lire Batin Journal 12 NO. 49 P WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6,1862. -J WHOLE NUMBER 3,430 BY FULTON & PRICE, PROPRIETORS. • JAS. FULTON, Editor,...A. I^ PRICE, Associate Editor. RAIL ROADS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION—CASH IN ADVANCE. 12 months, * $8 00 « ...................................... 4 50 SECRETARY’S OFFICE, Wil. & Man. Pailroad Co. Wilmington, N. C., 29th Nov., 1862. 1 “ (for troops in camp only,).. 75 Daily Paper to the trade $3 per 100, or 3 cents per copy. Weekly Paper per year, 2 50 “ " per month 0 50 The paper will be discontinued as ine expiration of the time paid for unless renewed. All let'ers on business connected with this office, must be addressed ’o the proprietors. ’ BussnSTFw^ T HERE being no ouorum present on the 26th instant, the Stockholders of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company adjourned to meet in Wilmington, N. C., on Thursday, the 11th of December next. WM. A. WALKER, Secretary. Nov. 29th. 1862 T , 43-tf The Columbia Times, Raleigh State Jou nal. Standard, Marion Star, Darlington Southerner and Sumter Watchman, copy until day of meeting and send bill to Journal Office. LETT, SMITHS, BLOCKER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF SALT. J. W. Lett, J. M. Smith, W. D. Smith, J. C. Blocker and J. B Cabves. W. D SMITH, Agent in Wilmington. J. W. LET S’, “ Fave t ville. A S AGENT for the above firm I will sell Salt at market price lean be found at Alexander Oldham’s Store on Water Street b low Market Street. Cash must accompany all orders. W. D. SMITH. Wilmington, N. C-, Dec. 1st, 1862 44-2w* Wllxnlnglon and Weldon Railroad Co. } Office Engineer ANb Superintendent, > Wilmington. Nov 28th, 1862. ) VTO NEGRO can pass over this road, unless accompany- ing a white person, without a written pass giving a description of himself and signed by some responsible name known to the Agent when the ticket is purchase d. All negroes without such pas es will be excluded from the ’rains, and if found smugcUd in, will be confined in jail or returned to their starting point. S» L. FREMONT, Eng. & Supt- Nov. 29th, 1862. 4-lm Tarboro’ Southerner and Goldsboro’ Tribune copy 1 month each. FLOUK. A LEX ANDER OLDHAM is constantly manufac-ggsa _turing the BEST FAMILY FLOUR) at the^^w? CAPE FEAR FLOUR MILLS, Wilmington, N. C.--JO For sale at the Mills, and at their Store, ^o. 5 Fouth^^ Water Street: In whole barrels and half barrels In bags containing one-half; la bags containing one-fourth; In bags containing one-eighth; They keep constantly on hand, at the Mill, and at thei store, J RESH GRO UND MEAL, HOMMINY (Ui A CT EG CORN,- CO W FEED, SHORTS. BRAN) &* . ^ "" keep for sale- wholesale and retail; wholesale and retail; PEAS at wholesale and retail; HA V at wholesale and retail; Marshall’s FINE SALT in sacks ; Liverpool ground AL UM SALT, in unok^ ADVERTISEMENTS Will be inserted at O.NE DOLLAR per square of ten lines or over five lines, for the first insertion, and FIFTY CENTS per square for each repetition—5 lines or less half above rates-CASH IN ADVANCE. S^ Advertisements inserted as Special or Bishop Notices are charged one-half more than above rates—eight lines (leaded) or less counted as a square. /^Advertisements inserted every other day are charged 75 cents per square for each insertion after the first. lyNo publication made without a responsible name. SALT. ^fW ) BUSHELS for sale. Apply to 0Uv T. M. GARDNER, or H. R. PERRIN. Oct. 1st, 1862 21-tf COX, KENDALL. & Co., * GENTS FOR THE RICHMOND MANUFACTURING COMPANY, are receiving every week Cotton Yarns and Osnaburgs. Jan. 1st, 1862. 98-tf. Office Gen. Supt. W. & W. R. R., ) Wilmington, Nov. 27th, 1862. J CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. T HE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Co-part nership under the name and style of KAHNWEILER & BROTHER, for the transaction of the STAPLE AND FANCY-DRY GOODS B USINESS. The patrons of the late firm, and the public generally, are invited to call and examine their stock. DAVID KAHNWEILER. DANIEL KAHNWEILER. Wilmington, Sept. 8th, 1862. 