CKlf , "-..If Cr?T : h - I 0 VOL XV-K0.-160.- WILMINGTON, N. ft; SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 2S, 1866. WHOLE NUMBER 4,285. THE DAILY JOURNAL. KNGKLHAHD A PRICK, Proprietor. Tsraas of wkaerl ptlow I Daily Paper, ooa ysar, Invariably in advance 110 00 " mmoiitk " ........ 6 00 three month, " " ....... 3 00 " one month, " " 1 00 Weekly Paper, one year, " " S 00 " six month. " " a 00 All letters on business eonnecied with thia office ranet . be addressed to the proprietors. Rate of Advertlslm; I AnvEBTUEirxim will be inserted at the rate of tl por square for the first insertion; $3.50 per week i and W por Ten line or leu are counted a a square. Longer Advertisements in Dronortion. Advertisement inserted every other day are charged as new at each and every insertion. No publication reflecting upon private character will be auowea in onr columns, eiiner as eaveruscmouis or oiuur wise. Mf No publication mad without a responsible name. Railroads. WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER BAIL ROAD. Gra. Bvn. Omci Wn. A Man. Rail Road, I Wni!iaTO)i,N. O., April 13th, iSoti. J CILAXGE OF SCHEDULE. SXfL AND AFTER THE 16TH APRIL, THE FOL- Vy lowing Hcbedule will go into eflect on tne w. m. B. R.: Leave Wilmington daily at. . . . . . M.S0 A. jr. Arriv atKingHvUle " 8.03 P.M. Leave KinRsville " 8.00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington " 10.00 P.M. Close connection made at Wilmington with the Wil mington A Weldon Railroad daily, also at Florence with .1.. 17 1 u ... T -: 1 . .1 9 i 'I 1 WM. MacRAE, Qon'l fcmp't. April 14 r 1G8 WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD. Omm Cnirr Emowekb and BopEBrmrrjrDEKT, 1 WajMKOTOir, . AprU 14, 18G6. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. "AN AND AJFTEB THE 15th INST., TRAINS WILL J run over this road a follows : ; MAIL AND PASSENQEB TRAINS,' Leave Wilmington daily at .11 00 P. M. Arrive at Ctoiduboro' at .4 15 A. M. Arrive at Weldon at 10 00 A. M. Leave Weldon daily at 100 P.M. Arrive at Goldaboro' at .5 65 P. M. ' Arrive at Wilmington at night 12 00 M. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily exoept Sundays' at. ...C A. M. Arrive at Goldaboro' at. .1 30 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at 8 45 P. M. Leave Weldon daily exoept Sunday at 6 A. M. Arrive atGoldsboro' at 13 47 P. M. . Arrive at Wilmington at 8 45 P. M. The Mail trains make close connection through to New I or ana Charleston Dy inland and Bay route ; aiso wiin llalcich and Gaston trains. Train leave Goldaboro at 4 A. M. and 5 P. M., going West, and 8 15 A. M. going East. Trains from the West arrive at Goldsboro' at 13 40 A. M. and 7 45 A. M., from the East at 9 45 P. M. . - All dry good and light groceries will be carried by these . i x r i t . : 1 . . i i ........ n V ... .1 mii li trains on the N. O. Railroad, dailv exoett Hundavs. Goods by steamers will be sent forward the day after tliey ' aro received into the Warehouse. No extra charge by this tram, which we hope our patrons, old as weu as now, will notice. We do not underbid our neighbor, but work as low a any. and will deliver as promptly a the best, and claims for loss or damage will be adjusted at once, if presented according to our rules. 8. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. Paper printing Schedule, withdraw all other notice of trams, auu moor, uui uii luruiu. Raleigh. Salisbury and Charlotte paper copy one mouth, and send bills. April 14. lbOfi 169 WIL., CIIARLOTTE & RUTHERFORD R. R. Omcx Wo., Cbab. A Ruth. R. R. Co., ) Laurikbum, Nov. 27th, 1865. J On and after Monday. 