, 1 ' ;.-. - . ' ..." , l i - ' .fa VOL. 12. VtfO. 60. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, . DECEMBER 19, 1862. "WHOLE - NUMBER 3,441,, ; 7 i SIT 1 li! iU' li 1 v-b m s nv nxTos prick, proprietors. IS. .rl'l.TON. Editor..,. A. L. PRICK, Ablate EJitor. I ' ' ' . - KKMS OP M BCRIPT10S CABU IH ADVANCE. 12 month,:. ......... .. $3 00' , . ..' 4 60 3. k 1 '15 I ...... 100 1 M ' , (for troops In camp only,) . 75 I 'ally Paper to the trade $3 per 100. or 3 cent per copy. Weekl Taper per year,..,.... J 60 - " per month... . 0 60 The apr will be diaoontinaed at the expiration oi the ime paid for unless renewed. j . , A a letter on bnaineaa connected wIU tils offloe, men be ddreased o the proprietor. ' , - ' BUSINESS iND 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS LETT, SUITI1S, BLOCKER & C0M MANUFACTURERS OF SALT. . W. Lm, J. M. Evith, W. E. Fmith, J. C Blocks and - J.-B. Catr.- W. D. 6M1TH, igent in Wilmington. J. W. LRT .. ' " FayetiHe. II 8 AuEN for the abore firm I will tfell Bait at market InL price. . : - 1 can be found at Alexander Oldham a Btore on water ktreet below Market Street. Car b must accompany all ordera. W. D. SMITH. WnmmRton, N. a, Dec. lit, 1862 . 4-2w COX, KENDALL & Co., ' a UESTS FOB TEB RICHMOND MANUFACTURING f COMPANY, are recetrlnr erery week Cotton Yarna knd Osnaborpia. , Jn. lit, IMjJ'i. 88-U. RAIL ROADS. t)C1e Utu't TrMttprtatlon Afrrnf, WlUflNflTOt A MiKCHESTt BlIL liOAD CO WUinlarton, IT. C.; Deo. Ut, 1H62, t A LL shippiD)? or rHjeivin? freight ty tbi X. Boad, era agaia ponllcd that cbargoa mn. I paid prerloai to ahlpiEent from, or nlivey t tbe Depot. - - - Jt)8N McLADllIN, Agent. . , Dec. 16th. ' 6G-lm Oppict Gek'i. Frr't W. A W. 11. 11. Wilmington, Dec. 13;b, lo62. TBE EXPRESS Fre ltbt and Aeeomniodation Train will ' rn tn-weekly en and after Taeadnt th Ifcfc int. 1-eare Wilmiagloa 2 o'cl-kli. P.. M.,Tu sJiji, Tbui3aj and Batordajs. Arrlre at .Wi'mlugton 10 A. M., Mondays Wednesdaj ana rrwej; AIJCX. OLDHAM, 4ucMor Htekler A Oldham.) KALER IN OBAIN, PBOPKIBTOB OP THE OAPB FEAHCOKN AMD FLO U It HILLS, ASD COMM13- ON MERCHANT, . WiLMwerow, N C. Feb., 1961. - CO-PA nTHKRSU IP, HE nndersigned hare thia day entered into a General . CommUalon and Mercantile Boaioeaa, under the Ann of StekleydtCo. ' ' ' ' Mr. D. Cauhwell la oar duly empowered Attorney for the transaction of any and all bnaineaa of tbe Arm. Oflioe ia ranie t 'a How, aorta water Btreeu , - ' 1 C. W. OLDHAM. Wilmington, M. C, Feb. 1, 1862. r 127 i. i. cox, 1. 1. XIMBAt.Ii W. r. IIMDALI., COX, KKNDALJU A CO, COMMISSION WFDCHA3TT8 AJfD W HOLES ALB QUO- ko. u ii, jnona water tn. March l lth.lMl 167 tf AVALRkU JUS ARBS. (9ucceeor to Walker ileare ic Cn.,) TTHOLtSALK AND BKTAIL DKUGUIST, YV 43 Mabxr Ctkixt, Wiuunqtoii, N. C. c. d. titia, PLL19 A MITCIIFXL, B. P. MITCnitU, WHOLt-'SALB AND BETA1L DEALERS IN a rfAnvr n l. a o a tq uvei ur uiafiuDAftj mi. urii.i f lVSttiXt XriLAri, AlUi v aAAa oaa. vu wou, J FEESH GBOUSD HOMINY, 110BSE A COW FEDi itso, EASTXRX AND NOB TH HIVKB BA T, No. 0 North Water Street, i WiutiyeTOX, N. C. February 16, 1860. . 