f! . (11 n) "p rfV- VOL. 11. NO; 12G. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 I8G2. W7IOLE NUMBER 3,203 Ml if a BY rvl.TO! A PRICK, FROPIUKTORI. Jifr FULTON, Editor. . , L. price. A.K'tuM :; . -. tit &i t 40 f the Terms tt w toerrlyttAn . DnilyfvpT,orie year, invariably in advapcii . . Veek!y " K -. . Tt.e pt er will 1 discontinued at tie expiration tme paid for unless renewed. All i"Ur on liuglun connected with this ifflcie, n Vdrwwml tethe proprietors. ADVFftTISElf FNT8 Will be Inserted at FIKTY t'tNTb per square of tn line or lt, for the Brt Inner'-, and T'- K'-Tf-FIViC . tN To per tqosre for each repetition CAKH IV AO VANCK. V 9. Advertisement Inserted a Special or Bishop Notices are charged one-half more than above rates eight lines tieaueoj or test counted aa a square. fAdvertiseBieots Inserted every other day are charged m eenta per square for each Insertion after the first. -. AT No publication made without a responsible nanie-" Th Kabrw Republic The rernutnmit (Vsvitfuiion of tK ConfiAera'e SiaU of Anwrtca. We, the people ef the Confederate States, echbteu act fig in tu sovereign and Independent character, la order to form a perniinen feleral government, eatables justice, lu- eare domestic tranquility, and secure the messlogs of liber ty to ourselves and ou' posterity invoking the favor and giiiJance of Almighty God do ordain and establish this CsDxt'tutioa for Uie Ceietederete Su'ea of America. stil l a 1. &wti I. All legislative Dowers hemia ueleirated shall be vested tn a fongre-s if the Confederate Hates, a bleb shall consist ef a renal and House of Itreaentetvr Srctxon 2. I. The Ilonse of Representatives shall be csmooe 1 of members hnsrn every second year b the people of lb several Stares; n4 the electors in etch State ahull be citi zen of the Confederate .Mates, and have the qualifications requisite for electors or ins moat anourous franca of the Rs'e Leghd.ture ; but bo persoa of foreign birth not a ciU sen of the Confederate Rta shall be allowed to vote for any officers, oivil or polttioal. Hula or Federal a- oo person -hall be a representative who shall not hev - PITClA'ITCtt INfl P!f llVPWSIAM 1 1 riPnJ f.u.?Vv ?e or twemy-flve years, and be a sitlssn of wvjuiuuu nnv vi uumvimu viivu uta i.uirnnprin mates, ana wnaanau not. when elected H . It. I- I101.MEK. ATTORNEY -AT LAW. AS removed to the contre office of JOURNAL BUILD- lNUo, next door West of bis former location. October 17th. 1861. 3d tf - KMFIK i ALLKIf, ATTOKN KYS AT LAW, TTAVB removed their office from F"rmitto Princess atreet, AJL JOUKNAL, ISUiLUlKU8, formerly occupied by H. U Holmes, tmi. October 17th. lRfil- 96-tf 4. T. mTBWAT, BOO KB HOORI. PETTKWAt W MOOnE. GENERAL COMM1S8IOX WERCH ANTti. VX(02, 1861 No. 23 North Water at., Wilmington, N. C. VOVin B. KRAMBKHT, TMIUOQIST AND PRACTICAL PH AKM ACEUTIST. U - WlLMlWOTOW, N. C. Keeps constantly on band, a select stock of Jrug, iltd- . trim, Domestic and European Ghemieals, Fancy and ZomI ArtwUn, H Mte and Lvjuor for Metixcal furpo$$, uuiari. o. MuParticulor attetitina paid to PuitciirrTioHS, Pa milt naoiris, MCDiCTMi (jhihta, ao. !Store Immediately under the ." Carolina Hotel." July 1 J, 183. SOVtf, G. C. A W. J. MCSHO. lOMlIIhiKION flhRCHANW and WHOLEBALK U0O J VElifi. No. 11 North Water titreet Jane (6, 1HM. Wilik9tom, K. C. Mesra x. BLosfou. (run a. TAHAinaKas. J. K. BUKSOil H Ctl. O EN KRAI. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IT June il. IB61. WitiiiKOTon, N. C. II. D. ICILERS. TX7HOLE8ALB GUOCKR AND COMMISSION Mt2 CHANT, and DiSALEU IN NAAL HTOUtii, oorne water and uarket iiieeta, v umuiKtoD, a. v. April 2d, 1WH. t M. MCIIRAY t UH . (Biaoeaaeora to Jlfarny k Fssu-ork,! C0KMISSIO.N MERCHAJIT3 AND WHOLESALE OROCEKH, WATKH tiTHEKT,- W1LMINUTON, N. O. . BTOamAT. D. B. BTOaCBIKIM. 1. T. MI MS4T. February 1. 1H59.. 125 tf Aint 0. mm. ' a r-iH. J At. C. iJITH 6i iXt., OKMISSION MEBCUANTa, ol?ce so-, m i jtor, - J BoBth Water and Market atroeta, WunUairtuD, f. srhera they are piepa.j J to aMassi wall bi'iicem tn ' . Cgiwanlna Una. v. ; - 3 ." . - ? ' All bailiiaas entraeted o tbem 1U bti o i . acto. o. if. Romnsow A. CO., COMMISSION AND FOBWASDINU MERCD ANTd ' J . WlLMrNOTOh.il C. Office over Mr. J. A. WQlard's Etore. Kntrana cot of Prinoess and Water streets. March 9, 18C0. 1&HA29. I'WION OISTI LL.KK Y. WILMINGTON, N. O., A. H. VAN BO&&ELEN, Pbofuuttob. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STMS-i pnrofiasea, j;iitn tared and sold Wharfage aad Storage farkiieLol, ad 'A7j..n .; , . fair rates. Jan. 2. 1860-100-tf. J. 14. feOlUAtfOM dt Wll.l(IiJVOt. I . - TMPOBTICUH, MAKUJT ALT! UiUXB' Aut-M Is. Al.-I.- X. leree in Hardware, Caltery, Irou, Swet, Niis ? sural Implemecta. o. 1. 1. be an inhabitant of tht Htate In which be shall be chosen S. fienreneutatives and direct tax4 shall be spnorttnard anionir tbe several Hlatea which miv be incladed within this Coufotleracy aroording to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to lb whole number ef free persons, including those boa id to service for a terra of years, and excluding Indians net taxed, Uiree-d'ths of all staves, lbs actual snunwsMoa shall be made .within three tears after the first meeting ef the Conereee of the Coated em to tnies, and within every sutnqquent term fto years, in siioii manner aa they shall, by law, direst. .The number of retiresentsHvea shall not exceed one fur evarv tlftr thou and, tut each State shall have at leant one representative : and until aach enumeration shall be made the btateof ttouth I arolma shall be entitled to choose six. the State of Geor Ria ten, the Hate of Alabama nine, the Rate or Florida two, the State of Miwieatppi seven, the btate of Louisiana six, ana me nute oi Texas six. 4. When vacancies happen in the renresentstlon front any htate, the fcxeoutive authority thereof shall tune writs of eieotion to rill such vacancies. 