i 4 V, . bootc uoticei I WILL fvELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF SCHCOL BOOKS upon resonable term, to any person winbing to purchase ail, or to Teachers, at fair prices, for CASH, s I expect to keep no account. EBTCUSII CWMMARI. , llBntlioo'S Analytical duE uwm i 19 Hart ! 40 Clark 'a II Tomer'! 78H0.1N.C. Readers SO . I 11 National 6th 10 Bandera' eta . J7 21 14MeOori4tb " 10 Town'! IMf 24 " 2d - ' 20 SJ f6 45 Mandsrvaie's Primary 20 " 3d " 30 , 4 h lOKewYoik 1st " I CLASSICAL. 19 Bullion a r.reek Reader! f " Flret Leaeoni in Greek 3 ' 4 ft 10 II 30 17 r Greek Grammar Latin Exercises " Grammar! Owr Cicero's Orations Fallust Latia leaden 3 Anthon'i Latin Dictionary i it Cesar 6 2 11 I 1 3 t u Greek Grammar! Latin Lessons CiMn -Halluat Latin ProseCouv position Eclogues and Georgics Virgil i Cooper'! - " 6 Greek Grammar 1 Latin 1 Eendrlck' Greek Ollen dorff 8 Green's let book in French Baird'i Classical Manual 17 Kohoer'i Element. Greek . Grammar x' 8 narknees Arnold'! Flrit Latin Bock 5 Andreas & Stodard's Latin Grammar 1 Prennd LerercU's Jatln Lexicon raricAiiKns. 4 BTorthend's Little Orator 117 New American Hpoakora 7 Dialogues 1 Bargont's Standard " 9 Bow' Speaker I - MISCKLLAMCOl'S. 1 Plain Retorlo 0 Kome's Elemontary Cdtl dims 6 Bhaw's English literature 6 Graham's Hynmonlms ; 3 Modern Philosophy . 3 Emmons' M annul ueolog) 3 Theort and Practice fox IlISTOlUESi i Wlltard'a V. B. U tutor Its Bobbins' Outline do 8 Taylor's Manual of An - - cient History 18 Board'! U, B. History 8 Goodrich's Pictorial His tory ot T-ngtana ; 8 Goodrich's , Pictorial nu ,t:ory m Franca CnKaUSTIllES All 10 Teuman'a First 01 alt Chemistry 8 Comitock'i Chemistry T Draper'a do 4 Comstoek's Pkilosopky 14 Potter's Chemistry 4 Draper's Philosophy 4 Olmitead's do 3 Parker's do 14 "First part Pbllos'phy 10 " 3d " ao 14 Plok'i do AlUTimBTICS : 40 Emmerson'i 1st Part 118 Stoddard's Practical 10 " 2d " 69 " 3J Axlth- metics 25 Greenleafi Common School 38 Greenlsafs Intellectual Primary 23 Dafle's New-echool 19 " Jsteiiectaat 18 " Primary ' KEYS. 1 to Greenleaf'e National - Arithmetics 8 U Greenleaf's Com tccl School Arithmetics 8 to Pike's Arithmetics . 15 to Emmerson's 3d and 3d GEOGHAPIIIKS. 38 Cornell'! First Steps 30 " '.Primary . 8 ir inleme(jiate - 5 Grammar School 7 Parley's New Primary 4 Mitchell'! Intermediate 1 do. Ancient 2 do. Geographical : QneaW Book 11 Mitchell'! School Geogra phies , WBmrth'k Qaarlo Geogra - phies. - j 6 Smith's Modern Atlas ' j ALGEBRAS, &e. 10 Loomis' Algebra a wouo i i , 8 Tower'i Intellectual do 4Plerce'a Plain and Solid Geometry 9DaTie'a VnWeraity Alge bra 4 Davie's Bourdon. SPELLEUS AND DKFINKKS. 35 National Spellers and De finert 17 Worcester'! Pronouncing Definers 37 Webster's Definsr 40 Town'! Analysis 66 Banders' Speller and De- . finer ' 7 Bmith'i Jnvcnfle Speller The above Bat of Books are ' B. Road, 471 miles from Wilmington ; can be looked over at anytime, will be boxed np and delivered at R. Road Depot. ' Apply at Sept. Sd, 1S62. KFLLEY'S BOOK STORE. ' BLANK BOOKS AND BTATIOMKRY, 1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WRITING PAPERS, Envel opes, Steel Pena jjoilla. Ink, Lead Pencils Sealing Wax, Wafers, Office Tape, Slates and Hlate Pencils. Water Colon, India Ink, Letter Books, Oil Paper, Blotting and ' Wrappine; Papers, Drawing Paper, Bristol Boards, Silver ; and G old Tinsel Paper, Tissue Paper, Perforated Board, White', Black and Colored Crayons ; Bill Files, Patent Ref erence Files, Bill-Head Boxes, Calendars, Black Cards, Ac. for sale, wholesale and retail, at . g. W, WHITAKEB'3 Seles Room, S5 Maxket-streer, ' ' . ru? eTAms. . AngMt 30th, 1862. ' 1M u FJfmenUry Gram. w ... - - D 4 KJrkham'i 2J Grammar Composition. 