flt h Si r? !ta . 1 mrfnya . . ' ' II 1111 JiA U IV I! I 1 1 I N J I v U N J I II II . I I I II VOL 11.- NO 1547 " CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WlOnNGTONK, , MONDAY, MARCH 10, .1.802. , ViIOTjK NTTMnKR 3,231 j ".; ? rtXTOB PRICKS PROPRIETORS, J s rnLiosr, Editor.:. . .a. l. pbick, asso?.- t; i , VFri rabrliHl-.. - Daily Paper, ou year, invariably fd ad'-aiue ru emy y -- t ........ TL Mr r win be discontinued at the expiration of tb t'me Mid for unless renewed. .v ill letters on buln"8 connected win tms nmce, m .i-v aw :dre.ke4. to the prr -pitta:!.- . - - ADVERTISEMENTS Will be inserted at FIK1T CENTS rer square of tea llnee or less, for tbe first tnrertlon. end ThTVFlVii CKNTH per square fur each repetition CASH IX A I) VANCK. - - 4 - ' n Advertisements inserted asBprclal or Bishop Notice srs charged not-half more than shove rate eight line tiesdsd) or lees aountetl M a square. . " Advertisements resorted every o'uer air are coergea lS cent per square for esch insertion aftar the flrst. - mr0 publication macfe wiinoui a reapooaiuw mm- - i 1 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CAKBS. . II. L HOLMK!. ' . ATTORXSY AT LJTW, . nAR rrmoTCd to tbe eeutra offlc of JOUlUlAi uuiuu 1NOS, net door Weat of bif former locaioa. Octohar 17tb. IW.l. " H EMPIR aV ALtKW i Trnv vvr AT LAW.' ivB removed their office from Front to Prince! atraet, JOUBNAL BCILDIKU3. formerly ocouj.iea oy a. t tlAlmM limn October 17th."lll. G ENERAL COMM188ION V KIWH ANTS,"" " 01, 1861 J Ko. 13 North Water at., Wilmington, N. C. U)U B. KRAHBKBT, DBU00IBT AND PBACT1CAL PU ABMACETJT1ST, - WiLMiwaToii, N. C. Keepa constantly on band, a aelect atook of Irug, Afl idnet, Domettie and Kvroptan Clvmcat$, Fancy awl Toilet Article; Wineiand Luptortfor Medical twpoK, ' tuort. to. " WPartioulttr attenlloi paid ivr Parsearmoxa, f amiT .aoiras, atBDiotHB Cnnsra, o. -' - .wn ' tvStore tmmedlAtelj nnder the " Caroltna Hotel. ' . July 12, 16. M-" , 1 1 O. C. W. J. Ml'SRO, ClOMMIgSION WERCHANfa and WUOLEHAI.B tiRO J CKU3, No. 21 North Water Btraft, , Jane 16, W. ' WimmaTOw, N. U toezru . kxoaaoii. cr" taiii. a. It. I-U1WJPI w w. . EHERAI, COMMIHHI0N MKCHANT3, Jane IHSI. wii.iiiktok, a. v. G II. U. EIL.BRjl, WHOLESALB 0KOCKB kHO OOMMISBIOS MSB CBANT, sod DEALKH IS Na AL briHlfCS, edrot Water and Market treeta, Wilmington, t'. . April Id, 2 , (.- K, MfRKAlf 1 - (Suoawkaora to Mairrajr k I'afu-w fc . ' C1OafMrSf!0!J MRKCHANTH ' , J Adff WHOf UlAi.E OKOCKte, - Vl&TKH NTllt'KT, WILXtNOfOiJ, N.'O. . . MTBIUT. . . IIC?inw .'T. MVHtttT." , February 1, 19. m-t litm o. pmpth.-- . v,mn. ja.s. tsixa aco, lOMJrtlSHlON'UtKCHAK'W, oC:e awrtd ator, : o V Booth Watflr and Market atree'e, Wilminav.i. a r. - arLare tby are prere.l to. t-r.d ti aj?li;w..v -Oouimtoioa Iim. . , ' ' - - All hnaineaa iitraJ (o Urw p J -dto. ' ".. " C. II. RUOI 9 MOB A; CAJ., COMMISSION AND FOBWAW'JLNO MfcBCBANTb WimrKOTOh.A C. ' OfSee orer Mr. J. A. Wftlard'i Store. Katrane u'KMOf Prlnceaa and Water atreeU. March . 18C0. 142. ' Wll.THOW, N. t. IMPOBTEBS, MAKXJPACTUlHS' AChSIH, ASl-i)f lerea U Hardware, Cultwj, Iron, rU;, Nn!i t " taral Implementa, to. j; - . . J. J. COX. r W.MIKDUL, J. B. IIMP4LI ,' pOMMISBipN MEBC-BiKTii A STHO LES A LB (1 HO Vf vtuf - - : . ROt n la, North Watfrf.t. . ' March 11th. 1M1 - if. -tf.. ' X. C. . O. WORTH, f WMjnBEioB as ro8tw:'" u;E'niAST. Ii - WimutiiTOii, N. Marcbii, mr . -W " tVAXKKK RKARKS, HOLESAIJ! AND BtXAIIr DBUOGI8T, . - . 1 1 . m T n M aiaxirr ciraairTt h.iwttui, y. o h.-lu. r. nrrcBan,. ELLIS A MITCIIKLL, .- ' WH01.E8AUS AXD EETAIL DEALEKS IS . CtOBS, PSAS, OATS, BTB, WHEAT BRAN, Oil WRL; f FUEBH OEOUND BOMIST, HQKSB h COW KiiKP a Lao, KAJSTBnjr AJun hVB TB SI VXR EA T, ajA q Kri)i Water Street. "hrna.i - "" ' Gosjhecioh atKajW! -WnrWT0ii, N. C. 8Vaal I1IUH, A. J. BOWeXL. V. V. aTAaM. not. let. IHf.a. NOTICES.. CO-PARTNERSHIP MOTICK. THE CSDEBSIGN ED ha?e entered Into Co-Partnenbip InTIe town of Wilmington, N. C, under the firm of bOOrUEBLAND k COLEMAN, for the pnrpoae of baying and aelltox NEGRO BLAVfcS, where thehigbest each price will be paid. . " " They alao have a hooae in Mebile,' Alabama, where ihtj will reoetre and icll alarea on commiaaion. Liberal advan ces mad upon eleve left with them for aale. . D. J. BOUTMERLAND, , JAMES C. COLEMAN. AORTiat ltt, 1M., . , 3C- The ftM-hwa-n B.Dtthllr. Thl Pa-mar. t Urn tilutionof lh' Cotfin'ate SUilr of Amrrtra. i v e, me ai-npir 01 mm Lnnieaeraw n'aiea, rmra ov. ' irp H ha anvar.fiFn a;H ft.dtw,n()iint flharaetr. ia order to form a permanent federal vovenunenl, eatab i-a jaatlca. in euro domeetje tranqui it jr. and acure tb bleaalnga of liber ty to oorwlvea and oa' pnaterity invokioK the fvnt and ei idaore of Almighty (idla ordain and aMabliab tbie Leaeit'tutl'.n for the Coaraderate rHae of America, iiricti l. Section I. All IrcLlative power herein delegate ahall be vetted In a 'orgrea (if tha Conioderate butea, which avlta.il oocai.1 of a henate and Uunae or ttettreeentatirea 1. The Honae ef Renreaantatlre aball be eompoe lof member i liixH-a every eweud year by the people of the Hatnrl MUiea : and tha elector is e.ch HUte ahall be etti- ten of tbe Confederate rtatea, and hare tb qoallfleatintia reqniai'a lor elector of tb mot namerona branrn ot to Ma Lecailatur ; bat no peraoe f forclea birth tot a citi Kin of U.e Confederale i-ta'e ahall be alowed to vo! lor aay oflicera, civil or political. Slate or Federal 1. Ko peraun ahall be a reiireaentative who ehail not have attained ihe axe of twenty-five yeara, and be a citiaea o tha Confederate fite'ea. and who .ball aot, wh aiectvd, be an Inhabitant of that Htate in which be ahall be eheaen. 