13 ly IIARRIS9 HOWELL, C0MMI8SI0S MERCHANTS, Wiuokotok, N. C. flKOIQl BAIRISS; A. J. BOWXLL, - W. W,. BARKX38, OcLlBt.1868. ' SB" REWARDS. tas REWARD. f S BAN AW AY, some time since, a mulatto boy named fl BEN, aged S3 years, short set, carpenter oy traae -1S tbe nrODertT of Mr. Ana 8. Moore. - , ine above reward will be siren for his delivery to us. or lodged in any laii wner we can get mm. Ueo, Is, lot)A. k)o-iw raixinai s bud. 19V REWARD. 9M SANA WAY FROM THE SUBSCRIBER, about the Af 25tb July, a negro man named JACOB, genet illy -i!k.kno n as Jacob Hunt, hating until recently belonged u tter.Tl os P. Hunt, sn alien enemy. Said Jacob is about f . I . IRA 3 1. VI l I . mi tear oia. weicna aoout nv uouuaa. w very uuwt, uw an Intelligent countenance, and is grate and serious in his expression. . Be naa been a arayman in vriunugfon iot a nombsr oi tears, ana at uie imio oi nia aosooaaug wh hanlinff aait for Messrs. Rankin. & Martin between the Honnd and Wilminrton. 1 will Da the abore reward lor his apprehension and irelivery, or confinement in any jau S9 that 1 can gim. DvBBUT2 CU XLAK, Angnat l,g' 'ytT ' BecejTer. TDIR1 JOLLARS REWARD TTUCB WILL be paid for the arrest of JOHN BAHNI3- It TEB and WYATT DUNCAN, deserters from the Com pany (formerly Co. A, 2nd Regiment N. C. T.,) under my command, and now stationed at Port Ht. Phillip. , vALVIN BAJcmco, vapiam. Dec 9th, 1862. ' , . 61$5w ALCOUOIm I AM now distillmg e superior article of 90 per cent. AL COHOL, which I offer tor sals at reasonable pricea.- Applyto aa. mcwaua. April 1,1861. . ' "- 15 SUGAR SIBAK. EHD8. New Orleana brown bngar. Deo. 6th, lftCl For aale b? 8 BAAH 4 BUoTfltiR. 49Ut SALT. . BUSHELS DBY SALT, br' store and for sale. b QUIJ J. B, BLOBSOM 4CO. Dee. 8th, 1862.-60-tf - ' - - ' - -' ' a. W. JEWETTi t ins PBWrTPAL df Wilmlnsrton Male and Female JJ Seminary, has opened lM4li ACADEMY la Bute Tula. "', ' ' ' Aatea of Tuition 40 r 60 dollars per annual session, ao- cording to studies. . Excellent boar A can be bad at 23 aol- Pupila are receired at any time, asi charged from the time or entering. . ,T7r Nov. lUt. lMr - r 364w ; GUN CAPS I PIsT.LCAP31 , GUN AND PISTOL CAPS, Jut receired and for sale by - . . .WILSON'S. 130,0Q0 Dse. 17,1881. Dec. 16th, 18C2 S. L. FREMONT. F.rig. tup't-56-tf d Co. ) ENDBKT, i, 1S62. ) Wilmington and Wtldon ltallroad ft OPPICI EKOINKRB AND FCTEBIM Wilinlnsrtoa, Nov. 28th, VJO KEG BO can pass over thia road, unless accompany Li ins a white oeraon. without a written Datta srivuiK a description of himself and signed by some rt-pponsible name known to tbe Agent when the ticket is purchased. 411 negroes withont such pa- will bo excloded from the trains, and if found tmuggkd in, will be cocCned in jil or returned to their starting point. . . Kng. A Hupt- Nov. 23th, 1832. 4Mm Tarboro' Southerner and Goldsboro' Tribune copt 1 month each. W. Wilmington, Nor. 27tt, HCl. UESLMPTIOS OP KCIIDDCLi:. THE MAIL TRAINS on this road will resume theiormer Schedule on the 1st December. Leave Wilmington, 2:U0 A. W. Leave Weldon, I , 10:4 A. M, Arrive at Wilmington, k.-oo r. a. Arrive at Weldon, .. .12:00 The night train will be resumed in a le w day. , 6. L. FREMONT, Eng. A Sopt. Nov. 27rh, 12. 