CXC„ Quar by a- biff rec pa' PS in Bombardment cf Port Lavacca —Through our 'Toxas e xchanges we get later intelligence in Di Port Lavacca. The reason why the enemy temporarily de- sisted from bis efforts to reduce the place by bombard- m ot, had been a certained. Their large rifled gun, which threw a shot weighing 110 pounds, urst at the forty first -round, leaving them without any guns, of longer range then those in our own battery. They, therefore, drew (TT and were, at last accounts, busy re- . pairing damages; but nothing could be learned, posi tively. of the extent of the injuries caused by our shots, or by the bursting of their big gun. The Yankees have not given up the prrj ct of capturing Port Lavacca. They had sent to GaivKiou for a mortar boat, with which th»‘y expected to batter down the town. The brave little garrison of the place, however, inspirited by their success thus far, ente rtain no thought of yielding, aud were making ready f r another desperate fight. (.'.hatteuton Mercury. The Houston Telegraph says General Bayler’s Brigade numbers twenty-seven companies, and that it is to remain in Taxa: this winter. WANTS WANTED, O OR 4 GIRI/*, neat Sewers, to work in the store. Ap- o ply to JAMES MCCORMICK. Dec. 5, 1862. 48 2* WINTER S LY ABLE BODIED LABORERS, white or colored - Permanent employment and liberal wages will be paid. Apply to A. E. HALL. Dec. Sth, 186 2 48 3t* FORJIIE^B J^JLET^ EXECUTOR’S SALE O N WEDNESD *Y, the 10ih day of December instant, the undersigned, as ’ xecuto's of the last will of the lave Samuel Frink, will sell at public auction, at the late residence of the deceased, a large amount of CORN. PO TATOES, PEAS, BICE, COTTON, CATTLE, OXEN. HOGS, SHEEP, HORSES, MULES, CARRIAGE BUG GISS WAGGONS, CARTS, PLANTATION TOOLS, Ac., Ac. Terms—Cash on delivery Dec. 4th, 1862 L. FRISK, HAM’L F. FRINK, M. NUTT, Executors. 46&l0-ta WAS WiOiKS FOR SALE. ' R OSIN GAS WORKS, suitable for lighting a Mill or Factory, whh every thing complete, including about 1,000 feet pipe. Gas ol superior quality can be made for about one dollar per M fe-t, tri m crude Bogin. Apply to Dec. 21, 1862 —45 2w KIDDER A MARTIN. GENERAL NOTICES. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. UNDERSIGNED, at the December Term, 1862, of X the Court of Pleas and Quarter bessions of the County or Brunswick, duly qualified as Executors of the last will aud testament ot the i.i e Samuel Frink. All persons are hereby notified to present ’heir accounts aud demands of every kind, for payment, within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to the deceased, are request ed to make payment to the undersigned, without delay. L. FRINK, ) Dec. 3, 1862 SAM’L F. FRINK, H. NUTT, REWARDS. $30 REWARD. Executors. 46—10-1 w D eserted from clark artillery, stationed a+i Camp Cowau, near Wilmington. N. C., on ihe 1st No- ’ ve nber, Private NATH’L H. PATRICK. Said Patrick ! was born ni Washington, N. C-, is 27 years of age. 5 feet 8 1 L- bei higl ' dars ^mplexioD, grey eyes, black hair Anen last heard oi, he was in the vicinity of Georgetown. > C. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to mi, or confiaement in any Jail, so that I may secure him- C^p^-^b ('- 1. ■%•,?. E. S. MAATIN, l.t. Com’dg Go. $50 RFWAHD. 