i - THE DAILYHnJKXA WILMINUTON. X.X-: MOXDAV. OVKKK , II6J, MOKMMi EDITION. Thi Wtti. Jorrtvu Fi cn.nw to iivqirtt eon rf.iOfy Umy ni.nl', vt I aMfr Mtf f- wt'j ini ? .'i JoraNAL triil cimonrnrf'l f.ir'y in Jnnuitry, or I' .x n Hit tmiit rnttt, ttmr aWfrlirti cr, nr in ' VfT)flm. H Will JAfSl W T.xl'-.-l Hirf i,T TlU'.r ! rnd 4 f-f.'rp 'Vr, tWimlr. rti rr,r lf,v. IIV l tnml (7,(1 f.'.y trill 1 yrrjUrfl to qtre uf a ji'ni rm nnrMwYri A thai formerly find uniformly orrvnim to it. . - 1 Bl Paii.t JorasAL is fr sale t the ii alt of this iffifT iuiniedianUy flr publication, t very day. Pries five cent . Newt dealers villi-' supplied at'tlic rate of fj per bun dred copies, for any iiumWr over twetity-fuu. AiKT. Rorest M. Hot'sms, Marion, S. ('. . i ST4MLI ft UorrBTsoii, Fair lUuff, N. C. , H. L. 1ab, Hnmtor, H. C. J. V. Warrrirxw, Shoe HoeL N. 0. . W. D. I KtHTHAiJ, TarUiro', N. ('. A- J. GaIXOWAT, Goldcnum', N. 0. .. . ' W. 0. Joanna, Wilson, X. C. " ' Nrn. Mcrrurr, W'hitcville, X T. P, Moaaisry, Wantaw, N. C J. II. Ositoa A Co.,. Rockingham," N. V. , ' Receipts' from the atiovp Agent for Subscriptions, will be Valid. , ASulacriptioiis or advcrtiHetncnts for the JorasAl., it banded to Mr. Chaki r.a Fijuhnkb will bo duly attended to at this office. Hrtn-lilrM lUr only feaifr ullr. llv htamuno uriwKKN tin- liins of Hit' Southern jwijiln im-1 tin H'eej-iri(,' ron (incut ion onlereil iy t'onprevs, nfi! rnirr-rlv nrpeil 1 j- ninny leailin' nli- .''tit'itum ut Uif North, IVewdeut Juhn.tii Iiuh !iiti UoJ liiuiHelf to tliu irurmrst regards of thiwc mIhhii V llHH thus lrite'ti'd ; and e feel ItHHlirml thttt tin' )wpl f-f tli- Sontliern Static are neither umiiind fill of, nor Ulifniteflll f r, tlie favor thlimweorded lo . thrill, liHhou'h it in not to 1-e Mi'ioheil that ny due, j-hiecd in lr. Johnsiin'H j-oHi'tion, could linvejalletl 16 int riKMf mnro or less -nerKetivnltj; to biivo tho natiun of -whieh h in the rxeentive Jiead from a courw- wliieh Mtntld have la-en a tstain npon tlm fivilization of thr tiim teenth -vcMitury, and entailed iihui tho con try a reproach that would liavf endured for ngen to come. Hut, makinp idl nl!oiince and deductioiiH, Mr. JolniHon dorH dwerve well of tho Southern jM-ople, and tlirir olilipitionH to him nro freely uckuowltnled, . indeed, w are wen iuclinetl to lu'live that tai much, weight is noiiietinics uttiu hi-d to them, or at least thut gratitudu liatt u tendency to run into BuliHorvioncy. 'i J , Wo lmv1 no owertwiTicd jMditioul gtatun ournelves, and cormeijiiontly it may, jcrlui.H, lo out of place for us to fpriR fif what is, or ought to lm our poli cy; still, aa w liuvi a sort of fjiumi fxintenw, atid ;ms roqnlrcd to hold" TlectioliH, Hialted,ntleaNr, it lielioovt-s iw to exaniiiio carefully tho principles npon which we net, even within tho limited .sphere permitted to ii.Si This i duo not only to ouiteJvcH, but ti others., It is u duty we owe to the country, . oad au obligation impi-sod umiu uh by our outlm to mijiimrt the ('oiiNtitutiou of tho United Statin. We are not neting in nccordanco with tho npirit of Uiat iuHtrumeiit when wn conHt-nt to aocnjit u man in exchunge for ft principle-mi individual for a policy. If wo nro called upon to perform any ' net, we ought to do if uncording to our laiat judg nittit, and montt-oiiHeientioiw conviction, nnd no CXCcutivti deiuand- no dictation from any quarter cau free us from tho responsibility of nets volun tarily dojio by uh, or of opiuioim voluntarily ex proKed. AVts hubuut to the coui4h of the Unitt'd rSUitoa povermui nt in all tilings, but the