6 VOL. 14 NO. 129. WILMINGTON, 11. ft, MONDAY EVEaNING, FEBRUARY 6 1865. WHOLE NUMBER 4,095 m -fi - o if L-J IV II By FlfiLTO FHJCK. PROPSUKTOa. J 18. FULTC3, Sdltor,...A. L. PBICE. A asocU-te Illtor. , nereis of rvjaswcimPTioa cash I AJVAJIC. DaJy Paper S months - ' ' " 'IT. .i ' Th Dally Journal will b epvlid bf the month to sol- dim OWy, Jer 61A. U'WaHA-Ivo yor Weekly Paper tor S months .. .. - -& eub&crlptlon to either pcpr takes for "P nnder or ever a month. Tbe rfnly deviation fro Uaa : role to in the case of soldiera ai above Btatea. The piper will b discontinued at the expiration ol the i me paid lor unies whbww. t,tt vivir u. u mullh.nnnliA(l with the DAILT PArEIl IWBBTY-FIVB UOLLaBS per 109 copies, ut In that proportion ier less somber, iot u4ir eo$l",nMt. AL 'ettari on badness eenoeoted with thi oXoe, most be addressed to the proprietor. , ADVmHlSEME25r2 ( u h inrti daflv- at FIVE DOLLARJS per squared ol ten lines for each iawrttooOAH ttl ,v . a.AdYoreaeieit inserted asBpeeial " frS'!" aaeoharrtdone-aall more tbaa above ratea fiigU tfaea (nV pubUcationide wi$jut a reapflaeible name. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS un. Jnnif IWANR g US BE FOU8D AT Hit BE3.DBb.CB, cornor Third Vjad ('hesnutatreoia, wne ue wu ioaal call , NoT -,3tf T.' J. jouason at ci., (10MMI38I03. F0ItWA.HDiN9 MEB0HA.NTB, 38 Market Street, (remared from AS North Water Street,) v Wduirgtoi, N. 0. Oct. Mh -t.f JU. RONliY, TLati Balmmah wrvs Wans Mobbu, AUCTlOiiEEb., April 7tb, 1B64 WlLHIMSVOW, M. . 179-ly WALKKH ttKAUKI. I NflOLB3ALE AND BET AIL DHOOOIET, . ' Io rront Bolldteg, . Wilmington, N. 0. Feb. 37, 1863. "Mf VAN AM BINGE & CO., H f AND FACT0EEB8 OF MACHIK.EBT OIL, TANSKR8 1J1 (JUL., Axle Urease, car urease, enjui gpiriu Tnrpeutiije.LaiDp Black and Boap; WUmlngon, M. CM January 1st, 1864 , J.nnu. 11 1B7-M THE DAILY JOURNAL, ONrKDUAAIIQ ST A I Bi ,.t. or ahkhica. WILUINOTON, N. C, MOISDaY, FEB. 6, 1186. A cotamporar; remarks tbafFrance is richer in a naval and military point of view, and poorer la a fi nancial on Van aha hes been perhaps dariog the preg fint century. This may well ba so. Her army is nu merous, splendidly equipped, highly disciplined, ably commanded and thoroughly devoted. Her navy -is new, bnilt on the best and most scientific principles, is veil armed a ' well manned. Her voice in Europe is poten tial, but i er recent glories have bacn costly and bave brought no material compensation for the vast expense incurred in winning them. Algeria is an oc casion for outlay instead of being a source of profit. The Crimea yielded laurels, but nothing else, save debt; and although the Italian war added Savoy and Nice to the Empire, it did nothing to fill the treasury its x pessas had depleted, for "Savoy and Nice are poor little ountries. Mexico, with its mineral riches, held oat a glittering prize to the ambition of the French ruler. It prom ised what his people wantsd and longed for wealth. . Loiis Napoleon pat Maximillian on a sort ot throne hatched up for him in that country, and by way of in demnity for the expenses incurred in setting up his pup. pet, he is to receive certain, provinces of Northern Mexico, notably Sonora, which said State of Sonora lies directly Soith of California, and Is said to be rich in gold and silver. Sonora, however, is not the' only territory that the French will claim, or in which French influences will predominate. These influences will come la contact with the United States, along the whole bordsr or boundary between that power and Mexico. If opposition is made to his possession of Sonora he will have an exonse, of which Le will tot be slow to avail himself, of seizing npon California, and with Mex-; ice and her ports fop a base, hs w'.d find little difficulty ! In doing so. We really think that that grave, filent . inscrutable man already contemplates that eeizure, and irben perfectly ready will find his own time and bis own j occasion for doing so. He will know how to make the rupture that, will give biro the excuss, if not the justi fication, for his acts. Where there is a will there is a way.' . ' " :We think these things look qaite favorable for a