r 7f If r VOL. XV-M 185. WILMINGTON, N. C, FR IDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1866. WnOLE NUMBER 4,230. CT ii. mm II T U E DAILY JOUBN A L KTVGKIJIARD A PRICK, Proprietor. Twm of Iwbaerlptloa I Daily Paper, one year, invariably In advance. . . " six month. " " " three month, " " one month, " " Weekly Paper, one year. " " six month, " " . . . . .110 00 ..6 00 .. 8 00 .. 1 00 .. S 00 .. 2 00 All letters on business connected with thi office mast be addressed to the proprietor. Rate of Advcrtlalag t Advxrtismmt will be Inserted at the rate of tl por qnare for the first insertion; $3.60 per week ; aud W per month. Ten line or lee are counted a a square. Longor Advertisement in proportion. . . . Advertisement inserted every other day are charged as new at each and every insertion. No publication reflecting upon private character will be allowed in oar columns, either as advertisements or other wise. - tar No publication made without a responsible name. Railroads. WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. Gejt. Purr. Ones 1 a Wru k Max. Rail Road, a N. C, April 13th, 1800. J WUJOSQTOJI. CILAXGK OV 8CHKDVUB. ' '. (& AND AFTER THE 1GTH APBIL, THE FOL- y lowing Bcaeauie wwgouito encci on mo . ju. n. it.; Leave Wilmington dally at".' .''..' 12.20 A. M. Arrive at Kingsville " . ....8.08P.M. Leave KingsvLle " 8.00 A.M. Arrive at Wilmimrton " 10.00 P.M. Close connections made at Wilmington with the Wil mington k Weldon Itailroad daily, also at Florence with the North Eastern liauroad lor Charleston, r WM. MacRAE, Gon'lSup't. April 14 ' , . NJS WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD. Omcc Chixt EKonncEB akd Bcpekixtehdext, I Wiuuxotov, April 14,1800. f CHANGE 07 SCHEDULE. o N AND AFTEB THE 15tk INST., TRAINS WILL run over uus roaa as rouows : MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily at Arrive at Ooldsboro' at Arrive at Weldon at Leave Weldon daily at ....1100 P.M. ,...4 15 A. M. ..j. 10 00 A. M. .... 100P. M. K KK T f Arrive at uoidsboro' at. . . . IMS A . ill Arrive at Wilmington at night. .12 00M. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily except Sundays' at. ...6 A. M. Arrive at Goldsboro' at ; 1 80 P. M. - Arrive at Weldon at 8 45 P. M. Leave Weldon daily except Sundays at 6 A.M. Arrive at Ooldsboro at , 12 47 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at ...,8 45 P.M. The Mail trains make close connections through to New York and Charleston by inland and Bay routes ; also with Raleigh and Gaston trains. Trains leave Goldsboro at 4 A. M. and S P. M., going Went, and 8 15 A. M. going East. Trains from the West arrive at Goldnboro' at 12 40 A. M. and 7 45 A Mm from ik v.fi.ifciaaii M. . . ., ... - 4 All dry goods and light groceries will be carried by these daily rreignt trams, ami close connections win do niauo with trains on the N. C. Railroad, daily except Sundays. Goods by steamers will be sent forward the day after they are received into the Warehouse. No extra charge by this tram, which we hope our patrons, old as well as new, will notioe. We do not underbid our neighbors, but work as low as any. and will deliver as promptly as the best, and claims for loss or damage will be adjusted at once, if presented aooording to our rules. , , . . 8. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. Papers printing Schedule, withdraw all other notices of trains, ana insert uus uu lorma. Raleigh. Salisbury and Charlotte paper oopy one month, and snd bills. April 14, 1860 169 WIL., CHARLOTTE & RUTHERFORD R. R. Omai Wru, Ckas. k Ruts. R. R. Co., ! Lauuxbubo, Not. 27th, 1365. i On and after Monday, 37th Inst, a Freight Train, with Passenger Ce aches attached, will run as follows : Up Train Wednesday and Saturday, Leave Wilmington at 8 o'clock, A. M., . Arrive at Sand Hills at 6 " P.M. Down Train Monday and 77iurday, Leave Sand Hills at 6) o'clock, A. M., Arrive at Wilmington at 6 o'clock. P. M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation. Freight intended for shipment by above trains must be delivered at this depot by 10 o'clock, A. M., Tnesdays and Pit As JUt 'Wjn L T. ALDERMAN. Fridays. Not. 27. Freight Agsht. Miscellaneous. WANTED, A DI8TTLLER WHO CAN MAKE WHITE ROSIN, Apply to A. H. VANBOKEELEN. March 1. 141-tf SHIPPING ARTICLES ASD FORK1US OUTWARD MANIFESTS, For sale at the Feb. 14, 1866 JOURNAL OFFICE. Exchange On "XTEWYOBKAND JM BALTIMORE 1 ! For sale in sums to suit, by ATKIN80N & 8HEPPERSON, . 11 North Water st. April 19. 172-lm Just Receired. . A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. . ; For sale by MALLETT & HOFFMAN, ' No. 23 North Water St, March f. 154-tf Spirit CAsks S LEIQHT k PAULDING, new. Do. Second hand country. Foraaleby A. H. VahBOKXELEN. 154 March 39. Lumber. yXRQERS or export or local demand promptly filled tj MALLETT k HOFFMAN, No. 23, North Water Street. March 1 67 tt v Storage. .. ., CJTORAGE FOR COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE OF Q any description, can be bad in a fire proof, first class Warehouse. Insurance effected at the lowest rates. Apply to MALLETT k HOFFMAN, ' 23 North Water Btrt. March 10 138-tf Jnst Receired. - 4 n AssoBTsrrvr of obeb a kettlewell'S i. MANIPULATED GUANOS and FEBTIL1ZEBS. For sale by MALLETT k HOFFMAN", No. 23 Kortb. Wr St Mr?S2?. 153-tf General Notices. NOTICE. MR. CHAS. nOFFMAN, OF BALTIMORE, IS THIS day aHsociatod with me in the General Forwarding aud CommiAHion Buuiness, under the strlo of MALLETT k HOFFMAN. Consignments of Mcrcliandigo and Produce, fur sale or shipment, respectfully solicited. TETER MALLETT. Wilmington, N. C, March 21st, 1BG6. 147 UNDERTAKER'S NOTICE. fTHE UNDF.USIGNED RESFECl'FULLY IN-;-J. forms the citizens of Wilmington and tlioLi ''" imblie generallr, that he has opened an eHtabliHhment on the comer of Third and PrinceHH etreets for the pnrpone of carry ing on A GENERAL UNDERTAKING and CABINET MAKLNO BUSINESS. Ho respect fully solicits a liK-ral share of the public patronage. B. F. SWANN. Janl8-84-tf NOTICE. BY ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED, WE ARE FOR WARDING FREIGHTS and MONIES to all way ta tions on the Wilmington A Wcldou, aud the Wilmington and Manchester Railroads by passe nger trains daily. Having greatly reduced our rates on Freights ami Monies, shippers will find It greatly to their advaiitago to send their Frieghtu by SOUTHERN EXI'REUM at our pres ent reduced rates, which certainly oiler inducements to shippers in large or small quantities. i or Rates and further particulars, apply at our office. , , JAJIrJJ SiAUUaUtl!.ll, Agent. 88 tf Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 5, 1H65. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS are cautioned against trespassing upon any of the Lands belonging to Henry N Howard, deo'd., under the severest penalty of t ho law. , WM. N. PEDEN, A. A. MOA.OK. J . , Administrators. Jan. 5. ...... 88 tf Notice. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BEEN APPOINTED at the Deccmbor Term, A. I)., 18(15, of the Court of 1'ieas ana (Quarter hussious ror eiew Hanover county, as Administrator and Administratrix with tho will annexed, upon the estate of James Fulton, duoeased, horeby give notice to all persons indebtod to said estate to make im mediate payment ; and all thowe having claims against aaiu estate to present mom wit) an uio time prescribed ty law, or una nouue wui ue pieaa in bar or ineir recovery. WM. A. BERRY, Adm'r., 0. A. FULTON. Adm'x., Dec 20 70-tf with the Will annexed. Miscellaneous. WILDER'S PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, WITH WILDER 8 PA TENT rOWDER AND BUR- QLAR-PUOOF LOCKS. '' B. O. WILDER it CO., rATENTKKS AND KANUFACTl'IUUWI OV THE BEST FIRE-rRpOF SAFE IN THE WORLD 1 1 JEWELERS' and DAN KK II 8' BAKES uttda to Order, Llued with Hardened Steil. HOUSE AND TLATE SAFES. mo THIS CELEBRATED SAFE was awarded the GOLD M LP ATi. at the World's Fair in London, in 1851. Notice. This celebrated Fire-Proof Safe is no longer made and sold by Silas C. Hcnnixo, his license to make and sell them having expired. The thousands of Cortihcstes from Merchants, Bankers and Mechanics of all trades, that have been given in favor of this tho on.il uus 6AlXS.AAlil.il. renuers it use less for the subscribers to multiply words in its favor, as tin thirty thousand of " WILDERS' PATENT SALA MANDER SAFES, have been manufactured and sold in the United States ; and, In almost every large fire that ha. taken place during the last seventeen years, these Safe have been subjected to the sevkbkst tests, and not oru of me " uenum baiamanaeri - nai ever oeen aettroyea. Safes sold at New York price, with the freight to Wil mington added. No commission charged in Wilmington. We are prepared to take order for these celebrated Safe. Samples can be seen at our office in a few days. Every Merchant should have one of these cheap and se cure Bares. ANDREWS k BARDIN, Commission Merchants, General Aeents for North Carolina Office, No 5 South Water Street (Up Stairs), Wilming ton, n. u. Raleigh Sentinel oopy. Not. 80. 5S tf Storage and Wharfage. T"AM PREPARED to receive Cotton. Naval Stores. Mer 1 chsndise, Ac, on storage, at my wharves, between Chesnnt and Mulberry streets, also at wharves near Union Distillery ; all unuet watchmen. A. 11. VAMiiUK.ltEL.KM. Feb. 24. ISO- Greensboro Mutual Insurance Company. HAVING BEEN AJTOINTED AGENTS OF THIS Company, we are prepared to take FIRE RISKS on moderate terms. WALLACE k SOUTHERLAND. Agf. No. 24, North-Water St. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 19, 1805. 19 tf Very Desirable Wharf Property. T OFFER FOR BALE MY TWO WHARF LOTS, NEXT L North of the depot of the Wilmington k Weldon Rai road. lSi feet rront, and extending hack to Nutt HtreotL The location of this property insures a progressive appre ciation in value. O. O. PARSLEY. March 14 . 141-tf Safes Safes. THOSE SPLENDDD SALAMANDER SAFES have ar rived. . Call and buy one at New York cost. ANDREWS k BARDIN, ' ' Commission Mercauts. March 25. 151 tf OLDEST HOUSE IN THE STATE. ATTENTION TRADE. BOOTS, SHOES LEATHER. THE LAG EST AND BEST AS SORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, IN THE STATE. ALL BOUGHT SINCE GREAT FALL IN TRICES. Great Inducements to Couutry merchants. DEALING in SHOES ONLY, AND BUYING DIRECT from the Manufacturer, we ran offer Goods as low as they can be purchased in NEW YORK. Our Wholesale Department embraces every style and variety of MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CUILDliEN'S WEAR. 1 Buvers are cordially invited to examine onr STOCK and rRICES. andVe will uuarauto them perfect satisfaction. Retail buyers will find it to their advantage to price oar goods, as we can give them a better HJiOE at a les price than they can buy thciu in . . . ' t . THE CITY OK STATE. . Call and satisfy yourselves. ! Orders carefully and promptly filled. GEO. R- FRENCH k SON. ' No, 11 Market Street, ' " Wilmington, N. C. , Apr 26 178An- To