BOOK STOBK received by Adams A Vs Express this morning, a fall supply of that Use F ag i'auor am sjovelopea witntbe) tlag of th roultiurn uob- feoeracy, our brave Preaident Jeff. Davis and tbs Artillerist cannon. - Oct. 1KB. 11 HALL'S KIELEI, 1 PAIR COLT'S PISTOLS. For sale by A. Norcnm at 1 Ph.TTk.WAT A MOORE. Oct. 17th, 1861 1 M tf PLAYISQ CABDI. - - I T th doien or gross. 26 gross jost received from Mem X) pLia this moruug, sod for sale at -Oct,. - WMlIAXEa S Nw Book Stor. NOTICES. aoiiris. . ON ANI AFTER THIS DATE Bogneds will b deliver d nnlesa psld for in tdvsnce. Ily- bnlnes will be' eondue'ed strictly on th sah principle la future, iMe reduced prices to suit th times, and being compelled tops) ! esah, p.n dot sell sxeett for esah. wnder BBV clrrsmatsnrss. I , AfrH Kith o. POLVtMJT. O-PARTKRltBIIII Sirt irfe. mnE CNDEBSIGNEDbav entered InU Co-Partnership J..n.SS.tP9n Wl1"11"1"". N. C. nnder tbe flraa of .okunni. a Ki.r-iaan, ior ins purpo 01 DBVlng !?. fl"D tir'(110 SLAV, where thehigheei cash price will be paid. r Tbsy also have a boos la Mobile, Alabama, where they -... uu -vcw oh onmmtasioo. LHoerai Bdvaa es made npnn slsve Ian with them for sale. , D. J. SOUTHER!. AND. JAMEO. COLEMAN. Angus! let, IMg. tot JOTICK. vi-i')H. .p.jsmun ma uin reaeork will carry aTM A 1A TV ar r r a nvatiat.. . i nn the Crnmiiaion and Forwarding kn.liutaa t ik .li 'aa 01 the late Arm ol Gwyer, reeaovk A Co., uadf th mhi 01 rfeno'iira a resoork. JBMlhS. rACOT'. J"n II Oo dnhoro' Tribune copy. 2.14 1 ". GROCERIES Wltl. ELL VKIti- tX)W POU CASH. ' K( Boxss CAsdy, 25 Box Lemon Hyrop, . 9 60 Boxes Clsrstts, 2A Boxes B. B. Brsadr, 11 Bhla Ginger Wine, li Bbla. Flu WhUky'a. JW Bbls. Imported Lluunra, 0 Brtx t endlea, 40 Bbls. Sugars, . 11 Half cheau Blaek T.a. ICO.OOO Segara of varlona grades, frem th very best fl anas to th cbespsat domestic. ' ' Thoa wishing to replenish tkelr stock will find this a la vorabls opportnplty for bargains, at H7 29, - (1EO. MVRRA. MILITARY BOtiKS.-OllUam's Manual, Hardle'a BIS nd Light Infantr Tactics, Scott's Inlautry Taolloa, Cooper' and Macomb' Tactic. Volunteer' Hand Book, Bklmarborn' Drill, Kavonet Exerclsea U. S. Array, Sclenr of War, Taotlc for Officers of Infantry. Cavalry and Anil. lory, School of the Guldea, Evolution of ths Line, Austrian miantry, lb Kill an Mow to Us It, Orduanc Mmnran da, Naval Percussion Ixxik snd Primer, by Lieat. J. Ji. Daiilgren, Instractlo for Arms with Prension Locks, and oajouei wiwiviaana, inerrnoiionB for rield Artillery, Ar tillerist' Manual. JsftW Nsval Gunnery, Cavalry Tactic, . ' " larReri amnrimijt or luntKt jar im Itwte ca al w a s be found at WHITAKEH'rf Nsw ttook Slor. . April 24. IT-VEU IUH1NU IN I'Ol'ULABITT U that celebrat.d com IX poiiiid. 'US AQUARIAN CONOlTlQJf TO WVER&. Many gentlemen In towa and Stats have called on us to say that w sre at liberty to us thsir earns a reference to the great healing and wonderful ouratlva powera of thai re markable preperatlon. It la without aay equivocation, th greatest horse and cattl medicine la the world. TMC MINUATTAN LtNJMSNT Cures Burns, Sprains, Bruises, Ac., aud laasure remedy for Bheumalin adections. Found at WILSON'S. Harueas, Trunk, Saddle! y, l-ather nd Oil Establishment, , No. 6 Market