7(0)' w (IT ft) .! n r . vok 11. no; 101. j- CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICAWILMINGTON, N. C; SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1862 -I whole inmcn?. 3,170 ut nxuHi a price, proprietors. JtS PULTON, Editor.. ... A. UriUCE, Asaociate K ltvt- Daily Paper, on int, invariably in advene. 1 . pi Oil 1 80 Tl . n.rv H1 I Abrntltllllisd at th OXiratiuB Of tb lima paid lor utW. renewM. All letwra ob bniioui connected with thi office, cwst Ot s-ldrened to the proprietor. -- - ADVF.HTMCWFNT9 Wlllbw inserted at FIFTY ttNTS pqtrere tjs lieorles, for lb first hnrtlo. sad TWETY-FlVE CENTS per square for each repetition CASH IS AD VANCR Advertisements Icaerted AsSpeelal or Bishop Notice are ciarged ona-hslf Bon thaa above ratee eight line (leaded) or lose couuted as asquan. ' Be-Advertiemeis iraerted every other dsy are charged J7J crtu per square fur each insertion after the drat. irXo publiietio Dade without a responsible aanie. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. " II. U. HOLME. . - ATTORNEY AT LAW. ,,nmn HAS removed to tie centre office of JOURNAL BUILD IN U8, next door Weat of bia former ioc.tiuu. October Utb. JKfll. " 88 K KHPIB A ALI EII, .., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE removed their t.ffie from Front to Priocese afreet, JOURNAL BUILDINGS, formerly oeoupied by H. U Holmes. Esq. October 17th. Wl. . Sfl-tf j. t. rrrriwAT, - -.. oa, 00' PETTEWn MOORE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 01, 11J Mo. 1J North Water at.. Wilmington, N. 0. LfOl'IA B. ERAMBERT, DEUGOIBT AND PRACTICAL PHARMACTOTIST, WlLMIXOTOtC, N. C. Keep constantly on hand, A aelect atock of prug$, iltir iexnet, Vomnttte and European Chemical, Fancy and Toilet ArtxcUa, Wines and Liquortfor Mudioai Pwyo$t, Oxgattt dfco. ' " ' . Particular attention paid to riscimox, Family tUoir, MiDiuiM CaaxTa, o ' - j.btore tmmedlately under tbe Carolina HoUl. ' July 1 J. is&u. a. C. 4t W. J. mvkiw. COMMIBBION MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE 0E0 CElia, ho. MSorth WaUr Btrert, June l, 19S. Waicniatoir, S. C. joeva a. H.OHK0V. craua a. taamwoi. J. H. BWWSOM CO. GENERAL COMI3hI0N MEUCH ANT8, Jon W,l)6l. W it-mil ww, N. 0. H. B. KUERJ, ' ; ' .rtniiniir nunrini mn TIVTRRTnH tTEIi ; V CHANT, and UKALtft W J A if AL BTOBEii, eornai Water and Market atreew, numuixwa, j. v. ApriUd, Ih&K. ' M. ITOII.T. Aiax. OlDSU. . irnKLEY A. OLDHAM. . ' riBOCEBS AVD COMMIBSION MEBCHAJJTH, AJfC w . . u -nnr. . Aiaa ltaa AV WU-KWSTOl", M. C. . ' . Eanxaxca. ' Col. Jow KcEai, Preeldent of tt Bani f WIlmlntMi. O. O. Pimar, hiaq., Preaideot o the tiommert fa Bns s - B. HVHKAY On . . ' (aeeeeaere to tlmmj Pk.t COKKKSTON MEHCHAKT3 " ..... - AJSU WHOLESALE GKOCERS, . - H'AXf HTHKKT, WILMUIUTOar, . C. ;' , . utnuAV. . wwiiww. . Febrnary t,185. jauup. ion. iniwootrji 10SMIHHI0H atKMUHAJSTa, offlca tecouj atory, corner where they are prepared to attend to all boaineM la the UOmnuanoa nam. . . Ail boaineei entrruted to Utem w'.ll beponotoaJy aHecd IDW. - C. II. BOBIKKOS tO-, lOKMISSION AMD FOBWAHJISt alEHCHANW ; I l WtLHlWOTOIl.tl 0, Office orer Mr. J. A. WUlard'a Store. Eotrana Ovraerof Prmceae and Water ttreeta.. March , 186UIWAii. . " VKIOH UISTILL-EHY. WILMINGTON, N. C, " A. H. TAN B0EKLXN, PaoraHToa. ALL KIAD8 OP NAV Al. BTOBEd pnrcbaaed, nanofao tnrail and aold Wbariage and dtoraf s fnrnhl, And Ooofraje doa 1 latrrate. Jan. 1. I860. 