J VOL. 12.- NO. 28. 1 : WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1862. WHOLK HTJHBEB 3,409 i . ' " BT FULTON 6i PRICK. PROPRIETORS. JAS. FULTON, Editor, A. IPRICEt Awociate Euitir. 1 JKRMS OF hUBSCRlPTION CASH 1.1 ADVAKCE. Umonths, .;... ........i...t3 00 4 6 j ...i... ;....JJ3' i ...:m- 1 " (for trobps Id camp only,) 75 t Daily Paper o the trade $3 per 100, or 3 oenta per copy, 1 Weekly Paper per year,..;..... ....... 3 60 " . " Pr month...,. .....w,. ......... 0 50 " The paper will be discontinued at the expiration ol the time paid for unless renewed. . ; ' AH letters on bnaineaa connected will this office, meat be addressed to the proprietors. BUSlXESlOFgSSIONEKDS COX, KENDALL & Co., A GENT3 FOB THE RICHMOND MANUFACTURING r. COMPANY, are reoeiving every week Cotton Yarns and Obnaburgfl. Jan. 1st. 1SS3. f8-rf. ALCX. OLOUAM, ' (SurceMor to Btoklew & Oldham.) DEALER IN GRAIN, PB0PRIET08 OF THE CAPB FEAB CORN AND FLOUR MILLS, AND COMMIS SION MERCHANT, WltMlNOTOH, NG. Feb. S. 1862. CO-PARTNERSHIP. rHB undersigned have this day entered Into a General X Commission and Mercantile Business, under the firm of Stokleyft Co. Mr. D. Cashwell Is onr dnly empowered Attorney for the transaction of any and all buslniss of the firm. Office in Parsley's Bow, North Water Street. JAMES BTOKLEY, O. W. OLDHAM. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 1, 1863. 127 KMPIE ii ALLEN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TTAVE removed their offloe from Front to Princess street, XX JOURNAL BUILDINGS, formerly occupied by H. L. RAIL ROADS. L 19 JV r-tu&Z -ia. REWARDS. 1 . . i . - T . . . Tl . . WILMINUTON 9, niKVUUTIH HAIL IaVAV IV ) Pbsfipint's OrricK. . 2nd October, 1S62. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the Schedule fcr Mail Trains apon this Boad will be changed as follows : . Leaving WilmiDgton at 6.00, I. U., instead of 9.00, P. M., as heretofore. Arriving at Wjlmirgtc n at G.C0, A. M., Instead of -30, as heretofore. , TH01. 1. WALKER, . President. Oct. 3, 1602. - 2J-tf t AST M arion and Sumter papers insert Ihree times,- Holmes. Esa. October 17th. 1861. 36-tf Wit wrucrnu A WlLDON BAiL ROAD OFFICE. ) Wilminbton, ept. 2Utb, 1362. f ' NOT1CK. ONLY ONE TRAIN DAILY will be run on this Jttoau from this date : Leaving Wilmington at 8, A M ; re turning arrive at Wilmington at 5, P. M., bringing mail, passengers, ana provisions, c. To leave Weldon at 6, A. M., and returning there arrive at 7, P. M. . . . .. . The Warehouse will be open rrom iu, a. u., nnu i, r.. By order of the President. 8. L. FREMONT, Eng. & gupt. Sept. 20th, 1862. l tf WIL., CHARLOTTE & R. R. R. COMPAJIV. LOUIS B. K RAM BERT, DBUGGIBT AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, - WlLMIMCTON, N. C. Keens constantly on hand a select stock of Dmgt, Med- icines, Dometvio and European Chemicals, Fcrcy and Toilet Articles, Wina andt Lvjuort for Medical Purposes, igars, Ac. '. tfluParticular attention paid to PxisoKiniOHS, Famut PSOITIS, MIDICIKB CHESTS, KSStore immediately tnder the " Carolina HoteL" .uly 15, 1869. , W-ii J. J. cox, J. I. 1KKBAL! W. P. KSNnALL, COX. UF.NDALL. dc CO. COKJnSBI02T !ff TEC HANTS AND WHOLESALE QBO' CEES, No. 11 & 12, North Water St. . March 12h, 1861 ; 157-tf WLKi3l nittUKI. w SucceMor- t--Walkr"M iareir3rt7?f.",y" HQLESALB AND RkTAIL DRUGGIST, v Wil ill AltAAl riB&Ali v lliAinU IV1' N. C. C. D K1LH, B. r. MITCHILL 1 Kt.LlS & DIItCIIBLL. WHOL'ALE AND BRTA1L DEALEB9 IN tWRV, P AS, o . TH, Ry B. WHEAT BR A V, OIL MEAL; FRE-H GBOUND HOMINY, HOlitiE i, COW-FEEDS ' ALSO, -EA8TERNASINR'HR IVESrDA T, No. 9 North Water Street, WllMINGTON, N. C. February 1, 1860. 139 ly IIARRISS & UOWELL, C0MMI38I0S MERCHANTS, WllMIKQTON, N. C. OBOBOa HARRISS: A. J. HOWKLL, W. W. HARXISfl. Oct; 1st, 1868. JoszrH a. Biossou. otscs s. tauaioumoi. J. R. BLO8S09I b CO. . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, June 28, 1861. Wilmiwotok, N. C. . REMOVAL. james Mccormick, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 41 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. Would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has removed ia establishment to the Store on Market Street above Front. North side, two doors above Brown Anderson's Jewelry Store, where he will be pleased to receive and execute all orders in ms line. HDecial attention naid to Military Work. He has obtained the assistance of an experienced and skillful cutter, whioh will enable him to fill all orders .i. - priunpuj. A large lot of military goods expected. Kept. 3d, 1862. ' 303 tf CONFISCATED PROPERTY. A LARGE STOCK of valuable Standard and Miacelia Xxneous BOOKS, recently confiscated, for sale at 8. W. WHITAKJER'S Sales Boom, 35 Market-street. MXTXJt Btaibs. N. B. Catalogues can be obtained gratis on applicatio as above. v - August 30th, 1862. . j 9aU1 ,. V. T IVEBPOOL GROUND ALUM AND DOMESTIC SALT I A on hand.. For sale by HARRISS k HOWELL. Beptl7, 1862. - 10-tf k LL PERSOKS holding claims of any description aginst Xa. tne Wilmington s weiaon uauroaa uompany, are re quested to hand in the same to the Treasurer for payment. aj oraer ci rresiaem. JAMEa 8. GREEN, Treas'r. Ang. 16, 1862. ' ... 2fe8-tf HCIIC AND MUSICAL IS TRTJBLENTS. OHEET MUSIC, Musical Instruction Books, Ylolins, O Flutes, Accordeoos, Fifes and Drams. For sale at B. W. WHITAKER'fl 8alea Room, 35 Market-street. Angust 30th, 1862. WUr Btaiha. ' POSTPONED. mHE sale of the followinir properly is postponed until X further notice. - JOHN BISHOP. Sept. 23d, 1862. 14-tf KOTICE. N the 25th insfa.nL at th Firmcra'" House, if not pre J vionsly disposed of, all the Furniture belonging to the above-meutiond House will be exposed at public auction. To anv neraon wiahina- to s-o into the Hotel business, this is a fine opportunity. A house with a good- run of custom, and very convenient to the Railroad Depot. JOHN BISHOP. Bept. 13th, 1862. 7-to SUGAR SCOAR. A FAIR ARTICLE, is barrels, on consignment. For sale Wilmimoton 4 Makcbkstxr Bail Road Co Prssidint 8 Ornci, 1st October, 1862, UNTIL FUBTHER NOTICE, the Daily Accommodation Trains on this Road will enly make tri-weekly trips. Lieavmg ii uiuiogvua uu xuonusri, iouij ..a Ye'avicg Kingsville on Mondays, Wednes jays,' a'nd Fri days. - IWfTrttl WIT President. Oct. 2d, 1862. - 22-tf A3- Marion and Sumter papers pkase publihh three times. t REWARD. I WILL GIVE the above reward for the delivery to me, or ooaflnement in any fall, where I can get them, my two boys, viz: BHADK and TOM. Shade is auout 35 years old, very black and nockneea : wnen spoken to aoswers qalekly. Tom, a boy about 22 years old, stout built. They left my place last Tuesday night One is very apt to be found with the ether. Oct. 4th, lS62.-24-6t . 8. F. POTTER. ADVERTISEMENTS J -Will be Inserted at FIFTY CtNTB V 1wJLJ!n lines or less, for the first insertion, and TWCTT-rjv CENTS per square fer each repetition CASH 13 AD. VANOK. S.Advert!semenU Inserted uBpeclal or Bishop notlew art charged one-half more than above rate eight Ua (leaded) or Jess counted u a square. tfT Advertisemenu insertea every oiner aav are enargv 37 i cents per square for each insertion after wis first. swao pubuoauon maae wiuioui s rraponwBw nun. e3l A3 REWARD.' RUNAWAY from the subscriber on Masonboro' Bound, near Wilmington, N. C, about the close of ionrt or beKlnnioK-ct fptewtbr, a rwoog ic;r u.u named WILLIAM, about U years of age, dark com plexion, is 5 feet 6 inches high ; talks like a Charleston negro. The above reward will be paid for his return to me, or his lodgment in any