4 r 1 l ' H . I i ' : ) VOL. 11. -NO. 1 G5. v CONFEDERATE STATES ()P:AMF;iUaAlTMKGTOK;NvC7 SATURDAY, VmAUCII. 22, 1 802.'; 'f: IvpOLK 'NUMBER '"3,242 ' 11. 1 I 1 1 - V II II , i i - -. - - ' , ?' UT FTI..TOW PRICK, PHOPtUKTORS. . -'J' FULTON. Editor.... -A. L. PP.tcr-A"i-latc :: T(i',I:a of : rl pi U- - Daily Paper, ou year, Invariably in a4vm-e, t- '' V -'-klj- " " ' " ' " 44 2 t0 '.' Tl.0 rarer will t dbcoptlL-ued st th expiration of tbe t:me paid for onles teuewed. ' All tetters on bmuneee connected v'ntt tfl ofUce, n .Mi bi ilreesed to the pr-vrkto , .. - r ' - - " Will be inaerted at FIFTY CKNTB ter sonar tl tun Wsor!ea, for th first In'rr'too, ftml IK ,TV HVi! . fKNTS per suasr for MCli reputinon-CASIl IK A! VANCE. " - tt Advertisement inserted a Special or B'sliop N.iiic r charged ono-bnlf biqic Juan ahov ratea-'glit Un (leaded) or less coanted sn s square. aYsT Advertisements insetted every o'.ber day harmed i7 cents per eqosre for each insertion alter tire that. s 8rNe publication made wilbuut a responsible nam' - II. I.. UOI.ttR. - . ATTORNEY AT LAW. HA rrmored to the centre oftio of JuUUN AL BUILD: IN US, Best door Weal of b former IikaU'.'D. ftaiober 17tb. 18til. ' ' t .-3fl tf " . KHPIK Ai AL1.K1, . a mmn u ir v - a m 7 A W J J. I J J n X t t7 TTATB reraoTd their efflre from Kront to l'nneea itreet, IX JOURNAL formerly occupied t.y H. L. Boloiea Eaq. -, October 17th. I f.l , , 3"-'' ' " i. t. rrrriwAt, Koosnnooiit. PRTTKWA1 NIKF,. GENERAL COMMIH8I0N' M KIMH A.N1S, 08, Mil No. 23 North Water at., Wilmington. N. 0. LOl'lS B. KHAS1HKKT, T.B0QOI3T AND I'BACTICAL I'll ARM ACECT1;-T, 1 Wu.aiKoron, N. C. Keepa oouatatilly oa haod, at Uxt tx-k of lsrvg', M -i icxne, Domestic and wro;iaa Cluwivnli, 'arcy omf ?vUt!l 4r(citai, HW) and Liquor for M-Awl 1 igarx, dio.- I a.PrtlcoJr ttentio yaid to 1,hcbiitipk, Kahii-t , soirES, Uidicikb (JaiTa. c. uHUjre lturoediatelr under lle CroHu Hotel." x Jaly 1J, 1KS9. 63 tf . " 1 i Jottsra . lo8som. crtaua I. TAMAMKiKoa. J. H. Itl.OSHDM A Ci. " EN EH A L COMMISSION MEKCHANT. VT JnnaiW. 1H61. Wn.iiiwoms. N C. ' II. B. KILBH9, 1TTH0LERALB GKOCER AND COMMISSfOS STER VV CHANT, and DKALEtt IN N A i kW BfOUr-S, cor&e Water and Market atresia, WUmiogtou, N. C. April Mt 1868. ; r,, t K. Ml'UUAV 4. t U, L (diueaaaora (o Murry A IV k, CWMMIBBIO.N MEUCHANW - -. - AND WL'OLKBAJLE OROCfcl.'B, WAlKli SriiKKT. "'."" WILMINGTON, N. (.'. 1. HCKAAT. . P,-. .HOSCCrtPOK. J. T. WlKKAf. Febroary 1. - VX-V um s, (nt ' wilt owxif. XS. C. aMTM COn ClOMMIfiSION MkRCHANl'3, o"'.oe KoD storr, corner y Booth Wstor nd Krkt is, Wi!a-bip:too, J. .. vlwr thty are prepajral to Jt-rji la a',!, tn ai-sr? ' J -UonunJanion line. . i AlIbBiifiMiutmtedio tta irlil b pow.u" , . ' jplo. . . . '-, - o. ii. rouii&o.'v m c.', OMMISPION AND fOUWABJlNO MfctlCH ANTcj WH HINOTOh, A C. - mfUA mm Wr. J. A. Willard's Siwr;. tUtLran. r-ir nl M Haroh , I860. ItsAiS. J. t. cox, W. t. IKNDAI.L, ' COX. KkKDALJU Ai CO. s. a. iBsnALi. COMMISSION MKBCHANT9 AND WHOLESALE GEO- J CEUnt ... No, 11 A 12, North Water fit. ' March llth, 1361 167-tf . C. B. O. tlftT, QOKyMISSIOBT AjrorOBWAS.I'IH'3 KEtiCTIAK "fs. Haroaii, u&T WALUVa MF.OIKH, tP vfOfiwor to Ws'kftr Mec.ret A Co.,j w E0LE8ALE AND BET AIL DBlKiOlST, m lli Makkit Btt, wn.aunevrow, a . C, . nxu. i. . iirroBijL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CORN, PEAS, OATS, BYE, WHEAT BRA!, OIL MBAIjJ 1BESH OBOUND HOMINY, BOBtiR A COW FIL; - XASTKJiS AND KOUTn BITES HAT, i Wo North Water Strert, ' ' Mmn, T, (T. ClOMMiaSIOS fcRWHAKTSr .i ) Wu-wmiioif, It. C. OXOa HABRTKg, , A. J. BOW1LL. V. W. HAHKIPff. Ort. lat, 1(W. ' NOTICES. CO-PARTSKnSHIP KOTICK. THE UNDERSIGNED bate entered Into Co-PartDerlilp fn the town of WUmington, N. C, nndor the firm ol BODHERLAND k COLEMAN, for the parpote of bnyi'M and aelliog NEUBO SLAVES, whore the hifihrat cash jiruwn wiU be paid. r . . They alao have a hoose in Mobile, Alabama, where they will receive and aellalavea on commission. Liberal advaa eea made upon alavet left with them for ealc D. J. KOUTHERLASD, y'i . - - JAMES C. COLEMAN. Aogost IK, 1U9. 30t UK.KV OAT.". - A CHOICE ARTICLE, jut received. For ule l.y . "b. Tth J ' . .. 1'LTTK AY A MOtBB .: ' ' . bOAl- aOAP. " ' AIOT of hard Soap, nade at Lorn, a choice article . Foraaleby PE1TKWAY & MOOBJi. Jan. 24. - NOW MAKING nine hondrea Uulfornw lor f ourcrrat Soldiers, at - - ... BtLDALfti'S. Feb. lrth ' - ' ' ': - XSAlR'ti liLtia usi.n nfcs" "CAN be had at VJ Feb. 10 - BA LBffK'8, PLOUGHS OF ALL DEPCRIP tlona, ewbraciua; No. 6, 8, 10, in, 11, II, 14, 18. 60, 60. 7ii, and KflRle A, B, C, 0, K acd F PiookIis : aUo. Garden Plongho, Uoe, Caaiinpa. Corn Shelera and Ktraw Cuttora. in warehoaM and for rale at - JAVTS WILSON'S Oil, Leather, Saddlery, Trunk and HarntM EaubliehoienU Jan. 27th, 1862. Z . . r WUTABT BIDlltO SADDLES. . Xf S AVK bow on exhibition Uie thr leading atylca Wf of Military Hiding Seddlea-viz: . '. TDD lnuiL'v . . . . . . . v : . THE. REGULATION SAliOf.B. THE McCLELLAN SADDLE. Alao, P7ab 2fA " WILbOJf , T H ENT'8 HALF HOSE, at reb. n. BALDWIN'S. N No. 3 fiinger'a buodard bewinjr aiachm. kJ Feb. 19. . BALDWIN'S. SINGEB'S Needles for Blnger'a bewriag ifacliine. at Feb. 19. - BALDWIN'S. r - - . - rtocH i Fixnm i 1 HO BBLS- SUPER FINB FLODB, ion tedeivVd from kVJyJ Petersburg. For sale in lots, by Feb. 6th, 162. HARRI SS A HOWRL3. XHORIIIHOK8M SHOISftlll TC8T RECEIVED, jm Pair Woima'i HeeUd leather J Boota.wjea- ranging froos S'a to 8'. Alao, a variety pf am ma vuuuisa i anon II - ju.ith,iM2, AjaiwiEiLsa. Bsoa. ' ' Vht Ion htm H.n '.hllr. .' : the p0n,rj ( Om lilHlto of U lnfolr'e ifaU of i We, the p.ople .