r Mm! Jfo i . j I VOL 'XV NO. 176. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 186G. WHOLE NUMBER 4,231. T II E DAILY JOPBN A L . ' FAGEUUBD PRICK, Proprietor. Ttrmi f KabKripUrai Daily Paper, one rear. invariably in advance $1Q 00 six months, " " 5 00 three month, " " 8 bu , ' one month, ....... 100 Weekly Pper, one year. " " ' 00 , " aixnionths, " " ....... 2 00 All letter on business connected with this office miut be addressed to the proprietor. - Rate f Ad r rrt Lis f Advietisemkicts will be inserted at the rate of 11 per qnre fur the first insertion; 13.60 per week ; and 18 per month. Ten line or leite are counted a a square. Longer Advertisement in proportion. Advertisements inserted ever? other day are charged a uew at each and every insertion. Ho publication reflecting upon private character will be allowed in oar columns, either as advertisement or other wise. jr No publication made without a ret possible name. Railroads. WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD, Gen. Rett. Ornox Wiu A Ma. Rail Koao, Wilminotow, N. C, April 13th, 1806. J CHANGE) OF SCHEDULE. S$ AKD AFTEQ THE 1CTH APBIL, THE FOL- V towing Hcneauie will go into enect on me v. m. I;. B.: - Leave Wilmington daily at 12.20 A. M. Arrive at Kingsville " ..8.05P.M. Leavo KingsviHe " , 8.00 A. M. Arrivo at Wilmington " 10.00 P. M. "Clone connections made at Wilmington with the Wil mington A Weldon Railroad daily, also at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston. WM. MacRAE, , Gen'l Bup't. April I t ? 108 WILMINGTON L WELDON RAIL ROAD. Office Cmsr Ekoineeb aicd Sdpebutekde!t, 1 Wiuuhotok, April 14, I860. , J CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. OH AND AFTER THE 15th INST., TRAINS WILL run over thia road a follow ; V MAIL AKD PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily at 11 00 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro' at , 4 15 A. M. Arrive at Weldon at , ..10 00 A. M. Leave Weldon daily at 1 00 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro at 5 55 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at night .12 00 If. ; FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily except Sunday' at. ...6 A. M. Arrive at Goldoboro' at 1 80 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at .8 45 P. M. Leave Weldon daily except Sundays at 6 A. M. Arrive at Goldaboro at 12 47 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at 8 45 P. M. The Mail trains make close connections through to New York and Charleston by inland and Bay routes ; also with Raleigh and Gaston trains. Trains leave Goldaboro' at 4 A. M. and 5 P. M., going West, and 8 15 A. M. going East. Train from the West arrive at Goldaboro' at 12 40 A. M. and T 4ft A. M., from the East at 9 45 P. M. ' - - All dry goods and light groceries will be carriod by these daily Freight trains, and close connections will be made with train on the N. C. Railroad, daily except Sundays. Goods by steamers will be sent forward the day after they are received into the Warehouse. No extra charge by this train, which we hope our patrons, old as well as now, will notice. Wo do not underbid our neighbors, but work as low as any, and will deliver as promptly a the best, and claims for loss or damage will bo adjusted at once, if proscntod .according to our rules. S. L. FREMONT, Engineor and Superintendent, Papers printing Schedule, withdraw all other notices of trains, and insert tbi till forbid. Raleigh. Salisbury and Charlotte paper copy one month, and send bills. . , - April 14. 