YOL XY-XO. 122. WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2(1, 18CG. WIIOLE NUMBER 4,228. T II C DAILY JOURK A L . EXGELUARD A PRICK, Proprietors. - Term af fcwaoerlpUoai Daily Pper, one year, Invariably In advance '. .tlO f " aix mouths, " " 00 " three months, " " a tut ' one month, " ' .... ... 100 AVeeklv Paper, one rear, " " a 0 '" sixmontlis, 0 All letters on business connected with this office must be addressed to the proprietor. Rates f Advertising I Aivektihkments will be inserted at tho ratoof ft per square fur the Unst insertion; $3.50 per week ; ami 18 per month. Ten line or less are counted a a square. Longer Advertise ments in proportion. Advertisements inserted every other day are charged new at each arid every insertion. No publication reflecting upon private character will be , allowed in oar columns, either a advertisement)! or other wise. 1 W Ko publication made without a responsible name. Miscellaneous. E. F. Coe's Super-Phosphate of Lime, . , , BOX! 1UIIRE. WARRANT JED GENUINE. -Arrvn irinp rT? rruc HLOT ifrrrnTlTt: ivn TV I the most approved maiuier, it is reoomniendod to the publio as superior to any other in the market. All who . nave usea u spoaa 01 n iu we mguust vunus vi praise, and those engaged in itp manufacture will continue thoir beat endeavor to advance tho high reputation which it has acquired, nr. i 11.. T1 1. .. I . 1 n 1. 1 1 r .. ,.1 and recommend it in preference to any othor artificial manure in the market. We consider it nearly equal to the beat Peruvian Uuano, although furnished at half Hit pnee. McssrB. R. II. Alleu & Co., the well known Manufactur ers of agricultural implements, aay of it : " We take Pleasure iu statrna that we have Bold E. F. Coe's Super-Phosphate of Lime for four yearn- It has given universal satisfaction to our customers. We most cheerfully eudorso it as an article worthy of the conhdence of tho public, and tne purchaser may rely upon secunug an article honestly and carefully manufactured. " We would state that, after careful examination, wu - believe this I'hoHphate has been improved each year suiee its introduction in this market, and that it will coutinue to maintain its prosent lugli standing. " Very respootfully, M R. IL ALLEN k CO., " No. 191 Water street, Now York." E. Frank Cok, Emu., . Annoxed please find rosult of my analysis of sample ot your Super-Phosphate of Liiue loft with me. This being such a superior article in every respect, I cannot refrain from congratulating you upon such manu facturo, which undoubtedly will meet with great success. Wishing you every success, I am. Respectfully yours, Q. A. LEIBIO. Baltimore, August 3, 18G4. . Of Free I'hophono Acid liyd 10.28 containing of Anhydrous Phoaphorio Acid.... 7.43 Of ln-phosphate of Lime 0.10 containing of Anhydrous Phosphorio Acid 3.70 Of Neutral Phosphate of Lime 8.35 containing of Anhydrous Phosphoric Acid...! 4.30 Of Bulphato of Lime bydrated 45.38 containing of Sulphuric Acid (Soz) 21.20 Of Alkalino Halts as Hulphatcs 1.11 Of Organic Combustible Matter. .23.68 capable of producing Ammonia. . .'. 3.76 Of Animal Coal and Sand 5.00 - Phosphoric Acid soluble in Water 11.11 - Phoporio Acid insoluble is Water. .8A v s "aojiia, : , . u A 7j . Manafwtmrcd by '' - , ' " ENOCH COE, Hunter'a Point, L. I. THE UNDERSIGNED "HAVE BEEN APPOINTED Agents for the State of North Carolina, and will sup. plv this superior fertilizer at manufacturers' prices. Put up iu barrels of about 300 pounds weight. 700 Barrels Now ia Store, and for sale by i . 0. G. PARSLEY A CO. Coo. 16. 67-8ui rnilE GREAT SOUTH KKlf PAPER. THE GREAT SOUTHERN PATER. THE GREAT SOUTHERN PAPER. THE RICHMOND EXAMINER. " THE RICHMOND EXAMINER. THE RICHMOND EXAMINER. THE DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER was revived on the 9th of December, and has already attained a circula tion and popularity that places it in the front rank of tho public journals of tho South. The people everywhere seem to recognize in its columns the same bold and fearless Bpirit that ever distinguished it in tho past. Tho EXAM INER is peculiarly the paper of the South. During the war it exorcise au influence which probably no other single newspaper evef had in so large a country, nH it rarh an imnortant luncture of affairs. It was no toriously the favourite of the army, and accompanied it everywhere. In Virginia, during the Peninsular cam paign, Gen. A. P. Hill had read in general orders, at the licad of his command, the editorials of the AVanntiw, as incitements to his soldiers. In Texas, ueneral