TTi 1- 1 VOL. 12. NO. 3G. J WILMINGTON, X. 0., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1862. TnOLK yVMtiitti 3,417 Bf FULTON k PRICE, PROPRIETOR. JAS. FCLTON, Editor,'... A. L. PRICE, Aasoclate Editor i ?5 i nn ... .......... ...... A V 75 tXBMS OF l"Ii!CRJPTION CASH IN ADVANCE. 12 months .......... ,.t3 CO 4 60 3 " ; I 1 " (for troois in cudd onlv.i.. Daily Paper to the trad $3 per 100, or 3 cent per copy. weesiy per er year z WJ " per month....... ..0 60 Tie paper will be diaoootiuiiul at Ue expiration of the time paid for unless renewed. . " AH tetters on business connected with tbia office, moat be addressed to the proprietor. BUSINESS AN!) PROFESSIONAL CARDS COT, KESDAUi At Co., GENTS FOR THE RICHMOND MANUFACTURING rV COMPANY, are receiving every week Cotton Yarns and oaneDnrga, Jan. 1st. 1862, 1 88-tf. i -v-y f ALEX. OLDHAM, (Surccakor to glokltr Oldham.) TTvEALER IN OB A IN, PROPRIETOR OF THE CAPS, XJ EAH CORN AND FLOUR, AND COMMIS SION MERCHANT, Wilmimaton, N C. Feb. 6, 1862. CO-PARTN ERSHIP. rilim undersigned baTethia da? entered into a General V Commission and Mercantile Baeineaa, under the firm of Btokiey 4 Co. Mr. D. Cashwellia oar duly empowered Attorney for the tranaaction of any and all business of the firm. Office hi Partley'a Bow, North Water Street. . JAMES BTOKLEY, C. W. OLDHAM. Wilmington,. C, Feb. 1, 1862. '127 EMP1E Hi ALLEN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TTAVE removed their office from Front to Princess street, JLL JOURNAL BUILDINGS, formerly occupied by hi. L. uoimes, jsq. October 17th, 1861. ' 36-tf 1. t. ooz, J. 8. KBNDALL w. r. kbndall, COX, KENDALL, At CO -COMMISSION MKHCHA5T8 AND WHOLESALE ORO No. 11 A 12, North Water Bt. Maroh 12th, 1861 - 157-tf WALKER DIE ARES, (Successor to Walker Mearea & Co.,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST. 45 Mabkxt Btbkkt, Wilmington, N. C. c. d, Ellis, b. f. hitchill. ELLIS & MITCHELL. - WBOLE8ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN C10RS, PHAS, 0 ATS, RYE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL MEAL; ; FREdil GROUND HOMINY, HORSE & COW FEED; 11.90, EASTERN AND NOR TH RIVER BA Y, No. 9 North Water Street, WaUIKOTON, N. C. February lfl, 1SC0. . 139 ly IIARRISS Si HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. GBOHGB HIRRISS; A. J. H0WKLL, W,W. BABKISS. Oct. 1st. 1H58. JOBBFH X. BLOB BOM. CTBU8 8. TANAMBDiQB. .J. H. BLOSSOM St CO. C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VX Jane 28, 1861. Wilmdjoton, N. 0. REMOVAL. james Mccormick, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 41 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C, Would respectfully inform hia friends and the public that he haa removed his establishment to the Store on Market Street above Front, North aide, two doora above Brown Anderson a Jewelry Store, where he wul be pleaaed to receive and execute all orders in his line. Special attention paid to Military Work. ' lie hag obtained the assistance of an experienced and skillful cutter, which will enable him to fill all orders promptly. A large lot of military goods expected. Kept 3d. 1862. V 303 tf SALT. LIVERPOOL GROUND ALUM AND DOMESTIC SALT on hand. Foraale by HAKRI8S & HOWELL. Hept. 17. 1862. 10-tf notice. ALL PERSONS holding claims of any description aginst the Wilmington St Weldon Railroad Company, are re quested to. hand in the same to the Treasurer for payment. By order of President. - JL JAMES S. GREEN, Treas'r.-- Ang. 16, 1862. . 288-tf ' POSTPONE Dm THE sale of the jollowing property is postponed until further notice. JOHN BISHOP. Sept. 23d, 1862. v H-tf NOTICE. ON the 25th instant, at the Farmers' Honse, if not pre viously disposed of, all the Furniture belonging to the above-mentioned House will be exposed at public auction. To any person wishing to go into the Hotel business, this ia a fine opportunity. A house with a good xun of custom, and very Convenient to the Railroad Depot. JOHN BISHOP. Sept. 13th, 1862. It9 THE DAILY JOURNAL can be bad npon application at WHITAKER'B Book Store. 