v.- fj ... 4 Uir mil CONFEDERATE STATES 0? AMEHIC A WILMINGTON, N. 0., TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1862. WHOLE NUMBER 3,18G VOL. 11. NO. 109. 8 price; proprietors, .i ay rtwos J,. FTJLTOX. Editor A. L. PRICE, jsaoflate v. Tinu of aitrr1it-. Duty Paper, one year, Invariably la advance. ...... W-ekly " " " " " " Tie paper will b discontinued at tha expiration I IX! . 2 t0 of the $ t-me raid ior units rerewiu. All tclierf on battue emiMotri ad.lre4 to th proprietor. rith this ofBe.'mnt bJ - ' AflVEiiTieEMFNTS - ijl be Insetteo at FIF1Y CENTS per aqoarsi of line, or leas, for the first Insertion, Dd TBTV HVK CENTS per iqoara for each repetition CASH IN AD VANCE. tA.Aaertjemfla Inaeitcd aiSpeclal or Blahop NotlcM are charged one-half more than abova rate eight lines beaded) or leae counted as a square. WAdveatiaemeDte inserted every other day are charged 4 J casta par eons re for each Insertion after the first. V r-No ititiU".:iuB nude without a responsible earn- ; busixiandIwessionIl "cams. ) M. L. noLMKSj TTORNXY AT LAW, AS imoed to the centre office of JOCllNAirlllflLD r Xl IXG8, next door West of b.ia formtr location. A VrOHNKYR AT LAW. I TAVE removed their ofllca from trout to Prlnceaa tree'. 11 JOURN AL iiUlLcUIftUn, rbrmoriy occuieo uj a Uolraea. Esq. October 17th. l'fil- Sfl-tf 1. 1. BOOKS HOORtc Tf02. lWll Ko. 23 North Water at., Wilmington, N. (. LOII9 B. EHAMBKIW, TUCG0I8T A5D PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, ir.o... nii.r.t,lir m tianil. a aalaet a took ot Vrrtqt, Mod- fvmuuiti atirl A'iir(an Cmica, Fancy and ToxMArtxoiv, Wne$cnd Liquor for lltdxcaX FurpoM, thgan, Ac. . S.ParticnIar attention paid to PnaaosimoHS, rami JDbXUjrSOa Wll'lVWB wanoa-. - . , ,, .Store immediately under tlia " Carolin Botl." Jni. n lxsa. K7 tl C. C. da W. J. HVMRO, C COMMISSION MKUCHANT3 and WHOLESALE Gli( J CKliB, No. J2 North WaUrStre.et, June lfi, lHf.O. VV ILMTWtf ton, S. (.. tonra . w.oaon. craoii . vajiAifiuHOK. J. It. BMWSOIIt i CO. GEXERAL COMMlStlOS . MUttCHAKTS, Jone W, , WiMtinnTon, N. . II. B. RILRKK. mTTTHni.KfiALE GUOOEil AND COMMTPRION KEU VY CHANT, and DEALKB NA r"AL '8TOKKS, oorne Water and Mr lit -?t atreew, Wilmington, lif. l Arrii 2d, imoK. ynnrictfl Aim COWMIBSIOS MEUCHASTS. 4t IT DIALBW CjaN, OA18. PEAS, AC. . ,.. . . . . ... Wiiidid(); a. Col. Job KcEii, Preaidest of tts llanH of WilmiiSKU 0. O. PiHin, Kaq., Preaident o tie fprar i : (Jucwn to Horny A Paoeotfcit WATkH STJiBKT.' WII.MIKGTtM, N. C. s. n. nntOBMoa. i. r. ncuaat. I. ncaaiT. February 1, IS49. JAS. C. STTU At COn 1OMM18810H KEKCBAliTS. offoe aocond ftory, e'.rflt I i fionth Water and tfateat atraeta, Wiliuinetoa, ff. 0. hm thf.T ara nrertr J to attend tuali boainoa iu t. Comtniaaion lib. All bnalaaw antrrtd to tb trill b pun "toft J y att oitto. - . . - ' C. II. ROBIMSON W CO., rtOMMISSION ANB F0KWAH1IS( MERCHANTS I. WlHllKSTOh, fil C. Office orer Mr. J. A. WOlard'a Btora. ntraa tv roar of . Priuoaua and Water atreeU. March , 160 ls2. 4 tltlUl UJSTILX.KK. WILMINGTON. N. 0., A. H. VAN B0K.&ELKN, Paoratrron. ALL K.LND3 Ot NA VAL uTOBiil parohasod, cuQufo tnred and aold , Wharfage and b'torag e faruufcsl, t.ni Oxi-eriy .doc t intrrataa. Jan. a, mo 100-tf. J. M. UOUiMSOM Ot HO-H 4 Wn.rxeT0H. N. C, IMP0BTER3, MANTXFACTCBEItH' AU&NT8, ANi) Den lerea in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, EUiel, Naiia, AnctU lural Implerncnm, ac. i. I. cox, W. P. KKNDALL, C OX. 