) a A r r. 's 58 WILMINGi TO X Vit" ' - V k VOL. 14. -f-VP 1 1 J) ".iJu..... .175 OC .1 . ' n oft b Bar ; 'Jd by thtf ionrtn t oV. w?h ....n op ...i.w ' - Diifl' Pa;e 6 - - . 1 . ' '..'(ha lWJf "4 oVj. or FC f jl 1)015, Mi3 pr? mor.t!) A'J ifVJ' I ISay py'i ...... ui- - ' a ---------- 1 . it ruuri a -a.j aw 1 1 1 f i ... v-a-aaj.... - - -w ..aaaava Waf' f.rr'' fdrjnMLiix mohUm The .oilj 5oVraut J t-mle i' of soldiers MrM stated." . f JV;'J . Tins Kjwillbe fi'wwn.d sip""1.29, . iic pmd tor uri at, oimwe97i " i The Tract will he sappHiM-li PU? Pl, at u eLt K)LLaI!8 per 1D0 ccplfA, or I jLfl JDtxtioo for ft lesi ennober, not or dr 25 copies. "' ; J 13 - jtl lcttri - bwiucBs coar.ccted ylti o2.m, toratbe ftdilreted to a. yrcj,r..or.. ' 1 . . ADVEinrtfEMECilP will be Inserted fiaily at THRES lOLt-R.8 por PHr 0? eh limn rorewii insortloii CAfU in ADVAKCK. t AdTertitsc-raenta itfturted i SpeoUJ or Pi ib';p RotH f i , e charged OJie-taif more tLan bcto rt.is-'irM ki 'tt ( ieiwieil) or onrted a t rqare. 10Ml?SlOiS ik FORWAKOJNQ MERUIIASTS, . 31 Market btrcot, (removed froa U Notth VVa'er Rtreft.) 7 Wilmitgton, N. 0. Oct. PtU . 24 tf M. --CR0NLY, LlT FlLBBKiM WITH Wn.118 M0RB!8. AUCllOKEKU, , WlLMIKOTOK, H. C. 179-ly April 7th, 1864 AXi BOLCSALK ABU HETA1L DROOGIBT, V . 87MAETBri.r, Itcb Front DailJIar, -' Wllmlngtcn, C, 11 ly , VANAMIilNGE & 0,, ANUFACTUEEK8 Ov MACHl lVI OIL. Axla OreH, Cm M iriti Tuneiitite. Iutmp Black i WilmiDRtuu, N. C, Jtuar lt, if Southern - : 11HE CoBmlMee.of.U j.10N FREE BCll JL part of towo, ft'edeiirom of employlofr Tjeacherflr eipsneuoe, qaSiifie bcli ttte lilement&ry UraachEroi aa Dgllsta edacatioifffe vbam tvir oonmpngatif' nrta . be allowed. Arplicati.rf, with w!renoa" fcd tlMt)!) - made lmmediAtel tolbe uadrtivnai. f1 ' ,. FortrXoiy . Oct. 31st - 0 , balelgh Coaftderale cop? xwico ana eiw' : RJ.SAWAY fronrttBee lotteA Ko'herfmd Hak lorgjuij 4tJjP nndemined. K ilai'ab;.iT 5 fet, 8 Inchei li "F. , ? he U ft home " 7c mi rpns! tAjgfiKn lAnt. new tt.' ."C . OOINB ROt'TU. Leare wr.mlrg'cn daily at " Marion " Florcnco " " Bamur " M f ArrlTO at K'tgiTif dfclly ..'J.P, ... " r'nmer .... )m..t Moruce n H tt It IveiicKsvi;ie da'l? at. Matter Florence iUrloa " ..a Arrire at WllmirgfoQ diilyVt " Marlon " Wharf lax Boa 7 35 1 9 51 1'. . A. J 4,15 A. M I.3&'A. J' nti 11 1 1 MUM ..A iSOA. ...5rrrn.3V a. ?ouj 11. Eileen 1 Ll l.t t V ng. 83:fc , : 301-tf L Hedqairter 3JMH. Dmt. h pt. Nu. t.t Vjf'j mBI 1 - .. 1 11 . 