. . Mm .A ... i ... .... T0L,rll. m 01 i !,' ril ALl t J : I A I i ' i I 1 - II 1 I , Hi" FlXTOTf A PHI Clt, PROPRIETORS. a J Vs" FULTOJf, KJiWr..A. 1. PRiCfc, AeetklAta. .Editor . ' " n ; TKnMHOP fclBaUIPTIOJI CASII 13 ADVANCE I" Ii month",. .;.... (0 " - 4 60 , ? ' 2 w I " (for troopi Jo camp only,).' 75 Pally Paper to i!;s laJ 13 per 100, or S cent per copy, l weekly Paper per vear.. ... 2 0 paper wiUbV duoostinuej at lbe-(Lxpiiiioii at iL. iinia iur aDies renewea. All letter on business connected with thin office, mut be Buuinrcu 10 iiie pnipricion. -r tram Ihe Charleston Courier. - The flnt Yrar rt War. "."- ' - J" m,1tAry operations of the war, during the Unit year . .... oicm e, irorn vu cnTmiMifin or the overt act by M.tn. 1 i .1 H in. 1 ....... . . ;' IVce!r,berW. The Smith Carolina Stat. Convention pass , ed the Ordfhance or accession. , . . December 24 Fuddoa. evscnatioe of Fort Moultrie by ., Mjor-Andersoa, United Plate army. He spike tb gnus. . burns the can carriages, and retrea:a to Port umter. wliirli in fccupic. , . , December. 27j-Captttie ot Fort Moortrie and Cagtle , .I'luekney by tbehoutu arcl.ea troops. Capt. Coate stir- reuaen me revenue cotter A Ikea. IT"- ' - j 1S01. . ' ;.. . January S,r-Cpt.ore of Fort Pulaski by the Favaiinah .croups. . . - . Jiloliary 3 Tba ArecDal at Monnt Vernon. Alabama, f with ItO.UOO stand uf arms, tcizpd by the Alabama troops. , January ' Fort Morgan, in lloUie biy, taken by the Jannary 7w Virginia LeRUlature met Alabama Conyen- ; - tion nietKMifsiiippi UoBventioa tnbt, . Urdiuaoco of isenoauion. j . Jannary f The steam ship F-tar of the West Dred Into , ana driven on by tlie Uoutb Carolina batteries Morns Ikkud Failure of the attempt to reinforce Fort Humtor. January 10. ForU Jacluon, Bt. Philips and Pijte, near no urienuB, cauiurea oy me l ouisiaua troops. January 11 Alabama Convention paused tbo Ordinance of Heeoasion. -, j . .January i;l.Caplnro of tLa renaftcola Nary Tard. and Forts Biirancas aud McKee, by the troops from Florida, Alabama and Louisiana. 1UJ. Chase shortly afterwards uonimsou, ana me sieea or r ort rickem commences. January 15 Surrender of Uia Ifaton Bougo Arsenal to the - ijimiHidua troops. , January 16.-'.cor((Ia State Convention met. j .. January W. Virginia legislature pawed resolutions In viting a peace conference. Jaunary I'i Georgia Convontlon passed the Ordluance Of Recession. , , January 28. The LouUlana Btate Convention met. January 25 The Louisiana Convention passed the Ordl ' nance of Becessinn. January 31. The New Orleans Mint and CoBtom House laxen Jnne 1ft Bsttln nf B,nn' lla Tka UiunrfTianm. tin di r (Jot. Jackson and ;n. Prioo. defeated bj superior te1y of the enemy, eomnuad'd by Gen, Lyon. Col Vanicban, with a body of Virginians and TenaesaeaDe, roots a body of Federate, killing a number. No Confede rate killed. June 21 Fight In Lancaster county. Va. A ioroa of Federal maraader landa on the shore of the James Kiver and ccmmitled def redations. They tra drives off. and seral killed by a company of Virginians. June 25. Iiiott in Milwaukee. (Wisconsin) In oi tiMqtirnce of 1 Lie depreciation of hank money, caused by the wr. June 2-:. Brilliant affair near Ilomnev. Captains Web- aid and Toroer Ahby, of the Fauquier comp&uy, with a baodlol of lol'owcrs. cut to pticcs fifty or sixty nf the enemy; tbe AtUUvs fiuhtioi half a dnta Hessians each at the a me moroeeu - Captain IUck Ashby ermrtally wounded. Jute (7. Knagemeut at kfathias Point, between the Cnofederate trouiia and tlie United Btate s steamer Free born. Cspta'n Ward, of the Freeborn, killed. Marshal Kane, of Baltimore, arrested hy order of the Liuooln Gov eminent, aud Incarcerated in Fort UcUenrv. - - June Skirmish near Alexandria, feergeiot Hahes', of Bicbmond killed. June 2tf. KKlrftaritiniLrv Tnlnlt 'ftf CAnnnl Thnti3 nf aiarylenU. Unguined as a French lady bo tKes pasBar on tne steamur bt. Nicholss, from EaUjmore to WsshtOKton wwiik vim voyage ue uirows 011 bis oieirusi, ana in com pany witb bis accomplices seizes the stetmef. Coniln down the bay ht captured Hires prizes, and takes the woo.'e fleet into Fredericksburg; in triumph. July 1 Geieral PM.ttvn.iA Federal army near Willlamoport. July 1 feiaure of Uie Bsltimore Police Cornml-Jioncra ry order of General liaiiks. They are confined in Fort llcllonry, aud afierwards removtd to Fort Lafayetto, (New ivit ; WUly 2 Blockade of dileratnn fTpr Pnmmoripoi! JulV 2-1. llnLtl 1,1 Hu,.rin.li: nn l, t,,mn ksa Oeueral Patlersou's iirtni and tli fi.m'flftrn aAvnnna ami n. i , , . . . J . " . -acason. nor a sliarp Ctfht lie-Confederate retired. . July 4 t Lirmif.ll tinnr K. Vnrl Vovi t l.ninnt liuloiiol lire ux, of the Louixiana ('adets. killed by the enemy JulV 5 Hiittla In Un.l,tn Ui..,.l between the Uisouriana under Governor Jackson, and the r euvrala under Ueneral Selirln. The 1'i rili hmllv .".Viit. ed. Col. Grata Ilrown. killiid. f ritront tn KnrivnilA. July 7KDffasement ikft AntiHiiL FA,lr tti.twAn tha rnn. federate batteriea and an United Ftate stcanrnr. July 9 hngWuieot nearKew Orleans. A United Ftates war steamer driven eff by the batteries on Khlp I-land. Jn!y 10 BruHh at lluttorm 1 Lonioaerate and a U. H. etcumer. Julv 1'2 H.illU i,r rtlnl, 11 I'eirai 01 1 01. 