-4 ,4t4 V J? VOL. 291. y WILMINGTON, N. 0.. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1864. WHOLE NUMBER 3,951 u ii j " x n ti m ii li tt i) ., er a. . t; ' ' - ST h'VUTOK. PRICK, P&OPKIBTOKtV RAIL jROAliS. JAB- FULTON. E3itort...l.L.rBlCB. AMOCikUXJltor. ICHJIIOV rUBCUlPTlOrf4-CAU I advabcr. Dally Paper monthe.,......'. ........ w The Daily Jonrnl will be nmJied by the month to sol--ierami. for TH REX DOI.t.AUH BWOOOtb. Waaklv Psnar fnr -It month... 00 If o subscription wiU be received for tither paper for a lancix period tbu six worths. Bad bob for the Weekly MDr for a. almrt-T tlm. Tbe paper will be diaooBthmed at the expiration of the tbxe paid for ufileaa renewed. Tbe ltade wiU b supplied wita the Dally paper at flftaea - DOLLaBB per 100 -eopl-e, or ta that proportion for a lea umoer, rot under x copies. Al Ictten on bosroess connected wit tWa ofice, man be addressed to the proprietors. , t wQ te inserted daily at THUS IOLLAR3 par tqaart ot too lines foresoh lnseruo- CAliUi us iuvinvi. . wsj- AdaartlaaBaenta Inserted as Special or Baaop None era charged one-half more than above latcaofgh. linei ( leaded) or leas eoontea m a square. tar So publication made without tTccpoaallile same. BUMMW J I III I MMItnil.'IIHH"" bl MNKSS AND PROFESSIONAL CAttDS T. QRKKItFIBLD, CtOMMl3EI0N MEBCHANr. . J Adelphi Biek Buildings, IT Bout John btreet, 17, Liverpool trera to Power, Low & Co., Wilmington. Jane ITih ' 239 60t M. CKONLY, ILatx Balumam with WiLXia Moxxu, AUOTIOffEEB, WlLMIKOTOII, 9. O. April 7th, 9M - 1791y T. J. JUHNSUW at.. "I KSEBAL COMMIlIJa AND PORWiBDISd MRS- Uf CHANTS and Areata lor bTKAMKB ISAAC WfiLLS. CvoaigomeBU of t ratgn aohcited. Offloe 4ft North Water Btreet, WUmioxtoo. N C. 190 tf Wu. 4 Wil. n. fl Co. I wnmlmtoti Jnne 9h, 18n4- J CUANUB OP BCIIRDnLbTr OR and after thia date, p3itDgr traloi will roa aa fel lows : Leave Wllmlortoa 10 30 o'olock. A. M.:d 10 "O P. .' Arrive at Wi!fflln(rtoa 9.10 A. M., and 9.10 i. M. Lreve Weldoa 6.15 A. aod 6.1ft P. M. Arrive at We'doa 9.10 A. M., md t.in P.M. PaaDMra leavioa here for liiohmoad rv either train. will arrive la eboot 10 honra. . : 0. L. FMUOST, ... Chief Ids. A Fnpt. JoeelOtTu, 187-tf omca ok jr. st-pr. w. ; m. n. v., i 'y vet It It tt April Hat til Al tf flB MD1 DlTBl flOliaALi AJTD BXTAIL DBUUIBT, 17 Mabibt Btbixt, Lroa rroat BoUding, WUmlBftoa, U. C. feb.lT.18CT. t 119-ly VANAMULNGE & CO., M AA17FACTUBCBB Ot MA0H1BEBY OIL, TANNIBS JJJL uui. Axle Ureaae, car ureaae, jmgut varaun, fcptriu Tarpeouoe. Lamp bibck asa oap. WUmington, If. C- Jaaaary tat , 186i. Japoaryu 107tf jWUmtoatoo. S.C. &f.:.rch UiS. lfHJi CMABtiU Of PCIIKIH l,K. AN and after Baoday, the 20.'j irist., Pavengir Tralus j wiu rao aarouow on toia uoaa : oive aoi'TR. Leave Wlltslagtoa daily at.. ..11.41 A. W.aod 1 tnidniph warioB " 7 ah a. M. and 7 m M. Floreaoe " CO A. M.atifl 9.6 P. M. Bnir'er. " 1 41 A. M. and 3 01 P. M. Arrive at KlngrvHe daily t....4.!5 A. M. and 4 0 P. M. Fomter ....l.M A. M. and l.Hfl P. M. Florence ... 