1 riiii" wi rriiuri i'i i.iu'ii.. 11 . n 1 11,111 at rmi.nfii - I f v.. 1 . I xn OOGB, , ( Son y, M . a - Jl- t .t -1 h-m - - v. - - J iota inn.i me raii'EvT aa foUowt : oawx tiaoi. oudaya. Wednrfdara and Fridasi Ltara Wlia.lnKtou8:(JC A.;d. Leave 10J at......p:30 A. Id. li.veri.ide........ 6:00 " iLaoriuburc 6:37 LSortliWoit 0:41' 'Khoe Uejl.,.....:D6 rfcarlvti; 10:1). " JKed SabUt. lA.lrnl. 11.11 tt lU... U.. 1t1 Jfrowa Id arch. ...1 t:6!t - YLamberton. ...A . :3C . . :TL t acQ iir monaBi jno neby iiiUTA rpiio jr Ttftfn on ,B l;il ran Ofeawi. riCU.Vttrniso, 1 vr hauj. i J indFtoap. vryw0 J. lapadMi.-liiaPBdafila K lStTi. t ' I fcatordJve. Pilots wl:l rrport to l.ldut. O aad i-iput. J A. A. Kelly, lij coinoand of ttri- Anj. 16th , kt Fort I'lulicr. y. y. Oen IlmhT. I v VVM. 1. llaut'5 AN, A tt 1" QCKTIt't TuiHiroaTiTioH A rOitTiTIOK rHTMKNT, , ' 1l ft'l,lft 4,) 'I IIU (MSfu. office. 0!adci.boro,.....ll:i7 P. M.I rLcmbeitor 1:28 " rOMNBf.r.... '.:f,i MJied Bauka.. ...... 2:39 toeMeek ..1:54 :riaburg.-s,.S:36 " MveailOS Kit ftrrf, , P J11UNUKD-MILL10 JL1 LOAN BALDwONTlJiUfcU, Homeronii ppuca iiodi having been made fWi at (be etabli6led prlje of one hundred and thirtyflve flollare and ln!e.St,-'Tiader citcamataDCa tbat entitle t&rn to favorablof cKderal4po it nas been determioed to coCtiue the aIAA the above l ilce nDtil furtoer i-otice. . ' V, . ARente for thereof theaa BonaVi awlflMrtcted tCt la tccordijce Willi thi order; aod the afftfitftB -ofJ;B-burning cffiocii of the Gjvemment ia particularly eaiiwd t0 iU ' I!. A. T3ENH0LM, Etctetarjr tf the Treasury. OcUSl. . ' 39-" iJiadonboro'..:.. 9:35 Brown Marsh.... 10:10 " UoBiudale 1U:45 " ' ilarlvllle 11:31 iSorfhwest H:U0 P. U. Arrive at Rlveriidel2:69 Wilmington 3:00 . ' UOXOS FOR SALK. FlVfillUNDIlED MILIJOlf CON FEDS2 AT15 CEMT. .bOaiM. FJX PFR ior Bt f THESE EOND3 present the Rreatcat Induce I inBtment. lhv iave tbiity .iearg to ran, payable eemi-aumaily, and argjoured by iirport, f nort dntifca : are exeinct. v I and iutereat. from tar atioo, aDd the coapcp 1 u cola for caatom da- tiel'he conponi of ft I Jt.nary 1st, 165, have been ordered to be 4, hvmentpf iaiport dutlea InaCTinoeamturU 4gGiB ; '. - AsentTreainrT DooaiVVlat. WilacicKtoa, H. C, Oct. 19. ; , , ; I . ".- - S7 if .C -V. 1.ATK IMPOUKTlOSia PKR STEAWERS KLLA, WANUlCOtiVKTXK ABIU CiK?f. WHllI.Mi. COAl'd tPvJlA COTTON, Black Alpaca, lark Madder Prlats, Blank li joka, . . FeLci Bonnet Fiam', O fall CLallia, Melton and Black Cloths, Spleadid 1'antalooa Cloiha, buk and Alpaca Umbrella", Cotton OaiOs, Card Clothkfc', Hod a Ach, fctationery. , ? Mohair CLenci, Cream Tartar, Japanese Wax M&tclca, fcuil CanslnibM far tiimxx.ic3'lJjifornia, fiddle U-riha, . Hosiery. For aal at 25 ITarket Street b7 . D. O. LABATT & COw " Coxmiasioa Merchanta. Oct. 22. - - . 401a nr. bbls. ZA I 40 ajHea FaOtrlieh , h .93 sacte IZ eip-ol ! ! ia DwtrrewvKiaMEe - " '.For aali ICQ An, , I WIltTM LAP. '71 KBw OELSJrN'3 EVGAR,- !..