4 i kit II II II II IF If VOL. 11.- NO. 103.- CONFEDERATE STATES OP AMERICA WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, .JANUARY 7, 1862 -WHOLE NUMBZH 3,180 mm r 8 F BT KCLTOlt A PKICE. PROPRIETORS. JAH FTJLTOX, Editor A. L. PRICK, Associate bViv.it- Tr-u f twhwAlfU iaiiy Paper, on year, invariably in edanee... ti & V.vAly IM TU per-er will b direcotiaoed at the explratioei of tb tin paid for ddIcm rectwrd. All lcttere o business eonieted with tbU omre, jniist It Idrs J tote proprietor. - ADVERTISEMENTS ' ' Willi Insert d At F1P1Y CENTS per sqnaro of tea line or leu, for the first insertion, and T BTY-FIVIS CENTS per taw for each repetition CASH IX AD VANC. ' tVAdvertieementa inaerted aa Special or Biibop Notice ar c listed oo-hlf nor then above ratee eight line (leaded) or lee counted a a square. SA-AdverUsemAota iaeerted every other day ara charged S7A casta per quart for each insertion after the flraL MW So publication made without a respoaiibl name. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. , . II. U. IIOLHEl. ' ' ATrnMVKY AT LAW. TTA removed to the centre office of JOURNAL BUILD XX INGB, next door Weat of bia former location. IXttahar 17th. Ihfil. M tf KM PI AC h ALLEN. ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. TTAVB removed their office from Front to Prince street, XX JOUHNAL BUILDINGS, formerly oecopiea vj a. liolmea, Eaa. October 17th, lfil. Sft-tf i. t. irtfTTIWATj BOOKS HOOBI. A n Burn MOORR.' VTlOJ, mil Wo. U North Water at., Wilmington, N. 0. uimi H. EBtHSCllT. ' FiRUOaiST AMD FBACT1CAL FHABMACEUT1ST, II WlLMlHOTOW. N. O. cr.. mM.ntl mi hind, a aalact atock of VruQ. iled- u-tiuu. TVMuatut and. JOurovecv Chemicals, Fancy and TbtW Article, Wine mnd Lxquort for Medical jWpooee, 1. ... a. BVPartioalar attention paid to PaaaoMTTiOHi, Fault HBOirM, MIDICIMB CBBBTB, AO. KinM in,lli.ilf under the " CarollnB BoteL . i. f. Ac W. J. Ml'fcKO. VlOMMISSIOrf MEKCHANT8 and WUOUSALB QUO- V CtHS, o. 22 Horu water,ftree, ' Jn 1A. IMA. WltKIHOTOK, N. C. j ob irs B, ilook. cTir a. taaiihh J. H. BLORHOM At C4. "I ETERAL OOMMISfclON MKUCHANT9. VX June 18. 1861. WnMiiOTowt N. O. - . - II. B. ElLiCKA. TXTHOLEHALE GROCER AMD COMMISSION MEB CHANT, and DEALER IX NaAL HTORfa, oorne Water and Market etreeu, wummgion, a. v. ( C April Id, 186H. - iia. ITOKUT. AtBX. OT.BBAB. ITOKLKY A. OLDHAM, AROCER AXI) COMUIB810N MEltCHAXTH, ANT It dcai.ct in nous. OAia. pkas. ac. Wn.W(iTOii, X. C. Rirxjunc. flol -Job. MuRai. Preildent of th) Bank of WDmtairton. O. 0. Pine lay, Eaq., Preaideut ol the tmwer tl itetA. 10. MI IUUV JilU, (SauseMaore to Ktumf A PMrk.t C0KMI8SIQX MERCHANTS AND WHOLIudALE GHOCERfl, HA J Jllll-i, WILMIXaTOX.H.O. B. injaxAT. Febraary 1, 18S9. m. jfcxcnwo. i T.AfDKBiT. 116-tf jAkraa a. iaitb. ' araai ooawA. - JAB. C. BMITU A CO- ""10MMI88I0N MERCHANTS, office aeoottd atory, oornet J Booth Water and Market treta, Wilmington, H. C, where they are prepared to afland to all baaueia ra th Coinmiaaioa line. , All bnainaaa entrettod to them will bepaootoally attiad edto. - . C. II. ROBISfSOjT CO., AtOUMTSSIOX AND FORWAVJ1XU MERCBAXW 1 j Wilb ineroii . N C. OOoe over Mr. J. A. WOlard'a Store. Entrana wnarof Princeaa and Water atreet. MarchttlHflO 16HA29. UJTIOM DWT1IX ERV, . WnJUESGTOX.X.O - A. H. VAN BOKKELEN. FaorailTOB. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL tJTOKSS porchaaed, maonfao tnred and Bold Wharfage and Storage furcUhad, and (top o, dona itt latrratea. , - Jin.KI')--I'-tf. . . v. J. At. Atoainaox WiXKiNeTOM. N. O. r PORTERS, MANUFACTUREES' AtiENTH. AND Da lerea la Hardware, Coltery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agrlcul turn unplementa, AA. I. t. COX, W. r. KBNDALL, COX. KKNDALJU & C O. I. . ABA PALL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE QRO- ' No. 11 A II. North Water SU March llth, 1861 lj7-tf IiOiAB, O. WORTH, .Auwwimiw , rn had v . Dnren UL DClTlinia I WlLAIKiTOK. N. C. MarohlltVT Lyj,y - WAJLKJEH BKAHBt, (Snoceaaor to Walker Meares A Co..) tTTH0LE3ALK AND BETAIL DRUGGIST. . W 46 Mabxt Srairr, WrmrKOTO. X. O. . p. nxia. a. v. armmiLL, - KLLIS a mttcih ll, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX OBX, PKJlS, OATS, BYE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL MEAL; ALAO. ZAST&&N ASS AOS 73 EIYXR EAT, So North Water Street, WiimTom N. O. Wbniarv t. Iw " taa. i UAHniM A HOWKt C0MMIS3I0X MERCHANTS, Wiufnrsroir, X. C. SBOHOI HABBrM, A. I. HOWHLL. W. W. SABBIM. Of- 1L T" ' WM. R. ITLKI, I srocaesoB to bath swat a oo COMMISSION MKRCHAXT AND WHOLESALE GEO J CEB, SepL Tth. 1861 1-tf - " Wn.nrirOTOW, K. C. . B. tlXXIMQ. L. rBAOOOK. JENNISGS A PEACOCK, fnrccaasoBk to wtks, rsAOocx a oo..) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Grocers, and Dealer in Naval stores, Cotton, anA Houthera Produce, - WlLBUNtil-Oa, It. V. Joae 22, 1881. 244 tf . POWDER. i lic are expecting daily a large lot of Dupont' eele-1 7? bri brated Powder, at JAMES WILSON'S Haraeaa, Trank, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Establishment, . . . so I Asaiaet dtreev Oct, 25, 161. 50 RKAMS LEilta PAPER, for sale at Nov. 25. WHITAKtH'S Bookstore. FLOIH. TTS Are bow grinding aome of oar best Floor. I f Not. 19th. STOKLKY A OLDHAM. " OUBI OLLKI BARBELS Distiller' Glue. . For aale by WM. R. OTLET. - BRASS WIRE CLOTH. ' . 0B SALE BY Ic. 27. JOS. B. BLOSSOM A CO. CAMPHENE CAMPnK.fE. CASKS CAMPHENE. For sal by July 11. J. U. BLOS80M A t0.. M.-nufaMarara. 20 SOLDTERS ASD CIVILIANS. KEI.LET'S BOOK STORE received by Adams A Co' Express this morning, a full eupply of that line Flag Paper aad Envelopes, with the Dag of the Southern Con federacy, en brave President Jell. JDarii aad the Artillerist MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. COW PRAM RICK STRAW. 1 AA rJOHHElJj cow hear: BALKS RICE PTKAV7. Joet nwlffj and for sal bi A MITCHELL. Hay I, Ml. TXOUHE DOC8E.-400 bushela freah DOUSKJust reeelv- XJ ad, for aal by ELLIS MITCHELL, Kept 14, 161. ICS STRAW 60 bale fur aai by -Sat 14. 1 1 Coil. r AA BUSHELS IX STORK, foraale by HW Jo. 11 BLOSSOM Hapt. It h, m A CO. lH-tf tltt'KK, BtG AltO VALUES. T AMES' AND GENTLEMEN' dresalngend traveltlng J J Trunk, dent Morrooeo km cnaraiea learner trawl Una Baft and evert veik-ty ol Valines, lor sale at .MpU - ' - WlLBON'rV SHOVELrt, UrtDdatooea aod I'ltdifoik, for aale at rVpt. 17. WIION'R. ruCR. K fl BB freed eroond Floor from new Wbeat. For aale fji ' by T.O.IB.0. WOBTU. M EDICAL RAUPkE BlliS.-Of all kind, at hpt. 17tb WllJWN'H. DI!fM3LUTIOm OH CO-fMHT.klliIHP. rTIHB Ct-PARTNEJ!RHIP heretofore existing between X J AH. L. HATHAWAY and myaelf, under Uie firm of HATHAWAY VO., havioK been diMolvd, Bbtlce U bfreby lvo that I ahall procead to aettle the bwttotaa of the 8rm aaaiwedily aa possible. WM. 1U VTLf.Y. Bept. Tih, lWil. J tf rWTIX COSTIXOS THS C0MMI3SIOM AND GRO CEHV boaioeaa on tny own account. Tbankfal for th patroBag received while member of the firm of Hathaway k Co., 1 aolivit a coDtinuance ol tlte aame from my friend and eoatomer. U. UTLEY. hapt. 7th, iHfll. 1-tf WtHILBI BOCKS. RECEIVED this day, from onr Booae In Charlotte, N. C 4,000 pair eonntry knit Hocki. . 