litiiiifi iimm,i " T ' . . I a4 VOL. 11. NO. 282.1; ; - CONFEDERATE STATES OP AMERICA WILMINGTO Nf N. SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1802. " ( WHOIJS NTUlfBEK 3,359 BY H I.TO1 4t PRICK, PROPHIEWRI. 4. FULTON, Editor A. L. PRICE. Associate Editor IKRHinr IBCIUFTIO-' CU IN ADVABCK. Umonlha, I CO 4 50 3 . ' ' .............'.... 3 7A 1 (for troop in ramp only.) 7S ti! Paper to the trad A3 per 100, or S cant per cor, y Weekly Paper per year J M) Tbe pot wi'lh rVcytimied at tie expiration o tlte time paid for nnV renewed. A l lener on bueine connected wllh thin ofllce, Bioat b addteeeed io the proprMo'S- ' From the Charleston Courier. ' , Th flrtt Yrrnf th H'.r. Ths military operations of (be war, d'irirg tb first year .... of tta ni.tear., fmn the emmMion of the OTert act b) .Mijor Andsntou, December 2Mb, 160 : lBfiO. . TVee bar 20. The South Carolina fr'Ulo Convention psns , d the Ordinance nl rteoeHslo'i. - December 'ti cudlen evacuation of Port Wotiltrle by Major Antlertnn. United Ptate army. He pfke lb Runs horn "he gau cmlMges, And retrea to Forlfcututer, which he "conpitw. Pecember. 17 Capture of Fort Moultrie ami Oaatle Pinckney by tbe Houth arollna troops. Capt. Coat aur ren-inrsine re res tie cotter Alien. Januu.-&j)UT4 f FijrjLj'alMil by IhASavaaBab voopa. January 3 Tbe Arsenal at Mount Vernon, Alabama wib 20 000 stand of run, by tb Alttbim troops, Jrfuuiry 4 Fort Morgan, in Mobile bay, taken by tbe At-maui iroon. Jioory 7 Virginia IRl'ture rot Alabama ConveD tfa met M'iMtpii couveution met. Onliaance f "Mtalon. a Jimniirr 9 The tam hin Ftar of tbe Wat flrr Int anil driven off by tbe 4oatb (Vrolina butterie" lorria' inUutl Failure !( the aitempt ti reiufurce r'ort Humtor. Janory 10 Kon Ja k-ou, t Fhillpn and Tike, DOM lie rHaia, catitnrej by lb I ouiiiana truou. Janutry II Alabama Conventiou paed the Ordiuance Of creKK'on. Janmry 13. ran'ore of the Fenaacola Vay TarJ, and rnr'a Htraiioa aua Mt'Keti, ny tnectroopa tdw rlnridii AUI'uma 8' d Louwiaua. M hJ ( bate b'rt:y af erward t. ki com mand, and the aia e nf Fort flckena ooiiinten Jnoiirtt y IS. Surrender of tbe Bioo Kuuga AraanaJtothr t L,onlalHna irnopa. , . Ji our? IB - -(ieortutnte ConTontion wt J41 u ry 17. Virginia Lrglalalara p anted reacHuliona la- vltlnc a paar tsoiiff ranee. Jatuarv I!) Oeoigia Convention pawied the Ordlnanut- or wceaaton Jainarr 8H The lnUlanaKtHteCoDention met. wHiiur 35 The l.onialana Coiiutiiion paMtd tbe Ordi DATiPr of frce)lio Janoary 31. The New Orleani M!nl int Castooi Hou- tan. Fahraary 1. Tlie Tesa Convention paaaed theOrdioanoi . of "Cftwi'-n. Ffbruary J "elxure of the Little Rock Araca:! by tn Arktuwt irwipa Fattiuary 4 Parrrndr cf the Serenas Catter Caaa to the of Utiroa. , bimi 4.i-t'ot)ldiatt C'lUirreHe rnrt at Montnomrj r' ace uiiTt im la i in 'ftuupiiio i.ny. irginm eio. tint) ti- nifuitiwra f a ettt t'ouventluD aa vbf Id. ' Kntirna y II Grnt'ial Twiufi tmiiNtttr iba pablio pro pertv itiTcx.-t Ui the Ma e authorhtr. Col. W bite, if n A., nnen era Saa Anlonia tot ol. Uen Veyolioub and bfc- Kutfteia FtUruary 18. Iiitcgnratlon of Preaident Darin at Mom kouivit. Ala atatrb 1 The Rvenoe Potter D, dolaed by tbb Texa anui'iriTipj. Man b 3 - .io. Rcau emrd aasnnjea ootnoaand of thr til) p. lit-.. Igir k Knit w9 lit'T V aicb l'i. Kurt b o la Texas, aurrrndered by Capi Bill to in Texja t'onituiaxio-era. Atiril Ii-IK B.tfie ol Fu t Houter. B iMiai.t victor ira urtt by Weoeiul fteturpRard nod tbe Hoa b . arollo.. triH p Afer Uiuiy l"ur b 'u b. mbatdrntnt the Fur aturuorr 10 (be ' out- drHte ate Awn1 li - I-.vuuuuIidu ol Fort, rumter by Major Ander aon ard nia eotDtoafii Ai ril 14 Aliiatiim Ui co'n, lTfUlert of the Cniie r3tata. i-s:ie a pr vlatnk'ion ca'ii'ic for 73,(M) toluuUei to u t down tbe r'itum rebcllioo Aunl '6.-Col- lifv U. H. A., rarrvnd-ra Fort Biiat- Bear KI Puso, 10 Col." J. W, M Urllis, the Teaaa com raiiwiiiier. pril 16. feeirnre of the North Carolina Forta and tbr Fajei.teviue.ArMiiiai oy me oiate troop. April i. Viignia Convention in aecret eetiiorj paBaet' tbe Utdmauca 01 re eaxtuo. Ai ril 1 Capture of tbe eteam blp Btar of tbe West b) Col Van Uoru u. n A. Ao'l i Tb Bal'-imori maMaore. The citiaena of Balti more attiipk ti h riinu.i.rsih- Northern metoetiurica pin . tureuzn lueir ciry, en route i"r io cuu.n. me viaaaarnu Kattur. ginieut Urea ou the p.'ple, and aiany are Kil.ed. Tbr mercenaru are alao ahct. (rreat eicneuteui fulioara, an the Ntatjlnud people proceed to burn the railroad budga " Aid tare up th tracka - Aoril t'aptore of tlie Federal army at Indianola Texa. by ol. Van Ooru, Conladeraie Btatt ariuy. Tbt KhJi ml cttioera reljmrd on uaroia. April 20 Attempted deairautiuu of the Norfolk K a r lard by 1 he reavroi -uihor uoa. ine won aoi on 11 e and eevetal ar abipa icuulrd