- It Frv ra tte New fV.eixt D'a. 511. f !aI fr I h IM UliW Un-I rtw i.rlt.hle 1 Bunuif1 y and arena rarll Vi ;i JB t'wicm A gentlemen hi Juet sr " rivd ker, o -r frutn M. l'ttu, a tvWB ia N" . ipl tlifM r!(l' IU'!l'F'Iif I , CviiirUTi I c-te, with a ledetal fleet hi witbie vTa! r' . cr ore tf r -t Mratias. tt baa ltd tTSi'b I,;icktilr a totuadadsm across the 1 "'n. II .IV a l . -Tt.tid Wk b be dida'teareedaBi! Tie tew. of U.irtry ereaUd the tnoat-Jeteaae "atd tt to feared that toota. Baleae be v. Ue l.va to b. lowed out of reach of the r"- f J.", rms. Uowewr. FooU's iael bema - fu.d. It we. Wed ewUI show lheeemrele.BbeetB. ,.,, ,ea Bally, cberi af the U4 force, baa ledjwo tf. sb Splaying "Jo'dse.. a rar,Trad to travel. LITIS. . . , I Ten '. P. wi -Tbe UtukI oI 4aeral Bully '"; . InTa checked, awlrg M .Hb. cp,oa Ixlftti b.mwlf end bi. wa.r.omao, ngwd "iSeo'rn ' wiU Uveti halt hi. fore- and "try P uU be has the ''r.'i !rIU 6L Louis H , V. umflbtf-..br.rjr tbrtly. It not eiHrr. and h. ; tknnsh there ere thoae her. who .fleet to lokiJiettbere will be no powder burnt, auleae the wea Br. off tb.lr pieces. " BV1IA lATrt. .1idnfoM-ABethfrmsabasJuat got de en another reft, I m'ib to trausmit you statements. Thayer. TitlBully k O. K. That sMrtla wsahed. v The fercee and. his eoiarosBd ere ega tbe watch, tot ere atovlng eeoil a.ly. lb.y srs otWeoilj crtd. I b r.Hbl loieUigooe. frrio Col.miu Tho cilj to Cx1 tfxn rt. tonw, .nj I repotUi U b la tbk.od. of lb. C'oalMir.t Thr wiU ko U If poiUI., ood if tb ciioH tb.y will Mil Ottt iO MOM IBM Who CID Tbor. to. kow.r, ooni. uronadt f.r th. bK.r th.t bord foolion k.v tw tip b.ion tho f o-toiota troop, tkoro Md tko F.derolo rrtt!uid o tbo hvikU oi Kt'arit Wltl bo md. to BMtiV llieifTuj.li. too e'-Ln tu ir.tbn, oo tt to fooi.d tbot, to ick o out, oom.bodr would bo injured. LiTtFT. fl'rt c ."t uTt tlw., ood krarloff lU oJ, a-ito ol blrto for oioo dolUr., i. .utkiog lur N . -r.i .. M Uricoiii to bound to b. tbo pUe.. - TborororoporUUocrr.t-o my liunr.st wrl U4 tbo fofed.ro'. b.0 liielt.d tbo K.0 to . (iiM b( too-piu on Bowl!o Uroen. 1 bit oo nv rl) up n. Aeitatotolooksdforoeorybur. -It wtU pmbob.y foni. bi McKoo.r'.!out-Wr.ifBr.xpri. II li iu i i!i kiu '4.illol on delitory," 1 .ball chom y f.rord u to ) i. Yob bJ wk out for big tbin ..ry ttber m.um. From a Kw Yctk IlotM, 30 h o t. TIo Bltnoiltw. TbLottdcm Herald, the oi(ron 1mU tj uml the ArittocraU, t't the nM k'u' ia Jmrlm, eflered oo btk.if ol tUe CotilMJrri, ttr b.iii i.t treaty oi commerce to auk . "i "" Af tk Jrtl. Ditta "(JoTenimcnt by Parlisnunt ani) the Qacea. Great Britain U to ei.J .y ixjifect Jreo Uw - that f th South, a frwI"m of truffle un llt- co.t, and the chaDoe of lupplyii'K all the nm.ulnc un-d goJd re ouired for tbt dh af tta mwVw milUmi iu the wee ded territory. Oo tbi ae ground! tbe Dc-rt.yitei advoc.t tie Immadiatd reco(nitlo of anck excellent cume-m tt. Tb Loodoi' paneri awert tl.at tbe Kmperor Npv loon approved of KneUud'! policy all tliroogrj lua Ueut aflWlr. witbant onalilitttUoo, but It li euny to nc, from tko .rilolo. In tha l'arii ioutnuli that tbe I reiicb people at larga da tot enterUio aueh a tigh opiuion of hT t.M .nil tnlarn.ttonul COod frtilh. IniKul lt Ouiu- v.iinn.Uibe orsan o! 1'rince Nupoleon ny that aba will mike war on the United SUUt wtetLi - u.n nj HliJrll were eiTfirup or not, and the writrr . warm Franoe against anoHing bir dia gua against the Tbe Bewa ( tho lurrendcr of totm an 1 Siidoll wa aanonncod from tbe itago la tna imry mne ani w.ui pie Tbeatrca, Lond w, todc ligrju o crowui. It appeart that I-ord I'alineratoo c.mci'ul xl from the ' people of England all koowltdgo of Mr. Hcwaid' du. patch to Mr. Adunm, In wbk-U tbe act of (ptam V ilket 4 wu doecribed aa one undertaken without tha ordr,or cognisance of tba Uovernrocnt, althoosh it km ieud to tbt Cabinet ay oar JJiuUter id the third week of De oember. It U now aaid tbat if tLii (act had bfa madf public, tba