2d door from Exchange Corner, Front atreet. Any. n. :v . A OOMPLKTK EDITION OF HARDEK'8 TACT1C8, well bound and coatolnlng all the platea of th orlainal work, for $1 15. The boat and ebeapeet edition yet laaned. For aale at June ma. . n JiJi A ALU a HiW UUOK bluaS, YADEIX, 8ALEU, CHARLOTTE and o her PtteCa aimaraa,at BALDWIN'. IKED HIK. IX lota to mlt parthaAera. For aale by iJTOKLEY A OLDHAM. Cot. x, MAP OV TI1K IK.tT OP WAR. WITH THE LINUS OF Rail Road loading thereto; alao. the Strategical PoioU aa laid down. Just Pub- liahed. Price 7So. For aale at July 23d. " WblTAKhJt'8 KEW BOOK BTORE. HICE1 HICK I , 1 i CASKS BICE of beat quality in Btore, and for al 1UU by , . T. C. A B. G. WORTH. July I7,tr - - 600 .BalVaMt3 ASHOR1RD WRITING PAPER. Fo( WHITAKEB a BOOK STORE. Ang.Z. : : JUU' sii'iX. rilDB Southern Battle Hong, dedicated to President Davl( JL to eoutnern ntaneiiaiae ; uoa an onrttlgnta, aons and choiaa; Houthern Republto Polka March, an performed byRoet'a Military Braa Band; Onr Southern Flag, written by S. L. Hammond and dedioated to tha Citadel Cadets, of Charleston, 8. C; Jefferson Davi' Grand March: OurFirat Preeideot Quickstep, embellished with a large life-like bust or fieildeut Uavw : uixi folks, by tier : ueneral Ueau- regard 'a Grand March ; the Soldier'a Mission, aong inscribed to oox volunteers; raimetto uuard March t uraud Marcn of the Southern Confederacy : the War Sons; of Dixie the Bunny Bontu uailop ; Hand folks, aa played ny the New Orleans Brass Banda ; the Flag of the Free Eleven, Ac- Alto, a new supply of late popularpiocea, including " Let Ale Klaa mm lor ilia vomer; Ail luingsLove niee, so do 1 ; ttock me to bleep Mother; tne Uay our Mother Died ; the Cottage by the Sea ;. Murmuring bea ; Bong of Dixie ; Grobe'a Variation on Dixie; Juanita ; Anvil thorns, from Iltrovatore ; Home to our Mountains, do.; Au, 1 have alghed te rest me, do.; Meet m by Moonlight, Puett; Sheila ol Uoean ; Com where my Lpv Lie Dreaming, Ac, AO. At WHITAKEB'S NEW BOOK STORE. Ang. w. - TUCK K B, BAGS AND VALIBRS. "TrE have on exhibition a floe assortment of TRUNKS, V V BAGS and VALISE4, embracing all at vies of pack- Ida Trunks. O. G. Bras and Iron bonnd. Decatur. St. Louis and the Victoria style. Bole Leather Trunks, with and with out cot aru, Ladies and Gentlemen'a Dreasing Trunks, Hat I boxea, Bags of all aixes and aesonptions, VBusee of au ma terial and pattern, t or sale at v lUHing, Harneee, Trank, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Establishment. Bio. e at arset atreet. 'Ang. ra. TUB MILITIA. LAW OF 10OUT1I CAUOLI.1A, T) ASS ED at the aeoond Extra Session of the General As- JL aemoiy, lotti. r or aaie at uot. 1. nmiAAMi b ew noo niore. OIL! OILI "1 ACHIXERY, Lard, Train, Tanner and Xeats foot Oil XTX for aale by the liarrel or Gallon, by n lLON . ucw x. it OFFICERS h VV ORU BKLT." 1 17TTH braaa platea and of every material and oolor. I aa, Bullet Boxea, Cap Boxes, Bayonet Scabbard, Bugles, bwords, canteens, Ac, Ac, ror aaie at m JAUKS WILBUR B, Earneaa, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil establishment, Oct 1. 23-at. o. a starket street. MORS CON FED ERATH PAPER M ENVELOPES. Oct. S. . WlllTAK.tU'3 MSW BOOK tutors. ACELLBY'S BOOK STORES TTEEPS OX HAND a large eupply of Moale, and wRl XV eoon complete arrangement with a Southern Pub lisher for a supply of all New Muvio. When out of th above I the pubito will be lniormea. " sov. ytn, 1861. TUB HOirTHKRS lONOSTKH, PUBLISHED BY WH1TAKER 1 One collection or lat aad popular Songs, adapted to the one of our soldier I lb camp, rnee u ceuia. NOV. L MKRCIIA!T TAALORISO KtTABLtSHMKAT. THILZINGER. baa removed from Front Street to Xo. m 65 Market Street, where he keeps constantly on hied all kind of FRENCH CLOTH, CAtaIMEt.E.3 and VEST IN (id. which hr often to mak up At a mall prclit, in the moat skiuiui m aner.aiyie ana snaps. NO. 65 MARKET BTREET. OeL 14th, 1S61 - ' 33-tf WIUmOTOI IRON AND COPPER WORKS. raOMT rrmxKT, bblow ma but, TiTi i ifivntnu is , L. A. SABJ A JOHN O. BAlLMT, PropnMor$, PRACTICAL BUILDERS of portable and stationAry Steam Kneinea. of aav re- qunrea power ana kind or boiler, saw mills. srist muls. rin cearinea. and anv other kind or machinery maae in any estaouahmeut boottu Have oa . .. . . . - baad a large variety of patterns for machinery aow in ren- eral oae In the arrounding country. Will supply draft of au sin as or msoiunery ana mm work. Turpentine tua and copper work in all it branche. AR kin da of iron ar.d braaa castings, finished or unfinished, at abort aotio. Old machine ry overhauled and repaired.