9 Sfl A. M. and 9 Sfi P. M. Marloa " ....7 AO A. If. and 7.30 P.M. comix e MOnTB. Leave EinRiville daily at 6. 10 A. K, tad 5 00 P. M t-amtr " ........ 7. 6U A.. H. and 7 60 r. Plorence u 11 31 A. W. and U 3 P. M. Harloa 1.34 A. M. and 1 34 P. M. Arrive at Wllmloiton dafy at.... 9 30 A- M. and 9 30 P. M. aianon . . 1.29 A. M. and 1 29 v. li. " F'orerce " . .11.91 A. M. and 11.11 P. M Fanner ...7.M A. M. aBd T 30 P. M. Paaaenri roinr to Chaneaton h' old t ki the 12 Mid febt train to mka cloae oooneotioa at Plorenoa with the North Eastern R. R. Paa'eneera roine to Colombia can ro bv either Train both Tralua making cloae eonueotlone at KinRtiville with Traina on Hoath Caroilua B. B. tor Colombia, Aosas;a. and Char ieai ob. The Bteam Perry Boat Herlle w'rVTe W. W. n. B. wharf at 11.00 A. at. and 11.16 P. Krf connectiaar with the above Traina fomf Boath. lIKNBl PI. DRiNTI. General Bduerlntesdect. Parch 16. 159-tf WUnalDRton, Charlotte MILITARY N0WKS, TO TT 10 B,l B64. f QriBTBaM taraa'a Or T b akipobvation DiranTnaxT Aprl 6'h. 1R64. llU;KRKns A!ID ItKLATI VIC1 OK OL- U1KRS 1 TI11 COMMA !D. IP rA'"TIEH at a diatanoe wiahlng to aeod packaree or c atrilmtloaa aa above, will have tbero properly mark' euaud oonslened to p?v care, advWng ota at aim time by mail or otfterwme, I will recall t lor them and ase tbm proi.udy fcrwardfd. Paniea raidiog la Iowa wiU pleaae end allioch conitgottenutothe rcrataallranauonatioo Ofijoe on Dock Street. - t IHAAC B. GR4IKQER. ; - pU eVA - tt it 4 1U 1. U. Obbicb of Tbaubpobtatioii QuABTaajtAaraa. wujitBWfOM, ti. C, Jaonary l, lbt4 At ill- OV aad after Monday, the 16tb init., the PasaeDKer Train oa thia Boad will run aa followa : bt TBI iK. . own rurn. Tscidaya, Thoradayi aad Uondaya, WedneadAya and Batardara. Fridava. Leave wmalngton 8:00 A.M.,Loave 103 at 6:30 A. M. Lanrinbarg 6 Kiveralde 9:00 North weat....... 9:40 Harlvllle 10:18 Koalndele 11:17 Browa ataraa....li:3 11 it it tt t mHK O. B. Bteamer Cave t ear will leave the wharl I mtnrtnti er Tnaadav. l'hnradav and Hatorda f at 94 0'clooEA.M.. for the Vaiioaapoata down the river; .e-1 Bladenboro' 11:17 P. M aralo Tueadav. Thoraday BLd eoaday evening, htaila aad relxht moat be on board the previous day. .Tne Qoartermaater, Oommiaaary and engineer depart' menta, having loaded data for poiata below, auonld nave then in readiBeaa for the Cape Fear to tow on daya sot Bpeolfled above. V L B. GBA1HOEB, 4-tf Capt. A. Q. M. Loabeiton 1:28 Moea Week 3.-06 Bed Baaka. .2:39 Shoe Heel ...2:65 Lanrinbarg 3:36 Arrive at 103 4:29 By orde. 11 :37 Shoe Heel... .....7:06 Red Bankn.ii.i, 4.7:52 Ifoea Neck 7:67 Lumbentoa....... t:"A Bladenboro' 0:iS Browa Marah.... 