war excitement againitt, ARicrU would aerer baa made aa much protrreM. The Mexican Minister of Fortign all.iit hus addrea ed a letter to tba Mexican Consul In. Indrf ou thr aubject of the foreign intssion of. thw-lb-pubKc. II , aaya tbat Spain precipitated a war on bis couutry at a ' moment when the (Jofernraent could within a year bate paid oil ber dcbU ta the Kuropeao I'owera, icred iu- tornal peace, aod consalidated her power by tha extinc- tioa of faction. -Tba design af the wrljerli to tnteri fit Lnaml, even yet, in behalf of Mexico ar.d aeainst the policy of fcin. ArrangcmrnU have been roinpletfd by juterpTimng parties with large resources at Liverpool for the establish- meat af twa lines ol Brst clssa steamers, one to Charles ton and tbe other to New Orleans. A third line to Norfolk" (tbe terminus of the Boaboafd & ltoantke Railway, by which cotton from North Carolina and . Tennessee can be laid down there as chcuply as at New Orleans) is also in contemplation. In tha event of the Goofi-dnrata committing.. rs bring arrendered and war on that ground averted, it is clear that opoo comraercisl grounds the governments ol l',ng land and France have every inducement to recogni tbe well earned Independence o! the Concrete StaUs The precedents ol the Swi Cantons, tbe Hma Unikd rrevinces of the Netherlands, of tba revolted Spot)ih American oolonits, of Urm. of Dolgtum,-of Texas, and of the kingdom of Italy jussify and commund this s'.rp. which if not manfully taken by M iniaters at once if certaia to be taken by Farliamrnt on itsteassemblirg. The London Ileraldof January 9lb, bus tho lollow Ing: i Already houars in Indon and Liverpool, convinced that the subjugation ol tha Southern teUU s is irauc . ticable, are making their preparations for the cslaohab snent of branch boasts in New Orleans, Charleston and Norfolk the mement trade with tbcitt places shall be re oiwatd. French houses at Lyons and Tarls are a's ptepariug for similar direct intercourse with the booth. s ILK POCKET HDKPS., - -Uoea rocket Ildkfa., Uueo l'ock.t UUkfs., Bflk Pocket Bdkff., Variety of qualities, at Variety ef colorjk FAI.rtWISV. - BALDWINS, BAI.DWIS'H, CWis and MiHUry Clothing Houas, Witmindtiin, M.U. Ja. M. TO AHRIVSS. 1 ((Xf TAIiDS flu Uray and Confederate E'.ue Goods, 1 LoNalr'a and other beauulul make, at Jaa 17. BALDWIN R. "TTKSTISG8! PANT STUFFS ! COATIN08 1 ' V - Black. Bruwo aod B us CLOTH 9. Tho C.lebraUd Cirlc and Mibtary Cutter, Europeaa aud ABorM.a ropulauon, u at Jaa. 23. BALDWIN'S. BOOKS rtlU TUB lOl KU. "TTTK ElVa very too aasortment cf Joreoil. BOOKS - If oakaaa. Among tbe m are lbonwo i-ainiiy Kooid bob: Tbo Bot'b Owa Book, Kxtended: Parley'a Jnrenila l-e rioa; Gloa M orris Stories Tbo Bieal Cwwi; Zjologe for Boys; Tbo Boy's f lav iiuoK or bcMoco; Hound the r lie Lfi. of LaFavette: IJf. of Wakbinstoo; Life of Jarkioa: Hol'y and Hutlelo Tales; Odd People, by ktarna field; The JoT.cil. Callender, illoitrated by Doyle; Tbe Bjy. aad Ctrl. Aaoaal; Bobla Neat Hnrle; Trae Heroiam; Cbrialata. at Homo; Cbrwtajaa Troe; Tbe Triomrb. of InveatioB aod Diaooeery; Artbur o uormry; wigM iiopo ene: iraT.i Wa Adranturea In all Coootriea: Arabiaa Kicbt's t nter taiomenU, krautifal editiona; Mr. ttulherford'a Children; Anat Mare's Library; Animal la Cootomo; Comical Pare; Korea's Book; Tbe Butter fly'. Ball; Evocy Boy'o Book; Gal liver's Travels; Talks About Old lime; Tbe farmer a B r. Homo Pastimes; Bat Catcher; Little Franklin Morion Pa- iua oi urwiOMi; nun womu; f reari . .uu . ral Hiatory; Tho Children's Pleasure Book; lbo Blind Fiab . wrmoa; Play ly Book; Ac., Ae., at Jaa. J7. wmXAKKB'S Book Store. POWUtB MWDKH. TT8T reclred from balvwrtoa, Texaa, 60 kers and lalf tj " v. u iFurosi b eei.orajea roeon, lor eie ib eoaouiieo wiui, i JAUE3 WILfM'N a Cil. Loaibor, B4dl.T7, Truck aadBarneM f . -ba eLt, yb. . - j,-0- j k ,rll,t tt nTim!, i ' lAil MASESfl, Can tad steady eir'rvni-Tit at Feb.. Baw AOi e. V CRCCEKinfv. Sy-I OP. tt.