... ..t.- v. 1 P .11 i ll . Ayt VOL. ll-NO.. 143. f - CONFEDERATE: FEBUtJAUY 24, 1802. V 'VnOLBOTMBER 3,220 va a b a. BT FIXTOS PKICB. PROPRIETOR. - J4S PtfLTON, Euitor A.L. P1UC Aeioctau K -vj. ' , TVrtna t Slrlp!. , ls.tly Papr, One J'-er. luvariatdy tn advance.. . . V.k!T .....- .... Tl.e perer willledisconiinwd at the expiration of tit t. ma paid lor antes retiewea. aU loners pn business connected with tbi ofEce. m '. V t -tore-sane5 to the proprletur. ' i ! " AT) V FKTtPEM FSTS ' ' WIHbe inserted at F1K1Y CENTS per nare o tea Unr or less, fur the erst insertion, and ltTT MVK t'KNTS per qosr fur each repetition CASH IN AD VAN4.R. , Advertisements Irserted aa Special or Bishop Notice ' r charged on -half mora thn ov rates eight lines ( leaded) or less eonnt'd a a eqnere. j -Advertieii,en'.s inserted every other day are charged 374 cents per square for each lnseition after the firat. nrHo publication made without a responsible name.' PBUSINUSS SVL .PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -" ' ' ' ' . - a ' V' ,V .'. " - m. ' t ' M. 1.. M(ltJ1K. V : . ' ATTOIiXKT AT LAW,' HA a removed to the centre office of JOURNAL U8ILD ING3, next door Wtat of liiafoimtr location. October 17lh. IH6i. 36 tf RMPIR & AU.EK, - rrftRK KYfi AT LAW. TTATR remored their offiee from Front to Prlnceaa street i II JOURNAL BUILDIKUS. formerly occupied iy n. u Uoltnea. haq. ' , ' . ' October 17th. 11- j. r. nrrivir. kOOIB MOOR. ,' FKTTKWAl K nuoiiB, GENERAL tOMMISPIOX M ERUH ANTrt, 02, 161 No. 21 North Water at., Wilmington, N. C. .' VOVl II. KR AM BERT, DtlDOQIST AND PBAUTlCAJi PHARMACEUTIST, ... WlLBtlMOTOM, N. C. f - Keopi eonstanU on hand, a aelect atock oi Drugs, Hcit icinet, lknmsho and European ChemiralM, Famy and Ibtlet ArMp, l"injiiwl Lxquort for Medical Fvrpftei, ' K'ura, 4kc. . .Particular attention paiJ to PRBscairTioiia, Famh.t . tcirix, Va-uioiNt CoKsira; ao. a.Sture in.mcd'ately under the " Carolina Hotel. ' Juiyia, im aci-tf a. C. Ai W. J. Ml'SRO, 1 . .. "tOMMISSfON MEUCUANTH and WHOLESALE URO- Jnne Ifl, 1R59. ' WiLarmafOW, N. C. joaxra . bloo. ctbpb .tahamrinox. J. it. BI-OSSOIN A CO. EKERAL CtJMMIBt-lOS MEHCHANT8, ' yjf June H, IrtGl. -. WqufVoTOK, N. V, II. R. EIKKRJi, WHOLESALE OHOCEIt AND COMMISSION. V.V.B CHANT, and DKALKK IN NAVAL HTOUW, oorue - t'a'r and Market street, Wilmington, X. C, ApriHd, txfrH. ' u. nuauAif to ' (Sutluatnr to Mwrray & rjfc. C0MMKSI0N TTfiRPHANTS Aft(I WHQLWAIE UIOCKM, ' WATkH blUKF.T. WIXMJNOTO.V, N. 0. B. arCBBAT t. . MCBCBWm. J. T. MTKUaT. February 1, 1858. . ViVtf JA8.C.S WITH lOMM&fUON MEKCHANTB, ofllce second stoiy, o j Booth Water and M&rirt ir'-reels, Wi!'nit"'ii. ?i..-tl, where they ar prepsrel to nand to all btt't f-i v.: CommUaioD line. . AJlbailnsaieakrusiedto'terai wfU. fet ptw-w1!.. 6ito. . '. . " 1 'iaO05lKlS3l0 AKD FOaWAif JlS MERCHAHTt ' t i - i WltitiNaToa . C. Office over Mr. S. A. Willard's Store. Entran turner of Princess and Water streets. - - - March 9, lft60. I5HA2a. I NfOM DlSTil.LKHI. - WIIJtflNUTuN.N.O., A. H. VAN ROKKEl.KN, PavrwsToB. ALL ElUtiOr NAVAL ("oriW p6rohad, mar.i'tw tnr4 and Sold ' Wharfage and Storage furnished, and O.Mijwi af 6u it tatrratei. . - C Jan. , 1W0. 100-tf. j.ij. auaissot rIPOBTERa, MAKOPACTDTiEM' AdENTH. AND Da teres in Hardware, Culury, iron, BtMl. Ji ft!, Au c! tarsi impiemepw, go. - t, t. cox, W. r. EKNDALL, . B. IBMOALfc rOX.KKNUALL.Sro. Commission -meechants asd w holesalero ' No. 11 h 11, North Water Rt. March 1 lth, 18G1 i57-tf I.C.. B.WQF.TB, COlMISStOS AHD I 0UWA3DISG MfcUCnANTS, - WtLMlMCTOK, N.C. March 11. 1S47 .- . IW-ly WAlKf HiflRAHEl, - 'uoni to Wnltrer He' res A Co.,) W H0LE3ALB. AND RETAIL DilUU(JWT, 45 UAUST STRBST, VHl.MIKTOWt P , V. O. B. tLLtl. . I. MITCHIIU XhUS ah MITCHFX1., WHhl.ESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS -lOT!N. PEAS. OATS, RVE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL MB IU .-. V,'h.H (JBOCND H0M1NT,-U0BBU & COW FEW) XASTVBlf 4V0 tiokm BIYEIfHAY, - . Sorts Water Uit, ., . -. Witajrwuamw, M.C. COMMISSION MERCHAST8, . . . WlLBIVOTOH, N. C. BOB6I HABElMt, A. SOWBS.L. W. W. BABJ1IKX Oct. let. . ' NOTICES. CO-PARTIaIRSHII HOTIC1B. THE UNDERSIGNED have entered into Co-Partnerahlp in the town of Wilmington, ij. C, nnder the firm ol bOD'.'HERLAND & COLEMAN, for the purpose of buying an4 selling NEURO SLAVES, where the highest cash price wilt oe paid. - , " j: . Thev also have a honse in Mobile, Alabama, where Ihe) - will receive and sell slaves on commission. Liberal advan ces made npon slaves left with them for sale. D. J. BOUTflERLAND, JAKES C. COLEMAN. Angnst 1st, 18S9. 1 - 30-t KOTICK. OAMUEL B. JEXNIX09 and Lovet Peacock will carry n on tha Commission and Forwarding boalnees at the old atand of the late firm of Uwyer, Peacock Co.. nnder the ' name of Jennings A Peacock. a. b. jBKMiites. - riAOocaU JunslL Go'dsboro' Tribune copy. 134 wiutAsaTon mow as copper wohks, J raoKT BTBxrr, bxlow basiit, W1LMLNQT0N, N. C. U. A. RAMI A JOUX O. JiAHLiYt Proprietor, PRACTICAL BUILDERS of 'prtebl ji . auiu aiauonary Dieam buginrs, oi any nm .1 quired power and kind of boiler, saw mills. mmti s-ristmilla.s'lna'earinca. and anv other kind . vi niacuiuoi inaue m any eatauiucment aoula. Have OB hand a large variety of patterns for machinery bow in gen eral nee in the surrounding country. - Will supply drafts ot aU kinds of machinery and mill work. Turpentine stillt 3 1 j 1 1 : . i i . . , . . - . . :uu coppci wrai iu ui us oriuicnea. au ainoa or UOB and bras