street. - Sept. 19th, Vtl h words nnd I'ldol. REPEATERS, Revolver, Jtlfle Barrel and Other I iatol; Iso, Cavalry and Inlautry Swords. For sals at oepri. mm, inow WILMUn f. OrriocrV Iword llvlla V Moroeeo. Kid Hkln and Palest Leather. For sale al Sept. iMlb, 1HCI. WIIJiON'H. Pistol I'ntoi nnd lie ll VF every material, at J Sept. lHtb., IrWI. WHJiOIf . shoe ruos Attn shoe tkhkad, fT all number, at Sept. 20. WILSON'S. KNAPSACK', Haverasek snd Pistol Uola'er of evly . vrlety, at ' WILSON'S. "pl. jo. OCR STOCK OP MAPS. RECENTLY published, embraces th otw Map of Virgin ia, published In Hlchmond J Photogrspblo Msp of tb bat of War, elegantly colored and surrounded with a Vig nette of Portraits of tb President) Generals Beauregard, Uipler, Bragg. Ae Map of tbe Confederate Statra of Amer ica ; Msp ol th Weatera Heat of War ; Msp of the Seat ol War, published In Nsw Orleans; and the.large aad eiegsnt Map of lb Heat of War, Just rubliahed and rtcslvsd this morning, r.vsrytblng new and deairabl lasued in tb Con federau State may b bad at publisher's prices, at Aug. in. r.Bll AB.f.K a MEW liOOh, BTOBE. CAfl TBS. COUNTRY KNIT WOOLEN SOCKS, from country storekeepers, just received at Oct. 1. BALDWIN'S. K ID liLOVES, WOOLEN GLOVEd, OANTLETrt. ., at ct. 1. HA I I WIN H M1LITAUY BUTTttNrt, at Oca. 1. BALDWIN'S. MIMTAHY PA1T rllH IAPAKTHY, CtUT, Til U MED AND MADIf FUR TWO DOLLAR", at Paul. BALDWIN'S. ENGLISH HALF HOSB-Uo Msrlno Wool by tb in gl pair or doted. Cash only at Oct. 1 BALDWIN'S. t'NIPOiiM AAD tltEi)OP Tilts, ttN PKIIKR ATE AU1IY,. flAHE BOOK tan be seen st 1 BALDWINS. Tb follow ng extrsot la taken therefrom. " Scttoks. For Oeiral llffioaits. and OtTloars al lbs Central , t-utT, bright gilt, rounded at tb edge, convex, taircd Kagle in the centre, with atarseurrouiidmg It Large is to be on loch m exterior dimtr ; email bib hair so Uirh." 1 he neaieat sporoilmati in to ths abuv I th Fagle But ton, in vry respect rrsombling II, (except lbs fate of the Button dm no stars ) null bad BALDWIN S. . S8 Market st , W llui'ngtun, N.C. Hept, 14. LRrOlLTHK niZOHA. MIS GREAT FHKNCH KAZOli never ei. elled -rsrely L equalled in the world. . A rare, chance. A perfeot stasor , , ' Anesaysbav. ' ' A nervous maa cured. All through tb happy infl tonnes of a delightful thavil , Call and sea tb new stock at rrpt. 4. BALDWIN'S. 3(7 BULK. Lhioago Men Href; 60 Paviage Navy and Pilot Bread, Ib air tight pck- ages, rorsaleby , nAUMuys A liUnl'J.L Angtmt lllb. Ik6I. i- lltTKHKBT I CIIAUUBlD, INTEREST Id CHARGED for every day-for every day ! X . the a cc ooiila w have lemainiog bopaid. f sre later eat- aav interest and pay ap al Ort. 10 BALDWIN'S. OCKET HANDKUKCHItFrt and CIX)VE', at ' Oct. 26. BALDWIN'S. ARTILLERY COMPANIES TAKE SOTICBl T HE Gunner's Glove Is at BALDWIN'S. T tffS Gunner's Clovs la sold at BALDWIN'S. BALD WIfg. T '88 Horeema'GnnUt I sold at Oct. 26. - . KERSEYS BT dWicsry, at ot. 26. TUB BALE ONLY. Terms, Cos on BALDWIN'S. KERSEYS BY TBE BALK. Oct. 26. - Term, Cai, at " BALDWIN'S. HEADY FOll FALL. TRADE. CIVIC LIST OF CLOTHS. CASS1MEKES TAILORS' TRIUMISGS JXD VESTISGS, ' NfiVEn RiOBTJ C0S1PLETQ' QUBCHaoiso stabsi in aoticipauwa ot limited snppliea, X for eld weather, enable as to eSer a very deeirable stock, expreswly