' & .- - .,.- , .... : .. . . . " ' . i . . - , ' iVOJj. 11. -NO. 149. y ; CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMIKOTOJ5, K. C.t TUESDAY", MARCH 4 18G2. 1 ' T7HOLE NUMBER 3,220 t rtXTO A PRICK, PROPRrETOR. m,Ti., Edit. A. L PRICE, Associate K.t; K pui.iir. I the several !U'e. Bal with the IndUu tribe ; bn n- Itbei ' tht CtnftxUra'e fW!.t'il, Bar any other eleuss contained U tb tVuUUit oi, 'TVlrr-t t rl ' !' n'y rr, en year, invariably in advance... k y ' ....i... t ? , TIb frr will t ditcoiitiLued tLe cxpirntiua (f tbr Vw l'id for oulcH retitned. . . - totlic : ikr)-)k't J e. Wll te towrtd t FIHT CKNTS l er ol ten lin- or jcr the Hrt Incfrtioo, n4 TK'nr-''lv r: tKNTrt par iqaare Jnr ch repetition OASfliV AO VANCB. - - v tB.Arertieementtl!iitrtidaiBpecal or B:hop Voiles re tUnrgtd nne-Julf nior than ibuve ratei igbt !cBdd) or lent eountd l trquara. 4"Advertiiruier8 icsprtcd eer otbr dy Br chrged M emu per pquarc for f cli insertioo Biter the flrt. i . "No publl"Uofl made willmut b respnusible BitntB ., . II. .. IUHMKS. A - " ATTORA'S AT. I AW, HAft rVmoved to the CBtitre office fit JuUItN ilUILO net door Went of-hiii fonnir location. October 17th. 18C1. . 8 tf ATTOHXXYS AT LAW, HAVE rpmovfcd tlieir office from Front to 1'iincesMntrect, JOURNAL UUILD1K03, formerly occupied fcy U. U liolmei. Kin. . October 17th, J f,. J. , fBTrIT, BOOKBBOUBB. ' PBTTEWA1 MflOftK. GENKIlAt COMMIHHIOM M Kill HI AN M, 0, lH6i No. 23 North Water t., Wilmington. N. C. I.H IS U. KUAPIHEHT, DUDGQIKT AND PBACT1CAL PHAliMACKUTIST, r . Wll.BIWOTOK, S. ('. Keep couSTuDtiy ou hand, B liolect itock of Jrugi, Mud ''irinej, jfoweslM? attd aroiwn Vhetmealt, Fnu-i "' JV;tfe Jlrftcifi, H'trMJs al Ltquor$ for Mudwal i'utyost, iyor, fcc. ijuPurticuUr Bttention paid to I'mtsCKirTioNH, un. 'K'IFCI, MBD10IMB CBKMM, 0. ,Btore inirnediately uudor tbe " Cmo!!u Tote!. July u, ma. .. : . u. c. & w. j. ii no, , C1OMM18HI0.M-MKHCHANT8 nd WUOl.IAI.K t.llO- CtJia, No. 2J SorUt- Wur Street, Jane W.t. Wn uiNaroi, N.". jogxrn m. blos-om. J. K. I ENEllAL COMMISSION MEilCH T Jane W, W CTBU8 I. TAHAMlIlhOB. ANT'-t, II.BU'ttTON, N ' II. IJ. Kli-KKK, ' ' "TTTHOLEHALE OUOCKR AND t:OMM!SSIOS W CHANT, BudUBALKH IN NA Al.. STOl.Ky, km ue KBter Bod MBrket r..reta, WilminKtoD, N. 0. 'April ad,-lnM. - - B, KliUtAI' A lt), (SueeiMr to Sf urrajr A W-n.u. i. . etOMMIBSra MEUCHASTb " ' ' AM; VHDLFAI.EtiHOOHlS, . Vt'A77;W HTJlhKT, WILiiiNNlON', N. C I. MUBSAT. B, B. BtlC81i)OH . T. KtKIXr. 'ebrtiry I, 1859. . ; Vin-if nm o, tBHtt. JAN. C KjtKTIl C'.. lOMMIBglON MKROqAJNIB, oKce 4ei n i ttci j , . -.'j V Booth Wat r and MBi'tet .BtrButu,' 'ji'.srrii,. K, . vLero they are prspate 1 3 Mk'Tjd tori! h X ontmiaiMon liBf. -Ail tHwIntBt Butrckti j tbrta tll Jib yowW.v ,! O. II. KOBlKtMiS A CO., YOMHISSION AND FDBWAUUIN'J MKaCHANW OtScB erefMr. J. A.'WBlat'd'f Store. h'mrn Cv .bt f . Vi;riV!UTwJt, E. C. ' TMPORTERB, MAKOFACTOriiRS AtiKNiB. A C i -1 J. leret Ib Hardware, CulUsiy, lroo, iruici. .SriIs jgirnl Implemenf , ftff. 3 " tTi. oox, w. r. bkndall, j. 8. mh . COX, KKNUALU rfi f'O. COMMISSION KK( HANTS AND W U0LE3ALK G!iO CWiS, . No. Hi 11, North Wtfr St. KarcB Uth, 1861 u T. c, to h. a, woivrn, oisFion ass rtia'A&MDwr uracHAHTw,' l . Wiuuraroii,' K. C. Ma Jarohll, ISST 15fi i f ,0. WALKEH SSSlAUKHI, f8iw:por to WalXer Mersi Co..) WHOLESALE AND BETA1L DBUOGWT, 45 'M,rnV'TBBKT, Wn,M:yaTfw, N C. D. BLUB. " BP. MITOmU, . KM.1S A M3TCIIE, ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COEN, PEAS, OATS. RYE,. WHEAT BRAN, OIIrMOL; JUtfaU (JBOUND BOMINY, HORSB A COW FFJ'O ; . .. A MM), . sastshn iirp AOiirf iFr irr, . n P Worth Wator Ptmt,. . . r , 31 J alMOW, ff. Oi Th Son lit-rn - America. I W. the DfOr.Wf ti CoufdcrBt Ptafe. e( B S )4'e aot i? H !U upr!Vn a'd liid'!idpit cbrc.'r, in order to form b emine!t f.j lrl pnv?i ninunt, eutah t-h justlo. iii- iiure nomcitic traB4'ji ity, ani nccure iu omfi'n( "i imr t to tiri.)ciu aid nn fumtoriiY !t)okin the 'evor id (r-idance of Alml.h'y G id do "or 'lu sntl e'abiith lb t on! tutt'in tor ti,e t;.mttitT!iie nvw m aniprn, AsTicr.K I . CiSncfte" 1. - U 1fri.4.ttivi p iwert bxrein ba'l b veted In otpre f th Cctit'dvrnti HUTm, Bhicfi shall cotiai-toi. B KfDBte B!,d Uoime of lifrfwntit vt'B Sioiil 1. Tbr Home of RepreafntAtf.FB tlmll kentni'io el f nii'int.rti ). a evt-ry (Mwonrl jrr B inn pfoi ifl oi BveriHi(rT:'abd tba e1 ctora In e "CU Wte alinti he eni. reti vf the CrtifettotBte ntB, mid- have the qtiJiAcaii. rei)n;rc ..' "'ctor" of the mot numerru tiMBia i.I the t-t e L ltl.it ire : but a burt m of foreifra birtN Bot a uiti ceo of li e Confederate Hn'e uliall be a, lowed t,i vote tot Bv i.fflrer, civ.l or political. rStte or tVdt ral S. No ptmto bll be a rtfpretiUiive who iba'.l ti"t hav Btti'nrd ih ae of twttty-fl yearn, Bi d be a cltiEu of tl.e Obtifedurat htM, and l:o thsll not, when electrd, be n inlmMiiiiit of tint f-tate iu h ch be abail be ohoafii. S. JBrTOCiiUil:vi(i nJ direct tain' nlmll be apportioned amons tl.. ral Btstca which dibv t e ltila.ld itbln tbi Confederacy axod4.l Umlt teaxacMy mumln'mB fcA L-H. f- ahall ba determiued by sd'lm to t!i wliola ua-nber of free F prj.4t yearn, n1 rxcludlng Indian not taxed, threo ft th of all Uvea. The actiileiiumrt(n ahHll be oiade within three )ein after the t) rt nieetiug of the CongrMna of the Cohicd erdte Mjtra.'and within every aubarqw tit term of ten year, in such manner aa they hhail, by Uf, direct. The number of reprewntativaa thall nut oxcoed ono for every fifty thnn aand, hut jcb Ktate hall have at lcatt ohm repteaeiiutive ; and until auch ennmrRtion ehall be made the state of Konth Carolina ahall he entitled to choo ai.x, the 8tale of tie r iriatcn, ti e hte'e of Alabuma nine, tha Ule of Fbtida two, tlie Hute of .Nitiasippi vn, the ht-e of- Loul-liiu t Mix, and the Mute of Ten&a ix. i Vt licit racanciea l appcu in th icprenetitu'lmi from nny Btate, tl.e Kxscjtfve auihoriiy tljcrcof ilnll invito wiin of election to Itll HO' li vacaiicieH. 