' El n i 1 1 VOL XV-XO. 52.' WiLMISGTOX, NaV MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, I.SG.V' WHOLE NUMBER 4,1 CO. VK vil li 1 ' . ' t I II IV J I II II Til E D UJ. JJ RX A L . KILTO & PUICK, Proprietors. J AS. Fl'LTON, En'Toa, .A,L PRICE, Associate Fjhtob. - Tenns of Sauacrlption i Dailv Paper, one year, invariably in aavauo" ... 110 00 six months,. " ' , .5 ("i ' " , three months, " " ....... 3 (Ni " imii month, " ; ... 1 Oo AH letters on business connected with this oflico miiHt l.o addref-'sJ'd to tin- proprietors- , , Kates of Advertising I AuvEBTisiMffNTS will lx inserted t the rate of Jl per square for the tirst insertion; 13.60 per week ; and 19 jer month. - t - ' i'fii- line tit less 'are counted as a square. Longer Advertisements in proportion. .'"''' Advertisements iiise,rtedsSiecial or Bishop Notices art' charged one-half morn than aisive rates, tight lines or li -ss (haded) eouutcLl& square. Advertisements inm rted every other day are charged as law at each and Bvcry insertion. No publication rcrlcctiiitr iiihui priwtemharaetcr will he allowed in our columns, either as advertisements or Other WISC t " No publication made without a responsible name. general directory. TOW Si OFFICKKS. Mayor-' of Toirn -John DawHou. Jloi'int of Cnuiniissioner .las. Shackelford, Alfred Mar tin, Jim. U. Bauiniui, Stephen D. Wallace, Eh Murray, Win. ,S. Anderson. 'J'tnrn Clerk ail TreiisttriirT. W. Anderson. Chiif of 7'otW' Paul McOrcal. Assistant cl, iif 'of J'oliif John Griffith. Choi Fire Jt hartmcnt and Chief FnyiiwerJun. Mitch Mi. Assix'anf Cliitf Engineer Juh. Macoiubcr. Clio Ji Fire H ardi'n W llurkhciner. Assistant Fire Hnivt A. H. VanBoklen. Fire II 'aniens. Avon K. Hall, E. Sehulkcn, Jas. McCor- inick, J. II. Ryan a ml Jaw. i. Burr. -. Aotarif VitWtr William M. Poisson, William L. Smith, Thomas Evans. " . . . Tmrii frtrceyorXf. II. James, CJiairman of County Court Jan. Shackelford. 'Clerk of Coil lit if Owrt-rRobt. R. Wood, Jr. . ki..-;,i' i ''.......u. iii..i.B.i .1 Ji.iid chartl W. ixun. llnjinlfr (ieorgc W. 1'ollock. ilfciiU Moiiislm!? John J. Conoly. ''(vViI CmiriH. D.-Wallatie, James Colvin, A. II. Van Jlokkeleu, A. A. llartslield, II. F. Murphy and T. J. Arm htrong. - Con iily ,.VT"oJohn WT. Henderson. " CuHHlnlilig llikanuh Allen, 11. L. Hellers and John C. Millis. Commiltte of FiiMweH. D. Wallace, 8. N.Cannon and II. li. Filers. H'tinon of Hie I'lmr. John A. TavlorV' John A.-8an- rtenr, Joel Hniesr JoctlrMoorcrJag. 'f. ISlandrAn'hTibold McMillan, John A. Corhett, James Garrason, William 8. 1'ridgeii and (). F. Alexantler. littfiictorti of Satal Slorex John 8. James, James f). Ilowtlt li, Archibald Altlcnnan, John C. Bowden, Alfred Alderman anil Thomas W. Flayer. Jimifrinr of Timbei d-c.L. Hi Bowden, James Alder man, lieo. McDutlie. - Jiotjii riom oj I'rorisionii, ic'.V. E. Bunting, Win. J. Yoj'p and Jiitt. W. Muuroe. AVILMIXGTON POST OFFICE. OFFICE H0U1W-9 A. M. TO 5 O'CLOCK P.M. Mail Clou'. iNoRTHKKN, EASTERN ASD WATERS Daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M. , - NKW 't)KK AND KaSTEHX liy hteainer Wednesdays and Saturdays. SiiVTHEUN Daily, at 6 P. M. . ILMI.NOTO.N, VUAHLOTTE iV IIIJTUCIIEUUU IIAU.BIMU Tuesdays and Saturdays, at C A. II. Mailt Arrice. XollTnERX Every morning, except Monday. -Nkw loll it Every Tuesday by Steamer. Soithkhn Daily, at 3 P. M. HAILKOADS. WILMINGTON .V MANCHESTEll UAILKOAD. l'resiiieitt Oscar G. Garsley, Sr. Jhivrtom John Dawson, Henry Nutt, John A. Taylor, N. N. Nixon, J. G. llurr, liichard Bradley, J. Eli Gregg, Moore, Maj. Haynesworth. tleurral SiifM-riHtriuUnt H. M. Drane. . Assistant .ufierinlewU'iiC W. H. McDowell. .Sfcretary irl 'JYeasnrer W. A. Walker. ' Ventral HrjM Ayi'iU John L. Cantwell. WILMINGTON, CII.U1L0TTE A ItUTHEllFOUD K. "It. I'nsiilriit Kobt. H. Cowan. JHrrrtort S. J. Person, Joseph Green, John A. Mc Dowell, Hubert S. French, Walter L. Steele, Stephen W. Cole, Samuel H. Walkup, E. Nye Uutcluuson, Haywood V. liuioli, V. u. nenuerson, a. u. ixigau. Sufvriiiteiitlt-ju' Hoger P. Atkinson. Trmsuvpr and Master of Transportation H. Allen M a sier Mechanic J. B. Gayle. -Frvi'jM A'jvtU J. T. Alderiiiaii. . . ' WILMINGTON k WELD0N IUILR0AD. Presiilenl H. II. liriduers. JJirerlor P. K. Dickinson, Um. A. Wright, 8. D. Wal lace, Alfred jlartin, A. 11. vanuoKKeien, r-u fliurray, ju Kidder, John Everett, W. D. Faircloth, John Nornoet. Kti'jiiteet awl SufieriiUetukfU 8. 