- . TOL. 11.- NO. 170.1 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON, N. 0. FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1 802. T WHOLE NUMBER 3,247 A-.- 0 w J .. 1 a :bT6i a prick, proprietor. J .fr'Ll,TON, Editor.... A. L. PK1C E. Asarn ish . Tw-ns il ta.'r(iMi- 1 Pilf Pj-t, o r, lDvrib!y 'm a-ivALoe . . ., "Si. Vveefcly .." " I AO . Ti.o psrer will L dh-coutinutd st the expiration of tb fine pid for nulrss renewed. iU infers on business connected with this offce. r-it b ' idressed to Hi ptw.irtvr.. ;''.' AnTJCIfTIsEMFSTH - Will t Inverted ml F1HY CENTS per erpiere of tea hnea nrltu, r the firnt Insertion, anil TETV-FVK ;t(M per square for each repetition CASH IN AD YANCK, A- Advertteementa inserted-as Special or Biihnp Notices recharged one-half more than above rates eight tine . (leaded) or lees aounted quar. asAdv-ertlsemerits Insert f J every o'her day are charged - IT oent per square for each inner! ion alter the drat, i publication road without a responsible urn ... BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL C1KDS. i i . , , i ,, ,, ' V If. .. HOLNEN. " i- fl TTOJiA'Sr AT-LA Wi ... ... , HAS removed to the centre office of JOURNAL BTJILIV 1NG9, next door West of bis former location.. October 17th. m. 36 tf KHPIK ft AUKf, ...:..,. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. A VT removed their office from Front to Prince street, JOURNAL BUILDINGS, formerly occupied by U. 1 Holmes Esq. " .. - Ootoberl7th, l-'fil- JW-tf H lit. rmmr. ioeu mods PETTRWtl MOOHR. it ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WfOJ, No. 23 North Water at., Wilmington, N. 0, lAtVl B. ERAMBEBT, DRUGGIST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, . Wilmington. N. C Keep constantly on hand, a select stock of Vmgi, JU4 tetne. Domes txo and" European Ohimicab, Taney and Tvilet Article, Winet and Liquor for Uedical Vurpotet ; war. Ac. . " - Particuiar attention paid to PmscnirTtONa, PmiLT fCCtriH, MIDICINI VBKHTSt AO. u Store inmicdiatelj nnder the " Carolina Hotel." July 11, 1H5. - 161-U -' JOHETfe B. BL08DOM. CTiCI . TAKANKIKOI. J. K. Bt-0SOM A CO. ' ENERIL COMMISSION MEUCHAST3. VT June 18, 1S6U WitMWOToif, N. C: II. H. :il,KHS, IITHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MEB TT CHANT, and DKALEil IN N A AL STORES, corn water and Market street, M'ilrainston, N. C. April Id, - G K. MCKRAT At 1 On (SucecMon to Hnmy 4i PaaMtb..t "10WMIWHQW MKRCHANTS' .,' ' VIAThli HTlt&KT, ' , : : . WILMINGTON, N.C. . mcrhat. n. a. MLxcKiav j. r. "rti. Celirnary 1, WJ. ' . fjfc-t' iMi o. 1M!Y3. . ;. wmrjn JA. V. SMITH lOMKISSION MEROHANTli, office ocond aiory, corner Boom wntmracd uarset atreesnf wiiminj, o where they are prepare! o nor.? -! ho . ; v Oo-nmiseion link. ? Allbaainew er.trneVeilo llm 'U tiTf ji edtu. . . c. ii. noiiiiHo? a to., (OMMiSHIOS AND I'OHWAP'JlNU MERCHANT . ) - , ; Wir.TmTOfc,'I C. Prince and Water atreeta. . March , 160-1S8A29. I, J. COX, W. l. IKMPaLL, VOX. KF;NlAL.I Vit C). 10MISSION KKKCHAXTB AND WDOLE8ALK GRO . V ' Mo. 11 11, North Water fit. - March 11th, 1861 MM' J. I. aRNPALL T. C. B. O. WORTH, - ClOMMISaOS A Si) rOHWAH-OUfO BKBCBAJtV, j . WjLMrwiiTON, N.C. Mrohn.'ii7 . - " w WAU1E3 HRAUK, S'(ior to Wlr;e Menre A Co., ; EOLESALS AND BET AIL DRUGGIbT, U MABIirT MIW, Willi INflTON, N. C. n. ILLT. ' 1. F. lPTOHlLL, EI.1.I3 ii IITTCIIKLL, '. " ,wnoi.r;sALB and retail dkalehs m -10RN, PEA8, OAT9. BVE. WBKAT BRAN, OIL MK1L; , wmM. Oil'KiND BOMINT, HOKKJ5 A COW FEED: iun, -MASTihUf iKTt XORTB hlVXS BAT, Ko 8 Worth Wtr Street. , (1 ft- -- :v j ' "' '. ' WfHriKBTDK, Sf. P. " IIXelfUMIf, VOt.U. W.BASEIM Oot 1t. ' NOTICES. CO-PARTRER8IUP NOT1CK. a IBS ONDERBIUNED have entered into Co-Partnership in the town of Wilmington, N. C, nnder the firm ol HOtT.'HERLAND & COLfcMAN, for the purpose of buying siui tolling NEGRQ 8LAYE8, where the highest oaah prices win oe paiu. They alao have a house In Mobile, Alabama, where they 'Will receive and aeu slave on commission. UDerai aa-ran . ces made upon slaves left with them for sale. . - P. J. BOUTHERLAND, ' JAHE8 C. COLLMAN. August let, 1859. f 30-t i -r-i- SEED OAT!).' ' CHOICE ARTICLE, Just received. For tale by Feb. 7th. , FETTEWAY "MOORE. MMP-fcUAi. . LOT of hard Soap, mad at home, a choice article. for aale Dy j-a.n-"' - OW MAKING nine hundred Vniforma for Confederate Boldiers.at . BALDWIN'S. Feb. Uth 1AN be bad at .V Feb. 10. . LWAHf Bltl CAaVMMSIUUM BALDWIN'S. PI-OUGH3 OF ALL DESCBIP. tion. embracing: No. 6. 8. 10, 104. 11, 111, U, IS, M, 60, 76, and Eagle I a, ii, c, i', k ana r nougns; also, Garden Plonsh, Hoe. Caallnga, Corn bheliera aud Straw Cutters, in wsrenooM and for sale at JAME3 WILSON'S Oil, Leather, Pad die ry, Trunk and Harness Establishment. o. iivn, iwia. . KIUTAUY RIDIIia BADULE8. TTTB HAVB bow on exhibition the three leading stylet f vi January niaiD; aaale vix; , THB MONKEY SADDLE, ,. "; THB REGULATION SADDLE, THB McCLELLAM SAniH.K Al. Mexican. Bopn, Bpanub, Englhih, Attakspea and other' Feb K " ' nlLBON H. niBK BTXODt 9 OF PLOlGHs athl continne at JL Feb. IL , - WIUHJN V 1ENT8 HALF HOSE, at T Feb. 22. BALDWIN'S. 0 NE No. 2 Singer a btandard Sewing Maohiae, at Feb. 19. BALDWIN'S. aS INGEB'S Needle for Singer' Sewing Machine, at Feb. 19. BALDWIN'S. FLOURI FLOCH t - 1 HA BBLS. SUPER FINS FLOUR, Just received from H tJ Petersburg, t or aale m low, Dy - - Feb. 8th, lfJ. . HABR18S A- HOWELU sHOESI MIOKSIl