VOL. XV-NO. 283. WILMINGTON. N. C' TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 186G. WHOLE NUMBER 4,387. T II E DAILY JOPttll it,- , EffGBXHAJRD PRICK, Proprietor. ' , ' TtnM of abaeriptloau v.'.-.. Daily Ver, on year, toTariably b advance . IW 00 . six months, 8 00 it three month. " .. : ' ....... $00 An a month. -.. i rvi .. , a oo i.iw Prflr. nnA Tfl&r. 14 r iixmontiui, - , M MI letters on business oonneci 1 addressed to the proprietors. . .. . n AM MntiAiil arftJi thla nffiM mil Rats of" AdwtlUaf Advertisement Will be taeerted at the rat of It per ,qaare for the first insertion; $3.60 per week j and 8 per WIen 'lines or lest are counted m ft wraM Longer Advertisement in proportion. .: ;-. , : - Advertisement inserted every other day are charged m new at ''-J!rr -Ill No puuiicauou roufwujJK ui - -- allowed in our columns, either a sdTertisemenU or other "r No publication made without ft responsible nam. Railroads. TriTftitfrftatiflD CluCC, WiMtMoro, Cuuom AR. B. R. Co., 1 j WiWmKton. . G, May 29, I860, f 1 TrWWrwfWI IwvwVtw,1vY p FROM AND AFTEB JUNK 1st, 1866, the Mail Train on this road will leave Wilmington at o'clock, A. If., on Tuesdays, Thursdav end Baturdavs, and arrive at Hand Hill at 8 o'clock, V. M. Returning will leave Bend Hill t 7 OClocB, A. B.( on Bonuaja, wn Fridays Ays, ana arrive in nunungion at '""l1'.'' WM. H. ALLEN. . Master of Transportation. Junol . 20-tt, WILMIXGT0N k WELD03 RAIL ROAD. Office Chief Imma and BannrrKianrr, I ; Wllmwoton, May gutfe, I860. J f!TT A WOE OF SCHEDULE. AN AND AFTER JUKE to, TRAINS WILL rw ever this road as loiiows : , M ATTi A WD PASSENGER THAIS 8. Leave Wilmmgtoo dally at. , 110 AH. Arrive at tiolasboro at. 8 17 A. M. Amveat Weldon at 12 30 P. M. Leave Weldon daily at -11 00 A. M. Arrive at Goldsboro at 3 03 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at... 8 00 P. M. Fnrrr.HT axd passenger trains. Leave Wilmington daily except Sundays' at. 1 00 P. M. Arrive at GoliLboro" at. .. JMP.M. Arrive at Weldon at , ... 8 10 A. M. Leave Weldon daily except Sundays at... 00 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro' at...... 8 35 A. M. Arrive at WUmington at. . .11 00 A. M. kth trains connect through to the Northsconnect at Goldsboro' with trains to Raleigh and Newborn. 8. L. FREMONT, Enrinaer andHnDerintendent. Tapers on the line of the ftoad diaconbirae ail other Biliedulo notices, and publish this change. Ail other T.ni- diaconUnue Hcneuuie nouoee. -u i i . ILJIWGTOJ. b BIASCRESTE3 BAIL B0.1D Oim. Pitfi. Orrrcx Wn. k Man. Ban. Roab, f ; Wiumroroa. N. C, May 81st, 18G& f CUASGE OB ftCHKDCLB. fXS AND AFTER THE So JOT., the following VJ iteiedule will go into effect on the WiL lUncftester Tjva tCllminrtkf1 lltttlval. -1?S.'. ........ S 15 P.M. . vi...V-iiu , . V 8 M A. M. Lf;avo Kinirsville " "d 8 00 P.M. . . ? l Ill) AIL AillTV RH TlUUUUfiWU ............... . - Wt'I Close connections made at Wilmington with the WO- DiinKton woKion uauroaa aauy, u smnmvo " Korth Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and at KingsrilM WM. MacBATt, 209-tf Oon'IBnpt Miscellaneous. EWMXG UOrSE OF JAMES DAWSOff TVOES ALL THE BUSINESS USUALLY DOBS BY AN U incorporated Bank. RECEIVES DEPOSITKS FATABLK BY CHECK. DEP08ITES RECEIPTS ISSUEDEABINa INTEREST, after fifteen days, at the rate of six per cent per annum and payable on demand. SIGHT AND 80 AND 60 DAT BILLS OK BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, BOUGHT BELL CHECKS AT PAB ON BANKS IN NEW YORK, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond, Ac Julv7. 9 Professor M. BerchartWs AUSTRALIAN CRYSTAL SPECTACLES, T ECOMMEKDED bv Governor Worth. Binhon Atkin- Ali son, and most eminent surgeons of Wilmington, A new snrply of the above SPECTACLES have Just wen received ana ror sate oy me nnaersiRDca. E. F. GILBERT, Sole Agent, 10 North Front st opposite Cape Fear Bank. Julg 24. 