( the Conk-drrate Saiei, farhRia'e a'.'t- 1 l $ It m eovar 'n d tt,depeMnl rnriictr, iu or'icr m I li.iai a Darin mtnt fulml hdtc uiuut. eatab 1-h ittioe lu- aiiie (umiitic fti.tui itv, and antnre the blei!ie ot I brr ty to ourwlna atd oo' plenty invokinr the 'avt.r and iMam-eof Alutih'y G)l-do ttrlain and aa'ablh trra t'ontt 1ati. for Hie Cm federate 8Ue of Amntica. AhTici.it 1 Swlw I. 11 It ji-httive power, herein dka;aU-1 alu'l hi veatH in a ( o.Rre-a of the Cnf derate Stmt, which ali! cot4 of a t-uate .wd llnnnf of Ri-ni writat vi ; tWiwrn 2 . ' 1. The Hoiiae of itcpreaf utUie aliall h comooL-elfif .r n,t. la i k an u every wroii: year br the pt-ople of tlii av-.CNl Ktfc; and t!,p etrvtnrt In etch SlKle a!ml' te oitl tnia of tlm (Vbfrdma'A J-talfa, and Wive tlut (inaliflca'itii rtquiet e liir rlaciora of Uieuio.t uuinuro-i branch of the U jei:itiie ; Win no per.')" of forelKi hiit'n not a clti ai-u pf tl.e t'yi'fi'doruie Ha'e. atiall be a lowed to vo'e tor aV Hit er, tiv.l or poliiicul. flat or Fedcr.il 2. No pir ,ii hill be a riM'X-t'l'U'rve who I n ;t tae a t tined tin ae of 1wuty-IUe jara, a' d he a citizen n the Cunfr1eiat HU'avai,d vrtiu .ball nut, when el icted, Km m, minhiiKnl at thxt Ktn' in h cii be kb.ll be clioarn. 3. Bcpiuiut4t v aid dirot taxntaball be apprtionf d e'ttong V e ') raJPiaiee wild way i. jucni'ieu vhuki wra Co'ifsdsracy according to their iwuoeUve- miuibor., v.hicu bliall be determined bv adding ti the whole Dumber of I te pei o lit, iuclu litiR tfioae bou id 'o aeriife lor a ttrtn of jeara, and excluding Indiana nut taxed, tiiree-R Ilia of all, alarea. 1 be actual eiiomtra'K'U h"H be made within three jcare af er the flt nietiag of tlio Congren of the Cooled erate rate, and within every aubaVqui bt terra of too yeara, iu aocb niariur ai they i-lii l, by 1 iw, diiiict. The number of roi're n'.atirea ahull not erre-d one f.r every lifty thoo aand, but each Htate .lull have at loan ne rt preaeatative ; and nnUI auch enumeration at all be made the lat cl Houth Carolina ahjll he entit'ed to ch.xa aix. the Slate ol tJeor Riati u. tl e Hate of Al tbama tiine, the Kfat.e of Floiida two, tbe 8tt of Miwtppl aav n, tie Kta'e of J.ouiaUna aix. and the HUte of Texas aix. 4 W ht n vacanciea hapneu tu ttiV fcprcKcntHtluii lrrtn any Slate, tl.e I xecutive auihorliy tb'eieirf thill ia-ne wiitaof elpcucn to till eu;u vacanoica. . 6. The Hvuaffof Repreaentativei a'all ehooa their Hpefc er and othf r oflicera, aid all all hare the ! power o im peat'hment, except that any J'l licial or other le loral ofll'ier rrtidrut tiud arlii.g aolely i'biu the lluii'i of any Mate, may be impeached by a vote, ol two third ot b Hi brain-hca ol the Legislature th. r;of. i'tvioa J. 1. The Pen ate of the Confederate Ftatea ahall )e compne. ed of two B-iMtoroin each htate, chust o for tix ycare y the I-jfia ature Ihcieof, at the regu'ar waaton nrxt -ttnimc diatt'ly urecadinjr the comtnencement of the term ol aervire; Htnl each henxtor ahall have ope vote. . 2. ln mcdiate'y after theytball be awnihlcd. In oonw-rim-nce of the Grat election, thnv ahull be diviuVd aa equally aa may b into tbroa c'aaaia, Iheacaltof the Scnatora ol the first clruw ahall be vacated at the expiration of the ace ond tear ; of the aecond c'a-a at th expiration of the fonrlb vear : aud of the Sd cluneal ibe expiration of the sixth year : to that oue-tbird nity be cboacn every aeend year i and II, vacaucipa naiipen by rca cnanon or oiiierwiae aurinrtne rccffa of the lsialaiure r.f any btate, the Executive there of my make temporary appointmonta until the next meet ing ot the Legtalature, which aball then fill aucb vacanciea i. No peraon ahall be a Senator who ahall not hive at ta'ned the age of tiiirty yeara, and be a citixen of the Con fi derate Glutei, and who aball not, wbrn elected, be an In habitant ol the Hta'e for which h aball be choafo. 4. The Vice-Prraidcnt of the Corj(ederat Mtatea ahall be Preaident of the Henat, but ahall bave no Vote, unlraa thry be eqimlly divided. 6. The Senate ahall chooae their other oftlcere, and alao a President pro rm;'re iu the abaenee of the Vice Presi dent, or whttn be ahall exerciae the office of Prcelden ol tbe Ciuifederate 8tat"-f. 6. Tpe Scuttle ahall Jiav the nolo power to try all Ira peachmaata. When aittinir for that purpose, they thai! be otfoath or adlrniaiion. When the President ot 'he Confede rate t-tatea la tried, the Chief Jnatice ahall preside ; and n peraon ahall be convicted without tbe concurrence ol two Ibirda ot tbe membera preMut. T. Jodsmcnt In caa:a of Impeachrneut ahall hot extend further thau to removal troin ollice, and dianualitieation to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit, under the Confederate btatva; hut the party convicted aball, never theless, be liable and aubject to indictment, trial, judgment ana punltbment, acoordicg to law. tiectwn i. I. The timea, places and manner of holding elections for reniiora ana uepregemativea anaii be preacriueu in eacn rotate by the Legislature thereof, anbjeht to the proviaJona of thia Co' atliution ; but the Congreas may, at anytim, by law Slake or alier auch regulujious, except aa to the time end plaot a of choosing Henatore. 2. lb Congress ahall aaaemble at least once inevrj year ; and auch meeting shall be on the lirt Monday in Uecember, nnleaa tbey aball, by law, appoint a dinerent day. Station 8. - 1. Each Huuso fhall be the judge of the elections, return and qnal ncatlona of lia own memnera, and a majority of each ahall conati'.ote a quorum to dobuKioesa; butaainal l. r number may adjooru from day to day, and may be au thorized to compel the attendance of abaent membera, to auch manner and nnder aucb penalties aa tacb House msy provide. .. r . 