Turpentine Distillers. TOB SAUU-No. 40 Strainer Wire ; No. 60 Strainer X1 Wire ; No. 80 Strainer Wire : M.tOTm.i MURRAY k MURCHISON. April 29 Mercantile. PANIC IN NEW YORK! GOODS SOLD AT LKSS THAN PRICE OF IMPORTATION I w E ARE OPENING NOW A LARGE ASSORTMENT of SPRINQ AND SUMMER GOODS, which, on account of the heavy importations, wore bought at less than cost, and which we offer at a very small ad vance. Our stock consist of SILKS, GRENADINES, LAWNS, ORGANDIES, FRENC CAMBRICS, BAREGES, CUALLIES, MOZAMBI QUE 8, DELAINES, POrLINS, HERNANI. LO R1LLA, AND OTHER PLAIDS, BRDLLIANTS, BOMBAZINES, ALPACAS, CREPES, ' WHITE GOODS EVERY VARIETY, PRINTS, DOMESTICS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ..PARASOLS, HEAD DRESSES, EMBROI- DERIES. PAIUI STYLKK MANTILLAS, CLOAKS, GRENADINE AND LACE SHAWLS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND NOTIONS. BOOTS AND SHOES, J CLOTHINO AND FURNISHINO GOODS, To our wholesulo customers, w offer ludtiucmoiiU un surpassed by any house this side Of Now York. M. M. KATZ & CO., 23 Market Street. April 2 13H- MILLINERY. yyE UAYE OPENED OUR NEW MILLINERY ROOMS, and have on hand the latest styles : J . BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, rLUMES, SILKS, CREOES, ORNAMENTS, All orders finished with despatch. Call and see, and M. M. KATZ A CO., 23 Market Stroot. 1M April 9 S Tierces Prime Lard. 1 f BBLB. PRIME LARD, J.U 10 hrkins Prime Lard. Expected daily, and for sale by A. H. VANBOKKELEN. Jan. ICth Wi-tf Job Work o F EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE very best style, at the Feb. 9 JOURNAL OFFICE. Tobacco. A S LEND ID LOT OF FINE CHEWINO TOBACCO, :. received to-day. Also some very common. ANDREWS k BARDIN, Commission Merchants. March 25. 151 tf Spun Cotton. JUST FROM FACTORY, for sale. ANDREWS k BARDIN, Commission Merchants. March 25. , 161 tF MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP ! BY SAVING AND USING YOUR WASTE GREASE. BUY ONE BOX OF TUB Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company's SAPONIFIEK, OR CONCENTRATED LIE. It will maks 10 POUND8 of excellent Hard Soap, or 25 GALLONS of the very best Soft Soap, fur only about S5 CENTS. Direction on each box. For sale at all Drug and Grocery store, and in lot at Wholesale by WM. M. ELLIOOTT k SONS, No. 8 Spear' Wharf. Baltimore, ltd. Feb. 2C 127-3m Election. fTUIERE WILL BE AN ELECTION HELD AT THE 1 Court House In Wilmington, on the 1st Monday of Mav, fur the purpose of electing five Free Holders to serve as Commissioners of Navigation and IiIotage. SAMUEL R. BUNTING, Sheriff. A(.rU21 . 174-tde Dispatch copy. ' Strayed or Stolen. ALIGHT RED COW AND HEIFER YEAR LING, Tho Cow bas a white spot on the noae. The Yearling has no horns, aud is about 1 1 vearn old. Said Cow was purchased from John Jones, Ei., of Long Creek, In 1804. A suitable reward will be paid for Uis delivery oi uie txw ana xcarung, or for information leading to their recovery. C. A. FULTON. Wilmington, N. C., Apiil 28. W. B. WUXIAXS. A. SOl THtRia.Xl). In Store and now Landing, SUGAR, COFFEE, HYKCP, MOLASSES, FLOUR, RICE, Choc so, Butter, Iurk. Mackerel. Codfish. Crackers, boap, Candies, Starch, SxU, Babliet's Yeaat Powder, and Concentrated Potash, Frppcr, Hpico, Ginger, Green and Black Teas, Pickles, pure Ciuer Vinegar, Copperas, Tobacco, Snuff, Matches, Fens, Ink, Paper and Envelopes, Wood and Willow Ware, J5randy, Wine and Whisky, in cases, Whisky in barrels, Champaigns Cider in barrels, Shot, Powder, Nails, Ac, which we offer at reduced prices, at wholesale and retail, for cash or produce otdy. W. B. WILLIAMS k CO., 40 North Water Street. A pi U 21 174-lm Turpentine Tools All Kinds. FOR SALE. Truss Hoops, Hsckers, beat make, HoweUing Knives, Rivet Setts, Rivet Punches, Coop ers' AcUes, etc., etc MURRAY k MURCHISON. April 29 181-lw Fresh Stone Lime, &c. QAA BBL8. FRESH STONE L&EE, - , OUU Mbbl. Plaster. . 