and ennk. Tbe Federa troopa rvtreatqd to FMrlrea atunrue. Tbe Wat) Yard aub- teouvntlv occuuit-d hv the Virginian. April 2 Harper's Ferry evacuated by tbe Federal troop oodor Lieut. Jooe. who attempt, toe deaiructioo ot tbe Arm try by nre. lne place occupied oy Virginia troopr April . Fott fniiib, arkauaa, Capiured by the Ark antaa trooo under Col. 80I00 Borland. May a Tbe Alabama Convention passed the Ordinance twcelon. Mat 9 The blockade of Virginia commenced., Var 10 Ba timote occupied by a large body of Federal troop nuder Ui n a t . uurier. . v liar 10. A bidv of 60UU Federal volunteer, snder Cant Lyou. United nuun Armt, sotrua ded the ehoamprnxnt ii 800 Uiaaourl Bute troop, ncarbu Louia, and obliged them to kuneouer. , May 10 The Pt. Ixtui mnmacre. The Germs n volou , teera, sudor Col. Francu P. Blair, Jr.. wantonly Bred npoi. . thn people ii. the streets of bt. Louis, ki.ling and wounding a large number. May It. J be St, Lool maiwiaore. Repetition of the t;r rible acfi of May 10. Tbe dcleorelera people again abot uowo. Thirty-three cMxeas t.uucbarcd iu cold blood. May 11. The Hlockada of Charleston harbor commenced J tbe U 8 steaaier Ntacara. May 19, 20. 21. Attacked on the Virginia Batteries a 1 .ewll' Poiot (iear Norfolk) by the U. H. s earner Mon icello, aided by the steamer Minueota. Tbe assailant di ivt-n on with loae No one but t on the Virginia aide. May 20 The North Caru iua Coiivcnlioa aaaembled and paased tbe Ordinance of tfece.ion. May 24 Alexandria Va , occupied by SOOO Fderal troopa, tbe Vi.fciuiaua bavii.g retreated. Killing of Col. Via wonb by the heroic Jack, n. May 2S. Uamptoo, Va., sear Fortress Mouroe, taken b - tbe Kedeial 1 100 pi. Seaport Nea uccupied. May il e a Orleaua aud Mobile bloca-.d'Ml. May 2D Prea d nt Havn arrive in Richmond. MayS . Fight at FairlaxCoatt Moa-e b-tween a com pany of Otiitoj Mm cav.lry and a Vugmis company; tin . galleut Capwm Mr.rr killed; several Federal troopa kilted. wounded an" taken prisoner. Jooe. i. J.r.raa. mint atAcnnia Creek Iietireen tlit ; Virginia batteries and tne United 6V.-.K steaniera H'abwh Ana-oaia and Thomas Freeborn, lit enemy withdraw, gratlv imaged., JuoeS Uaule of Phniiopa In WeaUrn Virginia, Col. Keily, commanding a bodyol Federal troops anu Virginia toree, at acka ao mterior force of i-uuthernera, at PbURppA nuder Col. Porterfi. id, and routa tbem Col. Keily tevere ly aroaoded, and aeveral oa both aides killed. Jane S.-Fight at the Pig', Point tuitery. between tbe Conlederate troop and th i O. 8. ateamer Harriet taov. reaoltiog lu the diacvmSlme of the enemy. Ik llarikt loo badly hulled. Jnae 10. -Ba'tle of Great Bethel, near Torktown Va. The fiplndm vtrtwry waa gained by eleven hundred ortb Caroliniana and VirRiniana, oonimaudeo by Cot. J. Kankbead AtairiDser, over tour uiuwana nve nut.area' rederat troop., under Brigadior Geirarnl Pierce. The Ktderal taoa attack- "ed the utbem entrenchment, ad ailtr a tlbt ol four houra, were criven back and punned to Hamptun. mqui rn loss one man killed ana eeen wounded. Federal toa believed to be several hundred. They confess thirty kUltto . and one bandied wounded. J .me. Oof. Jackson, of Uiaaouri, iaanes a proclarr.a- tion, Ct l-ng tbe people ot btate to arms, be cuta BieLies to concentrate troopa at JedVraoa city, burniua Ui bituea 00 the rout to bt. I Main ard the East. Jane itHarper'aa Ferry evacuated by Ueneral Joeeph B. Johoaoa and tse Coutdrate truop. Jan Id. t kiroieh at Vieuoa, Va , between CoL Cregg's . Pool t arolina Beguawnt and the Fifth t'bio Kegimtint Tb enemy roouj, ariu a leva ol several killed. ' Juoe 18 Fight near Leeabarg, Va. Federals drives effbyCol. UunUm. Juoe 17 Aaothar maaaacre fat - tha streeta efBL Lrmia Tb Federal troop fir a volley into the iteoordr'i offioa, while In aseaiom. klUing asaay eitiaaaa. ' - Jna IT. Batthj at aUaaas C try betweea 100 Miaaouri a.aader Ool. u4 13Ui ydaralisa. Th Jauef Jon tfl BattI of B.xvevillft. Mo. Tha Mioor1an. on det (jiv. Jaekxon and )u. Price, defeated by a superior u 17 or ine enrey , eonimaridra riv lien, l.yntt. June 16. Feri'-nflxltt at Ne Creek, near Rnmev, Va Col Vaughaa, with a bodv of Virgtnlaaa and Tenaran, rnnts a body of Federal, killing a number. No Confide -rates killed. June J4. Fliiht in Laneaator nountv. Va. 1 A force a' Federal maranders land na the alt or of tbe .Tame Kivxv ' eouininted dei fedettou. Tiny sr dtiven oa and aeteral killed by a company of Virginian. J une 23 Riot iu M il wanke e, ( WiaoanslD) In erneinenoe of tb d' pteeia'ion f link money, canned by the war. June 2rt. Brilliant stlnlr near Pomnev. Catitaius ftU h- ard and Tomer Aabhy, of th Fanquier oompanv, with a handful of fnl owera, out to price fifty or sixty of tb' rnemv: the Ahbvs tlcbiinw half a d .in Heaaiana each at the earn moment. Cnpiaiu