vvr mi n U U f Ml ii 11 n ii ii ii ii it ii V II II AM II- .11 I 1 I f VOL. 11. NO. 191. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WIMINGTON, N. 0., TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1862. WHOLE NTJUBER 3,263 ' BT FXXTOS PRICK. PROPRIETORS.. ik& PULTON Editor A. L. PRICE, Associate K .it.i TV am op ttBtcRiPTion cash in adtarck. II months,.. MOO .....a. ..... ....... .... 4 60 " ,. .. 1 35 1 U , tf.m M V - '" "vwjii m c.uip uiy,. ......... . ia . E?r ,0 trda M per 100, or 3 cents par eooy Weekly Paper rer veer.' . 1 SO ' Th pacer will be disoontlnsed at the expiration ol the AU letters oa business conceded with this office, Bint be "' 10 iu proprietors. From lb Charleston Courier Tha first Tni mt iki W . Tha military operationa of the war, daring tb first yesr "h.wom, i rum wa communion oi lus ovsrl act by IfttO- December 30.The South Caroline State Convention paas- ad the Ordinance of Secession. . December 28 Sadden evacuation of Fort Moultrie by If .lor Aflri.mnH- TTnitarft Kt.t... arms R. .nib.. Mn . born tha gua carriages, and retrea-a to Port nmter, which s-t." 37. Captar of -Port Honltrie and Castle "inckne v by tl.' Eouth 1 arolina troops. Capt, Uoste aus- reoiuW i unniTrnnnr Alien. - 1861. .January 3 Capture of Fvrt Pulaski by the Savannah January S Tha Arsenal at Mount Vernon, Alabama, , with 20,000 stand of arms, seised by tha Alabama troops. January 4 Fort Morgan, In Mobile bay, token by tha . Alabama troops. January 7 Virginia Legislature met Alabama Conven- uo met Mississippi uonventtoa met. Ordinance of Secession. 1 January 9. The steam ship Htar of tba West Bred into f ana driven off by the South Carolina batteries Morris' Island Failure of the attempt to reinforoe Fort Sumter. January 10. Forto Jackson, BL Philips and Pike, Bear uriesns, csptnrea Dy ua Louisiana troops. January 11 Alabama Convention passed the Ordinance of Recession. . , January 13 Capture of tba Penaaoela Nary Tard, and Forts Baraaeas and MoBee, by the troops from Florida. Alabama and Louisiana. Vaj. Cbaae shortly afterwards uaea commaoa, ana ua aiare or rort ncaena commences. January 15. Surrender of the Baton Booge Arsenal to tha - juouisiana iroops.. January 16. Georgia State Cosrsntion met. January IT. Virginia Legislature passed resolutions In Tltlng a peace conference. Jannary It. Georgia Convention passed tha Ordinance oi Recession. , Jannary 28. The Louisiana Btate Conrention met. Jannary 25 Tha Louisiana Convention paeaed tha Ordl nance of Secession. January 81 The Hew Orleans Mint and Custom House taken. February 1. The Texas Convention pissed the Ordlnanoe of BeoesaioB. February 2. Belaure of tba Little Bock Arsentl by tne Arkansas troops. February 4. Burrender of tta Revenue Cutter Cass to ' Ue authorities of Alabama. February 4 Confederate Congress met at Montgomery reaca isonvenuon met m waanington uity. Virginia elec tion for members of a eUate Convention1 waa bald. February IS General Twiggs transfers the public pro party in Texas to tba btate authorities. Col. White, U S. A., surrenders Baa Antonia to Col. Bon. MeCulloch and bis Kangera. i February 18. Inauguration of President Davis at Mont gomery, Ala March 1 The Ravenna Cutter Dodge seised by the Texas authorities. . "' March 3 Gen. Beauregard assumes aommand of tba troops beseiglng Fort Bomterv March 12. Fort Brown, in Texas, eorrendered by Capt, Bill to the Texas Commissioners. April 12-16 Battle of Fort Bomter. Brilliant victory gained by .General Beauregard and the Bontb Carolina troops. After thirty-four hours bombardment tha Fort aorreaders to the Confederate States. , vtpril U. Evacuation of Fort fcamter by Major Ander son and bis oommand. -. April 14. Abraham Lincoln. President of tba United States, Issnes a proclamation calling for 74,000 ioIddIum ' to pnt down tba " BoutUern rebellion. April 16. Col. Beeve, TJ. B. A., snrrenders Fort Bliss, near El Paso, to ol. J. W. McUriffin, tha Texas com missoner. " . April 16 Beisura of the North Carolina Forts and tha Favetteville Arsenal j tha Btate troops. April 17 Virginia Convention In secret session passed . the Ordinance of Secession. . April 18 Capture of the steam sbip Btar of the Weat by Col. Van Dora. C. B. A. , April 19 The, Baltimore massacre. The eltlssns of Balti more attack with missiles the Northern mercenaries paaaing through tbsir city, en roule tor the South. The Msssachu- aetts regiment fires on the people, and many are killed. Tha mercenaries are also shot. Great excitement follows, and the Maryland people proceed to bora the railroad bridges and tare np the tracks. April 30 Capture of tba Federal army at Indianola, Texaa, by Col. Van Dorn, Confederate Btatea army. The ; Federal offioers released on parole. April 20 Attempted destruction of the Norfolk Nsvy Tard by the Federal authorities. Tba works set on fire, and several war afaipa scuttled and sunk. The Federal troops retreated to Fortress Monroe. The Navy Tard sub sequently occupied by the Virginians. April