'KF.'VUALl. A IK j. a. XBMII1LI. inOMMISBION MXBCHANTS AND WIIOIXSALE G7.0 J CEI18, Ko. 11 4 11, North.Wator Bt. Mnrcn 11th, 1S61 lST-tf T.C.AB. O. WORTH, C0M3HBSI0S AND raWASyiAG M&SCHANT, WlLXXMOTOM, N. C. Marohll, LST 1M-W WAJUHLftH itKAOiCtt. : fSaeocaaof to Walker MiMaa Co.,) WHOLES ALU AND RETAIL D&UUUIST, iS MtKIlT STKIT, WlMjlKUTOM. ?T. '. o. s. illji. a. r. nitceium ILUI & MITCHELL, WBOLESALB ANft RETAIL DEALirRS IN '"CORN, PEAB, OATS, BTE, WHEAT B KAN, OIL WEiL: VyjttUlU UlSUUiSiU tH'ftl.M, HOUKE WW tf'M.i EASTERN AND XOHTa HIT ICR BAY, o --h Watr Stret, . 'ohrmrv 1. ! . . COMMISSION MXaCHAN18r - WiLmTcu, N. C. aoMi imiim, a. i. Boam.1. . w. w. atuin. ' Oot. let, IW.H. Wit. U. Ij'l'LJiit, - (arCCK8OBT0BATBlWATC0.,) COMMISSION MUiCHANT AND WHOLESALE GF.O CEB, Sept. 7th, 1861 J-tf - WiLMixoTOK, N. C. a. a. jBi(UiB. i.. raaoocx. JEXNINCS A PEACOCK. (nrcctcaeoRfl to awTBR, rxaoooc a oo..) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale lirocera, and Dealer in Kara! btorea, Cotton, and Southern produce, Jiua 22, 1SL 244 tf o i w m i POWDER, TTTB are exp v,ioff dUj n large lot of Dopont'e cele- II oratea rowaer, at ja.viiut ibiu.ia Earneaa, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and Oil Establishment, no. a Market street. Oct. M, m. CT WKAMS Li.il tit PAPEK, for ale at OH Nor. 24. - WHITAKKa'S Book Store. LOCH. ITTK are now grlndinj tome of onr bit Flonr. If Not. 2th. fclOKLK Y Jc OLDHAM. OLCKI ULt'RI BARRELS DistlUer'a Gin. For aala by , WM. B. CTLEY. Not. 25 BRASS WIRE CLOTH. ' F OR SALS BT D0. 27. JOS. K. BLOSSOM A CO. CATHPnKJIECAMPHKSK. A CASKS CAMPHESB. For tale by ,J July 11. J. R. BLOSSOM A CO- M nnfartnrera. SOLDIERS ADD CIVILIANS. KEt LET'S BOOK STOEE received by Adam & Co'a Expreia tbia morning, n fall topply of that fiae Fia Pauar and EnTelopea. with the fUe of the rHmthern Con federacy, ou brTf Praaidant JalLDaria and the Arullehata eannon. - Oct. 19th. MISCELLINEOUS ADVEUTISE.UKNTS. row tr.uir mhW. I I .III lU T5 fULlU Kl'F STRAW. JttireeHedod for sale i May L,'- .h lis mitchfil. DOUSE IM UHK 400 l.ulilfrehDOUE.iast receiv ed, for ea'e by LLLM 4 MlfCHKLL. rept. 21, ltsl. KICK KTUAW e-ept. . ,60 bale fo a by ELLIS Vtr tiTL l).ltr. f W BUSHELS IS bTOl'.K. For sio y )U ' J1-'-. It. BLOSSOM A Co. SeH. 74 b, 101 Titl'Mi. RAOa AI VA1.IK. AM IIENI'I-EMES" dressing and travelling j Trauma, iletr.a Mwroce-o an I Enameled I'-a'b-r travel Aw . d evaryvaik tj l Vaiifca, for .-pt.iir: . wilon s. SHOVI Hep LLS. (.riiiditlifiuta and l'ilubfotka. for at W1L0"8. til, rutin, .' BliLH tn h gjound Flo'i from oe b . T. h 5t) What. ' For tafe B. i.' WOtiTll. Xrpt lt.fl. M EDICAL hAUl LK UAK.--Of !l kiuda. at ept. ?' inoi.in'!ti cik ooPAMTMi' iouip. T Ci-l'AKTNEBHhll haretolo-e exltiajf between JAS. I u ATUAWAY and niyaelf, under Uieoimot HATHAWAY A CO.. Iiavinz beau diaolved, Boiie U hereby tiven that I ahull I'roceid to -ttle tha bii"in of the fiVin apdily a poniible. Wjl. li. LiTLY nept. 7'b, IM1. ' 2-tf T WILL-COST1XUB THS COilMiSiMOS AJCD GHO I CEUY buniueM oo niT own accoaut. Thankful for the uatrunane received while a uiumber of the brm of Uatiiawa A Co.. 1 eolkn n oontiunaui; t4 the tiom my frieud and ctuttomer. . W, iL. liTLKY. Hit. Itli. IStil. - - 2tf AVOOLKN fc'K K. RECKTVEO 1U day, from ourUoune lo Charlotte, N. C 6, COO pair cunulry kult hock. I KAUNWLILKB A DUOS., 2d d Kr from Exchange Comer, Front lreeL. Au 22. T A IXIMPLETK Illl lOI "V " H Af'DFK'8 TACTlca. well bound and roatalninBali the clatea of the original work, for f I 25. lh bent ai d obeiipeM edition yet i,ed. For ! at Jul. lllth. WBtTAKEU'S NKV B'JOK. BTOUB. rADEIN, FALEM, CUAl.UITTE and o hr HtatoC. JL inieieH, at BALDWIN'rt. KfcKU 111'.. IN lota to wit pnrchanera. For ii'e by . KTOKLtY Jt OLIXIAM. Oct. 2. i ; M At UH Til 10 hH AT OK WAlt. w ITH TI1K LLXES OF I ll Koaila lcadin tlMireto aleo, the Htratezlcal PomU cu lani down.. Juat f no lifbed. I'rica T5c. koralt J-rty23d. WhITAKK&-8 KEW BOOK STOnS. HICICI IIIII.I t ii CASKS RICK of heat q'laiiiy 1'j Hore, end fur tie lUUby T. C. B. G. WOUTU July 17, If 000 An?