? y 'V i VOL. 13. NO 281. WILMINGTON, N. a SATURDAY MOJlNRrG, AUGUST G, 1801 WHOLE NtJJfBEB 3,f)lL P F r "W BY FULTOM A PRICaT., ritC2'iiIET02l5. JAB. FULTON, Editor... .1. L. PBICE. JUijeU-ta EJ::o:. KRissop s.rcscmPTio:CAw:i 1.1 auvai;. Dally Paper G months,..,,,,.,. $J5 00 a 'Jv Tie Daily Jocrnai win beVopVl'ed by the niouu; t -K d U rt only, lot TH RES DOLLAKjrJ pr mouth . weekly rarjcr for ix months. a oo No snbsoriotion will ha received for either -noer for a longer period than six rro&tbs, and cone for tho Week',? paper for snorter tune. . TLe paper will be dacon'tlnned tt tho csp.Uon of tie t taw paid ror tralcra reae wedr The Trade will bo supplied with the Daily paper at After n DOLLaBS per 100 copies, or in that proportion for a Umb n amber, not antler 25 copies. AL letters on business connected w! thil oJCos, r:cct to addressed to the proprietors. ADYEBTIBEXEiSTF wtll be Inserted daily at HIRE D0LT.AK8 rrr tanaie of ten Unoa for each insertion CASH IN ADVAN JR. - wX.AdvertaemeuU inserted aaBpechil or EWop JT7!'M are charged one-half more than abore rate -eU ine ( leaded) or lem eoonted aa a square. Mr No publioatiou made without a rcr"lble rar.r. ?.- I..' Wiio-ii- ii'Vi June &th. v. . 1?P4. J bUSlNKSS AND PROFESSIONAL CAEDS T. ORKENFIKLD, CIOM MISSION UEBCHANT, J Adolphi Bank EuilJiupB, 17 fioath John btreet, 17, Liverpool. Bfera to Power, Low & Co., Wilmiugton. Jane 17th 239-COt M. CR0NLY, LATX BALX8MAN WITH WlLKBS UOBBM, AUCTIQNEED, ILMa.OTOH, N. O. April Tth, 188 179-lj T. J. JOIIVSON & CO., EN EH All COMMISfelON AND FOll WARDING KEB VX CHANTS and A genu for bTEAUiiB iBAAC WELL'J ConBignmenta of Freight aoliclted. Office 46 North Water Etreot, Wilmington, N. C, April Slat . 190-tf WflOLEUALE AND EitTAIL DHU(iUIT, 37 Haekst Brnxs?, Irca Front BQiidin?, Wilmington, N. C. Feb.a7,lM3. 1190 y VANAfilRLNGE & CO., fkl ANDFACIUBEB8 OF MACHINEKX ()IL,TANXELS JUJ. OIL, Axle Ureaae, Oar Ureuao, Might Viiuisn, tpirita Turpentine. Lamp Black and Hoap. Wilmington, K. O., Janaary lit, 1SG4. . JanuarT 14 107-tf Orrici or Tbamstoktatioh Qua ktmbm akte a , i WiLMiNQTON, W. C, Jannar; 1, lbtii. ( ITUJ1C C. B. Steamer Oape Fear will leave the wharf at w il JL miogton ercrj Tneaday, Thoraday and B&tnrda at lj o'olock A. M., for the varioua poata down the. riter ; e timing Tneaday, Thoraday acd bnnday evening, iiaila and relght tonat be on board the previous day. The Quartermaster, Commissary und Engineer depart ments, having lOaded fata for points below, saould Lavt them in readiness for the Capo Fear to tow on days not specified above. I. B. GBAIKOEC, 64. ff Oapt. A A. Q. M. tJ3 UUANT1TIE3 to suit. Afenufautarcd by VANaMIUaGB & CO. tfarcblBt LIGHT. TTTE AEB now manufftcturing CAM?DESB, und shall If keep coaamntly on nana a iroon arrjcie. March 1. VAKAilBlatiB & CO. U7-tf A BLACK Pi PfEii. BDPEB10II ABT1CLE for eale by Drnnffli;t. Bov. as. . 