Magruner complained that ho was deprived of tne aauy entertain ment and stimulation of the Richmond Examinrr. No one can appreciate the history of the recent war without ad mitting the inspiration and influence of this remarkable journal. THE EXAMINER'S CORRESPONDENCE DAILY LETTERS FROM WASHINGTON. The Examiner has organized a full corps of correspond ents, and will have regular letters from all the important points of intelligence in the country. By special good fortune it has sec-nred, at great expense, the services of the oldest and most intelligent of all the Waahington correspon dents ; the same gontleman who, for a great many years, wroto for the Baltimore Sun under the signature of "Ion," and whose letters were better known and more extensive ly copied into the papers of the country than any letters ever sent from Washington. He will write regularly for the Examinr, and send a letter from Washington every DAT. ' TO BUSINESS MEN THE EXAMINER AS AN AD VERTISING MEDIUM. The attention of the merchants and business mon is re opectfully called to tho unequalled advantages it offers as an advertising medium. At the time of the evacuation of Richmond, and for a long time before, its circulation waa-greater than that of all the other Richmond pa lers combined. We declare without any affectation of modesty about it, that the Examiner is unequalled as an advertising medium. TO ITS OLD SUBSCRIBERS. The undersigned calls upon the old subscribers of the Examiner, from Virginia to Texas, to rally to its snpport. to renew their subscriptions, and to assist in the revival ot a paper endeared to the South by many memories of the V"U TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, in advance Hix months, in advance. 00 Throe months, in advance j 3 00 Address H. RITES POLLARD, n-oprifior and Editor of " Exitniner.' Richmond, Va. Feb. 7. lll-5f (WISER WANTED. mHERE IS AN IRON FIRE TROOP SAFE IN'THE I Hrmth office of the Journal Buildintr. The owner is urgently requested to come forward, prove property, pay eh ftrr-pn mjid laae i iw.i. idiuutri imuu day. the SAFE will be sold for Jan. 13. w fnAk Wanted. A GOOD COOK WANTED. A FAIR PRICE WILL U paid to go to Flemmgton Applvto . - v Flemington, N. C. Pec, 29 . Tl-tt New York Cards. J. M. TATE, " V CHARLOTTE. N015TH CAROUS.V. WITH t MM. SMITH BROU'X & CO., Manufacturers of, and Wholesale DuaUrs iu, ; O () T $ A -V 1 8 IT O E s , F EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR 1K)TH 8EXE AM) V. 11 si?e. SEWED WORK of our owu luaunracture, fur Ladie aiKt ueiilltmen, uuaur))MSBol tor style and durability. NO. .7:1 ( HAMIIICRa aTHKKT, K.w lark. j"A few dMH in rear of A. T. Btvwart .V Co., ami pp lOBile tho now Citv Court llouw. Feb. 7. l4i4J . , 111-tf DOCTHERN IfOl BK. II1RRIS, GAliES k (0., W HOLEBALE O It O C E U H , W BKAVKK HTKKET, Kw York, KEEP CONHTA'NTLY ON HAND all kinds of CROCK. RIES. IJyUORS, SEGARS. TOBACCO, FKUITK, At. Promfit atieutiou given to orden. , W. HOOPER HARRIS. - --" : 'Iatoof Nashvilk-, T.-ini. J.VJ1E8 L. GAINES, Late of Ashevillo, N. C. R. IU A- R. M. BEARDEN,' Late of Macon, Geo. Fob. 7, lm. lll-2y John R. Damcv, Jodm H. Hyav, (Of Tai boro', S. C.) - (Lato or Scotland Mi k, ('. F. M. Htman, (La to of Warrciilon, N. C.) I) AMY, HTMAN L (0., . UKNEKAL COMMISSION MEHC'IIANTa, IOR THE SALE OF ALL IUND8 OF SOUTHERN 1 Produce, and agents for procuring and forwarding White Laborer, to the SontJil r Oflico No. 80 Cedar street, NEW YORK. JT Dr. JOHN ARRINGTON, late of Warrenton, N. 0., can be found with us, where ho w ill be pleased to serve his old fi ioud.i. AU Protlnco consigned to us will meet w ith prompt ship ping attention by tho following aoknth: W.vll. McRart A Co., Wilmington, N. C. WHiTronn, Dtix 4 Co., New Bcrno, N. Georok H. Brown A Co.. Washington, N. O. Rk kh, Hu.L A Co., Norfolk, V. Jan 2'J . 103 tf SPEXCER I). ( . VanBOKKELE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAN'l 58 PEARL 8T SEW YORK, SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON NAVAl Stores, and other Southern produce and Manufactures, and will fill orders for Morcliandiso, all of which will ro ceive his prompt personal attention. Consignments insured from point of shipment in al cases, unless otherwise diroetod. A. H. VanBokkcIen at WihniiigUm, N. C, will arrange advaiKtcs, attend to shijtmcnt, pay taxes, freights and all other exeiiHCS on Consignments to ma when desired. Nov. 1. - 30-ly CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. fimE UNDERSIGNED HAVE TO-DAY FORMED A Cp JL partnership under tho nam and stylo of JAMES L. HATHAWAY UTL1CV, (formerly Hathaway & Co., Wilmington, N. C.,) for the transaction of a Shipping and general Conimissiou Busi ness, iu the city of New xork, at 171 Pearl Street. JAS. L. HATHAWAY, WM. 14. bTLJ!.X. , Oct. 10 m New York, Oct. 9, 18C5. ;ahes u hathawat, k 1 y .'un. R. xmar. - - JAS. Ih HATIIAWAI CTLET, . (Formerly Hathaway & Co., Wilmington, N. 0) 8HIPPl!IO AND COMMISSION MKRCHAilTS, IT1 Pearl Street, BUw York. WE SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, NA VAL STORES, SHEETINGS, YARNS, TOBACCO, 1 11 tl . . 