-2. ASNOlllfO WRITINO PAPER. For WinTAKKll'H LOOK h'fOBS. f IM1K Southern Batt'e Snc, dedicated to Prcsidmit Dvl X tbatSoatbern Mortxllaiov; (Jod kul our hijjhia, nouf and chotu.; Hoathcru Hopublla l'oika March, at pi forme bvilunt'e Militirr Bra Band : Our riotitl.ern Flan, writle hy B. 1-. Uiimiuund and dedioted to the Citudtil i adeti, of hurietiton. Jv. Cl Jall'etaon DvU' (.rand Murob Our Mot President Qaitk'ep, cmlnllb-be J with a Urge lita-like hunt ol 1'ieaident UTls Dixie r-olK. I iieia; ueneiai ih-ho- regard'a Grand March ; tha Sol Jier'n M laMinn, mmg ii.sci ibe to cur v.lunt!cr : ralmeito ouaril aiurca : tiMui aiarc of the Scu'li.ru t'ub.V di-racT : tha War t of D.x e : t bunny bouth Citt'op ; U.md l'oika, pliiyol by Hie New Orleau Brau Baud : tde Fia of the Flee Flercu, ic.o- AUo lif w aupply of late popular in ct, including' " Le Me Kim Uiui for Ilia It' other: All Thing L'ive ibce, n 1 I; Bock we to Hlicp Mother J the Day onr Mother Died the CottaEe by the r'oa J Muniiiiiintr e: 8.Lir of Dixie Orobe'n Vari.iiiuii. iu Dixi:i; Juauna; Anvil I horua, firn lltrovatore ; liom ti-our MuuMn n. di ; An, I Imve ibcn to ret n. do.: lrr nie by ! onMyht, Duett; fched. ol Ocean ; lotne where mv Love Lie Dreewii-g, Ac, Ac At WUITAKKE'd NEW BOOK KTOltE, Au, S. ' - , THI NKS. UAU AKD VAI.ISlCh. 1R have on ethibition fine anaortmcntuT-THUXKH, V V BMJS and VALINES, embracing all atyk'i .f pack irg Trnukx, O. O. Kram and Iron bo tin J, Decatur, ft. Ixiun ami tue Vktori at) le. Sole Lb- r Trunk, wl'h and with outcovari, Ladies and lientlcnien'a DreaiDg Trniika. Hut roxe, tdgY oi ai siatw ami ucriibiiiiiit viibo ui tu ma1 tcrutl and patterns, t or r-aie at WILSON'S. ITamasa, Trunk, Saddlery, I eather ard OU Kstal.UhnKDt, No. 6 Market airet. ttigKw. JIIK tllLlllA LAW OF ftOU'ltl I Altt.I.lY A, fJASStD at theaeeoud hx'.r Sewiou of the General A L aeruwy, ISol. oraieat Oct.. WUITAKER'S New Bok Ptnrn. OIL! OIL! AC1IISERY, Lard, Train, Taouers and Neit.. foot O4I XTX for "ia, by the Barrel or uaiion, tj V. lL?ON. tict. 2. 3t On'hlCKU! KWOilU bhLI, ti'Tirtl braaa platea and of every material and color T f i-iaioi laaea, coay rieita, uu rruroi.a, 1 artrius 0 X' e, Bullet Boxen, Cap Boxi, Bayonet bcabbard, tiuc eswordu, CaLteeu, Ac, AO., lur tale t linrnrHS, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather nd 41 etblihnient. Out. a la-at.- an. Market irri'U noHU lOiVt'lCDk.R ATK PAPKll W KJVHI4H-K 2o c 1 KAUH beaoUlully rtamped aMortrd cilur, juat received and for aa'e at Oct. 6. WHITAKKB'iS New B.ok Mure. UKMJkl'l UOOK STOttK REEFS OS HAND n 'urge eopp y of !mic. and ll! noon complete arrangrmcnU with atoutteTO Pub lisher (or a supply of all New Mu.ic When out of th abeve the pubic will ba lnrormea. -. -. - . ov. mti, imi. , TIIM SUlTIIItKS 0iUT fc.lt, ICBLISHED BY WHITAKEU i a hue cu:loctioo of laU and popular Hons, adapted to the oiw of our aoidiert in camp, nice iz cents. nv. . tlL3tI0101 IltO.X AlHOPt'Kll Vlli(il, fnJMT Tsrr, islow hahk.t. WIl.MI.ViTO. S.V. , a. r-isi jqux-c. iiiaivfivir,, 2n PRACTICAL etT.'LDKfW of. cf machibery mMle in a ay euu.i.hmftt ry.uth. f!ve 01 hatd a huye var.ety of pattern for trrhicery pnwin a:in erl nw In the aurrutindinff coontiT. H';!l ant tlr i'rp.1 01 a'l tun.' of ruaclanery and ru!i: ww. Ti.-iif at- -4iJ ana copper work is ail iu fr-ncina. A:J smua 'if 'r-o ai.u braa castiusa, titibel or undnjs".f1, ' .h.rt nif.. in? machisery overhauled and ror.iireiJ. Ai! wti-k mtxneS to be a represented. In ooucectin with the above eU.b!:shmtul, we band a Wee atock of r.hV:r aiid IfatLer t;.