7tf nKADQ,AUTIcr-S 3D MIMTAKY DISTRICT,) Dktt. Hobth Carolina ad JsorTniiBN Viboinia, V Wilmit gton, N. C, Jane 27th, 18t4. J CIUCULAlEl. THE BENIOB HEBEBYE8 in this TiatrJct are notified that by command cf Lt. General Holmes they are aubject to be called Into service by me whenever required ; aiao, that they will be placed under command of CoL Burr. Colonel Burr will receive instructions from these Head quarters and they will be obejed accordingly. . W. II. 0. Y7H1TUNO, ifajor Genera!. ' Juntas, 1864. 249-tfA40-lt iV-h IlSADa'RS 3d BII. DI8T UT.T1. JN. U. AND b. V., Wflmlojrton, June 7th, 1854 iNUXtUXli. a0 PEE VENT disappointment and froitle33 application . at these Headquarters lor pastes to go to tiiuhmond and Petersburg, Va., the Major Uecertl commanding here by notifies the public, that no paaeea ior non-combbttanta can be issued to go t eitntr city, cutil farther orders lrcm the War Department. By command of Major General Wuittko. JAUEd H. HILL, Uajcr aad A. A. Ueter l. Jnne 8th S31-t! STATIO.IKHV. LETTEB AND NOTE PAPER, Esvelopea, Pencils , - aad i'en Holders, Wholesale aod retail, at G. II. KELLEY'ri. JalyaO. 274 tf PRimia IUCK. EXPECTED daily quantity of fresh Bice in prime order, for sale in small or large lota. Alio a fe w casks lime, fresh and good, for sale by -J.. ' W02TH CO. .' Jnly 22. ., 263-2w FOR 8ALBJ. . a-a THE BTOBE corner of Front and Castle streets f-'jl Alio three Houses between Front and Second, oa if'JI a castle street. . . Also, wr rent or sale, the Ilouie and Ctore oa Sixth street, just over the Baiiroad. . For particular! apply t sa Kk?t J?ek Ang.a. 1 ff BBLB. JAMAICA COFFEE, XUv aa eases Cat Tacks, blaed assorted, Cotton Cards, caxacioth. 'Vjtco. ON Btidafter this da'.e, pafets'r traira wiil rnu aa ft I low?: l eave Wilininjrtnn 10 30 o'clock. A. tf.. tnA 10 -10 P. ST." Arrive st Wliirinp'ton 9.10 A. v., r.nd a.10 I'. X-?. Lf ave VeWon 5 ir, x. hi., c.i.i 3.1.r V.U. Arrivo Ht We!doi 3 '0 A - ' s.rd 3.10 i U. .. raeBcri3Jfiaviaztii wi.'l arrive i-i acut 3 j hoars Jane 10th. , L. I'rt P.MONT, i )if! tup,, & Hnpt.. 167-tl OKFICM OE. &VVr. XV. & M. It. it., . wnoiiiiifoo. K. O., Xaith lHi. FlI. Or? and after Hnrtdxy, t!ie 20b i-sat, ru: rr;?r will rn as fotiowx on thia Jind : feil'T'U. rolui Leave Wi!rniiK,toN " MaTjon .... " Florence .... " Hum. or, ... Arrive at Kiipsviui tlcily t. " Sumter " . " Florence " . " Marion . co-urn Leave Kir.gfviila daily at " Kurat:r " .... " Florence ... . " Marion " Arrivo tt Wilmlr.gtou dii y at ". Kunon . Fiorer.co " . 