1 . Tt. . 1 .. n. . 11,. Main t9 u-) i . Vi fin. prompt personal attention will bo given. We will make liberal advances upon receipt of Invoice and Bill of Lading. All Merchandise and Produce shipped to us is insnred from point of shipment, with or without advice. Invoices should always accompany each shipment. Both of us, having had over 20 years experience hi bu siness in the South, and our J. L. Hathaway three years iu New York, fool coufideut wo can secure full prices for our friends, who will favor us with their consignments. OcUlU. u om- Miscellaneous. JOB PRINTING, BINDING, RULING! Wo advise everybody to havo Done whero they prefer, but at the same time wo ASSURE THE PUBLIC THAT THE JOTJH.3NT T OI73?I03D Is prepared to execute ALL K I O S OF PRINTING Roqnired in this section of Country, in a styls tyLAL, VF not suPEnion, to any establishment in the State, and upon terms at which we can live and let others live. Wo do not pretend to work for nothing, and pay for the satisfaction of doing tho work also. In the same building with the Journal is a complete Bookbindory, .And tho proprietor, Mr. P. IIEIXSBERCER, Will at all times bo pleased to receive orders in that line, as well as RULING. Orders for Printiso or Bimaso received by either the Journal or bv Mr. Heinsberger, will be promptly atten ded to. February 5, 1S00". ACADEMY OF OCR LADY OF MERCY, StTMTKR, . c. SCHOLASTIC YEAR from SEPTEMBER 1ST to JULI 1ST, comprising two Sessions. The Exercises of this Institution were resumed Sept 1.1 imi". Ko rtixtinrtirm nf creed mads in the reception of pupils, provided they will observe the general rules of me insTirmion, nor wiu mnj uuuuo ujuupiiin w ur-v, uu their rehgions Principles. Lat h pupil should bo furnished with oomforable cloth ing, dark Alpacca or Bilk aprons, dark skirts and strong shoes, lit for wearing or running in the grounds of the Academy. Pupils will also furnish their own silver cup, spoon, fork, plate, cup and saucer, finger-towels and ring, marked with name in full, and a tin or pewter wash-bowl, if convenient. A bulletin of application and condnct sent to parents or guardians at the close of each Session. The correspondence of ruoils is subject to Ihe Inspec tion of the Superioress of th Academy, but iu no case prohibited as regards parents or guardians. cepi. win. Banking Office of James Dawson. nTTKS TnE MARINE BANK. New York, for m - CHECKSON BANKERS iu Baltimore and riiiladcl. phia, for sale at par. ieb. a, lftoo. . ASDERSON, .THE BACAGE MAS. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE I" IL" , citizens of Wilmington, that any -vr orders left on his SLATE at the store ofaSasiasaaa Mesa. Hedrick 4 Ryan, will rnoet with promp attention. -iao. 10. - THE DAILY JOURNAL. TILMI!IUTtK, K. tH KKUKl'AKY t, 1mu. ISroniin Edition. NORTH CAROLINA LECilKLATI RK. (IIJ'OUIEU LXl'UKMl.V roH llll. J'U l: U . " 'SENATE. Fmti.W, F"-b, 10. Traycr by R r. A. Hmudr, D.D., of the Kpiwopsl rlnuvk KTATf til.IlT. Mr. Wiggins from the committee on f'imiuiv m ted m minority report in response t certain rm tint ions In ri frreiH'a to tho publio debt. v shall pultlmli m,, u, n M)Hnif the niajiirity and uiiuonty in full. ) ti.i.o.N!, rj.i-.Kixu hom JiM ii i.. Mr. Morehead's bill outlawing felons tWing lium ju tifo, passed to its eiigroiiHiiieiit. (Tlie bill plie 1 1 r old law, on. the subject to whites. J rn&am:M5 monoi. ; F Engrossed bill hi incorporsU'ths trtintet s of thienra( Asseuihly of the Preabytt riau church iu tho I uiled Sialtn, pissel its tliird reading and was ordered to I enrolled. , , TAX OSl MtlVAlE Al.TM Of IN ORIK)n.Mlos. Mr. Pitchfitfd's bill comeniing private set of in- r -ration, paa d to its cngrossnii iit. ( Tho bill t ea all ti-h aetsfllKl.J SiiLI' lTl'll M'B fiTII MN1IIIIT. The senate duclinod U go into an election fur sulii jlitr of the tilli judicial district, I t'AI'K I LAM KAMOAllOX COMI'AN. EugrosM'd resolutions authoriing certain priH-eclings against " the Cape Four navigation company" patm