f YOL XY-KO. 184. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1866. WHOLE NUMBER 4.2S9. mm if J I II IV J I II II T H E DAILY JOPBS A L . KXGKLHARD at PRICK, Proprietor. Term mt Sabserlptloa i Daily Paper, on Tear, invariably in advance $10 00 " aU months. " " 5 00 " - three month, " 3 00 - on month, " " 1 00 Weekly Paper, one yew, " " 3 00 " six months, " ' " 00 All lfitfAm An hnkinona MnnntAi1 with lliia n fti i-n milut be addressed to the proprietor. ' Rate of AdvertUlag I AsTKBTiBEimrrs will be Inserted at the rate of II per square for the first insertion; $3.60 per week ; and Id per nionth. Ten line or leu are counted m a iquare. Longer Advertisement in proportion. Advertisement inserted every other day are charged a new at each and every insertion. No publication reflecting upon private character will be allowed in our column, either a advertisement or other wise. Air No publication made without a responsible name. Railroads. WILMINGTON & filAXCIIESTEK RAIL ROAD. Qes. Bupt. Ornci Wru & Maw. Rah, Road, t Welkwotoh.N. 0., AprU 13th, i8CG. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THE 16TH APRIL, THE FOL lowing Schedule will go into effect on lie VY. A M. B. R.: - , Leave Wilmington daily at 12.20 A. M. Arrive at Kingsvule " , . , .8.05 V. M. Leave Kingsville " 8.00 A.M. " Arrive at Wilmington " 10.00 P.M. Close connection made at Wilmington with the Wil mington A Weldon Railroad daily, also at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston. WM. MacUAE, Oen'l Snp't. April U' 161- WILMIXCTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD. Oftick Chiet EKonrnca and Supkbintewdeht, I WiurnoTON, April 14, 1800. f CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THE 15th INST., TRAINS WILL run over this road as follow : MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily at. .11 00 P. M. Arrive at Goldaboro' at 4 15 A. M. Arrive at Weldon at 10 00 A. M. Leave Weldon daily at 1 00 P. M. Arrive at Ooldaboro at 5 65 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at night 12 00M. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily except Sunday' at. ...6 A. M. Arrive at Goldiboro' at 180 P.M. - Arrive at Weldon at 8 45 P. M. Leave Weldon daily except Sunday at 6 A. M. Arrive atGoldsboro' at 12 47 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at 8 45 P. M. The Mail trains make close connections through to New York and Charleston by inland and Bay route ; also with Raleigh and Gaston train. Train leave Goldsboro' at 4 A. M. and 5 P. M., going "West, and 8 15 A. M. going East. Trains from the West arrive at GoUbiboro' at 12 40 A. M. and 7 45 A- K from we n.ast at a r. n. All dry goods and light groceries will be parried by these daily Froight trains,and close connection will be made with trains on the N. O. Railroad, daily except Sundays. Goods by steamer will be cent forward the day after they are received into the Warehouse. No extra xharge by this train, which we hope our patron, old as well as new, will notice. . ' . - i ?.--. We do not underbid our neighbor, but work as low as any. and will deliver as promptly as the best, and claims for loss or damage will be adjusted at once, if presented according to our rules. S. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. Paper printing Schedule, withdraw all other noUoee of trains, and insert this till forbid. " ibtieign. HansDury ana unanoiw paper copy one iuuuvu, and send bills. April 14. I860 1C9 WIL., CHARLOTTE & RUTHERFORD R. R. Officii Wiu, Char, & Ruth. R, R. Co., Laohihbubq, Not. 27th, 1865. J On and after Monday. 27th Inst, a Freight Train, with Faeeenger Coaches attached, will run as follow : 1 Up Train Wednesday and Saturday, Leave Wilmington at 8 o'clock, A. M., ArriVe at Sand mil at6j " P.M.. Leave Band Hill at 6J o'clock, A. M., Arrive at Wilmington at 6 o'clock. P. M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation. Freight intended for shipment by above trains must be delivered at this depot by 10 o'clock, A. M., Tnesdays and Friday. . I. T. ALDERMAN, Freight Agent. Nor. 27. 