J7e daily joprnal. Term of Suberiptton I J throe month, 8 w onemonth, ' J 00 . . m vr. " " 8 00 ff,irnth. 3 00 in letter on buslnes connected with this offioe Jjjt (, addressed to the proprietor. Railroads, JjijJjjflivGTON & MANCHESTER E. E, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. AND AFTER THE 23d SEPTEMBER, the 0 following Schedule will go into effect on the .Jnirton Manchester B. It. : .connection made at Wilmington with we TV ,,1,1 Pilrnid dally, at SrJSSl Tw ST th. North EmS BailroaU' for Pa? -j -t irin,vill with the South aRaUroad for Aq. soo-tf a,18uP't- . fflLMWGTON & WELD0N B. E. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. S AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 2d, TRAINS 0 will run over mis noma iuuuo . f AH. AND PASSENGER TRAINS, . TTilminlftin A&ilV li 4 00 A. M. Arrive at Oold-boro' at.... 1 A. M. Arrive at ' V ie w emon uu v a rx vr Arrive Bl nmuujfc."!. ......... FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS, utve Wilmington dany c 80 ve at Oold"boro at. ............ 12 P. M. t5ve at Woldon at. . . .. . . . ..'. . . 1 10 A. M. Leave Weldon daily exeept bnnday p jVtOoliuw'iV.V.V.V.V...." 39 A. M. Arrive t WUmington at. ........ . .10 00 A. M. Kotu trains cuuu"h"'b J? at Goldsboro' with train to Raleigh and N, bem. & t mtpwAVT ' Engineer and Superintendent. ' l . ...I n.inAM an1 rtuhliati thin eh&nfTM- ither ncneumw U j.--" o 111 other paper discontinue Schedule notice. y Transportation Office, Wii uisoTox. Chablottk A B. B. R. Co., I Wilmington, N. C, May 29, 1(506. J TOO AND AFTER JUNE 1st, 1 m, the MaU r Train on mi roao wm nuuuuniuu . , , . w 'fi 1 - TVi..M.la va t,,l 1.-. ' ...j .b .i a..H n t i nVWk. P. H. Efitarning will let Sand Hill at 7 ocix!k( r . If WoitnuiuUvM an1 PriH&Vfl a& arrive in Wilnuugton at 4 o'clock, P. M. n jx. u. fli.i.t.. Master of Tr asportation. The Annual Meeting 0 F h Stockholder of the Wilmington, rt,rl,,t!i. nil Uniherfurd Kaflroad tniiny, rJl be hold in Wilmington on Thursday the 25th Met Octulier next. Postponed from the 17th, st'ordcr of the Board of Director. 1. A. Al.JLT.njl A-, Bocretary. frpt23 ' m 306-td Dunatrh Wiylxiboro' Argn. and Charlotte pa pal, publinh till day of meeting. ' I Miscellaneous. 1. A. HAST, IO.lt O. BULII Wilmington Iron and Copper Works. HAI.T it BAILEY, Pbopkietors, So. 17, Front Street, below Market, WllmlnKton, l. C. HAVING RESUMED OPERATIONS, we are now prepared to furnish itru and Iron Castings, finished and nnfin- Kw Machinery made and pat up. OH MarliinprT overhauled. ill kind of Pattern, Ornamental and Agricnl- UuL Will supply Draft of all king of Machinery and tllwork genarally. TCBPENTIXE AND WHISKY STILLS, AND COPPER WORK a 11 iU branches. A fall supply of Belting, Packing, Hose, Steam "4 Wator Pipe and Fittings. Machine Bolt, Nut and -Rivets, and all other wiclea generally found in a Machine Hnpply Store. Also a large lot of Crucible, from No. 35 to 100, warranted good will dispose of them below unofacturera' price. SUrch29. 154 tf Tbe Great English Remedy. THORN'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF (0PAIBA AND SARS.IPARILLA HAS ACQUIRED THE UTMOST FAME IN EVEltY part of the world; it ha been ex ?uwd, approved of and sanctioned by the faculty medicine, and recommended by the most enu t of the profession. Ai a 8CEE and KPEEDY cure for all Diskase j Bladdkb, Eidxet, and Ukinakt Oboax " OTH SEXtg. THJE BTAXP ON EACH POT BBCTRl otitrntE Observe this Will also bear M The NAME or THE CVSZD OH PROPRIETOR AND THE bottom of Umtkd State "OB POT AOEXT. NONE OTHER 18 GENUINE. "Observe the precaution and address order to TARRANT k CO., No. 278 Greenwich, New York. t . Sold by all Druggist. June 8-213-6m Anderson, the Baggage Man, Store of ktessra. Hedrick & Byaa, will meet C . .m ; CH?r,T. " fjniti a TitaiiTl i nM nny - , RESPECTFULLY INFORMS fiiA'rL aH citizen of Wilmington, r&-VX4T VOL XSl-W. 9. Mercantile. THE NEW LADIES BAZAAR. THANKFUL for the very flattering custom extended to us for the past, we take pleasure in announcing that we will open on the 1st Oct. at the store NO. 29 MARKET STREET, (next door