I - r i VOL. 11. -NO. 98. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICAWILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 18G2 WHOLE NUMBER 3,175 4 BY PILTOW A PRICK, PROPRIETOR. l PULTON, Editor A. t. PRICE, Associate Editor. (Terms of ftharriirtlt. llv.ilv I'.nor. !-. u inAriahlv IB BdvanC 4 Ob I 4.ly ''' - " J . i Tl.a rarer will l dircontlwied at lb expiration or I 60 tbe jJMtnt paid for units renewed. All bitter o biuineM connected with th.1 oSlr, mint rldrewed to tb proprietor. ' ADVERTISEMENTS Will be inserted at FIFTY CENTS per qnar ol ten lines or leas, for tbe first insertion, aid TETY-r IVt, CENTS per square for each repetition CASH IS AD VANCE. . v , j. Advertisements Inserted twBpecUl or Bishop Notice are charged one-naif more iban above ratea eight line 'leaded) or lee counted as esquar. , "Advertisement Inserted every oiber day are charged IT cvnta tier aanar for each insertion alter tbe flraU jar e publication made wnnout a repoumi uui. 1 . ilT BUSINESS' AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. II. 1. HuLME. V ATTORNEY AT WW. nTAH remi r ings, pmoved to the centre oflioe of JOURN AL BUlLD- ne it door Weat of bia former location. aliohr 17th. thfil.. If . . 7" KM P1K At 4LLRr. TTOKNEYS AT LA W, ITAVE remoyed tlmlr offl"e from Front to Princeea afreet. II JOURNAL BUILDINGS, formerly occupied ny a t Ootober7th. lr.U M tf t t a e i n ' J. T. PETTEWAT. BOOIBMOOB A . PRTTRWA1 MOORE, ) s-t rvrnil. i nMUKHIIIV MKRCHAN i. iXOJ, 1S611 No. J3 North Water at., Wilmington, H. C liU'IH U. ERAMBKRT, kRUOGIBT AND PBACTICAL PH ABM ACEOTKST, WILMIWOTOH, 11. V. 'H Keeps eorutUnUy 4a band, a aelect a toe a of Drvgi, Mti afictTwe, Utmiettus ana Auroptsa CAmiro, ram-y hi Thilet Arlwlez. Wine and Lxquorifor ilndxeal twyo$t I II ' Particular attention paid to P80iiimoiaK Famit cuanre. c ,tely under tbe " Carolina Hotel.' Ml- tl R. A W. J. MVKRO. MEKCHANTS and WHOLE8ALK QUO J 4JICK8, No. June 16, 18,'. i North Water Btreet, WlLKIMOTOI), N. C. 0rtl B. BU)CKOK. CTBCi B. TAKAMBlHOB. Gr EMEUAL COMMISSION MEliCH ANTS, Jane W, 1861. . wimmgrow, w. v. 1 II. n. EIL.EIK. 11 f HOLErtALK OttOCEB AND COMMISfilON MEtt- I V T CUANT, and DEALER IN Ni rAL HTOBEH, oornef aier and Market atreeta, wumiugion. n. v . pril id, IHfi. 0.Lt. . ALU OLDHAB -iHfM'SliH AND COidMKSION MERC 3 AN 18. AJTl' T DKALEHH IN OOBN, OA18, PEAB, . WlLNlMaTON, N. C. ' Bbiiobxcb. rv,l . Utlii PrMi.lnnt nf th Bank of WilmllnrtoO i. O. VatMM.Br, Ka')., Preaident of the Cfrfctnierolal Iianb E. BU IIUAY A A Oh (Snratumi to Murray roacaui 1 JO- A5I lOMKIStilQN MERCHANTS ASD WIIUlJAl.a uuvw"i " WILMINGTON. N. C. rafkcWtAY. D. antTMBlMlt." " . f . iBTWAT. ftubruary 1, 1HS9. L MILB1 OOtTtJI, i f JA8. C. SMITH 4i COn VJMMiaSION MEHCHANTa, offloe eecona awry, oornai Vj Bontb Water and Market ttrceta, wiunmrwu. a. where they are prepared to attend to ell bnalneat in I . Ul .u.u Ail bnatoeei entmitoo to mem wiu ne panoraauy aouu l4 ' ... C. II. ROBISSOIf A ro., rtOlMMISSIOflT AND rOBWABlSAl liKUCBANTd I ii WiLMixaTOk. N C. r,"V over Mr. J. A. WillarJ'i Btore. Entrane wraerof Prltneaa and Water atreeta. Htfch t I860. l&HAitf. ) , I' BIOS DISTILLER. 