6. The .Hooaof l,eprpaentBtivn hh11 chnrtBe their SpOHk er.and othfr cllicera, aud aUall have tbo mla power .u' im jieachmrtit, evcept that any j ilk iul or oilier federal t-fllucr reaident and Bctii'ff aolely ai hmtlio llmiia of any Ktte, may be inipuacligd by a v.ite of two th!id of b tii brauebca of the tg!;itu!6 tli.reof. iS'CtftOM I. ' - Li-T l. The t-'enate of the Cpnfedrata J-tuUss tlijtil be c iiip.oti ed of two Hcnito-a from each Mate, chosen fornix jear bj the Lejjiit'atare thereof, at the regular cBioiitirst Jinme diBtety preceding 1he tMiDiiiieiict'jil of tlio trmo'i aervjcoY and each Hen.tb.r ahall Imveono vote. 1. Iirmeil tataty after they shall be -H'it.bl'd. la coiie. ua; nee of the (irttt election, tiifvalnill be divubd a eirmlly raa nmy bn inio thre c'aaa.'". The aeala of the St riati.ra ol the tlrat class ahull be yacntetf at tlm .expiration ot tha sec ond tear ; of th (second claa at tit- expir ition of the fourth year ; and of tho 3 1 clanaat hi exjtiiaunu of the fiitli tear ; so that oue-thlrd iu ly be ( h;ih'U every itc n l year ; aad I' vacancica haiipu by re cnation or ottieria dnnuii the rrofna of tha lKiHlttture of any State, the Kxecutivn theie Qf may make tctiiporary aiipoiittmcntg until the next tnrdl ir jr of the Lefiicltu c, which eliall then till aucb vacanciea 3. No peraon bhall be a Senator who tlia.l not have al taiueU tha ng of thlr'y year", and be a citizeu of tho Cou tederale States, and uho chall not, when eb-cied, Je au In habitant ot tho State fur which be shrill ba chosen. i. Tub Vhie-Preaident of the Confederate Hlatea ahull be Prualdcnt of the Senate, but ahall have no vote, unbaa thr y be eijually divided. 6. The Senate ahall chooan their other oflloern. and alao a 1'iesiileut pro Utmp. re In tha absence of the Vice I'rcai. dent, or when he ahull cxi rciao tbeojHcaof i'rt-aideut ol the Cooled e rate But a. .. . . . The Benate Bhall linas thncolo powrt to try" all iin peacheiits. W hen tilttinj; for that purpose, they tliall be on oath or alliimvi in. Wbtnthe I'reaident ot 'beCuufcdo rate states is tiiitd, the Chief Jtlce abail ptealoe ; and n pt-raon ahali be couvlMt, d wtthnut the cniicuricnce of two tbltda of the menibora prenenr. v 7. Judgment in caaea of iinneacbment i-liVd n it extend further thuri to removal trom ollico, and ditri'ial lioatlun to bold and enjoy any office of hono, trust or pii fli, nnder the Contedcraltt Slalt-a! tnt the party couvicVd ahali, ncver tbclcaa, be litble and tmbject to tniilctm 'iit, trial, judgment aoa puuu Iniitnt, nccoruii)rti law. .y ' . .v Swtion 4. - ! ab limea, placet aud Biwat f fcttld!n?'lcoti bI reua.ura aim iieprescfctativea mu,f ipar iwwa n mmtm bLate by the Legia)ar tbsrsof. subjct to tbe provlona of tbia ;! etitution ; but tbe Coiireg may, at any tlm ','by law maka or alier Bucb regulations, except as to the times and pise ot ctiooaiufr eeuaton. 2. The CocKreae ahall aastniblo at leant once in ev r'y year; and mcli meetiiig Bhall be ouathe lirat Monday in December, milts the; ahall, oy Javr, appoiut a ciocrcut day. ,:, fkcliiM 5. I. Fach Iloma.tihall be tbo jadge of lbs elections, rctUi-nt. and ipial Ucatioua or its own nienitiera, ana a majority ot each ahall consti-.ote s Quorum to do butdnexs ; but a hiiias lcr number may adjourn tretn day to day, and may be au thorized to cotnpel lite attendance ot Btident- memuera, in aucb manger aud ondarucn penaiuea &a eacti uouae muy proviue. - 2. liacb" House may deterniino the tulea of ila proceed inR, punish ita membera for-diaorderly behavior, , aud, with the concurrence ol two-thirda of tbe whole number, expol a member. 3. Each Uouae shall keep a journal of Ita proceedings, and from time to time publish tha name, excepticg auch paf ti'aa may iu their judgment require aecreay, and the yeas and cays or the mum lie ra or eitlicr kotue, ou aDy ques tion, ehall, at the deeire of two-fiftba of those prout, be entered on the Journal. 4. Neither Uouae, during the seaaiou of Congrets, ahall, without the conaeutof the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Housva ahall be Bitting. ball ever be Bonatrned. to delegate the jniwer ti .irr-P to appropriate mouey tor B'ty iniarmii nui4" vem nt bitnn;! d to lcilitat cenmerce. except fr liw piirpV-e of fur. nbhing lUht. beacotia Bid buoy, and other i i i M), ration npon tba ca, ami tf ttn..oeiu-!it of l,av , and the removing of ob'truetioiw in r rr tavirflt on. In U which eiwea sacfi dut'ea hU be liUl crt tha eaviJion fa cilitated theYeby a may be tecewary , pay t. i t US expeuaea thereof. - 4. To ea'ablfi-h rm'f irm lawaof ntmaUis.ti., m n,l(. form law on the aubj'-ct of bankrtipteiea, t!iron1t.nit the Confedera'e States; but m la or Cunjirew hall li'aeiiiirge BBebt eootraoted befor'.bs pars ft of U, -.:,m . I. To coin nnvey, rernl'- tb v!ti U erenf and of f.,r. eisrt coin, and fix 'he Ui.drd of weih't ami jii-aMtn.a . To pro ids for tha pniUbmant o. emitiitfeil t tl-c aeenriMa and cnntlt-tB of UiaU.Bt'udi'ja'e '"( it. a T .Tirrtbli;i..-prt offi.'ea ani tw.t r.xsu-t; burthe ex J peuaaof the t'uit omie repnrvu air, r i, ,t t( ,f f March in the year of our bird aKfita. a btui.Jiel an 1 nix'y lbiee. t,:i be itid on of ita wu revenn. . 'B To p-omotfl Ihe-proeresaof Bc eiicrH id url.