- f4UwSo biw '. ' I k- .rrtooa Ko rt . -- W l.k iMM A Gmrdueti Tbo above lti oi. a t-d aa Llvfrpol Giou. K We all .t OJIlcl. obly. . J.o . ' rKTTEwAT )'t:P. )t'l-E iRT'CLr, mee na Ik. mort oc'ei..nealo. J... a . rr. i TWa T B)"i'H. ltl,T A I.T If tt'SHt L BA'iH and S boMHck. Jj r'or ! bt Jan S. rETTEWAT vohVK - a AA,TiALT. " ." ' '" li' FWT BBAK W. ti i W.lkinwiB k liarilurr, I btMbH lu ll. Qnio'-o A. lUk.r, 1 i" W. B. More. . 1 "J " Mi-rru"yO Kow'er. The bia-id i suflicUst tuar.r.'-. fir tio o-nli'y. A, ply to . rtTTkw ax A J.n. . T HPTKIVAD. 0 kT(N rkou-a V.iinl. llutt. r. t I le Vtb AVonTH A ntXIKt.' k fVAI.M.O T A HAMPI r-riii"'i otbus'are V liif iu J to rail and rxamii r'or nle by ' WOHTH A lnNMhl, 4. Nufh Wmr t. Vrc.H. OI'DltlKM. EPTKMIIEH WITf I.KT'H, CUUKTRT MESH l!H:f. LAED, HUl i t-it. HALT. Rt-N AI'FI'M, TAI.IIW CASI I.K-. fiUF.r.UY, M A I'KIK A, I'dhTAniPKItNOMi Vt!m. VI HV KUi'thlOU rithNUM BHANl'T, PEACH BHANDY, TOBAt Ol -all ?ra4i VorMtolol .t.toau t, by W l. I'M I A V I V l, !.'.. 11. 4 or: h rt'aior -t. e-UM jiiica. (tf f prKe K. t. Ham. it ivj 10 tli km prime ulicr ; 40 her rl'iur; 'ib bb .. ? 6 Cotton Ked Oil 6 bhd.. N u.anvr; 10 bhl.. ' " & hose Ha ana" . . . 1 10 btila. N. it. Wolawi-. ; l' " N. Cotnupd Uye Vt'tiU' ej ' hoo hukhi'la Corn ; 0,000 lbs J Tied Fruit ; 600 " Fratbra. " :"' -- In atore and tor ea e ui T. t . A II. (1 flee. 4. , WORTH. 76 tf OR PAI.K; price four dolla a per 1'uvhel." Apply to j. j. i an iii r. i , Ii)-iA5-tf. J Or ThOMAH JkYaNl JViT r.v. vi For kiu iir KlVk.1) a lut f New (rlean refined Fugars woitrii A dak IK'', No 4 North Water reet TiTniO'iViAioKi; Den. is. nrr BAHRf-L ciuhce, for Uti'e and p'antiue. WdlUlf A iMMkX, !.. IH No 4 North Walr Wreet. M A I.T I H4L.TI IK fl'-AKTITIK3'TO Bf!T,t mnrlH prlc. A jj.ly to J won IU A IIAMIM,, Peo. 1. No 4 North Water Mreit. )FKlKHA1 K HIILI.H UltUI Nl) lOKKKK. WORTH A OAMKL, Aukktr, Wllmlnnton. N. 0. TK ara prepared to tt 1 rdera foranr qtiaMity, on ulioit VI aotttm. Apply at No. 4 North-Mler atreet. ier$ mi'plud at rtducttl falm. hi... U. ilh 1.010' IDFERTINKUKMaS. ciiAisau ok at iitrut i.io. i4awrWlwry ieairi:wirwi 0' N and after October 20th the Tralna on 'I n Hod will ruu as follow. : MAIL T.4IM. Leavo Wllmlaaton 'I Si" A. M., diljr. Anivo at wti4u,, ......... .u so " Uwva-Woldna ..-.. lo " " ArriyoatWilraiiston,.v 00 P. M: ' Rxrakaa meMT aau rasaisuKH tin. U.to Wilmington,...:;! 00 I'. M., d-tily, eunda). excepUd. Arrive at VVeldun,..". J M5 A. M. ' . " ' lv. Weldon .UP. M. ' " " Arrive at Wilniingtou,8 30 A. M. " " f. H. L. FUKMONT, Keg. A r?upt Oftli i Fng. Pujit, W. A Vf. R. R., Oct. 21. 3 frrll'S !H!'t HTSRIKTeKllKKT WxtmimUm and Mawh'ttir Hail Jtfxid to, , INIil. ) : Wilmington, N. C, Oat. ith CIlANCiK.OFJSCIlKDILK. ONknd after this date the Trains upon tuUHoil ran a. lollow. ; . ill MAIL THilN. leaves Wilmlnaton ......" H V, M. Arrive, at klnn-vill., , 7 3d A. Uav. Klneivllle P. Arrive, at Wilmlnirion 1 31 A. M.. M. U. Kirnama vrkiuut and accoaaoDaTios thin. I isve. Wilmington 0 0) A. M. Ariive. at Kinsville, v . 1 P. M. leaves Kinirviu, . . .-7 30 ,. Arrival at W ilmiuntoit... 8 41 P. M. 1'ai.aepper. wiekm.j to tuak. cloao thriugli conuectitni. Bill take Mini Train. ' - No Ireight of any detcrlptlon will be ttken by Mall Tib n, except under clroUmjlaqi;.. of eniniera:rnn.v, oheo do(M local freight rate. wi(l l'nvarilily charged. J. P. KlMIEiilhON, Grn'l hnp't. Nov. I.t, 1KCI. 411 If ..f TUB K OU FOLK IJAT KlXJK. Tlie Trry Lateat Natlhern and Kuropmn loiclllgcnrcl fCOtt' IS THE JlilE TO SUBSCR1UE. TEUMS: . DaIlt, One Year.,..,. .,........,.$6 00 ' Mix Mont'.a ; 3 00 ' (ue lloti'h t mi WrriLV, ty Year...., , .. 