5. The House of Representatives si all choose their Speak er and other officers, and shall have the sole power o' im peachment, exaeptthat any judicial er other federal officer reaiueutuna acung aoiaiy uttnialhe limits of any Mate, may be impeached by a vote of two thirds of both branches oi tue Legislature itu rsor. &efton X. 1. The Senate of the Confederate States shall be eomn ed of two Ben&tora from each Htate, ohosen for six years by the Legislature thereof, at the regular aeasion next imme diately preceding the commencement of the term ( service; sua cn neuuior snail nave one vote. 2. Immediately after they shall be assembled. In conse quc.ee of the first election, thev shall be divided as equally as mj m uno uiree classes, me seats or ine rHiaatore ol the tirat class shall be vacated at Che expiration of the seo ond tear ; of the second clats at the expiration of the fourth year ; and of the 3d claa at thaexplration of the sixth year ; so that one-third may be chosen every second year ; and U vacancfea happen by resignation or otherwise during the recess of the Legislature ef any Htate, the Executive there of may make temporary appointments until the next meet lie of the Legislature, which shall then fill sncb vacancies No person shall be a Senator who ahall not have at tained the age of thirty years, and be a citiseo of the Con federate states, and who shall not, when elected, be an in habitant of the Kate for which he shall be chosen. 4. The Vice-President of the Confederate Htate shall be President of the Henate, but shall have do vote, unless they be equally divided. . ' 5. The Benate shall eboose their other officers. an4 kino b President pro tfmjrtJa the absonoe of the Vice Presl? dent, or when be shall exeroise the office of President of th Confederate Btatrs. 6. The Benate shall have the sole novit to tr all lm. peaebmeut. Whnn sitting for that purpose, thev shsll be on oath or affirmation. When the President ol 'be Confede rate Mates is tried, tbe Chief Justioe shall preside ; and n . person shall be couviotcd without the concurrence of two Uilrda ov tee members present. f. judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to bold and enjov anv ofliee of honor, trust or tirofit. under the Con tederate Kates; bat tbe party eonvictrd shall, never tbeleHM, be liable and subject to indictment, trial, indsment uu puuiFBuiaui., aucoruing iw law. taction 4. 1. Tbe times, placet and maimer of holdimr elections for Senators and Itenreeentatfvea shall be prescribed in sach t,Ia bJ the J-egulature thereof, aubjeot to the provisions gallon of cfa mi sgaitut the gofcrninent, liivh It s h -rtby of this t oi stuution j but the Congress msy, at any tim-, by made the duty of Congress to enabled. aw Diaae or ai er sucn regaiaiions, exoept as to the tlme 10. AH Mils appreciating money hail aoeciiy la l.'d. r ami piaoes or cnoosing Beuatora. currency the exact ammint of each ai nioorvition ami tfcr M 1 hfl I MaOJ a 1. . 1 1 aaa-MKlA a. 1 I I ...... . . vuR.ra ...... vOTiuu.i; mt wici in evr-rv i nuniiVKS for wtilc l It la made : and Uoi'rcaa kLa oiuiit .aa . n1 .... I. nAAl..M - V. 1 1 .. - . L. - A . ( I .1 . " , .uu ui.uB uw uu vuo um nonoav iu extra cumnenwtion to anv publio contractor, o Ucer the several States, end with the Indian trihes ; but n. hrer thia. nor any other clams contain la the tYnvitet.on. ahall ever be coostroed te delegate the power to t'onvrt-a to appropriate money for any iuternal trn rcveruiint lir,.i. ed U facilitate enmerce, exoept for the p'jrp.e of f it. Dishing lights, beaoous and buo)s, and othtte aid. to r.vi. gatinn upon the toasts, and the improvement of l.'.rri.r and the removing or otatruerious in river tiavigatien. la all which cases such dot es sdhU i liij 011 tbu naviKaiioii cil'tated thereby as may tS ueveanary xa t ay the c-ate and expenses thereof. 4. To ea'ahlinh nulform laws of naturalisation, n,l oi.i- form laws on the siibjoetef bsuvniptcies, thri npln.ut the Cou'edsrate ftateai but no law of Congress shall dfcUrge any sent ooatractea peiore wi iia-wnfrs "i ins aiu 4. To eniu money, regulate the value II ere.. f ttnd of for elga coin, and fix the standard of weights and iucaauria. i. T pro-hie for the punisliment cow.ir(i ng Uc S4'rsrt'ie and ourrem coin oi me vouisaeraie Mi'.", 7. To estsbliah post offices and post route; hut thncx peases of the Post office Departmnnt, aftr tlie tlrst day of arcjiaiao year or our ioru siKiuru 'uauiea uuu nia'y thre" shall be paid ent of Its own revensea. 8 To sr-ernote the progress of saienoe and uavf'.l arts, by - urlcg for litcited tims te authors aod Inn-niors the ex ulnsivr-ght uljhelr rvapeoUvsv wriUmra aad tiivaovertssv - 9 Tu Cuoelitute trliiuuals li.frrioi le the hupreios Court ID. To define and punish piracies t.nd felonies coivint'.ted en toe mga eeas, ana oiiciic sksidki ti.e law or u vtlorn. 