100-tf. ' WlLKIIMTOII. H. C. PTP0UTER8, atAKTJTACTUBEB3' AGB.NT8. AND Dea- X. lerea la Hardware, uuiierj, iron, Bieei, naua, Agriuw toral Implemena, Ao. - J. J. COX. W. T. I IN D ALL, i. . XX BALL ' roi, hLNutLL, a ra VOMMTSSION MEHCHAHT8 AND H0LE8ALE GEO 1 CEB8, Ho. 11 13, North Water 8t. - March Itth, IWl ' - 1ST- T.CAtB. O. WORTH, C0XJCS810S AND POilWASDLSa hDCHCHANTS, WiuroioroM, N- 0. afarohll, 1MT lM-ly ALKK (1 SI It AJiK A,- inuyiiuYV to Wlk-T M.KTtM A fV.. . W H0LE3ALB AND BET AIL DUUGGLST, ' a. . aixu. . . mrcHiLii. ELLIS A MITCHELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS CORN, PEA 8, OATS, BTE, WBr.AT BttAN, OIL KEAL; FRUiH tiitOUND HOMINT, HOIihB k COW FLti); A Lao. EASTERN AND NU&TB B1YTR EAT, So Horth Water Street, ...... WnjinMHwi, N. O. rhnut l. I1 io.l Comcasios mebcs-ants, Wiunwofoii. N. 0. a Kraal BABaraa. A. t. iowiu. w. w. iixiiM. Oct. let, W W. At. LTLKt, (fccciMoa to aiTiiwiT a co.,) COMMISSION MLJUCHANT AXD WHOLESALE GBO CER, . bept. 7h. 1801 1-tf WinrraoTOW, N. C. a. a. 4aixutK. l. raaoocx. JEaNIKCS ii PEACOCK, rmrocminu ro aWTia. riioocx a CO..) '' OafUlotilON MtBCHANTS, Wholeeale Grocer, and l iaalera la a xral eiorea, Luiion, ana rMxunera rroaoce, . WlLMliiOION, N. O. Job 21, 186L W tf POVVDEO. E are expecting daily a large lot of Dapont'a cele brated Powder, at JAMES WlLsON'8 Haraeaa, TmcX, BadUlery, Leather and Oil Eatabliahmeni, it, a aarttti sunw Ort 15. 1S61. 50 KKAaiS LLi iH fAPtri, for le at Not. U. WulTAKtU'S Book Ftore. FLOCK. . W E ar now (finding tome of oar brat Floor. AOT. jitflA. MUAJ.LI C ULUUIM. OUKI CLVKI 8 BARRELS DIsuner'a Oloo. For aaJ by WM. B, UTLET. Not. 14 BRASS WIB.E CLOTH. . F OR BALE B7 Deo. 27. " jo. it. Bb'wun a. CO. CA5IPnw.!fBCAMPnKJIE. . , CASKS CAMPHESE. Foraaleby Joly 11. J. K. BU)RSOM A CO.. at nafactorera. 20 SOLDIERS ID CIVILIANS. KETXET'S BOOKSTORE receiTed by Adama k To' ExprMe thi Borninif, a fall npply of that floe Fiax lPraa4 aelope. wuhtbe fixe; of the Southern Con f&raey, ear brxre Pre dent J2C PitI aad Mm ArtHeriaU MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. COW PC A H RICH WTIl AW. 1 AAA BUSHELS COW RRAS 1.UWW 74 BU. RICE MR AW. Jnt reeled and - FLL1S MITCHELL. for sale by tay L, Wl. jy OU8E DOUSE-iW) bnsbl freeh DOUHE.JimI reeely- ed. fur a!a br ELUS & MUCHELU pL U, liml. - RICK STRAW 60 bale fo aale bv - " Pept. 14. El.t-W VITi'nglX. K fl BUKHEL9 IN bTOBS. for.al by OUW JOS. K. BLOSSOM CO Sept. It't, Ift-U THIiRK, BAOI AU VAI.I1KB. LAOIEH' AND r.t.NTLEMKN'rt dre-nlni and tiaellirg Trunk, Uenta Morroeoo and Eoaneled Iraiber travel ling Bac ai.d every TaiWtj of Valieoa, for axle t Apt. 17. WILSON'S. s BOYEL?, Crlndttone and Pitcbfoiia, for al at 8fpt. 37. WIL-fVJH'W. HAIR. Kf"t BBLS freh grooad Floor from new Wb'aL Fof ale 0'by T.V. J B. U. WORTH. Sept. 14. - M KUICAL SADI'LB BAOS Of all Linda, at ept. 17th w ii.no a -w. IISOLl'TIO.f OP CO-PAHTSK liaHIP. -riBE CO-PARTNKItSHIP berftofo- eiltia(r between 1 J AS. L. HATHAWAY aud myaelf, ooder tbe firm of HATHAWAY A CO., baring been diwolved, aotioe I hereby given tbt 1 ahall proceed to aetlle tbe bnKinrH of tbe Arm apeedily aa powlbl. - WM. It. UTLfcY Sept. 7ih, 1861. , a-tf rWn.L CONTINUE THaTcOMMlSSlON AND GRO CERY btuinea en my own aocoant. a'lLkful for the patronage received while a member of tbo firm of Uatbawar Co., I loliult a oontiuuanc ef th aaiue from my friend and customer. WM. H. UTLEY. Sept. Tin. 1WSI. ' - .... a-tf WOOLEN BOCKS. RECEIVED tlita day, from oar Houee in Charlotte, N. 0., 6,000 pair country knit Sock. KAHNWELLEB A BROS., Id door from Exchange Corner, Front atreet, Aor. 11. A CONPLKTK EDITION 0 BABDEE'S TACTICS, weU bound and containing ah th plate of tbe original work, for II ZS. the beet and enpeet edition yet iaaoed. For eale at JaaaluUi. WrUTAEEH'S NEW BOOK 8T0BB.; YADEIN, SALEM, CHARLOTTE and o her StateCe imre, at . BALDWIN'S, SEED RYE. ' IS lota to wit parcnaaer. . For aale by BTOKLfir OLDHAM. Oct. 1, MAP OP THE SKAT OP Wild - WITH THE LINES OP Bail Boad leading thereto; elo, the Strategical Point a