. r a i sr mm 1 . t r i v , t t i . i U JIM, IS V I V M . I I I I X . iii M A x y .r- lll II II. mr II II 1 1 J .11 ABT V , I av M - " SV m "V A l 1 ...i.t..--. . - ,- : f WHOLE KUMBER 4.287. "i t 1 YOL XV NO. 1S2. WILMINGTONv,N. C.; . TUESDAY 3I0BNING, MAY 1, 1866. ;TIIE DMLI iOUBKALy y.:l KNQGUUHD At PRICE, Proprietor. - Ttrnu at ftabarrlpttoa t Daily Paper, one rear, invariably in advance. . . . . . $10 00 . , - V. .. . aix months, " " 6 00 ' V;, ',;"? ! three month, M M 8 00 i'. one month, " " loo . Weekly Paper, one year, " " V.-;. J 00 " aix month, , . .K 800 AO letter on Ixulnea. connected with Uiis office most be addressed to the proprietor. ... BU of Advert iU.f AnvEBTUXxmrra will be inserted at the rate of $1 por square fur the first insertion; $3,00 pet week ; and $8 per month. ;.-. ' , . i Ten line or leia n eonnted m' a square. Longer Advertisements in proportion. ... .,. '. Advertisements luaertoil erorr other Jaye charged aa new at ru h and every insertion.'- No pnblication relleeUnff npou private cliaraHer will be allowed in our ooinmna, eiUiur aa adrertiaeiiMwte or other wwe. i - t ' i i j ff 1 j jm- No publieatloa made without 'a reaponsible natua. Railroads. jj : 'o ! HTLNIXGTON & MAACUESTER RAIL ROAD. - Gex. Btrpr. Omcx Wiu & Kaw. Rati. Iioad, ( ... WiiJtiKOTOK.N, O., April 13th, iKCO. JJJ- e'" lllii ji SSTwf? ; " ', ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. J. ON AND AFTER THE 1CTH ArEIL, TIU! l'0Jr lowing Schedule will go into effect on the W. M. , . , : ; ; " Leave Wilmington daily at . ... ...... ...12.20 A. M, -;. Arrive at Kinanville " ..3.06P.M. Leave Kingavillei , M .....8.00 A.M., Arrive at Wilmington " 10.00 P.M.. . Clone connertiona made at Wilmincton with tlte WiU minpton & Weldon Ttailroad daily, aluo at Florence with i i . & i, .,. ', ' WM. MacBAE, : . 1 uen'ISup't. AprUU' ; '' ' ";vi6H : WILMIXGTON & WELDW RAIL ROAD. Orncs Chiet Eoixie and SDPrarVTEKDKfrr, 1 Wilkimotoh, April 14, 1860. fi CHANGE OF BCIIEDIILE. ; "VN AND AFTEB THE 15th INST TRAINS WILL J ran over this road ae rollowa ; . ;. MAIL AVP rASSENQEIl TBAINS, : Leave Wilmington daily at, . Arrive at Oolouboro' at Arrive at Woldon at Leave Weldon daily at i. .11 00 P. M. IB A.M. ...10 00 A. M. ....,.,.... 100P. JL 5 55 P. M. Arrive at uouibdoto' at. . Arrive at Wilmington at nightj.. ....... .13 00 M. ' ; FBEIQHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS, & j . Leave Wilmington daily except Sundays' at. ...6 A. M.' Arrive at Goldnboro at. , ..1 80 P. M. v Arrive at Weldon at. . . . .8 45 P. M. Leave Weldon daily except Bundayi at. . . . .. . .0 A. M. Arrive at Goldaboro' at 12 47 P. M. i Arriva at Wilmington at. . . .'. ..8 4.5 T. M. : The Mail train make cloee connections through to Now York and Charleston by inland and Bay routes ; also with uaioign ana umwii trains. Train leave Goldaboro' at 1 A. M. and 5 1. M., coins . Wet, and 8 15 A. M. (rotnjr East. Trains from theWeat arrive at Goldnboro' at 12 40 A, M. and 7 45 A. M., from the East a 9 45 P. M. -. All dry goods and light groceries will be carried by these daily Freight trains, and cloee connections will be made . . with trains on the M. C. Railroad, daily except Hnnday8.-- Goods by steamers will be sent forward the clay after tjiny are received into the Warehouse. - No extra charge by this train, wnlon we nope onr patrons, oui a wcu as uow, ... vv.ia .... . . - i''-. ' We do not underbid our neighbors, but work as low as , any. and will deliver as promptly as the : best, and claims for loss or damage will bo adjusted at once, if proscntcd accoruing to our ruies. . i 8. L. FREMONT, . Engineer and Superintendent, Papers printing Schedule, withdraw all other notices Of trams, and insert tins till rorbid. Raleigh. Salisbury and Charlotte paper copy ono month, and send bills, i;.... . , .... . April 14. 