-; ; i i.ai.'!r. j, y , , auib, ... White Lsad. par j. ; '1.-'-; LlVPt-",,. s7 , .wiaoieitv i PALFH-IYiAiCa. : .MWB r J T r . ' neam rixaai ripin. : BT BK. ' TT t a b. r j ; T F PARTIES at a dwtauce to eiiU pa:K .K' i or 1, CfBtrlbntiona aa above, will Vk tlecj pr'v.riy n Hik ed and consicned to my care, ;if)r ire a? mm uvm , 1 writ rtc iH tor thiu aci y mailftr other wiho, 1 wnt rtcdin lor aoi soe uun feetxHau wrch conaignmenu to the I tt ptii 1 i-aniportation OfllcptiDockfctreet. ' -! , ' v Ci.111, & A. Q. M. April 6th ; i ' l7d tf bTORAOIS. Ofi 150 BALES COTTON and 30 Bozei Tobacco cj.3 be procured in a good Brick Biore. ua applicaUou to Sept. 15 8 ti Kort'j Wattr fctrout. , . .m, , ,r - ' ' -r mm J I.IUHT. 1 JTrTB ALK bow mannfactoffiig CAM ?E ENS, and ah-iD y keep couataiitlv iu lu.nd atisb article. YANAUI.JMJ2 & CO. M.irchl. S U7tl IIILLSUORO, N. C. MILITAKY ACADEMF, rnUK Hi.YEMH ACADEMI YEAR Of this laatitatioo X will begin on Wednesday, February lit, lbC5. Appli catlon moat be made prior to lltu Ddcember, abcat v.hijti tiaiQ tie terms wiii be made known Address tdtj. W.M. M. UOEDON, ,; tsnperiutecdent. Oct. 1. Ji-4m FOR SALE. A NO. 1 Light Becond hand Hickory Baggy, thoroughly repaired by its maker, A. A. McKethan, and nearly good sa now. A sott of Harnoto go wilh it. Call at KKLLEY'd Book btnre. Oct. 5th 25 tf 80AIS OOPT AND HARD maonlactured by O YAK AMBITION ii CO. 14MI r VVIIIXU Him VI1KGA11. AbUl'ili.lUU ARTICLE for aa!c by vALliKa ilHAUEP, Drn.ft'iiit.' Eept. 'iS , 17 -if THE DWELLING HOUSE low ccccpied by Mrs. A. V. Everitt, containing twolve lare a'ze rcoma with Pnrcitare, and if doairable, halt of the Hcuae can be rented. For iurthcr panionUrs epply to MKd. A. O. KVii.aiTr,crto II tt. a. at. WEriT. Oct. loth ?7tf SIGN OF THE DUCK BILL BAZAAR, No. 3 SoatU tV'attr Ht. QUUAR, O CcDeey- 1 Tea. .. 1 LKVT'S HZAAE, Mouth Wuttr EU Needles and Thread, ' Cottoa Cards, ' Hand Haws, . Frame taws, J rl a . iCBIikUl MB, v ... t-Tiiseis, t.37-.b N.-2, tsautX-Water TAKlil 4 P AU COJJlniTJCiiD TO TH3 JIt ol Colcabaa vjonnty ev'ricf r wan j named WiLLfAM, who bbjb lie Omit j loarjjL l tr,;.a i,,nxctlT ot iJbauataOOffa. tBi.ncFg.'e. Tf proper. pay chargts, and'Uip him avfayj cr ho . ti SealUvLV the law . xrviw-ri.. wc.. Oct. 21st, 18G. : Hacks and U hiala?. C vVteclx HeB. opSLoom, ' l.i. auSbpiHes, . cm lacks, a ,.Ki,jL,,i V ,"" Cof per lauka, " ' .Jff'aiC'oLJisy v biioee acd bootsl, . . iAKjV(iQO(ai and Catleri'bj . , s.Zr::7A v j. p. levy. COSrKDKJlATK hTAIKI UK ASltcTUCA, ExaiKiaa DBratTKBHT. Dirt. 1rs Fits, WllminKto. N. C. Warcb lQih, V. NOT1CB Is hereby iven to all porsocs brtvfnsr, cti'tna aalnEt thj Engineer D-spsrtmnit, tr V' vices of slaves .employed a liborer on tt e I -in Wtr.vm Wilmington, N. C tjiat tie cndcrHlijacJ i Mttorlml ud prepaied to pay the mtmB at Ah ofi:c, (-n iti'j scon'l Uor of the building tut al,o tf eare ' Prui, Htoi-f, S.'a'i-ct Street. WW Purson exeoathjr Power of Aittorncy .