to Dr. Melon' Drug' store,) A very handsome assortment of FANCY and STAPLE DBY GOODS, CARrETS, MILLINERY. TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, ; " . GLOVES, CORSETS, CLOAKS, v SHAWLS, and a full asaortment of LADIES SHOES and GAITERS, And other article too numerous to mention. Our intention is to make this exclusively a , LADIES STORE, having alway on hand the latest style of the sea- sou a, and will always taae pleasure in snowing our GOODS. A. WEILL & CO. Sept. 25 307-lm TO THE TRADE IX GENERAL And Wholesale Merchants in Particular. w E are sow opening at oar old and ea- tablished stand, NO. 13 MAIiKET STREET, a general assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, . HATS, . ' ',-.' -BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, GENTS' FUBNISHING GOODS, BLANKETS, ; YANKEE NOTIONS, PEBFUMEBY, " CCTLEBY, Ac, which we offer at the lowest prices. We would call the particular attention of our country merchants to our :, STOCK, and solicit a call before purchasing elsewhere. A. WEILL A CO. Sept. 25 307-lm Coal for Steamers, QOAL for Families, CUAL A A WUUiJJStl.U We have now on hand, at low prices, 270 tons of Cumberland Coal, 245 tons Egg Grate Coal, 3i0 tons Chesnut CoaL 175 tons Steamer Lump Coal, For ealo by KEITH A KEBCHNER, at the City Coal Yard. Sept. 20 303-lm Beceired per Steamer, EXTRA Family Flonr from new Wheat, barrel and half barrels ; extra new Dutchess county Pork, for family use:extra smoked Tongues and smoked Beef ; extra N. C. Lard and Virginia Butter : extra large red Apples, by the barrel and at retail : extra Can FruitPeaches, Tomatoes, Strawberries ; extra Brandy Peaches and Cher ries : extra Vinegar, for 1'ickliug purposes ; eoap, Candles, English Mustard, Pickels, Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, Ac. For sale low for cash, by Sept. 27 Storage and Wharfage. I AM PREPARED to receive Cotton, Naval Stores, Merchandise, Ac, on storage, at my wharves, between Chesimt and Mulberry streets, also at wharves near Union Distillery : all undei watchmen. A. a. VAiciiUtt.nxi.r.A. Feb. 24. 126- Sleigbt & gpaulding's N. Y. Spirit Casks. ABUrPLY OF the above make of CASKS wui alway be kept on hand by the subscriber. who is agent lor the manufacturers, ana soia in lots to suit. Prico reduced to (4 50 fur new. r A. U. VasBOKKELEN. June 17. 2-tf- Spirits Turpentine Casks. irA "SLEIGHT & PACLDINGS" New 1UU York Casks, , 100 prime 2d hand country Casks, for sale by . ...xrv A. XI. AJDUQ.lki.l.U.'. Sept. 4. Pork. BARRELS MESS PORK, for sale at " WILLAKD'8." 100 October 4 6-6t Flour, BBL8. FLUl'II All grades. For sale at " " WILLARD'S. 300 Oct. 4 - -6 Stares and Headin; Wanted. -iTTTr mv QTivra AVT IIFADIKr. llm V Ash or Poplar Heading, thoroughly seanoned, suiUble for making Spirit Turpentine Casks, wanted ny " A. n. VANBOKKEI.EN. Aug. 26 Mullets! 4 -i i BARRELS now landing from Schr, SAMUEL," and for sale by Oct 2 ZE0 H. GREENE. 4-tf JOB PRINTIXG Mm WILMTNGTOK, N. C, SUNDAY Educational. Mrs. RANSOM'S SEMINARY, . WILMINGTON, W. C. IWtLL OPEN A FIRST CLASS SEMINARY FOB GIRLS and YOUNG LADIES, on the cor ner of Orange and Third Streets, in this city, on the 3d of October next. Teachers of tbe first ability and largest experi ence, will be employed in every branch of study, and the Principal will give her personal care and attention to every part of the Institution. Every thing will bo taught which can be desired in the thorough education of a lady.' For further particulars, apply to the Principal for circulars containing a list of studies, and the terms of tbe Institution. MBS. ROBERT BANK0M. Aug. 30. 285-tf Dispatch copy tf.; Presbyterian, Fayetteville ; Carolinian, Wilson ; Star, Marion j Watchman, Sumter ; Argus, Wadesboro'j News, Goldnboro'; Weldon State, copy three week and send bill to this office. , . ( . School Notice. THE charges for Board and Tuition, as entered in my Circular of Female Seminary, are for the whole scholastic year of nine months, and not for half thattimo, as has been misunder stood by some. MBS. ROBERT RANSOM. Sept. 11. 