853-tf Eagle Distilleries, VANAHIUffGE CO., Proprietors. (OFHCE AT X. MURRAY h WS.) 1 fASTTFAfTTtTRE Rnirita Tnmentine. Rosin. Pitch, J Bright Varnish, Ac, Ac We are prepared to take oral stores on vv nanage, ai iair races. Wilmiugton, N. C, July 34 , 853-tf LI PIERRE HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. WHE SUBSCRIBERS having leased this favorite Hosse, 1 it has been mflttnd and fnrniahad in an elecant menr "or, and is now prepared with the most perfect appoint ment for the reception of guests. The first position won? tinuiiiu Hotels will bm muntainaa in id. ramra. in uie past. . . , v lf jram.M. Jane 10-217-0m , . HABT, " OH C BJULXT HIL3IIGT0T IRON AND COPPER WORKS. HART & BAILEY, Pbopbtjctobs, No. 17, Front Street, below Market, , WllaUMgtoa. V, C. H AVISO RESUMED OPERATIONS, we are bo pre pared to forniah fraaa and Iron Castings, finished and anflniahed. Jw Machinery made and put op. Wd Machinery overhauled. Ail kinds of Patterns, Ornamental and Agricultural. U1 supply Drafts of all kings of Machinery and MH1 W genarallv. lUliFENTIXE AXD WIIISKT STILLS, ATO - .... : COPPER WORK i h a its branches. 'all supply of Bating, Packing, Hoot, Steam and W Pipe and PiHings. JUchitM Bolte, Nuts and Rivet, and all other articles "peraily found in a Mac tuns Supply Store. o a large lot of Crucibles, from No. 55 to 100, and Inted good will dispose of thea below Manofactnr- Prices. rcl2a. i IM-tf Mercantile. BARGAINS DRY AND FANCY GOODS. DO NOT LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS, -" " ' , but call immediately at HO. 9 1 MARK El STREET. ; N. JACOBI, , NO. 9, MARKET 8TKEET, Will, from this date, and until further notice, offer bis ENTIRE STOCK of DRY and FANCY . 4 . - DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, PERFUMERIES, t JEWELRY, Ac., 4c, AT AND BELOW COST. This stock has been porchaaed under my own supervi sion, and at the recent ' , PANIC PRICES In NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA, and is now of fered to the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity, at PRICES THAT WILL DEFY COMPETITION. ; We will take pleasure in showing you our STOCK. A call is all we ask. , Do aot Forget Ho. 9, Jkavrsxet Street. Milinery. TVT& HAVE OPENED A NEW LOT LADIES', ' ' MISSES' AND CHrXDRENS' HATS, RD3BONS, kc M. M. KATZ A CO., 33 Market street. June. 214. Lace and Silk Mantles 1 SHAWLS, BOURNOIS, From Five Dollars Up. HOSIERY, GLOVES, LIGHT KID GLOVES, One Dollar per Pair, M. M. KATZ k CO., 23 Market street June (-214 LOOK OUT. fTTHE BALANCE OF OUR SUMMER STOCK WILL BE CLOSED OUT AT REDUCED PRICES. It. M. KATZ & CO., 23 Market street. June. 814 Beady-Made Clothing . ND FURNISHING GOODS, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. tL M. KATZ At CO., , S3 Market street Jane 8-214- Jast Received, A FULL LINE OF LADIES' ANTJ BESTS' HOBJE, 01 the most celebrated English make, EMPRESS TRAIL SKIRTS, - EUGENE DUPLEX ELLIPTIO SKIRTS. Jost to hand. WHITE LINEN SUITS, atABfiEn.T.Ea VESTS and ' FANCY LINEN PANTS, Call at A. WEILL CCS, No. IS Market Street May 23 Wants. Agents Wanted for the life and Campaigns ef 0K8TI. (STOXBWA1X) JACKBOBT, . By Prof. B. L. Dabney, D. D., of Va. fTtHE STANDARD BIOGRAPHY OF THE IMMORTAL I Hnrrt. th nnlv edition authorised bv his widow. The author a personal frioud and Chirf of Staff of the Christian Soldier. We want an Agent in every county. Bend for circular and see our terms. Address , NAXLUNAJj fUHUBlUAU UU., Corner 7th and Main S Richmond, Va. Aug 7 t265 dlm-w7t :, Laaiber. OBDEBS or export or local demand promptly mien by v ld.r.l X s AUVA- M iiAAo .- i : No. 83, North Water Street March! Sl-U. Fashionahle Ilair-DressiBg and Shaving . Saloon. . ITLTIIT1R WILIOI; - TTTELL KNOWN IN THE community as a first class VV RADRRtL hoe inn to Dlace before the public the fact of his having opened a , B A B B E B 8 B U r, s qual in every respect to any in the city, in the basement Vd.:i... iu..Uni.l .hnr. l. hn fnnnd dnrinir all VI iuvj a " Uv - v business hours, realy to serve his CTiotomers. He hss associated with him two other well known Bar bers, RANSOM and JIM RATCLXFFE, whose attention to the customers of the establishment ill be unremitting. With clean Towel, sharp Basors, and polite attention i customers, he hopes to be deserving of all patronage amay in future enjoy. August 15. - Educational. MALE ACADEMY, WAURENTON,' N. C, t JNO. K. UUUUKH, A. M., Prtswslpol. ' - VT EXT SESSION WILL BEGIN JULY 16TH, . 