fer SUITS TO BE MADS TO MEASURE. IMPORTED CLOTHS, OK Al! COLOR,' FRESCH AND ESULISll BLACK. GOODS, B ighly finished, at a anal price. forCAS H only. Genmen voting WUm in ton, will do wall to call and or" d"rs with O. 8. BALuwia, Civic and Military Clothing MaanTactnier A FBraiaher, Oct. 18. - , ' MAIS RAIL ROAD ADVERTLS;::iENTS. Ornr Gtn't. Sorr., Wit,. A Maji. B. B.I Wtlmlngton. N. C, Oct. IsUi. 1. Sirricn Ttia-uivi u iru. C. 51 VT1:8 THUEHDAT, March 1st, tfet lot) dvosoui ior r-Banger Trslns will b raa stoa Ui Road, via Lesv Wilmington..... Arriv at Klngsvlll.,, Lssv Klnrsvill M A. U. and t il P. M. 1-06 p. M.aadg.U A.M. S.60 A. M. end 1.44 p. M. 1.14 P. it. ni t il A M Arriv at Wilmington. Cloa connections ara made Ihrnnsh in f'nlnmKU ik the Greenvill and Columbia Kail Boad by th Train arri ving at aid leaving Kingsville in the afWaooa. . . ' - J. P. BOBKBTSOM, Oen'L Bnn't, , r. anth. IBM '44 TRABarORTATIOM OPPICxs Wn O.sbH.R.B.1 . WiLMiNUTOM, N. C.( March 18th, 186L f fs-wv ve1Ti 05 AND AFTETI M0?. A J.A, 1T V oay,thHthlBat,,aFre Ktt a. ' ti TZitm w V.JL Train wlU run en HI rad, a loliowei lip Mob Jay aud Thursdays ; Dow Tuesday aad Fridava. Frlght for thl train most b At th Depot by pn e olok th dsy prsvtous to depsrtnr. No freight will hereafter b carried by passenger iral. ept at dir tlo nf.tb Agent, whs donbl rate will b charged. w-- T. L.LOTE, ' ; , t ; ". . Master of TraoporUtiB. March 10th. 1W1. . . - lol-tf BOOKS AND STATIONERY. 1 11 11 r in-issi s hi nsTHtcnoij roii. riKXD abtiixjdut. I.IUlf HA LB. t X' Jan 14. WHITAKER'S New. Book Store. HAKDEK'S TACTICS t Junu: WHlTAKEW'SWtwBookBtorw. VOI.UNTEEB'S HAND BOOK, t ' 1. WHITAKEB'S l?w Book Stor. f I BOOPKR'A MANUAL, at lJun 14. WHITAKEB'S Kw Book Stor. 1 TiKannnk' n mTniiav XL Juiielt. WHITAKKfe'i New BeokBtw. HARDEE'S TACTICS. r V E hv JP"1 rclvd a Bw dlUen of RlfU and Light V V lnfsnuy Tsotics, for th xrcis and manssovre of Troona, when cting a Light Infantry or Iiaiamen. Pr parsd nnder th dirsotlon of thV War Pepartmtnt, by CoL W. J. Hardee, O. H. A." W bar alao two other (litlona of Hard' Tactic published in diflorent rart ot th fc.. nth em Confederacy. Also, th volunteer Fund-Book, whl-;A k a vry useful abridgement of llarrtes' Complete werk. t At , . WUITAKLK'8 Nw Bok btor, Jun 12. . , m .i-i. f HILITAUT WORKS. TITS KEEP a very larg stock of these on hand. Bi V fm Olabsd many that we have been told ennM not av obtained In any other Book Stor Jn th Stat. Can far Dlnh BtlvUilitg la our I In to b had In th C. M. A., st Jnn 1. iNiil. WHITAKEU'S NEW BOOK HTOCR. ' A GOOD MAP OP VIRGINIA, C0NTA1NIN0 all the Counties, principal Towns, Bslt road, Btver and Casals, and all other Iutsmal Im provement. Par aal at Jun 14. j-. WHlTAKyi'gjyw Book Btor. REWARC3. PIVH llt'IlllltD DOLLARS REWARD, Qrrk A HEW AUD of FIVE- HUNDBED DOLLARS OrJV IVe wilt be paid ont of the Town Treasury, for ta spprsbensloB and delivery at th Jail in thl plac. of th negro man BliX WANET, bow running at large, ws has recently committed a foul murder. Bald negro la th runaway for three year neat, during which tlm a has ba luikiog la aad around Wilmington, frsausntlr cssalag oB s a woman, and Is full of schemes for dodging arrest. Tb sbovs reward will be paid Immediately on hi dsllvery saoore. . JUUJ uaweufl, , , Mayor. WilmloBtoa, July 17, Hfll tf sundries. 