4Mf a i rTiNHFii nrnnak i cniwt&ntlv mnafu A trir tLe HKST FAU1LY FLOTJJi. at the rrTpK rkA!t pmrrR nriimhinon. at. C W.t.r Ktret ! fn whole barrels asd half harre't ,. ' La baga containing one-half ; , ' la baff tontain'ng ooe-lonrth ; ' In bag oontaining one-eighth ; - Tber keep oonstantly on head, at the Mill, aad at thel tt-jre, tltESII GKOUND XKiL, UOMMIM', DUAVIt Jt& COKX, CO W FEED, PBOF.TK, F yir, tfl., They also keep for aale . VOU N at wholesale and rettil : OA 7.1 et wholesale and reUI! ; ; FKAS at wholesale ac1 retal! ; HA 1 at wholetate and retaC ) ' V rliall'e FlUX iALT in r.clii ; l.terpw.l grwjr.1 ALUM SAUT, In cSt., . . . .. .. nKitv. -: rZ.f( BUSHELS for sale. Apply to OXjKt T M. G ADDS Ml, or II. R. PEBRIN. ' OetltrliCl , :- 2Llf CHANG R OP ECHKDILK. rem a-A-Hggaiggga O' N and after October ?Gth the Traine on th-i Road wll mo aa follows : mail t-atns. Leave Wilmington, 2 SO A. M., daily. Arrive at Weldon ., .11 SO ',, Unit Weldon............... 10 4 " " ' Arrive at Wilmington, fl 00 P. M. " 8. L. FliEMOxHT, F.ng. rtnp't. Office Eag. A SopL, W. A W. R. 11., Oct. U. 39 PPICI GKN'L SCTBKtKTKXDKNT, v ximxngion ana juancMMcr Jiau Jiocut Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 30th Co., , mi.) 'Jul ini--f CHAKOB OP SCHEDULE. ' and after this date the Trains upon thl Road 111 J rnn as follows aii. rnAW. Leaves Wilmington,. 9 00 P. M. Arrives at Klngsvilia, 7 30 A. M. ' Leaves Kingsville, 3 30 P. M. Arrives at Wilmington, 1 SO A. M. IXPBKSS PKIIQBT A NO ACCOSOfObAnOM TXALK. Leaves Wilmington on Tncadajs, Thursdnjs, and Satur days. Leaves Kingsville on Mondays, Wedacsdays, and Fri days. Passengers wishing to make clove Utronga ccftnoctions will Uke Afaii Train. No freight of any deecrlajion will be taken by Mafl Train, except under circum Ances of emmergency, when aouote local ireignt rates wuoe mvariaDiy cnargea. J- P. BOBERTi)N, GenT Bnp , Jf V A 't. 4-U EDUCATIONAL. MRS. LA IRA nOTIIWELL, WILL OPEN A SCHOOL for Boys and Girls in Msg nolia. onTHDRSDY. tbe first of Januarv. 1863 Terms, $6 per month, payable monthly. December io, 103. 69-im' IT. MARK'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C. Rlffht Rev. Tbo. Atklntoa, D. D , Vlillar. Rev. Aldert tmtdii, D. D., Xtertor. THE EXPERIENCE of the last term having satisfied the Sector thattb Bsarding Uepartmen.of the k:hoo cannut be maintained at the present price, be has, after consulting judicious lriends, determined upon the following charges (ur the ensuing term : ; tesxs: For Board and Tuition in Kogliih, per term of five montls, commencing Jan 6th, 1863 ; Taition n French, $160 ; Tnl ion in Musio on the Piano, Organ, or Guitar, $30, with $3 tor the ns of Instrument; Tnitiou on the Harp, with the nse of Jnstiument, $15 ; hinging, in private le-eous, $3 ; Draw-, ing, $10 ; Water Colors, $16 ; Oil Painting ; $i5 ; Pens and Ink, $2 ; ibrary, $1 ; Washing, at the cnarge of the laun dress ; the present charge is $.6 per term. Tbe rule prescribing a uniform it suspended for the present. . Baleiga, Dec. 15, 1862.-56-3t A., 1 Tkiascbt Dxtaxtmxnt C. 8, - Kichmokd, Deo. 2d, 1862. ITI TE.IUs.3X TO BE PAID JH AS XALRE AT UEAvil- ISO KUTES. HOLDERS of interest besring Treasnry Notes are here by notified that tbe interest which shall be doe ther on on the first day of January next, will be paid at th Treaau y or either of the Depositories of the Treasury, oi presentation t the notes, accompanied by a desenptivt ui uapucaie. sianas wui oe lurtisnea on appii cation. (Signed) Dec. Id, 1S61 C. G. MJEMMIXGEB, Be ere tar y ot, Treasnry. 