SO Harper's Ferry evacuated by the Federal troops noder Lieut. Jones, who attempts the destruction of - the Armory by fire.. The place oecnpied by Virginia troops. April 28 Fort c-mith, Arkansas, captured by tha Ark ansas troops under CoL Solon Borland- , May 6 The Alabama Convention parsed the Ordinance . of Secession. ' , May9 Tha blockade of Virginia commenced. May 10 Baltimore occupied by a large body of Federal troops nnder Uen. B. F. Bailer. May 10 A body of 6000 Federal volunteers, nnder Capt. Lyon, United Btatea Army, aurronnded the encampment of - 800 Missouri Btate troops, near Bt. Louis, and obliged them to surrender. ' Msy 10. Tba Bt. Louis mssssore. Tha German volun teers, nnder CoL Francis P. Blair, Jr.. wantonly fired upon the people in tha streets of Bt. Louis, killing and wounding k large number. May 11 The Bt, Louis massacre. Bepetition of the ter- rfhU aoa.a of II a 10. Tha defenceless naools Berlin shot Tnirty-Uiree clticena butcnered in cola Diooa. I ' Jane I Battle of Bonavllle. Mo. The Mkwoorlana, a der Gov. Jackaoa and Gen. Price, defeated by a superior oeiy or ine enemy, commanded br Uea. Lyos. - Jone 16 Serious debt at Ner Creek, Bear Bomaay, Va. Col, Vsngban, with a body nf Virgioiana and Tenavweeane, roots a body of Federals, killing a lumber. No Confede rates killed. June 24. Fight la Lancaster eonnty, Va. A fora of Federal marauder lands oa the shore of the James Klver and committed depredations. They are driven OB and several killed by a company of Virginians. Jane IS Blots la Mllwankee, (Wiaoonein) la consequence of the drpreria'loa of bank money, caused by the war. June 26 Brilliant aftair near Bomnev. raDUina Rich ard and Turner aahby, of tba Fauquier company, with a handful of fol'owera. cut to velcee fifty or sixty of the enemy; the Ashbys fighting bslf a dose a Hessians eaoh at the same momeat. Captain Dirk Ashby mortally wounded. Jane 27 Ens-as-ement at Matnias Point, between tha O'ofederaU troopa and the United Btatea ateamer Free b n. Captain Ward, of the Freeborn, killed. Marshal Kane, of Baltimore, arrested by order af the Lincoln Gov ernment, and Incarcerated in Fort Mc Henry. June 2ft Skirmish near Alexandria, Sergeant Banes, of Bicbmoad killed. June 29. Extraordinary exploit of Coloael Thomas, of Maryland. Din.ni.ed aa a Preach lad ha takes Haul on the stesmir Bt. Nicholas, from Baltimore to Waahington. During the vorage be throws oil bis dirgoats, an In com pany wltb sis acoomplioae seises the ataanter.. Ounr-ff uown ine oar he captured three orlses. snd laics .te whole fleet Into Fredericksburg in triumph. - , July 1. G.- era! PatterauB crosses tha Potomsa wlti the Federal army Bear Williamsport. July 1 Heixure of the Baltimore Police Commissioners by order of Genersl Banks. They are confined In Fort McHenry, and afterward a removed to Fort Lafayette, (New 1 r j . July Z Blockade of Galveston t Texas) Commenced, July 2-S Battle of n..nMilla nn th. Potnman. between General Patterson'a amv and the Hnothern advansa nndor Colonel Jackaon. After a sharp fight the Confederates retired. July 4 Fklrmkh near Vw Pnrt Van. I.Ln'.r.nt Colonel Dreux, of the Louisiana Cadets, killed by the eoemy, Jaly6 Battle of Crthava. In HnuthweaterB MiaarDiL between the Missonrisns nnder Governor Jackson, and the Federals nnder General Belgle. Ths Federals badly Cheat ed, uoi. urats Brown, killed. Be la la retreats to Kerooxie. July 7 Fna-as eroent at acanta I reek between ti e Con federate batteries and an United (Hates steamer. July .Engagement near New Orleans. A United Plates war steamer driven off by the batteries on bblp Island. July 10 Brush at Hatters. Inlet. N. V... h.tweea the Confederate and a U. B. steamer. July 12 Battle of filch Mountain, In Wesiem Virginia. Defeat of Col. Pea-ram bv tha Federals nndar Of n. Mo Clellan. Betreat of Gen. GarnetL Julv IS. Battla offlt. fnr... In W eaters Virginia. 1 i.m Conredarate rested and five hundred captured by General MoClellan. General Garnett killed. July 17 Battle of Kcarev Creek, on the Kanawha, be tween 800 Confederates, nnder Lieut. CoL Patton, and bOOO Federals, nnder Col. Low. " ha Fsderala deleated. and three of their Colonels tutu prisoners. July II Bati or Bull Bun. The. Federal army attack aa Confederates, and after several hours lighting are driven back toCeotrevilla with heav loaa. Malor Harrison. Vir ginia Volunteers, killed. .Juiy ji Battle of Manassas. Decisive defeat or lbs Vflri.r.1 ..k A , . u-t, II .L. nnder Generals Johnston and Beauregard. Confederates, 28.000 strong; enemy, 66,000 strong. The eoemy Of panic stricken to Washington. Heavy lose ot life on both sides. The Confederate Generals Bee and Bartow killed. Con federate loss in killed and wonnded 1600. Federal loea la killed, wounded, and miising and deserted at Isast 16.000. Julv 21. Cant nr. nf fnnr nrlra. n ft" Cedar Kava. Florida. by the Confederate steamer Madlsoo. Lieut, Beldsn, U. B. A , and nineteen sailors, taken prisoners. July 26 Battle at