laid down. Jut Pub lished. Pric 7So. For sale at July 23d. WhlTAKtiJ'fl NEW BOOK STORE. RICE I Jilt El I f"if CASKS BICE of beat qnality In Store, and for lie II II I 1.. W if Mr U li U'llllTH Jaly 17, tf 600 'BEAMS ASSORT KI WRITING PAPER. For aale at WHllAItli H huuk. Aug.! ft h. kV MCeiC. f IADS Soothers Battle Song, dedicated to Prealdent Da via: X the Southern Martellaina t (iod and our Bigbu, aona aud ekoioi; Houtbero Kepubllo Peika March, a performod byRoet' Military Brana Band; Onr Southern Fla, written by S. U Hamrooud and dedicated to the Citadel Cadet, ol ( harleston. &. C; JeUerson IravU' Grand March ; Our Flint Prexident Wutcxiep, embeuiinea witn a large iiie-iixe uum of Piesidmt Dvi; DUte Polka, by Hen t General Beau regard' Grand March ; the Soldier' M lesion, long ioecribed to our Yulunteer ; Palmetto Guard March; Gnrnd March of the Southern Confederacy t the War Soo of Dixie ; the Sunny Sooth Gallop ; Band Polka, aa played by tbe New Orl.im krui Knd! tha Flaf of the Free Eieven.Ao AUo- a new snpply of late popularpiece, Including " Let Me His Him for Hi Mother; All Thing Love Thee, o do f; Rock me to Sleep Mother; tbe Day oar Motneruieo; th Cottage by the be ; m armoring eea; oong oi I'lxw: Groba'a Variation on Dixie: Joanna : Anvil Chorna, ireni lltrovator ; Home to our Moantains, do.; Ah, I have ibd to reel me, do.; Meet me by AioonuRnt, uuen; tuieiia w Ocean ; Com where my Love L.iea I'reammg, ac, a a. At WBiTAKEB'B NEW BOJJt STOBE. Ang.8. T . T&rjSKS. BAGS ASD VALISE. "f TrE bar on exhibition a fine aaiortment of TRUXK9, V V BAGS and VAUSE-t. embrsoinec all a'yie of pack lr TrnDks, O. G. Bra and Iron bonnd, Decatur, St. Louie anu we victoria ijio. chhv tjoLunr , uu. wnu uu w-.m-out covert, Ladie and Gentlemen' Dresxina Trout. Hat Boxc, Bag of all iae and duecriptiona, Valine of all wa- teriai ana paturna. roraaiea . . W ILSON 8, Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Eetabliahmnt, Ho. 6 Marxetetreeu J"K- ' TUB MILITIA LAW OP ftOKTU CAHOI.IKA, T1ASSED at theaeoond Extra beulon of the General A- X embly, lwil. For sale at Oet.l. W HIT AKER'S New Boc k Store OILl OIL! ' " ACH1NERY, Lard, Train, Tanner and Net toot Oil XTX fo' Bait ty in uarrsi or uauon, oy v iwuj . Oct. 1, 3t OFFICERS kWORU ULLT1, f TITH braaa plate and of every material and color, VV Putrvl Krwlv Kalta. Gun btroDa. Cartride feViX' ea, Bullet Boxes, Cap Boxes, Bavonet Scabbaada, Baglea, fcworda, caoteena, o., ior aaie ai til jAMra WTLSON'S. Harnru, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil establishment, . yet, J. t3-St. no. a -pr- r t-i, MORE CONFEDERATE PAPER EMVKLOPES. rtc; ttEAMS beanUlully stamped asuorted colore, Just ,'J received and lor ' Oct. i. WHITAKEB'S New Book Store. KELLET'S BOOK STOKE KEEPS ON HAND s large supply of Musio, and will soon complete arrangement with a Southern Pub llier for a supply of all New Maic. When oot of tbo abort the panne wm do lniormea. A or. 9th, XSkil. THE BOITHICHR SOSWBHtH. TkDBLISB ED BY WHITAKEB ia a fine collection of late JL7 And popular Songa, adapted to th nee of our soldier ia camp, riio ii seuia. No. 6. . UKRCIIANT TA1LOH1NO KSTASUSHllKIIT. JHILZlNGEIi baa removed from Front Street to No. &5 Market Street, where be keeps cooittantly on band ail kind of F BENCH CLOTH, CAHfcI)iK;E. i and VKST LVGS. which h oilers to make no at a small profit, ia th Dot skiLf ul nt aner, atrl and shape. NO. bl MAJBKCT KTEEtT. PeL 14th. 18C1 M-tf WOjaiGTOll IRON AND COrPKR WORKS, . . rSOW TBKT, BBLOW BTASAST, WILMINGTON, N. C. L. A. EAR1 JOHN O- BAIL&Y Proprietor, . J PBACTICAL B7JILDEHS of portabls qird power nd kind of boiler, -vw mill. f f machinery made in any establishment South. Hsve on ktib Bull, gut bwiija;i uu maj vt 'i-A