SUOKSIlt ""TTJST BECE1TEI), 1,000 Parr Women' Heeled Leather J Boots, aisea ranging front 3 to 8'a. Alao, a variety of AlMses snd LniiareQ i bnoe ax Jaa.UUt, KASSWXaLSB k BS0S. Tit VoBiharn Itrnnblleu r Tk Frmaut Constitution of A Vonfiera:i filnUu of : Amerxea. . ... . - W. the people f the Confederate 8f. oach tt act- . Inn In ft nverMe and (r.depeodent eharaetvr, is order to form a perm moat federal uvrnmnt, nub ih ju.tloe, in' nr douiestie traauutlity, and secure the blessing of liber ty to ouraelve and oar posterity invoking the ravor and s;,dsnce of Almighty Goddo ordain and 'eUlixh tbi Constitution for the Confederate Stves of America. -Art in. 1. Section 1. All fectsldlftv powen herein dlea;atet shall hs veited in (o::rre f the Cooiederat States, which shall consist of a benate and Moose of Benrsseatative Snrtioal 1. The Hoose of Rprentettre doll t comrovil of liember rbosen every second year b.v the people or the evera) Starea ; and the eleotors in exit State ahilt he cui aen of tb Confederate ftate. and bare the qualifioationa reqainite lor eleotors of the most nameroa branch of the Sta'e lellati!re : but ao person of foreign birth not a citl aea of the CotiOderate Ma'es shall be allowed to vote tor aav ottiuer, eiril or political. Slate or Federal 1. ho person shall be a representative who shall not have attained the aire of twenty-five yeara, and b a citiaea ot the Confederate States, and who shall Bet, when elected, be an Inhabitant ot that State in which he ahaii be oboeeo. S. Representatives and direct taxes'shall be apportioned arnorg tl'S ssv- tal States whirh may he inoluded wlthia this Confedaraoy aoenrding tbelr reeneolive ''b-r, which snail De determined by adding to tie whole baaaber or free persons, including those bouud 'o rvice for a term of year, and excludina Jndisna not taxed. threa-fTths of all slave. The actual annmerat ion ahall be mad within three yeara after the flrst meeting of the ('oncres of the Cooled erate rotate, and within every subseqacut term often years, la inch manner as they .hall, by law, direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every ttfty thoo- sana, Duieacnoiaia snail nsve at least one representative ; and until such enumeration shall be msde the State of South ( arolina shsll be entitled to ohoose six. th State of Geor gia ten, the Btato of AUbama nine, the State of Florida two, the State of Miwiasippi seven, the 8 tat a of Louisiana ix, nd tlie htate of Texas six. ' 4 When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, the Executive authority thereof ahall ieae wrlu of eleotion to till each vacancies, S. The Hons of Representatives stall chooee their Speak. r and other officer, and shsll have the sole power o' Im peachment, except that any judicial or other federal officer resident and acting solely within the limit of ny State, may be impeached by a vote of two thirds of both branches oi ttie legislature tnereor. Sections. 1. The Penale of th Confederate States shall be com ne ed of two Senator from each State, chosen for aix yeara bv the Legislature thereof, at the regular session next, inim- aiateiy preceding tne commencement of the term ot service; and each Senator ahall have one vote. . 2. immediately after they shall be assembled. In con, qnence of the flrst election, they shsll be divided as squally as may d into tnree clauses, liie seat ot tne Mcnttor oi th first class shall b vacated at the expiration of th sec ond fear : of the second clans at the expiration of th fourth year ; and of the 3d elasat tb expiration of the sixth year ; so thst one-third may be choaen every seoond year ; and it vacancies lisppea by resignation Or otherwise during the recess ef the Legislators of any State, the Execotivs there of may make temporary appointment until the next meet ing oi the Legislature, which shall then till sncb vacancies. - 3. No person ahall be a Senator who shall not have at tamed the age of thirty year, and be a citizen of th Con federate States, and who ahall not, when elected, be an in habitant ot the Stat for which he shsll bs chosen. 4. The Vice-President or the Confederate States shall b President of the Penal", but ahall bav no vote, unless they be equslly divided. - 5. . The Senate ahall choose their other officers, and also a President pro UrniR rt in the absence of the Vice Presi dent, or when he shall exercise the office ol Preaident ol the Confederate Htatfa. ' 6. The Senate shall have the sola nower to trv all im peachments. When siltlnor fur that pur nose, tbev shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President ol 'he Confede rate States is tried, the Chief Juetice shall preside ; aud nu prraoo stiHii d couvicU'd wHbont the concurrence of two Uiirda ot tb menibera praseou . i . .iuukukdi injpasrs imrecnrnnSDSii )DjH.exeQa hold and eDjoy any ofuVeof honor, trust or profit, nuder the Con federate Mates: but the nartv convicted shall, never theless, be liable and subject to Indictment, trial, judgment and ponibmeut, according to law. reci ton a. 1. The times, places aoiTmauner of holding election lor Senator and Representatives shall be prescribed in each bute bv the Legislator thereof, subject to tbe provision, of this t'otiititntion : but tb Coneroas may, at-ttny time, by law make or alter such regulations, except a Ui the time and place or choosing beoator. x. ins lyODitress suau assemoie at team c iu tj J ear; and such meeting snail De on me urni aionnsy iu ecember. nnless they -shall, by law, appoint a different day. . . Mown a. 1. Kach House shall be the judge of th election, return and qualifications of Its own members, aud a majority ol ach shall conslilDts a anorum to do buslneM : but a smal ler number may adjourn fiom day to day, and may be au- thnrized to coninel me aitenaance oi auseni memuers, in such mauaer and under inch penalties a each House mi.y provide. 