iv il l w $i4rwr - c rfiY . 1 IJ If II I. . J ii-R I VOL. 11. NO. 277. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WIUiTNGTOy, N. g., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1862. WHOLE NUMBEK 3,354 BT FLXTO!. 4i PBICK, PROPRIKTOR8V 1 13 FULTON, Editor... ..A.I. PRICK. Asset tale Editor. 1KRH) OP BI BSCUIPTIOJI CAII I ADVANCK. 12 months,.. .......... 4 50 S 2 ?t 1 " (for troap in rump only,) 75 iHilly Paper o the trade ti per 100, or J cn' per copy. Weekly Isper per - pup, .. 2 to The paper will I Jii continued at the expiration of the t!zn psd for oules renewed. A II letters on basines connected with this ofl3c, inert be addressed to the proprietor!. i Frcm the Charleston Courier. ' The flrat Tr ef tUe W.r. The military operations of t!ia war, during the first) sir T of its existence, from th commission of the oveit act by Major Anderson, December 2 th, IUSQ ; , 100. December 20 The South Carolina t ate Convention pass : ed the Ordinance, of breeasiou. December I I, Hmjden evacuation or Fort Kourrle by Major Anderson, united Mate array. n pikes tbe gun born lb gua carriages, And Teuea s To Fort & tutler, wh:. he oocnpkes. December. 27 Cspture of Fort Houltria and fasti Finckney by the Pouth aroline troops. ('sot. Coate 'ir renders the revenuecutter Aiken. . . ' - r 'January 3. Capture of Foit Fu!aj.ki by the SavanEi.h troop. fannaiy 8. The Arsenal at Mount Vernon, Alabama wL'h 20.000 atand of arms, seized by the Alabama troops. January 4i Fort Morgau, in Mobile bay, taken by the .- Alabama troopa. January 7. Virginia Legie'ritur met Alabama Convtin ' Won met KiH.iReippi convention uici. Ordinance of 6eeeion. January 9. The steam ship Rtar of the Wetd fired int ' and driven oft by tbe Booth Carolina batteries Morrui' Kleed Failure of the attempt to reinforce Fort Sumter. January 10. Fort Jackton, bt. Philip and Pike, tear new Orleans, ceptusea ty tne Louisiana troops. January 11 Alabama Convention rawed - the Ordinance of Heceaslon. - Jannary 13. Capture of tbe Tensacola Navy Yard, and tutu Uaranoa ana Mcllcc. by the troupe Itum rlnndtt Alabama and Leuiittna. Mui ("hae shortly afterward tjkes command, and the ales'e of Fort Picken commencos January 15. Km render of the B iton Hoae Arsuual to the Louisiana troops. January lrt. (Jeorgla State Confeution met. Janmry 17. Virginia Legislature panacd rcuclntioim i Tititieaucaoecmilerer.ee. January-10. Ueorgla Convention pasned the Onlinniife ofmeoosKion. , January 28. The Tonisiana Stnte Convention met. January 25 The Joaixhma CoLVvntloa pan;ei the Ordi nance of Beoession. 1 January il. The New Orleans Mint nd Costora Jltmae taken. February 1. TheTexac Convention poa;ed the Ordinance 61 Pecessiou. Februarys Secure cfthe Littia Bockr Araoad by t Arkansas troops. Febrnary 4. Surrender of the r.evenae Cutter Cites tu tlie authorities of AJabama. ' February 4. Confedeiate Couftrcs mt at Mon'pomnry Peace Convention met In Washinfrtiu City. Virginia elec tion ror members 01 a btate convenilun was nelu. , t Febnia-y l(i. tJeneral Twlprps translers the publio pro rtertv in Texas to the hta:e authonUfs. Col. Wiite. U-H. A.,sorrenacrs5an Antonia toCol. lion. McC'uiloch end bin Kincers, ' ; February 18. Tnaaguratloo of President Davis at Mont v .. gomery, Ala. ilarvh 2. The Hevenue Cutter Dodge aeUed by thu Texas authorities. March 3 Qcn. Bfinregard auracs ccimuiand of the troops bcselKiop; Fort r-nmu-r. -March li. Fort lirown, in Texaa, S'lrrendored by Cpt, li lil to tlit Texas Commlasiorera. .April 12-1H. B4lt!e of Foit BumU'r. UMillant victory fiaiued by (ieneral Beauregard and the t-ontu Carolina roopa. After thisty-fonr honrs bombardment the Fort aui tenders to the C onfederate fttatet, i April 14 Evacnation oi Fort fcunjter 'bjK'aiorAndcj- April 14. Abraham Lincoln, rienkleut or tho United States, h-sues a proclamation cailln g for 7A,lK0 volunteers to put down the " Southern rebellion. April 15 Col. lieeve, 17. 8. A., nnrrendors Fort Cliut, sear 1 Paso, to Col. J. vr. jM.Uridiu, the lexaa coiu- April Id Seizure of tho North Carolina Forts and the Fayetteville Arsenal by the State troops. April 17. Virginia Convention in secret session pimscd tna ordinance 01 oecamou. April I. Capture of the steam Eblp Etor of the Weil by Col. van uorn. u. n. a. Anrll 19. The Baltimore maanacre. Tho oiticens of BalU . more attack with missiles the Northern roei cnnrs pa-m turouirh their city, en route tor the soulh. Ibe iMsasaehu aetteres:iment Ores on the peoplo, and marry are killed. Tbe mercenaries are also shot, (treat excitement follows, and the Maryland people proceed to burn the railroad bridges and tare up tno traoaa. April 20. Capture of the Federal army at Indlanola, Texas, by Col. Van Uorn, Confederate States army, lbe Federal officer released on parole. . April 20 Attempted destruction of the Norfolk Navy . Yard by tbe Federal authorities. The works set on rite, nd several war ships scuttled and stink. The Fedeiai troops retreated to Fortress Monroe. Tho Navy Yard sub sequently occupied by tbe Virginians. April 20 Harper's Ferry evacuated by tbe Federal ' troops under Lieut. Jones, who attempts the destrnction