1 r rV lLMINOTON, . C, . a. R. VAN HOKKELKN. Paorairroa. i LL KINDS O NAVAL BTOBEsI pnrcnaaed, inannfao A tiiroit and Bold (Vbarfage and btorage hiraiabel, and Ctocrfraje dona t TaTtawa. n Wfl.MIHUTOM. N. O. -ftftOBTERS, MAJIUFACTTJBEB8' AGENTS, AND Dea ! J 1 Urea In Hardware, vuitery, iron, oveei, naua, iu tan mpienien, ac. , r. EBNDALL, J. S. tBKDALL , 1MMISBI0S MERCHANTS AND WH0LE8ALS0B0 I COX, KKftOALL. A t O. I V C E118, No. 11 4 13. Noith Water Bt. 167-ti f areh tlth. 1351 I T.C.dlB. O. WORTH, (lOHKiatilUaiANDrOjlWAJtViau JiiV.nA-n la, J WaMIMBTOM, N.O. atarcnti, inftr ctaj '. W ALU B. II UK A US a, KSnco-vior to Walker Mosrei A Co..) , W HOLES ALK AND RETAIL DBUUUI3T, IS MAB1BT TBBTt WILBlHtlTOW. W. O. D. BLUB. B. V. BITCBILt t . ELLIB A MITCHELL, wnm.ESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN nOKN. PEAB, OATS, BYE, WBEAT BHAN. OIL MEAL; J IbASaOKOUSD HOMINY, HOIibB COW FEED a Lao. &AHTXKX ASD VOBTB B1VIR HAY, Po fcortb Water btrett, imow, a. o. MAHMIMB aUMBlX, lOJtMBSIOS MEBCHANT8, - I I WJIWIBBTOW, n, c. ..MS BABHIMI, " ' A. I- I0WBLL. W HABBIBB. fkt. let. f arericganB to bits 4 Wat a CO.. VUIS81UN MLKCUANT AND WHOLESALE GRO- rpt. 710, i -u " . . a. a. L. riAOoca. PEACOCK. rnrraVBHOU TO ITTIL fBAOOCK CO..) inUMlHK)N MEHCUANTa, Wholeaale Grocera, and I Oealera in Naval toree, Cotton, and outbern Prodace, Juse 22, 166L 244 tf IT 19 WATER-PKOOFI IBS SENTINEL'S OVERCOAT to water-proof, and eold hv BALDWIN. Oct io. mi. BIKTSl EHJBTS I SHIRTS 1 PlanneL Calico, Caaal- IT. ' '.- BALDWIN'S. 1 IIKAD QUARTERS h03 AR3CT GLOVES, BUCK. GANTLETS, Ac. Ac, at I UCLA. BALDWINS l . fO VklJfc.il. TTt are expertinc SaUy a laice lot of Dapont'a cele Line, IraiiBV&addlery, Leather and Oil Eatabiuhment, 1 w l.raipa rowatr. a iki t u.iun a . no. i axvaet cmn. k-t. M. - 0 UKAMS LET1LB PAPEH, for eale at Nov. 2i. W HIT A ELK'S Book Btore. LOCB. Vtk are now crioding aoma of oar bet Floor. ' Nv.29lb.- bTOKLKY A OLDHAU. ! GLIEI UU'KI BARRELS Distiller'e Uloe. For aale by rot. 25 Wl(. B. CTLEY. - .., . DRABS WIRE CLOTH. Dvc.27. v- JOS. B. BLOSSOM CO. , I laoirca, Medicih . t Store Immedia MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. COW PICA RICH UTIUW. . 1 fft KUKHEIJt fYW HKASt laUUU 75 BALKS RIJE STRAW. Joat revived and for aie by KLUS MITCHELL. May 1, 1U. TVOUBE DOUSE. 400 butheb) freab DOUSE, lout receiv. XJ ed, roraate uj : cujb a uutuuu bept. 24, 1H1. ' ICS STRAW.-60 bale fo tale he Pept 14. A MITfllfc'!,!, COR!l. 500 BUSUELS 1:1 Kept. 84 b, lxrfl For ea!e by K. BlAJSMOtt & CO. TUI'NKM, tIKOt AUVAMK. f AD1EH' ASD UCNTLEUK"H drew in and trafelllrj XJ Truaka, UeuU Morroeco auil baaairUii leaiber trarel lint Bits and evert railm of Valisea, for aale at SHOVELS, Urindatouea and I'ltchfoi ka, for aala at Pf W ST.... - - ..- v... " ; tVfLHOSf'fl. FLOL'I. av. KM BBLH fnah kroond floar frotn near Wboat. Tar ale fj ' by T. C. A B. t. WOliTH t -w m I'nifAL.jiADiii.ic.UACM nr u kij t ilL t-ept. tub WILRON'B. IIM)LVTIOJI OK CO-PARTMKRBI1IP. rilBE CO-PA KTNEHHH IP heretofore exiitina: between JL J AH. L HATHAWAY and myaelf, under tbe firm ol HATHAWAY CO., having been diiaolved. notice hereby given that I shall proceed to acttle tbe biHnra tbe firm aaaueedilyaa poaaible. WM. K. DTLKY BeuL T'h, 1HU a-lf T WILL CONTINUE THE COMMISSION AND GI10 A CEBY bDaineas on my own aocouut. Thankful for the patronage reoeived while a member of tbe firm of Hathawa; A Co., 1 eolicit a continuance of tbe name from niv friends and eostomere. . WM. li. UTLEY. riept. Tib. 1H6I. ' 1-tf WOOLEN UOCKB. - T ECEIVED thla day, from oar Uouae la Charlotte, N. 0. X 5,000 pair country knit Hock. KAHNWEILER A BROS., 2J door from Exchange Corner, Front street. An. . , , A COMPLETE KOITION Or HARDEE'S TACTICS, weU bound and containing all tbe platee ot the original work, for $1 25. The beat and c be a peat edition yet issued. For sale at Jonelib. WHITAKEU'8" NEW BOOK STORK. VADKIN, SALEM, CHARLOTTE and o her MateCaa- LEATIIKRI LEATHER I OAK SOLE, Wax Ui per, Morrooeo and fanoy C"lored Lining, Binding, rnamolrd. Patent, Lace and Barrel Leather, for aale at WlLnON't. OoL 2, Si IKED RYE. lota to salt purchasers. For aale by STOKLEY A OLDHAM. I" Oct. 2, TTEAD QUARTER XX For OFFICER'S FATKiUffi BI1IRT8, ONE HUNDRED .UNIFORM bHllltrt. at Oct 1. . BALDWIN'S. MAP OP TI1K BEAT OP WA It. Xiriin THE LINES OF ItaU Roads leadiui thereto V T alao, the Htrateeical PoinU aa laid down. Just Pub iiahed. Price 7o. For sale at July 23d. a HIT A K Eft'S KEW BOOK BTOKS, RICE I RIC av.1 mow July IT, tf A K9 BICE, ot beat ??. 