11. To (teolsre war, grant li-iu-ii of nariuo sr.il r priaal, and make rules aonoerning enp'un s oa land and at or. 11. Te raise and support armies : Nit no ernronriutlon of money to that uie shall b for s loi.r tnu than two years. .' is. lo pruvnie aad maintain a navy. 14. To make ru'ea for goveruuieut aid reuulatloa of the land aud naval forces, f r 15. To provide far calling forth the Oilllttu to rxcuj the laws of the (!oiifvdcrai Matrs, suppress iueurrrctiout arid repel Invasion. i lti le provide for orgaulslr.?, srtiing end discli ulrg . the militia, aud fur governing such part of them aa intv b employed in the service of the Coiid'aorata Mates ; rSNO v- j ing to the htates, roapectivcly. the appniutmeut of tht If j eers ana ine aut'iority ol tra ng the militia aoconvt'g a 1 disoipline prescribed by Couyrea. i 17. Te exeroise exoluaive legislation, in a'l caacs aliat- aeever, over auch district (out sxoeeding Urn rolea sqpare) as may, uy seaaioo oi one or more miee ana tns a apt. aocs of Couarna, beeome the srutof ths governmeut f lbs Confederate fila'ea ; and to exercise like authority ovtor all places purchased by tbe coeaent of tbe Legislature of the Klate in wfilcu tne same shall lie, lor the ereotinn of f irta, mag. sines, arsenals, dockyards and other nofuTuI uild Inge; and j in. To mine ail laws wMch shall be necessary and pro per for carrying into execuMou the foregoing p'twerm and all other powera vested by this Constitution in the ituvrru- ment of the Confederate hiu'i-n, or iu any dfpaituiiit or ometr tnsreor. . Aet'i m 9. . I 1. The lidpoitatlon of negroes of the African rsedfrom any loreigi: country ouier tiiaa His siavobodlng tttattH, oi Territories i. the United Htatos of Amorica, In Lertljf for bidden : aud Congress is required to pass such luws ssehall eflectually prevent the same. 2. Cougreaa shall alao have power to prohibit tt;0 utrn ductiou of slaves from any Htate not a nicmber of, or urrl tsry not belonging to, this Confederacy. . 3. The privilege of the writ of babe corpus ahall itt he suspended, utileas when iu cae of rebellion or tuvasiuu the public salety may require it. 4. No bill of attalner, or ex jml Jacto l.V, or law flcny Ing or impairing the righ( of property iu negro elaveHxiiiill be passed. 6. No capitation or other direct tax shall be Id Id iiIcm in proportion to the census or enumeration Leroiiibet4ro di rected to be taken. . 6. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles' cxnurUl from any Kt ite, except bj a vote of two-thirds cf both f osse. 7. Mo preferences stall be givn by any regulation ol ommerce or revenue to the nurts of one Mate ovel those of another. . . 8. No money shall be drawn from the treasury. lrj In const qietics of appropriations ,uia4a bjr law,; nd a legu uius Ur staicmeut aad account of the reueipta and expeudltui of all public tueney s' all be pob)lhe4 Item tin tn tlnis. 9. Congress shall appropriate no tconey from the treiu ry except by a vote ol two-tliirda of hoth houai s, ukcu by yeas ana naj a, unisas ii ue hkkcu ana iMimai -a lor t y some one i trie neaus oi ospariiacDi, ana sunmittca to vonrtem by the President ; or lor the purpose of paying its own ex peimoe aud coutjneetiole. ; or for tl" payment of ciaiins against the Conleil' rate btntee, the j. .itice cf which elm nave been judicially decaicd by a InhuiiBl lor the I vent profit under the Confederate State, ahaO be appointed an -elector. 8. Th e'eotora rhall snoet In their respective Stale and vote by ballot, f r president and Vine 1'resiilent, one of v now, at least, susu nr- be an uiuabitant of the same Htat i wltb thrmselves t they shall name In their ballots the per son voted for as President, and In disilnct ballots the per son voted for e Vice President, and they-sh.ll make dia. tmrt lis' of all persons voted for oa Prem l--nt. aad of all pernors votod for ss Vice Pre'ldent, and of the nuTtber ol votes for each, which Ht they shall siga and certify, and transmit, sealm, to the goveriinieut of the confederate Rates, directed to the President of the rVarate; the Presi dent of the He nate shall, Iu the presence of the 8enat-s aud ll-ui-e of Ueproeeutativrt, open all the certlticstes, and the votoe ahall then tw oiintcl (he Person havkuir the s-rnateat jiuuiorr oi votes tor rrtnniw.il snmi be in l'reaidi nt, Ifsucl unuiupr I'm a niviornv oi uie wnoie number tr electors an pointed, and if be person have such majority, then, from the persous saving ine uigneat Bomber, but eaceedinir three, i n tLe list of thoae voted lor as l'rr.l.lout, the House o 'preseoutlvea, ahall ehooae ImuiedlaUly. by ballet, tht Prestdoot. Hut In choosing the President the votsa shall be taken by Slates, the repreaontsllon fiom each Htate having , iuiuiu IJr tin- iiwpoaa snail conaist ot a Bieru " ' "ii:ii ir."-i iwn-umu of :.he riaua, ana a ma jorlty of all the rttatee shall bs Oscevaiy to a clinics. Aud u uie itauae or liupreaeutsuves shall Pot choose B Preal d. nt, whenever the rlglil of choice shall devolve noon them before the 4th day of Wares next following, tha tht Vic Pieeidcbt sh.ll net aa Preaideut. aa in case of the death or otner const Ituitonal disability of the l'r r-l lojt. 4. Ihe person Iiavlng the greatost number of volet as t ice rreauieul shall be the Vice Presidnut, If such number us a majority ol the whole number ol sJi.oIims im.,,i.,t.f and ii bo peraon have uij jniy. then fioui the two highest uumovrs no uie nat tne r-enate snail t'hco.io tb Vice I'reSI- -li nt i a quorum fur the burnose slu.ll uouaist of twn.tlilr.l. of the whole number of Senators, and a uml irl'v of thx hole number sliail be oecea-iary to a cholco. 6 Hut no lieriDa CoriHtltuilotiaUv luullliriida to It . mo il Preaidoiit sha'l be .Hgible to that of Vice President of the (Vntrd'jiate Hutes. (i The Coneross may determine ths time of ohooulntr tl. elt cters , and the day ott which they rhail give their votes. wuicu cay anau us toe same ibrouaiiout the Conlederal mairs. 