50 O':LCARS will be paid for the apprehension and contiuetaem in any Jail in North Carolina, ol my ma n WILLIAM. He is about 39 years old. small >:ze. quite dark, husky hair, speaks short and abrupt. Be will no doubt have a forged pass, as he can write; he is most nke'y about Wilmington or on the Bound Wilmington, N. (' . Oct. 1st, 1862 B. F MiTCHW L. S«5 REWARD. & 'WAV from the W A M. H. It. 1 „ , »b, the middle of jiuv last, a negro man named ALF ED, belonging to Mrs. M E. brink'ey. Raid boy L about '''' .tears oi age, six ieet high, dark complected, and has large eyee aud is a very likely negro. He s supposed to mixing abw a town, or hired at some -tie of the Sal* works GENERAL NOTICES. MEETING OF RAIL ROAD PRESIDENTS. Richmond, Dec. 4th, 1862. H AVING been appointed Assistant Adjutant Gen°ral and assigned to the special duty of Superintending and directing Government Transportation by Bail Roads, I desire a conference wi>h the Presidents and Superinten dents of all the Rail Roads ia the Confederate States, at Augusta, Georgia, on the Nteenthmat^ Dec.Sth, 1862 A. A. Gen’l P. A. C. 8. 48-1 w TO THE PUBLIC. I ITHITAKER’S BOOK STORE will, from and after this W date, close at 6 o’clock, P. M. Subscribers to Richmond and Petersburg papers can get them the day following. Dec- 4th. 1862. TO THE PUBLIC. K ELLEY’S BOOK STORE will, from and after this date, close at 6 o’clock, P. M. Subscribers to Richmond payers can get them the day following. Dec 4th, 1862 Head Quarters, [ ' Fort Fisher, Dec. 4th. ) ALL OFF CERS on leave, and enlisted men on furlough, from this command, will return immediately. W. LAMB, Dec. 4th, 1862 Col. Commanding Fort. 47-3t MAYOR’S OFFICE, 1 WILMINGTON, Dec. 3d 1862. ) A LL persons having claims agairst the Town proper, will please hand them in for approval and payment before the 10th inst., as the Town accounts must be closed np to that date. Dec. 3d.1862 JOHN DAWSON, Mavor 466t TAKEN UP AND COMMITTED to the Jail of New Hanover County, a negro boy who say a his name is JuHN, and belongs to James Priest of Richmond, Va. Also ANoREW, beloning to ths estate of Mr. Erambert: also EMANUEL, belonging to the estate of W. C. Bettencourt; also JOHN, the property of W. W. Peirce. The owners of the above negroes are hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, or they will be dealt with as the law directs. W. T. J. VANN, Sheriff. Dee. 1st, 1862. 44-6t&10-lt AKY DONATIONS O F CLOTHING, Blankets, Bocks. Ac., for the 18th Regi ment, if forwarded to Wilmington by the first of De cember, will be taken in charge of, and sent immediately to the Regiment. Nov 27th. 1862 H. WEBB, Q. M. S. 18th N. C. T. 41-tf NOTICE. A N ELECTION will be held at the TOWN HALL on the third Thursday of December, (18th inst..) for seven freehold ars to serve as Commissioners of the Town of Wilmington for one year from the first Mondav in January. 1863. H. A. BAGG, Dec. 3d, 1862 Town Clerk. 46-te NOVEMBER 27, 1862. A T A MBS'] ING of the Directors of the Wilm sgton . Gas Light Company, held this day, Jas Darby was elected Superintendent to supply ths place of Win E. Mitchel, deceased, and Jos. A. Sintas as Treasurer in place of Win. Hyde, deceased. Ordered, That from and after the first day of Deoernbei next the price of Gas shall be ten dollars per thousand feet, subject to a deduction oi 16 per cent, if paid for on or be fore the 15th day of each month in which the bills for the Mme is presented. Nov. 2!hh, 1862. JOHN McRAE, Z. LATTIMER. DON L McRAE. G. R. FRENCH. 43-tf AOTICR TO COUNTY SALT AGENTS, Wilmington, Nov. 24th, 1862. 1 AM again at my post at the State Salt Works, and will be ready iu abou' a week to distribute 200 bushels ot Salt per day, and soon increase it to 300 bushels per day It will require 100 bushels of corn per day, and 2,000 lb of hay aud shucks or fodder. 1 calf on the county agents to assist me iu procuring these necessary supp ies, without which the Salt cannot be made. Individuals will be sup plied with Kalt for their own use for these articles on fair terms. J M. WORTH, Salt Commissioner. nov. 39-2w* SANK OF WILMINGTON, N~ . A N ADJOURNED MEETING of the Stockholders of i A. this Bank will be held on the 11th December, prox. W. L. SMITH, Cashier. Carbon) and Wadesboro' papers copy until Uth Decem ber. Nov. 26th 1862 DIVIDING MO. 14. 