18fi8 1 Boys prepared for College or common pursuits of life. TERMS IN U. 8. CURRENCY. Classics and Mathematics. . . . . . . . . 27 00 English Branches..... ........ 20 00 Fuel for School Boom .......... 2 00 Board, including washing and lights, per month, .... 17 SO Half in advance. . June 29. - - 233 -2ni Hillsborough Military Academy, mHE EXERCISES OF THIS WELL KNOWN INSTI X tution, founded by the late CoL C. C. Tew, will be re sumed on the 1st of October next, nnder the direction of General li. E. COLSTON, a graduate, and for fifteen years (up to the commencement of the war) a Professor of the Virginia Military Institute. .The course of instruction will be such as to make the Academy a great Polytechnic School a School of theoretical and applied science, in which Language and Literature will receive a full share of attention. The disciplino and instruction will be on a complete military basis. General COLKTON'S long expe rience and extensive acquaintance enable him to assure the public that he will secure Uia services of Professors of distinguished ability, as the wants of the Academy re quire them ; and be confidently relies upon the liberal patronage-of his old-friends and .companions in armr throughout North Carolina and the entire South. Appli cations for admission should be made as early as possi ble to the Superintendent, and accompanied by testimo nials of goodf moral character. Circulars containing full information will be issued in a few days. For these and any further particulars, apply to .' Geskcal B. E. COLSTON, Superintendent Hillsborough Military Academy, August 2 261r-d3taw2ra Hillsborough N. C. CIIEGARAY INSTITUTE. ; . (FRENCH AND ENGLISH.) FOB YOUNG LADIES, BOARDING AND DAY PU PILS, 1,527 and l,5a0 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Will re-open on THURSDAY, September 20. . , Board and tuition, per annum...:. . $430 do do for two or sisters, ' (each) 400 French is the language of the family, and is constantly spoke in the Institute. MADAME D'HERVILLY, , . ' .;.'.. , Principal. August 1 ' " (Wed. Fri. Sun 20O-3m State of North Carolina. CASWELL COCSTY. In the Court of 'Equity, Spring Term, A. D., 1S06. The Bank of Yanccyville, ! . . , : .. The Creditors of said Bank. fTUIIS BILL LS FILED under an Act of Assembly rati X fied on the 12th of March, A. D., 18(16, entitled an Act to enable the Banks of thin SUte to close their business, and it is ordered by the Court that publication, for six weeks, be made In the papers herein specified, notifying the creditors of the said Hank to present and establish their claims against said Bank before Joseph J. Lawson, Commissioner appointed by this Court, at Yanceyville, North Carolina, on or before the first day of January, A. V., bCH. - The following papers are designated by the Court In which publication shsll be made, namely :. The National Intelligencer, Washington City; The Daily Sentinel, at uaieign, . v.; Wilmington jonrnat wiraiuisw". v., Richmond Examiner. Iliclimouil. Va.; Baltimore Gazette, Baltimore, Maryland, New York News, Charleston Cour ier, Augusta Constitutionalist, Macon Telograph, Mont gomery Advertiser, acw urieana uciia, Aasuvmeuazevie, Lynchburg Republican, Memphis Appeal, ana jrhuaaoi. ohia Pennsvlvanian. Witness, Thomas A. Doifono, Clerk of said Court, at office, the Gtn Monday alter the tn aionaay in jnarcn, a. v., istw. THOS. A. DONOHO, C. A M. in E. Jnlv 17 247-w ' Miscellaneous. White Sulphur Springs, CATAWBA COUNTY. N. C. mHESE CELEBRATED SPRINGS located in a portion X of the Piedmont region, noted no less for its salubri tv than for