1 Fremont. .Secretary and'Treasnrer J. W. Thompson. S'tjiermlenilent 'fran.ortation Wm. Smith. . UueraLTtrJil Anvil 4 CkrleVim. M. Poisson. Mi neral Freight Agent a. L. Dudloy-. Masier Mechanic joun Jj. isivuiv. - GOVERNMENT OF XORT1I CAROLINA. William W. Holdeu, of Wake County, Provisional Gov ernor. - Jos. 8. Cannon, of perquimons, Aid, with tho rank of Colonel. -Tod R. Caldwell, of Burke. Aid. with tho rank of Colonel. Lewis Hanes, of Davidson, Private Secretary. 11. C. Batlger, of Wake, ami W. II. Barley, of Pasquo tank, Assistant Secretaries. , S. M. Parifh and J. D- Pullen, of Wake, Oerks. Theo. N; Bamsey, of Wake. Clerk and Messenger. . Jonathan Wttrth", of Randolph, Treasurer. Donald W. Bain, of W ake, Chief Clerk to-Treasurer. C. 11. Thomas, of Carteret, Secretary of State. JI DOKS VSDEB THE JROVISIOVVL STATE OOVEaMEXT. 1st Circuit George W. Brooks, of rasqnotauk. 2d " Edward J. Warren, of.Beaufort. . 3tl " Daniel G. Fowlo, of Wake. 4th - " Hob't B. Gilliam, of Granville. .rtli " ltalph P. Buxton, of Cumberland, (ith " Anderson Mitchell, of Iredell, 7rh " lt-ib't P. Dick, of Guilford. 8th " Edwin G. Beado, of Person. BOMTTTORS rSPERTHE PBOVISIOSAL ST ATI GOVERNMENT. 1st Circuit Jesse J. Yeates, of Hertford. 2d r " David M. Carter, of lleaufort. 3,1' " John A. Slanlev of Pitt. . - - 4th " Thos. Settle, of IttH'ki'ngham. flth " Arch'd It. McDonald, of Moore. I'.th " David M. Furches, of Davie. . . 7th " Wm. P. Bvnum, of Lincoln. Sth " Itobert M.'H.eury, of Macoiu . GOVERNMENT OF THE XNITED STATES. President Andrew Johnson, of Tocnessee. Secretary of State W. H. Seward, of New York. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, of Pennsylvania. Postmae'ter-Oeneral Wm. Detimson, of Ohio. Secretary of the Navy Gideon Wells, of Connecticut, Secretary of the Interior James Harlan, of Iowa. Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCullough, of Illi nois. , Attorney-uenerai James ppe-cu, oi ixeniucay. i Presideit of the- Senate Lafayette 8. Foster, of Con necticut. Speaker of. the House-chuyler Colfax, of Indiana.. i SUPREME COrKT. ' Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Chief Justice. , 1. James M. Wayne. Georgia. - . 2. Samuel Nelson, New lork. 3. Bob t C. One r, Pennsylvania. 4. Nathan Clifford, Maine. ' 5. Noah H. Swayne, Ohio. 6. Daniel Davis,' Illinois. . - - 7. Samnel Miller. Iowa. - .. 8. SmauMlFultl, CalJ'.'rnia. . J V MKrrniAirr-OEKiiaiA. Winfield Scott, Virginia. ' Vlvsw S. Orant. Ohio. - Attjutant-Gcneral Loren20 Thomas, Delaware, - Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt, D. C. Quart rmaawr-Gtnerak Montgomery C Maigt, of Penn fylTMUa, ',.-.' Schools. riilsboro Srirntific Aradfjy, T. B. UEXSON, Principal, TYim IXSTITI'TIOX WAS opened on M m.lav, 2ilth -J. November Imj, for flu' tirt term of the Scholastic ear, continuing for twenty weeks, untlerthe .Supenntend ence of Claudius II. Benson, formerlv Principal of Krank lin Scieutitic and Military Institute, Duplin county N. '. There will It. 'three .Cmrsrs of Instructions, OMMF.lt CI.VL, CLASSICAL ami SCIENTIFIC. In the ( t,mmer cial eoiirse Penmaiif-hip ami Book-ki t pint; will lie taught according to the Spi iiceriau syMi in, with all the late Charts and improvements, and the adjunct biaiiclit s nec-i-ssary Tor business life. ' lu the Classiculcnui'se, will be taught the (iramninr and Literature of thu I'.nglish, Latin, tuet k, I n tich (and if desired, German and Italian) Languages. ' In t he Sciont Hie course, all the various Divisions of Phys ical Science will b comprised, illustrated by the latest Maps-, Claris, Models, Ac with tine Cabinets of Cheini cali(faals. Fossils. Ac, and Philosophical and Astro noniiTrjjHjmratiiH. Freiueiit Lectures will be given, em bracing Hm? ii suits of discovery, down to the present year. , ' lounger pupils will lx instructed bv Object Teaching, and 'the beautiful Chart of Prof. , Wilson will be intro duced. I The situation is delightful, ami society of the fincslf char acter. TERMS PF.K SESSION OF TWENTY WEEKS: Senior Depai Uncut . 120 (1 Junior Department. . J, - . 1.) 00 Board IKMK) per mouth, exelunixo of fuel, lights anil washing. Terms, payable in specie, or its eipiivaletit in provision, at specie rates. Rill -rendered 3(1 days after entrance. Pittshoro' is readily accesaiblo from Egypt or Morriss villu (12 miles abuve ittth-igh) ly previously wi lling to the Principal. -Nov. 2". 