bviajv band a large variety 01 patMrns ior macninery bow id gen aral osa in the butt oaading countrr. Will sapolr drafu ol all kinds of machinery and mill work. Turpentine atilli and copper work in ail Its brandies, au xina oi iron ana brass castings, finished or anflnished, at short aotioe. Old machinery overhauled and repaired. All work warranted to be aa represented. In connection with the above establishment, ws have o hand a large stock of robber and leather belting, lacing, packing rivets, aad mill rocks and bolting cloth for gri mills. . Mill Ssws and Circular Saws of any sise-anl gag. furnished at snort aotioe. Feb, 15. - MILITARY OFFICERS, TIN b txpplied with any description of blacks at th 1 Journal CilEoe. rn . . . . a.. . . n . v. . - save oa caoa a lot oi Morning ana uaera neporw. Alee blanks (or enlistment. Other blanks rea aired by oaj YolaDteer eosnpsnies ess b had at short notice. All our blank are printed in the neatest possible style. Officer! 4 want would do well to girt a s call. A . . - - wee MA-aa av tint-I AUfuat v, j ui.AU-a at rsua, FOR SALE AND TO RLYI BOK SALE OR RRT, A Hnrrmt AND LOT ON Kk atreet. oppoeiieSth atrt Methodiat E. Cbarrh. The. Houe la new and eommodino.. with Kitchen and cth.r oot bniidint. aad as excellent Well or Water end rood liardca. T. C A B. U. WORTH, rve so, lt. ' lw atH HKT. THE STORK No. W. North Water Street, formerly occupied by W. H. A Ilea. , Apply ta MURRAY t ro. Dee Sib. 141 svr ; cTuPalM Kk l-U til MS. A FOB ONE YEAR from Inst JaMar? . 1861. Apply teo. lath, mi . MKORO MBS KOrt 1IIRW. fS TWO OR THREE nerre bmb lor Llro for one year r from tbe first January, k I. .S. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. io. OT. Si-tf VUU HOT, THE HOUSE knew- asth Mot Hoeso," former ,y oeopisd bv John BUhop, Eq., f'e one rear from 1st Jsnu.rr. lew. Apply at , THIS OFPK'K. I'f C. IS. Ui)l. fr7 1w r ;',! A SKCOND HAND TWO HORSE WA- tZ4i rOGN WITH H4RNVXS, all In good order. GON WITH HtrlNVXS, all In good oi i Aleo, a second band double C A K Rl AGE with HAHNkJv. Apply at THIS OFFICE. I'eo. istn, iMtt e7-lw KOTICH TO KAHMERS. FODDKR, Hsy, Corn, Peas aud Pork, pn-chsscd by u at fair pries- . Apply I Deo. 17. PKTTEWAY A MOOR. MCJLFHNI'LKB. FOR BALE, SIX GOOD MUI E3, which my be seen by application Dec. i -7 tr E. MURRAY A CO. POU BALK. THE BTEAHEB HENRIETTA, with her En- 4.14 glnei and Boilers complete, with S powerful worTiiingioB rumpiaiuiuuvu. snu, vuw kcwu b-i,.l hiMm Boiler. ApuIt to Nov. 8Hh, IHOI 73-tf 1TABRIR8 A HOWELI- MH IlKHT. SEVERAL VERY NICE BOOMS In th most cen tral part of town. Eoqutre at 1 WHlTAtfETt'it Itnnk Stoie. Nov. 17th 7Mf. FOR SALE. N EW CORN MEAL sod HOVINEY. - ALSO. Con and Wheat Bran, Oil Msal, Hsy, Borne and Cow food. ELLIS A MITCHELL. Nov. 11th, l6l. A PORTION of tbe basement of Jourxal building. This is the beet bsteroeut story In Wilmington the pitch Is about 8 Irtt, well airedand the room U a dry aa a base meut cso be made the floor being concreted aad stone on top, with wood floor over all ; side walla furred and plas tered neat, large room. The above rooms will be rented low. Oot. 30. " POU RENT. TWO 8T0BES. (1 stories) near tbo W. C. A B. R. 2 iinsd. Also several r-net.. aduivio (iL dot. ink A.tr - i'Ki'TwAY a .TOnrtE. ; FOR SALE. W E have In store s good No. 1 second band Piano, which ws will aell cheap. fr ran, call ana iook at it at Oct. H. WH1TAEER New bo k Store. at IK REST. - - ' TWO FINE COMMODIOUS OFFICES, IratueJiatelv over our Grain Htnre. Alto, ON 8 WAhK HOUPH in reor o( office, oa the jlllfy. -jjuii at uJuaib. Oct. id. lew ' m-tf FOR Illltll. , "JEVERAL able bodied Negro Mso, for tbe balance of the J year. Apply to J AS, T. HCTlliWAt Av CO -"g. M. - . - POH RKSiT, FROM 