3. Kach House mav determine the rule of it proceed ins,, pouinh iu member for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence ol two-third of th whole namber, expel a member. 3. Each House shall keep a journal of It proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Darts as mav in their judement require secreay, and 'he yeaa and nay of tb member of eilber bouse, on any ques- tion. nu. at tit uesir of two-nun oi mosa present, urn entered on the iournal. . 4. Keither House, during th lession of Congress, shall, without thrf consent of th other, adjonra for more than three day, nor to any other plac than that in which the two tioust snail bs nung. . Melton 6. 1. The Senator and Representatives shall receive a com pensation for their servicts, to be ascertained by law, aud iaid oot of the treasury of th Confederal Ma es. They shall. In all case, except treason, felony aud breach of the peace, be privileged I rum arrest during ifieir attonuanc ai tbe lession of their respectlvelloosei, and In going to and returning Irom tb tame ; and lor any speech or debate in eiiber Hodta they ahaii not b questioned ia any other place. N 2. v0-SDator or Representative shsll daring the lime for whioh he wa elected, be appointed to any civil omoe nnder tb authority of the Conleaarat states, wnica eoau aave been created, or tb emoluments whereof nJU bav been increased during such tim ; and no pertop "holding any office under the Confederate State (hall be a member ol either House during hia eontinnsnc in ofiic. Bat Congress tray, by lw, grant to th principal omuer in eacn ot ue Execiitiv Departments a seat npun th toot of eilber honse, with the privilege of disctuaiiig aify msasore appertain- lug to lu departmesw . . Bechon T. 1 All bill for raisins; revenue shall orieiuate In tbe Hon of Representative ; bat tb Senate may propoea to concur witn amendment a on ower Dili 2. Every bill which shall have paused both Houses shall. betoie it becomes a law, bsjpresqted to the 1'refiJetit ol the CoUIederate Btales ; U be approve, he shall sign it; but th sverl Sue. and with th India tribe ; hut alther tfcH, nor any other claoa eoaUlned In th .o'liutoe, hkH ever ke oonstraed to dolegste th power to Congr. lo appropriat moaey far iy internal rninrovemont liitend ed o faoilifat onmmaree. eaeepl for the pnrpoe of fnr Dlohlng Unfits, beaoona and bno, and other aids to nsvi. gs'loa upon th enasts, and th Improvement of harbois and tb removing or oostraeitons in river navigation, I U which ease snc dot 0ll n lata on me navigation fa cilitated thereby as may be aeoeaaary to pay th costs and ripens tberenf. . L T eabllstr aalform law of aaturallaatioa, and un. if nt, bs shall return it with hia objections to thai Hons in which it ahall have originated, who shall enter th objec tion at Urge on their journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-third of that bouse shall agree to pas the bilS it (ball be lent, together with tbe oh- jecuuua. to me vmor nouse, ov wnica suau liaewise oe reconsidered, and ii approved by two-third of that Boose ft snail become a law. But tn all such ease tbe vote ot both House shall be determined by yes and raya, aud th namea of the person voting for and against th bill .hall be entered oa the journal of each House respectively. If any bill snail not oe returned ny tne t'reaueut wiuio tea day (Sunday excepted! alter it ahall bav been presented to hian, th same ahall be a law, in like manner aa if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, pre vent Its return ; in wnicn oase it snail not ne a law. xn Preaident may approv any appropriation and disapprove any other appropriation ia tbe same bilL in such esse, ha ahaii, In signing the bill, designate th appropriation die approved, and thai! return a copy of tutu appropriations, with bin objection, to th House' in which tbe bill shall have originated ; and th ame proceeding ahall then b had as la case of other bills diaappreved by the Preaident. S. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the concur rence of both Houses may be necessary (except oa a ques tion -of adjournment) shall be presented to tbe President of tne wonieu erst citato ; and before tn saia anau taie ef fect, ahall b approved by him ; or being disapproved bv him, xaay b repassed by two-third of both Hoose accord ing to th rule and limitation prescribed iu case of a buX Section 8. The Congress shall have powar r V 1. TO lav and eoliaeS Uta. dntW Imiwul. nJ avniuaa for revenue aeoeasarT to Dst the debts. Drnvkla fur tha omanoa defence, and carry oa tb government of the Con rederate Bute ; bat bo bounties shall be granted from th lxJ!!!f,, f" ha,7 datieaor taxaaea impor UUooa from rori2B aatiena ha WM ia n,..,,. . . . ?fj ' all duties, iuipoats and axcises iuu be oai fona throughout th Confederate State. 