its beautiful ncenerv. is now own for visitors nnder the management of Mr. GEORGE E. TAYLOR, of luchmoml, v a so long and ravourably Known m connec tion with the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs of Vir ginia. ' The waters are of the varieties known as the White Bui- pAur. Blue tfalnhur and several kinds of Chalybeate, the medical properties or whicn are second only to ine oest oi those in any part of the United States, while the supply of pore water from Free Stone Springs is abundant ana of the purest quality. The proprietors have gone to great expense in erecting now uuuuiugs, rouLung auu lurunsiiiiig au wiiu new luriu ture, matressea. and in addition to these, there are BATH HOUSES containing- nooL tub and shower bath supplied with the purest spring water affording every variety of this luxury. BILLIARD TABLE and fine BOWLING SALOON with good music for dancing, will enable all to enjoy themselves in doors ; wnile nne roads anord Deautiml rides ana drives, and the river Catawba, abounding with fish, and within half a mile of the Springs, will furnish every variety of amusement ana exercise. These Spring are located fiftr miles west of Salisbury, and about five miles from the White Sulpher Station on the Western and Morganton Railroad, at which place Coaches will be run in connection with the cars, and to convey visitors to the Springs. Mrs. Wrenn, formerly of tstateeviiie, one or the nest housekeepers in tne Btate, nas charge of the Dining room, and visitor may rely upon having good fare ana also good attention.. t erm toU per month or i oo per day. . .. ,. J. GOLDEN WYATT A CO., Proprietors. August l r 260 lm Wharfage and Storage, A LL PRODUCE OB MERCHANDISE or ANTOTHER article landed on. or shipped over the WHARVES of the subscriber, between cnestnnt and mulberry streets, or adjoining Union DistiUery, will be liable for landing or shipping Wharfage. Every article landed and not removed same day, will do subject to cnarge oi storage in aaaiuon to Wharfage. The Goods in all cases will be considered bound for landing and shipping Wharfage as well a storage , - All parties are resnecUullv requested not to nse any of my Wharves if they are not disposed to comply with published rates of Wharfage and storage, unless they hare otherwise contracted. A. li. VAMBOKKELEN. Jnnel7 223 tf Snndries. CALCINE PLASTER, Plastering Hair, uement. Prime Western Sides, Molasses in barrels. For sale by July 23 : . : E. MURRAY A OO. 257-lm Cooking Stoves. -RUCKS"' PATENT, No. 7 Stoves with fixtures, No. 8 " No. 8 -For sale by E. MURRAY A CO. 257-lm July 23 Now is the Time ! IKtLIHO OFF BKL.OWC08T. CAPTAINS OF VESSELS. CALL AND SEE MY EX- I tenaive aaanrtnient of merchanduje, eonsistimr of Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, ramie viis, varniunes, Fish Hooks and Lines, Cordage, Sail Twine and Needles, Blocks, Shoe Thread, Ac, on Duck street, next to the Joe House.. . . . . - JONAS P. LEVY. Aug. 21. 277 2w. NEW FIRM. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED a CO-PARTNERSHIP f.-r the transaction of a GEN F.ttAL COMMISSION BUSINESS in the eitwe of New York and Wilminirton, under the stylo and Tirm of STARR LINE BERRY, New York, and ALEXANDER JOHNSON A CO., Wilmington. t ?T55CV-Wv New York. JL . JLt.WAUaaXV 1 ALEX. J0HX3ON, Ja., I S. T. McKETHAN. Wilmington. Ang, 10 3C3 tf THE DAILY JOURNAL. WILMIHOTOH. K. CN AUGUST M8. 