2. Each Home may determine the tules of its, protfoed iia, punish its membera for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirde of the whole number, expel a member. 3. Each House ahall keep a Journal of lit proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting auch parts as mav in their judxment require aecreay. and tbe 5 eas and nays of the members ofeither House, on any ques tion, snail, at ine detire ol two-miDs or loose p rem ni, ce entered on the journal. 4. Neither Bouse, during the aeaaion tf Congrers, aball, without tbe couseut of the other, adjoura for. wore than three days, nor to anyother place than that in which toe two tiousis ahall be Billing Atviton 8. ' 1. The Senators and Repreaciitativea shall receiv a com peuaation for their tervicia, to be ascertained by law, aud paid oot ot the treasury of the Confederate W es. Tbey aha I, in all cf i, except treaaon, lelony and breach ol the peace, be privileged front arrest during ilietr atieiidance at ibe anaaiou or tncir retpccttve liousea, and in gnu g to a nr. retuiLtnii frt.m tbe tAoie : and lor any spserh or di-hate In ei'her II they shall not be qnoiiioned in auy other pime - ,' 2. o Senator or Representative ahall during tite time fin which be waa elected, be annotated to any civil oUiceendet tbe authority of the Confederate SUUa, ahlch shall have beta created, or the emolnmeuta whereof shall have been iticreswd during auch time : and no person holding any oflice nndt r the Confederate States rLali Iw member ot either House during bia continuance iu office. But ongrena (ray, by law, gram to the principal oiu'ier in eacn oi we r xectii ivg t'epariuiaoiaa acni upou ine nour oi oivuci uouw, with the privilegot diecutsing any measure appertain ing to his department. - &ctutit 1. 1 All biiia for raising revenue slia I originate in the House wf lU.uasentMtivaa J but the toat aa promote iu concur wiib amendmenia aa oat other cilia - . 2; Every bill which ahall have panted both Ilouacri shall baloi It beoomssa law, be prveonted t-o thai I'iniiolant ai I tbe Confederate (states; if be approve, ht shall sign it ; but II not, he aball return H with bis ohjectioaa to thai House iu which it aball eava oilginatudv wno abau ebter tbo oiiyee tion at lart-e on their journal aud proceed to recon.ider it. If, after auch reconsideration, two thirds of that Hoase shall agree to i.km tbe bill, it snail be sent, together with the ob- jovtiona, Vn tbe other House, by which it abali likewise be reoonaidered, and a approved by two imrosoi Uiai uouse it aball become a law. iut in all auch caaea the vote ol both Houses shall be determined by ytaa and rays, and tbe names of the persona votmg for axd agaiut the biii shall be entered oa the journal of each Hoot respectively, if any bul snail not ba retoi aed by tbe iTcaKioul wnniu ten days (Suudnvs excepted) alter It shall have been proaonted to hini, the same aball bo a law, ia like manner aa it h had signed ft, unlet tbe Coogreeh. by their adjonnuneot, pre vent ia return ; in wnicn oaa it snail not o a law. ine President may approve any appropriation and disapprove by other appropriation iu tbe same l-illr- fa eb eaa, he aball, in signing ine dul, oetiguaie ice appropriation g approved, aud shall relum a copy of suoa appropriatious, wiih bis objections, to the House in which tbe bill shall have originated j and tbe name ptoceedmga stall then be had as ia case ol otber Dins uiaapprovea oy me rresiaeni. 3. Every ordr, resolution or vole, to alint to concur rence of both Houeea may be uecctoary (except oa a quea tion of adjournment) ahall be presented to Ibe Preatdeut ol the Confedsrata btatea : and belor the same aball take ef fect, ahall ba approved by him ; or being disapproved by him, may ba repassed by two-thirds of both Houses accord ing to the rule and limitations prescribed in case f . bill. ' '. fierfiovt 8. The Congress shall bus mem 1. To lay and collect taxes, duties, Imposts and excises ''" smtHsrv in pay ine oeota, provide lor ine eonrmon defence, and carry on tbe government of the Con federate KtAt k. HA K...n,.A. .1. . Il . -mA r .1 . -" wuwumvs mumu vm Kisaim iiwni uiv V.I7' f or hu D7 dntiee or taxee on Importations from inL" 0J m '1i profoU orfoaU ny braneh of ffTiS 'L L U ?oU' unpwabj and exciaoa shall be uni- Btatel0 "on. j ob the credit of . th Confederate I. To rtgulit eommarc with (orilga utUona, asd among the raveral Mate, aud with the Indian trib-ia; hut Buiihur thi. nor ant olb'-J' atatiae coutaimdln the j'onsi!ut im, on aci.rortr uionev foe av bi'enMl Iruprf venen Iniend ahall ever be etwslrued to oen-" i' i owu p ed ! lacilitate. eimirc, eaDni'". v I'"" oi iui- . - . i... .i.. . . iibanc lintiu. bam-niia and buoys, ana ot'n-r aula in iinn- station upon the oaa. and the improvement ot luii boi enq ine n-moiiit ot uns'iu- - - , which ciea am b dul 'ew ebsll lw 1 " 'n1 bavig.itl.m fa cii tatd thrahy as may he wee--Mry t pay lb eoi and exioaea thereof. , -. ' - - - 4. Tore'Ablih Imtf uw laws of ntoraliaittn, as 1 uni f"rwlawon the ttilijr.pt f bauWrnntelea, throughout ihe t'o ite'U ra'e Statoa : but ni law of Congreas ahall dm-lmrge atw d 1 1 on'racled befote the paage of th same 6. To only mo-.ev, regu!ut thi va'ue Hereof and u' for eigil ooin, eud tlx the terdard of wetqbta and uisj-'tr M. i, To pro We for the puniehment o' counterfeit ng the ae-urifea and current coin f the Confederat- T l oentahliah p wt oftl n 1 pnt rou'ea; hut the ex peuea of the Pout tl!c Hepartmenl, Sftcr Dm B e' day of Martin In th ymar of onr lord eight! I n1ied and tlxtj ihroe., ahaU be paid out it its wn revemwa. . H To pfwaiote the prpgieMof aoieoce aud nselil aria by kh tiring lur liTited tim -a to awthoraand futoiitora the ex etn 4v ri b f th ir rt.pcctiva wri'inga and disenverit s. 9 To eoiigfUat tiit'unals Inferior to (he Cnpreint t'omt 10. To deSne aud nnn'ah phwetea aad MoawaooiY'nilttvd on ihM high fa-a,' utt moca agaiuil th law ol nllos. 