51-Iw A I'RIVATK Sf IIOOL. MISS MANGI'M WILL OPEN THE SEVENTH SES SION .of her Scllnul fur young latlies, at the resi tli'iieeitif her mother, Mrs. Willie P. Manguin, on the IMth of Januaryr lhtiii.-- Only a limited rniiuber of pupils can be received. They will tind a homo in h( r mother's family. For particulars applv to MTSS M. T. MANOL'M, Flat River, Orange Co?, N C. Nov; l. : ' JiT (iw The Dinuham Srliool, MKIIAMCVILLK, K. C. rpilE NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN ON M ARCH 7TH, I lMfifl, and continue forty weeks, thus ofl'eriitg to the people of Eastern Carolina the combined advantages of a summer session, with a w inter vacation. For.terms, -address WM. BINGHAM, Mebaneville, N. (V Kov. 1H . UiliMnUTOt MLIAfM fi:uli: si:.iharv. C10RNER OF SECOND AM) CHESTNUT STREETS. ) G. W. JEWF.TT. Oct. 11. ir tf Ri:iovEnr Ml SCHOOL HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM FRONT I Pri 1, C M LF.t )D. 3D tf Nov. 10 Kittrcll's Spring FEMALE collkgiate ixstitcte. v GRANVILLE CO., N. C. mill.S CELEBRATED WATERING PLACE IS NOW X open as an Institution of Learning, with a fulE and competent Board of Instructors. This Institution will furnish advantages such as aro to be found at no other School in the South. The location is a most delightful. one, within a half mile of KittrcU'a De pot, on the Raleigh A Gaston Railroad. The buildings are all new, and will accommodate three hundred boarders, besides abundant room for School purposes. The character of the mineral water found hero fs too well known to the whole country to need a remark. 'It has been pronounced by the lost physicians and scholars, as well as the.fOiousaiids win) have used it, to ho equal to any in Nortn Carolina or Virginia. , 1 ' Our scholastic year will be divided into two terms. The .1. . At. ry: l . , j r .. , rail rtessiou opennii; inn jtiisi. tTetinesuav in vicmuer aim closing the 20th February. Tho Spring Session opening the 2'M ieUruary anil closing tiio' 1st day of July. Terms per S'ssion, payable in United State Currency. Provisions, or Bank Notes tnken at their market value. Board, Washing, and General Tuition (including the entire English course,! . . . . . r . flOO 00 Ancient and Modern Languages,. . 10 (HI Music, 20 00 Painting and Drawing,. . -. ... 15 00 Embroidery and Wax Work, 10 (HI Each" pupil will bring w ith her ono pair of sheets and pillow cases, and her towels. Parents and guardians will pleato remember this. For other particulars, address - Rkv. C. B. RIDDICK, President, Kittrell'g Springs, N. C. Nov. 1st . . 30-lm SELECT BOAUDIXC SCHOOL FOR Y01XG LADIES. H fits. PENDER IS PREPARED TO OrEN A SMALL i.Tj. Private School for Young Ladies, at her residence, near Salem, 3t, C Tho location is healthv. retired and pleasant. Arrangements are being made to secure tho sen-ices of competent Assistants, and every facility wuXJxi.. aflordetl for ttie cultivation if the hearts and minds of the young ladies placed .under her charge. As the number of pupils is limited, applications must in- vananlv ne matle 111 aavance. -- The First Session will begin on the eighth of January, 180o, closing on the tenth of June following. For particulars, address .'.-,". , MRS. M. F. TENDER, v Salem, Forsyth Co., N. C. Oct. 28. . --. - -: 27 sAw2m -. ACADEMY OF 01 R LAD1T OF MERCY, SCHOLASTIC YEAIt'from SEITEMBER IST to JULY 1ST, comprising t wo Sessions. The Exercises of this Institution were resumed Sept. 1st, lHOo. No distinction of creed made in the reception of pupils, provided thev will observe the general rules of the Institution, nor will any undue inlluence bo used on their religious principles. Each pupil should be furnished with eomforablo cloth ing, dark Alpacca or Silk aprons, dark skirts and strong shoes, tit for wearing or running in tho grounds of tho Academy.. Pupils will also furnish their Own sliver cup, spoon, fork, plate, Cup and saucer, tinger-towels and ring, marked with name in full, and a tin or pewter wash-bowl, if convenient. A bulletin of application and conduct sent to parents or guardians at the close of each Session. , Jiue correspondence of pupils is subject to the. inspec tion of the Superioress of the- AcademV; but in no case prohibited as regards parents or guardians. . Fred. Pfppinshaus, WATCHMAKER AND REPAIRER, "TTT 01 Ll RESPECTFULLY INFORM T 1 his customers, and the public in gene ral, lUHl II 'J nan lll(ltltl lilB PVMfM to K a store to nex door to corner of Second and Market Sts. WATCHES of all descriptions will be sold at reasonable pneps. vi Aiciir.n, tLUtus aua JtwtLItl repaired in riie beet stvie. aii worn aone wan neatness anrt dispatch. Wellington, N. C, NoV. 3rd, lsiij. 