295-tf Dispatch ; Presbyterian, Fayetfeville ; Carolin ian, Wilson ; Star, Marion ; Watchman, Sumter ; Argus, Wadesboro'; News, Goldsboro', and Wel don State copy three time and send bills to this office. The House to be Occupied BY my Seminary not being completed I am compelled to defer opening the school until the 8th of October. Mrs. ROBERT RANSOM. Sept. 30 3-tf Dispatch copy. , Wilmington Institute TOR GIRLS AND BOYS: L. HECINNET, Principal; Mis MARGARET RANKIN, First AiwUtant. THE Seventeenth Annual Session of this School will commence on Monday, Oct. 1st, 116. The Principal takes pleasure in announcing that be has secured the services of Miss Rankin as an Assistant in his School. Miss B. is a graduate of Edgeworth Female Seminary, Greensboro', N. C; has bad much experiene in Teaching, especially in French, Drawiog and Painting : these branches will be a part of tbe regular course ; and for French and Drawing, there will be no eUra charge. The Principal of Wilmington Institute takes the opportunity of returning bis tbanksto the citizens of Wilmington, for their generous support : his efforts, as heretofore, will be to deserve their con fidence, by using his best exertions t impart to their children a useful Education. Wilmington, N. C, Sept 16th, 1S06 , 300-tf Wilmington Male and Female Seminary. G. W. JEWETT, I Teachees Mas. M. A. JEWETT, f 1 EACHEM II TILL, re-open W'ednesday, October 3d, W at the residence of the late Dr. Fred Hill, corner of ith and Mulberry Streets, For particular see Circular, to be found on the premises and at tho Bookstores, when printed. Sept. 27 809-tf School at Rocky Point. milE Undersigned takes tbi. method of JL lnrorrotng me puDiio mat a ocnooi oi nign grade will be opened in this community on the 15th inst. We have secured the services of Mr. Archi hM R Tt!n-k m. pr&dn.t nf t.lin Tjniversitv of N. C, and a teacher of experience, and therefore feel warranted in soliciting a liberal patronage from Darents and euardians. Tuition half in adv&noe, and the other half at the end of the session, S20, $ 25 and $30. Board, including lights, fire and washing, (15 per month. HINTON E. CARR, DAWSON T. DURHAM. Oct. 2 43 Mrs. E. A. Gillican "II TILL, open her School on Thursday, V October 4th, on Mulberry, between 6th and 6th streets. Sept. 29 2 I II EG AR AY INSTITUTE. (FRENCH AND ENGLISH.) IOR YOUNG LADIES, BOARDING AND DAY 1 PUPILS, 1,627 and 1, 620 Spruce St., Philadel phia, Pa. Will re-open on THURSDAY, September 20. Board and tuition, per annum $450 uo uo , jor two ur susiers, (each) 400 French is the language of tbe family, and is constantly spoke in the Institute. Principal. August 1 Wed. Fri. Sun! 2M3m North Carolina Petroleum and Mining Comoanv. TUB undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Company in this City. wiahinA ,t t.L. .ix.lr will nlo.BA . 1 1 .Till examine the Charter and lotter from the Secretary are tue muai vur.uiu. . i - . . 11 and the indications of their ultimate success in finding Oil are very flattering. Should they fail, however, on the land possessed by the Company, tVior-A im . mffirient miintitv of Coal to more than repay them for all capital expended. Working Capital 111)0,000. ilome enterprises snouin tw ennnnii. MALLETT A HOFFMAN, Agents. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 29th, 1866. 2-tf On Consignment and For Sale. MESS and Prime Mess Pork, Sugar of all grades, . . to floe, Uolassea, w hisaey in Atois. anu rases, French Brandies (in bond or duty paid) in land i casks and cases, Irish and Scotch Wiskies in cases. We Offer the above at lowest market prioes. SOL. HAAS A CO. Oct 3 -,w ; Remoral. STLVESTER WILSON, wonld re.peel fully inform hi patrons and the public gener ally, that he ha removed hi HAIR DRESSING AND SHAVING SALOON from the basement of Bailey's Hotel, to the store recently occupied ry jieesra. oiimm urvs.. Banker, on Front Street, near Market which he baa thorouehly renovated and fitted op in a suita ble style. Thirty Kegs Choice "I OSIIEN Butter, FORTY KXGS BEST LARD, Just in store. CHAS. D. MYERS, Ag't, 11 and IS Front treet Oct 5. 