1 00 ' a AUK i'AY B HK hu now beeome ins newepuper of the . rtouth. Tbo very la teat Northern and European Nwn appeara in lla coin. in, ods, two, aud three day. in advance oi all other papora ta th. Confederacy. We aubniit tba fullualog exltauu from what other, have to say of o: . . D. T. Biabie, who baa lately returned from Europe, with ItcaorUtit diapatche. to the Couiederate fctite Uovt romeut, aa. in a recent letter : " While in London and Taris, I saw several quotation from tbe Korfoik toy Book, aad since my return I have al so noticed extracts from tbe aame aprightly journal iu the newepaporaof Now York, Charleaton, and other cities," -Tho fjWolk (Vv) Christian Hun aaya : . r "Tbo JVwrfot Itof iiot fc, w hlch t. ao fast gslfltns tiopu larity throughout the houtheru Coaf.deracy, cue e. to ua ere ally enlarged and Improved, and Rive. u Northern and roreign N.wa ia advaaco of any of our other exchanges, and la, therefore, perused with avidity." Tho trVminftm (N. O.) iMily Jimrnal say. : "The Surfoik Day Bov has become the moat valuable exchange paper we receive, aa it contains the very latest news from the Rump Government aa well a. Ki reign Neni.'' The FrfderiikshHrg (Va ) lltiald aaya : "The A'orfoik Day ISock contain, the latent new. from the North, aod its editorials are Alway. of ao intereatiog Character." , . obMriber. to the J);7y Ilook may rely upon having their Paper, aent promptly by mail. Address, with amount of suWrptfon enctneed, ' JOHN R. HATHAWAY. - "Editor aod Proprietor, ao. l.'.th, dAw-tf. PLoruusi rLoraiiait PLOUGHS of all description. Corn Bhellera, B'raw Cot tera, Garden Plongus, Garden aloei, Ao.. Ac. at wiLins'ii Oil, Leather, Baddlery, Trunk and Barnes Eatabliehment, .Jan. zu. Ao. 6, Market at. BOOKS CLOSED! NO ACOOUSTS! -NO MEJtOEAXDUMSl, at Jan. J2. " BALD WIS '8. rfwT v e; T H E ;J O U R JN A L 1 '1252-j ALMANAC. 1 1862J 1w T, i m A 6 7 P 10 11.1T" 31(UI IT ifi'r: i m ii 9;. . li 4 ft: 7, M 6 nlll.'.' 1011 17 13 14 Idle J '21 11. 17 is l: 21 TMSS. .... ihi-.J..!., .. .. .. 6. j! hi1, ..i 1, 2 2! 41 6 ? r 3 4 u m il m n'lf lu'14li rLa.J'ioii liia 3 i()2l til! 14 I-. l 17.11 ' a ....... ..) 1 ! - " 23 24 i 21 t ' l It' ill .. 1 . . ' i a j .T. 1 3 J ! Tl H le II i; 17 ixl'i i 13,14,11 5 2i li 1 1 it l.'. it;'imi; it ati i n is 24, r. r ii r. 202; l'J M 31 . . -.I..I..I.J l' y.'h i I i 'i.'jl'! K 1-10 61 i A A ar 11 1'li 14 1.'. It. 17 y 1.11 1 w iKin. -1(J 17 IH 11) 20 21.22 p 23 24 2i ai,Jii'!Ar! u. 1 1. . . 1 ! i 2 i i'.ii -,iKI.-4 1 h; l.ilu II ir. IS Kil7 li- It 2:; 24 "1 :io :il .j..'..!, ft 6 71 .. I J 3, 4 fcl tie 12 13111 T W l" 1112 13 r. f-1 1120 21 1! 14 li I'. 17 la t. 21. f B 2U 27.2; XI22.-U 24 2j2ik'l7 g I . jj It 2 ( K'Sli. J . J.J !") tiii: diel ail tlnM DAILY .(DUIiNAL, ... ' PuMlalifvl a!i tlnwa a w-k. at f 6 'f as iuiu, payable In ad ; vaie. bnila auplea rive caafa. . Til li VJ LMJNilTON JOlUlNAL, ; 'a laaoe.1 every Thnrvlny monilne, at i So pnr year. tnvarl I'ly In aUvau.. Tina p.fre.UUiu .11 the principal nea 01 the WM'k, rimI all tbe (uiJ.ortMiit a.lit.irial r.iatin' of (he. veral duly iMiuea. togethtr with a wet-kly n-jmrt at tba j HinrkuU Una town - ! 'I ha elrt'uliUlon of tl.a Veuktv i ler le now oulluturve. and : i la eoliatiuiilv on the lucreaw I t." Dally JounuU liaa l.r. i ly aa tardea elreulatlun a the tVerklv. I'heae are tlia on y ( ..Ir mitiiii-ii in umii'Kiim, ana.lL.-y aii.ir.i unpreoe- gmii lm.-iliu.-a lor aaveriiaiuv. Wa lu du all kltiiln of 'Printing, auch aa PamjMna, liiU tf t.irlatlg', liiltt 0 Ludmt, l:Hrtl.$ 11M ll'mit, JJctuIingf, ! f.'itcula't, CitlJ; Mm, HumltnlU, Lttlult, tjc KwtSii'H PrinctMS, li'ttrtrn V.mf und ftrrmui tirreetta. j HOOKS AND STIIIOXKRV. APSI lt;ift.'t'H!V. litilXtNCV MANUAL: Chldiolm'. Militare orirerv ll.ril.e'a Tactical Viluiiteata' MuiiUi!; Vo'anteera Hand !ok j Tiooin'r'. If ai.uaTr Uciper's ( av .lry T.ctic Ciipl. Vielea HjU'I Bu k ol Active i-e.vice ; Han ' Roob ol Ar'illery ; 'n'r)utnt for on' ..i lluly ; tlilliaia'a Ulam.al ; ilillmru'a Tactica ; ( ary'a P,v.vonet l x rce; Dirccimn. lor tiu.kirij !s Truum; liuixu for JlweH litfnn'rv, tuvai ry HMl Artillery ; h. hl ol the tin dt-a; l'tru'.tioti for Field ArtilLrv j liillia ami It lit Practice, by Wilcox ; licjftra'ionf fol the VeJical IiejiaiOnful, ,V.