moral re RMiUh!bility iniiHt rent v itli the party dictating such conrse, nnd Hindi party cannot in fuirnenH ahitt that resioiiMbility to' others by"reTpiiriiig them to bocomo fhe inviditntitiy agents of Raddling the load upon tr-h-"l"iiMvrM- , ; ' WliHt roal purjioxe diw-H it nerve for our legisla tures or convention! to meet and "noleiuiily enact, - lis if by their own authority, things that they are told tnuat 1m done ? M'hat principle of tho oouMi tution requires men to hubmit their juilgments or their consciences to the dictation of any otlur men or wt of men ? AVhat right has North-tlaro-lina or South Carolina to piirclnu-o her own re-ad mission to tho Union by voting to clnmge the coii atitutiou of tho United State in a matter Rfl'ectiug others, as "well w herwlf ? , . Wc all know that we uitiat Kiibmit to what is in evitable, bnt this dix-s not require us to falsify our twu judgment r convictioiia by testifying p proval of that which, in fact, we tlo not aprovp. We obey tho laws, bnt do we approve of them nil, or would ve Jiave voted for them ull ? If we would go aright, wo must take principle , for our guide. It will not do for ns to go on nny inf "Do this because Mr. Johnson mays so, or don't do that for 'fear of offending Mr. Johnson. ' Jict your elections hinge, not upon your own choice Or judgment! hutupou the choice and judg ment of Boinelmdy else (Jo back into the Union, : wh,on you do go back, not aa living, aelf-respect-ing bodies, but as mere tools and Hyeophants. " We reiieat, all this will not do, and yet we.fear it is . what our jieoplo are fast tending to. It was tin main argument used in favtir of th election of Oovernor lloMrn. . It is the, main element in Southern politics, or themilk-and-waterafl'aif that now passes. for Southern poli tics. We can and must accept for ourselves the ro milta of the war. We cnu mul must nufl'er the kh- alties of failure, but we have lio right to trade off the rights of the future tho rights of others an well as ourselves, by ttablisshing precedents tif Biibserviency that will afford excuses for similar submissions, and, of course, similar Rtretches of power, in coming years. We must establish some other standard than the will or opin ion T)fnnymanrTirb. nly of Tiien l o matter how powerful or how- commanding their position. We must rear once more the standard of principle, to which acts and uH-aMires can le re ferred with the assurance of obtaining a correct judgment upon their merita. Men t'hanliourly, principles do not They outlast revolutions and re-appear stronger and fresher than ever, even al ter conflicts as terrible and as desolating as that from which this country has bo recently emerged. -" Some report? assign, aalhcobject of Pr. rowell' - visit to JTorth Carolina, the making arrangements j ' preparatory to the inauguration of Sir. Worth av Governor. This more than doubtful. "- v :' " Tt L IIm Tin' Ii;islutnri -f-Nrtli t'umlina meet to-tlur in tlu capitol at R;tl;igli '" I1"-'-"."" V'"1 .-.vv 1-tfor.' it wiiij-o tluien-lmeiit t- th- ('..iihtit.i- ti.ni f tTle Trull ftuU altoliiin flaw rr, hu.1 11 . ..4 .....Hill? tlui fi-t tlnii.ru iirfttifl.t next the election "of liited StaU-s Snatort We U'wc that iho said auienduieiit 'will be agn--l t', not on princi le bnt on " J"licy, and we snp)M)M4' that th S. jiatoN will Its 4-h-et-iI this w t k, - a-s-to be ready toprewnt them-'elveH sotin, for adlniKj.li. n to the S-nte o.f the United States, which will nut t JH. this day wefk'. we Ix lifve. We do not know who be elected, and practi- CMllV fx llillia 11 