62-tf Miscellaneous. WANTED, A DISTILLER WHO CAN MAKE WHITE ROSIN. Apply to A. H. YANBOKKELEN. March 14. 141-tf SHIPPING ARTICLES AND FOREIGN OUTWARD MANIFESTS, For sale at the Exchange On . XTEW YORK AND 1 BALTIMORE 1 1 For sale in sums to suit, by ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, 11 North Water st April 19. : 172-lm Just Received. A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. For sale by MALLETT A HOFFMAN, ... No. 23 North Water St Miroh 29. . . , 154 tf Spirit Casks. SLEIGHT A PAULDING, new. Do. Second hand country. For sale by A. H. VakBOKKELEN. ' March 29. 151 Lumber. QRDEBS or export or local demand promptly filled MALLETT & HOFFMAN. No. 23, North Water Street March 1 - 67 tf. Storage. STORAGE FOR COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE OF any description, can be had in a fire proof, first class Warehouse. Insurance effected at the lowest rates. Apply to MALLETT & HOFFMAN, .23 North Water Street March 10 . 138-tf Corn. CCC BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN. For sale UUUU by S. W. VICE A CO., :' North Wterst April 29. .... I814t General Notices. NOTICE. MR. CHAS. HOFFMAN, OF BALTIMORE, IS THIS day associated with me in the General Forwarding and Commismon Business, under the style of MALLETT A HOFFMAN. Consignments of Merchandise and Produce, for sale or shipment, rcspectniDy solicited, PETER MALLETT. Wilmington, N. C, March 21st 1800. 147- CXDERTAKER'8 NOTICE. a HIE UNDERSIGNED RKKrECTFULLY lf-m form the citizen of Wilminirton and lioC i"" Dublio eenerallv. that he has ouened an eNtablisliment on the corner of Third and Prince streets for the purpose of curving on a ukjnkuaIj lautiiiAimu ana UAiii.'stx MAKING BUSINESS. He respoctfally soUciU a liberal share or tiie pubiio patronage. is. r. bwamm. Jan 18-04-tf NOTICE. B Y ARRANGEMENTS COMI'LETEP. WE ARE FOR WARDING FREIGHTS and MONIES to all war sta tions on the Wilmington A Weldon, and Uie Wilmington and juanencstvr liaiiroaua ty passenger tram auv. Ii a vinir crcatlv mlucod our rate on Freich's and Monies, shippers will And it creatlv to tlirir advantage to scud their Frioghts by BOUTflERNEXPREW4 at our pres ent reduced rates, which certainly oiler inducements to shippers in large or small quantities. For Rate and further particulars, applv at our office. JAMES MACOMBER, Agent. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 6, 1865. 83 tf NOTICE. ALL PERSONS are cautioned against trespassing upon anv of the Lands belonging to Henry N Howard,deo d., under the severest penalty of the lav wo law. WM. N. PEDEN, A. A. McKOY. Administrators. 83 tf Jan. 5. Notice. fTlHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BEEN APPOINTED X at the December Term, A. P., 18(i6, of the Court of l'leas ana Quarter Hessiona lor wow lianovor county, as Administrator and Administratrix with the will annexod, upon the estate of James Fulton, doceasod. hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment ; and all thoe having claims against said estate to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. WM. A. BERRY, Adm'r., O. A. FULTON, Adm'x., Dec. 20 70-tf with the Will annexed. Miscellaneous. WILDER'S PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, WITn WILDER 8 PATENT POWDER AND BURGLAR-PROOF LOCKS. B. O. WILDBR A CO., PATENTEES AND MAHUFAOTUKEE8 OF THE BEST FIRE-PROOF SAFE IN THE WORLD II JEWELERS' and. BARKERS SAFES mad t Order, Lined with Ilard.ncd Steel, HOUSE AND PLATE SAFES. TO THIS CELEBRATED SAFE was awarded the GOLD MEDAL, at the World's Fair in London, in 1851. Notice. This celebrated Fire-Proof Safe is no longer made and sold by Silas O. Hibjumo, his license to make and sell them having expired. The thousand of Certificates from Merchant, Banker and Mechanic of all