1'egrsrn by tha Federal uuder Uc n. .M? Clellan. Eetreat of Gen. Garnett. juiy ij. itatt e orst. (ii-nrca. In WpBtem V rf ti i. 1 1- 'n'ed urates rtntod and five hundred captured by General iMi viciiiiu. ueiterai uarnctt Killed. July 17 Battle of Srurev Oct k. nn the Kanawha, he. tween 803 Cooperates, nuder Lieut. Col. Patton, and fOOO eaeraiH, under Col. Low. Vbe FeUerals defeated, and three of their Colonels ta'rsj prisoners. 4..j. uni,-i.j or nun pun. jne reaerai army iuibck February 1 The Texas Convention passed the Ordinance February S.-Seieure of the LIttIa Bock Anrecl l.v t. l",6.nl;dl'.ratM.'. ni ttl" honI? .r8 "f arkanaa troops. . . ' euirevme wua beavy loss. Major ; Harrison, vir- - I' I - A 7 il m - .. I SSx " I UlUULtTI. K 1 1 iiri rrurunrya purrenuer OI rue liCVenue Culler Cass to Jul- til 11.111. .1 ........ PnltAf r.u tn uio antuonues or Alabama. t February 4. Confederate CongTeua" s:, t raw vouvennon nui in vvaRinngton City. Vlrgmia nuu ior uieuiuers ii a auuie v-onveniion was nelu. February 18 General Twiggs transfers tbe pnblie pro porty in Texaa to the fitate auiheritias. Col. White, U. H. A., surrenters Hifl Antoula to Col. lies. McC'ulloch and his nnngenr. Dccislv! defeat of the Fehruarv H . Thnnniratlfin nf troilitnt TianW rnn. ' gomery,' Ala. March S. The Revenue Cutter Dodce iclrad by thi Texw authorities. 4 March S-Oen. lisanregard assumes command of the tro ps beaeigitg Fortt'umtcr. . ( hfaich 12. Fort Browa, in Texas, surrendered by Capt, ., Ili l to the Texas Commissloeers. April. 12 Battle of Fort Burater. Brlllfsnt Ttctnrv t. gained by General ISeanregard and the Heuih Carolina . vroips. Aner iuiny-ioor aoaia Domoarainant- tue ort , surrenders to the Cos&derate Mates. V April U..Kvacaation of Fort ttiuiter by Major Andcr iot ana b "miind. . ' Aoril 1. Abraham Looto, rltmii -'0,7,1. L.,,.i roclamatlon calling for 75.OC0 volunteers " to pnt'down the " Routhcra rebellion. Aoril ISCol. Beeve, U.-B. A., snrrenders Fort Bliss, r. i rT-1 vi M.ilHfiln. the Texaa com- 1. sear t.i raso, .ui. . , - . ' rpCrTia.-Beiinre .fthe North Carolina ForU and the Fayettevillo Arsenal by the Btate troops. . IprU 17-Virglnia Conventien in secret session passed - iKaoTlha-ateam ship Star of the West by Col. Van Dorn, U. S. A. , ... , ,,. Anrll 19 The Baltimore massacre. The citlxens of Balti more attack with missiles the Northern mcreenarirs passing thlllgb their city, n rouie far tke South. The MsBaachu ietU regiment flrei on the people, and inany ore Wiled. The mercenaries are also Shot: Great excitement folbows and the Maryland people proceed to born the rahroad bridges Ap-Capeof the Federal army at Indlanola, ' t. Col. Van Dorn. Confederate btates army. Tbe - Federal ofBcers released on parole. . April 20.-P-Attetnptea ucsiruuuuu i Tard by the Federal authorities. The works set on fire, and several war ahlps acnttled and sunk. The Federal froopl retreaTed to Fortress Monroe. Tbe Xavy Yard sub sequently occupied by the Virginians. . ror.i "i-.-iiTm u ,.T,r' I'.rru ovscuated by the Federal . . .ZK .a' . T ,t. Jnnes. who attempt, the destruction of the Armory by lire. The place occupied by Virginia troops. April Us.-Fort trailh, Arkansas, captured by tbe Ark tbsae troops under Col. Bolon Borland. ri.n. May . The Alabama Convention passed the Ordinance ' 'G10!.. i.tv..t. ,r vinrfnla commenced. Nay 10. Baltimore occupied by a large body or Federal j i, n U ltmlar " Zy To -A Tody of Federal yolunt.era, under Capt Lyon, UniUd btates Army, wnroundaji I th. MP;t 80O Missonn biato troops, uchoh ""-1 o-- MnTi,. c T,nla mmnarre. The German yolun teera, nnder Col. Francis P. Blair, Jr., wantonly tired opon tbe people in uie arreeia ui 01.. iiwu., o a large cuniDPr. . ... ... . uf.n .Ti,. R T.nnta maaaacre. Beoetltion Of the ter rible scese of May 10. The dtfencsleM people again shot down. Thirty-three citizen butchered in coia oioou. May 1 1. The lilooka le of Charleston harbor commencea . . l . TI (1 .l.tamnf N'lHCrKrA.. Mav 19 20, 21. Attacked on the Virginia Batteries at Swell's Poiut (near Norfolk) by the U. b. steamer Mon ' ticello. aided by the steamer Minnesota. The asiailautB drivtn oB withl-8. No one hurt on the Virginia side. Alay 20. Tbe Morth Carolina Convention aasembed and - passed the. Ordinance of recession. ' ' P May 24Alexaadria, Va., occnpled by 5000 Federal troops, tbe Virginians having rtUeau-d. Killing of Col. tils wort ii by the heroic Jackacu. May ii. Hampton. Va., near Fortrtsa Monroe, taken by . the federal troops. Newport Kewa occupied. May 27.