ol the Armory by lire. The place occupied by Virginia troops. April aa. rort rmiin, Araanpas, capinreu py tne axs ansaa troop under CoL Solon Borland. May a Tire AJabama Convention passed the Ordinance Recession. Mav S The blockade of Virginia commenced. May 10. Baltimore occupied by a large body of Federal troops under (Jen. B. F. lluiler. May 10. A body of 6000 Federal volunteers, nnder Capt. Lyon, United States Army, sottouuded the enoanipment ol 800 Missouri Btate troops, near bt, Louis, and obliged them to snrrenaer. Mav 10 The Bt. Louis tnaacre. ' The German volun teers, nnder CoL Franci P. Blair, Jr.. wantonly tred upon the people in the streets of St. Louis, killing and wounuing a targe nnmoer. May llv The St, Louis massacre, repetition of the ter rible scene ol May 10. The defeneelets people strain shot down. Thirty-three cltisees butchered in. cold blood. May 11. Ihe blockade of Charleston harbor commenced J the D. 8. steamer Niagara. May 19, 20, 21 Attacked on the Virgftifa Batterie at Jewell's Point (near Norfolk) by the if. B. s'camer Mon ticello, aided by the steamer Minnesota. Tbe aa?ailauu - driven oS with loss.- No one hurt on the Virginia side. May 20 The North Carolina Conventioa assembled and passed tbe Ordinance of recession. May 24 Alexandria.. Va., occupied by SC00 Federal troopa, the Virginians having retreated. KiiLDg of CoL Llis ' worth by the heroio Jackson. - May 25. Hampton, Va., near Fortrest Monro, takes by the Federal troops. Newport News occupied. Say 17. New Orleans and Mobile blockaded, ay 29. President Davis arrives In Richmond. May 3:. Fight at Fairfax Court Home between a com " ' pany of United btates cavalry and a Virginia company; the gallent Captain Marr killed; several Federal troops killed, wounded and taken prisoners. . June, 1, 3. Engagement at Acquis Creek between the Virginia batteries and the United butea steamers Wabath, . Anaooata and Thomas Freeborn. The enemy withdraw, greatly damaged. JuneS Battle of Fhllliupa, in Western Virginia, CoL Kelly, commanding a body of Federal troops and Virginia tones, attacks an inferior force of Southerners, at Phillippa, nnder Col. Porterfleld, and ronU them. Col. Kelly tevere I7 wounded, and several on both sides killed. Jon 6. Fight at the Pig's Point Battery, between the Confederate troops and the Ui 8. steamer Harriet Lane, (salting in the discomfiture of the enemy, lbe Harriet Lane badly hailed. s June lO.-Bettle of Great Bethel, near Yorktown, Va. , The splendid victory was gained by eleven hundred North " Carolinians and Virginians, commanded by Col. J. Bankhead Magrnder, over four thousand five hundred Federal troops, nnder Brigadier General Pierce. The Federal troops attack ed the bouthern entrenchments, and after a hgbt of four hours, were drives back and punned to li amp too. t-outh- ere loas on man killed and seven wounded. Federal loss " believed to be several hundred. They confess thirty killed and one hundred wounded. June 12. Gov. Jackson, of Missouri, issues a proclama tion, calling tbe peoplo of that State to arms, lie com mence to concentrate troops at Jefferson t ity, burning th bridge on tbe rout to bt. Louis and the Fast. Jone 15. Harper's a Ferry evacuated by General Joseph m I. Johnsoa and tbe Confederate troops. Jane 16 t-kirmieh at Vienna, Va-, between Col. Gregg's Booth Carolina Begiment and the Fifth Ohio Beglmeut ' The enemy routed, with ados of several killed. Jose 16wFigbt near Lewbnjg, Va. Federals driven Off by CoL Hontott. June 17 Another massacre la the street of EL Loui. The Federal troops fir a volley into the fiecordor' ottoe, while in session, killing many citiaena. Jon A'. oaine at Jaaosa City, between 1,300 Kissoart- ana, asaer CoL Kslfi ud 1300 "Fedoxaiiai. Tbe latter Jone IS Battle of B"onvi!le. Mo. TKe Mhonrians, nn der (iov. Jackson and On. Price, defeated by a toperl r bo ly of the enemy, rommanded by Ua. I yoo. June IS Keri:ms fight at New Creek, near P.omney, Va. Col. Vaughan. with a body of Virginlars atid TeBnetheam,. roots a body of Federa1, killing; a number. No Colde raWkllW. . June Fitfht In Lancaster county.. Va. A for of Federal marauders lands a the sbors 0 the James Kiver atd ctimmltted depredations. They are dtlven d tnd several killed by a ooropauf of Viriririli'a. June 'li. Riots In Milwaukee. (Wisoonsln) m c-nwquencf of the ilHprecialoo of bank money, canted by the war. Jaue 2iL Biilliant ailair near JUmmey. t'apulcs ltkh ard and Turner Aahby, of Iht l'unijuicr companv, wllh a handlul 0 M owers, cut to peioes lifty or sixty of the enemy; th Anhby lighting btf a diT.en Hewians eth ft the a iwe moment. Captain Pkk Aahby mortally wounded. Jute 17 Kugagemnut at ttathi:is Poiut, between the Confederate trooi and the Cnitd Stale s'eauier Free b m. '-utaiq Ward, of the Ircehorn, killed. Mnrhal Kane, of Baltimore, artmted bv order of tde Lincoln Gov erm eut. and iucarceratrd in Fort Mollenrv. Juno'X-i. Kkirmiahnear Alexaiidria, Sergeant Hants, of Kichmend killed. JuubQ'I Kxtrai''Jlnarv rxtl.dt of Cu'onel Tlionias, of Marytamt Irhnwed as a FresefiTidy telrs paasai, on 111 steamar r-U NicirfHrs, frnm Baltimore to Wastimaton During ti b tbrvwjt en h 'n"i, a n pany with bis cooiu,ill e seizes tlitamer. Cornieg down the bay L cnp'tired thrro prirrs, and ta'.es the who'e fl -et into Kreoerick.iburar iu triuirpH. Julyl lie eritl Paitera.n coei the i'otetuse v illi tlie Federal amir nttr Willi. nmnurl. 