2. BeDreeeutativee and direct taxeball be apportioned araonc tha ral Hta'e which mav be incladed within tbie Confederacy according to their reipeetive vombera, which hall be determined bv addinc to the whole number of free peraona. inclodinr tbo bound 'o aervica for a termor reara. and exelndina lodiana not taxed, tbree-d'thi of all lava. Xh actual enumeration (ball be made within three year after the flrt meeting of the Coatreae or the Confed erate tte, and within every cnbaeqaent term of tea yeara, in uch manner as they .ball, by law, diieot. Tbe number of representatives shall not exceed one for every fifty tboo sand, botsach Htate ahall have at least one representatite ; and ontll such enumeration aball bemad the Hlte of Honth Carolina aball be entitled to ehooaa aix. the Btate of (ier gialeo, the Htate of Alabama nine, the t-Ut of Floiidi two,1 the Htnte of Mitiaaippi avtn, ths Hta'e of LotiUiaot six, and the Klate ot Texa ix. 4 W hen vacanclea happen in the representation from anv State, tbe Kxecutive authority thereof shall iau wrlta of election to nil anch vacanciea. 6. Tbe Hons of Representative eVall chooee tbeir Speak, er and other oflloers, and aball bsve the sole power o' im peachment, except that any judicial or other federal t ffloer resident and acting selelv wiihin tbe limits of any Hate, may be impeaobed by a vote ef two thirds of both branch! oi ins lx-gi.iatui a tnvrtui- the eevera) Bta'a., and with the Imllaa tribe bat nWther profit nndrr the Ceitfedrraia 8utea, tiiitl thi., nor any other eleoee eootsraed ka the Cenatitglinn, j , tor, . v abali ver bf ewUoed to " f'r Vi S Tb. .Wtora eh-ll meet In their reactive u-es and , ' ' Tfarttr. 17r ''I ftM,' I'reeHaat, owe of a.LkU. ii.ka. k...u. - J aV.x A Satul At KaP iila lTa hsai. . be appointed an .bait Ii r oneeipeooe ef aiy l.w ae regaletlmf tkerala, b I diacha'ged freu enrb eervwe or labor, but ahall b delirer wmtatU ftiTI. 1 ' - ' .:- ' "A CHOirK ARTICLE, tost received. Jor sale bv (Y Feb.Tth-V PETTKAT 4 MOOBE. kUaf-fcUAP. LOT of hard Soap, made at home, a choice article, . tna.v n . u . , fl I.' .r or aale by rtiianai asuvaa. JanV24. ' ATOW. MAKING nine hundred Uniform tor Confederate J BolllierB. at - BLDWLV3. Fb. 1 tb - - C La AIR'S) BLV'K CA8SIMKRH.8 : . AN be had at Feb. 10. . BALDWIN rt. PLOUGHS OP ALL DE9CK1P tiona. embracing No. t. 8. 10, 104, 11,1111. 18, 60, 0, 76, andEgle I a, of C, V, K and r fiongba: also, Garden Ploneba, Hoea, ('ratings. loon feheliers atfd Straw Colters, ia wareboose ana tor saie at JAVFS WILSON'S Oil. Leather, Peddlery, Trunk and Barnesa Ksiabliahment. Jan. iTtn, isox. mtlTABT BIDiXQ lADUUtl.' - "TTTB PAVE dow on eihibition ths three leading style 1 1 of alultary tucnr raaaiea ti: TUB BON KEY" 8ADDLK, ' . ' THB BEvJULATION SADDLE, TUB McCLELLAN SADDLE. Abo. Mexican, Hope, Bpaaiab, English, Attakapaas and other popular etyiee, at " Feb. 22 . ' ' - . ' - TUR EXODtS UK PVaVOU BtiU oontloues at ' Feb.lt, WILrwlki'K. -i ' v ( t ENrS HALF HOSE, at .T.Fab.21. BALDWW8. SiE ho. 1 Singer'a btaadard bewutg atach.ae. at ia d ,i narrve caw. i't vua r. ' riist.fc.a Si Saadlaa for Bineer'a Kawtn. Uachiaea. at O rek.19. BALDWIN'S. Section I. 1. Tbe Penate of the Confederate State aball be eompoa rd of two Bemtora from each htate, choaea for six years bj the Legis'stare thereof, a tbe regular seeeion next imme diately preceding the oommencmnt of tbe term ol eervice; aod each Senator ahall have oaa vote. 2. Itr mediately after they (hall be assembled, In conse quence of the flret election, they (hail be divided aa squally a may bs into three classes, ihe seats of tha Senators ol th first class shall be vacated at tbe axpiratiun of the sec ond tear j of ths second olaee at tbe expiration of tbe fourth year; and of the Sd elaxaatthe expiration of the alxth )tar ; that one-tblrd may be choeeo every eeoood year ; and i' vacanciea happen by re gnatlon or otherwise during ths recess of the Legislature of any State, the Extontiv there of may make teuiporsry appointments until the next meet irg of tbe Legialatate, which shall then fill such vacanciea. 3. No person shall be a tenator who shall not hsve at tained Jbe age of thirty years, and be a citisen of the Con federate States, and who aball not, when eleoted, be an in habitant ot tbe Stats for which he ahall be choern. 4. The Vice-President of the Confederate Statoa shall be President of tb Fenate, but shall have no vote, unices they be eaoallv divided. . S. Tbe Senate shall ehooee thels other oflloers. and alae a President pro Uhipt in tbs sbsente of ths Vic Freal dent, or when he shall exercise tbe office of President ot the Confederate Btafs. 6. Ths Senata shall have tbe sole power to try all Im peachments. When sitting for that purpose, they ahall be on oath or affirmation. Wben the President ol 'be Confede rate States is tiled, the Chief Jnetioe ihall preaUie i and no person shall bs oonvlotadr without the concurrence of two- Uiirda nt tha snembara oraaan'- 7. Judsmeut in caea of Impeachment .hall not extend further than to removal from ooioe, aad dlaqaalirJoatloa to bold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or prvOt, under the Contrdrrate Matea: but tbe party convicted shall, never- tbeleas, be liable and subject to inaictinent, trial, judgment aud punuhment, according to law. Section 4. - 1. Tbe times, places and manner of holding e Wet Ions for Senators ana hepreaentatlves snail be presorioea in eaoa State by tbe Legislators- thereof Snbject to the prOvieiona of this Coi stiiution : but the Congress mar. at any tim . by law maks or alter euch regulations, except as to tbs time and piece ot cnwsing Beosiors. i'. lbe Congreae shall aasembls at least once Inevry year ; and such meeting shsll be on the first Monday in December, unlets they shall, by law, appoint a dlftsrent day. - 1. Each House sbtll be the judge of the elections, return and qua! licationa of its own memners, ana a majority oi each shall constitute a quorum to do business : bat a smal ler nsmber may adjourn frem day to day, aud may be au thorised te compel the attendance of absent members, la such msuner and under such penalties aa each House may provide. 