Mesilla f Arlsons) between the Federal army and the Confederate nnder Col. Baylor. The Federals defeated and fly towards Fort Btsunton with a loss of thirty two killed. July 28 Burrender of 750 Federal troops to CoL Baylor, . H. A., at Fort Btannton, Arizona. July 30 Retreat of Genar.l Wise In Waatern Virslaia. Be reaches Gaoley Bridge, near Lewiaburg, in safety. Angoat 2. General Magrndar eommances bis inarch down tha Tork Peninsula. Augusts. Engagement off Oalventoa between tba Con federate Batterv and a Federal steamer, lhe latter threw several sheila into the cltv. T Umptnn lTiretuia Wy oraeror uenerai anagruaer. Anguet 10 Battle ef Oak Hill in Missouri. This glorious victory was gained by the Confederate troops under General uen. ucuunocn. a.r tha reaerai armv uuuer uen. wui. Eaoh aide numbered about 10.000 men. Lyon was killed and tha Federals routed with araat alaoahter. General Relffla enndnnt. th. twtr..t tnwarrla Rolls. ... . . , . i August 16 kirmish at Matthias fotnt. a oea. iobq oi Federals from the United States ateamer Eesoluts landed and were fired npon by the Confederate troops. Five were killed, whan thev retr.at.d. Angoat 18 The Confederate privateer Jeff. Davis went ashore on !t. Aogustloe bar ana was iosv. August 20 Fight at Hawk's Nrst, Western Virginia, between Wise's Legion and the Eleventh Ohio Regiment. The eoemy fled alter losing 60 in killed and wounded, Gen. Wise s loss, one man killed. Ancnt 25 Mason's biU. near Alexandria, occupied by the Confederal trnnna. Angost 26. General advance movement of Beauregard's army upon tba Federal lines on the rotomao. a us-oat 27 Plant at Bailev'a Cross boads. near Alex andria. The Confederates rout a body of tba enemy aod take M noson's Hill. Five Federals captured and one killed. August 27 Battle of Croee Lanes in Western Virginia, between tba Confederate forces nnder General loyd. and tba Seventh Ohio Ke.iment nnder Col. Tvler. The enemy terribly cut to pieces, with a loaa of 1200 killed, wounded and misasinn-. Col. Tvler was the first to run. Our loss S Hied. an. ant 2A.29. Rattle of Fort Hatteraa. The Confederate entrenchments on Hatteraa Island attacked by the Federal fleet under Commodore Btringham and uenerai ncajune Bntler. After a bombardment or twenty-lour noursme commander of tha Confederates, Commodore Barron sur rendered. Tbeenemv cautured 691 nriaonera, and carried them off to New Tork. Tha is and occupied by tbe Federal troops. . Beotember I Genersl Fremont issues a proclamation In HW lxuia, conoecating the alaves or renels. September 2 Skirmish at Big Creek, on the Kanawha. The enemy driven back. September 6. Advance af tha Federals in Kentucky. Paducah ooonnied. V September 7 TheVConfederatea under General Pillow v. , , " j. . v w-.i . 1 1 ocean v Columbna Kv. "T 109 vnaricavan aarVr VUu.u.u..u fi.nfmh., in -Rlttlf It,, flanl... Tarnifax Farrv. Western Virginia. General Hosenorani attacked General ' - bv the U. B. steamer Niagara. - May 19, 20,21 Attacked on tba Virginia Batteriep at fieweU'e Point (sear Norfolk! by the U. 8. ateamer Mon ' ticalla. aided by tba steamer Minnesota. Tba assailants -j-, - driven off with loaa.. No one hurt on tha Virginia aide. , May 10 The North Carolina Convention assembled and passed tha Ordinance of Beoeaaion. May 24 Alexandria, Va., oecnpied by . 6000 Federal .- . troops, tba Virginians having retreated. Killing of CoL kiln- worth by tbe beroio Jackson. ' M tn II Vm n a Imhh WnMafca It. ai, ii.iuu.uu. lata, unu ruiuMavuiu,. M.sa tbe Federal troops, nswport news occupiea. . Btiy i I II w urnrsns ana moduw viosaaaea. ; U 29. President Da via arrives in Bichmond. slay si rigntai cainazvoun noose oeiwaen aoom--pany of United States cavalry and a Virginia eompany; tbe gallent Captain Marr killed; several Federal troops killed, wounded and taken prisoners. June, 1, S Engagement at Acquia Creek between tbe Virginia batteries and the United States steamers Wabash, Anaooetn and Thomas Freeborn. Tba enemy withdraw, greatly damaged. - . . n ... a m , . . wt . art fi. ni June s-name oi rninippa, in nesutra v irgioia, un, Kelly, commanding a body of Federal (troops and Virginia ; lories, attacks an inferior force of Southerners, at Phillippa, . ' nader CoL Porterfleld, and routs them. CoL Kelly levere- ly wounded.and several on both (ides killed. June 6 Fight at the Pig'a Point Battery, between tha Confederste treops and the TJ. 8. ateamer Harriet Lane, resulting in the disoomfltura of tha enemy. The Han let Lane badly hulled. June 10. -Battla of Great Bethel, near Tork town, Va. Tba splendid victory was gained by eleven hundred North Carolinians and Virsiniana. eommandad h Cnt. J. Rankhaari Magruder, over four thonsaad five hundred Federal troops, nnder Brigadier General Fierce. The Federal troops attack ed the Southern entrenchments, and after a fight of four henrs, were -driven baok and pursued to Hampton. South ern loss one man killed and aevea wounded. Federal loss . believed to be several hundred. They