14 New Yoik M 3d Leaden 23 " 20 Young's ' IT f Taw A A PhaVDar!in IS II " junior i ear " U Compendium tnglitft Lit eratnro 1 6 Student's Hurs . 1)0 Elements of Mor. PcleiC! 14 Familiar . " SFlrotBook 3 Seleneee Familiar Tbir.gi 10 Andrews' 1st Latin Book 10 " Latin Readers 13 41 Leasons 4 Exercises 6 Weld's Latin I-esopa 3 Lidcll'a A Hcott's Cieek and Englikh lexicon 3 Andrews' Lath and Eng. Hub Lexieoa 6 Alnswortb'sLatioDictljn. ary ' 13 Flnuflr St Bodols' Fren'-fl Grammar 1 Pinney it Bodois' Fpaniah Grammar 10 Pinney A Dodo's' French Reader 8 Gold'! Ovid 13 Bpencer'i Latin Lessons 7 Andrews trsar 6 Homer's Elementary French Reader 3 Hoauinh Dictionary 6 Fiorina Nuino Pompbetca, 8 Charles the 12th 6 Stop's Tables in French 2 tioliquce PbrasfS 3 Corrlne In French 4 TUolia French, "v , m 1 Kmrlish, 3 Panl and Virgfnlk French 6 Racine do 3 Halluet Trnb!td 1 Bayera French Dtctiodsry 13 Boiman b. Leviae Frocch ! Gramrrar Teachers , 1 InstitnM lcti;rej 1 Normal Mytholngy 4 Wright's Mythology 5 Elements of Geology 3 klemenu of Zoology 8 Parsing Books S Goide to Knowledge r 11 Goodrich's Notorial flls- tor? of Rome ' 6 Goodrich's i'lctorlnl His tory of Greece 34 Goodrlche's 2d Book UU tot 4 Goodrich's UciveranlUis- tory 2 Ricaxd's Roman History PIIILObOPIIIES : S Griy's Large Botany 3 -- Botany for Begin nars 10 How Plants Grow 3 Cftlld's Natural History 8 First Book Hygena 4 Webster's Acadomio Die " tionary 23 Worcester Elementary .Dlctlonwv 3 Preston's interest Tables UK4 Juvenile Men at 6 Perkins' Prao'al 6 " Elementary 10 Thompson's Higher 17 Pike's Arithmetics 35 Goburn's Mental" 20Bsts Primary 60 Smith's Introductory Arithmetic! n Ni t t . I a a xaoie books 11 Smith's Arithmetic Arithmetic 3 to Davie's New School : 6 to Old 16 td Kinu's . " 8 toDavie'sUnlTorsityRchool 27 Monteith's Youthb Geo grapby 3 MeNally's 10 Morse's School 13 Mitchell's Primary 3 Bmith's Geography 21 - - First Book 12 : - Illustrated Astron-m- omy . . 3 Willard's Astromomical Astronomy S Oliaetcad Astromony 4 Mi'chell's Popular tronomy As- 7 Davie's Geometry and 1 rigonometry 4 Davie's Purveying 3 k Legeuder 1 lgebra 2 " Keys Universal Al gebra 14 Keya Davie's University 20 Bmith'i Jnvenile Dcfiner 24 National Spelling book' 26 ' " and Da- Goer " $ Webster's Boyal OcUve Dictionary 1 WebBter'a Unabridged Dic tionary 4 at Magnolia, on the W & AV. OBT1I CAaOLIHA TIMB0FII0LD1SQ TIU COURTS. THE SUPREME COURT. " Tha Axivrrmt Vovrl tt North Carolina U held at Ralsleh semj-aniiually.on tb aecond Monday ta Jane, and the SOU) day of December. It Is also held once a year at Morgan Son, turke County, on the first Monday La Aognst, J. tt. Dodge, Clerk. TheoOcers are as foliows; Chief Justice, Rictmobd M. Peanton. of Yadkin : Justice. M. E. Manly, of Alamance, and William H. each 82,500 per ansom, wmiam A. Jenkins, of warrenion. Attorney Uensral ; Hamilton C.Jones, of Rowan, Reporter: Edmund B. Freeman, of Wake, Clerk ; Oliver H. Perry, of Wake, Deputy cierk ; James bUl'tiUUH COUIIIS. The Sui-ervrr Cour U are held in seven Circuit, by the following