' - ...... V - - VOL. 14. HO. ISO. J WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7 18G5. WHOLE NUMBER 4,096 B i FtXTOM PJUCK, rROPUETOUS. J AB. fTTLTCflt" E-wr,..q. !. FBICE. Associate Editor. HUMS OP KL'BSCHXPTI'J CASH IM ADVAJICSt. ia Paper 2 moiith 25 rt lHily Jonml will be anpplied by tbe eaoBtb to iol dien. inJy, for blX DOLLARS per month. Weekly Pper tor J moBtha... ........10 W No enbsorinttoB to either paper taken for any time sader er ever S months. The only deyiatieB frem this rule ii in the cua ( eoldiera aa abort atated. The paper trill ba diaeentinaed at tba expiration of the t ma paid far unless renewed. The t R A DR will ba supplied with the DAILY PAPER at 1 WJKTY'IVS JOLLAZi per 109 copies, or la that properties for a leee a amber, sat under U eeples. Al; wttera an buaineaa connected witb thta olP.oa, mart 66 addressed ta tha proprietora. . ' ABTI3TISEB.EiJXM ' ? U1 ba inserted iHy at TITB BOLRS j-or aara ct tan liaaa for each insert la a GAB H IS Al VANOK. a-AdrertiacBXaUiliiaermd aalspaclttl or EjJhap Scums ae charged one-half store than ahoid rate 4igat .im (Waded) or less eeuntad aa aaqnajre. urSi publioatien made without a wpaaidblo naac. emjBjBmmjjmmfmmmB filiate AND .P29FESS59N1L CARDS BO, JPHIf IWAM CUM BB F0U5D AT HIS BBilBfeBTOM, wner Ihiri ; aid ttesnat atreata, irhtra be .wmI aU' id ta prafst aioaaiaalla St. 8-S tf BI. CRONLY, Law SALnniAii with Weii Mobki, AUOnOKEiW, t April 7th, 1864 WlLHTCOVW, V. C. WAUKKH MlCARICa. WHOLE8ALK AKD BSTAJL PBUOdlHT, 37 SI abut (nnt, baa rroat Bolldbig, Wllmingvoa, V. 0. reb.J7.lMS. ' llMy TANAMRLNGE & CO., MASUPACT0DEE8 OP MACHIBEUT OIL, TAHICKBS I JLIJI UUi, AXia UrOBBO, VI urauni si'St i f Bpirila Turpentine, Lamp Elack and 8oap. Japnarj 11 10'u THE DAILY JOURNAL. CONFBDBKATB STATBS oV AD1B11ICA. WILMINGTON, H. 0., TUESDAY, FEB. 7, 18S5. y iMtnAtarj AtUinpt. W loam that on laat Saturday night between 10 and 11 o'cloek fire wai discorered in a hotree on 'fifth tM.' tMrt 1nnr tha T)r.Pond itithodfst Church, BUVIIf UV mww. J tba houBe being the property of B jasley. Tba ir cnmgtftnces were Bach aa to leave io donbt of the inr cendlary charaeter of the fire. It was fortanatejy dis covered in time to prevent its doing much damage. Shortly after the Union School Hoa3e in tte eame neighborhood waa found to have been let on fire, but was promptly put oat by" the Town Tolice;. It is also said tba) an attempt waa made to fire the Cbureh. " THEATHX. . To-night the drama of" Old and Tounf," the farce of the "Swiss Bwaini." Dance by Mies Seiina War ner. T morrow night Mr. VanOiten will take a benefit hia first we thiak. ' The bill effsred is a good one. Miss Bridges 'has volunteered and will appear as Lady Audley, in the play of 'Lady Andley'i Becret," adapted for the stage from the novel of that name. The performance to con dad e with the farce of the Lottery Ticket. Between the pieces a Bent; by Mr. VatOsten, and a Dance by Miu Seiina Warner. Mr. YenOsten is a meritoricus and painstakicg per- foraior he is personally and professionally popular, and we may safely bespeak for him a fall house. Now is indeed the winter of our discontent and dee- poadaney, and yet we art not balf as discontented or Respondent as the men ct tte first devolution were whan tba war had crosTessw for four years : nor have we as much reason. . We can see and appreciate our nn iraablea because thrv are creaent and immediate. bit we mora thai half forget those through vVbick the molted colonists paned ; at any rate