IllaKes rnueil lew ttwrrnn! limn f-.nieof our people kuim-. "We think the cbauees of their tuking their nea't-s are very small. I f refused, as we niiMse our whole, deh'gntion will be, we trust they will quietly return home and await the progress of events. They w ill advam their cause' quite aa much, und certainly preserve their own dignity far more c ffiN-.ttially by such a cour-M-, than by hanging around the capitol begging ailuiission into an assemblage that was once more than happy to hail the advent of their predecessors, whih Washington himself congratulated the country on the nuspjcioiis event. ' Outrages In til Country. Our attention has been called to a state of things prevailing in ihr country, and requiring tho iy1op- tion of jirompt ineasures for its correction. We are told that some Jawless persons, to tmr infortiiants unknown, are, continually committing outrages, und. depredations in the way of shooting into houses nnd robbing farms. Several cases have occurred in this county'on the Jim to Onslow, and we fear that county is not free from them ; neither is lJninswick or other counties, in this section, ami the thing will bo worse as the winter advances. ' We understand that the matter has been repre sciited to the 'military authorities, who nre desir ous that the people should organize patrols: for the pur) -one of suppressing such evil doings. Wt are aware that an Order of court has been until and issued for a similar urHise, and we have no doubt but-that the people will find it their duty and interest to respond to the same, and' thus shooting nnd marauding be soon put a stop to. UTilesH Hotim Hiieh measures be prompt ly-wlopi-dr tho thing w ill Noon become insufferable. 'I5iU Arp " ought to be indicted as a danger ous chnrncter. Jle is witty himself, or at least he makes sonic good hit, but if witty, he is not the cliUHo of wit in others, but on the contrary linn Htarted a whole drove of half-wi'ted ftrribblers who think that bad spelling is thw actne of w it, humor ami genius. Nearly every paper in the country has some Hort of an imitator of "1-ill jr),!whu. " follows in the footateps of his illus trious predecessor " with a long interval between them, however. Artcinim Ward, by far the most humorous wri ter of his class now on the stage, depends upon a quaintness of style that mingh'S with the oddness of his thoughts to produce au irresistibly comic impression. " . "Sut Lovengood," the.' .immortal "Sutty," whoso dud turned horse, nnd who started the old preacher oft' with li,.ards in his . balmoral,. is, wo fear, dead. We are sorry for it. " Sut" was rough, but ho was genuine. There was no maki believe about "Sut." In fact hewius 'pnnii kins," was "Sut." ' Hill Arp" is ruining a heap of young men, who appear to have just found out that they can spell bndly and write nonsense, a fact well known to their acquaintances long ago. Wi: npkp hardly say that, when in Saturday's issue, we spoke of some people's infusing strange notions into the -head of the colored people, we had no idea of fellecting upon the officers. of the Freedmon's HurcW Tlev have alwiivs; so far as we know, mlvised tlieTN-ed peoplu to go regularly to work, himI have sought to disabuse their minds of the false and dangerous Impressions which oc casionally get around nmoug them. As an insti tutiou we do not much bulievo iu-the Jiureau, but ivh a fact, the ofticers here and hereabouts seem dis posed t) tlo their duty us well ns tho circumstan ces 'will admit. ' It WOVf.li Afl'UAlt that thi' 'small pox is quite prevalent iu Charleston