Jail so I can get him. IMm B. MORRIS. Masonboro' Round, Wilmington, N.3M Pept. 19th, 1862. t3r Columbia and Charleston papers will please copy one month and forward lulls to this office for collection. &' Orrica of thi Pexsident akd Dibeotors. THE next annual meeting of this Company will be held at Linoolnton on Wednesday, the 2 iud day of October next. Trains for the accommodation of the Stockholders HI leave Charlotta and Cherry villa on the morning m that day. "A; . ... From and after tne zist mstanvtne rransier ook wiu be closed. J AH. I. McCALLUM, beo y." Favetteville. wadesboro' and Cbarlotte papers copy un til day of meeting, and forward bill as above. . Kept. 17ta, l!i. mim CIIANOB OP SCHEDULE. 7S aod after October tb he Traicn on .Wfr.PjalJEJ.'. A. M. it daily. IfAIL TBI FN. Leave WCminirton ,2 30 Arrive at Weldon, : 11 30 Leave Weldon,.. 10 45 " " Arrive at Wilmington,.............. .. 8 00 P. M. " BXPBE8S FRKlOBT AMD PASSXNOFB TBAIN. Leave Wilmington, 2 00 P. M., da:iy, SundiyB eicceiited. Arrive at weiaon,....3 va a. m.. . Leave Weldon, ...8 30P.M. " " Amve at-WUmington,8 SO1 ArM. n n. Li. r uMayj t, tng. a uup'u Office Eng. A Boot.. W. W. R. R., Oct. 21. 3a 30 REWARD. LOST OR RUNAWAY, on Ihenikht of the lGthinst a mulatto boy named DALLAS, about 18 years otage, middle a zed. we ana abont 140 neunas. ma on a pair of white pants, a Kersey jacket, and an old black hat ith" rd llanuel tied round It. Dallas was brought here on the Northern train which ar rived at 8 o'clock p. m., since which time he baa not been seen. Tue anove reward win oe paiu ior ma roooverj. iny information will be thankfully received and properly i u ('rkllV'M Atlanta (: nr KABNWEILEB A BRO.. Wilmington, N. C. Popt. 17, 1861. 101m 11 NOTICE AND REWARD. Macon it WisTxaif Bail Road Company, i Macon, Ga., Aug. I2tb, 1862. f RUNAWAY FROM THIS COMPANY on Eatur v tilirht.. instant, three nevro men. viz : ,UI1K. daRmiplexlon, 6 feet t lnohes high, abont VK MAT It Id. alirht about 160 nonnds. , AUG US, dark complexion, 6 fset 6 inches high, 25 years old, weight about 150 pounds. HARDY, vellcw complexion, 5 feet 4 inches high, 23 voarm nlrl. walffht about 140 DOUndB. Tlmia nocTnm ware recentlv boucrht bv Mr. J. P. Lovett in the lower part of North Carolina, for this Company, and it is thought they wiil pro'sbly try to go bsck there. 1 will pay a reward of Filty Dollars each for their arrest and coDliuemen; in any jau in norm or ooum viuuuub, uu u tU thArenf. an I ran ret them. nvi,i Hrown. Eta., who Uvea near Warsaw. N. C, will know Hardy : L. B. Loftin, near Bear Bwamp.N. O., will know Mark. 18AAC BCOTT,, : : - ' Piesiilent. Sept. 11, 1861. 6-30t . Of riCX GlN'L StTSKrMTKNDXNT, Wilmington and Manchester Hail Mood Co., Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 30th, 18V1 .1 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. f8 and after this date the Trains upon thisBoai run as follows : - HAH, TRAIN. Leave Wilmington, ...9 00 P, Arrives at Kings ville........ 7 80 A. Leaves Klnirsville,.... ....3 30 P. Arrives at Wilmington,. 130 A. XXFRBR8 FREIGHT AMD AOCOKVODATION TRAIN. Leaves Wilmington. 6 00 A. Arrives at Kings ville, 8 15, P. Leaves Kirgsville,. .....7 30 A. Arrives at Wilmington, 8 40 P. will M. M. M. M. M. M. M. Passengers wishing to make close through ooano tions will take Afavt Train. No freie-ht of any description will be taken by Man Train, except nne'er circumstances of emmergency. when aouue local rreignt raws win do mvanaoiy cnargea. J. P. ROBERTSON, Gen'l Bup 't. Nov. 1st, 1861. 