'July 1. Seisure of the ltaltin.ore Po'le rummWtonei by 'lder of tiri enil Itanks. lliey aro fniilined la Furl Mellonry, aid aftcrwardi removed to Fort Lraytt9, (New VoU ) Ju'y 2 Blcckado of CalvcKton (Texi) t'umnifcrced. July t-3 Cuttle ol llavne-'vil o rn tbe Pot., irfc, between tlencfal Petteison's limy and tho 8 'i'lirn auvancn und r Colo nel Jiekion. ATor a al-aip lij;!it the Canted -i at' t retired, July 4. Fkinni-h 1 ner T'c v Pert Kcw. f ltu'e-pnt Cd ' el Drenx, of tbe Loii:f.ii'aV.d''ts. hilled by the eneniv. July 5 Battle of Carthage. In hrutiiwrttern Mi" ni I, between tie Aliaicuriam under Governor JackHtm, a"d th KeUtrnla ouder General t;o;((!e. 'The Federals buulv i' fil' cd. Co'. Gra'i Brown,- killed, pciple retreat to r'arroxig July 7. Kngtirenjent at Acfi 'ielt between t' 0 Vu fisilrate bHtteriea and an UuHnd Mates Hitamer. . July 8. Engagement near Noiv Urleaua. A LbS'.bJ I lulue war steamer driven oil' by tbe batteries 011 '-'hip I? land. Jrt'y 19 linmh at Hotter Inlet, N. C, bj'weinllie Confederate and a U. H. steamer. July VI Battle of j(ich r,:ountu(n, in Wrstnrit rglni Defeat of Col. l'cffrmu bv tho Fvdeiala tjuder in i : ClelUn. Iletrct if Utn. tiarnett. ' July 13. Battle of bt. Gton-n, in stern VirHnin. T Confed -r.-sU-s reutod and live bundled captured by deiif lal McCkillau. Cnernl (iarnett killed. July 17 Batlle ot Hearey Creek, 011 the Kanawh;, 1 o t'TeeutSOd ConleJeratta, ui-dur J.iou'. CoL lV.tou, un lM' FederaU, under Col. Low. ' ho FuJeraU deUaleJ, or.d three of their C-ilctiio' tf!...u pTisnners. .'ulylii Hsfli or itnii 1 uii. The Federal arev sttr.ck .ie Confed wuits, sad alter several hour fiKhting are drvei back toCeiitietille wilh heavy los. llayt iianuoii, Vir ginia Voloute-'ru. killed. July 21 liattie ol llarifsau. Pcelsie d' fat cf the Federal army, under (leu. Mel ow ell, by 'the Confederates uudr lienerals Johnston aud Beauiecard. Ci nl'ed Taton, 2i tH)0 utrone; enemy, 85,000 strocg. Tlie eremtr Bv p-usic Rtticktn to Washington. Heavy b.pt ol III a on both aides. Tho Cou'ederate (ienoia's Lee aud lartoW- kib d. "i federate li ss in kl.led and woauded li U'l. Fcdoial Ina in killed, wounded, and turning and d"erted at laaat 15 July 21 Capture c f lour prize oil' Cedar Keys, Fiorina, by the Confederate s'eamur Madinon.. Lieut. iscWen, U. b. A , and nioe'ecnsadora, tnlen prisooeia. July 23 Battle ut IHtilla (iriz um) between the FetU mi! army and thet'orifudeiiit,- nuUr Col. Bat lor. Tiic Fedcrii defeated aud fly toward) Fort Blaunton with a loss of thirty two killed. July 'ui Pnrrenderrf 7'jO Federal troopa to Cd. Biior, C. H. A., at Fort btannton, Ar.zoux. ! July 31. lietieat of tieoerttl Wiho In Western Virg'.hla. lie renche. tiitnlev Iti 'ule-n-in ar 1 etvKbtir. in s fetV. Aoirnat 2 (lenetal Mairruder commences Li march dowu tho York Penlus.ila. AugBa3. fer-t-w'ii--pgGi'Ma Lal.wtieB-tWCon' fc'deifl Batt. ry ad a Fodoral steamer. 1 h la'.ter threw several nh"-ll into the cltv. Angnt 7 Burning of Hampton (Virgin's.) by Older 0: uenerm Mairruder. Auiruat 10 Biitt'eefOak Hill In Mirtourl. This glo.-iou vle.torv was calned bv the Conledt ratc tromiHUiid- rtietirral Bcu. McCullot h. over the Fede.rt.1 armv ueiler Con. l.-xiu Kach side fcuruliened about 10 000 men L.von waflUl and the Federals routed wi h tre.it slu 'ithter. Oe'ieia SciBltrconriuc'a the retreat towaids iiolln. Biuit 15 .kirmih at Matthi.i Point. A boat lmd ol Federals from the United Ktates slramer 1itit Uruled wad were fired onon bv the Confederate trooiis.'riv- were klred. when thev retreated. Angukt i8 Tne Cu.ifederat privnUer JcH. I'avu went aaniie on M. Anffiiatine bar and was lost. August 20.-Flirht at Hawk's tf.st, Wetttrn Virginia between Wise's Levlon and tbe Lie vent h Ohio Ueg'inent Tbe enemy fled after losing 0 in killed afcd woundvd, tien. Wii.e' luaa. one man killed. Aucoit 25 Mason's Lill. near Alcxaadila, occupied by the Confederate troona. August 26. General advance movement 01 ueauregaru army unon tbe Federal lines on tlie Fotomao. Auiiiiat27 r 1k lit at liailev Cross I'ohc's, near Aix andua. The Confederate rout a body of the euemv and taae i.antnn i Hill, rive Federal csnturea tua one ameti Auoa.it 27 Battle of Cron l anes in Weatern Vitgima, between the Confederste forces nn ler General Floyd, and tb Heveoth Ohio Begiment nnder Col. Tvler. The enemy terribly cut to nieces, with a Iom of 1200 killed. wounde and tnisafine. Col. Tiler was the first to tun. Our loss 3 killed. - August 28-29. Battle of Fort Hattcris. The Confederal entrenchments on Hatterss Island attacked by the Federal fleet nnder Cunimi d ire Htrincham and General Picajune t.uticr. After a bomhartln eut or twenty-loor nouis uie commander of the Confederates, Commodore Isarron for rendered. The enemv captured 601 piieoiier, ud can io thern oil' to New Votlc. The is'acd occupied by the r tdjia