-r patkinic riveU, and nuii ro' aud bo.'-j i (in.U uuLa. atul Sam and Srca,r fa o fcae a 'urTiiahed at hort rui-ji . r rfr' rh. iA ' ' MILITARY )FHt HKS, CIAS be (applied with any deacription of oUul: at the J Journal Office. We have on haad a lot of trcrninir and Guard Deport. Also blaiika for enliettneata. Other b!ai-ie required hy oui oiuntecr eouipaniea ran be sad at abort notice. All vox blank are printed in the neatest possible atyle. OEcerm 1 want would do well to give us a cail. Aannt 9. r i.Li. A 1 hit iw IUVAU MOaU. PACKAGES choke Lavana Sreara, direct in-porta- V I ti. a. furale fv WOK lb A DaMki. Ja. luih. 4. North Water t LtATIIKlUt.liATHt.Jl. 5 i HI :)i 8 of No. 1 qua :ity of Northern Cak Tannrd Fo'e J latiier, joat received and for aale In qi-.iut to suit, at Jan. 10th, 1862 WILSON'S. FOR SALE IND TO REM BOIt aAl R OH BRIT, A HOUPK ASP LOT OS Ath atreet, pjoii 5th a're.t MethodUt K. Church, tit Houae la now and con.modinna. with Kitchen and-olbr out building. anl an excel!? nt WU of Water and Rood Jwden. T. C B. U, WOKTR. IVe 30, 161. -2r OI H tufcT. THE STORE No. . North WnUr firrot, formerly occnulcil b W. U. Allen. Apply , , . MURRAY A CO Vte, lci 9i if IDOTII K TO fr'AHMKRM. tiDDVlR, Ily,('orn, Pea anl Pork, pu chcd by ui at fair price. Ai.iilj t F p.c. IT v PKTT''AT A MOOkw. Ml LK Mt'LICK. , FOB HALE. MX COOO MU Efl, abich uiiy b eon by arpliratka 'u,v v r lh.o.4 7ii K. YVPtlY rn." KOH WALK. THE STEAMER HENRIETTA, with her Fn . .. J W. .41... ..... ..!.. .Uk . . . u.i tl I XL U'.Ml.lficrtnn Putnn tti.hBil: A Ibo. cMia UKlanif hand pii-ain Boiler. Apply lo Nov. Suth, 18Ci.-T3-tr lUBBK1? HOWELL. 'Oil Ha.KT. f-RVK.nAL VKBY Nlt'E ROOMS In Hie luoet oen- tial part of town. Knq-iire at win ia.cu it Dona noia. hot. 27th 70-tf. H MAt.r.. NEVVCOrtN MEALaud HOMINEY ALS(K t oin and Wheat Bran, Oil Meal, Illy, food f.I.LH Horn and few A MITCHELL. feT. 12fh. 1'ltl. filt iit-.tl-tlli.!'. A PORTION or th bawment of JoliaH At building. Th'a i th heft baement atory In Wilmington the pitch I bout 8 loft, well aired and the room M a. dry aa a baia ueiit cmi be road the floor being roncreted eod atone on top, with wood floor ovtr all; aid wall farrad and plaa tered n?ai large room Hie shove rooms will b reuted low. Oct SO FOR RKST. TWO BTOIIE.-I, (J stories) near tha W. C. II. B. Itnsd. Also several rbed. Apple to Oot. 14th. S3 tf PETTEWaY A MOOBE. fr'OU KALK. 'E have iu store a good No. 1 ecnd hand Piano, which w will aell cheap, fur rash. Call arid look at It at Out. H. WlllTAhEK'." New Bo k Store. FOR HKT. TWO FISK COMMODIOUS (iFFICER, Immediately over onr drain Htor. .1 ALo, ONE WAUK IIODSR In rear of ofrita. ea the Allry. ST"K.LtY A OI.DilAiJ. uct. J.yt 8J 1 lf KUti 111 It K. S KVEBAL able bodied gro Men, for th balance of th year. Apply to J .11. 1. rr.i itwAi a in, Aug. 14. , l"OR ItKnT. F'lOM 1st October nxt, several Warehoust-a ad lifili' on Muter' Alley, houih Water street, immedl atclv North of Mesur. T. C A B. O. Worth' iiflld Apply to ELLIS A M1TCUKI.L. Mpu 2A l tf KOtl JIKNI. THE KTOBE on Front street, at present occupied hy William L. Jaoobs, fur oneyenr Irou October 1st, For term aimlT M u A. mm. 1 - KOR RfLHT. . x , NE of the most rttMrTil and otnvenlent Pootus for J hulnMi In town. It n in th basenieut (tuy of the Journal Puilfling. r or particular apply to FCLTON A PIUCE. My 2 th, l"lil. ' Journal Oflk; fr'Otl SILK. CASKS PICK FROM CHAF.I.VKTDV, thJ' gda. quality and prtcre. Mnt l-S. 1AI. H ARIUSH A HOWEI.l RllOfC KMDI!".. rjnoi NAli S.Vfg ofll iliceii, Shoe Kiilvet Awls, A wl U ba' d cs, c. Ac, fur sale at Jan. IIM h, DU2. WILSON'.