- . : . -. & . - f 1 A AhiC3 J I ( -- - " . . - - - - I : - . AA A i. ; I' ' M! .;!;'! i f '' A ! . t- M.I.! . I . I ( ; '. jVr; v';--.,Y'- . " v:.' v-.. fl " W JS f WL. 11. NO. .140. ' '" CONf EDKIl AT.f STATES OF AME RI C A WILAU K(r,T()X, N. C, THF" 31) AY J EBRJJAUY 27, 1 862 ' " ' ' " - ' - v - - - '' ' ' ' " -, - ' . i . t J j A . j ' ' ' -rf- jit- i iltoi pmcr., i t.pnis.Tc-?- A.L. PRICE, -J if. FULTON, Editor.. mi u' v. ... ..." I 51 in It .1 tt I iY ( LNJI rr t tin 1 . i ;nWiuD, A 1 f r cc!i repetition G .( Van re eliargud ? -! lha bo rte leded) or lr -.ui't 1 a q'ire. -AtjvertiM'n,en ' iHprtfd eery mhe AJ l .174 orii rr qnnrff ; r raeh lnoertiou flfr t Xo pulU-.ti'u8 mad without rpi' j;ht i. tiSi:i ESS- IhB. r.RC ESSIONAira TTS rrTDAr.d to the oeuXra ofiic JJL I(SG3. nxt door Wert of hU former loeiUon. October J7th. 186U . Sfitfi KMPIK V ALLK!, ' - A TTORXXT8 AT LAW. TTAViE removed tbeir ofrfoe from out to Prince etreet, iX JOUBJIAU BU1LDJAU3, formerly occupioa oj n. i liolmei. Kiq. ' . . r October 17th, 1"WU t. t. rimwAT, G IIWU MOOBB PETTBWAT MOOHR, piiirniT. niuuKSIOM MKIUtHANTM. fOl. 18411 No. 3i North Weter it., W tlmlogton, a. 0. - LOt'IS D. RRAHBEBT, -rvBUGOlSl1 AND PRACTICAL Pfl BM ACEXITIST, II ' Wll.UIKOTON. N. C, L-.na iBati.nt1v nn hand, e eelsct 4Tock of lsru. Mtd- . icinei, Vomestio and Jtihropcm C'lwntwalt, Fancy and Touel Artwlcs, Wmet ana vquortjur juuh;m j. Parttrn! ttentl0B Bald to PMSCIlirriOM, f AMlfcT Store immediately under the " Cerblla Hotel. ' July VI, 185!. 7 v i I C:'-tf ' .' - n W. J. RII'MRO. 'COMMISSION MKKCHANTa end WUOLE8ALB QUO KJ UEita, ho. aiaortn mwrowwi, - nne 18. 15!. . VimmoTow, N. C joeira LOBOOM. CTBC1 I. YAIUHMa. j. n. niossoin a c. ("1 EN ERA L COMMISB10N MERCHANTS, X June W. lHttl. WimwOTowyN. r. n. B. CILKRI. ' .TtTnni;HlLE OHOCEIl AND COMMISSION MEB CUA.NT, endDEALKRIN Na f AL BTOR6S, eorne Wter end Uerket itreeu, wumineion, a.v,. . April id, K, Hl'RRAf A K f. (SamlMM to. Marry A Femnnfc.l - COMMIBSIO,! HBCnANTS AND WHOLE3AIJ5 GROCEBa, ., WATAH HTllKKT. waJlINUTON, N, "0. I. Mr Its AT P. B. C0Ti!IICW. . T. "rai'; rebrnery 1, 1M9. JA8. C. SMITH COn 10MMI8PJ05 MERCHANTS, offloe eooond stcry, j South Wetet end Mdreet etreete, WilraiBjrtou, whore they ere prepjred t erWud toU bnia( flrtrnmltmm Unit. AU baiinee entnated U tiom wffl he pTractar.j eorner N. 0, - - c h. aoiutsosr a ct COMMISSION AND FOBtTAJfVINU MEllCHANTd I i WlI.HIMOTOh. a C. rfirn- o-er Kr.' J. A..Willerd'i Btore. ilntreee uiwrol Prrttceee ead Weter etreeU. J. At. H.OQiHSO.1 A HiiSI. ' - --.! WanrnTo. N. C nrPOETEBS. MAIHTPACTDIlKBi' AGENTS, "AND Dp 1 lere in Herd were, Cultery, lrpu, BU, Rn, Jr woirel hnpleweate, Ao. 1 J. col. W. T. IIXDALL, J. i. lAhDALl . rai. KEKDAIX. A ro. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GBO Meroh Hth. lBfll I. C B. a. WOHTH, C0MHIB6I0N AND F09"ABDTS0 MEBCHANTK, Wtj.MiKroM, N. C. eferob 11, 147 - - - i.yi-i W WAl.KCUfiK.VBEB. fripwicr to Wa'.knr Merreg . Co..) HOLES ALB AND RETAIL DBUGGI8T, A5 Bitin yreitr, wiLnrwafow, i, u. O. B. BLUB. . w. BTTOHILL KLUI A WITCHF.LL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAIXR3 IN CORN, FEA8, OATS. BYE, WHEAT BBAN, OIL MEiL; ruEaa gbodnd hominy, hoehk at cow i,ed; Aim, XABT&RS Atffl AOSTB B1VKR BAT, (forth Water Street r.hreer. IB. l-- ""n " COMMISSION JrBCHAIfTS, . B-IOBfi BABRIK Ort. lot. IW. WlXBTKOTOtt, N. C. A. 1, BQWH.L. tr-Wt-BA8AtMi NOTICES. CO-PART!tRSIIIP NOTICR. rPBE UNDERSIGNED here entered Into Co-Partnenbip X rn trie town ol Wilmington, a. u., under tne nrm oi bOU-.HtRLAND dt COLKelAN. for the parnoee of bnjirif ad jelling NEGRO B LAVES, where the higbeat ceeb price will be pei a. ITiey eUo here A hoase is Mobile, Alabeme, where tj wOl receWB end tell ilBre ba Gommimioa. Liberal edvsn- ea mede npoa alarea left with them for esle. J). J. SOUTHERLAND, , JAME!l C. COLEMAN. . Aflfrnirt let, 1359. ' 804 NOTICB - , SAMUEL B. JENNING3 and Lovet Feeeocl will carry on the Ctnmweion and Forwarding boxinoM at the old tUnd of. the lata firm ot G wrer, feaoock dt Co., under the name or Jennioga 4 Peacock. - I. B. rtMI8. 1m WAotxnt. Jnaell. Oo'dsboro' Trfbnne copy. 234 rermnrvt tun, lUi!wn vf Vonfe-L-raWS-uk vf ' 'Atrurii-Q. 'Wc. the rp!e rf t-f ro-'-'.l.te fite. etrkSUw -' f ; fa He wm rfuir d InJ t!nt ehr-o tr, in or v form a parmtaiit fc'-ifel K-ve.nme'it. et l-h J-wti':e. Ji.-. tf toTpnrwivi's era ou ! riLl.no of Almh'ti'. ,V l'oot tail o for Uie i'.-., 't-i e AiBrK. ' Amici " t. A-oioii I ',' AHMittipi4r- L r.i t!" ft c1 b vettjd P e fwirrta 'f the C-ut-'r-e . At'i -h h !lf ot B tnAt and Ilooe f p-"""1: T t . AVC-B - ' I V 1. TbvTloiiasof H.-jircfc-n' ti.t .'I 10- iTTm -n el f mrruhrra 'h-wea vi.y !-;' otthr Mrl Kt.tc- Kfirl 1h. el ,.'- .") "L.te Bh't" f' seat of IH.Ouoredete. f i.n li.v t'e tj iii'iS n:I.-aj ?(!' tor elnct-ra rf t! m 't fij- i t. t' 1 . . .. i ....ii ...... i ..f -t i if f . : 'i t i, ti bt,t . r (U- a-u of tie t o':t ?oVr."'t i i . ,'! S- " J t.j' 0e f'r,J env 1 Sir era, cil pi.,lii'.l. H-,t or irui-' , . . . . 2. 'ao pnjiiO dhdlit. a rz-pe-Witetiv wn Viu J 1 a'tu -wa e'K f twentr-liv. yore, 9' d lie it i-H ' tr Onfe'lentt f-tsV. end wOfl)ll imI, wVb ' iii J-Jiiiu,' ."t - Vijt-v,i hj L o i , ; '. 