trades, that have been given in favor of this the ohm not SALAMANDER,'' renders it use less for th subscriber to multiply word In Its favor, as full thirty thousand of WILDERS' PATENT 8 ALA MANDER SAFES," have been manufactured and sold in the United State ; and, in almost every large lire that hi. taken place during the last seventeon year, these Safe have been subjected to the bkvibxst tbsts, and not ont of lit " Genuine Salamander "hat ever been de$troyed. Safe cold at New York price, with the freight to Wil mington added. No commission charged in Wilmington. We are prepared to take orders for these celebrated Safe. Sample can be seen at our office in a few day. Every Merchant should have on of these cheap and se cure Safes. ANDREWS k BAKDIN, Commission Merchants, . General Agent for North Carolina Office, No 6 South Water Street (Up Stair), Wilming. ton, N. C. Raleigh Sentinel copy; Nov. 80. 65-U Storage and Wharfage. I AM PREPARED to receive Cotton, Naval Store, Mer chandise, Ac. on storage, at my wharves, between Chesnut and Mulberry streets, also at wharves near Union Distillery : ail undei watchmen. A. H. VakBOEKELEN. Feb. 24. 126 Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Company. HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS OF THIS Company, we are prepared to take FIRE risks on moderate term. WALLACE 4 BOUTHEBLAND, Agt's. No. 24, North-Water St Wilmington, N. C, Oct 19, 1865. 19 tf Tery Desirable Wharf Property. I OFFER FOB SALE MY TWO WHARF LOTS, NEXT North of the depot of the Wilmington k Weldon Rai road. 132 feet front, and extending back to Nutt StroeU. The location of this property insures a progressive appre ciation in value. O. O. PARSLEY. March 14 141-tf Safes Safes. THOSE SPLENDID SALAMANDER SAFE8 have ar rived. CaU and buy one at New York cost ANDREWS & BARDIN, Commission Mercanls. March 25. 151-tf OLDEST HOUSE IN THE STATE. ATTENTION Til ADR - f Q-A BOOTS, SHOES AMD LEATHER. THE LAGEST AND BEST AS SORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, IN THE STATE. ALL BOUGHT SINCE GREAT FALL IN PRICES. Great Inducements to Country Merchants. DEALING in 8HOES ONLY, AND BUYING DIRECT from the Manufacturer, we can offer Goods as low as they can be purchased in NEW YORK. Our Wholesalo Department embraces every style and variety of MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S WEAR. I? rivers are cordially invited to examine our 8TOCK and PRICES, and we will guarantee them perfect satisfaction. Retail buyers will hnd it to their advantage to price our goods, a we can give them a better SHOE at a less price than they can buy them in THE CITY OR STATE. Call and satisfy yourselves. Order carefully and promptly filled. GEO. R. FRENCH k SON, No. 11 Market Street, : Wilmington, N. C Apr 26 ' ' 178 3m To Turpentine Distillers. FOR SALE. No. 40 Strainer Wire ; No. . 60 Strainer Wire ; No. 80 Strainer Wire : No. 90 'Strainer 'Wire. MUBRAX & MURCHISON. April 29 . Xtfl-Iw Mercantile. PANIC I N NEW YORK! GOODS BOLD AT E.ES9 THAU PRICK OK IMPORTATION I -yy"E ARE OPENING NOW A LARGE A8S0UTMENT SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which, on account of th heavy importations, were bought at lee than cost, and which we offer at a very small ad vance. Our stock consist of . SILKS, GRENADINES, LAWNS, ORGANDIES, FRENO . CAMBRICS, BAREGES, CH ALLIES. MOZAMBI QUE8, DELAINES, rorUNS, 1IEUNANL LO RILLA, AND OTHER PLAIDS, BRILLIANTS, BOMU.YZINES, ALPACAS, CREPES, WHITE GOODS EVERY VARIETY, PRINTS, DOMESTICS, HOUSE FURNISHING O00D8, PARASOLS, HEAD. DRESSES, EMBROI DERIES. PARIS STYLES MANTILLAS, CLOAKS, GRENADINE AND LACE SHAWLS, n08IERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND NOTIONS. ' BOOT8 AND SHOES, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, To our wholesale customer, we offer Inducement un surpassed by any house this ide of New York. M. M. KATZ &. CO., J 23 Market Street April 2 158- MILLINERY. , "Yp'E