10:10 Boaindale 10:46 Marlvilie 11:32 Bonhweat 12:10 P. M, Arrive at uiveralda 12:69 " Wllminetoa 2:00 " t it i it t 11 it tt O riCIC CIIIKV BKOI!KKil.) Darr. CAra Fbab. V WPmitgtoa, N.C.. Aprn 1 d, leO. fjjlUE ATXCN1ION ot partlee knvla eUiu on tha e JL j-artnent for valoe of alavoe dying la Qoverainebt cm ployment li 1;. Tiled te the following BntloA. . W. U. JAMfS, K Cupt. & Ctiei rng. CFB'lce, DOMIU OH SLAVW CLtllKS,! Bicbmowd, April 14th, 1804. f T5A ItTlH Irtemtcd are hereby notidd that the Board i. of cffioern appointud "to examine Into and report 00 the JnaMq and the amount of claim" for "loea ol alavea vbloh have bt eo impreited by Con'ederate anthurltlea, or under Bfa'e lawa, lor the oae of the Confederate Govern ment, and while rnpaxed in Uboflog on tne pablio de H ucen. Lave eacaped to the enemy, or died, cr Contracted diaeaaca, wli cb bare, after their dlacbarge. reanded fa tally," ta organiaed at Btebtnond, and IM, 00 MoLday cext, the 18th icaiant, beaia lurrgolar amaione. Kvidcncea rf owoertbrp, of the lel ot Impreaiinent, of 'ke ape. aonadoeai and vaRe t4 the alave at tte Impress ment, and ot the loae of the alave, whuiber by eope or death, wuh 'he circometancea attecdifls the aauie. mnai Ail the lacta man be ret forth In and verified by, affida vit of competent witnrai. Claioia, Uios aathanticated and Broached, may ba a.dreHB ed to Col. J. D. WADDELL, Preaident Blave Maim Board, Box 1,455, Bichmuod. Va; April Wth m-tf ODYKKUKUATK TATK OF AHKUIOA.) Ekbihbib DarABTMBMr, Dut. Cara Fbab, ' Wlanlngtoa, N. C, March 18ih, 1863. J NOTICR la hereby given to all peraona having olaime BtiaJnit the Engineer Department, for eervloea ol Havea employed aa laborera on tne land defenou otar Wilmington, 4. O.. that the onderalgned la anthoriaed ud prepaied 10 pay the aame at hia ofdoe. on the aeoond floor of toe boildlog next above Mearei' Drog titore, afarket Street. aa. Peraona exeootlng Poweri of Atttornev will observe the toll owing form their aignatorea. la aUoaaea,to be wit- netaeo oy two wttneaaea and algned In dnplicate, or they may be witnessed before a Juatice of the Peace or Clark ol any Court. FOBM OF POWIB OF ATTOBHET. I, , of - , do hereby appoint . , of , tuy true and lawful Agent to aiga reoetpta for. and receive, pa; meat ot all moneya doe to oae by the Engineer Depart t cf the (Jobfederate BUtee of America, tor the aerviooa of my alavea employed aa laborera on the land delenaoa at , daring the month of , 18S Witnons, my hand and aeal, at , thia day t' , 1H8 (ge la Vi.'ru'-a.) WltriOo3., 1 ' - AX LB GREASE3 rif QUANTITIES to Bait. Men.factnred by L . YA-4AMBJ&Q1S & CO. Bfatch let I-tf Hot. 6tk, 1861. W. 3. ALLES, Kstltr of TraniporUUio. 51-tf liqiit. tttb ABB aowmanufaotaringCAMPHENS, and a hall keen oonatantlv on hand a freab article. TlflABBUlU March 1. CO. 147-tf BLACK PA.PPKR. ABUPXBIOA ABTICLX for aale by WALKBB atEAREfl, Drnggiat. Wot. M. M M Orrica ca C. B. Dbpobitobt, I Baleigb, N. C, Joly 28th, 1864. J HOLDEB8 of eight and aeven per cent. Certifloatee, le aned by George W. Mordeoai, late Depoaitary, aad of aix per cent, oertlfloatea lamed by the onderalgned, are reqneated to preaent them and receive their bonda. The eoopona thereon, dne January flrat and July Brat, 1864, will fee pad at the aame time. , . .. Holdeia of Beglatered Btocka, who have heretofore re eelved thelf inureat at Wilmington, are again informed that the aame will be paid at th.a office la future. Holdera of amy Befiatered tJond can xecelve