castings, finished or unfinished, at short noticev Old ' machinery overhauled and repaired. All work warranted w w aa reiJicKuwu, la connecuon with the above establishmant, we have ol band a large stock of rnnoer aaa aeatber beiucg. lacing, nackina-rivets, and mill rocks ana boltina eloth for m&i mills. Mill Saws and Circular Sews of any aiae and gauge, rnrnianeo ai anon nouc-e. eh. 14. A L.AROB LOT - 0 F FLATINQ CAELW. For eale at f Feb. 6th WHITAKEH'8 Book ctore. tOLD LACE I (JOLO LACK 1 1 W CON FEDEBATla REGULATION. The Gold Lace is at Feb. lOUt, 1862. BALDWIN'S. BfesMaaaBwa The loa'Ktm K.paMtc 77i rermann4 Cmtititioa of the Confedara't State of We, the people of the Confederate State. rethSta'e act lng Is ita cover-inn ai d independent cbarscter, 10 order toy 1 form a permanent feditral aerninent. aatab l-h jjatifle. iu- 60 ,mt doitieatio trantjui'Uy, and ae.cura the blmwl's of l.ber- IT to buraclvea and oar poeterttr-intotin me Tnr ana guidance of Alniijhtr Gjd Jo ordala and eatahliab lh a Cooat tutlon for the Ctafoderata Sttea tit Amorka. 4 KT1CI.M I. .Sf cio 1. All !erl,!atiY power berelo de!e(?t ahall be eitd fn a Cokgretl.rf the Confederal KtataA, whUib ahill coi.ait of a Feoate and tlonne of Bnreantt:ia Srotion 1 . 1. The riix'aa of RepremotatiTea ahall be cora:io-ei nf member cboot-n veiyrecorid 7tur.oy tne pt-ne or tne several KUiea: and the eleolora iu e ch hiito abU he rid- aena of the Cnfedera'e .talea, and have the qualification reqmalie lor elector of lb njor"numr0 branch of the Kta Inial.iture ! but ao person of foioiga birt'i Lot a clii en of the Confederate Kta'ea ahall be atinwed to vote lor aay uOluera, civil or political, State or Fdorl. 1. No peiaon ahall lie a rcrenteUv who ahall nt hare attiined ibe a?e of twenty-five year, ad he a cillxen ot the ContederaU Pta'et, and who ahall But, when elected, aa aakabUauit of "iaj lwhicti he ahall l. eho . t. lieprtaeittativ auj U'.ivcT "tax Tn b aiportroiM-d among the several Btate which rnay be inclu led alth'.t thi. Confederacy according to their reaueotive numb -m, h:ch ahall be determined by adding to the whole number of lice peraonev lucludmi thoae bcuod o aertiue for a term of jeara, od excluding Indiana not taxed, three-U lha of all alarea. The actual euumera'ioa ahull be ir.Ade within three year after the firM mectrtig of the I'ODgreaa of the Confed erate falei, and within every ubsrquent term of ten Jeara, fh ancb manner aa they ahail, by law, dneot. The number of reprewntatirei ahall not exced one for every fifty th iu rand, hut each (State ah!l have at lewt one repieaenutive ; and until auoh enumeration ahall benade the State ot South Carolina ahall be entitled to ehooaa aix. ihe (state ot (ie"r gin ten, the htate of AUbania ulue, the tatvof Florida two, the fsute cf MiMMiipi aev. n, the hta'e cf Louiiaua aix. and t) htate ot Texaa aix. 4 When vacancies happen in the repreaontatlonfrom anv State, the Fieeotive-autboti'y ifctrrcof ahalliaauo wrila of election to fill such vacancies. 6. The Housa of Ittpreaeiitatfvea sliall choiaie their fipeak. er and other officer, and ahall have the roe power o' Im peachmentr, except that any Ju 'iciul or other fmicral t Ulcer reaident and acting eulely ai hiu the limit of anyHiaU, may be impeached by a vote of two third of Qutb Uianchea of the Legislature thereof. . " -. Section t. 1. Tba Senate of the Coufedorate Plates shall be compos ed of two Bcuitora from each fctate, chon for aix vcara by the Legia'ature thereof, at the regular enelon next imuio diately preoeding the commencement of the term ot service; and each Hep .tor ab&U have one vote. . 3. lnnieliaty after they ahall be aeaenihled, In conse quence of the firat eleotlun, they shall be dividi d aa equally aa may be into three claaaes. The seats of the Henaior'a ot the first class ahall be vacated at the expiration of the acc vuu , i.i mo wticuu ui.-. . ,na yj ilia iwui iu year; and of the Sd class atthe expiration of the sixth j earj so that one-third m ly b chosen every second jear ; and If vacancies happen by res gnatlon or otheraite' dnrmg lh recees of the Legislature, of any htate, the Kxscutiva there of may make temporary appointments until the next meet il'K ot the Legislature, which shall then hi) inch vucAncit. 3. No person shall be a e'enator who shall not b.ive at tained the sge of thirty years, and be a citizen of the Con federate Utatc), and who shall sot, when eleotedbe an la habitant of the rtate tor which be ahall be chosen. 4. The Vice-President of tlie Confederate Hiatus shall he President of the Penate, but shall have no vol, unless they be equally divided. 6. " ThaJSeoate (ball choose tbelr other officers, snd also a President pro (Vmpore in the absence cf the Vlee Presi dent, or whou he shall exercise the office of I'rcaiJcu' ol the Confederate Stat?. " - 6. The Be oate shall hare the sole power to try sll Im peachments. When sluing for that purpose, they thall be on oath or affirmation, to hen the President ot 'he Confede rate (States u tiled, the Chiul Justice shall preside ; and n j person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds ol the members present. 7. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to-.removal from otlioe, and diaqualilication to noia ana enjoy any cui?e or nonor, iru-a or pri nT. uuurr in! lniilaHfn.iji Mlutu&i knL ttin art miv iftAA .lill navr thaless, be liable and snbj oia..ltlmont, trial, juJjiiuciif ana puuisnmsnt, aocoruing to law. .-. iieclion 4. 