officers : JndgosU. R. Heath, of Chowsn; Geo Upward, Jr., of Wilson: Thoe Rafiin, Jr., of Alamance; J. V. Oeboroo, of Mecklenburg; John w Bailey, of Orangr ; R. B. French, of Robeson, and Tomules M. Saun ders, of Wake, (solicitor Ellas C. Hines, of Ldentoa, rids the Flirt Circuit ; William J. Uoaston, of Dhplls, rides the Second Circuit; William A. Jenkins, the Attorney General, rides the Third Circuit; Thos. BufUn, of Orange, rides the Fourth Circuit Robt. Btrange, of Cumberland, rides the Fifth Circuit; WlUiara Lander, of Lincoln, rides the Sixth Crrsott; Marcus Erwin, of Burke, rides the Seventh Circuit. The Court! axe held as follows : . FIBST Tyrrell, first Monday it March and September. Washington, second " Bertie, third Hertiord, Fonrth , Gates, first Momisy alter the Chowan, aecond FerqnlmaDS, tnird PasuuoUnk, fourth it Camden, fifth Currituck, sixth ' It SECOND Daulin. four?nlondaT in March and September. W ake, tlist Monday after the Ureone, second i Leflcir, third tt it Jones, Wednes Jay next after futirth Honda v in narcn Onslow, sixth Monday after' sitd beptembor. Carteret, seventh Monday Rap.fort. flffhth 14 Hyde, ni&th Monday after the WiLton, ttiiitb Monday after and bcpuiaw r. ! ." TaiBt) ClKCC'lT. ' Martin, c n the Monday bcioie tho first Monday iu March and Septembur. Pitt, the first Monday In March Edgeoombe, atcocd " Nah, third " Jfihni.tnn. fonrth " Wake, first Monday alter matin aionaay iu ai cnauaoeui. Fraaklln, second . " Warren, third Halifax, fourth t. Northamptoe, filth FOVBTH Granville, first Monday in March and September v euv w w Chatham, third i it Runrtolnh. fourth DavldRon, 1st Monday alter the Fornvtbo, second " Stokes, third " Guilford, lounn Iloukingham. filth Caswell, sixth Person, seventh . " Alamance, eignth " FIFTB Moore, Monday before the Montgomery the last Monday Staniy, first Monday in March Anson, second - Ulobroond tiiird " Bobcwm. fourth Bladen, first Monday after the Columbus, second " Brunswick, third " New Hsnover, 4th ' Hampson, firth Cumberlacd, sixth t tt BUTE CIBCCIT. ' Suny, foorth Konday'ifi Febrnary and August. Yadkin, first after the fourth Monday in February and Aug, A Hue, second Wilkes, third . Alexander, 4th Davie, fifth Iredell, sixth Catawba, seventh " " Lincoln, eighth "v Oiuton. ninth " Union, tenth after the fourth Mecklenburg, lltn Cabarrus, twelfth Bowan, thirteenth, 6BTITH CIBCCtT. ' Cherokee, first Monday in March and September Macon, aacond, ti Jackson, third " Hayv.wl, fourth - . Headtrson, let Monde aftor 4ih Monday in M'ch and iept Buncombe, seoend " " Madison, third " " Yancyi fourth 's ! ; McDoweU, enb " ' ' 'i Caldwell, sixth " " " Watauga, seventh " " '..''-. Burte, eigntn Ruthei ord cintli Polk, tenth ClevolonJ,-llth .. , PLEAB AND QUARTER SESSIONS. Anson county, on the lecond Monday n January Aur2t Jnlw atiit Of tohnr. Ashe, fourth Monday in Fobruary, May, August and No vember. ; - ' Alexander, first Monday ia March, Jane, September and December. . .. . Abmance, first Monday after the fourth Monday ou eh ary, Mav, August and November. Beaufort, third Monday in March and September, first Monday In Jane and Deoember. . Bertie, second Monday in February, May, August and No vember. . . ... Bladen, first Monday ia February, May, August and No vember. ' i A , . Brunswick, first Monday in March, June, September and Buncombe'aeoond Monday afttr the fomth Monday in Mamh