60 tf " PLOTJR. ' BAfiBJELS FAMILY. For aale br - - - . UARRTaa unwrt! 25 ' CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDEK8IGKED huve this day formed a Co-partnership under tbe name and stla or KAHNWtlLKIt A BROTHER, for the trauACtion of the BTAVLK AND FANCY DKY O00DS BUSINESS. The patron of tb late lirm, a id the public generally, are invited to call and examine their atock. , DAVID KA1NWEILF.R. DANIEL KAUNWE1LER. Wilmington, Bept. 6lh, D62. .7 3a -- g4iaxlBALT. A SUPPLY OP OCEAN SALT, a good article re ceived daily, and for aale at lowbat market rates . M. MONK, 47 North Wster fctreet September 2flth, 1863. 17 tf Kko inker Ofpici Dist. op Cars Fsar. I ruiTH villi, Oct: 10th, 1864. ALL PEWONS having claims agaim-t tbs Engineer i'e psrtment ior materials or services applied m the con struction of defences in North Csrolina, can Lave their claims examined, and if supported by satisfactory certifi cates ot oilloers authorized to order the expenditure or proved jnst and equitable, tbsy will be paid by reference to ihi office, C. R. COLLINS, , Capt. of Engineers O. B. A. Oct. nth, 1862 31-tf TO THE TAX PAVERS CP BiKW IIAJfOVER COCfUTV. . fflHE TAX LIST FOB THE YEAR 1861, has been placed JL in my bands by ine uierx ana u now reaay ior lani tion and payment. Those who owe tax, either for IHO or 1861, will confer a favor by calling and settling immediate ly, as I have but a short time to make op the btate tax. Respectfully, Jtmeli. 1862. 144 tf W. T. J. VANS, PberilL IVTERMT BEARIKO TRBA8URT NOTES. TREASUBY DEPABTMEST, 0. B. A.,) Rjchmojio. bent. 26, 1S62. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that Congress hss duly suthorised the annual payment of tntereet on the 7:30 Treasury Wotes. . The Interest due on each Note on the first day tf January next, will be paid to the respective holders on presentation at me Treasury, or at any t-eyou tory of the Government. (Signed) . CO. MEMMINGEU, fM-tf Hcreiary of Treasury. 3 REWARD fA WILL be given for ay boy JOE, who ranaway on V tbe 1st of November,.and ia lurking about town or -IS may try to make bis wsy through Onslow, whs re he was raised, to the Yankees. J. K. CUBRIE. Nov. 21st, 1862 30-lm REMOVAL. james Mccormick, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 41 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C, Would respectfully inform bin fronds and tbe pnblio that be has reuioved bis establishment to the Btore on Market Street above Front, North side, two doors above Brown A Anderson's Jewelry Btore, where ? ill be pleased to receive and execute all ordera in his lu. w. - Special attention paid to Military Work. lie Baa .obtained the assistance of an experienced and skillful cutter, which will enable him to till ail orders prouptly. A large lot of military goods expected. fcept. 3d, 1862. . 303 tf SALT. LIVERPOOL GROUND ALUM AND DOMESTIC SALT on hand. For sale by UAKlUftH A HOWELL. Bept. 17. I2. 10-tf WILL OPEN TO-MORROW ! TB. LA Whence, BcTCHta, begs to in. form bis old enstomers, that his at E A T blOBB wl 1 be open to-morrow, when he will have for aale a prime lot of A No. 1 BEEF. December 6, 1862. 