1. The times, places snd manner of holdiug electione for senators ana itepreaentatlvea snail ue presortDeu in eaco blate by the Legislature thereof, sahject to the provisions of this Constitution ; but the Congress may, at any tim, by law irske or alter such,; regulations, txctpt as to tha times and ulaees of choosing Benaturs. 3. Ihe Congress shall assemble st least once In ev rr year ; sod such meeting shall be on the tjrst. MAnriejr iu ierniDer, uniesa tuey snail, oy law, appoint a ciuurent day. . Sicfion 6. 1. Each Iloune shall be the judge of thi elcctfouS, returns ana qual ncations ot .its own memners, ana s msj my oi each shall constitute a qnorum to dobuftiie-s: butaaiusl- ler aiimher niav adjourn tioiu.tiay to day, and may be au thoiized to compel ihe attendance of abscui members, in such manner and under such penalties a each Uoue ni provide. , t. Each House may determine the ruk a of its proceed Ings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds of the v. hole number, expel a memocr. 3. Each House shall keep a journal cf ita proceeding, and from time to time publish the same, nxcepticg sucu parts as may in their judgment require seuresy,' and the jeas snd bays of the members of sitlr House, ouany ques tion, snail, at uie aesire oi iwo-mins oi tnuse present, ie entered on tnejjnrusi. ! . 4. h'eiiber Douse, durinz the session tf Corirref. shall. without the consent of fl other, adjourn for more than three Qit, nor to any other place lhau tuat in which, the two Houses shall be sitting. . Section 0. - 1. The Senator snd Repreaentatives shall receive a com pensation for their servicta, to be ascertained by law, snd paid out oi ine treasury oi ne iwnieueraie na es. iney snail, in all cases, except treason, felony aud breach or the peace, be privileged from arrest diwina) their auecdance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going lu and returning I rein the same i and lor any speech or debate in ei her Houe' they shall Uot be . qaestiontd in soy other place. 3. Ko Senator or Representative shall during the time for wnicn oe was elected, oe appointed to any civil uiiice under th,e authority of the Confederate (states, hich shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been incressed during such time ; and no person holding any office under' the Confederate 8tatea shall be a member ol either House during his continuance in nfuce. But Congress rray, by law, grant to the principal o in xt in ca.cn oi me Executive Departments seat npon the Uor of either tou,-e, wi;b tbe privilege of ducuasu g any ueasurea -apieitam lug to bis department. tecnon i. ' 1 All bills for raising revenue sha'l originate in the House or ilepretentatives; trnl the rDat may ptopese to concur with amendments as en other bills. 3. Every hill which shall have peered both Houses shall. betote it becomes a law. be orescnted to the Piesident ol tbe Confederate, fctates; if he approve, he shall sign n ; but il not. be snail return It wiia bis ooiections to that ilou-e in which it shall have oiiginated, who shall' enter tbe objec tions at large on their journal and proceed to Tecouaidur it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of thai House shall egrte to pass the bill, it' shall be Bout, toctthor ilk tbe ob jections, to tbe other House, by which it shall like in be reconsidered, and tf approved by two-mirasoi uiai uouse it sbsil become a law. ttut in au suc-n cases ue votes oi both Houses ahall be determined by teas and rais, and the names of the persons votmg for and against the bilLaball be entered on the journal of each ilouse respectively. Il any bill anall not be returned ny the J'resweut wrunu tendajs (Sunders excepted) alter it shall bavs been presented to him. the same-shall be a law, iu like manner aa if be had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, pre vent its return ; in amen case n aua.it not oe a law. ine President may atprove any appropiiation and disapprove any other appropriation in tbe aame 1UI. in such case, he shall, in signing the bill, designate the appropriations d-a-approvedf and shall return a cot y of suca -apprapnations. wnn bis buiecuons,. to uie uouae an wmtu voe ouisnau have originated ; and the same proceedings shall then be bad as Lt case of other bills disapproved by the President. J. Every order, resolution or vote, to wnicn tlie concur rence of both Houses may be necessary (except on a ques tion of adiourcment) tbali be presetted to tne i res ueui oi the Confederate States ; and belore the same shall lako ef fect, shall be BDoroved by him : or being disapproved by him, may be repassed by two-thirds ot boib Houses acc rd- ing to Ihe rules and limitations prescucea in case ci oui. f-cclum b. The Congress shall htve power 1 1. To lav and collect Uxes. duties. ImposU sod excise for revenue oecessaryNto pay tbe deb's, provide for the common defence, and carry cn the goyernnaeut ef the Con federate btatea ; but no bduouessbail be granted from the Treasury, nor snail anv d at lea or taxes onimiortaluns iron foreifin nation ba lajj tn nriun,itii fir fuller anv branch ol industry ; and all duties, imposts and excises shall be uni form throogboat the Confederate State. 