11: IP' WttMMTON. N. C FeJdAY MORKINO, AUGUST 17, 1866. VOL. XVNO. 274. WnOLE OTMBEfl 4,378. T D E DAILY JOURS A L ENGELHARD PRICK, Proprietor. Terms of Sobseriptloa. I Daily Paper, n year, Invariably in advance. . . . , . t$10 00 v ' 'sixmonths, .-v.-...,. 5 00 .; f : three months, ' " 8 00 . m one month, " " ; - . 100 Weekly Paper, one year. " ....... 800 " aix month. " " ....... 2 00 All letter on business connected with thia offloe moat be addrMMd to the proprietor. Rate of Advertising! Adtkbtiseiteht will be inserted at the rate of tl per square for the first insertion; 13.50 per week ; and W per month. - Ten line or lee are counted a ft square, lxineor Advertisements In proportion. ; Advertisements insertea every oilier uav are ci na at each and every insertion. Ho trablication reflecting noon nrivate character will be allowed in oar columns, either as advertisement or other- Wise. (,,-;.-,; .-.Tl " tar No publication made without ft responsible name. JWsjcellaneous. BACKING DOUSE OF JAMES DAWSON TVOES ALL THE BUSINESS USUALLY DONE BY AN JL incorporated Bank. BKCKTVEg OEPOBITES PAYABLK DY CHECK. DEPOSITEE RECEIPTS ISSUED.BEABXNO INTEBEST, after fifteen day, at the rate of six per cent. ' per annnm and payable on demand. BIGHT AND SO AND CO DAY BILLS ON BOSTON, NEW YOEK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, BOUGHT SELL CHECKS AT PAR ON BANKS IN NEW YOKE, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond, 4c July?. 239 Professor M. Bernhardt'!. AUSTRALIAN CBTSTAL SPECTACLES, Tl ECOMMENDED bv Governor Worth. Rishnri Atbin 1 son, and most eminent attrgeon of Wilmington, Charleston and Southern cities. - A new supply of the above SPECTACLES bare Inst neen receirea ana ior aie ny tno nnaermirnea. K. r. OLLJJtBl, Hole Agent. ; '10 North Front et opposite Cape Fear Bank. Julg 24. , 203-tf Eagle Distilleries, ' VASAKRIaTGK At CO., Proprietors. , (OFFICE AT E. MUBBAY A CCS,) H r ANUFACTUBE 8ptriU Turpentine. Bonn. Pitch. JLvX Bright Varnish, etc, Ae. We are prepared to take aavai mores on wnanace, at tair rate. wiunington, a. u, juij-j a&a-tr LA P1EKRE D0C8E, PHILADELPHIA. TIE 8UBSCBIBEBS having leased this favorite House, it has been refitted and furnished in an elegant man ner, and is now prepared with the most perfect appoint ment for the reception of truest. The first position among nrst-ciaas uotei win tie maintainea in in rotnre, as mine past. bajuuu aiujli. Jane 10-217-6m Ltuir, tone, miut WILMINGTON IR0JI AND COPPER WORKS. ' BABT k BAILEY, Pbofbutobs, ' No. 17, Front Street, below Market, ' WllMlsitoa, H. C TTAVDKJ BESUXED OPERATIONS, we are now pre- ja. pared to randan Bras and Iron Castings, finished and unfinished. New Machinery made and put up. Old Machinery overhauled. All kinds of Patterns. Ornamental and AcTiculturaL Will supply Drafts of all kings of Machinery and Mill- work generauy. TURPENTINE AND WHISKY STILLS, AND COPPER WORK in all it branches. A full supply of Belting, Packing, Hose, Steam and ater npe ana ritunga. Machine Bolts, Note and Rivets, and all other article generally found in a Machine Supply Store. Also n large lot of Crucibles, from No. 85 to 100, and warranted good will dispose of them below Manufactur ers' price. , - March 29. lS-tf ' Anderson, the Bargago Nan, RESPECTFULLY EiFOBMS XHB . f II ' A citiaens of Wilmington, that any or- Z.5?nr dors left on hi SLATE at the Store otliM Messrs. Hedhck A Byan, will meet with prompt attention. Jan. IS M-tf Notice. AT MARCH TERM, 18AC, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, of the County Court of New Hano ver, the subscriber qualified as Executrix of the last will and testament of Thomas O. Miller, deceased. All persons holding claima against tbe Estate a?e here by notified to present them to the undersigned, or to Robert 8. French, Attorney in fact, within tbe time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery ; and all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make payment to Bobert 8. Freneh, At torney in fact, or to the undersigned. ANNIE W. MILLER, Etecntrix of Thomas C. Miller. Wilmington, July 1st, 1S66. 