Pirk Aahbv aiortally wounHed Jut. 37 at WaJhias 'Point, between the C -dlederat troona and tb United Htatea ateamer Free- h rn. Caota'n Ward, of tha t rei horn, kt'led. Manihal Kfue, of Baltimore, arretted v ord-r ef tbe Lincoln Gov- ernTent, and fnearerated In Fort McHenry. Joneaf k rmiati near Alexandria, Bergeant Banes, of Kfnhmnnd killed. Jnne 29. Extraordinary exploit of Colonel Thomtis, of Maryland. Uim-ulfed s a Kienrh Hdv he takea Bi. on Ui ateaniar St. Nirliolaa, from Raltiutore to Wjaliintrin. unnun tb to' ajre be tb'w oil nla rlrguafu, en t lu com pany with bit aecnmoMc aeises the ateanter. C-nuni'V dowa the hay L cup'UTd three P''", and takes the abo'e fi et into FrerSerickabur In trititiiih. juiy-t, j, fana'iwianirproaac tb Fotomtc ih the f ederal armv Deer Wllliamnort. Julv 1. -elr.ieof ih Biltimor PoMoe Corunilonor be order of ijvonral Rnk. They are confined In Fori vtHeury, and afterward re m:'vM to Fort LaUjctle, (Ne V rk ) . July 8 Wloclctd of Oiilveatoo (Teaa) Cmnmncd Jmy t-t faitlu of Hatne vtl n mi the Pit..nia.,lH twee , ene.ral,Piitterruu'a army and llie H'.u;bBrn aitvai-ce und 1 el Ji.cltKoh. lfter a sharp fight tb (,'onled-ratw retired. July 4. Fklrmih near New Port Wewa. I.lin'ePant Col i- el Hrenx. of the I.finilana 'ad-'t killed b tbe enemy Julv 6 Itattle of Carthage in -M'Ltn wi t"rn .Viiiw.. utl. betweeo the Mi ariani nuder Hovers r Ja'-kai n 8"d the Vderal ander t;ne l ha'Rle. Tbe drala hadtv t'e eat ed. Co . tiia a Brown k lie d. 8igle tetreata to arcole Jul 7 r nir-euien at Aoqula - reek between t-a Con federate bdtteria and an lhiirnd"klteirtraitir. Julv V Rug igement near (He" (Irleana A Hinted 'fater war W trier "frivei iff by t'i natttle on Hhlp l-lon.1. Jrry l nrnnh sf llrs Inlet, N. C, bj.'wetn the tion fed rale and a 'J f. ateamer. July 12 -Hanle of fitch oiintiti, in Weaiarf Virginia lefeai of Ttd, I'egram by the Federate uuderGtn. M Clellnn. Petteat of (len (iarnett - " July IS fat'le of ht H' ore, in Westerri Vlrtrinia. 1 I'onfed rate r ut"t nd Ave bond ed captoted by Genera Mi-Ciellan General Garnett kil ed. July 17 lUttle o"carey te, k, on the Kanawha, be t ecu MM) Coulederate. under Lin. Col Patton, aud -00 PeleraK an er Cl Low. ' be Felerate defeated, and th'ee of tbelr Coone :,, prtaoi.eni. 'uly IS. liafK r Hull ' un Tire Federal I'fflf liHact .oe C.intedi rates, an I a!t r several bou'nehiiugar dr " back I'lCe'il evilie with beavy luxs. ktajor Uairiaun, Vit icia V iluntfl-r, killed. 'ulv 2' Rattle ol Manaangs.. HccWve d feat, of tb F (Ural atmy. n' tier tlen. Ilo owetl, by tbe Cnnre!eratf nuder enerai J hnton and U. auicpard. t'onf. il rate. W (100 -troni ; enemy, A6,0ou str g. Tbe -e.-.emy fi panic itriok'U to Wa- liiiig oii. Hu vy U of life on both ide Th Cou'ederate Gtiiierals I'e and runow kil ert t'oi t derate low in k I led and wounded l';(ri. Fedeial loas II killed, woand' d, and and de.t-rti'd at leaat 16 0i ti 'uly 21. Cap'ur .l tour pt r-a .fTveda' Kit), Floili a b) tbe I'ei.fedi rt ii'cxma- Madteoo. I inut, aehlun, ii s A . and nl.,e'ou na l ra. taken uriaoner. Julv 2V ba!tle at Misilla ir z it-a) t'teen the Fedm: army end th orfydernt-n. d.-r o' Halnr. The r--eri. 1 iefae i sod Or toward FortMaUutou with a ions of th it - ro killed ' July 'in Pnrreniler of 7i0 Federal troona to Col. Bulor, 0. 1. A ., at Fort Maoiitnu. arson. XuiyS" Ket'eitot iicoeiat W.. In Weatert' Virgisia. He iSucbea (Inii'fy' bridge, near I eibtirg, In S'fety . Auguat 2 -Goi.eiai Magruder coutmeuce Ida march duwi. the Yo k p.-ni'-vila. - AuKUt 3. E ejtr.ii. t.t off Oa'vet in between ti. 1 on fedemte Oatt ry ard aFedtral etearner. lbe la'ter threa eeveral rh-llv Inb tbe city Auburn 7. Umniog of uamptoo (Virginia) pyoraero lontiial 'airnili-r AH'rtf 10 It,, fe ef Oak HIM in Missi crl. Tbl glvioo iatory waavanird by tbe Coufrdera'r troopa nod rGunera Ucn. Uu:iiIom h over Ui Fadeial aimv uudnr Gun. Lot. "ach de uumbered about 10 000 men l.vou waa kil-it tno the rVoeiaU routed wrb nr-at sU'igUier. Geuei 'eil- Ci'Uui!' the retreat ti.waida f.'olla. Buut IS fkirrnish at Mutthia Point. A boat load r federal, from the United btatea ateamur lolute landed and were firwi upon by the Confedeiate troop. Fiv : wutr kil ed. when tbev retreuttd. AuKUF-t 8 i'ne Co federate privateer Jtiff. Dovia went ahoe t.u t. Aufftiatiiia bur and wa iol Auiuat 20. f' Iff hi at tiawk's Nst, Western Vir-lnlu between Wiae'a Leiia and tha Flev-nth hto Heg m-nl Tim in, fled atter k.ain 60 ia killed aud wuuudud Sen WLu'il xu no manki.leJ. Antot 2.i Maaon's bill, near Alexandria, occupied bt tne t;imif u-rate troops. August It). General advance movement of Beauregard a'C'V nuon tbe Federal linea 00 the Potomac Auguat 27 riitbl at Bailey a ( roes loads, Dear aiez aniria. The Confederate rout a body oftbeeni m