4?A fcM! i. c a d. u. nuuiu. 600 ril3 AugJ. ASS0R1ED WRITING PAPER. Fi WUITAKEB'S BOOK fil'OBE. Ah. Mr aiLslC. f piIK Southern Battle Song, dedicated to President Da via X the Soutbern Marsellaiao Uod and our Bigbu, aong aud chorus; Southern Republio Polka March, as performed by Host' Miliury Braaa Band; Oar Southern Flag, written by S. L. Hammond and dedicated to tbe Citadel (Jadeta, ot Charleston. t. C: Jtfforson Davis' Grand March; OurFlrai President Quickstep, embellished with a large life-like boat of Preaident Davis; Dixie Polka, by Herat General Beau regard's Grand March : tbe Soldier Miaaion, aong Inscribed to our volunteers ; Palmetto Guard March; Grand March of tbe Southern Confederacy ; the War Sung of Dixie ; the Bunnr bouth Gallon : Band Polka, ja played by tbe New Orleans Braea Bands; tue Flag of the Free Eleven, Ae Abo a new supply of late popular piece. Including " Lit Me Kins Him for Ilia Mother; All Things Love Thee, so do I; Bock me to Sleep Mother; tbe Day our Mother Died the Cottage by the Sea i Murmuring hea : Sang of Dixie Grobe's Variation on Dixie; Juanita ; Anvil thorns, frsrn litrovatore ; Home to our Mountain, do.; Ah, I have sighed to rest me, do.; Meet me by Moon n lit, ouett; bnelis ol Ocean : Come where my Love Lie Dreaming, Ac, Ao. At WUITAKEB'S NEW BOOK STORE. Aug. 8. TRUNKS, BAGS AND Y'ALISEB. WE have on exhibition B On assortment of TRUNKS BAGS and VALISEd. embracing all atyle of .pack tag Trunk, O. U. Brass and Iron bound, Decatur, BL Louis and tbe Victoria style, Bole Leather irunss, with and witn outcovws, Ladies and Gentlemen' Dresaing Truuka, Hat Boies, Bag or ait sixes and descriptions, valise or ail ma terial and patterns. For aale at WILSON'S. Harnesa, Trunk, Saddlery, I eatber BDd Oil Eitabliahment, Ho. a Market at reel. Aug. JU. THE MILITIA LAW OP NORTH CAROLINA, TAbSED at theaecond Extra Session of tbo General Aa j. Mmoiy, isiii. r or ai at oot. x. n uiiAn.a.11 xtew coca biore. OILI OIL! AC1ITNERY, Lard, Train, Tanners and NetM foot Oil XTX for sal by the Barrel or AJallon, by v iwua . Oct. x, si CT rif-YIJ.0O0!6.0O0lyards! yardi-! yards! CAK8I eJ.Vll.7VI 1 MERKtor the civie liat. Caaaimere for tbe civio list Business purposes! bun in ai purposes at 0 F1CEHB BWOUA Iih.LT a. WITH braaa plate and of every material and color. Pistol Caaee. Bodv Balta. Gas Mrous. Cartridce BZ' ea. Bullet Boxea, Cap Boxes, Baronet Scabbarda, iiuglea, Bworda, Caateeoa, Ao., Ac., for salt t niuxia b, Hsrnse, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil eftsblb-hment, ucu I. M-aa. no. o atarxei sxreri. THE WEBT POIT PATTKHX "T70B MILITARY OVEB-COATS tbe btat fitting garment X out, mad Dy . tsALUwia. eiept. II. - r MORE CONFEDERATE PAPER A f KVKMli'RA 25 BEAMS beaBtifnlly stamped assorted colors, just received and lor e' at Oct I. WHITAKER'S New Book Store. TTEAD QUARTERS, Oct. 24, 1861. Trunk for Officers s. a are porchaaed at Oct. 25. BtLDWIN'S. TTEAD QUARTERS, Oct. 24, Ufll. Trnnk for Officers J 1 and Carpet Bag for Men are porchaaed at Oct. 14. BALUWiatJ. LADIES HAT CASES, Ladies Hat Case. Ladies Trunks, Ladies Trunks. ' ' tarpet Ea. Bole Leatner Trunxa, c, at -' OeLU. B4LUWIJIH. kkUkii