confess thirty killed and one hundred wounded. Jane 12 Gov. Jackson, of Missouri, issnes a proclama . tion, calling tha people af that fetete to arms. He com mences to concentrate troop, at Jefferson City, burning the bridges on tba routs to fct. Louis ad lbs Ea. June 16 Harper's a Ferry evacuated by Uenerai Joseph " K. Johnson and tbe Confederate troops. June 16 t-kirmtsh at Vienna, Va , between CoL Gregg's -. Bontb Carolina Kegiment and the Fifth Ohio lieglment -jl .The enemy rooted, with a loea of several killed. , .'; Jane is Fight near Laeabnrg, Va. Federals driven j off by CoL Huston. June 17 Another massacre la tba etreeta of St. Loo is. The Federal troops fire a volley Into the Becorder'a office, . , " while in session, killing many citiiena. Jane 17 Battle at JUnaaa City bet wee a 1300 ttiaaonrt aas,nndarCoL KaUy, and 130 Federalista. Tba latter Flovd'a Doaitioa with 16.000 men. After aeveral iueOeotnal attempts to carry it, ha fell baok battled and dlaheartanedi ai least u or tba enemy were iiuea ana ou siounaea to these vain efforts. Floyd bad but Hva men wounded, as bii fovea was well protected. At night, (earing that Boa encrans might cross above nd attack him in tbe rear, Floyd retreated. September 11 Battle of Lewinsvllle on tbe Potomac Several regiments of Federal troops nader CoL Isaac J. Btevena, or tha New Tork Seventy-Vintb, marched from Chain Brid;e aa a retnaoiaaaae. Tasy wets aHeeked by the Confederates nnder Colonel J. C B Straat, and after a abarp light, fled in Bull Baa fashion. Federal loss, 6 killed and b wonnded. GMMenl. loaa. none. September 11 Battle of Toner's Creek, on the Kanawna. Wise's csvslry, nnder Colonel ( lirkion, defeat tbe enemy, whoso loan la 20 killed aid wonnded. Clarkaoa also took 60 nriaonera and lost not a man. September IS Colonel John A. Washington, of Virginia, killed in a skirmish in Western Virginia. September 18 Battle of Barboursville In Kentucky, be tween 800 Confederates nnder General Zollicofler, sad 1800 Federals. Tbe enemy rooted as nanal with a loss of 60 killed and 1 prisoners. September 20 Battle of Lexington in Missouri. The Missouri troops nnder General Price having beseiged the city of Lexington, at Last foroed tha eoemy nnder Colonel Mulligan, to surrender. Oar loea In the series of battles around Lexington was 15 killed and 72 wouaded. J'rice took 3,600 prisoners, including Colonels Mulligan. Marshall, Beding. White, Grover and 119 ober commiaaioned offioers. 6 pieces of artillery, 2 mortars, 750 horses, 3100,000 worth of commissary stores, largo quantities of arms and moni tions, and other property. Be also recovered the great eeal of the state, and the pnblic records, and 1900,000 in money. September 23 24-25 Heavy skirmishing oofcewell Moun tain, Western Virginia, between Boeencrana and Wise. Two Confederates k lied. September 26-26 Battle of Alamess, in New Mexico. Captain Cnpwood, wiJi 114 Texans. defeated a large body of United btatea regulars, nnder Col. Bobtrts, with great alaagbtar. Copwood's loea, two killed. September 28 Col. J. W. BpaoJdiaa; of Wise's Legion, killed while oa a scouting exTwditioii fa Western Virginia. September 30 EopkinevUla, in Kentucky, taken by Gea. Bockaer, (18.1 ' October 1 Capture of tba Federal steamer Fsnny la Albemarle Bound, by the Oocfederato steamers Cnrlew and Kaleigh. Forty five Federals taken prisoners andilOO.OOO worth of sieraa osptored. October t Praeident Davia visits tba Confederate army rn "- Oread re-law of tbe troops. October 3 Battle of Greenbrier Biver in Weitera Vir ginia, between lx Confederates, nnder Gen. Henry B. Jackaoa, tod IOOFt4ans. under General feyWav- After alx knar's battle, tbe sns.nv withdrew, leaving Jack sob still maatev of the groaad. Jackaoa'a loas 60 in killed wonnded aad malnc. Rnemy'e laaa at least IV. October . Kvtrest of BoaeBcraiw from Hawaii Mountain. ue nea with bia whote army ao use oiaeraiue or the Gauley twenty milea distant. October The Ch'ckamacomlco Bacea, oa Roanoke island, H. tl. A a enure woiaaa negiment ebaacd twenty . : I 1. n i . i i .... itliI i 1 . i Ii . . . - muea py vol. wngui s J .rH'. n-Kiraent. Thirty two Federal prisoners aad Valuable monitions of war cap- urea. col. wrignt s loss on nan, woo ran after the enetry until be fell axhaoated. Tba Northern papers el.lmtd a magnincent raderal victory, lamiaaoqs or rebels killed October Battle of ttania, uoea island. Bear Fort Pickena. Tba Confederatea onrtor General Andenno, of Doum varnjina, maiea aoocwaiui aiaca on nuiy Wilson's csmp. ronung tne rowaiei nau uuruing iat camp. Billy ran off In hie ah Iri. While rwturnlac to PenaaeoU. u.ar.i or the i -onierferetes warn auwa. Octobr 12 Bsttle- of Ut Mississippi I'sssml Pnm. modore Holllne, with bis mnsqauo neei, attacked and dis persed tbe Federal Pqnadroa blockading ths mouths of the anartaaippi. The scboonor . u. aoone and a launch nan tared October 16 .After oeonovlnc Mason s sad Mhmmi' hiii lor aevea weeka. la vaia expectauon of ret tin. a ht from MeClellaa, the Confederate army (ell back to Centre- vine'. . October 16.