18GO. Bew Orleaas Ofllclol CorrespoBdesice Jn Belatloa to the Riot The Black PloU of the Radicals The Preparatory Arming of the Negroes Proves. Washington, Aug. 24, 1808. The following is the offi cial correspondence relative to the New Orleans riot : OnriCE Uhited States Militahv Tkxkobafb ) Headouabtbus, Wab-Depautment. ( The following telegram was received at 0:23 P. M., July 27 I860' lf''' ' New Ohlkahs, La., July 27, 18G6. Hin Escellency PreiIetU Jolnmon ; Bib : Gov. Wells has, in compliance with the proclama tion of R. K. Howell, President pro. tern., signed writs of election to fill vacancies in the convention and forwarded the samo to the oftioe of the Secretary of State. ALBERT VOORUEE8, Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana. A'Diikw J. Hkkeow, Attorney Gen. of Louisiana. OrncE Uxnxn States Miutabi TixxanArH 1 HBA1KM7ABTKDS, WAB DePABTMBNT. ( The following U-b gram was received 2 P. M., July 28, 180fS, from New Orleans, July 28, 18V6 : Pbkswjekt Johkson : Radical mats meeting composed mainly of largo number of negroes last night, ending in a riot. The Committee of Arrangements of said meet- ing, assembling to-night ; violent and incendiary speeches made. Negroids called to arm themselves. You Bitterly denounced ; scakers f ield, fostie, uawuns, liunaereon, Hur, Ward, and others. - Gov. Wells arrived hist night, but sides with the convention ; move the whole matter be fore Grand Jurv, but impossible to execute civil process without certainty of not Contemplated to have the members of the convention nnder process from the Crim inal Oourt of this district Is the military to in tor fore to prevent process of court ? ALBERT VOORHEES, Lieut. Gov., La. Asiinrw J. Heukon, Attorney Gen., La. Telegram. . Executive Mansion, ) Washington, D. C, July 28, I860. ) To Albert Voorheet, Lieutenant Gocernor of Louisiana, JV'eio Orleans, La.: The military will be expected to sustain and not to ob struck or interfere with tne proceedings of the court. A dispatch on the subject of the convention was sent to Gov. Wells this morning. ANDREW JOHNSON. " (Telegram. J ExEotmvB Office, 1 Washinoton, D. C, July 28, 1866. f To Hit Exceileiicy, Gov. Wells, New Orleans, ia.: I have been advised that yon have issued a proclama tion convening the convention sleeted in 1804. Please in form me under and by what authority this has been done, and by what authority this convention can assume to rep resent the whole people of the State of Louisiana ? . ANDREW JOHNSON. OrncE United States Mit-itabt Telegraph ) HlAOQCAXTEBS, WAB DEFABTHENT. The following telegram received 8.30 P. M., July 28, ion: v. n.l.... T.,w oo lur.K. , Pkksipent Johnson : Your teleerara received. I have not issued a proclamation convening the convention of inbi. l ins was done pv ine president oi tuat oouy uy virtue of a resolution adjourning uie convention subject to bis order, and in that case also authorizing him to call on the proper officers to issue writ of election in unrep resented parishes. My proclamation is in response to that ojUI, ordering a loouoo, oa tbo ftd of (September. As soon as the vacancies can be ascertained, an election will be held to fill them, when the entire State will be represent ed, lour ooemeni servant, J. MADISON WELLS, Governor of Louisiana. Office United States MruTABr Teleobaph l HEADqrfABTKBS Wae Department. ) The following telegram received 10:20 P. M., July 28, I860, from New Orleans, La., July 28, I860 ; Hon. Edwin il. Stanton, Secretary of War ; - A convention has been called, with the sanction of Gov. Wells, to meet here on Monday. The lieutenant governor and city authorities think it unlawful, and propose to break it up by arresting the delegates. I have given no orders on the subject, but have warned the parties that I eould not countenance or permit inch action without in struction to that effect from Uie President Please instruct me at once by telegraph. A. BATED, Brevet Maj. Gen. Office United States Miutabt Teleobapb i Headquabtebs, Wab Defabthent. f The following telegram received 4:40 P. M., July SO, 1366, from New Orleans July 30, 1866 : The President of the United Slates : We are in the midst of a terrible riot, caused by the as sembling of the convention, uwing to the mixed condition of affairs among the State officers, I see no hope of quiet without you give us a military governor. Cannot Gen. Granger be sent here? F. T. HERRON, late Maj. Gen. U. 8. A. Copy. Executive Mansion, Washinoton, D. C, July 30, 180C. ) : Tolgram. To Andrew J. Herron, Attorney General of Louisiana, New