-.- RAZOIU saaflAZOItS II The best Amerhin, Finrh and t-nglTn manulacturer. withaOne asioitmnt ol buaving Soap and Creams, at old prtcet, at IlALPWIN'S, Jan. Bill. V S', Maikatstrett. Swortli mid I'JiloN. "I ) F.PEATLn-4, Uevolvers, Kilia Barrel and 0'ber I If luU At aito. Cavalry and lbt&utry riwor J F"r sle at bt pt. itSlb, lnol. V.l.s'S. OlflrcrV Kword llelli 0 F Morocco, Kid hklu and Patent Leather. Fur sute at Sept. iMth, 1MI. .HURON'S. I'iatol CRM nil l Etlt F every material, nt be pi lHth, ItXil. WITiiON OF all number, at -Sepciu. WILSON'S. "T"NAPSACKS, Haversacks and Pistol Holster of evejy J.V variety, at ,, .. , wilsoa d. ept. W. OIK oTOCK OK MAPS. T ECEN'TLY published, aubrare the new Map or Virgin XV ia, published in Kichmond ; i'holOKraphie Map of the S at of 'War, elegantly colored and surrounded wtlA Vig nette or Port r sua of the President, General Baauregard, li pley, Bragg, o J alap of thel'on ederate Staua or Amer-i'-a; aispol the W'ealern Seat of.War ; Map of the Seal f War, published in New Ol leans; and the Urge and igiol hap of the feat of War, Just iiuiilishcd and received this mumhig. r very tiling new and desirable issued in th Con federate Stales may le t ad at pnbiiehei'a prices, at Ali. IK. MHITAKKH' MW K'MIA I-1(1 UK. y rr bbls. fhtcsgo CO 60 PaMe Si Mess Baef! avy and Pilot Brd, in air tight pack- aawa. r or saie by Aurim I urn. iwii 14 t ALL 'k IllK'Llia, FAIR COLT'S ITaTOii. for a'e by A. Norcom at 1'fc.TTkWAY A MOORE. Oct. 17th, 1861 ' 2$ tf HIDlkO SAUOLKiS I !ilDl.F.S Martingale, fit aad rpurs, at I Anij. 13 lf.l. wnios'.-. " ' " hov.Jl. KKIXEY '8 Book Store. IHUTARV r-KLTS. . , , Or 11CEUS' Sword and Pistol Bblt of Patent and Enaco- LARD I LAbUI IAMBI elvd licather, aad Morocco Bolta of all ci.lnrs, at l.ll KEGS chore Leaf I ard, weighing AO lb, each, Aog 13. Wifw;N'S. W Foree!eby - - N.. 11. WM. K. TJTLEY. PfeCRKT 1 F.HKHT. itU-tL ' ' A Ltcf'i """"VuiTAKKB-S K4w Bot.k Store. j ' 0l.'-rto-. kisd.. J'L pitj.X BIHLKb Oil, latbr, Niddlry, Trunk aad Haraesa Eaiabliebment, a LAB lEaaoruii.mat Jh No. 4. Market atteU iV OcL 2. WHITAKEB'S Xaw Book St. .re. ukun CAiULEt, 77. . ....... . .- .11 LBi. be Sperm f'adlea 4'. Forlby H4 ItiCLATIONH P'V uu )) December WM. R. UTLEY Z. I it. 8. V HITA H.EK 8 3 tw Bouk Store. - A BMY I'-tGi-'LATIiJiS. Pr.ce 42; at , , t. s "W"""-"4-:' - A let tv UITAiak'S New Book Store. 4 LL kind, of Broshaa for aala at . ... A BMY BFCCLATIONS. Price 12; at : wiuma n. i. Oit-t. HIT A Kttt'S Now Book Store. TATf ItKR'S OIL BMY BEOCLATION-4. Prk-l;at F var on. grade, by th barrel, at H" WHITAKkiK'S Kew FW-k ttore. V JAMES WILSON'S, V-iHA.. cLUaosr, AJuiCuv.1 Fora-iab. !1 4"'"' F1"tr. T' Har... Eat.bliabmeot, O oU 14. PtTTEWAt t MOORg. No.lMaiketatret. - hljlDafuNEa. BHuVtLo aad SPADES, at ViiM. HOOP IMS AND KIVETS. Kot aaia by (t Jua u "U vnuWVS. 1 LEATHER. KtVKLcPKS. OIDF Sole and Wax Leather, aa eonaignraeat, dily ex- VFIXE St PPLT of North Can er make. Jost received O peete. For aaia by J rr A isms A l o' S-mthern Expreaa. A supply lor the Jo. B'.h JOS. R. BLOhSOM A CO. 0ct'-h- KELLEi o Bock Mora. . ,OB JlKUARYt l8fclf ha arrlT.d, and contalo a mi- i.v.v rune bi oar An atrtt eetianeooa eollecUoa f reading matter. . , . SJniff V . ' JiV.V "otI"K: r-lnKl copiae ror sale, cr aobscription uken. at ( Itf) tD--'-,0NewOrleD.SDgar; JrtB.- WHI I AKKh 8 Book Wor. 1 1 tf U0 barreie choice new crop New Orlraos siobuaea, 1 dally expected, fur aaia rxcfwtrcfy for cash, by WTE tr xchulv Ageora for the Sootbera Monthly, Wk. ft. CTLEY, . pnaliabadatltemchiahy - A Frelwh- Pea. 7th, 1861. EoccMaor to Hathaway A Co." Jan. a. - WHITAXEL - Ceuaas of Nona) rarwllna 100. A1 ntroaTkD r thi secMTAnr or ran tit convtiom. oovariM. wnrr. ram ool'b. it-ATit. tttai.. Alamano. 