troops. Scuttmber 2 General Fremont issues a tiroclamation to bi. j.ouis, connicntinir tne slave l reneis. September '4 bkirnush at Bin Creek, on tne tuuawna. me enemy driven bacx. r-( Dtemier a Advance ef the Federal in n.intucKy Patlu- ch occupied. September i. ine uomeaeraies nnder uenerai rniow occupv Columbus Kr, rioptemrier Id. Battle 01 the liauley, a. rarniii'X rerry. Western Virginia. tJeneral LoFcneiana attacked irf-neral Fioyd'a pot-ition with 15.000 men. After sevt ri.l ineiU'ctn sltf njpts to carry it, he fell back baffled and dishearten-, d. at ieaii ijU 01 the enemy were killed and Uii wounat a in these vain eUorta. F ovd had but live meii woouJeJ.au hU force waa well protected. At ulelit, learina that liov encranz might eroo above - nd attack tta tit tin Tea: Floyd retreated. . September 11. Battle cf Lewicsvilie on the PMnmae. Peveral regiment of Federal troop under Col. ltaso i. Stevens, of tbe Mew York even4y-niDtn, sdam hml from tna;n linage on a reconnoisance. itey wcreatuckcu bv the Con ederates nn.jer Colonel J. K. li Htraut. aod after sharp fight, tied in Bull ltua fashion. Federal loss, & kilied and S wrnnded. th-Cfederato Li's, non September 1L Battle of Toney' Creek, on the Kanawha, rise's cavalry, nnder Colonel Clnrksoa. defeai the euemv. whoee loss I 20 killed and wounded. CUrkeoa e.l-0 took 60 prisoner and lost not atnan beptcmber 13 Colonel John AvTask.nr'tan. cf Vireicia. I.:,,.. :i 1 ,1-. . .r... i aiiicu iai .airtuiau in n esiern Virginia. t-epiercber IS. Ba'tle of liarbour?ville In Kectncky. be tween WM) Confederates nndcrCicccrsl Zoliieofler, aud loo federals, ino enemy routed as naid with a lca of 50 killed and 2 priMuers. teptember ). I'attie of Lexington in Micsrurl. The Mitsoun troop under .en-ral lVice having beeiged the city 01 taxing von, at iuei forced t-ie enemy uoiier tolouei sluuigan, to snrrenaer. unr-loss in tne neries 01 bsttles around 1f xingtoa was 25 killed and 7i wounded. Price lock SCO primmer, including ColoLels Vnl!i-8n. ha'Shall. T.edit)g, VhiiC, Grover Bd Uil o her conimii-iuned tiillceis, 8 pieces of artillery, 2 mortars, 1M borsos, iu0,OC0 warth ot commiasary stores, large quantities of arms and muni tione, and other property. Pe also recovered the sreat seal of the state, and the pubiio rocoids, and u0,0tO in money. September 23 24 25. Beavy skirmishing on Seweil Moun tain, Western Virginia, between Bcencrana and Ytbc. Two Confederate kdled. - beptcmber 2i-26. Battle of A lames, in New Mexico. Captain Copwood, with 114 Texans, defeated a larg body of United btate regnlara, under Col. Roberts, witn great laughter. Copwood low, two killed. ! beptcmber 29 Col. J. w Snani,iiTii rir Wm'i Lecion. killed while on a oootiiig expediUon in Western Viraia a. September 30, Honttn.,n 1. rtnt. tuVon h October KCaptare of th Federal steamer Fanny I? Albemail Boond, by th; Confederate steamers Curlew and Baleigh. Forty-five Federal taken prawuers aad W0,JO worth of toM captured. October 1 President Davis vtalU tbe'confedwrate armv At Manaasaa. Grd review of tb trocp; 7 Ootober 1 Battle of Greenbrier Civet in Western Vb ffnla, between 150Q Confederate nnder Gen. Hew K. After six honr'ebatUe, th enetrv withdrew, leaving J.eV. on still master of tb ground. Jacknou'n l,.n m in killed, wounded and pf ing. Knemy'a Iom at lea.t 2'o. Octobers.- Hetreatof Iloseneraa frnttPrwell Monntain. Tie fled with hi whole army tots othrmide of the Gti!-y, tweuty B iles ditnt. - i October fl The Chlckarnaoomlca Uates, on rtoanoke Island, N. C. An entire IndlaBa Regiment chased twenty miles by Cd. Wright' Third tieorgia I.Klintnt. Thirty- two f tilers! nrisoner sna vbiuui "lannroni r war cap ttird. Col. Wright's lof on man. Who ran afior the eneniy until ho fell exhauated. Th , Nonh-n puptr claimed a tnsfnlnrent Kederal victory. Thonsitn !. f rebels kilifd. lelober t Battle of Hanta Bonn liiid. near Fort I'.ikeua. ,The Confedorate nnder ti nenvl Atijers..n, cf South Carolina, make a aueceselul atta, k (,B n iy wuni' camp, routing the rowdiei and burmo; the camp. Btlly tnnofTin hisfhirU While rturniug to Peusacola, aeveral of 'he Con(ederat wer kllleiL . October 12 Bttle of tb Mltwiii j. Passes. I!i niodore Hollies, wilh hi musnuito U'e'., attaekod and d's t ermed the Federal Sq-tadron bliekad.tj the mouth ol th Mie- lj pi. The schooner J. H, Tot iij and a launch cap tured October 15. After occupying I'ap ui'sanJ Muuaon's Hill tor a-veii weeks, In vain expectation of petting a flsht fora Sttrrtetlan, the Coiifederatw arrnyMi buck to CoDlxo vil'e. , ' Oott.Uor la. P-attt. of floH.nr, near Ilsrpor's Ferrr Col. Turner Afhliy, wtli 250 volunteers suJ 3W raw Vir ginia nolMu. cnipletcly rotitf J liXn) FdrnU, killing 50 or CI and 'Bk ni 12 prlaoneis- j October VI. t-ixlit at Fre4rictiiitowrt, Mo. JelT Thomp son, w"'h litiO Mis-ouiiaus, driven beck by 50(0 Fedeiai. with lofs on belli sble. Ocluher 21. Brilliant vlatory st lri;-linrg. TlietTcnir with twelve regimeu' (7IHJ0 men.) iitnler Oeu. 13. V Ui'ier, crosted I ho lVoinao atid attacked Info Con?odetto army ne.ir Lpeabnrp, cAneijlinff of throe regiment (I.W ) und r Gen. Nathan fl. Kyatis, l ,wouth Ciirolipa. Ihe Fed rl n er.i terribly defeated, lAtising 500 in killed, N00 III wouiidi d i.t.d T.'ti iu pfsouers, ao 4 pie "in of artilloiy and Hid I s'lUid uf ai nm. Cca. Biter wus killed, end on our "ld 1 ol. I'ti t Vift in rtal'y wos'ided. CouU derato lns 27 killed, 11 1 wot ndi'rt, Many ut the enmny were lost Iu the river, tlrtooer 25 (ten'l V'reinanf, lavng advanced ironist. L uis, ccupi 11 r- pringtlelil, 11 o. tit tolicr 31. Heslpiutlou of (Sen teniuliiiu ol the Liuco'.n amy. W'fnfleld Fcott a He is ipocoeded by thtt Atlantlq coast. Q-n Mtf:ivl'n. Novtin.ber 2-S. 