8 "tea. bvtT0W 00 h9 credit of the Confederate 8. Zo rsjulate commerce vita foreigB uU3ss, and aocng I the several states, enl with the Indian tribes ; but n Uher nor ear other canae eomaiwa in in s. institution. hall ever be construed to aeievaw me power to t urn r. to apprf' nste m nev for any tuiiernaj iir.urovcroeat intend- d to faotlitste commerce, except tor the p'iriio. of fur. M-ning nuts, neocou a"u now, 'iu umnr am to nsvt gation open the enaa'a, and the Improvement of harim. and tlie rt moir of obtmiitlon la rive eai!lon, lu ail which ra ancb (liit'ea antu pe um oa thnvhiii r cil iated thereby ai maj ! MceJkrr to pay the o a: and fXMMi thereof. t. Toea'ahliah nn'f rm lawa of Bi1ora!Uin. ani not. form Uwe on the anhjuet of batiriipleia, thrnbKhotit tbo Confederate Htatea; hut wt taw of ('uO(r aliafl di.charj any di ht ooutractej bfvre Ihe rani-u J of Mia .am . 4. Te co;D nmi'ey, rem'' afue tl eronf aiid'of fur- eir,8 nolo, d1 In ike at.iridard 01 weih'a aaa tiieHrr, . To pro ide for the pnnUhnieut o' oatrfi.it ng the ariMiri'wa au1 cum'tii cuia 01 'e tB'eaera'e m ilea , 7 T rtb).ti not i)fficea anl pnat rou'ea; hut (ha ex neusos of lbs Post ofllne J)epartnriit, ftr tha t-t day of March in the year of oor lord eighteen I unJied an I six'y ibrae. ahall be paid out ef its own revenue. , - To roninta the progress of aolenee end ne.i arts by sworlng for Ui tied tilnais ta au hor snd luventors the ex cIm.Ivi liht nf Ib'lr respective wrirtnga snd (iiacovtrO a. ' 9 T- e'st'ttii trlhnr-als l"fcri( r t lb" riipiews Cou t 10. 'Tn itrow an trwr a-ybrea,A.!il.1ia4,;4 on the high , ann otl,-ncs actfust the low of Blioi'. .. 11. To rleo'ine war, grant letters of biarqae and ra pri al, and lUjka rulei conesrulnrf t spiuroa on land and water. 11. To rats and sup port, armies j vat bo appropriation of money to that use shall hi for a ioinier euu lba twa year. , , . . , lt. To make rule for ffni'ornrum.l a' d regulation af tli ' ..., m iiiiiiiuo inu m n,v. laiol and naval force. 15.' To provide for calllns forth the mffit'a to indents the laws of tlie I'onftderalo Mates, suppress inturrebti iiil and lepel li.vaaion. . Id to provide for organising, arming anj !kHfiliuUg the n ililia. and for governing such fart cf lbrn as m.iy Uu enipjed iu tha servloe ot the CouladoratK rihtna; resi rv log to Ihe tjatea, repectively, tbe Biipolutnicnt oMhe 01 prs snd lha authority of tra ng tlie militia accurding to the discipline prescribed by Congress, ' , 17. To exercise exclusive leg s'atlon, In all css'.swhat. sourer, over such district (not exceeding ton m'les q'ire) aa may. by ceaf.lon.nf one or m t Hiates end tha tcil area of Q'nure-, liecome the S"at of tbe government of the Confederate hts'.-s ; and tu exercise like sutltorttv over all places purrhsaed by the C'limeiitpf tbe Legislature of the Ktate hi which tbe same shall be, lor the suction of fort, niagsxinri, arsenals, dockyards and olhor needful build ing; and -v . 1H. To tnke all laws which shell he necessary and pro per for earning into xcu'lori the foregoing powei, and all othtr powers vested by this Constitution in the govrn meut of tbe Confederate Stales, or In any di p vtiiieit or Vlilser thereof. - . Section 0. ' 1. The Iniportatlba of negroes "f the African rnc from any fore'gu country other than tlie slavehodint (States, m Territorie of Uie Unlled Ha'es t.f America, is hereby for bidden and Congress required to pass such laws as shall ttlecttially prevent the samii. 3. Congress shall slso hve pos er to prohibit the Intro duction of slaves from any fsta'e not a member of, or lerii try not belonging to, this Confederacy. 8. The tirlvllbge of the writ of hube.is corpus shsll not he suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or iuvaion the public ssl-ty may require it. as 4. No bill of at'ainer, or e fo.f Oi'lo law, or law d"y. lag or lmnstirlng the r gbl if property iu negro slaves shall be passed. 6. No capitation or other diiect tax shall be laid unless in proportion to the census or enumeration, herviubi lore di rected to he taken. e. No tux or duty h!I he laid on articles exported frum any Htte, except b a voti of two -third of both I ou. a. 7. No prefereno. shall be grv.-n by any rguiu!i"n ol conimnrce or revu.ui to the puts of oue rotate ovcrAhote of another. 8. No money shall he drawn from tha trfSMirr, but In eoua qiecca of appruprLtttni s mao by law ; and s reuu lar statement end account of the receipt and expe'udituies of all public money sliall be published from time te time. . .U Coimress shall anorouriaia ao wir fmwi tlio transit- ry except by a vole oi iwe-thiida af both bnnra, takun ty . teaa snd iisis, unlaa it ba naked and Bstimaif d fur by soiiia ' one r f tlie beiCS mf deput tannt,-,w snbn-iUt 4 t.Co-r.fi by the President i or lor the pnrpose or paying it own ex penaes and contina'cnc ea; or for if,-, payment of claina against the t'oniea-rte rtaies, ine jusucs or wnicn shall have been judicially droisrcd by tribunal lor tbe Investi gation of turns again.t the government, which It if hriehy niK'lntlm uiity o( uongress io estani in. ... to.. A'l t'lllaa-ppropiiat-nf; money ahall spec ITy In ff'drt i! currency the exact amoabt of each apprppriatiob and the Pur.io-( fi r which It is Ciade t and Congress shall grant tlo exna compensation to any publio contractor, eQicer, agent or scrvani, n't' r seen contract shall Lave beeu made or suuliMmce tendered. 1 i. No; title of dobl'ii 'thall be graated I ' -th Confrdd. ra o Mates ; ana ao pe ou no.uing any oioc i proir. oi trust ouder tl.ern.V sll, without the cunseut- ef li'ie Con- gres accept of any present eiuolutnruta, ofTice Or title of any kind Latever Irom any kiuir, prince or foreign f- nio 12. Congress ahull make no law respecting an e.