-lil i 't . the following lorra their nl,iQvtturei, in nil cu .en, to (n , neaaed by two witne-s cud nigned lu dot.lf.Ato, or 'ibe may be wltncsacd te!orc h Jua'.ioe ol ibo Pit ace tr t'Urt ii is y Court. FOEH OF VhVV OF ATTCT1SE7. I, .1.1, of - , do hereby appoint , of . my trno aud lawful Agent to aigu rocclptJ for, and rejn payment of all mont-ys due to ui by the.i.nicetr Ikv'' mont of theCoutederate b'atea of America, M the svrvicea o( my slaves employed r.s Uborcre 01 ti e Ucl dtf-i '. r' . daring the mocth of , 1:H Witneas, c y band sc 1 !, at 1H5 Igatdl.'JitU.) ot toV I olsr c ma, 11 iteuof liioiloruie hh aijh.i t,ouAlda? l proi.pt cti'o; . - V0 aruisKti,, " l nt oi Lich-nr.nd, Jjli -"qBart ( - WlhMLMjv I "EP0r.ITr 01 Cill wliliv- JL i.c&o;d Mice witU the tbote (n i Jrf 2al' 301 tot to ( V?mtxtt 1 r-(.? 1 The Blgnaturei tf cvlorod rer3'.rj fbi.JO t v'. three witneMea. Thore mnet b B"arato dupHcfjt? Powtraof AUcvioy to: eiich mont!. l'Ur.fi forma cua bo hv cpon applicative at thiaorJce. W. 11. JAUE.M, Capt. it Chief i.rs. Joly 2nd, 183. l.'.v Kav"'tRvil!t()l,!iPTT9r ri'i'e rop7 tfjl f.-.rbh. HfAPo,UABTiiaa Wn.jc.NaTox, ( October ma, 1:64. J VOTICU. AIL rEHoOr-13 IN Tim Clir, canWo ff l.-carln arina, are requ?B'cd tj enroll aaJ o aizo them'itUe in'o Cornpaniea at once, to ai 1 the tr 0; i'i tp'dtttrco ol the place. They wiJl bo couai Jeic i ttric'iy ai a hju t guard. ThcrgBufzatIon compiled, CapM-ia cf Cc-mpni-.B nill send ia h once fitir rciia, bdt the ueccnitiry tup may bJ lki n to arm ltd ecpjip tf.tm. Prompt astioa ia urr,ed vpoo all or c-rac. v. ii. c, w iTiTi;':. CGc;al 1 Uii )T 'J V'l Vf. 0. Braoiro, A, D. C. : - Oct. 12- " ' f IlKADtl'KS 3U 2HMTAUV KIVI'fllCT, Ppt. N. t). ad bo. YwoiHia, Wilxiiig.03, N. C, Oct. 'i'J-hj 1S01. aDEATIscTtivejistice he ben felt at ti e Fo:tn In con f ;.qicoee of eotification for PJot. to', beic? scot for ward nu ll ships are ready to aaJ. ApplicnUoQi f cr PUjis ahould be eu&uo at lc&at two dji Lclure the Cay tf ccat- ir.tr. , . CaDtaiiiB teaa.rica: Pilots "aha are' down thi ii7er, wUf aentbeir onu boat to br'irg ,tbew t.)- k'onWa living atContedbrrn they wiiuerd U to .'LiDib, at Cray's LanSing. Per thine aoiliinTaiio, 10 tba Ui.i ary Wn.ri at Port Pecdt. :r. N . Bvco-iJRdt- J. Ota. Wninra. . JA4ILS II. DILL, . . T. Alal.