7. No person except a natural born citizen of the Con- re luraie rlalva, or a citizen theteof at the time of the adop tion of thia countitutien, or a cliifien thereof born In the United Ktates prior to tHs 2H'h of Jjeceraher, lHDO. shall be eligible to the i l.We or Prsldont ; neither shall any person be eligible to that Hike who shall both' atbaiued Uie sge of thirty five years, and heeu li urtoeu years B resident wiihtu the liiuii of the Confederate mates, as may exist at u i-mie oi mi eieiuivu. H. Iu case of the removal of the Prenlrtrat frnm effics, or of bis deuth, resignation, or Inability to discharge the pow ers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on vice rtsfli lain aud tlie Dongreas may, I y law, provide i r the cae ol removal, death, resignation, or Inability hoih of tbe President and Y ie Piesldeut, dicUrltig what officer anaii iiiBu a v aa i roaiaoni, stu suon citl'ier snail am ae. eotdtngly until Ih tiisahilily be fcniov I or B Prcslduut ahull be elected. 'J. 'l he Pieaidett shall, at sUtrd tlmra, rtenlve for bis ervii es a coiupci.tution which thall neither be Increased uor d!minthed durlng the period lor winch he shall have buen elected; and ho t hull not receive-within tun puiiod any o l.er iinul .ment frctn tue Cniledrikte fuies, or any of them ' ' 10. Itcfoia he enters ou the execution of his HUe, be ehail taHs the following oath or sillrimuion t " I do siilenui y swear (or.flinn) that I will faithfully ex ecute the ollice ol President ot the Confederate hUlim, and will, to ths beat tf mi a ility, pruatirve, protect aud defend tho Cuuatimtlon thereof." iSirfion 2. 1." The President shall be commander In-clilef of tlio army and navy of tlio Confederate Mates, and of the mi'ltia ol the feveral Halt s, v. lieu called Into the actuul serv es of the Lonft;ileraie Mates : he may Tcmilrs tbe opinion. In writ ing, of the principal ollioer in cash ef the Kxeoutive Depart ments, upon soy subject relating to the duties of their re spective niceis, and beshall iiavu power to grant repiiaves anaii in eonaeqnee ef any lit or regulation therein, U discharged from anch aervlce of labor, but shall be dtirVet v..u v, .in pan 7 to wood sues staves belong, or to hum such service H labor Biay be due. 1 by lives tkrliu I. Other fctatea may be admltttJ Into tl.l. rf.ni. uraey easota- dilTerent December, unless they shall, by law. appoint day. 1. Each Lfouue ehall be the Judge of tbe elections, returns I ana quel ncatioce or iu own members, and a majority of each ahall constitute a quorum to do bnsineM ; but a smal-1 i sgei, . COX, J. r. XXXDALV W. r. XKNDALL, COY, KRKIIAI.I4, k CO. -10MMISBI0N MERCHANTS AND WU0LE.SALE GHO- J CEU3, - Ko. 11 k 12. North Water f?t. March Uth. mi 157-0 T. CM n. Q. tVOTlTB al0JffaO83!05 ASD FO a . ai " Sf'iCRCHANTb. Vi "rVl'JiHiiikTrH. N. C. sfsrohU. 11" . !... WALKfitt SlKkHtuA, f9icnflsor to Walker Meares A Co., " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST IS Makkxt Stbsst, WiLinyaTtm. g, O. 0. P. BLUB. . B. 9. atTTCHBLL. KLLI9 fc MTTCIIEUU. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN r sony, teas, oats, rye, wheat bbau, oil mkal; AlSO, KAHTlkN AKL NO&TB RIVER BAY, , ) S orfi Watur siaet, n -o. hf. C. - lni t. 'in ' ?MRra a -rtOtt-isT, C0MMIE8ICN KEIiCHANTS, WiumwTOR, N. C. BOMB H ABBISP, a. I. HOWflJk V. W. BABhlfti. . Oct. lt. IKS. 0. B. JKHMIMOS. h. FBACOCX. JENNINGS &PEACOCK, (grCCKSSOM TO OWYRB, TSACOCI S OO.,) inOMMUSlON MERCHANTH, Wholesale Grocers, and Kj Dealers in Naval t tores, Cotton, and Southern Produce, - WILMINGTON, N. C. jnae xa, isbt. " iuu or servaut, a't'r such contract shall Lave been made or inch service rendered. 11. No til!e of nobility (hall be gmn'cd ly the Confeda rate States; and BO peiaoo holding any 1 (Uce of profit or txuit ocdur tLc-uj, aLull, without the c-i:i-cnt of il.e Con ..... ...,.t nt mi.O nr...)il ttf..rl.,.in...i u i.irl.... ... ...I. ..f 1 .,.,U, .... ..l!... f ... ...i L.. J.- l- v.f.v. y ....... V, ...... ... -j .uj..u.m -7i uu ma w au-1 ,Dy gma abate Tor irmn nay King, prince or lorcvrr Htate thonzed to compel the attendance of absent membere, in 12. Cougress t.hall make to law re-pe. ting an eatahlHi. such mauaer and under such peualties as each House may firov iuoi 2. Each Hoot msy determine the role of lta nrncaed. iiiRB, puuikb it members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence ol two-third of tht whol number, expel B member. 3. Each House shall keep a lournal of its proceedings. and from time to time publish tbe tame, excepting auch parts aa may in their judgment require aecresy, aad the jet and bay of the member of eituer Eoae, on any quts- nou, snaii, at me assure 01 two-niLLs or ID use present, be cuitrea ou me journal. '4. A either iiouse. during tbe stssion cf Congress, shall. lthout the consent of Uie other, adioura for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two u ousts auau do anting. Nictton 8. 1. The Senator and Representatives shall receive a com pensation ror tneir services, fo be ascertained by law, and paid out of tbe treasury of theConfederate States. Thev anau, in an eaaea, except treason, leiony ana breach or the peace, Le privileged from arrest during their attendance at tb aeasion of their respective Houaes, and in going to and returning from the tame ; and lor any speech or debate Is either House they ahall not bt qnestioned In any other piuc. 2. no Senator or Representative shall during the time for the authority of Uie Confederate Btatea, which sh,U navel been created, or the emolument whereof snail lave been Increased during such time; and no person n ding any cflice under the Confederate btatea shall be a member ot either House during his continuance In office. But Congi may, by lew, grant to the principal oflieer In each ot the Executive Department a seat noon tbe floor of either boote. wi n in privatege or uucusaicg any measure appertain ing iv uia uepariment. tnvlwn 7. ment of religion, or prohibiting the tree exercine t',creul or abridging the freedom of speech, or I ihe prens; or th right ot the people peaceably to tiitieiuh.o and petition the govarctneni lor a redreaa ot grievances 13. A well regulated md.lia being in ec-ary to ti e an eurit of a free Hate, the right or 'h people to keep and v ar arms snan not oe iiuringsa. 