we do not fully appreciate tbsm. Oar diCkiltv is removed out of oar cath. .The clamoreri for pece va0 base ttieir opposition to the Confederate Uovernment ipon tne ground that pror efforts had not been made to secure peace that nego- . '.a' tiations bad net been triea, nave now noming to stand on have no basis of action save submission surrender At discretion. -All tine men at tha Sotth nut here i after be a unit. That is something it is much.' cial Migietratp, resoltcd in the selection of John J. Oonoley, luq-, present mcuabent. The vote stood : , John J. Condey. ................ ....113 John C.Wood...... 29 . ' BAiir-.It would really appear as thoagh tha win dows of Heaven wart opened and the waters " over the ftmawint norwiiH A tn nrrar ' Aawa nnnn thin ninfrl !""-- r " c. i1 i world. Thosej(who have holes in their eboci will nd out all about it without asking. Womea are laid to hare itrorger AtUchmeoU than men. not ao. A ma b la ottea atuohad to aa oia cat, nat oia C yon ever know oft woman baring; an attachment for an p!4 M9i ! ISM IN" Far tha Jfc?aai. Meisra. Editobj : ' , These are certainly dayi of deep datkaeaa aad severe trial. God ia pouring oat hia wrath apoa na aa a people. It it bfghtime we were leaning wl3om by tha , thioga we hare aollared. Bat are wa. aa a people, learning ?, If at, where la the proof I Hate we mora nvreoee far Qod aad lore far hli law thaa wha tale atroggle eommeaoed Z . Bather are we not drlftlag away from Ood'a ooamaad meets ? Ylait oar Chnre het bo w t mall the ooBgregatloaa. Ia aot thii genera) neglect of the boate of Ood an tvldeaoe of dacliiiel ' : Bat ia the Theatre, the danoe, the aoolal pleaanra part rg'eetedf Who bow roei to the prayer meetings, area of those who claim to ba the people of Qod T ' Izoept tue Lord build the home thfy labor is vain that baiid it: exctptte Lord koep tba eiiy the watchman wateketb bal in Tio." The Airiye bleanirg ia abiolotaly ncaaary to noeea la erery nodertaklog. Uaa wa, as a peeple, Igoora Uod sod aroipfcr ? The nooner we feel and eonfeta oar 4e Ceodeaoe tbe better. O 1 my ohrittiaa friends, let ae da ettor lot nt bomble corels tafora tha Lord, ooaaia and foraatear aina, and call apoa tied antU ha aar and aare at. Ttere will be a prayer mertlre; ewry TedaeaJay aTsr- in.T, at 1 o'oieck, in the Frest ftrsst Methodist Chfok. i appeal te all tbe members of the Church ta attead, aad cordially mt ite ail others to attead, ed 1st ns pray Oud's aicsmcg opoo us. - L. 8. B0B&HB4B. TELEGRAPHIC npraa l U Prea A ssxiIbUh. , . Katerel aseordlog to the Act af Caogress, la the year . ines, by S. S. Thiisbeb, la tka-Clerk'e Oftiee of the Dis triotCaartaf tba nfederata States for tbe Northers District af Usorgla. ' .ineiRllAN'S StOYKMBBlTB. ' The various aod contradictory reports io circulation Saturday aad Sunday caused ceasiderable exoitemeat and nnePFincss la our community. The present posi tion of afuiri is certainly one of intense interest and anxiety, and we shall endeavor to keep tba public as fully informed as tbe circumstances will admit. Oar citisecs may rest assured that any newe of im portance reaehing beadqtarters prudent . te communi. cate, will not be withheld. This will enable ns in a great measure to attp mariy of tba false and absurd ru mors daily set afloat. . , : On Friday afternoon the enemy crossed the Salke batchie between BroiWs and Kiver's Bridges, also above . tbe River Bridge, completely outflanking- ow forces and compelling them to retire upon Branchville. A Bbarp