inns. Snutetnbcr and December. Bnrko, eighth Monday after tho fourth Monday in March, June, September and December. . , CabarrM, third Monday in January, April, July anlOcto- Ca!rawH-, aixth Monday aftor the fourth Monday is March jane. September and PecwnW. Camaen, second Moaday in llafch, June, September , - December. ' ' ' Carteret, tho third Monday ia February, May, August and November. - . , , Caswell, first Monday after tte fourth Monday cf March, June, September and December. Catawba, third Monday in January and July, and aocor Monday after the fourth Manday in March and September. Chatham, second Monday ia February, May, August and November. . ! , . . . Cbo wan, first Monday in February, May August and No Clevdand, tenth Monday after the fourth Monday in March, June, September and December. Columbus, aecond Monday in Febroaiy, May, August and November. ' v ' graven, aecocd Monday iay March, June, September and December. . mm " . Cumberlandr Moadsy-in Marea Jioe September and Deoember ' . .. . . Currituck, the last Monday in February, May Angnst and November. " r Cherokee, first Monday ia HarA, June, September and December. ' ' . - A' Duplin, third Monday in January, April, July and Ootober. Davidson, second Monday in February, May, Angnst and November. . . - :- . , 7,:"7-"-: - Battle, of Orange. salary ot i.Jtchrora. of Wake, narsnai. circuit. " : v' 4th Monday in M'cb and Sept t tt 41 it It CISCCIT. 4th Monday is M'ch and Sept. it ill tt t l the filth Monday after the ana nept. the fourth Monday in March after the fonrth Monday la " fourth Monday la March and tie foorth Monusy iu March and B.'pte)br " " it. it CIRCUIT. i t tt it it 4tb Monday in M'ch and Sept " " it CIKCCIT it it tt it . it luat in February and August. la f enruary ana August. nd September. t. ..,... 4th Monday In M'ch acdofpt. it ii it it tt : " ' Monday In February and Aug, i i it it ti it Davie, fbarti Monday in February, Hsy, Angnst and No vember. - Edjecombe, ftorth MonCay November. . Franklin, second McnCay la 1 December. Forsythe, third Monday la March, Jane, September a i December. A Gates, tbird McniUy in Ffbrnory, May, Acgnat end No- Granville, Erst Monday In Fcbnja'y, May. August aal No vember. Oreeoe, aecond Monday in November. GuUford, tLlrd M-dsy in Ftbrnry, May, August sad No- GsV.on. third I'ondfiy in febroirysrd Aognt, anlJoartt Monday si u:r tke r.-nrtb ftonis y in irco ana uepumn. Haiitsx, third Vocdiiy in F?Lruiry, May, Anut and No- yember. Harnett, second Mcnday ia March, June, beptotuoer ana Haywood, fourta Manday in Maicb, Jots, September and December. - . . Eertford, fonrth Monday m February, May, Asgubtend November. Hydo.awcocJ Msnday in i obruary, May, Aogustand No--vembe'r. , ' . M , Becderron, first Monday efUr the fourth Monday in Warch, Jano, Beptfmber ana Dccemle'. Iredell, third Monday in February, May, Anast and No vember Johnston .fourth Monday ia Febr-ary, "ay, Angnut and November." - Jonos, fifth Mwl.'