3. ..,fiif ( i "1 n.l d.ii.t y.r w. e Ji .liiiit tu tutir rr.-.i.iiv , , ...(,4i ehell be tlriermiiil by id'hnfr t.j.l'.r whole fimiih'.-r U live penou, lncluiui- tuoie bound 'o arrvivB lore tnn m year, and excluding Inditn not feied, three-fl'lha of ell Uvea. The ecrnal enumeration ihull be maJe withiu lbn-e yean after the first niwliujicf the Conres of the (onfd erete States, and within evry ubcqucut term -of tea year., in eucb manner ae they ba:l, by liw, direct. The number of representative! ihall not ezce.d one for every fifty thrn eand, bnt each 8lateball bare at ka.t one rrpieenttive ; ano until inoh enom.ratioo shall be made the hlate ol Hrm'.b t:arolina thall he entitlrd to cboo. eix. tba Riate Of Ge"r fis ten, the Mate of Alitbama nine, tbe Ftate of Fhvila two, the Kuta f Mi.HBi)pl .evn, tbe hta'e i f LouUUna i, and tbe hute of Texae tix. 4 U ben vacanciea happen in the representation from toT State, tlie Exeoutive auihority U ertof 1h11 iasue writ of election to fill lurh Taeauriee. . ' . . , S. The linoeeof Repreeentativeailall cbonae their Spek er and other officer., and shall have the. mla power o' im peachment, except thai any Ja licijil or other ieiieral i fllwr reaideut and acting aolely i hint lie limita of any htate, may be impeached by a vote of two third, of b .tli branchei of the Legmlalure thereof. - .- Seehont. -- 1. The Pennte of the Conl'edertte Btatui ehitll he oompna ed of two Sen ttora from each Htate, chosnu for lix year by the Legii'atnre thereof, at tbe regular eeitaion next Imme diately preceding the oomineacement of tbe trm ol lerrlce; and each Senator shall have one vote. 1 J. Immediately after they .hall be aiembled,:la conse quence of tbe first eleetion, tbey shall be divth-d as equally a. my be iuto three claasee. Ihe seats of ths Hrnaturs ol tbe Brat class shall be vacated at the expiratioa of tbe, se.o ond tear ; of tbe second o!as at the expiration of the fourth year; and of tbe Sd clans at the expirution of the sixth esr; so that one-tbird at ty be ehuecn every second yesr ; and It vacancies happen by res goation or otherwise drunug the recess of the Legislatnre of any ritato, the Executive tbet of may mske temporary BpoiutinenU until the nextimeet ing ol the Legislatnre, which shall then fill auch vacancies. " . No person shall be a Senator who shall not have at' taiued the age of thirty years, aud be a cltisen of tbe Cvn trd.rate btatei, and who shall not, when elected, be an In habitant of the State for which be shall be chosen. '' 4. Tne Vioe-Fresident of the Confederate Mates aball be Prenldeut of the Peuate, but shall have a vote, unices they' be equally divided. . 6. The Senate shall cbooe their other officers, and also B President pro Umport In tbe absence of the Vice Prenl deut, or when he shall exercise the office or President ol the Conlederate Statrs. v 6. Tbe Senate shall have the sole power to try ell im peachments. When sitting for that purpooe, they hall be on oath or eflirmstjon. When tbe President o 'be Confede rate States is tiled, the Chief Justice shall preside ; and B , person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of tbe members present. 7. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further tliaa to temuval from ouice, end dlquslillcatia to hold and enjoy sny office of honor, truntor prutlt, uadrtbe Conlederate States) but tbe party convicted shall, never theless, be liable and suhjeot to Indictment, trial, judgmeut and pumsbmynt, aqconlinx to law. J , Section 4. . . . ' 1. The times, places and ma oner of holding electiotis for Hcuators and iieuresentauves shall be prescribed in eac State by tbe Legislatnre thereof, subject to tbe provisions of this t'orstiluiion i tnrtae Congress may, at sny liw, by law make or al'er such regulationsf except as to the times ana piaeet oi cu'Xiaing Beoaiors. 2. The Congress shall assemble at leant once loevry year; and such meeting shall be oa the first Monday in December, unless tbey shall, by law, ppoiut a different day. - . Section S. 1, Each House shall be tbe judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of Its own members, and a majority of each snail constitute a quorum 10 aouuaiLesei dui a amsi Itr number mar adjourn trem day to day, end may tie an tborized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such inanaer and under snub penalties as each House my provide 2. Each House msy determine tbe tulca of its proceed inss, punish its members for disorderly behavior, aud, with tbe concurrence ot two-thirda of the whole number, expel a member. S. Each Home shall keep a Journal of ita proeeedlnea and from time to time publish the tame, excepting such carta as roain their judcitient require seciesy, and be yeaa and nays of the members of either Louse, on any ques tion, snail, at me -cut ire or two-nuns oi inoae present, be entered on tne journal. 4. Neither House, during the session cf Congrecs, shsl! without tbe consent of the other, adjuura for more thau three due, cor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. &ec(ion 8. 