1st October next, eeveral Warrhotwea asd ifH oa Mnter's AUev. Hnnlh Water strest. Immedl- ately North of Messrs. T. C. A R. O. Worth's offlo. Apply to . . ELLIS A M1TCUE1.L. 1 rwiik a. n XR KBST. THE STORE on Front street, at present occupied Mb, William L. Jacobs, for oneystr iromuctoner isi For terms apply to L. A. HART. Fept. 11. ' ' - l-tf FOR RENT. aVNE of th most pleasant and convenient Rooms for J bucloeas in town, it is 10 me basement story oi uic Journal Building. For particulars sppiy to FCLTON A PRICE, May 2tb, 1!. ' Journal Office Fuit a A LE. lAf.CARKS BICB FROM CHARLESTON, verloo. 1U I f grades, quality and prices. MvU:iHII. WsBRISS A noWFI.T. IS STOHK. No. so SPUN COTTON, Bailable for making t ewing Thread. Also, all colors of Sewing Silk. For sale by Dec. VJd vl-li. J. liuj. UU-AI.W frL-LIU. A BM ALL LOT CF BURNING FLUID Just received IX -d foi ssls, for coa omV, by fl uvpnf Nov. lllb, 1151.' ' DraggUt Cbemiet. SALT, FOR SALE by Deo. 17 K6117. ELLIS A MITCHELL. KENTUCKY BAOCISO. 8,000 YARDS heavy Kentncky Bagging. . or sale ny 'Dec. 14. WH. B. UTI.EY. OTSTERS. FRESH FROM NEW RIVER. FamilissfW' 1 nished at short notioe. JAS. MITCHELL, Deo. 77-1 m. Front, near Dock street. GLCE OLLK. t f BBLS. Extra quality. For sal by 1U Nov. 10. JOS. B. BLOSSOM A CO. HO MORE CREDIT. WE ARE COMPELLED FBOM NECESSITY hereafter to adoot the cash system exclusively. Having urgent ase for all the mousy w can raise, we would take it aa s lavor oi tnoae idst owe us, io can sua ettle their bills. BROWN A ANDERaON. SivNo more work delivered from the store after thi date without tbe csn. - April Kth. IMU j lh-t FEW more left or those fine Silk Psahea for $i, at Nov.!. WMITAKkH'S Book Storct 3A O A LBS. SOLE LEATHEH, ,U'U For aale at WILSON'S. 4 1 AA 8IDE1 OF I'PPER LEATHER, 4 It) Forssleat WILSON'S 1 7 WZrai AMERICAN Calf And Kip 6klk LINING ASD BINDING SKINS. For sale at - ' WILSON'S. HOG AN D GOAT EKINS, For sa'e at WILSON'S. PISTOL CARTB1DGEB, ,, For aale at WILSON'S, a LL KlADS OF SHOE PEG 3 AND NAUA at - . - JAM KS WILSON'S, r aroesa. Trunk. Eaddlery, Leather aad 00 Eaublisbment, Leo. 21 No. t, Mai ket street. POCKET BOORS AND PURSES. LARGE SUPPLY of various stvles, at Nov. 19th, 1S1. KELLKY'S Boek Storo. LEATHER t LEATHER I LBS. of Oak-tanned Sole Leather ; 140 sides of Cpper " 13 B ack Enameled " 11 " Patent Dash I t " " Lace u 1700 For sal is lot to suit at Nov. S. WILSON'S. PITOLA PI STOLS. SMITH A WISSON'S fire and x bhootera. Allen' tiro and U Shootors. For sal at .,, Atr.W. . vtii-sva o. NOTICES. tKHAMTNIkKSHlP NlTICR. TBE UNDERSIGN ED bar entered into Co-Partners. Ip la ths lows of Wilmington, N. C, ndr tbo firm ol SOUriii-KL-ND A COLF !HAJ, for th purpose of baying and eelllDg NEGRO SLA VLS. where the highest cask prfcae will be paid. They also bars A kouae is Mobfle, Alabama, where they will reeelve aad aell slave on eommlaetoa. Liberal advan ce mad spoa sieve left with them for est. D. J. SOUTH ERLA WD, JAMES 0. COLEMAN. A am i 1st, 1U. sof t WOTICI SAMUEL B. JENNINGS sad Level Peaeork will earrr oo the Onmmlsaioa and Forwarding bo-toeee at the old land of the 1st firm of Gwyer, Peacock A Co- snder same of Jenaing A Psaooox. B. B. sIUOa. tm FBAOOrt . ' Jew 1 1 Oo'itsboro' THKnne eepy . im MIUTART BOOKS Ollhain's Manual, Hardls's Rlfie ad Light lofantry Tactics, Scott's Infsntry Tsctn-s, ( ooper's aad Maoomb'B Taotica, Volunteers' Head Booh, SKImerbon's Drill, lUyoast Exercises U. H. Arm r, Hcleaee of War, T actios for Officer or Infantry, Cavalry and Artil lery, School of th Golds, Evolution of the Liu. AtntrUn luiaotry, The Bifle aad How to Use It, Ordnance Memorao. da. Naval Psrcusaion Locks and Primer, by Lleat. J. H. DaJilgren, lnMrectioa for Arm with PereinwIoB