235-6wd. Notice. JUL V. TTTE BOTE THAT ALL PARTIES getting a credit for .TV only afrw (kiyt, will com forward note, and pay weir accounts. M. M. EATZ A CO., - 23 Market Street. Jniyi ass Bargains Bargains rpO MAKE BOOM FOR NEW SUPPLIES, our ntire X Stock is now being offered at great bargain. HEX) KICK A BYAN. JunS aii-t - 1 Storage and Whaiiire. T AM PREPARED to receive Cotton, Naval Stem, Her- il cuanaise. sc. on storage, at my wnamsa, bet'wm yuoanui ana aiuiDerry streets, also at ' t wharves near Union visuuery ; all nndet watenraen. A. H. YaaBOXXXlXN. rtan- Feb. 24. Cooking gtotes. TRUCKS' " TATENT, JL No. T Stove with fixtures. No. 8 " No. 9 u For sale by " lnUvt . iiURBAY A CO. -folTM 257-lm Hoop Skirts. ELLIPTIC, now retailing at June 8 HEDRICK A BYAN. 211-t vp Job Wot 1 ITEBY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IS THE Ttb. JOUBSAI. OrnCX. Mercantile. s BARGAINS ..:.-...; - in .. :.,?"..-:'": DRY AN D F ANCY GOOD S. DO NOT LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS, . but call immediately at NO. 9, MA RKE7 STREET. N.J AC OBI r NO. 9. MARKET STttEET, Will, from this) dato, and nnta further notice, offer his ENTIRE STOCK of .DRY nd FANCY DRESS GOODS, . NOTIONS, PERFUMERIES, JEWELRY, &c, &c, AT AND BELOW COST. This stock has been purchased under my own supervi sion, and at the recent PANIC PRICES In NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA, and is now of fered to tho citizens of Wilmington and vicinity, at PJIJCES THAT WILL DEFY COMPETITION. We will take pleasure in showing yon our STOCK. A call is all we ask, Do mot Forget Ho. 9, Market BtreeC July 29 258. White Goods. i-v-- AT NO STORE IN THE SOUTH can so extensive and well assorted stock of Ladies' White Dress Goods be found a with , ' . HEDRICK A BYAN. June 3 211-tf Millnery. "YTH HAVE OPENED A NEW LOT LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S' ; HATS, RIBBONS, &c M. M. KATZ A CO., -'" 23 Market street. : - - -' 214- Jnne 6. Lace and Silk Mantles, LACB ' SHAWLS, ROURNOIS, From Fto Italian Up. HOSIERY. GLOVES, LIGHT KID ... GLOVES, One Dollar per Pair. M. M. KATZ A 00 , " 23 Market street. June 6214 LOOK OUT. rpHE BALANCE OF OUR SUMMER STOCK WILL BE CLOSED OUT AT BEDUCED PRICES. " M. M. KATZ A CO., 23 Market street June 6. 214 Ready-made Clothing ND FURNISHING GOODS, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. M. M. KATZ A CO., 23 Market street. June 6214- fnrsrts. rpHE GRHAT AMERICAN GORED CORSET-the ... a. .All.- -nmKininiw ihanfA. pertiet of promoting health, with comfort and meefol- 1 V wi inur. saltan & lrira tinnnlv Of LOW urjw, xrvijcu 11 urn vui w-m 9 ov priced Cor jetU, at One Dollar d Tipwards. JuneS 2"- Cholera . DP- R. H. WORTHINOTON, formerly or liortn caro fint U nowpuUing up hi. CHOLERA and DIAR- '.OIA MEDICINE in Baltimore. ni .,1,1..1 to Griffin. Bro. A Co.. Baltimore, will bo promptly filled. M 4 . ' For sale by WrnRgist ana unuuj e rally thronrh Norto Carolina. Bai?TroaB,May21, 1H66. M.y24-20a-m Kotice. BILLS will be presented to ail person against whom w have Memorandum amounts. We do not profess to keen accounts. A punctual settlement is respectfully "XuetaOO-tf HEDRICK A BYAN. SHIPPRG ARTICLES j i lOTOBnOI OOTWaBB MASIFUTS. , ... Fib. M, l6Vt. JOURNAL OFFICE. Lu&ner. ORDERS oriQPortor kxiai demand promptly fiRed b' MALLETT A HOFFMAN. ' Ko. 23, North Water Street. Marcbl 7tf-- irkxrfire and SUrate. ALL PRODUCE OB MERCHANDISE or A article landed hi. OT7 wt.JSi U subscriber, bet wt Cbesuiut and Mulberry street, Iv. ; r,.T. i , . -f . Fverv article landed and not removed 'wiTbTsa of store in addition iOtkTftVKA. nmATA tSnntxJ far TM ClOOOsl IB oVU wiAJ w landimj and abipTnn? -T iTaT-'any of .vSheeTf aTooa- pcd to eompj, with 2k5 reenuSons, as d V7 bw re-onr-B trooia U.S oubSbeTrSen t" " U" ' . . a - -M Legal. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITE!) STATES OP AMERICA. District of Cope Fear la tho District of North ' Carolina. "1TTHEREAS, A LIBEL HAS BEEN pygmmx. W filed in the DUtriet Cotirt of the f QjA United States, for the DiHtrict of Cape y w. , Fear, on the 83d day of Julv, A. D., lWi6,fl:aKi3S-' by Laban C. Styles and tins F. Carter, Merchants and partners under the name of Styles A Carter, against tho Steamer Croton, her tackii, apparel and furniture; alleg ing in substance : That the said Steamer Ixnnf; in neel of repairs to render her sea-worthy, the MaeUr of said Steamer contracted with diveia parties to repair and fur niah said Steamer, that upon the repairs being done, the Master of said vessel not having the money to pay for the same, applied to tbe lihellauts to alvaue to him upon the credit of the said Steamer as well ss the said master and owner, a sum of money sufticient to pay for the same ; that the said hheilanw did advance to the said master, up on the credit of tbe Steamor as aforesaid, the sum of thirteen hundred and hfUxm 30-lOu dollars, which the said master promised to return, bnt has failed to comply with his promise to pay, although frequently requested so to do. Tbe said libel prars process against the said Steamer, her tackel, apparel and furniture, and that the same may be condemned and sold to pay the above sum of money with costs, charges and expenses, Ac. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the seal of ihe said Court to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said Steamboat, her tackel, apparel aud furniture, or in inr manner inti'rttHtf-.il thei-pin. that thv be and anDcar liefore the said District Court, to bo held in the City of wuiniDL'ton, on tne nm Monday arter tne lourtn Mon day in October next, then and there to interpose their claims and to make their allegation m that beliair. , - , D. B. GOODLOE, 5 , United States Marshal, ' per Fuivix W. Fobteb, D. M. A. EMPIE, Proctor for Libeflant. Julyifl. . - 255-3w. ; State of North Carolina. , . ,.s CAHWELIj COURTS. - Indie Court of Equity, (faring Term, A. !., 18C& v The Bank of Yanceyvillo, . .,:..,,. ,. . ,t , ,. , Thq Creditors of said Bank. , e K- fTTHIH BILL IS FILED under an Act of Assembly rati X fled en the 12th of March, A. V., 1866, entitled an Act to enable the Banks of this State to close their business, and it is ordered by the Court that publication, for six weeks, be made in the papers herein specified, notifying the creditors of the said Bank to present and establish their claims against said Uault before josepn J. iawson, fVimmimtinner anno in ted bv thia Court, at Yanceyviile. North Carolina, on or before tho first day of January, A. TVin frillnwinn- niiwra are dnsiirnated by the Court in which publication shall be made, namely : The National Intelligencer, Washington City ; The Dai Sentinel, at Itaieign, n. U.; Wilmington journal, nuwiugwu, j. v., Bichmond Examiner, Kichmond, Vs.; Baltimore Gazette, Baltimore, Maryland, New York News, Charleston Cour ier, Augusta Constitutionalist, Macon Telegraph, Mont- ornery Advertiser, New Orleans Delta, Nashville Gaaette, ynchburg Republican, Memphis Appeal, and Philadel- nhis. PAnnMvlviLnian. Witness, Thomas A. Dosoho, Clerk of said Court, at office, the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in Aiarcn, a. D..1860. - THOa A. DON0H0, C. A M. in E. July 17 - : 247-6w State of North Carolina. SAKPSOH COCKTT. Cocnx or Puas axd Quabteb Sessioks, ! Mat Tzbu 166. ; , J John Ashford, Adm'r. 1 i Bebeeca Ashford and t - - - WWTtlKRV.AH, JOHN ASHFORD. ADMlNlHTRATUll W de bonis now of William Ashford, deceased, baa Ait m. nntition in said Court aeainst Bebeoca Ashford, the heirs at law oi uuer asuiuru, mu ujii . . .i . i .if h j .v.. v...: -. i. Nathan King, to make real estate assets m ms nanus lor tbe povmeut of debts. And it appearing to the satisfac tion of the Court, that the heirs at law oi uuuer Asmoru, and the heirs at law of Nathan King are non-residents so that the ordinary process or law can not do servea upon them This is, therefore, to notify said parties to appear at the next Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, to be held for tbe County of Sampson, at the uonrt nouse in uiinton, on Ute 8d Monday of August next, and plead, answer or de mur, or jundgment Will UB taaen against mem yru coTjrw. JStr- - - - fTFri) 233-aawCw Teleeraoh Poles Wanted. j-m Aymn I vna .11 i..An fus-nfaliinrr It I W. TTTTV. CyiS 1 nflV A O WUI LrO Kiv VJU V iunusuuia - w DRED JUNU'EB POLES, W feet lonjg, not less than six inches diameter at small end, peeled and trimmed ; delivered on Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, triin.;nnn .nH Wtiinn Itailmad wharf. Wil- ur ua uiuiu. . minfrton, on or before September 1st, 18CC, at two dollars per poie. , , Apply to Bichard O'Brien, Amencan Telegraph Compa. ny, Wilmnngton, K. C. j July SOe-lMC. - Five Hundred Dollars Reward TS OFFERED FOR THE AKBUHT ur XllX ftiusua B VQ!I QiUJUDICU Ull. WUU ... .ukw - . . . Station, on the night of the 9th of August, in the Store room or eesrs. uarrew a lyumuiu. He was evidently murdered by some person or persons i j i -.)