fight, lasting several hours, toek place at Rivsr's Bridge. General Wheeler kept the enemy in check abd-mude considerable havoc among them in the fight. We have no details or particulars aa to the re epectivt losses on either side, but that of the enemy is known to have beea heavy. Oar troops fell back ta the second line of defences'. The enemy, at latest accounts, (Sunday evening) had not crossed Rim's Bridge. . . , . The report that tbe 17th Army Corps were at Ban well Court Honse Sunday with a large force of caval ry, wes discredited in military circles last evenlnr. Tbe gneral impression, however, was that they would make an trior i to gain tne road sometime during the night Up to a late hour the wires ware working through to Augusta, ana communication remained anoroken. Heavy cucnonadicg waa reported by passengers to have been heard all day in the direction of Bamberg. A number of prisoners were brought ia Saturday and Sunday. Tfiey report that Sherman woild make an attempt to cut the road at Midway. " , Passengers to Augusta, report that Sherman was ad vaaoing on Brancriviiie in two ooloms, with about fer ty theuBnd men. One transport and four tf tbe enemys bargee landei a number of troops on Little Brittaia, and about two hundred men at (Secret Post. About half -past two o'clock P. M. they advanced te King's Creek, and af ter skirmishing a short time retired. One picket line was re-established. CharUtion Cturier, Oik in$U ,KBVEIt TOO OLD VO tVBAHS. 8ccrates,at an extreme agi, learned te play on ma sical instruments. , Cato at eighty years of age thought proper to leara the Uretk laoguege. Plutarch when between seventy and eighty, com menced tne study I Latin. Bocirio was thirtj-five years cf aje when be com-, menccd bin studies ia p:iita literatarc, yet he became ofrj of three m&slcrs of the Tnsoau dialect, Paste and Jetrarch being the other two. Bir. Humphrey Spelman neglected the scieaces in his youtb, but commenced studying cf them when he was DCtWVtu u...j mi--j jw. -5 ,.wi Mill UII he became a most learned antiquarian and lawyer. . Afit Cobcrt, the famous French minister, at sixty years 01 age, reiuraca io ma xjbub ana uw aiacies. Lndovico, ,at the great age of one hundred and fif teen, wrote the memoirs of bis own times. A singular exertion, noticed by Voltaire, who was himself one of the most remarkable instances or tie progressing of age in new atudies., .. ' ' . Ogibly, the translator of Homer and VirgU, was un acquainted with Latin and Urctk till be was past the ageoi fifty. ' ' ' . ' .Franklin did not commence his philosopkleal pur suits till ke bad reached bis fiftieth year. - f Accorso, a great lawyer, being asked why he began the study of law so late, answered that indeed Els' began it late, but he could therefore master it the aocnar. Dryden.in his sixty-sight year eommsneed tie trans lation of tba Ilfiad,- and bis moat pleasing productions were written in hia old age. Tb Auqcsta Chbomiclu aid Sixmn i .Taerj. Daring tbe afternoon session of Richmond Su perior Court, on the 20tb, we learn from tbe Constito tiocaliat, that the case of Chichester vs. Morse, pray ing for en .injunction to restrain the latter from pub lishing; tbe' Chroniclers Sentinel, newspaper, and to ap point a receiver to settle up the basiaeas of the lata firm of N. 8. Morse & Co , waa argued ; the court de ciding, after hearing tlte arguments of counsel, to re quire Mr. Morse to shew cause why. the injuncticn sbouldot be granted, send allowed him ten days fcf