-. lucult i , Jai. I.I 112. WIHTaKEK'.S Book fitoro 4-f l" h tl II. II I V.J iv - r jrv ' i . j ... ., 1 . -ja a j... t ;- v i -x-t-' r.-'.; .4; i1 .Hi I aaliv O.sf of those wjiolclt ord. raat VniTAKKll'S Book H-ute tha earlv Pnit of l itt neck for Mueio can now nave 111cm unca. . We keep cmiHtantly en hand a full tnppHof L'unIo snd all kiiidatif MufIchI luRtrunicntF. Jan fi. - ItdltlX IK PA lt( OK. T l fE have added thia NewfpBpeilo our lJat. Hereafter YV sinirle copies cob te bad nron nnival of the train from the North. W HITAliER'S Book More, Jtmt. UWa Mill TIIK. AHKIV A.M lA"V o F TIIK tJONFEW RA TB PTATE-t. Kor eate at Jan. 13. WUITAKElt'S BOOK bTORE. UnSKR H ALMANAC'S lt)U IS(H. TY TIIK copy, duten or 100, at JL Ja Jan. 1, 1M2. KEI.LEY'S Book Store. nltKi, Br RwUTPECN FAl'ItKr-Saire Hoiike at Nat-hvilltf. fr. m the ruhliahing Io' auiill Teataiueiiti 1 C.-plea t the Hoii(i "i Z 'n ; alctbulbU Dii-ch'liu fit J.t'. I, 1MJ KHJ l.Y'rf Book Ktcra. A SiKW MAP OK THE SEAT tK WAll IN M)UTH Carolina and Gcorpla. plvingia detail all e lnlHiids, entrances, Coutiiica, Plitutntit ih, Bail IloaJa. Ac. A good map lor the tiuif . Pi ice 1 1 Oil. at Jan. 1, 1SG2. . EELLEVa BOOK 8T0RB. MlM.Flt'a . IJLANTER'S AN'D MEU; HANT'.S Hlata Bight. Alma tiao for lHti2, givinir,.tli ria and f ill of tho tides for North Carolina, couih t'urili: a and t-"toi;ia. at Jan. 1, KELLEY'h Book Ftore. T TIIK PI ULIC, NOW ia the time to aubacrthe by the mnnth or year for tbe papers, Kichniond, Petersburg, ( harleaton. All auba -ribei a carefully iuarked and hept until ald for. tlonie with the comiiiencement of the New Year. All ub scrlptioo. payable in advance, & we hnve to pay caah be fore they arai-put. - C.IJ at KE1 LEV'd Cook fetore. December 31. - . . CAt SR ASlXOMIHSTi - N FSAY ON THE AMEUI AN CBlnH, by T. W. McUaboa. A few iiorecopie received th'. morning Dec. 31. ' ' At WUITAKEK'd Book btore. Ti iisKR'a nr. o. almanac roa ioj. F OR aal hy the single copy, riVan, or hundred, at I'.c. ji. niui Akut suooi more. aiirtllKIIW PKIUOOICAL. ARE AGENTS KOft " v I ILe Southern Cultivator, monthly, at tl rcr'sunum, 'I he .So-'thent Monthly, . " " " " l)cBo'. Bevicw, " " - V The Literary Meapenpe'r. " " t:f " " . Tbe Southern Kield and Fireeide, weekly, $i " ' huhacrrptuitra aclicited. We would a!ao remind old nb rcribcra that now ia the time to renew, h'ubecriptions re ceived ara single ccpies for rale, at Dec. 31at. 4 w HIT A KER'S Bookstore. - MIL1.KR,. PLASTF-K'3 AND MERCHANT'S Hate Rights Alma nac lr the year lMtl, being the 2nd alter Leap Year, and 2nd of Southern DdepenJice. Calculated for the me ridian of Carolina and Georgia. For sale at Dec. SI. , WHITAKER'H Book Ftore. aLOrit. ALEXANDER OLPHAM I. constantly rrunufac turing the BEST . FAMILY FLOUR, at th CAPE FEAR FLOUR kULLW, Wilmington, N. iX For sale at the slills, and at their Btore, No. C Sonti Water MroeAs ' , . . -t . In whole barreia aed half barrels . - - Ia baga cobtaioing on hlf j Ia bags contaiaing poo-foortn ; In baga containing one-eighth ; They keep conatantlv 00 band, at the Hill, and at their store, fkLSU OHOVXD MKAl flOMNINY. CMAUJL A7 COKX, CO W FK&D, SHORTS, BRJJf, Ac, da. The?, a'so keep fur aaie- COR .V at wholesale and retail . OA IS at wholesale and retail ; . PLAS at wholeaale and retail; , . - UA Y at wholesale and retail ; ' MarabaU's FIXE SALT in aacka ; Liverpool gronod ALITM SALT, In tack a - North Carolina FLOUR om ennaiirowient ' . CONFEDERATE EUTTOJiS, just received at Jaa. 27. BALDWIS'fl. , 1 !: Hi): t: I- ill UMi. J. lit 1 i .1 a. 4 J 3 II 3 H Z' ( f 7 f UMlp rJ ua . is. 1.12V iiufi J-i 7 fi 1 m m i n li t' ?3 S M I t C 1 c. I R yf:f WJIlTAKIl, 'J ' " I... i - w n:tK ,1:1 . Jr. I .. ..UP. Hill 1 MILITARY KOIKES. U..mA U.B.rtera Slk BittauM ST. C V-l ' " kertabtr 14th. 1T. f i A I L f' moiuniratluo. ur saea.br. of tha. I wiwaot can i be adareaeed to Mr . Co. Sth liea'l. K. tl V. Car Henry V. haaaeU A Co.. Chertoatee, J. O. , T tat Bru bavm( k'Ddly oDered to receive aod forward U , the Ke(Hfuat wbei.ver aaay be sioUoood HOV. MtU, IhSI. II K A((l.' AftTk.it U IU IJOHaH ABTOXKMT.I Cast Anasasoa. kfA In eeoacanenco of rcMf more Fleee. la my fVM rUttery, I a IU receive llrTEEN MOBK ABLE KO aU iIKO MEN to my I tnjy. - Alao. oae Bugler- Utw;i of atrtice abHit eeva wootha. Apply o rAML K. bUi'llXU, C.j-t. Com'g. Deo. 4 b. IM1. 