2. To borrow saoaavna tk. - v. - gpj " w vuBieaeraM I. TO IHUlata OamTOO, with tarsJgn aaSone, Mj (nmn form law oa th snbject ef baukrTjptcle, thrnngbont th Confederate Bute: but ao law of Coogres shall discharge any debt eoatraeted before the paag of the same I. To sola money, regnlate th value H ereof and of for eign coin, and fix the etaoderd ef weight and meaaures. . To pro Ida for the punishment of counterfeiting th aeearltle and correal oota of th Confederate Htate. 7. To ewUblt.lt poet offices sd poet route ; but the ex pens of the Post affloe Department, fter the first day of March In the year of oar lord eighteen handred and sixty three, shall be psM on', of its own revenues. H To promote the progress ol science and nserul trt by sm-urlug for Hmited tins t author and inventor t!i ex clniv tight of thHr respective wrftina. snd discnvarl. To constitute trihnnal l ferior t th Snprems Cunrt . 10. To define and Poa'ih Jrirsoiea aad felonies euir mltts.1 i oa tne mgo sea, an" emace against th law of nttjois. l'i U. jTa Vwi ti jV!'f' iwn. ail i pri-i, muu nnae raie cosustnuu iAV'" wstet. . 11. Te raise aad support arwlre al on appropriation of money to that os shall bi for a long! z no than two vear. - t ' IS. To provide d mkintaln a assy.1 " 14. To mak ml for govtrntnetil and if ' juktion of th land snd naval force. , l?" . . 15. To provide for calHse forth the mill) "i f - vaentsthc laws of th Confederate State, upprers cttons and tepel rmreatoa. - d Mi 18. .To provldafor organising, armlrvVt( disciplining the n Hit is. ssd for governing auch part of V Vs.nisy he mpioea in th rrvii' or th t'onladsr - lei,i rsarrv. Ins to tbe Ststea, resnectivelv. the anooi f ' nt of tbe ffl eefs and th antbnrity of tra ng th aiiltUr s.ord'ng to tb oisctpitne presi-rioea oy ongress, t1 '. 17. To exercise exclusive legisltlon,' ' what soever, over och district (not rxeeediuft b.'iu, "4 square) as may, by cession of one or more Statelt i ' n s, cspt anee efConsresa, become th aval of ths g -9 mtnsnt of the Confederate States ; and to exercise like .n iorJw over all places purchased by thorent of th Lr, slattfe of the State In wbicp the same ahall be, for tb e;n-;tnv, of fort, magsiinee, arsenals, dorkjsrds. ni 'hiT ' HKeiul build, ingt; and a , - IN. To raxks all Isws which shsll -bs ateessart and pro per ior carrying into execution me roregoing inwer, and all other power ved by this Constitution In' the govern ment of th Confederal States, or In sp department or omerr tnereor. , .',, " Sertion 9. 1. Tbe importation of negroes of tb Afrlesn rtc from py foreign country oilier than the slavehoding Ststes. oi Territories of lb United Htate of America, la hereby for bidden ; and Congress Is required tn pass such law a .hall edectnally prevent ths same, 1. Congress shall also bav power to prohibit th intro duction of (live from nv State not a member of. nr Terri tory not belonging to, this Confederacy. . Th privilege of the writ of babes corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cse of rebellion or Invasion tbe public salrty may require It. 4. No bill of aUalner, or x poA Jaclo law, or law deny ing or Impairing the rght of property in negro laves shall be psssed. , ' ' i. No capitation or other direct tax' shall be laid unless In proportion to ths census or enumeration hereinbefore di rected to be taken. 8. No tax or duty shsll b laid on articles exported from any SUte, except by a vote of two-third of both hoose. 7. No preference shsll be given by auv regulstiop of commerce or revenue to the port of on State over those of uther. . ., ; . . 8. No money hall be drawn from th treasury, but In consequence of appropriations niaUabrlaw; and a rego lar statement aaa account or ins receipts snu expemtftutes KmriisnrrmWthrrii'a-HMitiev troru tn treasu ry exeept by a vote ouwo-lhiras or notn noneea, tsxen iy yeas snd nays, unless it be asked and estimated for hy some one of tbe bead of department, and submitted to Congress by the President ; or lor the purpose r paying lis own ex pense, and contingencies: or fur t'" paymeut of claims arainal the Cnnted rat States, the jiUce of whirh shall have been imllciallv declared by a tribonal for the i,veeti gallon of cfa ml against th government, which It is hereby made tne amy oi congress to esuiouerj. 10. Ail t ills appropriating money nhall specily In.fedorsl currency the exact amount of eaoh appropriation aud the purpose for which it I mad I and Congress shall gistit no extra com pen. tion to any publio coi tractor, otlloer, agent or servant, a tor sucn contract snail nave been road or (ueb service rendered. 11. No title of nobility shall be granted hy tbe Confede rate State s and so person holding any oflica of profit or tinst under tbem. shall, without the eoneeut of the Con gress, accept of ay present emolument, office or till of any kind whatever from any sing, prince or loreigs mate. 11. Coogreaa thall make no law respecting an eutahllnh meet of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the lieedom of speech, or of th ores ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble ana petition the government tor a rndres of grievance. 1 S. A well regulated militia1 being neceavary to these cant' of a free State, the right of tb people to keep and b-er arms shall not be infringed. 