rup. tore between- Louis Napoleon and the Lincoln govern ment That rupture win neuoer ne retarded nor ac celerated by any considerations of our interests ci wishes. The cool and astute Nephew of bis Uncle ' will simply consider as as elements in his calculations tor the promotion of his own plans. ' We need tot ears more for him. His plans and oars may co incide, ond we thick they wi'l A fresh entego' nist to the United States cannot bat relieve js from some1 of the pressure under which we now labor. Our independence or entagonism to the Uuiled Btates cannot but be favourable to Louis Napoleon's ' plans, by distracting the attention of the only power vUkalj to cpp039 obstacles to their eccompliolrment. TIIK RKTURSI OP OCR COMMISIIOaStM. FAIL' . ' VRH OP HBGOriATIOM. - It will be seen that our commissioners returned' las Saturday night from Fortress Monroe, after having bad an interview wit VLincoln and Seward. ; v - As . our teaders are aware, we were never saagiine ol any results likely to follow this attempt at negotiation and therefore are not' disappsisje'd at its tailors ; Still we hoped 'thatyomsttiDg mighty me of it that some rsy of light might be let in, but'a'pparently net a glean has been vouchsafed us. If any of cur readers hare allowed themselves to be deceived by false hopes, they cannot hold us retponelbls as parties to their deception, for ws have dona all we could to guard them against it. .. Well, negotiation has been fairly tried, and we see how it has resulted. If oar people are deserving o freedom they will all now mote together to work: it out If they are the people we, take these for they will rise op strongsr and more determined than ever. Instead of yielding to despondency they will take fresh courage, summon up fresh resolution, and our word for .it all things wili come oat right before the year is over, and no thanks to Lincoln. 1 be eatsts are in operation that wili work this out Remember this j Ilereafter the shriekers for nego tiation, peace, etc., are simply counsellors of peace on Lincoln's terms, and these are bow proclaimed to be sabmirsion, abolition, confiscation, sibja, ration and degradation. They now know what negotiation with Linco.n means, and cannot say that it b u not been tried fairly tried and under, aispices sappoeei to be favourable. There is bat thing for it tow, firmness and constancy Nothing else will win but these will. Tte peace tbey tflur is that we surrender at discretion AVr !iacre- tion 1 Oct Boldiers say no ! To this proposition oar honor forbids it all our hopes fr the future plead against il It cannot and will not bs cone. There is even now re aotion from the deep despondency of the last few monies, mere is are-action ol tne punjio courage there is an uprising cf the pablio spirit. Oar very misfortunes will prove the cause cf our salvation onr very disappointments will result in the firmer establish ment of our independence and prosperity.. . Wb do not hear any thiog of the enemy having reach eJ Brahcbville, nor having'strack the South Carolisa Railroad at any point, and we do eot belisvt that ke has done so. We are also inclined to relv upon iafor natioa goicg to show that he will not be permitted to pursue his march through Soath Carolina with tie same ease and impunity that he did throagh Georgia. We bave heard or dispositions and movements which It setm3 to us will result in bringing Shermaaj move ments to a halt. We need not s peoify what the se move ments are, but of coarse they comprise in tf eir opera' tiocs something mote than militia. ' Tbx members of oar Legislature sent on to Rich mond to obtain information of affairs, expected to reach Raleigh on their return on Friday last. This, it Is pos sible they may not have done, but we supp ose they have got there by this time at farthest, so that we nay hope to get soma inkling of their important Informa tion before the week is out. Floci sold in Fayetteville on Tharsday at three hundred and fifty dollars a barrel. The day before it had sold at six hundred dollars. Can't we have some flour here, and can't it afford to fall to something of an eatable price f Wb learn that the firing yesterday