78-tl. - CEXEK1L aNOTICI. -aoiK K. . I I. pnaote who hav their Barnes registered for COT TON ( a f Lt are informed that tbey are now ready for delivery, t or tbo reeent wo cenont aupply any ordera except th.MO rexiaterd durtns; the firat week rckroary w an! nil oiarr oidera lot vottva Care., at jaiie vriLfioN'.'?, Ilaieeea, Traek, Hadd!ery, LalLtrat.d 11 Eaiablihmeat, lc. 11. So. A. Market alreet. OFIKK W II.. aa MAit IIKaTk.ll K.H. (.. I WiLMiaoruM, N. C, Dec. 1st. 1861. (- IJEHSONS holdii.f Coupon, torlotereit 00 Bonds of thia Company payable in New York, aee ltforin4 that aaid luu rert ta 1 ta. be paid 01. ly 00 prraeoting them at tha utile. of tb. Con.pai y to thia place. le. 'Ad 74 tl. J't. J. I ISO, Treaaurer. ( barfcetoa Meicury copy 1 mouth and aeud bill to Tree- auir. KOI If 'SC.' . flt'lri CO PAKTNtll:? HIP I eretofoce exialing between 1 ' tl.e undaia cned, under the style and firia of J..T. PcTTEWAY A CO.; expired thia day by limitation. AD per-uua loriebUd too. will pleaae ca'l and eettle inioediat lyi eitLer wub money or Lj nvte, , JAV T. PelTKWAlf, U t.i i. el. n. N. C, KotiKli lOOUK. rt. J.t, - tO-l'AIITMilLMjll' Alll'li.:. fl'HK -L'j:rft li. BKftS hate thia day foime.i a co-partner-I aulii, und-r the aty'o and Uim of I'fclTKWAV A Ht'tn., fur the IratabCta not a GEN tli A L I OU MISSION BUSIKH-S ' JA. T. PETTKWAYi t i.t. imsi Hog ha aioohk. . NUlIf V. K A I! K tha excluaiva apepu for Ilutton A Frelelnh't hOUTtlKltN MOM HI. i. Call and .nbaoribe at tict llth WHITaKEU'8 hew Book More. WANTS TUMa WANTING n-paira aud tuning wl'l be prompt ly iy s'tendca to py 1 avmr oroera at D.-0. lUik, lKt.1. W UITAKKK d BO- K 8T01tK. UAVTID. 1 1 1; K-(N ABLE price will t-e paid forcood second-band J V t"l'l, t . W 111 1 A h.bu a tbMtll blots, leo. 6." I NI'IIIK Ull'M.I-KltV. WIL.IIISOniW, h. C , - OFFERS FOR tfALK, lAMPHRr,- - . TUKPKNTINE, INK TlinPKVTlNE, j tiPlKITS TUItrESTINK, Mms, PITCH, rtowN om VAkNisn. h! APT II A. Apply to 1. R. BLOSSOM. Oct. ID. J. If. BLOSSOM A CO. C. a. VAMAMIUKUB -tf. H.IUA11 AND MOUAHSK8. - . 11HD.S. New Orleans Bugar, ditlurent grades ; t)J 100 bbla. S.V. Molaaava, auperior quality. J'uat received aud lor aale by Hen. 24. - - HABR'Isa A DOWfl.L. IIMI-IMOHU MILK I.KATHk.11. TU.sT RKCElVtl),. a Bae lot of Northern tanned Sole tj Leather for sale, In quantities to suit, at Jan. 17. WILSON'S. JliT KrCtUVKIJ. A NOTHFft f-UITLY of Smith and JIVeMOB's, and Allen I Jl au'l w Lee ocu s pittol Cartnilirea, at . JAMb.8 WII-SOS'S Oil. Leather, Paddlery, Trunk and Ilarprst Katabliuhment, Jan. 11 stn. 0 liatket Mreet. I'laTOl. PI STOI.B riMITH WESSON'S five and six r-hootcra. Cr Alk-n'a Bv8 aud six Hhootora. For aale at N ovrztr WIL80.V8. tno:c vinoiiiiA roll, n1iTTR.11. 0 ((( LBS very cholc. Virginia Roll Batter, on con C.VUl signnient. For sale by . w . WORTH A DANIEL, Jan. iift. " .4, North Water's!. ' kT AIL BIIUbIIES, at tUILD'S II AIR BRUSH, at JXGU ai LA VENDER, at OLD HEADED CANES, t giLVER HEADED CASES, at j 1IGAR C-ASE3, at 1EPCUf SION CAPS, at Jan. 1 BALDVYIS'B.