nAVE OPENED OUR NEW MILLINERY ROOMS, and have on hand th latest style : BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, ' FLOWERS, FLUMES, SLLKS, ! CREGES, ORNAMENTS, All order fiuished with despatch. CaU and see, and you'U urely leav jour orders, M. M. KATZ k CO., 23 Market Street l.Vi April S 5 Tierces Prime Lard. -f C BBL8. PRIME LARD, WJ 10 firkin Prims Lard. Expected daily, and for sale by A. H. VANBOKKELEN. JamlCth , M-tf " Job Work fV EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE J very beat atyle, at the Feb. 9 JOURNAL OFFICE. Tobacco. A BLENDE) LOT OF FINE CHEWING TOBACCO, received to-day. Also some very common. ANDREWS k BARDIN, Commission Merchant. March 25. " 151-tf Spun Cotton. JUST FROM FACTORY, for sale. ANDREWS k BARDIN, 1 Commission Merchants. March 23. 151 tf MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP I BY SAVING AND USING YOUR WASTE GREASE. BUY OlfK BOX OF THE Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company's SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE. It will make 10 POUNDS of excellent Hard Soap, or 25 GALLONS of the very boat Soft Soap, for only about 5 CENTS. Direction on each box. For sale at all Drug and Grocery store, and in lot at Wholesale by WM. M. ELLIOOTT k SON8, No. 8 Spear' Wharf, Baltimore, Md. Fob. 20. 127-8m Election. milERE WILL BE AN ELECTION nELD AT THE I n. ...... Ti..nu. i.. u!i,i..t. A i.t ir. ..r may, lor the purpose of electing live free llolder to serve a Commissioner or navigation and I'tiotare. SAMUEL a BUNTING, Sheriff. AprU 21 174-tde DiHpaU-b copy. ' Strayed or Stolen. ALIGHT RED COW AND HEIFER YEAR LING, Tho Cow ha a white spot on the nose. Tho Yearling has no horn, and i about livears old. Said Cow was purchased from Jones, Een.. of Long Creek, in 1804. A suitable rewai d will be paid for the delivery of the Cow and Yearling, or for information leading to weir recovery. C. A. FULTON. Wilmington, N. C, April 28. W. B. WILLIAMS. A. eoUTHBLAI. In Store and now Landing, SUGAR, COFFEE, HYRUP. MOLASSES, FLOUR, BICE, Cheese, Butter, Pork. Mackerel, Codfish. Crackers. Soap, Candles, Starch, Hutla, Rabbet's Yeast Powder, and Concentrated Potash, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Green and Black Teas, PirUc, pure Cidor Vinegar, Copperas, Tobacco, Snuff, Matches, Pens, Ink, Paper and Envelope, Wood and Willow Ware, Brandy, Wine and Whisky, in cases, Whisky in barrels, Champaigns Cider in barrel. Shot Powder, Nails, Ac. which we offer at reduced price, at wholesale and retail, for cash or prod nee only. . W. H. WILLIAMS k CO., 40 North Water Street April 21 174-lBi Turpentine Tools AH Kinds. FOR SALE. Truss Hoops, Hacker, best make, Howeiiing Knives, Rivet Sett, Rivet Punches, Coop era' Adzes, etc., etc MURRAY k MURCHISON. AprU 29 ; 181-lw Fresh Stone Lime, Lc, OAA BBLS. FRESH STONE LIME, OUU W bbl. Plaster. '25 bbl. Cement 200 bushels Hair.- . Forsaleby WOBXH CAHEL, Mayl-l&Mt . , , . John I). For Sale and Rent. FOR SALE! A Valuable and Desirable Dwelling. E OFFER FOR BALE, a valuable and desirable DWELLING HOUSE, situated upon Third, between Ctlo and Church Street", and running through to Fourth Ktreet. Lot (Mi x U.X) feet, and well known as ilia RI8LKY PROPERTY. We will take pleasure in showing tho premin to any otio desirous of pmvtianing. , CRONLY A MORRIS, llroWcr A Auctioneer. Aprils , . ; l(i0-tf For Sale. 1 OFFER THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FOR ffcS, . sale, at fair lnw : My fuelling Jlou.u, sit- I 'nil iikUhI on corner of Fourth ami Chestnut trvel,witliLullL Hoitwhohl and Kitchen Furniture. My mimnier residence on Middle Sound, about six nnlcs from tho clt v. Also, that vaiuablo Plantation, known a ' Rullevillo," situated on Ilia Went side of linmnwiok River. Alno, uiy IfomitH. CnnmrA. Hutirv. Tlftrncmies. An.. .Ve. 1 will alno rent until the Ut October tifxt, the Store which I uow occupy, and uiy Naval Store