14. No soldier shall, ia time of peace, b quartered in any house without th eousent of th owner ; nor in tim of var, but in a manner to b prescribed by law. - IS, The right of tbe people to be seotire in their persona, houses, papei and effect against uoreasonsbla searches and seisnrea, shall not be violated; aud ne warrant fchall iau but npon probable cause, supported by oath or affirm ation, snd particularly describing the piao to be searched and tbe person or tiling to be seised. 18. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or In dictment of a grand jury, except in raws ari.ing in, the land or naval foicea, or m th militia, when iu actual service, In time of war br feublio danger : nor shsll any person be snli ject for th aru tiflunc to be twioe put in Jeopardy of liis or nniD, nor d coaipenea, m any criminal ce, to oe a witness against himself ; nor be deprived ol lite, liberty, or property, without due proeess of law ; nor ha l privaie property be taken for public as without just compensation. 17. In all criminal prosecution th sccuaed shall enjoy the r'tful to a Speedy and publio trial, by ah impartial jury of tbe State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall bsvs been previously sscer- tained by law, and to b informed of th nature a d cause of tbe accusation; to b confronted with th witoes-e. against him: t have compulsory procest for obtataing witn' see In hi favor, and to bav the Assistance of counsel for hi defence. ? Id. Is suits at commoa laet, where the vlue in contro profll ander the ronfsderate State, shall b appointed aa I. The electors hU meet la their resnectlv State sod voi i,y okiioi, rer rreslrleot nd Vice Preaident, on of weom, a. teasr, snau n t n aa innaonaM or th same Stat wiin ir.ems:ves t tney snail name IB their ballot tli por son votsd for as I'res d.int. and la diatlnct ballots th per son votea ior a Vic lTl lent. snd the sh ill mka rii. tinot Its' of all person, voted for aa President, aad of all person votea ror a rice iTasldeat, and of tb namber ol vow for esch. which list they shall slga and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the government of the confederate riaiee, aireotea to in i resident or lb Benatei tbe Presi dent of ths Senate.shall, la the presence of th Beast and Hoas of Representative, open all ths certificate, and th vote shall then b counted ; Ibe person having th greatest number of votes for President shall bs ths President, if sach number be a majority of the whole namber of (lector sp polnted, and it ao person have sttch majority, then, from th person bavins; th highest namber. sot avnserflnv thr oa th list of those voted tor Preaident. th Hons Representative, shall choose Immediately, by ballot, the Presideut. But In choosing- the President tha votes .hell h taksa by States, th representation from each Slat having one vote a quota m for this parpose ahall eonslst of a mem ber or members from two-thirds of tha hiksm. .ut Jorlty of all th Mate ahall b ntfsary to a rholce. And If th nns of Representative thall not choose a Presl- nrm, w nensver to ngnt or choir shall devolve npnn them, bfr the 4th r1aof March west r!lniii tK.n ikl vuJ V- T-E. IT-- mmmm,..,. --re- ess or thedroth f otoer cousiituuuiMii 4t.t"r 4 , 4.iaea . . . 1 ha person having the greatest number of rote a Vlo Preslduot ahall b tb Vic President, if snob asrubar be a m.loritv or ths whole unitiLi nl .l,inr. n,.itj and if ao person hsve a majrwlty, then from tha two highest uuranen on tne list tn r-eoute sbsll choose the Vlo Fresl. dent ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds oi in wnoie number or ttt-aator, and a majority of tbe whole number shall b neoeaasrv to a choice. 4 Hut ne person oonsiltntlonally Inelllgii 1 to lh tiftlc i i rresioent sns'i oe, eiigioi to that ol Vlo Preaident ol tit Contederat States. - d Th Cougr msy deternilue th tlm of choosing th elector, ana in av on wnicn tin-y snail give tbelr votea, which day ahall be the same throughout th Confederal plates. 7. No pet son except a natural born eitixen of ths Con fe Jet aie State, or a clilxou thereof at th time ol tb adop tion of thl conatltntiau, or a cltlisn thereof born In th United States prior to ths 10th or December, HM, shall bs eligible to ths t fllse of President I neither shall any person be eligltil to that offloe who shall aot ha a attalued the age of fhlitv five years, and been fourteen years a resident within th limit or th Confederate State, as may xlt at ihe time of Mi election. ' M. In vase of the removal of the Preaident from office, or of his dentil, resignation, or Inability to discharge th pow er and d nt lea of the snul oftice, Ui same shall devolve on th Vire Presl lent ; and Hi Cunpres may, y law. provld r.thrae ot removal, death, resignation, or iuabllity both of tbe Piesideut snd Vies Piesidrgt, declaring what officer shall hn a t aa Presldont, and such (iflloer absil aot ao eoiilitigly until th rl.anMIity ho rrmuv,l or a Preaident' shall be elected. 