'Ireat storm on iveial of ti.e Linoolu Armada lu tt. NuveOiber 5. Fremont removed front Ms cotnmand In Virglrlit and siioceniled by Huater. The lutt.B immediate ly order a n tuut to tit. I. on is. " t'.i'-, liber 1!. Battle of Bi Imetit on lbe Jluwlsslppl rlfrr. T. euniov under General (irsnt, 10,000 srong, attacked t'i,i I'lilovr, nt Belmont, ppoit Colunibus, Ky. A dicadful CHriinga on both Bides ensued and l'dlow was be ing rapidly cvorpoa ercd, when he was r nloroed by ti iirni.1 l'o'.k. 'Iho enemy bi t:i, llJ trie river mi'll nil-lit tosed the pursuit. CoulrJentta 'loan 65. Federal lo-a 12 U. Novetetir Rut tip of Port Royal op Iho South Carol 'na coutt. l bs Si-nil Fort in Port Rnyl harb'rr attacked by litrps Federal lleet, under Coniwoih ro Dnptntnd (ieuentl Mi. r i.'tn. After a futinus rni'n ntdo, the almt aul shell frcru the lleel fj'litiif like hail, tb- brave dcfonde.it tfttrhl- d. Irnall I hi on both ebirn. Ihe enemy landed J2.IM) '.to 'i in nfdintc'v and ncctipie 1 the deserted Fori. hbrember 7 iJrb. ni,, ou the lappahinbock, shelled by (h i cJenila. November 8. Pevernl bri'tr-e. on the Tcnnespee Bod Vlrgiula ltaiiioad bur.ied by tin Kant leunewee torle. Nnveiiiler S Bailie of I'iheton in Keutm kv. Th 1 nerny icpubnd wi'h veiy l.e -vy loss." - NDveniber 8. Velxure of Menrs Mitott and Sliiloll, on bodrd ihe Brith-h steamer Tn lit, by Captain V. lll.es, of the United fctatcs stetuier San Jitcl'i'0. Noveniberi) Fight M (iitandottf, on the fihio river, Wet"ru Virginia. Colonel Vhirkson. with the cavalry. mid grtllant (lush into thtt 'on rilauhtering 4(1 Fedoreln, wounded 50, and took m prino iers, losing' only to men him-tll. JNovember 14, General Floyd rehettod frdii Cotton Bill, on 'he Kstiawhs. t olouel Bt. 'ieorgo "roi;hsu killed. November 15 Arrival of M mum Mas.ni and t-lnlell at Fortress Monro. Iu ebarire f Caolaiu Wilkes. They are sent to rort "varren. November 10 Cantnre ol 30 Federals near Untori Hill, PUtioart by Manr MartTrr"oMh- fatrirww--taTrrry--., verm raer:ts kiiiea. Novembir IS.-'Ui.cnpaWon of tho anteru shoro f Vir e l a. An ths Ferior I tioot.a win !e ernl Lor kwood. Nov-inbur 18 SLirmlMb cear F - L'huich be.weon tho Viigtulu catiiby, under Lieut Co'on . i-.ee, 11 ud a body of the Foileral t av.iliy. The enemy rond with a loss of 7 kilied and 10 captured. Our lost 1 killed aud 2 oirVtu tf'l. November 2J 23 Bombardment near P lutauo'a Fort V ckens cpens lire t.n (ieneral Bra g's ll. ttor'fs. ltmrrs) responds au) a cannonade ot two dua follows. 1 hit Federal veto's engaging in the fight driven oil badly damaged warrentun partially bnrnea by tno?' s from roil i.cKfns Fintliy Col. Brown, finding his efforts lutile, ceases his fire Iu his odicial report he gave his loss at 1 killed and H w und fd. Hevt ral were kll.td on tho fleat. Ilragg's lof, one man kill, d by the enemy s hie, s v r.il w undid. November 24. Occupation ofTybee lilaud by the Fed eisls. November 2. Cavalry CifU bear V.eimi (Potomaci be. 'Aeen iLe enemy and Colorel Kuns wi's North Catollns Cavalry. Vsnv of the enemy hilled and 28 captured, One Kedcr.il lit iuieut ran, the ofliccrs k-sdn g. liaiitora's ItMg one. Peeembcr 2 Skirmutb at Anundal-', Potomac. Col. f". W. F.clda, Sixth ll gimont Virginia Cavilry, kill foi, and cniitiiies lif.ei n of 'he enemy. Fields' loss two. Deo. ntber 3. Battio of Draiunvil , near the I'otoinno. Cen. htuart has uu eogazemt nt with a superior Ixn.y ol lb euiuiy, and alter a h-trd fight is forced, to tctreat, with a loss of over 200 in killed,' wounded aal mi-smg. Tie en nij'a loas even greater. December 13 Battle of the Alleghany, in Wo-tern Vir ginia. Tbe Confederate armv, libx) uo,., nud.r CoL rdwaid Johuaon, wa attacked by 6(kw Fed-.-ral troow The latter was gaHantJy repulsed after seven hours fight ing. December lt.-4iea. T. J. Jackson dietroys dom 5. od tha Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, t'ltm cut'lng oil Canal communication bt'twoen'aihinirton and the Wist. December 17. Battle of Wuodaonvil e. i" Kentncky. A larg.j body of the enemy at:ack General Hmdinan, who bail JUjO intantry and 40 piecen o arliiicrv, bnt were treated with a loss of 75 killed and wouiidcd. 'I he Con federates los' the gallant Col. Terry, of Texns. ' December 21 beward surreudeis Musuu and blidell, by letter, to Loid Lyoua the Britifh Minis -rr. Deoeniber 'ifi. Battle of Opothl'-jholo, iu the Indian Teiriiory, 75 miles Northwest of l-Yrt (.ibson, l etaeen Co). James M. Mcintosh with four reL'imeuts and the Julian allies o the Federal Government under their Chief, Op.-th-icyholo. 