14. No soldier shall. In time of peace, he 0 mri. i. d in any Douse without (be eouaenl of the on r.er : n i in tunc ol war but in a manner to be prescribed by law. IS. The right cf the people to-b scei.re n their p'-mors nouses, pspeis sua enects against un-e.''ir.kt'lii iciirclie: and seizures, shall not be violated ; and r.o wirrunu -li!l issne bat anon probable cause, supported by otib or .ffirni ation, end particularly dercribiug the place to be torched and the persona or ttiings to be seized. 16. No person stall be held to answer for a capital or . . . . . . omerwiae infamous crime, unless on a presentment or in dictment of a grand jury, except in i an aii.iu; in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in act ml ner ice, In time of war or public danger : nor ati.ll any perron bu sub ject lor the same mfieoce to be twice put m leopard v of life or limb, nor be compelled, in any crmiiiiai ca-e, to be a w lines against nimscll ;. nor be dee rived ol life, li'-erty or property, without due procens of ; nor r.ha-1 private property oe taxea lor public ue witbuut just cbinpeuita lion. 17. In all criminal proaecotloLt Ilia accused shail eniov Uie right to a speedy and public trial, by au impartial jiry of the htate and diatriot wherein the crime ahall hi ve been oommitled, which diatiict shall have beeu previously sneer tamed by law, and te be lefoTWJ of the balme a d catiw of tbe socusation: to be con roi led with the witnes es agaiuat him; tu have compulaorv process for , btuloiiig wnn aaes in his faver, aud to have the la-natance of couo,el 101 but defence 18. In in ti at common lew, whre the ve'iie in cuti'ro- 1 All bills fojralsing revenne shall originate in the House I versy ahall exceed twenty duliar. ihn rirht of trial by jjry NOTICES. CO-PARTNERSHIP KOTICR. fTlEE TJlfDERSIGNED have entered into Co-Partnership s in me town or Wilmington, nt. u., nnaer the nrm ol of RepresentaAive ; bat th t-snste msy propose to coucar wun amenumenu as oa otner Dii.t 2. Every bill which shall have paased both Douse shall befoi it becomes a law, be presented to tht President e! the Confederal btatea ; if he approve, he shall sign It ; but if not, be shall return it with his objections to that Hons in waicn n snail nav originated, who shall enter tbe objec 'r..v . 7 1 "..5. ..'": .' ""uc " vi 1 110ns at large 00 tneir journal ana proeeed to reconsider it 1 l.TT-nrTiiVVa v .wi Rnne royln8 If, fter tucn recoasideraUon, two-thirds of that House shall .uu auuiiin . 3, wuue mt uiguoai gbbu prioea 1 agree to past tu bill, it snail be sent, together with the ob- wuioepaia. ...... I Jeotions, to tho other House, by which it shall like site be reconsidered, and ir approved by two-thirds of that House it ahall become a law. Bat is all such ease the votee ol both House ahall bt determined by yea and ravs. and the name of the persons voting for and against th bill shall be emerea on me journal ot eacrt House respectively, if any bill shall not be returned by the President within tea days (Sunday txcepted) alter it ahall bay been presented to mm, ice tame anau be a law, in Ilk manner a if be bad They also have a house to Mobile. Alabama, where thev will receive and sell slave on oommiseion. Liberal advan- AM m .Ha nnnn . a.t. Lrt v . 1. Ik.m ..1. D. J. BOUTEERLAND, JAMES C. COLEMAN. August let, 18S9. MS-t NOTICE. N . .u Jatau? Baa ixivet i'eeeocx win carry ,igM(j iti naie,,, n.e fongreaa, by their adjournment, pre h?2Vr.1r?n!mlf8ion Forlra7d'n s" he 'd ent tt return ; tn which case it shall not be a law? The l!f !5 V Uu fl.0 Gy'i Peaoock Co., under the president may npprov any appropriation and disapprove any other appropriation tn tbe same fcilL In such oaee,he ahall, in signing the but, designate tbe sppropnauon dis approved, and shall return a copy of eucu appropriations. with bis objection, to Uie House la which tbe bill ahall have originated ; and tbe same proceeding ahall then be: bad as in case of other bdia disapproved by the President. b. Every order, resolution or vote, te which tbe concur: renc of both Houses msy be necessary (except on a ques tion ot sojournment) anau oe presented to me rres'deut of ine confederate btates ; and betora ine same snail tax f- or bemg disapproved by two-third of both House acc rd- ing to the rules and limitation prescribed in case if a bilL fecfum 8.- The Coogres shall have power 1. To lev and collect taxes, duties, iinnoeta and excises for revenue neceasaiv Lo dsv tha debts, crovkis for the eommon defence, and carry on Uie government of the Con federate btates ; but no bounties shall be granted from the i reaaury, nor abail any duties or taxes oa importations from foreign os ticns oe laid to promote or roster any branch of Jennings & Peacock. kos. uriAOOcg. Jon li. Ooldaboro' Trlbano eopy. 235 ViTIjSllSCTOa IRON A HO COPPER WORKS, rsojiT nrarrr, iilow hasxbt. WILMINGTOJI. N. C. - L. A. MAS1 & O. i3AZU.rt .Proprietors, PRACTICAL BUILDERS of portable JjWJI, Bad stationary 6 team Engmets of mv r. 7 T ZM a'JI. 2, aH quired power ind kind of b,ea"miU f baU be approved by hire r .iSnf gristmill, gin gearings, and an vChaS h,m- mV b."l d B "" m ii i nsi iissjiJ grist mills, gin gearings, and any other kind n macnuiery maue in aii,y csiauumuueui Doatn. Cava OD band B large variety of patterns for machinery now in geo ersJ ue in the surroandiiig country. Will snppiy drafts of au kinds of machinery and mm wore, lur pectin stills and copper work in all its Drancties. au Kinds or nrcn and bras caatincs, finished or nnflniahed, Bt ahort notice, old tcachisery overhauled and repsirod. AU work warranted to