1800 109- WIL, CHARLOTTE & RUTHERFORD R. R. - Ornc Wo., Chab. Ruth. R. B. Co., I ' Laubinbubo, Not. 27th, 1865. J On and after Monday, 27th inst, a Freight Train, with Passenger Oeache attached, will run a follows : Up TrainWednesday and Saturday, Leave Wilmington at 8 o'clock, A. M., Arrive at Sand Hills at 6) " P. M. . -; , Dotcn Train Monday and Thursday, Leave Sand Hill at 6) o'clock, A. M., ' ; Arrive at Wilmington at 6 o'clock, P. M. . WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation. ; Freight intended for shipment by above trains must be delivered at thi depot by 10 o'clock, A. M., Tuesdays and Friday. L T. ALDERMAN, Freight Agent. Nov. 27. Miscellaneous. WANTED, A DISTILLER WHO CAN MAKE WHITE ROSIN. Apply to A. H. VANBOEXELEN. March 'it 141-tf SHIPPING ARTICLES AND FOREIGN OUTWARD MANIFESTS, For sale at the Feb. 14,1806 JOURNAL OFFICE. Notice to Retailers of Liquors. ALL RETAILERS OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS IN the City, who failed to pay the amount due on ac count of their license, on the-lCth instant, are warned agaiost further selling until payment is made, as by Ordinance of the Board of Aldermen such failure ope rates as a revocation of any license granted, and the par ties in default will be proceeded against according to law, for each and every act of selling. By order of the Mayor. . T. W. ANDERSON, . ... City Clerk. April 17. 170 Dispatch copy. ' t ; Exchange On XJEW YORK AND i BALTIMORE 1 ! For sale in sums to suit, bv AIKIXSON A SHEri'ERSON, . 11 North Water bU April 19. 172 lm Music, Law Books, Periodicals. &c. yw'Tf -T BOUND IN THE BEST AND yfTg rv . F. HEDiSBEUGKR, Journal Buildings. March 11. 13d- Jost Receired. A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. ; For sale by MALLETT HOFFMAN, ! No. 23 North Water St. March 29. 154-tf Spirit Casks. SLEIGHT 4 PAULDING, new. Do. Second hand country. For sale bv A. H. YaxBO&KELEN, - General Notices. NOTICE. TR. CHAS. HOFFMAN, OF BALTIMORE, W THIS J.T JL day awtociated with me in Uie General Fonrarding and Commiiwion Business, trader the style of MALLETT A HOFFMAN. Consignment of Merchandise and Produce, for sal or shipment, respectfully solicited. PETER MALLETT. Wilmington, N. C, March 21st, 1HC6. 147 Notice. M R. n. C. BURR IS MY AUTHORIZED AGENT for the settlement of all accounts due m. 8. M. SIMPSON. March 10 138-tf - CNDERTAKER'8 NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED RriPECTFULLY IN-, forms the citizens of Wilmington and tlio Bublio generally, that he ha opened au establishment on ie corner of Third and FTineeHH streets for the purpose of earning on A GENERAL UNDERTAKING and CABINET MAIUNU BUSlNEhH. He respectfully solicits a liberal snar or uie puDiio patronage. u. I. uvt Aft. Janl8-94-tf NOTICE. BY ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED, WE ARE FOR WARDING FREIGHTS and MONIES to aU way sta tions on the Wilmington A Weldon, and the Wilmington and Manchester Railroads by passenger trains daily. Having greatly reduced our raU on Freight and Monies, shipper will find it greatly to their advantage to send their Frieghts by SOUTHERN EXPRESS at our pres ent reduced rates, which certainly oiler inducement to shippers in large or small quantities. For Rates and further particulars, apply at our office. JAMES MACOMBER, Agent. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 5, 1865. 83 it NOTICE. A! Li) TERSONS are cautioned against trespassing uou any of the Lands belonging to Henry N Howard. itoo'd.. under the severest penalty or tne law. WM. N. PEDEN, A. A. McKOY, Administrators. Jan. 5. 