49 tf OFFICE OF THE PIEDMONT R. R. CO., RuDMOND, Jane 17, 1862. J TO REFUGEES AND OTHERS HAVING NEGROIB TO HIRE. The railroad from Danville to Greensbor 3' is about to begin construction on a large scale, and requirt a numerous rorce or laborers, as wen as overseers ot e:tp rienoe who can come well recommended. The price of $10 per month will be paid for the let hands, and in proportion for inferior ones. They must- be supplied with clothinir by their owners, and when delive red to the Company must be provided with one week's rati ons oi iooa, ior wmcn raiiuua aue.auowauce wui oo maae w the first monthly settlement. Pavment will be made monuur in cash. Overseers accompanying parties of hands will be'cii en the preference over others, u otherwise satisfactory. The bands may De delivered to tne agents at anv or ' me depots oc the Danville R. B., or at Greensboro', a. C af ter the 25th Inst. . EDMUND T. D. MYERS, Captain and Chief Engineer. ft.? REWARD. ' TjANAWAY frm tbe subscriber, about thellthof An rf -nut. a nucro nan named FRANK, faid Frank Js hmit tmxint.v.ai- v. iraAld. welirhi abont 165 lb.'. of black uyii.WMf-e"-lrs atrri-tWt!y'ffrPJ iucl 5Q to red, speaks slowly when i-puken to He was raiwd in Brunswick county, near Bmltnvme, ny rewr Btandlin; basawifein Columbm county, near wnitevine His mother belongs to w. j. rnoe, oi uong rce. oci supposed to be lurking about some one or tne anove nam ed places, or anoui uwn. ivui pay mo ouo iwm his apprehebbiun and delivery, or confinement in sny jail sol'angetbirT . S. B. JENNINGS. Bept. stn, 186-. ABSCONDED AND SUPPOSED TO UB 1M Hiuanu in town, A MABIA, a bright mulatto girl, about 25 years old, ftfc 6 feet 5 inches high, stout and good looking, neat in aow7arance and well dressed. Twenty-ove dollars reward KWi . - t A.-.L- .iA I'awAwiWM.tHat-k Wi9 that detectl(.n of any person harboring her. . Ang. 5, 18G2. "8-tf $20 REWARD BANAWAY FROM THE B0BSCRIBER, abont the 26th July, a negro man named jauujj, generally bnn- n u Jacob Hunt havins until recently belonged tottev. Ti cs P. Hunt, an alien enemy. Bald Jacob is about fifty year, old, weighs aboat 17 ponnas, is very dibob, na an intelligent oountenance, and is grave and sericia In his expressions. He has been a drayman in Wilmirnn jn for a number of years, and at the time of his absci- ling was hauling salt for Messrs. Bankin & Martin between the Bound and Wilmington. I will pay the above reward for hia apprehension and delivery, or confinement In any JaQ so that I can get him. DcBBUTZ CUTLAU, . August 1, 1862. 275-tf - Receiver. THE SOUTHERN HEPATIC .ILLS. mil IS oombinaUoS of medicines was first prepared bv th X proprietor in ITt, when J-e pronouiwvid by thrar tiniusut phyenlai.w w a snuiharo city, as in an advanced stage of Consumption. TAete Pills cured hinu He is bow over asventy-uve years or age ana in aiscuarge oi ouv profeeaional duties. Their good effects upon others crea ted such a demand for them that he was compelled to de slat from supplying them gratuitously. They are mot recommenaea oy tne proprietor ivaa for all diseases, but only for such as arise from DibOlt DEUS OF TUK LIVEU. Many persons have testified to their good e Beets in Chills and Fevers, Jiiliou$ Few, Pneumonia, Dyvptpsiu, etc., c& , Head the lollowing t v ., . a D. Wallaos, Esq., Treasurer oiA Wlmnaicn and Wuldon Jlaxl Road, lAng. 30, 1862,) says: lt has been said that DTsrxrsr a " is our national disease, iiowsver v this may be, it caused me long and severe suoenng. rro vldentlaily a mend rurntsnea me wiu isw w wi u " ZtIali Pills," and Ui$ use of them has perfsvted a aure. In my lamiiy tney nave neon nseo jrtquenuy wiw emmm success. Among my acquaintancea, wumy cajeaongiuauoi from diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. I regard thein ao invaluaiMe meaunne, ana use pleasure u forwarding this voluntary tribute." . ; Col. Jonw Wiioht, of Goldsboro, N. C, (Ang.l4,lMl,) . says : " 1 have nsei the Southern UepaHo fills in my fam ily here end also on-my plantation in Alabama, and alvau rcxth success. 