11.4.1 A, J. nd 12 Tj.iilaipM ....7.3s A.M. and 7.3f P. IT. ....ft.ofi A. M.on.i R.jfiP.M. ,...1 iH A.M.ati'IK'l P. M. ...4.15 A. ?5. uii.l 4 ?0 P. V. A.J.f. fcodl.3UP.M. ....V.V.r, H.IT. and 8 5.fi P. M, ..',.7.::o A. M tad 7.30 V.U. H JhVll. , ....5.10 'A.M. and 5 0aP, V. ....7.60 A. M. ud 7.f0 P.M. ..n.;n a. .v. andii.3i p.Mi ....1.31 A.M. end 1..UP.M, ....9.30 A. M.snd fi.3f)P. M, ...1.2'j A.X. and 1 d P. M. .11.V1 A. K.aad 11.21 P.M. .7.25 A. M. Mid T. 30 P.M. Fa!enpcrs Kolnjr toChtineJiton iihf.nLl tiko t'm 13 Mid nipM train to nitke a close connection Jit FlOrct'CO with Via North EiiHtern 11. H. Pasi-'pnperH RoifR to Ct-Inmhia can jjrj b? piUior Trr.iu, both Trair.a niabin elosg cnnnectioni at Ki;i!iviili wilh Trains on South Carolina B. 1Z. (orCoinmtIa, Acgus'a, ar J Charleston. The bteara Ferry Boa- HsrUe will 1avo Vv". & T. n. wharf t 11.00 A. hf. and 11.15 P. id., corucouus; with tha abovo Tr;i:E? goins't.' -outh. JIFKHY K. DHASJC, Oeneral riuperiu'sdrnt. Warch 25. 159-tf 0 W'iltuliKn, l.'fc : iott ce It. ii. I . N and after Motidar, the 16th iunt., tho PenKer Train on thia Load will rau cu follows ; Tusndays, Tlicradriy aaJ tJ.u;Qtd,w. Laare Wilmington :00 A.M. Kiversiae :a STorthwert 0:i'J. kl Karlvilla 1C:.M " Boiiadale 11:17 " Brown Mardi...,l 1:23 kl Bladenboro' 13: J7 I. Lumborton l:2tf 1 MoialNock 2:05 Bed Banks Shoe 1: cel........ 2:C5 ' LanriuburR 3:3Q 1 Arrive at 103 4:2a B.7 orc!o''. Uot. Cl, 1S(1 M DoWS T4AIW. Coiidsye. Vc tirirtsya t.nd l-'iiiiuyft. . .Lthve 103 at 5:3(1 a. y. JtiaiiiiabaiK C:37 fT-'.boo Hwl 7:iii5 KeJ Pa-j:M. ...... ..7:22 Mobk Nook....... .7:.S7 liUJIlllf ffcvjfl. liladenboro... Browa rd&uh.. Kosiudft'p ."tif.rlvillt , .. :s .. fc.3 ..10:10 ..K):A.5 .11:31 i':'-o r. M. A -,iv.? at. iuveu i'Ul'i:58 (VLrair gfci. 2:0ii '. ri. alle:-; r. i-t rsMTMrs'i'mi'Aswsjri4Mmrwri-i A. WO LF a CO., OP NASSAU, H. OFFEH FOE BALE Tiii LAI.UE-jT AND 'OS? CO 7: . plt te BBBunraeat tf cooan In their market. (Xnipri- BiOg U3 f jllOK3 : i:Alu.VAi t.Vi'lij'L. J, Lard, Pyerra, Whalo, Olive and LijtcseV'Oi'.i ; Ax'o Greaa?, Vcraiuh, Spring Bt.d To-ii vt,:ol', HaLb.t ilet4. bhovela, le-egrapn vir, ti-ameited tictn, l;Ma