83 tf f Notice. mHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BEEN APPOINTED X at the December Term, A. V., 1H05, of th Court of Fleas and (Juartor Sessions lor New Hanover county, as Administrator and Administratrix with th will annexed. upon the estate of James Fulton, deceased, hereby give notice to all persons indobtod to said estate to make im mediate payment ; and all those having claim against saiil estate to present ttieni witlun tne time prescribed by law, or tnia notice will be pieau in uar oi tneir recovery. WM. A. BERRY, Adm'r., C. A. FULTON. Adm'x., Dec. 30 70-tf with Uie Will annexed. Miscellaneous. WILDER'S PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, WITH WILDER S PATENT POWDER AND BUR- OLAR-PR00P LOCKS. B. O. WILDER A CO., PATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE BEST FIRE-PROOF SAFE IN THE WORLD 1 1 JEWELERS' and BANKERS SAFES mads to Order. Lined with Hardened Steel. HOUSE AND PLATE BATES. Tt0 THIS CELEBRATED SAFE was awarded tliS GOLD . 1 uvniT -i. u. World's Fair in London, in 1HM. Notick. This celebrated Flrw-rroot Bale hi no longer made and sold by Sruu C. Hiaawo, his license to make and sell tnem Having expired. The thousand of Cortificatea from Merchant, Bankers and Mechanics of all trades, that have been given in favor or this the only tbux "SALAMAKiUQii" render it use less for the subscribers to multiply words in its favor, a full thirty thousand of " WILDERS' rATENT SALA MANDER SAFES," have been manufactured and aold in the United State ; and, in almost every large fire that ha, taken place during the last seventeen yean, these Safe have been subjected to the skvzbjcst tests, and not on qfthe" Genuine Salamanders " has ever been destroyed. Safe aold at New York price, with the freight to Wil mington added. No commission charged in Wilmingtou. We are prepared to taka order for these celebrated Safe. Sample can be seen at our oflioe in a few day. Every Merchant should hav on of these cheap and se cure Safe. ANDREWS A BARD IN, Commission Merchants, General Agents for North Carolina Office, No 5 South Water Street (Up Stair), Wilming ton, N. C. Raleigh Sentinel copy. Nov. 80. " 55-tf Storage and Wharfage. I AM PREPARED to receive Cotton, Naval Stores, Mer chandise. Ac. on storage, at my wharves, between Chesnut and Mulberry streets, also at wharves near Union Distillery ; all undet watchmen. . A. tU T ANUU Feb. 24. ' - 126- Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Company HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS OF THIS Company, we are prepared to take FIRE RlsKS on moderate terms. ,' WALLACE A SOUTHERLAND. Agt's. No. 24, North-Water Bt. Wilmlngton, N. C, Oct. 19, 1865. 19 tf Lumber. fvRDERS or export or local demand promptly filled 7 MALLETT A HOFFMAN. No. 23, North Water Street. March 1 67-tf. Very Desirable Wharf Property. I OFFER FOR SALE MY TWO WHARF LOTS, NEXT North of the depot of tho Wilmington A Woldou Rai road. 132 feet front, and extending back to Nutt Streetl. The location of this property insures a progressive appre ciation in value. O. G. PA1U5LEI. March 14 141-tf Safes Safes. THOSE SPLENDID SALAMANDER SAFES have ar rived. Call and buy one at New York cost. ANDREWS A BARDIN, Commission Mercants. March 23. 151 tf Carolina Belle Scotch Snuff. PETERSBURG, VA., SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER Brand mads in America, being from the pure Virginia Leaf unadulterated. Manufactured by J. M. Vcuable A Co., Petersburg, Va. Alo manufacturers of superior " Maccoboy," " Rappto," and other Snuft. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of cvfry grade. JOSIAU MACY'8 SONS, Agents, 1H9 and 101 Front Street, N. Y. We are Agent for the Htato of North Carolina, vt the above celebrated brand of Snuffs, ami can snpply the trade. Packed in any style, at Factory price. All order must be accompanied by" the cash, to secure attention. GEORGE MYERS. 