. - ' ; - ,.'. - . . . , - ' - ' .. . - - - - - - - VOL. 11. NO. 195. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, APRIL 23, I8G2. vniOLE NUMBER 3,272 -Ji.Uftl.TQa. A PiUCE. PROPRIETORS; ii TUT.TOS, Editor... ..A.. L. PRICE, Aaeoclate K!i'.,t TBRMSOr tlBCRlFTIO!CA8U IS ADTOI K. 13 month, .,.,...$8 to ; 4 60 J J ...... .:.......... m- . 1 (for troops In ramp only.) T6 . Tai!y Paper to th trad J per 100, or 3 cent per envy. Weekly Paper- fte- AO Th paper wiille aicontinaed at th expiration of the tint paid fur tiniest re cawed. All let'era ob business connected with thia office, taut be addressed to lb proprietor. .. - From tb Cbariaalon Courier. ' ' Tki Irtt lr of Ik. W.r, The military aerations of the war, daring the fi tt year of It existence, from the commission f the overt set by Major Anderson, Pecenber 2Uh, i860 ; IStiO. ' Decembrr 10 The Konth Carolina State CecveuUoa paaa ed the trdinance of Brceaaion. Prcewiber IS Pndden eracnatioa of Fort Moullri by , Major Aaderaoa. United Btataa m?. Pa aoikea the a-noa. , borni the fan carriagee, and retrea a to Fort bamter, which he eecupive. . Peonbr.'7.--Captore of Port Moultrie end Cattle Picckney by the Posth I arelina treopa. Capt. Ccate auf' reDjera th revenue catter Aiken. : - - i8ui. Jatfaaxy 3. Capture of Fort Pulaikl by the BaTinnah iroupa. January ,S The Araenal at Honnt Vernon, Alabama, with 20 000 aland of arma, teized by the Alabama troop. Jannary 4. Fort Uorgau, in Mobile by,, taken by the Alabama troopa. ' Janaary 7 Virgloia 1 ii'ature met Alabama Conveu Hon net Mialaaiipi Convention mat. Ordiaance of Seceaaion. Janaary t Tbe iteara alilp Ptar of the West fired into and driven off by tbe Hauth Carolina battenet noma 'inland Failure of the attempt te reinforce Fort Kumter. Janaary 10-Forta Jackson, bt. Philip and Pike, near New UrlaDa,"oautnred by the l.ooiioa troopa. Jannary 11 Alabama Cauveotlua paiatd the Ordinance tf Reeeaaiea. Jaanary 1J. Captar of the Femacela Navy Yard,' end Forta fWaneaa aud McBee, by the troopa from Florida, .Alabama and Leuiniana. Mj Chaie thortly afterwarda Ukea -command, and tbe ale. e of Fort Pickena commence. January 16. Surrender of the Baton Boug Araenai to the Louioiana troop. Jatmary 1 Georgia Stat Ooavention mpt. Jaaauy 17. Virciuia L-fii1atur paiaed faaolulieslia vitinf peaae eenlerene. Jaanary 19 Georgia C'vnveatloa puaed the Ordinanoe of Vaceaaien. Jannary 28. Th Looliiana State Convention tact. --- Janoary 25 A he Lcuu.aua Convention patted the Ordi' nanoe of ectaiftn. Janaary 81. Tbe New Orleana Mint aad Cnttom Ilouie taken. ' February 1 The Texa CenvenCon pated th Ordluano of r'eaeaaion. February 3 Seliar ofth Little llock imul by tne Arkaneaa troopa. February . Pqrradr of lb Bavenoe Cutter Ca to the authoritiea of Alabama. February 4. Confederate Concrea mat at Montgomery Peace Conveation m"t in Waabinxton City. Virginia elec tion for Brat her of a attate Convention wa bold. February 14 Utnoral Twiaga tranafera the pakile pro perty in lexaa t tbe Kti'.i auiborititt. Col. White, U H. A., turreneta bun Antonia to Col. Baa. WeCulloub and hit Sanger. . February 18, Inauguration of Pretident Davit at MBt gemery, Ala March 1 Th IUvenae Cutter Oudg ttiitJ by th. Txa authoritiea. ' March J Oen. Btamegard atiuoie aocitnasd of th trip beatigig Ferthoiuur, t March 11 Foit Biown, in Texat, inrrtndeted by Capt, Bill tothv Texaa Commiatio'era. April 12-18.r-Battle of Fo Punter. Biilliant victory gtined by Ueaaral Beanregard aud the bourn Carolina trtx Bi. After thlrty-fonr hoora bombardiaeat the Furl auf rendera to the Conf derate S'atct. Apiil 14. Evaeuatlon ot Fort fcomter by Major Ander ,,pen ndh: c.mmand. , .,4.. . ,. "atauee a prvviaannM- llioa- lt T,vO retuateeim ie put down the "Boatbera rebellion. ' 1 April IS Col. Reeve, U. 8. A., torrendrra Fott Bllaa, Rear EIPmo, to Col. J. W. MOiriSu, the .Txi oom " mlwonar. April 1. Seizor of (hi North Carolina Forta bad the Fejettevitle Aibenal by the btate troop. April 17. Virginia Convsution in aecret aeaalan patted th Ordinance ofeoenion. April It Capture ef th tteam tlilp Star of th West by Col. Vao Uorn. O. 8..A, " April la. Xha. Baltimore mmaT. Tlie citlaent of Balti more anaua win idiwiih iue nuuuin uieivviiarini pwiBg through their city, en roufe t(r tbe seutb. Ibe Mtataobu atttarreimeut tires en tbe people, aud many are killed. The meroeuaria are alto abut. Great excitement follewa, and the Maryland people proceed to burn tbe railroad bridge aud tare np in iracu. Aoril 80. Cavlnre ef tbe Federal army at Indlanela, Texaa, by Col. Vaa Doro, Confederate Bute army. The ' Federal cfliaera rckated oa uaroie. April 20. Attempted deatraction of the Norfolk Navy lard Dytiie reatrai auinorivien. iui woraa act on ore, ' aad several war abipa touttled and sunk. The Fedora : troopa retreated to Fortrett Monroe. , The Navy Yard tub atouentlv occuukd bv th Vilf luiant. Auril 20 lUruer'e Ferry evaenated by