Orleans : Yon will call upon Gen. Sheridan, or whomever may be in command, for sufficient force to sustain the civil author ity in suppressing all illegal or unlawful assemblies, who usurp or assume to exercise any power or authority with out first having obtained the consent of the weoplo of the Btate. If there is to be a convention, lot it be composed of delecates chosen fresh from the people of the whole State. The people must be first consulted in reference to changing the organic law of the State. Usurping will not be tolerated. The law and the constitution must be sus tained, and thereby peace and order. ANDREW JOHNSON. Copy.l - - Office United States Miutabt Teleobaph I HSADgUABTEBS, Wll DEPARTMENT. f The following telegram received 4:43 P. M., July 30, I860, from New Orleans July 30, 1866 1 , 4 2b His Excellency President Johnsott r Convention met . A riot broke out in the city. So far the police has the upper hsnd. Several white and colored persons killed. Called on Gen. Baird for assistance, which is cheerfully tendered. Intense excitement. Cowpitrion broken up. ' " - ,t .. . ALBERT VOORHEES, Lieut Gov. Louisiana. 7 -, -v - Copy.. - , .-. , . Turn.. Un Tw wo.nn 1 v Headoxabtebs. Wab Depabtment. i The following telegram, received 12:45 P. M., July 31, 1H66, rrom New Orleans, La , July su, v l sa., laoo Tothe Secretaru of War : " ' A serious riot ha occurred here to-day. I have been in full consultation with the city aathorities. and have kept my troops well in hand for such an emergency. The riot commenced unexpectedly, and beior tne troop coma reaoh the scene of action a number of person were killed and wounded. I have felt compelled to declare martial law. and nave appointed a military governor oi tne any. All 1 quiet now. Several prominent gentlemen connect ed with tne convention are xuiea or wounaea. A. BAIRD, Bvt Maj. Gen. HEADQTJABTEB8, DEPARTMENT OF LoCTHIANA, I New Obuans, La, July 90, 1866. f To the Bon. Edwin il. Stanton, Secretary of War, Wash ington, V. Bib : I have the honor to inform Ton that a very seri on riot ha occurred hen to-day. I had not been applied to by the convention ror protection. Hut tne lieutenant Governor and the Mavor had freelv consulted with me. and I was so fully convinced that it was so strongly the in tention oi sue euy auutonuos au proaervo m uhk. m order to prevent military interference, that I did not re gard an outbreak as a thing to be apprehended. The Lieutenant Governor had assured me that even if a writ of arrest was issued by the eoprt the sheriff would not attempt to serve it without ray permission, and for to-day they designed to snspend it I ordered a steamer to be at Jackson barrack, three mile below the city, st ao earlv hour in the morning, and a tug to be ready to bear orders to the commanding officer of the First Iuiab tantrv, stationed at that point At 11:30 o'clock A. M., Lieut Gov. Voorhees cam to see me, and after conversation, he feeling confident at the time of the ability of the police io preserve order, I pro posed to bring to the city Tour companies an four in ad vance of the sopposed meeting of too con Taction at o'clock P. to be kept near by in ease they should be required to keep dear the street in tba vicinity of the ball in which the convention was to meet. He agreed with me that H would be verv desirable, but left, not ap prehending difficulty. At 13 o'clock M. I drove to see Judge Howell, prsmoent oifthe convention, torequest that arrangement might be made to keep any crowd tint mi fit ajMmhta In nmtact tha oon rent ion oat of the street, so as to avoid an soeidental collision. When I iwaobed hi boo I twamed that tb eonvwatioa was to Met at 13 o'clock kL, ami thai ha had goo to it Returning to my headooarte, I soon dlseovered a let tor from tb lieutenant governor, informing me that large parties of negroes were collecting from all quarters and coming into the centre of the city, yet he was not sure of his Information. However, I at once sent