7 SHIPPING ARTICLES ID FOREIGN OCT WARD MANIFESTS, t For at tbe Oct. journal oma SEVERAL HUNDRED OLD SEWSTA? KRS for i. MORNING. OCTOBER 7, 186G. Legal. District Court of the inited States, For the District of North Carolina, in the District of Cape Fear, . United States, 1 To aJ1 ll0m H U)ay 200 gallons Rum, Ao. ) concern. Notice Is hereby given that on the 97th day of September, 1806, two casks of Bum, containing about 200 gallons; three casks of Wine, containing about 200 gallons ; four baskets of Champagne; live cases of Cigars, containing some 2j,000 or 30,000 Cigars ; three cases of Brandy ; sixty-three bottles of Clarnt Wine ; one barrel oi Uin ; one Keg or wine; izu nuntues oi Cicars : seven boxes of Cicars : nine bottles of Cherry Cordial, and one case of Giu were seized bv Jamo I', jfoster, collector oi the i'ort oi Wilmington, N. C, as forfeited to the use of tho United State, and tbe same is libeled and prose cuted in this Court in th name of the United States for condemnation for the causes in said libel set forth : and that said cause will h. and for trial at the Court Room of said Court in Wilming ton, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in October, 18CG, if that be a day of jurisdiction, and if not, on tho next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and to intervene for their interests. I), li. li uuuLUt, marshal. F. W. FoaTEB, D. M. Oct. 2. rrv. Adv. f33 87. 4-20t District Court of the United States FOB THE DISTRICT OF N. CAROLINA, 1' Is District of Cape t eab. :', United State ' (2) two Barrels of Whiskey 1 To all whom it may concern. NOTICE i hereby given, that on the 8th dav of AugUBt, 1KCG, two barrels of Whiokey were seized by L. G. Estes, Exq., Collleetor of In ternal Revenue for the 2nd District of North Car olina, as forfeited to the use of the United States, and the same is libeled and prosecuted in this Court in tho name of the United States for con demnation for the causes in said libel set forth; and that said cause will stand for trial at the Court Boom of said Court in Wilmington, on the lit Monday after the 4th Monday in October, 1S6G, if that be a day of jurisdiction, and if not, on the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be de creed, and to intervene for their interests. D. B. GOOjDLOE, Marshal, J. H. New, Deputy Marshal. Sept 21 Pr. Adv. $32 81 3O4-20ds. District Court of the United States FOB THE DISTRICT OF N. CAROLINA, ! Ix Dwtbict of Cape Feab. j United States To all whom it may (3) three bbls. of Whiskey. concern. NOTICE la hereby given, that on the 8th day of Angunt, lt6i, three barrels of Whis key were seized by L. G. Estes, Esq , Collector of Internal ttevenue ror ttie 211a District or JNortn Carolina, as forfeited to the nse of the United States, and the same is bboled and prosecuted in this Court in tho name of the United States for condemnation for the causes in said libel set forth; and that said cause will stand for trial at the Court Room of said Court in Wilmington, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in October, 1566, if that be a day 01 junsmction, and 11 not, on tne next dav of iurisdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and to intervene tor tneir interests. D. B. GOODLOE, Marshal, J. H. Keff, Deputy Marshal. Sept 21 Pr. Adv. 132 81 304-20ds District Court of the United States FOR THE DISTRICT OF N. CAROLINA, ! Is DisTBicT of Cape Feab. United States (5) five barrels of Whiskey. To all whom it may concern. VTOTICE Is hereby given, that on the Sth l day of August, 1HCC, five barrels of Whiskey were seizeu oy 1.. u. jsies, xs., isuuectur 01 in ternal Revenue for tbe 2nd District of North Car olina, a forfeited to the use of the United States, and the same ia libeled and prosecuted in this Court in tbe name or tne united Mates ror con demnation for the causes in said libel set forth; and that said cause will stand for trial at the Court Boom of said Court in Wilmington, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in October, 1866. if that be a day of jurisdiction, and if not, on the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation shall not be de creed, and to