Luubrr Hoee, Pocking aud Boitini, t-au aud iaruory Paper, i.i mui h, 4c, Ac. . ivr Jfounartes uoi.er .;v-ts. c.m'ijM y',oi. V u Tin, Z.'uo, Lead, Iron and Spelter, Sk4o EiaswdrB, Yites. AnviiH, Ac. I3:autciB, hhora, Grej Cio'.r.s, Hanuili, Baf.tonij, J.'ccii Dn'sji of all kndn. GTATIOSET. Cop7irsr Boois. Payer and Pre? ; fio-i!irt Vfp.z, Rod rape. Load pencils, bwei tecs, rase ivnee, t:ar.i iook. Dryiuf? Oil, Kota, Law, i oolhcsp, Letter, Ltawii r, O.rt- ridge, Print ieg, .B.otucg, C'opyin?, at d Faniry Ppor3 ft ail kindi : L'o-.o Letter and Oiliciu.1 Ecveloreu. Day doow, Prints, Cloths, Sillto, SInrinoa, Flaau-Jli, JIulin's, Tweedy Meltons, Doaestic3, iShee:ii.'K3, iia s, Nedluy, Pins. Thread, Cottons ; Crimea i, Linen and Cotton Hfcir Jsx c" pacJors, Ooraet Laces, Bonnat FratneH, bitunas, ' i'liot'e teraidJ, fciasttca, tilt coiiioa,.ti k, Cutt-m ana Oarjurlc Handkerchiclo, Alpacas, Huoy tLU tft, Toweilii:., io. BOOTS AND SIIOSO. Conrrresa Gaiters, Balmorals, Low Qiarr r Fhce.. ij all atylcaand v-iict.t, lor LadicsUents ui.d LhJdrtn. Bcrews, Nails, Files, Saws, Planes, Ackers, Picks, IIoe, Bhovels, tlf-aveia, Axes, Tacks, Pudjocea, Wrenchos,TooI and bpnog ewei, ppoous anu rgres, uuerye utiisois, r-.noe-makers', Farriers', Baddiota', E.osiceera' and Joiuera loolfl, in complete sett ; Curry Ccmos, bice Nuila, Uorte ItdJii, Xrace Chaits. ADDT,E37, E A P.T 1 1 EN W AI: D, GILOCEUES, DEU03 AHU JDYE tiTC7o. Ei. Cab Eodj. Citric Acid, Kaddc-r, Borax, Vinecer. Liccrico Pasts, logwood, Ch'.orato oi Potasa, baits, Indi go, Alcohol, ta'.ti.tie, Copperas, ilustard, B;acii Pepper, bagara, Whiskica, Eradlds, and ail kinda ot cspirua and wines in caeo una ca.E; feriumcrtes, ncueid. tretorvei and cauces, fcoap cl1 Candles, ink, Logurs. COTTON CAP.DS, CAFD CLOTHING, EINQ TSAYfiL- Lite, OALJr fclilSS, (Best French Wiutcd, Jl'Ji'U, &2. Garmy Bagpinir, Kentucky Uenri Eope, Mannili'iEope, Baiing Twine, etaiiiig Twmo, I.a.d Cord, iauiila Liuea. Pl?tD2 CarCB, bacsa.o Oh thj. Pcrtamery. ucady ade Clothing, Bolting Cloths, locethur wnii a largs nu t-l of general wares. . Any orders acoompanied by ren:tta."cej wiil b'fc 'pvoasp't ly attendtd to and Uiihluiiy executed, . J. U. I.AFITTB, Esfj., NBia, sesrs. JEiiVay 4 aifJELLEE, T. G. BUDD & CO., . " L. O. WAiaON it CO., Jn'.y 11. "...'' 2Gl-3Ji SOAP? S3 OFT AiD 1IAHD BiBUiactpred by ) YANAIISINQS 4 CO. , 147-U A' if .'S 3; fttt.lTAliV fJS7iiCT,j WUti.inctor. N. t!., fitli .lur,:-, L 4. ,. . .... , , I. J l.o roliowhii' McuicM OITlovs ore dctuilrd ai Uli'rry 1 ort rhjs;c!ana. cbrssd with ih i'uiy of eXAiniuinx ai d rejir.r'.icj uToa Uie e&tnUry Cundi'iof ot sv:! vi biolai.rrivit.il At Po-ti'i !)