7-3m ALEX. OLDHAM, (Successor to Stokley & Oldham.) TXEALER IN GRAIN, PROPRIETOR OF THE CAPE FEAR CORN AND FLOUR MILLS, AND COMMIS SION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N C. Feb. 6, 1862. RESUMPTION OF SCHDDULE. T HE MAIL TRAINS on this road will resume the former Schedule on the 1st December. SALT—SALT. A SUPPLY OF OCEAN SALT, a good article re ceived daily, and for sale at lowest market rates ■ J. M. MONK, 47 North Water Street l eave Wilmington, Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Arrive at Weldon,.... September 26th, 1862. 17-tf 10:45 A M. 8:00 P. M. , 12:00 M. NOTICE. CO-PARTNERSHIP. f : HE undersigned have this day entered into a General R Commission and Mercantile Business, under the firm of Stokley & Co. Mr. D. Cashwell is our duly empowered Attorney for the transaction of any and all business of the firm. Office in Parsley’s Bow, North Water Street. JAMES STOKLEY, O. W. OLDHAM. Wilmington, N. C., Feb. 1,1862. 127 The night trains will be resumed in a few days 8. L. FREMONT, T HE PILOTS are instructed to cause all vessels arriving at this port to stop at Visiting Station. August 29th, 1862. WANTED. TBEDGAK IRON WOBK9, 1 Richmond, Nov. 28, 1862. J WANTED. F IVE HUNDRED HANDS.—We wish to hire for the en suing year, five hundred able-bodied NEGRO MEN, to be employed by us at our Blast Furnaces, in Botetourt county, and at our Coal Mines, on James river, seventeen miles above this city. As our works generally are remote from the enemy’s lines, and the negroes are well guarded, we think it greatly for the interest of those having hands to dispose of, to hire them to us. The negroes will be supplied with the very best provis ions, which have already been se ured, and good clothing provided for them at all seasons of the year. Those of whom we have hands hired for the present year will please inform us whether we shall retain these hands at the furnaces until they are re-hired; and if not. to what point they shall be returned, as some of the owners may have changed their places of residence. Payment for the hire of these hands will be made either at Farmville, Lynchburg, Fincastle, or this city, annually or quarterly, at the option of the owner. Applications can be made to F. T. Glasgow, Fincastle ,• Wm. T. Patton, at Clover Dale Furnace ; James L. Patton, at Grace Furnace; Wm. Jordan, Alum Springs; John H. Jamieson, Lynchburg; Benjamin Holliday, Frederick’s Hall, Louisa county; James H. Poindexter, Farmville; or the undersigned at the works. J. R. ANDERSON A CO. Dec. 4, 1862. 47-15Jan 299—tf. Nov. 27th, 1862. Eng. & Supt. 41-tf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N and after October 20th the Trains on this Road wil run as follows: I WANT I T DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD that no goods will be delivered by me without the money. It is useless to ask credit, for I’ll be if 1 give it. Nov. 17th, 1862 J. McCORMICK. 82-tf WANTED, BY A GENTLEMAN over forty-five years of age, who is willing to make himself useful and profitable to his employer, a situation, at wages he can make a support for his family. The best of references will be given, on appli cation to Mr. John Bauman, or at the JOURNAL OFFICE. Dec. 2,1862. 45-6t* J. J. COX, W. F. KENDALL, J. 8. KENDALL COX, KENDALL, & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GBO- / OERS, No. 11 & 12, North Water St. March 1.2th. 186)157-tf WALKER MEARES, (Successor to Walker Meares & Co.,) W HOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, 45 Mabket Street, Wilmington, N. C. Leave Wilmington,... Arrive at Weldon,... Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, MAIL TH AIN. 2 30 A. M., daily. 11 30 “ “ 10 45 “ “ 8 00 P. M. “ 8. L. FREMONT, Eng. * 8up’t. Office Eng. * Sapt., W. * W. B. R., Oct. 21. 39 STRAYED FROM the subscriber on Sunday last, a large bay HORSE, both hind feeta little white. A suit able reward will be given if delivered to H. B. EILERS. Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 25th, 1862. 39-tf C. D. ELLIS, E. F. MITCHELL. ELLIS & MITCHELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN / WRN, PSA8, OATS, RYE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL.MEAL; V FRESH GROUND HOMINY, HORSE & COW FEED: ALSO, EASTERN AND NOR TH RIVER HA Y, No. 9 North Water, Street, Wilmington, N. C. February 16, 1860. 139-ly Office Gen’l Superintendent, ) Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Co., ) Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 30th, 1861.) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N and after this date the Trains upon this Road will run as follows: Leaves Wilmington,... Arrives at Kingsville,. Leaves Kingsville,.... Arrives at Wilmington, .9 00 P. ,7 30 A. .3 30 P. .1 30 A. M. HARRISS & HOWELL, C OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. GEORGE HARRISS; A. J. HOWELL, W. W. HARRISS. Oct. 1st, 1858. SEWARDS. $35 REWARD. K ANAWAY from the subscriber, about the 11th of Au gust, a negro man named FRANK. Said Frank is about twenty-six years old, weighs about 165 lbs., of black complexion, generally wears his hair platted; eyes large; inclined to red, speaks slowly when spoken to. He was raised in Brunswick county, near Smithville, by Peter Standlin; has a wife in Columbus county, near Whiteville. His mother belongs to W. J. Price, of Long Creek. Heis supposed to be lurking about some one of the above nam ed places, or about town. I will pay the above reward for his apprehension and delivery, or confinement in any jail 80 I "an get him. S. B. JENNINGS. Sept. Sth, 1862. 305—tf EXPRESS FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.. Leaves Wilmington on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days. Leaves Kingsville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days. Passengers wishing to make close through connections will take Mail Train. No freight of any description will be taken by Mail Train, except under circumstances of emmergency, when double local freight rates will be invariably charged. J. P. ROBERTSON, Gen’l Sup’t. Nov. 1st, 1861. LAURINBURG CLASSICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL. pHE ensuing session will commence on the 17th of Sep- JL tomber. For particulars respecting board, etc., please address A. P. GAGE, Principal and Proprietor. 282-6w-eow—t240ct Ang. 8. 1862. Eng inker Office Dist. of Cape Fear. ) Smithville, Oct. 10th, 1862. ) ALL PERSONS having claims against the Engineer De partment for materials or services applied in the con struction of defences in North Carolina, can have their claims examined, and if supported by satisfactory certifi cates of officers authorized to order the expenditure or proved just and equitable, they will be paid by reference to this office. WAITED. QAB GOOD ABLE BODIED NEGROES, consisting of 0vBlacksmiths, Carpenters, Firemen, Train hands, Laborers and Track hands, for which the highest cash prices will be paid and payments will be made quarter yearly. Contracts made immediately to Office Engineer and Superintendent Wilmington and Weldon Bailroad. Dec. 1st. 1862. 8. L. FREMONT, Eng. & Supt. Tarboro’ Southerner and Goldsboro’ Tribune copy 1 month. Oct. 13th, 1862 C. R. COLLINS, Capt. of Engineers C. 8. A. 31-tf W E EXPECT SOON to be able to offer to the public a large and beautiful assortment of English and American Stationery, comprising everything In store and for sale now, a small lot at Nov. 19. WHITAKER’S BookStore. line A BEAUTIFUL M AP OF VIRGINIA just published by West & Johns ton. Received this morning and for sale at Nov. 21st WHITAKER’8 BookStore. TO THE TAX PAYERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. T HE TAX LIST FOR THE YEAR 1861, has been placed in my hands by the Clerk and is now ready for inspe. tion and payment. Those who owe tax, either for 1860 or 1861, will confer a favor by calling and settling immediate ly, as I have but a short time to make up the State tax. Respectfully, . June25,1862.