Whajf and Shed on South Water street For tciini and psrticulnri, imiuru of M. MclNNIH, No, 111 Nortli Water Street, Wilmington, N. V. April 1( lill-lni OFFERED BY JINKS & BROWN. VERY VALUABU! PLANTATION. MUTATED at tho continence of Black River and the N. W. Cape A Feat ar liiver. containing 2"i"l Acres; 2X) Aorcs clirnd and cultivated, of which fto ars first rate botUnn land, heavily timWed with Pine, White Oak. Maplo. Cypress, Hickory, Reeds, Shingle and Stave TiniWr, all acccMsible to the river. Tbnru being 14 miles water front on tho rivors and large creeks, and 14 feet water on river front ' There is uo bettor stock range on the river. Almost daily communication by atoamer with Wilming ton. Term easy. Mar. 2 131-tf LAND AGENCY. Jams A Brown, Surveyors ant Ileal Estate Agl., NEXT WEST JOURNAL BUILDINGS, OFFER for sale that desirable residenco fronting f" on 2d street block 1U7, 41 feet, running back 1 14 1 -1!) fuet within three miuutee' walk of the market .Li t, house. It ha all necessajy iiiiproveinanta. This is a do- Nil able and valuable piece of property, and will be sold low. Th premise now pay a rent of live hundred dollar. m goiu. f or runner particulars, apply as auov. ITurt 11.. ..I-. ...... IL'll... I. wl,.,. In.,, .-It;1 ton," on the north-east branch of the Capo Fear, lust outside tho eity limit, containing one hundred and ten acre. The above property is so well known here that a more roil aeaonpuou i deemed unnecessary, reraou wiauing to purchase would do well to examine the promise. No property in tills vicinity possesses equal racililies lor nil provementa of every description. ALSO. ,0O0 ACRES OF LAND IN OREEN SWAMP, well timbered with pine and cypress. This last was sold a few years since for H,000. . Fob 2a. ' , 125 tf For Sale by James & Brown, A FINE VACANT LOT ON GOVERNMENT STREET, Pensacola, Florida, 80 feet by 1IHI, about 150 yards, (one block,) from the Postoflloe and Custom Uouso, ad mirably located for the dry good or drug business, or for oflicna. Wilmington, N. C, April C, 1800. 100 Wanted to Rent,- ' " w Jrinh-a A HRUWH. Ileal KV Agrat. A COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE, CONTAIN JA. ING Five or Six Rooms, not more than throe or four block from Market Street FOR RENT, On VERY MODERATE TERMS, the liest unoccupied Steam Saw Mill in the Cape Fear District. Arpil 1 157-tf FOR RENT. rriHE HAW HILL PLANTATION, situated on Town L Creek, Brunswick county, N. C, Is offered for rent until the first day of January, 1H67. There is 100 acre oi cleared RICE LAND, and about the same quantity o; cleared UPLAND, on this tract, with the nocetsary house Ac ALSO, a umall place, known a a HUMMER RESIDENCE, lu tin pine woods, about nve mile from the above, will be rent ed for the aame longth of time. The above property belong to the Estate of Hoiiry N. Howard, decerned For term, Ac, apply to WM. N. PEDEN, A. A. McKOY, Administrator. Jan. 5. " tia-tf TO LEASE A SMALL LOT. WITH UNFINISHED WALLS which can be made suitable by the expenditure of a hula money, for a retail store or ware-rooui. Said lot i situated on Chestnut street, between Front and Water. Apply to , vv' DR. 3. F. McBEE, Ja. Oct 19. l-tf U A. HABT, OH! C. BAILCT WILBnXCTON IRON AND COPPER WORKS. HART k BAILEY, Tiwpiuetoi, No. 17, Front Street bolow Market, Wilmington, N. C. HAVING RESUMED OPERATIONS, we are now pro pared to furnish lirasa and Iron Casting, fiuished and uiifiiii.heil. New Machinery made and put up. Old Machinery overhauled. AH kinds of Patterns, Ornamental slid Agricultural. Will supply Drafts of all king of Machiaory and Mill work genarally. TURPENTINE AND WHISKY STILLS, AKL ' COPPER WORK in all it branches. A full snpplr of Belting, Packing, IIote, Steam and Water 1'ipe ana rimngs. Machine Bolts, Nuts and Rivets, and all other articles generally found in a Machine Supply Store. Also a Urge lot of (Vuciblcs, from No. 3.r to 100, and warranted good will dispose of them below Manufactur ers' prices. March 29. 