11. To. t'enlnre . i rant Wneia ol t ianpi end re nKl, a'ml make rule enucerraiiig caplurca on Lin4 and water. " -- '. ' v 12. To rais aod support arntiea ; but hp appropriation of money to thnt o shall In for a hagr firm thai to years. . ' ., . , " IS." To provide sad aiaiiitsin anavyj 14. To make ru!o for government ami. rttti!jlion oHIm land ani uwtl totcea, 15. 1 o oiovide for ca'lin forth the nillit' to f xecute fhe laws of the Confederate Maiea, snpjireas insiirreott.na and rep l Invaalnn. ' ltf 'lo provide for. orgauiaiijg, arming and diaoiplitth.g the n llitia.and lor goaey uing such psrt of them at may be (in'ployrU in the at-rvic of t i t'onl'iderate ritalna ; reserv ing to the States, respectively, the a:ii'intnient of the ' fll crrs aod Uui snthortty of ti rg tbe miitti according U the discipline prescribed by Cougiea. 17. To exercise exclusive legislttion, In all casea wlmt. soever, over such district (not exeaodiDg ten mlla squsrr) a may, by cettsion of one or more rWstes and thB rpt acce of Coiiftresti, become the seat of the government of the Confederate b la tea ; and to exurclse like authority overall places purchased by the C'insent of! Hie Lvgialattira .of tbe Mate in which the aame ahall be, fr the. eieuiion of f ria, iflagaxinrs, srgeusla, dockyard and s h"r ucedfnl build inga ; and - i ' . To m-ike all rsww-whlehahalWW -piweii and pro pnr foi oairylng into XMcti.in the forotofug powe.s, and s'l othur puvrcis vested by this Coimtl'frtiun in the govern meut of t'ie Confederate Ktstea,' ot In sny d ptitmenl or officer thereof " ' ' ' fi n . ""' 1. The Imports lion of negroes of Ihe African rte from sny foreign country other thau . the slavehgdmg t'jita, ot Toilitorica of tie Uultad Sta'ea of America,!' Iiereliy for bidden ; and Congress ia required topaas tu 'h laws uschall tllectually prevent the amne. 2. Congresa aball also bavs powur to prohibit the Intro duction of slaves iron any State not a member of, or Terri tory not belonging to, this Confdcr"y. ' 3. The privilege uf the writ of habeas rnrpui shall nut be suspended, nuleas when in caea of rebellion or invasion the public saty may require it- 4. No bill of altaiour, or ex iort huio law, or law deny ing or iiapairing the r ght of propeny in negro slaves ainjll be passed. " fi. No capitation or other direct tax ahall he laid unless In proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore di rected to be taken. 0. No tax or duty shall be In i J on articles exported from ny M itr, except bj a vote ol two-thirds of both houses. 7. No prelereucea shall' be giv.-n by any regulation of commerce or revetme to the porta of one Mate over those of another. 8. No money aball be drawn from Ihe treasury, bat In couarq'iencs of appropriations made by law ; and a tegu lar statement asd account of the receipts and expeodituies of all nublio monev shall be pubtWbed iroro tint t tiin. II. Cougres shall approprmt no money from Um treasu ry except by a vole or iwotuirua or vvmj uuuti, uiwo and nava. nnleaa It be asked and estimated fur by some one cf the heads of depart in int, audi, bmitted to Congress by the Pieaident ; or for Ihe purpose rr paying irs own en penaea and eoutingenciea ; or "fpr l'" payment of claims againit IhtCiinied rate htatca, lb j .nice oi wnicn ainiii bave been luiliciaiiy accmieu oy a iriounai tor ine i iveau ga ion of cla ma sgainat the government, which It in hereby nul l ine amy oi congress to esiaoiwa. lo; All hills appropriating money i-hall apenily in l-dcra) ourrency tbe exact amount of each appropriation aud the pur pott a fur which It Is made Mud Congrtsa shall grant no extra compensation to any public con'ractor, nflloer, agent or servant, a'ter auch contract shall bave been made or loch aeriiee rendered. 11. No title of nobility ahnllhe granted by the Confede rate States; andnopeiaoo holding any office of prollt or tiuat uudor them, shall, without the consent of the Con gress, accept of any present emoluments, office or till of any kind whatever front auy king, prince or foreign Htat. 12. Congreas shall make no law respecting an establish ment of religion, or prohibiting th iexercia there"! ; or abridging tbe freedom or speech, or of the pret-s ; or the right of the people peaceably to atwenibi sua petition the government for a redress of grievances, j 13. A well regulated milil.a -being necessary to the ae curity of a free btate, the right of the people to kei-p aud b'nr aixus shall not b infringed. . ... 14. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any bouse without Hi consent of tbe owner ; imr in uino of rar, but in a manner lo be prescribed by la . 15. The right of the people to be secure n their persona, houses, papers and effects against onrons niat.l.) searches and scixntes, shall not ba violated r and no warranu f hall itane but opon probable cause', supported by oath or affh m atkin, .nd particularly describing the place lo be searched atd the persons or things to be seised. 