1. The Senators and Representatives slall receive a com pensation for their services, to oe ascertained oy law, and Daidoulot tbe treasury ef the Confederate hla es. Tbey shad, iu all cases, except treason, felony and breach of tbe peace, be privileged Ire an arrrw during their attendance at the suasion of their reepeulive Houses, aud In guli.g to ace retaining trom the tame i and tor acy i-peech or debate in ei her Home they ahall noLha qntn-tiwutd iu any other place. - - i . 3.' Vo Senator or Representative aball during the time for tbe tuthority of the Confederate fctatts, h'cii thall have been created, or tne emoluments w Hereof snail bave oeet increased during sucb time; and, ao person Holding any olhce under the Conlederate States shall be a member ol either House during his continuance iu flice. Jlat Cotgres. rrsv. bv Isw. rraut to Use rrincipal olUucr Hi each wl thl Executive Pepartrn 'titsa ht cpun the Hour of titner bouse, witb me privilege oi aiacu.su g any measures appertain tug to bis department. - section I. 1 All bills for raisiag revenue shall orlgitiate in tbe House of Representatives ; but the r-enaie muy piopoae to concur witii amendmenu as on outer bu,s 2. Every bill "which shall bave paiwed both Honbee shall bet'jia it becomes a law. he presented to the Pieidentol I the Confederate btutea ; if he apjnove, he shtrH-aign it ; but t.erei ...i.,anl with the fn-f '. ; 'but 'Ith.r lM,iior eaf olb-r -au cnutalat d hi liin t'onituf oa, flii.ll ever 1.. ci.nstr-ued Ui del. te t' f (. ti to t'-in-r. -to nnprofiriate money for a iv i .ier I i " r ve ii tit t- -r. t4 to f.oiiiisle eownieree. exeeiit ! r - v,n f !nr- li-hi-iR luhU. benroi;-e J h "" end r .i, m... 1 et' iiri uoim tbe 0'ia,i a. t!1. mu-m .. .- t t - . j . eoKh-if th v r ar,l , in d tl.e rrmovne of f.h-t'iir' ii m r v s . . I. , r'.!n nnd wa'jKah Hi ! whieh n such dut e. hll Le Ij'.I "oi.- ,h n. ; kJ Ijherrtiy a n.ay re jiceJary a i;j i:w i j , t.iir.ee thei. f. .' j 4, Tot s'Al.lish. iifftfl ci f tiiU.aim the niM-rtef ba-.k miti'i", X ii S.'6t e SUte ; tu' H i t V ti I .- toil fl.-bt c ifcTactr. b. r"r lb. ri aiei ::.' 4Toeon mwer. i.-.-u'ota '. van- i ltf; e'rfn, mil nx tu ; o:tn i "i , i ,.To pro td. for It pu'n-i.ui -til n k i 'tji:-i and eurr-ut mh of 'lie 'un J 1 eLlin't p'. oHir-es a--1 ne of the Poet '"..! l'riA'i.!i""t laicv i the year of our lord anst tbits. e'.a.l he pAi out or tie oi 8 To promote flm prunes t i 'leljtti'a ty .rtcurli.g br li i iisd tun- to -t i ' tf ,toi I'm ct"-lv rii;ht f 'Ii -t r"" oeii" 't , ;,--rre u , To p..;!tirt'' "''i ' I " "ivin Cut j i i.i,t tinder the Coar. derate- Rtatee, shall be ap iiul.d an I j e. .r. . - . i "."...- - . f t ; 3 T'te Vn'or.K H Bee't Id their Hspeetiv ! -s-i1 ! i.vo'e 1 v Ul , fir fio.i hint and Vloe Pr.itr,t, . i I r,,t st Ira.t, s)ihi ti ,i he is tnh.biuntef U e ,'r,iii. . 1 'i.it! 1 r j '':':. i . . i '.de'(.i i'nievs: t.f nun sn ntiii r mu i ' j ,-. -) f.r a. I'c ' ut tiJ la it t'lui t 1 .i !. i: i e4 f e Vh-" I'm l ll, BBI they fcbMI m , d: s ot ail pe r l.r s Pre-iiU-j ad ,A -tJ i i .idn, e-d of t im ,1 , r i ' r is.'li liir ' . t .i'ysha'l ii n -! rertlly ( K-i.i, to t .o n.vron.el,t of Uu m'r . ti n v I to ' I n ' Jeut of the fe tlir f ! ? , i & .1... in ' preaiif-. ol H,. 't, t i.ti,, , i ed r.rfr', 't-. u I.rt t ll'r.. . J 'rfifii m t'iO I " ' : bill the I"!,' ! !i at rtjy nl h t Hi and s,xj."f 1 ' . lA I'll I r f'i teat-' t-.-e- r li I I .1 I- i' t , . t-i tl.' 1 : i, o I'er. "..lit a-'H ha i ' whole r.i nave f ui a n. -1 aumlii-r, i ; .i? r r if r,cc I .i j", tt.en, do l " n '. 1 i;.'t I i.t, l..tl H I'unn t V .111' li . l.i i IEEU OAT". CTIOICB ARTICLE, Just received. For Bale by ' feb.7th. PETTE AT Jt MOORE. htAf-auAP. , a choice article. Liii ui uuu nuiD, uiur m, u muv. il For sale by PETTE WAT St MOORE. Jan. 31. N OW MAKING nine hundred Uniforms for Confederate Soldiers, at - XILDWIN'S. Feb. liter . c tjcRAia'ai ULCR AN be had at, Feb. 10. CABSiasaKS BALDWIN'S. PLOUGHS OP ALL DESCRIP tioDS, embrscicg No. 6, a, 10, 10 it, lit, li, 18. 60, 60, 78, and Eagle I a, n, m, u, e and r rioagbs; aaso, Garden Plough, Uees, Caatinga. Corn bhellen at-4 Straw Cutters, ia warebouas and for sal. as - JAMES WILSON'S Oil, Leather, Bad Jlery, Truck and Harneas Establishment. Jan. 37 m. ltwii. . ;- aiir.IXART HIDISO SADDLE. K. r. XTTB BATE bow en exhibition the three leading styles IT ef Military Kidieg Maaiee via: THE MONKEY SADDLE, ' , , .' THE BBtiOLATlON SADDLE, ' THE MoCLELLAN SADDLE. .Alse, Mexican, Hope, Spanish, English, AtUkapaas and other popular style, at WlLSOS o. Feb. 3i. . - THE EXODCI OP FLOtCUa aUH continues at Fib. lit ; . . . .WILSON'S. - il. -w'-ec art wm., rant K"uia of kiarque end re- lore the lili day pH-al, end ni .rulef vonoeruing capturts on land od water. - . 12. To raise ahd support mils ; l ol an appropriation of money to tint use shall br tor a longer teim than two years. 1.1. Tj provide aed mslut.la a aavy. 14. 1 make rules fur government and regulation of tli land and naval force. - ' 15. To prnviJe for eatllns forth the militia to exernte. the laws of the Confederate elates, suppress insnrrecti'Hia and tepel iiiraalon. " . .. - IU T provide for organizing, armlntf and disnli'llulng the e Hit ia, end for governing a rich part of there as may he euiployed In the service of ti e Conledarate Hates j reserv ing to the KUtes, reepcetively.the appoinlment of Ihe (fl eer, and the authority of ire rig the militia anourdlng to the discipline prescribed by Congresa. 