-4art by aeeun'nir ..r li ,ifed timet atl'hnra an 1 ijne -itwa t'i ex cl imv iltlit of 'h-ir riwpeetlve wrlHti aul liisenrorkti. Ta eiMitstnt tI' Bwala b fetior li rbn jt'iip-emn (!otirt 10. To dellliB ' . ! tCBBBl pltlter ftdQTa-ButDMltlcd mmmmm .. a. rt '. vC. WMTmrS tu Its- rule ooboBrMoifj 'BaptaAs ui utiTasd Tn raiae anil (oinn.irt 9rll-a tmf n--, aMne..,.rtMil ft in-iney to ttnit ue aiiall i rur a lung' r letui llt-io yearn. . . . . ... 13. T provida aad maintain a aiiry. . . ' . 14. To ,IU tn'e for goverunut a d riu'. !i.-i y" ih laud and naval forces. 15 To provide for ca'li.m forth te uiiliti to ' Jtrutth law of the t'onftdarute f tatjif, BupprrBS bmurieftl rn in ! icpol Invaalon. bi '! o provi.le for orti inls'Dff, ar'niiiir and iui: Itn'vm tha li i'iiia, and lor (tovernrg kiicIi imrt i f tleiti at m iy be i-niikied fn lha fvi.'e of ti.e CiailadBnta Males : re. r. iiig to the Sftatea, reapecttvely, flit ati.iiitmi;tit ot the i ffl cera and the authority oftr r t! mliiti aeor.liiigao the diaeipline prea rlhed by Concfi i. ' 17. To exxreiae exclnah-e leg'ataibiti, In all (Wi what caver, over stick district (tiot.fxeefdit'ff ten nit lea q rare) i nmy. ly ceaM.iti of one or mure Hiatea and rh a O'lpt at en of Con?r c, become the aeat of tbe government of the Confi derate Ktaiea ; and cxernlae like author it over all pieces purehaaed b tba c Hieent it the LejitahituriSft the Stale in which the a-irne sliall be, h r th eiea'-i n 'tif f. r. maK'taioca, srHctia'a (loekjanla ;id o'her needful bilTil tni's : and J ifUJl.ii-.ia i Aa B.U..JU a iiiuiaxhr brccmnft at'-l ulsl It ATtRTf B TrOUTA'., COMMISSION MKBCHASTB," ' Wtt:ktvgtok, S, 0. Baoasa babkt's, a. i. howbh. w. w. babsiw, (M, 1st, ls. NOTICES. - CO-PARTXEHSHIP KOTICK. THE UNDEIiSHiNED have entered into Co-Partnership in the town of Wilmington, N. C, under tha firm ol hOU'.'HKIU.ANI) A COLEMAN, for tha purposs of buying and selling NEGRO SLAVES, where the highest, cash price win Depaia. - They alao have a house In Mobile, Alabama, where they wilbrecaiva and aell alayea oo coroiiwion.. Libera, advatt caa made upon elavea left with them for Bale. - : D. J. 80UTHERLAND, JAMES O. COLKMAJf. . Anguat 1st, 1859. " . KX-t . SRKD OATsV CHOICE ARTICLE, just received. For aate by Fab . 7th - rTTK v A Y A MOO HE. MAl.feOAP. LOT of bard Soap, mads. at home, a choice article. XJL t or aaia Dy tiiwii uuur.. Jan. 24. J"T0W MAK1NO nine hundred Unifonnf trrr Confedcrste XI Boldiera, at . Fab. llth BtLDvVKN'd. c eHAIK'B ULVK CASSIJIEKICS AN be bad at a Feb. 10. 41 . BALDWIN B. PLOUGHS OF AJjL- D3CRIP- tions, embracing No., 6, n, 10, 104, 11, 11, 14, 18, 60, 60, 7tf, and fcagte I A it, v, V, c. sua M'iotjgria ; ao, Garden' Plough', Hoes, Caslinra, Lorn Shellera 'aad Straw Cutiera. io warenouse ana ror (ale at - . JAMF3 wrmiN'si Oil, Leather, Saddlery, Trunk and Harness Establishment. dan. i.i to, ibi. MTUTART RlDIlVa SADDLES. . XTTE HAVE nowon exhibition the three leading styles y f vi AiiiLaijr ruling caauies-viz; TUB MONKEY 8ADDLB, -THB REGULATION 8AUOLE, " THE McCLELLAN HADULK. Also, ' Mexican, Hope, Spanish, English, Atlakapaa and other popular stytea, at WlloN 8. Feb. 22. riiHE EXODtS OF t'LOL'UHS still continaes at Kebi2L WILrtAtNS ENT'B HALF HOSE, at IT Feb. 22., BALDWIN '8. o NE No. 2 Siuger'a bUndard bewing aiachne, at I BO. IV, uiurnu B. SINGEB'S Needlei for (Singer's Bewiog Machine, at Feb. 19. . BiXDWlN'3. 1. T be Senators and Representatives s'l.itll receive a com penaLtion for their scrvicca, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the Confederate Hta:ea, They ahal, in all cases, except treason, felony and breach of tbe peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at ibe seaaion of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning tr m the eatue i end for any speech or dubata to ?i her ll'iuse they ahall not be qneaWncd iu any other place. - . 2. o Senator or Representative ehall during the time for which he waa elected, be appointed to any civil olllce under the authority of the Confederate States, s hicli shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during auch time ; and no peraon holding any office nuder the Confederate States shall be a member ot either oute daring bia continuance in office. - ButCongreaa mey, by law, gWit to the priucipal oth jer in ca,ch ot the Executive Departments a aeut npou the ttoor of either house, with tb privilege of dksuaaitg. aoy . measures, appertain ing to hia department. Section 1. " 1 All bills for raiting revenue shail originate in the Home of Kepreeentativea ; but the Senate mny jiropoee to concur with amendments as on other bills , , . . 2. Every bill which shall have pasted both II oust s shall. befoie it becomes a law, be presented to tbe President? ol the Confederate States ; If. he approve, he shall sign it; bnt il nt, he bhall retua it with bis objections to thai uueiu Which it- shall have originated, who eliuil enter tbe objeo tiona at Urge on their journal and proceed to reocnaider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-tbirda of that Uouae sbail aeree to rasa the bill, it iha.l be sent, together with tbe ob jections, to lbs ctbet Uouae, ,by v,hicn it eU.ll iikeaiae be 1 i- .1 .. II recocsiaerea, aoa li approver vy vo-uiiru vnai uouae it ahall become a law. But iu ail Buch casta the votea ot bjth Houses shall be determined by je.s and taia, and tbe uaes of the uersona votiiis lor and ecainat tbe bill shall be entered on the journal of each House reapectlvely. If any bill ahail not be returned by tne t'resiuent wiuuu . ten day (SuudajB excepted) alter it shall have been presented to him. tho tame thai) be a lawia Jike manner as if be bad signed it, unlets the CotigresR, .by their adjuurnuoht, pre vent us return , in v.iw n case u snait nov ue a law. xne President may approve any. appropriation aud duappro,ve any other aiiuroiniatiun m the same t ul. ii EUuh case, be ahail, iu eigu.ng the bill, dcaiguate tbe appropriations d: approved, aud ahall return a co; y of sccuiappropriationa, .V:...: ... II. . :...