40-td 4 LEU-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of 4 percent, has this A day been declared by the Directors of the Bank Wilmington. N. C., payable on let December. of w - L. SMITH, Cashier. Isrooro , Kalisbu-y and Wadesboro' papers copy 2 weeks, ^ov. 2f,th ’ ^ ‘ 40-2w NOTICE. K g Ms opportunity to say to my old customers and public generally, that I have retained to town and ihe above reward will be paid for his delivery to the nu- { - Bimkiej’s Depot. W k M. R. K, or for his ' ma ? be found at my old stand on North Water Street,'where .die confinement in any Ja-ii so that I can get him - 1 will be pleased to see all who desire to purchase any ar- „ D. H. Cf»WAN. 11C1 * 8 1 may have on hand. Au K 30th. 1862 snn.% ■.» loft rfor sale, D. H. COWaN. SOO&Mf rnHIS combination of nn divines wa first, prepared bvthe aL^T’' 0 - 1 '" ls ^’ * hen he was proBbauced by three J J pb.vs.ciar,, in a synthem city, as in an advanced stage oi Consumption. Fnest Pills cured him. He is now over seventy years of age $ ^ """C ^rnr good effects upon others crea- b a o-'tiis.iol for them that he was compelled to de- ^'j 10 ® supplying them gratuitously. t J h n y / re NOT r ®« o ^®eni*»d by the proprietor as good DEBS OF THE t men 7 a""' 1 " """' "“ CISUR. DIVrjR. M»ny persons have testified to their good effects in Chills, amt Fews. Bdu>u* Fever Pneumonia, Dyspepsia, tic., &c. Head the following: noli! Wihi-tcK, Esq., Treasurer of ths WVmmqte,, and r ‘ 01 ''' ( ^”?- M ’ 1862 >) saya: “It has been said that- Drar-nj-su is onr national disease. However this may be, it caused me long and severe suffering Pro- Videnttally a iriend furnished me with a f ew box f a cf ,£ Hepaim Pitts, and the use of thim hasperferled a core In my iamUy they have been used sucass. .Among my acquaintances, mono Huses origin™^ cm diseased liver, have been relieved and cured bv them’ I regard them an invaluable meficine, and lake nleashrei ■ forwarding this voluntary tribute." ' LOL John Wright, ol Goldsboro, N. 0 , (Ann u , ’i a7 t' " 1 '£"? "**■* the “'’" azotic/Wta mv tam withThXY P 1 , an ^“° n "> Alabama, and Liay success I have a valuable servant girl who had bae along time under treatment tor consumption without re reiving any benefit. Almost in her extremis I “ i in ilnoed to try the Hepatic Pills. They were given afcord aDd 8119 to "°" ’ eu - ^‘i^ res^ t them. A similar case occurred ameng my servauts in miton " r ”' a " d lms di,w “ EeB 7 V^M con/iskLe wrX^Sbox. °' W ^^ " 111 bo ^ cob proprietor to put” three’puis «[ M d !™^^ m^ri^ *5° ? nc ““ 1 b ° ve stated . a liberal discount will hi RICE, FLOUR AND SALT. I wish to buy all kinds of country produce. Nov. '26th, 1862 S. B. JENNINGS. 40-lm A L. A DI AND UWNTL&MA^ h EMuE to adept a sprightly Orphan Girl of respectable parentage, (no other taken) between the ages of 2 and 4 y ® a ?;, Address immediately, A. B. C., Clarksville Va with .ud particulars of family, name, Ac. ’ ’ ’’ Nov. 15th. 1862 7t2 # NOTICE. HE subscriber having qualified as A miuMmor of A A M & ^‘V\ Pai80n ’ Deceased, (late Lt. toL of the 20th n at A °8 ust term, 1862, of the Court of Pleas ana quarter Sessions of Sampson county, hereby gives no tice to al person indebted to said deceased, to make nav- sn 7“ riber I and ‘o those bating demands to present them duly authenticated. WM ' A - FAI 80N, Adin’r., $$k 1862.--32-4w near Warsaw, N. C. BBOKK JAIL. ZAN THE NIGHT OF THE 26TH INSTANT, the follow. S P , M t o ^ brokB 0 ’ Jt 01 1118 J" 1 of Sew Hanover County . 4. J. Benson, of Bladen County: G. A. Johnson Jlrsrpoli 4t %*y ; 9- ll- C ™P 'Gof the 51st Regt.; Et p ^ 7 \-°v? wa 5 ab 2 r 'G J - w - ‘ vi! “ s - D™ BoKw Call,le ’ G ' c*® 8 - 01 B ooswick County , Henry Colts, from Fort Macon. $ 10 ° y m . b ® Kiven for the recapture ot Ben. son, and >10 for each of the others. J3ept. 26, 1862 17-tf W. T. J. VANN, Sheriff COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON A SKV^ “SEDERS ot th” S L*. is .ailed, to .ake place in the Banking House in this town, on WEDNESDAY, the Oih Inntturt. By order of the Board. Dec. 2, 1863. T. SAVAGE, Cash’r. . ^^JEarborough^ntherner copy one week. Sept. 8th, 1862. 