27th Inst, a Freight Train, with -Passenger Coaches attached, will run a follows : ' ' Up 3Voi Wedne$day and Saturday, Leave Wilmington at 8 o'clock, A. M., Arrive at Sand Hills at 6 " P. M. . Down Train Monday and Thursday, Leave Sand Hill at 6) o'clock, A. M., Arrive at Wilmington at S o'clock, P. M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation. Freight intended for shipment by above train must be delivered at this depot by 10 o'clock, A. M., Tuesdays and Friday. L T. ALDERMAN, Freight Agent Nov. 37. M-tf Miscellaneous. WANTED, DISTILLER WHO CAN MAKE WHITE ROSIN, A XI- Applvto March 14. . Apply to A. H. VANBOEILELEN. . 141-tf SHIPPING ARTICLES RD FORSIOM OUT WARD MAHIFESTS, f. For sale at the Feb. 14, 1866 JOURNAL OFFICE. Exchange On TORE AND BALTIMORE ! I For sale in sum to suit, by ATK1N80N SHEPPERSON, 11 North Water st. 173 1m April 19. SInsie, Lav Books, Periodicals, Ax. 'jj- VUVTiV LH X1US BLXX AJU JgJ JUUOA O j ixl A AA A AAA. Blllibij by P. HElS8EJ!.14Uili, Journal Building. 13a- March 1L Just RecelTed. A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE fL HAVANA CIGARS. For sale by MALLETT A HOFFMAN, No. 23 North Water Si. March 29. VA tf Spirit Casks. LEIGHT A TAULDINa, new. Do. Second hand country . l-orsalebv A. H. VasBOJCKELEN. March 2X 151 Wanted to Fnrcbase. BY JAMES BROWJT, Rral Estate AgcnU. A SMALL TRACT OF LAND within 1 miles of Wil mington, suitable for a Market Garden. Apil 22 175-1 w Lumber. -QRDER3 or export or local demand promptly filled MALLETT A HOFFMAN, No. 23, North Water Street March I 67 U. General Notices. NOTICE. -f R. CIIA8. HOFFMAN, OF DAI.TIMORE, fH THIS J.T L day aMtociatnd with me in the General Forwarding and CommiHHion Buvineas, under the stylo of MALLET! A HOFFMAN. Consignments of Morch aniline and Produce, for sale or shipment, respectfully soUcited. PETER MALLETT. Wilmington, N. C, March 21st, 18Wi. 147 Notice. M It. n. C. BURR IS MY AUTHORIZED AGENT for the settlement of all aeeounts due mo. 8. M. SIMPSON. March 10 l:W-tf UNDERTAKER'S NOTICE. aUIE UNDERSIGNED RrWrECTFlLLY IN-f-j . forms the citizens of Wilmington and theGi t,ym Dublic cenerallv. that ho baa ouened an etablisliiueiil on the corner of Tdird and rrtnoewn streets for the purpone of carrying on A UKMUIaL, LDt.lil AKl.u and UAiil.Mll' MARINO BUSINESS. He respest fully solicits a liberal share or mo puune patronage. -v. r. by.?i. JanlS-04-tf NOTICE. BY ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED, WE ARE FOR WARDING FREIGHTS and MONIES to all way sta tions on the Wilmington A Weldon, and the Wilmington and Manchester Railroads by passenger trains dailv. Having greatly reduced our rates on Freight anil Monies, shippers will find it greatly to their advantage to send their Frieghts by SOUTHERN EXPRESS at our pre, ent reduced rates, which certainly ofl'cr inducements to shippers in large or small quantities. For Rates and fnrtber particular, spply at onr ofllee. JASrES MAOOMBElt, ' ' . Agent. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 5, 1805. 8.1 tf -t NOTIC : " ALL PERSONS aro cautioned againtit trespassing upon any of the Lands belonging to Henry N Howard, dec d., under the severest iwnalty of tho law. WM. N. PEDEN, A. A. MoKOY, Administrators. Jan. 5. 83 tf . Notice. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVINO BEEN APPOINTED at tho December Term, A. D., 1805, of the Court ot Pleas and Quarter Sessions for New Hanover county, as Administrator and Administratrix with the will annexed, upon the estate of James Fnltou, deceased, hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment ; and all those having claims against said estate to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, WM. A. BERRY, Adra'r., C. A. FULTON. Adm'x., Deo. 20 70-tf with the Will annoxed. Miscellaneous. WILDER'S PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, WITH WILDER'S PATENT POWDER AND BURGLAR-PROOF LOCKS. U. O. WILDER A CO., TATKNTEES AND MAHT77ACTCREH8 OK THE BEST FIRE-rROOF SAFE IN THE WORLD 1 1 JEWELERS' and BARKERS SAFES uxli to Order, Lined vrtth Hardened Steel. HOUSE AND PLATE SAFES. ' TO THIS CELEBRATED SAFE was awarded the GOLD MEDAL, at the World' Fair in London, in 1851. Notice This celebrated Fire-Proof Safe is no longer made and sold by cilas (j. Hxbiuxo, tus license to make and sell mom naving expired. The thousands of Certificate from Merchants, Bankers and Mechanics of all trades, that have been given in favor of this the onlt true " SALAMANDER." renders it use less for the subscribers to multiply words in its favor, as full tbirtv thonsand of " W1LDERS PATENT SALA MANDER SAFES," have been manufactured and sold ill the United states ; and, in almost every large ore thatna taken ulace dnriiiff the last seventeen year, these Safe. Lave been subjected to the bevehkht tests, and not on of the " uenume tiaiamanaert ua ever been aemroyeiL Safe sold at New York price, with the freieht to Wil minftton added. No commission charged in V llmincrton, We are prepared to take orders for these celebrated bafes. Samples can be seen at our omo in a lew days. Every Merchant should have one of theso cheap and se oure Safe. ANDREWS A BARDIN, Commission Merchants, General Agent for North Carolina Ottice, No S South Water Street (Up Stair), Wilming. ton, N. 0. Raleigh Sentinel copy. Nov. 80. 65 tf Storage and Wharfage. I AM PREPARED to receive Cotton, Naval Stores, Mer chandise. Ac, on storage, at my wharves,- between Chesnut and Mulberry streets, also at wharves near Union Umtiilery ; all unuet watchmen. A. H. VasBOKKELEN. Feb. 21. 136 Greensboro' Mntnal Insurance Company. HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS OF THIS Company, we are prepared to take FIRE RISKS on moderate terms. , WALLACE A SOUTHERLAND. Agt'e. No. 24, North-Water St. Wilmington, N. a, Oct. 19. 18C5. 19 tf Verv Desirable Wharf ProDertr. T OFFER FOR 8ALE MY TWO WHARF LOTS, NEXT JL North of tho depot of the Yi llnungton A Weldon Rat -road. 133 feet front, and extending back to Nutt StreetL The location of this property insure a progressive appre ciation in value. O. G. PARSLEY. March 11 141-t Safes Safes. THOSE SPLENDID SALAMANDER SAFES have ar rived. Call and buy one at New York uoeU ANDREWS A BARDIN, Commission Mcn auts. March 25. 151 tf Carolina Belle Scotch SnutT. PETERSBURG, VA., SUPERIOR "TO ANT OTHER Brand made in America, being from the pure Virginia Leaf unadulterated. Manufactured by J. M. Venable A Co., Petersburg, Va. Also manufacturers of superior " aiaccoboy, " ilappee, and other bnuns. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of every grade. JOSIAH MACY'S SONS, AgeuU, 1K9 and 101 Front btreet, N. Y. We are Agents for the State of North Carolina, of the above celebrated brand of Sunns, and can supply the trade. Packed in any style, at Factory price. All orders mnet be accompanied by the cash, to secure attention. GEORGE MYERS, , . 11 and 13 Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. ' CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. April 10 16A-8m Just Received. AN ASSORTMENT OF ODER A KETTI.EWF.LL'S MANIPULATED GUANOtf and FERTILIZERS. For sale by MALLETT A HOFFMAN, No. 23 North Water Kt March 29. 