Locks, and tUyouets with Clastia, lnstnictlors for Field Artillery, Ar ttllenst'e Maaaal, Jeflera' Nsval Guonerv, Cavalry Tactics, Ao. The largest aaaortment of Rnok nor Hit haul can al ways be fonad at WUlTAKJuit'S Nsw Book Store. April U. 37UER KIslNG IN POPULARITY is that celebrated som pound, TUX EQVAR1AN CONDITION POWDXRS. Msny gentiemea In town and State have called oa u to ty that w are at liberty to tu their names aa reference to the great healing and wonderful ouratlve power of thi ro maiksble preperstloa. It Is without any equivocation, th grsatest horse and eattle medloln la the world. TII& MANHATTAN LINIMKNT Curea Burns. Sprains, Brulsea, Ac, and Is a sure remedy for llheumstlo Bflsoiton. Fooad at WILSON'S Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Eetabliebnisnt, No. Market txet. Sept. 19tb, lB6l words and Pistols. REPEATERS, Revolvers, Kill Birrs 1 and other I IstoU; also, Cavalry and Infantry Swords. For ssl at Sept. jgth, ltWl. WILSON'S. Ofrircrs'fword llolls 0 F Moroeoo, Kid Skin aud Patent Leather. For Bale st Sept. 1Mb, 1801. - WILSON'S. FIbIoI Casos and Ilclls 0 F every material, at Srpt. lHth, 1061. WIIiJON SHOE PEGS AND SHOE THREAD, 0 F all numbers, at KNAPSACKS, Haversacks and ristnl Holsters of evejy variety, at . WILSON'S. Kept. 10. Ol'H STOCK OP MAPS, 1 ECENTLT ouhllshed. embraces ths new Man of Virata XV la, published In lUohmebd; PbotORrspblo Msp of th bkat of War, legantlv colored and orruuded with a Vig nette of Portraits of the President, Gsoersls BesuregsrU, Ripley, Bragg, Ac: Msp of tbe Con 'ederate States of Amer ica ; Map ol the Western Heat of War Msp of the Best Of war, published in New Orleans; and th large and siegsnt Map of th Seat of War, Just published and received ibis morning, r.verytbing new ana aesireois Hwnea in tbe con Inderal State may b had at publisher' pries, at Aug. 16. WHITAEEU'H NEW BOOK. bTORR. Q p! BUI A Chloago Mesa Beer; - -J &0 Package Navy and pilot Bresd, in air tl. tit pack eg. Foraaleby UAKUI3S A HOW'EU. Anrnet I Aid. l&l. ' IS HALL'S RIS'LKS, I PAIR COLT'S risTOLS. For sale by A. Norcnm at L PETTEWAY A MOORE. Oct. 17th, Iflfll 8 tf RIDING SADDLES. li BIDLES, Msrtlngalea, BiU and opurs, at AQg. n, i i. WIIJWN'S. 9IIUTARY BELTS. 0 FFICERS Sword and Pistol Bulla of Patent asd Eaam Bled Leather, and Moroeoo Belt of all oolora, at Ang. IS. WILSON'S. POCKET TESTAMENTS. I ' LABOR assortment at L Oot I. WHIT AKER'S Sow Book Storo. POCKET BIBLES. LABiJE auortm entat OcLS. WHITAKEB'S Nw Book Btor. A1 BUY REGULATIONS. Prloolltat UcL 8. WHITAEElt'B New Book Btor. BMY BEGULATIONS. Price II; at . Oct. 8. WHITAKEB'S New Book Btor. BMY REGULATIONS. Pries $2 ; at Oct. 8. WHITAKEB'S Now BookStoro. BMY REGULATIONS. Price II; at Oct. a. WHlTAKKn'S New Book Store. i Art LLil-ia iKu COHN. rorsalebr ) Oot. 14. Pfc-TTEWAY A MOORE. N AU.S, HOOP IRON AND BIVR TS. For al by OoL 14. fKliAWAl A) MUUU KNVKLOPES. A FINE SUPPLY of North Carolina make Jast rclved A. per Adam A Co Southern Express. A supply for th demand win be kspt on nana, at OcLlrth. KEIXEY'S Book Store. GLORIOUS NEWS I GLORIOUS MEWS I A NKWnOTSl OPENED IN WILMINOTON, N. 0. 1 rS FRONT STREET, near Market atreet. and oppoeh J th Cape Fear Bank, and in the centre of ths business pari oi in cur. 111. rALUHiilU HOTEL AND RESTAURANT! . TBI I . Board and Lodging per day,... .......... $1,80 single ateaia, Lodging, 1 without Meals, , 60 , 60 ' MEALS AT ALL HOUBS I This Iloose contain thirty larg Sleeping Room, well ventilated aud rurmsuea witn new, clean neas. i Tbo location kt the best in the city, and every effort will be made to please tbe patrons of the " PALMETTO." J. II. BAILEY, Pmprlcta-r. (Formerly of Bailey' Varletl.! ara. An Omnlbn will b at th Depot, - on