1800 109 ! TTIL., CI1ARL0TTE & RUTHERFORD R. R. . OmcB Wnu, Cbab. h Btmt. B. It. Co.', 1 1 It ...,... LAtmnrvuBO, Not. 27th, lbW. On and after Monday, 27th inst., a Freight Train, with Passenger Oesches attached, will run as follows : ; Vp train Wednesday and Saturday, Leave . Wilmington at 8 o'clock, A. M., i Arrive at Sand Hill at 6 " P. M. ' Dopn Train Monday and Ttatrtday, , , . Leave Sand Hill at 6 o'clock. A, M. ' Arrive at Wilmington at 5 o'clockP. M. Master of Transportation. ' Freight Intended for shipment by above trains must be delivered at this depot by 10 o'clock, A. M., Tuesdays and Fridays. . L T. ALDERMAN, . . t reignt Agent. 62-tf Not. 27. Miscellaneous.' J ; wanted, : DISTILLER WHO CAN MAKE WHITE ROSIN. Apply to ; - - -. A. H. VANBOEKELEN. March 14. 141-tf -H snippRO articles ATIO FOREIGN Ol'TWAKD MAJI1FE8T8, . For sale at the Feb. 14, 18C6 .... . JOURNAL OITICE. Exchange On Jll T W.YORK AND BALTIMORE i 1 For sale in sums to suit, by ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, ' 11 North Water U 172-lm April 19. Music, Law Books, Periodicals, Lc. mm Tfr cucni Ut 1UJ5 VZ&I aii tBTBi ... iUUOl DUfiill&011AU OllUi by Pi HEINSBEKGER. Journal Buildings. 13U- March 11. Jnst Received. A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. . it For sale by . MALLETT A HOFFMAN, I ... . So. 23 North Water St. March 29. .,.,.- 151 tt Spirit Casks. SLEIGHT A PAULDINO, new.. . Do. Second hand country.' For sale hr , .. a. a. ABOiijj!;s. March 21 Lumber. QRDER3 or export or local demand promptly filled tj ,'. MALLETT A HOFFMAN. No. 23, North Water KtroeL , March - ' - 67 il I Choice Havana Clprs. . WE HAVE a few very fine Havana Cigars, purchased in bond. We also offer 250 M. choice to common domestic Cigars. Very low cash prices, at Geo. Mvers, 11 and 13 Front st. ' CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. April 21, 175 General Notices. . ; y:. r:.--- kotice.;'.;..'.-;".:'- MR. C1IA8. HOFFMAN, OF BALTIMORE. IH THIS day asHoruted with me in the General Fom aniing aud Commission tusiness, nnder the style of MALLET! A HOFFMAN. ' - Consignments of Mwrcliauiliwe and Produce, fur sale or shipment, renpeetfuiil sulwited. , wvr- PETER MALLE1T. ; Wihnington, If. OV; March 21st, 1808, 117 H. tl.-BfJRR M MT AUTHORIZED AGENT for the icttlnment at all accounts dn me. ... ..... i:.'. t. : ' ev avwawun. March 10 13-tf ; J 1. i : : tXpERTAKER'8 NOTICE. ' mnE UNDERSIGNED R EN PECTFULL Y IN J. forms the cltir.rns of Wiimhiirton and the publio generally, tlvat lie baa opsaed an eatablishment on the corner of 'I Gird fid Pniieetm streets for the purpose of carrvingon A OENEHAI, VtiJUAK.i?iu ana UAUiMtr MAKING BUSINKbH. Me reBpectruuy solicits a iiboral share of the tmblie patronage. - B. F. SWANN... . . Jan 18-94-if ... -,; Z,;. : ' . , notice. BY ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED, WE ARE. FOR WARDING FREIGHTS and MONIES to all way sta tions on the Wilmington A Weldon; and the Wilmington and M&Bchealer Railroad bv passetxrer trains dailv. Having greatly xoxtabod our rates On Freights' and i : ,1 u . J i .1.. . LI 1 ...b.... send their Frieght by SOOT1U5RN EXPBESM at our pres ent, reduced rates, wbieb certainly offer inducements to shippers in large or small quantities. - ' ; For Bates and further particulars, apply at our office. . , ,-. ..-.i-.-:- . . ; .JAMES MACOMBEB, . Agent. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 8, 1865. ' 83 tf ;, K'. ';::''N0TOEH! STr" A LL PERSONS are eUoned against trespassing uiKn 2 any of the Lauds belonging to Henry H Howard, deo d., muter tin severest penalty vi tne law. ...... WM. . PEDEN, v . ' .-;-.,,:.:..; :: : . . A. A. McKOY, ' ' . i .. ... . Administrator. Jan. 5. . . .. . -. : .... - . 