15.1 tf Storage. CJTORAOE FOR COTTON AND MEUCHANDIZE OF O any description, can bo had m a tire proof, nrst class Warehouse. Insurance effected at the lowest rates. Applvto slAlXKl r HUrJlAN, 23 North Water Strut. March 10 ISS-tf Guano Gnano. f TONS No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, so tons FOLrnLE rAano GUANO. 3d BBLH. BALTIMORE SUPER FIJUR, 2ti0 SACKS LIYEItPOOL SALT. For sale in lot to enit, at W. H. McRARY A COS. Arril22 175-lw Mercantile. Ladles' Wrappings. 4 N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of plain and richly Jx. trimmed Silk Saoiuos, Baaonine and Circulars; also. Laoo Mantillas, Circulars and Malitilletta., from the most fanhiouahlo manufacturer in New York, at unusually low prices. HEDRICK A RYAN. April 23 175- . Goods for Boys Wear. SMALL PRINTS FOR SHIRT JACKET'S, Limien Lawn, tlgured Marseilles, Liiincnx and ('ottouades, sc lected tptcially fur city trade. , HEDRICK A RYAN. April 22 , 173. - Spring and Summer Dry Goods. A FILL AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT JUST RK rcceivcd will be sold at great Iv retluiwd prim's. liEDRK'K A RYAN. April 2i 173 tf To Country. Merchants. OUR LARGE STOCK tho great advantages gained in the time of purchase, and our experienced knowledge of the wants of the jmople, retailors our Ui most attrac tive stock fur wholnsalo buyer. ' Our terms arc CASH, or short time for city acceptance. HEDRICh: A RYAN. April 22. - 175 tf Shoes and Hats. A SPLENDID STOCK AT WHOLESALE. HEDRICK A RYAN. April 22. 173 tf 5 Tierces Prime Lard. 1 fs BBIjH. PRIME LARD, 1AJ 10 drkln Vrimt I Aro. i Expected daily, and for sale by A. H. VANBOKKELEN. Jan. ICth 9i-tf Just Received. 2500 T11 RUBBEB AND leatiieb belt- , ..-Rubber and Hemp Packing, - MUlSawFUes, . Iron and Steel, Pots, Ovens, Spiders, and Extra Oven Lids, Japanned Toilet Sutts very handsome, Sad Irons, Ac., Ac. MITCHELL, ALLEN A CO. March 9 137 T. I. atnvHXLL. OH), AIXKK, D. T. CARBAWAT. NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTrRAL HOUSE, ."' ' AND HARD WARE STORK. MITCHELL. ALLEN i CO., a POLLOCK STREET, Htwbtra, N. CM WATER STREET, WUmlagtoa, Itf. C, TTAVE IN STORE JJL EAGLE A. B, C, 18, 18. 19 and il lft 11 IU1 1)1 fllTHIfU. - WEEDING AND GRUB HOES; AXES, HATCHETS, LEADING LINES; TRACE CHAINS, COLLARS. HAMES AND CART rtAuiJAauv. t inii'u' riirwra in rnva a i Ti-rvv va BRIDLES, WHirs, ENAMELLED IJtATOEU AND. CLOTUH; .... ' BUflOY REINS. SPOKES, HUBBS, SEATS, BOD- AJVli BMAHBJ HARNEHS LEATHER, SOLE LEATHER, CALF AJ 1 I K7U f IUTV1L1 A XJT (JlfrU Till) If in, nnii'l iJiniiitin nxiLf rjuvri-a llAVXtA Lfl BLACKSMITH'S BELI.OW8, ANVILS, VICES, HAMMERS AND FILES; Turpentine Hackers, Shovels and Scrapers; Coolers' Toots; uarpenter' loom; ttaddiera and Huoe Maker T,.. .1-. !....! ... . .l ....I..w. U..i - .. .1 ul . A Wim, . UV.u. Mill. A.MW VU.WIJ. 01IIMIII. MIU DUIW.i Rim, Dead, Chest, Cupboard and Pad Locks, and general assortment oi HARDWARE AND FARMING UTENSILS. Agent for R. 110 E CO'H CIRCULAR 8A Wft, FAIRBANKS' SCALES, EVAN 4 WATSON S FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF BAFES, RUBBEB AND LEATHER BELTING, which we sell At Manafaeturers' Prices. r We invito particular atteution to onr etock, and feel confident that our faeilitie and experience will enable us to offer superior inducement to purchaser. March Oth, 18CG. 103-tf Job Work 0 F EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE very best style, at the Feb. 0 JOURNAL OFFICE. Tobacco. BLENDID LOT OP FINE CHEWING TOBACCO, received to-day. Also some very common, ANDREWS A BARDIN, Commission MercbauU. 151 tf March 25. J Spun Cotton. CST FROM FACTORY, for sain. ANDREWS A BARDIN, Commission Merchant. March 25. 