-New trrleans and Mobile biockaacu. " May 29 President latia arrivea in Richmond. M.ii r .,v,. F-irfai Cwr House between a com pany of United btate cavalry and a. Virginia company; the callent Captain Marr kided; aeveral lederal troopa killed, . 1 . . - .. I i .b.ti viviAnnffra. VUtlQU:U ftUU MiR.11 fi- , , ,1 June. il. 3. Fngaunnent at Acqula Creek between the " Virginia batteries au Ue U n.ted bUtes ateamer Wabh, Anacoata and Thonja4 Freeborn. Ihe enemy withdraw, lll'J nJ,J!fii' -r ri.rninn tn Western Vircinia. Col .HUB il.oa,.IV VI Mi,w'. " Keily, commanding a body of F.deral troopslnu Virginia ones, attacks an interior lorceoi Bouuiernera, u 1 uulj-f-i tinder Col. Porterfield, and routa them. Col. Kelly tevera- ' t nnnAA nA M.ftr.l n, h aiHM killed. Jone 5. Fight at the Pig's Point Battery, between the r-nntoilsrau tronns ud tha. U. R. steamer Harriet Lane, resulting in the diacomulure of the-enemy. The llaniet Lane badly hulled. .Jnne lo. -BatUe of Great Bethel, near Yorktown, Va. The splendid victory wae gained by eleven hundred North Carolinian and Virginians, commanded by Col. J. Kanknead Magrnder, over lour tnousanu nve sunorea reaerai iroepi Tiniier Bris-adier General Pierce. Tbo Federal ti oops attack ed the t-oothern entrenchments, and atttr aSghtofioor hours, were drivea back and pursued to Hamptr-u. fcootb- em lot one man killed and aevea wounded. F'ederal loss believed to be several hundred. They coufesa thirty killed Md one hundred wounded. ...... , 11 Jirkson. of Missouri, isaties a preelama- tieu, tialiag tha people of tlat btata to arm. He com ' nienoes to concentrate troop At JefiL-raon City, bnnnng . tbe bridges on tie routa to fcL Louia aud the East. Juoa 1!-Harper sa Ferry evacuated by General Joseph lirJuUrharvTeV. Rnnth t Molina Iiecunentand the Fifth VnW.BXrt-'t" That ntn tontad. with a loss of several killed. ' - June 16 Furht near Lcesbnrg, Va. Federal, drive offbyCok Hunion. .. . June 17. Another maseacra In the atreet of BU The Federal troop fir a volley into tha tecorder ouice, ' 1 I . .. aaaa killi,w ma n v i li..M n i.L t fc.fl.nuL. lit. hetwecaLSO) Kiassurl- n. BnAet CoL .eUy. and 1300 Federalist. Th lttr mi.f 'Mnwm I Federal army, under Gen. Mol owell, by the Confederates rft. 1..?. 7 '' General JohMton and Beauregnrd. Confederates, City.- V irgmia elec- 28.0OU atronct enom. At nnn ... Th. .1. ...J stricken to WaKhinglon.' Heavy Toss ol life on both sides. The Confederate Genera! Be And Bartow killed. Con federate loss in kl.lert nr.,1 wnnmtil lend F..ilAral lnaa In killed, wonndfd. and mlaalnt? and dpaerted at least lS.otO. JlllV 21. Clllitiirn nl Intir nri... ,.ll"l 'H ir k'niitf liMnriilK bytho Confederate steamer Madison." Lieut, beldtfn, U. B. A , and nlue'een sailors, taken prhioncrs. July 25. Battle at Mcailla f ArlzoiiH) between the Federal army and the Confederate nnder Col. Baylor. Th.o Federals defeated and fly towards Fort btaauton with a loss of thtrty tfl JtlllaiL-- .' . July 23 Pnrrcndor of 750 Federal troops to Col. Baylor, , H. A., at Fort Htanuton, Arir.nna. July 31. Retreat or Cwnnrnl Wl tn Woatrrn Vlnriala.. He reaches Gauley Bridge, near Lewisbnrg, In aifety. Aogust 2 General Magruder oommeucc bis- march down the York Peninsula. Aogust 3. EnPHf ement i(T (lalveaton ttetween the Con. fe,daia Battcrv and a Failr.ral ateanicr. lUe laUer Ibrew Augost 7. Burning oi-uaiupvta t'"B""; j XtMaU ef Oak Hill In Mir.ouri. Tbi. glorious victory was gained by the Conlederate troopnnder enoral Ben. Mcculloch, over tne reucrm ir Ca. Fach side numbered about 10.000 men. Lyon was killed and tbe Federal routed with great daughter. General Belgle conduct the retreat towards Bolla. . . A ugnst 15.-Fkirmisb at Matthias Folnt. A boat oad ol Federal, from the Ui-ited Htate. .teanier Besolute landed and were flred upon by the Confederate troops. Fiv were kilied, when they retreated. ... . August 18Tbe Cocfederat privateer Jeff. Davis wont ashore on ."t. Augustine bar and was lost. vi,.it August 20Ffght at Hawk'. N'st, Wrtm Virg inla. between Wise'. Legion and tbo Eleventh Ohio Ileg'ment. The enemy fled alter losing 60 in killed and wouudod, Gen. Wine's loss, one man killed. . , Angnit 25. Mason'. HiU, near Aiexanjn, j the Confcderate troop. , , . I..np.ITd.. Abgust 2U. tienerai aavanco iiwm""" ..D ai my Hpon the Federal lines on the Potomac. Auguit27.-Flght at Bailey'. Cross Boads, near Alex andria. The Confederates rout a body ofthe enemy and ke Munson i Hill. Five Federal eapiur-a ...u ....... August 2T.