that purpose ; the case Ut be then heard at Saadere ville, in Washington County, E. Starnes, Xiq for the proBccotor i U. W. HiilUrd, Esq, for the, deJ&adaat. v . Nothing by Telegraph, aiscayMterday'a Isina. ' Rkusaib or rnitosKRi ov wau rium coarRBiKJfT ir toon. ; . ' ctiiiAL oasxMt a-o. 6. : Wax Dan. Adj't UsviBUL'a Orrici, ) Waahiagtca, Jan. 18, 18C5. A proposal having been made by Robert Oald oa the 224 of Aagust last, to tbe afleot that prisooen-cf war on each aide be released from cos linemen t, clean, or ia iroca, aa the ease ny be, and either placed Is tbe eooditioa of cthtr prise.isrs or sfat to tbeir reapectivc hei.j for their tqi;vaUaa whlea propoiil wa tuly spprcved by the ccretar of War.it lg beieby ordered that all Confederate prisoaers of war that come within the terms of said accepted prept eal be ibleaaed and sent te f sit Monroe, there to be detained subject to tbe idcia of Lieutenant Colonel Jcbo E. Malford, Agent for the Uxobaoge or fruocera, to enable him to carry the proposal intc afaot. Ia executing this order the ix-ression eonfloeaaat clece, will he eenstruad aa meaa lag prise Bars coi-flaed la calls. By order cf the Sboiitait or Yf AB. A. A. Kicbols, A. A. O. . i OKi.Ltfs uPisiioai or ituatioiv.' Tks people (aaya the Lynchburg Virginian) arc al ways glad to knew Winer al Lee's opinion oa matters iovclvlag tbe public interests, as ba bos tbeir confidence to aa extent enjoyed by nc other .msTu in the Confeder acy. Tbey win be glad to know what ba tblnka of tbe present situation. Without violating any confidenci, we are enabled to gratify them to corns extent. A let ter before us, from a prominent gentleman, informs is that while in luchmond a few days since, uen. Lee re marked tc a friend that "be law and appreciated the difficulties acrreunding u, but be waa hopeful and con fident that any comaromi&e now would prove but a truoe. or aa armistice, ana would be an unmanly abrink iar from present duties, and entailing upon onr.cnil- drea trials whioh we should mejt and overcome." Te latter adda : This ia aablime truth, and witb y unshaken confidence ia God, I trust 1 Uencral Lee will be as another Uideon, and that the swotd of the Lord, will ba in bis hands for our deliverance." ' 'V The BtrBEiBi mi taa Confcdsrata Araatca. Tha Barkvld pablbhea. with a treat flanrlah.Vhat it csUi " a eei piste roster " of tha Confederate army with the names or regiments oomposicg ongaaes, toair eoiamaad ere, eta. n lima up the aUeagth af the army as 1 el lews i Amy cf Vorthera Yirglala, ...74 tso Aim of Tennetae , ooo Aray af Missouri,, .35,001 aasBBvas. ' t .- fiarrieoaof KiehBOi4,.,r. .rr i. ;;.;-.v.; Garrisan of LTDohborr..... I ann Dspartaent af Bortb Carolina... T,400 vf itio.B vi uiuuwwwi, usergia anajrioriaa, apposing Rherman, 1030 Department of Xaatera Georgia, oppoalon; Cher- ' tnaa... . . . tt aa Deyartaent of Alabama, Mlaslssipyl aad Bastdtu ' JUOB,,?," 14,000 Dlatriot of Tsxaa,fsw Vexloc aad Arlaoaa,. too District f West Louisiana S 000 QarrlaeBOi forta on eesst,.. g Grand total,...., ; ...... ...148.940 It has Seen said, cbaervaa the Golnmhna tnn. that war has produced an increase of profanity and tha oth a a "T a -.1 IWeV ! 