11 and 13 Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. f CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. April 10 fit?m Just Received. AN ASSORTMENT OF OBER A KETTLEWELL'8 MANIPULATED GUANOS and FERTILIZERS. For sale by MALLETT A HOFFMAN, 3 . No. 23 North Water St. March 29. Storage. STORAGE FOR COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE OF any description, can be had iu a lire proof, first class Warehouse.' ...... . Insurance effected.at the 1lnviv 23 North Water Street. 138-tf March 10 rrpsh Stone Lime. fiQ1 BARRELS FRESH STONE LINE, landing from POl schooner Mary Alice, for '"ILi0??"W lam TrrT wn " " WORTtt A DANIEL. by, 163 Mercantile. . Sewing Machines. CALL AND SEE SHAW A CLARK'S FAMILY SKWIXa MACHINES. The beat and Csjeapkmt in tli market For sals uipW (lie Journal Buildings, next to Heinsberger'a, on I.ower Prin cess Street, by K. N. BELL, Ag t. Aprd22 . - 175-lui Ladies Wrappings. A N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of plain and rirhlv J trimmed Milk 8a4u, Baauiiie and (Xrculars; alwi, Lace Mantillas, Circulars and MantUlettas, from the moat fashionable manufacturer in Now York, at unusually low prices. nEDRICK A RYAN. April 23 - 175 Goods for Boys Wear. SMALL PRINTS FOR SHIRT JACKETS, Liunon Lawn, figured Marseilles, Linneus and Cottoliak', se looted especially for city trad. IILUKIUK A ill AN. April tl 175- Spring and Summer Dry Goods. A FULL AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT JCST KE- XX. received wul be sold at greatly relueed prices. IlEDlUCK A RYAN. April 21 173 tf To Country Merchants. OUR LARGE STOCK the great advantages gained lu tho time of purchase, and onrexerioncd knowledge of the wants of (lie people, renders ours the most attrac tive stock ior wnoiessie buyers. Our terms areCASU, or short time for city acceptances, HEDRU'K A RYAN. April 22. 173 tf , Shoes and Hats. A SPLENDID STOCK AT WHOLESALE. HKDR1CK A RYAN. April 22. 174-tf 5 Tierces Prime Lard. 1 r. BBLH. PRIME LARD, JLl 10 firkins Prime Lard. Expected daily, ami for aale by A. H. VANBOKKELF.N. Jan. 10th pj-tf Just Received. 2500 r11 BUBBER AND LtxjuEi1 i,elt' Rubber and Hemp Packing, Mill Saw Files. Iron and Steel, . Puts, Ovens, Spiders, and Extra Oven Lids, Japannod Toilet Setts very handsome, Sad Irons, Ac., Ae. MITCHELL, ALLEN A CO. March 9 137 T. t. atrrcHBix. oio. aixkx. v. t. oabbawat. NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL II0CSE, AND HARD WARE STORK, MITCHELL, ALLEN & CO., S4 POLLOCK STREET, Nswbera, M. CH WATER STREET, Wllsls;tMt, H. HATBTM STORE EAGLE A, BC7M,1M. 1 ana '. 6, 10. 11. 60, 60 PLOUGHS: WEEDINO AND GRUB HOES: AXES. HATCHETS. LEADING LINES: TRACE CHAINS, COLLARS, UAMES AND CART SADDLES; T ATirvM' iii'WTO' I'on nnvc mnntva, BRIDLES, Willi's, ENAMELLED LEATHER AU UliOlUNi BUGGY REINS, SPOKES, HUBBS, SEATS, BOD IES AND SHAFTS; HARNESS LEATHER, SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, LININGS AND snOE-TH READ; BLACKSMITH'S BELLOWS, ANVILS, .VICES, HAMMERS AND FILES; Turpentine Hackers, Shovels aud Scrapers; Coopers' Tools; Carpenter' Tools: Saddlers' and Shoe Makers' Tools; Pocket and Table Cuttlery: Scissor and Shears: Rim, Dead. Chest, Cupboard and Pad Lock, and general assortment of HARDWARE AND FARMING UTENSILS. Agent for R. HOE A CO'a CIRCULAR SA WS, FAIRBANKS' SCALES, EVAN A WATSON'S FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF 8AFES, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, which we seU At MavnafketMrcrs' Price. 0r We invit particular attention to our stock, and feel confident that our facilities and experience will enable u to oiler superior inducement to purchasers. March Bth, 1866. 