1 have a valuable servant girl who had beei a long time under treatment for consumption, wlthoatre ceiving any benefit. Almost in her extremity I was In duced to try the Uepalio PHls. They were gfaes swoord ing to directions, and she is now well, entirely restored by tiem. A similar ease occurred amc eg my servants In Al. . bama. For liver and lnng diseases have perfect otfhlldenoe in thorn " . Full directionn and other certificate will be found 08 to wrapper of each box. The great rise in the prloe of medicines, compeU the proprietor to put these pills at M f ,- lo boxes will be sent by mall forone dollar. As Umay soon not be possible to procure alt Wis ingredients, it would 04 well for Ui4 afflicied to order them at once. From the prices above stated, a liberal discount una b made to dealers as long a the pill oan be furnished. Address GEORGE W. DEK Mr. Wilson, North Carolina. , For sale in Wtiminirkm, . JV. G., by Geo. H. Kelley and H. R. Perrln. . " ' , 7T Btpt. 8th, 1862. A ProcUinalloit. ; .-. : Eii Z, E. Vakcb, Uovimor of North Carolina. f UK RU A H; INFORMATION BAB REACHED MX W that certain persons, unmindful of the calls of petrt 'ot'Mw. -f T.TM oLlbe d'tles of ood citiisnsars us-- h' tiieir faience to i prevent obedieucs te tLw la t ton gieas known baa tb Conscript,' Law, and that others are,, ttmntimr to oiirauize an odob reslstenoe to ttsekecntles and whereas, sncn conduct being not only in direct viola tion of law, but also detrimental, In the highest degree, to the cause of onr coootry, it Becomes wj aDreu prevent and repress the ssme by all the means In my poweri n. thurotnra. I. 'AUhVUiN B VANCE. GoTerner of North Carolina, do isaue lbs cy proclamation, warning all auoh oeraona to deUt from soon unpatriotic and erlminal eoodoct earBettfy boptrg-tbat at! whorer disinclined to utienfl meir noms ineiuci, muni vj mvn u. firmlty or cowardice, w tl cease to dissuade those who ar willing ; and notifying posmveiy an peraoua cuhvid'b an armed resistance to the law, if there really be any suck misguided and evil-disposed persons In onr midst, that they will commit the orlme of treason, according to Constitution, and. must not eipeot to, escape Its pesaljtles. Wkllar thousands upon thousands of our best and bravest have cheerfully obeyed the law, and by their patrlotio valof have driven the enemy back to the Potomac, it would be an a tolerable outrage upon them to permit others U evade the law, or worse still, to resist it by open violence. Let ao one, therefore, be deceived, the law; will be enforced I aid I appeal to all loyal and patrlotio citizens to sustain thoso wno are cnargeo. wun h execution. Given under my hand, and attested by tba Great Baal of the State. Done at the City of Raleigh, the 18th day of Beptemberl ZKBUL0N B. VANCE. DISSOLUTION. mnE CO-PARTNERSHIP OF BTOKLEY A OLDHAM 1 was dissolved by mutual consent, on the first day rr January, 1862. Alex. Oldham baring purchased the entire property and asseta of the concern, will settle all claim and is authorised to receive all dnes. - - - JAMES STOKLEY, ALEX OLDHAM. Wilttington, N. C , Jan. 15th, 1862 BUSINESS NOTICE. a H RTTCCEfiflOtt TO BTOKLEY OLDHAM, the Bu fx. acriber proposes to continue the same business, at the same places, office on South Water Street, and Cane Feai Corn and Flour Mills, on North Water Street, near Bishop's Hotel, and hopes to merit an increase oi mat patronage sua confidence, so iioerauy nestowea upon oo uwnim. ALEX. OLDHAM. Wilmington, N. O., Jan. 15th, 1862 . 