(.- S0rR.;.)Q rkj.l,fon. . -jA.lLi'iijaiH. t.rrfvii'-Wh-W?rrtT'nr r.t tux cvilio. th.-e hy New la'tt nor Drum t hal buoy or r.tk. I "1.1 t JieJl'. poiui. . The qi.-,rajt'ni jtrun-ds wilt" be cstab'iHltd nef.r Bml'.b. Vi'!; fu c! t.o Drum Blical. Tho rnrt rr Rnlc.tiviin as prlj.lt.d iu tie Wiiiaicgton Juur nnl will In) crrid out. ' VaoflfNfti living f ro:n BnrnmdiVnd fonnd to he sll ri.vitt, -.!-; inritviMhly proceed 1 1 tu city vwiMn atstioa. Tfc I;i n.m.i-d of Jamku II. J:i:o 7tV Liu., j GoJtornl WRiTISU. A A.Ocn-.rt 33 vtf iV ARVKBMAPTHK'8 Ovficv, ) Ai.rli 6h. 1C4. V TO Tit LI l'-iUJCtSfi AKD US"I-A'I'I Vl UV tHth- hiU'.Li: 'iliM ritMAMi. T F PAHTIE-; ut a dir.Uu.co wmlni to retid pnckRi;rs or 3 c: iilril.u'.ious as nliovt. will havn tbem nroiierl min k- cd and cuinined to niy cre, advli ing h,b at same lime by riiil or oiIjui wiho, J will rr.oMtMor tlnm and swo tbem promptly fft warded. Parlies rrsiding in Town will i! ae h:mtl c!l iiicli c; nti'i::iK.eir, to tha rronul Tratmt ortatiDii CUice oa liock biroot. - l.iaAC F.. GlULMJEl?, w Capt. A A. M. ApvilCih iu if CxtH Pl!4. V ' pril 233, lHf.J. J vrvicm ciirKi" KfVGKi Da-it. Cadi Wnintrt&u. N. O.. A pi mua ATTENTION of r-ortiis htvhit; cMw.a on thin iW X partne ut for veltie of liivs dvinj? in Oovcrcmer.t em- liiojajitt u ir.yttt'd to tus foilorflrig iiotlce. W. H. J A WITH, i;apt,. &. Chi; TxifS OVVlV.t EOAItlJ CTi SLAVIC CL. I.tli?, 1 IiionMOND, April Utli, ISJl. I OART1KS interested are beroty notift d th&t th Il-krd h ('Uorra apfdutud '"to nximme mtA una report on tbe jaaiicuand th amount, of olairrn" for "Ions of flavti whloa fjavo been toriprmtifld bvContedTAtn ftuthoritie. or uodr h:a:o laws,- tor tb nn of iba OonJedf rute O-Aem- mcut, ard whiU eniiotvl lul.iboriug. on toe punll j ds- tences. hiive finoapod t o the enmnv, or ak d, i t cortrctd diesawa, winch h.ve, after their duclare, rt-solti'ii la- taily,". u orRnuiss' d at Licinuond, ara will, on Monday next, the IHta n.B'anf., b.v,in )t rvpnlcr aetsionH. Lviiluoces ( f owi.t'rhip, of tu uut ot tn.pnnij i 4it, ot tha ftfte, Koucdoctii and vaoe cf ihn at&ve t. tM lmpr m tnflut, ar.d of tdu m of Vho Invu, vjbothr'r by enc.jie or il;'.iih. with l.o orcuimttancca a:Utid.ng th aanie, i).