2 3m* NOTICE. THer&vmrdS;' my Co “P“?> Bail Road Guards, are on the 2d Wedn^u* .“n mb e u at Ll ’i“S“0” Creek Bridge, k!readinm« r A ™ d 7 * a December, which is the 10th, to be 1D ^ ea d> n eBs to receive orders. D w Dec. 2d, 1862,-45-7t* * Capt. MILITARY NOTICES. FOR SALE AND TO LET. HEADQUARTERS, ■ Camp of Instruction, Camp Holmes, December, 1, 1862 ( In accordance with instruction! from the Secretary of War the following General Order, No. 96, is published : The Enrolling Officers*of this btate wi’l pay particular attention to the same and report to these Headquarters all cffi fere and enlisted men who do not comply promptly with said order. FOR RENT, jfea THE DWELLING lately occupied bv M ly, Esq., on 3d Street, 2nd North ofat Tar >°‘ H - Kei A]a0) wharf and Sheds near W. C A 8 £ hur ck 0^^852 ^^Y * ^ 48-tf By order of Ccu. PETER MALL TT. Commanding Camp of Instruction. E. N. Mann, A djutant. ADGT & I General Orders, i No. 96. ( IP ECTOR GENERAL’S OFFICE, 1 Richmond Nov. 27, 1862. [ Commandants oi conscripts will can :e the following or der to he published for at least seven times in a sufficient number of rewspapers in each Sta e of the Confederacy to ensure i s reaching every part of the country. 1. All commissioned officers and enlisted men who are now absent trem their commands from any other causes than »c ual disability, or duty under orders from the Sec’y of War, or from their department commanders will return to their comrands without'delay. II. Comraiss oned officer? failing to comply with the pro visions of the foregoing paragraph within a reasonable length of time, in no case to exceed twenty days alter the publication of this rder, shall be dropped from the rolls of the army in disgrace, and their names will be furnished to the commandant of conscripts for enlistment in the ranks. Ill All enlisted men who shall fail to comply with the rrovis ons of paragraph I , of this order, wrh.n a reasona ble length of time, sha 1 be considered as deserters, and trea ed accordingly, their names to be furnished to the commandant of c »nscripts, in their State, for publication, or such other a tion as may be deemed most effio cious. IV. In order to ensure the efficient co-operation ot all concerned to carry this order into immediate effect, De partment Commanders are directed to require from the commanding officer of each separate comma d in their De partments a prompt report of the names oi all commission ed officers and enlisted men now absent from their com mands. These reports must state in each case the cause ot absence, and any regimental, battali n or company com mand-r who shall neglect to furnish such a report, or wh • -hall knowingly be guilty of concealing ant case of unau thorized absence, shall, on conviction thereof, be summar - ly dismissed. V. Under the provisions of the 2d clause of paragraph I of General Orders No. 82 commissi »ned officers and pri vates who are incapable of bearing arms in conseq 'ence f wounds received in battle, but who are otherwise fir for service, are required, if not otherwise assigned, to report to the nearest commandant ot conscripts in ther respec tive states, who will, if they are fitted for such duty, assign them to the collection of stragglers and the enforcement of the provisions of this order, with full power to call up .n ihe nearest mililary authority for such assistance as may be necessary thereto. VI. ffi -ers of the Quartermaster’s Department, charged with payment of troops are hereby directed not to pay act comm ssioned officer, non-commissioned officer or private who does not lurnish satisfactory evidence that he is n. t liable to the penalties described in the foregoing order. any disbursing officer who shall make payment in violation of th s order shall be liable on his bond for the amount of such payment. By order. (Signed) Dec. 3. 