-.t.U ll WllU Ills vojoououb, iu iiw uuun iu aui ju I'tiiuau have originated ; and the same procccdipga shall then be had aa iu case of other bil:a disapproved by the I'reaident. 3. Every ordor, resclution or vole, to which the concur rence ol both Howes may be necessary (except on a ques tion of adjournment) fchall be pTe-tited to tbe President of tbe Confederate States j aud before Hie same blmil take ef fect, shall be anuroved byhimtor beisg disapproved by hull, miy be repassed by iwdnhitde of both Houses acc rd- icg to the rules aud umiiatiuna prescnLtu iu cate a uiu. . . Scciion 8. The Congreaa ahall have power " - 1. To bay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises for revenue necessary to pay the debts, provide for the eommoa defence, and carry on the government of the Con federate States ; bnt no bounties shall be granted from tbe Treasury, nor shall anv duties or taxes on imoortatious trow foreign nations be laid to promote or foster any branch of industry ; and all duties, imposts and excises auall be uni form throughout the Coufc-derate huaes. 2. To borrow money on the credit of tbe Confederate States. .. . -, .. S. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, aad among per for cutting ioto i x.icu'btn -tke f-kraguina; p c!ar sod ail othot pnwt'is vea'cd by thin t'nns'titutbio In th (;v. rn nietit of the t'oti'e b rate Ht ',. or in any d p-wtti-w t or olllot r t'.crei f .Si .'i. it it, 1- Tim Itnpottiillon of iiignxw ,f the Ali'o iu r C(?"f inn any fu?gu crtuntry oihr tkn tin (ilavebodiug H'atea, Territoriea'of the Uiiin-il la i a of .Aro.irloa, la heieny fur bidden ; aud ongreaa is reqnbed to pa m il laws us -Ji,:U tflectnally prevent the s:imc. 2. Congreaa ahull olau have potter ta prohibit tbir ln'ro ductioo ol al.ivet fyotn miv Wa'e not a nmml.et of," or lenl tery nut behneing to, this tlniileileracy. , The privilege of the writ ot huheas corpus ahull nut be suapended, uuleas when In cn est ol rebellion or fuvarJon tbe public Safety iiiayTcqiibe it. 4. No bill of attaitier, orc 4 JacUt Irw, or Itiw tb liv ing or impairing tho r glit of propurty iu negio aliVea aial; be paaatd. - ,Ji, No capitation or other direct tax aliaH l laid uhWp in pioporliuo to the census or cnumciutluu huteitibefnre ul recud to be taken. fi. No tax or duty idiall be laiJ on articles eium-tod- f oiii any St ite, except by a vtn ol two-tMidar borii houses. 7. No pref'cirtci a ehall be given by any regnlsti' n n eonimnrr e or reictuo to tl.e porta of oue State oyer 1hor of auntber. . 8. No money sball be drawn frcm the tiiuay, but in cona q iet,c of apiiropriatlnns Biario by law anil a icgu. lar ataiemeut ar.d accouirt of the remtip'a aud expenditures of all uublio money ahall lie pubHahad from time to tini". : 9.. (ngreaisball aproprfate bo mouey from tho treasu ry except by a. vote of two-tbirda of both hou-M-s, t.iUen Oj j eaa and nays, tiuleaa it tie bsrso ana eHtutatea tor r,yoniuJ one I tue tiu-Kia oi ueouniu, nr, aau sunrnnrcu n turn icsrf by the Pieatdent ;. oi lor the purpoao of payijij its omi rx peiiaes aud coutinireiiceii: or fur tin,, aytnfjiL. f jaiia asraiiwl ttl'ota, rre pr.ua. tue )uoe l vnirn M:itt ln,.m IiMp'c ia;!r.; fff ttirBn , '' -tliB I . vest I gunofi ui eis in a,.:i Hr. n ;i i;:r. aw made tlie duty of i'oEgtWisa iJi t-rtaWt. 10. All I-ilia appropriating motiey ball ayieciry In t J r , I curretcy B)e rxact ani iunt of each appropriation and Ihu purposi s f..r which it is made ; aud Congreaa shall grant no extra compensation to any public contractor, iltlcur, scnt orscivant, a ter aucb coutract shall have been iiiaile or eOeh serlce rendered. - ' 11. No title uf nobility ahall be gun'itd by tha Confede rate Stutea ; ami no person holding any cihee of proilt or treat undur them, al all, .without the coiiaeut of tha Cou greaa, accept of ary present emolument, olficg B title of any kind wLatever'trnin any king, prince or toreign Stale. 12. Cotigteas ehall make no law respecting an establish ment of religion; or prohibiting the free exercise lliercol ;. or abridgiug the freedotrt of speech, or. of tho ureas ; or the right of tho people peaceably to assemble unu putiiicu the government for a redteaa of grievances. 13. A woll regulated militia being iifccarj ti the se curity of a free State, tbe light of ill: people to keep and bar arms shall not be Infringed. 14. No aoldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered In any house without the consent of tbe ovner ; nur in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. 