7,7 411 J,4 11. km Alexander, 6.3'J2 t 'l D.P22 Anson, .t2 l.M 6,9.'. I 13 604 Alleghany, 2, SAT ' 2T JOfl S 60 A .he, T,4 i1 142 ' 3tl T.6 Beeafort, K.172 7J t H7H 14,779 Bertie. l,MH ' 279 .m 14 211 Bladen, .2.1) 4H4 S.32T 11,95 Brunswick, - 4 814 260 1.621 8 406 Buncombe, 10.623 11)4) 1.931 . 12.6M Bark. 6.647 219 2.371 9.237 Caharrn, 7,4il 104 S.040 '10.64A Caldwell, 27 114 I.OfW T.49II Tamden, 2,4il 27 2.127 6,343 Carteret, fl.OM lf-2 , 1,H ,1HA Caawell, Al J7t 9.S5A , 16,215 Catawba, 03t ? 1,W4 10,730 Ihstham, 12.&56 IH 6,246 1,U4 ( bcrokss, H.i't . 31 AI8 8,166 Chowan. 2.S7H 131 J. 713 4,M1 Cleveland, - 10 lm . 1 2,134 12,348 Colnmbaa, V .T7t 1,462 ; ' n.ftW Craven. . l.7tS l.Jtft 4 UK) 10.273 Comhsrlafrf.V m 0.H30 : .16.869 Currituck, f 4,671 221 2 824 T.4I6 Itsv daon, 1S.37H 14T ,(i7 " 16,601 Davla, (NU lol 2.3D2 H.4M4 Duplin; .26 374 T.I28 , 1,7H Rdgenombe, 6.NH0 iH l0,l(W ' 17,176 Forsvtha, 10.716 211 1.764 12,601 Prauklln, 4! .' 641 T,0T 14,110 Oaaton, 7 0011 102 2,119 9,310 6te. 4,1 HO -3(12 1,02 6,44 O'anville, 1I.1H9 1,121 11, 00 IXlWi Ureene. 2 Hi6 1A2 3.MT - T,9!5 Onllford, 16 73S 63 1.6M 2 l.CWi IlHlifsx, . S642 2,450 10,349 19,441 Harnett. A.3A1 104 1,4 H.Ottl Haywood, . 5.4K6 31.1 C.Nol Hemlsrsoa, n.unI ti 1,3' 2 10,41 Hertford, S44 1,111 4,445 9,604 Hide. 4.0x3 2 9 2.793 7,734 l-ilell. ' 11.141 . 29 4,177 14,347 Joksou, 6.741 21 6,'H Johnston, 10 A4K 193 ,! 16.CAT J (tries, 2 210 107 1,413 6 730 Lenilr. 4.90.V 177 ft.lSt 10,211 Lincoln, ,)0 "Ml 2.116 9.I9J Macon, I.S70 116 119 . 6 1'4 Madiaon, fi,H3 2 212 6,9 Martin, 6.43A 4.M 4,303 lft,l MoDowell, " 6,641 271 1,306 7,120 Mecklenburg, 10.A43 . l' 6,641 17,374 Montgomery, 6.7H1 41 l.HiJ 7,648 Moor. 9.72.1 1M4 2,MK 11,4'if Ssh, 6,319 6 4HNI l,Hx NewHenever, 10 617 7IM 10,332 ' 21.71 Kortbamptnn, 6,I2 DAA i 6,NliH 13,376 Ouslow, S.IIM - , 1.VI 1411) H,hM Orange, 1I.31H Ml ,lll I6.H4U Pasuuutank, 4.473 ' 1.4-4 2 9-3 R,9tn I'etqulmabs, 3.2x7 32 X.fi 7,2V Per...n, A.70H 314 A.lt ft ll.Vjl Put, 7.4X0 127 6,473 16,73 Polk, 3.617 lot 20 4,043 ItichmM.d, 6.211 H 6,4 6 ll.fHK) handolph, 14.1C6 3M) l.tAV' 1i,7!(h Hoheson. H,ft4 1,461) 6,4M ' 1S,4'JII ll.ck iiKham, 10.4 21 407 6,316 14,716 Knw.n, 10.M1 IIA 1.119 )4,"6 Kutberlord, N 122 2 301 1I.M3 Sanpson, 9.106 4i 7,016 . 14 (113 Hunly, 4 6(0 41 1.169 7,01 i-token, 7,M7 N 2 4i.9 10 402 Surry, N.049 1-4 1.346 10,379 Tyrrell, S 20.1 143 1.617 4.W1S KriloB, 63 2 244 ' 11,142 Wsk. 16.470 1,4'M 10,7:13 2.t7 Warren. 4,i.1 402 10,40l - 16.73H Waslilagton, 3. MX! 'm 2,4i,5 ti.Hi.7 Watauga, 771 62 . 104 4 1.47 Watne, 4.711 T4 ' A 4H, '4,ltl xilkea, 13 2H0 2rtl -l,-fl 14,749 Vamn, . 4 944 2x0. . '1,494 , 9.720 Yadkin, ' 4.1IU , 104 1,434 , . 10.711 Yaimey, .219 ' 64 i2 H.H4J 31,4M 30,097 23 1, OH 1 92,r7 NOTICES.' (t'AltI Sih.RalllP MO I It K.. . riOIK L'NDERHBINED have entered into Co-Partuorahip 1 in th tow of Wilmington, N. C undnr th firm of hOU'HEBLANI) A COLEMAN, for the purpose of buying am. selling NEUBO SLAVES, where the highest onb prioel win tie paid. 1 . They also hav a house In Mobile, Alabama, wber they will racetv and sell slaves on oommission. Liberal advan ces mad upon alavea left with them for sale. . 1 o, j. bourn Kin, and, i JAMES C. COLEMAN. , August let, 1M49. 304-t M) TICK. . SAMUEL B. JENNINGS and Lovet Peaock will carry oa the Cdtntnlssion and Forwarding bnslpeai at th old stand or th lata firm ot Uwyar, Pyaoock A Co.. nuder the name or Jennmg A I'aaeock. a. ikNMiKoa. h. Maiwi. June 1 1 Oo dshuro' Trlbnna copy. ' 2TW ui-oiuors mcHii ulohious rt.vat A A' A" W 110 1 St. OPENED IX WILiilKOTjJN, N. V. I 0s S rlloMT t-Tl.tfe.T, near Market atrael, and oppoalte the ( ape Fear Bank, and to the centre of the bneluea pari 01 in city. . ' 1 11 hi CALM h I I U U0TEL AND KESIJUUNTJ Ticsuia: Board and Lodging per day, ... 