- All work warranted to be a represented. la connection with the above establishment, we have oa hand a large atock: of rubber aad leather belticg. lacing, packing met, and Bull rocks ana bolting clou tor grist Buns. Aim saws and circular ttaw ot any aiae ana caare. Xnruished at abort notio. . Feb. 16. - MILTTART OFFICERS. CI AN be (applied with any description of blanks at the Journal Offioe. I We have a hand a lot of Corning and Guard Report. Ala biaaka for enlistmaat. Other hlaak nnnirnd liv dot I : . . - 1 -j voioauer eotcpgDie eaa a bad at abort aouee. au oar biaaka ar printed in th natt poiaibl style. Ofiioerais want would do wH to fiT tu S caJL FOR SALE AND TO RLM BOR ALR OR RRftT, MA HOOSB AND LOT OX 8'h atrwt, oppnaile 5th atreet MathodUt E. Ckarch. Th Hou w ow and eommodienx. with Kttchena! oth?r oat builJIngi, aal an cxcllot WU of Watarand good Harden. T. 0 A B. ti. WORTH. IV. M, ltt. H im ' ' rtM MBIT, THE RTORR No. 19, North Water Street, formerlv cenplad by W. H. A Ilea. Apply to , E. MURRAY A CO. Deo. Iftth. 1S61 - . W-'i If MCHO WK.1 rtH IIIW. r TWO OB THREE nerro Be a fof hire for ooe year a from th Brat January, I wVI. -f APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. to. It. "' tw tf 1 ; ' : Full iirar. ' . THE HDITSB known a the M Pilot none," fmnter y oeapid by John Ulithop, Em., fnr on v.ar from lat Jannxry. 1M2. Apply at THIfi OVKIt'K. Dec. IH, lwL v R7 Iw ! t-'OH NAI.K. M i BM)ND U AND TWO HORSR WA T GOX WITH H A K Ji ESS, tll i0 .,MMi or jer. Jm Abo, a aecond hand double CARRIAGE Apply at THIS OFFICE. Io. lHth, lbCl 72w NOTICK 'I'd f'ARAIIOHB. ODDER, Kay, Corn, Fvaiand Pork, pnrchaaed by w a ai tair prioei. Appiyi Deo. 17. PBTTEWAY A MOORK. Mt LKMl FOR BALK. hlS GOOD JIU' FA which utV be een uy appucauoa ' UOO. 70 tl ri. allJitKAr A If I. PiH BALM. THE STEAMER HEXKIETTA, with ber En gine and Boiler complete, with a powerful Y or.iiington rump attacbed. Alao, one econd band bieam Boiler. Apply to Nov. loth, lHtll.7J.tf HARRIHS k HOWELL. TOR HUNT. REYKRAL VERY NICK R00M3 la the mo.r cen tral part of town; Snqnir at WHITAKEB'S Book Hore. Nor. 17th . 70-tf. I'UH BALK. N' EW CORX MEAL and HOMLNEY. ALSO. Von and Wheat Bra. Oil ileal. Uay. Home and Cow food. LLLM ) ITCH ELL. Nov. llth, irei. bttti. liKN i. .ttr,AP. A PORTION of the baarmeot of Jocbhal bnlldlng. This XX. la the beat baement atory In Wilmington the pitch is about I feet, well aired and the room Is as dry aa a base ment can bo made the floor being concreted and stone on top, with wood Moor over all; side wall furred and plas- iereo neat, targe room. t ., The above rooms will be rented low. Oot,ao. . FOR HUNT. TWO STORES, (2 stories) near the W. 0. A R. B. Itoad. Also ceveral bbiU. Applvto Oct. Uth.-33-tf PETTKWAY A MOORE. FOR BALK. TTE have In (tore a good No. 1 leontid hsnd Piano, which If we will sell cheap, for ca"i. call and look at It at iji. lid vw Veal aaliU ItfUal m I WUITAKKU'S New Bock Store. uct. n. ruH KKITi TWO FINE COMMODIOUS OFFICES, Immediately over onr urain more. Also. flUIA MI A DL 1 1 A TlLl V I. K Knt.. L. J a VUes AtUU U W y r ri in I r-tar 1.1 1 VIUU", Uel lUf AUe. J J " aB-lAb M, Ob J Lkf D Bi .Ti Lr I a.' v a. i i n t u oa. id, m zi. - ' is rt VOUlHltK. QEVERAL able bodied egro Men, for the balance of th kJ year. Apply to JAB. I. lETlKWAX A CO. Aug, U, AH IIBST, FROM 1st October next, several Warehouse asd Ofllcea on Muter a Alley, South Water street, immedi ately North of Measra. T. C. A B. G. Worth' office Apply to . ELLIS A MITCHELL. fept 14. I tf roll RRHT. THE STORE oa Front street, at present occupied! oy wuiiaia l. rfsooos, tor oneywr iromociotier ist. ror terms appiv to L. A. iiaht. Sept. 21. 