'i wy hundred of th enemy killed and wounded, aud loii taken piisoners ; 100 horse eauliired. Co;fed(irat 'o-ai 17 killed and 20 wO'inded. 'Iho battle hiMed lour aours Opotlilcvholo fled to Kaunas. Dectuibrr 2S. Exploit iu Hampton Roads of the Confede rate s'eamer SeabitU, nnder Ca4Jt-Lyoth Ju.ttitack ,tiie Federal titeamcr Kxprt-ss, baying the sebjonr 1 oerwoou in tow, aud after a fierce fight, in whicuthe federal naileries at the Hip Laps take a part, succeeds Iu driving off tho Kx- (ie and captmipg tne Sv nooner, laamg our iuw in Iriuni.ih. .,.,'' ! euiiier Js.fi -u at r'aernmcnt, near Green river, la Kf n'neky, between a detachment of Cel. Forrest s Cavalry and tlie enemy, who were rooted after a fight of hall an hour. Contederate loss two one wonuued. reucrai loss 10 kiiit d, 20 wounded, 1 prisoner. A FTilKMKKT (I TUK KILLEP, "wOtrKpfO AVTt CAPTmBD III TUX SKVEKAL BATTLfsS AND OTHXa NA0tMKKT8 IN TDI Tiaa lSbl. ' The followicg table exhibits an approximation to the leases ol both puties by the several angsgcraents during the year.. The Confederate losses are- compiled from th ollieiiil repoit of the commanding dflicers, (when such report were published-) Of coarse, we cau only gue at the Lue of the enemy. The otthern papers seldom publish the official reports of tlie Federal Generals, and the Uiter have ireneraHv nrovfd themselves such mom trems Ulaifiers that but little conSden e on be placed in their re port when they are published For in.-rtinoe, Picayune Butler uted his loss at Berbsl at awoui ininy, v. ties 11 1a a n.itnr una fact that nne small sauad 01 ntagrntier h men atoae buried thirty-t vr Federal- bodie alter tbe battle. in estimmng the federal josses, we nave aaopi.a tne odIoiol of the Confederate officers commanding, who are geutie men, and upes whose statement reliance may j placed. FEDERAL SUCCESSES. o r.i o c S5.I o v S ti, ara 2 . 3 t- i o t a o.; o a iwi 5 i3 o. a 6 It ElS-rif 1 : m 1- 2 Sift 1 1 i 2 I Wif- une S Pbillipnl, Date. BATTLES. 7: 00! ooj li.... 4! 20 6vj 4: V .... 45! 6: 00 to AC .... isl - low cj 10.... 13 Of 3l 00 0C .. 00 00 W 00 Ot!.... 12 so 00 8 4V 143 8 tO lOOj.... lie' iTSiUiil . m Km- June 1 ttoouville, July P.iHicb Wountaio, July ls;it. George, Aug. I4 Matter as (Kit. 21rrdericksU.W0, Hov. I Port Boyal,... ...... Pee. IjSraaesviUtH. -- I Total, ; CONFKDKRATIC HUCCKKRKH. rE.i 2. Mmin 1-1-1 1 00, nn m ; rjo 160 1 00 oo oe 00 loo ! On I'O PP pb 00 no on to 00 li0 00 00 0" 00 niHl 00 00 ft . in co 3 t 5 00 4 OOf 00 Op 00 CO Otli 00 00 o: 00 7I 00 )6ti ;m ' 00 00 on &n, 100 00 SO 0t'! 40, 1511 150 W O'l 8 7 00 a do 1a oni 00 It lb 6 10 00 12 tv 7 W A3 2ue Cor3iK) 2) K) )L,on An loo 00 41 8 I'M) 3(M 20 Dates. BATTLFH. Kb. 11 "nn Antonio,.,......, Mar. 12 Port Brown....... A prill I Fort Hiiniter,... Apiillfi Foit Bllt.1,..... AprilWlndln,d May llf ewell' Pelut Vay 31 Faiifax Court House.. All 1 w 00: fat: mi wi, (Hit fll'l ' l' Oft; AW 1 00 2' 7oI 3 13 J-ine 1 Acquia Creek, June 5 Pig a Polrt....... .... done intireat Bethel, , June IU Vienna June 17 Kansas City, June 1 New Clek, June ill lloam.v Jone 27 Maithius Point....... July 1 Hayiiftavillo,,, , . , July A Carthago,. , , Jttly 17-errw4!rek,77..-7.'; July IN (lull Run, July 21 MnMas, .......... , July 25 Mesllla Ji.lr ' Foit ftaunlon sua 120OI A0!lOiKI lAU lOOO WI OP 00 10 W on. (10 00, OP tAO Atlg. 1" -P'lfgll, 1.1 Aug 15 Mftthlja r!ut Au.'ia Hawk' Vest, Aug. 27 Bailey' Ctoe Bods, teg. 27"r'-s 1 ntts, Kept. Kliig Creel, M!pt. P jiiauley,... N'pt.l I .ewlnsvil!,. Hopt It! foney' Creek, J'ifi, POUl o nnl 1; Oil On on1 30! 100(1 120ft 300 10 00 t 100 00 00 6 fO 1 I'll, tli 61 oo" t m 1 00. 1 V 101 AH tl ,u 3 00 W'l "OTT 7 ti A (Ml 1 WI Ob 1501 Al 20 All 3'i 8n mi 1W: 26U V 30 W w V 25 7 w Sept.lt tBtboursviile, (Mi 7J Ot' i-ept.2i l-ept 2 .., "ft. I tint. tlet. 6 Oct. t HeL l'! Oct l (let. 2 Nov. (. lavxliigton;, lKmess, t . . . tesmi-r' Fahny,,,,,., 'ireenbrier, Chit kmeoink o, Haiita Kt s i MIsaiSHtppI Pastes dollva,., l,eerJiiira, , , n WO 0Q on! W 00 W'l IK w w a 31 141 150 00 32 17 00 it 72 K 2' 2i Oiii w 4'i lib III 2n (HI .10 (Hi 4l Will 0'H wi co 117 WI WI 00 WI 15 IU KM 400 210 b'hnont,. 373 00! Nny, f t'lSeton Nov, t ifitvaiidollo, . . . Nov Itiji'ilt. in Hill Nuv.li-iF.illCbnr, h,. NuV. 2'-' I'eliS'ko.dt , . . . No.,2' Vat Vleun,. Dec. '.'! Vliiindale, .... I't"j. I .' Mleghiiny, . . . Dec. KMVonilmitiiiillA . Dec. 2". 'IpetheyoliolD, D.'O. 2 I Nicraiueiilii,.. . I Total...... A 2 Ion: AO1 t, It On 2 It 7 10 lo: 00 Od 10 00 2 w 201 Otll 2 V li On on . (Ki 10 2no 45 125 1W on en! v IA 00 H 0" 10) Id Oi 3d on Jn 100 1H On 10 Wi .li (i7: 23M 481A 7f.l4177 ' lr, r llutlOII. Co nledernte l,o. Kl'.led.. 1116 Wounded, nan Pl'htOtlOIK, 1 47 federal Loss. 41111 7.U MI77- 'lot.J 607 - ' 20,009 4- A hut vtifhtive not oxcrraMd tb Federal loos is proved by the toi-wlt.fr emrst t Irom the Warl.iniilon ooireapoDtisn .uf the New Yoik Iimi.t, of a late dute. By returnt nt !h War Departinnt np to the 20th Decern her.' I learn that the mortality in onr army .Inn tho war br iho out will ie&rh Zl,M"i Tim number killed la battle, sklrnilst'cs, Ac., la nbout ll.ooit, Hi nnniber wuundsd 17, tMij. 