-Battle of Cross Lane in Western ' V irg.n... ttw.en the Confederate forces nnder General Floyd, and tho feeventfa Ohio Hegimrn. under vol. lyier. v,'"a a .... - lr.ail nT 1 ilJU fillieu. w utiuuuu a.r.-.s.i m.i ..iK. t rtt tn mn. Our losa l BUM lAAaA-taWAAJge V va w Augnst 28-29.-Battlo or rort Muiteras. i . v " M entrenchment on Hatter isiana ibki; "j '7;""" flpt nni'r.r fiommcdore F-trincbam and General 1 icajune butler. After a bombardmeut of twenty-four hours tne commander of the Coofederatea, troumodore iisrron snr- .o,l...,l Tha n.mf rftninrou OTfl prtaoticni, nun them off to New Vrk. Theis aud occupied by the Federa 4rnnlit ' . . , 't. ... In September 2 General Fremont sue a prootauuuu 8t. Louis, confucating the slave of ret.eis. September 2 -Skirmish at Big Creek, on the Kanawha. The entmy driven back. -..,i., Meptember 6.-Advanc of the Fedcrala lo Kentucky ravtueau occupied. ,..1.i r:w tepterober 7. lb. Con:eueraies unuer uwk! occupy mtiuronua Ry. . t l , ij 4 1 1 a nrtiiA I .an in v . Hiiiiina a hj WeHtern VirgipiA. General Boseueiaoa attacked 'CDf' ti ... ii it An non ITut ae v trat luencci uai IIU1UI UUtlUVU WIUI lJtUw wi"" " . " , , . . attempu to carry it, be fell back baffled apd dlshcartcn.jd. At least lo0 of the enemy were kilied and 2o0 wounded In these vain eflort. Floyd lad but rive men woonded. a lii fore was wett prtee4. a pijui, Tr.ma .-..r.t,. mioht r.rt. above nd attack bia la the rear, Klnvd retreated. K-..-mW 11 Ra.ttt of LewiuSVIlie on rue r-mu-uao. Bveral regiment of Federal tro.ip under Col. 1 o. . . ,. Vn-k Spvent v-niiiin. ruareueu They were attacked by the Conlederate nnder Colonel J. E. B Strang and after a aharp fight, fled in Bull Kun lasnion. riuenu iu, September 11. Battle ot loney ureea, .u Wise' cavslry, nnder Colonel narkson, defeat the enemy, whose loss la 20 killed aad wounded. Clarksoa also took 50 prisoners and los1 not a man. . ,,, September 13--CoIonel John A. WasbtogtoiJ, of Irgima, tuicu mi Hiimuiu in " -" " ' n - -.-. . . beptemberlS Battle of BarDoumme " ruK-1 tween 8c0 Cnnfederate under uenerai wmr-iwri i Federals. The enemy routed as usual wna a im wi killed and 2 prisoneta. . lieptener 20. Battle of Iierlngton hi Klsaoari. The Missouri Uoop under General Price havlcg beae.ged th ...i.,;n.t. itlut forced tlae enemy nder Coionei Mulligan, to eur render. Our .. i the teTtt ol battle. " :ji..in.m! hi led and T2 wounded. Trie r.w a m ,i...i,.r lnp!dln(r Colonels Mollieau. Isarshail. .. j: ' uu. iw... nt 119 other coBimleeiflnd ofbcsr. uir,u","::',m.r.. T.Q horsee, 100,000 worth e Ple.c" VL T'. ' U - o-an-itie. of arm. and muni. .LT,VT. Be Aho revered the gre.t Mai of the.tate, and the pnbfio records, and m,ww in money. September 23-24-JSBeavy .kirmiabing on Eewell Houq. tain, Wester Virginia, between Boaera And it. Tarn rVmfMh.ra.tM killed. .. ... Bepteraber 24-28-BatUe of A lame, j .LiHT...m defeated a large body LftllltlllUJUWVW. Willi. , . v . nf iJmtad hL&tta r.mlars. nnder Col. iioberM, Wllk great aiaughter. Cop wood lo, two killed. , September 2a. Col. J. W. Bpauldmg orWia a Legion, u.i. . . in Western v irtiuia -teptember SO-Hopkinsville, ia Kentacky, taken Gen. Buckner, C. 8. A. - - ftinh.. i rntni-a nf Oi r,trA i!.imr Fanny Albemarla Round, bv the Confedera.tA steamer Cnrlew and EaleUfe. Forty flv. Federal, taken priaoner aad (100,000 Worth of iter, captured. October 2 1're.ident Da via vialta tbe Confederal, army at Maaasaaa. Grand review of the troop. October 3. Battie of Greenbrier Blver la WeteVir' Jinia, between 1600 CoafederAtea, under Gra. Henry ACkfoa, as4 tOM FfeUrua, unler Gcoerai Beyuoid i After six hour's battle, the enemy withdrew, !cu vit v JAv aon still master of the ground. Jackson', hiss so la killed wonnded and m'aalng. Knomy. loss at least Ir.ft. ' October 5. -Retreat of Rosanrrana frornKewell Mnimt,.!.. IIo fled with bht wbrtieermy to Ui olher side of iheGaoley tweuty miles dl'tsnt. Uctober TLa Cliickamaootn'co Eacos. on Koanoke Itland, N. C. An erttjre Indiana Keglment chaaej twvmy milea by Cel. Wright' Third Georgia Regiment. Thify two Federal prisoner, and valuable mauitlons of wur cap. tnrtd. Col. VV rif l.t'a Ion. one man, who rao alVr tiie enemy Bbtll ho fell "rxhausUd. The Northern papers claimed a nugatflceiit Federal victory. Thousaoc'. cf rebels killed October S Hittvle of Hants) line) Istand, ner Fori i icsen. rna iKinitdnratc. antler ucn.rai Aodemon, fiouili I'srohua, ruaiui a uecatil attack im Lilly Wilann ramp, routing lbs rowdies and burning the cauip. Billy ran on in, his shirts. nils re! urn: t a to t insacou, several or tne tronreneraws were k II lea. - . 