4 1 Hi ADOU ARTXR8 WlLBlHOTOX. T OST between Walker Meaiee' Drug Store and Wrights 1J vUle Sound, a MEMORANDUM BOOK bound in red, with a brans clasp. If found, the finder ia requested to leave it with Major Cameron, the Quartermaster, or Mr. Mearea' Store. My name ia on the fly leaf. W. H. C. WHITING, Brig. General. Nov. 18th. 1862 S3-tf THOSE OFFICERS THAT have been accommodated by me with Uniforms some months ago, will be kind enoagh to reciprocate by settling their bills at once. J.McCORMICK. Nov. 17th, 1862 - 32tf INTEREST BEARIKQ TREASURY NOTES. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, C. 8. A.,j Ricbmokd, Sett. 26, 1862. - J PUBLIC NOTICE ia hereby given, that Congrtaa bu duly authorized the annual payment of interest on the 7:30 Treasury Notes. The interest due on each Note on the first day cf January next, will be paid to the respective holdera on presentation at the Treasury, or at any Deposi tory of the Government. (Signed) CO. MEMM.IXGER, 30-tfJ , Secretary of Treasury. RAIL ROADS. WlLMlM(!TO!t A MiNCnKTER RAIL EOAD Co'.'l pKK8!l CAT'S OFFICB, 2nd October. If 63. ) NTIL KUkTHKR NuTlCfc, the r-ebedule for MiJ Train npon this Road will be changed a follows U iraviojr numiogioD at o w, i . m., luaieau 01 u.uu, . as heretofore. lrrlving at Wilnricgttn at 6.00, A. hi., instead of AO, aa heretofore. TOO'. I. WALKER, Piesidert tct. 3. 18C2. 21 tf Marion and Sumter papers inoe t three times. WiLMUHITOM A MaHCHBHTBK llAIL RoAO pO PKKSIDKKT'a Offici, 1st October, IWl. s UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the Daily Accommodation Trains on this Road will only make tri-weekly trips. Leaving Wilmington on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and butur- days. ., Leaving Kiugsvflle on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri dajs. THOS. D. WALKER, President. Oct. 2d, 1862. 22 -tf - Marion and Sumter papers pleasd publish three times WlLMIKOTON & WXLDON BAIL llOAD OFFICE, I WiLJUNflToN, Sept. 'Mlb. Iti62. j MXI1CK. NLY ONE TRAIN DAILY will be run on this Road r from this date: I.eavlce WilmlnEton at 8. a M ; re turning arrive at Wi'.mington at 5, P. M., bringing mail, passenKers. and provisions. ic. To leave Weldon at 6, A. a.., and returning mere arrive at 7, P. M. " . The Warehouse will be open from 10, A. M., until 1, P.M. By order of the Prenident. H. L. FREMONT, Eng. & Supt. Sept. 29th, 1862. . ltf tf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THR BOUTHEltN HEPATIC PILLS. 1 111 c(.mb!natiiin of mcdloinea was first prepared by the proprietor iu lft), when be was pronounced tiy three eruleent thvsichica iu a smothers eitv.. at in an'ativanced stsge of Cousuniption. Thene J'xUt cured him. He is now over seventy live yearn of sge and in 'discharge of active prnfesHionul duties. Their good effect npon others crea ted such a demand for them that he was compelled to de sitit from supplying them grata tously. . - They are iot recommeiided br the proprietor as good for all diswses, but only f r auch as arie from DISOR DERS OF THR LIVER. Mny persona have testified to their Rood t fleets in CliilU and Fewr$, JWwus Fever, Pnevnumxa, l)ytpep$ia, dtc, tc. i . Read the following . . - . .. ! , ., 8. D. Wallace, Efq., Treasurer of Uie Wilviinqten and Wllnii Rail Road, (Aug. 30, 1862.) says : It haa been said that ' DrarBPsu " ia oar national disease. However TtJiJa may be, rt canaed n long sad severe sndertnjr. ' Pro- vicentislly a mend furnished mo with a Tew boxes or the " hepatic and Vie ue of Uum hat ptrfected a, cure. In my family they have been ued frequently with eminent svecmn. Among my acuaiutancea, many oancorigiDatin from diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. I rottard them ao invalualtle