.y after the fourth MonJay ia March snd Keptember s and on theUst Mondar 'a January and Jaly. Jackson, third Honlny in March, Juse, September and December. i Lenoir, first Monday In Jnniry and July,' and thud Mon day a March and September. Linco'n. sccsnd Mondav in January and July, and third Monday after the fonith Monday in March an-! Srptrnber. Martin, second Monoay in January, April, July and Ooto ber. McDowell, fifth Monday after tho fourth Monday in March, June, SeKmber artl -December. : .1 MecUleubarg, fourth Monduy in January, April, July nui Ocwbcr. . ' , , Mong"ery, flrit Kocday ia Jannary, April Jn'y and October. ' . . Moore, fourth Sonday in Jancary, April, July and Ootober. M-icon, seoond Mocd ty in March, June, September and Deeemherv - , - ' " MKHk'on, third Monday ofier tl.e fourth Monday in March, Jma, Heptrmber aud Derr.brr. Nwhi second Monday in February, May, Arar-t and Xo- ynrnbor. - " 0 j Stw Uaaover, secord Monday ia March, Jnr , September Mid December. Northampton, first Motidiy in March, Junof Keptember and lecrrrber; .. Oimiow, first Mondy la Mnrch, Jane Peptembor and Deoembf r. Orange, fourth hLouiyg in February, May, Au?uat and. Xo vember. Pawqaounk, firjt Mocdoy In March, Juu, September and December. ' retqnimans, second Monday ia February, May, Avgusl and November. - . Person, third Monday of March, Jun, Beptcrabec and December . Pitt, first Moii'lay la February, Kay, Angnt sad November. Bockingkaro, fonith Monduy ia February, fcuy, August and November. Polk, tenth Monday after the fourih Monday in March, June, Septenibsr and December. Randolph, first Monday in February, May, August and No vember. ' Richmond, third Monday In Jaiaary, April, July and Octo bor. . Rowan, fir t Monday In February, May, Angnst ar d &o vomber. v , " Robeeon, fourth Mond .j ia February," 7Cay, AusuaUnd November. Rutherford, ninth 'Monday after the fonrth Monday in March, June, September and December. Sampson, third Mouday ia FeU twry &ay, August acd STo vember. Stokes, second Monday b March, June, September and December. Surry, aeoond Monday in February, May, August and No- vomber. . Stanly, second Monday b February, May, August and No vember. " 1 Tyrrell, fourth Monday of January, April, July and October. Union, first Morday in January, April, July, and Ootober. Wake, third Monday in January, Kay, Aqguat and Suvem bor. ' Warren, fourth Monday in February, May, Angnst oeI No vember. Washington, third Monday in February, May, Angntt and November. Watanga, third Monday ia February, May, August tui No vember. Wayne, third Monday ia February, May, August tad No vember. : Wilkes, firBt Monday after the fonrth Monday J&auary, April, July, and October. WiUon, fourth Monday in Jiaunry, April, July and October. Yancey, fourth Monday after tho fourth Mondiy in Marob, June, September and, December. From the Savannah Eepniijican. ' Counterfeit CriifIcrte Kotes. $100. The sailor is in the anchor : diagonally across in the genuine there is a hi'r line very distinct, .'a if the stone from which the impression was taken bad been broken or cracked. In the counterfeit tharo ii no such blur or hair line. In tbs centre vignette, right tide, near the Cottcn press, is a Biule ia tee genumn a h very In distinct! v executed, and the mule looks as if he wore walk ing from you, presenting only a tail view in the cnunterf elt it is much plainer, and ;Lc mule presents tlmost a broad side view. $.), In the genuine ou the is leamnu forward, is partly full head of hair ; bar seen none signed, except on the lett, H. C. RiggB, letter A omall, letter D. to the right of ki k "' ' 11 w -- -- -r- ' - The knob or handle on iron feit. $:0 1h? sailor in tuo left the counterfort. - la the genuine thei;rown of the sailor's hat a very much broader man ia the counterfeit the ahadiDg licca in his jacket, in genuine, run square across the body ia te counterfeit they rua diagonally across the body. - The paper of tne counterfeit tlisn the genuine. With tkeee tests thije will te no di.Hsnlty fa discrlmina ting between the genuine and the spurious no.cs. FOa SALT!. -' 1 CHEST IMPERIAL TEA ; . 