1 Uctotwr II Battle of the Ml ilPDl rassoa. rr,, modore Uollios, Willi Lis muiiiiulto 'I'-el, atl,i ked and yersed th Fet'eial tquadron bl'cl.. ' J t!ie tiouUii tf fie Pate. CONFrPERATK BUCCKRSF.S. 5y 8 5. mill BATTLK8. -I Mtseisslj'pl." Th. achooter J. H. Tl, :: and a Lunch cD lll,.,l v , - October 15.-AfUr oecnnvira Mf' and l!un.o Hill for veu weeks, io vain AapectaUon of g. ttlpg a light ville armyicu puck to l eutr. Oetobnrl8.-BaltV of Bolivar, liesr Karpor's Ferry Col. Turner Ashby, willi iiunteer aud 300 raw Vlr- iriiii miiuia, cmpieieiy routed 1000 Federal., killing 50 or (Id and tkin 12 prisoners. October 21 rijtht at PredcrfckBtown, Mo. JefT Thomn mi, with UtK) Misoourlans, driven back by 6000 Federals with Ioks en both sldea. October 21. Brdliant victory at LfBkburg. Thernotnv with twelve regiments (JooO mm.) nndar iimi F! n nnt,,.v crossed tha Potomac aud attacked the Confederate army near Lersburg, coosistlng-of three regiments (1500 ) nml-r Gen. Siatlmn G. Kvans, of etouih Carolina. The Federal were terribly deloate d. hxisin 600 lu killed. MM) in mm,l.rf -m. ..u.i, ,,7in pieces ot artil.ciy aud itiui) - nuu nulla. hbu, I), tiler W Silled, aiill 00 OUT Shl I'ul, Unit was m.trtally wountled. Conlederate I, tea 27 killed, lllwouodrri. Many of the enemy were lost in th river. October 25 Geu'l Fremont. Imvlnir i,t..i,,tu.i r.n.n v ijiMtm, ccciipics npriiigneiil, Mo. 'VMiu.r ai. IMlMitjatlflll 01 lien. Wmtlal.L Mrr. t . CeBerunnilmo ol the Lincoln ariry. Ho i. succeeded bv flnti atll.iltBn .. . ' Noyeuiber J-3.-(5rettt storm on tlm tlar.tin a.t Several of the Liucoln Armada lost. Novambcr 6. rremont removed from bis commaiwl In w irrmia anil sticcceuea pv iiunter. Tim inte i,,n,i ., ijr oruura a rutreai to pii. i.otiia. .M'.T'niber Battle of llelmtt on tha Wlesb.Ibpl fltor. ., enemv under General Giaut, 10,000 strong, attacked e:t-ri i'lllow, at Belmont, ouroiiitii Cnlnmbna. Km a dreatlful ctirnage on both sides ensued and Pdlow wa be ing rapi.lly overpowered, when be was re nforeod bv ueunrai rolK. loo enemy beaten. Had '.t ua rim am I night closed the pursuit tontt tioraUj loss 6S6. Federal loss 12110. . . . November 7 -Bntlle of Port Rnval on the fionth Caroltria coast, me panu rorts in fort H aval bat bnr attarked by a large F'ederal lloet, under Commodore Oupont and General Hherman. After a furlcua canir nade, tbo shot and shell from the fleet falling like hail. -the brave ,l,.fn,Uru ,t.,..i. ed. i-niall I. rts ou both sides. 'I he enemy landed 12,000 luiiui.uiaif jf uu uccupictj me ueserted eorta. Ktivernber7. Lrbunna, en the Bsppabaunock, ahclled by tbe Jederals. Hovember 8 Heverul hrii'gcs on tho Tenneaee and irginia Builrosd burucj by the Fast Tenuensee torlea. November H. Battle of Piketon iu Keutnekv. Th. euerny repulsed with very heavy lot,. t November ,-cjziire of JtfesttraM.uion-and KBdull, on board tbo Brazil ateamor Trent, by Caplaio Wilkes, of the United ttatea stc.iiiier ran Jacinto. November 9. Kludt at fluvanillitfa. Wentera VlrHnia. Colonel Clurknon. with tha i-awaii.' made a gtillsut daxh into th town, luughteriPg 40 Federals, woiinded 60. aud took ii.H rtri,iin,T L.uin t. .,. hlmtell. ' November 14. General Floyd retreated front Cotton Hill, I tbe Kanawha. Colonel Ht. George Crogban killed. Noveinlter lft. ArrivnL of Ur. U.. ,.i wi,,i..it .i Fortresa Monroe, tn charge of Captain WiU'-a. Thoy art eitt to Fort V.'arren. '- Novembor Ml. Catdnra of 20 Fader.' neae ttnf,n rt:n (Potomac) by Major Martin, of the Natchc. Cavalry. Tvjyi rlilIi't Ji'nit. ... , e , November 18.-fckurmla mrw Fall Churth botvee i fie Virginia cavalry, nnder Lieut Colonel iiee, anu a uujt oi u Ketieral Cavalry. The enemy routed with a Ion. ul 7 killed and 10 captured Our loai 1 killed and i captured. November li is. iJomoaruineu uoar i(i,-. u., i ..i..,. lira r.n Uenerai Bracir' Batteries. Brnpc respond and a oonnonade of two day's follew. Th- federal vessel engaging in the fight drtv.u oil badly dainsged. Warrenton psrlially bumea py uie.en irom r oi . Finally Col. Brown, lindiug Bi effort futile, ceane his lire. n his official report he gave his loss at l auiiej anao wuum.- ed. Several wero kllltd on tbe fleet, liracg s ioi-s, t.iie man killed by the em my a nre, several woutKn o. November 24. vcoupauon oi lyoee iiauu vj ". rw. ... . ... : u. November ?0. Cavalry fight near viernt inn " ween tue enemy ana l,ukici raimuiu . ,.. ai-ulrv. Mnv of the enemy killed and " cuptured. Ono Federal ilegimunt ran, the oflioor. leading, l'aueom loss one. , , leceiiilicr 2 Mliirmwh at Anantiaie, I'oiomac. v oi. W. Fields, Hlxih It 'giment Vlrgiuia Cavalry, kills to'ir ana captures fifteen of the enemy. Fields' Jo two. ii. .,.... I..,. 1 iuttla of Drainawilie. uuar the Potomac. C.en. btuirt has an engagement with A superior bo,-y of the Feb. 1 ''an Autonlo,. , , .