their lutereat at thia offloe, by reqaeatlng the Beglater at Richmond t. tiansler aja aloe a to uie payrou w mb wapo-i wr. (J. B. HAEBiaiN, . C. B. Deyoaitory. la M 'm im kTOKas aiD jroa A-, ONLY BY 1HE PACKAGE. ENGLIBH BtU-iTaaD, Brown Bogar, Coflae, B.Biog, Cot TackB. Black fepper, Calf tikina, Knfvea and Forka, Cotton tarda oa leaf, Peroaiaion Cape, Una Nipplee, Lead PeucOe, Letter Copying Booka, Caioroforn. ALbO Floe tsmokiog Tobaooo, At No. I booth Water Btreet, JAB. UHiCKELFOED. Aog. IS. ' 2871 w LOABS OS TBI BKCCRITT OF TUB KIVK tlVm DRKD BlILLIOIl klX PXvBCSKT. fllOB-T AXAtU-B BOBIDi, TJSOBR TUB BiVIITII KCTtOB OF tub ccax-BMcr uw, - DEPOSITS' oa can will be reoeived by the Treaanrer ia thiaoUy, Aaaiata-t Treaaniera atCharleaioa and BftuDlle. and the Dapoaitariea at Wilmiaetoa. Baielgh. Co Inmbla. Augtuia, BAvaunah aad atootgoipery, and eortifl cates will be leaned for the aame, bearing laiereet at the ra a of four per cent, per annam, and aecored by the hypo thecation of aaamont of the above boudt, eqaaito the saa of these loana. the bo-da to be ast ap.rt by tne Treaaar er, and the proceeda, wben aold, appiwd excloalvely to the payment of the said cerUdoatea. The aeonrtty aad ooav.nience afforded to backt and other eorporatlona, and to the pobi,o generally, by thi mode of teaapirary laveatinent, aad tne effect 01 the meaa re, it generaily adopted, 1 Keeping tne currency vitain moderate bonds. It ia boptd, will co amend it to ue l.vor able consideration of ue common ity, aud aecoie tkoh prompt 00-oveiaUoa la carryLg it taw ' flect U A. IHLDluOLM. - Becretaxy oi tne Tiatry. lUtkaoid, Jt!j S3, 1K4 ' , C. i. DEPOBITORT, WiianK-TOB, . C, --i Si. 1864. f TCP0TI3 cm eu wLi be itcetvd at Una .fflca la JLy aocoioAnxa w.U Ue akoie Bwtic. JJlpoaitary. A. WOLF & CO., OF If A89AC. 11. P., AFFEB FOB BALE TUB LAKUEST AND HOST COM- yj plete aaaortment tf goods ia their market. Compri sing as iouows : liAlLWAX bUJfPLI3.' Lard. Sperm, Whale, Olive and Linseed Oila: Axle Grease, Yarniah, Bpring and Tool Fteel, Babbit Metil, Bbovela, Telegraph Wire, Enamelled Cloth, India Robber Hoae, racking and Baiting, Sand and Emery Pa.er. liia- mnth, 4c , Ao. For Fowuinm Boiler Bivett, Bmith'a Bellows, Pig BBa r rm . w r a. ri 1 m . im, iiino, iicaa, iron anu opeiver, oieaje iiamrners, vices, An-ua, eto. ao. B'anketa, bboea. Grey Cloths. Flannel. Bottom. Bocka. XTvyi of aw mui, - BTATI0NEB7. Copying-Booka, Taper and Praties: Seillmr W&x. Bed Tape. Lead Penciia. bitel Peoa. Fine Twice. BJank Uooka. Drying Oil, Note, Law, Fooladsp, Letter, Uiawirg, cart ridge, Printing, B otitic, Corninar, aid Fancy Papers .01 au auaa ; aom Miier aua uuiouu Utveioes. dut Goods, Prints. Cloths. Bilks, kferinoa. Flannels. Unillcs. Tweeda. r. . , . . . ' Bei.uns, veoiiuMi oaeeiicga, ha:b, coeaie, fina, xnreaa, uouooe : nmean, lidbo ana Cn'too Unlrta ; Bua- nnAH . . - 1 .... li . 