41,64 60 AO Single Meal,.... Lodging, (without Meals,). MEALS AT ALL HOURS I Thia Iloas contain thirty large bleeping Rooms, well rentilatsd and furnished with nw, cleafl beds. 1 ha locauoa is th best ia th citr. and every ednrt will be mad to plaa th patrons of tb M PALMETTO." , j. 11. aAii.iaa, iroMisir. (formerly f BsUev' Vaiiatles.i frL, An Oninlbn wfll t at th Depot, on (ha arrival f all tue pasaet-ger train, to eoavay pasnger to th House or any part of th eity. Jua lA-238-tf. Til 16 feAlCAftlA lOD11K)N POWOKR. ' CMJKK ALL TDK DlhEArtKSof lioiss. and Cow, aneti aa Pink Eva, 1 olds. Conch; Distemper, Mange, Worms aud all th disease originating In imparity of th blood, and a geneial broken dowa condition 01 the ti. lfcE MANHA1TAN LINIMENT. curs for. Sprain, Lleera, A i good lor atifl joint, and at th bet remedy in the world for HheniDMicaffjlKl. 7 uk ala vi 19 roLUtiuse ru WVAH. for oleanmg tnaly Hwordt, A.. and giving a li'gbaad beao tilnl pvliati to uwul. Thesa popular preparation are found at JAMM WILSON'S, r Oil, Leather, Sadd!ry, Trunk and Harness KjiUbiishment, .N '.V VH HO. S, SIW set si. V ALl'ABLfni l.tl-OtiMATfOM. r l E ( oaxt Mnp of the State of South Carolir a and ( all eoou at GROCERIES. tiSORIRS. , . PEBCUSHIOV CAPS; SOOlha. Potaah ; 69 boxes Concentrated Lya s " - 73 lb. Black Pepper 1 , , 70 RaceGlngsri 74 Bl Carbonate or Sod 1 60 boxes Yaat Powder 1 70 nr. Trace Cbelna; 10 keg Nsi'i, I0d. and 204, j , 24 ream Wrapping Paprr t 30doa. BedCorda 3 M Pitch Fork , For sale for cash by J. A BRADLEY, No. I Oranit Bow, Front st, 90 tf 4,000 Deo. 21. t BIO All AJD MOLAMRBS. -BARRELS CHUSIIED N. O. BUOAB ; 12 Hhd. Clarified " ' JJ Choice Brown " " W Parrel Snparlar N. O. wfotaMes. Jest relv4 and for aaia, for CWi; br J. A. BRADLEY, No. S Crault Bow, Frout street. ' . n raa. 2L " po-tf - CHANHAoien Am. huppkksoio wni, 7 HnXKSVIN IMPERIAL" CHAMPAONK 1 C 10 llaike'i ' Piper Heldseck " ' 4 Barrel Cholc Scuiipernong. Jut retelred anil for al, for Cash, by ' J. A. BRADLEY, , No. i Oranit Bow, Front Street. Deo. 21st, lt4l , : po-tf ' MoUitTAII 9CITAU, 9FIHKIS8 CUOICB BUTTEU. Just received and for l by J. A. BUADLKY. Deo. 214, 1841 I ' yp-tf POTAall AltU OOitllEIMTRATEU LIB. - inn iu8' potash 1 t)Uv 40 box ConeantraUd Ije. For tat by J. A. BBADLEY. Den. 21st. lCl ao-tf NEW ORLEANS) RIP. 7pf BABRKLS Try eboioa N. O. nw crop 'flyrnp. For O s.l b , J. A. BRADLEY. Deo. 21st, 1861 . , 90 II LIVf-RfOOL MACH. SALT. ' 1 fi BACKS Liverpool ground Salt, foriala by '! M II I JAS. A. BBADLEYV Deo. 11. 9l-tf T T ACKEHKL In bbla. and half-bl.U.. for aala b iVt April 4. M. MI1HII OO. ,. ' Ther' iMithlng In a flying oar., . ' Thnr' sometlilng In a hug balloon " ' "'' I' "' and If th Port Woodworth had given to hi afrk bora or aow a certain popular ruidy, h would undoubtedly hart adjt-d In eoiiclusinii There's somsthlog In a do of powde-r Every dosa of thesa powder apeak for liaalf. . It onre all th disease of horsa aad cows, and It eflscta are daily Eernepllble. If too have a tick horse or cw Asggard, rokea down aud worm out with dleaaet-dmtnis'r th powder, and wstuh the rtnlt. It ia, without uy equlvo ration, th grsata.t hor and cattle medicine. In the world. Found at WIION'S Harness, Trunk, PtHdls, LaatJier and Oil esuiiliahmeut, Mo. A, Market street. ItlHPKNIIME at ILL. NE TURPENT1MH STILL, aew, furaaUby -Sept. 27, l.l lO lf JOS. R. liLOHHOM A 0 CO. , KflOK THREAD. IN S, 10, AO or 100 lb. packages. For sal at