83 tf :-'- Notice. f ' mHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BEEN APPOINTED JL at the December Term, A. D., 1HC5, of tb Oonrt of Pleas and Quarter Kessious lor liow Hanover county, as Administrator and Administratrix with the will annexed, upon the estate of James Fulton, deoeaaed. hereby give notice to aa persons inaeutea to sua estate to mane im mediate payment ; and all those having . claims against said estate to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this noUos will bo plead in bar of their recovery. r-: : WM. A. BERRY, Adm'r., ! O. A. FULTON, Adm'x., Dec. 20 70-tf . with the Will annexed. Miscellaneous. H ILDER'S ' PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, WITH WILDERS PATENT POWDER AND BURGLAR-PROOF LOCKS. II. O. WILDER A CO., TATKNTBES AKP lUNTFACTCKEIUI 0 THE BEST FIRE-PROOF SAFE IN THE WORLD!! JEWELERS' nd ' BANKERS' 8AFEg made to . ; OrderJ Llued wttb lUniaaied Stotl.. mO THIS CELEBRATED SAFE was awarded the GOLD I MEDAL, at the World' Fair in London, in 1851. Notice This celebrated Fire-Proof Hafe is no longer maio ana sola by Bilas V. hkbbimo, bis license to make and sell uicm iiavnig expirca, . .: ; : 5 i t The thousands of Cortiflcates from Merchants, Bankers and Mechanics Of all trades, that have been given in favor of this tho ocr mrt " SAIiAMANDER," renders it use less for the subscribers to multiply words in its favor, as full thirtv thousand of WILDERS' PATENT SALA MANDER SAFES," have been manufactured and sold in the urn tea states ; ana, in almost every large are uiat ua, taken place during the last seventeen years, these Safe have been subjected to the bevxbest tests, and not on of Hit " Genuine Halainandert f Ha ewr been destroyed. Safes sold at New York price, with the freight to Wil- nuugMJO auuea. - no nHanuanon vuargea in numuigwu. We are prepared to take orders for these celebrated Safes. Samples oan be seen at our offioe in a few days. Every Merchant should have one of these cheap and se cure bares. ANDREWS A BARD IN, ,TV;!!.'st Vf : Commission' Merchants, General Agents for North Carolina Office, No 5 BottUi Water, Street (Up Stairs), Wilmingw ion, H. u. --' " ' Raleigh Sentinel copy. Nov.80. m , .i V -U,'. 65 tf Storare and Wharfage. I AM PREPARED to receive Cotton, Naval Stores, Mer chandise. Ac, on storage, at my wharves, between Chesnut ana Mulberry streets, also at wharves near Union AJuuiiery : all undei watenmen. A, H. YahBOKKELEN. Feb.24. .;;ri',ii;:.!;:irVi''. W.. 126 - Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Company. HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS OF THIS Company, we are prepared to Uka FIRE RIK9 on moaerate terms. .! t WALLACE A S0UT1TERLAN1V Agt's. . , ! " No. 24, North.-Water SU Tf lmungton, . u., oct, i, ., , j; , ,. i u i ' Very Desirable Wharf PrbDertv. T OFFER FOB SALE MY TWO WHARF LOTS, NEXT JL North or the depot of the Wilmington A Weldon Kai m..l 111. Iaa. ftnJ ..lanlMA V.U ,n X'.... The location of this property insures a progressive appre- ciauun in value. O.O. PARSLEY. March 14 141-tf Safes Safes. THOSE SPLENDID SALAMANDER SAFES have ar rived. ; Call and buy on at New York cost. . .. ANDREWS A BARD IN, Commission Mercants. March 25. , . ( .. 151 tf Carolina Belle Scotch SnuflV :'V 'A PETERSBURG, VaT, SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER Brand made in America, being from the pnre Virginia Leaf unadulterated. - Manufactured by J. M. Venable A Co., Petersburg, Va. Also manufacturers of superior " Alaooobov," " liappee," ana other onutts. Cliewmg ana Smoking Tobacco of every grade. - - JOSUH MACY'S SONS, Agents, i.. . .,-. .1 18 and 191 Front Street, N. Y. We are Agonts for the rotate of North Carolina, of the above celebrated brand of Snuffs, and oan supply the trade. . Packed in any style, at Factory price. Au orders must be accompanied by the cash, to secure attention. . GEORGE MYERS, ... 11 and 13 Froat Street, Wilmington, N. C ' ' , . , ., CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent April 10 .: , " 164-3m . . Just Received. AN ASSORTMENT OF OBER A KETTLEWELL'S MANIPULATED GUANOS and FEHTILIZERH. For sale by. .., MALLETT A HOFFMAN, i ' '. ..... ; i No, 23 North Water Kl , March 29. , .,, r , 153 tf ; Storage. . STORAGE FOR COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE OF any description, can bw had in tt lire proof, nrst class Warehouse. - . , . ,.. , .... . . Insurance effected at the lowest rates. , Apply to MALLETT A HOFFMAN, ' 23 North Water Street. March 10 ., 138-tf , House Funushinc Goods.