as well ns hero. Indeed, tho disease seems to be more generally diffused since the close of the war thaii we recollect to have ever known it before at the South. Tci)MMr.itAri:X):"" " -MK-shiw. J'.ditoiw: The period for the annual election of Mayor and Commissioners is rapidly approaching, and ns yet the people have not been informed ns to whether an clXtiotl will be held or not. Can you or the City l athers give us the no cessnrv iufort:iatioii ? If Uovernor Holden has to io consulted, an application should be immedi ately sent to him, as there is no time to bu lost. The majority of our citizens would prefer an flection to lie held, if it meets the npprovnl of His Kxrolleney, Provisional Governor Holden. Pl'MHHMKNT OH CoLOKEU I'KHSo.N.Si Under a law of Maryland, passed Hvveritl years ago, colored jiersons csMivieted of certain crimes ari liable to be sold for a term of vears. At the. recent session of the Circuit Court for Anno Arundel country two colored Women, convicted of larceny, are unit! to have been sentenced to bo sold for two years iri the State, vu 1 another for six months out of the Stitte. Tlie l reeiiuu.-n's ISurean at Washington has received a reinoiistraiioo agiinist such sentences being earned tint. tKiu A Norfolk hotel proprietor, a few days stnee, hearing of the whereabouts of a guest who had decamped without going through the usual formality of paving his lull, sent him a note: "Mr.- -, learsir: Will you send amottut -of yttur bill, nnd oblige," etc. To which the delin quent mado "answer: "The amount is &.7f. You rs respectfully." ' . - . Latest from A. Ward. Tho latest cfTusion of the renowned Artemus we have not yet seen in print. It is that A. ,W., lx-ihg at one of. the New York churches, recently, otlthed thfr audience bv liis unexixx-itkl rt'ply to tlie preachera text, which was as follows : " How are the mighty fallen ?" "How are the Mighty falkn ?" After a short pnuso Artemus- ltaiked 'up inquiringly, and said meekly, "I give up." New Advertisements. ALFRED 51. WADDELL, VTTOR5KV AT UW . WILMINGTON, S. C. Office on Market, between 2d and 3d StreU. Not. 27. 6J- Special Notices jlPntM 1IJt. I LKItK TO TIIK Ilol ! ...'! -r '.... l.. I.. , ... l. ......v.... ,,t 1 - n.l.NtJj-AL l.Kl:lv of thJIouofComIiioI,H. ! KU firi, rH.i,',k. ofth- lon.J ! ' I DV'Ai:U CANTWtlX. No.,ls. 4Vtd TO MT OLD FRIi:DS AM) TIIK PrBLIt CL.VLUAIJ.V. . TIIK nUiSTKHsKTl TA-KIX I'l.KASL'IiE IS 1NF01:M- iiit; hiit olj furiuls and ruaUiiiiLT ami th j-ul-iio in g,:n- ral, that he ha resntiied bnsitit-sM t tin , , O L I) IT Jll, " here h will rarrjoti k fonni rly, th IIAUIlWAI'.E and Ll'.X GOUlJ.S iuuuunm iu all tln-ir rioa l-ratirti-. , ILs present aUs k is laiK aud cart-fully mdwU-d hy lam tif, while tin- facilities for rapid and regular toninnnaca tion itb tho Xorth by sU nmi-r enahle hint promptly to supply any articlw whirh may 1 deficit lit, and to It hi M-k constantly tip to the tl nnd of the itihlit-.- llt) triiHtN that after bunine5 intefonurse with the jmiil of WiJniingtou aii'l the. atirroiuidiug country, ! marly forty years dura'iou, h is snfticiently. well known to justify linn in dispensing with any more lengthy- an iioiuice ment, hil he feels coutldent that his Ioiik ei- n enco of the trade, and of the wants arid wishes of the people, will enable hi in to render satisfaction to all who may fartir him with their custom. JOHN DAWSON. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. "27th, WS. 2i - u . ii. urriTT, o it v a a a t a n i ciiemiit, Wholrsale mud Itrtail. Always on hand a full and select supply of PUIlK MKD ICINK8, ClIEMICAJA DYE HTUFFH, rERFUMEHY, KOAl'H, UKLKIIKH, FANCY AUTKT KH, Ac-.' Ac. -prescriptions-accurately and neatly (vanpoiuided. o. ftl Dlsrbrt Htrrtt. ' V. W. KUirn open from 6 A. M. to 9 1'. M. I'ersons wish ing I'ltEWWIITTONS tJUMl'OUNUKD at MGHT, will pleasti rail at my residenco on Second street, between Duck arid Orange. Ht-i-t. .'Ml. - " 3- Cm i:mjau HUMS, DUt ;tJlHT AM) IMI Alt.M At KI T1ST, v F.AI.KIl IN SF.MXT HKt'OS, MF.DK'ISF.H, (htnn t fills, raney Artieles, rertumery, (lanlen anil Howi fieetls, ami all tho Proprietory Jli'dicuies of the duy, I HOW rilONT BTOltK, 3T niarkrt Ntrrft, VVilminKtun, '. N. I!.-- Prescriptions cariillv ami neatly cimiiKiundatl, at an Hours or tn day ami riiglit. ''!'.. i-'-V.' - ' 1 -llm New Advertisements. (o-rarlnrrslii Notirf. Wit MINOTON, N. C. i Novemlx-r 25, S(i.ri. rilllK fT)-rAKTNF.HSHIP licretoforn cxistim; bet wee I t lie Subscrilters, under the tiamn nnd stvle nf M(U' MTT, 51'M.II.L A )., in this day dissolved by mutual COllHI'llt. A. A. MOFFITT, A. s: McNF.II.I., W. 1. aiOFFlTTY rilHK srHSCKIliKltHwill continue the COMISSloN-am 1 FoKWARDINd business, at tho old ptiind. No. 4 South Water street, under the name and style of MOF I-1 11 A 1IKO. a. a. Moi Frrr, K, W. U. MOFFITT. Nov. 27. 52 lw a. a. Morrit'T, w. n. Mon- i rr -Moffilt & Bro, (KKKHAtj '4),MMIISIIO!V MKIU'IIANTS, No. Sonth Witter Street, , Vllnltitcn, V. ',, WITL 01 VE PltOMIT riCllSONAb ATTENTION To T i ine sail- or siiiinncni oi t-tuion, xshvhi mores, tren- erul Produce, Ac., Ac. Also to receiving and forwarding gllOIIS. tinlers Bolicited aria promptly luleil. - Nov. 27 52-tf Black Moss! Black Moss!! VTANTKI), ln.OOO I.llS. PLACK MOSS, for whuh the T T nignesi niurnet prices win nn paid. (J. P()I,VOOT A. '() . , Cor. Front and Princess streets. ' Nov. 27. W-t Si?n of the BlAck Ball, Levy's Bazaar. K INSTANTLY, ON HANI), WINKS, J.Iol'OKS, (il!() V J cerii-H, Ppivlsiiius, Paints, Oils, Hurdwnre, Conhiges Jtioeks, Toliai'cn, Oiikimi, Powder, Shot, Ac. I.il:rul atlMinces made on coimigiimeiitsof Naval Stores, t oltoa. Milliner, Ac. Freights taken to Fiiyettevillt,- ninl' inteniit'diate land itigs, per tint Mexico. . v . ' JONAS P. LEVY, Oil fok Street, next door to the Ice House, 'Nov. 27 ,, 52-tlJ Liverpool Salt! Direct Importation. ) i t SACKS AsllToN SALT. HAII.Y i.XI'F.l'TED JUUU pet TtHfp Wm; 'I'tickcr," rinTrt mwr- Lm pool, for sale in arrirf, Nnv. 27, lMt3. 0. O. PAltSLBY A -r. " ' 52-1 w The rrlcbratcd Patent M asliin.T Macliinr and ( lollies 11 rliiiffr t ombiiiftl ! VXlYrMXAI.LY AbSliriKIt JO lit: TUH -BEST l. THE Wolil.D! rpilKsF. MACHINKS SAVK. THUKE-FOCKTIIS OF L the labor and Soup, and frarnients will hist twice jts Ioiik when washeu ut tliem.. ror sale, at tnsnmaetiirrr s prices, bv .MV11KA1 A Jll ItCHlSttN Noy27. 18C.J. .rj2-0t-, Boots and Shoes at Wholesale. 4 IA11UK AND WEIX ASSORTED STOCK, SELIXT- X - - -.- - i;i F.xiMtr.ssr.Y for i'oi'nxuy tkade, QFFEiirNti AT THE LOWEST NEW YOUK JOlilHNC. riUCF;s, by ' ',''.';'. ' ' fl. M. SIMPSON. WhoWaJe dealer in Pry Ootids, Ac., . 83 and 3o MarkeUst.; and 3 and 4 Front st., N. E. cor. . Not.TT 52- (JUT, SILTI'ETRE. i 10AL Scuttles, Marlin Spikes, Seine Twine, Taniirrs', V t oopers , t arpenters and l uiiH-ntine loois, Mmvvla, f-iadis, noes, lea Jvettiea, ttancepanH, vnrnislies. .lews bsri's, SlitM-, liliK-kmir, Files, llirl Cact-s. lii.-ins. Spokes I art Wheel llxs. Hex Scrapers, DrawinK Knives, Grind stones, Kits, Untclicr Knives, Horse lilaiikets, J'amts, his. l.eml, l upper Kiveta ami Nails, t hauls, Ac, Ac, at Wlb St'lN'S Hardware" and Harness Eatablishuietit-, Market htrt-ct, near tin- wlutrf, " Not. 27. . ".: , ' '.. 