th Federal troopa nnder Lieut. Jonet, who attempt the deatrnctioa of Ui Armory oy ore. l no piece ocqupiea ry Virginia uoopa . April it. Fort cmith, Arkanra, enpiured by the Ark antaa trooua under Col. Solon Borland. &ay 6 The Alabama Convention patted the Ordlnasoe of rcesion. llav t The blockade of Vircinia eonimeaced May 10. Baltimore occupied by a large body of Federal troopa under Gen. B. F. Butler. Mar 10. A body of 6000 Federal volnnteera, under Capt. I.yon, United State Army, aurrcuoded th encampment of 100 Miaaourl mutt uoops, nearer lsuis, ana ooiigta luem to earrender. May 10 The St. Lonla mtaaacr. Th German volun teera, uuder Col. Francia P. Blair, Jr.. wantonly fired upon , the people in th atrtet of bt. Ltuit, killing and wounding a largo tiUmDer. May 11-Tbe St, Lou! maaaacre. Repotitlon of th ter- rible tceae ol May 10. The detknveleta people again ahot down. Thirty-three citizen butchered in cold blood. " May 11. The Blockade of ChajloaUa harbor comaaeaeed br the U. S. ataner Niasara. May 1, 20, 21 Attacked on tl.e Virginia Batter la- at . Bewell'a Point (near Moifolk) by the if. B. e: earner M on ticelle, aided by the ateamcr Mlnoeaota. The ainailanta driven off wi'h lot No oue hurt on tbe Virginia aide. . May 20 The North Carolina Convention aaaembled and paased th Ordinance of Heceaaion. Hay it aiexatana. va., oocupiea oy swuu taerai , troops, th Virglniana haviog retreated. Killing of CoL tl.s worth bv the heroic Jackson. i '. May 25. Hajspton, Va., near Fortress Monroe, taken by tbe Kederai troops, aewport new accepted. May 27. New Orleans and Mobile blockaded. May 28. Preaidcnt Davie arrives in Iiicbmoni. Mv II. Firht at Fairfax Court Hoone between a com pany of United Blates cavalry and a Virginia company; the galtent uapiein Marrauiea; several, reuerai iroupa xuioa, -. wuunuvu Bli la.tH pruioBoi.. , Jnne, I, J Engagement at A cqiila Creek between tbe . Virginia Dstierte and uie uuiiea etatea sieamers vvaoaan, ' Anacosta and ThotEa Fret born, lh enemy withdraw, greatly damaged. . - June 3. Battle of Philllppa. in TTeitern Virginia, CoL Kelly, commanding a body of Ftderal troopa and Virginia mifh mviai;KB an interior lorco vi ouuuiii uvra, bi r uuiiuu. nnder CoL Porter&eld, and routa tbsm. Cel. Kelly severe ly wounaea, ana several on beta aides xuiea. June 6. Fight at the Pig' Point Battery, between tbe Confederate troopa and the U. 8. ateamer Harriet Lane, resulting in tba discomfiture of th nemy In Harriet Ljn badly boiled. June lo. -Battle of Great Bethel, near Torktowa, Ta. The splendid vietory waa gained by eleven hundred North Carolinians and Virginian, commanded by CoL J. Bankhead Magruder, over foar thousand live huedrod Federal troopa, under Brigadier General Pierce. The Federal troopa attack ed th toutbern entrenchments, and altor a fight of four hours, vera driven back and pursued to Hampton, booth em lota on man killed and seven wounded. Federal lows balieved to ba several hundred. ; They confeaa tLiuy killed and one hundred wounded. June 12. Got. Jeckeon, of Miesoart, Issue a proclama tion, calling the people af that Mate to arma. lie com mence to concentrate troop at JcfiVrsoa City, burning the bridge on the roau to tU Louis aud ihe Ka.t, June lo Harper's a Farrj evacuated by Geneial Joseph E. Johnson and tbe Confederate troops. Jane 16. tkirmifh at Vienna, Va , between CoL Gregg' Fouth C arolina Begiment and the rifib Ohio Cegimetik Tha enemy rooted, with a loea of aeveral kilied..- Jnne 16 Fight near Leesburg, V a., Federals driven off by CoL Huuton. June 17 Another maaaacre ia the streets of BL Lcuia. T: e Federal troopa tire a volley into lhe Keoorder's offlce, while la session, killing many citlaena. June 17. Battle at xvaoaaa tlty betweea 1300 Miaaoari ana, uadereTvL SMj, and UM rdraDsta. Tk latter dafeatwd. J nee w Battle of BinnviU. Mo The Mweonriana, no Jer Gov. Jackann and Ren. Price, defeated by a auperior toiy m roe eBemv, ccmmaniled by Ueti. l.yon. June IS t-eri. ni fiKht at New ("reek, near Romney, Ta Cel Vaugha, with a bodv of Virglninna aud Tenaean root a t.oiv of Federal, killlne a number. No Contede ra killed. - - - June 24. Float ia I.abctttr eauntv. Va. k rorre of Federal marauder landt oa the ahnro of tb Jama hiver acd oommittod de;redatii.na. Tboy are driven off tnd everal killed bv a comnaov of Vtrriniana. Jan 2S.Binti in a! ilwe-kee. WhwMiaair) In b"K.eqTence or the d'Dteria'Ina of Itank metiev. eauaed by tbe war June 2 Brilliant aflair near Homuey. f'aptah.a Itlch a'd and Turner A.libv. of the Fanauier companv, with handful of fnl'nwera, eut to iteicee fiftv or ixty 4 the enemy; tbe Ashby Behtina; half a d 'a IIeiane ech at tbe tame moment. Captain l'i' k Atbby aiortally weeaded Juae '11 Knraaremeot at Mathiaa Point, between tbe C' nl.de' ate troout and tie United frtatet t tamer Free k rn. Captain Ward, of the Freeborn, killed. Marshal Kane, of Baltimore, arretted by order of the