154 tf , Storage at Reduced Rates. UjIXLETT'I YARD, W. t If. R. R. DEPOT.' HAVT50 AMPLE SHED ACCOMMODATION, Watch man, good Wharf, and every facility for business, Consignee will find it to their interest and convenience to patronise this Yard. Lieut T. C. James will give hi prompt and personal attention to storage. Order for th Yard left at this office, will Lave prompt attention. Ffurwerpartkrularat & jqyymJlS, , No. 23 North Water Street March 1 130-tf " Carte Blanche " Champagne. rpUIE UNDERSIGNED ARE AGENTS for THE SALE. X in North Carolina, of the above WISE, manufactured by Theophile Boederor A Co., of Rheima, France. We have r eceived 50 dozen in quart and pints, just imported, and can recommend it with confluence a genuine and of very superior quality. rot aie at very moderate prices, oy OSSET A CO.. N.O, 6 Kortll Water St, up tair April H lUr-iiiMiiU-iBi THE DAILY JOURNAL. WILMINGTON, M. C, MAY , ISfiO. From the Richmond Examiner.1 Holly wol Crroctrrr Our Oea4 Il.rera A Duly W Owe. Any ono who v,lkn new the hallowetTgrouinl Hlloltcd to our Coufetlerafo dead will fori tho pa thoN ntid Hotil Kiibdiiuig eloquence that RjH.'uk In xilcnrt', thu drcHrinewi, Uie docoy and neglect tliot lmvo Koized tlto facred loculiticn for their own, and n ro fimt bearing tliom to a melancholy oblivion. Tin iIucch Unit knew thorn will know them no more forever, nnl!s afloction asHtimes Uie graciou iillleo of conncn-aUir of Uie touching rnetnoriala of (he putrioU who exhausted thenjnclve in Uie Com mon ofVort, and at Unt folL far from homo and kiudml, Pa unworthy scpulohrea, - .When on thiukH of tha triulti of thco gallant men how they underwent all privation uud ufTerinp:, and how at length thiy darod and accepted death it in a moatalYouting HpccUcie to look uion Uie sank en tombM, tlto rotting headboards, that will soon eeoKo to individualize their name, Uieir doeda and ehiiriictors, and will huivo thewe heroes of a good tight and tin iudineriniinate and pitiless forgetful neHa. It in not to be supposed that any of them were alone in this world, wiUi none to think of them or care for them. Tho father had all the conmx'tiouH of a family to mourn his untimely fate; the husband lies far from the wife that would have died for him ; the mm ha left a mother that weepa for him and will not be comforted; and tho brother had gentle sinter whose soft fingers would have smoothed tho contracted brow that warmed with a thought of homo, and then grew cold for ever. But solitary let him bo, without kith or kin ; " " His I hi country's now and fame's; One of the few Immortal names That were not born to diet" III Hollywood Cemetery twenty thousand bodies of tho dear and devoted crumble to undistinguish ed dtiHt ; while near by the Federal dead are re membered and cared for by national respect or privutu love. O countrymen I O countrywomen ! what a mortifying contrast I Wo are poor in pnrso ; the whole oountry is in indigent circum stances, but our poverty of heart is beyond all es timate if we are not ready to do our duty to the mouldering remains of our martyred patriots. It is not alone in Hollywood that our dead lie un cherished and unregarded. Thousands lie in Oak wood and other cemeteries subject to the remorse less touch of Time's effacing lingers. Is there no kindly memory of these men ? Will the people of the eity of Richmond lot thosn who died in her defense pass from remembrance, like the beasts of the field that perish and are uo moro ? Novor I If the heart of man can forget, the heart of wo man is incapable of ingratitude. We know that wo have only to point Uie ladles to the scenes that ask their care to insuro their ceaseless exertions in , a noble enterprise. We pro pose that they immediately organize into a society, or into several oo-ojierative societies, whoso ob ject wliall be Uio preservaUon of every exifittng