the arrival of all tb paaeetiger Mains, to convey paaeengere to the Boo or any part of too city. . .inns la-ixs-u THE KtlCAHIAff CONDITION POWDERS, CURB ALL THE DISEASES of Horse and Cows, ancH a Pink Fys, Cold, Coughs, Ditempr, Mange, Worm and all tb disease originating ia impurity of tb blood, and A general broken down condition of toe By Bleu. TBE MANHATTAN LINIMENT. . sires Bore. Snrain. Ulcer. Ac., i good tor stiff joint. and ia tb bet remedy in tbe world for kbeumatio kfTaction. IUR ELECTRIC POLlbUlNO PO WDEH, for cleaning rusty Swords, k e., and giving a high and beeo tilnl polish to metala. These popular preparations are found at JAMES WILSON'S, . OiL Leather, Eaddlery, Truck and Harness Establishment, , Nov. . 00. o, market su VALUABLE INFORMATION. A FINE Coast Man ef the State of South Carolina and XX North Carolina, far as Cape Fear bar. Call Boon at Nov.lL KELLEY '8 Bookstore. LARD I LARD t LARD I 1 1 KEGS eboic Leaf I ard, weighing 60 lis. each, . U For sale by Nov. 2. Wst. K. UTLKT. OIL OIL. 1 1 BABUELS OF OIL various kind, just received and Zl for sale at WILSON'S, Oil. Leather, Saddlery, Trunk and Harness Establishment, Deo. 7. . No. 6, Mrket street. SEW CROP SCO AR AND HOLARSES. r r H H DS. fair to itriclly choice New Orleans Sugar ; 11 MJ 150 barrel choic new crop Nw Orleans Mola-M, daily expected, for sals txclutivdy for cash, by , St . XL. 1 X. - , Deo. 7th, 1861. Successor to HathawsyA Co. SPERM CANDLES. Onr. LBS. heat Sperm Caadl -i's. For asle by WH. &. UTLET cnncrnirs. tl HDIti ., A nfiifs FFnruio" c.ais; JJ l-s. Po ash; " r-hoxe Coneu!rsted Lyj TJ lbs. Pl.tk Prper 7H Fsoeliiiger; 7 " bl l arbo-' of 6oJ ; 0 boxes Yee-t Powder I 7'J pr. T'ei-e Cbiliui; 10 kegs N-l (, lod. nd 4 J ' It reams Wrspplng paper r . . Aiid.a. S-dt ..rd.j i 8 Pitch Fork; . ' . For sale for csk by J. A B34PLET, . " . Ko. I Granii How, Front L IV. tl. tf' t'uait an Hni.iiiti. K BaRKRLH CbUKIlfcD N. o. liAHi " J 11 Bbds. riartt. d ?J Chnio Brow KS Barrels enperior M, O, M'las.' Jt rlv4 and for aaie, fur Vuihi by t J. A. BRADLEY. ' -K K. I Grsalt Cow, Front t.reet. Deo. Jl. It CMiPAUM a s is at vpi'riiAona iitiB. 4)0 B"KSVIN IMPFr.lALV CliABPAGSIKl III lis'" Piper Heiilssok" f Rarrtls Choice 6cupprBotig. " Just reelvd and for sal, for Cash, by J.A.BRADLEY, . No. 3 Granite Bow, Front hsreet. Pee. list. 1MI - i.t Alul A'I AlM htl la-U. 9FIBKLVS CBOICM BUTTER. Just received H far F ' J. A. BUALLK.Y. Dec, list, 14,1 . w-tf POTASH ASD CONCEf.. RATED Lttl, fC IRS. POTASH t OU J 60 boss Conootrtcd Lj. For ! by 60 boss Conoeotratcd Lj. JA. BBAULtY. Wtf Deo. list. 1M1 SEW ORLEANS SVItlP. f7f? BARRELS very cholc N. 0. w crop Pvm p. For I Ib by J, A, BUADi.ET. Dvfl. 21st. 1881 , . . u LIVKUfUOL BACK MALT. 1 fifl SACKS Liverpool grooud Felt, for t by i' J Ad. A. BUADLEY. Deo. 11 fl-tf "It f ACKEREtr-lB bblA. and balf bbl., for ssls b AV. April . . MflUH A Y A CO. Tben's somstlilog in a firing osr. Tbera's something In a bug balloon " and If lb Poet Woodworth had given V hi tick horse or oow a oertala popular ruoisdy, lis would nodoubtedly have Added In eonolusioo Thers's something in B doM of powder. Every dose of thee powder spesk for itself. It enrs all the dleeoeea of burses and cows, and tu etleois are d r perceptible, if too bare a sick horse or cowiurRsrd, broken down and worm out with disses bJihImi , r the powders, and wstch the result. It at, wiihout any ulv mtion, tbe greatest bona and cattle medicine In ths world. Found at WII.koN'S Uaiboas, Trunk, Baddl, Lealhar Bod OH tai.iiiineat. No. 8, Msrket eref. TIIUPV.SI'IIU K'ril.l- . ' . . . 0 NE TURPENTINE rTUJ new. for eale by ' - nept. 