medicine, and take pleasure ii forwarding this voluntary tribute." . Col John Wkiuht, oi Goidsboro, N. C, (Ang.14, 1862,) ssys : " I have Ubo-1 the tiouihtrn Bepalio PxU in my fam-. ily here and also on my plantation in Alabama, and alway with sweet. I have a valuable aervant girl who had bee i along time under treatment for consumption, wilhontre ceiving any benefit. Almost la her extremity I was in duoed to try the Uepatio FLU, lli-y were given accord ing 10 direction, and ahe ia now well, entirety rentured by Uum. A similar fax recurred arm g ray servants In Ala bama. For liver and lung diseases I have jar feet oonfldame in them." Full direclxoni nnd oilier certificates will be found on th wrapper of each box. The trreat rise in the price of medicines, compels the proprietor to put these pills at o h bos Two boxes will be sent by mail tore dollar. A H may noon not be possible to tirocurt all the inyredients, it would be welt for the ojflicied to order Viem at once. From the prices above stated, a liberal discount xoill bt made to dealers as long a the pills can be furnished. .Address GEORGE W. DEWMS, Wilson, North Carolina, For sale in Wilmington, N- C, by Goo. II. Keller and H. 11. Perrin. , Sept. 8th," 18C2. 2 3m . , , ,,. ii i i - "IN and after October 30th the Trains on this J rnaasl Road wil follows : MAIL TBAIN. Leave Wilmington 2 30 A. M., daily. Arrive at Weldon,. . .....1130 " Leave Weldon, ...-r 10 45 " Arrive at Wilmington,., i : 8 00 P. M . BTFHKfiS FKK10IIT AND FASSENOKU TBAIN. Leave Wilmington,. . . .2 00 P. M., daily, Sundays excepted, Arrive at Weldon,. ...3 05 A. M. " Leave Weldon, .8 30 P.M. " " " Arrive at Wilmington, 8 30 A. M. - " ' H. U FMEMOiS T, Eng. A Hup't, Office Eng. A Supt., W. W. R. R., Oct. 21. 3( Officb Gbn'l Fcfkrintbndbnt, Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Co., Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 30th, 1861. wwm w.! waj. "1ClJ!Ilt CHANGE OK SCHEDULE. ON and after thia date tbo Trains npon this Road will run as follows : HAIL TBAIN. Leaves Wilmington, 9 00 P. M. Arrives at KingsvIUe, 7 30 A.M. Leaves Kingsville, 3 30 P. M. Arrives at WUmingtdn, ...1 30 A. M. KXFBBS8 FBKIOBT AKD ACCOMMODATION TKALN. leaves Wilmington. 6 00 A. M. Arrives at Kingsville, H 15 P. M. Leaves Kingsville...... 7 30 A. M. Arrives at Wilmington,.. 8 40 P. M. Passengers wishino' to maka close through connoctiona will take Mail Train. No Irelaht of any description will be taken bv Mail Train, except nnder circumstances of emmenrency. when double local freight rates will be invariably charged. J. P. ROBERTSON. Gen7! Soo't. Nov. 1st, 1861. 49 -tf OFFICE OF THE PIEDMONT II. R. C O., Richmond, Jane 17, 1862. SSI m mmi fM AASWBSW ' aBL SLmAVsK. MimSBW. ri f f" n a"1 ivQ W M. V J- V. M- I 3' TO REFUGEES AND OTHERS HAVING NEGROES TO HIRE. The railroad from Danville to Greensboro' ia about to begin construction on a large scale, and requires a nnmerous force of laborers, as well as overseers of expe rience who can come well recommended. - The price ofSIO per month will be paid for the beat hand, and in proportion for inferior ones. They moat be supplied with clothing by their owners, and when delivered to the Company most be provided with One week's rations or rood, for which rations due allowance will bo made in the first monthly settlement. payment van be made monthly in cash. Overseers accomrjanvinir oarties of hands will be riven the preference over others, if otherwise satisfactory. l be bands may be delivered to the aeents at any of the depots on the Daeville R. R., or at Greensboro', N. C, af ter (he 25th inst. EDMUND T. D. MYERS, Captain and Chief Engineer. OFFICH OF THE PIEDMONT U. R. CO., I ( - June 17th. 1862. f MULES AND CARTS WANTED. Five hundred MULES and a proportionate number of CARTS, are wanted mmediately, for the construction of the Piedmont Railroad from Danville, Va., to