1. . n . L... . inauiii, vuni uwin, vuuuit rituiB, oaimoaR, mot a uraida, Biiaauoa, bub ioauuga, Hi k, Cotton and Cambric JUndkerchleta, Alpacaa, Hoop fckhu, Towelling, Ac, Ao. BOOTS AND 8H0I3. OoBtTeas Gaiters. Ealmorala, Low Qiarte Bhoei, ia all nyieaaaa varuuea, tor Laaieaunia and Children. BABDWABK. - PSorewa, NaTs, Filea, dawa, Planes, Angers, Plcke, Hoe, Khwve!s, Cleavers, Axes, Tacks, Psdlocis, Wrenobes, Tool and lipring Buel, Hpoona and Forka, CoUery, ChiaeU, bhoe makera', Farrleraf, Baddiers', Eoglaeera' and Jolnera' l oois, ka complete aena, carry nemos, tuce Naui, Hone Iff-.. I. u..ii fkttia JB1B 1.ID4JB VUBWAl-a. SADDLEBT, KAKTHENWA.BE, W1SDJW OLAsS. OABDEN BEfDn. GltOCEUita, DuUua ANO DYE BTCFf3. BI. Carb Soda, Citric Acid, Bladder, Borax, Vinegar, Licorice Paste, Logwood, Ch'orate 01 Pota-h, daiu, Iadi go, Aloobol, tali.etre, Copperas, atnHard, Biack Pepper, eagara, Whiskiea, Biaadiea, and alt kinds of tfpirlu and Winea in oace and bn k; Perfumer It, a, Pxaela, Prescrvea ana eauots, eoap ana cauaies, lux, fcegaii. COTT0.,f CABDS, CAI?D CLOTHING, EING TBAVEL- aus, CAjreiiiB, tBeiiTenc& watd, UOF-I, Ao. Ganny Bagging, Kentucky fieuo Eope, Mannilla Bopa, Baiiog Twine, biaUag Taiue, Laid Cord, alanill Lines, f laying Card a, baod.o Girtha, perfumery, Keady Made limning, jooiucg viotns, togeuier wiin a urge saaortmcnt Ol geuetai warts. Any ordais accompanied by remittaocea will be prompt ly atteadad to aad Uiihinny txeouied. The slaatures of colored Demons ahonld ba vitneiaad b wur wivuoi.os. There must be separate dnplicate Powers of Attorne for uavu munui. uu. loima can do nac upon application at wiauiace. w. a. JAM to. Capt. & Cbiof Eng. July 2nd, 18C3. lft-tf t'ftvet tevilie OhaervftT pteaae copy till forbid. HXABqUABTIRB So MlLITABT DlSTBTCr, ) Department of N. C. and too. Va., Wilmington, N. C, Ang. 2, 18C4. ) , BUTICB mHE FOLLCWINGU published for the l-fornmtbn of X ail concerned : The Wilmington Pilots are enrolled, acd are ia the mili tary aervici ot the Conlederoy. Wtien required lor aer rice on any venael tbey are regnlarly detailed, and ordered to report to their ahipa. It ia cot oDtlu-al with ihtm ta leave tne poat to wtiicb they have been aaaigod, nor to on-Dge trom cce veaeel to another without permisalon ; nor r o:r iwiwuea 10 aemana any DavmeLt axoeut corJiug to rauat prescribed by the Government. Agent tjt the ve.aela rnnniog the blockade are request f d to report any vioistioo ot doty on the t-ari ol Piloia in ihe matiea above ata ed. Laaving a ahip wubont permlsaion will be treated aa da tetuoa or .bte.oe wuhoui leave, according to the nature 01 uie ouence. By command of HaJ. Gea. WHITING. Jims E. Dill, ataj. & A. A. Gea'l. Aog;. 4. 279 1m OPfrlCK BEPOT ULAHTKRSlAiTEIl,) WiLMioroM, N. C. V . Aba ait lad. IRC. 1 PABTIE' having clelma against Ihui office furienl, are rtqutated to i.reet aula fjr taymeut op to the 1st AUgUa C. W. BTYBG?, Capt. dt A. A. Q If. Aug. 3d - 27i-tf AUCTION SALES. NEGROES AT AUCTION. - 1 1 w - tlY . M. WCfeT, Awctlaneer. . FtlDAY, Abz 19Lhl86l. at Exetuaea e oraef. w 10 h suld. 1 NEGBO WOMAN A. CHILD M years old.' 1 1 1 1 Angl ic., do. do. iB do. do. di. '.