-- Battle ct Bolivar, beaa. Hamer'a F.rr um. rarae.n- ", SK vniuewevai.ind aoo mw Via. gluia militia, a -tiiottly routed 10U0 Fed-rala, killing 60 or 60 and tak'ng 12 prisoner. Oolober 21 Fight at Prederickstoara, Mo. Jeff Thomp son, with 1200 Mlaaooriana, drlvaa baok by 6000 Federals, with loss an beib sides. , . Ootober 21 Brilliant victory at Leetburg. Tbe enemy with twelve regiments (7000 men,) nnder Gen E. D. Bsker, oroaaed the Potomac and attacked tba Confederate army near leabarg, conalatina of three res-lmenta ( l&OO t andrr Gea, Nathan G. Kvans, of South Carolina. Iha Fad.rals were terribly deleated, loosing 600 In killed, RflO In wonnded and 7'.' In prisoners, slso 4 pieces of artillery and lOiK) s'and of arms. Can. Baker waa killed, and on our aide Col. nun was mortally wounded. Confederste loea 37 killed, in wouoara. m any oi ins enemy were loel in tbe river. October 16. Gen'l Fremont, havlna- .ft.anA.fi frnm kt Louis, occupies Hprlntfield, Mo. October 31 Kesignstion of Gen. Wlnfleld Rootf a Ceneiallaalmo of tbe Lincoln army. He la snooeeded by - November 1 8. flrsst storm on the Atlantic- ooast Beveral of tbe Llnoolo Armada lost. November 6. Fremont removed from bis command in Virginia and succeeded by Hunter. The latter immediate ly orders a retreat to St. l.ouia. - - Hc-r -mber 6 Battle of Belmont on tbe Mlasiaslpnl river. iiiBim buuh usniru maoi.ju.uuu BTODg, atiacaeo Gc:tji r"lllow. at Belmont, oot oalte Columhos. K. A dreadful earasga on both sides ensued aad Pillow waa be Ing rapidly overpowered, when Be was f nforoed bv General Polk. Tbe enemy beaten, tied -h tne river until night closed tba pursuit. Confederate loas 616. Federal loea 1300. November T Battle of Port Royal on tba Bontb Carolina ooaai. ine nana rons in Fort itoyal harbor attacked by a large Federal fleet, nader Commodore Dopont aad General Sherman. After a furious csnn nade. the shot and shall from the fleet falling like bail, tbe brave defendera retreat ed. Small loss on both sides, lhe anemv landed 12.000 swops immeuiai-eiy ana ocoupiea tne aessrisa roris. November 7 Urbanna, on tba Bappahannock, shelled by the r ederala. November 8. Beveral bridges on tbe Tenoessee and Virginia wanroaa Darned by tbe Kast Tennessee torirs. November 8 Battle of Piketon in Kentockv. The enemy repulsed with very heavy loas. , November 8. teisurs of Msssrs Mason snd Rlidnll. nn board tbe British steamer Trent, by Captain Wilkea, of the yd iiea riaies steamer Ban jacinio. , November 3 Fight at Goyaodotte, on the Ohio river,' Western .Virginia. Colonel Clarkaoa. with tba cavalrv. made a gallant dash Into ths town, slaughtering 40 Federals, wounded 60. and took 88 prisoners, loaiiia onlv two men himself. . November 14 General Floyd retretted from Cotton HI1L on the Kanawha. Colonel SL George ('rocban killed. November 16 Arrival of Meaara Maaon and Slid.ll at Ferness Monroe, In oharga of Captain Wilkes. "Tbey are sent to Fort V.'arran. . November 16 Capture ol 30 Federals near UDton Hill. (Potomac) by. Major Martin, of tha Natcbei Cavalry S veral Federals killed. - , November 18 Otonpstlon of tba Ki.itern shore of Vir ' November 18r-rmT.n"near'1f 'mil ' Cturch beTwaen th. Virginia cavalry, nndar Lisut Colonel Lee, snd a body of tha Federal Cavalry. Ths enemy routed with a loss of 7 killed and 10 captured. Our loss 1 killed and 2 captured. November 22 23 Bombardment near'Hensscola Fori P ckens opens fire on General Bragg's Batteries. Bragg responds and a cannonade of two days follows. Tbe Federsl vessels engaging in tha light driven il badly damaged Warrenton partially burned by the shells from Fort Pickens. Finally Col. Brown, finding hit'efforU futils, ceases his fire. In bis official report be gave bis loss at 1 killed and 6 wound ad. Beveral were killed on tba fleet. Brsgg's loss, one man killed by the enemy's fire, several wounded. " November 24 'Jocupation of Tybee Island by the Fed erals. - . November 26 Cavalry fight' near Vienna (Potomac) be tween tba enemy and Colonel Hansom's North Carolina Cavalry. Many of tbe enemy killed and 26 csptnrsd. One Federal Hegimeut ran, tbe officers lesding. Bansora's loas one. December 2 iSkirmlah at Anandals, Potomac. Cot. C. W. Fields, Sixth R-g'ment Virginia Cavalry, kills foar and captures fifteen of tbe enemy. Fields' loas two. December 3 Battle of Drainsvilie, near tbe Potomac. Gen. Stu-vrl has an engagement with a auperior bo.y of ths enemy, and after a hrd fight is foreedt? retreat, with a loss of over 200 In killed, wonnded and mining. Tie enemy'e loas even greater, Deoemnsr IS BatUe of the Alleghany, In Western Vir ginia. Tbe Confederate army, 1100 strong, nod-r Col. id ward Johnson, was attacksd by 6000 -Fsderal troops The latter was gallantly repolsed after seven bonrs fight Ing. December 17 Gen. T.J. Jackson destroys dam No 6. ontbslhssspeake and Ohio Canal, thns cutting oil Canal communication between Washington and