Greensboro', N. C. The highest market rates will be paid for those which pass onr inspec tion, if delivered at an early day. Apply at the office ot the Kicnmond and Danvuie itauroad Company, either at men- mond or at the town of Danville. EDMUND T. D. MYEuH, Capt, Eng'ra and Chief Engineer. June 19th, 1862 2Jtf IN STORE. CORN, MeaL Hominy, Flour, Rice Straw, Wheat, Brun, Shorts, Ground Pea Meal, io., 4o. for sale by t eo. ou Ai.Kf. uL.Lrian. LAUKINOUAU CLASSICAL AND SCIENTltIC SCHOOL. f fHE ensuing session will commence on the 17th of Sep 1 tember. For particulars respecting board, etc.. Dlease address A. P. GAGE, Principal and Proprietor. Ang. . I51. 2H2-6w-eowt240ct TO THE TAX PAYERS OF NEW IIANOVEH COUNTY. r!E TAX LIST FOB THE YEAR 1861, has been placed in my hands by the Clerk and is now ready for mspe j tion and payment. Those who owe tax, either for IHO ct 1861, will confer s favor by calling and settling immediate ly, as I have but a short timetajnake op the ttate tax. xveapecuuuy, Jnne 23, 1862. 244-tf - W. T. J. VANN, SheriS. PERSONS ON THE bOUND in want of Stationery, are respectfully requested to send their orders to A rrodaiuafloii. IUj Z. .15. Vancr, Governor of North Carolina. WHEREAS, INFORMATION HAS REACHED ME that certain persona, unmindful of the calls of patri otism, and forgetful of the dnties of good citizens, are us ing their iDfloonce to prevent obedience to the law of Con gtess known has the Conscript Law, and that others are attempting to organize an open resistence to its execution ; and whereas, such conduct being not only in direct viola tion of law, but also detrimental, in the highest degree, to the causo of our country, it becomes tny sacred duty to prevent and repress the same by all the means In my power? Now, therefore, I, ZEBULON 11. VANCE, Governor of North Carolina, do Issue this my proclamation, warning all such persona to desist from such unpatriotic and criminal conduct: earnestly hoping that all who are disinclined to defend tbelr homes themselves, either by reason of age, in firmity or cowardice, wU tease to dissuade these who are willing ; and notifying positively all persona contemplating an armed resistance tu the law, if there rbMy be any . such rnifguided and evil-disposed persona in onr midst, that they wilt commit the crime of treason, according to Constitution, and must not expect to escape its penal ties. Whilst thousands upon thousanda of our best and bravest have cheerfully obeyed the law, and by their patriotic valor have driven the enutoy back to the Potomac, it would be an in tolerable outrage upon them to permit othera to evade the law, or worso still, to resist it by open violence. Let no one, therefore, be doceived, the law, will be enforced ; and I appeal to all loyal and patriotio citizens to sustain those who are charged with its execution. Given under my hand, and attested by the Great Seal of the State. Done at the City of Raleigh, the 18th day of September, 1802. SSbULiUH IS. VALfc. By the Governor : It. ft. Battlb Jr., Private Socretary. 13-tf FLOUll. ALEXANDER O ID HAM is constantly manufac turing the REST FAMILY FLOUR, at the CAPE FEAR FLOUR MILLS. Wilmlmrton. N. C For sale at the Mills, and at their Store, No. i South J. water rireet: in whole bartols and half barrels In bags containing one-half ; la bags containing one-fourth ; In bags containing one-eighth ; They keep constantly on hand, at the Mill, and at their store, fJlEiill GROUND MKAL, IfOMMINY. JU A UK Hli CORN, COW FEED, SHOUTS. UHAf, do., to. ' They alao keep for aale VOR N at wholesale and retail ; OA 'IS at wholesale and retail ; FKAS at wholesale and retail ; II A Y at wholesale and retail ; Marshall's FINE TALT in sacks : Liverpool ground Ah UM SAT, ia sackaj Rnrth Carolina rf.OUH nu nniuignmeot. Oct. SALT. BUSHELS for aaie. - Apply to T. tf. GARDVEB. or II. B. PERRIN. 