-lahlish-mnt of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise Iterenl; r abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the 1 it-lil ol ti e people pcaeeabiy to aaseni'Jie BLd petition the g omineut for a reijreti of grievance. - " .. A nU reiralated m I lia bejns- necesarv ta l'io se curl.r of a tree htate, the right of the people to keep and baratma ahall not be ml ringed. , 14. No soldier shall, In time of peace, be u iartrred In ant house without the consent ot tbe owner ; nor iu time of war, but tn a manner to be prescribed by law. - . IS. Tbe rieht tf the people to be secure fn their persons, houses, papers and ellecta against nnreaatiiablo searches snd setiures, shall not be violated: and no warranta Mull isaue bnt upon probable cause, supported by oath or afii u anon, snd particularly describing the place V) be ecsichbU aid the persons or things to be seized. 161 No person shall be held to answer for a csnital or otherwise miamous crime, unless on a presentment or iu diotBient ef a grand jnry, except In ca-s arising ia lha laud or-caval fulcra, or iu the militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public dangor : nor shall any person be sub ject Ihr the ssme tfittnee to be taice put iu teopardy of life or i nto, nor pe compelled, in any crin inai case, o ne a witness against bimaell i nor be detuived ot Me. iiueity. or pro; erty, without due process of law ; nor shad privais property be lakou lor public use without just compensa tion. . ' 17. In nil criminal prosecutions th sccused shall erjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial j ir of the Mate aud district wherein tbe crime ahall have been committed, which diatiict shall have beeu previously ascer tained by law, and to be l:,fo med of the uatme a. d caue of the accusation; to be con rooted witn the witnes-es against him; to have compulsory process fcr obtaining wnn s-e iu cia lavor, ru to nave the asiiavaoce oi vouiuei fot bis defence. . . - 18. In suits st common law, where the vslne in coqi.ro-' verey shall exceed twenty dollars, the rwbt of trial by jary shall be preserved ; snd no fact so tried ey s J try aliaii be otherwiae te-eXsmined la auy court of the Confederacy than according to the rules of the common law. - 19. Excessive bail shall not be rcooired, nor r-xcenaive lm iipua4. sor oruel and nnusnal puoishin?nte Uillicted 20. Every law or reoU.tiou having lbs force f law, a bail relate to but oue subject, and that shall be expressed in the title. S-cHoic 10." ' 1. No State shall enter into icy treaty, a'.liance. er con federation grant letters of u a (joe aad tepiisal ; coin money ; make anytLiog but gold and silver coiu a tcnifcr in ps)nieotol eebta; pass any bill ot attainder, or ex i-osl facto law, i r law iiiipaiiing the oVIgation of Ci ulracw oi grant auy title of nobility. 'i. Ao bute ahall. witnont me consem oi tne ucrcresa. lay any imposts or duties on imports snd exports, except wnat may be atjaoiutcly aecessaiy ror exccuruig us inspec tion laws ; and the nett produce cf all dunes and impost, laid by any IS' ate on imports Or exports, shall -be forth ase of the treasury of the Confederate States; and all such lawe Shall be subject to tne revision ana conuoi oi un- gres. .. - 3. No Etate s ball, withont tbe consent of Coccres. lav any duty of itnnage, except on sea-going vessels, lor the Improvement of its rivers and harbors navigated by the said ves&trhi ; bet such duties shall not conflict with any treaties of the Confederate Slates wlih foreign nations; snd anv surplus of revenue thus derived shall, ailer niakina such improvement, bs paid into the common treasury ; nor shall any Male keep troops cr ships of war, to time ol peace, enter into any agreement or compact vim another blate. or with a loreigt power, or Cnsge in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger aa wiil'not admit of delay. Bat ben any river divides or flows through two or more Mates, they may enter, inio compact wiia each other to improve tbe navigation thereof, i . . AbtiClb IK Stwn 1. .- , 1. The executive power shall be vested In a President of th C'onleaerale Mates of America, lie and the V ice Presi dent shall hold their offices for Ue teim of six years ; but the President shall not be re-eligible. Th Prba deut and Vice President shall be circled as follows : 2. Each biate shall appoint, in such manner as the Lecls- Iatnre thereof may direct, a number ol electors equal to the hole number i tenatora and uepresent&tives to which the State may be entitled la the. Congress ; but no Senator or Representative, or penoa holding aa office of trust or profit under the Confederst Htate, shn t ppolnted aa elector. ,. " . - 3, TheVetor shl! meet In their reipect't 8t(.es sn l votl.y ballot, for Presi.lnut snd Vbs PreelleBt, one of whom, st lesst, shsll nt he an bohabltant of thessm State with li.rmaeive : they shall Psme in their ballot the per. Sera vold for s Pre dot. and in distinct ballot th per son voted lor s Vic Presi tant, snd they sh .11 make dl tiuct lisof all persons voted for aa Pra.l l.ni, .aJ of sll persons v trd lor ss Vice Pre-I'tan', nd of tb Bii-nber of votes fur each, whit b list tbay shall al, n end certify, and transmit, sealed, tn the government .of the confederate State, directed lathe Preaident of the Sonatet the Prest dent iif the Senat ahall, In the presence of Ihe Heoate and Iloune of Rrpreaci.trttivea, open all tbe eertillcatea, and th vote shall then ! rounied t tie i.erson havmg th greatest number