2J cases (150 piirs) Mea'a thoes, (Assorts: fro e 6 to 12;) 12 dozen Hair Hoarth Brooms ; . -1G0 setts Shoe Brushes ; , 260 gross Steel Pens ; 5,casea Standard and Miscellaneous Bokt, recently con flKated. ('Jatalogucs can be obtalstd-cn applica tion as below.) . , 23 dcaen boxes Water Colors, af sorted ; 25 " Erittls, Sable and Carney a Lair 2ns, assort ed ;' ' ' 4 gross Camoi's Hair Pencils ; 22 dc son Bristol Board, assorted ; 10 SUver and Gold Tinrel Paper; A large lot of Letter. Cap and Note Pper, Envelopes, i, Ink, Wafers, Violin strings, Cards, Ac., 4o., at B. W. WHITAKER'ri SaW Room, Peas Fpt. 3d-303-tf ' NOTICE. ALL TENONS having notes or accinnts ginst the firm of Filton & Pries, are requested to present the same foi psymeTit. All persons indebted to said firm will confer a lavor by paying tee same, as w desire very mcch io clots tip all accounts on oar books. -Wer mast have mo ney to carry on our business. - An. 16, 1SS2-.238 tf ' FULTON & TRICE. GaAUDAGS FOH SiLE. A PPLY at the store of Mr. Geo. Myer, to A .. . THOMAS EVAi'3. Sept. 10,1352. - 4-61 - ' in Fetrtury, May, Angnst and VUrch," June, Mptembfr and . , . Febroiry, Kay, AugnM aad , left hand and leaci npon aa tho vignette from lsit to right, left hand and the sailor that bald in tne counterttut a more chest ia nut on tie counter hand comer eiia betrays n w titer, ei;nc;, ad better 35 Eirket Street, A4-U StaikS. I - BOOKS I BOOKS! I BOOKS MI At ItnLLKl'S ; BQOK1ETORE. POETICAL WORK3; " COWPEU-a POEBS; . BCOTT'8, :.. . - HOMER'S . , POPE'S . : MJLTON'B DRYDES'S BURNS' ; " DICK tNS' ' WfB K3; SlfHOI A3 NICKLEBY, in 3 vols'; ' CD'-iliTM AH STOWIJiii, ' " " CURIOWTY FHOP, . u " BARNABY I.C)GP. . " ' " DICKF.Xb' NEW STOBlfH. 1 vol. . : MHJTAttV YOtlH. HEAVY A7 IU.EKY. by a board of ofttefn. ; ROBEHTS' HAND BOOS OP AllTILUHY; MAHAN'B.FiKLD FORTIFICATIONS; -VOLUNTEER'S CAMP AND FT ELD BOOK'; HA KDEK'H INFANTRY TACTICS, 2 voia; ' VOLUNTEER'S HAND BOOK; J CHIHOLM'S MANUAL OF MILITARY SURGERY: - -BAYOSLT EXERCISE . - MISCKI-KAXKOIS. - - YONATT, ON THE HOUSE; MASON'S FARRIOB; . - MASONIC CHART; - - ' . MAl:OMR'8 NEW BIBLE DICTIONARY; r GUNN'S DOMESTIC MEDICINE; - 140 GROHH bUPSKR8 STEEL PEN3!; . 100 RE A M3 A hSOKTED PAPER; 50,000 ENVELOPES; . , 20 DOZ. STAND! ISK; 5 GROiS FABCR'S 3 and 3 PENCILS. July SS, 18C3. ' : SJ3W MUSIC -" ' A. , ' WHITAKEB'S BOOK STORE." . jt LriseniUel 'Beanrcgard Manassas Quickstep: Surs and Stripes ; Gen'i Beauregard's Grand March ; Dixie Fan tiiula ; kiatilda Waltzes ; Orleans Cadet Quickstep ; Ever of Thee with Variationi: Let mo K1jb bins for h:s Mother; Eow bright the hmile that haunts me Btill ; Our first Presi dent's Quickstep ; Southern Marsailles ; Bonnie Blue Flag with Variations ; Violetta ; My Maryland with Variations ; The Battle of Bethel Quickstep' I see htr Btill in my dreams; Return of Epring, Polka ; God will defend the right ; Caro lina State ; Sparkling Gems ; Lot ona ; Uen'l Bragg's Grand March ; fcong of the Southern Beys. The Volunteer ; Our Glorious Southern Land ; Theresa ; and other pieces too numerous to mention. In addition to the above late and popular pjtaccs