161 tf Lancaster's Cotton Planter. R EAD WHAT THOSE WHO HAVE USED IT SAT : t..i.m t trtL. t?. lr--4,- i- v f ..... rn the land that I sowed with the machine, I got a splendid stand I nevor saw better; and that which 1 sowed by hand did not do so well." B. J. Lancaster, Esq., Edgecombe, N. C say: "Ihave need Lancaster's Cotton Planter for two years, and I did not have to replant a single hill. Please send me another machine for next planting season." Hugh B. Bryan, Esq., Tarboro', N. C, say : "I bare seen a great many, and used several different kinds of Cot ton Planters, but I think Lancaster' is the best." Hon. R. B. Bridger, Tarboro, N. C, say s I have tried many of the invention for planting Cotton I con sider none of them superior to ' Lancaster's.' " For sale by MITCHELL, ALLEN A CO., Wilmington and Newborn. April 13 167-tf MAKE YOUB OWN SOAP! BY SAVING AND USING YOUB WASTE GREASE. Birr OUR BOX OF THE Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company's SAPONIFIES, OR CONCENTRATED LYE. It will make 10 POUNDS of excellent Hard Soap, or 25 GALLONS of the very best Soft Soap, for only about 85 CENTS. Directions on each box. For sale at ail Drug and Grocery (tore, and in lota at Wholeal by WM, M. ELLICOTT A SONS, No. 3 Spear' Wharf, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 2fl. 127-8m Election. miTERE WILL BE AN ELECTION HELD AT THE JL Court House in Wilmington, on the 1st Monday of Hat, for the purpose of electing five Free Holders to serve as Commissioner of Navigation and Pilotage. SAMULL it. BUNTING. Sheriff. April 21 i7A-td Dwpatcll copy. For Sato and Rent. FOR SALE I A Valuable and Desirable Dwelling. w E OFFER FOR SALE, valuable and desirable DWELLING HOUSE. siltutod upon Third, between Castle ami t'liun h Streets, and ruiiuing through to Fourth Street. - Lot CO x 3J0 feet, and woll known a the HIS LEY TROrERTY. Wo will lake pleasure in showing the piciulvea to auy one desirous oi pure basing. t'RONLY A MORRIS, Broker A Aui tiomx'rs. ApiU3 . ltKMf ' : "r' For 8aler:"v : I OFFER THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FOB, s4 sale, at fair prioo t My Dwulluig House, sit-1 u3 listed on oorner of Fourth and Chestnut strsots, with JLmJL Uuuscliold and Kitchen Furniture. My suuitner residvuue on Middle Sound, about six mile froui thu city. Also, that valuable Plantation, known as RollevUle," situated on the West aide of Bruuswiek Rivetv Ahrat mjr Horses, (iarriage, Buggv, Harnesses, Ae., Ac I will also rent until Uio 1st October nuxt, the Store which I now occupy, and my Naval Wharf and Shod on South Water street. For term and particulars, imiuieof M. MulNNIS, No. 1U North Water Street, WiliuUigton, N. C April 10 ltit-lw OFFERED DY JAMES & DROWN. A VERY VALUABIJ5 1'IJtNTATION, SITUATED JY. at Uio continence of Black River and the N. W. Cae Fear River, containing 210 Acres; 200 Acres rlf ared and cultivated, of which 60 are 11 rut rate bottom laud, heavily timbered with line. White Oak. Maple. Cypress, iliekory, Reeds, Shingle and Stave TimW, all accessible to the river. There being 14. mile water front on the rivers and large creeks, and 14 feet water on river front. There is no bolter stork range on the river. Almost daily communication by steamer with Wilming' ton. Term easy. Mar. 2 131-lf LAND AGENCY. b,j m uivna, vaiTvivn aws w - NEXT WEST JOURNAL BUILDINGS, OFFER for sale Uiat desirable residence fronting A4. on 2d street, block 127, 41 feet, running back 1 14 I i!9 feet, within three minutes' walk of the market k'"" house. It has all neoessajy improvements. This is a do sirable and valuable nie-e of nronertv. and