Lincoln tlov erarrent, and incarcerated In Fort McHenrv. June! Hkrmieh near Alexandria, biergeant Uanei, of RirLmond killed. Jnne 2 Extraordinary exploit of Colonel Themaa, of Maryland. iMegqiaed at a Preach lvly he taaee pmhii ob ine eieamer ft. MicDolaa, from Baltimore te waaaingioD, liwlnc the vof are he throw. oB kit dMEUtte. auJIacom pany with hi accomplice eeliet the atetmer. tiumina; down the bay he captured three pri.et, and takes th whole fleet Into Frederickiburr in triumph, Jaly 1 G era! Patterson crowes tbe Pbtomto with the federal arur near WllliamnDnrl. July 1 rcirureof the Baltimore 'Polloe CommietioDera by order ef General Hankt. They are oooQued la Kurt Mollenry, and afterwards remaved to Firrt Lafayetto, (New ior ) July 2 Blockade of Galveatoa (Tej) Commenced. July 2-3 battle ot Ha)nef il e on the i'wlumao, bctweea General Petterton'a army aud the Southern advance unri r Colonel Jacktou. After a sharp fight the ConfedeiaUt retired. , July 4 BkirmUh gear New Port New. lUu aiant Colo' el lire px, of the Loui.iana CadeU. killed by the oue my. July 6 Battle of Carthage in HotitUwrttern Miaa'Uii, betweea the Miiour!ane nmler Governor Jauknum and the Federals under General rWle. Tbe Federal! badly ("a rat ed. Col. (iiatt Brown, k liud. fettle retreata to arcoxie. July 7 Lngaveiuent at AcquU t reek belwtn tl a Cwa fddeiate b.tteriea and an United Htate Hearer July 8. KogaKement near N a' Orleana. I nl'e 1 i-latet war steamer drives iff by tbe battenet on fchlp Inland. Jnty 10 Brush at llatterts Inlet, N. C, bj;wern the Ceolederat aud a U. H. steamer. . Jn!y 12 Battle f stich'DountMn, In Wcattm Virginia. Defeat of Col. I'efri iira by the Federals under Gi n. M Clellan. lletreat oftien. Garaett. July 13 liattlo ef HU Gnoree, in Wotern Virginia. 1 roufedarat rcatod and five hundred captured by General McClellau. -Ueaeral Garnttt kli ed. July 17 Battle of Scarey Creek, on the Kanawht, t e tweeusOO Confederate!, uuder Lieut. Col. Pattuii, audetiOi Federalt, unoor Col Lew. '.be Fe'eralt doiiatud, and three of their Celono'r t k.a px'touert. .'oly U. BatS ot Bull dun. Tbe Federal artnv attack oe Confederate!, aad after several boura IlK'btingare driven back toCentieviil with bear; Ion. Mtjor Harrituu, Vir ginia Volunteer, killed. f Jnly 21l4attle ot ManataaaPeclal dtfrat of lie Federal array, nnder Oen. Mr! owell, by the Confederate! fcnd.r Generala Johntton and Beauteeard. Cot'f drratea, 28.UO0 ttroag; enemy, 6,0C0 atrorg. The enemy llv paule atricken to Wa.hlngtou. Heavy Ktt ot life ou botli aides. The Confederate Generala Hoe and Bartow killed. Con federate Iota in killed aud weundtd 1W. Federal loaa la killed, wennded, and miaaing and deterted at lew' 15.uuo. Jel 21. CaDtura nf four unaea ofl'i edar Kov. Florida. by tbe Confod.rato atoamer Maditon. Lieut, beldin, U. H. A , and nineteen aailort. taken ur! ieri. ' July 25. Battle at Metilla ( Ar t ma) between the Federal army and that OLftderat in d r Col. l'.ftlo. Tbe KeJeralt doreated and fly toward Fort Staunton BithalwMofth.it) two killod. July 2S. Pnrrender of 7j0 Federal tiooosto Col. Iltvlor, C. n. A., at Fort Mtanntou. Ar t ma. July 3o liatreat of (leneinl VYite Iti (-etrn Virelsla. lie leaches Gauley Bndg, near 1 t.lobnrg. In a fety. Aagntt 2 lUenaral kiagiuder comuieucc Lit maruh down tha Turk Feniaaula. Augual 3. Euc.erment off Ga'vetton between tba Con federate Battery and a Federal ateamer. Ibe latter threw Aoauot Sumlug ot ilatAioll,,:4f,ltT SPj Bf ineral Magruder. ' General Mat ruder Angnst 10. ba t'aof Oak Bill inZiesnnrl. Tblsglorloui victory waa ga ued by tbe Conledurate troopt under Uentral Ben. Mcl'ulioi h, over the Federal army uuder t.tn. Lyon. Keeh a.de numbered about 10, 001 mea. I tm waa Liled and tbe Federals routed with groat alauirhter. Geatra Beicle condua-athe retreat lowaidt Kolla. oeutt 15. ,kirmnh at Matthias Point. A beat 1-iud n Fedei .la from the United btatet steatuar I etoln'a laaded aud were tired uoon bv the Cunfcddiata troops. J-1 v were kil oil. when thev retreated. Ausuat I Tbe Confederate privateer Ji.IT. Davis wsat ashore on M. Auonmina bar and wa lost. August 20.-light at Hawk' Nt, Weetern Vir;inla beiwveu Wise's Legion and the kllevrnth Ohio Brg'inutit. ike enemy fled alter losing 60 in killed and wouuded Gen. Who's Ion. one mau killed. A oa u it 25. Mason's Bill, near Altxandila, ocoupied by th Confederal trooot. August 2. General advance movement of Bcauragatd's army nuon the kederal lines on the Potomac August 27, Fiaht at Bailey'a Cross Bottle, near Alex andria. The Confederates runt a body oftbernetnv and take Maotnn' Hill. Five Federals captured and oe killud Aatuat 27 Battle of Cro.a Lanes in Western Virginia, between the Coafederat tercea uu ler General Hoyd. and the Ktventb Ohio iieninieat under Col. Tvler. T he enemy terribly rut to pieces, with a lot of 1200 killed, wounded and luiastiDg. Col. Tyler was the first to run. Onr loss 3 