1862. S. COOPER.. Adj’t and Inspector General. 46-7t Headquarters Dist. of Cape Fear, ) Office of Chief Qarterrafter, > Wiimington, December 1, 1862.) A LARGE NUMBER OF SHOVELS is required by the Government toi use in the city for a few days. Persons havirg the article will aid the public service by sending the same to Captain C. W. Styron, Depot Quarter master, who will see that each is returned to its owner. In cases of loss or destruction, compensation will be made. JNO. W. CAMERON, Major and Chief Quartermaster. • Dec, 2nd, 1862, 45-6t ORDNANCE OFFICE, / Wilmington,-Nov. 28th, 1862. C WANTED 70 PURCHASE for the Ordnance Depart- O ment, ONE HUNDRED DRESSED SHEEP SKINS, with wool on them. J. W. ARCHER, [4Mw] Capt. & Oid’n. Officer. Quartermaster's Department, 1 Wilmington, Nov. 27, 1862. | ALL parties who have accounts against this office up to November 21st, will please present the same for pay ment immediately. All accounts contracted after that date will be presented for payment to Capt. C. W. Styron, De pot Q lartermae.ter. Nov. JOHN W. CAMERON, Major & Q M. C. 8. A. FOR RENT. S?rS? LI p G West sid ® Front and North Of Mn’k Street-. Possession given at any time A . ^ Doerth. 1862 P^AY 4 FOR RENT. strwt s H0U8B ° n fiecona ' bet ™™ Ann Apply to Dec. 4, 1862. 48 tf and Nut DANT, FUBGns HORSE FOR SALE. A FINE DARK BAY STALLTON e^y 7 KI1 H1 ™""- Es 1> A^ Dec. 4, 1862. % TIL the first October 1-63, the House on Ok nut Street below Fourth, re en’ly occupied tain Henry M. Drane. Apply at uw ' npiea b ? Dec. 4th, 1862 For particulars, apply to w. D. L SOUTHALL Lumberton, ft '(j _ 41-61 FOR RENT Ci THIS OFFIS «-l JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE " r OFPI R AT PRIVATE SALE, a '• the N - C - Ba.lroad hair'!! !, 8 D° m D J’eburg Station, containing 8K serp. -iBlf cleared, the balance wood land 125 aerea nr above are Yadkin River bottom lance. 2)50 75 quality creek bottom bud, uncleared. A good S' 1 on the place, and a - efficiency of oat house’ll Ior50 l ,, : "l Also a good orchard. Jor ou negro application for further information will be diaHai subscriber, who will be on the place for the nexS ^ Holtsville, N^C., Dec 3,1562. AN DBh8t>N Eb ' TO RENT. THE DWELLING HOUSE on the Pantun of 2nd and R.d Cross streets, and, also, the immediately South. ’ Possession given the 1st of October. Sept. 20?h, 1862. Apply to 11 8. D. WALLACP _ 12-t FOR SALE OR RENT. DFi-IRABLB Two STORY DWPin H>UbE, on the c- rner of F ur>h and Walnuts !! formerly occupied by the subscriber ‘™' ALSO, in^helbove 017 Dwellin S Uou8e 011 ^'th Street, adj, * ALSO ’ A small one-story House on Dry Pond, near not For particulars, apply to toe Oak Sept. 9th, 1862. W. J. PBICB, or BONEY tiOUTHSBLIS . . SPi-T FOR SAL®; 4 PP' Y at the Store of Mr. Geo. Myers’, Front an Aug. 27th, 1862 1 SOMAS EVAS :____________ 297 FOR RENT. ^. MY DWELLING, partly furnished, on Second str Possession given immediately ° j'° V ' 2 8L^6^-42-tf THOR, B. CAR BOOKS, STATIONERY, M. ™J ELLErs B00K STORE ~ TS NOW OPEN for customers, and has recsivi 1 large supply of paper, envelopes, pens, ink, pel &C n’ In o^ e J ieL that a soldier wants in Camp. P uec. Ju, 1862. PAPERS F“pIpersiT I /J® 1 EI( !BM o ND. Petersburg and Charleston, scribers will be furnished regularly and loss time! " Dee. 23,1862. £ELLEY ’ S Book St » 4l-12t -. SOLDIERS! ATTENTION! u T CELLEY'S Book Store, at the he the Market House, you will find abundant stipe Paj?® 1 ’ ?