-: . . j tTTIRE MEAT SAFES. -WAIiiB COOLERS, WATER II Pitrhar Rnfri naninr. braa lionnd Water Buck ets, witU covers; common Water Buckets, Sugar and Flour . Bucket a, Cedar and Painted Tubs, Egg Beaters, Market Baskets, Ewer and Basins, Ac, Ac, at . D. A. SMITH'S. . 26 and 2S South Front at. April25. . 177- Mercantlle. Ijtdies Wrappings. 'A N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT ef plain and richly iL trimmed Hilk 8oiues, llsnoniliea and Circulara; also, lce Mantillas, Circulars and Mantillettas, from the moat fashionable manufacturer in New York, at uuusuallr low pricn. ' - ' April !fS 4 " - -' u V ' Goods for Boys Wear. SMALL PRINTS FOR SHIRT JACKETH, Liuuea Lawn, figured Marseillss, Linnena and Cottouades, selected especially for eity tradev HEDRICK A RYAN. April 22 , Spring and Sumner Dry Goods." A-FULL AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT JUST RE received will be sold at greatlv reduced iriv. ' , HEDRICK A It VAN. - April K. ' . . . 173 if ' . .To Country Merchants. OUR LARGE STOOK-Uhe great advantages gHiuod iu tlie time of purchase, and our experienced kuowledgo of the want of the people, render oum the most attrac tive stock for wholesale buyers.1 . Our term aroCAKH, or short time fir city accepts) iocs. : ' I - . , HEDBICK A RYAN. .:AprU22. i a , . ; 175-U . . 1 : . ; Shoes and Ilats. :. , A" SPLENDID STOCK AT WHOI.EHAJ.E. - - - i..- '' HEDRICK A RYAN. ... April22. . . i; ' . 175-tf " 5 Tierces Prime Lard. -I A BBLS. PRIME LARD, XV 10 nrkins I'rime Ijard. Expected daily, and for sale by . ...;... i .. . vr:.. A, H. VANUOKKELEN. Jail.lGtll :ll It.. ,;;!;, ; Oa-tf Just Received, r , 25008? RUBBER AND LEATHER BELT- tulier and Homo Packliiz. ,i Mill Saw Files, i, . ' : -. Iron aud titeul, i; .r.). Pots, Ovens, Hniders, and ;'' : ,- - Extrsr Oven Lids, Japanned Toilst Sett very haudsome, ., j, bad Irons, Ae.. Ac. , : . MITCHELL, ALLEN A CO. March: . . .-, , i . 187 T. . ycrrcaxix. OICO. ALLEN. I. T. CA1UUWAY. NORTII CAROLINA AGRICULTITRAL 1I0VSE, HARD WARE STORE. r MITC1IELL, ALLN k CO., !4 POLLOCK STREET, Newlxrai, N. C, , WATER 8TIUCET, WUml;toit, N, C, HAVE IN STORE EAGLE A, B, C, 13, 18, 19 aud 6, 10, 11, 50, tiO PLOUGHS: , WEEDING AND GRUB HOESt . t AXES, HATCHETS, LEADING LINES: TRACE CHAINS, iiOLLAKH, HAMES AND CART SADDLES; (l . . Y i tat ru ntvrai imtinYnintmrNi BRIDLES WH1PB, ENAMELLED LEATHER ai uuiun; - BUGGY REINH, SPOXES, HUBBS, SEATS, BOD- A Ajv Vll kJ oiuir JOj HARNESS LEATHER, SOLE LEATHER, CALF. . Miriva riviKiiu ivn umiv irunvin. BLACKHMITH'S DEI,I,OW8, ANVILS, VICES, HAMMERS AND FILES; Turpentine Hackers,. Shovels and Scrapers; CMiK)ni' aoois; tjarpeutera- icjow: uaaaiitrs' ana JHioo Makers' fn.l. Tn..linf T..l.l -...til...... u .:... ....1 ui . Rim, Dead, Chest, Cupboard aud Pad Locks, aud general assorwneni oi 1 HARDWARE, AND, FARMING UTENSILS. . f j AgeiiU for , ; ' ' 11. IWE & CO'V CIRCULAR HAWS, FAIRBANKS' SCALES, . ; . 1 jt. EVAN A WATSON'S ' ' FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, "i . :n ' : i: ' which we sell . At Mansifsveturers' Prices. r W invito particular attention to bur stock, and feel confident that our facilities aud experience will enable us to oner superior inauooments to purcnasers. -MaronVth, 18GC ' ' ; " " ' " lOD-tf Job Work F BVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE very best style, at the eb. 0 JOURNAL OFFICE. - Tobacco. ' ASLENDID LOT. OF FINE CHEWING TOBACCO, received to-day. Also soma very common. , . -,,.,.;.. . ANDREWS A BARD IN, Commission Merchants. March 25. 161 tf JSpnn Cotton UHT FROM FACTORY, for sale. . , ANDREWS A BARD IN, .... f ... . . Commission Merchants. March 25. ..; 161 tf Lancaster's Cotton Planter. R EAD WHAT THOSE WHO HAVE USED IT SAY: John L. KnlchL Esq.. Martin count v. N. C. savs : "On the land that f sowed with the machine, I got a splendid stand I never saw better ; and that which I sowed by hand did not do so welL" ' , - B. J. Lancaster, Esq.j Edgecombe, N. 0.; say : "I have used Lancaster's Cotton Planter for two years, and I did not have to replant a single hill. Please send me another machine for next planting Season." . i,.. ,,., )... ,. ... -w . . - HagkB. Bryan, Esq., TarboroV N. C; saj "I have aeen a great many, and used several different kinds of Cot ton Planters, but I think Lancaster's ts the best." Hon. R. B.