14 tf- FOR R&NT. NE of the moat ftieatant and convenient Looms for y .ou'ioess la town. It as in the baaement story of the Joufhal BuUding. or particular apply to FCLT0N A TRICE. May 13th, 18CI. Jourtial Office. : TTT AaLAm. 1AACA8KS RICH FROM COABLFJiTOX, varloo iUu grades, quality and prices. Mayl5.161. UARkISH A HOWriJ.. CO.M- h.LA.llAlaK SllLLJt Unotftii LO OPl CASES of th above article, just to hand. A-fJ For aale by WORTH A DANIEL, Jan. 4th. 4, N.rth Wster st. 1 STOHE. VTO. e BPUX COTTOX, aultabl for maklna Sewing XI Thread Also, all colors of bewlnir Bi k. rorssle bv ino, .ia wi-u. 4, LIU.T. AALmAAISW iLLIU. A SMALL LOT OF BURNING FLUID just lec.ived I . and for sale, for cash only, by W. n. L1PPITT, Druggist A Chemist. Nov', llth. IBfil. SALT, 17 OR SALE by ? Deo. 17 bfiilT. ELLIS A MITCHFLL. KBNTL'CKV BAUUI.tlU. 8,000 YARDS heavy Kentnckv Bagging. - t or al by WM. R. UTLiY. OT8TBRS. FRESH FROM NEW RIVER. Famille fur nished at abort notice. JAS. MITCHELL. Deo. tf T7-lm. Front, near Dock atreet. ULIK CILL'K. BBL8. Extra quality. For sale by . Nov. 20. JOS. R. BLOSSOM A CO. 10 HO MORE CHKDtT. IfTE ARE COMPELLED .FROM NECESSITY hereafter M to adopt the eash system exclusively. Having argent nee for all the money we eaa rai. we would take it aa a favor of tho that ow oa, to call and settl their bUla. BROWN A ANDERSON. aa-No more work delivered from the Btore after thla dale without th caah. B. A A, April ISth, IHKI. lS-tf A FEW more left of the fin Silk Paahea for 15, at Nov. i. WHITAKEB'S look Store! 3A A A LBS. ROLE LEATHER, Ul'U Foreeleat WILSON'S. A 111 olDB-"' OF CPPKB LtSATMKU, Hi ll) For aale at WILSON'S. 1 n DOZEN AMERICAN Calf and Kip Sklua, If For sale at WILSON '8. LIXIXQ AND BINDIX0 SKINS, For sal at WILSON'S. HOG AND GOAT EKI5S, For aale at . WILSON'S. PISTOL CARTRIDGES, . For aale at WILSON'S. ALL SJADd OF bUUS rtU3 A.'VU A AIUS at JAMES WILSON'S. i arness, Trank, Saddler, Leather and Oil Eatabliabaieat, I ec. 21. AO. , Hat ket atreet. POCKET BOOKS ASD PC 115 KB. A IABG8 SUPPLY of varions stvle. at KELLkV'8 BokStor. XX. Nov. 19th, 1L LEATHER I LEATHER I 1 0TI A LBS. of Oak-tanned Sole Leather ; XI UV 140 Bide of Upper . 13 " B ack Enameled - rt " Patent Mash " 15 M Lace " For sale in lot to auit at Nov. I. ' ' WILSON' PISTOLS-PISTOLS. . CJM1TH A WESSON'S fire and aii Shooter. U Allen i Ave and six Shooter. f or aal at NOTICES. 4-PAHTICKa!iJP IkUTlCKl. THEDNDEWIKI)hventer1 Into Co.partner.ilp In the town of Wiltn!ntB, N. V., andxr th arm of HOUrilhJU.ANI) k COI.KMAN, forth pnrpoee of bovmg aru. aelling NK0RO fcLAVtS where thebigheat caah price will b paid. They alto have a hotute la Mobil, Alabama, where they wOl rereive and aell alavee na eommtMloa. Liberal advan ce aiad epoa slave left arrU them for , , I. J. HOUTHERI.AND, ' , JAMEU C. COLKatAN. Anoint M, lW9. atx-t NtniCR. AMUbi . wkamiauh and Lof rcanoct will earrv O on th CommiMiloa and Forwardlnr buetneaa at th old atand of th late firm of Gwyer, Fracock k Co., nnder the same or meaning a i aeoc. a. a. wnuioa. l. riACorc. Jon 11 Oo rlnbero' Trilmn eopy. Kli "iy f t IJTA BY v .. Gilliam' Mannallardie'aRifl I? X and light lufahtry Tactic, Hrott' Lofantry Tactloa, ( uujior'a aad Maoomb'a Tartica, Volunteera' Hand Book, Bklnierborn'a Drill, Bayonet Kxercliea U. H. Army, Kcleuce of War, Tactio for Olflcera of Infantrv. Cavalrv and Artil lery, Hchool of the Uuidee, Evolution of the Line, Aoatrian miatitry, t it uiu and