82 lm. . COOT AD SHOE STOKE. rPHE RFBSCRIBER.S. HEKEBV GIVE I Notice, that they have again resumed i business at their old stand on MAI1KET Kt.. No. 41, ami now offer to their friends and tho public gehtrally, a lull assortment or BOOTS, SHOES ANT LEATHER. all ef which w ill be sold as low as possible for CASH. " " ' C. ERADLEY, X. B. SHOE FINDINGS always on hand. Nov. 6. ' 34 - 8m CARD PRIMING. . HAVLNfl SUPPLIED (H it OFPlCE WITH SITERI or ouahtie of Card Boards, we are enabled to snnnlv our vustomers with as neat aud dusirable a card as can bfl had anyieherg: and of any aize. FULTON PRICE. K0T.3d - 81 tf " 5 Va-? latV - THE DAILY JOURNAL.) WILMINGTON, N. C, NOVEMIIKIl , !. local iti:i.i.h;i: i:. ' ; - - tiv Adttrl Inmrnla, JatAS P. I.vy. Sign of the Black Ball ; keeps eon slant ly od hand Wines, Liquors, Ac. MiiiTirr i llHo.--ieneral Commission Merchants. Worth A Danii:i Schr. Alice Curtis for ISaltinmie. Yin. 11. Al.l.t. TransiMirtatiou Agt n Chairgc of Schetlule, Wilmington, Charlotte A HutlnTfoid Kail l!iad. Wiion.- (ilue, Saltis'ter, c, Ai.kkh M. . WtbltKLU Attorney at Law. A. A. Mornrr, A. N. Mi Nni I., MIDMon n 1 Hi solution notice. MorKtrr Buo.-Co-Partnership notice. ' S. M. Simpson. Boots and Shoes at wholesale. C. Pol.vnT A t 'o Wanted, 10,000 lbs. Ulack Moss. O. i. Pahsi.ky A Co.-l.iveriool Salt Direct lnipoi,ta tions, ' , Mi kray A Mcrihi!( .Celebrated Washing sud M- chin.i Clothes Wringer combined. Mayoh'm CoriiT, Novkmiikr 2iiiu, 1('i5. The occupiuil of tile stables on Princess Street, known as " Howard's," was Clinrgeil with obstructing a puhliivdraiii. Accused not appearing, the Mayof ordered the obstruction iv niovod. W. J, Bariiliill, polioetnan, ehaiged with' leirviiig his post, wis returned to duty on certificate of Dr. McTe e that he was too ill to remain. Hugh McDonald, charged with sleeping oij pes), was excused. 4'. " ' Mr. McGreaL Chief of Police, rorts a case 111 which a negro womsn died on Satunlay of small pox at the Inmsti of a negro man in town, who, after her death, buried her clothes, but which it appears wcrn subsequently dun P and stolen. So-at least the thing was reported to the of ficer, A fine way to help the thing lo spread. The thief ought to get it yaoiL . We would call tho attention of shippers and other Inter ested parties, to tho advertisement of Parker Quince, Esq., Collector of tho Port, relative lo business hours. On and after to-day the ofllce will open at 9 A. M., and close at 3 P.M. As these aro tha hours established by tlm regula tions of tho-Treasury Department, for the transaction of business they will be strictly observed by thu OuUeolor, and no business will be transacted thereafter. The same applies to the oflieo of Internal Revenue. -WeTcariied yesterday afternoon, that a srliooin r loaded with limn was mi Are jugt off tho bar. We were nimble lo learn any of the particulars ( xeept thai it m igmated in the iime. - 1 . ' r Ttifi "vessel is supposed to be the Henrietta, hum iloston consigned to II arris A, Howell, It is probable that she will reach port in timo to save her from any considerable injury. Rohpf.rv". Oil Saturday morning last, alsmt 4J o'clock, the liouso on Fifth Street, between Ann and Nun, occupied by Mr. D. F. Twohill, waa entered and a number of. silver spoons and crockery abstracted therefrom. The thief niado his escape, but Mr. Twohill liclieves he would recognize him were lie to see him again. This species of theft has, become a frequent tsvurreticc of late, so much so, indeed, that we trust our city author ities will tako the matter in hand, and see if something cannot bo done, at least, to prevent the further spread of thodisease. - --- The Steamship Commander, Captain Terry, arrived hi io yesterday at 2 P. M., with a full' freight. Her list of consignees will bo found elsewhere, in to day's issue. Have you ever considered the annoyance vou cause vui(r friends, ami the personal danger you risk by neglect ing what is slightingly called " only a Cold ?" "Bear it. in mind tho fact that by not attending to it, as well as other Bronchial diseases. Go at once to your Druggist and pro cure a bottle of Marriikn'b Pectoiiai. Bai.m, which w ill re lieve and 'euro all diseases of the Lungs. For sale by all Druggists. . : . . Special Disoatch to tho Baltimore Sun. The President and the Itadlrala -Temper of thr Congress The Views of Mr. ulfai-1 he Admis sion of Southern Congressmen .The I'rmlilcn t Firm In his Vollty, Hi. , - Washington, Nov. 22. His now fully settled that Mr. ('olfnx's domoti atration here vian distasteful to tho President. There is an evident combination to force the Ex ecutive into tho radical policy, and to that end it is stated by one of the leading wire-pullers that all members of Contrress elect have boon inter rogated, and that, they generally respond unfuvor- l i . i . 