17. To exerelae exclusive legislation, In all caaei what oever. over sucb district (not exceeding ten mllos iqtiare) an may, by cession of one or mure H'atss and tbe BvO.pt acce of Convresa, beoome the seat of the government of the Confederate States ; and to Bxerciae like authority over all places purchased by tbe consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall he, for the election of forts, mHgaxiries, arseuala, dockyards and other needful build lot' and IS. To make all laws which shall be necessary and pro pen for earrying into txecu'lnn the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in tbe govern ment of the Confederate States, or in any drp&rtnieut or oftider thereof. fecfion 9. . 1. The Importation of negroes of the A Moan race front any foreign conntry other than the slavehoding Bis tea, oi Territories of tbe United Hates of America, Is hereby for bidden ; and Congre) Is required te paas sucb laws a shall effectually prevent the same. 1. Congress" shall also bave power to prohibit the intro duction of slaves from any St.ae not a member of, or Terri tory not belonging to, this Confederary. I. The privilege of tbe writ of habeas rorput shall sot be anspendeil, unless when in ca.es of rebellion or Invasion tbe public safety may require It- 4. no oiii oi aitaiuer, or em ion loom lew, or taw U"iiy if not, he rhall retuta it with his objections to thai Home in which it snail bave originated, who simii enter tbe objec tions at lame on their journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thitdaef that houee snail airree to paas tbe bill. It shall be sent, tugttner wiib tne ob jections, to the other House, by wbiub it shall likeiM be reconsidered, and if approved by two-unroa oi mat House it shall become a law. Uut in an sucb catea tbe votes ot bath Houses shall be determined by jess and r-as, aud the names of the' persons voting for aid sgainal the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House lespectrveiy. if any bill shall not be retumed fey the 'resident witbiu ten days (eiundata excepted) alter it shall bave been presented to bim, the same ahall be a raw, in IfLe manner as if he had signed it, nolens the CongTeea, by their adjonrnmeiit, pre vent ita return ; in which case it shall not be a law. The President may approve any appropriation and disapprove any other approoiiation in the same till. In such case, he shall, ia signing the bill, designate the appropriations dis approved, end auau return a cojy oi sucn appropriations, with bis objections, to the Uotiae in which the biilahaii have originated : and the same proceedings affalltben be bad at ia cam of other bills disapproved by the President. 3. Every order, resolution or vote, to wbicn tne concur rence ef both Houses may te nectsfery (except on a ques tion it adiouiLBicEti shall be presented to the President ol tbe Cocledeiate States ; and before the same shall take ef fect, ahall be aooroved bv him ; or being -disapproved by him, may be repaesed by two-thuds ol both Uouacs acc rd ing to the rules and limitations prescribed in case (I bill. . Section 8. ) The Congress shall have power -1. To lay and collect taxes, duties, luinets and excites for revenue neceahary to pay the debu, provide for the oommoa defence, and carry on the government of the Con federate States ; but no bounties shall be granted from the Treasury, nor shall anv duties or tueson iiuDortationa Iron fore isn nations be laid to nromote or fuater am branch ot industry ; and all duties, imposts and excise ahall be uni form throughout the Confederate States. 1. TO borrow BialMffftll-Llt. nr.., lit V Cr fnAavlt Bute. :", " S. To regulate oommeroe with foreign baUooa, and among Ing or impairing the right of propsny in negro slaves ahall be paaaed. fi. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid utiles 'in proportion to the oeotut or enumeration hereinbefore di rected to be taken. 6. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any Mite, escrpt by a vote of two-thlid. of both houses. 7. N v (references ebsll be given by any regulation ol commerce orTovetuo to tbe ports of cue Miite over those of another. . . 8. No money shall be drawn from tb treasury, but In consrqienoe of appropriations made by law t and a regu lar ttaternuut sad account of the reusipta and expenditures of all tiubtie money sball be published from time te time. B. fonereee shall avui(te wo-enoiiey fross the treaou rr except bv a vote-ol tee-thirds of both hoaaee. ttken by yeas nd najs, nuleas It be esktdaod estimated for by some one of ihs heads of department, and inbinttud to Congrats bv the President: or fur tbe purpose of paying iu own ex- penaea and contingencies; or for thi ptymeut of claim sgainst tbe Conted rate States, tno laslice or wblcli shall bave been judicially aeeiared oy a mnunsi tor me inveaii gatiun of cla ma against the government, which It fa he is by made tbe duty or Congress to eniaoih. 