be ss represented. In connection with the above establishment, w have oa hand a large atock of rubber and leather -toe i ting, lacing, packing rivets, and iia. aim I Saws and furnished at shot! lotto. reb, 16. ol IndOMtrw mnA .11 nlu. . n . . ... .v.. II - . W niUUVr Ull ISaUICl Wi.iu-la 11.111, I J . w.Mtv, aujpvw .uu vavwc. ..11 U . UU1- mill rock and boltiug cloth for grist I onn throughout th Confederal btates. id (olar Bawt of any Lm and g&cge( RtfT borrow money oa th credit of th Confederals 3. To regaia.t commerc with foreign natjotuf, and among j ahall be preserved ; and no JUct -o b led by a j iry than be otberwia re-exauined in any covt of the Conltderacy ilnD accoromg to u ruies oi tue con (nun law. 19. Excessive bail shall net bt req lired, nnr'txeesaive Dms Imposed, nor cruel sod unusual puulahment InfliCU-d 20. Every law or reaolnuon having the force of law. shall relate to bot one subject, nd tuat an ail be expressed m the title. S c'ion 10. 1. No State shall enter into iby treaty, alliance, er con federation; gran letters or rr.atque asd rep.ia.l; cola money ; make anjti ing but gold aud silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; psas any bill of attainder, or x rosi rocio law, r law iu.panit.'g mi onfigMion oi cctraet i : oi grant any title of nobility. x. no Bitto anau, wiwiuui. nw cuu.rai cr ice uomrresf. lay any imposts or duties on imports and exports, exoept wnat may oe aasoiuteiy uei-e'wuj ior executing its icspec tionlaws; and the nett produce cr ail duties aad 'mp jsH. laid by any b'ate on imuorts or exports, stall be for the ue of the treasury ot tne voi reaeraie Diates ; and all such laws shall be subject to tho revision and control of Con gresa. I. No Hate i-ball, without the consent of Congress, lny anv duty ofAennaae, exempt on aes going vessels, for tha improvement of its rivers ana n arbors navirsted by th said vessels; but sucn qutiea snait not eontlict wltn any treaiiea or toe t,oucueiav qwih wro foreign natio'is ; and anv surplus of revenue tbut derived shall, alter niukimr such improvement, b paid into the common tioaxurv : nor ahall any Mate keep trcopa or ships of war. lrr time of peace, eater luto a ay agreement or oompact wito another htate, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger a will not admit of delay. But hen any river divides or flaws throuuh two or more states, they may enter into compacts with each other to improve the navigation thereof. Abticlb 11 Seel ion 1. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the Confederate mates of America. He and the Vice Presi dent ahall bold their offices for t:. term of six years ; bnt the President ahall not be re-eligible. The Prea.denl aad Vice President shali be eitcted aa lollowa : 2. Each btste shall appoint, ta such manner as tha Leuia- lature thereof may direct, a namber of elecurs equal to the whole aumberof tenators aod Repreac&taticcs to which Uie Rate may be entitled ta the Congreea ; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trustor, and par -ions lor odtaces sgniust the Conluderate bbitva, ec'i id cswp oi niijii-ucniiieiii. , - . tlwsjaU hiivsv-tlw p-..wr. by and with Ue ajlvico gud eouotu ot the Henale, to nuke treaties, provided two llilinunl i ha renntuia pr rent Ui.ncur ; and he ehal I nomi nate, and l y and with the advice and consent of the (Senate, s.-iu.i H(,po in aiui'S-hu una, o'ner public miiiitors end cou -ids, Ji. Ji'a of tb Mipreiuv Court, and all ether officer of ttie-t oefeilersUt Mat-, wlien ppoiutinents are not herein oii.erwine prov ded ior, nud which slisll be esluhltrhtid by hiw ! Put the Congress n.sT. by law. vrst the appointment ui kmc. i inirrior i incprs, a iney uiiiig proper, In Uu) 1'reel duiii atooe, Iu b) oourta of luw or in the heads of dt-part- UU'UtS. ' The i rlnclpul officer in each of the executive depart nieiitu, and all persons conneewd with the diplomatlu ser vice, nisy he removed from office at ths pleasure of Ihe Preaideul. All other elvil officers ol tt.e l.xtentive Depart ment uisy tn rmvcd at any time by tho President, or I UouM'ixit, olhiir apiiolii'it-g power, whcii their services are uime.cca- I A'anutice . aary, or lot- il niniieciv, Incapacity, iuellioiency. nilsuou-l tlexentltir, onti, or nugicit oi on y ; and when so removed, the ruinov I Auxon, at shall be imported to the Senate, together with tbe ruanous I A!igtiny, mural nr. i Ane, 4. The Pieaide-nt Hhall have bower to fill !1 vacancies I Heanfort. that niHy hrppeu dut tug tho recess of the Benate, by grant- H rtte. ing comrnixi-ior t which fdall expire st the end of their next Bladen, e. Mou ; t nt tin person rej -oted by the tenate shall be re- Dmnawick, appointed te the aaine tilice during tluir euauittg recess. Iluncombe, rwe.ion a. I inn no, 1. The President shall from time tu time, civo to tie Con- Cahnrrna, gt ess luloruiatiouof the stain of Ihe Cnuffiiurncy, and re- Caldwell, ooinmei.d to their conai'di ration Kucb rneasures ua ho shall I'Binden, judge neucavary and expedient) be may, on ex'Taonllnary C.irtcrt, oocaalons, conveue both houseii, or fltlicr of them and in f'auwell, caxe ot dwugrn nirut between sfiers, with respect to Uie Oitawbit; time of sdjjtiriirhenl, he may adjourn Ihom to auch time as Chatham, bu si. all tin tik pioper: he st all reveivs Amhasnadiiia and t licrokpo. other pabiio Diibioiers; he shall take rare that th law be I bowao. laiibfuily exeeut d, and ahall commualoB all th officers ol I Cleveland, . th tolifederato 8-utis. .1 CoIiiiiiIjuj, .Srclinn 4. raven, . 1. Tlw President. Vice Pie-ldeut. and all civil offlcara of I Cumli-riaml. the Confederate btates, shall be removed from office on iin-1 Currltu ilc, ueachmiMit for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other j DuvidUon, nigh eiliuct ui.d initdemeauors. - 1 Davln, akticls in.