d their second reading. Tho sul'Btitiilo reiiorti.d bv the committee m the Judician', dii-ei'tiyg thu board of inter, nul improvements to iniiiiire into the proeeednies ami oixration of this company was voUd il.nvn iihii a , , ,,f ilie yeas ano nays yeas 1 j unvs n. Messrs. Hull, and Jones f CoIuiiiIhih, naruilv advocahut the adoptiun of tho original, and Mesr. ,li'I,ean and I-eitch of iiolx son, ugtwl the passage of the sultHtitiito. (The bust action on this matter will be reputed hi full. ItATKS OK IMtniM't, Mr. Bynnin'a bill to establish the rate of interest and repeal chnpter lit of the revnietl msle, was, after most able seiH'lies iu its fuvor by ileaaiH. Byuuiu, M Kov ami Carter, laid on the table at tho request of Mi. Mre)icad, who was too unwell to dim iihs the (lueHtinn to-dny. lis dosu-ed to oppose the passagu of tho bill. It provides for eight per cent, interest, by special eonti act, fur tho loan ot money tlis excess not to be recoverahle at lat or incim ty.J . . HUBlt..1 AND Itl.S. The house, bill to regulate salaries and foes was read ami tiled. Leave of absence, until Tuesday, was grand d (o Messrs. Wilson, lloner and llai i iss of FianMiii. The Seuato adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Fviuay, Fob. Kith, lHWi, I'rayer by tho Rev. Dr. Hmedcs. DISAULKIt HOJ.PlKUri. Mr. Smith of Hert'ord, for tlu coiuiuitUM) on linam e, to which was referred Mr. Uolderby's resolution relative to paying the traveling expenses, to and from Raleigh, of maimed soldiers applying for artiileial limbs, reiHirtod, asking to be discharged from its further consideration, as the several railroad companies, would doubtless give free transportation in such eases. Committee discharged. Mr. Manly, for the judiciary committee, reported a sub stitute for sundry homestead hills referred to said com mittee. STAY LAW. . Mr. Waiigh, for tho joint eeloct 'committee on the stay law, reported "a bill to change tho jurisdiction of the court afid the rules of pleading therein. Ordered to b printed and made tb special rde- for 13 a'.ulvck. M., on luesduv next. . KA-J- ..H '- . .J. V1LL8 IMTKODPI Ml. r ' Mr. Moore of Alamnnco, ilitrohiced a bill to incorpor ate the North Carolina mining company. Mr. Smith of Cumberland, a bill to authoriiso the county court of Cumberland to appoint inspectors J.f naval stores. On motion of Mr. Jenkins of Warren, a message was sent to the senate proposing that the two houses proceed forthwith to an election for a solicitor of tho tith judical Circuit. The senato by messago refused to conenr. Mr. Yollowly presented the credentials of Ix wis XI 11 liard, Esq., commoner elect from Pitt county to till the vacancy occasioned by the demise of W. H. Haurahan, Esii. Mr. HUliard apiteared and was qualitied. Mr. Ycllowly introduced a resolution hi favor of Mrs. Sarah Hanrahun, relict of the lato W. S. Hanrahan, which Iiassed its several readings under a suspension of the rules. Pays her the mileage and ;cr dieiii duo tho deceased. I Leave of absence w as granted Messrs. McEaehen, Mur phy. Pnschall, Moore of Chatham, and Smith of (iiul rorct o CALE.MUU. ' Tho following bills passed their second reading, via : A bill to renew tho charter of the lliwassn Turnpike Company; a bill to puniHh vagrancy; a bill to prevent per sons enticing servants from fullllling their contracts or harboring them: a bill to securo to agricultural lanorers their pay in kind. A bill to secure more effectually tho maintenance of bastard children, and tho payment of tines and eosts on conviction in criminal cases. ssks. ""At 11 q'riwk A. M.j Die house ttroeeeded U consider Uje special order, viz : a bill to authorize tho banks of the st n to to 8ubs'rilte for stock in tho national banks, on se cond reading.. . Mr. Smith, of Hertford, addressed the house in supiiort of the bill. Mr. Caldwell, of Oniirord, and Mr. Tin inipson, in opposition to tho bill. BIr. Smith rejoined in defence of the same. . llio qiiention recurring, the bill was rejected by the following vote, the yeas and nays having Is.'en ordered on motion of Mr. McDonald. Messrs. Allison, Ashworth, Barnett, Baxter, Blackmer, Blair, Blythe, Bonner, Burton, Cowan, Cox, Craigc, Ualby, Dargan, -Garland, Gidney. Hamilton, Harpir, 11 awes, Hoke, Holmes, Hvman. Kenaii, Ie of Gates, Lucas, Luke, Msnl', Marler, McAilen, Mcintosh, Moore of Ala mance, Moore of Martin, Mott, Munthr, Niven, Newsuni, Palmer, Shaw, Smith of Cumlerland, Smith of Hertford, Teague, Wheeler, Williams. Yt.As, 11. Messrs. IWmlev. Black. Brysou. Burcress. Caldwell. "amoron, Chandler. Carson, Coatcs. Crawford, iJa' is