- Brtlgwrs, Tarboro, N. C, sat : "Ihave tried many of the inventions for planting Cotton I con sider none of them superior to ' Lancaster's.' " For sale by ..i-w. MITCHELL, ALLEN A CO., ;, ,-. i ,t-. Wilmiugton and Newlicnr. ( April 13 t. ..j .., t i ... 167-tf 3IAKE YOUK OWN SOAP ! BY SAVING AND USINO YOUK WASTE GREASE. BBY OlIB BOI Of THK ' ' , ' ' Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company's SAPONIFIER OR CONCENTRATED LYE. It will make 10 POUNDS of excellent Hard Soap, or 25 GALLONS of the very best Soft Soap, for only about 35 CENTS. - Direction on each box. For sale at all Drug and Grocery stores, snd in lots at Wholesale by WM. M. ELLICOTT A SON8, ,,-l; , !.' No. Spear's Wharf, ... . , ,, . ; , Baltimore, Md. t Feb. 2fc- "-" . 127-3mS :- ;' Election. fTWERB WTLL BE AN ELECTION HELD AT THE X Court House in Wilmington, on the 1st Monday of May, for the tmrDose of electing five Free Holders to serve m Commissioners of Navigation and Pilotage. SAMUEL B. BUaTlNG. Sheriff. April 21 i7-tda Dispatch, eopy, For Salo and Rent. FOR HALE I - A Talnable and Desirable Dwelling, TTTE OFFER FOR SALE, a valuable and desirable . : : dwelling nouriii''.' situated npon Tlilrd. between Castle and Clinreli rilreuU, ana runuvMK itiroiiKli to r ourtu ruxiM. - i .f ::.( Lot ti6 x 3.10 feet, and well known as Uiu . : ' ' risley rnorERTY, , V ;'!.; ' We will take pleasure In showing Hie premises ti any one desirous of tnirvhasing. 1 ' ''.' i ;.CRONLY.A MORRIS, , Broker Auctioneer Wtt-tf April 6 j ! Kale. ! f-' ! I OFFER THE FOLLOWING PROPF.UTY J'OR ale, at fair prices : My Dwellim; llnimc, sit- i iJ uatod OB eerner of Fourth anil Chesinut atroeta.witUailX. Homteliolil and Kitchen Funiiture. My summer rcsitleuee on Middle fkmtul. atxint six miles n-ont Ibo rit . I . . Also, that, valuable Plantation, knowu as IVJIntUlt'," situated ou the West side of Brunswick River. . Awe, tny fioret-a, Larriaie, lmgpv, uarumses, c, .ve. j . I will also runt nutil th Ut Oelolmr linat, the Btro whleh I now oocnpy, and my Naval Stoic Wharf and blnl on Houtn w ater street. j ' 1' For terms and particular, innure of j ' M. I1NN1M, j . ' ' tii. 11 Noil h Water Street, j , ... Wilmington, N. t' April 10 .., . l(3i-ln! v OFFERED BY JAMES & BROWN. A VERY . VALUABLE I'lNTAl'IUN, SITI'ATtU J. at Uio conmiciloo of Black River and the N. W. taii Fear River, eoliUmiiiR UUOO Acres; UU0 Aorus tJvared alid eullivated, of which M are tlntt rate lioltuin Uul, heavily (iuiUred with Pine. Wliito Oak. Majile t'ypioss, llleknfy, Reeds. Hhinsle aiui S( ave Tiiuher. all acccHMlMe to tin) river. There being 14 miles water front on the rivers Mid lar'n crooks, ana 11 reet water ou river imnl. There is bettor stoek i wnro un (Im iivrr Almost daily conimiiuicalioii by steamer with Wilming ton. : Ternis easy. . t . , r: : Mar: 2 . , 131-1 .....S!i;r-. , ,.. LAM) AGENCY.-.:.' , Jsvittc A Urwwat, Vurvtyora and ltt Katiate AgtSM NEXT WEST JOUJtNAXi BUJ LDlNOti. , h OFFr.lt for sain that desirablo roNidcnee rmiitiiig ou 2d street, bloek 127, 41 feet, running back 1 11 f .iifl feet, within tluee minutes' walk of the market JJL houss. It has all tieoessa.iv Iniiirovenieuts. This Is a de sirable and valuable piece of prnertv, and will be 4d low. The ju'eiuises now pay a rent of live hundred ijollai ALSO, ilia nUcn near Wilmington, kowu as " 11 . .m Ik. .U nt 4l.a 1. Wm... just outside tho uily Jiiuit. voutaiuiitg Oua hiuldreii ana ten acres. , , ( The almve pNterty is o well ' known feere that a ntors full description is dimnied itnntHiessary. 