--A'ciori 1. 1 1 Dnplm, 1. Tbe judicial power of ibo i 'nnfederat HtAtes shall be I Edgecombe. vettted in on bunrenie Court, and in such Inferior courts as 1 Forsvthu. the Congress niay Irora tune to lima ordain and eaUib iah I Prankliu, iuk j nigos, notu oi me ri premo and lulerlor courts, shall anion, hold Iht ir ittlcea during good behavior, aud shall, at stated I Giites. liloes, receive ler their servleas a r.oninenatiim. which I Granville. shall oo' be diminished during tbelr cjuViuuance In dike. I tie.-ne, rtcnon v i uniiiorn, 1. Tho J'lUIcUl power ai.alt exlend to all caaaa arUlns I Ilallfdx. oudur this Uons'.ituuou, tlie laws of the I oufederat btataa. I l!arnitt.- a..d treaties made or which shall be msde under their au-1 lUvwood. thority ; Vi all ewes sH.icling amtaaadnrs. other publio I Heiidentuu, mininirra and oonsiils: lo ail cas- t of admi'alty and marl-1 Hertford, tuue ji.rid.c ion ; to Oun'.toversies to which the (Joiifeda-1 IIrd.' rate butcs ahall be a part j to controv rale bt tweta two I eilell. or moie Mates ; between a Btate and citizen of another I Jscksoa. Mate wuet tha .-taie is i.lamtiff; between eftusens claim-1 John-eVoO, . lug h.sda mder giants of diKsrent HHtrn. sod botween a ' Jons, btate or the ciitz -ns thereof and tteUu biates. citizeas orlLrnilr. 1 atjir.-t ; but no mate ahall ba sued by a cittzuo or tut ject Lincoln, i of an- foreign state. - I Vacon, J. Iu all casea allt-ctiug smhtHjadnrs, other publio minis-1 Madison, ter ami couauls, aud those in which a btate shall bealMnrtln, pa f, , tee t-uprclne i urt shall have original j iriadiction I McDowell, iu all the oth r t aes be ioru mentiouod tne bunrenie Court 1 Mecklenburg. ah..li nave appel ate jtiriadlelion, Aoib as to law ari l tact, I Montgomery, , viih such exceptions and under uuu regulations a ihe I Moore," Conrren sliail mike. I Nash, 3. 1 he trial of all crimes, except in rase of ImueacLnnnt. I New Hanover. th-.ll be by jury, and m.h trial (hill be held in tho btate I Northampton. wbnre Ihe said crimes shall have boen oommltted : but I Onslow, when not committed within any btate. Uie trial shall be at I Orange. such place or place aa tie Cougress may by law have dl I Pitsquotsbk, recteu. . i t erqinmans. Section 3. , - l pemon, 1. Treason against the Confederate State thall consist 1 Pitt. only in iev ing war ngai.iat them, or in adhering to their Polk, eueii.ie, giving them aid tnd oomfort. : No persjo shall be Richmond,' eoiiviuteu ot treason jnies on tue testimony of two witnes- Randolph, see to the same overt set, or on eoafession in open court. Iloboson, 2. TLe Congress shall have nower to declare the pun tab- Rccklcgham, ment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work cor- Rowan. ruption ol blood, or forfeiture except daring the life of the I Rutherford, pirou attained. . . I Hampson, . abticl iv. teolton 1. I Btanly, 1. Full faith and credit shall be given In each Bute to tha I Rokes. public nets, words and judicial proceeding of every other I reorry, state- And the Coogre may, by ge neral laws, prescribe 1 Tyrrell, the manner in which such acts, reco.ds ami proceedLEgi 1 1'uba, khull be proved, and the eflcot thereof. I Wake, . section a. I Warren, ' 1. Tee ciiizeus ofeach btaW) shall be entitled la all thai Washington. privileges aud immunities of citizens in the several Rates. I Watauga. J sod sbail have the rnzht-of transit and sojourn in anv Mate I Wavne. of this Cmiederacy, with their slave and other nronertv : I w ilkes. -aud the right of property in said slaves ahall not be there-( Wilaon, oy imparted. - . i radKin, -. 1. A persoa charged In any Stata with treawa. feloor. I 1 ncey, or other crimo sL'mat Uie laws of such btate, who shall I Sae from justice, and be f juud in another btate, ahall on . oemann oi tue executive authaiity of the btate from whicb he fled, be de'ivered op to-be removed to the State Laving ju-isuicton of the crime. 3. ho slave or other person bell to service or labor tn any btate or Territory of the Confederate btates, under Uie lawt thereof, ("scaping or lawfully can ie4 into another, a vole of tw-thlrc' of Us who! Houa of Rrn " l wii'inirnt ir Uia annula IK 1 ..... . i. JXJ KUU "D" ,ormt4 ' t-ectd wiihlj i,i iJ. .L? i,l"!,,t,f Vxt' hu, ' ut Boy Rat. be form 11. ry . iunc,,on ot more States, cr parts of but, without the Msar-M , of th Legul.tur.Vlf tL buiet M, oeria-.l, as well as of Uie Congress. . cob 3. The CoBirreea shall Lata n. t .i ..a . all caedlul ru.rs and regulations concerning the property of the t ontedersU Ktatss, iuoludlng the land thereof. 3. Thtt-onrederateBtati Disyacqalr new territory, and Congrssa shall have power to legislate and provide gevera menis forthe Inhabitant of all territory belonging to the Confederate Hale lying without th lltnlt of ths aevtral bUtea, ami may permit them, at tuch time and la tueh manner ss It may by law provide, to form th Male to b adiiililcd Into Uia ooolsdWacy. la all such territory ths In stitt.Hou of negro .Uvary as It Bow txt.l In the Confede rstRWa shall b r'jrotrnirsd and prot.-rt, 4 T (-.., , anil -by th Jerrlhir'il iiOor.-,n.er, . 