the Wtst. December 17 Battle of Woodsonviile. in Krntncky. A large body of tba enemy at'ack General Hiudrnan, who bad 1 100 infantry and 40 pieces ol artillery, bt were defeated with a loas of 76 killed and wounded. The Con federates lost tha gallant CoL Terry, of Texas. December 26 Seward surrenders Mason and Slidoll, by letter, to Lord Lyons tha British Minister. December 26 Battle of Opothletholo, in the Indian Territory, 76 miles Northwest of Fort Gibson, between C1. James VL Mcintosh with four regiments snd the Indian allies of tbe Federal Government nndar their Chief, Opotb leybolo. Two hundred of the eoemy killed and wounded, and 100 taken pi iaooera ; 100 horse, captured. Confederate Ions 12 killed and 20 wounded. The batUa laWd (uor boars. OpothleyholuJiUijl to Kansas. Decembff 2S Exploit in H'mptoh Boads of tbe Confede rate steaoief Seabird, nnder Capt. Lynch, who attacks tbe Federal stesmer Express, haviag tbe schooner Bherwood in tow, and after a fierce fight, in which tbe Federal Batteries at the Kip Haps take a part, snooeede in drivlrg off the t x preas and capturing the schooner, taking her into Norfolk in triumph. . December 1, Fight at Pacrsment, near Qreen river, In Kentucky, between a detachment of 'CoL Forrest's vjiValfy and the enemy, who were routed after a fight of half an hour. Confederate loss two killed, one wounded. Federal loaa 10 killed, 20 wounded, 18 prisoners. A BTATBMIKT OF THS EILLBD, W OIK DID AMD OarTtraCD IM THl 8IVI1.L BaTTLI!) AMD OTHBB BMOAOEHJDITa IM TBI TXAB 1861. The following table exhibits an approximation to the losses of both parties by ths several engagements during tha vaar. Tha Confederate losses are compiled from tbe official reports of tbe commanding officers, (when such reports were published ) Of course, we eaa only guess at the loesea of the- enemy. Tbe Northern papers seldom nnbliah ths official reoorts of tbe Federal Generals, aod tbe latter have generally proved themselves sucb monstroas falsifiers that but little confidence can ba placed in their re ports when they are published For instance. Picayune Bntler stated his loss at Bethel at about thirty, when it la a notorious fact tbat one small sanadLof Megruder's men alone buried thirty-two Federal bodies after the battle In estimating tbe Federal lo8aee,?wa have adopted tbe opiniona of tbe Confederate officers commanding, who are senile men, snd npon whose statement reliance may be placed. , CONFEDERATE BUCCKHBK3. Feb. 16 "aa Antonio, , Mar. It Fort Brown, A prlllS Fort Rnmter, A prill A Fort Bliss, A prllrO Indianola. May 19weweU'a Paint May 31 Fairfax Coort House.. Jnae I Acquia Oeck, Jnno 3 Pig a Foist.... June 10 Great Bethel,.,. June 16 Vienna . Jans 17 Kansas city . ... June l New Creek...... Jane 36 Romney, , . . , June 37 Matthias Point, July 3 flayneavllle July 6Carthaga July IT ftoarey Creek, July IN Roil Hub,.., July II 1 July 36 Meallla, , July 2-t Fort Mat FEDERAL SUCCESSES. Da tea. Jans 3 Jase lv Jaiy 12 July It- Aug.- Uot. Ii Nov. ; Dee. a BATTHU. Phillipi.l.... aounvw,. ttoti stoautain,.. ..... . St. George, Hatteraa, rredarickstown, ...... Port Boyal, DraoesviUe,. - Total, ., ... a 3S. a. a 2.3 a 2 1 4 46 13 n eol 12 31 6 00 ool . eol 40 1431 378, o i 2 8 9 3"sl a 8 se-! 2 o. a pa ""IP 001 ooi (oot 1 00 00 1 0t 68 16 60 10 00 o 3't 60! 100 3071 S3 ... . . . . . Kuunlon Aug. lOXpilngfield, .. ........ Aog 16 Matbl.s Point......... Aag. 30 Hawk's Neat, Aug. 27 Bailey's Ooas Boads,. . ang. I'lt'ross l-snes Hepi. s Higlreek Bcpt.Ui Gauley,... HPt II Uwluvllle Bept 11 Toney's Creek Hepl.l'i Barbuaravllla, Hept.JO lcxlngton,.. ., fept V Alatneea Oct. 1 'tteamey Fanny,.,..., Oct., 3 Greenbrier , ... Oct. t Clili kamacomlt e,.... . Oot. t- Hanta Koaa, Oct. 19 Mtaataalppl Passes,.... r. It Boliva,....... rV 2 lavasborg, ,. . Now- Bnlmont,, .-, .v,...r,.7 Nov. f Piketon Nov. fOovsndoite,... Nov. It! Upton Hill,..,.,,...,. Nov.l8KallsChpr h. OOi 00 no 00 001 00 1 00 CXI 1 oo 16 00 2 00 3 to! I 111 l3 1200 00, . 00 l 001 on 00 00 on 2 00 00 7 00 3 on 31 1 300 I ft ool 00 oo CO 00 Oo 9 i 0) On IM) -60 60 3 300 0 3lK) OOl 160 ooi ooi ool Nev.3v No i Deo. I Dee. 1.1 Dee. 17 Deo D.c Pensaei'i. ,. vaar Vlenua,... Anandals tlleghany, Woodsonviile .. l)petheytbolo,A Saotameoto Total,....., on J"6 00 on 3 On 00 On on 3 2T 1 00 Mi! 2ii 00 1 27 6 2 oo i l OO 2 1 4 12 2 on Bool 00 on, ool 00 2 6 00 Wl 00 71 INI On 81 00 00 10 114 873 Ot I 0i Ot 6(1 10 3C 1 00 00 4 OO OOi 00 ooi 00 0 ooi to 00 ro On 8 60 lOuO lsOl' 001 0 2A ki on ut 80 1000120C to 00 t 00 H - 80 ooi 00 00 0t 160 1001 IStH ,71 ool 10 20: llMll 300 03C7 KvaapltMlalloM. 00 OOj 601 3 160 6 3o 6n 3!) 3d on 10U oo so Ool 16 600 117 400 on (Ml 00 on 00 OO ot .12 0 10 Ottj Ooi on 00 00 0( 00 on On On otH oo 23H 3I 4( le lb 4 100 301 7.1 101 4H26! 0(1 60 3 360 . 