-: ;! uccoinpuny tho claims. A1 1 Uiti lctH mux' be M,t fotl?t la titd VJriCr.i! by, s.Cidft vii. o? competent itn- sa. Ooiruj, tua auUii'uUcitiC'd aud CTOQOuCd.ruuy be addro.js ed I.) Col S. V. V7 AH DULL, PrCiidot KldjVfi OKm Hoard, Box 1,4J5, Uicl.iiiuud. V.i. Aj-ril 25 tli !U3-tf Liniit-xt Dsi-AVTKR-r, Dicr. CAra Fiau, Vi liiuJj;(,tGi', :i. O'., Xdith lOth, 18ti3. J ff ()'ri'"i5 is hereby cfvon to ail persona harina cliitrnfi feainat ti.3 KdtneRr PfpnrfinPiit. or ei vices ot 'iiD-.cM liioplo.vtd r. lu'oorei'i cn the lni" tftenect oar V.i,:ni:;,lui, C, tJ.ft.t Use Ui;drHivocd 1 t'.Otiiorial ti ittci-m ni to puv the .no at urn olinu,, oa the aeoond Door ti tlx- 'tcilit; i.cai uuo j tleiuetf' Diug otore, iiuit S. I'tTj&fis extoijpc rcvefs 01 Atttornoy wai o.' :e ibi. ohuii'ii Wr&i i;a-ir MrSiu'ures, iu a:lciii8S,to bo wit iii L-ij l.y to wicii'5rM. und !;tui if onpih-ate, or the; K.slV OO W.l.Sf'!fSCU tWO (4 II Juhi09 Oi ub PuieCO CI tvCI C -;'Ci:.-.:. CF POVTLU OF ATTOIsEY. I, f,r , do hereby apioiui ., of a? I'w e-,l l.-ifcj A;cnt to- sign rtoe.j.H for, and rs je'v p:,v:r.'';C4 of 411 to'.aji dt to n l.y'ttlw tefjirei-r IVpiirt i.'i-.i:t vt Coa'ednrate btu'ca cf AsueiKa, for the aerrw e c: rsj Bij-.Lt, oiuploycd aa laborers on tfc iiind p',tin'. vn & Wit;;. sr.y hii'J Abd ooM, At 11 Tku if:u;ut'cii oi eotored pcraoaa sboald be trltaf?(,a fcj Thero iOubt te gr-parnf cnplicctsrowtraoi Attorcr.y I or pica Konm. faiscsi torau cftu be tad np'a a.ppucat.j al ttaoaxo. w. u. 4AK.VJ, C.:yu & Ctiot licy. a7Qi j aJaITs Il'LJ Fiij f v'C Olor7cr skoe copy tUl fobbl. luJ-f DxApqVAZtTsna Wii.Mji;uroK, day 2itb, li4. f "ft rAHTl-RR of Ships crgaed in runnLif the blcckad'!, XvJL ere requeaua t t;.a care t:at tneir lists cr tiosrOU' Kcis a:o cou:L'iftj tcfoTO fut wuroincr thorn ta IieadQuar tors lor ainaure, aiacy ioutuueus occur io whlct, purtiea with proper pun.iporU lo&e pansuR', oa acccunt ot their names not. appearing on t-ee cm pa m.u wncn iLspccea. Tnia uay be due in loaiiy c.'.sts to i.tifitct or igr.oicca cn ttie part ot ti.o iiacceuizers tnontiiclvca, tut as iu all cases. before a p.-esport is issued, p&rtits are rrqiired to specify u.o tn:ps iH MUion icey propxo v bui, u is easy to pro vldo Ecuin;t Jhoe Offiiuaioas. i . W. II. 0. TilllTISG, ' 1 . Ituyjt OjccrcJ. QCkial: . JASSAS F- UlLL, i'f j -.s Lil A. A. te-.er;fl. -LfcyStth . ,. 221-U Jii.Arxin's Deft. Caps Fsas, , Vilcusgton, A. O., April 2iili, 1. , ) NOTICaU. -T1NIIL FUETHEa'OKDKKH,-flo--isoTrTives- w U given to visit the Forte trd B.iltcries down the nvcr except t o tho o2.ee I a and soioiers ttitioned there. 2ycousmaa4i-f .-,T.- - IU.j. 0-o. , A.-VakmbEacst, ' . ilaj. & A, A, Cesctfi't. " ... ' A j. .