1'wnons wisjilitu to purcuase would (In well Ut exaiuuiu tlin premises. No proiwrty tit this vlcinitT possesses equal fa, ill ties for hay prvveiuenin oi every acscripuott. , ALSO. a.OOO ACRES OF LAND IN ORICKN HWAM P, P, W(il timborod with pine and uyis-ess. This last was sold few years since for (8,000. Feb 23. - - " ' 125 -ff For Sale by James k Brown, j A FINE VACANT LOT ON GOVERNMENT HTREEf , Punsacola, Florida, 80 fuvt by UK), about 150 yudij, (onebliM'k,) from the Postofliee and Custom Houo, ad mirably located for the dry goods or dntir business, or fi oftieea. i . -!. i ie: ';' ':' I Wilmington, N. C, AjrQ 6, Wti. DO Wanted to:Rntv ''-- 1 11 V JAMh.ll B1UI WN. UeavL Kslavto AfsavlS. ; A COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE, CONTAIN ING Five or Six Rixmis, not more than three or four block froui Market Street. . i ..; -. rOH KENT. pv.I On VERY M0DE11ATE TERMS, the best nuocoupk'4 vja i tjiti iui.ilKiMi4ii ieijmii'i vim aj Steam Haw Mill in the Capo Fear District. Arpui 157-tf FOR RENT. i rriHE HAW HIIJi PLANTATION, siUiated on Tow a X Creek, Brunswick county, N. C, Is offered for rent until the tirnt day of January, 1HC7. There is 100 am oj cleared RICE LAND, and about the same quantity cleared UPLAND, on Uiis tract, with the necessary house ... i i .... u Aim, : '" "! a smaU plade, known as a HUMMER RESIDENCE, ia Hit pine woods, about five miles from Ui abovs, will bereptc sd for tlie same length of time. . - . ,. I The above property belongs to tho Estate of , Heart 11. nuwuu, uvcwwaeu For terms, Ac, apply to '; ' ' ' ''';! . ; WM. V. TEDEN, . , i. ' , ... . A. A, McKOY, ( Admiulslrators. : Jan.6. .'...'..- - ; 8-tf TO LEASE.' ? ' A SMALL LOT. WITH UNFINISHED WALLA J. which can be mad suitable by the expenditure of hole money, for a retail tor or ware-room." Said lot i situated on Chestnut street, between Front and WataTr Apply to .... -I j DR. J. F. McREE, 3u Oet. 19. l--tf - gy L. A. HART, , ... oill O. WILMINGTON IRON AND COPPER WORKS. IIAIiT k BAILEY, rnoiiusTOBfl, . :.' i No. 17, Front Street, below Market . ' ........ . WllinlsisUa, If. C. 'i TTAVING RESUMED OPERATIONS, we are now pre XX pared to furnish Brass and Iron Castings, finished and urUinwUcd., . New Machinery made aud put up. .... , . ... : OKI Maehinerr overhauled. '' ',! . ", l All kinds of Patterns, Ornamental and Agricultural. ''" Will supplv Draftsif all kings of Machinery and Mill work gonaraily. . . , ....r--!' I-. . . TURPENTINE AND W1USKY ST1LLH, - i t . i Dili ..'-vi., . .. . i COPPER WORK : . in all Its branches.-' ' ' ' A ' A full supplv f Belting, Park iflfV Hi ec, Sturii and Water Pipo aua Fittings. in ..- .. Machine Bolts. Nuts snd Rivets, and all o her ai lidos generally found in a Machine Supplv Store. . Also a large lot of Ouciblcs from No. 35WlnA, anil warranted good will disHise of them below Manufactur ers prices. ... .' , .;...( .! Uarcn li. ! . . . i .. m w Storage at Reduced Rates; ; 1 HAL. LETT'S YAUO, W. A M. R. K, DEPOT. HAVINQ AMPLE SHED ACCOMMODATION, Watch man, eood Wharf, and everv facility for business. Consignees will ftiid it to their interest ana convenience to patronise tin laru. Ijieui. i. v. jamee wuigrve nit prompt and personal attention to storaga -'- Orders for the Yard left at this office, will have prompt attention. . . ; ,' r. i .,. . s.-i "lVttahoftmav. ' , : ,- ' i No, 23 North Water StreeCV March 1 . ,.. ; -.,..130-11.1 ' ' Carte Blanche Cbampasne. ,. alHE UNDERSIGNED ARE AGENTS for THE SALE, in North Carolina, of tlie above WINE, manufiictured by' Thoophile Roederer A Co., of Rhclms, Franco.- We have received 6 dozen in qaarts snd pints, just icrportcdj and can rscommsnd it wuh oontidencsav genuine) and of very superior quality. . t 1.1 j. .r;,, i t ! ror saio at very moucraie pnees, vy DkIiOSSET A CO.. Ko. S North Wter St.. up stairs. April 21 17i-TuiX$i-UH 1 TIIE DAILY JOURNAL. ....4; .M-i. -,l Ul . Ii.'.l . - ;.'t !!'. : ui TtlR laJTVESlUK I i., i Wd Ut Mvt ottr reiulers the follow Lnar'.srcuhir. fumiitiied iw by Hhwrifl'JJautiiif, froui tlK- Pnlili." Troaudrar iq rih'riuM ami othors, contilning' nn- wera.t1 qrjrihtloiiN rubceming tLn pnrporrWiamc- Koddabfcilta circular will li f itrvU-i in flncl- ciilwtiiif thin BHt intcrentio niid TrjiloxiTir' suli- joct. . , J ; 1 J ,r.