forenoen was torn the enemy's fleet oitaide against oar lines at la- gar Loaf. We have heard of no casualties and trust that there were none. Tux firing, of which the reports bave been heard to. day, has been at oar lines at Sugar Loaf, and from the enemy's fleet at ssa. No demonstration made at Fort Anderson. A report prevailed this forenoon that the enemy had struck the Booth Carolina railroad at Bambarg, the second station West of Branchville. It may be so, but we have no confirmation of it. Wx learn that on yesterday afternoon, Mr. Young, of the Signal Corps, captured three Yankee soldiers at or within the Yankee lines near Smithville ; they re port negro troops landing at Fort Fisher. Loss or thi Stiamb Rattlisxaxz The fine steamer "Rattlesnake, from oassau (N. P.) in at tempting to run the blockade eff this port weat ashore on Long Island about three o'clock Friday morning. She ran ashore about three Miles from Battery Marshall on Sullivan's Island. An unsaecesslcl effort was mads to lighten her by throwing overboard a portion of the cargo. Finding his exertions hopeless, the captain ait fire to the vetxel, and with the passengers and crew landed on Sail ivan's Ieland. Hey arrived to the city Friday eve nil )g. Battery Marshall opened upon the blockade r firis on the wreck, and protected the crew in their landing. The "Ratt fcsnake" is s&id to be the consort of the "Tallahassee." Two-thirds of her cargo were on Qev errjnent accaont, and consisted of coffee, bacon, Ac. Chat. Courier C imU . TELEGRAPHIC Rprte r the Free AwsUtt . Katered aceerdinr to Ue Act of Ceorreia, la the year ma, by J. 8. TaaASisn,la the Clerk'a Ofiee of the Die tr!et C etrrt of Ue Oeafederate States far the Northers Biatrial of Georgia. ) . . FBOM THI UNITED STATES,. ' v . . Biciaons, Fab. ath, 1B. The Baltimore Amerioaa, of th ta sit, aaacrta poal tWaly that LiaooU aithoriaad Blair aomawnicate h!a wflllDgneaa 4 giTC a hearing to any person of Influence who saay com tram the Btatca la rebellion, with or with out Davia' aathortty, to treat of ptaoe n ea the basis of aabmiasloa to the Unioa. 0. 0. Clay, Jr baa arrived at a Confederate port Coatataaary cacral Northrop hai tot rasigssd, as re ported. . Tai Oaiam or Nairirirnas. The nearest approach la ancient ttmee to tbo nepaper vac the Aoublnrna (nrooeedinffB of the day), a kind of gtstttc, pabtiahsd daily at Bonis, noder the authority of tho Ucrtrnmnt. it con f 00"nt of tho prootedlofs or the pablio usin r.i"' n.tkt wT.oonm- ta pealshawat of offsnders, and a list of births, marriacec and dsa'hs. The prooeed laca of the psblie asaern biles and the law ooarU were oo uinel hy ro.ani i of reporters eallsd aetnariai. The pro eeadlBca of the Senate were not published till tho ttmo of Julias t oiar, aad this oostoa was probtbiMd by Anfustos. As acooani of the proAeediuga of the Reoate was atlU pro. eer?ed. thoagh net published, and Taoitun Informs ns fJhat some Besator was ohosen by the Emperor to compile the aeeeont. The. Aeta wan freqaentjy consulted, and ap. pealsd to by later historians. ,lUt7i,Wb. chapter of tho fourth volume o( bis history of England, has given a highly em-, tertalalng and Instructive sketch of the rise and procrooe of aewspapera la Esgland. pb- CON FIDEBATN CONQJIESS. BioiKona, Fab. 4th, IMS'. In tho Bsnsto the negro f neatloa waa farther dlsoussod for aevcral hours without any result. The bill to catcalls h a flag for the Confederate Btatea was passed without oppo sition. The now flag; waa displayed from the Capitol to day. The only change is the aubetitutlon of a red bar for the half white field of the former composing tho enter end. Nothing of later est was done la the Hjoss is open cea aloa. LATIN NOBfEBBN NKWS THB PEACH C0MMI3- 8I0NEKS, Ac ' Riohmosd, Feb. 4th, 1861 Tho New Tcrk Htrald of tbo Id i us cabas btsa reeaiTtd. IU apeclal Washington dispafbh aa;a i We hare bad i anrfelt cf peace raners to-day aad il la exceedingly dlffl cult, oai of the saaaa of oentradlotory atatementa, to a, rlrc at the truth. The facta appear to be thasc t A dele- gat ion front Bichmond waa admutsd within cor llsea ye. tsrday, and to day started down Jamas river on an army traa port. They were stopped at Fortress Monroe, and Seward started for Annapolis at sooa lo meet then.