52 It lllSM?Y'& MI'SKFSI. fi MAUKF.T STftEET. OVER AI'Grsf 1NES STORE. V iatipan daily from 10 o'clock A. M., till 9oVIii k P, M, Wltll TUE JUMiNLLE GIANTS, THE LAIIOEST WOMAN IN. THE AV(11L1, A NF.GUO TURNINO WTTiTE, THE Ml'SEtM MITPKbS Will apw ar to-nicht, at Minstn 1 Hall, Rock Sprihi; Hr-tef, for the last time, in UioirSoiiK, Glees, Dances, linrlesrjtics and nits on the Timea. Day axluiisn i.ii 50 cents ; Childrun 23 cviits. , Nipht adnnniion'50 cents ; Children 25 cent's. Nov. 24. . - 50 3t XOTICEi iit; OFrr.R for s.vle co,ooo i.ns. bar iron, qi r t own mannfscttire: sizes suit aide for Railroad uses. from 1J x to 3 x ; also W.OOO LCS. ROl'ND IRON, i to . CLEGG, DtlWNF.R A CO., Flndor Iron Works, -Apply to J. R. RT.OSSOM A. CO.. " Wilmington, N. C, Ants. "ot. 25. 61 lw - OW ER N AMED. Tuanpobtatios OrricK W. A M. R. R., ( .Noi',2itUJN.:. 4 J?OH 1.1 LOSES OF LIQUOR MARKED (H, RF.-ceivt-d from Florence, October li'-th, lsj.v T I il I , . VT11-1T r iiunj iA.i a 11 r.uii, r- . Acent. Not. 23 ..J', .' ' , Sl-3u Auction Sales PALK fc ' No. .'1, Suuth Water Htreet, l'p Ktaus. . ; irvi.h, m."t, MAt iu."i:nr, ' ON MONUAV Nov. L7th, Ww, u U oVl'Krk, A. JL.wiil be (ioM the 4 tll'l f V5 1 SIIW, . tACjllxtliY, Ac. or Tiir. STEAM Kit TWILIGHT, Wrt ki -d at' the month of ( ape F'ear ,!iver. AIO, Tlie balance of the t aro, cotisistiiif; of UI:Y (itXJUS, OKOt-FKU-S. IMKT8 ANU SHOES, LI- Which have n-t 1 en rt iuotx-d from the wreck. " For further particulars, inonire as al-ove. J. SH.U'KKLiFOHLl, Auctioneer. Nov. 27 r.-i . - , Mercantile. ntEMI ARRIVALS ! KRKSII AMI UKSIIt Alll.K ilt(K F.HIES, H- Ships " Fairbanks" and "Civile." :io miu:r.us city mi:ss ihhik. '2 llAItliKLS FAMILY' MESS POIIK, IW) .liOXKS, ' ' ' Wnmi .FOUNDS, " ' STATE CIIFF.SK, 'JiFBOXKK KX0L1KII DAIllY CIIFJ-ISE, Kl CASES 1'IXK AFFIJ: CHEESE, im liDES. SUFEUlTNi: FLOUE, t J1DI.S. EXTKA FAMILY FLOI'K, 10 I!A(iS (Oi l EE, :ii UliLS. ASSORTED SCtiAHS, 1IMI lU'.L'S. mi.l ilOXES' ' ASSOUTED CltACKEES, I.OW for cash i, At Gc). Vvi-i-h II iinl 1 I F't-. ft lreet. ( HAS. 1). MYERS, Ajf't. IS Sl it El) SALMON, Nov. 22. '.I HI I KM. No. 1 MACKEREL, PINE APPLE CHEESE, LOLSTF.itS IN CANS, DRIED REEF,' Every thing for the Table, At 11 and PI Front Street. ( HAS. I). MYERS, A't. .. . . 4.1 '...Nitf, 22. l)UKsr.itvi:s, .IK I.I.IKS 1 Elegant Hssortiiif ut at AND CAN FRFITS, Geo, Myers, 11 and l:j Front Street. -(HAS. D. MYERS, Afi't. Nov. 22. VT '( rosT imcu'I ONE Hl'NDRED I1ASKETS, CL0TH1TS, M ARKET and WORK BASKETS, Slightly ihiilianed on Steamer, At 11 nnd 13 Front Street. r ( HAS. IV MYERS, Ak'L Nov. 22. H BIKKM.V KAHIWA, " ' .' CHOCOLATE and CORN STARCH, RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRONS, Ac, At 11 and l;l Front Street. ( HAS. D. MYERS, A't. 48 Nov. 22. Stl ( KS, PltKSKUVKN, JELLIES AND CAN FliT'ITS Larue variety At 11 and 13 Front Street. CHAS. D. MYERS, A(j"t. - ' 48 Nov. 22. FIFTY CASES S.M I F, V VRIOI S BRAXDS. in basils, R.vcox srmuLDEi:, IV lu Casks Bacon Sides, S(J Boxes Family Son p. 2.,raMi c'irrH."' 11 Cases Condensed Milk. " 7 Crates Crockery, 12 Cans Pure White T.i nil - For sale by ' SHACKELIOIiD, HAAS A C0.v . ,- .11 and 32 North Water Street. Auil receivniL' nearly everv xveek H.lilitinnJ t,. ...,r Mt..r- Merchants ami others will Vuid it to their atlvuiitacc to f,'ive.iiM 11 call. "v-i- ' 61 2w Xow Landiiis from Steamers I', Clyde" ant! " Fairbanks," 1 fiA RQXES N. YKTATE C4lF.ESEi tJ loo bbls. Mess and Rump Pork ; 120 1. 