- Mar. 12 Fort Brown,.. A prfln Port Humler,. . . , . 77 Aprillf. Fort Bii.s, ....... ApriWlnAianola. "... MvleweU'B Paint...- . May 31 Fairfax Court lloose,... june i Acijma creeif,. ... ...r. June Sl'ig . Poist..m. 3 mis 10 Groat Bt Uiel,. . . . . . June I'l Vienna,. June 17 Kenan. City., , , . Junli' New Creek JUMitl Htmmeyr.. .., June 27 Matthias Point,.,..... July 2 Hynevlll.,v, July 6 Carthage, July 17 "oarey tlreek,.. Jnly In Hull lion July U,Maa, July 25 Mettilla...... July 2- Fort rtnnutoa,.. Ang.lONpitrigiield, Aug. 15 Mathlss Point, .' A ug. Hawk 'a Nest Aug. 27 Unlley'a Cnw Boad,.. Aug. 27i''roaa lanes Hept H ljig Creek, .i 2-S 2 II 00, oo! IMI! oot Otii (Ml (Mil on (Kt; 00 On; 21 Ou T 00 stM 001 3 1 12 2oii 1 Ml 1 . 00 -to I 00, 15 .00 -.2 00 2 7n; 3: IS efsiUKij 001 o coi . (0: col tl -CO! 00 OOi 00 0 00 tol 00 Col 00 t)T: ml DO! Of' Oil s ' 5 eol 00, 5H 60, u "i Tioo fto tt! 1(1(1 .80, on (HI 00J .101 . (o 0 1M 100 :' 7, lo 6 20 tl 100 lilSH 150 100 00 100 600 00 4 CO 00 00 00 150 00 00 00 63 00 00 20 " AnVFPTrmevrvTa . TV III b fnaerted at FIFTY CK.VTS r 1 L nlJ. k tuT lhm flr'' 'nsertlnn, .n!l ff ten i . Tr-FIVal CAtU U AO. . )-AdvrtlemflBU losertej AaFpacIaJ or B Urno rc"ce. ArKopuMle.tion.oad. wllbout . rebiTn.rn v 8ept.lt Hpt II Hopt. II Hept.li' nopt.it fept.2.1 Oot. I Oot. Oct. fii Oct. t Oct. 12 Oct, ti Oct. 31 Nov, tl ........ .00 linaville, I oo iey' Creek,.. ....J 00 (lau'ey,. I.CWI Tone lUrbourevlll. . . Ijixlngtou,.. Alameaa, ...... ...... teamer Fnnv iJreenbrior, Oh.it'kaiucoiuleo, -enw iiosa. .... .Hiippi Paates, Holiva ., Iieesbnrg,. .".TnTT:.lJ, llnlmnnt. Nov. I'ikvton. Nov. Iiliiyandfritn, 00 26.V 00 1 00 3 00 Nov. M Nov. If Noy,3V NOf.! Pec. 2 lC. Ill Deo. I) o. 2i DtO. 2' Upton Hill Fulls Chert h,. . . l'nMae.n; w . t . Veer Vienna,.. ! An,indKle, Alleghany, Wootiaoiivlllo, . . Opethcyoholo,.. nuieuto,.. . . Total,, 21 25 2 00 to 20 U0 I 2Ji 951 f 00 1 i! 12 00 oo on 00 00 00: 2 ft 00 00 no 72 0U 0' SI 00 42 00, 10 .114, 373, h 5 CNJ 2 ".00 . onj (10 111 21 J OOi 00 30 POj on ro 001 Ool IMll 0b! 00. bill ! oo (Jit 1 ' (Hll ooj on . fio 117 00 Oo 00 00 C0 St Ofal Oil 'On 00 lOOO.liOOllOOS H'i 2: 001 Oft 1000 1200 5 .' All 3;i ay (Kl loo 0U 30 On 15 fitHI 400 210 4n ti 7 lu lo 41 loo, 31) 7o 101 A 8(1 60 3 250 H I -Alt tin (Hi, L5U 00 .to On 41 hoo 601 lot ftu. (W Ot 20 M1 fn. 201H 4 12 2(i, 00 750 300 ( Co 1 10 00 00 H 0 i 35(HI 00 4 00 3 mSm AND PKOFESSioiL CARDS. - 7 , K KKDALf, -o.. A ,m7amV!1.TU" U,,CU110S0 MANOTACTTjnTSfJ Osiuburca. Jan. Lit, 1ki;1. W-tf. T Af.tl-W. of . Bm . . ("' ofcley At OlUhata.) . tiLKIl IN (HlAlN, VltorUlKTOn OK TUB CAPB klnvtium-uiu. """" vwwwiir. w.". M "ii naai, , 6, lhtTj, WtUUMOTOM, a. c. 17 00 1 720 200 .00 mi lo on in ) 00 - N 100 1H 0'. 301)71 23N IH la 70 M A 1 77 Ur iiHulalloti. Killed....... Wonodod. . . Prisonets, ,, Total'. . . Co uledcrate Loss. Dili .3:141 147 Fedoral Iajs 4ill TH'.'l "i7f , 20,909 ......... ....50C7 : That we have not overrated the Federal 1 una ia nrnweil K mo itioowmg eiirari irom iu v aniiiiigtoa corresuonjence !' V. V...I, '11 . ..t 1 .. . . r w, nw ..w join jiTMrx, 01 a line uiitrt. ny munis at ibb war iicpafiriieht op tolhi 201B Ueconi er. 1 learn that the mortality lu our army since tha war roke out will reach 22.000. Tho number killed In Imlllii. kiruiMiea, Ad., is about 11.000. tbe number wounded 17.- Ono. Tbu number if prisoners in the Kotitb and di ert.ir. monnt to OO00. . It we had the means of attcertainlnir th Federal loaavahv tlio nnmerona smaller nBa.emuU. picket kklmtiabna. An.. during the year, we might eaiily carry th number of killed "owouuuuuuuiot.il ngure inuicaiea in tb New xork 'timet. :''' , CO-PAnT.KHblll. ' rilllll nnder.lgnrd bav.tbl. day enter.i fnfo (Jehewi . I.Cptrimisaloo an! Moroantlle Bualooas, tindr U flrm of , : Mr. T. (Whwell h onr duly empowered Itforner forth JrausiM tlofi of any and .11 btislues of th. Armt OflicA ta Parsley'. Bow, NortU Water BtreeL ' " '- ' ' " : ' " f ' '' .Wiiiiiiigtoti.'w. o.; yey. , r,i II ' JAIUM rWOrTI.TCT. ' ; C W. A)UBAM. 4 127 1.. IIOLMKa. ATTOHNKY AT LAW,' HAS remay.dta th cu. oflic. of JUUUHAL BUILTW ' i. ,' bujformei uiallvn. J " .October 17th, ItttU. . w, tMXt ; .- ' KPli 'ALIJKrTT' -.' " ,-',;" Tr.n,' ATTOHNKrH AT LAW. , : I I A ki removed their ottlee from Front to Prlnem afreet. ' --' r! JOUltNAL BUlLUJNOa, formerly ocoupieTb, UM r .ri V IlLL'ii ,Sfi1' i.oci ".. .' . . : M M U. EUAMiisr.n'r TIIUGGLST AND MACTICAL PllABMACTtUTliT, ; ' Vtf 1LM MflmM. W. ft. ItKt Keep conKtautly pa band select stock of JtnL$' Juj. " ' 1HMI, 'rtii'(itt Unii Ar.mrt tn. AWlHAW a Mam i . a. I arflrulaf afteWtl.w palj t.0 lWKJBriTTOwi, Ti.KtlT i n ines, M.iuum. UitT. ao. -, .Ntorelinindiatly nnjer th." CarollnA Hotel. ' :" "'"' 1 July 12, 15;. . ,:. , jgj.tf , JoaKru a. BLonsoai. cvjirs 1. TAKiUnixo.. ! J. It. nUMHlK a im. li 1 COMMIrirUON MUBC1IANT9, Jims 2, mm. Wti.atmoToK, J. O. II. II. Kii.tr.itif.' ' ' ' 'f TTTrfOLr.RALB finocrit anii cnwutucmv ia Y V UH ANT, and IJJiALKil IN 4IAAL BTOXUia, eornir Water and Warhol tr.U, WlUa ngton, X. C. April 3d, liftH. 