16. No peraon shall beheld to answer furs Capital or ot ho arise infamous Clime, unless ou a presentment rein dictment of a grand Jury, except in rates arising fu the land or naval loices, or iu jh n.iillia, when in actual service, In time of war or public danger ; nor ahull any peri on be anb ject t'H the tame r llonce to be taice pot )o n -psriy oi me or limb, if-ir be compelled-, in any criminal cue, 10 ue a wiine agaiiiat huntell ; nor be del rived of life, libeity, it property, without due process ol law ; nor ehad private property be takeuor puhlio u-e wi!b'iu jual enmpeuaa. lion. .. . 17. In all criminal proaeculiona ihe accuse!" i.hall enjoy the r'ght to a apeedy and public trhV, by u imnaittal J irj of tbe Mate and district wbeietn he ciiiim t liall buve been eomtnittod, a hiort district shall have been previously sneer- taiued by law, aud to be It formed of the tain e a- u cauae of the sccnsation: to be con' runted with the witus-el sgamal bun; to bavs eompulaoiy ..ror-naa for ilitaininj wim a-es lo his favor, and to have the as-istanca ol couuac) fot his defenca. ' . ".'''' i ' 18. In salts at common liw, where 4he vilne .io eontro- varay ahall exceed tweu'y dollars, the right of ti Lai by jury shil b preservt d : snd no lact ; o tiled ny a jury shall be otherwire te examined i i auy court of ti e Confederacy than 1 according to tte rules ol the common Uf, r 1 Excesnive bail shall not b rea'iirel, nor exoessive fines imposed, nor cruel und unuaiiai puomnoients lnriloUd r ' 20. Lvery law or refoiuiion naviug toe lores oi law, anau relate to but one subject, and that shall be expressed in tbe till. . ". . K r.'ton 1(1. . ' 1. No State t-hull enti.r into toy treaty,, a'lianr. or t-pn-l feib ration t gi an' leiteva ot maiq'ie aud tep ial; coin money ; make snyt! log but goiti snd silver coin a tender in payment of dibta; paM any bill of attainder, or fi port facto law, or law impelling the obligation ot e -ntracU ; ot grant any title of nobility. 2. No btate shall, witnoiit the consent of the Cougres, lay any impost or duties nn import and exports, except wbst may be absolutely necessary ior f x-cuuog na leapec tion laws ; and the sett produce uf sir duties aud imposts, laid by any fa' at ob imports or exports, aball be for the nae of the treaamy of tbe Confederate States; and all f-och lawa aball be subject to the revision and control of Con gress. "" r- - " ' ' " " .- : 3. Jtio Plate i-hall, without the consent of Congreas, lay any duty of tonnage, except on lea-going veaaeia, for the iuiiirovttneut of iu livers aud naruora pav gated by tbe raid veuel ; but each duties shall not coUhcl with any trea its of the Confederate relates wi n loaeign nations : and any surplus ol revtoue thus derired shall, alter making auch imnrovenient. bs paid into the common treasury : nor abaU any Stabs keep troopa or ships of war, in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with auotbrr Mate, or with a foreign power, or engage In wan nntea actually Invaded, or in such imminent danger aa will not admit of delay. But when any river divides or tew throng b two or more tttates, they may enter into eompacu -with MB oincr to improve in navigation tnereoi. Asticli 11 Sechiofi t. 1. Tht executive power shall be vested In a President of tbe Confederate Slates oLAmerica. He and the Vie Presi dent shaH hold their offices ior the tern of six years ; but the rresMjem snail not cs re-eugioie. ine rrwaident ana Vic President shall be elected aa follows u . 2. Each Mate shall appoint, in auch manner aa the Legis lature thereof may direct, a number of lectors equal to the whole timber of benators and Representative to which th State may bo entitled in the Congress ; bat no Senator or RprantUT.Mf srtoi holding an e3o of trust er profit nndor tli ronfedorate Statea, ahall be app4uted I e'eitor. t .. . "J. Hie electt.ra hll mret lir their r-Miifn.tlve Sta'sa and Vi.'e by sll, for presHem and Vlr I'reaident, one of bini, at least, ai I n i bi an luuantuim o tb aaaaeMtat . ,.i,..,.-t . .iwii .,,. u, rtwi. ..n..,. .. so0 'eif for as Preaid -nt. and In dia'lnet ball .la the per- win vott-d lor as Vice Piei b'lit, sod they ah ll Niakdh tinct lia' ol all pemona voted ir aa rfellent. asd nf all parson voted for sa Vh'S l'ridHt, atd of th number of vntes for each, whiuh ltat thy ah all sign and sertify, and transmit, sealed, lo the goveritiiit of th eonfeilerate Kla'ea, directed ti tbe rrealdent nf lb Senate) th Pieai dent of the ttensta ahall, lo th prevent? of th Senate snd Sous uf lttMiier)ttives. oped all tbe ce rtllicatea, and ths vote klia'l then I rounteil ; ins peraon having tli grleat Biiirr of vom fur Preaidunt shll he th Prealdvht, If tui h number n s maiorpv ot ins wtiom nonitist el atvetora an polnleil, and il no peiaon have tucbnajiKity, then, fruatht pel "mis having the hTgheat number, nut sxdeaillng thrte, on ine ni ut those voted tor sa I'leaiitvut, tbe uoos o fnpietuntatlvea ahall clioos Immediately, by ballot, th rw slttent B it In chonalng tbe Trrsidriit ths votes shall b taken by Ktsle, th represeolstioa from each State bavins. nit vni ; a quoin m ior nut pnrpoa sunn eonaiat ol a mem br or member from two thirds of ti Hlatea, and a ma- Jorltv nf all th Htatea ahall ba nere'S'iry to a choice. And If the Hnua of Represent nve ahs'J t eboos a Ptaal. dejit, w henever th right of choice shall devolve anna tbem. hi lor tbe 4th day ol March next following, thou th lc rietiueui antii act aa rrsnint, aa in cas or the death or other constitutions! disability of th Pr. sident. 4. Ihe pet sow having ihe greutost number of rote at Vic ITreHlont shall be th Vit I'lf sident, if stich number ba a majority of th whole number of electors appointed : Lnnd il no puison hav maj irny, then from th two highest uiuoers on the list tna equate aball oUooa th Vic i'resl ifynt ; a quorum for the imrpoa ahall couaiat uf twe tbiids of tli wliiil nnnilier of Seoatota, and a majority or the hole number shall be ncsry to a cholo. 