..,. t rul ji mtrtrv nntler the nKbiurfi of wishing to trade. Mr. Cutchin had retired to rest, but several bundles tied up, snow uin no ui uwu muiuK COOXIS W UlOse WUO muruirou llllll. ug ru.a P k x.w kt Ku.lt tnniMl ti. ilia murdirers.- KTD BimCt WHH mm. ( . Eleven blows with Hammer on the head, any one of ... . - L . . . .1 !......! 1 . i .ml which was almost sumcien u i nearly all of which fractured the skull, completed the work, suu mo w ...v.j. - The store was then robbed of about two hundred and sixty ... . i 1 i t . . .L.tlura in .noj.ia dollars in ureenoacas u wu. u..i i . mainly silver. It i not known whether any goods were taken. Three parcel of goods wrapped np, as if sold, were left on the counter. The pen-trators of the deed then locked the door aud carried off the key. A Double ease Silver Watch and the money of Mr. C. were carried .a- ... w- ....oma t l.av mlliofl anflimAiitlv to have made some efforts to get out of the honse, as he evidently travelod about considerably, going to the door and vindow, but unable to make enough noise to be beard. . . , .... ' , The case is now unucrgoing invesugsuuu. w. m formation leading to the discovery of the partie wui be gladly received. There were some hfty dollar buls in the money. . - :. r...u,i.r.,ai. in. The aoove rcwara wm uo formaUon which may lead to their conviction. Mr. Cutchin was a most exemplary young man, and the community is deeply grieved at "''HTrnuTV VWIOU sv V o. uaAj.ie nWinU nnnntv. N. C. Aug. 14. 871 2w Fashionable Dair-Dressing and Sharin? Saloon. ITLVKITER WILROH. WILL KNOWN IN THE community as a nrst ciasa BARBER, begs leave to place before tbe public the ract of ni nviu . BARBER SHOT, equal in every respect to any in the city in the basement 11 . ;i-. u... ir,.tel where be ran be found daring all OI A-mili J m ... I wi sin huurs. ready to sorve hi customers. ,m..r"rrr....i'ti, hi two m,iw wih hwn Bar- tie uas asouti)v- bers, ' TlAKROil and JIM iTULdi-lf Ji- - hna attention to the customers of the establishment will be unremitting. . fv With clean Towels, sharp Bazora, and polite attention to customers, he hopes to be deserving of ail patronage Angnst l. " For Sale. ITVIB BRICK WAREHOUSE, In rear of Custom House, 1 telacurinK to J. L. Hsthawny A UUev. Apply to Hi LHADSOCRN A CO. April 14. S71-tf Notice. TjABTIES HATING SOFAR, LOUNOEa 51'4""4 X Furniture k-ft with V. rmrogi at ia. ana on. emu a sncesrt, over wire nronins "S", - immediately, cr they wUl be sold at public Auction to pay H. B. VINCENT. Aug. u r,l Miscellaneous. White Sulphur Springs, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. O. THESE CELEBRATED SPRINGS located in a port ion of the Piedmont region, noted no less for its salubri ty than for its beautifulsconerv, is now open for visitors under the management of Mr. GEORGE E. TAYLOR, of Richmond. Ya.. so Ions and favourably known in connec tion with the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs of Vir ginia. The waters are of the varieties known as the White Sul phur. Blue tiulphw and several kinds of Chalybeate, Ihe till.. till. 1 nvnnA.tlAU r.f (Ull1f.ll ,M UJ1(1 1 1 fill I IT tYl ,1A luitit tI those in any part of the United States, while the supply of pure water oroui rree etone Hprings is abundant and oi the purest quality. . i Tne proprietor have gone to great expenso in erecting new buildings, retltting and furniabing all with new furni ture, matresses. aud iu addition to these, there are BATH HOUSES containing pool, tub and shower bath supplied with the purest spring water affording every variety of this'lux'iiry. "' ,:' , - ,.... T BILLIARD TABLE and fine BOWLING SALOON with good music for dancing, will enable all to enjoy themselves in door ; while tine roads afford