2. Each noose may determine the tulea of its proceed iiiks. uuuiah its members for disorderly behavior, aud, with the concurrence o! twe-tblrdspf the whole nsmber, expel a menibtr. S. Each House ahall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from tieae te--4ine publish lba ame, excepting iucd parts as may in their judgment requite secresy, and 'he jeas and nays of tbe members of either tlooae, on any ques tion, aball, at tne aeaue ot iwo-nnn oi vno protcui, ue entered on the journal. 4. Neii her House, during the aession -f Congrers, shall, without the cotsent of the other, adjourn for more than three ds, nor to any other place than that In which tb two Bousls shall be sitting. txxtion 6. 1. The Seustors and Representative shall rccelva a com pensation for their serviota, to b ascertained by law, and paid cut ol ths treasury of the Confederate States. Tbey shail, In all cuees, except tresaon, felony and breach of tbe peace, be privileged from arreat during tbeir attendance at tbe aession of tbeir respective Houses, and ia going to and returning from tbe same ; and lor any speech or debate ia eli her liuse they shall not be questioned in any other plscs. 2. s'o Senator or Representative shall daring tbe time for which be was elected, be appointed to any civil office nnder tbe authority of tbe Confederate States, which aball have been created, or tbe emoluments whereof snail bsve been Increased daring uoh time J and no person holding any ofiice nnder tbe Confederate States ahall be a member ol either Hooae during his continuance in office. But Congress B sy, by law, grant to the principal officer in each ot the Executive Departments a seat upon the Boor of either bouse, with tbe privilege of discuaaing any measures appertain ing to bis department. fiectioit 7. -1 AU bills for raising revenue shall origins te in the House of Representative; bat th feenaie may propose to concur with amendment a on other bills 1. Every bill which ahall have pasatid bath Haoif shall, befois it becomes a law, be presented to "th President ei tbe Confederate Htate ; tf be sppreve, he shall alga ft ; but It ant, be eball return it with hie objections to thai House in which it aball have originated, who shall enter tbe objec tions at large oa tbeir journal aud proceed to reconsider ft. If, after such recoasideration, two-thirds of that Bousewnali agree to pass tbe bill, K sbsli be seat, together with tbe ob jections, to the other Hoose, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that Uonse it ahall become a law. But in ail each caeca the votea ol both Bouses shsll be determined by jeas and rays, aod tbe names of ths persons votisg for end against tbe bill shall be entered on the journal of each Boa respectively. If any bill hall hot be retailed by tbe President within tea days (tMOda)e excepted) alter it aball have been presented to bias, tbe same shall be a law, in like manner as if be had aigned it, unlesa tbe Congress, by their adjournment, pre vent its reiura ; in which esse it shall not be a law. The President may approve any appropriation aad disapprove aay other appropriation ia tbe aame bill. In such ease, he aball, in signing tbe bill, designate the appropriations dis approved, and shall return a cory of eucn appropriations, with hi objections, to the Hooae In whkb tbe bill shall have originated ; and tbe aame proceedings aball then bs had aa in case of other bili disapproved by the President. S. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the concur rence of both Houses may be necessary (except on a ques tion of adjournment) (bail be pfVsented to the Pre dett of tbe Confederals b tales ; and before the aame aball take ef fect, shall be approved by him ; or being disapproved .by him, may be repassed by two-third of both Hooae accord ing to the rales and limatations prescribed in case if a biU. Section ft " . The Congress shall have power 1. To lay and collect taxes, da ties, imposts and exeiees for revenue necessary to psy the debts, provide for tbe eommoo defence, and carry on the government of the Con federate butee ; bat no bounties shall be granted from tbe Treasury, nor aball any dotieaor taxes oa imports tiona from foreign nation be laid ko promote or foster aay branch of indastry ; aid ail duties, 'Imposts aad excises) shall be aoi form throughout the Confederate Slates). 2. To borrow nones on the credit of the Confederal Duucw, f retvUU cooatrc fitt for!