1 1 . .. t, : 1 it ituiy to iiio a ichiul'UI s views. . An interesting leat'ure of the political -situation is that of members of Congress elect who may be willing to take tho oath. Mr. Forney sometime sinco stated that such should be admitted. The President has stated as much,, but under the Col fax programme they cannot be until their States have made laws in consistence with the Declara tion of Independence, and tho people liavo en dorsed the action of their .recent State conven tions. But nner the laws of the United States are districted for choice of Congressmen, who are ac credited as from certain cstabkahed districts. -When persons are elected by the ieoplo of such districts how can they be kept from their seats in the House f . I hear1 from several quarters to-duv that the President is very firm in his olicy of a prompt restoration of the Southern States. Thadeus Stevens is here ut the National. Yours,-Ac, Ar.ru a. Government Jail Pkuyehy. It Ls said that the President has ordered tho discharge of bikJi prisoners at the Old Capitol as wero arrested bv the detective Baker, and who have been confined there a length of time, viiltoul qni charges lieiiifd made against them. We are ghul to record this i action, and trust the Executive will take similar: action upon alLthe places w here such prisonersare nt:iliiuu iuu an tut: 'loixn nut;itj out.ii eiinoiienuri' held. It is not gratifying to the American people 1 to know that any detective has the tower to arrest , people and confine them at his mere will, for even a short time, much less for a length of time, with-1 out makiiiK any charges acainst them. ---Xr is it ' (onsistent with our American it leaa of justice that ft man should bo allowed to act in that way with- j out being held to accountability ffliilikhJaa , Led'jer. ' - . I , . T , i . that the L nited StaN s will snnte no jot of its de At a fire m London the voting and rirettv Count- . ...i . i ;i. ,.t : t - .., i , . f " . . ess of Caithness hapjK-ned among tho spectators. Dv. . v, ... ,,y , to have a ride on one of tho stoam lire . cngiii. j "LIIV.il, aiJJ VW 'fcv IUU IUH I 'l 111; Drigade. juio tiounress was at once assisted. to a scat, and the horses being attached -tn tiie engine, the .chief took the reins, and drove tn the Iarl'o residence, in the vicinity of Belgrave square, where the CbiHitess alighted, apparently jileased at the dashing rt h had been driveui through the streets of London. : L' We find the following four lines of real w isdoni in the. Washington Chrnnide: "Thinli not that treachery t an be just? . Tike not informer's words on trust ; Thsy ope their hands to every pay, . ' And' you and tae by turns betray. ' . - T E LEG R'A.P H iiu'okts or riftt akmh imu i'itr,s.) Vniltt ( amllsa l.rall(ntr, .t . , IUi.Vmh, N. C. Nov. 'JwIi, Isf.T. The Lehislature nitt ta lo-Iilyrn. A i.iiiilHn.f"-tit 111 bei s hsM' an iw t.L iiovei u.; Jb!dt 11 isstiil t onlhiOil to hit bed lii 'in mi I, in ... - UK PiuM'll, St.itrf Agent It Wio-liiliL,t 'n, liu t lillivi d Willi Wktpatchi's to the iorern r. but tin v have not vi t l.i 1 11 liiinlc publli'. Missis. Pi H.I, Keadi , llotdmi, I ink. Settle audt.tlteis are spoki'ii of 111 1 . u n 1 1 . i . with the Siiutosliip. - it is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (hat the (ni-tilutioMil iiiui mliueiil wjll lie mtiliril bv the I'gislatui-e. I'loliiiut id genlkiiieu whu. have biam ta Wafchingtoii, are not' veiy In pi fill of the futtiiv uf he SliUc as far an tf. 'cutiHtriirtii.n is eonci-ruiil. Mule Srnlli. Lot lslU.I, Nm. J.I. I'i'iulU in the l) 1.11 l. rinasti i s Depiu liiient to the aiuouiit of t I00.IHKI havi' bi i ll discovered here. Fiiiin M1mUIiI. Wasuimitos, Nov. 2 1. liilclhi iice fi'i.nu Central Mississippi reports a hi althy coiiintioii 01 an.iirs. 1 envisions piennnii, ami tne u ;:roes are rettninnir to their fortner homes. 