6ttituo person coiwtltnvioually inalliglhlo tothsiffii' .f leHldeot the I be eligible to that of Vice Precldont ol tit t Vntederate SUitcI. 'I 'J'i)e Congress may determine the time nf choosing tin electors, and th day on which they shall "giv their voles, which day ahall be Ihu shius throughout lb Cuuledertt Malts. I. No person uropt a natural 1 eru clfixen of the Con ff lerat t-VaiKa. or a citiK itt thereof at the tune of th adon tlon of liid constitutiuu, or a cilisan thereof born fn th Ouited btii prior to t' 29th of Deceuilier, 1G0, shall be eligible tu tLq dlld vl President; pclther shaU any per.on useiigitjie v i tiiat etnee wno anau noi ua e attaiued ine age of Unity-five yetrs, and been fourteen year a reaident sllhio ths limit of th Confederate blutea, a may exist at iht tune uf In eleetlpn. . - . .. lut-nae of the removal of ihe President frorp oflic. or ol hla death, rotigimtioo, or inability to diacbarg the pow ers asd duties o ihe said oflice, th same shall devolve on tin) President and th l;ocgrea may, by law, provide r the case ol ramovsl, death, ivaignatiuu, or inabijlty both of Ihe President snd Vies President, declaring what officer shall thuu a- taa Piesiilnut, and suchiftl 'cr shall act ao Co.ding'y until Ihe dn-abilMy be tcmovel oi "a 1'iesldcnl shall be elected. ' ' tt. 'I lis President shall, st Mated tnti' t,-icrelve for his survi ves a cuuuirinaliou viluuii atntll neither be iucr'nned O'H (liiniulidiod during the 'period for which lie shall bavs hotu eleclid ; Aud ho shall not rccelvo within that period toy o'her einol imcut from the Confetleiate hiatus, of sny of tbem. ' Iu. HcftK he eiitiirt nn the execution oi bia oflice, h tksil Uh the rollowlug oath or alternation i "1 do solemn y swear (oralllm) that ( will full hfnlly ox eotitf tbe oftio of i'resi lent ol the (:oufedorat States, sod will, to ths beat of my ability, picerve, prolect snd defend lb rvoukumiioa iiiroi. , . ; r Mun 2. 1. Tbe President ahall bs coBiiiiaudcr In chief of the army snd navy of- lb Considerate State, amlol the tnifltia of th several Slates, when called into th actual asivksol lb Couisderate btatns ; bs may require the opinion, In writ ing, ol the principal oflloer in vawli of the Executive Dopart niouta, upon auy aubject relating to th duties of tlteir re spective t Ulcere, and hesbslli'Sv power to grant repriove aud par lous lor oflesce against lb Cunledsrat Stat, sxcent in east. uf iriitpeachmen. 'i. He aball hav lb power, by and with th advice aud Giiunriiii oi in ewiiaiv, iu maao iruaiiea, pruvi'ici iwo thVrrfn -bT r.t i am) be shall nnml Date, and by and with the advice aud consent of the Sen.it, anau appo ni amuanaadors, oilier puoiio miniater and oon sals, juilges of the Supreme Court, and all oilier oflioert of the t.oi I. derate btaka, whos spiiointmetits are Dot buiein otherwise provided for. and which ahall be established bv law : pin tno l.oi;g-ca may, by law, veat the appointment oi such imc nor oinceis, ax nicy uiiiik proper, in wis rresi dent atone, iu thy cuuita of law or in thu heads ol depart ments. ' a. The principal officer in each of th exeeullv depart ments, and all persona contacted' with ths dtplnmatio ser vice, may bo removed from olllu at th pleasure of th Hrrsideul. All ether yivil officer of th Executive Depart ment may be removed at any time by the President, or other appointing power, wheu their services are unneces sary, or for d aiioueaty, lucspaoity, ineflioiency, miaenn duct, or nsgleot of du'y ; and when so removed, th remov al shall be teported to the Senate, together with the reasons therefor. ; 4. Ilia President shall hav power to fl!L atl vaoaneies that may happen dm ing the recess of th Senate, by grant ing commissions which shall explra at the end of their next session ; but no person rtjected by the Henate shall bs re appointed to the same offico during tbir etisning revem. 1. Th Preitident shall from time to time, give totli Con gress Information of Ihe state pf the Confederscy, and re commend to their consideration auch measures as bs shall jtntf'e peccsasry aud expedient; bt may, on extrsordinary occasions, convene doiu nooso-i, or i liner or tneio t and iu ca-e nf disagrecinont between thorn, Hh respet l to th time of adjoiiromeot, he may Adjourn tutni tu such time aa he a'lali think proper; he s' all rreiv Ambasssdor and oilier public mfulaters; he shsll lake ears that ths laws bs faithfully exeont d, and sbrtH commission all th officers ol the tcniedt-rateD ales tvrtitm i. - " ' 1. Tbe President, Vic Pre ddeot, and all civil officer ol the CoMli'deia'e S'te, shall bo rortioved from oflice pa Im peachment lor. and conviction of trcsaou tniberj, or other high ei tinea and inl.demt snots , . ; , AttTlCI.X lll."SC(.'fUsl I " I 1. Tbe J idit Ul power tit the t.'onferterate Htatts shall b vea'ed in una Supiem Coutt; and tn r-uch iuferi'r cotiris aa the Ctnigresa may fiorn lime to time ortUfii and es ah ian.