10, All bills sppropilatlng money -diall specify in ftderal currency the exact amount of each appropfiatiun aud the purposes for which it Is made ; and Congress shall grant no extra compensation to any publlo contractor, oHioer, agent or servant, a'trr such contract shall bave been made or inch service rendered. -11. No title of nobility shall be granted hy the Confede rate 6tats ; and no person holding any vtlice of profit or trust under them, ahall, without the consent of Ihe Con gress, accept of any present emoluments, office or title of any kind whatever Irtm any king, prince or foreign Mate 13. Congress shall make no law respecting sn establish ment of religion, or prohibiting the Xree exercise tfa.reot; or abridging the freedom of apeecb, or of lbs press ; or the right of the people peaceably to aasemtiie and petition the government lor a redress ot grievances. 13. A well regulated militia being cere-nary to tbe ae curity of a fres State, tbe right of the people to keep aud dbt arms snau not oe luiringea. 14. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered In any bom without tbe consent of tbe owner ; nor iu time of war, but in a manner to be nteaonbed by law li. The rlitht of tbe nsoule to be secure In their persons. houses, papers snd effects against unreS!inabliearchea and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants mail issue but upon probable cause, supported byosib or snum ation. snd particularly describing the place to be searched ALd the persons or things to be seised, ' 16. No person shall b held to answer for a capital or otn.rwwe lniamona crime, unlet on a presentment or in dictment of a grand jury, except in c ases arming in the land or naval forces, or iu tb militia, when in actual service, In time of war or public dancer : nor shall any" person be sub ject for tb asms bllencs tu b ly ice pot iu janpaidy of life or limn, nor ne compelled, in any criminal case, to no a wilnesa acaluat h matll: nor be deuiiied of life, liberty. or proi erty, without due procet-a oHaw ; nor shail private property be taken for tyibllo u-iti wiuiout just compensa 17. In.all criminal prosecutions tbe accused tball enjoy the r?ltt to a speedy and public, trial, by an iiupacti.il Jir of the Mate and district wbeiefn the crime shall bve been committed, which district shall-bave been previously ascer tained by law, aud to be afo tried or tbe natme a d caute Of., Uie acettaatioB: to be Con roLted with the w iuea-et against him : to hate cfmpa'aory process" ttf Jbtatn'og wi n sue tn his favor, ai d to have tb istlslaiice of bou-j-icl for bia defence. 18. In suits st common lw, where Ilia value in ccutro'- veisy shall exceed twrny dollars, the riiiht of trial by j iry ahall be preserved; and no fact to tiled by a jiry shall be o'herwwe re-examined fa any court of the Cbultderacy tban according to the rules of tb common law. 19. Excesaire ball shall not ba requited, nor xiessive BOi-s lllipoiea, nor cruel snj tinunjal punniiuieste mn roved 30. Every law or resolution having tbe force of law, shall reUte to but one tat jt, and that ahall be expressed in tbe title. . . Action 10. . 1. No State chali enter into tny tiealy, alliance. r on- fed-ration; grant letters of maique aud lepitaal; coin money ; mke any tl ing but gold and eilver coin a tender in payment oi debts; paas any bill of attainder, or tz jot( facto law. or law ia.oaitins the obligation of Contractu : or grant any titrv3f nobility. J. AO Ms re shall, witnoui toe conaeui oi tne congress, lay any imposts or duties oa imports snd export, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing ita inspec tion laws ; and the nett pioduce of all duties aud impost, laid by any S'at en imports or exports, shall be for the aae of the treasury of tbe Confederate States j and all auch laws shall be subject to the revision and control of Con- J. No F Uteri-all, without tbe consent of Congress, lay any- duly ot Wnusge, except on sea going verseta, for the improvement of ita rivers sod harbors navigated by the said vessel. ; but such duties shall not cotflict witb any tree ie or lb Conlederate Bute wi b foreign natious; and any surplus of revenue thus derived shall, alter makirut such improvement, be paid into the common tieaeuty ; nor snajanyeiaie seep troone or suips oi war, tn time ot peace, enter into any agree ale ut or compact with another State, or with a foteiga power, or engage in war, anleaa actually iavaded, or ia such imminent danger a will not admit of delay. But bea any river divides or flows through twe or more b tales, they may enter iuto compact with each other to Improve the navigation thereof. , Abticlb 11. Section 1. 1. Tbe execnthe rower tball be vested in a President of the Confederate Metes of America. He and the Vice Presi dent stall hold their offices for t: e term of six years ; but the President sball not be re-eligible The President and Vice President shall be eltcted as follows: . 2. Each State thsll appoint, In sucb manner as the Legis lature thereof may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of fc-enators and Bepresentativee to which the State may be entitled ia the Congress ; but no Senator or ficpreacsuiiTe, or pexsoa holding u (1q at trust or i 7Miob iiexl fo.lowioit. u " Vies Pieaideut shall tot aa Preaidsut, at it eats of loo death or other conatltutiooal disability of tb I'r tl ls.it. 4. Ihe reraon having tbe greatest noruber of voles as Vic rrraHfent shall be the Vice President, If such nuuib.r be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ( and it no prison have a majurpy, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate ahall choose the Vlee 1 real dent ; a quorum for tbe purpose sball consist of twe-tbinls ef the whole number of Senators, and a nnj jri y of the whole number shall be nereMary to a cbnlrs. 