25 bbl. Cement. 200 boahel Hair. For sale bv W0ETU 4 PANJII. D. For Sale and Rent. PmrIale! A Valuable and Desirable Dwelling. OFFER FOB HALE, a valuable and doslrabln w DWELLING HOUSE. situated upon lliird. between Castle and Church filriH ts, and running through to Fourth Street. Ixit CO x 3;10 foct, and well known as tho RIRLEY TROrERTY. We sill takejdeasure lu showing tho prcmim-s t sny one desirous of purrhasing. s CRONLY k MORKIH, l Broker k AnctioneiT. AptilS ltUl-l f For Sale. T OFFER THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FOR X sale, at fair prices : My Pwolling Himiio, sit uatod on oomer of Fourth suit Chestnut strtMits, Willi lloum liold and Kitchen Furniture. &ly auniiuor rvsulonce on Middle Sound, about six uitlu fnitn the at v. AUu, tbat valuable Fbtntatuiu, knowu as "Bvllovillo," xituated ou the West side of Bntuiiwiok River. Also, uiy Uorst's, Carriage, Buggy, Uarnestes, Ac, Ac I will alo rt nt until the 1st October ii'nt, tlio Store ftbith I now occupy, aud uiy Naval Storo WUaif and died on South WaU-r street. Fur terms and psrtieitlsrs, iuciure of M. McINNlH, j No. 10 North Water Street, Wiluiluiton, N. C. April 10 lOUlm OFFER ED DY J AMES & BROWN. AVERY VALUABLE PLANTATION, 8 ITU AT ED st tho conlhi'iiico of Black River and the N. W. Cupc l't iir lliver, roiiUiniiig litK) Acish; 'M) Acres clttamd and cultivated, of which 50 are find rale bottom laud, heavily timlwred with Pino, White Oak, Mnple. Cypress, illokory, Roods, Hliinglo and Stave Tlmler, all aecoMMlbhi to the river. There being 14 miles water front on tho rivers and largo eiueks, and 14 feet water ou river front. There is no better stock ranee ou the river. Almost dally communication by steamer tillh Wilmin- loii. Terms easy, ' . . Mar. 2 l;ll lf LAND AGENCY. I Hint. h Ilrotvn, Hurvryor unit Krai Katttto Agts., NEXT WEST JOURNAL BUILDINGS, OFFKlt fur sale tliat denii able reuldeneo fronting on 2d street, block til, 41 feet, running back 114 I ilil ftet, within three niiuutes' walk of the market XiUL house. It has all uecessajy improvements. This is a d sirabie aud valuable piece ef property, aud will be sold low. The m'emUes now pay a rent of live hundred dollars in gold. For further particulars, apply as above. ALSO, tho place near Wilmington, kown as " Hil ton," ou the north-east branch of the Cape Fear, lust outside the eity limits, containing ouo liundrou and teu acres. , The above property is so well knowu hers that a more full description is doeuied unnecoasary. Persona wishing to purchase would do well to examine the premises. No property in this vicinity M)sanaees c(juul facilities for im provements of every description. ALSO, !,000 ACRES OF LAND IN GREEN SWAMP, woll timbered with pino and cypress. This last was sold a fow years since for 11,000. ' Fob 2a. 125-tf For Sale by James & Brown, A FINE VACANT LOT ON GOVERNMENT STREET, Pensacola, Florida, 80 feet by 1(10, about 150 yards, (ono block,) from the Postofllce and Custom House, ad mirably located for the dry goods or drug buslnoss, or for Ollleed. Wilmington, N. C, April 0, 1800. 160- w jAMkiFirdivlJ.oiSiPkstteAII.nt..