11. 'I'liumna nt Mollh'. r " -Mollll I , Nov. J.-,. lien, i himias ai'iiveil hern to-iluv llis mission ts piul- ly on mail luali' is couucrti'tl with his th pat tnient, kiiiI Hot on Stab' (ioveililuelil. Illy Mail.) VrMi'liirU Maikrla. Ni Yoiik, Nov. i I. Flour has aiUanei d 5(tlll cents ; sales of lO.lHKI bbls.; MiituY l.ttir.r 00; I Mini lirifll 00 : Noinhi in 1) ittOi. vVlieat is dull: sales liKlit : Cliiesgti Sprrngj! l Cta-u (Ilill.l'ssluaur 50,0011 hunhels kt )Mt,'M etlits. Ileef is dull. rnrk is In s vy ; sules of 7,000 hl.ls. Moss nt .10 50'rf,f:ll a74. liiii is iiiui. i iiisk y is iiui i at a :i.w.U Cotloii Whiskv is dull at 2 Xnt.U (!. Cotton is steiitlv ; stiles of y,,V0 bales ut tilur. ci nt s. Hugar is steaily j .Uiim'ovailo .tm k cents. Naval stores have a declining li'inleiicv. I't U'oli um, sales of 1,000 bbl lltietl at (M'rti;.! cents, ttuileal -lOdH I cents. -Freights dull; TIIR rwiTP.II hTATKH A!l KC.I.An. Kol'lhi r alxtiit thr Mhrna ntlon h . f il. W arden's l.t lli r In Kai I It nu II (lie ltrielHllon ol I hr AIuIihiiih AitH i lean ( iHlniaoit Kii(1h ml, w . l!y the In test L'!uropi;nti kIciiu'icis we have fur ther piirticiiliirsjif tint ioiri'i'iiilcr of the i ( 'otifi'iltT- nte crttisi r Sheiiaiitloiili : i.amhnu ok 1 1 k n vwv.w r i-ivKiirtsu.. Tlnv ofllccfs n n I crew of tho SlieiiHiidouh were immh'tl wi tlieHeh-iiiHl.j ami sent on shore at lAv- erpool. One ut tho journals of that fifty savs : l'.ucli of llit'iu liit)ii(;lit on shore a largo quuntity of luggage, anil they appeared tt) have no lack of tiit.uiey - facts, which, apix-nrcd to attest t lint their long cruise has not been unrewarded. The news of their arrival soon spread, ami crowds of imt- sons formed themsclvis into groups around the sailors niid endeavored to draw them into conver- siition. These attempts, however, rarelv succeed ed, and when thev did it was evident that the men sjKike rather to evade curiosity than tosut sfy it. Tho men, imleied, sppearctl to be themselves iiuitt) in the iliiik ris to their position, nrid though under the inipt'essiiui that they had iltiiie with the 'Shenandoah for good and nil, appeared to labor under a fear of committing themselves or their olhcers -by some rash statement, homo of them eagerly questioned the bystanders lis to what the English people thought of the hheniiniloah, ami two or three of them expressed the greatest sur prise that the olhcers of Unit; vessel should even nave Le.eu suspected of pursuing their work of destruction with h knowledge of the termination of tint war. The men speak freely 4if the circum stances which led the Slieniindoah to terminate her privateering 'career ; niiukc.lv, the meeting with the ship Hiirraeoiita, which the crew are iiniini- nious ni alleging as the llrst source tlirongli which relialile information was received of the termiilu- tioii of the war. Many of the crew of the She iiaiiiloah are Liverpool men, mid thc.se, iuunedi nfely on Vicing landed, drove off to their homes. ji mo oi.m-i.t, iew went m iiviue in nut o ug i F il.... 41... m r.. a . . 1..... u.l. houses, and several went to the Sailors Home. They were paid oil' in American dollars. I,i:ni;it fjiom ( ait. waddhix.' " rrti- e ii ' a a ii' l i in I The following is an extract from ( apt. adtloll s letter to Ealillussell : I "In obeajeneo to orders, 1 found myself in tho Arctic ami Ochotsk seas, far removed from tho ordinary channels of coinnicrce, ant! in -const iftience of this awkward 'circumstance I wns en Ungcd itr-tlre arfsTtf war UTltrl th(T"2Htli of Jtliie:" I was ignoraiit of the n'verses siill'ered by the Con federates, and thetotnl obiiterntion of tliegovern- nient nnder which ,1 aclcd.- ns-eived tho lirst in tL'lligenee of the downfall of the Confederacy cause" on tin second day of August, from tho British I bark Jhirriieiiiiti, ami desisted immediately from I further acts of war until I could communicate with I an EuroiHUin iiort and learn if the intelhgenee was I true. 1 eotilil not .have Been sensible that tho tales I loitijiy tne American snijis were true, tun merely I ttjion tne stnieuietits oi a untisli captain 1 um- W'nuy nttiigiii. ittrH j ii tt ii it'n l - j me. iiiw-tvriiii-H I p Hr guidance in the future control, management, ii ml final disposal of tho vessel, but found none, -i.tmiing me uinnonties quesiionaiuo umier wnicti actittl, I inirnetliately ceased cruising. vndVHped her course for the Atlantic. J did not feel justified in , I. m i , i iif iiit .