for troops. Very soon afterward I learned that a riot had taken place near the convention hall, and I sent a staff officer to. in vestigate the facts. On his return he reported having met Judge Howell, who said the convention had adjourned for want of a quorum, but would meet again at 11:33 P. M. This reassured me, but I again sent to hasten the arrival of the troops. . -: t Immediately after this riot assumed a serious oharacter tho police, aided by citizens, beoame the assailants, and from the evidence I am forced to believe exercised great brutality in making the arrests. Finally they attacked the convention hall and a protracted struggle ensued. The people inside the ball gave up some who surrendered, and were attacked afterward and brutally treated. Quite a large number were injured ; I cannot say bow many Governor Halm, Dr. Dostie, Mr. Fish and perhaps others, members of the convention, among tho number. On the arrival of the troops I soon dared the streets, and quiet was restored. From the evidence of bad feeling on the part of the citizens and of sympathy with them on the part of the police, I felt compelled to declare martial law in tho city, and appoint a military Governor; from which I hope good results will ensue. I inclose herewith copies of my correspondence with the mayor and of a dispatch which the lieutenant governor claims to have received from the President. I regret that no reply to my dispatch to you of Saturday has yet reached me. General Sheridan is still absent in Texas. . I remain, Sir, very respoctfully, your obedicntlaervant, . A. BAIRD, Brevet Maj. Gen. Commanding Department Copy. r- - . IANA, " " ) r Oblbans, 23.1S66. ) ' State or LorrorANA, . Maxobalit of New City Haix, July '. Brevet Major General Baird, commandiwi Department of Genebal : A body of men claiming to belong' to the convention of 1864, and whoso avowed object is to subvert the present municipal and State Governments, will, I learn, assemble in this city Monday next The law and ordinances of the city which my office makes obligatory upon me to see faithfully executed, declare all assemblies calculated to disturb the public peace and tranquility as unlawful, and as such to bo dispersed by the mayor, and the participants hold responsible for violating'tho samo. ... , ...i It is my intention to disperse this unlawful assembly, if found within the corporate limits of the city, by arrest ing the members thereof and holding them accountable to existing municipal laws, provided they meet without the sanction of the military authorities. , "I will esteem it a favor, general, if at your earliest convenience you will lnrorm me wnetner tnis projected meeting nas your ap probation, so (hat I may act accordingly. - v. . I am, general, respectfully, , " . . JOHN T. MONROE, Mavor. A true copy t NATHANIEL BURBANK, First Lieutenant and Acting A. A. G. " Copy.r , f nEADQnABTBB8 DEPABTMENT'OF LottTSIAWA, New Obleans, La., July 20, 1866.. . . f Hon. John T. Monroe, Mayor of New- Orleans, La. t Sib : I have receeived your communication of the 25th inst, informing me that a body of men, claiming to be members of the convention of 1864, whoso avowed object is to subvert the present municipal and State Govern ments, is about to assemble in this city, and regarding this assemblage as one of those described in the law as calculated to disturb the public peace and tranquility, and therefore unlawful. You believe it to be your dntsaa that lii70wr invention to disperse this unlawful assembly if fonnd within the corporate limits of the city, by arresting the members thereof and holding them accountable to the existing municipal laws, provided they meet without the approbation of the military authorities. Yon also in quire whether this projected meeting has my approbation, so that you may act accordingly. In reply, I have the honor to state that the assemblage to which you refer has not, so far as I am aware, the sanction or approbation of any military