ot t artaret, Davis or rlanrax, JJwkery, Jjunn, iyerrrit, t air cloth of Wayne, Flvtho, Foster, 1'iiit, (raines, Henrv, Hod nett, Holdttrbv, Horton, Houston, Hutehifon, Jcokni" of Catiton, Jenkins of (tinnMUe, Joukios of Warren. Jones, Joyncr. Judkins, Kinney, Logan, Lyon, Matthews, Meonald, McQuue, McNair, Melson, Mnrrill, Nicks. Page. Potter. Ravner, ilosebro, Smith of Odumbn, Smith of Guilford, Stiiley, bcoggin, Thigp0". Thoiupsn. Trull, Wangh, Wilson, Vellowley, York Nays, 51. A bill to incorporate I mon Mining t ompany pani its second reading. tiTY or WILlllOIO. A till to incorporate th inhabitants of tlf" town ot Wihnmgton, passed second and third readings nndor susension of the rules.' A bill authorizing the apxtiiitinent of a Tax Collector fur the county of Jackson, and a bill to (trsveut obstruc tion to the free passage of b(b in Caney nver were leject ed on second reading. Mr. Nicks, ibv leave) intriMliiced a full to re-enact the 1th section of the lojth Chapter Revised Code. Mr. Wilson, a bill concerniog ciebt contracted during the late war. KEYfcM'E WiJ- Mr. Smith, of Hertford, from tlm Finance Cttnnittte reported a Revenue bilL Onlered to be printed. ; The House thers adjonmed nntd lOo'eKsk A. M. to morrow. .. . SENATE. Satvrdav, Feb 17. Mr. ArendcII submitted reports from the cnimittee on Ciriorntvyn. MM 'RET HESfilON I OR l'tH-OVi. Mr. Morchcad fmm the Judiritiry committee. r ftrtel back the resolution instructing the Mn-tary of state, t print the acts of the secret session of lwll-fio, rnroninteiid mg its passage. . i diabu:i SOl.nil.RS. Mr. Jones of Columbus, from the joint select committee in reference to supplving iitaniea soldiers, with artm cial limbs, submitted the ftillowing report and resolutions, vis r The committee to whom was referred the resolution of inquiry in relation to artificial limbs, report, that the guv i rnor lias hail a n iioi t as to the iiuiiiIht required from only one county, to wit : Alexander, in which six arum and live Ick are to be supplied. If thisconntv bv taken as an YMKe, the hole, nioiilu-r reiituied r (tut state would bo alHtut liNXI. It is believed that the rent of smii-lviit'f this liuiiiber must lJ a Unit mi.ihi. If thia uniiiiiate as to tiiunU r ami cost, he eorieej, the cM-enihlure reiiiliid would It gi-at r than Ihe tieaury could iii-T oirt of ttir nmana now pn MileU. 1 nun all tin' information wct aii obtain, we In'Meve the artili. 1 arm is rather ornatoeutal than nneiul, an I e then fore, recommend that h ga onlv 1st suiuilied at the cxpentt of the state, to tlme states ami eonfeilrrate sn dicrs, citixeus of thtt Mate, who jott their limits w hile iu tiii'. ami that al ius and he nil ninlied to auvotltei ili.cu of the slate, w hether they lost their limbs ill mill. Urv service or uot, thev paving actual cost. V.. .I,,,,, .,,,,1 tin.) tin. oi.t ..i.i . I is, r. itl In ! .ml I., .mi. jtly the limits by ouit met with some manufacturer; tr to buy a paU.ut, and have them made iu tho state, ns ho nut Ift lll IhimI, nitty full eiiiiuiy ill relmeuee to the most line ful limb ami the least esuinive imsle of fiiniishlng it. To cany out these views w recommend the atloptittn ol the scctiiupaimng re"oulmii A'tsitici, That the general assninhly tlulli iniieui' in the repoi t sublulltetl by lbs Jujul select ( 'liiliullee s'HMOli-d to iiitiiii'H into the evpeifmuey of iiKMlifviuu or moeinlmu the it'Mthition for aiipplviuKinailiietl tMihlieis with artitlciid IiiiiIin, ratllied on th day of January last-ami doth hereby dim t the governor tu act in conformity with said report, iu executing said resolution. I'inlur a stifcpcnaion of the rales, th leaohition psMttot) ti il n ciigro"iiicnt; and was tiansmitted to the linusr. IfiolTIYEi KHov JOTtCE. Ml. Cartel introduced a hill to amend the lib section, lith chattier, rsvisnd eode.relatiY tofugitivtia from justice (Provides that the governor l authorised to oiler the reward tlioifin provided fur, for the a pprohmision of capi tal felons, who hae lied from Justice to parts nuknown. lieUier within or without the Jiirisdintloii of thv stale. 