- BALD WIN'S. BALDWIN'S. BALDWIN'S. BALDWIN'S. BALDWIN'S. BALDWIN'S. UMBRELLAS CP ALL KINDS, 'MEN, W0 UEJf AND CTULDRFN can ta supplied at BALDWIN' Jan. 23J. TO AKRIVK. rr( BALFft Unbleached Sheetings, at a)I t Jan. IT. BtLDWTN'rV BY TIIK PIUCK. REKPEY and Irish Linen at v Jan. 24. BALDWIN'S. SALT, I OR SALK by ' - ).e, 17. ;6IT.' EI LIS A MlTcnEl.L. C1.1E-OLIE. BHLS. Extra quality. For sale by - " Nov. 20. . JOr?. R. BLOSSOM A CO. to SO MORE CREDIT. J fi ARE COMPELLED FROM NECESSITT liereafter I v to adopt the cash system exclusively. Having nrgont nse for all the money we can raise, .we wquIJ take it as a favor of those that owe ns, to eall and settle their bills. BROWN A ANDERSON. lV No more work delivered from the store after this dale without the cash. B. A A. April 2tfth, 1861'. - . Ke-tf uixmincs ip at Gixmoi i6Wiii5:s A FEW HOTEL OPENED IX'WlLitlSQTOir, N. V.I OS FRONT eTKEKT, near Market street, and oppoeite the Cape Fear Bank, and in the centre of the business part of the city. THE PALMETTO 11 0 T E L A iND R E S T A U K AN T J tssms: Board and Lodging per day,..-. ..r....... $1,60 Singla Meals 60 Lodging, (without aleals,). J 60 , MEALS AT ALL' HOOKS I This House contains thirty large Sleeping Rooms, well ventilated and furnished with new, clean Beds. The. location is the best in the city, and every 'eflnrt will be made to please the patrons of tbe " PALMETTO." , I J. 11. UA1LEV, Proprietor. (Formerly of Bailey's Varieties.) An Omnibns will be at the Depot, on the arrival of all the passenger trains, to convey passengers to tbe House or any part ot tbe city, . , Jane li-138-tf HAPS. OUR aasortment of Maps comprises every one yet pub lished. We can supply them in any quantity, at Jan. 2. WHITAXEH'S Bookstore. : PLAILtO CARDS. .1 GROSS assorted qualities in .tore and for sale at 1 JtO Jan. 2. WHITAKEK'S Book Store; LI. KINDS OF k t ALES, at SADDLES, BRIDLES and MARTIN . WILSON'S. VOIR ACCOUNTS ARK READY, ' . 1 )LEASE aettle by eath or note. Aa early call by our - debtors expected. We have no time to go after too. Jao. 9. . ' PETTEWAT A MOORE. " TAMOW CANDLES) 1 KCl B0XB3.FXTHA QUALITY TALLOW CANDLES, XOtJ ia store and on yie way. .For sale by WOBTH A DANIEL, -Jan. 4th,. . -' .... . - - 4, North Water rt. -. '-.:' ;.. MBCKLLASEOUS AD VERTiS3EXfs. ARMllt RECTIVEil PER EJP1LFSA from CUriwtoa, a ebeiee lot of Yeong AewrK-a Revolver., carrying Ua shots with aiotular forto and accuracy ; hasitk A Wcaaoa'a Fio tola; A ilea A Wbttlock's K.vglvera; L. GaardPiatoL with -Bowie attached ; Mataaid hifie aad Case Gea. All offered low foreah, at KAHNWK1LEB Bito t., syiuia, Sdtfoorlrom txcbange cor., Market at rUltK I KLOl'Rll ! BARBELS FBfcbH CHOUNB, Joel to hand, for sale 4 tiaw.br . WOHTH A UAVIVI Jao. 10 b 4. tforth Wafv at.- ' ll)V EOKUAWC Hiuj GHOlSn IOKKIK. AAOlHEUL lTjua received freh from tie Milta. for sale by WuliTH A DANIEL. Jan. lath. 4, Korlb Water at. TALLOW J A3. DUES. , ' I (( BOXES of extra q iallty. Tallow Caodlea, for aale HV'by WOHTH A I'ANIkL, Jan. 10th. 4. North Water at. iJKWlNU 1LK, aU colore, at 3 Jao.ll. BALDWIN'S. 4,OU4il $l.uOt WURTIIoriOETOILCT SOAPS 13 ALE bOAP I Caatile boap ! Largest seaortnvnl to tha Kou'h, st . BALDWIN'S. HA LIT I. VP, ' BALDWIN'S. Jsn. 23d, 1M2. 39 Market StrecU. 100 GI10KS EAGLE BUTTONS, St Jan. 17. BALDWIN'S. aiIIIOLKtSSIIlSCLK8. ?tii i CI SHINGLES for aale k aVUI'.UUU PETT&WAT A ItOCE. Jaa. 24. HOIttfi BLASKETdaT " WILSOS'S. r I MlcEAD FOR SEWJXO MACHINES at L - rj'RACE CHAINS, all kinds st At TOOL CAIID3at WILSON'S. WILSON'S. ' v v " WILSON'S. fJBOC T11K.EAU AND &U.OS FINDINGS at kJJ rJ.CS AND PISTOL TUBES nt WILSON'S. WILSON'S. t WILSON'S. tJIIOT BAG3 AND. POWDHt FLASKS at .- . ABNBHst 1 OPE at WILSON'S. li JAMES WILSON'S Oil, Leather, f -iddlery, Trunk,-and Harness estabUshment, No. 4, Msrket street. Jan. 24, 1842 ' IS. V. COILt VtlliSKEV. 0( BARRELS N. Carolina Corn Whiskey on eomlga Wment. Forsu'.eby WORTH A DANIEL. -Jan. 1. PLANTI-VO POTATOES. . C OAn BU6nELS'bekt Planting Potatoes. t, In store and jjf for sarrry WOhTH A DANIEL, r - Jab. 1R. 4 North Water st. 11HH CELEBRATED MILITARY, CUTTER IS &T . Jan. 23, lsci. ' BALDWIN'S. fllHB CU'lTEK of hundaonie garuieuts, both Civio and .4. aaiiiiarr, ia at , Jan. 13. " - ' - BALDWIN'S. 1 Ol.f) LACE for Cniiurma made L ua. at T Jan. li. BALDWIN'S. I 31. A II) LINDSEYS by tha piece, at fair prices. . Brown Drilling by the bolt. . 600 yards Linen Drill. . - . 