-. The Jodge i, tiotb ol the H. pien.e snl iniorfur courts, thaD hoid tb-.ir tfllcct during good lo havlor, and ahull, at stated times, receive for their services a compenasttm, whicfc fhall no Irtyiimiulsbvd during tbMr c intino;inee in ( 01 , taction I: Th judicial power shsll wxit nd to all rae arising nnder this Constitution, the laws of the Confederate Matrs, s .d trcailos marie or which rhall be tut'le under their u t'lurily J to nil case a Bating ami Jei a, other public imuieten aotl I'tmaiils; to all eaaoa of srtui' altr and marl- lime Jnrrsd c ion i to Ooniroversie lo Wawh th C'oiifeile- rate States shall b s party i to con'ov r.it betweeatwo or mot Mates t between a btat snd citlr.ens of another Hiate where the tai ie plainiitf; between citir.e.Ds claim- in ,snti undor grants oi (liirerent Mates, ana ix-iweea a 8tte or the eifr. r thereof and foreign Mates, eiticen or anhjact ; but notateshall be sued by a ctlisr or aubjaot 01 ail lureign Bisre. r In all Caes stf.ciing sinbaaaadnr; olhar pnbllo niinn Urs and consuls, and those iu which a Stat shall be a PS'tr. ti e Supreme Court shall hav original jurisdiction. In all tbe o'h r ra-e befor meutmnrd the burrem Ctmrt shall have appellate jurlediction, bo.n as to law and tact, v. 1th snt-h vxceptioiis and under such n-gnlsttuna aa the fionpress shall make. - 3. Ibe trbfl i all eHmes, except in cases of impeaobmsnt, Sh ill ! by jiry, aud B.b trial abaft be held ia th Mate where the raid crime shsll bsve ben committed; bot when not committed within any Htele, th trial shall be at tuch pi- or places a the Congress may by law bavs di rected. ' ' ' ' - I. Treason sgainat the Confederal Stete shall consist only in levying wsr against there, or in adhering to their enemie. giving tbetn aid aud comfort. Ho pvtrsja anau be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnes ses to tht same overt act, or on noafeeaion in open court. 2. TheX oogreaa ahall have pirwer to declar ths puniah ment of treaaon, but no attainder of treason shall work cor ruption of blood, or forfeiture axoept during ths Ufa el th peraon attained. - , --' i ,, 1 ; abticli it. JSeclton 1. ' 1. Full faith and credit shsll be given in each State to th pnblk) acta, records and judicial proceed mg of every other htate. Aud the t Ingres may, by general lawa, prescribe tire manner in which such acts, reoonls and proceeding ahall be proved, aod th enect inereoi. v - Ajsofiovt 2. 1. Tbe citisen of each State ahall be entit'ed to all the onviiet-e and immnniiie of cftfsena in the twvvral Mate, aod ahall bavo th right of transit nod sojourn ia any Mats of tbM Onfedtraey, witn utr slaves and otner propeny , and th right of property in aaid slave shsll not b there by impaired. -2. A peraow charged in any State with treason, te'opTi or other crime against tn taw oi ucn tiai w - flee from justice, and be found in another eJtate, D"" demand ot tbe execntiva authority of uie r , JT., be fled, bo delivered up to b removed to u jonsdictoa of the crime. - - . . 8. No tUve or other peraon .Ilef any State or Territory ot th e".d aietlar. shaft In cnnseqianc af any law or regulation- therein, t dlctiagd from such service pr labor, but shall be deliver. ' ed n c claim of the party to whom soch Daves belting, or - I., -I....-... L . A... "in?v Kiniiir mwursiij we on. X ."" - Reclar, t. " - " - " ' " Other Ktatea Bill tia JmlU.J kiln thlA i'n.lnA-wAA- by a ula nf Iwr.tl.U.ik n ,1. L..l. ti n. rt . .. . - - -- w, ,', wwimuouvijicpimiiiii. tlvaod to-thIrd. nf th Senate, lb henate voting by ; HUtns hut bo new Slate aball b ft,rroed or rct4vd wiihm th jiiiladiollon of sny otlwir Htat t nor any State be form i, u' . f. JnneUo "or States, or parts of States, !lt"ii''nWai,tiT. Lerteiatur.f tbt;t'e eon- - v.una:i aaa. ngrea shall hav power to dispo of and mika u.es sad regiilaiini.S rnnceruing the property of ' rste States, Ineled'n the Issda thar.of ' . : x. i u t ont alt IIAMttllll -h! the t ouMnrste States, Ineled'ng the lasua tliereof. T"li S r'T r.4r.l U I at am mm m ....... h I f. ' t 1 Coogroas shall hsv power to leghilat snd brovid gort-n-ments for the Inb.blissts of a I territory belonging to th Cen'edarste Htates lying without th limit of ths several ' Stat, sitd may permit them, at snrh time and In tut u manner as II may by hv provid. to form tb Htatoa to he.;" admittod Into tb eontedoraey. la all such territory ths In. alumina of negro slavery a it Bow x tats in th Cnfed rat State shall be ravognlsed snd protected by CnngrtM snd by lliti territorial governmaut and th tahabltauts ot " tbvit Coalederat States and Teirllortea shsll hav tho righl to tek neh territory and slsve lawfully held by 1 them in any of ihe Slate or Twrlterfct of tb Coufeasrata Slate. ...r -..- , ; - - ' 4. Th Confoderat Slates shall gnsrtnles to vry State that now Is or hereafter may heroin a mmbr of thlCa federscy, a Kepubllcan form of govsramest, and shalfpro.' lnl aaitli at tltAnt avalnal ln....n & .1 i . . . , . . , , . . 1 " I "u v application Ol the LegWgiBr (ur of the 2xecutlv wbtn th LeglsJatnr m . j 9,up. Hdiurauo vioivuce, abtiph r.8ectUm I. I. Upon the damsad of any thre States legally astern-" '-. bled In their several conventions, th Coogre shall sum. tn a m Convention of all 111 Statss, to tak Into consfdara. -Hon tuch smsndmenta to th oonttilntlou as th said States v shall c linear In suggesting at th tim when tbe said demand i made, snd should any of th propoaed amsndniems to -tho ooostltutitjn b sgreed on by the said convention vot ing by Ktatea-Bnd tli same b ratillod by tli Legislatures " of two thirds of the sevsral Slates, or by conventions In two-thirds thereof a lb on or th other rood of rstlfl. oatfoo may be proposed by th general convention they ahall heiiceforwaidform a pwt of this Constitution. But no Stales shall, without Its Ouoaent, b deprived Cf Its tonal ' re prewBffttfon In th Seuate. " ' - . ixrtci.i ri. 1 I. Thl (lnt.rniii.iil ul.Ml.k.J k. ikLr.Lji.u,i -,.tl - . in" vtiiiainquun 1ID tnoceasor ortb provisional government of the Confederal rilalai Aitinrli-K ml tt II In. Iamwa ...u.i .. . i . - ------- - w.. tmmtm )jMnu D j i Hw taiier shaH rontinn fn fnrco nntll the Sams shall h repealed or - . uru, iu an ,, ior. ppoiiiieu oy in KiiiiS shall remain In offico onill their suoomaors are appointed and quailtled, or the erK.iss sboliahtd. , . 