1 lit fei reil to the jmtivmiy. Mr. ('alter alsti iitlrtMlucivl a rsaolution hi favor of Ed wsid Sanders, executor of laasn N. hamlui s, lain senator from the oouiity ot IMimIos. (.Uluws him to draw tho pay and mileage due to 1, N.Sanders.) Thoresnlutti paaaed its several readings. A similar resolution, in favor of Mrs. Sarah Hnin ahau, widow of Mr. llanrshaii, late commoner Ironi the eounty of i'llt, which wns transmuted from the. house, passed II readings ami was ordered to lie enrolled. Several miimpoi taut private bills wers passed. On motion ot Mr. GashJ the lull's were siui)tuiidml, and his it Molulion hiMtriieting the secretary of statu to publish the acts of tho secret wamous of lMHl 0,1, Was plaeisl npuii its several readings, Messrs, Wigyiiis. Hall ami 1'itchford oltposeil the pun sags of the resolution, ami Messrs. Carter, Areudull, Leitch, nf Robeson, ami Jones, of Cohunbus, adoeateil it. Mr. Areudell moved to amend bf ailding the seeret ses sions of 1hi,2 'dit which was adopted and the resolution paed. Ordered to be engrosned, l'he senate adjourned, ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. SATtROAY, Feb. 17. Tho house was called to older at leu o'clock, A. M. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Iicave of absence was granted Messrs. ( hadwick, llol. derby, Faster, Coales, potior and Houston. Rtl.LS 1(TR01IH'MI. Mr. Wan eh ilitrodiieeil a bill to repeal sot much of the revised colic, chap. IW, see. 3, enlilletl " marriage," aa re quires the clerks to take a bund, , Referred to the judi ciary. Mr. Stiller, a bill for the relief of tho president and di rectors of the Washington Toll Brldgs eomoany. Passed its soveral readings under a suspension of tho rules. Mr. York, a resolution that the two houses adjourn line con the Mb. of March next. Laid on tho table on the motion of Mr. Gidney. OH lALENOAR. A bill to rcHal that provision of tho "Slay Iw" which requires executors ti give security, l'assod Its second reading. ' ItAMKN. Mr. Hutt bistin entered a motion to reconsider the vote by which the House reloctttd on yesterday the bill to an thonAt the bauks of the SUto to subscribs for stork in the National banks. After sums discussion, in which Messrs. Smith of Hert ford. Cowan, Black nior, Luke anil Hutchison advocated a rseonsidsrauun, anil Messrs. Xluanpsoii. CaJdwolt anJ tvaugn oiqKtseu, sir. Wang ti moveu to lay on tno unio the motion to reconsider. The yeas and nays worn called, and tho House refused to lay on tho table by the following vote : vcas. ill '.usys, 4H. On motion of Mr. Thompson, tho motion to retvtnsider w as maiio ihe special orucr jor u o clock, At., on YVeitnes day next. - Messages were received from the senate announcing the refusal of that body to recede from the amendments to tho bill further extending the operation of the statute of limi tation, ami the bill regulating tho terms of the supreme court. The house asseuted to tho senate's action, as to the first of these, and asked a committee of conference as to tho latter. The senate, by message, assented to tho pnqiOHitioii to raise a committee of conference. Sundry engrossed resolutions In relation to tho collec tion of taxes in I'saufnrt county, and a bill to authorize the clerk of the county court of Chowan, to administer the oath of oftice to tho ahoriff elect, passed thoir several readings under a susctis.oii of tho rules, A bill to ineorsiraU) Mystio Tie lysine, A. Y. M-, hi tho town ttf Marion, McDowell county, and ongmss.l resold, tioii in favor of Edward Sanders, executor of laaac N. Sanders, deceased, lato senator from Onslow county, also passed their several readings. The following bills on calendar passed their sorSiid ami third reading', vi. A bill to incorMtrat Transvhania Seminary; bill to amend tho charter of the town of Lc. lioir; bill to re-enact tho 4th section KrJd chapter of Revised Code; resolution concerning Cherokee Indiana) bill to authorize, certain Cherokee Indian to remain per manently in North Carolina ; bill to authorize warden of the poor, in esse any indigent person becomes chargeable to a county possessed of an estate, which is insiiliicii nt for the supjMirt of such indigent tcrou, to institute pro ceedings to subject the same to the indemnity of the county, whose tlutv it is matin by law to provide for the maintenance of the jh mr. thereof ; a bill to punish seditious language, insurroct ions and rebellions in the Mate; a bill to authorize the court of ideas and ouarter sessions of Cumberland county to appoiut insectora of naval stores, ami a bill to authorize the comity courts to eui power anmtmstratore, guardians ant I executors to sell fur raab. The Hoiiso then adjourned uutil 10 o'clock A. M. on Monday next. Ol lt NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE. Fftii'in IknwHgtratum yernamlo Wiwlaivl (imrijr I'n iniyi it-Trui n on (hi Jinlrnm-lrrj)in-iition fitr thi' I'lflttfiurif (tinrvntinnPri'titlriil Jnhniim'ti