beautiful rides and drives, and tbe river Catawba, abounding with Dan, and within half mile of the Springs, will furnish every variety of amusement and exercise. These Springs are located fifty miles west of Balisbury, and about Ave miles from the White Snlpber Station on the Western and Morganton Railroad, at which place Coaches will be run in connection with the cars, and to convey visitors to the Springs. Mrs. Wrenn, formerly of ntatesvilie, one oi tn Deet nouseaeeper m uie otate, uas charge of the Dining room, and visitors may rely upon having good rare aud also gooa attention. . Terms ISO per month or i 50 per day. J. GOLDEN WYATT A CO., Proprietors. August 1 a00-lm TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OmCI Or COMPTBOLLEB OF TBK CCBRFJfCt, I Washington, July 25th, 18C. f TTTHEEEAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the W undersigned, it has been made to appear that the First National Bank of Wilmington, in the County of New Hanover, and State of North Carolina, has been duly or ganized under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled an Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption there of, approved June 3d, 1804, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act required to be complied with befors commencing the Unsinesa of Banking under said Act, the Office of Comptrolerof tbe Currency being.vacant. Now, therefore, I, Biland B. Hulburd, Deputy Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that The First National Bank of Wilmington, in the City of WUmington, In the County of New Hanover and State of North Caro lina, is authorised to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness my hand, and seajuJ seal of office, this twenty-fifth day of July, : laoa. ' HILAND R HULBURD, 2G6 60 de , v- Deputy Comptroller. ' Bent's Boston Crackers, TJUTTER, CHEESE, ' " ' LARD, TABLE SAUCES, WORCESTERSHIRE, '.' . CUMBERLAND, LONDON CLUB, ( MUSHROON and ' WALNUT SAUCES, CAPERS, OLIVES, and ,. PURE OLTVE OIL, FRENCH and ENGLISH" MUSTARD, " w JELLIES, SARDINES, SPICED OYSTERS, FRESH PEACHES, PLUMS, PRUNES, and ' . ' .- , , ' PINE APPLES, GREEN CORN, and ' ' , ; TOMATOES, CHOICE TABLE 8YBUPS, , ORANGES, LEMONS. Ac., Ac., Ac, at 11 and 13 Front Street CHAS. D. MYERS, A- Aug. 15 Dispatch copy. Lost-$5 Reward. I08T ON THE ROAD from Wilmington to Wrights J vile Sound, a BADGE of the " Military Order, Loyal Legion, United states," in the form of a Maltese Cross, The above reward will bo paid if left at - - Will TAKERS BOOK STORE. August 10. - . ; , 273-8t SOUTHERN FERTILIZING COMPANY, RICHMOND, V.. Comnei. WILLIAM GILHAM, (Late Professor of Chemistry at the Virginia Military Institute,) Cheniitt and Superintendent. mniS COMPANY HAVING PLACED IN THEIR WOBK8 I iu nnA s.wv.Ai uiruivrnv r;n JL tut) AAiAJnir uiuuri u Mint, muyi nicu iiivui.iAiii, ls be prepared on the FIRST OF AUGUST to furnish FER TILIZERS on an extensive scale, compounded under the immediate supervision of the eminent chemist named above. . They propose to offer Tor sale : PURE PERUVIAN GUANO. ( warauted free from admixture.) ground and pulverized : thus avoiding for the farmer the necessity of breaking np the lnmps, and not only saving him from loss by waste, bnt securing him uniformity and regularity in its applica tion. " MANIPULATED GUANO, composed of pure Peruvian and Phospbatie Guano in equal proportions, finely ground and thoroughly incor porated. , - OLD DOMINION GUANO, , composed of Peruvian and Phosphatio Guano, in combi nation with other ingredients, and containiag four per cent, of ammonia. , . PLASTER, finely ground from the best Nova Scotia lump. None wil De used not stncuy aaaptea to agricultural purposes. BONE DUST. A large quantity of bones having been purchased, a constant supply of pure Bone Dust will be kept on hand. This company eommenas itseii to xno patronage oi tne southern agricultural community as a HOME INSTITU TION, under the management of one practically acquain ted with southern lands, and thoroughly competent to decide upon tbe best agents for their permanent improve ment. Under his control the public have assurance that nothing will be offered them that is not of real and intrin sic value. The undersigned, composing uie above company, offer their personal guarantee, in oonneeUon with Colonel Gilham, that their Fertilizers shall be as represented. - Liberal arrangement win do rnaoe wiui eommisou merchant and grocers, who are invited to confer with tbe President, (post-office box 874.) , r..,. W. B. IHAAC8, Treasurer, PALMER. HABT80UK.A.COV. A. Y. STOKES A CO., B. C. TARDY A CO.. MARTIN A CARDOZO, Dm. J. E. CLAGGETT, July 1T.