1. . POX, P. lawns 1. 1.. S'fVW .1 .. . .... a Ox. t. (k t.N4Atjt QOVMJHHfON ifL'llCHASJTU Ml) WHOLESAIJi. GB0- March 11t h, iwi No. 11 13 Noru, Wttlr H, . . 167 tf T.CAB. . WnriTn pOMillHBTOSI AMD rQLWABDLSU MKBCHAIfTB, . arcbU,m7 WltJtt-obI.0. Cll'Sf ASM riSTOL TrBEB. . ' TOBSALRAT WfC HAVBTiowon exhlhltfon tie Utfee lliUWi " Tf of Aliiitsry JOdipg bstlUle via: , TIIK MONKKr HAUI1LB, ' TMK BKHULATION BADDLB, . . TIIK MoCLKLLAN HAOl'LE. Also, Moxloan, 41opo, Hpanub, kinglisb, Attakapa" and other ficutiuir styles, at WILbON B. Fb. 22. " - . - TO FAMIIJEfl. WE bav on hand s quantity of Cue Imported hborry, Madeira and PortWuics. Also, vory old and choice Pcupporaong Wlao, bottled by ouraalves, which w. deslr. to ulose at once. Bargain may ba had If application be . Ikfitii sf If At. 1 t A M 1 L'l . mad early. Apply-to ... vwui n. u . March Ig. BO. t auns nww aumii IW'O CiONFfiPKUATK FLAGS FOU BALK, at April &1I1, 180'. WMl t AB.r.11 n nuua I.AM1 IlI.Af'IC MARTJa ACTOIlit For sale T hy enemy, nd alter a hard Ught Is Jorced to retrftit, with a lws of over 200 in killed, wouuded aul asifstiifr. lie enemy's loss even greater. - ... v. Ueceinheris. itaiue ei un Aiu-guau, iu gima. The Confederate army, um strong, uu m B. . . . - f V .. cuV, L'...t,..al trruitia rtlwara Jonnson, was snaearu uy u i 1 Tb. latter wa gallantly repulsed after seven boors tight- me- ' . . - IXrembcr 17. Gen. T.J. Jackson d-etrnvs asm io . . . i- j .,1.1- . u . nniiintfolll a rial on the nessveaie ana imu v,uui, iun . communication between Washington arid tha West. December 17. Battle of w oouonvino, in itn . .... 1....1. nt ilia inimr al'urk Genera Hinamiu, wuu had 1100 iulalitry and 40 plecea ot artillery, but were defeated with a hies of 75 killed and wounded. I ho t.oU Icdoratea lost the gallant Col. Terry, of l ex is. December 24. swwara surrender ianuu uuu ,'vi -j letter, to Lord Lyons the Bntmii slmmter. . .. December ao. iiaua oi pniuteu"in, e 1. r ifitWiit of l-'nrt t.,ueon. between llltll.UIT, If. . ,1" ' . . . C'-l. James St. Mcln'osb with lour regimeDis and tm Jnuwu klllua oi Lh Federal Uoverumtnt unuer tutir .v.m.-i, .p -.-?' ....I- t 1,.,. . 1.1 r ti, i.nmv killed and wounded, ,f.i mo utin n. i.nera ! 100 hm sea. eAPlured. Coiifed rule Iota 12 killed and 20 woended. " The battle !ated icur hmrs Ophleyholo fled to Ksnsi-. J. ., Core.c. rate stesmer tieabird, nuder Capt. l.yoch. who sitaiks ti e t-. i i k .r,.uaa ih ai h ioner rb"rwoo 1 in rwiwai niwiiii.1 - -n . .. .. . . tow. and alter a fierce Ught, to wbith Uie Feileral Batterle. ., ii,. l)ur, ti m nart. am ceeila In drivir.g ou ...v r- " ..L -. ...I.. Nmfulk If I ur aw likj V Hitui -r---o iu iriumiu. - . . . . . Deceiboer 2, 1 iht at racrsmeni, niroicr.,Mv., .. tr. Aan .Ituptiri.enL nr I I, .rurtnn .... ro,:t. il ufur a flcht of half an aim i,io i ocuir, -V" r. t-.i,i I boar. Confederate loss two a nmu, ono . y loss 10 kliltd. 20 wouuded, IS prisoners. . o Tnr iilus. woiMPtn in cm.i i . . , ,-., uiiivi.il BATTLXS D iiiiaa ni..i. win ltli;!.. Tbe following tabio txhiblts n apprx!mation to tho lost, of both partie. by . "7 hi - 1 - TL A lAalailtiraTP 1 1I U w , W a mmvmm mm tu-aaat - i wiejtur. -,.- nm,.l (!. aueh cflic til report oi vn cu"' - ' ..... wm ran nn r ffueaa at report were puousueo i ' "Tiy.I, th. l.saes of tbe enemy., ino vav.. KuVu reoorl. of ibe Federal Generals, and th. a-ttr have general y proved thenurelves eoch matrons i. .f " ... ..u ....mi ln -e csA be placed in Ueir te- uc.n iu -r V . L-... ,..-- V,.rr. ..,n..h.n ihrr are ituuu.tnt u i . .--j . ...t.i hi. loaa at Betliei at about thirty, when It Is i. ti,u on. .ir.iil suuad of Magruder. men :;T.i.i7i-.. f.,(erl bodie. after the battle.. 7. .v. Vnerl loeacs. we have adopted th. f ifj. :.-.-federte ofllceis commanding, whoar. gen,. men, aad cpoa whose eutemenu reliance may be piaoed, 1 0T OF TIS XI FEDERAL ejTCCESSEa. Date BATTLE.!. Joint, 3.1'hilHpi'i, JuoeU Soonville,"...t'?7? Ja y UjHich Mountain,... July uoiSB Aag.2;ttatteraa,... Oct. JlirtederickaUtn,.. Nov. JiCort Koval,.... Dew. SiUranesvuie....... ToUl,, Ci a c Ot t l n e i J pica yC JtlJWr O a'B J 61 Fl" l i 71 H 12 4H 00 . tji . itj 143 8 0j off -OOi is;. - AO. -4 , OOi 20i 60. 4 10. 00) 60 . OOi Oo. 81 3J. 0i lOOi. 001 KtOl 00 6li OOi 001 Lamp Black in lb. papers,Barrel and !lhdn, April 4th, 162. viA,JILiV Marcb 81. J TO j INCH OAS PIPK ; ULUB; BBAS8 WiUS CLOTH. For .ale by WALUItll tIKAIIKB, W(Roeeaor to Walker Masvn A Tn . s' v UOL1JJAL- AND nKTAIL DUUUUIHtI ' , . . MawwrBTa..T. Wii..lr.TOK, If. 0.' n. utua. : i.'