- natlotm, tad taoof least, shsll nut be an inhabitant of the asms Stat wnn tnemaeivee t tbey snail nanis in tbeir ballots tb per aoe voted lor aa t'rea u.ai. a on ia aianact Denote the pea. son voted lor ss Vice Prsaident, and they ahall make dis tinct liata of all peraona voted for ae President, and ef all person voted fur aa Vice President, end of the number of vote for eech. which list they sbsli sigh and certify, and tranamit. sesled, to the govevament of tbe confederate htaiea, directed to the President of tbe Senate; the Preat- dent of th Senate shall, tn the presence of the Senate and Hoose of Representatives, opea all tbe certificate, and tb - . - uii tuna vm i w.itii f iuv prrws Having u airvBiSBV number of vote for President shsll b ths President, If such number be a majority of the whole number ef electors ap pointed, and it ao person have soohmsjority, thee, from the peraona Having the highest number, not exceeding- three, on ths Hat of those voted tores Presidsnt, ths ilnuse o I epraaentatlve. shall ehooee Immediately, by ballet, tli Prrsldeut But In choosing th President ths totes shall be taken by Slataa, th representation from each State having phe vote a quotum for this purpose ahall eesaist of a mem ber ev meanbar from two-thirda of the Slataa, and h ma jority of all tbe Mat shall be ! .rf to a cbaloe. AaA if the House of Repressntatlvss lliait eot choose Prest- dent, whenever the right of choice shsll dsvolvsnpoathem, before the 4th day of l arch next following, then tha Vice Preatdent shall act aa President, a In ease of the death br olbsr constitutional disability of th President. 4. Ihe person bsvisg tbe greatest number of rotee as vice rreaidaut shsll o tne vice rsldnt, ir such number b a majority of the whole number ol electoig appointed ; and it no peisoa hsve a msjwliy, than from ths two highest numbers on tbs I fat ths Senste absll choose the Vice Presi dent a quorum for the purpose shall oonslst of two third of the whole number of Braatota, aad a majority of th whole number (ball b neeeasary to a eboloe. A Hut no peron constitutionally inelllgH-le to the rifTJc f rreaident sba'l bs eligible to that of Viae President ef the Confederate Statoa. 6 The Congree may determine the tha of choosing ths electors , and ths day on which they shall give their votoa, which dsy shall be tbe same throughout tbe Confederate Statrs. - 7. No peisoa except a natural barn cltlren of the Con fe lei ate states, or a ciilxun thereof at tbe ttme ol the adop. lien of thle renatitulisn, or a citisen thereof bora la the United State prior to t 201 h or December, i860, shsll b eligible to tbe i flit of Preeident i neither alisll any pron be eligible t that office who sbsli not ha' s attalued tbs ig of thfily five jeers, sod bn fourteen yeare a redden! witblii the limits of th Cuufederite States, as may exist at ths time of hi election. 8 In case of the removal of the Preatdent frnm cftlot, or ol bis death, resignation, or Inability to diachsrga the puw sis sod duties of tbe eald ofllee, the m absll devoirs oa kbhlns lirhr. beaeooa and bunya, and other aid to nav gattna upon the coasts, and ths improvement of fcarbo't snd the removing of obatraetlona in river navigation, ia sll which eases such dut'es shall be Isid en the navlgtiinn fa cilitated thereby aa may be neoeeaary to psy tb c"SU and expenses thereof. 4. Te es'ebllah on"fnrtu lews ef a-atirralisation, aad uni form lawa on the anhtect of bSBkruptei, thronghout th Confederate State ; but nt law of Congress shsll discharge any debt contracted before tb Peag-e or roe aame ft. To coin morey, regulate the valne thereof arid of for eign coin, snd fix ihe standard of weights aad measures: .. To pro We for tbe punishment o' ooonrrett g the securities sod current ooin ot tne wmito.r... T. To establish noel offices Slid past routes; but ths sx psnses of ths Post ofnoe !epartmot, sfter tb first day of March In ths year ot our lord sightsea r.unnrsu sn l siity three. shsll be paid out of its own revenues. . II To promote tbe progress of science and useful arts by Securing for limited times te authors and inventors the ex sl'i right of 'hdr raapeetlve writings and diiooverlea. t To constitute trfhwoals tefortnr Ihe Supreme Court ' 10. To define pan'ek piracies and felonies eorrmltted on tb high sea , i orercee sgsinst tbs Isw of natlor. 1). T ''ec'srs t , .-rant letters of uarque and re prisal, and make rule concerning captures on land and water. ' 1 To rtlsa and support srmles ; bat no spproprlstlon of jnonsy to that use shall bs for a lungar term than two years. 13. To provlds and maintain a navy. - 14. To msks ro'es for government srd reguUtion of the land and naval forces. IA. To provide for eslllng forth tbs mllitU to execute th laws of tbe Confederate stales, snppress Insurrections snd tspel liivaainn. 18 to provide for organising, arming snd diaoipllniit the n llitia. and for governing inch part of thm aa may h inplo)d in tbe arrvice of tns Confederate Ststes J reserv ing to th States, respectively, the anpoietment of the i Ul cere and ths authority of tra bg the militia sccordlng to the discipliue prescribed by Congress. 17. To exsreise exoloeive legislation, In all cases what sosvsr, over such district (not exceeding ten miles equae) a may, by cession of en or more State and thai accept at of Congress, become the seat of ths government of the Confederate Ststes ; and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by tha e onsen t of the egialntur) of th Stat in wbioh the same shell be, for the erection of forts, magailn, arsenals, dockjsrds and other needful build ings; and - . IN. To mka alt laws which shsll he necesisry and pro per for carrying Into rxeoutloo tbs foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution In the govern ment of the Confederate Ststes, or In sny di-parlnisntr I y,e VI. Presiinnt ; and ths Corgress rtisy, ty law. provide 5rfkm t, TL Importation of negroes of th AfrlcaoTses from 1 sny foreign country other then ths slsvehoding Ststes, oi Tsiritories oi me unttea riaes in amines, is uereoy lor bldden ! snd Cengrese Is required to pass such lawa as shsll effectually prevent the earns. . 