1 a. -r . er aiienasBi vices, imaia untrue, war serves only . M I . .. . . . . ' 10 reveai ana anmasK cnaracier ; 11 does lot materially change it., ado uiau wbo laa proianc a wearer, or a drunkard, er a thief or rogue now, posseescd those traits iirorc ; tsa preseai icaetueai state 01 society 1 only the occasion for their lisplay. I be soldier who steals his eemrade's haven aac now, bad it ia bis heart to steal before be became a soldier he was restrained only by publio siatimant er the fear of punishment, or aierrea ltuuu hi iiiciuud ai lu uesivns nw tr.a an mum nf a. otvid annnrtanltv The aaai who demeana himself dureepectfaUy before m ..il. if .. eaa nsprotectca lauiec now, woma cave done ao before tba war but for tba fear cf corporeal pnoUhwant at tbe bands of some male relative ; the disturbs of publio wcrship when civil law ia a nullity, was restrained afore gone only by a wholesome dread of the atatutca made and provided for the punishment of the diaotderiy. and tha refractory. Tba man who steals, embtzilss, or otherwise ppro Eriatea'Geveraaiat money er crooertv. wobU steal hia migbbor'a horse, or his ox, or bis swine, or his puree, could he do so with u little fear cf detection and pun-ishmsat Tha offloial who makes aafearta of crirata nrnnr4 apoa a false pretence that he la ao authorized by the KruTiracaeuL, sums oa uigaway roaoer DUl lor a wholesome dread of punishment. Tha officer who ia abusive and eras! Ar nanpmWrita aevere now, waa a hector before the war he was oaly at. e f rectrainea ny civu law. ' Tbe woman who la imprudent and immodest now lad it in her heart to be ao before the war. ' The scam wbo makes a false return of tithes now, would have acted aa did Annaniaa and Sapphire, bad ke lived eighteen hundred years ago, and been similarly situated. j . . it A AJtiii.1 Burr On Friday tight last and ioring tke whole of Aatnrda, In this portion of the cooetry, a bos fianuiui imim su wuva iiov bcbtuj, niora so ihaa wa hate esr kaowa belora. Tha desiroetiea ta timber mail be immense. . The road a la soma plaoss were eompletala blockaded and rendered imeassbbl. tiit mnob dsmsce aaa beea eutaintd b orchara ak! a a faar ana ixbii uses. nan aa Bnane iraea are much lnjarsd, there being scarcely a single one of tho Utter on iwhleh the effseta of the e!et are not tUibie. The streets of oar wwb praaaauns ui boib ptAcas ua appearance al baling beea visited by a terrible tornado, which prostra ted aad injured every trie ia its path. 1 - Kalerr I ' '. . FwrtLe Jonrnal. Fobt Akbsrsov, W. J., Yebraary 5th, 1863, kfessrs. KrroiB:-. Ob Friday last, about 3 ocl- ck. P. one of tha eae my a steeaisra, a larg dsnbie-eader. left the fltet aad raa ap wlthiatwoand a ha:r mtiea of our srork, aad opsssd Ore with 11 leeb Oaolf rtsa bs. ber second shot itQietlng more damat a on us teas we nave ersr brfrre rece.vsl from a ship s gna wc oadaic sH men cf Oampany B, 40tb Begiaient, theiameeyan wi.lfltd below.- The ship's fire aa retarasd by Cspu Heslsy'a rnttwortb Battery. After the fifth saot from Mosloy tbe d joble esder crawled off backward, " ery I ke a crab," aid maoh mora rapidly thaa she adv&acsd. hating rcaivrd tdrte shuts throuii hsr hsll from the Whltwortb, one af whleh pts4 entirely tbroagb her btlowthe aatar line; tLU waa witnessed by three of oar efflcfirs who wore qsletly ensconatd in a cedar thicket witata feur fauodrsd yards af tha snip. When She had retired, aad slu.r comiaaslestJng by a small bet, aneiher adsuod 10 areige tbe l Jar, but w tlioa! ieflict ing aer ssriois Sarasge tons ealuekily aheaiy fog eloasi axt,ovi ih thif whleljgtfeherthe avaBtags; sba bsriotr tte rseife 0 cor werki, in a dasiardly inaaasr oMSftaad th fire through tha frg, noseao by ns. botinrslnhloga iita !; token of her ;rnos in the ebaso of :0 aeander Tar rotlsh.ii. , Tie two Bhlpe