BOOK BTOHR TTEEPS ON HAND a Urge supply of Moala, aud will XV soon complete arranrremenl with a Suutbera Puu- laiber for a supply or ail Hew Bible. When oat of tbe above tbe public will be informed. OV. BIB, 1061. TUB WUCTHKR DOXUSTkK, PUBLISHED BY WHITAKEitis a fine collection rf late and popular Hong, adapted to the use of our soldier ia camp ft ice ii eeeu. Nov. a. MEKCII ART TAILOKISCI RBTAULISHBlElsT. JHiLZINGEH ha removed from Front Street to No. U Market btreet, where be keep cooxtantly on hand II kind of FHKNCU CLOTU, CASoIMKHIlI aud VOT INGS, which hr ofler to make op at a email brobt, in tb BO.I akilllol n aoer, atyla and abap. NO. K MARKET STREET. OcLUli, 18CI , U-tf FOR SALE AND TO RENT , v ' DOR BAt K OR HKT. A nOUBS AND LOT ON 4th street, oppoai: fttb tret Methodlat E. Cliurch. Tbe Houa is new and eommodiou. with Kitchen and ether oat buiidiu-. Aid an excellent Well of Water and rood Carden. T. U A B. ti. WORTIT. Dee ot 11. n-iw POR RENT. THE BTORE No. ID, KertB WsUr Strvet, formtrlv ceapled by W. H. Allen. Apply to E. MURRAY A CO. Dec. 2ih. 1W1 ' - -, tf S C A H PEN 4 KK KOti ktltAK f FOR ONE YEAR from first Jaxusrv. 1K02. Annly Jit. st THIS OFFICE. Poo. 2ih, 1H6I , RiKOHO NK1 Utit I1IHK. f A TWO OB THREE neero men tor J U lor one ) r from tbe firt Jatuary, imt. JtS. APPLY. AT TIHS 0FF1CK. lc. 2S. - v- " , lis-tf - V J VIIIJ 1 1 1 U V - i A NEGRO MAN ibonj 20 jeara i ge, said 1U a fidMaaoa. JOilOl WUObTKU. I.. a'iih, lil , 16t ron rent. ' r-" THE HOUSE know as tb u Pilot Ilsujse," formi-r-y occupied by John Hi. hop, Ei., Ir nu rear from lnt January, 102. Apply at iTHlii OFFU'K. Dec. IH. Ia6l, 87 2w Hilt HALK. r'HJiM - BECOND HAND TWO tlOR1! JeNT c,,!i WITH H A UN EHH, all In good mStUmJA Also, a second Uud double C A K I BM50ND HAND TWO tlORK WA i good or.lrr. i III. A (J e. nth HAltNtnH, Apply at Tlllfi otFK'K. Deo. lith, lhcl NOTICE TO B'AHMKItM. 1 ODDER, Hay, Corn,-Peas aud Pork, pa tliaae.J by ua ai lair price, xppijr tu Dr c. IT. PRTTEWAY A MOO It P. HUIiV.a-NII.KS, i OR BALE. SIX GOOD MUI EH. w lilt b mr be een by application to l0. 47(1 tf K. MUKKAY A CO. PO BALK. THE STEAM EK HfcNitlKTTA. with let En !tb Kiura srjn ouiiora cuuijrb, wuu a puweriur I Wortiiiugton Pump attached. Also, one segund and bteam Doner, Apply t l Nor. 30th, lNbl. T3 tf HA8RIHS A HOWKI.L. K4IH RENT. , SEVERAL VERY NICE BOOMS in tbe most ten tral part of toeu. Enquire at Willi AKER'S Book Mote Nov. 27tb TU-tf. IR BALK. N' EW CORN MEAL and HOMINEY. ALSO, Coin and Wheat Bran, Oil Weal, Hay. Home and Cow food ELLIS A MITCHELL, Nov. 12th, " tlh.n 1 CI4.Af. A PORTION of tba basement of Joihnal bollding. This is the beat basement dory iu Wilmington the pitoh ia about S leit, well aired and the room is as dry aa a base ment enn be made the floor being concreted and atone on top, with wood floor over all; akla walls furred and plas teredneat, large room The above rooms will be rented low. Oct. 30 POIt HP. NT, TWO STORES, (2 stories) ner tba W. 0. A 11. It, ltoad. . Alao several bhed. Anuly to Oct. 14th 53-vT PETralWAY A MOORE. ran bale. .TXTfi Imwb toatpraasswH Wo. t MwWtwMiOTA Hmtr:"Efoh Vr w will sell cheap, for cam. can and look at it at Oct. H. WUITAKEB'S New Book SUir. villi RENT. 4- w TWO FINE COMMODIOUS OFFICE, Immediately uT;l over our Grain Ht ore. AUo, ONE WARE 1IOURE In rear offfl . on (be Alley. nuaui a. ui.uuA.-n. Oct. 2d. D-61 " S.1 If FOR HIRE. . s EVER A L able bodied Negro Men, for tb bahince of tl.c year. Apply to J AS. T. jrs.iit.iVAY A CO. Aug. 14. .. POR RENT, FROM 1st October next, several Warehouse aad Ofllocs on Muter' Alley, South Water Mroet, Immedi ately North of Meaar. T. C. A B. . Worth olTios.