12 000 Vt4 hevy.Kntncky Bagging, JtWf ex. 16,ooo lbs. Iron for baling Cotton. , , " V 100 keg of ckolc Lesf Lard. v . ' " IS hhd. prim to cholo N. O. Cigar. ' loo boxes h'ar Candles. . . -. , . 10 cheau Green and UlsckTs. -26 bbls. cholo arlv crop N. 0. Molass. . " 't ' IM) hhds. Cardenas Molssse. . ' , For sal by Wlf. R. TJTLtT. , , repv 17. LEMONS LEMONS. NICE Lemon. For sals by hepLI7. WM. R. UTLtT. ' 2.G00 OLORIOC9 AEWII OLORIOLS SEWS I ,, A NSW 110 rSt orKXKD IN WILUIXO TON, N.O.I 0)1 HiONT HTtUOuT, nar Market atraet, and opposite the Cape Fear Bsuk, and la tb oentr of tb businea part of th oily. . TI1K PALMEtTO . - ' ' UOTKL AND REST AUU ANT! "i - TBSIUl, f"' , "-i Bosid snd Lodging per day,.. .,.11,6 Hingto Msala...... 80 Lodging, (without Meals,;. AO MEAIJJ AT ALL HOURS I This Tie use easterns thirty larg Sleeping Jtooma, wall vnulud nd furnished with nw, clean Beds. Tb location Is the best in the city, and very effort will be made to pi the patrons of the ' PALMETTO." , J. II. BAILEY. Preprta'wr. (Formerly of Bailey ' Varieties.) .-Ao Omnibns will be at the Depot, on th an-i'si ef all th passenger train, to cosrty passenger to th on or any part oftha city. f , Jnn 16-; tf , , AO MORE CREDIT. . . ' T7K ARK COMPELLED FROM NECEMrlITt hrsrtr, YV to adopt the cash system exclusively. Having urgent use for all ths money w can raise, w would take it aa a favor of those that ua, lo rail Snd settle tlielr bills. - BHOVtN A ANDERSON. ' a. No more work delivered from lh. stor after , thi date without the cash. . B. A A. . April 2iiU. 1JWI. - ' lug-lf - ' PHKBII PLOl'R, ' I ."ROM NEW WHEAT, ground at the Cap Fear Hoir Mill, at greatly reduced prloes. By the bai r L. la bag, half, oaaiU-r and eighth baz. Call and see. at the Mill or Offloe, Wilmington, N. C. - July 27Ul . , BTOlkLKY A CI : ' . YELLOW METAL. - I.BS. YELLOW METAL, alkll A Klf 1 .JliU Korssle by 0. C. A W. J. a,; Jul 131B, 1H61. CJILIIAH'S SCHOOL Et)H THE SOLDC l. 1 Ml He hit or the Company, for la fan try and L XX wuet LUOtUoa Becelved and for sals at bept. 2- WHITAKER'S New Book I BATTLES OP BILL'S BCN AND MAN ASSAM, JVLYUUi and iUt, 1861. ACCOUNT of th advanc of both armies ; tbe b' a and tha defeat and ront of the soeiziy. Juat pahiued. Beoeivcd and for sale at -Atig. . WHITAKER'S NEW BOOK STOP.?;. - fc. r. -. : , - . MATTRESSES AID PILLOWS, i ' COMPANlitS caa be furnished with the above at very low price byening atC. ILVOGT'SJ Upholder j and Paper-Hanging store. - Apnl V. . UHIBA, riral AAD NUITAttV BOuia IN 1HB GREATEST VARIETY, at Joly 23rd. WH1TZKB S NEW BOOK BTOF.g. ' a WORD AND SASHES'. - HANDSOMLV MOUNTED LWB SWORDS, P sjl t,k Mm. Just received from, a Sor Maaufactori, and for sale at - - -Ab.. WBITAKER'8 NEW BOOK T 1 CtllLLtiEN-S ILCflHUGl C103T and less fur csh, at ', . , . Aug. 3 th : ' ' ' BAt.n- COUNTRY EXIT and imported Wool IV V SeM. 25. 1 St ItOOL TTfS HAVE a larrs rook 1 P1 ,.. BV. w . . - V CaUat WH. . 0L IU riropsriv ( vr. T. H Vary 1 1 about 8v ft iRbt Inches a bsight, sged about fifty ttv, dark cepper eolonr, bow lagL thick set, end bald bead has a wile (a Wilmington, the property of Alfred Martin. Ken. Said BILL has beea i