will be sold low. The premises now pay a rent of five hundred dollars wi gum. cur iui uier psriiuuiars, appij as auuvs. ALSO, the place near Wilmington, kown as "Hil ton,- on tne north-cent hraneli or th uape rear. Just outside the city limits, containing on hundred and ten acre. , The above property is so well known here that a more full description is deemed unnecessary. Person wishing to purchase would do woll to examine the premises. No property in this vlcuiitv possesses equal faeilitie for im provements of every description. ALSO, ft, 000 ACRES OF LAND IN GREEN SWAM P, well timbered with pine and cypres. Thia last was sold a few years since for 18,000. Feb 23. 133 tf For Sale b by James & Drown. LOT ON GOVERNMENT K A FINE VACANT LOT ON GOVERNMENT STREET, Pensacola, Florida, HO foot by 100, about 160 yards, (one block,) from the l'ontofllo and Custom House, ad mirably located for tho dry goods or drug business, or fur omens. Wilmington, N. 0., April 5, MOO. 100 Want to Rent. BY JABfjLf UttOWV. ILs.1 ACstatte Ag.sits. ! A COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE, CONTAIN- A. jmu rive orw ltooms, not more than throe or four block from Market Street. FOR KENT, On VERY MODERATE TERMS, the best unooctipied Steam Saw Mill in the Cape Fear District. Arpill 137-tf J"0R RENT. THE HAW HILL PLANTATION, situated on Town Creek, Brunswick county, N. C, is offered for reut, until the first day of January, 1807. There is 100 aero ol cleared BICE LAND, and about the same quantity oj cleared UPLAND, on thia tract, with the necessary house Ao. ALSO, a mall place, known as a SUMMER RESIDENCE, in th pine woods, about Ave miles from the above, will be rent ed for the same length of time. The above property belong to the Estate of Henry N. Howard, deceased For term, Ac, apply to A. A. McKOY, Administrators. Jan. 5. tS-it TO LEASE, A BMALL LOT. WITH UNFTNUBHED WALLS A. which can be made suitabl by th expenditure of a little money, for a retail store or ware-room. Said lot is situated on Chestnut street, between Frout and Water. Apply to DR. J. r. UuREE, Ja. OoU 19. 1D-.U U A. BA11T, JOHN C. BAIIJIT WILMINGTON IRON AND COITER WORKS. HART & BAILEY, TuomiEToiw, No. 17, Front Street, below Market, WIlmlagtM, N. C. HAVING RESUMED OPERATIONS, we are now pre pared to furnish J trass and Iron Castings, finished and unfinished. New Machinery made and put up. Old Machinery overhauled. AU kind of Patterns. Ornamental and Agricultural. Will sunnlv Draft of all kiuirs of Maclunerv and Mill- work genaraiiy. TURPENTINE AND WHISKY STILLS, COPPER WORK in all it branche. - A full supply of Beltuur. Packimr. Hose. SUsam and Water Pipe and Fitting. Machine Bolts, NuU and Rivets, and all other article generally fonnd in a Machine Supply Store. Also a large lot of Crucibles, from No. S3 to 100, and warranted good will dispose of them below Manufactur ers' prices. March ra. i9t n Storage at Reduced Rates. MALLETT! YARD, W.AK.R.R. DEPOT. HAVTNO AMPLE SHED ACCOMMODATION, Watch man, good Wharf, and every facility for business, Consignees will find it to their interest ana convenience to patronise this Yard. Lieut. T. C. James will give hi prompt and personal attention to etnrage. Order for th Yard left at this office, will have prompt attention. For further particulars, apply to MaIJLETT A HOFFMAN, No. 23 North Water Street. 