- Apply to ELLlb A MITCHELL. Sept 24. ' IB-tf sonn iiknt. TllE BTORE on Front street, atbresent occupied by William 1. Jaoobs, lor one year Iromuctoner ut For term apply to L. A. HAilT. i i ii FOR RENT. ONE of tbe moat lAeaiuutl and convenient llooin fr businese in town. It hi in the basemeut story nf the Journal Building. For particular apply to FULTON A PRICK. May 2Hh, 18(1. . Journal OOlce, irkf CASKS RICK FROM CUAELEfiTON, varloix JL J t grades, quality and price. MavlA. 1MI. HAURISS ft HOWKI.L. DRY GOODS AND CL014IINU. IIALUWIN'I xnncnANT tailoring esTJRLi.snvKSTi T ARGKST in North Carolina. Tbe beat ( utter, beat XJ workmen employed. A few csaes C'animeres, Ac., jiat received, lor Custom woik. Dec. 2S. WELBII PL A. IK EL UlvUEU MUHT.. II iutt the article, at BALDWIN'S. Deo. 26. UNDEB BHIBTS at Dec. 2rt. BALDWINS. TIIROIUII THE IILOCKADKI . JUHT RECFf VED by Express from a Sontbern porto : CARTRIDGE for Allen A Wheelock'i Pistol i BED BLANKE1H leree and final WATEB-PKOOF BLANKETS beautiful article. MACKINAW for Confederate Over Coats a tew fine onea. YELLOW CLOTH for Cavalry trimming. ALSO FROM FACTORIES A few pieces Keray at low figure. WELSH FL VNNEL L;1LR, bHIUTi, eseially for the army. CAbblMEHrj) for tb Civic Utt will be eold by tbe yard or made to order, at BALD WIN S. Dec. w. . . t MiUliK. COTTON, aultable for makinr Sewina VT- Sl UN i.1 Thread. AUo. ail color of bewina Si.k. i-or aale bv Dec. 23d-l-lf. J.LYON. YOUTH'M UNDEB WEAR, at lc. 23. BALDWIN'S. A SMALL LOT OF BURNINO FLU'D just received 4A and for sale, fur cathjvrJy, by W. H. LIPP1TT, foa-RMt A Chemist Nov. 13th. 1W.1. ALT, F Ol BALE by nee. I7ell7. EI.L1S A MITCHfcLL. IflflM LBS. NEW OBLEANS CANDY.'io 25 and 60 AVUU io. ooxe. just recetted and lor sale by W. H. McUAKY A CO. Deo. 26, 1861. 93 1b fllAlUIUS can bave constant emploimcnt at X Deo. 2. BA BALDWIX'H. KENTIXKY BAUUl. 8,000 YARDS heavy Kentocky Bagicfng. . For aaie by 'Dec. 24 WM. B. UTLEY. OlSTEHS. FRESH FROM NEW B'.VEIt. Faaili.a fur niah d at abort notice. J AS. MITCHELL. Deo. 77-lm. Front, near Dock street. tLt LIE. 1 f BBIJ3. Fxlra ruality. For fat by. XJ Nov. 2a. JOS. K. BIaWSOJ lijyQRSOU A CO. 1 1LK HANDKERCHIEFS, at 5 Dec. la. - BALDWIN'S. NOTICES. -PAHTKKRBIIIP NOTICE. mHE UNDEIISHiNED have entered into Co partnership 1 in tb tow of Wilmington; N. C, nnder tba firm of HOU;HEKLAND A COLEMAN, for the purpose of buying eiri aolling NEGRO BLAVES, whr th highest cash prloa Wtll b paid. They also have a bouse ia Mobile, Alabama, where they will receive and eU slave on commission. Liberal advan ces mad npo slaves left with them for eale. D. J. HOUTHERLAND, JAMES C. COLEMAN. August 1st, l9. Ml-t N4M1CK. SAMUEL 0. JtiVNINOH and Lovet Peaeocl wiU carry on the Cnmnilaaioo and Forwarding business at th old stand of the lata firm ol Gwyer, Pcaeock A Co., under tb name of Jenniog A Peaoock. a. a. jKxn.o. - I. rBAOMi. June II Oo ilnliorn' Trlbnne eopy. IM . . ; . . . b MILITARY ItOORB. lllbm' Manual, liardle' Rid and Light Infantry Tactioa, Niott's Inlantry TacUca, Cooper'a aid Kacrmb' Tactira, Vulttntrara' Hand Book, Kklmerborn's Drill, Bavoaet F.xefoiae U. H. Army, Hvienr of War, Tactic for Officer of Inlantry, Cavalry and Artil trry, re boot or the Guide, Evolution of the Line, Austrian Inlantry, Tba 11 Us and How to Uxe It, Ordnance Msmoran Ma, Naval Percuanion lck and Primers, by Lieut. J. II. Dahlgren, Injunction lor Arm with Percoealott Locks, and Hayonnts with Clasp, Iimtruoliop for Field Artillery, A r tilleHnt'i Mamial. Jelf'Hr' Naval (iniurv, 4'avjtry Tactic, Ao. The larpeM aMortiiint of lirk