^ u ?’’^ an 4 envelopes, at reasonable prices. Dec. 2d, 1862. A DV E RTISE ME N'T. Head Q arters, ) Wilmington, Nov. 24, 1862. J VTD.GitfhilS will not be permitted to pass the lines, with- o^t a written pass from their owners. By Command Brig. Gen. Whiting, Nov. 25, 1862. J AMES H. HILL, Chief of Staff & A. A. General. 39-tf SOUTHERN SONGSTER NO. 2, WILL be ready for issue about 15th December. per 100, $2 a dozen or 25 cents for single copi Send orders to T. S. WHITAKER,. _ Book Seller, Stationer & Publisher 33 Wilmington, N. PLAYING CARDS. Q-aarterinaster’s Department.) WiLKINGTON, N C., > Nov. 24, 1862 ) W A ^T_ To HIGE twenty-five TEAMSTERS, for whom TV the highest cash prices will be paid. Apply to Nov. 25,1862. C.IW. STYRON, Capt. & A. Q. M. Headquarters Wilmington. 1 Nov. 18th, 1862. ( To the Citizens of Wilmington: 'PHU UNDERSIGNED having been specially chaiged X with the defence of the Cape Fe^r, has assumed com mand. Cons dering the present condition of affairs, both a ® re v 8 the pestilence which has desolated the city and the threatening attitude of the enemy, he makes an earnest request to all citizens whose families are absent not to per mit them for the present, to return home He would much prefer that no non-combatants should be in the way. not knowing to what extremity he may be re- cuced. In the course cf events, should he be governed by his own inclination and judgment in this matter, he will P rfc ter - a Y the old and honored place iu ashes, sooner than permit it to be occupied by the countrymen of Butler. Very respectfully, Nov. 18th, 1862 W. H. C. WHITING, Brig. Gen’l Commanding. 33 tf NEW CAP FACTORY. I IP" 1 tK ‘ da y at the lat8 stal 4 of John Hilztager, 8 j BDreet, a rew stock of CAPS for Military Civic wear. All in need of the above will do wel‘ by calling on me before purchasing elsewhere. All orde’s promptly attended to. All goods manu actured by me are warranted. „ H. M. MaSON. Dec.3d,1862 46-lw* ON CONSIGNMENT. 1 1 TIERCES BICE FOR SALE, by 1 4 DEROSBET, BROWN & CO. Dec. 2nd, 1862. 45 . 6t SUGAR. BBLS. BROWN SUGAR, on consignment, for sale ^.^62. J0i K BLu880 “ & 4 ^; RICE, SHEETING, AC. OH CASKS RICE. 10 bales Sheeting, 30 bbls. Flour, 10 hhds. Lime, 8 bags Coffee. • Oct, 1st, 1862 For sale by T. C. &S3. G. WORTH. 21-tf | J NVOICE received this morning of a beautiful assort at WHITAKER’S Book Sto Dec^3d TURxNEl^ D AILY expected at Dec. 3d * WHITAKER’S Book Sto 50,000 ENVELOPES, A SHORTED. In score and for sale at £X . 22±21 L WHITAKER’S Book Sb KELLEY’S BOOK STORE W ILL BE OPENED again on Monday next, Nove 24th, 1862. All of the latest papers will be for also a good stock of paper, envelopes, pens and inks, the latest Military works, such as Gilham’s Manual, Regulations, Hardee’s Tactics, &c. Nov. 22, 1862. , WILL OPEN TO-MORROW! E. LAWRENCE, Butcher, begs to in- 1 • form his old customers, that his M E A T STORE wi 1 be open to-morrow, when he will have for sale a prime lot of A No. 1 BEEF. December 5, 1862. 50 DOLLARS REWARD. ftS RANAWAY from the subscriber, on the4thI ber, a copper col >red boy by name of ADAMS. 5 feet "incurs high, and very pleasant when spot win give the above reward if delivered to me or coi ia jail so that I can get him. J. T. SCHONWA Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 21th, 1862 38&9 OPEN AGAIN. THE PALMET TO HOTEL is egain open fo reception of visitors. The House nas been th on ly renovated. JAMES H. BAIL Nov. 24. 1862. j SUNDRIES FOR SALE. I ZA TIEBUJSS WHOLE MICE; 13 boxes Tobacco; , Casks, Glue—a few pair shoes, Salt, Apply to PETTEWAY & MOO Doo. 5, 1862. _ SPIRITS TURPENTINE InTu ^UK SALE BY Dec. 5, 1892 PETTEWAM & MOO BACON. LBS. N. C. BACON, on consignor" 2000 sale by JOS.’B. BLOSSOM 4 Dec. Sd, 1862.-46-611

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