-. There U reasoa to believe that they will not ojOte to Wash lngton at present, but that any aegi tlatioua or euafersae. in regard to a aetUcmcat of the d fflialilca will bi con duoke at rortreee slonrec by Seward, la behalf o the goTcramcnt The whole affair la iaTohed la a good deal of mystery. BALnxons, Feb. 1st. The AnnapcUa correspond at of the Anjcnoaa announcec ae aftlTal there this mornltg ol Seward, acoompaDlsd by hla private Secretary, who In mediately left for Fortress Monro on Urant'a dlapatob steamer, to meet the rebel comalaaloaers. The Federal ousc of Boreeentativea has .adopted tho Senate reao'atloa for an ameadmeat to the ConitltnUon abollshlcf slavery within the United Btatea. Salutes in honor of tbe event Lav besa fixed in rariost oliUs. The Maryland House of Polcgstca has ooaearrcd la the amend meat ' s Two disastrcus fires occurred la Savannah- oa tho 27h aad 28th alt, destroying a largo aoaaber of batldlnga. By seoond fire tea blocks were burned. Tea thousand bales of cotton Bad been ablpped North, and a crowd of other voaaelc wore being loaded with It. Uraat has recently been oa a visit to Fort Fisher. He returned to Fortress Monrec oa Monday. An order has been issued by the mUitary authorities of Missouri for the banishment from that lute of the wives and children of all mea la the rebel military eervloe. The House has passed a bill providing for the censtxae tioa of a ahlp canal around tho falla of Niagara. Bra ail Is bow engaged la hoetilitiea with both Uragnay and Paraguay, the latter State having, aeoordlng to latest advloca, also declared war against the Brasiliaaa.' Oold olosed la New Tori oa the 1st at 204. KITUBN OF THE PEACE COMMIISIOBTEOS. Ricnifoxo, Feb. Stb, 1MI. The peace eomalsalonora returned from Fort ess Mon roe last sight. Thsy had an Interview with Llneola and Seward, and were lafomcd cubatantlally that peace could only do attained by onovaditlonal aubaaissloa to the eon- sUtatlon aad laws of the Uatted States, and that the slave ry quHtloa had bora disposed of by tho aeUoa cf the Fed cral Congress la adopting the proposed aacadacnt totbe consutitloa abolishing slavery la the United States. It Is understood that an official statement frem the earn- auasioaers will be laid before Congress to-morrow. B10T ANTICIPATED IN NEW TOSS. Eleanor, Feb. ith. lie. The New, Tcrk World, of the Slat alt.; cconpies a lege with the pros ceding! and specohes of the Board of Supc visors, relative to the approaching draft la that city, the quota naving seea increased iroa four to tw oary-oao thou sand, tevcral of the lapervlsors latimaU that anotha rid ie Uevlublc tf the draft k oaf creed. The Wcrld eays t V counsel the people of this city to restrain their Indignant feelings, although we are wan aware that tbey arc Intcaaciy excited. The draft takes place oa the Utb. Another committee has been cent to Washingtca to urge a redaction cf the quoia. FBOM PETXB3BUB0. Piriaiirio, Va,, Fab. Sth, ll&l. The enemy demonatrated heavily oa our right to-day. Our pickets fa Cea, Gordon's front wore drives la early this morning, aad a pertloa of the one my 'a force reached tho Taugkaa road aad crooned Hatcher's run. Some skirmishing has ooenrred, bat there has teen ao engagement as jet The object of this ssoveaent has not been developed.. The enemy 'c trains nave neon running incessantly for the last two nightn, aoppocod to bo oonveyicg toope. From It 11 o'olock last Bight tbe heaviest cannonadlns that has occurred for weeks took place en ohr left, caused by th enemy eheUlng our Chester field j works. No casual Use oa our aid. A hlcBLi Arawsa A friend Cuught to eomrort the wife of the great Frsaca general, the Marshal de VUUroy, after the defeat of Ue Utter by Marl boron h at Bleaheim. bv leaving that thank to Heaven, th Marshal had csespsd na- In1nr. That, indsed." aha nnllaS. ! nn.H t. tas, hat sot eaosgh tcf Ha'l . A parifiaonious eoa eptarn, aaawerlog the eomplamts of his mea that tho bread was bad, exolalmed t mrmmim " What r oonDlaln of vonr hrmA ih.t u I What da yea tuink of