fur Out timet can ai sa;s t louiid at W H ITA KER'S New Book Store. April 14 , ' JVEIMtMiNU IN POPULARITY is that celebrated com- Irii EQVAH1AS CONDITION rOWVSKS. Many gentlemen In town and Kate have called on u to aay that we are at liberty to oe their nam a reference te tb gieat healing and woudeiful ouiallv power of this re maikabl preperalion. It I without any equivocation, tbe grcateit horse and oatlle medicine in tbe world. TUU MANHATTAN LINIMINT Cure Burn, Sprain, Bruie, Ao., and Is a rare remedy for Hheuniatlo sdectioua. Found at WILSON'S liarneaa, Truuk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil establishment, , ' No. Market street. Sept. llitb, l"fll , f hwords unci I'IbIoU. T EPEATEHH, Revolvers, Bills Barrel and other I istol X aiao, i avairv auu luianiry ewordN. hept 181b, lHOl. For aale at WllJtoN'tt. ' OfflrcrM'- Mvurd licit 0 V Morocco, Eld Hklo and Fsletit Leather. For sale at Sept. 1Mb, IM6I. M ICON'S. IMslol Citaoa una lSflla VF every material, at Hept lHih, Jbtil. WIION HIOK 1'K.ll A A l BJ40K JIIItKAU. -: 0 F all numbrrs, at Sept. 20. . - WILSON'S. KNAP8ACKH, variety, al Haversacks and Pistol Holster of vjy WILSON'S. bept. 10. Of It ITIICK OP MAP. EF.Ck.KTLY published, embrace tb new Map of Virgin ia, published in Uicbmond PbotoKrapblq Map of tba b at of War, elegantly colored end surrounded with B Vig nette of Porreii of -Ike President, General Buauregaid, Ripley, ilrugg, Ao ; Map of the Cou'edcrate State ol Amer ica alp ol the Western beat of War ; Map of the Neat ol War, publlidied in New Orleans; and the Urge and elegant VI a , (il the beat of War, Just pulilubed aud received thta moiuii.g. r vorylhiiig ne ana ueairaule laaued in tba ton- ledcrat btate way l had at publisher'! prices, at An. I. WniTAKEB'SNalBOOK STORE. fT (( PIH. COUNTRY KNIT WOOLEN SOCKS, from iicl i. uaij;wi. rt 1 ID LOVr;J, WlKH.EN ULOVKJ, GANTLETS, As., XV ict. I. , IIALDWIN'rl. MILITARY BUTTONS, at Oct. 1. li.tt.DWIN'S. M It IT A It Y VASTh H I1KARI1IV, Q 1Ur, TitlMMC.D AND MADE FOB TWO DOLLARS, at l. I. HAI.UWINb, TNGI.1611 HALF UOSK-U.ie Merino Wool by the sin X-J gle pair or dosen laati only al BALDWIN'S oct. 1. CNlKOrtM ANII IJItKMBOK THE 1(11 PKI'EHATE . AUMV. fI)H!-: HOOK can be Men at 1 BALDWIN'S. The follow nu extract I taken therefrom. " BiTroKi. For Oanoral Offlnera, and OWeer of tb t.eti. rJ tuff, bright gilt, rounded at tbe e)ge, convex rawri Jdigle in Uie autre, with stars surrounding it. Largs site to be one inch In exterior diameter ! small slto half an i.,7.1. IIV... , 'ibe ueaiett approximation to the above la the Ragle But. ton, in every respect resembling it, (except tbe face i f the nuiion um no aiat ) i an D nan at BALDWIN'S, 38 Market St., Wilmington, N. 0 rt.Iit. 14. LECOULTHR RAZOUB. f IMIK GREAT FRENCH BAZOlt-uever excelled-rarely X equalled in the world. A rare cbauc. A perfect Uaaor. . - . An easy shave. . A nervous man cured. All through tbe happy iulluenc ol a delightful thartl Call and see tbo new stock at l-cpt. 4. BALDWIN'S. ,'r BUI A Chicago Men Reef; &0 Paukagea Navy and Pilot Bread, in air tltcltt pack ag.