1. t ougress snsii siso nsvs power to proninrt tne intro dnotlon of slsvee from any State not a member of, or Terfl-Ibann elected ; and bs shsll sot receive wttfilu Hut peilod terv not belocilng to. this Confederacy - I. Tbe privilege of tbe writ nfhabeas corpus shall not bs suspended, unless when In eases of rebellion or Invasloa the public safiity may require it. 4. No bill ef sttainer, or ew fort i'lo law, or law deny ing or impairing tha right of property in negro slaves shall bs psaaeo. .' 6. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid antes In proportion to tb census or euumstsMon hereinbefore di rected to be taken. t. No tax or duty sbsli be Isid on srllolss exported from sny f tils, except bi a vote of two-thirds of both bouses. 7. No preferences shall bs given by any regulslioa of commerce or revenu to tb port of on Mate ver those of another. - 8. No money (ball be drawn from tbs treasury, bnt In eons aseties of anoroorlatinns mane bv law I and a relie fer statement and aeaoook of tbe tecstpta and expendltui es of sll pnlillo money ahall ha publleliea rrosa uma tw lima, a. (Somiraaa ahall aonronriate Besaaoey treat tbe traesu rv excent bv a vote of two-third of both bouses, UXtu by yeas sod naja, unless It be ssked and estimated for by some one r.f the beads of dspsriraflt, aod submitted te Ooares bv ths President : or lor tbe purpose of psylng lu own ex penaes asd contingenoiea ; or for the payment of elsims sgslnat tns uontea rste emtes. me jusuoe vi wuica snan have been judicially declared by a tribunal for the Invest! gstloa of cfa sti agsln.t the government, which it is bi-ieby Disde the duty of Congress to establish. 10. AH bills appropriating money ahall epecily in f.di-r.l currency the exact amount of each apptopristion snd the purpoM-s for which it m made ; and Congreae eball gisnt no extra enmpenvathin to any publi contractor, (-nicer, agent or servant, a'ter such contract ahall have been made or loch sen ice rendered. . . 11. No title of nobility shall be granted by Uie Confede rate State ; aud bo pert on holding any ofiice of profit or trust under them, ahall, without the consent of the C-on gress, accent of any greeeot emoluments, ofiice or title ot sny kind wbatever m m any king, prince or foreign Stale. 12. Congreae shall msks ne law respecting an e-tablinh mcnt of religion, or prohibiting the Iree exercise thereof ; or abridging tbe freedom of speeub, or of Ihe press ; or the right ot tbe people aoo1y-to assemble and petltii n tbs government for a rsdrss(of grievances. 13. A well rcgniated nvNtia being necessary tn the se cur Itr cf a free State, the tight of tbe people to keep end b'sr arms shall not be infringed. 14. No soldier sbsli, la time of pesce, lie q uartered ill suy house without the coueent Ot lbs own r 5 Bof Id time of rrr but in a manner to be preeenbrd by law. lfi. Th right of the people to be seoors in their ptranna, bouses, pspers and eflecu against nnrei-s-msbla seairhrs and seisaree, ihali not be violated and no warraut .hall Issue but upon probsble cause, supported by oath or affirm ation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and, the persons or tnings to be seised. 16. No person shall be held to aniwer for a capital or otherwwe inlasuous crime, nnlese oa a presentment or in dictment of a grand jury, except In cases arising ia ths Isnd or navel foioes, or ib tbe militia, wben In actual service, in tims of war or public danger ; nor shall sny person be sub ject lor tbe ssmecfieace te be twice put lu ieopsrdy bf life or limb, nor be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself ; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without doe proceas of law ; uor absll private property be taken for public use without just compsruw tion. - 17. In sll criminal proaecutiona the scrnied shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial Jury of tbe State and dletriot wherein the crime stall bars been committed, which district shsll have beea previously ascer tained by haw, and to be Informed of tbe nature a d csuse of tbe sccusation; to be con' rented with the witnesses against him : to have compulsory process for obtaining witn -seee in hie faver, aad to hsvs tbe sstistsnce of counsel for bis defence. 18. In suits at common law, where the value la contro versy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury aball be preserved and ao fact ao tried by a J jry shall be Otherwise re-examined la auy coert of Ue Confederacy than according to U.e rules of the common' law. )i. 'Exceaaivo ball shall not be required, ror excessive fines imposed, nor cruel snd aousnsl punishments Inflicted -20. Every law or resolution having the force of law, eball relate to but ooe subject, and tUat shall be expressed in ths title. . r - - Scdion 10. " ", 1. No Bute shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or con federation ; grant letters of marque and rep deal; polo money ; make aojtLiog but gold aod silver coin tender In payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, or tr post facto law, or law impelling the obligation of ooBlracts : or grant aoy title of nobility. x. ao Bute auau, wituout uie consent or toe vongrees, lay any imposts or duties on imports and exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing lu inspec tion laws and tbe nett produce of all datiee and imposts, Isid by any State on imports or ex porta, ahall be forth use of tha treasury of tbe Confederate Sutea; and all such lawa shall be subject to ne rsvauoa as a control ot uoa- gieae. - S. No State eball, without