15. The right tf the people to ba secure -'it their persona, bouses, papers and efiecta against unre is mal.l.i searches and tel.urea, sball not be violated ; and no warrants shall Issue but upon probable canae, supported by oath or aili.n. atiod. and particularly describicg the place t .be seaiched and tba ftaraaos ar-tlitogB taBWid.5r::'", rrrv: profit under the Couredtr4B 8le, ahsl! be appointed aa : l"r- . :. t- j . . S Tli eVotvra It tm et In their rpetlvB Sta'es sa l Vo e I y ballot, for trs, sut ani Vli- . I'rvf Idsna, one of h in , at least, i,JI a t p f.n (nhsbitant f tba aams SUM wtik tf-.m-e vea : tbey shall name Id their ballots tbe per sou voed fra lYes dut, slid 1b diatmot ballnts the per. sun vntad f a Vice l'iel b ut, snd they ah II make di ittiet ita'a or n'l peianna y.cei for aa rr-lil-nf . aad of slkj persons rag lor s ie -ro..l,.iir, sa or tlie BU nbeF of V,ite f-r rack, whb.b Hat th-y aln and certify, and t'-an n t. a- b d, to th auvermiisiit of the eon's. Irrjta Ma i". tl " "d to tha Pr"ddcia of the Serrate) the Pretl d' lit cf t Senate-sball. in tb. orraehce of tlie St-nats mil Uouae of I'spreeentaiivee, apen all tha rertlilcatet, and the vo'ea aha'l I lies be rotm'ed j peraori hsviiirf the greanea nuni'k. r u vt- ti.r rrss iimn thall ba tlie J'rralib-nt, If inch nunibas' bo an..j,M-iiy or the whiile number ef electors ap-p.ib.te-1, and 4 no t-eiaonbave aiichmaj riiy, then", from the irraon knvinjt thi highest f-umber, not exceeding three, on ih U.t o tbnse voted l r na President, tba flouB o i we.eiita!ie, ihall ohist)s. immodiatBly, by bsAlat, tl.t t'r.aiibo t Hnt It choosing tha Prraid'-l.t the vote ahall be fka by Auto, the reprssetitatioa from neb Ktate having f t a qnorom for thi ui p . (hail eiuiat of B aiaw WormrniberB from wo.thhdof it Stales, and a m jrrit of all ibe !-tat ahall b ui r'rj ti a eludes. And tr the Il iuae of Hepistnutatlvea ahall sot ehoots B Presi P ui, wbaeevpf t'm rlthvf ckolcia slull devolve npnn them, i- ,.m-Wt ' t ' -s, f mIu's,(,. t -i Vtoe 1 l l ,.x oilier cotwl 4, The teisim bavktfg the greatest number of votea aa Vie pffhident shall be tbs V s I'rr sldent, if such number !. a iitnj iiity ol the whole number of eleoto'f si p"lnled ; and II bo pi isi li ).iri a in J ulty, then fiom the two highest i.umhera on the bat'tha Senate shall r limit,) the Vice I resi dent j s quorum fur tbe purwoae shall ooiiaiat of two thlr.la of.ihe whole number ot Senators, ami aniajnitty of the hiiie iiiuiiber, slull be im"e iry to a choice. ' , i a t'ut nij petMiri outiatiiu b.nilly inelllgl' Ui totbnifflca I . President she I be tl'glbtn to tlrat of Vico 1'iMshlcnt of lb t uilteileiaie Htutea, . 6 The t;oiiareat may dnturmlne the time of chooxlog the' ebH'tiiis, and the day i n which thi-y shall give thulr vota, win. li day ahall be the aume thrt.UKhout ibs ( oufeJerate Mao a . ' T N i poison except a natural bora oiliaen of tbe Con t'd leia'e i-tiea, at a citiairii rt,ereyf al the tune ol tba adop t ion of this conitit'itinn, or a cfttae.a' thereof born iu tlie Cltll' d Slate piior ti t- e 2d h of lhcember, l;o, shall be eligible to ija lli-e of Praid'il! nvlther si all any per-nu tm, elli;! le t i that'1! Hi -e ebo shall not h e attaint d tlm age ol thlitv lite ye.na, and bni u foiirtueu yeara a riaideid aitliiii 1b-4innta uf the Coitfedeiatetdatea, as nmy exist at In' tiiiia i.I l.l-i e'eo'lou. - a li, i iii,i),,.f th,i ii.iin y,tl of tlm I rcalib iifrtan-eflica. m ka!llBer.BjeqBcB Bfany la of regTilatloB thereto, U diacha'ged from aocB aervioe er labor, but tbatl be deliver, ad bp au claim of the party to whom Book aUvst belong, it to a bom sue a" service or labor nay be due. ' oecrirm I 1. Other Bute may be admitted Into this roBlederae t a vot. of two-third's of tha whole Hons of Re.reseBU. .11 . ..i- , .7 ' Ol ... -... n tuo reguiauon ooucerulng the proBertv of lb Confederate HtUi, hicludlag the laoda thereof" . f 3. The CnafeJarabj Bute may acquire new twrrltory. aad Congress shall h.v. power ta legislate and troy Wb BoyaYshi hient fur tha InhabltanU of alf territory SaloBKiito Vi (Vafedey-tB States lying without th rmiTu,"eveea, f-t4.tea.and may permit tham, at.su. ' time and In. manner a. It may by law provide, tot , the fUatea i B- in tied Into th eonled.raey. la s!) , tj territory tbe Iu. tl uit.ui a ne.,0 slavery at It Bow exist la the Confede rate States thaU be recegulsed and pr-leeted by f mgrc andhyth- -rr.,rial govsrnuwnt and the bahabitaot of Hi ( tHataaandlsrrltorle. .hail Iibvb the right to tat. suck t-rritry and alave lawful), Bj by' there lit any ,,f t,4 state. H Territories of V CoLfederail ituCmcaA diabl uy of ih. 1'r si si t. , T 'Tl. -iti. 4 m.ialn..,.an,i ft...l.,.ir7fvi i.r ..a. bow i or Duresii-sr may Deoome a maaibor of tbia Cob f 'dersev, a Republican form of government, aad shall pro. teet esch of them against Invasion aad oa application of the ltlaluturs (or of the Zxocotly. when th UiUjlatarB Is not Iu trsaioa; against dotneatio vloUooe. , ARTit'Li r. .Siciicn 1. , ' ' k, VKI0" Atmai " H'tea legallf sssem bled Iu their aev -ral cnnveBibms, tha Congress shall sum. m .B a CmiventMin of all the States, to take Into eoBald.ra. tlun sorb amendnienta to the constitution aa theaald State of h)i d'-ath, resHrmttum., or iiabd ty to diacharxa the Pow ens rn diiiii s of the su'd ofliue, tl.e saitu) sbalj itevolv on t if t't- e l'ual lei.t sil the l to grrw may, i y iiteira'agaiajjia r 'h( i' -e ut reniov . !j1;-,tfh, ie4inatl(u,"cir Inability both of It 1'reh dent t.ad i Pn ai.b nl, deel'irliig what b hirer al .ill i u t.i 1'ioniij 1 1. ai d ar ch i 111 er stiHll act nc ei.'il.it'i y until th?. iiis,iJiii-j t-c wuitivo, or a I'reshlcnl sunn lis enetea a ! he I' ia ,ie; tv-TI.ill. ut .hii d lino a. t eelvB. for hi, a irvi i .a in i.iiflt Kin ahifth flmlliieilt.fr be Inereaaed n i' diniixi bed tlu- lng the p-. nod for -which li ahall bav b i u elect, li ; and he t ball not .receive witbbt that peih.d at i o'i er cmd nient fittn t ia ( onli d"iUt Mates, or any ot them t Hi. Hef j'O be ettter on the exet irbm of blaoffl :, be ehall ta'.e the following oath c-r atllritiatbitl t- . ' " I tin solemn y swt ar (or niin) that 1 w III faithfully ex ecute the olllce ol I'l-cbleiit ol the Confederate tjt'itoa, and will: to tho b at of my at liity, preserve, protect end dekud lllS ClbU'loB thereof " ,S4t t un 2. 