-- j, mil. t.ji hit! ut'lll.iujjr I thought the ship siioultl revert to the American I government. I therefore sought 'Liverjiool U lenrn the news, and if -not without foundation to surreiitler the ship, with her guns, stores, and spjarel Complete, to the British government, for such disposition as it should deem proper. ' r THE"srBRKSDmr ' The Shenandoah was surrendered to tho Amer ican Coiisiibun the Huh, who took formal posscs- i , i i - t , . , BU,J ''Vil hT.nlf -CI'tanx Jr reemaii and V'TV ,,rlllS 0W11 s'I'rtioiu to convey her to New- . - ihk ai.aham v t laijis. - - 'Hie - London Times savs that it is inmosnible for the American government to abandon the ebiwns for the dejired'ntions of the Alabama, but it 4initn iMisibhittr-a-ovt nimiiiit toviehl noth- mg, yet do nothing. We must prepare to be told iiuaiitm, huh win rt w i tu tut' iil-iii. oi t-iiitiit-mu J thrm.. hut.STil, wlll.n ,1lt. femrr of the rsople :t VlhPn ..omn.erce has hatl time to renew t, ,mkfl th !wo hattons together, when the memories of w'ar fade into the past, there will le little disposition- tedwcll on nnlor tuiiate but inevitable. caMia-ities. The Ijoinlon )ailv News confidently dismisses the BitpisMsition that the Alabama claims can be come a tlircct eytwa of war Jietween tlie.two ettun' tries, but it tnisrs thrit siimetliing w ill vet la don trrT'nng Th.e diipuT' an cartyiru'circar seHIe ment, as it is one which can in no other way be dis)o.sil of. It would lie, an eternal disgrace if 1 Ht It governments slmtdtl conftssn themselves nna blo to find any bnt a 'violent solution of their dif ferences, but there is n state of nominal peace which has many of tho dibadvantagcii of war. .. a Y Thk 1 tai-ian Oatii. T1i 'mr-mix-in of tlfc great society trK'iuii.-l hy Mazzini, ia IUlj, werebounJ Ly the fulliiwiiig o'llh: ' . . "Jn tln nauio if (IcmI and of Ituly. In the tiiiine of all tho innrtyrs of thu luAj Itulian cause, wJin linvf fiilli ii lieiieiitli furi'iiianil doniestio ty- im ii v. Hy tho duties which Bind mo to the land wherein (luil Iuih lilai-cd hip, ami to the) brothers whom (iinl low given me. Itytho love innate in nil ineti T Ix-ar to the i-otiiitry that pave my mother luitli, Kin I will lo tli home of my chila riii. Jly tho lmtred intuitu in all niii -1 War to evil, itijiistit-'o, tiHiirpatioii, ami arbitrary rule. IJy tho Miisli tlmt rises to my brow when 1 stand before) llio citizens of other hmds, to know Unit I have no right of citizciisliip, no country, and uo national fllll. Ilvtllt lIHllirtititlll tllllt thrilla tntf unit In. winds tlmt liberty for which it waa rn-nU'd and in impotent ti exort; towards thu gt4 it was (cm iitftl to strive nflcr iiiui ia imiotent to aeliiovo in tho sili iico mid iMolntioii of slavery. Ily tlio mem ory of our former 'Kreatnosa mid the Hena of our pn'sent degradation. Hy tho ti'ara of Itulian im t hers fur their sona dead on tho waff old, in pris on or in exile. ' Uy the atiirerings of the millions I, A. II., Ac." . (Ink wav t'p, tmk OTriEn wr Down. During thu examination of a witness as to tho locality of the stairs inn house, tho counsel asked him, " Which way did the stairs run V" The witness, a noted wug, replied; Ono way they .run upstairs, but tho other way they run down star. " Tho learned counsel w inked his eyes, and then took a look at the ceiling. IHKII. to this town, (ni Hat nrdav night, 2.1lu instant, OSCAR IiEAl'UEGARD, aon of William J. and Jane E. Yopp, aged 1 years, 10 months aud 17 days. Oscar is dead. That sweet little tongue, which waa the ueiigni or mjLiona pareuts, is mtettetj m rtratn. Wo more will Ins 1 1 1 LU, pulling footsteps be heard In ths house. Ho I K"n '"a' better home alsive wlioro ho will reau th', w,,,h "presse(l in ths song ha an loved to sin(f, " I'd hka tn I an angel. And with the angels stand, A erown upon my forehead, A harp within my haud." On Hie 24lh inst.. JOHN M. CORCORAN, aaml ifivears. a naiive oi i narieston. His funeral will take place to-day at the Catholic Church, Dock st., at Jl P. M. ' Arrival at the Hotels, Nor. Slth, ISO!). CITV IIOTFL.-JJ Hinith; J .1 Tiinibnll. 