the consent of Congress, lay say doty of unnage, exoeptoo sea-going veaseie, for the improvtBMiat of its rivers aad bar bora navigated by the said vessels; but sack duties shall not eocfiict with any treattee of the Confederate SUtes With foreign nation; and any (urolua of revenue thus d. tired shsll. alter maklns each Improvement, be paid into tbe common treat ury ; a or aha J any State) ksep troope or ships of war. la time of peace, enter tato any agTsensent or compact with another Stale, o with aforciga newer, or engage In war. nnlsss Isctajaily nvaded, or in such lmmuient danger as will not readmit of delay. But when any rursr divtrtee ot flews through two or saore etata, tbey may enter into compacts with each other to improve the navigauoa thereof. Anncxs 11. .tfeolion L, I. Tbs executfve power shall be seated m a President of tbe Confederate eaaies ot ABerica. ci and lbe Vice Preei- Swt aball hold their emces lor tLs term of aix jeers ; but the President shall not be re-eligible. The President and Vice President shall be elected as loilows 2. Each Srata ahall appoint, in such manner aa tha Leria- latura thereof nay direct, a number of elector equal to tbe whole number of enators and Bepreeeitativee to which the State nay be sstilied ia lbe Congress ; bat SQ Senator er jeprswasatrva.M vki Aoitox u of tnut M nv I ivauniii , nun tut vurgiTH ni.j, lew, Itruviov r ths esse ol removal, death, resignation, or Inability both of tbe President and Vice Pieaideul, declarlug what oflJoer aball than a t ss President, and such cffl ler shsll sot ae ooidingly until tbe dlrabliity bs remove! or a Presldfut Shall be eleoted. w. 'he President shall, at stair d times, receive for bit aervices a compensation which shall neither be imireassd r diminished during the prriedror which be shall bavs any other mob rueut from tne Conrcdeiata Males, or auy of them. . 10. Befixe he enters on tb execution af hlsnfflce, h-sha'J tana tne foiiowiug oeui cr anirmation i ' t do solemnly swear (or ifflm) that 1 will faithfully ex eout the ofiice ol Protldenl ol , the Confederate Statea, and will, to the beat of my ability, preserve, protsct aod dofsnd in i.ontinu'iou inersoi. ion 2. I. Tbe Presided shall bs cooiuiandSr In i hlcf of ths army and navy of ths Confederate mates, and of ths tnlltla of the several Slsiea, when called lulu the actual eervice el the Cutifederaie State ; he may require the opinion, lu writ ing, of tbs principal ofliosr in sash of the Fxeauttve Uopart oiouta, upon sny tuhlect telaliiig to the duties of lliuir re. apeailve i flluera, and hssball i.sva power to grant teprtetea and par'ona for cfleaces sgilnst the Conlcderals (Sla ss, sxeent in csaea of imtieashmeul. - t. lie s'aalt have the power, by and with tha advice and consent, ot tbe Senate, to ru ik tra ales, provide 1 two- miro or me eenlo;t preaeut ootioui I aud he ahall hmnl n.ite, and by ai d with the advice and cont-eut of tbe Senate, ahall supoiiit amba.aadura, other nubllo miiiisters snd sou- sale, ju-ig.s of lbs bupieins Court, and ail oilier uDluers of tns i oi federals Ststes, whoae snnointmeots srs not herein oiitcrwise proviatu lor, sna wnn n snan be estabiishftd by law : but tbe Coi gi-as mav, by Isw, vn. ths spp-iluiiiieiil in surq interior i Ulcers, aa iney Ibinx proper, in ihe I're'l dent a 'one, in th court ul law or iu the heail of depart ment.. . . S. Tbe rlnclpsl iiQlcrr in each of the executive depart ment, sod sli persons conneeud with the dfplomelio ser vice, nisy be removed from ofiice at the pleasure of the Pieaidenl. All oiher civil vfliuera ol the Executive Depart ment nisy he rtmovtd at any time by tho Prrsldeut, or Other sppoiutlng poserv wheu their services Are unneces sary, or lor disbouesty, luespacity,- inefficiency, miscon duct, or neglect ol duly ; and wbeq o removed, the remov al shall be reported to the hetiatc, figutber with tbe rts-ont theielor. ' . r - -r . - 4. Tha President shall have puwef to fill s'l vacancies Hut may bappsn dm lug the recess of Die Senate, by grant ing louiunsKHibs which shsll expire at the end of tbeir next sewion ; but no person rejected by tho Senate shall be re sppoinlsd to ti e sains i Dice during lb nr ensuing rec a, iS- rtion S, - ' " 1. The rYrtidrnt thai) from Vine tu time, give to the Con giets it.formatlon of the staU) ol the Conleuurscy, sud re oonininnd to tbnir cmialdrraiion tiicb mestnis ss bs shall jn tpe tieceoary aud expedient ; he wyr s extraurdinary oiicaa) ins, convene both bouse-, or either of them ; sud in ca-e of disagreement between thum, with rewpect to th tune of adjournment, be tnsy adjourn thrm b uch tims aa be at. all think proper; be s' sll rs'sivs A uvjaseadors and oilier public Diiuiaters: be shall take cure that ths Isws bs lalihlully etscub d, and .lull commission ail the officer ot tbe Confederal S at firdum 4. I. The PrcaidVnl, Vice Pieident, and all civil officers of Uie Conleilerate States, shall bs resioved from ufHce ou ire- frtohiueiit tor, and couvn tion of tira n, btilicry, or otter igh ertmes and mlndeuu snort. v ASTlCLg in.