—244-tf W. T. J. VANK, Sheriff. WANTED. I WANT TO HIKE A NEGRO WOMAN, a good washer and ironer, to serve my family at Fayetteville. B. F. BROWN, ec. 1st, 1862. 44-tf WANTED. A GOOD two horse wagon for the Salt business. Apply at WHITAKER’S Book Store. Sept. 13th 7.^ WANTED. O NE HUNDRED SHIP CARPENTERS, to work at CA88IDEY & SON’S Ship Yard. Paid weekly the current price of the post of Wilmington. Nov 18. 1862-tf. * WANTED TO HiRE. G oon able-bodied hands to cut wood, for which the highest price will be paid. Apply at _ftov 2 27JJ^-32j^ Book store. $30 REWARD. RANAWAY FROM THE SUBSCRIBER,, about the 26th July, a negro man named JACOB, genei illy knov n as Jacob Hunt, having until recently belonged to Lev. Ti os P. Hunt, an alien enemy. Said Jacob is about fifty years old, weighs about 170 pounds, is very black, has an intelligent countenance, and is grave and serious in his expressions. He has been a drayman in Wilmington for a number of years, and at the time of his absconding was hauling salt for Messrs. Rankin & Martin between the Sound and Wilmington. 1 will pay the above reward for his apprehension and delivery, or confinement in any Jail so that I can get him. DuBRUTZ CUTLAR, August 1, 1862.—275-tf Receiver. State of North Carolina, 1 Executive Department. > Raleigh, Aug. 22, 1862. | THE SHERIFFS and Constables of this State are hereby authorized and directed to arrest all persona belong ing to the Confederate army who are absent without leave. For each arrest they will be entitled to a reward from the Confederate government of $15 for each one confinedin jail, or $30 if delived to the Camp of Instruction, near Ra . eigh, or to a Confederate officer. To secure these arrests, the above named officers will call on any assistance and use all the power and authority belonging to their said offices. INTEREST BEARING TREASURY NOTES. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, C. S. A.,) Richmond, Sept. 26, 1862. f TJUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that Congress has JL duly authorized the annual payment of interest on the 7:30 Treasury Notes. The interest due on each Note on the first day of January next, will be paid to the respective holders on presentation at the Treasury, or at any Deposi tory of the Government. ®8 ned > C. G. MEMMINGER, L 2 0-tf] Secretary of Treasury. $25 REWARD WILL be given for my boy JOE, who ranaway on the 1st of November, and is lurking about town or may try to make his way through unslow, where he wao raised, to the Yankees. Sept. Sth, 1862 HENRY T. CLARK, Governor of North Carolina. Nov. 21st, 1862 J. K. CURRIE. 36-lm* O NE FINE COLT'S NAVY PISTOL for sale at one hundred and fifty dollars, at Nov. 29th, 1862. WHITAKER’S BOOK STORE. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, A LOT OF GOLD CORD, for trimming military Pants P ersons ON THE SOUND i n want of Stationery, are respectfully requested to send their orders to Nov. 17. WHITAKER’S Book store. ALCOHOL. I AM now distilling a superior article of 90 per cent. AL ¬ COHOL, which 1 offer for sale at reasonable prices Apply to M. MclNNIS. April 2, 1862. 174 tf IN STORE. C OHN, Meal, Hominy, Flour, Bice Straw, Wheat, Bran, Shorts, Ground Pea Meal, &o., 4c. For sale by Feb - 5th ALEX. OLDHAM. A ™ 80 ? iBD e ’ INE LOT No. 1 SMOKING TOBAC- CO. In store and for sale at Nov. 27th, 1862. WHITAKER’S Book Store. PERSONS BUYING S INGLE COPIES of Richmond papers will please make right change We find it impossible to take pay out of five dollars for one paper. Nov. 29th WHITAKER’S Book Store. NOTICE. A a ^SO® 8 h ? U ,™« 01aims ° f “T description aginst the Wilmington * Weldon Bailroad Company are re quested to hand in the same to the Treasurer for payment. By order of President. Aug. 16, 1862. JAMES S. GREEN, Treas’r. 288-tf REMOVAL. cigars: CIGARS!! OA non DECEIVED THIS MORNING, at ^v,Vov WHITAKER’S BOOK STORE. Nov. z:Hh„ 1862. can be had upon application WHITAKER’S Book Store. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FOUR OB FIVE GOOD COAT MAKERS. Thahighest prices will be paid. JAMES McCOBMICK, Kov. 17, 1862—32-tf Market Street, Wilmington N.C. DISSOLUTION. HHHE FIRM OF KaHNWEiLEK & BROS., is this day JL dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the late firm are earnestly requested to come forward and settle their indebtedness by Cash or Note. K. & Bros, return their sincere thanks to their friends and patrons for past favors, and ask a continuance of the same for their successors. David Kahnweiier and Daniel Kahnweiler only are author ized to settle up the business of the late firm. DAVID KAHNWEILER. daniel kahnweiler. „ JACOB KAHNWEILER. Wilmington, Sept; 8*h, 1862. 7.3 m DISSOLUTION. T HE CO-PARTNERSHIP OF STOKLEY A OLDHAM was dissolved by mutual consent, on the first day r January, 1862. Alex. Oldham having purchased the ent r v property and assets of the concern, will settle all claims and is authorized to receive all dues. Wilmington, N. O., Jan. 15th, 1862 JAMES STOKLEY, ALEX. OLDHAM. WE ARE IN RECEIPT T HIS morni g of those beautiful Canary (official s ; ze) Envelopes, also of an additional stock of English Letter Paper and letter size Envelopes, at ^o- 18t WHI CARER’S Book Store. LARD. 2 BBLS. EXTRA LARD on consignment and for sale, by . JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO. Dec. 3rd, 1862. 4 6 .g t G. W. JEWETT, T ATB . PRIi ffCIPAL ° f Wilmington Male and Female Seminary, has opened a MALE ACADEMY in States ville. Bates of Tuition 40 or 50 dollars per annual session, a.c- coiding to studies. Excellant board can be had at 20 dol lars per month, exclusive of lights. Pupils are .received at any time, and charged from the time of entering. 0 Nov. 21st, 1862 4w JAMES McCORMICK, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 41 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C., W^ ’■ e8 p ectfoli y inform his friends and the public that he has removed his establishment to the Store on Market Street above Front, North side, two doors above Brown & Anderson’s Jewelry Store, where he will be pleased to receive and execute all orders in his line Special attention paid to Military Work. lie has obtained the assistance of an experienced and promptly™* 1 ’ waich WU1 e "* ble hi:a to ® U ail “^o^ A large lot of military goods expected. Sept. 3d, 1862. ono BUSINESS NOTICE. A S SUCCESSOR TO STOKLEY & OLDHAM, the Sub scriber proposes to continue the same business at the same places,—office on South Water Street, and Cape Fear Corn and Flour Mills, on North Water Street, near Bishop’s Hotel,—and hopes to merit an increase of that patronage and confidence, so liberally bestowed upon the late firm. ALEX. OLDHAM. Wilmington, N. C., Jan. 16th, 1862 113 WE HAVE INVOICES ' This morning, of all recent publications, which we are expecting daily. Also a lot of fine En glish Paper. Callor send orders to Nov 18. WHITAKER’S Book Store. FINE ENGLISH STEEL PENS. A LOT just received via Charleston, at Dec. 3d WHITAKER’S Book Store. BLUE MASS, SPTS. NITRE, &C. Blue mass, ’ SPIRITS NITRE, dulc., Lunar Caustic, Stick and Cryst., &c., &c., in quantities to suit purchasers. For sale by PRATT, DOWIE & JAMES, Wholesale Druggists, Charleston, 8. C. Nov. 29th, 1862 43-6teod* SALT. I , I7B BPOOL GROUND ALUM AND DOMESTIC SALT ^“^sk^ 0 ' 8a “ by HAkBISS 4 HOWELL. LooZ. 10 tf 100.000 BIW ENVELOPES iTltoTl^^ Nov. 29th, 1862. 3a e ’ WHITAKER’S BOOK STORE. EXPECTED BY FIRST EXPBEjS n ^ Richmond, a lot of those beautiful English Tooth ^Sd WHITAKER’8 Book Stored 5 TIERCES SPERM. For sale by HARRISS & HOWELL. Nov. 26th, 1862.—40-10t FLOUR. BARRELS FAMILY. For sale by HARRISS & HOWELL. Nov. 26th, 1862.—40-5t A NO. 1 ARTICLE SMOKING TOBACCO, in store and for sale, at Nov 29th, 1862. WHIT AKER’S BOOK STORE. WE HAVE I NVOICE this morning and now daily expected, of twen ty-five thousand beautiful Canary—official size—Envel opes. Departments in want of them should leave their or« a6 ™ n °™S WHITAKER’S Book Store, Nov. 29th

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