-s. rorsaieny UAUltrna A ilOiVrXI.. AngiMt VJlh, IHiil. INTK.HEST IS IIUUOXU, I NTEBEbT IS CHARGED for every day for every day X tbe account w bar remaiultig nnpaid. eave interest aave Interest and pay up at Oct. 10. BALDWIN'S. 1J0CKET HANDKERCHIEFS and GL0VE1, at . Oct 2C. . BALDWIN'S. ' ARTILLERY tOll'AI t TAKE a OTIC El rPHE Gunner' Glove is at X BALDWIN'S. r I HI Gunner's Glove i (old at X BALDWIN'S. flVdK Horseman's Gauntlet I v& st X Oct. 2. BALDWIN'S. 14 II ALL'S III PLKB, PAIlt COLT'S PlhTOLS. For aale by A. Nornnm at PETTkWAY A MOO UK. OcL ITth, 1H61 - 36 tf RlUtO NAOMI. ICS, klilDl.ES, Martlntralea, Hits and pura, at If Ang. 13, l"l. WHJSON'A. MILITARY llt-.l.T. OFFICERS' Sword and Pistol Bill of Patent and Enam eied Leather, and Morocco Belt of all color, at Aug 13. WILSON'S. PICIKT lEisTAMKNTX. LARGE aaaortment at Oct 2. WUITAKEB'S New BockBtore. rtXKKT BLBLEM. LAR iE asMirtment at Oct 2. WHITAKER'S New Book Rtora. A A BUY REGULATIONS. Price II J at Cct 8. . WHITAKEli'S New Book Store. ABM Y REGULATIONS. Price 12; at i Oct 6. WHITAKER'S New Bookstore, a BMY REGULATIONS. Prk-e 12 ; at i. Oct 8. WHITAKEit'S New Book Store.. VBMY REGULATIONS. Price II : at Oct 8. WHITAKER'S New Book btre. BKAMLEBM UVERCOATa, WATK t PROOF ! Water Proof! To itd Guard Inl Oa duty on duty I 1b Sentinel' Ove.rcoat-The Settiucl' Overcoat I WATEH-l'MOOF, and old u.Ij at " BALDWIN'S. Oct 10. BALDWIN'S. OTRAW CUTTERS AXD CORN. For sale by O Oet 14. PaTTEWAY A MOORS.' N AILS, HOOP IRON AND RlVrlt.s. Forsley Oot. 14. v I e. 1 iliWAl MUOiiK. FINE SUPPLY of North Carolina Biake. Juat received IX. per A 'ism A Co's booibera Lxrvas. A supply for, tba deiuaud will be kept on band, at Oct l'Jth. KEIXET'S Book Btore. GROCERIES. Bl'lf DRIES. . . PERCUPSIOM CAPS I J00 lb. Potash j " . . 6 box Coneentrated Lj I - - 4,000 ids. mscx rep pert TO Race Ginger; Tt " Bl Carbooat of Bods J CO boxea Yeast Powder J . TO pr. Trace Chains; 10 keg Nell, lod. aadtOd. 2A ream Wrapping Paper I J(J dos. Bed Cords ; " Pitch Fork! ; For sal for b by 1 J. A. BRAPLEY, No. S Gran It Row. Trent t- -Dee. 11. - v ao-ff BCUAR ANII MOLABBEB. .)K BARRELS CRUSHED N. O. bUUAB l CO 1 Uhd. CUrified ' , V Choice Browa . ' . ' OS Barrel f nperinr N. O. Moles. Jt rssrlved and for aale, fur Ca.A; by J. A. BRA DLXY, No. i Granite Bow, Front street. Dee. 21. - oo-tf . I HAMPAUNH AN IS BCVPPEHNONU WINK. 1Q B"XKS VIN 1MPEKIAL" CHAMPAGNE i 10 Hankeia ' Plp.r Hidck- r . . S bar r Is Cboiv bouppernong. Just reeelved Bfid fir .ale, fur csh, by J. A. BRADLEY, No. I Granll Rw, Front Street. Dee. 21st, S6 ; B0.tr HolA'I'AU BITTER. 9 FIRKINS CHOICE DU ITEU. Juat received and for le by J. A. BRADLEY. iN o. 2Ut, 1WU 90-tf PTAhll ANII CONCENTRATEU LYE. Mt LBS. POTASH t JUv 60 boxes CoooenUated lye., For sal by J. A. BUADLKY. 90-tf Dec. list, Iht.I NEW ORLEANB BYRIP. 75 BARRELS vary ebole N. O, btw cron Svrnn. For al bv . . A. fillAULlI, D.O. 21st, 1HC1 90-U blVkUfUtlli BACK. BAL'l', inn SACKS Liverpool ground fait, I of ial hf IWll r JaS. A. BRADLEY. De. II. B.tr TIT ACKPUUL-Io bbl. and kalf-bbl I., iftr pib vr MURRAY ... I - Lw AV 1 Apr i a. t; co. u There's mmeihlng In a flying bar. There's omethlug In A bugs balloon " .'. and if Die Port Woodwortb had given to bia aluk hors or cow a certain popular remedy, b would ondonbtadl bar added In ouoltislou ... - Tlisre's sometbloB in a dorr of towdr. Every doe of th powder speak for itself. It cure all the direaMi of burse and cow, and It sffsoU are daily and it snsot are daily ore or eowhaffgard, nsrorptibl. If )ou have a kick ho broken down aud worm out with dieaaea administer th . powders. and wstoh the resnlt It la, without anv equivo cation, tb greatest bona and catllt niadteln In th world. round at WUJiUM tt Uarneas, Trunk, Paddle, Leather aud Oil atabllabment, No. 6, Market street. Tl'HPRNTINH BULL. r. ONE TURPENTINE STILL, new, for sal by Sept. 27. UtiH 19-U JOS. H. HLOHMOIsI A CO. " 00,000 (.U4. OP WOOL WILL niak a large quantity of Stat Grey CaaaruerB, whloh we would ba pleased to make lulo uniform for Companies at bonna Tba Wool if sent to ua, will bebnugbt and paid for on delivery at ' BALDWIN'S. Sept. 2Ulh " , - BIIOK TIinEAD. . .. . ' .. .. IN S, 10, SO or ICO lb. CBOknco. For salt st 4if.a . - ' W WffJtON'M. C10RM BAGS. 2,000 or Cora Bag, for ill by - Hept 21. ELLIS A MlTtUlXL. - HIT A NO BIURB. I I DCZKN ol Spur and liar sees and Rrldl Bit. For lit) sal at JAM KS WILSON'S II nets. Truak, Sad llery, Leather aod Oil Katablibmot brp(. 