killed. August 28-39, Battle of Fort Ilatteras. Th Confederate entren,.'hiueni On tl'aiteraa island attacked by the Feloral fleet une'er Commrdne Hiring ham and General i'lcaiu.e uuiier. After a bombardmeut of twenty-lour boura ihe commander of the Confoderatea, CoBimodor Barron aur- rendered. The enemy captured 691 prisoner, and carried them eft to New York. The is and occupied bythe Federal troops, September 1 General Fremont Issues a proclamation in ot. Louie, counacatieg tlie slaves or rotois. Bepteniber 2 Skirmish at Big Creek, on the Kanawha. The eusmy driven back. September 8 Advance ef the Federals In Kea tacky Padu -ah occupied. September 7. The Confederates ttnJer General Pilloa I eccapy Culumtiua Kv. cepteniner 10. Battle of tbe Gauley, a arm:x rrrry. western Virginia. Geoersl Hoseneiaos attacked lieneta Floyd'a Bocltion with 14,000 men. After aeveral inentctual attoeiptate carry it. he fellbaok battled aad diahear:cntd At least 160 ef the enemy were killed and 25) woundsd lu these vaia Sorts. Fieyd lad but live men .wounded, as bit force wa well protected. At niibt. fruring that Hot- enerans might crota above od aitack I im lu tbe rtar, Hoyd retreated. - - Beptember 11 Battle ot Lewintville on 'he Poiomo Several regiments of Federal trooos uidor ( ol. Jsaao J Stevens, ef the New York eventv-nintb, marched from Cha n Bridge oa a reoonnoiaance. Tbey were attacked by tbe Confederates under Colonel J. E. B Btraut, aud alter a sharp tight, fled in Bnll Bun fashion. Federal los,6 killed and I wounded. Confederate 1 sa, none. September 11. Battle of Tonev's Creek, on the Kanawha, wise's cavalry, nnder Colonel nerkaon. defeat tbeeoeu -, whose lees ia 2J kilied aad wounded. Clark ton alto took 10 pr sonars and lost got a dsn. (September 13 Colonel John A v, asniDcton, of Virginia. (uiea in a exirrolah la Westora v irglnia. eeptember 18 Buttle of Barbourovine In hentucxy, be tween 800 Confederate aader General Tiilici-ffer, and 100 f ederals. The enemy routed aa uaaal wilb a lose efiO killed and S Dritoie-t. beptemter 70 Ha'tle or Lexington in r:9i,uri. its M isseari troop nader General Price having beaeiged tnt city of Lexington, at last forced tbe enemy under t olouel Mulligan, to surrender. Our loss in tbe serke of battles around Islington waa 25 killed and ri wounded, rnce tock 3,400 priwoera, inclnding Colonel. Mulligan i a shall. Ueaing, Vtnita, Grover and 118 o Her conmiaaionea moeis, 6 piecee of artillery. 2 mor'ar, 7-0 boraee, 1 100,000 Wor .h ot oomaiissary aloree, large quantities oi arms ana muni lions, aad other property. He alsi reeoveiod tbe rreat seal of the state, and the pubilo records, and IJOO.OOO ia money. September 23 24 J Heavy skirmishing oa SeweH Monn- tain, Western Virginia, between Bosecoraos and Wise. Twe Confederates k.liel. beptembrr 24-28 Battle nf Alameea. la New Mexico. Captain CodwouoL with 114 Teiar.a. defeated a large bodt of United bUtea regolara, under Co.. Hoberu, wilb great ataaghter. Cop wood a lose, twe killed. rptetnber 28 Col. J. W. bpaulding of Wiae's Leoa. killed while en aecoutine- eiDediuoa ia Weetra Vim una. repiember SO. bopkinavule, la Kentucky, takes by Sen. Bockner, 4J. B. A. Oetober 1 Caotora of tha P.rf.nl .i.. Albemarle Sound, by the Confederate Btxamere Curlew and Kaletgn. Forty Ave Federals Ukea prisoners and 100,000 worth of stores captured. October 2 Preudent DbtIb M, r..f-j..(. at Msnaeaaa. Grand enow of the trnona. - October I Battle of GreenbrW Ri.er I. W.if.r. Vi- gtnia, belwoea 1400 Cefdej,tee, ander Gen. Henry B. 3atoOB,8s4 v0&9 Federate, udar GeAeral Beraold After a'x hiur'a bafle, the enerry withdrew, leaving ,Trk- aoo atiit matier of the trtiund. Jckaouj loaa .MJhilled wouryled and ui iwian. neny' Ion at leat 11, OiKober 4. - Ketreet of BoMOomna fromewell Mountain He fled with hie wbol army to th ttberaide of the tvtuley, twenty n lie dwuat. - OoUiher 8. Th CbickAWteflrTnlco Faoe. en HuM,iio Jeiaod, rl. V. Aa entire Indiana K'Bira'ni ebtvd t-m, milea by Cel. Wrlcht'a Third Georgia He(rim;rt. Tl.ir'y. two Vetera) nrlannera and alnbla wunltHiti ot war -ap lureo. foi. wnvrrt ! ona men, no ru aner me enemy until' be felt exhausted. The rtorlnern p.pnra cin,t a muRnlflcent Feili-ral victory. Thonanil f rebel, killed ortober t Battle or flunta Koe leland. he ir Fot Pickens. . The Coerederatee nnder (ienoral Aridi-rt ,ri, ot Soulh Caroliua. makoa Baceeefal'attaok ou B I'y HY.h..i' camp, routinir tbu rowdie aud buruing the ceri-p. U llv ran off In hla.hlrt. While returning to Penaacola, several of the Confederate were killed. October 11 Battle of tba Mhwltilppl IVnne. r, m, auodore Hnllina. with hi njuqulio tteet, attaekej trd riia reraed the Federal r-qiadron blockading the nioutlia ol Urn Mitjati)'pl. The achouuer J. U. Toon and a Uum h cap tured October's After ooonpylog Maeon' an I tiunain'a Dill lor aevea woeka, In vaia expectation of R-ttln a Unlit Irotu Mot lelUn, the Confederate army tell, buck to t cntre vilie. . ' , cberl Ttattie of Bolivar, near llarp'r's FerVv Col. Turner Aehiiy, w.ll ? 