(..'il. t:. '!i..f -iU ili if'v ' STATH OF iOJVnrCARULU.A'i J v . ;.,:t!i.(Mi .:iiv . fUleigli,' April 27th, 1C0. V . To Sbsrlara, lAi Taker stnd Ta '1'it ".' SitM-4 mv ciraulsrof the 13th hf AtriL ss opinion lias teil asked on various points, aud my answers ut sulistanco ars eontalned In the Mltrwuitf rrnirpHlia,' ' I'o.aeouro luiilormity lit thsesHtnltntt f tbulawytlio answers are sent to eaJi county. , I will 1m pleased to n--iive otninuntrtatiiSiN fnn any souree, in regard to diili vul(k'jrvsdutJ Ijv the Roveime Act,', ..- i. l Vci V n-aiieetfully, , a ' ." kemtvivijatTlI1;.1 ....,! -'.iljri I uii ni hi.( f.isi r'Wif Treasure'. SOHEnrLR A." ' ''-! i '.J' IU id itw ;ii .tI.'KirAK;i's'V'i ' i! Vt 1. The word 'Mjrsuu" t avotitm ,2, s Ulile A.. In cludes eorfii-fit!,)nt, Which krO " artilieial pnroii.M Therefore ail ltailitiiul UulnpaniuM (iteihr Stimpt from tmalioii y their cuartor or not), and other corporations must' list their employers Hiiliject to poll tax And fifty tho Ut, which sy (xt lolautod out tf j th w.kgos is Uis tm- A'fits! B In u'non'MVnn 'A f.lknfiiiliai wltli'oW 'any ViUiuUluK4ti Tliu.Vi wink toci'thW uuV It titH a part of the i'i"i, A Is Itatilu for B'a tax. it A refilso to list lllm, tah list tatter tmist notify thii HherilY. whs wil! inform tho tk.li.ator of 4 Us .C4r0ik. , t souTs J), i liffcl hit Ihe.tax aim', anil A esn colli.it out of liiiiu . ,. ,. ,. . X TUu hitereui un Slato bonds l4d betoie- itlrd of Felil'uary, lStiL is not taxable as surh. Alter it 1 colleo toil tho prudeed sru taxed as ''lllcwm.,' ' ' ' , 4, A ntizoii of N. C. Ues, luavliiu a wiiU-eltUnpof New Jersey take out loiters of administration with the will an nexuiLi BoihIs, htu, Ann U101 estate from publln and fti vuielebtors. ij New Jersrv, ate ut HlKt,to,itxtion in I-';' U'A oSfM'U 10tt, iMt'tSonlv abl'W",pk'y iSrtO; II must list t500 as asoiv'utdiil'W..'l'(ie jrop ntwstWflfor the tajL payer Is, "snpiioun my debtor to propose a com irmid, wbatwosUil I Uk for my claim V The value thus tUd M liable to texlifu,f If th eieditis good ndw, Bloomy rears as to the futn.ro cnndltlou of the State,, be cause of the results of otuouoipatlnir or apprebonded ho. !ilu juoasurcs I' the majority of OuugiesM, o other slnil ruonJuctHies,arujiot sufffyinnl.tgi watranti aauU credit icing Hiiurueil a biagJvuul,. , M.f .iuj (i-iu'. i.i -t ii,:v.',' ' 'n).iu'ALaitftf." " ,j r--v "i 5. ThKsalsi'y'ora niiMfster fif g5isji'el'rlic'cJv)Ifor' lil mrnlMerial dudes I exempt, but if a oiinlHUr uncages In seeiilar business this salary is not exempt. ' , 1 7. The salary tax is only ou actual receipts iu mo'riey'or ttiotuiy' wuctU. I If 1,50U was proniliMd and only tJ(10 ro cuivrJ. in nioner Ar misisri'i worth, in tka ,voar unwediiiir 1st April. lftoO, (ho rvcipMit Ust uolhuig. Tim rcsiuiio U the salary, ffroeeiveil. wtU bo listed inlHflT. , , , mi i'i l"!"r.'!'t. , v.d Lj,j.. ' . t i : ,! i.ctitv.) 8. Income' derived from! property Invested In another State by a uilUvit vtlhi Mat umt be anted.. (See No. 8, No,43.Jta, !.., ..,n.i'r w-. n. rd o ir,4-:i . 1 ..(! ti i:l " v., ,HE0ULE'r;::::;u;:,,.l'''i::i;" .'!:.. - i ; t..; tti - imwua.: 1. j tlh . f '..':T 0. Tho Revenue act, in so fur as it is rotroihective; is not, ttuoousUtutional. It is not an 04 post We law j au u putt (miit beiug. ideilii4 to be a.putjrotautiv law of a criminal natlire.f , 1... , 1... h! ., . r. 10. Hav, 6, Ujltedule it, was hitesdsd to aply to those agents who make it a buninoMS (Hot oxelnsive, link in Uie nutnre oi a rsHular bgsuiess) to dsal lut broker, n A per son acting. uuwUtinuty for Uokor, or ansAing a eiagle purchase or insigiiiileaut iiumber of piircbasus, ta Jgno ranue of the law, tuiglit eonscientionsly decline to psy tho Ux...iM. misutm mi tmrntUsA. . 'i'lu csposition is per haps uiuro favorablo to the agent than tho word of tho law admit, but is bojieved to be tho spirit, i.in.n, t, 'v,?'