'ii, IHOI l-tt Jllrt. H, HLwrthOtl CO. - SHOE THREAD. I If 9, 10, 60 or 100 lb. package. Fvr sale t Sept. a. WIIAO'S. CtOR BAGS. -8,000 eew Cora Bag, for sate by J Sept. 14. , . .. . uXlS A MiXcUaX. i - ii ... . i i. A , ttlTS AWO SPURS. ' UQ DPZFN Oi tpurs Bud Ures snd T!H,!1 T".. For t) ssl at - JAJlr S WU";, A liaraes. Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil E'aiili.iiiunt, Hept.17.li No. 6 Market Mreet. SIIKAP OATS. ' 2r BALES ON CONSIGNMENT, by ) July 17. k MURBAY A CO. TO MAIkUPACl CltEUa OK MILITARY WORK. HAHNKHH. BRIDLE, SCABBARD AND CAP BOX LKATHER. ,; Enameled Cloth, all colon, . - . 81 doseu Brata Pistes for Officers' Belts, . 73 ' Cartridge and Cap Box Knoba, Morocco leather, all ooloi, 7W lha. of Hho Threed, i . Z7 side of Patent Dash Leather, 111 gross of Harness sad Bridl BuokJes. For ssl at WILSON S, Tlanes, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Establlshinent, No, 6 Market (treet. Aug. 17. MIFLU t.UAItO Ctl l l H.P. DEDICATE.! TO THE WILMINGTON BIFLE GUARDS. Just published aud for stle at Aug. 11. WHITAKF.R'S New Book PtorA. BUAsi PLAT-S, 17SOR Offlcert' Belt, Knob for CartrMg and Onn Cap ' Boxes, Hooks, Ac., Ao., for Danufslurn of Aiilltary work. Also all kind of Bucklca, For sale at WILSON'S, Harness, Trunk, Raddlery, Leather and OU Establishment, No. 6 Market street. Sept. 6. PIHrTOUIt APIIIC HAP OP THE BRAT OP WAR INCLUDING a Map or Virginia and Maryland ; the James l iver entrance, with tb Batteriea; beciionel Map of Virginia oa an olrgd scale, and plan of th batll-Sld bear Beibel Church. Price 81 60. For isle at Aug. K. WHITAKRIi'rt NEW BOOK STORR. 1 ENAMELED CLOTS, of all colon, at, It . WLLSOa'8. 8 EATHEB of all kind, at -I J . WTLBOS'S. ' KNAPSACKS of vry description, at ' W1L0N'B. vFFICEIIS' BWORD BELTS, at . ) . WILSON'S. fILirABT BUGLES, at 111 WILSO-I'B. 8.DDLES, B0IDLE3, MABTLNQALES, at WILfiON'g. HITS AND BPUES, At " WILSON'S, Harne, Trunk, Psddlsry, Leather and Oil Eaublikhmest, No. 6 Market street. og. 16 TO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTIUNa MXR- - CHANTS AT TUB SOUTH. TBE SUBSCRIBER who bB bad larg practical sxpsri enc in tbe manofaetur of Clotbmg la some of lb most sxtensive New York hooseaeonaeeied wrth tie Sooth- . era Trad, propose to enter into ths bosiaee ot making up all description of Clothing Ior dsnlsrs, lu Ui bst ttvis, aiid st fsir rates. Only ta very b,t workman will b rjiploved, sad ht fesls eoi a lDt that bl thorough acquainUnce wl k ths bu iaeee will enable birn to give satlsUotion. Being a PiiAU T1CAL WORKMAN himself, be will alwaya Ea ab.e to goartaatee any work dn In his MtsbiisbiosDt. . n . JAMES MoCXtRMICX, . .. .. Front st'set, WilmlDF'-on- Dae. Hit, 1A6L i-j tf. Charleston Conrier. Bavacnnh Recnbltoan and New Or lean Pietyun. plea eopy 8 time and tend bill LDtneoi atelv to this offlo for collection. A CARD I fTUJE UNDERSIGNED has estsbUshed s L'schlo Ebop at X Mfasr. Kidder A Martin' Sw Mill, and is prepared to mak Sword, Sayonstts, etc., at th shortest n'( n& in tbem ottspprovedstjl. ti. 8'1't.iiJltIi. Formerly oiemsn at the to called Cou.'ederat Arn.s f to f. . : . Oeo. Jlst, 1H61 PO-7r- . CHANGE JP PLACE. WE have moved our place of business to tb store No. 4, North Water street, formerly occupied by W. K. Covell, next Sooth of DeBoxsett, Brown A Co-, where we Wtli b pleased to se our iriend and cu'tomera. Oct. V. rOhl M BUAnti u. HORK UHl'tUKS AAD Ct'HRY COMBS. O A ry DOZEN of Hon Brothel and Curry Ootnhs. ( aie at kVt't Harness, Trunk, BAdOlery, Leather and uuj i cepk iVm - o. 5 KKMOVfcU. WniTAKEKH NSW BO n " L . , r.3 ' HAS been removed to the tor t j occrpiel bv Mr. Walker afearea, Drn-- . , oati Ntri :e cf Market treet.erly Oppoo-'s Hi 1 n l. kou; 150 t tT"r i. L . Tur Dee. Z9. I l-i Ai'Buua vj A i n.i.L i , t IJEX Jin it. . ., cviwiAi.. ; d rw r.-q