fired oaly abouftblrfy shet, hot with a ISTlllsh dellheratioa and laferoel aeoaraoy. nearly crery sbsU fslling wlthia tke wort, or miking the parapet ia frost. Almost every other day thess rascals (Its ns a ba eflt, aid in srsry case they axa driven out of aotioa by tba aaerriag aim of Sergesat Jous, of Mosloy 's battery, whose SQpsrlor ttsjkaaassblp aad g'noral sood qesiltee as a sol dier deserve tbe higuest t raise. It is a sisKUlar faot (hat the satns ship neTar rsturns. Ose of these ships, the El.at liaacock, ia nadergoi grepalra, rndered aeosssry from the eOsoi cf tao shuts irosj the Whnwerib 00 YViday the 17th Jsnasjy. Ttals prasttee 01. ths'r pan, thongbaBOoylne tons, Bredausamoatexhtilratingcgjct on the spirits af our mn, and l.feeJ ataared, that with eauogh "rastal here," ao Yankee ship weald eier get Wllmlngion. . BespseUaUy yours, ' ' ; OAFS FBAB. .Lijtcf oafnaItahC..B,T)th Ksgimeat N.C.T.. by the Are ef the enemy's ships, Frldsy febraary 31, IBM 1 slihtfyV'"" h0 A l!huau' Washington, V. 0.ti arm, Fritrate Alfred Babersoo, Martin ouunty, N. 0.. arm aad leg, slnoe oesd. FrWate tobirt Green, Flit coanty, W. C, in head, ae- eeJer'ly" fircy E. Jaaksoo, Bagort connty, H.O., side, .J1' W,u,m WWUkar, Beufurt cosn'y, R. C, leg", Frlvste John L. potisr. rt..nfr.. , v, . , . r tt 1.- llgbtij. v-. . VU.( M. Dob't bs too CiatAiif. Aye, now boys, don't be too certain. Remember notbing ia easier tiian to be' mistaken. And if you permit yourself to be mistaken ' a great many times, every body will lose confidence in .bat you say. If you have any doubts remove them by cxptanatioa, beiore speaking confidentially. Four pounds of beef lose one pound by boiling, and a pound and three ounces by Uklcg. Four pouoda of mutton lota fourteen ounces by boiling, one pouo iand six ounevs by roasting and ols pound four ounces by baking. . jnO.VKT tIAUKKT, BIVI8EO DAILY Bt B. F. GUADY, fil'i?!1!---8- Market Streets JirTWJ'raira ibis awiinv mM r r mt a per eeat. Bonds, 3.a 1100 f T co 7.10 Rotes, co 4 per cent. Certiflcates, 60 iter log Bxeharge, 43 a 44 ", a. O. Bank Mat... k . 1 b.c. ' 5" ' . Georgia g Yirginia " j Gold. .il blJver, . .' , 40- , X AISIW JOIIK'a U4IIUK, Hm. 1. V A Al EMIvdBST ilETIAf(i this (Taesday) e Y leg, at 7 o'clock. . " iLyim Faaetual attendanoeldeslrsd. By order. . WlsYM. rOI330Jf, B'y. T y m.lt THEATRE. It. If. JsabJae..... Bala t-aa'aaa anal ar.at.aHv Jaka XJavla .8es;s MuaKr TUESDAY EYKJflfla, FEBBOABY 7th, IMS'. Will be presented tke Oomedy of OLD iND YOUNC. Charsotorsby the Compasy. HBaHBHaHMMBBvaaatMaaMaBaai - FANCY DANCE,.. MI8 b KLIN A WARNER Ta eenoladi with the Uijghabla Farce cf the - . ' . SWISS SWANS. ' Tc-merrow a'ght, KTednesday, benefit of Mr. YAK02U TBJf. on whlob aeeasinn Miaa Kf-OIffB SKITViri kladly volaateered, will appear ia ber celebrated charac ter of LAicr AUDi.gr, ia her Drama from Lady Andley'i Ksorst; . . ' 1 Atr-FBICES OF. ADMISSION AB USUAL. JEf Soars opea at fnarter to 7 5 aommanee at half-past T. THEATRE, BENEFIT OF R. L. VAXOSTEN ! Wednesday etemuj(j, bbbuaey eih, 1665. MISS EL01SE BRIDGES Baa kladly Tolnnteered oo this occasion. nd wfJl mntir' in her great character of LADY AUDLEY'8 BKCBST. Miss SELINA WARNER in a favorite Dance ! Miss IDA MORTON ia n entirely ne Sonz 2 : Mr. VANOSTtfN ejs THE OLD SETrON 1J AND A PARING FARCE I roa biit l 1 Bouse, corner of Cbestuat and Third BtrtdU. tbe Uka Titnoart. of Urn Jr. tin R. I-nrlna rya , aiai.j i;av4'j.i. tr ! I

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