1. The Pieslilorit ahull be oduimahdur in thief of the Bt-ajy aid navy or the Coiilmleraltt MUtt-a, and of the ml Itlu ol tbei aaserttl' htates, wbe.ri" Calb d Into tlie actual aetv c of tlif I ontede a' Male; ho may teqitire tho opinion. In wilt Ing. of thii prinnlpal ollicer m each of the Kxeculvo I hi part ii't u's, iii. n any i ulijuct relating to the duties ol their ru sot citve i lll. ers, and beaha l t ave power to grant re pr lever atttf- par 'ous tor i tljeea eg ib.st the CoilK-derats Stales, Bxoept In rase of dinpcnclimeiit. 2. lics iall have the power, by aud with the a Ivies and cons ti' tj' Hie Soiiate, to in:ska tieatica, umvide-t two. ibtia ol jih.nai um pruteaj, OMUCuf-L and ha fcblimmL m ?.'?t '" Wrd. of th. Senate, th Senate voting Tf State , hut no Bew Hut ahall b formed or erected within Il,i J. . f.,a,,e0a8 ' iW9 BUtBB, w part. of Sute. 16. No person shall beheld to amwer for a cipilal or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a ptosentmeut or in dictment of a grand jury, except in eawsaiiMug in the land or naval forcea, or in the militia, when iu actual srv T lo time of war or public danger ; nor ahull any person be sub ject lor the same oflence to be taica pnt iu laopar-tfy of life or lioib, nor he compelled, in any cnmieai ease, to tie a witness agaiuat Jiiiuself ) uorW depuved cif life. Iibeily. or property. Without due prweas oi Uw ', iiuivathail private property be taken for publio u.hi wuhout jnat vumpeuaa tion. - -...' ... ..." 17. In all criminal proaocutiont ih'? 'Bccnsod aball enj iy the r'ght to a apeedy and public tria', by an Impartial jjry of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which dlaltict ehall have beeu previously ascer tained by law, and to be bifo imd of the natme a. d.cause or the sccuestion; to De eon tuutea. wan tue wnutsscs against him ; to Ixive Compulsory proceaT6r obtaining wan asea. in hia favor, and tu.haye tbe jn-tuce of counsel fol hia defence.. - 18. In suits at cofiimou Uw, where the value in contra versy hall?excccd twenty dollars, ibe rbht of trial by jury ahall be preserved ; and no fact ao uicd liy a j iry a!. ail be otberwiae re-examined it any court of the Ccnledoiacy than according to the runs ol tlru common law. 19. Excessive bail anal) not be rcqnired, nor exceiaive li',, ii4 by ui d wv.htfio Bdviice sntl eotiaeut til the Setiate, B'i t tpo in Hni'iaati'iois, fee. punuc rtiiiiistera and eon anil, jii ig' s ot tlie Siiprrme t mit t and all other officers of tlawJii b.4aj.e i4i.a.tes,wiiuae: appuiutiut'U'B are tot lietein (Wirvl iiruV d.-d for. and yt hich s.' nlt bo establish id hv m a r,. ..i, i .. ,.r i ......... , . .... . , &r-' a ' iji J I iV ' " "'"'''" g' Biy, ny ia,-Vist tim anpoiHtm tali -5;J ':i , f. I. " 7.' "7 "mvirm-mmr j. saabeia jt i-tffi. Mi.., .y...,73 ih iaiu ,unii iaw tt ui me ti'i ir n sttiAli' . The linclpal oflioer n each of the executive depart- riicuis, sou su purauua conneco u wnn t lie uipiutnaiiu ser vile, maybe removed from olllce at the pleasure of the i'leaithm. Ail'oilier c iil olliccrs of ihe t xecu'lve Depart meiit niHy bn rtiutiyed at ai y time by the President, or other appointing power, when their lervleee are timieces sary, or lor d shoiiesty, iuoBpaoity, inclllolciicy, misoon Uuct, or nvglect ot tlu'y ; sml when o removed, the remov al shall be icporicd to ihe Senate, t ogether with the reasone ll.ereliir, 4. "She Picaident tball have power to flit a't vacancies that miy happen liming the reeesa of tlie Senate, by grant ing comniisaiunH which ahail expire at the end of their next cession ; but no person rejected by the Kcuain (fliall be re Appointed tu tbe same uflh during lit sir ensuing rect a. faction 3. 1. The Prosidcnt aha' I from t'me to time, give to tbe Con greaa iiilor uiiition of the statb Of the Conlcderary, and re oiiiumend to their consideration, such measures aa ha shall jirilpe necessary and expedient; he may, 'on extraordinary uccaal.ms, convene both houaes, or either of them j and in cae of diaagrccronnt between tlrom, a ith respect to the lime of sdjoiirnmeiit, be may adjourn Hum ta such time as be shall think proper; be a' all receive Amtuissadora and other publio nnuisu rs ; Jie ehall take care that the laws be lalibfuily execute d, and tball commiaaioa all the ofllcer ol the Ccrji'cdtrate S atr '. ' ' ' ' FaHwri i. ' ' 1. The I'reaident, Vice Pi evident, and all ci vil olTJcera of relate to but one auhject, aad that ahail be expressed in lae tine. ' fa c'.ion 10. -1. No State ehall enter into enj tieaty, alliance, or con- dtiratbHi; graD.JEiJcra .M cum money ; nike any thing but goiu and saver com a tender in payment ot debts; pass any oii oi anaiuuer, or tx pou facto law, or law iiupaiiing the ooiigatiou of extracts ; ot grant auy title of nobility. a. ao stale snail, wiii'out too uouscuv oi uie utagresa, lay any imposts orduties on imporu and exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its ioapec tiou laws ; aud the DU pioduoe of all duliea aud imposts, laid by any s afe on imports or export, shall be for ihe use of the treasury of the to! federate States; and all auch laws thai! be suhjcti iu iue rviaioniia oui.irot or txin giesc. ' " ' . - 3. No BUte i ball, without tbe couaeut; of Congreaa, lay any duty of tt nuage, except on aea-going vessels, lor the improvuneiit Tir its rivers and harbors navigated by tbe (aid vessels : but-auch duties sball not Corjfliut Witu any trea ie of tbe Confederate States with foreign nations ( "and anv surnlus of rivtnue thus deri.ed ehall. alter makina such Improvement, t