How to Up It, Ordnanc Mtmoraii da. Naval Peronaaion ick and Prtmrr. by Lieat. J. II. Dahlgren, InatrooUoo for Arm with Percoatioa Look, and uayonei wiui tiaan, matmctlon tor Field Artillery, Ar tillnf Mannal. JtiBera' Naval (lonnerr, Cavalry Tactic, 4o. Th (argent aiaortmRnt of Jiook fur Hie fwn can al- waya re roaaa at wuJi'Ah.Wl' New Book Htore, AprflM. IT'VKIt RIS1XU IN POPULARITY I that celebrated aom 2i noend. UX jrg UA RUN CONDITION rO WDXliS. Many gentleman In town and Met have called on na to any that vie are at liberty to na their namee aa reference to th great healing and wonderful curative powera of till re markable preparation. It la without aav aulvocatlon. the greateat borne and cattle medicine in th world. 2UJS MANHATTAN Care Burn, Hpraini, Brulae, 4 a., aad laamr remedvfor nnenoiaiin aucouoDe. r oonuat wiLnoiv a Uarnea, Trank, teddlery, Leather and Oil kAtabllahment, AO, o atarket atreet, Bept 19tb, ftworda and I'lalol. KEPEATERH, Revolver, Kill Barrel end Other I Intel; alio, Cavalry aad Infantry bworda. For aale at n. mm, inui. WlIitoN'a Offlrcra kword ,"lla rf Morocco, Kid Hklu and Patent Leather. For I at J hept. lr-ta, iwil. WILSON 'B. IMalol COB4M and Uclla F every material, at V bept. l lwik, 18o I. wnjiTx AllfiaTS 1 a A at ittri na I a A lP. n M O aW A T J " avHv n.m mw w aa vs As en A 'f OF all number, at Hept, 20. WILSON'S. KXAPSACKH, Haverrack and riatol Uolaiereof viy variety, at - , WUJiON'b. f-epi. ZU. OUR fcTOCK OK MAP. RECENTLY published, embrace the new Map or Virgin la, published in Richmond t PhotoRraphlo Map of the fcx atof War, elegantly oolored and surrounded with a Vig nette, ef Portrait of the President, Gnrrala Beauregard, Ripley, Bragg, Ac j Map of thCon'deratritttteaof Amer ica j Man ol the Western Heat of War Map of the Heat of war, puuimnea in new ui leant) auo the large aad elegant Map of the Heat of War, Juat published and rolvd thw Binrniug. Everything nw and dedratil Issued In th Con federal State may b had at publisher'a prloes, at Ang. 16. WUlTAKEit'M NEW BOOK bTORR. r p" It ti l u ,n.i-j. u ... i .-r . J 60 PavAAea Navy and Pilot Bread, la air Unlit pack agea. roraaieoy HAlUdSH k UOnELL, Angnt ima. N6. 14 IIAIX'e ItlPLK. 1 PAIR COLT'S PISTOLS. For sale by A. Norcnm at 1 PETTA.WAY A MOORE. Oct. I7th, . M-tf KIbtKi SADULKt. I ItllDLES, Martingales, BiUand cpura, at A Aug. 13, lnl. W1LRONM. SULITARV flKLTA. FFKRS' Sword and Pistol Belt of Palsnt atd Enm- V eiad Leather, and Morocco Belt of all oolor. at AOg- A3. WllJtOSf f. 1HICKKT TESTAMENT. A LARGE aaaortmnt at X Oct 2. WH TAKER'S Nw Book Slor. POCRfcT BIULKM. 4 LARUE aasortriient at X Oct. 2. WHITARER'S New Book Store. Oct tl. WHITAKEK'B Kow Book Btore. A BMY BtGCLATinNS. Price Hi at XX. Oct 8. WHITAKKU'S New Book Store. A BMY REGULATIONS. Prlc 12: at IX. OoU . n UITA KER B New Book Store. RMY REGULATIONS. Prlee 1 ; at l c. w. wiiri akkh p New ioik Htore. ' iUAn CUAlAurt AND COUN. ror ml by J OcL 14. PfcTTEWAY A MOORE. XTAn.S, HOOP 1B0N AND RIVRfS. Forlly 11 Got. 14. PETTKWAY A MOuRE. ENVELOPES. A FINE SUPPLY of North Carolina make. Just received par Adam A Co's Southern kxorsa. A suniilv for th A J . I . - - Heiuaoa wui u aepi on nana, at oct. jvta, k r.LL I H liook Htor ULOBIOVS NEWS I CLORIOl'S HEWS I A NKWnOTKl OPENED IN WILMINGTON, N.O.l fH FRONT HTUEET. near Market trcr. and oppoalu W th Cap Fear Bank, and in the centre of the boslneee pan oi to cy. 111 IS PALJlhiiU . HOTEL AND RESTAURANT! TBKM I Board and Lodging oerdsv 11.60 Single Meals, &ol Lodging, (.without Meals,; 60 MKAIJJ AT ALL HOURS I Thla Houae contains thirtv larr rtleeoln Rooms, wsll veiitua.vq bdu lurmpoea wiin new, clean oeoa. The locatioa Is the best in the city, aad every effort will oe maa to pie to patron ol th " fALMMlo." 