103-tf Job Work V EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE very beet style, at the eb. JOURNAL OFFICE. Tobacco. ASLENDID LOT OF FINE CHEWING TOBACCO, received to-day. Also some very common. Commission Merchants. March 25. ' 151-tf Soun Cotton. JUST FROM FACTORY, for sale. ANDREWS A BARDIN, Commission Uorctiants. March 25. 151-tf Lancaster's Cotton Planter. R EAD WHAT THOSE WHO HAVE USED IT BAY : Julm L. KniahL Esn.. Martin county. N. 0.. says ; "On the land that I sowed with the machine, I got a splendid stand I never saw better ; and that which I sowed by baud did not do so well. - . . . . II. J. TiuasUir. Esci.. EJtreeombe. N. C aavs : "I have used Lancaster's Cotton Planter for two years, and I did not have to replant a single hill. Please send me another machine for next planting season." Hn?h 11. Brvan. Esq.. Tarboro'. N. C sals : "I have seen a groat many, aud used several different kinds of Cot ton Planters, but I think Lancaster's is the beet." Hon. R-"R. Bridgers, Tarboro', N. C, says : I have tried many of the inventions for planting Cotton I con sider none of them superior tojjjaucaater's.' " ror sale by MrrcnELL, allen a 00., Wilmington and Newbern. April 13 167-tf MiVKE YOUR OWN SOAP ! BY SAVING AND USING TOUR WASTE GREASE. nvmnanTflvnil . Pennsylvania Salt Mannctiirisg Company's SAPOJtf IJIJUK, OR CONCENTRATED LTE. It will mak 10 POUNDS of excellent Hard Soap, or 25 ALLONSoftheyery best Soft Soap, for only about S3 CENTS. Direction on each box. For aale at all Drug and Grocery stores, and in lot at Wholesale by ' WM, M. ELLICOTT A SONS, - . ? . O t .11 ff iu v opears n nan, Baltimore, Md. rb. ae. . -8m For Sale and Rent. FOR SALE! A Valuable and Desirable Dwelling. w E OFFER FOR SALE, a valuable aud desirable DWELLING HOUSE. situated upon Third, between Castle and Church Streets, and rnnnuig thruugU to Fourth Street. Lot Ut i 3J0 feet, and weU known as the RISLEY TROPERTY. . We will take pleasure in showing tho premises to any one ueainns oi imrt iianing. CRONLY A MORRIS, Broker A Auctioneer. Aird 5 : HW-tf For Sale. I OFFER THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FOR sale, at fair prices : Mv IHrelling House, sit- r liri uated on corner of Fourth and Cheetuut stroeU.willi JJL Uomsehold and Kitcltou Furniture. My summer residence ou aiukue Bound, auout stx Buiea rroiu tue illy. Also, that valuable limitation, known as " Bt llcville. situated on the West side ( llrunswlek ltlv r. Alsit, my Horss. Csrriare. lluuirv. Ilaj-imsea. Ae.. Ae. 1 will also relit until the 1st October next, the Ktre which I now oocapy, aud niy Naval SUre Wharf and Nliud on bouiu ntwf sirvoi. For temn and psiiuiiiUrs, imiure of M. MiINNIS, . No. Irt North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. April 10 104 -lm OFFERED DY JAMES & BROUN. A VERY VALUABLE PliANTATlON. KITI'ATED at Uie oonflueues of Black River and the N. W. Dupe rear J liver, ooiitaintng 'i2Ul Acres; 'JOU Aoivs cleae and cultivated, of which M are first rato bottom land 'heavily tiuibeml with line. White Oak. Maple. Cypress, Hickory, Reeds, Nlilngleand Btav TiuiW, all accensilile jto the river. There being 14 miles water front ou the rivsrs and large creeks, aixl 14 feet water on river front. , . There is no betUtr stock range on the river. Almost dally communication by steamer with Wllniing Ion. Tenus ay. Mar. J - lai-lf LIXD AGEMT. James A Draws, Surveyors and Heal Estate Agt.., NEXT WEST J0U11NAL DUILDLNOM, OrFER for sale that desirable residence fnmllng ou 2d street, block 127, 41 feet, running back 114 feet, within three ntimites' walk of the market house. It ha all necessary improvements. This i a de sirable and valuable piece of property, aud will be aold low. in premise now pay a rent or nve nunurod dollars iu gold. For further particular, apply a almve. mALSO, the place near Wilmington, kown a " Hil ton," ou the north-east branch of tho Cape Fear, just outside tho city limits, containing one hundred and ten acres. j The above property Is so well known here that a mora full description is diwmtil unnecessary. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to examine the premises. No proierty in this vicinity possesses equal facilities for Im provements or every oesoi ipuon. ALSO, ,ooo ACRES OF LAND IN GREEN SWAMP, well timbered with pine and cypress. This last was sold a few years since lor as.iiuu. Fob 23. 123 -tf For Sale bv James L Brown. A FINE VACANT LOT ON GOVERNMENT STREET, XX. 1'enaacola, Florida, HO feet by 100, about 1W) yards, (ono block.) from the Postoflice and Custom Houho. ad mirably located for the dry good or drug business, or for onices. Wilmingtou, N. C, April 0, 1800. 100 Wanted toUent, saw JtaBfS.8 si sujiWR Uul iLi.at JttuUu A COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE. CONTAIN ZjL ING Five or Six Booms, not more than throe or four blocks from Market street. - FOIl KENT. On VERY MODERATE TERMS the best unoccupied steam saw Will in tne uape rear District. Arpill 157-tf FOR REST. mUK HAW HILL PLANTATION, situated on Towu X Crock, IJrunswicB county, N. v., Is onered for rent, until th first dsy of January, 1807. There 1 100 acre o) cleared BICE LAND, and about the same quantity o: cleared UPLAND, ou this tract, with the necessary house Ac ALSO, a amaU place, kuown a a SUMMER RESIDENCE, in tl. pine woods, about fivo miles from the above, will be rent ed for the same length of time. The above property belong to the Estate of Henry N. Howard, deceased For term, Ac., apply to WM. N. TEDEN, A, A. McKOY, Administrator. Jan. 6. BS-tf TO LEASE, A SMALL LOT. WITH UNFINWHED WALLS J. which can be made suitable by the expenditure of a utile money, lur a retau store or ware-room, naia ioi is situated oa Chestnut atrest, between Front and Water. Apply to 1 VV DR. J. F. McREE, Ja. Oct. 19. l-tf L. A. BABT, 'OHM O. UAIT.EV VVIL5ILCT0X IR0i AKD COPPEIt WORKS, HART k BAILEY, rnonuEToiw, No. 17, Front Street, below Market, Wilmington, N. C. HAVING RESUMED OPERATIONS, we are now pro pared to furnish j lirass and Iron Castings, finished and unfinished. New Machinery made and put up. Old Machinery overhauled. All kinds of Patterns. Ornamental and Agricultural. Will supply Drafts of all kings of Machinery and Mill work genaraUy. TUlirENTINE AND WIUSKY STILLH, - . ANL . : C OPPER WORK in all its branches. ' ' A full iioulv of Beltine. l'ackiui;. Hose. KU am and Water Pipe and fittings. Machine Bolts, Nuts and Rivets, and all other article generally found iu a Machine Supply Store. . . Also a largs lot of Crucibles, from No. 35 to 100, and warranted good will dispose of them below Manufactur ers' prices. , UaroUXl. . Sundries. ILOUR, Baltimore Fanuly and Super, ; BACON, hides and Shouldera choice lot. OATS, Choice vtmie, DRIED FRUIT, Apples, Peaches and Grapes, COUNTRY BUTTER, Sweet and Fresh, WHISKY, Corn and Rye, BAGGING, Best East India. For sale by ARKINSON A 8HEPPER80N, " 11 North Water t. April W. Storage at Reduced Rates. HALLBTT'S YARD, W. A II. R. R. DEPOT, i TTAVTNO AMPLE SHED ACCOMMODATION, Watch M mm .rvl Wharf, and every facility for business. ( .n.irn will find it to their interest and eenvenience to ptroiuxe inje i.iu. ucuh a. kw jit. uw prompt and personal attention to storage. . ' i A . . . 1 - K - . ..M! ill 1. . . i . . . . i -Ti . n. r, T- vt. uruer ior vnv aaru mi a. um vuiiw, kiu hit. yrvuiyt attention. For further particular, apply to , MALLETT A HOFFMAN, No. 23 North Water Street March t X30-tf THE DAILY JOUENAL. AVlLMI.fOTOI, M. C, APRIL l. ISO. THE PRESIDENT'S RPEEOI, III Policy HoMIr Enwnelatesl TnewsSiBkds Asana. blvtl le llrar It.