1. . i 1 9 , .. . Ui several ConfJrrat btaUs ar,d Territories sim.i itve the right to tali such territory and slaves lawfully held bv thero w any of 0q Hlato or Terriu-rl;-. of th Cohfuderaui DibbCVbIi ( 4. Tht Cor.fu.lerato Rate shall goarantss lo tvery flute that now la or hereafter may beeom a member of this Cua federay, a Republican form f govtrnmeot, and shall pro tect each of tbera againat inreHoa ( and 00 applicati. ef ' the lglilattusfor of ths 2aen(ia .k.n ii.rV.. ..I.. .I is out fcj s'aoionj against dnmcstlo vlojosoo. tt abticlb v. vcicri 1, I. Upon the domanit of n Ik... ui.i.. 1. n ' bled In heir several conventions, th Congress shall turn mm a Cmiveution of all th. males, to tak into considers- ? Hon Dch.ammdments to th rountltuiloa at th said but slml! concur In suggostlng at th time when tha said damand s made, and should any of Uie proposed smend meats to the eonstmitlun be acreed on be tlm aM nnn.i... -T itig by Rite and the sunt b ratified by th Laalalatura of two-ihlrd of th several Hutea, or by convention, la two-thirds the roof as the 011s or tha ml,.. ...i cat lou may be preposod by the gonerai convent lon-they shall tencf..rwril form a psrl of thi Constitution. But bo Ravs nhall, without I s consent, b deprived of Iu aual representation la the benat. "-im . . ABTICtifl. ' ' 1. The (Jovemnient established bv thlaCnniitnii 1.11.. ttjcossaor of the provisional government of th Confederal Ma c of America, and all if. lawt passed by th latter shall continu In lore uulll th tarns shall be repealed or mod fled; and all the olllJer appoint by Ui cam ahall remain In ollln nut it their successor are appointed aad qusllUed, or th otlicet abolishsd. rf ' B0 2. All debUooutraoteil and engagement entered Into ' 1- ."v .mi...wu wi turn uuusiiiniion anau ti. mm .-'i agatiiNt Uia Uuifeilnral Ratee under ths constitution as ondnr th 1 rovislonal government. 3. Thlt oonlitutiun. anil tha laws nt it.. K.1.1...1. btates, mule In pursuance Uiereof. and all treaties mails, or wnicn sunn ne mad under the authority of the Confederate States, shall be the snpreme law of the land; and tbe judg. t iu every Rate ahall b bound thereby, anything iu th constitution or laws ol any btate to th contrary SotwIUj. vatiAUlllii . . 4. ihs Henitcrs and Representatives before mtntlontd. aud the niemner of ttio several Rule 1 rglslattire. and all ........... kuu juuioiai i-uicrra, nom or ths Confederal Ratejnd of the several htatsa. shall ka t.nw,A k. ...... affirmation to supppii this eonstltution, but n religont test bitll over be required a a qimllllnatloii to any oio or pu' llo ttust under th Coufudarala Hi.l. ' " 8. The powers not delegated to the Confuilcrat r-'tatut b th Couatitiit on. nor prohibited hv it l.. it., k. ...... ... . serrinl to lha blales, respeotlvsly. or to tht People thereof. , ' ART1CI.1 Vfl. - 1. The rot flc 't Icli.r.f the (Jouvemlona of n S1.1.. beenfll dont ror ihe etsluiimeiit of this ousUtutioa be tween tha Hta'.ei a ru'ifv Ing tl, am. 1 1 When-liv Rates shall bay ratified thfk constltutloo, ... .u. iii..n..r iiniorv siieciuen. iii 1:111. .. ,.n.i..- ....... lonilccujftitutlon shall nrecriio th t mt for ImldliVir tha Hf-etmii oT i'reMdci.t antf Vice 1 -rc-SKluM J auu tiw ul.3ilJ of the Elncti Ml flollcget and fur eounting tlie volet and ' .u ;uittiiog uie i risnnsi. ibeyitiall also prescribe Uit time tor bottling the Brut eleellon of member of Congress under this contuttiiii n, aud ths tune f irsssombllog thsesme. Uuiil the ssaenihliug of such Con.ress, ih Cangress under llie pruvMonal con.tlttition shail cout!uue to ex arc is th legislative puei grauled theiii, not extruding beyond th time llmiloJ by Ihe conatituUou of the provisional sovsrn. ment. " Adopted uiiaiilinolialy, March 11, 180. ; C.i.aos ot l'orfU Carol In a IKflO. " A BFI'OUTXD bYTMS rXOKBTAHY 09 TUB BTATB C0NVBSTIOM. WHITH. MSX)L B. BLArgS. TOTAL. 4,414 7,'7 5,:iui tt.fti 5, n7 7.4'il H.172 6, R 8.213 4, 1S 10,6'i.i 8.647 7,4(14 8,il'J7 2 lit 8 IM4 8 SHI 9 014 l.ft.V. n.Mno 2.971 10 U)H 8,779 . .7'J5 , 9,681 ; 4,871 13.37-1 8,IM H.2KII 10.718 : 11,4'MJ .7 iHM 4,1W) 11,1X9 5. Hifl 1A 738 8 6-12 6,3.11 . - 4,4)8 . H.9HI 3 941 4.ca 11.141 .?4l 10 Sttl -.; ' 22! 4.)3 , e. ooo f. 37tl 1 8,fi''3 . 6 tr. 6MJ 10,fi43 8.7HI 8,725 6.319 10,617 ' 6,fll2 5,1W 11,31 4,473 3.2S7 5,708 7,40 -3.317 8,211 H.'itA 8,684 10,1.21 10,621 . 9 0i,0 ' 9,108 6 61KJ - 7.H47 8,949 3 2o3 ' 8,903 ' 16,470 4,fi3 . 3..1WJ 4.771 8.721 13 2SO 6,944 ; 9,110 8,223 41) 19 1lt -il 141 7411 i 279 i! 2(10 100 219 1U4 114 278 lft 27a V8 ' 301 . lfll ion 354 1,2m8 978 221 117 1(11 371 .IMS 211 641 , W'l 1 l't'4 1,121 162 - 61(3 2.4W 101 n i,ii 29 29 193 i 107 177 m . 2 4.r.l 273 2W) 4.' 181 ' ---ui 706 CiS .19 '. 421 1,44 392 818 . 127 . 106 , 5 344 30 1,460 . 4U7 13 ' 122 4S9 : 42 ;' 86 ' 1-4 , 143 63 1,424 402 . 2f6 ; 8J'-. . 714 ' V.l ' 20 : I'M - 64 . aut am- .., t H78 - ' S.H 6,327 ,U2l 1,911 2.371 ' 3.010 l.OHl 2fl27 ' 1.989 0,364 1.884 ' 0,246 619 3.713 2,131 : 2,403 0.1 !0 fl.hao 2,624 3,078 2,3'.i'J 7.128 10,108 . 1.764 7,079 2,103 8,902 11,0.; ' 3,947 ' 8,624 -: 10,349 J,5H 313 ' !,33 4,44.1 ' 2,793 4,177 ' - 2.1 ' 4,91-1 3,413 ' - 6,181 . 2,114 619 1 213 4,303 . 1,305. 6,641 ' 1,823. 2,618 4.6S1 . 10,332 - 6,808 8.439 ' 6,109 . ' 2,9 3,603 6.115 8.473 5,4.3 1,645 6,468 -6,318 S.K9 : 2, S!H . 7,028 . 1,1? r 2,9 --1,248 - 1.5K7 ' 2 2td 10,733 10,4)1 , 2,4- 5 1(4 . 5 4 1 - 1,2 8 ' 3,4 a ," ; 1.4-t3 3,2 11,863 ' 1 6,022 ,13,004 3,6110 T.96 14,779 14.311 11,903 -: 8.408 12,664 9,337 10,646 7,499 ; 6,343 8.1H4 16,213 ' 10.730 w.irs 9,108 6,842 12,348 H,6a7 10,273 16,369 7,416 16,601 8,194 14,7HI 17,378 12,691 14,110. 9,310 - 8,444 21.396 7,95 20.064 19.411 ". 8,019 6,801 10448 9,6(4 7,734 -14,347 ' 6.A2S .,14', 7 6 7iJ 10,211 8,1 !.5 8.004 ' 6.9C8 Ifl.lR) . 7,120 17,374 7,649 " 11.427 11,88 21,715 13,376 8,806 16,49 8,940 7,248 11,221 16,73 4,04f U,0 . ltt79t 15,414 16,744 14,6f JI.673 16 6IX . . 7,f-0l 10,401 10,379 -4.913 -1I.21'2 2s,6ij 15,7Jv ' 6,3 A 4.y;,t ' 11,90fl 14,749 . 9,720 10,711 t31,49 30,007 S31.CSI 9j2,667 LiAj D1KV Bl an. 20.. ACtt CL.OTH for Cloaks, t RALDWIX'8. HEAVY UHOW N BU1LL5, i0 pieces, it Jaa. 20. " - BALD WIN'S.

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