- A COMFORTABLE DWELLING nOUSE, CONTAIN ING Five or Six Rooms, not more than throe or four blocks rroni market Htreet. FOR BENT. On VERY MODERATE TERMS, the best nnoecuplod nveam na w iuui in uie vane i ear Aisiricv. ArpiU 157-tf FOR RENT. rilHE nAW HILL PLANTATION, situated on Town 1 Creek, jirunawicK county, n. (J., is onered ror rout, until the first day of January, 1807. There is 100 acre ol cleared RICE LAND, and about Uie same quantity o; cleared UPLAND, on tills tract, with the noceasary house 4c ' f I ALSO, a small place, known is a SUMMER RESIDENCE, iu tin pine woods, about 'five miles from the alovn, will be rent ed for the same length of time. The above property belongs to the Estate of Henry N. Howard, deceased For terms, 4c, apply to WM. N. PEDEN, A. A. McKOY, Administrator. Jan. 6. 83-tf TO LEASE, 4BMALL LOT, WITH UNFINISHED WALLS which can be made suitable by the expenditure of a situated on Chestnut street, between Front and Water. Apply to v DR. J. F. MoREE, Ja. got. 19. ' n-tf I.. A. BABT, f lt C BAtl.XT UIIiMIXGTOlV IRON AXD COPPER WORKS. IIAET & BAILEY,. ritorRrrrrona, No. 17, Front Street, below Market, Wilmington, R. C. HAVING RESUMED OPERATIONS, wo are now pre pared to furnish ! Brans and Iron Castings, finished and unfinished. New Machinery made and put up. Old Machinery overhauled. All kiwis of Patterns, Ornamental and Agricultural. Will anpply Drafts of all kings of Machinery and Mill work gmiaraliy. 'rUKFENTINE AND WIUSKY STILLS, corrEii work iu aU its branches. A full supply of Bolting, Packing, Hose, SU-aui and Water Pipe ana Fittings. Machine Bolt, Nuts and Rivets, and all other article generally found in a Machino Supply Store. Also a large lot of Cruciblos, from No. 83 to 100, and warranted goodwill disoso of them below Manufactur ers' prices. . March 29. 154-tf Storage at Seduced Rates. HAL LETT YARD. W. M. R. R. DKPOT. TTAVING AMPLE SHED ACCOMMODATION, Watch- 1 a man, gooa w nan, sua every mciuit lor uuniuwi Consignees will find it to their interest and eeurenieuce to patronize this Yard. Lieut. T. C. James will give his D row pi and personal attention to storage. urders lor uie xaru usi a vuie uu, ui . i 'f attention. fMm k HOFFMAN, -No. 23 North Water Street. March 1 i rrt Clicrhe " ChamDame in North Carolina, of the above WINE, manufactured have received SO dozen in quarts and pints, just imported, and can recommend it with confidence as genuine and of very superior quality. . tor aaie a very uivuu V A c0-) Ko. 6 Nortb Water St, np staii. April 21 i7-8Tu4Xl-lia THE DAILY JOURNAL. WILMIKCiTO'V, R. CH MAV 4, laftO. nK.CO.'TmCTIOJI.TIIK PLA ov the JUD ICAL. He port of the Joint Cnninalttee on Reconatrnetlon, Tho Lbors of tlio recoiiRtntetion coinmittoe of CVmprewi nro at last at nn eml. A protracted meet ingof the committee won liehl on Haturday morn iuK. and it wn tinnlly dwided by a largo majority twelvo out of tho fifteen niembors present voting in tlio afllrmntivo- to rqiort tho following bills : .1 joint retolution jimpotlnif an awntlment to Vi VoiisUi tut, on iff Ute I'xUtxt Statet. lie it nmilrid bu the Hntate aiul Zonae ((f Rin-emntatirtt of Vir Vnittit Wntrt of America in Conrfrtttt atiumiMiiL, limt-IJiintM uf 0" himn-e concurring. That the followili(r articlo t prupuswl to tlia li;Miitiir of I lie aeveral Statue as an aineuiUurnt to Uie constitution, whi, h, when ratilied by three-fourths of the laid Leginlaturea, shall be valid an a part of the constitution, namely i Artirle. Section 1. No State shall make or enforce auy law which ahull abridge tho priviloL'aa or immunities of eitirens of tho I'uitml Ktstt's j nor shall any Stats deprive any person of life, liberty or property without dneproceea of law, nor di'ny to any terson within its Jurisdiction the eiinal prolfctlon of the laws. Sec. 8. ItepreHont stives shall lie apportioned among tho soveral Hlatcn which may bo hidiidnd within this Union according to thuir res)iective nnmbers, counting