a.iu take Mnnton' LI ill l-ive Federals caulured and o- kll-d Auvtut 27 . Battle of C'ro-s l anos in weetern virsinia betweeo the Conlederate force ou 'er GeurraJ Kbiyd. and lue heventbHihio Uvirtment under Col. Tyler. I he enemi terhbiv cnt to piece, with a lo s of 1200 killed, woundei pd rniNjaiDff. Col. Tiler waa the flrst to run. Our loas 3 killed. August 2829. Battle of Fort n titter aa. The Confedarate rntrtu. hruenia on liattera Ialaod attacked by the Federal Beet nncer Coujm d f ftriugbam andGcuervl uutier. After a bom'ai dn ent ot twet.ty-toar nour ui commander of the t.otiledaraiea, ('onim lore Harrou aur rendered. The eoenm caotnred Ii91 utiaonera. and oarrie them tjffto New lork. The is abd occupied by the Feduia troopa. Bep'emberi General Fremont iaaaes a proclamation in ni. L.oo:a, cottUHraliee irre aiatea or letieis. Heptemher 2 Skirmieh at Biir Creek, on the Kanawha. The enemy driven buck. September 6 Adrance of tbe Federals ia Ki&'.ocky Ptdu' h ucfuuied. ieptember7 lbe UonJedorates under uencrai fiuow occap Columhua hy. isepteuiber 10 BiUle ol the Gacley, a- am 11 ax rerry SV'e,ern Yirsibia. ti-ne'l lto.encians atticked t-noerai rlojd a porilion wiU 1S,0OT men. After aevcral inetrectua tu u.pta to carry ra. ha fallback baftlsd and diaiievr.ened ai least 15U of the eueiny were ii.ed and uu wouum- a 11 these va.n eQort. F oyd had but bv men wounded. a i force waa well or ole: ted At ovbt, tse ring that Ron eocrafla oiiut croas above nd attack biio In tb re , tloyd retreated.'. .. .. , Hepu-mtier II Fat'lo ot Lewinavilte on tbe Pnomo evetal reeiuieuts ol Federnl teo-ip u ider Col. Iaac J. Steven, ot tbe New Vork bevenir-Ciuin, ma.thed (run nam Hridae 00 a recoouoirance. lbey were attacked nt the t r n ederatea onder Coiot.el J. K. B r-trant, and after a abarp Daht, fled in Bull boa fashion, federal loss, t kiued audit wmnded. Uobfederat km, none. Eeptember IL Battle of Tone' Creek, octbe Kanawha, ia 'a cavalry, ooder Colonel i-Wkmon. defe-U tue enemy, wise toe b t& killed aad wounaed." Ciarkson Btsotook 50 pr Sonera and los not a mn. Beotember 13 Colooel John A Washington, of Virginia, uiea in a axtrmlan la vvatrn Virginia. tieptrmber 19 Baitle of barboiv villa In Kentucky, be tween 800 Coniederates under General Zollicoffcr, au j ixtai federal. The tnemy routed a usual with a loea uf 60 killed and 2 priooea. - fceptem er 20 Rattle of Lexington In Misacnrl. Tbe VI iajoti troops under General Price having beseiged Uu city of Lexington, at last forced tbe enemy under t-olooe' lullign, to rjrtendr. (tor Iocs in tbe eerie ot battler s ound LexiOf-ton was 2i kilted and 72 wounded. Price tck 3.MK) prUooera, incladms CoIoik's ailliran ka'suali. Ueding, White, Glover aud 113 0 ber ccmmwionf d offloeia, i pieces of artillery. a BHirara, 70 boiaea, JluO.ODO w.h ot commissary stores, Urg ciuaatities of sum and snuni tioca, and other property. He al" recovered ibe reat acal of the state, aad tU pnblio records, and IkoO.OOO ia aumey. . September 23 24 25. Heavy akinnisUng on Rewe3 Mooa taln. Weatern Virginia, betweea Ecsenctana and Wiva. Two Coofedarate k lied. Beptember 16-21. battle of ALvmeaa, U Kew Ifcxlo. rspiaJB Gopwood, wi b 114 Texan, ctieateda large bod ofUoitedhtaiaaratrnlara, audsrCol. Bubertit, with rroat aiangbter. Cop wood s loas. two killed. Hepiember 39 CoL J. w. fcpaoiding of Wise's lefioa. kiUed biisoaaaoontioa; updittoa ia WeaWrn V.rgio.a r-sptsmhe 30 BopsjnavUi ia Kentucky, taken by 6en. Bockner, C. 8. A. ' IVctober I Captor of v tha Federal steamer Fanny b Alhenrie Bound, by th Confedermto teamera Curlew and BaUswh. Forty fi Federal taken priaoora and $100,000 worth of stores oapturad. , - u ' October t Piweident Oavia viaiU tba Confadmto arms at MMMaaaa. Oraod .-viw of tha troopa. ' October I BavM of Orevabrw River In Wetter Vir ffaav, Bwtwao lAow Gnm6mmm. oader (Ha Hawry After six b .ur'a bat t lis. tha ene-icy wtibdtew, leavtnt Jr. sob still maater of ths ground. JankWa loaa 60 In killed, womuM and m Mine, rnamy io at ieat 10 October 6. - Kefeat of Boaeocrani from.wewell Mountain. Re Ced with hi whole army to th other side of the Gauley, tweuty a lie distant October The rhk-kemaeowiloo Pace, on Roanoke ioo, ft. v. Aa nttre maiaoa urc-njeui chaaed twenty mi'ir. i.j V VI. TTiiKni w 1 nim urvg'. '""wwaeilt. inirfy' two Federal nrlannera and yaluable Bnt)lttin of war r-.n tored. Col Wrlrht' loas on man. who ran sflar th enemy until be fell exhaneted. Tha Northen papers clalioed a niHsniucent r enenu vioiory. 