3(1 On 13o Ol 00 160 Oft 3d 0(1 4n hod UOti 100 60 OtN oi 20 00 f)0 2001 4A Ii' 3o 7414 100 00 100 00 00 4 00 0 00 00 160 00 OO II 00 00 30 1000 oo 760 300 ro oo 6 100 00 00 10 3 1500 00 46 00 31 17 oo 12 T2 300 - 00 M 80 10 00 3A 16 W 8 100 IS A DVFRTfEWFKTU " Via ba Inserted it FIFTT Ct.MTe) per cnare of taa 1 llns or less, for tha first Inasrtlos, and TWKmTT-FIV TN,7i2 n iart 7or each rep itiuoa C AS II IN AD. vAnCBJ, a. Advertisements Inserted asBpsda) or Bl.hop Notices are charged oM-half mora than above rates eight linee f leaded) or lew eoanted as a square. Mr AdvarUssments Inserted every ether dsy are charged 37 cents per square for eaoh Insertion after the first. . - AtATMa pablHatloa made withoot a responalbla name. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL C11L23. COX. KRRDtLL At IW ' A H1?1R TH1 BHMOND MANtJFACTTjniNO a ,MPrrwVBif avary week Cotton Xarna and Osnsbnrss. Jan. lat, Imi -tf. ALKX. OLDHAM, f Stoklvy Otdh.a. DVP1"- ln "R1". PBOPK1ICTO OF THW CAP! . J',91" aHDFLOVR MILI.8, AND OOMMlhV Feb.! 1HS2. ' "" wu-"n". "C, . CO-PAnTHKniHIP. fl I7K BBdaralgnad have thle day .nUrsd Inte a Ganeral ('ommlMlon and MeroanUie Btuincas, nader tba firm of Btokley Co- Mr. D. Caohwell Is oar duly empowered Attorney for the trenaaetka of any and all business of tha tnu. Offloo la ' Parsley's Bow, North Water otreet. , JAMES F.T0KLKT, ., , ' t . - C. W. OLDHAM. Wllmlngtoa, N. P., Feb, 1, 1M2. !T II. U IIOLMKB. - A TTVi nvrr Am t far HAH removed to tbe centre office el Jo'tJBS AL tTlt.T. INUH. next door Wst of bis former location. ' vcHiner mn. ihhi. M tf ' , RMPIR as A3.LKN, HliT ATTOHNXtB AT LAW, AVB rmnoved their offlce from Front to Princess street. JOURNAL BU1LDINUS, formerly occnplod by B. l2 Uulmea. Lao. . .... October 17th, lm. . '.'n.(f' J. T. rarriwir, iVKTOW4tMOOB,'0O'"00M- r xttiAb utMlS810N MEKCHANTH, OMWIJ No. 33 North Water St., Wilmington, nT.C. . H177 Killed......... Wonnded, Prlsonsrs, Co hfedsrate Loss. 1136 334 1 " 1487 ' Federal Loss. 4011 7H11 . 3177 Total. 69(17 20,900 Tbat we bare oot overrated the Federal loss Is proved by the foil 'Wh'g extract from tha Washington uoirespondcnoe or me new iorx imet, or a late dale. By returns at the War Department ap to tha 20th Decern ber, I lenrn tbat the mortality In our army slacs Ilia war broke out will reach 22,000. The number killed In battle, sklrml'het, Ac, Is about 11,000, tbe number wonnded 17, 000. The number tf prisoners In ths South and deserters amonnt to Oooo. It we bad tba means of anoertainlng tha Federal lnsas by the numerous smaller enga amenta, picket skirmishes. Ao.. during ths year, wa might eaullv csrry ths number of killed snd wounded up to ths llgure Indicated in tha Nsw York Times. EDUCATIONAL. LOCISBlTHa FEM ALU COIXKGK. yr BiJ A MEH 1 SOTJTHG AToMbeJr.lver.ltjr, of Vs., elegant COI.LMJE, wilh the hope MresiaoiiMiiua a rrbmil, In every respect, lilnhly socrptsbla to tlie people of the scntn, Mil. BODTRGATB will be aulsted by bia LADV. a Teacher of varied aooampliabments and vast experience, who rnr orteen years nss been connected witn soms or ths Urgent and beat Seminaries In Virginia. The Hchools or ANCIRNT AND MODKIl LAKGUAGKS, MUXIO AND PAINTING, will have gentlemen Professors presiding over them. We shsll offer the best educational advantages to a oeoule whom we know can appreciate them, and all we ask, la, yio u a trxal, and after this Is fslrly duns, those who are not aatl.fled can remove tbelr children or wards, free ol cbsrge. Tbe Boatd ng Department shall bava all the comforts and attractions of a well-ordered home, and the Boarders as tenderly and affectionately watched over anil oared for, as even th most anxious parent could d.atra. tvery at ten mud umuK givvu w .ua u..in. mauiir. ihu iiiair.ry tu vanoement of each Pupil. Dlplomaa will be given to those who can paaa rigid exammationern Ore Mcboola. Uold and Silver Mndais will be awarded for perfect deportment. Tonng ladis wi.hlng to educa'e themselves for teachers will Bod unusual inducements here, aa ths terms lor them shall be made soitabla to clrcomstaoca. Tbe School is not seotarisn, though tbs purest m vallty Is taught and required of every member of the Institution. Tbs buildl'g is large, new end magnificent, well adapted to School purposes The location is unsurpassed, being one of tha loveliest, bealtbieat and most refined aectiooa of the Booth, SO miles North of Raleigh, and 10 miles from Fr.uk bnton Depot, where hacks are always In readiness to con vey passengers to and from tbe village. The entire expen ses for ten months will be from $160 to 3160. For further Particulars, apply to Gen. J. H. I.UUeJulin. Win. P. W ll ama, Daniel B. Bill, Klcberd P. Tarborough. or to nuuinuain, Louiaburg, N. C. March 15, 1862. , 167-2mo U. ERtHBKIIT. DBOGOIBT AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, Wilmikotoh. N. O. Kseps eoastantlv on band, a eel act etnas: nf mu. Unrs, Ikmwttto And AWopean OhAtniralM, fancy and tffr, do. TT"' ta.PartlcolaratUnUon paid to pMscnrmoni, FakiiV vcirBs, Mboiuinb Cbbstb, ao, - t a. Mors Immediately nnder tha " Carolina Hotel." July 12, 1869, J02-tf iosirn a. tLosaoM. ctbps a. VAMAMamaa. a.Mawn as m. i ' n ENKRAL COMMISSION MEUCHANT8. Jane 88, imi. Wanixorow, N. 0. II. D. BILKRg, , ITTHOLRSALB OftOCEB AND OOMMISfllOS MEB- CHANT, and DKALKH IN N A AL HTOttto), oornar Water and MarM streets, Wilmington, Jf. O. , April 3d, lH.a. - 33. Mt'IlUAr as On (weaassee-a to Maurraw a rsaaassi.t ' 10MM1R8IO.S MERCHANTS K.,' , Al WMOIJWALI OKOCETIS, - . f , WATF.lt HTHZItT, " WILMlNGTOlf.N.C. unuv, P B, BvBCBIBOa, . ... J. T. MUlB.Ti r a Fabrniry 1, 1(159. 