the whole number of pontons in ach State, excluding lmhans not lit"(l. Jhil wheiievnr la auy HI ate tho elective franchise shsll le denied to any portion of Its male eitbtens not hiss than tweuty-oite years of age. or iu any way abridged, ex cept fur participation In robeillou or other crime, tho ba sis of rcprcsimtntion in such State shall be reduced hi the tiroportion which tho number of such male ritizeus shall lioar to the whole number.of male citizens not less than twenty-one years of age. Sic a. Until the -ItU day of July, 170, aU persons who voluntarily adhortsd to the late Insurrection, tivlng it aid aud comfort, shall be excluded from the right to vote for immilM-is of Cougrens and for electors for President and VIoe-Presidcut of the United Slates. Hi:c. i. Neither the UnlU'd Slates nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation alroady incurred, or which may hereafter be Incurred, in aid of insurrection or war against the United States, or any claim for oomyen nation fur loss of iuvuhtutary service or labor. Ht:e. fi. The Congress shall have (xiwer to enforce, by appropriate legislation, tho provisions of this article, A bifl to provide for the reetimittun of the State lately in iV eiirrixlUm to their full ftoUtical rijht. Whereas it is expedient that the States lately in Insur rection should at the earliest day consistent with the fu ture peace aud safety of the Union be restored to full par ticipation iu all political lights. Aud whereas the Congress did. by joint resolution, pro pone for ratilioatimi to the Legislatures of the snveral States, as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, an articlo la the following words, to wit i (The cotiHtitutioiial article recited above I here Imtertnd. Now, Uicri'fore, be it rnaottii, tto.. That whenever the above recited amendment shall have become a part of the Constitution, aud any State lately in Insurrection shall have ratified tho same, aud shall have modified its Consti tution and laws in conformity therewith, tho Senators and Representatives from inch State, If found duly elected and qualified, may, after having taken the required oaths of ofiloo, bo admitted into Congress as such. And be it further eimtcd. That when any State, lately in insurrection shall have ratified the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution, any part of the direct tat under tho act of Aug. 0, 1H01, which may remain due and un paid in such State may be assumed and paid by such Stato, and the pavment thereof, upon proper ananrances from such State lo be givon to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, msy be postponed for a period not ex exceeding ten years from and after tho passage of this act. ... ( 4 fwfl lUirnf ttWfltn pereoni iwVlgVAe to offl,oe umhjr die (Jovemvuml of the United Statei. He it enavtml, t:c. That no person shall bo eligible to any office under the Government of the United States, who is included in any of the following clsHses. namoly: First. Tho President aud Viee-lresidnt of the Con federate States of America, so-caJlod, aud the heads of po psrtment thereof. Heoond. Those who in other countries acted a agents of the Confederate States of America, en-callcd. Third. Heads of Departments of the United States, of ficers of the army and navy of tho United States, and all persons educated at tho military or naval academy of the United States, Judge of the Courts of the United States and members of either Homo of the Thirty-sixth Con gres of the United Stale who gave aid or comfort to the late rebellion. Fourth. Those who acted as officers of the Confederate States of America, so-called, above