2Tth No. 8 Market Street. n'i'i 7TTnJiVr)VTmiimiijr beioTaee?. Ol.WVl If brought to Wilmington, sod It will be tnuuediaUily actit to tbe State factories and made Into Caa. snnsres for lb tJompanle In North Carolina, who will pro bably leave their wuesure with . BALDWIN. Hept mith . T bllEAP OATS. 4)Ct BAI KA ON CONSIGNMENT, by AW amy a. MURRAY CO. ' TO M ANf PAL I I Hkll OP MILITARY WORK. HARNESS, UUIDIJS, FCABBARD AND CAP BOX LEATHER, . Enameled (,'lotb, all Colors, ' M doxen Biaa I'lale forOlfloer' Belt, Tl " Cartridge aod Cap Bob Knobe, Morocco leather, all colors, Ti'l lb, of Shoe Thread, " , 27 aides of Patent Daah Leather. 2.1 gross of Harness aad Bridl llucklrs. For sale al WILSON'S, Dame Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and OU Establishment, No. t Market street. Aug. 11. iTipL K oiAHoq(iuHii,p, DEDICATKii TO THE WILMINGTON RIFLE GUARDS.' Juat published aud for aale at ug. 21. WHITAKER'S New Book Store. UHABs) PLATES, J.OR Officer' Belt, Knob for Cartridge and Gua Cap , Boxes, Hooks, Ao., Ao., for manufacturers of MUitary work. Alao M kind of Buckles. For sal at WILBON'9, II jrnees. Track. HsdJlery. Leather and Oil Establishment. No. 4 Market street. Sept i. PIIIT4M4RAPHIC HAP OP TllE BEAT OP WAR INCLUDING a Map of Virginia and Maryland f the James Llvor entrunoe, with tbs Battene; Sectional Mapa of Virginia on an eolargad acale, and plea of th battle-field tear Bethel Church, Prloa 91 60. For aale at Aug. 8. WHITAKER'S NEW BOOK BTORE. JNAMELED ILOTU, of all colors, at EATIIEU of a'.l kind, at WILSOS'B. MTLBON'8. WIUOS'S, WILSON'S. NAPJACKJ of every dcasrlption, at k r'FICEHS BwORD BIXTS, at TV TILITABY BUGLES, at WILSON'S. WILSON'S. V,t ADDLES, BRIDLES, MAHTINQALES, at 1 ITS AND FPURS. at It WTLROS'H. LarBrss. Trunk. Baidlerr. Laatber au 1 Oil LaUbliabment No. ft Market (treet . A off. 15 TO WHOLESALE ABO RETAIL CLOTHING MER CHANTS AT THE SOUTH. rilHEbUIiSCRlBEB who baa bad a large practical experl X ence in the manufacture ef Clotbmg ia some of th Biot exteLslv New York hoaseaeonnacLcd with tbs Boalh- era fraie, propotc to enter Into Hi basinet of making . op all description of Clothing for dealer, ia tb beat style, aiid at fair rates. - Onlr tte verv best workmen will ba aiBDlored. aad be fee la coLtlJent that bl thorough acquaintance with th bu- lines will enable hltn to civs satisfaction. Balng a PRAC guarrsatee any work dune in bis eetablkbaieot , JAMA.3 MUUllKXULfw.. .. Frost street, WiImiDyton. Dee: 2Mb, 11. i vtf. Charleston Courier. Bavannnb Republican and f Or leans Pk-ayuiie, plaaae copy 3 times and sebd bill 1 -eiil ( ately to tin ofBre tor collection. . to AT UAKKltb, I aa bud sieaujr euiilovni.Dl at J VAb r UlkW I leo. . 28. BALDWIN'!. A CAROI inK UXPERSIGNED baa establhed a JfachlB hop at . Mtaara. Bidder A Martin'a Saw Mill, and Is prepared to make bworda, Bayonetts, cto., at the shortest notice and ia the most approved atjle. U. 8TE1SMEIZ, Formerly Foreman at tb so called Confederate Arms Fac tory. ... iw. list, lKfii , o-:w- tfOtniakiKiaJi 'taiboaa CAN find conatact employment Bad b'gb price for flnt ;clawoik, at BALDWIN S. Pee. - UlNSlAAll MJli-LOI.'.r , AND h'gh price given to any unmbT f Jour-'evtr' Tailors, to make Coata and Pants, Civ ,o or v ' -j GariueDta, at . BAXDWU o. Dec. as. - a- .