1 u"wioi 01 renal killed October Battle of fVnta Roaa lalaed near Fori Pcken. The lonfederste under Gotera'Aadnrsna, nf fvonth Carolina, make a auceemrul attack on Bd'y Wilaxn'a ramp, rontinf rna rowui ana ounnnj inv oatrp. Q!lly raa offln hi hirt. While returji'tig lo Peuaacola, aeveral of the foofederatea we.e killed- rK-tober 12 B-ittla of tl Kiaatarippl Pastes. Klnm mworw Hollin. wllh hi tnon.uti fleet, attacked sad dta 'raed tbe Federal Vqnadroo blwkading the incntli ol the Via leilpul. Tba achooner J. H. Tonne arid a Unncti e.n. tured Oetoher 15. After onpupyin Maaoa'a and Munann'a .... n T , M .rrw, U TBin W A p 'ti I Ol SjetVUIg U H 111 from Kc' lelbn, tbe Coufedurat army iU back to Centre- feobr 1,-Rs't!e of nolivsr. near Harnar'a Ferry Col Turner .hl)y, with 250 voln-te-rs and 300 raw Vir ' rinia militia, c mpletely r iBted 1000 Frdrats, killing SO or oujno -Ha n ii prisoners, c'o"rcfif. rvbt at f're dorlcktown. Mo. Jefl TIiodiii 4on, with I ."Hi iaoiirlana, diivcn back by 4000 Federal Ith lore on bo'h bte. ctole' 21 Brilliant victory at Le.burg. Theenenn with twe've r-trtineut (7000 men ) under Geo R. I Baker, oroHted th- Po'omae and attacked tbe ''Vvn'ederat army iea' l.eraiin . cooaiallna" of thiee regiment ( I8"n ) und-r Gen. Nathan' Ii Kati, of on h Carolina, the Fd-rl were 'efrihlv drleited. Innaing 00 lu hilled, WW In wnuttn. d nd 7 S in priaoneni, also 4 piece of artillety and ItiOn 'atid i f aim. Gou. Bkr wan killed, and n our nldet'ol 'n t on m-'rtaliy wounded rin'ed-ratu Iihs 27 killed 111 wounded Many of the eneinv were b -at In tlie river October ft Geo'l, liavibg advanced from M Louia .raples Hprlnafleld, Mn. v . October 31. Healgna'ion of Gen. Wlnfleld Pcott a enuialiliTio Of tb L;nco'n in jr. Bo Is sooceeded by f n vcOlel'si November 2-3 J7)reat tnrm on tba , Atlantlo coast several of He Llncolni Armada lot. -' Norenrtier 6 -r' re moot lemoved from his command In 'irgii la and ncoeeded by H-tau-r. Th Utter ImmedUtn Ij ordtti a r- treat 10 Hi. t.otila. N i- Tiber 6. Battle of Bi lm nt on Hi Miaalssfppl rl'r .uenrtrr under General ant, 10 000 aron, attacked 'ri 11110 w, at rtaitriftflt, oproit Columt-na, Kv. A 1-ca-jfiil carnase on both aide enaued and Pillow was be UK rspldly overpoaered, when be was Tilorced h tSi iieritl Polk. Tbe enemy beaten, fla-t ne r ver tiii'l1 ii. bt cloaed the pursuit. CoiiltuerHie loss 6mA. Fsderai I'J.fl. N ovember . -Bttie of Port Royal on tha Houth Carolina ooaat I he A nd Fort in Port U ival barbor altai kd b t larre F, deral ti et. utoler tlonin.od re 10 pout and Ottuaral sbt rttai-. Alter a iu t n cann n.-e, the rbnt and .be I 'rotn tbe fleui tlin4 like hail, the brave defenders tettent d. rraali I as on both aide, 'lie enemy landed I2,0o1i toopa inim -diotely aud occupied the deaerU-d Forts. ovi nibor ui b-tcna, on th Pappabannock, shelled iiy tb- FademlH. November if "everal brb'ge on the Tennes" and Vligiuia Kwllritad btiined by tb- Kant Te nuee tories. November H Mite ol t'lknon in Kentn ky. Tb -naiLy repjbed wi h vry be -vy loss. Koveml-e h. eisuro ot Weaars M ion and Hlidcll, on tord 'be Hriluk- ' earner Trent, by Captain Wilkea, of thi i)nit.-o Hate steanir Han Jacinto. Ni.v.-uih r 0 Klg'.t t Gu)and--lta, on tha Ohio river, Vr-tcrn Virginia. Co-nnel larkaon, wl'h tha ca-a'rv -aide a gallant dash into the owo,laugt'eriog 40 Feda'aU. ..i ;n-.e i60, and took oh piUoours, loing only two me-him-elf. Nuvrmber 14. General Floyd rtre ited from Cotton Bill ,n be Kat-awba. oluo-l rli Ouorae rotihan Kin- n Novtmuor L& Airival if Vii Maaoo aud Mldelt at Pirttra Monroe, In charge f Captain Vtliki. They afe sriit to Fort V. arreu. November 16 Cantor of 10 Federala near Union Hill (Potomiiu) by Maj-r M.niu, of tb Jlatcnea Cavalry i veral Kcdura kiliad Novonib t IH.-licui)a'lon of Cie Paxte-n ahnre of Vir iTbia. bv ih'. Fidor Itiuops ondot : Berncawotd. N- vmber IM. hkirmixli uear F'U fitiurch be wren the Irg-mfi cavaUy, ui.oer Hi nt Co 01 : l-e, nd a body of the t-') -. svalry. The enemy rontoo with s liea of 7 kiiic-l snc iu eaptnreii. tmr iiM i Kuien anu ca- iu en. ovemifi 22 23. Bombardment near P-naao-i'a. Fort P ckena pen fli cu Gtueiel Hrag Uil otei. Bragu etponda an 1 a tautiomnle of two d n foil. a. T h - Fee em eaala engagtmr in thH Bs:ht driven oil baoiy dimai-eii Vurreutou oaitlally Miro. d by tneHbein trom rort ficr Fiunllv ol, Brown finding bis effor tu lle, ceaae bi fjre. in bis nffi ial report be save hi lost- at I ko'e i and 6 w un.i d. M r ml were kil't-d 00 tbe flt-ot. Ilinu a Iota, on n'i kill- d by 'he en- m a nte several woand-d. November 24..'Jocupatlon ofTyte I.ia'id by t! Fed eisia.. . N.vemher . Cavalry Da'ii near Vitnin (PoU)inc b-. c:i ibe tucra? and Colonel iuntitu' North C o'ius 'avail V. Manv u the eneinv killed and 'it Captmed. stifl Federal Ktn:int:ui rau. tbo oSl-r icadtt-g. t aurora t lora one. lecem!er 2 Hkirirtiah e AnanJale. Potoniao. CoL C W, FitMs-riixtb U'K meut Virul ( av .Iry, kills four and cai iuie Ufieeo ol he ttit-my. Fie'dn' ins two L'l-c ruber 3 Itatue 01 uraiuav.l . nar ibe Pototpae. Gen. Hta