113 OFFICE OF -THE PIEDMONT RrK.CO.7T June 17th, 1862. I 53 H MTJLES AND CASTS WANTED. Five hundred MULI IyjL and a proportionate number of CARTS, are want sd mmea lately, ror the construction or tne Piedmont Bailra M from Danville, Ya., to Greensboro', N. C. The bight at market rates will be paid for those which pass our inspe c tion, if delivered at an early day. Apply at the office of tl te Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, either at Bio! v mond or at the town of Danville. EDMUND T. D. MYERS, Capt. Eng'rs and Chief Engineer. Jane 19th, 1862 239-tf IN STORE. CORN, Meal, Hominy, Flour, Bice Straw, Wheat, Bra: t, Shorts, Ground Pea MeaL Ave, dec. For sale by , Fb. 6th ALEX. OLDHAM. RRIDLES AND MARTINGALES. A BEAUTIFUL assortment of English Bridles and Ma r X tingalei, fancy and plain. Jut received and for sal , at . . . WILttOS'ft. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS FROM CHARLESTON. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT of Franch and Ameri can Envelopes, comprising Official, Small Note. Bat, Canada Letter. Also a large lot of Letter Paper, of vari- ous sizes, ana qualities W Book Store. Sept 4, 1862. " j f R. H the Gevernor : BattLi Jr., Private Secretary. lS-tf ' : FLOUR. ALEXANDER OLDHAM is coruiUntlymanufao-F' taring the BEST FAMILY FLOUR, it the 1 CAFE FEAR FLOUR MILLS, Wllmmfton, 11.0-1 I For sale at the Mills, and at their Store, No. BootfcJ Water Utreet i In whole barrels and half barrel . la baga containing one-half :. . la baars eonUlmlnit one-foorta t v....- In bags oontauung one-eignta ; . . They keep constantly on hand, at the MflL and at their' tore'jKli 'OR0vh MEALnOMMLJ,GUAOX ED CORN, CO W FEED, MORIS, BJUV, U, M They also keep for sale COR N at wholesale and retail OA 2 Sat wholesale and retail; PEAR at wholesale and retail J - -l BAY At wholesale and reUU ; Marshall's FINE HALT in sas t Liverpool ground ALUH 8AaVx baackct . Worth 0rH FLOUR consUmnMnt. 500 alt; BUSHELS for sale. A pply to r. m. Oct. 1st, 1862 GARDNER, or H. R. PEBRIN. Sl-tf SALT-SALT. OCEAN SALT," -1 -BUPFLY" Or OCEAN HALT, a gooa anicie A. oeivsd dailv. and for sale at lowest market rates. J. M. MONK, 47 North Water Street. September 2tn, 1862. " LAURINCURO CLASSICAL ASD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL. . . f HHE ensuing session will commence on the Mb of Bep X tember. For particulara respecting board, ete., please address A. UAUis, -,: Principal and Proprietor. AOR.8.186J. S83-fiw-eow-t240ct ALCOHOlw- T AM now dl.tittlnff a annerior artiole of W per cent. Air i, COHOL, which 1 oCer for sale at reasonable Pf AdpIt to M. McINNIS. Aprtll.1862. "4-tf wOUR OWN PRIMMER XB A LITTLE VOLUME designed to aid children Jn their first attempts to acquire knowledge. It ia just published by Sterling, Campbell and Albrighton, and received and (or law this mornijMr, at . : ' 1 ALBUMS. " ' A FINE ASSORTMENT for sale at , B. W. WHITAKER'fl Sale'aBoom, .35 Market-street, ; Anjrnst 30th. 1. ' ' AarUyBrAtaa DISSOLUTION. TIE FIRM OF KAHNWEILEB & BROS., b tin day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons Indebted to the late firm are earnestly requested to come forward sad aettle their indebtedness by (Josh or Note. . . K. ft Bros, return their sincere thanks to tnelr frienoj . and patrons for past favors, and ask a continuance of the same for their successors. , . David Kahnweiler and Darnel Kahnweuer only are author; ized to settle p the busine- i kIhNWEILETI. DANIEL KAHNWEILER.. . JACOB KAHNWEILER. WllroiBgteBi Pept 8thr 1862. : 7 7-3ni CO-PARTNERSUIP NOTICE. TIE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed ft Co-partnership under the name and style of KAHNWEOJa a brother, for the transaction ofthe - , BTAPLEA21D FANCY DRY O00DS BUSINESS. The patrons of the late firm, and the public generally, are tovit.dW.nd.xan .. DASiafKAliNWEiLER. . WHmington, Bept. 8th,"18S2, . A ' ''53 ; XI. by - - JOo. K. LUiiauil VV. - bepU SOtb, 1863. ' i.ttg.23. J . WHITAiES'S BOO