-Pralengrel ass Entnsislnsite Ap flaaae. At G o'clock this evening a )rooossioa of solJier mill Builurs, and audi of their friouda who tjm pa tliio with tlitiil in their frmtcful AcknowledTtoent to tho l'rosidont for his order lately ittsued direct ina tho hcwU uf the) diffortuit department to irtt lirofcrouco, in appointment aud promotion to the siilxinliiiuto ullicra, to tiorttona who have ren dered honorable at-rrice iu tha army And nary, wux formed and marcliod to tha Exfxrativa Jlaa niou with the Marine baud, to serenade Irf sidont JoluiHon, who aiuillod to tho committee, that La would accept tho compliment. A very hirgo uuihIht of portions of both texes wore proiouly ois Um grouud a wait in ;r tlis de niotmtratioii. At a curtcr past 0 o'clock the band jHirformed several patriotic airs, when th Presi dent innda Ida appoaranco, and was greeted with liuzurt by the anembled tlionsanda. Ila took a htutid on the coping of th wall near the corriago way on the north sidn of th Mammon, when La was addrcswd ou lehalf of tha soldiers and sailors by ono of their number in highly complimentary terniN, snyiiitf, iu conclusion i " In return for your kindness we can but offer our sym patliies and prayers, and trust that an all-wls Providence, alio has brought our nation through a baptism of blood, and to whom we eonseerato it anew, free from slavery and by a nation's tears, will so guide and direct you that you may calm the trouMod waters, harmonize publio opinion, ami restore our whole blessed country ono more to peace aud prosperity. President Johnson mud: It la not affectation in me to any that langimgo is Inadequate to carry th heartfelt fueling produced on this ocouaion by your proseneo here, and by tha presentation of your heiitiuienbi us cipressod by your representa tive in his addrcaii, and in the resolution which you have thought proper to adopt I oonfoia that, in tha peculiar posture of publio affairs, your preNonco and address give encouragement . and confidence to mo in my effort to discharge th duties incumbent upon me as Chief Magistrate of tho Itrpublio. And in what I have to any, I shall ad dress you in tho character of citizens, tailors and soldiers. . I shall speak to you on tho terms, and on nono others. I repeat, my thanks for the manifestation of your approbation and encourage ment (Applause. We are to-duy involved in one of th most criti cal and trying struggles that Lava occurred sine this (Jovornment was spoken into existence. Na tions, like individuals, must have a beginning must have a birth. In struggling into existence a nation posses through its first trying ordeal. It is not necessary for me now to carry your mind back to tho struggle when this nation was born. It is not necessary for me to allude to th privations and hardships of those who were engaged in that struggle to achieve the national birth. It Is cot nocessary to point to the blood shed and the live lost in accomplishing that result The next ordeal through which a nation has to pass is when it is called upon to give evidence that it has strength, capacity and power to maintain itself among the nations of the earth. In giving siieU cvultnce wo uasscd through tho war of 1812. and through the war with Mexico ; and w passed through all the struggles that have since occurred up to the beginning of tho rebellion. This was our socond ordoaL But a nation La Another test still to undergo, and that is to give evidence to tho nations of the earth and to its own citizens that it has power to resist internal foes that it has atrength enough to put down treachery at home and