-11 2Gth ' . AUCTION SAXES.' M. t'KOtf.r, Aiie'fo i.rr, ' , ' 1 V.'ITT.. :' ii!i;rr.:iiv. t;. ttrtt tnAr at 10- o'cti'C. A. M reit hi t.nhl-a nnnHnn.'- lit tint ma. . VI Hl iW (li u.ni! 1 ,f f .,,, f.r.m !. latlnv of Oetojinr, 1,, tha I !!oiox town property, tJ f 1. ih.tl.'tore oo 'bi c-tner of Margot and Feeond a rrrt, at i n sj,r. cuf.i, J t y j. p. y.rf, a rom in the rear cf said : oa 'M s'.rtet.ond tho dwc!llo above, with ci,-.t rcMiw. -8,t. ?4-fr-rTrCTrffVtTm"Baikct utet, copied by .Vr. A. at. CVior, a d t .o luryo aad roomy dwelling 3d. T 'o F toro at vvw t ec ipU-d by"Mr.-H, J. Jacobs, ' iiid h iic)'d abovir nh lour rciriiH. - - The bovo prorcrty cai t ar-en bofori the (Tat of nuc. tbn by appllcatiott W A. PAUL Bf-PtlON. An. 1 i r7t-3 L A.'H 0 TIIK f. i:iT tJP TllK KIVU IHf. Iittu nti(.j.r;;v ik p! lie vt. iuv.i a JCAnMC 1 il i' ;iit.;i;mjfc i.avV. i DHrO lliE- on oll '.rt.'l e reCtv.d by tie trsvnrer fnlh'i cby. AKtMast Trca u ers at CaaiKatoo aid Mublh. fc-nd tin DUoitart?s it V. ii jiii'ir'.ua, Jta'slnli. Co luiiihii A"KUlft, K.iva'rPft1! nod Moii'i-O'iiyiy, nd err. Id- catei will I u luol fat tlm aime, - be-mn lumreit at the S' r.i e of fortr tcr cut. p'sr anuum, audxcut'd by tho hypo tncc 1'ioo r Aiiaiooitt.cf tho uti-vo bo :d, equal to the sunt of Duma Kmih. Tlie bonde to bo S4i sna 't. i t H Treasur- cr, aiid -ttio prccowh, w Iimi sold, aj-plKd exclativcly to the pavmcnt of tho said certificates. - ' - iiie Aftouriiy nod cnavrtflienoa aajrda to Danxi arui other curriora'l in, an.l to the cubic tit rally, by this , rnoi'e of temporary invoHtrrwnt, and till efl ct of the roea. uio, .1 goncrsuiy aaried, lo xcepiufl! tu cairncy wftain iiiiuM'ittu iK.nus, tt u hi, will comnmnd It to Ui3 fitvor !' oild4rhli;:i of the omnian try, uA secuto tbolr pionij V co-opufation iu ca:rjl!!g It tiito flfiet. n U. A. 'll-ilWUH, . i fcecMsrj of tti? Trea-jory. - , JlU-hm-Jtfd, July. 22, 1:4 , . , . . r v, ti Di'posrroiiv, I " WiLMiNOToic, N. C, J'iy 2 i, 1864- I KPOriTJ oa etii win bo rncalvA-l at this iilioe In uccotdinci wdhtho i b'ivo notion. - KKULX fiAVAUil, :f Depositary. Ja SDih 274-tf D 1. ' Kl 164. iiiccfits act rsiMTAiiv niiTniOT, DPT. OF N. C. A So. VisaiNf A, f Tic!tn km ' ' 1 ' . riVlhl io!!owlj? Fiold hcI Htaff Ai d Company Command JL e s oi Uio Doiaitm:nc ButtAllon, coinmanuoj by sia J. rt. V. Hold, is publnMd foftle i-iormafion of.all CQU0fD PIUI.O AND BTAFI H. V. HVd. Tl Jor Oommindlog. - Jmnoa V.. JUujuir.s, Oaptala axttl A, Q, l " ' . . '-' Chaa. D. Myera, Adjltant. . . 