9. Tbe Pieaidriht shall, at stated tlliirs, receive for his amlee a compensation, which shall neither be Inoreased nor dimiukhed duriug the pe riod for which he shall have D,-o cicciru i sua be eMail not receive wltui thst petlod any other emolunieut from lite Ci nlederste States, or any of them . ., 10. Before h enter on the execution of bi office, h iluil tak tbe following oath or affirmation : ' " 1 do solemn y awesr (or afllrm) that I will faithfully ex- eunie me vmce oi i-resitieni oi tne t onieuraie bin lea, and Will, to the b at of rny a' llity, ptci-erre, protect and defend the Couatilut Ion thereof." - ' . rSenfion 2. ' 1. Tb President shall b couimaudnrln-cbisf of Die aruir and nuvy of the Confederate SiaW a, and of tb militia ol th several States, when called Into the sotuul service of th Confederate Stale i he may require the opinion. In writ ing, ot the principal officer in eaeh of th Executive Depart ment, upon auy sullied relating to th duties of their rs pecliv i fiioera, and he.hall 1 av power to grant reprieve m llll thSVilnl r.t. ..fl.wiea kft.l,i Ilia i i.Mln,!...! m W , . I . except in esses or iniiwaniin.oni. i ui shall la coaeeqaenee ef any law or regnlstloo threi, be dtecharged from avtch serrrc or labor, hut shall be deliver ed np n claim ef the party whom nrb alive belong, or to whom such servh-err labor nay be due. . . .. ' ' Stelion I. ' '''.-', b.:Vi-rfU,c.tm,t',!,lnt,,1 ntM Coofederte Suf h-. -tLhlrd0,.,htn,t-' t voting by Tit i L?1.?0 Buu ,b" formed or erected wiibia eaeVera ' 2. Tb Congress shsll htv power to dlanoss of aal e..v, all aeedrnl r,r., ,d regul.tlon. o.rn ing pro p,rtl of th('ouf,derte States, including tha landi TthTrof. f 2. Th Oonfedraf States may acquire newterrltnr s'A Ctiagrea. shall hav pow.r to lejiai.le and TovlZ ,.rT ment for th Inhabitants of all i.. ILVl".. ! st"teVdea,hU, ',m Vb lm.UoTTh.Vv.r.a State. ,nd fci.y permit them, at anch time, and in such manner aa It may by law provide,, to form th Slate te be admitted into th conf.d.icy. la all such terrHorr th I,! rate Ktatea ehel be rcognicd aad protected by Congress thasevarsl t'onfsdorats Htates t t...i....i . ,. . tha n.i.t n i.l. .....k , T." -t rrrr." : '" "v them la any of the State or t errlrnri.. r ,i, r T ' " ' Slate. "Id by jcrtie ' TP. TVt""r ri it liw.i .v7, m iv-puimu ,unu UI gUVaiilUinul, SuJ fc,..l ii eurrti ut of Vrv shsll xced twenty dollars, th richt of trial by jury thall be preserved ; and no fact o tried by a Jury ahall be otherwise re-examiued ia any conn of tbe Confederacy than according to the rule of th oommon law. 19. Excessive bail thall not be reonired. nor excessive fine luipoaed, nor cruet and unusual puoiiiuieuts ihSiciedr t 20. Every law or resolution haviog the force of law, ahall relate to but one subject, aad that ahaii be expressed ia th title. . , , , - . , &ofua 10. ; i 1. No State shall enter iiito tay treaty, alliauce. or con federation; grant letter of marque and repnaal; coin money ; ke anyll.lng but gold and silver coin a tender ia ayment el dents ; pass any um oi attauiaer, or ts posi 'acto law, or law impairing the obligation of euntractti ; ot grant any title of nobility. 1. Mo State shalL witixiut ths eousent of the Congress. lay any imposts or duties oa import and export, except what msy be absolutely necessary ior executing its inspec tion law ; and th aett produce of all dntie aad impost, laid bv an State ee import or export, ahaii be for th os of th treasury of tb Confederate State sad alt each taw tbau D suDjeet to tne revstion ana control or uo gree. 3. No Stat ebail, without tbe consent of Congress, fay any duty of ttnnege, except on aea-goicg vsasoia, tor the improvement of it rivers and harbor navigated by tb sod veawla : but such duties shall not conflict With any treaties of tha Confederate State With foreign aatione l and any aurolueof reveane tans derived snau, alter making oca improvement, oe paid wto me common treasury ; dot shs'i snr Mate keen troop or hipe-f war, in time of peace, enter iuto any agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage ia war, nnless actually invaded, or in uch imminent danger aa will aot admit of delay. But when any river divide of flows through two or more btetea, they may enter into eompacte with each other to Improve tn aavigauo toereot. : Amncu H Section 1. 1. The executive power shall be vested m a President of tn conrederate ntates of America, ne ana in v see rrsai dent shall hold their office for th tern of six year ; but th President shall not be re-eUgible. The Preaident and Vie President ahall be elected a lollowa : 2. Each State ahall apooiat, ia anch manner aa the Legis lators thereof may direct, a number of elector aqnal to the whole number of Senators and Bepreaentativaa to which th Sute may be a titled ia th Coegree ; but bo Senator or piaietrreer i araos h aiding aa offio ot trast or tMtnaie. tinna hi the t4.i. ...a uiirus oi ipv retiaiors pri sent concur auu n snail uouii ihlicau fit teot ssch of them ssslnsl Invasion and os application of .u i.wiir yvr wi his Axeoouve wna th LegiaJatur Is not in session) sgalnlt domestlo violence. . ', , , . Airrioti T.-cewfiin 1,. ' V , ' :J 1. Upon ths demsnd of any three State legil'y .. , hle.1 In their several convsut Ions, lb Congress haU sum-; mi n a Convention of all th Statea, to tak Into oormldsra. lloa such ameDdment tn th conatltutioo as tb said States shall conour Ifi suggesting at th time wbea tbeasld demand le msds, and should any of th proposed amendments to . th constltutioa be agreed oa by tb (aid convention-voting by States end th asm be ratified by th legislatures of two-thirds ef the several Slates, or by convention In -two-third thereof th on or th other mod of ratlti- oatloa may h propoaed by th general convention ther shall keuoeforward form a pari of thl Constitution. But ao States shall, without It consent, be deprived of ita eanal representation lathe Senate.' . . . ' ' sartCLi t-r. -1. Tb Government established by thlsCotis'.itutlon l tfi tlooessor of lb provisional government of th Confederate State of America, and all the laws passed by th latter shall continue in fore nntll tha tarns shall be -repealed or mod fled; and all tha pfflor appointed hy th same shall remalii In flic until their sneomors a. spHnted and' qnalllltid, or the oOice abollshsd. 