- U wa. do. di. 17 do. Lo. girl U do. Terms caih. -104a- M. CBORLy, AvettoA.tr. .' , 1 WILL, 0.1 THOasDAY, tka 18th InaL, at 10 o'olooic, A. M., rent at pniio aoo ion. (if rot pe vtalr iipA4 o' ) for one year from taa lit day ut October, 1964, the fUieelng town property, via I lit. IheBtore a the eoroer.of Msrket and rasond a'reot, at preaent Orcapled by air. J. P. Ltvr. A raoai la i1j rear of aaid btcr oa 3d atreet.ana the dBeuiaabave, wlh tlht rcotus. , ' ' ' . 3 J. Tiie B ote oa loath side of Ma-kt it'eet, jcOBaled by Mr. A. M. Carter, aud Ue larre aad roomy deelliSf a'ie, . Id. T!e Btore at preteot occapled by Mr. B J. Jidobl, aed 'he deelllog aoove with toor roro. The above prei erty oaa be Beeo before the dv of aa tiotiby application to .A. PAUL PIPITM. - Aa. I. 17U leaii" . rtOTlCBt MB. JOSEPH Q. MA It K 4, of New Or'ean, is a part ner in oor bonae here, aod Naanaa. N P. H. BALOMON CO. WilmlrgtoB, N. C, Joly lfllh, I8C4. 173 1a BKTICB. . MB. FOBEBT B. WOOD, Ja . la hereby anDoaood al my agent and attorney, duilag ay abre.oe from ta oiie. WJra'ngton, A of. 9 b WiLEEi UORBTS. . 83-lm BUVOs KOtt BALU. FIVE HUNDRED MILLION CONFEDERATE BIT PER VENT. DON 1)3. - THESE BHNDd present the g-eateit indocementl for Inveitaent. Tbey have thirty yeara to ran, late real payable aeml annually, and are aeourtd by import aad ex port du lea j re exempt, prloolpal and ia'ereat, front tx at Ion, and the conpons receivable aa coin for coitoa aa-tie-. . nl.. ......III.... D..J. tal lllAX V..a been ordered to be reoeired ia payment of import dalltl la advance ol maturity. Apply to . & ii e w Ba wstB AL.an n. uiudu, t Agsnt Treaiury Department, Wilmington, If. C. . Ang. 9. H3-tf , Goldtboro' Btate Journal, Baleigb Confederal, char lotto Belletin, FayettavUlo Obaervar, Oreenaboro' Patriot, aud BslMbui Watchman, copy till foibld, aad itop foimsr advettitemeat. ; ; BtrcaxKCti: . B. LAFITTE, Eq Eataaa. 4aaMl.J-.HVky A wOELLEB, T. O. UUDU A tw., " 9 - L. U. WA4eKal & COn Jely 14. 2r.i-3tL SOAP. TXIASCBT DirABTMIlfT. C. B. A., I Kicbmjnd. Jay 28, 1864. I TAXED TaitAkUitl BU1AS. IN 0"D?II to promote, as far as practicable, the early I'qaidatija by the Treasury of the OUfhTsNDlNU lAA.aU Nulbb, the Trtaiorer. Aaaiatant Treasarer and Pay Depoaitarietin ihe diff'dteai B-tea, are b-treby aotbo tea to reotive tt,e lata no.ea, except tae iUO notes at tcf per ctn'am, oa oepoait, ueaiag ir aame Cetunoatea o. ioan. opoa byoottecatioa of no-tsxible bonds, ibesaid cett flj.iea to La pajeble oa demaid, alter the expire Ut a ol aiotty days. ' Ana ml AKents lor tne seie or the above b-ndi are here by aoihoria d t receive the taxed notea. wiu tla exoep tn.n s.bove named, in pa.ment cf buLda when sdid, at te tale oi Cii war OebtuiD. A. Iliwa""i " Eecretary ot Ue Treaaory. Ang 6'h . .-eot a m 1X PKtt CJ-Mr, JLOStU DATC,Ma-XAAAJL,a ttOIVLlS). rHE BDBSCBIBiB, having been appointed gen. for the aal ol ilie above Botid., is pre a-eo o receive orde a wr aty euiouut oeeued. 'Jheae bbo c- tmrgn.. m rt n i or t,.