intervene for their interests. D. R. GOODLOE, Marshal. J. H. Neff, Deputy Marshal. Sept 21 Pr. Adv. $32 81 3O4-20ds. Wilder's Patent Salamander Safes, WITH WILDER S PATENT PO WDER AND BURGLAR-PROOF LOCKS. B. G. WILDER & CO., PATENTEES AND MANTJFACTCRER8 OF THE BEST FIRE-FBOOF SAFE IN THE WORLD ! JEWELERS and BANKERS SAFES made to Order, Lined with Hardened Steel. HOUSE AND PLATE SAFES. m0 THIS CELEBRATED SAFE was awarded X the GOLD MEDAL, at the World's Fair in London, in 1H51. Notice. This celebrated Fire-Proof Safe is no longer made and sold by Silas C. Hekbino, his license to make and sell them having expired. The thousands nf Certificate from Merchant, Bankers and Mechanics of all trade, that have been given in favor of this the only tbce " SALA MANDER," render it useless for the subscriber to multiply words in it favor, as full thirty thous and of WILDERS' PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES," have been manufactured and sold in the United State ; and, in almost every large fire that has taken place during the last seventeen year, these Safes have been subjected to the severest tests, and not on of the " Genuine tkdamamlert " ha ever been detroyil. Safe aold at New York prioe, with the freight to WUmington added. No commission charged in Wilmington. We are prepared to take order for these celebrated Safe. Sample can be een at our offioe in a few day. Every Merchant should hay on of these obeap and secure Safe. ANDREWS A BARD IN, Commission Merchants, General Agent for North Carolina Office, No 6 South Water Street (Up Stair), Wilmington, N. C. Raleigh Sentinel eopy. Not. 8a tf Spirit Casks. yff PRIME Second hand New York J J Spirit of Turpentine Cask. Just re ceived and fot sale, by ALFRED MARTIN. OoL 2 4-2w B. M. Rhodes L Co's., SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. THE I'ndenlgurd having been appointed Agents for this celebrated standard Fertilizer, offer ii to the Farmer of North Carolina at Man ufacturer prices, $60 per ton. The trade axe invited to send in their order promptly. ATKINSON A SHEFrERSON, 11 and 12 North Water Street Sept 19 300-lm Bolted Meal. CROrS D FHESII every day from best T nnality whito Corn, at " ANN" STREFT MILL," and delivered at any point in th CWy fret nf charge. F.J. LORD. Oct 5 7-4t n WHOLE NUMBEE &22.' Dry Goods, &c. FALL j$T0CK. "Yy7"K would respectfully Invite the at tention of our friend and' patrons, and of the pnblio in general, to the large and woll assorted stock of -y . ' dry goods; which we- aro now receiving DIRECT FROM EU ROPE, where our Mr. Samuel Bear has been, per sonally, purchasing for our market, as well as to the heavy and carefully selected stock of CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, s Purchased by our Mr Solomon Bear, in the North ern Markets. Wo have now on hand, and are constantly re ceiving ' FANCY AND MOURNING FEINTS. : DE LAINES, ALPACAS, FRENCH MERINOS. SCOTCH PLAIDS, BLANKET8, CARPETS of all qualities, -BED TICKING, SHEETING, Ac, Ac. OUR STOCKS OF . FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, FURS, HATS and CAPS, MISSES and LADIES' BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS, Is the Urgent this market offers. We would call special attention to our Merchant Tailoring A.D GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, In the hands Of the well known, experienced Cut ter, Mb. D DeLANEY. y Having special facilities for having Clothing made to order; we can supply all orders at tho shorteat notice, and furnish tho best of BROAD CLOTH, FANCY AND OTHER CASSLMERES. BOOTS SHOES AND GAITERS Are all made to order, and of the best material and superior workmanship. Parties yiaiting this City to purchase their Fall Stocks, wholesale or retail, will do well to call on us, and we are confident that wo will earn their approbation. SOL. BEAR A BBOS., 18 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. Sept 22. 