i'jwih to the Vinjiuiii Dih-ijiiUnn llomil in Crt'i vtwIWimMl rfiirim on flw "Unite t tho. Ilmr" lie r ill vM Trust ih Pimi'rnt Jcmr of ft furl Lafayette I'nmmer, FJe. from Our Owa rwrreponlrnt. New York. I'M. V W. The (TM.ibonj tvioj? of the Fenian organization lial h grand jvrfiiWff dcmonslrntirm at CoorxT In- stilutn Inst nigLt. I dun't quite iinilfrstantl wliy it should be called politicRl dcuionstnilimj, but itu chief iMigiiiPcr, 3Ir. ,B. Doruu Killian, unid it was oue, mid wMe4 that its eignifhanc would prohsldy have an early and important effort on our relations with Lnglanl. This mar aonml like foolish talk to some pcraoiia, hut a great many of llione who were present viewed it iu the opiowit liht, aud ajimauuexl it with gieut cnthiiHiasiu. Th-re vere threo Americana on tho lit tf speak er Fernando Wood, George F. Train and Chan. H. Spencer and they were apparently aa enthusi astic in the Fenian eauFeas any Irishman pnient. Of Mr. Train's ipeeelA, it is nuflicient io Mty that it waa extravagant to the verjee of absnrditT. That crentlenian has an exoeedinply fertil imagination. and whatever eaubo he e,pousc is nre to reeeive all the aid that hia iieenluir elotinenco can give it. Ex-Mayor Wood is well known as ono of the ablest sea!vprs in the United -States, eaotious, caustic and ehxitient. IL's plea for Biifferinff Ire land waa the most powerful aver made by an Ame rican at an Irian meeting, and hia denunciations of her oppressor were responded to as none bat Irish thronts can rcatiotuL Some persona see eve rvthinp; to approve ad nothing -to condemn iu these l'eiiiau ileinoustrfttions, but I mnst CfnfoH that to ne they seem fraught with s great deal of evil and but little good. It ia now loiit thre years since the) first was maile in tho Unitd Statea. jtiuj tlie i' t reHult flAliiadiHtiirbaiice and unea-, niueaa in Irehind, the conviction and iinpriaon- 1 inentof many iiiipnidout men in that country, mid crifiiiiintion and qnunvliug in tho brother-' IiimmI here. Sincere and honest men may aay, "lltrt we huvo built tip a powerful organization, . and can liberate Ireland uieu the time comes." I'eiliapa they ran, w hen tho time comes, but it hus Ihmiii coming theao fifteen years, aud it now soeiiiH to bo as lur ctir aii ever. Aral whilo this con u try reiiKiiiii at oacn with England, that timo w ill not come; for tlie. government is determined to prevei.t its citizens from cotnmittingany hostilo net ugiwiikt a iwcr with which it is at peace. (,'il. Kolici tH ninl his friends nru induutriotialy preparing for tho Congress summoned to nieet in -I'ittabnrg mi the I'.tth lust, ami Iain informed they iuUttid to have a grand demonstration on tho oiiuiveisury ttf Washington' birth-ilay. Oen'l John A. JjogHii hits consented to deliver au oration on the life aud character of Washington, and the respectability of tho names mentioned in comieo tiou with the deiuoftotiatinn augnrs well for its siiccoaa. In tins city the Itoocrta party is but a small minority of tho orgunizutiou, out they rep-, resent the best bram-oik in its ranks. An inci dent transpired a fw nights ago which shows something of the character of tho other aide. A delegation of the O'Nahony Fenians, soma threo hundred in number, marehod to tho residence- of Mr. O'ltorke, the former treasurer of tho Brother hood, for the ptirpoHo of cotiijieUnig that gentle man to nay over n,000 which ha is alleged to hava retained of the binds when tho split occurred. Mr. O'Uorko viu not at houie when they arrived, so they becninc extremely demonstrative to his wife, and might havo caused n disturbnico in the neighlMirhootl if a jxjlioo forco had not arrivod iu timo to )ievent it oy disHiraiug tliom. , I do not . know that Mr, O'Mahony was awnro of their ob ject, but the nffulr has been hdkod of and depro ented by nil tteiiNihlo men since. ' J 'resident Johnson's friends am very well antis fled with his Bpeecli to tho Virginia delegation ou Saturday, but sonio exception is taken to his re marks aliont tho Hnuth sending loyal men to Con gress. It by loynl men, Mr. Johnson meunsthotw who wore called Union men during the war, be is supposed to have made a mistake, Wd havo just aeon u Miceimen of this class of loyalty in Vir ginia, where such Unlonisls m Jndgo Underwood aud lwis MeKenriiu hare petitIonol for a Fro visional Governor for tho Btate, beonuse tho pros cut Governor, who, duriug tho wur, was the conil dcutial friend of theso gentlemen, will not now play into tho hands of tho Bumner radienl. The real Unionists of tho South, so fur