1st, 18C2 21-tf DISSOLUTION. fTHE FIRM OF KAHNWEILER St BR03., ia thia day X dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the late firm are earnestly requested to come forward and settle their indebtedness by (josh or Note. K. 4 Bros, return their sincere thanks to their friends and patrons for past favors, and ask a continuance of the same for their successors. David Kahnweiler and Daniel EahnweOer only are author ized to settle up the business of the late firm. david kahnweiler. daniel kahnweiler. jacob kahnweiler. Wilmington. Sept. 8ih, 1862. 7-3m CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Co-partnership nnder the name and atyle of KAHNWEILER J k BROTHER, for the transaction of the STAPLE AUD FANCY DRY GOODS BUSINESS. The patrons of the late firm, and the public generally, are invited to call and examine their stock. - DAVID KAHNWEILER. DANIEL KAHNWEILER. Wilmington, ept. 8th, 1F62. 7-3 ' AnVRfm-EENTH " W.ll be hvwfrted at ONE DOU.AR per inare 1 ten lines or over five. Hues, for the Irsi Insertion, and FIFTY LLNTtJ per square for each repetition 6 line, of less hair above rate-CA8H IN AUVANCK. ' .Advertisements inserted aa Special or BlshW Notices are ccsrged one-half more than above rates eight liaes flesded) or less oounted aa a square. Advertisements inserted every other day are char gsd . 75 cents per aqnare for each insertion after the first. No publication made without a responsible name. - - L , V PaE WARDS. fno REWARD. fl LOSP OR RUNAWAY, orrUietllitof the loth lost. v oy aai4 DAT.! Vi, abutrt 1 years fag, mid Jle aizd, weighs about 110 pounds. Had on a pair of white pants. Kersey jacket, and an old black hat with red flannel tied round It. - , Pallas was brought here on the Northern train which ar rived at fl o'clock p. in., alnce which time ha has not been seen. The above reward will be paid for his reoovery. Any information will be thankfully received and properly rewarded. B. COHEN, Atlanta, Ga., or . KAHNWEILRll & bHQ.. . .". ' Wilmington, N. C. , Sept. 17, 1861. 10-lm A SALT SALT. 8CPPLY OF OCEAN SALT, a good Article re ceived daily, and for aale at lowtsi rnarkin rates. j. ti. iiUMi, i norm water btreet. September 26th, 1862. 17-tf NOTICE. THE PILOTS are instructed to cause all vessels arriving at this port to stop at Visiting fc tat ion. A-agnst25Hh, 18fi2. 299 tf. I WANT IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD that no gooia wiU he delivered by me without the money. It is useless to ask credit, for I'll be iflgiveit. - i. alcvuiiBUiiu NOTICE AND REWARD. Macon & Wbsvkbn Rail Road Comfant, I Macon, Ga., Aog. 12th, 1862. f RUNAWAY FROM THIS COMPANY on Satnr- s v nlht, InMtant, three negro men, via t MA UK. dark complexion. 5 feet 9 inches LIfib. about io years cuu, weigni anoui iw pounds. AUGUH, dark complexion. 5 fset 5 inches hleh. 25 vsara old. weight about 150 pounds. ' UAKDY, yell mw complexion, B feet 4 Inches high, 23 years old, weight about 1 10 pounds. These negrrn-s were recently boagbt by Mr. J. P. Lovett, in the lower part of North Carolina, for this Company, and it is thought they wW probably try to go back there. I will pay a reward of Fifty Dollars each for their arreat and confinement in any Jail in North or South Carolina, and ad vice thereof, ao I can get them. . David Brown, Esq., who lives near Warsaw, N. C, will know Hardy; L. R, Loftlu, near Leir Swamp, N. O., will know Mark. ISAAGSCOTT, President. Fept, 11, 1861. . 