0 Volunteers and 3S0 yaw Vir elnla roiliti. cuipletciy routed 1000 Federals, killing 60 or 60 snd tak us; 12 prlBi'Ders. J . . V. l I 1 . , i . 1 1 , . HI. v m mi . . uuiuucr o. r iiiuh rrciipririiHHi.vii, io. .ien innnin. son, with 1'itH) Wisnourians, drives buck by l')HJ Fvdt-ra.t, Willi ioa on notft Mee. tictobar at. Brilliant victory at Jee t'Otg. T h enern wttli twelve re inieni. (7M)U mB ) nndir tfeu K. I IU! er. crusted the 1'o'omao and atteoV d the ''oii'i.Ierae nnj rear Leeabutr. com.it ma; of three reiflinentt (I.VKi ) nml-i Gen. Natha'i (2. Kian, of ou h Curuhii. 1 ha Feib ra' ere tfinbly.leleted, lm.tlne 600 In k-illnd, HiHl in wituntlrd anil '.'6 In piwoi er-, alao 4 piece ot i I illei V and Kiilo a' ana ol aimt. i,ou. lt,.ier wa Kiiu ii, ma on our .ulel ol. Hu. t a in -rtul'y wonmlefl Cun'ed -rate lo S7 killed. 11 1 w.oiriOeit k' any of the enemy ere lost. Iti t ie river. October 2.V Geii'l Fremont, hav.Uic advanced from M. Li uia. Uccnpiea Knilosrleld, Mo. Otiober 31. lUeUtiatioii of Cen. WinAVl. Pcott a- lieneralieelmo of the Lincoln are y 9 Is tucceeded by Q-n. bie'tit-llan. Novembrr t 3 Oreat tiurm ou the Atiaullo coat bevo:al of tiic Liuoolu Aruiada lo t. November 6 rremont remove J from hi rontmand iu Virsinla aad encceeded bvllnnter. T'Iia Ixtter liniiieili.itM- ly ordeit a r.trest to St. Loui. Notnber Batilo of Welui' nt on Hie Mlnnlsippl rl'er. ... vunni' niiua itncili luiu.' . rouK, kniivicil Ge:,ri Pillow, at Belmont, p. ovitn Coluoi' i.n, Kt. A dieailitil earaag on both aides ciimeil an I Pillow wnt be. ng rapidly overpowered, whu be wsi ntorued be General Polk. The enemy Uili i, lis I ne r er until nUbt rioted tli pursuit. ouli.ieulu h .a 6 'i F vdeial lota 12 j(l. Notember P tile of Poll !-. I on tb 'irnth faml'iia Coaat. 1 he Htnd roils in Port II "l b u lior at'nck-d b a large Federal tleet. un.lur Coiiirn.v,l r lmpont and Oeunr.) Hberoian. Afteralu l u. chi d imile, tint th"t. aul tlutll from the fleet l.llinq like hail, the Lravn il-fonilea tetteat ed. l-niall leea ou biitli el lrt. I lie eu b v !a .lel 12,000 tiaipa m niediately an I eccnple'l th denvrted fort. by the Kt.ler.lt. auvatuber e hevi ml M i;ire i.u tiot Irunet ce anJ Virginia ilniiroad buiue'J bv th l-t i, i.i.-'i-.t e t.oieg. November I Untile of 1'ik to'i m Kn;t i kv. Tht eneruy repulsed wrh veiy bevy l.. oTembet H. f eisnre or Mmi ..1hoii ti"l Hide!!, oti ourd the Ilritiih ote.tner Trent, 1 y t anlii u W iikee. oi the United Mstct s'eanier Nan Jrti i.j'o. November 8 Figt.t at (iuvun l itle, on the Ohio liver. V'i litem Virginia. Coioni.1 CUrkeon, wlh (he cave'ry. rnde a gul'unt duth into 'h 'o n, e 1 1. 1 1 l; 1 1 . r.ug 40 Ke,:e'..Kg o:n.l.'iiU, aud m, iniaooi i. u..iu oi..y lo niui. hiniHen. Novenilii-r 14. Oenaial Floyd ret re it 1 frr.to C..t f!"l on i lie Kanawha. Colon I bt. Georc ' roijhtiu k tl d. November 15 Arrival ii M"l !a. m and Mi leil a' F. r reeu llouroe, lu tha'ge 1 1 Captain Vi,k;a. T..ey me aeut to Fort T.'aneu. NoVoiuber 18 Capture ot 30 Federal tear L't ton Hill, (Potomac).' Ly Mnl.r M.rtiu, of th Nateliest.av.iry b. veral Federxia killed. &ove"hbcr 1 Hceupntlou of tu F. uon rnprecf V r htillr "lavauft J Mi yeml er is. kirm leii near Fli rHiuic'h be .w .en the Virg nix cavaliy, ut der Lieut Colonel Lee. r.il a bodv of 'he Fe.lcral t avaiiy. Tlie enemy r jutud with a I -i-h ol 7 kil i! and 10 aptnre.i. Oat Ins 1 k;Mel stld 2 en: tu eJ, November 22 2J. Boi'ibarU nor.t G ar l'ei. ..';a -- I'll' P clens opei.t Uia.-on General liratg s Hat e t . Iri:i; retpuuds u 1 a csiinoua le of two daya follow. I h I'e ipr.ii vest. Is engaging iu the" fl? lit driven badiv ! m.imvJ -W arreiit'io pertially hurm d by lbekie,.n from i n 1 1 c i tjn Fin.liy ol. Brown, fladtng bit cff irts lu'tle, ci .ie htvllre. in Lb oflL'ial report ha gave his It.-ai at 1 killc ei,l t w- un 1 i d. HeviYal were killed ou the, fii'et. Ill ' Im, n.n man killed by ths rneiiiv'a tire, ecveml woun 1 .1 Nuvember 24. jcupatiiu ol Tybee Itiaua bv tie I-Vd erala. Noveml.er 20. Cavalry flg'.t 'near Vict ni (!'.' ,nur) ! -tween the enemy and t'nloi cl Mtn.-.Br N tt!i t : , i;. Cavalry. J!any of the enemy kilied aud i-, cii u i J. One Fedeial liegiinsui ran, tbe olTJcers IcaJmg. I.. -i-om's los on. December 2 Hhirmieh at AnaniJale, put m m ' ol C W. F.elds, Sixth H'g ment Wgl tie Cav.iiiy, kill fo i nrid captuiea fifteen of the eneiny. Field' tost to. l)eu mlicr 3. llatl.a of Uralutivil.e, nesr the I'o'o-r Gen. r.uart has an engacemeut uh a Humeri ir tio .y ..I tie enemy, and alter a h.r.l light Is forced to retreat, wuh x loaa of over 200 iu killed, wo.JUj-d aul mii-sing. i t en-my 'a loss even grea er. Dscember IS Bulll ol the Al'epVisny, tn '.'. . rn V r gin a. The Confederate army,. U n i-iro, n in, I i Am. lir,H..n mjb a,n,.LA.l V. m In 1 V , ..I , ... . The latter Ktt ga'.lautly repu aed af:r eivea h u- A'ii- in. ' December IT.