authority for its meeting. When asked if I intended to furnish the convention a military guard, I have replied, "No ; the Mayor of the city and hie police will amply protect its sittings." As to your conception of the duty imposed by your oath of of fice, I regret to differ with you entirely, I cannot under stand how the Mayor of a city can undertake to decide so important and delicate a question as the- legal authority noon which a convention ciaiminir to renreaent the neonhi of an entire State bases its action; I am, Sir, very re spectfully, your obedient servant, , . A. BAIRD, . Brevet Major General Commanding Dept La, A true copy : Nathaniel Burbank, First Lieut and act ing Asst Adjt Gon. . From a New Orleans newspaper of Monday morning, July 80, 1866: ...., President Johnson and the Convention The Miuta i Expect to Sustain not to Obstruct the Pboceeoinos of the Coebt. The following dispatch from President Johnson to Lieut Gov. Voorhees is one from which, in the circumstance that called it forth, satisfactory deduc tions may be drawn. - We cannot doubt the President gives no countenance to the pretensions of those members of the defunct convention or 1864 who are endeavoring to reinstate it ; and we can only believe that a oommander-in-chief he will see that on proper occasions the judicial and other authorities of the Btate a now constituted will be protected by the military against violence from within or from without Washington, D. C, July 28f 1866. To Albert Voorhees. Lieut. Gov. of Louisiana : The military will be expected to sustain and not obstruct or interfere with the proceedings of the courts. A dis patch on the subject of the convention was sent to Gov. Welle this morning. . ANDREW JOHNSON. Here follows a dispatch from Baird to Stanton saying that the city is quiet, and one from the same source to tb adjutent general stating the ama fact -j . OrncE United State Miutabt Thuobpb, ( HEAPqVABEEES, WAB DEPARTMENT. f The following telegram received 11:15 P.M., July 31, 1866, from New Orleans, July 31, 1866 ; , ; His Excellency President Johnson ; . ( f jI Your dispatch received. Gen. Baird has declard martial law in this city. The Grand Jury has indicted the mem ber of the convention who met yesterday a an unlawful assembly. The process for their arrest, in the hand of the sheriff, is suspended by General Baird until he re. ceive direct instructions from Washington. I showed mm your oiapatcn to me. . , , . . andkjsw j. Hisiiitua, Attorney uenaraL Here follows dispatches from Gen. Sheridan civine: car' ticulara of the riot They are about thr same as previ ously reported. - ? - - . - - Anderson, the Baggage Man, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE - r citizens of Wilmington," that any or- "yLf J der left on his SLATE at tho Store ofr i t ii i i Messrs. Hedrick A Ryan, will nieot with prompt attention. Jan. 13 ... , : f !- Twenty-five BARBELS AND HALF BARRELS " ' ' -NO. 1 AND S MACKEREL, . ' in store and offering very low for cash, at - GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front Street, i Ang. 24 CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent Dispatch copy. Forty Half Boxes DAMANTINK CANDLES, Lowest eash prices. CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent, 11 and 13 Front Street Aug. 24 Dispatch copy. Ten Kegs Extra Choice Goshen Butter, TW'TY KEGS NATURAL LARD, . w Twenty-five boxes Cream and Factory Dairy Cheese, Now receiving rrom steamers ana ottered at lowest casn pnoea, at It and 13 front btreet - AUg. it i WMAO. A. AlEUUJ, Agent. Dispatch copy. no nave aow id More, i THE LARGEST and most complete assortment of liKUCfclKlK.9 I jr-.-jm, THE STATE. Our price, very low for cash only Hand 13 r"mn Sirwst, ' Ang. 24 CHAS. IX Atl'ERS, Agent Dispatch copy. ." notice. - ' - RILLS will be present.! to all persons agtiaft whom w have Heraoraodnis mm Kin I. We do not pmfM to keep acconnt. A vaiMtual seUlomeAtt is respeotlaily Jan 1. 300 tf - HEDRICK A ETAS.