114-tf - Kiuia ooera, GIN AMD FOB BALK AT April 6tb, 18C3. riSTOL TLBK. WILSON'S. - MILITAnV RIDI'O ltl01.K. TTE TTAVK bow on exhibition tbe three leading stylee V of Military Hiding Saddles-vis: THK MONkCV HADDLB, THK KEtiULATION SADlL TUB MoCLKLLAN HADOLK. Also, ' Mexican, Hope. Spanish, Engliah, Attakaoa.a and other popular stylee, at WILSONS. eo. z. JI!KWI!fSli ata o. awiva. ' JJII.O.IM1TII AttO 10MMIBH10N MKHCHANT8, office tennnd story, oornar South Watorand Market streets, Wilmington, N. 0 whnre they are prepare.! to attend to aU business In tba , 'otTJitilaf ion line, ' . . 4 , .. WW - atod U ibew will bs ponetoally a'tnd v. ii. iuui!aO.V "A co., . COMMISSION AND FOBWABLVM MKBCHANTo Wii.ineToi,N 0. OfJlos over f r. J. A. WUlard'i Store, Satraaa tvsaarof Prlnoese and Water streets, , . , . Ar0h , 10. 168,3. I. t. oox, . B. BIMBAltlt -' W. f. (SHUALI., VOX. KKMItAIal. ah f'O. C10MWISBI0S MKUCUANTS AND WHOLESALE 0110 J CfclliH, ,' . Bo. 11 4 11, North Water St. March 12th, 1861 . 167-tf T.O.AH, O, WOHTH, r'OMMIHPlOS An)BW AIDING MERCHANTB, ' WlUHBOTOB, N. 0. March 11. 167 . . . IMI ly WtURR MEARII, ' ( .1k i .- to Ws'ke? tfrrrea .V Co.,) WflOLTOALK AND RETAIL DKUGG1ST, 46 Mabxbv Stbbbt, WimmaTOH, N. 0. i . st. i. - '' a. p. NiToaiLi.. KLUI PnTCIIKLI , WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DBALFTW 17 ( t'.'RS, I'KAH, OATS), BVE. WHEAT KHAN, OIL MEAL, fBKHH (iBOUND HOMINT, HOBSa COW thXOi 7 -. AISO, r, kastkh i tytr rtoHTn Birxa bat, , '.-:..-. ... B Biotth Water Sweat, - r-t. t t'i ' - , t la . Hiftnifg Ai KnviliJ. COM MISSION MPnoH A NTS, ' ? j , .. ..; WimTKavoii, bT. C. - asoatta BaBBiaa, . a. . iowat.1.. w. w. kabbiss. IW. tat, iw. NOTICES. TO FAMILIES WE bV on hand a quantity of Una Imported hberry, Madeira andVorl WUiei.T AiaS, vy old and chotoe Bcuppernong Wine, bottled by ourselves, which wa desire to oloee at once. Bargains may bs bad if application be mada early. Apply to WOHTH DAK 110. March 10. Ne. 4 North Water street. TWO CONFEDERATE FLAGS FOR BALE, at April 6th, m. WHITAKEB'B BOOk: STORE. LAMP BLACK FIASUa-ACTORl. T AMP BLACK in bnlk. Barrel! and Hbds.i 1 J Umn Black In lb. papers. Barrels aod Ubds. For sale by April 4th. 1S2. J.-B. BLOSSOM A CO. Jan. 24. 1 1 ' niHK 3CXOD13) OF rLOVGIIS atlll nontlnnea at h Fab. 33. WILBOhiVi. TOT OF TIN: f- J TO 8 INCH GAS PIPE ; . March 31. UTT3Cn J BUilU a GLOB For sale by BRASS WISE CLOTH. JOB. B. BLOSSOM A CO. 1 f BBL8. FLOUR, WO 8 half bbla. Flour, 26 bags Jan. 21. do. Just received and for isle by . .PETTEWAY at MOORE. 1H STORK AID KIIX. f 1 - XTO. 1 FAKII.T FLOUB, and. Winter Heed Oats. For 11 sale by . s - . ALEX. OLDHAM yr '8 Fub COTTON CARDS. 7, 8 atd 10 Co"" Cards. For sola at W h. WILSON'S. CO-PA RTRKnaillP 8OTICK. THE UNDERSIGNED have entered Into Co-PartnerahH n the town of Wilmington, N. C, nnder tha Arm ol HOUrHKRLAND ft COLEMAN, for the pnrpose of boring ' and selling NEGRO SLAVES, where the highest cash prises will ba paid. . .... Tbey also have a house in Mobile, Alabama, where they wfU receive and sell slaves on commission. Liberal advan ces made noon slsves left with them for sate. D. J. SOUTH ERLANTV JAMEfc) 0. COLEMAN. Angost IstfAstB. -, 804-t IEEU OATS. A" rJRniCl! ARTICLE, juat received. For sale by Feb.Tth . PETTE AT MOORE. SOAP BOA P. A LOT of hard Boap, mada at home, a eboica article.. V For sale by . : PETTEWAV dt MOORE. T OT CHAIN CABLE; ttrNDRlEUi. Half keg Epsom Sella ; , f - .. . v; lAn oi w irs ; 4 Plough fhareat : " 5 ' " 7,000 Bull Envalopea t JO reams Bine Ruled Letter Paper t ' Part box Window glass; V1 iPlongh5! 1 Letter Copying Presses. For ssle by '"''."' .Maroh, 32d , JOS. B. BLOoSOM CO. varDRras. . , , . HOOP IRON 11 and 1J INCHES j . Lot Chain Cable ; Lot Wirs, suitable for strsppln" Plough Points ; "..',. Lot of Iron Gas Pipe, U and 3 tochea I Lot New Type J - , , fn(V Envelooes : Part box Window Olaas ; t Letter Copying Presses. March 29th ' For aale by 1 ' -; J. B. BLOSSOM CO. COFt'EK I COFVRRl BAGS DALE LAGUYBA COFFEJS at 56 oil per Sag. Apply to 101b, mt f tbe Bag. Feb lb by J Olfa Olla. PETTEWAT 4 MOORE. sis wrvnm. B AORN, Meal, Hominy, Floor. Bice Stnw, Wheat, Bran, Sbcju, Ground Pea steal, U, t fflfc. m fACHINERT, Train and Seatafoot Oil by tba Barrel, ATA.' . Ga Hon or Quart, at April 6th, 1862. - WILSON'S. AIXOUOIm ...... , . I AhTnow distiBIng a scperior artiola of 90 per cent. Al COHOL, which. 1 oei for ula at reaionable r""" Apply to- ... 4 . U.UaVSiA. ptfl a, IGC2. ' - ', .- ; v - ' '. 4

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