- Oen. T.J. Jai keuea-rtro, 5. on fbt C heaapeake apd Ohio Caual, t-ms cut'i.-.g ofi t'iioi ceuiuiunication between Wa"hiDion and ilio vv . H; Utcemlior 17. Untile of WooUonvi.e, iu K i ..tie A I.,. !:., but we e I ho Con iarg body of the enbiny t ac Guuerai 11k. l.a I mo uiiantry and 40 pecee nt urtr eiy defeated with a luxe of 74 killed and woiiiided. federate l-'Bt ttioial.aot Col. Tony, of Ji'ex ia. 1'iccuibor 24 neward surreudeis Mas .a an 1 S letter, to Lord Lyons lhe Bnti-ii Midi r. Pecamber 28 Battle of Opothley b )!o, la tl.- In lian Te'ri'ory, 75 milea NottLweet of Fort Gibnon, het.eeii C I. Js.net X. Mclotesh with four reirine its sn I ibe In i. a allies oT lDeT8TIe7AtT,OTort;hiefil tTldor thtir I MM, p t'l-ieyh-lo. T wo bundled of the enemy kUicd anil wou .1, J and luo tiikea p. iHooera ; 100 hu'sea c.'-ire'l. r,,.-.i rc ;os 11 killed an 120 wnnmled. Tlie batneTattcd I urhiurs Op'ithteylio'o fled to tinea. . Heceiubrr i r.xplol in Itttnp'on li, aj or tne t oni'ce- rte sieamer rxabird, under Capt t yne;r,' wh t FbJsi bI leauH-r Fxprcs., havikg tbo tch onet f-h.'i a . -01 t.i tow, and after a fine fight, iu which the Federal IL'U-n at tbe Hip Kaps take a part, succeeds ia dnvirg oU thekxv fress sad capwriug the achoouer, Ukiog her into .Norfolk n triurai'h. Deeember 2V Fiaht at Facrament, near Green river, lir Kcatncky, between a detachment of Col. For-rat a Cavalry and the enemy, who were ronud alter a fiyiil ol hlf an boar. Confederate loss twe kfll d, oue wounded- Federal lo 10 kill d, 20 wounded, 18 pna- nera. A STATKMRNT OF TO a KILLSO, Wnl'SD.D AND CtPTVaED IN TB RfcVkRAL iTTJ.lS AUD VTHiJ. KMJaOXM)iM 1.1 TBS Tiaa ltl. The following table exhibtts -sn approx'tnat-inn to tb loeaet oi both partita by the seve el eng igeinenu duilug the year. 1 be Couiedurate ioo-te are complied from tbo official te poils of tlie commanding tQi. tis, (ebrosuch report were putijisbed ) ut coutao, wa eta cniy goeaa at tbe Irssce of tbe enemy. The Northern paper aeldm Tjubli.h th ifficU re porta of the Federal Oeneraia, and tbe latter have generally proved tbemaelvea aucb monitrooa falt.flers that but little curfiden e c in be placed in their re ports wbea tbey ar puMibd For instance, Pnaj-oDe Butler sutel hit lose at Bethel at about thirty, whea it la a notorious fact that cne small iqaad ot Mgruder'a men aloae buried thiry-two Federal bodies after the battle la estimating the Federal ke, we have adopted tie opinions of toe confederate omcore comatanaiog, w no are gentle mtn, aad npon whose s-aten-.tnts reliance may be placed. FLt LRAL BLXCESSE8. i; jy - r. -i ? s : Date. BATTLES. 3 ' a s m a.,-. Jane 3 7 4 44 11 11 no li ! 9 4 so; - 4 if Otf IV. . tl'. io . u. . Joue lt- Juiy 12 July 1- 4 W ( Aug. 2- Oct. 11 ant Nov. T '4ni 0U1 141 bi Dee. I ' ! i'hiilipel iooayiile itch MotnUiB,.... t. Geoige, fls'teraa, . . ,rdn,ketowu,V. . Port Royal, Uraaeevui Total, IMl 178.U4? W 207, t CONFEIeRATK SOPcrHKrt. BATTLFS. 3 X- . 5 ?5 fi ' S1 -i- Feb. It. fao Antonio Mar. 11 Fori Brown, apnlMFort Hu niter, Ap-1115 ''ot Rliaa April'.'!) Iiidianola May pi ewell s Peint 11 r HI Faiifax Court House,. J iuft 1 'I quia Creek, ....... . Juiii 6'Pig'a Poiel, June l(Hirt Bethel, June ii Vienna June 17 Kanaa City,.. . . .... June l' Mew Creek, June ? Itomney J. me 27 kUttuU Point, July , I Mayneavillu, July ft Carthse,. , . July 17 -icarey Creek, on IJS0 0.4 loo 10( Jfvn 60 llkl 60 ln( 3 , 14) m oj It 87 W Son 20 61) lIM 2'ti 3tM. July li "nil iiun,. July ?l Manaaaa.. July jleamii,-.S..r. Jtlv 2-1 Fort Ununlon Aug. lo .-piinK0',ld, Aus;. I Mathlta point, Auir. 2! Ilswk'a Nest Aug. 517 Halley' (lio.t Hoeula,. Aeg. !7 I.enes, tept :''g Crock Sept 1' l!il'ey,, H.pt llll emii-ville,. . Hept I it I'oin-y'a Creek lotm ir,'K -0i4)'4 (III! 0 on t co f0 Kept. I tk.irliiiur.viil,, l-exinKtou, t 'nHian t, learner Fanny,... tlieenbrler I 'tin knm u'oriii.'O,. i-iiita I'.i.ai Xi.siaktppi Pa.iea,. tolivn ' ee.biirg,. ....... Il'-hnnut. , . t'iketoii re,t.i' r-ept T tict. Oct. I let. dot. Oct. I let Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. til !luatilotte, Nov. ll i:ptoti II alt- I'al'a Chi'ri It. , ''ene""'. fJae- Vh-nna j .-; ; . . , Anand.le, t HcRhaiiy V, (,oiii: ipi ilieyiiholo "Sciaiiiulo,c, Nuv.-H-Nov. 2. No V" Deo. V le t. IS lec. 17 Pee. 2' Vv. 1 Ti.lal... '.! .'I Kl eiltlllnllon. C i lit, dciule Loan. 111.' s.ir. ...U7 Ftdcriil Ihh 411)1 7tl blJI Killed W.,m ile.l, . Prrooi ere. , 1 etui .6967 2ll. DUD Tliit e Imve not nverrttteil tVe Federal lout i1" proved by the fii I wn i' ctttrio t lu.m ihi Wtuhimloa coirto.pi mit noe ot ti e New Vol k 2'ii.n, of a Ihi date. i y letnrnt t trie War Pepitrttueiit up to the 201 b lircctn tor, .lern t'l.it the m irtmitt In our erniv elnce the war broke out will ie4c'li-I2.H)0 Th.r inimber killed In ).ttle), rki'tiiMius, c, In aiiout II (UK), tie nimil er wou' d 1 17, OO'l 'llm iiiimb'-r if ptii-oiicrs In the H 'Uth aud deiiTtr 3 rrt mnt 'o t.Oi tl. It we 1ih.i1 toe meant nf ainrrtafiil"? the Feilcrt! I i.