'ihe nuinber f pri. oum Iu the South and deserters amount to (iO.iO. . If we had the means of ascertaining the Faderat losses by tho unit) ion smaller rnra .enients, picket sklirulshtw. Ac, durirg the yew, wo nib hi eiwily carry the number of silled snd woundad up to the tlgore ludloaied lathe Nsw York 2intea " Bl'SIM'iS AND PROFESSIONAL ORpf, OX, KNOtl.l, V ., GI V7-I FOR TtIC KK-HMOND MANPriOTHHINO fTs f'tril'ANV, ntfl recolWng every week Cotton Yernr ftTl i.rnnauarga. .Inn l.t..l'(2. flfl-tf. A Lit X. OI.OIIAtl, (tvui e, tr to Mokl.y A tililli.in.) nl'Al.Hi IM ( i I M N , PltOPKIKTOK ;f YUH YV TB FFAK CORN AND FLOUR MILLS, AND Gfl'MMbd HN Mh-l.CH ANT. WiCSjikhtom, N. C. Fob. A, lnfi'2. ro-Miirr'UMiiii. is UK unleri-lKiied have thl day entered Into a (ieneral 1 Commission and Moroautilo SuHtness, under U Aim of blokley Co. Mr. D. ( a-hwell Is orfr dnly empowered Attorney forUi trnactlon of any and all bnine of the firm. UDk in Parley's Row, North Wer btreet. ' ' JAMFS HTOKI.KV, C. W. OLDHAM. WllmfiiKfbu, N. C, Feb. 1, 183. . - 137 II. I.. HOLMKn. ATWHXKl' AT LAW, I TAt 4 removed to tbe centre office of JOURNAL BUILD- IX ISiiduiext door West of his former locatita. October 17tb. T'A1 Mtf K.HI'IK A AU Kit, ' , A TTOUX KXH AT LAW, HAVE removed their oOlee from Front to Prince street, JOURNAL BUlLDINGti, formerly occupied by H. L. Holme. Kaq. Ockober 17tb, 111. 86-tf LOI IH II. RHAMllEItT, DLCOG1ST AND PRACTICAL PHAHM ACEUTIST, WlLMIXeTOH, K. 0. heeps enstantiy cn hand a select stock ol Vrugt, iftd trntru', oniB(io awl JfunqxHirt fnewitoali, Fancy and I'otfi'i Arlivlf$, Wines and Lxquort for Meduial I'urptjtts, vjars, to. te.Partlcular attention paid to Paxnoatrrtoit, Fiatu ?mietin, AiinioiKi ('tiiMTs. so. t.Storc immediately under the " Catollna Hotel." ' Juiyli, lHe9. lOJ-tf oaxa v. M.siOK. cthch a. visAstaina. J. K. fl.OHHO II V CO. F.NKI1AL COMMibilON MKI.CHANTS, June W, InOl. WitwijiOTott, N. O. W. r. ishhsll. 1. S. XISDALt OA, K.rVILI A o. IOMMIt'SUKJ M iC'tLANlH AND W HOLES ALE QUO CLK3, Ho. 11 13, North Wator BL-167-tf Marob 11th, WJILStKK . (Pctct sior to WV.kf r Veer Co.,) nOLh.SA.LL A!.D BKTAIL DIiUtltilHT, " . 45 Maxst SrT, WimiHTow, R, C. n. itiu, MtTOBnu,. W-MS milCHM-t, WHOLfAtJO AND BETAIL DEALERa VJf.N, PEA, OATS, HYK, WHEAT EHAS, OIL MRALi Vy FlWH GHOCar H0MQIT, OOB8II COW FLLD; we. RMtKSX A!D HQRrJ hlVFk BAY, ro P Worth Water Strewt, 4 W.iisrtiievoa, S.C . "i?T.'r.y 17 tf . tl - (XAIIB!!!. HOVsMJ., OMMLSrilON KMU.'E JSTH, - . ti Wi,wiwToii, K. 0. iror,9 Hiar.M. a. i. eowiu- w. w. aaaua. O.H. 1st, lt5. . AIXOHOI,, f ASt nw disulling a soperiar article of -90 per cent. Ltr L COKOL, which I oner tor sale PTI Anntv tlf M. McLNNtS. 174-tf April 2, m. ' TbUl'H. A LEXAK7EB OLDHAM I eoiutUntly jrnfc-KT ATtinng the nr;T rAjnu,x r iaj ut, ai ut CAP! FfcAB FMUn MILL8, Wilmington, N. C for wale at tba Mills, aad at tbelr btore, So. oomt Water Mreet : - . la whole barrels aad half bamla In beff containing one-half; , I bag containing one-fourth ; ' -. In baa containinc one-eighth ; . They keep constantly on band, at the MtlT, aad at tbe stre, fHESB GROUND URAL. HOHMIfiY. CMAQJL. XO IvHH, COWrhMO, &S0BT3, B&AX, sUm They also keep for aaie - COk N at wholesale aod retail ; OA I at wholesale and retail; ' . PSAS at whoteale aod retail ; - ' BAY at wholesale and retail ; 'MatahaU'sXA.TA;J'in"i, - . Liverpool ground illflf SALT. In tactai Sana CaroUaa Y10 U& 0 oonaixTUOsat. ' .. . . A D VRRTTSKM Eff T8 - v WIU be inserted at FIFTY CENTS per ' ef tea !;""'' l for the nrst Insertiosj, ud TwtniTT riVsi " . vance.'" "qw tut P,UU9xtB. Ot A.6. ' 4 fi Sh;7,0B, Ulf ".or 0 Wtee-ekbt line . (ledd)ortcoanUdaasiiar. . srAdvertismnU Inserted svry otner day are elntne t ' 37 i cent per sonar for each IfiserUoB after the Inb . -No phll tatlon mad without a rspnlhle nam. ' ' Ik Cartel. 7"' We obwrvo tht enme of cor coukronorarf am ns. . J ffing very Rravo objectloni to tbe exchange of priiorjerw at tbia moment,' and mt ennoot bat fbirJk that they wiU ' have their Ibfloeoco opoawtbe Uovernment. Tbe acoiio- - urei 1 ojie, lor li.sUnce, U dJlnff all be caa td iodte bit cut-ibrouU to pillage and murder. He tiya be will not DlflCO SOV fuatii rnrrr an. nrlu.l. .r...,. 11 4k. nme time, be tbrcateni to execute, any peraun who may ' ' :' t ki.l otm or bla loldiur. wbeUter la defones) of bli pror' . ' not be taken, any private citix -n wbom bo may have ta " " bis power will bo pat to death In bla plso. Pot tbla purpose; ho Uirtcla lh 4 tzart of all tbo toliaUUuttrgt1 -V-" lh district be lovadr'l brae ofdert it wJJJ be obwrf. -' cd, were not touaJ autil tho Vankeea baoama fwriu.ri a 00 (ftneral fxclmno -wai to taka plaoa, od that, by tba ' - A . term of tbe ourtel, all priaoocra ol war on both aldca wore bcreaftcr to be naruletl as noon a nninnvi w- , unlit HUTU CU.SCIVI eniirCIV VILnnut th. rrnnm a! laUafiiiu; for any maroVr tbat may take plaoo. Noo but mildiera aru cunpidtTcd prisonera of war, aod . w 7 ' ii tv nu mcau 01 taklna- an or the r nriv.t. i;.,. . while thiy arc lo our ooanuv. lJ nan at n . taru many of our as they please. Tha Uovaroment 45 v-rm 10 nave entirely auamwnwl tbt proteotlon of Ita CltlZ 'UN. t . , -s, ' l tint Popct aod bit inferiors will carry out bla tbreata to the letter, utile deterred by the tW of retaliation l cannot lie doubtej. Moet awuredly fcla oidom are clear. ly Biiuibit the spirit or tbe tarttl whatevor may bo too letter. Our (joveromcnt never con 1,1 ham . 