ti ba n nrnait m-m with a anpr ror ho. y oi tb aiitrnv. and atier a biro biht I fmced to teirea', Willi toe of over 2(H) in killed, wounded aud mnaing. Ti e en tny's loss even grea er. Uccember 13. B.ittle ot tbe Alleghany, lu Wetero Vir dn a. The Confederate armv. 1 Mi rf oi g nud r Col. -dvfaid Johnaou, waa attacked by iono Fed-cal ttoopa Ib lutter waa gaiUtnUy repulsed alicr oien hour ttgbt mg. . Pecember 17. Gen. T.J. Jaokaon dt-itroys dam So . n tb-1 heaapeake and Ohio t-anal, t'-i-a cutHi g of! Cans corr.mtin. cation o- tween Washington a'id thi- W,at. l comber 17. Battle of vVoodaonrn. to K-mncky, --A latgu body of lUo enemy at set ll.t.dnun, who ia-1 UiM) iniantry aud 40 piece's 0 anil-cry, but we er-ated with a ks of 74 killed nuJ ai undcd. 1 he Con ederatea los: liiegaliani Coi. Ter-y. of Texae. Ui ceuiher 2i .-v ward sorrcmlei iiuua and SlidulL, by tatter, to Lord Lyou tbs British Mini t-r. l-ecember '.-Battle of Upoibietboio, lo the Indtau I'erriiory, 75 mile North wen ol t-'-rt Gilwoa betaeei C'-l. James M. Milutoah "lib l-iur regimcuta and the Inliao UI.ea ot tb Fedeial troveruuieot un-ier their Cblul. up tb jh lo. 1 wo bandied of tb ebomy killed and. wounded and lOti taken p. burner; IbOhotacs captured, tooled rau osa 11 k'lled and 20 wounled. Ibe bailie lour hour t)polbiey boio Qi d n Ksuro. Uecemtx r Ji Expl 1 in tl 'Biproo Hoaaa 01 uie kwzuv rate s-eamer rieabiru, under Cspt lynoh, whoauacks tba Federal ete.imer k xpresa, bavina tbe cb oner eherw jod I inw, and after a tleroe tt,(i)t, in wnicn me reoerw na-mricr a tlm Kin line, tut uurt.' aucccVU in diivi- a OtTlhe f x preas and capturinc tbe scbo-juer, taking her into A orf oik 10 iriurs) h. D"ember IK Tit M at Pacrment, near ijrecn river, In M- ntucky, between a detasmnt-ut of t ol. for eat Carairj ndtheeucmy, wha werr ro-.tcd after a ftht of half aa oar Confederate ! tw j kill d, one woutwea. r eaerai 01 10 ktd d 20 wounded, 18 prisoner. , a vTATXaaaT or TBS iilu.b. m-xvm aku vamaau in THBir4laITJ--i vaaa tael. Th following Uble exhibiU an approximation lo tbe in.. r,r h..ih i..rtira b the aevetal engagement ourina theyeA. The Comederat loe are compiled from th. official report of the" commanding officer, (henauck raporu were puWUbed ) tif Couiaw, w cao only giieaa at Lb. 1, wi uf tba enerav. Tb Northern paper seldom pnbliah tha official reports of tbs Federal Generate, aad tb latter have generally pmv.d tbemaelvea aocb mon.troo falaitiera that but little cnnd can n placed la the!- re- porta a bca they ai pntnt!ira ror rmt.nce, ricayoo Butler tated hia loas at Bethel at abont thirty, wbea K m a notorious tact luai one amau squau 01 manmoi wi aloue but led thirty-two Fedeial bodies alter tie battl. Id tinvUag the reoerai ioe, w save aaoptaa u nnii.Liii. oi tn I'uofenerat ofJiceis commandinjr, who are geatW iimo, axd epoa whose sLatemoa's ralianca may b pacd. Fk'DKRAL BUCCKSSEfl. Jan . 'bulippi,. l! 04 -1 JaJ 14 Jun U tooavme, 1Kb,... ?t. Goorg 4; July J-! to lu Ou 0 1 July I Ana. 3 13 on? tatteraa,... 11 00 13 43 Ot Oct. ederickit,"va, "ort Royal,... CM Ot: no. ' w 8 OwO. 1 waneavilie, m 100I SI Its Dates, BATTLES. if, It J ijf 1 t'tNFl,JKATb rttJ' t krt.sri-. 12 il Wlfill Dal.' BATTLSrL Feb. !'' Antonio,. Msr. 17 Fort Brown..; A prill' f ori Hiliotsr,. AprlllJ "on ilia, .... Anrll'M hdisnola May l"i wH's Pelnt. May l Fairfax fourt Honae., J'.na I trquie t'reek. I . r, J n , . juu a.ri; a roiri,,,,,,, , June Ift 'Jreat Bethel Juae IA Vienna,. tuns 17 Ks'-sa 'ty,,,. jBnta,Nw .k.. Jun Ki K-wiey Jitis 27 "atthlsa Poiut,.,., . Jul I lt neavill.. July ;Grtbir, .... July n.Hoarey Creek.. July l noil Hnn '' -"m-mmtm, , , , . . , July 2 wrl!la, ........ Jttlt 2 Fort r-taunton,.. aug. n,-p irtRaeld, ui lA Watfioia P..Iot Aug 26 dawk's Vt, Ang 77 "ailey' Cross Road,, Ana-. 7i lane,. eoi - tl'g rask, ..... tu'ry, win.yille,. , Toney's Creek,. lnrhontvlo,,, '.sxlnginn oiit. i eut ) rVlrt.1!1 aent "Pt V- tlsmea. ,....-4 "ot. Got. Oct. 1 Oct. ' "ot. 1 el 1 Oct 2 Nov. 1 MnV. 1 ternarr Fanny 'leaenkrlar .........1 rk.i..l...M. - 1... m",,. . . suta Koaa ...3..,. 1Halalppi Fasrsa...... "lit. 'eeahurir,. rlinont iiketon ... Nov, W In-andoti,,,,.,,,. Hv Ii Nov I' Nov. JV p'on Hlli...., Fills Chun b 'nae' -., .... ,,, 'a' Vienna.,.....,,,, tnandale, J)c 11,.. t:' nege.any, .J, ,, Deo. IT reo 2i Dec. 2 Voodsouv Ml I.'.J ' Ipelbeyobolo ...H I2 V 0(1 -soiaoiaoto, , " 1 On Total....... sS TU KI77 liecwjMtMintioii. . . Co efiuernle Las. a Federal Ums. Kflled II 14 e 4011 Woo-idad, J34 . . 1 - Wll Prisoners,. ................ .U7 . 177 , Total. .....,.,......tiT , 30.809 That we bav not overrated Fedenil loss Is prove if b tb foil wi g evt.raot from lb Wa.l liislou ooirpondoc of the Nrw Vo'k J mie. of lio ilsla.