-i by the mmi run up a"er er,a etnehfi,, pl hj.t ski -nr: lie, .n ., ilfiiiHK tin yer, w nii(.Jit e-il" earry the tninii.rr of kllleil r ! wu iJid up totlii; ti'uro l 'ic'.te t In the New Yoik If it- . Kb t CATION. 11 ... HiridtUmi f k MALK lOI.U'll R, f2. J tVLH BOCTH'tATK, or the ITrlvm iiy nt V t JABSHVr' ele?Jeae f ut Pre'-ldotit wlttn Nerttili un.Urt, an-l Cla "l.'.etltu'e.) ht te!.tn ali of this t-'egant '-.' .'.t.E, wMi the tope of e.ln'ilnililiij,' a T-.choof. n evry r. ; cci, li y :' pt.iie to tlia people. o tlw enioi,- - - , ...... -. y . 1. 1 im i a I r. in ti eM- iy bt i.Aiiy, l eut'ierof lam ii eouipliehnietiti aritl viot exrn ti'ii'-a, .-no (or lif'ee.i vea:i ha been connect d wilh ome of ti e Imfkt aril lit 1-eni'tmriet In Virc iuia. The M-hoolt ..t. aM'HM ANII M llrlUN I.AMill At.I-lH, IrilJwlt; AM I'AlMTi'Mj. will Imve gtulew.n l'rofcsnor ptexiillng over llnon. We eball off r the liCHli-ilucAtlw'iftl aiivntiltiiri to a I eofilo u. ,ni wn know cku apprecinte them, and ul we ok, t. yir a (riii(,aii after thU I fairly done, those vvliuHreuot satl tied cau remove tl,elr cb ldien or wsrds, fi ee ol rhurtrn. Tlii; J'oaid ng Pepertment sfca'l have all the cornfirts and iitt'Ki-'inrij of a well or.lerc.) h une, and tbe lloardnra as ti'ii.iiTly and afiei tionateiy watched over and oared lor, at evi-u th inbHt anxloti parent could desire, r very alien li'.ri l.elnq given to the lic.ltri, unnner and literary ad VKiiceinettt ol each Pupil iMplomaa wl1! he eivca to thone wli enn pans rluid exammatloii rn u e he I, on in. Oold aud vln-r Mrili t will ba awarded for perfect donnrttnent. Yonnir ladiH wmhing to educate themselves tor tetoliori wi'l lin I unneual in.lnceinem here, at Hi terns lor the in elmli be made suitable to clrcumstaticei. 2bo School is not sectsrlau, tuourfli the purt m'esllty I U'igbt and required of every memtier ol the I.mii.iii'Iiiu. 1 114 buililn g la lrce. tie sn i luatrnliiceiit, well S'liipld Id M hool purporce The lix ntiou is nneurpamed, being one ot th loveliest, tieiltb'eit and not reuned aauttooa el Ihe -.,inh, "0 lu.les North of Ha eiRh, and 10 miles Irom Frank linton I)i pot, where hick are alwaya iu readin to oo.i vey paietiiigers to ant trnn tlieviliege. 'I he uitire expeu s -s f ir ten uiuntiit v.,I ha from $lo() to 2jo. For furtlier piirUculaM. apply to Gen. J. it. I.lttjejobu Win. P. Wil .i.im, Ueiuei h. Hiil, Kicl.a-d F. yarbornut'h. or tj jAKtri hiUTIlGA'TK, irfxiiroaig. N. C. Parch 2'., lif,2. Iu7 mo tll'V Atl PlikTOL h ui:k, 1.0 K BA 1 Apr. BALK AT I 6lh, 1M.2. WILH')N"ri. - nt li r auvttttt' :n iriuin. t. . 'F F A V h now on rxliibitiuo the three lead ,ug styles V of Miiitj-iry i iJ.fcr, rildlus-via:. IHri M)NrlV rtAODLrS, at THK lit UiLATl IN ml.)LK, TUB koCLri .l-A.N KAOi LK.. Al.o, - Mexif an, Hope, roratei . Kultib At4kPa and othi.r popu i F. uiar attiea. ar vviu-sy . b. ii KINK WIVED. TO FAMILII'H. W'E h .vsoa band a qiautiiy of flue Imported Werry, Y V M..dei.a and Port Wlnee. Aleo, very o.d anJ Choice eknp, e0 lt)g Wine, buttled by oornelves, which we desire to vine at ou'.e. Bargaine may be bad If application be mt.lotat v. Applyto .WOilTtl DANIEL. 'arc to. Ko. 4 North Vi'at-r street. IWO NFiiiFHATB FLAGS FOH BALE, at 1 Apuiiib lMtl. tAHITAHIli n BtlDIi oTHlll! l.tMf CLACK MtlOKACWftii. BLACbt in bulk. Barrett and Hhds.: 1 AMI' 1J I bv mn Iliac k in lb. ioera. Barrel and Ubd. For eale Aprll 4th. f1. 1 OT OF TIN; J. R. BLOSSOM CO. XJ lltlS INCH GAS PIPB; BUNGt; GLUK knim WIBK CLOTH. jns. R. BIKSOM (X. For sale by rsreh 31. 1 f- KBli FU)UR It) half bbl. Flour, 24 laga do. Juet reeeived and for I ale by FK1TBWAY MOOKE. Jan. 21. M Sit IK tO AVO lULb. X'O. 1 FAXil.T FLO LB, and Winter feed Oata. For i tale by ALEX. OLl'UAM. . Feb 14.. l0i ton ON CARDS. iV S T. Feb ft and 10 Co' too Cards. For sale at M h. WILSON'8. fOFf F.KI ((IKK RE I A BAGS OAt-K 1 AtiLYBA COFFL.U at 65 eta. per lb by 7 tbe K.rg. Appiy to )eb. loin, lt-2. PETTKW4Y' MOOBB. I STORK. EN, Meal, Bomfny, Flour. Lice Ftraw, Wheat, Bran, i hrt. (;roBnit Paa Maa.L An.. AO. t"r ai by j - 4 ' ... . I l " - Fb. . . - OlJiiAM. ADVF'tTHEWrfTa Will be luteried at KlFTV CENTS per aonar of te llnr or less, for 1h first intfrtion, and TWk;.TV FIVi t?7.'2 T"r iufi for sacU repetitioo CAHH Jjf AO. IIM", , .. . .AJvertlsernenf InaerUr ee Special or Bishop Notloee are charred rno haJf nnr. than ihni..ni.i ...,k h.. 1 (l;alefl) or l.a counted at atquaro. - P Adrertnmenu ineerted aver ather !. are eh.r,l ' 7) cents per square for each In.ortlon after tl.e first. wNo publiiation made without a responsible asm, . BUSLNKSS i AND PKOFESSIONAL CARDS. iJitii AMY, r receiving every week Cottoa Tar a and Oenaburr. J m. Int. lMSt Mtf. Ai.ar.ar. iii.iuiih DT.kl.VSl I FKAUCt v" """" "r " es i MilD.Bi.l i i.UAi.x. ri'OPKIKTOH