48-2! OPEN AOAIN. TBE PALMETTO HOTEL is again open for tLe reception of visitors. The House has been thorongn ly renovated. JAMES U. BAlLfcY. Nov. 24. mi. ZH-U SUNDRIES FOR SALE. 1 TIERCHi'S WHOLE RICE; i U 13 boxea Tobacco; - HpiritCaaks, Glue a few pair t hoes, Bait, Ac, Ac. Appiy io PETTEWAY A MOORE. Dec. 6, 1862. : , 48-tf SPIRITS TURPENTINE AND TAR FOB SALE BY PETTEWAY A MOOHE Dec. 6, 1891. iS-tf 'ADVEUTDiBMENTS -yi t .- ?.l I WUI be blurted at ONE DOI.i.AK. per square t ten , , I ne or over live lines, for the nrst InaerUou, and FIFTY '' ' CfcN'l'h pvt qnare foe eob repetition A Uns or less It half above raU.-CAtH IN Af'VANCK , . luAdveruaerheDU Inserted aaBpectal or Bishop Notices - ' 4 are charge done-half more than above rales sight data (leaded) or less counted aa a sqoare. . V SV Advertisements inserted every other dsy are ciierr ' ' 76 cent per square ior ssoh isaertlon alUr the first, r-, , , ' , ., trNo publication made without a responiible name. WANTED. WANTED TO IlinB , . . k , A GOOD WOMAN to cook, and a enta serrsnt for hnuse work, for whom (Air wsgts will be paid. Addwa ' " L," Journal OfUce. , . , . - . ,.... Io. 18th, 1862. 69 4t ' COSFEDKRATK tTATES ARMOnr.i , to go on' WANTED 25 steady and able workmen,' Leather Work and Knapsacks. , A so, 6 or 6 good Blscksmiths, t) go on Piecs Work. , , ... f KROELlfitl. ' " V i V Deo. 17, 163 68-61 ' WANTED - : , . . WO HIRE, 230 ABI.E-n I)IEI NEGRO MEN, ta work V upon tbe W. o Ah. Rsll Rad, In the Corn-ties of j liiebniond, Anton. Union and Mecklenburg. . . - , . Satisfactory bonis given and paymsnts made qaarferlv. Apply to Mr. Joseph B. Rusoe l, at Messrs. Worth, C. H, uobiunoc, at rvysttevuie, or to subscriber, in JWiiaosui town, Bladen coatty. H. IL ROBINSON, f.t Dee, 18, 1R61. .- -. . - 67-lsU , , WANTED. y TriB SUBSCRIBER Is io the market for tbe purchase ot r NEGROKt. Persons having sich property for sale , would do well to give him a call. 11 may be found at the ' store of Mr. Davi 1 Asroq, on Maikst Street. '.: ' DfC 12th. 1HC2.-fit lw A.flMITn. " STOVE WANTED. ; ,v WANTED TO PURCHASE, a seoond band wood Stove lo' heating purposes. A lair amount of pipe is want, ed with the btove. Apply at the . , JOURNAL OFriCE. . Dec. '1th, 1802 63 tf WANTED. CIRCULAR 8AWS, from 3 feet and npwsrds in diameter. Also, MILL SAWfl, for which high pricss will be paid ' at the Confederate Armory. L. FROELICH. Dec 8, 1862. 60-14t Fayettevllle Observer copy 14 days and tend, bill to thJa off! co for collection. f ' ; T LAMP BLACK. I N BAREELS, Tierces and Hhds. or aale by L J. B, BLOSSOM A CO. Dec. 8 h, lSg260 tf , t n. c. m nn. 7 EABRELS EXTRA N. C. LARD. "For ssl by Dec. 8th, 1862.' 50-tf J. B. BLOSSOM A CO. BUiSGS. 10 BArt,d,i8SbM A CO. Dc. 8th, le62. 50-tf EMBROIDERED COLLARS FOB STAFF OFFICERS, Infantry. Cavalry and Artfl kry. ai J. MoCORMlCK'S, .; , Market Street. TBEDOAB IRON VOBKP, RiCHHOliP, NOV. 28, IfCl. J WANTED. - - ; FIVE HUNi'Rl'Q HANDS. We with to hire for tbe en- , suing year, five hundred able-bodied MEORO MEN. to be employed by us at our Blast Furnaces, in Botetourt county, and at our Coal Mines, on James river, seventeen miles above this city. As our works generally are remote from theenenn's llnep, and tbe negroi s are well guarded, w th(rk It greatly for the interest of those having hands to dispose of, to hire them to us. . t ..