.iTt ABB fi0ATlTJiIYn HAT, ' ' V No- J BflrH W-Utr Sireet; " .- ... .-.- fVUMtiavMstt, W,a i . rehrwary 1, tm , , ' " ; , - , li .. ft KTCOIUm HARRI-M M WO8f.li, nnuill ifltriM MKIMtaANTd. . , I j WaniBoroK, &. 0. oiui. flisnts", Oct. 1st. IWia. "-"?'- '.-!.. " . , " : A. I.' BOWILi. NOTICES. -4VPAUTSBHSIIUP NOTICK. ; f ' . THE TJNDEHi41UNF.ihav. ent'tred Into Co-Partnerslili. , ; In tbe town of Wilmington, N. C, under th. nrm ot HotJ' HEBLAND A COIJ-'MAN, for tli. purpose of buying . and selling N KG 110 8LAVEM, wher thehighsat cash pries still be paid. " They also bay. A bonne to Mobile, Alabama, wber. they ; will receive and sell slave on commission. Liberal Advan ce mad. upon alave. left wiUi them for !". ' ( " " ' P. J. B0UTHERLAND, . . JAM-3 0. CULLMAN. . . August 1st, 1R59. .301 JOS. B. BliOSflOM A CO. 1 f 11BLH. FLOUB, . 8 ball bbla. Flour, . OO. JUai reorirro aou nn 25 bags Jan. 21. 1'KTTEVVAY MOOKE. ATO. 11 sale by Feb. I4tb, ihoj It KTOHH AU 1II.I ALEX. OLDHAM. i rsMii.V riXlL'H. s.nd Winter Feed Oat. For COTTON CARDS. XOfl. 1. 8 and 10 Cotton Card. For ie at i Feb. 20th. "T.ftT CHAI! CABLE t - , 1 i Balfkeg KpsombAlt.;, ...... .'' ', , . A Ijtol wire; . . , " Pbmgh f hare. ? 1 s ....... '. i ? 7,000 Butt Envelope. : ' tL 10 roam Blue llnled L.ttef Paper ' Part bo Wiadow Ula , . - ' -i ".-.-.' r 1 Plough: J LeUtir Copying rreaae. For Ml. bt - f Martth 824 JOS. K. BLOafiOM CO WILBOS'S. ii a rod K TOltN, Veal, Hominy, Flour, Lie Btr, Wbrat, Bran, ' snorts, inounu re m, v. r. p,h. 5'h ALkX. OLDHAM "rau02T."i'AClt. PliAVIWa CAHV TUST rece-ved nd for a:e at J - April 25. v. HITAKEB'8 Book Store. KFXI.KVs HOOK 8TOHK, Bf KIPKKS. a .u if, tlVl-tl Vi. a nn Via Id KorllllCallOIia UU Jtr 11 tiliery. wilh plate. ; Cooper's Cavalry Tactics ; M an nul for Coif Be.olver; Maury', cxirmuinmg aviu ivr Mounted Troops. . ...... April 12th , - FLAGS TWO beantiM CoDlederate Flsgs. for .v. low at April 30. WUIIA HEX'S BookBtore, LEAD FH.SC1L9. DAY LEAD I'LSCILH. for ale at " W UlTAKtll'S Book Bloro. a s 7 rv ELATE rENClI..S lor !" t A ))) WlJfTAKKB'S Bookstore. l-AtK, . . w'IktB Bk Store. as" nA GUS CAI'd, for ' 25,UUV) April 33- WUITAK.CT'8 Book Store. 300 3.00 300 SADDLE II Y OOODS. 1"f PAIK OF TBACE AND BREAST CU 4IXS ; " Ja)VJ 27 doaen of mule bridle; IS " " " collar J 4'K) pair of Harne ; - Mi7 doaen of Curry Comb. ; 13 Stage Chain.; 1 473 Whip, aaeorted pattern ; 345 Buigy baddl. Trees, at , " r' james wnos's on lather. Saddlery. Trunk end Hatn. kblilmieBt, , " ' - . Mo. 4 Market Street. tin tAPSt BIM CAPS I maoeE who ar. in need of Can Ceps, had best ripp I ,1,-mu.tK.i vhila tbura are vet A tew more left. Calli Ai':nTn WHITAKR'H Brtek .te.ra. VI K KIODt S OP PLOCOH .till 0O0t!tir) Feb. 22. WlLftOisU. H'li HOOP rcON H and J LNCBi-3 ; ,i :.. Lot ( bain Cable J . " l.nt wir, uitaDi lor iruppina-' -- -. Plough Polni. - T'" Lot of Iro i Go. Ilpa, 1 Ml 1 lrthe r " ; Lot New Typej - - -.-. ,: ' Hx$ Knvelopea ; , , - . , Part box Window Olwut J " - -- 1 letter Copying Presses. For rale by " Mart h 2h - J- H. BlfhBOM OO. . (Jib MACHINEnV, Train Gallon or Quart, at April tn, ima. ACHINEBV, Train and Naatafoot Oil by the parrel, . WILSON'S, t ALOO'lOU i i.i. ;i i :,( AM new dlstilliiig a upo:ior article o( 90 per cett. Ale , CoBOL, which I oBcr fur sale M reaAotiabl prirea. APOIVIO -" ' aum.00. April I, ino. . . . ' 174-tf KkLLkl'i (MM) U. klOlllw, RECKIVED BT EXPBEX, the following fiew nd oan nient Map, juet publtahed I : ; . ,j - - " aiap of Rorn sua bouib taronua, wim oouiiiera puiuva of Virglnhvand k'aatero part of Georgia. .'-" : Map of Kentucky and Tcnneerte, witti portion of tne free btate. bordering on Kentucky and Northern portion, ol Alabama, Georgia, and North CaroliUA.,. t . , - , ; Apr i 21, is;i2. - . - ARTIST'S MUTIlUiU. THE most complet. jortirrM In tbe Mate oaa be kad At ; " April 23. . WHITAKXB'8 Sook Ftor.. ., ; flOlLKT SOAP, at Jl April 24. BALDWIN'S. WRITI.1Q PAPEHWKITINO ."-,.; WE have invoice of KO Ream. asorted s.es, bTPe Apri?;r i.Md nVuiBT0Kt. ; A FRKSI1 t-nPFLV of th. Mobile authorlied ed:'-?n, V by Fxpres, at klarch S-f. ' KELLET'S Bock Ftor WVVOULlli AJD UKLM A BEAUTIF 2 V. end for sal At April 24, BEAUTIFUL lot of Sword nd Beits, Jf - v? n K.w Mtora. PUPS FOR COLT'S Navy aao ouki a - - J with e rusk. At " WTLSOS'8. : 2fl7 vrl ; AprflSUi, iwa. -7 . 1 AH MV ItKOl'LATIOS. . A" FnEtT SUPPLT by the Southern Fxpres Vlng; tboa person, who hav. been wa. - ret opp"cu l .Auid ltn. , ISf 2. KFT.LEY T B CAtSB AXD COXTtl T EIPRESd, at March.. KFT.T.TT'3 Tti-.r.X ?u re. JKAPSACKS in tarlety tt WILEOSTi.'

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