OF TUB CAP! H1N AN1 FLOUit Mil.lH. AMD COMVIH-. bl'N MKliCHANT, WlLMlKOrOK, H. O, r e. e, iwji. . .. fO-.rAT"lnIlil, - Tt HE tjnaetUued bavolh'v-ilny ttiKimU'lutok tieiloial - CoiMiiiiiiou aad Mercantile Bualtiuss, nnder the firm of Htoklcv X Vo. . . Mr. P. Ca-hwitll is onr duly empowered Attorney for the tranmctlon of shy and all bullae of th firm, Office la rrs!ys Bow, Norii Water Btreet. JAKK8 BTOKLBT, Wllmfngton, N. O., FehTl, 12.' v. n, uuuajtsi. I1T ' II. .. IIOLDIRil. - ATT"ItSiKY AT LAW, HAM r-ntoved to the centre office of JOURNAL IUJJ.D--IN(H, tiext door West of til former location. OctoberJ7th. iHtll. - : u K.MI(W A AU K, HATTOUA'JCXS AT LAW, A Fl raniovcd their off. from Front to Prlnree crreet. .JnUllNAL BL'lLOl.NGH, fuimorly ocoupied by U. L. Itoline Fjiq. Oetol.er l?th 1-1,1 - ;'.. t g.f i. t. nmxwAr, aoeaa afeoxi. I'RTTEWaT aj moon a. f J '"NFftAL COMMIHSION M KUCHA NTH, v t'4i imjij no. a noi rth Water st., Wllmlnglon, If . 0. !. 14 B. Pi H A M B K IIT, DMrtit.lJT AM) FHACTTCAL PHAHMACE0T1BT, " - - Wll.MIMAVtlN, N. O. he-ip i ooswin! on hand, a select stock of Ih-uyi, Afed irm n, Ihmifxtw awl JJtrP)a Chewirrut, FVlnry and iioiil liit- Ifiiawt 6irl tvpujrtfitr. MahtMtl i"urpon. Wrtlf, fc. B.!'urtii r.Iiir s'.lfilloa paid to PawiaimOrrs, flatflV vrira, MsniciKg Cu k ith, o, , . . , . .''t',re iiiiineiliati'iy nnffcr the Carolina Hotel.' Joiy lu, I ,. IS2-tf ' Jiien u li. ktoti ioM. oralis t, VAMAktaoiei, a. li. UU):.')''! a mi. , , , FNKII AI. COMMlrWolOH MIHLCil ANTfL I Jim It, twi. - - . Wihtsmwrew, W. 0. h. n..knu.eu, V.'llt'l.KALki lUK:Klt AND COMMIHHtO!! MFB t ci: A S i', a i.) OK ALK't IN rVAAL wTORLtf, oernef t r.icr nii l Mi fct t strer-ta, Wil'ititialvn. X. Li. 71, f- k. clCHUbT AtO, e-iwr to M j-ry it HMvoalr,.) .: ''M.iN MMIWIUNTH , hl. W.(ll aALUI GUOtTKiU. i"- ' HA'fJCH tiTHXnr, WU4U.UT031, 8.0. , w nm. t. i;c,Kisyi4. I. T. attaatT. ' ' r . y 1. lVj. lavt J. i t of, w, i. raofiAtb, 0,T! KMMUu ro. . I. IIXPAil, M HLItODANTS AND ti BOUlBlLK GI10 :'-.' . -Ko. UlJ,.rtSi..Wabaf Bt,!' xm ' ' , ,.,'jt uT-tr" - - --- Jlt ' " r. i.. i V. f- A i-t;. ft. vtiUfH, . . ' i t.it-i, HjireTi 1 JOi, .-e .re wi' r- ' . . . " vV'ii.tiiMe7vw, (f. 0. I" " : IVV - lrVVli WAtntii rrairiBi,' ; '.eor lo WnHn Mure A Ce).,) CLt.lAL'5 INI) PETAIL DU'.'GGI.ST, ' iVtaiisT ?nmxr, Wii.stiwi.Tow, B?. 0. w r-t.i,.r,. p, strrcasxi. i lij a iM'frrtr r.r., UflOLCHALK AND UtlTAII, PKALFTIS V3? CdN, 1 FaS. OATH. l'YF, WIIF.AT BRAN, OIL MKiLt Kr t.IitH NtytHOstrMT, BOiSS cow psaii Aid, h i nr1 'i u rn hirxa iia v. t 9 ff-h Water fttrsot. - - Vttaffwr !f i A.r.tit "3 v Tt'FY'swrV - i ".MH'-PAVTH, . , ' . " ; Wir.arrwuTOw, N. 0. . ccvi n ttrnti 1. f. W k:l-; t- nowa-M,. .- . w, iAaa.-ari. B..w NOTICES. (-(vl-AltT-WKIIimP HOTrCFJ. rpnTnrNTFlIi'K.SfTDhavetniereil Into Co-rrtr,rrshr.-i in tbe toarB of W iliiilnston, N. O . bnder tt firm el nuV - li; lil.ANO A t Ul.11'4 AN, for th purpose of buying nA online .Nr.;r.O BLA VKH, wher thehlgheit cash prices will be paid, They also have a bonne tn Mobil, Alabama., where thfj will reeoive am sell slave on commlMbrii. Liberal advas e n'adtt ttirot) slare left with tliem fur le, - -- - D. J. HOUTBRRLARD, JAMLS C. COLEMAN. Angnal lt. 1"5. iw. ;.. f-l-ikl) OAT. ACHOICK AltTlCi-L, JtBt recelveJ. rof 1er.y- ' ' Feb. 7ih PHTF.WAT A MOORS. , OAJ-OAI. . A LOT of hnrd Soap, made nt home, a choice article. L A tor saie uy ; . Jan. 24. PkTTEWAY MOO UK. miiE Ktoou Of PLortJIlfl still eontlnoeat 1 1 - Feb. 21. - ' ; - WILBOik'J). , BCRDRIXB. T OT CHAIN CABLE; 1J Half keg F.pom riall l . Lot of wire ; ' -' Plcnyh Pbaret? T.OhOW'J Koveiope ; .... 10 reairi Bine Ituied letter Paper j ". ran oox vviuaow tiiiiis 1 Plough ; 1 lx tier Copying Preste. For sale by Mart h 21d JiH. B. BLOheiOM ft 00. l .VUillKS. Hoop mON 11 and INCH 3 ot Cham C.b!e ; Lot Wire, suitable for trapplna" - - Plough Points ; Lot of Iron Ge Pipe, 1J and 1 Inohes; J.ot New Typj . , ,'-(; v : n I ufl Kneel -pee ; . . Part 4?ox Window 'lu ; ' "' '.'.'' 3 Letter Cop log Preaaea. For aale by ' . March 2tnh J B. BLOPOM A CO. (lt iilU MACniNEBT, Train ai.d KeaUfoot 0a ty tbe Barrel, t.alioa or Cjoart, at. . A pril 6th, 162. WIIJBO.f'S. ALCOliilU. T AM now distilling a auperior artiole of 90 per. cent. Ale ' X tAiiiui wnica i per for ai aa reaeoeaoie rr'ro.. , Apply to M. MolNNLS. April 1. IK62. " '74-tf - UV.lA,U'a AaUOiA ei'lAHtb.. RECtlVED BY tXPilS-S. ti e following new and con van'eut Mapa, juat pp ibed : ap of or h aud ciou.h C arolina, with Southern pcrt'ta ef Virginia and ia ere pv of Georgia. Mail nf kleiitu ky aLd Tenoeseee, with a portion of ti e free Mate bordering on Ken'ocky and NoTtbera port.oc' ut Alabama. Ororgia and North Caielina,. apnl lit. 13iii- ' ' ' Alilltrn MATKKIAl.t. aHi mot complete aortmnt 1n te v oaabe kalat AiU23. WHUTAKiu., Kpok rtore. fltuILKT BOAJ, at - . BAXDTDi'l- V . ' e " ''

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