-M7-Im WILLIAM G. TAILOR. Information Wanted OF JACOB BCCHBJUDT. who left Charleston on the Q-.fh Jnne. u u aunmeed for Wilmington. Should this meet his eye, he is earnestly requested to writ at once to ms anxsras poreuta. an; uuwuiMwy concerning him, may bo kft at ,mr 2. . THIS OFFICE. July's , ' NO- Cents. Cndf r Garments, orMMEB UNDER SHIRTS; also a largo stock of Eng. hlHaifUoee, sold cheap by EQ)m BYAN Jon J Tbe Fwtare Prices or Cotton. ; From the Times of India, June 11. It is very encourarine to see that "Bursts " era not scornfully discarded as soon as other cotton is within reach. This used to be tbe case in for mer years ; now, " fair Dhollera " and Berar cot ton not only keen their m-onnJ in tha Knclish . market, but a steady demand may be connted npon ior uiem, anu at a ugure mucn lugner in propor tion than -was obtained in former years as com pared with long stapled Egyptian and American. The. strenuous exertions that liavo been made in Western India, by collectors, cotton inspectors, and merchants themselves, in promoting the im- E roved preparation and honest packing of cotton, ave told well in raising the character of the Bom bay export. In Lancashire it is regarded as quite dinerent article compared with the dirty and mixed cotton that used to be sent from hence sev en or eig&t years ago. The gratifying result is that our staple export can never again be neglect ed in the English market. These considerations are, we think, quite sufficient to show that none of our better qualities of cotton are at all likely to fall again to the prices usually obtained before the war. It will, indeed, be needful to push to the utmost every kind of effort that has been made to improve the staple and condition of our cotton. Paradoxical as it may seem, it is true, that the high prices obtained have checked the improve ment of cotton. While so sure of a market, why should the class most to blame for adulteration those who buy direct of the cultivators trouble, themselves about fine distinctions in quality, or take excessive care as to the condition and honest packing of an article for which they can have cus tomers at will? Now, this listless disposition must belaid aside, and it is reasonable to expect far more care in these respects, seeing that prices will depend upon quality so much more than during the last few years. Counting, then, upon the qual ity of our cotton being improved year by year, mere is gooa reason to nope mat a remunerative price will be obtainee for it. We shall, indeed, bo reminded of the vastly increased production of cotton in other countries : but it must be remem- ed that the consumption has also increased, in spite of high prices, and with lower rates may be be expected to expand over fresh regions of the earth.' .' Early in 18C1 the total annual manufacture of cotton was estimated, by a very competent au thority, to be represented by the work of six mil lions of spindles three for Great Britain, one for Europe and two for America. The writer added : " To furnish this large increase of manufacturing power with the requisite supply of raw material would require an annual increase of 400,000 bales of cotton. ' That increase was needed, over and above the average exports of several previous rears, including, no doubt, one or more of the heaviest years of the slave grown American pro duction. No one will suppose that anything like that increase has yet accrued from all sources, al though the Indian crop of last year was so large ; and not only is our crop certain to be much small er this year than last, but the supplies from Chi na and Bengal, besides from many of the experi mental cotton grounds stimulated only by nigh prices -will be almost wholly withheld from the , English market Then