4. si. niL.a.i( irrtr. (Formerly tf Bailey ' Varieties.. t A a Ooinlba will be at tU Depot, oa th arrival of all toe pasw'pger trains, to coavsy panger to the House or any pan oi toe city. - - June 15-ZJO-U TUB mi-AMIA !i OH IOi POWDERS. ZtURK ALL THE IMSEA8K4 of Horse and Cow, ocs J a Pmk tje, colds, CoughA, Distemper, Manir. Worms and ail th diseaeea orisinatiDg in Impurity of th blood. ana a general orosea n.ii eooomon oi me ajaienr. TBE MANHATTAN LlNLVKXl. eures Sorea, Spralna, L'lcera, Ac.. is good lor stiff joint, aod is th bet remedy la th world for Hbenmstie fTsclion. 1US JtLlCWIV POLItsUlS( I'O WVhR. fat cleaning rusty Sword. Ac., aod giving a high and beaa tiful polish to mataAs. lues popular preparatHos ar found at JAUL3 WILHO.V'M. Oil. Leather, Saddlery r Trunk and Harness EstablwhmeBt, . no. e, market at. VALUABLE INFORMATION. A FINE Coast Map of th SUM of booth Cerolira and XX orlh Carolina, far aa Cap rear bar. ( all Boon at AO. It. KKLLLY S Bookstore. LARD I LARD I LAHD I KEGS choice Leaf Lard, weighing 64 lb, each. For aale by 50 Nov. 25. WM. B. TJTLET. 5 OIL OIL. .i 1 BARRELS OF OIL-varioo kind, jut received aad 1 foe aal at WILfeON'ti. Oil, Leather, tadJlerj, Trunk and Barnes EetablUhment, fee, I. AO. t. Market street. HEW CROP SCO A R AND MOLASSES.. 1 ff HHDS. fair to .Yic; ciovm New Orlesna Soirar s 1 JJ 150 barrel cboic ae w crop Nw Orleaa MoIasm. oauy expected, tor aais rzciutwtiy lor cash, by W At. K. CI LEI. Dec. Tth, 1M1. f oe ceoT to Hathaway A Ca. SPERM CANDLES. LB3. beat Spra Casds 4 s. For al by Deetmber 1A. WM, IU UTLT CRCCEaIES. HVNUniF.. A nnn fkrcuhhiov caps; .UUU 3'Ki lbs. Potash; ' a ki.M rinnMAn4.Aj 9 boxes Concentrated Lyt! ij loa, maca repperj . TH RaeGloger; TS " Bi Carbonat of Sod ; ' ) boxe Yat Powder I . 70 pr. TfaeChina . . ' ' 1 10 keg Nulla, tod. and 10J. l M reama Wrapping Paper ; , ; Wdo. BedC-tdsi J " Pltoh Forks t " . . For aale for cash by J. A. BRADLEY, . No. Granite Sow, Front st. rO-tf Dec II. I'OAfl AD MOLAaKB. BARRELS CRUSHED X. O. ECGACt lMhdA.rir'nei . . ' ; 13 " Cboic Brown " i : . U5 Burrrl piiiperlor N. O. MoIassM. 3t relvid and for aale, fur Ciuftj ij ., J.A.BRADLEY, . . No. 9 Granite Bow, Frout street Dee. 11. . jQ.tf ( II AliAiiir. sail iriDiirii.n n n- - - " n m rw ww a lw W4) JH.E.H VIN IMPERIAL" C11AMPACNI; 4 jo Dss riper uioseci " ' . Barrl Choice Bcupparaong. Just rlvd and for tale, for Cash, by J. A. BRADLEY. Mo. S Granite Row, Front totretL 90-tf Dec. list, 1W!1 MolTAI HtiTKR. 0 FIBKIX CHOICK BUTTER. Just rlvd and for J sal by Do. ttt, IHtll J. A. BRADLEY. W-tf POTABII ANU COattkCvlllAlICO LIC. A a LIW. POTASH j ' t)UW 60 box Concentrated Lv. For tala by ... .A. BRADLEY. Deo, list, 1R11 w.tf AJRW OHLUANB BVUIP. PfT BARRELS very choice X, 0. new crop Syrup. For 4 i sale by . J. A. BRADLEY. 10. 21st, 1H01 - o-U I.IVh.Ht1NL. BALK ItALT. 1 AH HACKS Liverpool ground fait, for i!e by inf JAS. A. BRADLEY. Dm. . l-tf MACKEItKL-In bbla. aod half-bhla., for aala by April A. H. MDRRAY It CO.- , " Thr' sometlilng In a flying ear. " There's somelhlPA la a huca balloon :" and if th 1'oet Wood worth had givca to hi (Ick hone or cow a oertaln popular remedy, La would indoubUdlv have added In f onoiioo There sonielhlug la a dose of powders. Evsrr dose of these powder speak for line If. It enrea all th dleease of bor and sow, aod it (fleet are dally perceptible. If too have a sick horse or eow haggard, broken down and worm out with dlneasea admluUtur the powder, and watch the result. It la, without any equlvo ration, the greatest bone and cattle medicine In the worlj. Kound at WliXoX'H Harness, Trunk, Saddle, Leather and Oil UMttimnt, No, i. Market street. Tl'RPKI riSIB BULL. ONE TURPENTINE STILL, new, for sal by Sept. If, lHttl ID-U JOH. K. liLtiHHOM C'J. IIOKi Til UK AO. TNI, 10, 60 or 100 lb, package. For lalt at X rp. o. WILBOX'B. ClOity R t (13.