- ny return at the ifs feprtiueu' up to tha 10th Ieieoi her, I learn that tha m -rial It la our armv aince (lis wa broke out wll1 reach 2'J,noO Th" number hilled In battle .alf ini-hea, o., la about II 000. tt e num' er woo- d id IT 000 Ibe number f prixiners In tb tiooih and ilaiUir m iunt to iiooo. I' we had tbe meane of ascertaining tb Federal Iraav by he anAi roo tmai er nua enwnui. l-tcket aklrmtahea, Ao.. luring tha year. might easily carry tbs number of killed nud wuujdrd up to tba llgtirs iodiuatrd lu NdW York jrea - 8tlSlU;SS AND PiUFKSSMN,.L (111, It li.01l.l. is t., GRVT1 FOR THK H!CHM.V!) M ANDFACTCHN' (XMi tN V, are reeeiviiia every weok Cotton Yarn, ahd Osnaburas. Jan 1st. lHt,2. . OA-'J Ai.trx. oLUtiAmr, (ai( 10 siukliy M lllhiu.) DBALKK IS GRAIN PliOPIllKTOR Or THM CAT? kKARiOKN ANU FLOUR till IJi. KD COM ii'N MKIM'HANT, WaKiKeTON, N. C. 1 Fab. 6. 1A6I. 4'O-P A HT.H V II II I . S'llR tindeexlirried. have tbi day entered Into a Grant 1 Commi-wiou and Murcautile Hu-iura. under the flim sfokley A Co Mr. I. Ca-bweil I onr duly ainpowrred Attorney fro ih -ranaiiotinB of any and all bo'in-sM of tb Htm. 03) 11 Puraluy's Row. North Water dtreel. JAKKS fsTOKlBT. ' C. W. OLpeVsVM Wilmington, N. n., Keli. 1, VK1.. 127 It. I H lt.OlUH. AT'CRNKr AT t.AW, ' J TAM removed to tbe centre oftire of J.'lUlN AL B!ML1 I 1 r'GS, oext door Wt of bl former loo.lka. October I7ih. 'Rol - it KMi-ftC A ttl.KH, ATTOhy KYS AT LAW, HAVE removed their offke from Fruutlo IVinces itrect, JOURNAL PlULUINGoY formerly occupied by H. U Holme Kaq. OoUiber 17th. 1W1. M-tf lrjlU U. B-.nAMHaCllT. DRCGOihT AiiD PRACTICAL PH A KM ACKUTIST, W 1 m micron, N. O. . Keep oonataotjy on band aaeleet rHck -ol Itrvyi, ki ftrwwj iXifHeaunc ami OrvntrvUa, Fnncy and ihxlU Arlwjii, Hip and Ivpufct for ilriwal I'utjkim. .i'rticiilar attention paid to PatacairrmM, Falia' rfurtras, rsr-itikS l.nssT o. S'x-ra immoduteiy under tha "Caroiina uovei." J uly 12, 169. ' 262-U ioeipu a. BLufsoa. oral's a. ViKAKiunua. J. H. BIXlHHOPt A. IA: GEN ERA L COM MISSION MKuCH 4NT3, Jun 2M, ltil. . WiLnii-OTOir, N O; U 4. VOX, w. e. (Kmijill, (OI. Kll-VOALL. A CO. I. . BBH04I.I COMMISfeilON JbKliCMAJM'ra AMU WHOLK8ALK OHO CfcuVi. t . a . . , , n. SO, iiKii,ierui naierni. March UMi, 161 2-tf -L.UasM tlBAJaaaa. ( Walker Mesrea A- Co.,) ffFHOLKSALF. ASU RKtAlG UiiU-rGlTv M id Maxusv f Tagir, Waiit-?Mrt. N.C. I. SbLM. a.-r. BllTvaatl.'.: Avn RrTAfl. fiKiLF!(rl IM rylvi. PFaS, OAT3, RTF, WHKAT HHA.w. Oil. WEAL. ad irohm mrsR zmt, ffo STrrJi Watr Uwt, wuiiRn. B. ft l-i IA. I ilAIUltaa HOVWLAs, C10MMI88I0S hlimCHA.BTB, . ' fOH4S aiHlt4, ' A. J. MOW lit. W, V Oot. 1st. tr. a ivyniL.. r Ail Bfisr atntrKtan t Hperto' arti-'le of 90 per cant. Air COBOL, which 1 otter reasonable prv-e AOOlV to ,uaiio- April 1. IWIJ. 174-tf rLOL'ta. A LEI AN DEB OLOHAst is oonauntiy masaiac r nn. ih. RCmT JTAUn.Y VIMITiL attk I 4 CAPE Pb?AR FLOOR M LLb, WilbAkurtoo, ST. ft J Uf For sale at tb MUla, and at thlr BVore, Bo. Boo. ImJ Watar rstreet : la wboi barrels and half barrsla In bag oontaiaing oaa-half ; la bags aonlaisjng ooa-fonrth ; In bags eontaiamc ono-elgbth ; ,n ..A at On They keep constantly oa hand, at tb If tg. aai IO store, tRkJi'J fJHOUSD MKiU HU"1'- SO CVbLN, CO W rKSD, hHQMl "t Tny alao keep for ai ... - CORN at woleeJe and reun j OA JS rt wboleaal and retail t PZA& at whobvaala sn retQ. BA F at whobi aad rslaa ( Marahall-s flSS lrVTr I. eanka Liverpool groowd A IV j SALT, laraoka . -. , "jq) on 01 rsi on 1 ao ....-'O fj on fa 00 IW mjT,.! i otvi ro rol Mi ...... I Ol Of 00 fyti fii)) lot. I 00j on on 0f Do) 7.1 on Ool no a in Mil l! lj ' S 00 4 V ...... 00 00) !' On Ool f ... oi'i on rni 0" 0" 00 ...I 1, 7 On) Imi vvi (10 ... Or 00 On go. ton 00 ,,. If On so A0 IA ... Mi our 0 3, 7 (X' 2 S on 1st nn on ... 00; 1 M It in 00 2! T? - OH A7 V, 13 ...... 70 .ft- 00 20 uo 3; I OT 60 Hl 01. II, J 3'K' ,100 V tt a.nliae.f 4 ..w.a..s JutA IKI! i f I ml 3.' (X- ..... W'l on r on! a- tap Wk) 30 KHMt.UOt 101 WJhI mm oti; a! ol 1 . 00 o' i an 00 on. on, ooi ! r 1 I J'l' 60 Mi 100 Of- 2 00 2 t 00 . W-1 A IX- 151' t&t 00 O Oh I (Hi a , V R Ofi nol 00 2" 3t I on on at. m 2 - ' Jd Iti ! 12 W it V 40 0" 3li 00 00 00 Oo, oti O ih U Ii II 11 I0e I ft' On a on 0" n- ft Jt v 3. 42i I0- 20 i 17 im bo1 tv 0" m ot- 1 in) ou is 4 2 77 I V Oil AOfrl w 1- n lift J73 117 4IHi 0 ...A - h ..OH t ! 10 Ot- .2 A pi 41 tx ad 0u 0" A 1 Or - 3(1 I 2 on 7 ft It' ir n 00 I' Mi M- 0l On 00 lc f ft 2 3 V 4 0 A r f tH Hn4 Oil ill . s 7o 4M 100 Will b bjajrud at FIFTY CKNTi lr inaew of la rVJ ri'"' for ,bw tnt svrtf. ! TWi. Tf-FlV VANCB for h MPUHoav-CA8a IS Aft aAdvrt4smntshMTtd asRpeelal or Bishop Botlo sra charged one.haU wtorw tha abova rata Uht ttaa f leaded) or lea ,ont.d as a aqnsro! rM-lnl ,U ,.