- Tbe negroes will be supplied with tbe very belt provls- Ions, which have already been secured, and good Clothing provided for tfaem at all seasons of the year. , - , ThoNe of whom we have hands hired for tbe present year will please Inform ns whether we shall retain these band . at the furnaces nntll they are re-hlred j and If not, to wba' . point tbey shall be returned, as some of the owners may i have changed their places of lesldenoe. - Payment for the hire of these hands will be made either " at Farmville, l yocbburg, Flocastle, or this city, annually or quarterly, at the option of the owner. " , Applications can be made to P. T. Glargow, Flncastle; Wm. T. Patton, at Clover Dale Furnace j James L. Patton, at Grace Furnace : Wm. Jordan, Alum Springs John II. Jamieson, Lynchburg; Beoiamla Holliday, Fredericks Hall, Louisa county ; Jamee U. Pelndsxter, Farmrill ; or . the undersigned at the works. . J. It. ANDERSON A CO. Dec, 4, 1862. . . , r 47-16Jao 1 WANTED.. QAA GOOD ABLE BODIED NEGROES, consisting ot Owu tlackimiths, Carpenters, Firemen, Train hand, Laborers and Track hands, for which the highest oaL prices will be paid and payment will be made quartet . yearly. Contracts md immediately to Oflioe Engineer, and frnrerlntendcnt Wilmington and weldon Ballroao. ' " B.L. FREMONT, ! i . Eng. ABopt. Dec.Jst. 1862. ''' ' 45-10 7' Tarboro' Southerner and Goldsboro' t. Tribune copy month. WANTED. . . , , NE HUNDRED SHIP CARPNrER', to work at , PARKIDKV Jtr. HnN'ft -hln ui M Paid weeklv the current Dries of the Dost of tVi rclrgtoo. No? 18. Iu62 tf. ' . . . O WANTED IMHKDIlTb'LV, si FOUR OR FIVE GOOD COAT MAKERS. 1 he highest y'; tr lues will be fsid. ' pn-.es wi oe -..i r JAMES tfcCORMICKV Nov 17. 1862 37 it Market street. Wlmniw NVi , - "" DISSOLUTION. : . t V 11HE FIRM OF KABSWEiLER A BROS., is this dsy dissolved by mntusl consent. All person indrbted to the late firm are earnestly requested to come forward and settle their Indebtedness by Cask or Note. ' " . K. A Bros, return their sincere thanks to their friend ; and patron for pait favors, and ask a continuance of the ssme for tbelr iucceasora. - "- . Dsvid Kbaweiier and Daniel Kahnweiler only are author Iced to settle op tbe business of the late firm. ! -DAVID KaUNWETLEK. ' DANIEL KABNWHJLfcK. JACOB KAHJiWEiLEK. Wilmington. Pept. 8'h. 1861. -vi-r 7-ra DlBKOLCTlORi. ' ' 5 ' J THE CO-PARTNERSHIP OF 6T0KLET A OLDbasI . was dissolved by mntnal oonsent, on the first day t i January, 1862. Alex. Oldham having purchased the em r .' 1 property and assets of-the concern, will settle all ciaJnc- ,--and authorised to receive all dues. , " j ' JAMES 8T0RL31Y ALEX. OLDHAM. . Wilmington, . C, Jan. 16 Ch, 1862 - . ' . BtIMEiT"ROT7cE7" , AS SUCCESSOR TO BTOKLEY A OLDHAM, the Sub 1 scriber proposes to conticne the same businean, at tba same places office on Sontb Water Hrreet, and Cape Fear " Corn and Flour MUla, on iSorth Water Street, near Bishop's i Hotel, and hopes to merit an increase ot that patronage aoo confidence, so Liberally bestowed open the late fins. - - ALEX. OLDHAM".'' ' Wilmington. N. C. Jan. 16th, lgGl 113 , OIL OIL. s ,., . . 5 TIERCES SPERM. For aale by T ' - , CAR2S3 4 B0WELL. .' -; Net. 30tb lSCl.-40-lOt .. - t:j ' i : . ; . . i Z'- ':. '.' : ',,?"-:.- I l-l SoT.lWi. Ul . M-tf I ..V. .JKot. 26th, I8fi2.U40.5t ,'; ' . - "v '

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