as they have been developed, aro tho men who fought against tho Northern armies, and if tho Southern people ohooBo to send these men to represent them in Congress, it is not clear why tho .i'roaidont should object to their ailnihssion. lie has pardoned some of tho most " disloyal" men in the South, and If such men were fit to be pardoned, they are cer tainly lit to repreaont their people ; if tnoy are fit to legislate for their States, they are tit to legislate in Congress. With tho exception of his remarks on this point, tho Frcsident's address receives the , cordial approval of tho Northern conservative party, and cannot fail to aid him in his contest with tho Sumner and Stevens factions in Con- vTriidel FWIMpa locttrrWI on llio Duties ol 5tle -Hour " In llrooklyn hist night, and repeated many of his strango notions about tho duties of the " North, to tho Southern negroes, rhilhps aims at being a great financier, and ho seems to bo in dienti of a terrible calamity to the treasury unless we (I mean the North) compel the South to accept negro sun'ragn as a condition precedent of reoon struotion. 1 lie sava the nocro Las his hand on the - jugular vein of tho treasury, and will choke it if wo don't coax hint off with votes. Tho South, he ' says, should he admitted into the Union to be converted, but sot to govern. Ho illustrated his point by saying that if Mr. Jleeehor wore asked to admit into his church a Fivo Points sinner he wouhl any "cerhwinly, into tho church, and I will preach at him ; out into tho chnrcn. to govern it, no, because ho is not fit." So you soo Wendel would give you as many sermons as you want, bnt yon aro not fit to have anything else at present. Of course no Boston orator could finish a lec ture without saying something about the Presi dent Wendol wanted to know whether tho Pres ident slionld be tnistod or resisted. He would rather resist, because he does not like the Presi dent's iiearings. He thinks it was very imperti ncnt in tho PreAident to tell tho negro that free- dom has its responsibilities, He cannot acknowl edge tlie right of the President to tell any class that it is their duty to work. That is for them to determine ; the President hus nothing to do with it He docs uot like the President a reconstruc tion policy, Wauso under it tho Southern States are allowed to reorganize their militia. Thero is danger iu that serious danger. Wendel talked in that wav to tlio end. and tried to make his au- dicnoo believe that tho President is not to bo trusted. Hut ho refused to trust Mr. Lincoln, and tlicreforo it is not strango to find luin dis- -trusting Mr. Johnson. " Chas. 11. iJolca was releasea Trom . custody yes terday, after an imprisonment of sixteen months in Fort Lafayette. A,. writ of habeas corpus was issued about three weeks ago, directing Gen. Hook er to prodnco him in court. Hooker denied that Cole was in his custody. Exception was taken to the return, ami timo was granted to amend it Two weeks later, Hooker made another return, again denying that he hail Coles in custody. This return w as traversel ny the counsel lor tJoios. lncy proved that Hooker had him in custody, in Fort Lafayette. This tjecmed to bring Gen. Hooker to his senses, for yesterday morning two of his offi- eers came into court with Coles, and being unable to explain why they detained him, tho judge or dered bis release. Ixst yonr readci s do uot un derstand this caso, I w ill say, that Coles was held for alleged complicity in some raids which were attempted nn Lake l .rie, alsrut eighteen months ago. ' , . Salaries and iStas. One of ur city cotemiKirariea, tho Progress, on Thursday, noticing the actiou of the house on the bill fixing salaries and foes, stated that the hone luul agreed to lix tho Governor's salary at G,nofi. It will of oonrse correct this mistake. Tho houso fixed itatSUsm Tho salary oefore the war was W,s' and a house furnished. That was gold value; ?4,U("J in currency does not equal that IVsides this, the executive mansion is oc cupied by tho luiliUry and will require a good portion of the vear to repair and pnt it in order, if it i deemed advisahbj for the Governor to re move to it As matters now stand, the Governor must furnh-h his own house and receive a small fraction over Si-') hi gold per year. U the Gov ernor is compelled to furnish a lionse for tlie state of coupw tlie shale will pay the rent We fully endorse the views of the Shvidtnd of yesterday on the subject of salaries and fees. . . SerJinel,

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