2. All debt contracted and snssffsmania ni...j i.,. before th adopt mn of thl constitution shall l a va:id against th Confederate State nnder this constltutioa as nuder Hi i rovlalonal government. I Thl constitution, and tb laws of tha roatderet States, mad in pursnanc thereof, and all trestle mad, or - -. " vbutii7 i tn t'omeaerat . State, thall be tb anprem law of tbe land; and tba Jmlg si in every State thall b bound thereby, anything lath constitution or law ot any Slate to ths couirary notwith- ' """. ... 4. Th Penntor and Reprttertativaa befors mentioned and th mernhsrsof th evwal State Legilttiret, and all executive and Judicial rffloers, both of th Confederate , v States snd of th severs! state, shall Le hound hf oath or ' sfJIrniatlon to support this oonalltation, but no rellgoti test shall aver b required a a qiiallfloatipn to any ofliue sr Dublin trnst under the Confederate Htaie. . muw w. , . Th power not delegated to UitlnrdertiBtatei be (he constitution, nor prohibited by it to th State are re- , serveu to ui nisies, respectively, or to tbe people thereof. . t - ", AST10L1 TU. . . . - V s . , 1. Th rat naatlon of th Conventions of flv Hist shall ? " beufll' lnt for ib astahltehment of thl eooaUtut,.n b. twen the State ora'lfv lug th. same. B",,BUlo,l 2 Wbea five Statea shall hsva r.iliUt M. i. . . VVU.UVUUUD. In the manner be for tpeolfled, the (Ingres uudsr urovtl nata, and by and with the advice and aonsenl of th Senate, triad appoint smba-sadors, other tmtiilu nnnieters and Coo ui, judges of Ui Supreme Court, and all other uffloera of ine i oi.ii derate Mates, whose appointment are not uerelu oioerwi prov;ueu ior, ana wntcu snau ne estaoiouea ny law r hut the Congts niar. by law, vist tha appointment or auco interior oinoers, ss ney tiiinx proper, mine rreel di nt eloiie, in lh oouris of law or iu ths bead of depart ments. ft. The frlnclpal offloer In each of the execntivs depart meuts, and all persons connected with tb diplomatic sor vice, nlsy b removed from office at the pktssure Of th Piesidedt. All other civil ofllcers of th Executive Depart ment may lie removed at any tlm by the Prraldeut, or othor sppoiu'ing power, when tleir service are unneces sary, or lor diaboueaty. Incapacity. Inefficiency, miscon duct, or neglect of duty ; snd wben so removed, the remov al shall be reported to tba Senate, together with tb readout theietor. 4. Th Piesident shall hav power to fill all vacancies thst m.iy happen dm lug tbe recess of th Senate, by grant ing coiiimiHin which ahall expire at tbe end of their next sewtiou ; but no person rcjocud by tbe Senate shall be re appointed to tii sjtin offlu daring their ensuing recess. Mc'iton 3. 1. Th President shsll from time to time, give toth Con grass information of th fste of the (foqtaderary, and re owntmend to their consideration snob measmes aa h (hall jiiiie necessary and expedient ; h may, ca extraordinnry occaaioo, oonvrn iioin nouses, or aimer or tneiu ; na in ce of dissgrsemsot between tbvni, with respect to tlie time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to uuh time as he ahall think proper; he shall revelv Ambassadors and other publio ministers ; bs shall taks csrs that the lawk b faithfully execut, d, and shall commission all thr officers ol th Confederate 8 atea Rectum i. 1. The President. Vice Pie-Idem, and all civil officers of the Confederate S'ates, shall be removed trotn office oo im peachment tor. and couvrUob of lrts n biloerv, or other high eriniet and miedemesnors. - t - ahtioi.b in.- citpn i. 1.' TbeTidiclal power of the tioufeiic ate State shall be vested in one Supreme Court, -and iu such inferior co in ai the Congress my from tim to time ordaiu aud esUb UU. I ne Ji !)-, nub or tb n pteme sod Ulterior courts, snau bold thi ir office during good behavior, and shall, at stated time, feeeive for their service a compensation, which shall no h diminished during their cuntiauaoc iu office. 'kectton 2. t. The judicial power ahall exiend to all cases arising under this Lonetliulioo, tbe laws of tb Confudorate States, aud treaties made or which shall be ind ender their eo tnority ; to ait cases aSuctlng amLassadors, other public miuUters and consuls; "to all oJ.odiai atty and inarl- tlm iniifd.c'lon : to controversies to which tbe uonrede- rate Mates thali be a party ; 'o coot'oy ren t between two or mors Mates ; between a State and citizen of another Slate where the r-tat ia iilamtid ; between citfaen claim ing lends under si sou of different rules, and between a State or the ciliiu thereof and foreign Status, oitixeu or subjecu ; but no Mate shall be sued by a cilisea or sut jeot of au rortiea htate. . tare and consuls, and those ia which a State ahall b a ria. ty, th Supreme i ourt shall hav original jurisdiction a ail tbe ethwr rare before meutioncd ths Sspreuve Court ehail bar aonel ate luriedictloa. rx.a aa to law an! tact. wilb sura sxceplioua ana nnacr toco reguiauona a tne Congress sbail mik. . ' a. Tbe triivi nr all crime, except in rases oi impeacom :m, sbU be bv iurv. and each trial shall be held ia th citate where ue said crime