'COJjrAST A. Robert IS. Mcltat, Cftpuio. . :. ' - C'.MPANT . Paniol W.Ilafcse, Cajifaiti. C. r.'K-jf-, 'a?lala. , , rOMPANT D. ' ' ' I 'Ot IV. L'tKofizie, t.p. in. COMPAWr a. il. II. Iec, Captain. ' , 1 " '. 2j 0jiiu-jJ'J of H.iJ jr G jaerl Wnima. ,. JAMEti H. HffX,' AlJor A A. A. Gnural. ' Ju'y 251U , 270 2w , boner:. H TB. JOSEPH H. UAREd, of New Orleans, is a parVJ IU. ner in our bouse here, and - Wilalcgton, JS, Cm Jail 38tbi IS3i. l:lai lIOOKti. YOUK'H CN'.ii.r-II GSAMMAH, (imf:rapMoal Enador, Jol.Uiiob'a Arimojbtic, i i u P.iunr, J.tck AJoj-cat Ponder, . Mi gi of Love, aud Lttieity, - Wl.is twi aid Maid, -- Mar ior. . Jcua Wl Jean, at Ju'y 20;h G. H. KELLKT'fi, . 274-tf (K)I. SlIOKis, 4C. '.' ' ." (AhEl EOOT'I AM KROOANa; ' I.-iij aud Kw.:ca Oa tr ; . , . " h i.lico', hnoe bud Uuileri; . " WyfjH Hhots j -I- ''. ' " e.,iiti c'-iu Ji.ut and UJter Fronts, and Horocco K!:iis ; - Black ii.a; ; ' ,; ' r pfcol cotton, Pins, TbreaJo. , , F-r ri! by t!:o ca.o, i.t OEOEGS U. IXELLSj H. Jaly rj. 274 tf rrOTICK. , , . ; HtAtUAarriu WrtMisoTOK, 1 ' J i'y 17ta, 184. f IT NOT Lclrs; orEentkl that voxels roiidng the tlockada aboold Lfc ptbvided with Purs-rs, notoi tmtVf given tout no persons, cltiaecs cf in a C'onfrderate fcta n, ablo la perljim fa.liiary caty eit tor la L'u held or oGise,. will bo i.yrnirtted to lave the port t.t eviix in tht cpaoity, -OClci-U 1 VY. Ji. U WHITING. Utijor General. A. VAKiZRHoHfiT, ' ' '' 4 ' ' ' - -' ' IVjaj. a; d A. A. Centra!. . WAMKU. A BlIAL I'OtJ: B, in a central location, apply Immo X-ldfat".: Au 2cd. at. CtU)NLY. - 277-tf 200 it .tilVC, IIIil GS, AiC. ti 1 : tl 6 S 4 1' i 6 In. ply, p'yt IF,;.! LWl2dkU i.e.t.-tlftU, 15; fret " Ki rubber ni7 it ' a. a t 14 , 1-H Lci.ii: L'a'her for above. jiti tz. fculph. Qriinioe. -1 u: hey Opm in jars and lias. ' Alorpcine, Calomel, B!ac Muss, l.ooo pair Cotton Cards, Mo. 10, cn leather. , 5 0 Uez. VhiMcmoie' No. Iu Cotton Cards. Oa cucgliiiaent, aud Itr sale by WOETH&CO. Aug. 4. 23a. TDEeE BOND-s iraent tho creaoat hdajomenta for tnTtslmonc Tnsybave thirty years to run, interest payable eu.i-ar.cua'ijr, aia are setursJ by import and ex- porumuos ; are tx&nut, pruicipai ana latereat, from tax alien, and tho coup ana reueiVAbla as coin for custom, da . "- Appiyto-. -; . s ' ALT.LN S. GIBBSS, Ai-entTreaaory Department.' i Ja'y 17. . ' . 2C4.tf ; t" Oo.dfcbero' Etite Journal, Ealefarb Confederate, Charlotte Bulletin, FayetieviUe observer, GreeaBboro' Patriot, fed tJaJisborj Watcbaaa copj Uil foflli. "