6 Hut no penma conatiluttonally Inelllgliil to the c flics f President sha'l he eligible to tbat ef Vive President ol tbe Confederate Statea. fl Tbe Congress may determine tlis t!m of chooning'tlis electors , snd lbs day on which they tball give their vote, which day sball be tbe same throughout the CooteiSsrat bt.Ua. , . 7. No poison rxaept a natural born cltlaen of the Con fe letete Mates, or a cillxen thereof at the time ol the adop tion of this constitution, or a oltic.n thereof bma In the United SUtes prior tn t'e 3Utli of Deoeniber, 1H00, shall be eligible to the (lite of President neither shall any person be eligible t" that olllce who ahall not bs e alialued the age of thirty-Are years, and been fourteen years a resident within the limits of the Confederate Stat, as may sxUt ai the tuna ef bia election. H. In caaa of the removal of Ihe President from cOloe, or of bis death, resignation," or inability to discharge the pow ers and duties of the said ofllce, tbs saw shall devolve oa the Vice Presl luot ; and the Congress may, by law, provide - r ibe raae of removal, death, resignation, or Inability both of the President snd Vice President, declaring wba( oOicer shall tbeu a t as I'residuul, and sdoh olB.'er ahall ant so coiilingly until the dUabilliy be rtmovel or a President shall be sleeted. tt. 1 he Preaideut shall, at staled tiiors, receive for hit servl es a coiiiienatlon which shall neither bo Increased nor diiuinikhed during the prriod for which be shall have burn elected ; and be shall not receive within tbat period any other emolument frcm the l ouledralo States, or any of them. ' o 10. Before be enters on the execution of his offlct, be shall take the following oath or affirmation i " 1 do solemnly swear (oralllrai) that I will faithfully ex ecute the ofllce ol President ol the Coufedtralo States, and will, to tbe best of m ability,' preserve, protect and defoud the Constitution thereof." - ' Werlion 2. I. The Prealilent sball be commander In chief of the army and navy of tbe Confederate Statea, and of the militia of the several States, when called Into the actual service nf the Confederate Mate ; he may require the opinion. In wrJl Ing, of tli piiucipel oHioer in cash of th Executive Depart nieuta, upon auy tubject relating to tb duties of their re spective (.Ulcers, and he ahall i.ave power to grant reprieves snd paHons for ofledcee s gainst the" CouledcTat State, except in cases of linpesehment. '1. He sliall have the power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make WeeAies, provhl.it two- innua or tbe reimiors urcseut concur; ana be sball noml 'n.tte, and by and with the advice and eminent of the Senate shall appoint ambaasadurs, other publlo nilulaters and eon uls, judges uf th. Supreme Court, and all ether officers of the Confederate States, whose appointments are nothermn other wine provided for, and which shall be estahihhed hy law : but the Cong-ess may, by law, vest th appointment or sncn interior outcers, as 'hey tniux proper, in the I r.l dunt alone, In lbs ceurut of law or In the heads of depart ment.. V. Tbe rlncipal officer In each of the eienutive depart ments, and all persons connected witn the diidomatio ter vice, may he removed from oflice at th pleasure of the President. AU otber elvll oniuera of the hxecutlie le part- mint may ha removed at any tune by the President, or other appniutlug potter, wheu their services are unneces sary, or lor dishonesty, incapacity, luefflulency, miscon duct, or n.gle'et of duty ; and when so removed, the remov al shall be repotted to the Senate, together with th reatons thetelor'. 4. Th President shall have power lo fill a'l vacancies that may happen dm ing the receaa of the Senate, by grsst ing communions which shall expire at tbe end of their next seaaion ; but no person rejected by the Senste shall be re sppoiuted to the same iftiue dnriug tb sir euasiug teotsa. , Sivlwn 3. 1. Tbe President shall from time to time, give to the Con. grets information of the slate of the" Confederacy, and re Snmmend lo their conaidi ration tuch nieatuiet as be shall jnds necessary and expedient; be my, cn extraordinary occasions, convene bolb houaeJ, or either of them and Iu c-e of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, be may adjourn- Hum to tuch time a be shall Hung, proper! be sail reuelve Aiutiaeeadoni and other public minfnkert; be shall take car that the laws be faithfully eiecut' d, and shall commission all tbe oflloeis ol tbe Confederate SaIcs. Srction 4. ' 1. Tbe President. Vice Pie-ident. and all cltil omcersof the Coulederale Hiates. ahall be removed (rum ofllce on Im peachment lor, and conviction of litascu, bribery, or other high crimes and niiderosnois. - AHTICPB !l, ftflion I. ---r-t The judicial power of the Conle ler.te StaUs shall be vested in one Supreme Court, snd in tuch infer! - r court an the ('oRgress mny from tune to tune ordain snd i'St,b:ih. llie J'HiKe., hotn of tbe Hi prenie snd interior courts, snail bold th-ir o (Tines during good bebavu r, aud shall, at slated tiuies, receive for their seivices a con peuaminn, which shall no be dimtnitlied dm ing tb- ir continuance in iflioe. Section 3. 