5-39t $tl HE WARD, i E ANA WAY from the subscriber, abnnt the Uth of Au gust, a negro man named FRANK. Said Frank is about twenty-six years old, weighs about 165 lbs., of black complexion, generally wears his hair platted; eyes Urge; Inclined to red, speaks slowly when spoken to. He was raised in Brunswick county, near Emlthville, by Peter Standlin ; has a wile In Columbus county, near Whitevlllav Hia mother belongs to W. J. Price, of Long Creek. He is supposed to be luikiug about some one of the above nam ed placea.or about town. I will pay the above reward for hia appnhonslou and delivery, or confinement m any Jail ao I ran get him. 3. D. JENNINGS. , Sept. 6th, 1W)2. . - 805 tf AHRCONDED AND SUPPOSED TO BK IN HIDING in town, Ay MARIA, a brlcrht mulatto girl, about 25 years old, r j 5 feet 5 mobes bfgh, stout and good looking, neat ia appearance and well dressed. Twenty-five dollars reward will be paid lor her apprehension, and Twenty-five for tbs detection of Any person harboring her. - . , ELIZA M. WALKER. Aug. . 1862. ' ' 278-tf '4t REWARD. R ANA WAY FROM THE SUBSCRIBIR. about the 25th July, a negro man named JACOB, generally no n as Jacob Hunt, having nntil recently belonged to iiev. Tl pa. P. Hunt, sn alien enemy. Said Jacob la about fifty years old, weighs about 170 pounds, is very black, has an intelligent countenance, and is gravs and serious in hia expressions. He has been a drayman in Wilmington for s number of years, and at the time of his absconding was hauling salt for Messrs. Rankin it Martin between th Sound and Wilmington, t will pay the above reward for his apprehension and delivery, or confinement In any JaU so that I can get him. DuBliUTZ CUTLAR, . August 1,1862 275 tf Receiver. DISSOLUTION. v 4 mHE CO-PARTNERSHIP OF STOKXET & OLDHAM I was dissolved by mutual consent, oa the first day ir January, 18C2. Alex. Oldham having purchased th entr property and assets of the concern, will settle all claim a and is authorised to receive all dues. JAMES STOKLEY, ALEX. OLDHAM. Wilmington, Bl. 0., Jan. 15tb, IMX nCBINESS NOTICE. AS SUCCESSOR TO BTOKLEY 4 OLDHAM, the Sub scriber proposes to continue the same business, at the same places, office on South Water Street, and Cap Fear Corn and Flour Mills, oa North Water Street, near Bishop's, Hotel, and hopes to merit an Increase of that patronage aid confidence, so liberally bostowed upon the late firm. ALEX. OLDHAM. . Wilmington, N. O., Jan. 15th, 1862 11; Ekgiwikb Officb Dist. of Cars Fbab. i Smithvillb, Oct. 10th, 1862. ) ALL PERSONS having claims against the Engineer i)e- partment for materials or services applied in the con struction of defences in North Carolina, can have their claims examined, and if supported, by satisfactory certifi cates ot officers authorized to order the expenditure or proved just and equitable, they will be paid by reference to this office. C. ft. COLLINS. . Capt. of Engineers C. S. A. Oct. 13th, 1862 51-tf NOTICE TO MY FRIENDS IN THE COUNT11Y. I3ER40N3 in the country, who have Bacon, fggs and Chickens, axe reqneated to send to me whatever they have in this line, snd they shall have thebJgbeat market, pricea in cash. Such are much wanted, and it is hoped they will be coming along without delay. Bend along your provisions to 'A. C. CRAFT, - Marxei oireet. Oct. 0th, 1862 " 28-2W , NOTICE. ON AND A FT EH O-DaY. no Freight will be deliver ed at this point, or received Cr shipmeot, nntil the freight is paid. JOHN McLAURIN, a .a. Bar su is v lransp. Ag v at aa. n. a. Kept. 24, 1862. - 15 lm " ' NOTICE, i :- ' n t ALL PERSONS Laving claims againat the Howard Fire ' Co., are requested to give their bill a to the Secretary this week, as all bills most be settled immediately. There will be a meeting on Monday, 2tth. All members a'e requested to attend. v .. R, BATE, Seo'y. Kov.17. ; . , 32 lw " ouown painnsB" " iS A LITTLE VOLUME designed to aid children m their first attempts to acquire knowledge, it is just published by Sterling, Campbell and Albrighton, and received and for sale this morning, at Aug. 26. - WHITAKER'9 Book Store. , , ALCOHOL T" AM now diaUlling a ruperkr artiole of 99 per cent. AL X cuttUL, wtuca i ocer tor aaio Apply to at reasoLable priceew-. id. stouiNia. ,, ' 174-tf aoT. u. . wuiXAJuat'U Book at ore. Soy. 17th, 1862 32-tf ' April 2, 1862. ',

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