130-tf March 1 "Carte Blanche" Cbanpape. THE UNDERSIGNED ARE AGENTS for THE BALE, in North Carolina, of the above WINE, manufactured by Theophile Roederer A Co., of Bheima, France. We bave received ouaocen in quarts ana pint, just imporia. and ean recommend it with confidence a genuine and of very superior quality. ..... ror aate at very moderate prices, ey DrROSSET A CO., No. North Water St., up stair. April 2 JjWTuATU I THE 'DAILY JOURNAL. wimnuTOjr. tt. c, april isoo. Tk La.illadltal Uthtm4mt Hseowstrwrtlon Uoe er Mrrrltt'sK.wEvldrnrcAVkat was Paid hj Nlanfon for III Earlier "Testimony," THE BAI'It'Ati ItEOOSSTRL'fTIOX TLAN. WAHiirNoTos, April 22. It lnut bwu given out In otmlldcntial circles for Momu Uv pitht, that tliu Iludicalu wore niaturin a geucna rhm of rocoimtrttction of tho BouOicra KtitteH. liut fow woio initifttod into tho mysteries of thin tk.livnio. It upiK3ars thut it cnimiatoil from ltoWt luJo Owen, who, it in naiJ, suhmittvl it to tho l'rcHitkiit VoBtcrday the Keoonstruction Committed mot at an early hour, when the pUtu wam Uiifoliled to tho CVimmitteo J ThmlJeuu btft voiih. li in uuderetood that the CominitU) apreoil t it It is mora lUulicul than unythinp; Unit linn heretofore rotne from that direction. It m in the ahuix) of a joint resolution to amend tho Constitu tion, and iroft!WMN to rovidu for the rcHtoratiou to tho Kou thorn Htuton of all thoir j'ohticiil riffhtH.' Articlo iM of tho amendment hjh that thcro kIiuII le no diwriminution mado by any Htato nor by Uio United Ktutca aa to tho civu rigliU of per sona boeutiHO of race, color, or provions condition of servitude. . HeonJ. That from and after the fourth day of July, in the year 1H71, no tlijtori ru ination ahull bo mmlo by any ytftlo nor by tho Unitod Htatos as to tho enjoyment by chuwoa of persons of the right of suifrnge ImcatiHe of raen or color. Thinl. Until Juljr 4, 1870, no cIiihs of Jwraons as to tho right of any of whom suffrage lutcriminatiou shall to mode by anybtato boeauHe of race or color or previous condition of servitude shall be included in tho basis of representation.- Fourth. Debts or obligations already incurred, or which may be horeafter ineurrod in aid of insur rection of war agoiust tho Union, and claims for compensation for loss of sorviee of jersons held to involuntary senritudo or labor, shall sot be paid by any btuto or by Uie United Htatos. Ko Htate shall make or enforce any kw which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United Htates. It is then further to bo pro vided by act of Congress, that whenever the above amendment shall have become part of the Constitution, and any of the Hontlieru Htates shall have ratified it and modified its constitution and laws iu conformity thereto, tho Bonator and llepreaentativea from such Htate duly elected and qnnlinod, and taken the usual oath of office, le admittod ; provided, that no person who having been au oflicer in the army or navy of the United Htatos, or having been a member of the Thirty sixth Congress, or of tho cabinet in the year 1800, did toko part in tho late insurrection, shall bo eli gible to either branch of the national Leguilaturo nntil after July 4, lH7ft. The above will probably be reported to the House to-morrow. The state ment that this schemo is approved by the Presi dent is without any foundation in lact It was submitted to him several days ago by llobert Dale. Owen, but he gave no indication, by word or ac tion, that ho looked npon it with favor. There is authority for stating that tho President not only disapproves of it, but regards it as a most danger ous and revolutionary aeheme) against the rights) ana privileges of the State, North and South. It remains to be seen whether Congress can be mado to accept it - . , TUB EXAMINATION OF MIUUTT TB AHHJjmiXATlOX OF niESIDENT LINCOLN. lis. Ilogers, of New Jersey, ono of the members of tho House Committeo