2 Pieces blsck Cloth. " . 1 Piece beautiful jellow Cloth for Cavalry trimming, . 2 Pieces KngliKh blue goods for Uniform Pants. 40 d a. Under Shirts. 6 dox. Drawers. Linen Shirting by the piece. ' Linen Shirting by the piece. Iriah Lluerja-Dne quality by the piece. Military Over Coats, fiue and Common, at . . BALDWIN'S, Jan. 24th, 18C2. BALDWIN'S. OFFICE Ha ALL RANKS CAIf BR SCPPLII.O WITH CMKORJJIS. f)ECEST ARRIVALS OF . IX Pine Gray Cloths, . Fine Gray Cassimeres, Confederate Blue Cloth, Dark Blue Cloth, " Gold Lace, . ' . 'void Cord, Stan, Phoulder Strape, f-'oarlet, Sky-bine, Black snd Green ' Trimming., enab a ns to oner to all Officers complete out tita at fair pricea. THE CONFEDERATE OVERCOAT is finished, cut snd trimmed In tbe moat approved stylo.' BLAX&fF&HMSAaVREti' Fnrnished npon application. All ordera will recelveprompt attention; and Good. aent. Cash on delivery. O.H.BALDWIN, Mannfactnrer of Military Clothing, 'Jan. 161 . 88 Market t-t , Wilmmgtoa, N. C SHOT SHOT. -I jA BAG3 of shot, embrsning B, BR, BBS, No, 1, 1, 3, A. 6, 8 and 9. fur sale in quantities to suit at Jao VS. lbtil. WILSON'S. inrjSlO AND Ml'SICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE very latest Mosid, together with a largo and beauttt tnl assortment of Musical Inatruments csa always be found st . WHITAKKK'S Book Store. Jan. 2. TOILET COArS at Jan. 17. BALDWIN'S. NORTH CAROLINA CA8KIMKRESI FINEST IN THE SOUTH II KAnrABDSJaitrectired,' UUU 1,000 yards to arrive, ' " Ekpresaly for Uniforms I Confederate Buttons, Confederate Lace, Gold Braid, Gold Cord, All Ranks supplied I The celebrated Military Cutter is at Jan. 27. , BALDWIN'S. SOUTHERN ItlAlvrKACTCRES. INK, Sealing-wax, Wafers, Writing Paper, Envelopes ' all Lome Manufacture, for sale at - Jsn. 17. . WHITAKEB'S BOOK STORE. THR INTERLEAVED EDITIOS OF- MILLER'S Planters' and Merchants' Almsnte for 1SC2. First rate for keeping memorandnms of current events. For sale at Jsn. 17. V WHITAKEB'S BOOK STORE. .-our owit PRisiAirr qkammar, IOR TBE USE OF BEGINNERS, by C. W. Smythe, A. 1 M., Principal -of the Lexington English and Clasaical , School. .Published at Greenkboro' N. C. .Just from press. Received and for aale at Jan. 17. WHITAKEB'3 BOOK STORE. BOOKS FOR TUB TOVNO. WE H AVE Just received ataae of beantifully bound and illustrated Juveniles, intended fqy tbe Holiday., but delayed on the way. For something nice for the Little Folks call at WH1TAKER S BOOK BTORE. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OP RICHLY bonnd Historical, Biographical, Poetical and Miscellaneous Books, for sale at -Jan. 17. - W HIT A KER'8 BOOK STORK. THE BOl'THERS CULTIVATOR - I TENTERS OX A NEW VOLUME with tha Jan'y No ll Published monthly at.tl CO per annum. Universally pronounced a first rate Agricultural Periodical. We would temind Subscribers to renew if they wish to continue. , SobscriptioBs received by Jan. 13ih. 181. WHITAKER, Agent. PRESCIENCE. SPEECH DELTVEBED BY HON. BEVERLY TUCKER, of Virginia, in the Southern Convention held at Nash ville. Teon.. April 13th. 1850. Just published. For sale at Jan. 13th, 1S62. WHITAKEB'S BOOK STORE. MI LIT ART BLABKS, OFFICERS of Regiments and Companies can obtain all kinds of blacks they require for military purposes.. " FULTON A PRICE. Dee. 30, 18fiL" - - RECEIVED AND TO ARRIVE. -I 6) HHD3. Prime and Clarified New Orleans Eogar, lai 10 bbla. N. O. Molasses, 10 half" " - r For sale for cash, In lots to anit. COX, KENDALL A COv Ban. 1st, 1862, 9S-tf. CANDLES. 2JT BOXES to anive on consignment. For sale O JOS. B. BLOSSOM A CO. Dec. 21st, 1$C1 ... - 0-tf CONFEDERATE BULLS ROUND COFFEE. 2a boxes in store. For sale by - ' Dec. 11. - WOBTH A DANIEL, Agents. I0CKET KNIVESjBt BiLD WIN'S. . .' " - A FiiUBll aCPPLV :. - By tha Southern Express, of Army Regnlstlons of tha Confederate SUtea Trooper's Manual. Both popular and aaelnl Books, at KELLEY'S Book ft .re. Jaa nary rl, 1SS2. . . ."7 "": . ;.:37- Jr'r -I - f- -