treason within its own borders. Cheers. Wo have commenced that ordeal, and I trust in Ood we will pass through it successfully. Cheers. I foci complimented by tho allusion of your re prcHontutivcs to tho fact that I stood in the Bonat in 18(K) and 1801, when tho nation was entering ou this third ordeal, and raised my voice and hand against treason, treachery aud traitor at home. t Cheers and cries of good. I stand here to-day, lolding to and maintaining tho same principle which I then enunciated. I Cheers. I stand here to-day opiosing traitors ana treason, whether they lie iu the bouth or in the North. ILoud chcra. I stand here to-day, as I then stood, using aU my Iiowers, mental and physical, to preserve tlu na tion in passing thro' flic third phase, of it existence. The organized forces and combined powers that recently stood arrayed against us ore disbanded and drawn from the Held, but it does not follow that there ure still no enemies against our present form of government & our free insti tutions. Cb ecrs. I then htood in the Bcnato of the United fjtatos denying the doctrine of separation and secession. I denied then, as I deny now, that any Btate ho tho riirht of it own will to separate itself from the other State, aud thereby to destroy the Union n . . . A- . . a 1 t W ana ureas, up tuo itovurnmens ; ana x uunx a have given some evidence that I have .' been sin cere and in earnest . And now I want to know why it is that the whole train of slanderers, calumniators and tra il uo era have boon barking and snapping ' at my heels ? Cheers. ' Why is it that they array themselves against me ? Is it bocause I stand on tho side of tho people, and when I say the people I tnciuuo tuo sailors anu soldiers. I queers, j Why is it that they are arrayed in traducing and vilifying and calumniating mo 1" Where were they during the rcliollion T A voice- Home in bed h latichter. I In tho Senate I raised my voice against it, and when it was believed that it would le to tuo interest oi tne ntuioo, ana woiua assist in putting down the rebellion, did I not leave my place in the Benate a place of emolument, ease and distinction and take my position where the enemy could be reached, and where men's lives wrre iU danger t Cheers and cries of that's so." ' Wlnlo I was thus expo nod personally ood public ly and in every way, some of my present traducers and calumniators were fur removed from the war And were enjoying ease aud comfort Cheers and laughter. Hut I care not for them. I care not that alanucT, the foul whelp of sin has been turned loose against me. I care not for all that; and let me tell you here to-day, that although pretty well advanced in life, I feel that I shall livelong enongii to live down the whole pack of traducers and slan derers. Applause. They have turned the whole pack loose to lower iue in your estimation. Voices " They can't do it" . Troy, Blanch and Sweet heart, little dogs and all, come along snapping and snarliugat my heels, butlheedthemnot Cheers. The American people, .citizens, soldiers, sud sailors knew, that from my advent into puoiic L.ie, are not yet through it We said that Stuff scodd not go out of the Union. We denied the 1 cinae of secession, and we have demonF'r'' 1 tLtt we were right We demonstrated ty i..e t r-r - u rra. Yes, the soldiers and the ssilorS, God l. ' 1 1 have demonstrated oy tneir patriotic m - stroDg arms thatStates have not ths riD'.-t t - ! tha Union. T Arr.lanse. 1 What folios 1 V .1 Confederate armies were disperse! r 1 4 to the . present moment, I have always siooa un yieldingly and unwaveringly by the odvoeMcs and defenders of their rights and interests. C"1- of - V am now in the nation's third uh Ve April W