1. Is. Super and Futility Flour; Ail bbls. Maekeri-l Nos. i, 2 and 3 .'HI bbls. llcrrint': And for sale bv ZENO H. c.:eenf, 5i Nov. 21. Daily Expected by Srhr. " J. II. Burnett." )A A 8-v,-'KS. MVEKI-OOL'SALT: : - - - -VJ 60 hbls. Stuarts C. and Crushed Sugar: 1 or sale on in-rival bv ZENO II. GREENE. 50 Nov. 21. FLOIR. 50 LBLS' STrE,:FINT' FLi'i. ' For sale at reduced price,. by HORACE M. BARRY. so lw- Nov. 24. Fnnillv firnrcrips. Ae. W,F'. AR.E NOW rhEl'ARKD TO FURNISH A GENE ,7,K'yL,A'i,,"rtm,'"t "f (GROCERIES, WOODEN" and WII.LOU ARE. GROCERY and TIN, which was selected especially for our Retail trade, and we are now offering at New iork rn-tail prices. All packages sent to private re sidences free of charge. Hopkins A ji)hst(-f NO. 2. trmnitA lii-.w Front st., between Market A Dock. 2.t tt. Oct .n ARTISTS' MATERIALS, 1 OF KVKRY DKSCRIPTIOV, POIl S UK AT VAXORSDELTsi Tf rnY Kiiorij) every one go to vanokk- M 1'M.l.n J HUit.JUKAPHU: GALLF.liY? tl,.rthe,iwe hUld ladies ami gentlemen should hav, their ere it bo j .Miildle aced Indus shonl,! l.o.-o Viir ; f,w how much they have improved in looks a few rears hence. I.ovijt, should have their "i-hiz"" transnutt'ed to ilcad eurface by all means, for the especial benefit of each "thef. lnung Ociits do you Jiisiw that the possession of vour picture by your Udy-lovo affords a charm to ward off tho atu.-ks of rival suitors? If not. it is time vou were find ing it out, and going to VANORSDELL'S, where vou can get a nice allium. caM. frame, or card, with anr-'.tesire.l siyle of picture- Come ladies and gentlemen, old and young, come children aim au, o lomrer now L-1hv : - . - Oh ,i.me, and give YAN'OIiSDELL a call. as you are passing away. GALLERY ISO. 40 1-1, MARKET STREET, Oct. 10. n itmia(ton, m v. ll it I Aaetion Sales. UT t'ltlHLV'i Mt.IlHlH, A.lltr,. PORTH ARDEAS' SALE: i: x TK y s 1 v 7; ca n a o , DA5IAGED G ills FI'.i 01 isTIUMSHIP - TWILIGHT." o Kiocs. A, 3L, ww,s..l m " PAISLEY S p.LTI MM ,s ItfTh w"V S"nh- "treet. umb r ini;..-.,,,; .,, I!" vt III! .!-r':1 -r.- oem, the entire ,-,r.s f " " " "'a-v Steamer A. Oldham, S. hooiu rs Ct.nstumi.jn an,nvavo, Moop illmui tell, " . - Htivwl froin the. wr k of The Steamship "Twili-ht " strand .Xrt 00 P trtanNow v'-rk to V I Z 1 DRY GOODS, CLOTIIIXO, ELAXKETS, ROOTS AXD SHOES, HATS, TMRRELLAS, ' WOOD AND WILLOWWARE, FUIIXITFRE, CP.OCKERY, LIUTIIElt AXD CALF SKINS, AM.S, SAWS, XAIIS, Sl'IKES, CUTLERY, SADDLERY AXD HARNESS, -SUGAR, RUTTER, CHEESE, SOAP, CAXDLES, FORK. -ROFE, TUTXE, CIDER, w ' WHLSKEY, OIL, Ac, Ac, Ci.inprisin(r a lara and varied iWortnieiit, 1 eriiis, CASH on tleliver. . v. nmmgtoii, A. C, Nov. 251 IHt 1- i """ lly ( KOM.Y A MOIIHH AurtoneTI-s. 'lIlnry.uiKS, - - ON THURSDAY NEXT. 3nth iliwt rdiiintftit'ititr fit lit o'clock, A. M., we will sell 011 second tloyr of Parslev's buildinRS, North Water Street, for and on account of w hom it may concern, 'SO ruddies Oolong Tea, 411 caddies Yoiint; Hyson Tea, . 20 caddies Imperial Tea, 50 cases Black Pepper, 25 eases Gmer, 12 cases London Mustard.' ti hales Corks. . H eases Rio Cotlee, 1H cases Pickles, 10 eases Cream Tartar. 20 caes Cloves-. ) . 10 case's Cinnamon. . 3 cases IiuIiko, 1 case Blueing,. . 1 ease Brtn-ht s, 500 dozen Fancy Soap, With other articles. - - Nov. 25th -:--- ' -.1 hipping. For Baltiniore- riHlE Al SCHR. "ALICE CURTIS," Pattiso.n A master, will have dispafcri for above port. I i For frit-xlit, apply to "iai WORTH A DANUJU 52-21 Nov. 27th FOR MIH' YORK DIRECT.. ATLANTIC C OAST MAIL HTKAMMIIP t O.MP A V. fiMf'!01.1' Caplain Wau-kh. 1 1LIG11 r Captain Si-ickk. "I.OR FREIGHT OR PASSAGE, having- . . JL nuperior accoinniodations, ai-i-lv to , i , iiABBissA HoVy,L. ?::L$JJiK LIYINGSTON, FOX A CO., New York City. Oct. ;). 