e paiu iura me common lieasury ; nor sha tauy Mate Keep troops or aaip oi war, in time ol peace, enter into auy agreement or compact Willi auuther State, or with a foreigu power, or engage iu war, unless actually invaded, or in such imuiiaeul danger aa wiiiuot admit of delay. Rut v ben any river divides or Howe throoirh two or more eutea; they may enter into compacts with eaca otner to improve uie uavigauon uereoi. . ArtiCli 11. ikction I. . - 1. Tbe execuiive power (shall be vested in a President ol the (kinfetlerate btatea of America. lie and the Vice Pr eai- dent anall bold their otnoe toe tne term of six years ; but the President shall not be re-eligible. Tbe Pree.ae.ut aud V ice President ebalt be e;We4 as follows : 2. Each State shall appuirtt, in such manner as tbe Legis lature tbereol may direct, a number of electors equal to toe wnote unmoor oi struma aau nepreeectauvea to wnicB the SUte may be entitled in tha Congreaa ; but bo Senator or Representative, or pertoa boldiog aa offiot of titut or the Confederate Stutea, shall be removed from ollice ou ltu 1'eachit.ent for and conviction of treascn, bribery, or other high cinbea and iriisdeim anoia. - . AUT1CIK III.-McliOB 1. L The judicial power of tho t'oiifedertte Btatt a aball be s!d ui one Suprettie Court, sad In ttich hifoth r court aa the Congrefls may rrom tiiiio to time ordain and eatabsish. T be judges, both ol the St.preme and inicibir courts, shall bohl rh-ir dices during good li- havior, and ahull, at stated times', reoeive for the. r "crviccs a couiuonaatioiK which .shall no be diminished during their continuance tu cilice. rt'c'tlOft a. I ' 1. The judicial power snail extend to a'lj caaei! ariaing under this Constitution, the law of the ( onlcderate Mates, and treaties mude or which shall be Hilda onder their an tliority ; tp all caaira all -ctmg amtiassadors, other public iHiiili.i-irnl Consuls ; to all cas. of ailmi aity and rmiri tinw jumd e inn : to eouiroveraies to Whlc, ill Confede rate Statea sball be a paity ; to cont'ov- ran s between twe or mote Mates ; between a Bute snd citizens of Boot bur State where tho State is niatotifl'j between oitiana claim ing lands under grauta of dillcrent etSfa, and between a Slate or the cHi. -i.t iboreof and f iteUii States, eitiisenB or siihj ii ta ; but no siaU sbkll be etiud by a citixon or aul jeot of au foreign Stale. - 2. In all cases allccting ambaiaditra, other pabtlo mlnle UIISI lljlllueeu. nor i i iitjl auu tuiunuai imiwuiiioiiw 11,11 .1 u . .. . . . i . ... . . n , T? 1 ' ,- , . i I ttiia aiidcimaula,- a.i Uoaa in, wine h a tttata shall b a V). very law or resoiunon oani.ii mo 10100 uc iuw, biihii i - - . ,.. ,.TT,T ' , ,.. ... .; . .( i .... o,i..n ot t- , the Supreme court sball bav original Jurisdiction, in all the o h-r rases before meutioaed tbe Supreme Court ah nil have appelate lurisdiction, oowa as to law an l tact. with such exceplietis and under aticb reguUlions as the Unnjjresi shail iuke. " ' .w -'3,- t all ef iiiiesj eseeptineft-iesetf 4mie'limmt, ahull be by jury, and su.li trial tlnil ba held in tbe sute where tbe said crimes ahail have been committed; bot when not committed within any sute, tbe trial shall be at auch place ot place a tue Cougres may by Uw bav di rrcted. , -' 1. Treason gairat the Cuuiederate Statea tball consist Only iu levying war agaiust them, or iu adhering to their enemies, giving them a d ana ovnuuru no persiu anau De couyicied el treason ume-s on the t-siimony of two witnea- ses to tho same overt eel, or on ooulession ia open court. . 2. Tl.e Congress shall have power to declare tbe punish ment OT trewrai but uo attaiurti-r treason-shall w-orBeof. ropiion ot blood, oMonulture except aurmg tuo lite ol me per. uu uttataea. - ARTicLS iv. feciion 1. Full faith and credit ahall be given in each State to tbe public se ts, record and judicial proceedings of every other Stale . And the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe l.e manner in which such acts records and proceeding shall be proved, ana tne enact tuereoi. ' iksctioi, 2. . ; 1. T; e cliiaena of each otate shall be entil ed to all the privilege aud immuuii lea of citizsns ia the aeveral Ma tea, ai-'d aiiaii have tbe ii,lit of transit and aojouru in any total. of this tietiiedcracy, witu their staves and otner property ; and the tight of property in said alavea shall not be iheie- by Impaired. 2. A ptrion charged in any SUte with treaion, felony, or othr r crime ae-liit the laws of such Stale, who shall flee from iuflice. and be f-Hind in another State, ahall on demand ol the executive authority 01 the SUte ironr which e Bud, be delivered op to be removed to we oiam "-'-'a jtir isdictou of the crime. , 3. No slave or other person held toeervice orlabof to any State or Territory ot the Confederate .St aiea, under the Uwitherecr, escaping or tairlttll oarrieJ into wotber, shall eonotir In saygestlng at th time when the laid demand Is made, and a ht old any of the propowd amtmlm.nu to n u llv aKi,-Lii uu uy tne sai i oonvsnllon vot ing by States and tba same be ratllied by th lieetslstore of two-third of th several State, or by ooBveuttona la two-H Ird lbereofaa the on or th other mode of ratifi cation nmy be proposed bythe genaral conventloBthev shall iMtnceforwa'd form a part of th! CouttltMtloB. But no Htntea shall, without Pa oouaanr, be deprived of iu eutial repiesenutlou In the Senate. , ' - artioLb vr, ..... , ' .