-2,000 bw Cora RAg. for al by J bept. It. fcxlla A MiTCHETX. IHTB A!St B PL' ft A. 1 I Q IHlZf X U f pars and HsrneM Rrldle pit. For lKJselest ' JAni.H WlLrtoN a llarnesa, Trank, Saddler, Leather and Oil Establishment, , Hept. J7tli No. 6 Market Htreet. tHIKAW OATS. 25 ! BAU OX CONSIGNMENT, by - July IT. , E. MURBAT A CO. TO IIAAl'FAt'l I It h.AA OF MILITAHY WORK. HARNEN4, BRIDLE, I CAB8ARD AND CAP BOX LEATHER, r.namelad I loth, all colors, 61 doses Brae Plate fr Officers' Bolts, . ' 71 " Cartrldg and Cap Box Knob, ' Moroeoo leather, all colors, IM) 11m. of Shoa Thread, 17 side of Patent Dash Leather, - ' ' ' -111 gros of Uaracs aad lindl Bucklr. For sale at WILSON 'H, rtartieas. Trunk, Sad llery. Lealher and OH LAUbltshainnt. No. 4 Market atreet. Anv. 27. H1H.IC (II'AKMUIK K-Iilhp, DEDICATED TO THE WILMINGTON Lil'LE 0UABDS. Just puhllahsd and for ssle at sng. w h it A a, Eli S ivw Boek rtor. UHAtS I'l.ATSS. IOR Officer' Belt, Knob for Cartridge aod Gna Cap ? Boxea. Uook. Ac. Ac. for manufaeturara of Ullitarv work. Also ad kind of Buckle, For a1o at WILBOX'3, Ilaroes. Trank. Saddlery. Leather and Oil EatabUahmraL No. 6 Market street. . . hept. 6. PIIOTOUItAPIIIC AIAP lF TIIK SKAT OK WAR INCLUDING a Map of Viiglala aad Maryland ; th Jam Klver entrance, with th llalterle i beollnnsl Mso el Virginia on aueularged seal, and plan of tha battle-field near Belhci Church. Price t 60. For aale at Aug. a. WHITAKKIl'H NEW BOOK STOPS. JNAMELED CLOTE, of aU (olors, at WILSOX'sV wniox's." WILFOX'S. WILSON'S. I BATHER of aU klnda, at JNAPSACKS of every deecrlptloi, at ynciBs swoud belts, at jl f ILIfABY BUGLES, at AV 8 WILSON'S. 1 ADDLES, BRIDLES. MARTINGALFJ. at iIT3 ASD STUBS, at WTLSOX'g. Harness. Trunk. SadJlerr. Leather aai OH EaiAbli.smeBt. No. 4 M ark et atreet. t nr. 16 TO WHOLE! ALE ASD RETAIL CLOT II I TO NCR. CHANTS AT TUB SOCTII. , mHK SUBSCRIBES who has had a Urra nractlral hiihI. X'ucIb the maoufactur of Clothing la eom c f the aaoet extensire New York house eonnected with tlx K l h- eru Trad, rnpo.e to enter Into th basin. of r.k op ad dracnptioBAof Clothing for dalrs, la lbs bst ; w, ' aud st fsir ratea. tBll t vry be t workmen Will k mplovd. nl he feel cot fldeat that h thorough acqaaiotaae wiih tle bu rnee will erabl him to give eatisfction. Bivg a l'KAC-,. TiCAL WORKMAN biioMlf. h will alwsr b sbA to goarraotee any wotk done in his eatabikhment. JAklt-1 HeCORMICK, . Front st-eet, WUmington. Dee. lth, 1X1. itf. - Charleston Coorier. Ssvacnnb Rerb!'ca and New Or- leans Itcaynce. pleas copy I times aud cnd bill licmsdl atelv to thi ofli . for collection. - A CAHOt alHB UXCFR-1GNEI ha eaUblUhed a Mschins Ehop at . Msra. Kidder A Martin' Saw Mi. I, and Is prepared to mak b words, Bsvonstt. to.. at tha shoneH s..:. e snd ia tne most approved ttk. u. Sii.ii.A4 UZ, Formcrl roremaa at the so called Confderat Anna Fae tory. e. list, lfil - po lw ciiaauk er rues. VT TE b moved aur place of buiiLesa to the store Xo. TV 4. North Water street, formerlv eccunh-d bv W. K. Covell, next fcouth of DeHouett. Brow A to., wucr w . w ll o pleased to see our friend and easterner. ocv. wOnTIf 11JKIKU HOKK UKlMlAvS AAD ClllMT tlK !) 17 DOZEN of Mora Brushe and Cnrry Co l aal at JAf:-i T. i Haroeaa, Trunk, SAddlcry, Lealher asd OJ F - Tor t 1 1 1. bept 10. : , - HA.VOVAU, WUITAKIKS NSW J :r 1 732.2 ' - r.y occ 03 L:a Iort 'AS been removed to th - t ;ird fy i S..4 of Mr. WaJrer Mearea, I r - t. Market street, sesrly ppo. - i j,,1 Li: t. . -v i .. 150. LB. EXTRA ilZAV t .- Fr i by lee. Ji. JjV IV AJ V' U 4 C J A: i ... i. i . Si 200 H' (Abb on. uemno. Ker. 24, WILSOS'S. J3X.H4. w r.

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