2. All dtiliU contrsotsd and engagements anfured Into belor the adoption of this constitution shall be as valid -Birainst ths I ttin federals MiIm tintlai, II. I. ...u. undr r th r vIsIoiikI govsrnlneul. . . . in scontiiiuiinu, ami tn law cr th Con'ederata States, made In ptirauanc thersof, and all treaties mads, or - .... H HUOM UUUII RU,HIIIJ U bit JOIl!eUrBl States, shall be ths supreme law of th land; and th lndg. .ain...,.ui.u.kuii I.. . i. . i J ..... . r . r ww .r. """mm i,vtHy, Kuyivino; in in conetttutiou or laws ol any State tu th ooutiary not with stendlngi ' 4. Th Penaton sad Ileprrssntatlves before -nsutltuted, and the meinour of the ssvsral Stat Legislatures, snd all sxecutlvs and judicial rjfiltiers, both of the (.'oofederste States snd of th several States, shall be bound by oath or sfllrmatlon to support this oonstitnllon. htil no rellgon test . shall ever bo required a a qualification- In any olllu or publln trust uudor th Cnnfedorate State ...... A. Th. ura iu,l.l.l..I.J l.ll.. IV,n..l...i. . lb i constitution, nor prohibited by It to th Htstes ar ra- ' -ws ""a sxvutviswi y III! K Ifslfjal anSTV tetved to lbs Slates, rspootlvsly,.or to the peopl thereof, I. Th tatlflcatloo of th Cooventiniis of Ave Stst.cs shall ' bo Bulll.ilent forth oatsblishmsot of this eorMtitulion be tween th States so ratifying th sain. . - , . ' 2- WheBflv States shaU hav ratiflsdthiB constitution, ia tb manner belor aprcilled, tb Congreaa under provi sional constitution aball iireacrib the tiin (M kUl(i election of I'realiluut aud Vise Vreaidont ; and tor intullng i . , of tht Electoral College; and tor counting th votes and e -iiv guraiing tn rrw.i.wiv They thai! alao prewrlb th. ' ; time for holding the llrst electiou of membera of Congras - nndor this eouaiituilon, and tlitUme fntaatRmhiIng thsaow, V '" ' Until the aembilng of such Congress, the Congress nnder :"" lltA liWiul.lnnBl Dnnil lint I..M .1.11 ...il..... . - . .. IngUistiv poo gtauted.lhsm, not extending beyond tho tini limited by the couslftiHlcn wf the prdvUiTinalffovern. ment. ; r .. AdtiD,tod unanimously, Harea 11, lufll, 5 , ; ; , y f.'etisn of JXorih rarollns IrtOO. A Bl I'OHtXD Br rn sscsxTAxr or rni irxrw fiorh inTion. conMTikn. wniT. rar scot p. slstb. - total, Alamance, A In gander, 7.U.S7 4'il X.AIA .1),8A3 , ,!I!IJ .6rj S,Hn7 7, 423 8,172 fl,M - 0,2:16 4,614 10.623 , ,647 7,402 l.2!7 -,2,P4U W4 A AM OSS 12,AS.1 8,9 J.97H IO,l(iH 6.7(9 8,7ua - - 9,iflt 4,7l Ul 87 y 6 O'H ' H,2Hti , r, h-(i lit.7l ' fi 4'i . 7 0i9 ; 4,lt0 ll,lh 2 M fl IS 13 Ml 4.3.U S 41. H.yxi " S MH -4.HJ. - 11,141 . 4,241 , 10nX 2 2IO 4.103 t ,0 (-.370 A fir, ...... 49 t Pl 27 . 142 7'29 279 . 4 IA ,20 UHl 219 i 104 114 ' 278 . 142. 27t 304 M ' Ml " n 445 1. 1.2HH B7H 221 ; 147 r I til 37 , . 211 Ml ina " .11.2 . Lm ' 12 ' bl 2,4.'1 -.104 ' 6)1 8,951 v. , 2fW Shi ' 878 B.1H8 . O.S2T ; 8,621 V I.J71 8.010 I,0- - 2,127 - -l,9t 9,S,' 1 ' 1,864 ! ,24 ." 819 3.71.2 " 2,1.11 2,46J ', 8.1110 , 8.81 2,824 . ft.li7 ! 2.3.12 y , T.I 28 18.HW 1 76t lo:t 2,19 ' , H.9H2 -1 11.0S6 ' . 8 P47 - 5 62 - ' )0.34 . 2,44 . 31.1 1,3-2 4.44 6,(i2' 13,61,4 8,490" , 7,968 H.779 14.311 11,995 8,408 12,664 9,237 10,648 7,499 6,243 8,184 16,216 . 10,730' 19,104 9,168 8,843 12,348 1 8,497 16,271 11,361 T,4'.C . 16,601 .. 8.4H4 I6,7K8 17,878 ' 12,K1 14.110 . 4.310 . ,4i4 J'1.398 7,926 20,(168 ' 19,441 , 8,0X9 , 6,801 10.448 9,604 " . 4.134-- At eon, Alleghany," Aebs, Beanfurt, Bertie, Rtadeu, - Brnntwick, Buncombe, Burke, , Caliarrtts, Caldwell, Camden,' ("ayterel, Catiwell. Catawba, Chatham. . .. t bornktie, ("ho war). Cleveland., Columbus, Craven, Cumberland. urritin V, D.ivlilaeo, - l'y!. ; Iiwplin, - K.ilgco unliiv Foiaythe, . rranku-i. - Casttag, , ' Gittea, t . . . tlianvillc, , Greene. Gtnlford, ' Halifax, ." Hitin.-.tt, . Haywood, -lli-lideratiii, Hertford, Htde; - i 8 791 -4,177 1H 4 916 3.413 fkUl Iredell. . " -. 15,147 6,624 . -16,667 ' 6.730 Jacksou. . Johnston, Jones, . Lenoir. 10,211 lilnuoin, : ' 3,118;. . - 819 . ; ,21S 8.1 Macou, M.d'smi, . 6,004 ' , " ,9C8. " ln.i" 7,120 v . 17,174 7,649 11,427 11,688 ktiirlin. McDowell, kteckhMibuig, Montgomery, Moor, Nah, New Hanover, Northampton, Onalow, Orange, Pasquotank, ' Perquimans. - . Parson, Pi : Polk, Rfchtnond. Randolph, . Kobesoo. .. 1,304 8.641 1,823 i 2,618 4,tva 21,715 13,378 . e,B54 16,949 8,940 7,248 11,221 16.7 4,040 11,000 l,79v 15.490 Rockingham, nowaa, Kutbvrlord, Sampson, Steuly, . Stokes, - r Surry, Tyrrell,-" " Coiou, -Waki, : Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wavn, Wilkr. Wllsoa, Tadkin, Tancay, 31,49 ' , 3O,0i7 321,061 8112,66. AD1K-4 UXAXIA C UOIU for Qoaju, at 4 1 Jan. 20. BALDWIN'S. TyTSAVT BilOWl DIULL,i5 piece, St JdL Jab. JO.-'' - i.n' 1. - ' t JlUir'" 1,111 2.9 :'; - '2 8 177 1 f 8,442 273 ; 10,643 ;2iW 8.7HI V, 8,72k 18 6,319 8f 10 7 til UMl ,ri 1 60C ' -,80H ' 6,198 169 ' -3,499 , 11,31 . ' e24 i A,lt - 4.473 . 1,484 . 2.UH3 3,27 392 . , 8159 - .6,708 314 . - , 6,1 1 ..- 7,4x0 v .. 127 8,473 .; ' . 8,317 . 108 620 - 1 i 4,211 345 , .6,4i3 , 14.16S 3M) s 1M 7 . 8R4 1.460 - fi.454 10.U21 1. 47 6.3lt 16,740 10,622 v , 134 S,19 . . ' 14? . 9,060 ( , 122 . 2,391 . 9,106 4 4X9 , t. 7.0M : - W.gf 6 690 .,42 1,169 JeWI - 3 203, 13 -M" - - 1 478 - - 1,424 - 10.' i " 'm ' 298-- v J.46S . " - . 7 -". 4.'77l 83 104 ' 4,'.57 8.7J1 : 734 4,451 l4.t.J M 261 i,2i-8 . -: 11,749 A,44 2 3,4 -1 t 9,719 9,110 ' HH '- 1,4 I "10.711 t,m, 4 4i ' 1 8,601' I - f " Jt, 9 J-t'w-