- f 4VAdvrtlamefits Ine-rted vry ofbr dsy tr ehanra i7 eer-u par sqoarw fny on toaertioa afioy tb Irat . . srNi pnMlsattow mad wtth-mr renr,nM Mm. KAIL ROAD ADVKRTISKSIKNtS. citaswE ov tciiEoi i h ON asd aft Ootobw 0th th Train a thia Bob4 wll run aa follow 1 Leava Wllmlss-ion, 1 K V daDy. 4rrlvsst Vfaldou,.. ............1180 " lavw Wsldnn. , ...10 4A at . - Arrtv at Wilmlngtnn S 00 P, M. '' - sirass rasiABf aan raaaSHUsa 1 Casvs WlirolB.HB,... 00 P. si., dally, bundays SXCoptsd. Arnv at WllmlngtoB, 80 A M . "- ' T t ft-rtT rtoptrnfrw vt it RTiirrvirr - - Omt'u SrtsnrniKOBieT, . J eVOntinvlon a. ifanehr$Ur had HoaiVo., I ,M Wilmingtoo, K. C, Oct. I0U. IMLf iiamwia or cHk.uiL.a. . ' ON and after- tlila data tua Train npoi this Road Will run as follows 1 v ... . .. " "Alii tiuiM. ' 'I " Leave Wilmington,, ,7, 00 P fr Laavas 8loyilla.. , j tf p, M Arrive..! tmln.on,.. .1 10 J M. , t-,2,,'.",, D AOOotmoDAtiow ta.iK. Airreat Kin.liJw, .....w.,M.,,...,.a u p. n. , Leaves Klbj-rVllla,. f 10 AV U,- "-.rM,t,,lM,)M,,,i,,ifMIj w p-( -.f,ltT" 10 lthrongb ooncUM ' hi lak Mat Trim. . . -No freight of any deaortntlno will ba Uksa by Mall rra-n. axoapt ander olronmxasea of rrimrMBc, whan f ttiW looai freight rate Will lnvnllv eharwad "-t-t -. . l . w . t UBk-'ICal MAC TUa Fle.unu.1l M H. .. h-t , ., Rich M -sin, Jun 17, 101 I 'ItO Bkra'lKkH ANU tiTH-Hrt MaVI NKGHOlCi I TO H IKrt Tbe ra Iroad fro Panvllle to Uraershoro' , Is sb"vnt to begin oouairsotios on a Urg seals, and rsqalr' nuinern-i f ,rk uf Ulio'er. wall a Trr ot saps. ' " rim who ran enma well rro irnm-Bd4 ' Ihapl-ia of 110 per month will n psll for tb bt hauda and lu 1 lop-it on for Isf. rmr one 7 bey n et b ' . u p'ied l h aiothing by their owner, sod wbsa del,yrd ? m tb omp .oy mti-t p rot id d with ene week's rati -as of food fur hii b ration du allow auc wU bo mad In ' ib- Ural nionlnly seitlemsnt Psymant will b mad monthly I evb. ' . Or -asenaceomaovlBg nan la of hnd wilt b lrB . the nrsferencs ovsr othsts. if other wis aatiafactory. ' Tbe k-ad m ba delivered t th aaenta at any ef the ' .lepoa ot ibe DuaviU B. M., or at Greenaboro', M. ft, si tat tha 26 th InaV. :.:.! KDM0WD T. D. MTrrtH, ' . . ;-. ; Capitis; aad Chief KnglBScr, OiFltK OK TUB TiKDMOWT H. . rMl ' M'CLFB ANfi f! HT9 W ANTKOl'Fr) brwf MUlKR nd a proportional auubfr of Ot RT, ar w d mrardi ,ieiy, f. tb oobsuboiIow of tb Piedmont Railroad '11 rn Danville. V. to Grtanahoro. f. V. Tb hlffhea, ma fcet ra will b In Id for Ihua which mh I. ..... tl m. if dellred al aa ly day Apply at tba ef1o. of lb I inhnn nd and OasrUie Haflro.d Cnn.oan. ul... .1 mn.. ' nod or ai tba towa of DaovHi kUtlUtD T. D. MTF.RH, Cjyt. ksg'rs ard Chief fcoglnr. Juns 10 h, 1M1 I tf VIlHV HOI.Y '' HDY-J R0VI 4 RAI.VB. U best. aH kind, of wool andiu.sssUkibdsof sore a f mors bo.. Uft a WUITAkiSU'il Book Btor. July lath n-iwiAi, k kot ahi BarritHV Dtt.i, I N excelliht work compiled by nfJI.-eya st Port Pn' skL A",A . WUlTAKltU'r ayookbtut. J ly 19 h UVm OAPWI lyl'.sj CAPaii rpuouK who are In seed of Gut spa, bad best-aapply .... .' ..r. win., mvrw wrv vei h-w mora tall. Call at whit 1 r - a 1 uai. ORS, Meal, Hominy. Floor. RJo Straw, Wbeat, Braa. ' hbort, (.round pa kial, An.. Ac For aai by T"" " " Al.CZ. Oi Dff 4M. Bl bait, ' ' ,nHDH. NttW ORLEAKH slfUIL Fot aal b Ml I Feb ith. IMf RAIfHKel A- ROWPLI l.aao t.i.ia.o. OA a DAT LEAD PENCItA for aal at lW "BITaK R'B Book Btora. 'M inn 8LATK PEHCn.H. for .!. at tM'l'i ...... WHIT KKHM Roob Btora. f If I " t viirtf 1 n'm ror sal at WHITAKr-sfM RonVO,tMa. . I) GlMJ HAiF U0K. TUT PnacHAfiUJ AT AUCTION wt,aelHBf J t 5 cheap at J. MoooBMlCki'K. J tl. , i a. -. . . JM W NO oth blab price f provUlons ws bav beaa t enm 'lrd to rabi tb prl of board Oa sad afvr he 13 1, .i ih rate wid b 13 Per day, aad sing! Bieaki wi follow I V rtreahfan T5 oenta. I tinner, 1X0 nprsr, .....a.. '. 7A - t om EVANH. Jo'y tlth Intl. tA7 ff ea aU EVERY DESCR'PliOH r rAl. -Bultx Bs, W ABTINGaLEA, t-ULRV, ... , BUGGY, ANO CAKR'.AGH BARSKaS, Wail's, BITS, BPOBoV, Ao-.o., , , For sob. st ' 1 JAMKA WlfJsOlfa On. Leaher. Paddlary, Trank and Uiy a Ctaoiirrairn, Joly20 ls62. . Jo A Msrket trt. giiXltri BOUti OTOMB5. RECEIVED BY KIPRK-B, th lllowfBT aW Mi OOB- M JZV JSTSTfULS a .ofth. frv M.Te. borJerW r- Bitbara parti of Alabama. Georgia Norto CaroUn. . , April 24. 1ts : UltiTIIB PAPBH-WHITIIkO PAPCAX. ' Txral havs tnvoio of lr0 Reams, aaortcd aiaoa, aUpaol VV reaterdsy. and aow dafiy expected, at a . art. A.h! ls2 wRi-fA tKVtE BTRl. , T W- a MilllsU PAPKH L KTTEB PIZE at AO osau pw July list WHi f tUB'S Book t'sr. DRUMS) AIO firsts. A LOT mcradins; a good Or O tin I iW and tot iVi, VEITAKta'S Eook btora. J-iiy li t ' - . ' ' ' ' ' CAL'akB AJIO COaTliAST, r ' EXPRESS, at - -. - March 2. KTT.LeTT traxXaV IE r w. Totalisaaa 178 Ui. at 1 107

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