memorial of tho lamented brave, Uie faithful who fell at their posts, and were hurried into shallow and ill-kept graves. Many of the tombs are with out a mark to tell of those whom they inclose, but others have names and descriptions that should stand for the guidance of the search that affec tion will institute, when prosperity has restored the now lacking means. Let all the heaps bo rounded and turfed, and where the name cannot bo recovered, lot a neat and simple board evi dence that "A lloro" lies there unknown, but still mourned and honored none Uie less. It is a small tribute to thoao who risked all and lost all in tho common cause. If we are impoverished, tho mites that we are able to contribute will effect tho purpose that all should bo eager to aid. When wealth has been regained, we will construct mon uments worUiy of us and of Uioso whoso memory we seek to perpetiuvto.' Wo trust Umt the ludies will soon havo commit tees traversing the length and breadth of tho city, soliciting subscriptions to this cause. We know that no Houthcrn men or women will withhold their money in so holy an undertaking, and when na DAa wltiif m'ft V tva 1 man AntiAirinia1 4 1 -.rYm-i w v i waaaaw w j wuf w iiaia pmmlil'kisa M S vuil parts of the South, by similar movements, our ef forts should be stimulated and quickened by a vir tuous emulation. Winchester and Htaunton have already done much, and Gordonsville, (environed by the glorious dead) has begun the laudable work. Kichruond should bo no laggard in this. On every field of strife her sons have fallen, and she should treat those who lie near with a mater nal tenderness. , i ,, " Their bodies are dust ; Their good sworrls are runt ; And their souls are with tho saint, we trust 1" The Internal Itevraae BUI. Itof erring to Uie bill lately reported by Uie Com mittee of Ways and Moans, the National Intelli gencer soys : It reduces uie aggregate oi me amount oi taxa tion, in comparison with Uie existing act. by Uie sum of sixty or seventy millions, or about ono- n i t.n. it reneveB many arocies oi crime noocaaiiv. or which aro of universal consumption, from any tax at all. Taxes are increased upon some pro ducts. Cotton is to be taxed five cents a pound. instead of two. Cotton goods are to be entitled to a drawback, when exported, equal to the taxes paid on the finished goods and upon tho raw ma terial. As to the tax upon tho raw cotton pro duced in the coontryit is Uie general belief of Congress and of our financial men that under the present state oi things, the tax will lull cniellv on the consumer that is, upon the foreign and do mestic manufacturers and that Uie producer will not derive any less profit from his product by rea son of the tax. There may be doubt as to this, for the Southern States need all Uie encourage ment which high prices will afford them, in their attempt to resuscitate the culture of cotton. The drawback allowed on cotton fabrics export ed will encourage Uie domestic manufacturer to look for a foreign market, lie may look in vain, however, until the currency comes down to the same standard which other nations have estab lished. The exemption of many raw materials used i.. manufactures from taxation is a leading feature cf Uie bill. This will tend to diminish the cost of manufactured goods to consumers. ." Sir, you have broken the promise," said one gentleman to another. " Oh, never mind ; I can make another just ex- acUyas good." . k Model Officer. The postmaster at Colum bus, Ohio, anxious to keep out of 'party Btrife, de clares that he has been too busy to read either cf Uie Presidential vetoes, and therefore can express no opinion upon them. Discreet c''vrr! lie knows that in wis case "ignorance is LL s. " Another New State Talked About. A "rr it Convention " is to be held in Knoxville, Tt-n., on Uie 3d of May,- for V e purpose of in a - .t- ina a movement for the f: lusLca clECT ' tafcwCaBelL'i.Xeii: . .