00 Ilk a , . . . -- .ssi him uitnui iu leava our oitlattua ao entirely unprotwjted ao entirely at tlio nittroy of the brlgauda wbo bava boon aoot here to 'i -cut tbolr.lbroatii. It tbe oouatquonoca ara to a auob, t o trtwt that tbla cartel will not bo obamwl, aod it will be no violation of lllb not to observe It. Tope'i ordure and Lloeolo'a dircotiooa art directly oppcacd to lis ppirlt, and have already recdorod it of do avail to os., ' Tim c ifiirivsncii 04 the Yankee for prevcntlna: a frea ' people Irom d"ltodin( tbuir aull Js ono ol tb moat devli. h or all tbelr Inveallona. Hut It will not avalL 1 hey otay umriKr our dclenoolcM eitiaMia, bat they will riot prcveot those wbo tarviva from puisulrjr Uig n va krs to tho luL No man Is gonf tj be deterred by " any such means from fighting (or bis oounlry aa u tba munnttr bent suited to liia situation and meats. Tho wbutu proctcdiDjr la a prcpMntlon lor gratuitona murder. . Richmond DiipatcK. JfuKTijtu cf Khtats. The following brdor iu ber-n Jwucd In Charlotte, Xorlh Carolina, for the ixnav fit of all eoueeroed 1 - so II, 1 n.in.B.Bn. a r. n 1. v . . . isvi,i;ssiiii OUTII AVKU T., iV V, At.. I, , , Charlotte, N. 0 July 28. f , M. IP. Hohmion. Chief Pd,iM! ' ' Von are Lore by authorised and empowered to t i- ' amino nil persons wetrinff military Qniforms and arrest such as have no written evidence of letvaol abecnoe from their respoeUve comraauda, aod you are furthbf In -sirutited U arrtst alt aojoarnera and vialtore to tbia town who are between the anos of 18 and 35, that they may fonder an account of tueinsf)lr&. ' . Colouol 83'h Riigt. N. C, M. TiuCArryHor D. nca -rr7eV th nap. 'ur of Uii individual th Lynchburg Uopulilloaa " savsi " The capture of the notorious ragad aud oy Or Wm P. Bueker, at Niuhola llonrt Ho ma, will be fonnd aader onr telegr.phfo h.al, To those in this Motion wbo kat fhe man, hi dead ef villainy and oooodratUm while r. kidmg In Amherst and Hsdford. of th foimar or which Counties he is a native, his Cantnr. will h. . . ' J doing. Audio tb psople of Holutoarl and Alihan. shijt.a- whom b w at lb breaking oat of the war, and whD hav safTired by hi treason to th I ad that bor him. no vunt pould be pndnctiv of a grester dsgree of aatbf faction. W would ask lor hl ao surer doom than would be meted out to him by the psopl n Oovlngtoo, In All, ghany, wh yet hav a lively remembranc t the fruit of tkeir m'spiacad eonfldeno rsoossd in on of th. m.t summat rascal and Ualtor unhung. That h reo.lv tb t. warn 01 oi ueaaon ana ne allowed bat short shilt btv lwen hi trial and exscution, la da to tb neeatomb of -patrlotto s mls, wbo, through hUlnsirnmintaiiiy, wors ssat to tbelr long acoounl, aad now erowd tb bar of Omuipo l'nt Jattioe, demanding verujeano en tbelr slayar. KVis.Uk MOiV BVY npftRIABALVB. h hesi aU kind of weuada, ' and-cures all kinds of sores. A few more boxes left at wiiiiAatK tfBookStor. . July loth MARUAIs OK I'OItT A SID H ATTACH Y DRILL. AN exceiUnt work compiled bv offloer at Fort PulsskL WHTAKKrf'H Book Btore. July lih . . ucif cAfai ue) CAPan riooHa IOhU who ar In need of Oaa t aps, bad bent ranc-ly Ihemselvss while tbsr ar yet a few mora Uft. Call at ItvliW.'. 1 WBITAKfca'H Tto.k fltor. X lbe April im a ronio. CtOBS, Moal, Hominy, Floor. Bice Straw, Wheat, Braa. KhorU, Oroijsja Pea Meal, L e. For sale by Feb. 8th . ALEX. OLD if AM. . MlfClAR. Of BHDS. NBV7 OKXltAJ.8 BUOAB. For sat h S Feb. 5th, IHfll. HARRIHrt At noWKLL. "bKAU PKNClLa, Ofs DAT LEAD PESCII-S, for sale at ' ' ftKt . vraiTAKBR'H BookStor. j nnn elatb mscils, f0r ai t t9.JK).J w HIT A KKB'H Book Store. -Cf If 1 t -acjuj I'LiAiiAU ;akish, for sale at t WHITAKFR'H Bookfltor. EMiLhU HALF IIOsK, TTST P0KCI7A8ED AT AUCTiOif, llghflV wet, rflnC it, of cheap at , MotdaMiCK'8. July 9. IHba. r - - 1A till liOTiCL. OWING) to th high price of provision w have heea . ' compelled to rata tb prlo of board. On and after the 13th Inst., the rate will be Id per day, aad single meal .' f- follows: , . ; , ' Breakfast,. Dinner,..., 75 easta. 1,00. eta aa supper, w'xT''A'KTljrS, t6T-tf Jnlv 11th, HW3. BHlWTO, lriNOALtS 6DLKT7'. . ' BUOflrANO CARRIAO HAENElsS WHJJni, JBJI3, BPOai, .,., , , , For aal at t,. - OH. Leather. Saddlerv, Tilik and Harne &ubUhwet, Jn'y 26. 261. - No. Marks! itrHt, - J. ...JTVA-:' ....12 .KELLKT'S BOOK BTOKJt. " 1 RECEIVED BT kXIPBESB, tb toUowing Uf and ea vesJent Mspa, lo published : - - ..-' Map of North and Sooth Carolina, with Soothera portio) of Virginia aoA Eastern part of Oswrrta. . , Map of Kaatocky aad Trarws. wltH a portion f the free mate borderlcg o Kentocky and Nor tier portioo . ot Alabama, Jjrfia aad North Carolina. . : . - AprU 34, 12. wnrTiMQ PAPEn "vs am anrt3. W'ri X hav invoice of 1C0 P sar i, i sc, al.'rwa , yesterday, aal bow j- AyrQlLh, laiJ. yi-,A- 4i. JI ETC y r f . - I .3