A' ! Sept. 6. WIIJf).V'f, CtOBS BAGS. 2,000 new Cora Bag, for ..le by J Sept. 24. ELLIS A MIIuHELL. HITS Attn aPVRI. - It priF.N td f-por aad Harness and Bridle Bit. For Ossla4 . J A lit 4 WJiii'N'S' r Ila'iins, Trank, Saddlery, leather and Oil Establishment, Sept. 27th ' No. 6 Market Ktrea. ' SIIKAK OATS. ' i . v BALE1 ON CONSIGNMENT, by '- JulT27. . , . ; R. MURRAY A CO. 25 TO MAMKAOI LttihTU OK-UIMTA R V UORU. . HAKNEMS, BU1D1JC, FCABRABD AND CAT BOX LEATUEK, ,.; . Enameled Clolb. all colors, 41 doaen Bras Plato rr OHIoer' Belt, ' 73 M ' tJartrldge and Cap tfu Kanl.a,. " ; j Morocco Leather, all oor, , 7;m Hi, of Slioa Threau, - '." ; 1 ' 27 aides of Patent Dash Lesthsr, - ill grosa of lUruesa aad lirldla Buckle. For sale a WILSON'S, . Barnes. Trunk, Saddlery, Leather and OU Etlillhmot. No. 4 Market street. Ang. 7. ItlFLK (.HARD lit It Hl ' DEDICATF.I) TO THR WILMINGTON HlfLK GUARDS. Just published tod f'e s . , , .Ang. 14. WHITAKFR'S New Book Pturt. UHAaa i hA I KH, Y71OR Offloer Belt, Knob for Cartridge and Ooa Can X.' Box, Hu ...La X.. A .... r .. . VJ .11... work. Also ad kind of Buckle. Fur aale at j W 1 1 .SOS'S, Harnes. Trunk, Ssddlory, Leallier and PH Kstabiinhm-nt, No. 4 Market strset. . ' Sr-pt. 6. PHOTOGRAPHIC WAP OP THE SKAT Of'vVAK I NCLUDINU a Mp of Virginia aad Maryland I th Jarae I Liver sntrsoos, with tb Batteries heu'lnesl Mapa of Virginia on an enlarged scl, and plaa of the hatt.e-leld near Bethol Churtdi, Price 4 1 60. Fc.r l al - Aof.. WHITAKEU'S NEW HOOK PTOrtK. ,N AMKLED CLOTil, of all anion, at Ia ' BATHES of all kind, at - 1 WILSON'S." WILSON'S. WfLfOSS. wtios's. ' HAP8ACJU of vry dcacriptioa, at FFICERS SWDK.D BELTS, at - , A TIUTABT BUGLES, at kjTbDLEfl. BRIDLES, V AliTINGALE.-). at WILSON'S. O .. WILSON'S. Hrn akd mpcbs, at , wiros'B, harness. Trunk. 5add!rv. Lathr and OilEalabllshment. No. 4 Market strwet. og. 14 TO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLfTtI13l3 MEU- nillTI 4TTHK HUTU. TIJErCDSCRlffKH who ba had a large practical erperi anoa la the manufacture. f CJoUimg In soma iif th most xteaiv New York house aottaeeted with tn hooia arn Trade, pr ij otes to enter Into th busins.s til making op ail oeacnptioaa orviotuing lor deaiara, la ue pettyl,. ata at lair rate. k Only ta very bet workmra wfll ba employed,' aad ha ' feela ear ttdeat that hi thorough acquaintance wi n the bu siness will enable aim to give eatiaUctioo. Betrg a PBA' T1CAL WOhhMAN himself, ba WUI alwaya b ahie to guar ran tee aay wrk don la bi tabiihmeut. JAMES AoOoBMICK, Froat et-eet, Wjlmiogton. De. 2U:h, 1V.L . t-5 tf. ' Charleston Courier; Savannnh Her oM'cin and Kew Or leans Picayune, pleas eopy 3 time ai.d trad bill imniadi telv to this offle for collection. IIIANUK P PLACE. . WE bava moved our piac of basin to th store Ko. 4, North Water (treat, formerly occupied by W. K. Covell, next Sooth of DKoett, Brown A Co., wnete wa will be pleaaed to se oar friend and cuetomer. ct. 9. . , WUHi H A UAXUL. IIORaR BRCailES AND CVRHT COMBS. O A 7 DOZEN of Dor Broahe aud Curry Vmbs. for l it JAMES WJI-SON'o. Harneea. Trunk, Sdjlery, Leather and Oil Eatahliehtartil Sept. M. ho. S Market St, iiKMovao. - ' VrniTA KKIiS Al W BOOXETORX ' " TTA8 bee a removed ta th store formerly occupied bf 4 4 Mr. Walker Meares, Droggwt, on Uo Aortb it da of MILK LKATJIkH. I Kf LBS. EIT8A HJCAYY SOLE LSiTH-R. For lDUalby ViA. U. LTiXY. Dee. 28. AJtO-BOUii OF A.i ru luui. 1 , at Jnaelt. WHlf AKt.U'S Nes Bek Ptora. LSAtntR I LEATHER I 1 TTlfl LES- of Oak-tannad Sola Uafrer XUU 140aideof Cpper 13 - BackFname?ed 21 Fauot Jak U M Lac Fori: tnloUVotnltat " Sot, l. -WILSOS'S.

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