-l fnnnf . & SO V rUB, luierCB iayuie attui-anuaaiiy, lreeirm uxtna. and theeonp.a aie ia.di by lae eaaalto cola lor vue payareal ol aaUei ISMKUAtOf4DUR. Nayt DsrABTwawO. B.,l -. Blobmood, Aug tj 0,1864. f riWlK report of the examlnatioi of Midntilpoi ia BiCHaBD X n. FLOYD, now serving on board the Fiorlia, and who was a member of the olase of Midshipmen which gradaa ed ia bepternber, 1662, havicg jait been received and oompared with the lUndiug of the gradaatlng olaaa, he ta -atigoed to rank No. 1, of tbatdate aad the Besiaior Bom bers cif the oias who are now Bsoood Lieutenant will be) ohanged accordingly. - B. B. MALLOBY. . Socreury of the Navy. - Aog. 13th. 287 Itaw-Ja- QS.smtt.Al. ORDER. Natt DxrABnmrf 0. 8., I , Iiicbmoad. Joly SO, 1864. f ' THE reports of the examinations of Mldabtpmti Geo. D. BrD, O. A. Browne, J. T. atason, B. J. Moassand VV. W. Wilklnaon, nowaerving abroad, aod who were mem bers of the claia of Midabipmea whidb graduated In Janua ry last, having Juat been tecelved and oompared with the landing of the graduating olaai, they are aaalgned to rank ' with that claia, aa maaiera la tbe line of promotion, aa follows: Mr. Bryan, fto. l;r. Browne. No. 4; Br. Mason, No. 6 ; Mr. Moses, No. 9, and Mr. Wilkinson, No. 12 ; od the p; esent Beglater numbeis will be changed aa oorditgly, and the class will be borne npoa the atcglstef hereafter as follows t No. 1. Geo. D. Bryan. - 2. hamnsl P. Blanc. 3. W. H. Mayot; - . 4. O. A." Browne. - ' - 6. Daa'ID. Coloock. " . V tt. J. Mason. 7. W. P. Hamilton. J. C. Long. - B. J. Mo.es. . H. L Vaoahn. J M Pear on. W. W. Wi.kiaion. H. H. Cook. , - No. 14. G. W. Sparks, Ho.iOT.W...Cra,g. IflLLORT Secretary of the n vy . Aug. 13. ' MM.bIbT, - No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. fit. 40. No. 11. Jvo. 12. No. 13. 8. CCRCUAI. OrtDKB, 1 Navr D.rABTMBWT, O. B.,1 KioUOBODd. Jali 90. 1864. I ' 11IIS1 Bif mberi of the Gradoung Ciaae of Midshipmen, fa accOid-oce wits tbe reorie.uf tx.mt-lug.B Mr da, will .i.V.i n,.nn ifaaOHcial UecUter to tha lollowu-g order, saa lct to me poi June to be assigned to three cf its tuem.sil F a. . i.jMlna ah yv . A a .ervlog ana to "?rTZZT Ho. No. No. No. Ho. AO. No. No. i. Jimri a. iyse, rioriaa. j. p. H. Uibbes, South Carolina. 3, halph J. Deas, bomb Caroliaa. 4. w. Nelson 6law, Xtxat. 6. C. F. eejler, Taanea.ee. ' 6. George A. Joiner, Albna. v. rtrjl.-mB BiooUIr, Ji., Virginia. 8. U. li. bcoit, Vlrgt-U. 9. Frank C MorahJ, Kentucky. o. to. curence taiy, vug nla. Mo IL btogrr PUckbey, bouih Carolina. No.12. Geoige T. Bwciair, Jr Vu-giuU. No. ll Dn. iid.Lee, Virglu a. No. 14. Virgio.n Newtou, Njith Carolina. No, 16. X. M. Berrlt a, Ueorgla. No. ltf J. U. luwiiffi. Vugi-iu ' , . No. i7. Thorn a u. r-iock., bvO'.h Caroaa. No. 1. .amea W. Ptgr.tu, Vugiuia. , ' NO. 19 J. 11. Hamll o-, Tesa. h o. 20" W. U. UooAia, eu4 a caro'Ina. No. 21 t-a-a.oa Meyrr, Mia.u-.pi. ao. 11. Fra.fciia . Oorom, ar.aad. W mum r. CUi w-, uo WtUi.J Ufru.1, '-. . Faidiuaud B. tls.ie-, viraiuia. ft a-O-i At. Xhwaa, ooova won. nrr No. ti io. it. No. ... i No. 20. SOFT ASP HrT-rfla.aiaatBred by YAif Aifmaa k co. auiiports, - ; . '-.-, bsOiiUx vf he aavy. AC..3JJ