the Apostles f Tbey at " shsw I bread," made from old boots and shoes." SPECIAL.? BlAOISTnATSB. WB ABB AUTHORIZED to announoc JOHN J. CON OLET, Niq.; present Inoumbent, aa a candidate for r elietloa to the effloe of Speolal Magistrate of the town of Wilmington, at the election to bo held oa Monday next, lb. February. Feb. M. - , XU SPECIAL HAOISTRATB. THI UIDEBIIQ5IED oflirs himself ai a eandldaU ff the office of Bpeolal Magiairatc 6f tho Town of Wilalng ton, at the election to bs held oa Mondsy next Sih Inst. JOHN C. WOOD. r-(' - im-it MAItHIItD. At LaQraogc. Tenn., oa tbe evsking of Dec Utb, 1884, by Rev. Jsmes J Vaoli, Or. WILL t M) skKH, aaaiaUnt nn geoa, P. A. 0. B . to viImH mI4 H EWhl L. yoooct risnnriterof Mrs. tnnlr M aud the Ute Jamre e. aeeiL Esq , formerly of Prmoe VT 1 am t ouol, Ynuinla. Dlal. Oa tbo 1st February, lt6l at the re-Id free of Mr. T. H. gfewki. k, ia tte eonnty f Duphu, at an a4vaoned ae, ear macn esseoe4 and reepee'ed Meud, sDWAhD VaIL, Erq., leaving a wife and two daugntere to m ;om bis irre l) arable loss Ue waa a naao of eocltl latinsa, kind as a private" elilsfu and obligiog ss a runllo efflosr wso Post, m atst for a long time at prtng Tale, troiortbed tbe Be listers Bioks slusmpsitn neatly, tooa the C'eaus of said oounty once hlmclf, and nsisd in d-log so a ao ond aad third ilme In vampion and Uupllfl ooumle, waa appointed assiatan kngroe.fog Ula.k of tbe Lsgtalatu' of Mi rth ar dlaa in t8H, which several ofQcee he filled -with fidelity. Hie death te regretted by bin old aelguoore, by whoa be waa bset known. , . THEATRE. FI. M. Jsnktws,.,.,,, Sol Umm and UiSiSXf Jotkm Dvie. Sittsre Unmmf MONDiT ETEN1KU, FEBBUABT Ith, 1SBS. By request, Mr. OEOKOB BilLIT in hla old favourite character of MA JOB JONES, la tbe great Comedy ef MJJOR JONES COdRlSOIP. Mies Bmfly Bailey as Mbs Mary Sterlings suss raaaj oauey as ......niso Aesian Btaulncs iavu uj va wuuie Iram Bug liorps. FANCY DANUB,..MISS SELINA WARNER T ccnelude with the laoghnble Farce ef the SKETCHES IN INDIA, JT3-PEICI3 OF ADaTJBSION AS USUAL. w Doora open at quarter to T ; eommcscc at half-past T. OTICBD TO WOOD 0CTTMBB. Til cnbsorlber having boon appointed one of the Wood Inspectors for ths town of Wilmington, would rsspcot- ion oiion a n-.r m uim puoiio pavrocsge. A1C Can be found oa Water Btreet at all hours of the dev. All ordara left with Cant N. E. Brlckhowe. will be aromntiv atuad. cdt F8AHK. TOPP. Feb. Ith . 119. It- 30-11 . SriYaU BUSOREO dollaus isbwako. LOST, A LNATHEB POCKET BOOK oonUlna BO money, i ay person bringing the cam to Meesre. Ooilic do's Office will receive tho above reward. Jaa.1. 1 129-U - WAICTKO TO HIRE BY THB MONTH, a good COOK, for which good wagsa will be paid. Apply at TH1B OFFICE. Feb.. 128-At at00 KKWAUD. BUNAWAT from th subroriber. on (ha llili a January, a negro man named JOHN. Said Besrro la stout baUaV copper colored. Is about 33 m. auuat five feet six lnchse high, and has a v ry intelliasnt look. No will try to vase off by the name of John Trn blood. 1 will give the ovo reward for his apprehension end confinement ia th-ill of New Himver county, or his delivery to me at my place oo the Morth East Btver, aad 1100 for cvldcnae conlslsnt to convict any ops Qf harboring him. '. J. P.-BICniBDS. Feb. th :. lM-St-30-lt T TAKES UF AND COMMITTED to the 1U of New Hanover . . v. i T a t. m m . . A- COVaij, BCKru wuusau auiiii ana duj woo bay that tbey belong to Joha Garroway, of Bruoa-. m aountv. Th owner of cald secroea le hereby notk Sad to oome forward, prove property, ipay charges and take them away, otherwise they wOl be .dealt with as th Itw dlrcota. . . . a. t, mnerjiT.. fob. 6 tb 138-6t-20.lt CROCKER?. TIN WABE. Cotton Tarns, Bloeetone. Blastiog and BIfle Powder, Bhot and Cape, Plough Castings, Calf Sains, Palf !kw BjoU, Whntmore uotmb inrcs ho. a, t and to. W I Carda, Leaf Cards, ruo B-eioesana ciscaitg, raiat and Ekavlng Broebee, all kinds cf Files, English t bloory, Tnmhlsra. Black Petper. Pant, Yeat and bblrt Bat tons, Fine iraoQ)ee, wniaser, v n-uuin- Thrcad, Copperas, Awls, CliaBc. Whit Uad .Ao., Ao at Feb. Ith ly-MAW-IMt i

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