nf vtesft.r President shall bs (he rresli-nt, ifsni h ounilier h s nisiorlty of Ihfl hole Dmiiber f electors an. pointed, and It no person bavs such majority, thee,, from tb persona !avlng tbe highest ram tier, not exceeding three, on tbe list of thi voted f ra President, t lis II on n 1'epresentatlves, shall choose lt"nK(1lstnlv. ly ballot, the President. Rat In choosing tbe I'icald. nt the Voles shall Ir taken by Rtte, tha repret'ntatlotl frron each State having nn vo.e ; a qu.imu) for tint purpie shall conalslof a Pietn ber er nieiill.ers from two-thirds of tbe State, and a ma- I joritr or all the Mate ahall be ance-ssry to a rhdie. And M:w:?vr; Preal voir: trvrTtw nri.vais, -toie the 4ih day ol Krcti pex i MlowuV. then the VicaUm: V' . -vr.ev - v ... president shall ret s 1'iealdeM. as It cae of ttreoWh or other conalllutiotisl disability of Ibe Pr si lent. u- 4. Ihe renun havls? th greatest number nf vote Vi. Piesident shall be the Vie Preiidsut, If such number be mi. j hty nf the whole Bumbr ol electors ( pointed ! and il no prison bav sin J ii'y, then firm the two highest lumbers on Id list the liiale shall choia th Vice f resi dent a quorum fur tho purpose shall consist uf Iwa-thlrria of the whole tin inter ol -Senators, and a lonjarl'.y of the. hole number shall be rieeesanry to a choice. 5 lint mi pm-on coiistliu.louiily ttielllniMe lo the office f Premleut sb I he eligible to Ihat of Vioe President of the f tinieileile tstute. . 0 Tbe tloniireas may determine the time of choosing the elector , ai.d.U dai cn which iljey shall give their vuti. which day shall be the , same thrvughuut the Coniederate hia'rs. ;'- v 7- No prison except nttural born citizen ef the Con fe tuiata i-iuies, or cl'ia.'Q thereof ut the, Urn ol th adop tion of tbl coatitutin, or riliaea thereof born In th United States prior 1 1 1' s ID h nf December, Isoo, shall be eligible to tbe 111 "9 of 1'rcsuloiit ; neither shall any prnn be ttlliclMe t i that till ' who shall not ha aUatiu d the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen years a rldeut within tha limits of the Confederate mains, a may exist al the tiirte of his e'tctton. . v - . H. .Iu of the removal of -the President from olHoe, tt Of his dath, resignation, or tnW:l ty to discharge the pow ers snd duttr of tho said ofllcs, tl eiaine sbail devolve Vn tbe V.e President ; and the t'orgresa may, ry law, provide it the oa'-te ol removal, death, rcs uatlou, or Inability both of the President ami Vice Piesideni, deolnrliig what oQicer slinll then a t as President, and such ofll ,er ahull an ao conimu y until. Ihe disability Le riniofal o( a I'resldont shall be elected'. . 'ihe I'ltaidiil.t shall, et'slaud llmrs, rrneSvo for hlii jivl. ra fliiiii(i, u ailian ahioh shall neither bu liiorSasett uor dituiabhed during the Juriodlor alili bbs shall have bvetf electi d slid he shall not receive wllbiii that period anv o' I er tinol. nieiii fuui the Coufcdaiat Mates, or any of them. i IU. Iicfu'e he fillers on the execution of his c flics, he shall tA'fo tho loll.i lug o.uh rr'slll-'inatioii : " " I do solrtuiiiy swesr (.or adlto) that I will fkltlilnlly ex- i'nte tho iillice of Presldeut ol the Cenfederate Stttna, and writ, to ihe Us! of in? ai'i'ity, piencrve, protect and defuud the Coiiaiiiutiou iheieof." , ... . - , Uixiivn 3. ' 1. The Pr ealdfit shnll be couiinmidor In-chief of the army and navy of the CoufeduaUi otaica, snd of the nil Hi ol the several Males, wheu culled in'o the actual serv o of the Confederate Mates ; lis may require the opinion, in writ. , lug, til ibn principal oflloer In eatih of Ihe kxucutiv Depart riiunls, Uion soy lublecf relating to the duties uf their re spective IHeeis, ami beba I isve fower to gratit reprieves snd par Ions lor nttoucg sgal .at ll.e Coiiledorate States, except la ose of luniesoliomut. ' . 'i. He s'isll have tbe potter, by and with lha a Ivioa and noos'nt ot ibe hunute, tit nnU treaties, provided two third of ha reonlors preul ci ncsr i arid he shall tiotnl Pa.a, and by "d with the advice and consent of the Senate, atii.uaii eml'ariftftfirs. alias itfihAto lulhisrera and nnn. sitla, .juuge ol liio fiuprrrua i:niit. and all olber slllcers of I ho t oi l-i!rn'e Ktatea, whoae snpoin'mcms are not herein oilier. S e provoi. d foe. and v- hu b snail be- establii-liRd by law I but the Cwng-i sa lour, by law. Vi at lb SLiioluMriei I ot sncli loli i ioi iJli.cr.-, i.a ilo y (li nk proper, lu iho Presi dfuiaJujiCilr ih' ci. mis of law or iu ihe heads of dc;'art nicijts. 1 ft. Hie rlnrlpnl oftloer In e.o.h of th exeeutlve depurt- meuia, hiio an persons connected who ine aipioniaiiu ser vice, luay l e removed fioni ofiice at the pleasure, of the ricl ! m. Ail o'Uer iv il oiiiuera of tlie rxecuiive iepart menl may ha rtuioved at any time by th President, or otlivrapp' iniii g power, abni t' eir eerrl-es are unoncca sai'j, or lor dish' neaty, lu"pacil7, - im 111 Icncy, inUoou itnut, or neglect of duty ; . nd when ao removed, the remov al shall be reported to the Senate, t-'i;ether with the reasons Ibureior, 4. 