we have 2000 pages Old and pretty music. July 3 ut. 183.. A BOOK FOR T1IK TIDIES. - TEW UNDERSIGNED I preparing for publiotfion a work entitled, SURGERY VOR CAMP,-FIELD AND UOSPITAIj," embracing a Complete Digest of the most Ira- ' port ail t facts and principles of each Department cf the Bcieuce. up to the preseut time. The book will be an oc tavo volume of at leant tKree hundred pages, and therefore of such convenient site as will admit of iu being carried in to the field, for constant and immediate reference. The auther believes, that iu the preparation of this work, he will sopplf an impoitict Professional desideratum, and so-' licitstbe patronage of the Physicians of the Confederacy, loth ii and out t the Army. Those disposed to become tubocrlbers, are respectfully solicited to forward their -names and addresses, as speedily as possible, to the author, at HaUigb, North Carolina in order to expedite the publi cation of die wprk. , EDWARD WARREN, M. D. " ' Eargoon C. 8. A., late Professor in the University cf Maryland. . A87. 22d. 1862 . ' 2a3-lm " QOTTON AND WOOL CARDS, . , QFFICEB3 SILK SASHES, fJUCKS OF ALL KINDS, , " iHOE BBUSHia AND BLACKING!, : QURBY COMB3 OF ALL KINDS jORSE BRUSHES, . rtlSTEKSS ASD ST2APS, LL KIXD3 OF CHAINS, . J3ISTOL3 AND BOWUl KNIVE3, 13 AD BCD II AMES. JL ' For sale at . JAMES WILSON'S Oil, Leather, Saddlery, Trnnk and Harness Establishment, No. 5 Market Streot. Isg. 19th -- - . , , . - . Ml BOXES. ELV & BRO'S LONDON CAPS for Colt's PMola, at WILSON'S. I Cli UAG3 VV SHOT, 212.000 GD CAPS, er iM POCKET KNIVES, eJUU . wilson's. 1AW PAIR, OF FLAT, Round and Book and No IUUU Hook Trace Chains. WILSON'S. Sr PAPEIU OF FISH HOOKS, assorted, at i WILSON'S. i FISHING LINES, at ' WILSON'S. : . W LBS. GF SBINE TWIKat .UU WH.SON'8. ', ALL KIND OF MILITARY TRAPPING!?, at . JAME3 WILSON'S.- Oil, Leath r, Paddlery, Trunk - Jnly 7th dw JLir 3ECKI VEU ; A OA P12Cii3 CHSCKED GINGHAMS: CO " Plaid do. CO pieces White and Black Prints ; 60 " ' Plate do. fit " Black and Grey 00. , -TiO ' Madder do. 103 " Extra English Ehii ting; 250 " Printed Muslins ; 20 ' White Linen Drill ; 100 don Half Hose Men's and Boys luo pair Ladies' ana oys Verv low at Sept. 1st, 1862. SADDLERY GOODS. 1 A PAIR OF TBACE AND BREAST CHAINS ; llH 27 dozen of muie bridles ; : 13 " tt .t coiiarg. 13 " " Stage ChainS ; ' 1,473 Whips, asiiQiitd patterns ; , 345 Bnggy SaddiS Treea, at JAMES WILSON'S Oil, Leather, Saddlery, Trauk LEATHKK 4f7 LPS' OF CHESNUT OAK BARS TENNES- OO BEE TANNED SOLE LEATHER. JQKf 1 OF ti. U. TAfiEJJ bULE LEATHER. CdJt)J Just received and for sale at JAMES WILSON'S . Oil, Leather, Saddleiy, Truuk and Harness EBtablishmect, A eg. 14th O.V ILLHD. REAMS HOME made paper ; ' 100 Reams English Hote ; 200 100,000 Home made fij.cvj tng:icn smau 6U uross bteei-funsj- 100 Dor. Packs Playing Cards, at -July Ttfrrisg.:. wiiit akb? book etors.- KELLET'! BOOK STORE, BY EXPRESS. HAS RECEIVED Viele oa Field Fcrtifications and Ar tillery, with pltes ; Owner's Cavalry Tactics : Man ual xor voiis nevoirer; aary 1 cgirmianiBg vnu lazi Mounted Troops. - aU sizes, at WILSON'S. at WILSON'S. , assorted suies, at and Harness Establishmeat, No. 5 Market street. biioes. GEO. MYERS'. 301 lm and Harness EstabliahQcct, - ao. o aiarset street. LEATHER. - o.a aiariet street. Envelopes ; note ; V r April uta ; .. , a

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