-frfton I. - 1. Tb judicial power of the I oi.le..ert Statf (hall be vested in ons Supreme Court, snd in i uch inferior courts as the Congress may. from tiuis to time ordain sod establish. Tb julges, hotb of the fet, pieme slid Inferior Court, aball bold l bur offices during good behavior, aud alia II, at stated tipie,' receive for tbeir services a cofbpeoeatlun, which shsll no be diminished daring th-lr cooliuusuce in t flics. MYiion 2. -1. The Judicial power shall extend to alt eass arising under tbia CooalilutloSe the laws of tiie Confederate Stalea, and treaties made or which shall be mads undsr their aa tnorily tu all cases effecting ambaassdors, other pnblio in l nisi are aud coaeuls; to all cases of sdrul alty and marl tun Jiiru-d c'lou ; to controversies to wbioh ths Confede rate SUtes shsll be a party t to contovrsk-a betweea two or more Mates; betweea a Bute and eillxsns of another Slate where the ntste ia plaintiff; between citixens claim ing lands under grants of different States, and "between a Slats or tbs eitu -ns thereof and foreiifu Statrs, e ltt sen or subjeou ; but no state shall be sued by a ttt'sen or subject of ao foreign to ale Mscoa. 1. lu all csM-siUritlng aabvtaes. ottsr puhlle minis, I Msd'oo tors ai.d eunaula. and those In which a State sbsli be 1 staruo. pa-tv. the Supreme Court shall hsve original turwdiouon. In all tbe oth.r raaes before mentioned lbs Supreme Court shall hsve appelate Jurisdiction, bold as to law sal tact, slth rich sxcentioos aod uudcr such regalallone as ths Congreae shall mks. . l be uial of ail erimea. except in rases of Impeaebraint sh.U be bv iurv. and tuub trial sbail be held ia the State where the said crimes shall have been committed i bot when not committed within any Stale, the trial shall be at auoh place ot places as tbe tougress may py law ksvs OJ rected. - . , . Section 1. 1. Treaaos sgalctt tbe Confederate States shall consist only ia levying war sgsio.t tbsm, or ro adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort No per jo shall be ooovKlcd ef treason utiles on tbe testimony of two witnes ses to ths same overt act, or on eoafessiow tn opea court. 1. Tha r.io.raaa ahall hsve nower to deolare the Daniah- meot of treason, bat no attainder of treason shall work cor ruption of blood, or forfeiture except auring ue me oi ue person attained. . -- isticls it. reoiujn 1. 1. Fall faith and credit ahall be given in each Stole to tbe poblio acta, records aad judicial proceeding of every other Btata. Aod the Congreast may, by ge neral lawa, prescribe ths manner ia which such acts, rscords aad proceeding shall be proved, aod tbe etreet thereof. , Smxtion 2. 1. The eftixeea of each SUM ahall be enUt'ed to all the privileges aad bnmuniiies of citixens In tbe several Statoa, aod snail have lb right of transit snd sojourn la aay Stats of this Confederacy, with their slaves and other property ; aad tbe right of property ia said slaves) ahall not be there- bv iwmairea. . - 2. Apereoa charged la any State with treason, felony, or other crime hgsiust the lawa of such Stole, who shall flee from justice, sad b found in another State, asau on demsod of the executive authority of the State froa tuoi he fled, be delivered np to be r moved to ue ds juriadictoa of the crime.' ' ' . No slave or other persoa held to swrvtoo or toboi any Stato or Territory otU Confederate 6 & ut an rlsiia of the party to whom anch slsves belong, or -- v Arftos) !.--. - - ; ; . 1. Other BUfee may be admlliej Into IM CoBfeIrey by a vote of Iwo-tblrde of U whole floeee of JCepreaaata tiveeaed two-third f the eVasu. tksKeosU votisg by tiVT'ii?.? 'V 8UU or erected withib, a J WIeitonof hr State I r any Stat be form. Ii.V' ,,U JUMUo f wmore Htotee, or psru of States, without tbe eesaeat of ths LsgiaUtures of the SUtes ton' oerned. ae we laanf the Coaar. 2. lbe Congreae shsll hsvs powsr to dispose af aid make aU keed'ul rule aod regulsUons concerning the propertr of tbe Confederate Sutee, locludlng the lasds thereof. . - The Confsdsrat Bute may acquire new territory, sad N . irowai m wgniaie aoa provide govern-' t meat for the Inhabitenu of all territory belonglag to Us ' ' Cunfsdsrste Ststes lying wlUout ths limits of th aevsrsl- ' niau-a. aoi may parmit uitut, kl such times aod la loch manner aa It may by law nrevid. to form tha ki.u,. k. adsiiiud into the confederacy. In all nctt territory the to etitutloa of negro slsvery as it Bow exists In the Confede. rate ktstee shall bs recognised and prntected by Congress , "j ,iF,vrii ajo.erDmeni ana tne inhabitants er ViSSevevM Confederate rttstt a and 1rlinriM .1..11 ' lit tigUl td Uke-eoch kerrllory and alavas lawfully bnld hf uiem ia any oi tne utstes or 1 errltories of the Cosfederate Ststes. . 4. Tb Cosfederate SUtss shall guaraatse to svery ftat , ' that Dow la nr hereafter may become a member of this Cob federscy, Republican form ef government, and shsll pro. ' teot esah of them sgslnsl Invasion 1 and aa annlin.ti,.. e ths Lsglslaturs (or of Ihe 2xeoullve wben Ue LegisJalarw la not in seaslon) against domestic vtolsocs. . t - T AKTICll T-fisrafovi I.. - i' ', . -' I. Upon ths demand of any three Stats legally assem bled lu their several conventions, ths Congress (ball torn m n a Convention of all ths Ststes, to take Into eonsldsrn-' tion turh smsudments to th eonttltutlon as Us laid Btsles ehaU onnoar lu aaggestlnf at tbe time when the ssid dsmsnd st mtue, ana snouut any 01 tne proposed amendment to the constitution be agreid on by Uie eald convention vol- ' lug by State and the eauie b ratified by tb Legislature of twe tbtrdtof the sevsral Statoa, or by eanvaottsns l two-thirds thereof aa lbs one or the other mods of ratifi cation may be preposed by tbe general convention they -sbsli hsnosfnrward form a part of th s Constitution. But no Slatee ahall, without IK consent, be deprived ef lu (qua! represenutlon la the Senate. . , - " iSTTOH TI. I. The Oovsrrrmtnt eatablisbed bv this Constitution la tha Suue.ator of tba provlalousj govrnmn of ibf Confdrat - riatasor America, sod an in laws passed by th Isllsr shsll continue in force until the lams tliall be repealed of ' mod flfd; and all ths effljere appbluted by Ue same shall remain lu office until their sucoetsors are appointed and ' qualified, or ths efkoos shollalitd. u 2, All debts contracted gnd eagsgements enfrd Into blor Ihe adoption of Uila constitution shall be as valid ,' against the Confederate states under th's constitution as under the ircvlelooaJ government. 