the grade of Colonel in tho army, or Master in the navy ; and any one who as Governor of either of tho soallm Confederate States, gave aid or comfort to tho late rebellion. Fifth. Those who havo treated officer or soldiers or sailors of thn army or navy of the United States, captured during the late war, otherwise than as priaoners of war. The committee removed the injunction of secrecy so far as the above propositions are concerned, and permitted copies to be furnished to the press. It is undcrntood that the vote upon them was 12 against 3. As it 1 known that Honator Johuson and IlcpreHcntatlve Orider and Itoger only voted in the negative, the afitrmative muxt h Sena tor FoHnenden, Urimes, Harris, Howard and Williaum, and Beprosentativcs Stevens, Wsahburuo, (Ui.,) Horrid Bingham, Colliding, Boutwell and Blaine. A HHrrl. rVoma. Connertlcnt ratrlot. Tho. Domocracv of New York city nrmronriatelv celebrated tho anniversary of the birtli of Tliomaa Jefferson on tho l.'Uh innt.t by a festival at the Maison Doree, nt Union Hnnnre. JLx-Oovernor Heymour, of Connecticut, and (Jhauncey llurr, of New Jersey, were among uie speakera. air. tjey lnonr, in concluding hi remarks, aaid : " "In Connecticut the Constitution would never have been adopted had not Ellsworth gone to the Convention and assured them, on his oath, that the Constitution did not attempt to coerce sover eign bodies, defining his meaning of ench bodies as (States in their political capacity. Another of the fathers asserted that there was no power m the Constitution to force a State back into tba Union, as'such action would involve the good and the bad in one common calamity. Ilad he lived to this day lie would see that state of things fully carried out. In the struggle to come we xiavototrirg the flock together and recruit, it may be, from the other side, in order to preserve the heritage left us by our fathers. The oft repeated sentiment of Andrew Jackson, " The Union must and shall be preserved, had been tortured and misconstrued. That sentiment was patriotic ; but ho who utter ed it had no nlon of coercion as advocated at the present day. It was impossible that the boy wlio saw his native home laid in ashes by Tarleton, in command of tho British foe, and who was com pelled, iu consequence, to fly with his mother in to the mountains of Tennessee, could have wished that so dire a fato would ever befall hid beloved native Stato. la matters of dispute, it is not by swamp angeht or ships of war that our countrymen are to lie held iu union, but by compromises and peace measures, proving the poet right when he said that ' the pen is mightier than the sword.' Now we have m vojuo the Asiatic form of gov ernmentgreat armies, great taxes, and that con junction of tho purse and the sword that tho Whigs, in days past, protended to foar so greatly. Besides, we have lost tho habeas corpus. Some think it has now been restored; but oe in&i rii ... - . i 1 -l : u may, a tembte precedent nas ueeu eev 17 ualu a fanatical majority may suspend it at any time. Our mission is to restore the Constitution as it was understood by our fathers, or else wo may be sure our form of government will give way to an oli ffflrrhv. era despotism. The autun.-i flections will push the present Congress fromt- .r scats, and then will come the time to attempt a r tora tion of the Union on its original founds tioi.s tf at richts. In associations of this kind the t? ii much to be done, and after awhile we may be ' .3 in mnoTfttulate ourselves on havinc: iLce our ;ly in the great tauso of advancing peace cc-.' tutioaia iiU:?.''

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