2s tr - FOR -SEW-YORK. (iOJIMKKCUL tlK. THE A. I. STEAMSHII-S FAIRBANKS, Capt. IIcsTKB and W. P. CLYDE, (apt. f'-T'l " KiimiiNH, will fonn a weeltlv lino Iwtween 1 'f t ) WilmiiiL'ttm, N.C.and New York, aaiUiiK -wstii.., -every Tliursday. For Fruight or Passage, (having suiier lor accomodationB for Passengers.- Apply to . H. PIERSON, I BRADLEY A WOEHI.ER, Agents , i houtli Street, A'ts, North Water St., New York. I bet.' Chestnut A Mulberry ,.,. I .JSts., Wilmington, N. ('. Hept. 20.' . h 'a.'),,; "Steamer A. P. Hurt riLL RESUME HER REGULAR , tnps, leaviiih' WilmiiiL'ton evi;ry Tin's- , ft ,'''-' day anil Friday nt 2 P. M., and arriving Lf;",Vtf4' here from FayttteVille Mondav and Thnrs- SS33KSiMj dav niyhts. WORTH A DANIEL, Akciiis. ;t Nov. U. . Notice to Consiajnees, WiLMiNrtroN, N. C, November H, lsi;.j. 1)ERS0NS HAVING GOODS on board Steamers ar . riving hereto the undcrxiKiiml, are rcipiestid, tit It er to attend to thfc receipt of the goods in l-erson, or de signate the tlrnyman authorized to receive them. HARR1SS A HOWELL. Nov. 9. :!7 - Insurance Agencies. Insurance Affainst Loss or Damage by Fire, JOSS OF LIFE OR TIME BY ACCIDENT. MODERATE RATES, CLOSE AND EXCLUSIVE ATTEN TION TO BUSINESS. " Attlantic Full I.vxi n tNCE Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. The Old llAiiTroan, of Hartford, Connecticut. THa0iuai5Ar.TBAVEi.KKs' Aicim vt Ins. Co., Hartford Ct. Papers of other annpaniea, FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE, daily expected. E. P. GEORGE. Acent )flic with Cronly A Morris, .V.rth Vtr Kt.. Wilmington. N. C. 40 mnf Nov 1.1 KELIABLK OlTHF.H IXSIH VVC K. National Marine & Fire Insurance. Company, . OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. Capital, S53,(MKI. rilHF UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO INFORM Till' 1 jmblie that they have ls-en legally aipointe'd Agents for tut- n.uini vA-iiii-Hiiv, suit are now j-eauv lotaae risks at customary rates. This Company was organized in Jan uary, lsiv, ami its assets aro the most secure in the coun try. Sub-Agents ill bo appointed in tho following counties : Cumberland, Bladen and Columbus. - -' DUDLEY A RR0., Agents, Wilmington, C. Nov. 6. 34 ' (ireensboro Mutual Insurance Companv. HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS OF tlWS Company, we are prepared to taka FIRE KItKK on moderate terms. - WALLACE A SOUTHERLAND, Agt s. . No: 24, North-Water St. . Wilmington, K. C, Oct. 10,. 1JXJ5. 19 tf NOHTII CAHOLINA MrTClL LIFE INSl RANCH COMPANY. THE SUBSCRIBERS VLL CONTINUE TO EFTECT Insuranro in this Co. for one. year, seven years, or for lite, at the ratea established before the war. HARRISS A HOWELL, Agents. Josh. C. Wat her, 31. D., Modical Eiamiuer. Oct. 2nd, 1H65. r- 4tf Miscellaneous. SEAMAN'S FRIEND SOCIETY NOTICE. ARE REQUESTED Sb " " iy onier or l. r.LLis. I'REtinrxi" lslARIt t-r Tr.I'STKKS.- O. G. rarult v. P: K. Dickinson, Cnfi. 11. French, Cant. C. D. Ellis, ( apt. (tills rt Potter, Isaac Northrop, - Avon E. HalL, Albert F. PerrT, Jas. O. Pettewav, ' ' Wm. A. Wright',' . Capt.-A. J. Dt lissett. .- - "' Nov. 25. It. r . Jlltchell, 'aiit. John McRae, J. II. Flannert Dr. T. C. Worth, BOrRBON WHISKEY. TUST RECEIVFJ) BY STEAMER I VHF in t;t.tt tvnuine Ik-urbort Whiskey, direct from lientuckv and , tor sole cheap. . . t HOPKINS A JOHNSTONE, No. 2 Graiute 1U. . V- Not. 7 V;

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