on the Judiciary, who was not present when Dr. James 13. Merritt, and twit. W ArVailirfl au Villttliullfwl M-nfl AWnrrtirlAyl nn11,l mvi eiavi. uuj use p? uuuwiuv wi (M V AUUllugUi tiUAVU him before the official roiorter and went through a most thorough cross-examination of this gentle man. ; It is said that the cross-examination snowed that his principal evidenco was void of truth, and that he really knew nothinir connecting any ner- son with any transaction not recognized by tho usages of war. I hat his attem pt to conn ect Davis. Clay, Bunders and others with the assassination of Lincoln was a puro fabrication, as he admittod on ui cross-examination was no saw or uew no act or thing connecting the above-named persons with 1 . . . 1 . . 1 . . , 1 : - . 1 I . . 1 . iu uuo vvrj reuiaxaauM aoc was onciieu in uis examination, wherein he admitted that the Sec retary of war, Edwin M. bUnton, had paid him between five and six thousand ' dollars for his services as a witues before tho Mili tary Commission which tried the conspirators. lie mado another admission that, to moke up tho sum paid to him by Mr. BUnton, was inclnii dod over fourteen hundred dollars for book act-omit which he bad against tho people of Canada for services pretended to hsvo boon rendered to them as ft physician, llo alleging as an excuse for his being unable to colloct his claims against the Canadian, that ho was compelled to leave thcro as soon as it was ascertained he had given his testimony beforo the Military Commission. Ho stated further that ho refused to come here and be a witness nntil Secretary Stanton sent him dispatch promising him a safe passport, and protection here from arrest as conspirator in the "ruti nation plot Ho alleging that he was afraid to come here for fear he would be arrested as ono of tho conspirators to take the life of Lincoln. Fucet fob THK FiSHEBjsw. The fleet ordered to the flheries is a strong one, under the command of (as the New York Ucraltl says) " ft nephew of uon t-give-up-Uie-sbip ' Lawrence. Captain Charles S. Hoggs, of New Jersey, is the man. The following is the list and strength of the squad ron : . Name and Gas. Guns. Tonnage. Crew. l,6oi 175 l,ft4 l.VJ &74 ISO I,o 1V 1,8111 173 wt rx SOU Ui 7,843 1,085 D Boto ( nsfrship), sidowhocl 8 Miantonomah, iron-clad,.. .. 4 Shamrock, double-ender, .... 10 Ashuelot,doublo-ender,(iron) 1(1 Augusta, side-wheul 10 VYiaoossi, double-ender . 10 Don, screw V- 8 Total 63 The above is exclusive of officers. The British squadron on the fishing grounds is very much larger than ours. It numbers twenty one vessels, four hundred and forty-seven guns, and five thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven men. The fleet is commanded by Vice-Admiral Sir James Hope, K. C. 15. IUthxu Ajsciext. The oldest stove, probably, in the United States, is the one which warms the hall of Virginia's capitoL in lUchmond. It was made in Lngland, and sent to Richmond in 1770, and warmed the House of Burgesses for sixty years before it was removed to iu present location, where it has been for thirty years. It has sur vived three British monarch ; has been contem poraneous with four kingly monarchies, two re publics, and two Imperial governments of France. The great republic of America has been torn by internecine strife, Hhe breaches partly healed, ai I still the old stove remains unmoved in the tz:. ' t of all. - A memorial Oi a jxl is to be erected at Cc r ' near the spot where John Huss was burr.. '. bust of Husa, another of bis friend, UicrcrT will bo i laced ia the CLae!, A

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