1. Tbe Judicial power ahall extrml t.jttll rases arising nadir th. conaiitution, the laws of the ( cufrfder.t Mua. a d tiea'-es made or wkicb aball be rutde under thoir n- Uidrity ; Uutll cairra.sfltctiiig ainhaua-luia. uvhi-r public m'nn.ir and oirtisiile i to all caS'-s of mliul a.ty and mart-, time juried e loo ; to oontiovtrsies fo which tb.Conlede me Mates shall b a paity ) to conUor rales between twe or more Male ; betweeu a State and citizens of auothur State where the Mate ie plaintiff: between eitix ms claim ing binds under grant Of didereut ctates, snd between s Slate or .the cltit -i.s thereof and f-ireinn States, cilir.eiis or subjecta ; hut no hiat shall be sued by a eiuxtin or sat jeut of eu foreign h"tte. 2. In all eases sBVcllng smbiis.adov. ltr pahtie fiftertav f t btataa. .4. Tbs Ccuferlerate Slate shall guarantee to every But -that now I or hereafter may become a member of this Cob- ' fHdoraoy, a Republican form ef governmeut,nJ ahall pro- tect etch of tbeia sgslnnt inrul mi and ea application ef ' tbe Legislature (nr of the xecutiv when tie Legislature s- " la not In se.alonj against domtstid vloleooe. : . . . t ; '. -'- - abticlb r.-arfii- 1. . ' I. Upon tha demand of anvrfhre States legacy atKenv. ,; bled Iu tbe,lr tevi-ral conventions, th Coitgreas shall sum- '""' l in n a Convention of all th Stales, to take I to ccmahl.ra. i ' lion tuuh ameudiiiruU to th conatitulloa ss th said States shall concur in suirgrstlng at ths time when thessld demand . v " la wade, aud should any nf the proposed sm.adme.nti to ' the eoustltutlun be egreed on by the said convention vol- '' - i Ing by Stntnsand tbs same be ratified by the Legislators ' of twit-tbltds of tbe several States, or by conventions la '. two-thirds thereof ss tbe one or lbs other mode of ratld- ' cation may be proposed by the general convention they -shall henceforwaid form a part of th s Uoustltutlon. Hut -' . do State ahall, without I's oonaent, be deprived of lis equal representation la the Senate,. ' . , ABTtCblTI." ' ".'''', - !; The Government eaUblisbed by Ibis Constitution iiUia x tiinoetaor of the provisional govsrninsut of the Confederate ' States of Ameflca, and all the laws passed by th latter shall continue In force until tbs earns shall he repealed or mod fled; ami all the pfllfturs sppolnled by th same shall remain In oUI" until their lueoessors are -appointed and qualified, or the offices abolished. , . 2. All debts contracted and engagement entered Into " before the sdoption ef this ooustiUiion thai) be as valid . against the Confederate Mates nnder this constitution as nnder the i rovlaional government. ' . - S. Tbisconititation, and ibe laws of the Cou'ederat '," States, made in pursuance thereof, and all trestles mail, or which shall be mads nnder the authority of tb Confederal States, shall b th supreme law of the land; ami the Judg. , ea In 'every Slate shall be bound thereby, anything lathe constitution or laws ot any State to tbe contrary uotwith- -Blending. - " , - 4. Tbe Senators and Representatives before mentioned, . aad the member uf the several Stat Leglalatares, and ali ' executive and Judicial cflloars, beth ef the Confederate ' Mates and of th several States, shall be tiound by oath or afllriuailiin tosnpport this constiintion. but bo reiigous lest ' ' shall ever be required as a qualification Iu any ofllce er public trust under ths Confederate States - tt. The powers not delegated to ths Confederals States by ' -the constitution, nor prohibited bv It to i h. hiaia. served to the Bpius, respectively, or to fho people thereof, 1 ABTICLB Til. ,5. ' 1. Tbe ret'fkttlon of Die Conventions of fly Slates shall be mill. -lent for the eatnblithinent of this eonstiiutlon be- ' 1 tween the Stites so,ratift ing Uia same. 3. When lite States shall have ratified this constitution," lo thi manner before speciOcd, the Congress nnder provK tlonal eunniliiiilon shall prr.oiihosth. tms for holding tha election of 'resident and Vice President; and for uisetlng T' of the Electoral ColH! end for counting the rotes And )n"gnrat1ng Ibe Prealdtnt. Tbey tball also prescribe the tin:, foe- hoidlng -th. Urst .Uction of members ef Congress -nnder tbleaouatitnlton, aud thallnie f irsam-mhling the.ame. Until tbe aaaombliug nf such Cmigreaa, the Congress nnder ' the provHmiol ooustitutloo ahall continue to exsrelss the leglalative powers gtsntod thorn, not extending beyond the I . time Unified by tb coostlluUun of the provisional govtrn. ment, . . p , " Adopted unanlpously, Ifarjh II, 1861. J ' 1 1 1 a ; ' C.h.w. of North Carwlltw.I8(IO, AB BXPOBTXD IT Till StCBBf 1BT OF THS gTATI MWrBHTTOK. , r . f tcrs and consuls, and those in which a State sball be a pa i , tbe r-uprerue 1 oart shall have original Jurunliction, In all th oth.r roues before mentioned tbe Supreme Court shall have appellate jurh-dict ion, bolo at lo law an 1 tact, lib Both eiceptloba and nndir w;h regulations aa the Congreaa shad mike. 3. 