- ; -1. The Oovertiment ektabllshed by tbia Cot atlfullon la tba tuccessor of ib provisional government of ih. Coiifedsraia Mutes of America, and all Ihe law passed by the latter shJtn rmrtrntiB tn force nnlll the same shall be repealed ot" mud thd; ai d all tlm nffl ert apptduled by tlie asms shall remam In ofll e until their tunnessiirs i auuulnUJ and qnalitl'-d, nr the elllce sliollth.d. , "V , 2 All debt eooirsc'ed and enengsmenU en'erej (ni l lielore thnailoptuin of thla ctmstltu bm shall bs as va'ld agauiat tho t on ft derate State nndur 'th substitution aa amlttr ihe , rovlslonsl government. S. Th srun illulion. and the laws of tha rn Slsttm, made Iu puisusne thereof, and all trestle made or - which shall b made iiudnr the, fttitUoi It y of the Uoufadnrata ftta'e, thitll be th luprem law of tlto laud; and th judo- ' Bt In svtyy Stat ahall be bound thereby,, anything Iu lbs eonstltuliou or law oi any Slat to the contrary uotwlth Blending, - 4. 1 be rjctntors and HeprraotitatlveB before mentioned and tba memhertof the esveral State 1 e Blslaturea. shd all exeeutiv and Judicial rffloers, both of th tlonTsderaU States snd ol tha Several SUtes, (lisll be bnund by oath or anirniai Ion to support this constitution, but no r.llirimt test shall ever be requited aa a qii illlicstl , y any offloa or public trust Btiilur th Confederate Htatee f , " fl. The poaeis m.t delegated to tbe Confederate Bute by th constitution, nor- prohibited by It to. th State ar re served to the Statu, respectively, or to Ik people tht roof amtici b Vll. , , 1. Th rst flifttbiu of tha Convention of fly fliate ahall he audi lent for th aetabllthmaut of this oonallmtlou bs- ' teeen ikeSisteasn railfvlng lb same. , - VVben live St bus ahall hsva rat.flud till oonstltntltm In th Biauner befor sprclfled, tbe Congress udr rovti vhinirl coitsntntlim ahall presoijbn the t ins fu, holdiiitr tba ' aWelloii of lte.l-nt and Vice Pre.ldeut and f..r me" ting . of U a EleCtural ( olteg t end toy eooulln the votes snd not etirsting the PrtsblcnU Thevtlmll .1.,, ,....u.. ,i.. ' tlie-e jr boldlng the flict elecUoii of members of ColurrflsB nnder this eousiittitiou, and tlie lime fir ee.coi hllng thesame Until the assembling of auob. Congress, tbu CoiigreM onder. the pwivl lonal c.inellilitlon slull continue to ex nit I, tha leaWstlve pt. gisnted Ihem, nut exteudutMieyood the ' Jbt(Jimlia bjllie toiiatiutlpn of tlm f-rovl-iiafgyern" Adr)ptfldunnlmotflly, March"! 1,'ldo u -f. r--.. ' i 1 1 1 1 1 in i ii H Census of North CarollnajHUU , ; ( a BkiMiiTxn Byyni sKOKrjr ot tn btatb MNVBHriow. oouhTisa, Alamance, lexindur, At sou, Alleghany, As he, Koanfort. Rerlie, llladen, - Bronswick, Uuncouibe, llui ke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, , Camden, Carteret, Caawttll, Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, . Chowan, Cleveland. Columbus, ' Craven, Cumberland, Davie, ., Dupbn, Edgicumbe, roisytho, aukini. CiNtori, Gates, Granville, Greene, titillfurd, Halifax, t Hatnctt, Haywood, Uenderaon, Hertford, Hyde Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Jones, Iicnotr, Lincoln, at soon, . Mad son, " Mrtin, ,. ; McDowell, -.-Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pssquofank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, Kicbiannd, handolpb, Robeson, Rocking bain, li 9 wan, Kutherlord, ' Sampson, SUnly, StukeB, Surry, Tyrrell, Duion, Wske, -Warren, Washington, Watauga, Watne, wifkea, Wilaon, Yadklo, Yancey, T.087 4il 6,302 ID - ,ft2 1ft I 3,3r.7 27 7,42.1 141 fl,l72 7211 5,MH 279 6.211J . 4114 4 6 IS ' 2m 10,823 loll ,(47 319 7,404 104 1,207 114 2.60 27(1 0 014 IA2 .4n 279 9,(J3a yg . . 12.6M 304 ,fl(jll 3S 2,978 181- 10,108 109 8,779 888 " 0,798."'. 1,284 " 8,fiH I 978 4,7l 221 13,878 147 , 8,001 " 101 t 8,288 ' 874 8,HK0 888 10,710 211 6,4'.MJ - 4I 7 000 . 102 4,10 3',2 1L1M9 1,121 2,Hl 1A2 18.71)8 Cl8 . 6,842 ' 2,450 6,3.H 104 '. 6.4M . - H.ITH t F8 8 918 1,111 A,6Hl . 2 9- - 11.141 29 6,741 8 10 648 103 . 2 210 107 4,903 177 8,000 80 6.870 lift 6,83 6.438 481 " 6,64,1 27J ' 10,443'' 290 ' - 6,781 45 8,725 1 81 0,319 6s8 10,617 7tJ - 6.M12 -tsSo 6,108 1A9 11,318 621 4.473 1,484 8,287 892 6.708 318 7,480 127 3.317 106 6,211 348 14.168 380 8,684 1,480 v 10,121 407 J0.622 " H - 9 000 122 9,106 48 6 690 ,, 7,847 88 8,949 ls4 3,203 143 8,903 A3 18.470 1,4'4 4,fiJ " S,6M 2W 4.771 3 8,721 734 18 280 1 8,944 2H0 . 9,110 168 . , 8,229 . bl ' . 1 1 631,489 - 80,097 6,448- fill 6,W1 20d 391 6 878 , 8.180 5.1127 ' 8,112 1 1,981 3,371 S.040 1,088 1,127 1,(819 9,388 1,8(14 6,248 619 3,713 2,131 2,4(11 -(J.lIK) 6,81)0 2,624 .8,07 I, 392 -' 7,120 10,108 1.784 -7,079 2,199 3,002 II. OHfl 4.1147 3,828 . 10,349 a 3,684 313.. I.S-3 4.7J 4,177 2N1 4,918 3,411 6,131 2,116 ' 619 . 21 J 4,303 1,306 6,641 1,823 2,618 4,681 -10,332 6,808 8,499 6,109 3,8l 3,669 s.trts . 8,473 .020 6,4i3 1,648 6,466 ,8,318 3,929 "2,391 7,0M 1,109 l,4e . 1,2 1,517 . ,U - 10,733 10,401- 3,4o4 106 t . 6,461 .1,21 8 H 3,4'ie 1,403 . So2 331,Cel U TOTAL. : : 11,86,1 8,022 13.tl4 ?l0 -,968 179, 14,811 -11,908 8,408 ', II, 664 ' '8,337. 10,648 7,409 - 8,343 8,1 88 18,218 10,730 III, 106 j, 9,108 8,842 , 12,344 ' 8.607 . 10,273 1 10,359 7,413 16,601 ' 8,4114, -16,780 ' 17,S7- " U,6tl 14.110 1,310 1 - 8,444 u in..i:8 -T,97 , i 20.066 19,441 8,(1.19 . 6.801 10.448 ' " 9.804 . T.734 ;i-147 6,624 , - 16,647 , . 6,730 10,311 . r B.19S . - 0,004) .. 6,908 10,189- 7,120 17,874 7,649 " 11,427 ll.BHIJ " ' 21,718 -13,378 8,856 -. 16,949 - 8,940 ,7,248 11,221 , 16.7CI 4,040 11,000 16,7i8 13,490 , 18,740 ; 14,rV P 1I.A7J - , imi . 4 T,nl k 10,401 , 10,379 4,943 ll,2'l 2-,".l l;.,7 ' 6,3 V, - 4.'..'-7 .. 14, 1 14,749 9,720 , 10,711 -' 8,66 32,6F Lauiks' 111.ACH. cor tat aoaka, a ' Jan. 20. . - : . BALDWTS'IV HuAvr Dowa DRaojs, to pieces.'Bt - ' ! Jan. 20. . . - , t BALDWCrSi