3. TblsconUItutlon, and tbe laws of ths fW.oer.la , Pvtes, made In pursusncs thereof, and all trestle mads, or wuivn snan oe niaus unaer me aumority or tea Unnfeanrate ' -States, shsll be tbs supreme law of tbe landt and lb judg. . . a In every Stole shall be bonnd thereby, anything tu th oouttitutioa Or laws ol sny Stole to lbs contrary aolwlih- ' , atandlng. . , 4. I he Senators snd Ueprrsentatlvrs bsf.irs msotioned. and the member of the several State I e gralstorrs, and all execntlve and judicial rflloers, both of the Confederate Malet and of ths several h tales, shall bs bound by oath or ' afllruiatlon to support tbls constitution, but po rslignns test ' shsfl sver be required aa a qusliflatl'iu' to any oBloe er ; publlo trust under the Confederal Ststes ,. - . Tbs poeere not delegated lo tbe Confodarst State by the constitution. nor prohibited by It to tbe States are re served to ths Stales, respectively, or to the people thtrsof. -iHTICI.k vti. I. Tbe rat filiation of ths I ouvemlost of Ave Slates shall bs rufllckitit for ihs eaUhlltbment of tills eunitliullitq bs tween the States to ratifying the sme, . 2 Vtbeaflve Ststes sbsli have vaiillnd this constitution, 4 In the manner before specified, the Congress under provi sions! cruHiitutlon ahall prcaeilbe the Vme for holding tho' -ieetlun if President and Vloe Preeident I and for nu-sting ' of Ue Electoral College! And for counting the vote and ' lus gurstlng tbs Prsaident. They shall also preierlbe the '' tleie lor bolUIng the tlrst elect I on of niembaraof tlongreaa -under this conaututloa, and tbe time for iaemhllug the tane. Until Ihe aasembllng of auoh Congre.s, tbe Congress nnder "t ' tbe provL-iosal constitution (hall continue to exercise tho legislative poa-e'S granted ihein, not extending beyond tho lime limited by the constitution of Ihe provialotal govern ment . .." Adopted unanimously, March It, Istil. : " ; " "' 1 1 1 1 - " ' - 1 Censas or Herts CrellaJ00. ' " - . r - as gkfORTtD ay rug saxiurasr ow tan (tats ooHvisnoN. OOUkTlXS. Alamance, jlsisnder Aisun,. Alleghany, A the, hstefort, B-rlle. Hindi n, lirunswick, Buscornbs, : tiurke. Cabairns, - Caldwell. 1 aimlen, '"', ': Ca.wll, Cstawba, Chatham, I h.n.kea, ( bows", , Cleveland, Columbus, raven. Cumberland, Currituck, liHvulsun, Davie. ' Otiplm, ' Filgrc-tmbe, Foisythe, Frauklin. C.sston, Ostes, i.-snviiie, Oreene, tlullforil, llalinx, ' Hsm-tt," -liaywocd, Henderson, Hertford, ' Hyde.- I'sdell.' Jackson, Jobuatoo, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, McDoweM, Mecklenburg, Montgomsry, Moore, -Nash, Nsw Hanover, NortbAmptoa, Onslow, Orange, Pasquotank, Herqoimsns, Peraon, . " Pitt, Polk, . Richmond, . , Rasdolph, Robeson, RockiDghaoi, " Rowan, -Rutherford, Sam peon, Stanly, Stofcea, ' Surry, . Tyrriil, UeioB, - -Wske. Warren, WaablagtoD, Wauuga, . Wayne, likea, Wilson, Tsdkin, : Taaoey, . WHIT. 7.UH7 A.IU1 6.512 ' ' ,3o7 7,4'i.l - fJ.171 ftt-l ,2:li 4 6IA lu.flil .U17 7,bl 2V7 ' ' 6 0(11 9 03, 11S.VI . "B I, 7 10, KM A,T7 ,7a . I 01 4,n7l , 13.37J 0. tnl . . . 0 ' 8,4wj 7 008 " 4,11-0 II, 1MB 1 1. tM 15 738 6 642 4,361 ' ,4Hg l.tWl 1 IHS - 4,6H 11,141 - 6,74 t 10 44X 2 210 4.W3 4,000 4.J70 ' 6,6Mi 4,441 10,643 6.7HI s,7'i3 ,!! 10,617 ,12 6,1M . 11,31 4,472 -2,2sT 6,708 7,40 i.air 6,211 14,i68 684 10,011 10.622 OttO 9,106 6 690 7,847 ,W9 - - I,1U . ,03 16,470 ' 4, - MM 4.771 6,711 13 2es) 4,W4 6,110 8,224 . Mis coih. SLsria. . 411 It) IM .17. I CI 77S . i 270 , 4Jd ! 2t;i) ilMI II'J , 104 , 114 27H IM - 7n- VM ; s4 ' 31 151 ion u i,H S78 , ill H1 ' I'll , S74 ' XA lit 641 ll2 Sill 1,121 142 v. Hl 1.441 104 ' S6. 1,111 .... 2 193 107 177 Ml 11 V ; 1 ' 273 ' 2i0 ' - 44 1H4 ."; t . 766 s 646 - 166 . 611 ' 1,44 - 891 - " ' IW 1 127 106 f 344 30 "1A60 . - 407 134 ; 122 .,, ,4e 43 M .: I' , . 143 43 1,424 ' 461 -X , 61 .T4 , Kl ', 2f0 " t- 168 64 ft i,. tSI.438 . 5U,C.'7 1,444 'l i , ,8l 204 Sill , ' 8 e7 8.1HA ) 6,321 ... if t il I fill -. 2.J71 , -.- 3.010 l IIHl .. 2.1117 ' 1,09 ! "T,r6 ,7 - I.64 . 6,246 -419 . S.7IJ 2,111 ' 2,483 , 6.1!HJ B,tt30 2.4'14 . - 8,b7 2.3W -' T.IM ' lO.Ka) 1 -- 1.764 t.o; 2,199 : : S.lKIJ ' ll,ow : . " 3.947 v 16W.T 10,349 , 2r4t4 , 111 . ' 1,V2 4,444 B.7B1 '4,177 i , ; v. - t 4,I6 . " 3,411' 6.131 1,114 , - 4- rl9 21 4,306 1,306 r 6,441 ' 1,8'iS ' ' " 2,618 . ; 4.6H1 ,; i 10,332 -- 6,808 , 3,499 . 6,109 : 2,93 4,195 - 6,478 ' 620 , , ,41 1,644 I 8,456 ,: 6,313 1,929 ri 2,391 '! , 7,028 . 1, 166 . 2.4S9 1,246 , . I,tey"-i , - 3.248 .- 10,75 ; 10,401 '-. . 2,44 104 6,441.- 8,1'8 ": A 3vl 1 TI TS I.. 11,663 0,022 130H4 : . 3,600 T.Bofl ' 14,77'J ' 14,311 , 11,005 H,4(4 . 12,654 ,,J7 10,646 . . 7,4U 6,843 ' 8,wl 716,114 10.730 ..i,Ka 0,166 ' !' 6.842 . 12,84 8,507 1,27S ; 16,808 1 I 7.413 ' 10,601: 8.4S4 ,-M,7Kd 1 17,876 -.11.601 " 14.110 8,810 8,444 21.806 . ' 7,825 10,066 19,441 8,08 6,801 . 10.448 .- 9,504 ..... 7,734 16,347 6,628 16,657 6 730 10,211 jklft 1 O.004 -I 6,908 - l,li- 7.120 17,374 t 7,649 11,417 , ll,.Ho 21,716 I 13,376 8,85 -16,949 8,940 7,28 11,121 16,72 4,040 11,000 16,798 15,490 16,70 14.W0 11,673 18,613 T.601 10,408 .0,879 4,93 11,101 28,621 15,724 6,357. 4,857 14,79 9,7'iO . .10,711 LAUIKB' BLACK CLOI ll for Ools, at Jan. 20. ;- . RAe.I)WIXVj -ITKATT BEOWI UHlV.U.ii cbKea, st XL ;. BALDrnS'sS 4.