wo must consider how hyyr r tbe mtoeka of oeMan cloths in all parts of the world, and that, too, in prospect of a steadily increasing demand. Five years ago Mr. Bazley, M. P., said that the production of cotton manu factures was increasing yearly at the rate of ten per cent, and the exports of cotton goods at two and a half per cent per annum. There is good reason to believe that this rate of consumption will in the present year be enormously increased, as America must be ready to purchase extensively as soon as the balance of trade will permit, and, the working classes of England being prosperous, there will be a largo home demand. In fact, the only check just now to the very rapid increase of English manufacturing industry, and especially in her consumption. of cotton, is the deficiency of laborers not the deficiency or clearness of tho raw material As it seems to us, it is the proba bility of the labor supply falling short, and the rate of wages rising, that threatens England ' manufacturing supremacy much more directly, than does the remote prospect of a falling off in the supply of coal Although we think there is no probability of cotton falling to the rate of prices before the war, until it is seen what free America can produce, we have always urced that the Indian cultivator must ultimately be prepared for competition with his old rivals in tne Southern states. As the prices of commodities always tend to accommodate them selves to the cost of production, so the cost of raising cotton under the new system in America will lor long determine the price which the Indian cultivator will be likely to obtain. The delusion that the negroes when freed will not work indus triously is one that is supported only by ignorance or prejudice. There have already been proofs afforded in America of their willingness to work, and their power to produce more than under slavery. If their late masters do not, like the planters in Jamaica, endeavor to thwart the prop er exercise of free labor, it is fairly to be expected that the American crop of 1867 will exceed the largest under fehivery. It does not follow, even then, that tne price oi Indian cotton must be de- Sressed to the rates ruling in 1856. The great ifference to be looked for as regards the negroes is this they will expect and must get a higher rate of remuneration. They will probably do more work than nnder slavery, and they will do it better, but they will require to have spent on them a far larger amount of capital than before. Had it been otherwise their masters would not have fought bo tenaciously in defence of the great in' stitution ; but the consumers of cotton will have to pay part of the additional cost which free la bor will cause to enter into the price of American cotton. , Indian cotton can be raised at a less cost to the producer than any other in the world ; the assess ment of the land is much below the real value of the BoiL-nd the labor in mere cotton production can generally be supplied wholly by the family of the ryot In 1856 cotton w as sold at Nagpore at lid. per pound, and over 400,000 bales were ex ported from Bombay. This low price was, we be hove, remunerative to the srowers. but the year afterwards they obtained 2 id. on the spot, and nearly a third more cotton was exported from the " ' i , . r o .1 - . centra provinces, an injo uie ncc s jogpuro had risen, to 3 lL but that year a much smaller quantity was exported than in 1856, airnplybccanse much of the land required its usual rotation of crops, the necessity of which the " ignorant " ryot understands so welL lhese pnoes, even yet, wonkl be remunerative (to the ryot in tho best oottoB districts ; and if ws compare them with the present and probable prices in the Liverpool mar ket, it is evident there is likely to be, for another season at least, a fair commercial profit on the chief export trade of Bombay. But tho period for extravagant pride and wild speculation in cot ton Las paxsed awtty ; and when existing obliga tions are disponed of in some way, the new men who may step forward to take the place of ruined merchants will probably taks a mors sober esti mate of things than their immediate predecessori hav done, l ! .