nau aave oeen commitiea oot wbeu not committed within any State, tha trial shall be at such place or places aa tbe Congress may by law hav di recteo. i- H-cHem S. 1. Treason against the Conidrate tftate shall consist only in levying war agaiuat them, or to adhrina; to their enecnes, giving ueni aia ana comiort. o wmi euu vm convicted or treason nnie oa tbe Wstimony of two witnes ses to tbe tame overt act, or on confession in opn court. I. The Congress ahaii have powar to declare tbe pnntsn. ment of treasoa, but no atlaioder of treason shall work cor ruption of blood, or forfeiture except auriug tne ui ot ui person attained. sbticlb nr. Section I. I. Fail faith and credit shall be given In each Stat to the publio acta, record and jndicial proceeding of every ether State. Aod the Congress may, by ge serai law, proserin the manner in which such acta, records aod proceeding shall be proved, and th enect rnereoi. . . Section 2. ' 1. Tbe citisens of each Stale ahall be entit'ed to all tb privilege and immomiiea of citixena in the several States, and ahall hate tbe right of transit and sojourn la any -Stat of thi Confederacy, wiia inesr slaves ana otner property , and the right of property in said iltvea ahall not be there by Impaired. 2. A person charged in a ay State with traasoB, felony, or other crim agaiuat thiaw of inch State, who ahaii a J-.. t....i W. tr.nA In ...,har Htsie. BhaB OB demand of the executive authority of ths SUw froni he fled, be delivered np to be remove, te jurisdictoa of tha crime.' ' . i ' - . 3. No slave r other person held ZwSmOm any State or Territory W . mt Unsbanei, aaapiag r towtnll .wid oV'?i'-.'.v."iVoTOi!re4.Y7:vFA, ma guratlng th I'rssl.lent. Tbey thall also pre. cribs th time for holding the first election of members of Congrta nnder thl constitution, and th tlm for assembling th same. '' Until the smemliling of mob ('ongresa, the Congress under tbe prorlolonal cnnstliutlon thiill continue In imnlu iu Irglslatlv powers granted them, not extending beyond the Mm limited by th constitution of th prpvW jtsj govern ment. . s . Adopted unanimously, March 11, 1801. . , I . ' , : 'XL Census f IV or lit CarollHa .(800, - :' "' . as axroKTXD it ths snjusTAxr or rtra 9ta rowvihriox. r tal. cousins, Alamance, Alexander, Anaon, Allegheny, Ash, Haaafort, B-rtle, Bladen, Rruna wick, Bnncomlie, Hurke, f'shairns. Caldwell. ' ("amdeu.,,. Crlert, - CshwcII. Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Cleveland, Columbus, raven, Curnbirlanil, Corriturk. Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Edgecombe, Foiaytbe, f'isi.kliu, Gaston, Gates, - Granville, Greene. tttnllirrd, . HalilsX, Harnett, Snr wood. liendersou, Hertford, ' Hyde, l'edell, Jaeksen, Johnston, Junes, Lenoir, IJncoln, Macon,' Madiaoi si aril n, McDowell. ; Mecklesberg, Montgomery, Moore, Naab, New Hanover, Nortbamplrih, Onslow, Orange, Pasquotank, Perqalmaoa, Person, Pitt, Polk. Richmond, Randolph, . Robeson, Uocklngham, lie wan. Kutheiford, Sampson, Stanly, Stoke, Surry, Tyrrell, . Uolon, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wayne, WHkea, Wilson, Tad kin,- Taneey. WHITS. BXCOL O.I.AVS, 7,!eS7 ,3'Jl ."1 1.S47 7,4M .171 m 4.41 10,H'1,1 .647 7,401 - .297, . 1.940 . . (I0K4 a hi - 0O.D I2.4M .' 1,978 10,10 , - 8.779 8,711 9 l 4,071 I. 1.37 6.04 . S.20 10.71 n 410 7 009 ' . 4,11 l,i 2 (trt 1 734 6 U2 AX SAH '' H.Wi " 5 94 : 4.6il II. 141 4.241 10 648 2 210 4 90S ,0oQ 8.370 6.4.1ft 5.&41 19.M3 .7nl H.72J ,3I9 10,617 i,12 6,1!W U.31H - 4.4rj 8.2M7 8,708 7,40 2.117 A.2II 14,76 H!84 10,121 10,622 9.060 9,106 i 6S 7.B47 8,949 S,20l 8,an 16.470 . 4,M J.fiW 4.771 8,711 , 13 t 6,944 9,110 8,129 411 , , 161 ,IJ - 7J9 279 4.i5 2119 loo 219 104 114 276 11 27! ; a) ' S04 f H, 11? 109 J ' I.9--1 74 . Ill 147 lot T4 ' t H ' . 211 . 641 101 " Hi! 1,121 12 , 6-13 1,4-V) 104 I-S 1.111 2 .9 , 29 6 ll 107 177 ; ho 116 A: 41 273 I ' 280 45 184 . 8x i . 7 858 ' 169 622 1,44 392 31 12T . 108 343 '! -3H0. -4,450 407 138 . , 122 .. 49 . 41 M ' 1.. . 14J" 63 l,K4 4bt 198 82 734 ; 21 280 168 64 1.446 U 6.9A1 206-...-' ft 8N78 ' K.lHfl 8,327 3.021 . 1,911 , 2..J71 ' low I.0H4 - 1.1117 1.9H9 9.3.M I ,84 ' 0. 211 619 . 3,713 1 2,ni I. 4i3 6 1W t m 2.324 a.c7i - 2 3.11 1. m ; 10,108 v v l.ti - 2.079 2,199 l,9U - II. 0N8 347- ' tL 10,349 2,4s4. IU I 1,3-2 4,44i 2.7i3 4,177 2M 4 918 ' 8.411 4,131 ' : 2,11- 619 .fl... 4,W3 1,308 : '- ,64l l.bli 2,618 4 1 a . 10.3J3 . 8,808 ' : , i 8,109 2.9n3 rM9- 6,l!4 8,471 620 ' 6,44 -1,646 6,46 6,318 1,929 . 1,191 , ' 7.028 : 1,169 2,46 1,246 1, m , 2.J46 10,731 J0,401 2, i 104 . 8,461 1 1, 8 : 1,4-8 1,4 J . 3.2 11.81 ,22's 13 664 -. 1,690 7,96 ! 14,779 , 14.311 .' 11,996 . '' 8.408 12,4 9.237 10,646 7,9 .. '-6,841 H,1H ia,2is , 1O.7J0 , 19,ir6 . 9.168 ,42 12,348 . a,697 . 10,271 ; Id. 9(11. 7.415 10,601 B.4M 16.78 - - 17,378 - - I2,6l 14.110. 9.310 6,444 1 1,396 7,96 J0.08 19,441 8,011 ' A.80I 10 418 9.604 ' . T.7.14 ' 16,347 6,421 . 18,C7 6 730 10,211 4 ; .i8 ' " 6,004 - , .''t.lKH ; . , 10,l!-8 ' 7.120 ' 17J74, . 1,649 -11,427 11,68 ' , Sl.TIS , . 13,378 ' 8,868 16,949 , 8,949 i T.248 : 11,221 16.7H 4,040 U.OoO . ' 16,798 ' 16.490 16,740 140 1M71 ,16 633 T.S0I " 10,402 - 10,379 . ! - 4,941 . 11.202, W,6'27 -15,7 ' ' 7 . ,'-4,'. 7 It, 1 14,J 9,7 1 la,7H , 631,489 " 30,037 .331,C81 92,64 ADica' BLACK CIA) I'll for Cloaks, at J Jaa.20. - 4 BALDWIN'S. TTSAVV BROWN PIULU, S3 p Usees, st JUL aa.sve- pAi nTrr-" r