&A.A.O Oct. :u 4S tf If . LSPT. N. C. ao-o. VA. GbmbalCbdr3,I mHK m.w work-oia CaiLe5era' P-'0 ba r;iv. red and 'X coK.m.i2od t-y tt i.avy, w ii 1j t.c-ir cttaa AduiiiA!, -"h ii. C. WHITING, ' , Bl3j. (ica. Ci3c!al: JAS E. lllXL, BSaJ.tiA. A, U.S. Uct.8lst .iv.iStf liOU wAl.l.' vrtOOLI) EYBit Nt-EDLKSf-, 'VI 7Vi U-. nt) oi. Wi)0 a. . ,Cot VwTbTi (Jtie cifljn(.4J.i.(i, UtMit's 100 yardi tut: Two ciacH, 12 J) J .z Cbadalck Thread, e3al tottfc'; , Tw my-lwair H s. Hack flii Thread ' 1 wui.t iuur ib.i. wli i tin inrund J . , . ", Ot.o c.i-o, Vi'i Fruucii Pelt iiati, aaaoited colon Oho blo, 15 yardw, double width Utoy Cloth lij J tuiu hitpet. 11 je Ciiiadus' Cloihiig ;. . 14 doauu isuper. tlue Hoop bkirts ; ' 1 case, ISfiO doisto, Laola' Hois '.' 3 dido lud n ' '2 casiit, 'zuti al. Eley I Water Proof Gun Caps I 4 'J urda LtlitB1 Curded lijlli, assorted colors. ! At George M yera' More, re. 21. 45 2w 600 , D Kii.oaio.v v ithft, 'ULC'J IN NEUiiOE-i, Aoguau, Ua., keeps it' all tim-saUrrs variety of liuuBt Betvants.kod Field Uaudt ; niHj UtobaiiiJB or aalo. Oct. 'i'itli 4Mm tttcntovAi.. rnilK U.'l)-:;:cri:iFajj baa removed from Els old stand oa X Nort a Watt r it.ut, to No. 34, Jfurkot tttreet, wbtrs ho olio 1 a t jr aula r St) biiiia 1 ottoa Yato, 6 bitlea 4 4 theetlxg, 600 buaheis 8.t, VO kegs iii ;ark. Bod. Oct. T-h A. K. If ALL, ' U Idarkst btraet. 17-tf iltaaUlttlTll WANtKil. QA YOUHG ab'e-bodiol reor'J'a waated ia Falson's. -twJ to4ts " to hil op the Conpany) will operate ehlefly 00 Conledrrate I'oiat. They wi.l larnJilj good horaei. Fort Fisher, tti C, Oct. Jl. L 9-lm Fayet'.eville OberfiT, Iiaih C'oiidetatfl. Charlotte Ueruw6t copy 0-0 niitU and tettH ;oUU to tie Journal silica. - ' '. , n?.rM f ' AOT1CK. V ' V " . h - . r-M.u.o.tKDAL3CSttt:br UWIPAST bava Luda JLaluiUlLi tu-iug-OifchJa for fartRLlnjc. CtflnB, Means, 27., as amy re't Bd lor intorii.iata ia ue.Cemetary. . -.pi!3Civ.,. i a.bov Wjlllu mvta to the r 'leraigaed. - ' ,' " " bec;'A Jrea f . ' V. . BO. f.t. 11. reaa. Otf a. ft!M . . -a,' - . , a .Bill a. ' .-T 'J " a2 i 4 f OaiLL HOUb-S, with4t.troooiliair!tbo. Ifl iVtIi of Wup aed tixU. streets. A cood kitehei '. I tuJ Miiof waur laUojatd, AppWto ' ft I . .tOUCliAtiy HAWB5, AjS. b Y I A w fcaia bo -wl a!uj'0t T-fl"Tehri. Celtver td;r iB DUtcks oubui-r, oj, tti-tjjjon, and ie 1 no doubt Wr auou.I tJainpsob ia sbr!"ht unUttO. lur,T i ,1 ; niaaDsa scaf sctoss ts left ajEdC tlw kitjw,ijeass qaickly, Vt.I etre.N. r Oct. 3C'h 1: ctvvku wAir.i. Ti FOE a scgro in 10 naui'.d i'j'J J1' f.Jblii.i3.-laI-i.tt "lvno3ieir fake-,ap by .1 C naaa ta gw i fcboa Si .ears emcnea--gnuari omv. Lgrt is h-.f eoy Tm"? " A-3"" P" PvF f py cbKteBNndPflMl wul VeV ' bHKn V 7m -Vfc

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