0 Allen, A II .1 II Tl,,.i,,u V. W H K-fT I A r!,,.l,n,.n E A Browii, Ueorge H Ilaldron, O O Wiggins, John J Wall, A L Wheeling Virginiils Ballard,. W II Walsh, James IIHniilh, David O Tavlor, W Whiltlntl, Ramuel It Mar shall, W II Pickett, f)r. Elwell, I) lUloodloe, D H Htar Imcki A Wisland, William Tnrnburger, WOHpiers, OW nrnoker, i ni:orrur. John riigeraid, u Qumu, John A McDowell, W D Cannichael, J D M Lucus, L Hunt, J II N Cornelilsoti. BAILKV HOTEL.-- A Robinson. O A Bogne, J M Bulif. sou, C W Whaler.O B Waterhouse, Jl llowes, James Biggs, J II Riggs, W B Turner, D.O Cower, H PToors, T ? Foley, J A Bremer. Consignees per ft. II. Commander, from New York A E Hall, A It KefT, II M Barry, If Vnllers, Harriss A Howell, L Vollera, Ticiiken A Bt auman, Murray A Murchl son, Jno Dawson, Atkinson A Hhepperson, Worth & Daniel, F, Willis; il McLIu, J R Blossom A Co, Hharkelfnrd, Haas A Co, ieo A Peck A Co W A M It R Agent, W V A It 11, Poalk A Allen, W II McRary A Co; C Oraharft, Jno Bremer. Ilato A Wrstcott, Cox, Kendall A Co, H L Fremont, O II Oiiiiiii. lledrick A llvan, James Wilson, O Polvogt A Co, Mussel! A Happier, V A W R R Agent, Andrews A Barilin, M .M.'lniiis, II Hartz, Allen Evans, J AWillard, H B Kalm weiler. Jas Anderson A Co, A Martin, J II Noff, A II Van Hokkelen, J IxM'b, Marcus A Kehr, Jas McCormack, C M Hall, F W Heycr, MoflUt, McNoiU ,t Vo. Conalgnera prr "ehr. Alice Card. Dr A F Mallett, Fills A Mitchell, Peiteway Moore, W A. M R It Agt, Teiiiken A Biiuman, C Htcininnrman, Wll l.lpjiltt, .1 I Lew, ( . rreiieh A Co, Murray A Murcblson, O (i Parsley Jr, Worth A Daniel, Harry Webb, A K Hall, Ilenrv M I .tun. 1) A Hmith. Andrews A Hardin. A H Ken. J A VVillard, M Mclunis, It 0 Hcott. Consignees per ftrhr. Narfab, from Batlmor. E A Keith, W H McRary, Andrews A Rardin, J R BIos- som'A Co, Adrian A Vollers, W T Hupglns, Worth A Dan- Ijeiaiurraj irrayA Miirchison. A E Hall. H R Perrin. E Hehul- kon, Runge A Kordlander, Hetiior Quartermaster UNA. Itecrlpl per Htr. ltd nil err, front FayetUvllle. tun 1.1.1.. oi .1.. I I .1 i: To WaUace I a i. ,i v .. i noutneriaii(iv A t. nail nrrrlpls prr V. it M. 11, 11. Not. 93. 213 bales cotton, 093 bbls. rosin, 40 do, spirits turpen "it' , tn to im iiiinir, a.i oniin lu-aiiiun, ill iiirs A u Walker. Murray A Miirchison Ellis AMi'cheU, J Anderson A Co, Ilarrlss Howell, H M Barry, J R Coney, Kidder A tine, lot of furniture. 25 sacks neanuts. To Mrs T D aiamn. ('0MMERri.IL WII..MIUTO MAHKKT Nov. St, 1S0S. Tab Is firm at 13, at which we report sales of 21ft bbls. Rosis. ll'J bbls. common and No. 2 sold at 13 to t& 23 per talo barrel. - Cbcdk Ti HrE.vTisE.-107 bbls. at 15. Hi iarrs TrarrsTiNK We noto tho salo of 11 bbla. at C2i cents, 6 cents off for coloratl Cottos. 15 bales ordinary, low middling and middling BM at 3-1 ; ii at 45 cyits. TiMBi.ii.-One raft inferior at "112, and 1 do. good mill at Tide Table, BY tl. W. WlU.IAMS, HARBOR WABTKB. COBBETTF.n Wf.KKI.T, Full Moon, 2d..... Last ouar. 9th;. . . ...1.25 P. M." .. 6.42 P. M. ..11.21 A. M. .. .7.09 A. M. iewjllot in First ouar. 17th '. 2.".th . . . . . . Full Moon. Jan. 1st, lsr-C: ...1.23 A. M. bun noon BIOH SETS. . SETS. WATXS. 4 63 0.64 1 46 4.53 1 58 !L 52 4.52 3 01 4.02 4 52 4 04 6 Off 4 52 5.14 6.07 4 62 jusr. 7.02 4 52 6.14 7 65 ' H 1 ' " TiATS. sett KIKES. 27 Mondav. . r 2S Tuesday . .".y 20 Wednesday. . . . . 6 42 6.43 fi 41 ,45 6 47 6 47 30 Thurstlay....... 1 rrittav . . . . 2 Satunlay. 3Siindav. ; . ....... High water at Wilmington 2 hours 6ti minutes later than at tho bar. UlRIXE ITELLIGE.CE. PORT OF WILMINOTON, NORTH CAROLINA.- . . '- ARRIVED. . . -. Nov. 2." fit'hr. Alice Onrtis. Tatterson. from Baltimore. to Worth A Daniel, with mdre. N hr. Nadab. Franks, from Baltimore, to E. .A. Keith Schr. Lilly, Francis, from Charleston, to Ellis A Rosssll,, with loo sacks salt. Nov. 20-s. H. Commander. Terrv. from New lonft.. to '. Horace M. Barry, with mtlze. rsMlr. N rene, . from wattimore, to A Aeitn. , Steamer Reindfer. Johnson, from Fayetteville, to A, E. . HaU. CLEARED. ' Nov. 25 H-hr. Martha CoUins, Gro. for Baltimore, 7 bv E. A. Keith, with 10 hales cotton, 2 boxes books. 1 bbl. turpemiwv i . 7if httles, 100 sheep- skins, 47 bbls. -" tlnctl fniit, SO bales old rags and rope, 578 bbls. rosin. Steamer Anartne, irary.ior sew lort, r iiarnsa ' Howell, with 715 bales cotton,' 300-bbU. tar, 3d packages merchanilue. ripl Imys pwauuts. . Schr. Willi- Dill, Gordon, for New York, by W. B. Flan ner, with "St bbls. tar. ai do. turpentine. S4 do. spirit turpeutuie, 2tj do. rosin, 11 bales cotton, 210 bushels pea nuts. - - ,

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