'Ihe PriMldcnt thill have power to nil a'l vacancies that may hfppe' din lug the rectus of the Senate, by grant- lug coniniiaaiui a which shall exjjire at tbo end of their next t-e ion ; il u i person r j rled uy the renafa shall be re sppuiuieo o Ue saU'B ofliee ddrirni thrir ensuing iecea - rs'cfio) 3, 1. The Prv.iidett shall f.oiu time to Lme, elve to the Con gress information cf too suie, ol the Conlvduracy, and re uoinmcrid to their c Ousidratlun sm b measures s be shall ju'igs iiecessMy and expedient; h may, on extraordinary occasi ns, convene bom oodho, or tiu.eroi litem; audio ca-e of disagreement between llixin, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn 1 lie in to such, time as ue si, an iiuiik proper; be sali re-joive Atuoas-auors and oilier pubiio mmlsurs: he shall take care ibat the laws be Blihlull) execut. d. and shall commission sll the oUloers of the Cciifadtrate ti U , - ftcfKm 4. 1. The Tri sid' r.t, V.cel'ie-iJent, and s!I eUil ofilcors of the ('ontfldcral Stales, ahall he removed from cilice OB Ira peavliiuviit for, and conviction of Ireascn, bribery, or otUr high climes ai.d liiudeuiianois. AitriCLB iu. txrtion I. 1. The Indicia! power of the t ohloilerale Stabrs Shall be vested in one bopreme Court, and m such lufeiior coniCs as Ihe Congress miy from lime to lime ordalu and esUb:ih. The j itiges, hot-b of the .h: pteiue and inleiior, court's, shall hold iln ir cfiices during good behavior, aud sliall, st stated time, recnlv fur their service a conipensnti.n, which ahall uoi be diminished during iheir euutiuuaiice in tfilce. tt tion i. 1. The Jiidlclitl power shall ex'rnd to s'l ease arislrg under this I ohm i union, the law of tbe Coafcdernta States, aod treaties made or which shall be nrtde under their au thority ; to sll case Quoting arnOansadora, other publio milliliters mill consuls; to all case's of adnii a.ty and "mari time juried. c ion ; to ccntioversies to sriiicta lh Confede rate fttates shall be a paitr ; io cont'ov. rait between two or nu rrMates 1 between a State snd citizens of Another Hlat where lh) ratals is tilniuliU'j between citrn-n claim lug loud and'.r giants oi iliUcreiit Midi, and between State or the cilia thereof and f uciim htate. clt zens or subjects ) bo; no Mate aLull be wed by a eit.xuu or sut Jsct or an loreign niaie. 3. lc all cases slKctlnK nmbfBNadirs, other puldin minla- tera ai d consuls, and those io which a fcta-e shall be a it u, tne t tinreuie i oart suail nave original tariauiciion. a all ibe o li.r t a e before ineut'oued the Supreme Court shall nave Appellate Juriediction, bo'.n as to law and tact. tin i:ku exceptiupa and nndr suc-a regulations aauie Viongress alm't mine. ; - a. ihe trial ut an ennMS, except mrsnesnr impes"iimint, li 11 be by iurv. at;d u;h trial shall be held in the State Where lbs said crime shall bsve b en 'commuted ; nui when not committed within any blate, Uie trial ahall be at such place oi places aa th Congress may by law have di- reclea. . ' .S et ion 3. I. Treason against the Coniederate States shall consist only in levying warBgainft them, or io adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Fit person shall be convicted of treason unlets on the testimony ol two witnes ses to the same overt set, or on eosfesatoa in open court. 2. Tbe Congress shall hate tower to declare tbe pun .sa me lit of treason, but no attainder ef treason shall work cor ruption of blood, or forfeiture except ddfriug the life of the person attained. ' - -- i . AftncLS iv. cecnon i. 1. Full faith snd credit shall be Riven in etch State to the public acts, reror.is and jndicial proceedings of every other o are. ado ins ucngrera mar, uy ge oerai iawa,-ireacrto tbe manner in which such acta, record and proceedings tliuii be proved and tha cnect thereo:. teciton x. 1. The citizen of each &- shall b sntit'ed to all the privileges and irunmonic of citizen in th several btatea, aud shall have the right of transit and sojourn in any Mat cf Uiis C niederacy, with their slaves and other property ; and the right ot property in said slaves snail not- be mere- ny impaired. - a. a person charged la snr btate witn treason, it tony, or other crime kgamat the laws of such Stain, who shall lias jrom justice, add be. I mod in another etate, snau on deuiaSd of the eaecntive suthoiity of the State from whick he Bed, be delivered np to be removed to the State Laving uriadlcton Qf tne crime. . , 1 Vn .l.n. mV.. VsM tn mmrvlnm or labor In any But or Territory ot tho Confederate Stales, d,:n Uwstterecf, neap lag or jawIbU crd tew aoerij hall In sonseq-ieode f sny lw or regulation therein, he discharged from f neb iervloe or labor, bnt ahall ba dbrr. ed op an claim of tb, party to whom such slsve belong, er te wom such ser vie cr labor nisy b do. , , Section I. I. Other Plates may h dmlt'd Into this ronfedersey by s vote of two-thirds of tee whole I loose of KesreaeDta tlveasnd two-third of th Henatw, the SesaU voting bw Stataat bnt ao btw Bute shall be formed or erected wnhia the Joilsdletlon of any ether Btst I Bor ny Sut be form ed by Ih Junction of two or more States, or parts af 6ta , without tbe eossynt of the Legislaturee of the Bute cvu perns.l, aa well as of tha Cusgrsaa. 1. i na congress shsll Have Dower to d Isnoaa af aa m.k all needful ro e and rsgnlations concerning tb property of tbe Confederate Stales, including the lands thereof. S. Tb Confederate State msy scqulr nw territory, ssd Obnrea shall have power to legialete and provide gurvrs menta tor the Inhabitant of all territory belonging to tb Confederate State lyingi without th limit of the several Suit, snd msy pei mil them, al Anb time and la such maimer ss It msy by law provide, to farm th States to be sdmitted Into the confederacy. - Is all sncb territory ths In stltuli a of Degro slavery as It now SXlaU la the Confede rate Htatre (hall be recognised snd protected by Coogrea and by lha territorial government and the tnhshltauta ef in averi ouieuerai mate and TerrHorte shall have - - Censa of Ivortls Carolina INtiO. ' aa nuronfkn srnis skcbstasv or tub tat cotrriNrioit, cousriaa. whit, ra scol d, i,Ar. Alaiuanc AloxanduT, rofAi 1I.AA3 . 