.;, -fcy, I?.'u' -Si ' II. tfitilair jyw,' in; StiWU. HH Ueveauo Act, If A. sells J atunt umdianiHS to U and. B sells the same to O,. both L. and B. pay ton per cenb eu tho sales, and so. n, aeh siller piust ay to lw cent. . ., .!i'.' . .v --j .rt 1 1 .'' i rrraKBAitr boot hxm.wkM. '!." '-t r,ir"i 12. Person selling bonks, mans, Ac, as stents of.otli- ers, from county to county, do nut ray as jnoddlors, or nierciiauis, out ineir pronts, 11, e'jnai 1 td fOOp, jrnust bo listed as " lneo'tho, . v .. ; i , , ltCOLKUS, I ti .A ri-i i h "1 l;l. If a uierchaut opens a storo in a town, bona Jide In tendiug to adopt It a a permanent location, lie is tiot to be deemed as a peddler under proviso (2) sec. 27 of the Rev enue act. even if, from disappointment In his expectations, ho shortly removes his goods. It the niexctiant, fpens store with the intent to remove his goods, which Intent is carried into etlect when the first rush of bnsinsss is over, and when he thinks he can sell ninre prptltably else where, ho is doomed a poddlen The Sheriff must ttecido each ease Meordiaff to the facts': ' " - rt ' 1 ' , , . '., j , .'..... ...it-wiosri.,,,.,, ,. ,.,.,! .. 11. The land and other projierty of tlie Moravian olmcrii. rui.nl together witli the. profits thereof for the propagation of th gospel, are exempt from taxation. I ::. ,;i. .-. 1&. . Tuachers. of hchoujs and iniinarie must psT tax ou thW private , priprt! 'J'he l'rinoipui of an Academy liviiitf in liia ovm diveUuiu himsfl apart from. the. Anademy unsi pay .tax on his dweiling house, notwithstanding' hit has music scholars who Xfioite their lee sons therein.'- i STAMPS. ' 10. Sheriffs aiwnM bonnd' to ttsirip receipts given to taxpayers, because they are ollioial paiiers isNuodtii be half of the State. PoHTMAFfTUtS AMD CoKTEACTO in, i We isTtto nt- tcntion to tho subjoined Circular from Mr. Ia), Spocial Tobtal Agcut (or this State. .-... . The paiers 01 tlio mate wul confer a puulie lxti- efit by giving the Circular a place in their colyftnfk, wrw ma inrnrninrinn nr inn niuiiif' " - i- ' ! POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. V .i '! Omc Special Aoekt FO"'fTC,l Raleigh, April 2Sth, IbW. . li I woidd hereby givo notice to persons in all part of this State, who desire to avail themselves of every opportuni ty to aid in rc-etsablishing mail facilities throughout tlie State, Uia they would du ell to confcrwUh the members or tlie tttato tJouveuuwiL siioruy to 88DitU) w juvitugii, by whom ' they niay schif Uio names of persons to hd ap- foinio(i ronuttasterH ; aisa. proposals lor earrying' main, statements in regard to mail routes, 4o.,. Ac,;, . , .... (. All of which will receive prompt attention. Uc careful tossiid tlui name-UtJio peisou wlio.sitlnur onmwi vt fnU not take the oatli required by law. . Any jmsou over tho ae of !, who cAir'take the oath r&inircd 'by law. Any pison uvtr Uiu ago oX Ui, wliotas tk, the oatli, eaneai ly tho mail or be postmaster., .Any pintle lajy or widow can be jiostmiBtress. " ' "'' " . ' , ,,.,H A, JOftli, .SfltvH'lUittiU, iTjncld'Saiu Liut a' iieiyLb'or viiy yaa in the llab it Of working on' Kfiuday, but after a Mhilc be join ed tho Cliurcb.. Go Uhv bo ihii't 'tf inraistofto w boe Cburcb be Ix'loiit-d. . " Well, UncW Kilrf,,',WiTdlic',' '"do yon see any difference in Mr. P. eined be joined theCburcli ?" ,." (Jbf,yos,'..id Vucjo fcjtun, ..Ha.grea .tUfl'uis enoc. ...liefoie, wbeu Jie went uut to . mend Jiis fence on Sunday, he carried bis axe un bis ehonl-' aer, uuj now no carries it nuutr mo wnwi. t f. Go6b IrtB-tvn' boiiest tiindabV ' ti-aiiilliiig along a band-ear .containing" ki8 -valuables,' was aceottod with h .i. . 1 ' . Ji-.t t - ..if " Well, ratrick you are moving r-uin, I see.,' "Faith1, I anr," be replied ; " fer tile Linos are ao hard it's duld cheaper biring hand-cai ts tLud puying tronta.'';' ,-.t nl. t ,vt :- - MomlitTlias t:il;on a 1 i-h. ktan J.ird Aft X fcitywbero there Is a dauciug 'school con'J.u on very Btiict and puritanical principles " I'., ia advaace, and no Ruggin.'' 1 4 -