1 be trial of all erlmes, except la cases of Impea 'lm -nt sli 41 b by Jury, and tuch trial ahall b held in th but Itet lb .aid crimes shad Lav. been Commitled ; but when not committed within any blate, tb trial shall be at sucb plac or placet a tne Cougrea may by law have di reeled. Section 3. 1. Treason against tbe Con edeiate SUtes shall oonaist only in levying war egaiu.t tbem, or in adhering td their enemies, giving them I'd and comfort. No persju shall be convicted ef treason unless on tbs testimony of two witnes ses to ihe same overt act, or on confession in open court. 2. Tbe Congress snsM nave power to declare tbe tiun'an ment of treason, but no etuinder of treason sball work cor ruption of blood, or forfeiture except daring the Uf of ths per-ou attained, . abticlb iv. cecium t. 1. Full faith and credit aball b given in each SUte to the pahl.c acts, records and judicial proceeding! of every otber btate. And tbe Congrea may, by ge neral laws, prescribe the manner in which such acta, reco ds and rroceediigi tball be proved, and tne enect tnereor. v- fitxtion x. 1. Tie el'iseni of each State ahall be eatit'ed to all the privileges and iromuni-ies of citizens in ths several htates, and sball have tbe riaht'of traoait and aojoura in any Mate of Uim C Btederacy, with thew slaves aad otber property Bod the right of property In said slaves shall not bs there by impaired. 2. A person charged in sny State with treason, felony, or otber crime agaiuet the laws of such Ha'e, who shad gje from jusitce', snd be foood in another State, shelf on demand of tbe executive authority of the SUte from which he fled, be delivered np to be removed to tht SUte Laving. jurisdtctoe of the crime. , , , . ... ... ..l.hM In a. i o slave or omer person neia to service w -i n. t .i ii..r MMia tit.f.A. under IB I Uwsthersof, essfiag er lawfully earned law anoUer, OoVhTIKS. Alamance, lexauder. Arson, .. Alleghany, Athe, I'osnfort, B.rtie. Bladen, Prnmiwiok, Uunoombe, nuike, Catiarrnn, . Cal l wi ll, - 'amdrn, Cirteret, (lanwcll. f'atswba, Chatham, t herokee, howaii, A Cleveland. , Columbus, t raven, ( oinbrrfsnd, urntuck, ihtvidsun, . I'avie, I'ttplm, Rilgeoumbe, ' Kuiatthe, lauklin, laatou. (i.itcs, . anvlllw, tireiia. Umlfurd,' llallfi-x, H at it-tt, Haywood. Iirnienoin, MerUoid, Hyde, I edell. Jackson, Jobonton,, J. nes, , Lenoir, . Lincoln, . ' Vsaon, . .' Mad soa, w bits, raixcob o, snsrsu. 7,lM7 4.3UI A.A13 3,347 T,4W .I72 ,K44 t,m itm lo,m ,47 7,401 .27 31)1) fl Oo l ' H fthl 0 03H l'J,Si5 , B,n-9-2,878 10. ION 4,779 8,75 -,4H 4,071 13.87S O'll H.2KJ 6.,0 10,718 0 l' 7 0U9 4,l0 ll.ltf 2 Hu IS 73S Bill 4,3.1 4.4A f.Diil " 1 MS 4.BNJ 11.141 4,741 10 hi 3 210 4 IKJ3 6,000 4.S70 ; 411 l JM ui m , 279 - . 4-ia - 2(10 luo 20 104 ' 114 : 27(1 m 270 ' v sol as ui los 355 1,2 H7H . 221 ' ' 147 , 101 874:: 211., 441 . 12 3i.2 1,121 ' 611.1 t,4A 104 tS '1,111 2.9 29 6 133 HiT 177 lift 2 " Martin, McDowell, Pecklenbnrg, Monigomery, Moore, Nanh, . . New ITkoover Nortbampt-io, Ouslow, Orange, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt. - Polk, Richmond, Randolph, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherlord, ? Sajnpeon, ' Btanly, Stokcaaw. Surry, Tyrrell, . Ouion, Wke, WarreB,. Waaljiaptou, Woiauga, na)ne, . H ukee, WilaOB, Vsdkin, Taocey, t'. fi 435 4,642 . 10,643 6, -hI S. 725 . 6,319 10.617 4,bl2 11.31H 4,473 3,2-T 4. 708 T,4H) 1.317 4,211 14.'iC8 8,484 10,021 1022 0bO ,I0 S5'M 7. K47 8.943 8 203 8,90 W.470 4,i3 i,s:m ' 4.771 8.721 , 3 2t0 , 4,644 , , 9,110 8,229 4.11 '. 273 2!M) 43 184 vi : 7i "1S t,:i l,4-4 urn sin 127 106 S 380 1,450 4o7 J 122 r, 48 4J : t 1-4 T 143 43 1,44 ol, 2! -2 : 7J4 261 280 . Iti8 . 6 3,4S 811 4,9.', I 204 , ? 8M1 4 7 . 1 .1H 4,3!i7 1. bll s 1,031 2. J71 ' 3,010 ' , I.OHi 3,127- ; !, 0,3,13 1,664 - ,24U 419 8.713 J.lil , a,4t.a :,io j 5,830 3.624 2,07 2,3,(1 ' 7,12(1. 10,1W 1.74 T,079 ' 2,199 . : s.iKia ' 11 0 -3 47 $6H 10,349 ' 2lH4 313 ..1,32 . i,44i 2.793 4,177 2-1 4,91(1 -3,412 4,131 . 2,114 ' 619 -S4S . 4,303 "1,805 6,641 - 1,8-il 2,418 4.681 10.H3J ,h8 8 49) 4,109 3,569 6,115 8,473 620 5,4.3 ' l,tl45 4,458 ' 6,314 S,9i9 2,391 , T.oit ; 1,169 2,49 l,24d l,4a7 : t.346 10,73 '. 10,401 2.4HS r 101 ; , 4,451 , 1,2 8 . . s,4a ' 1,432',' , - i2 631,4b9 ,S0,0S7 ' 5131.(181 TOTAI,. , U,84J ' 6,022' 13,004 I v 8,490 . ...! 7,9.1 14,779 ' 14,311 11,995 ' 8,408 -. 12,044 B.237 ' ' 10,648 ; 7,189 ' 6,343 8,1H4 16,313 10,730 19. IDS. 9,166 ' M43. 12,348 . 8,607 - 10,273' ' 16,309 , 7.413 ' 16,601 . . 8,41(4 : -- I4,7t -17,378 : ri.tixi 14.110 i 9,310 - 8,444 21.3H6 . ; T.96 .10 058 . 19.441 . 8.039 6.801 10 413 9.4(4 " 7,734 ' '16,347 6,42(1 ' .. 14.66T 4 730 10,311' 8,195 8,S8 ' 10, lt t . -7,120 i" .17,374 , 7,649 J 1,427 11. HS8 21,715 13,37s) 8,856 " ' 16,!(49 :1 8,940 - 7,248 11,221 16,7e3 . " 4.040 ' 11.0U0 16,798 14.400 .16.740 ' 14,50 . 11.473 16 623 T,MU. 10,403 , 10,379 - 4.943 -11,202 28,621 1S,72 6,351 ; i ' 4,H5l 14.90 ; 14,749 , 9,Ti0 10,711 ' 8,65. 931,66; LAD1KA 11 LAC it cuoril for Cloaks, at " Jan. 20. - - BALDWIN'S. ' 1 1 1 j 40 pieces, at - A BAXDWCJ'S. ' HEAVY BUOWN DaiOXSr. Jan. 30. -k. r v