6,i2 . 13,4 8,ft0 , T.uid .. 14,779 14,311 . ll.OUJ 8,406 13,.U 9.23T . lo,m 7,41H -' 6,843 - 6,186 - 10,216 - 10,730 19,lf ' ,lfi6 6,843 13,344 8,697 V 10,371 ' 18,36? T.414, ' 16,801 8,44 .' -1(1, 7H8 17,876 -.' 12,601 . 14,110 9,310 . 8,44 , J.1.H!t ' 7,924 -30,066 19,441 - 8,036- 6.M01 10.448, " 9,604 7,734 .. UM1 ,24 . 1,MT ' 6.730 .10,211 " '8,186' e,oo . 6,90S ' 10,lf9 7,120 17,374 ' 7,64 11,427 11,(W8 31,716 -13,376 . 8,856 4 18,849 8,940 ' 7,248 11,221 16.71 4,040 ' 11,000 1S.79S . 15,490 -, 16,740 - , 14,60 11,673 ' 16,636 " 7,0l 10.401 ' 10,579 4,943 , li.aoi 28, fj 15,7 ' 6.3 1 . 4 t 14 , ' 11 i ti.".a - i ,10,711 8,651 932.6g -- At son, Alleghany, Aehe, Hesufort, B.rtie. Illsden, Hmuswlck, lluncombe, linrxe. Cabarrris, Caldwell, I'auiden, " Cutteret, (Caswell, Catawba,: Chatham, ' herokee, bowan. : ' (levelaud. Columbus, t ravo, Cumberland, i uiriincK, r Davidaon, Davie, Duplin, ' Igecotlnbe, Foi ay the, Franklin, Gaston,. Oaks, x O.aoville, (iresbe, , . tiniiford. Halifax, Haincll, Haywood, iieuderrou, Iterifofd,. " ": Hjde, . ledell. Jackson, Johnsluu, . Jones, Leno.r, . -ljncoln, : iCOU, Mad son, Martin, McUowll,' fecklonburg, ' Montgomery, Moore, Nash, . i New Hanover, Nottbamptiin, Oiislow, Orange,, Pasquotank, . Perquimans, Person, Pitt, t Polk, Richmond, Randolph, Robeson, Rockingham', Kowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Tyrrell, Cuiou, Wske, Warren, . Washington, Watauga, Wavnea Wilkes,' Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey, ' 8,913 3,203 631,489 30,007 . 331,081 auik' ULACit CLOTH for Cloak, at J Jan. 20. - BALDTa. H KAVT UttOWS DRILLS, 50 pieces, at JfUUXQ. . HAUAtaa' 4- Th ( onfederjt BUUs shsll gnarsnte to every Slat , " that oow la nr hereafter may beoom member of this CB 1 federacy, a Republican form of govroment, and shall pre- " lect each of them against Invasion ; and oa application of " th l.eglslafur (or of the iCxccotlve when th LegiaJatur) ' '' Is uot in sesalod) against domestio VloUoo. ABTict.l v. Aviicn I, "" fcv -1. Upon th demand of any Hire fdtste legally sssem- blsd lu their several eoaventlons, th .Congrea (ball snm-. mm a Convent nu f all th Stales, to take Into oonsldsra. .' Hon such ammdmenta to th constitution tb said State ' shall conour In suggesting st th tlm when tbsaald damssd ' ' is msde, and should any of th proposed amendments to Ihe constitution b agreed on by th said convention vot- . iug by hutes-and the aame be ratified by the Legislature of two third of th kvral Stales, or by cosveutlon In ' ' two-thirds thereof as the one or th other mode of ratifi eatinn may be proposed by the general enuventloa-they shall hSneeforward form part of this Con at I tutlon. But no nuie shsll, without lis consent, be deprived of Its equal -representation In th benst. , . , ' f K " ABTIOLi Tf, ' 1. ThsCoTartiment established by thlContlfutloB blh snoeeaaor of fhe provisional government of the Confederst Mates of America, and all the law passed by th latter shall continue In tore null tha ism shall b repealed or -mod flpd; nd sll the t.frljer sppointsd by th tarn (ball ' remain In ofllce until their successor kr appointed and qualiQed, or th eflioes tbollihed. i 2. All debte contracted and enrage merit entered Into before the adoption of thf constitution shall be valid ' ' ' sgaiust Ih Confederate Mat under th'a ooBstllutloo s f ' tindor the rrovisional government. ' 3. This con itiiuilon, end th laws of th Con'edorat Slate, mle la parsaanoe thersof, and ll trestle mad, or which ahall h mad under th authority of th Confsderate ' Stat, shall be the anprtme law of th land; end th Jndg es in every State shall be bound thereby, anything la tb constitution or law ot sy Stat Io th oontrary uotwltb standing. . - " .4.1 he Fenntors and ReprenUtlve bsfor mentioned, and the member of tbsssvaral Stat l.rglslature, snd sll cxecuUva snd Judiolal tiflluera, both of th Confederal States and of the several States, shall b bound by eth or afllrinatloD to sapport this oonsiliiitlon, 1ml no rcllgons test ball ever be required ss qualification to hy ofllo or pttbl i trust nnder th Confederate States Th powers not delegated Io the Confederal SUta br Ihe oonatliution, nor prohibited by It to the Mates art re served to the States, respectively, or to th popl thereof. - AKTIOI.B Tit. 1. The rat'uVatlno nf the Couventlon or five Rlates shall be r.nlll 'lent forth establlrhruent of llils Coustllution be tween ilia States so ra'irvlng tb aame. w 2 W beu tlv Slate shall hxv rallied tht eonsUtullon, In the Bisuner before spt citled, the Congrcs nnder provt- binnl constitution ahall nreaorlb th tim for holding th ' , -Vetion of President and Vloe President I and for meeting ' . of H e Eiebtnral Colleet and for connting the votec and " " hifgnratlng th president. They shall also prescrlb Ih . tim for holding the (list eluctiou of members of Congrea . : ' ntider Il ls consiimtion, and tuatlmfvraemllintbsama. ' Until the eaarmhling nf such ('oliL'resa, th Conr nnder " ths provSlnnal ooiiatltutiou shill cont nue to cxereise th " . leglalative poe' grented them, not extending beyond Ih " time limited by th constitution of th provisional govern ' meitf.. .. . t Aikpted trnanlmoosly.lfarch 11, ifiliT..'"