805-lin 23 Market St.. ' 23 Market St. -yy-K TAKE great pleasure in announ ring to our numerous friend and customer that we have opened a large and weU selected stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PBINTB, DeLAINES, POrLLNS, REPS AND C0BURG8, FRENCH MERLN0ES, COLORED AND BLACK SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND BASQUES, WHITE GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY, , BALMOBAL AND HOOP SKIRTS, SATINETS, CASSLMERES AND JEANS, BROAD CLOTH AND DOESKINS, EMBROIDERIES, COLLARS AND SLEEVES, DOMESTICS, TICKINGS AND BLANKETS, LADIES', MISSES', MEN8' AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS AND NOTIONS. To Wholesale Buyer we offer tbe best induce ments, a we have one of the firm continually in the Northern market to look out for good bar gam. M. M. KATZ A CO., No. 23 Market Street Opening of Millinery. WE will open on Wedneday, October 3d, the beat selected stock of BONNETS, CATALLNES, HATS, CENTRAL PARKS, GLADIATORS AND " BISTORTS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FLUMES AND ORNAMENTS. In thanking the Ladies for tbe kind patronage so far bestowed, w hop th stylo and price of our Good will also make it their interest to con tinue th same in future. In connection with our Millinery, we'll also open ao assortment of LADLES' FUBNISHING GOODS. , M. VL KATZ A CO., 23 Market Street Sept 30 3 THE DAILY JOPRNAL Rate of Advertising 1 AdvthtibeIiehtb will be inserted at the raU of $1 per square for th first insertion; 13.80 per week j and 18 per month. ,. Ten lino or less are counted 4s a sonar, Longer Advertisement In proportion. Advertisement inserted every other day aro charged a new at each and every insertion. , No publication reflecting upon private character will be allowed in our columns, either a advertise ments or otherwise. . . g-r No publication made without a responsi ble name. THR' DAILY JOURNAL. WILMINGTON, N. C. : SUNDAY, OCTOBER T. 1806, THE GALLANT PELHAM. 4 From the Houston (Texas) Journal. "Where is there a soldier of the old army. wbo was on tbe heights of Fredericksburg, but can recollect the hero, yoanp Pelham. c.ui: . . . Vi ... .' ugiiuuf ins guns m i rout oi r raniuin a corps. One thrill of admiration ran throughout the army, and the great hero, as bravo as he was modest, had his reward in tho general orders of Gen. Leef of the battlo, when ho atyled him ' the gallant remain, a name that was at once adopted throughout the army.,' 'The sublimity of this compliment is enhanced by the fact tnat ne was tne only one ever mentioned by Gen. Lee in general orders, under the rank of a General. Wo watched him fighting with unremit ting ardor the guns that he commanded. Now firing, now retreating, and then returning almost to tho very line of the re turning foe at each discharge a silver line of white wonld gleam where the line of blue had before stood. It was a grand and terriflo sight. We could hear all around the shouts of our men as they cried : " See how he fights. Who is it? .What a sol dier 1 It is Pelham !" and cheer after cheer went up when making his stand near the centre of the field, he fonght until nearly every horse ho had was killed, and the men torn to fragments by shot and ' shell. Then wo understood his work, for gliding to the right of us came Stonewall Jackson's and A. P. Hill's corps, and the lines collided. Pelham's work was done. and General Lee, in presence of his corps commanders and his staff made the remark, " Is it not a wonder how one so young can be so brave ?" This compliment brought from nun only a oiusn upon his beardless cheek. lirave and heroic heart, we saw him. fall in the front of Averill's fierce surprise. He was leading to the front some stragglers, ana endeavoring to rally a broken line, his fine sabre glistening in patriotio circles over nis neaa, ana nis clear voice cheering up eacn weary neart to one more honest effort, when a shell burst over his head, and one fragment went hissing through his brow. He fell, and for a moment there was a pause, btuart for a moment stopped and looked at him, and said in a solemn tone, the tears trickling from his eyes, " Serving on my staff is fatal it is fatal. " The following narrative of Hamr Gil- more tells the rest of the close of this pure good Life : "He was taken from the field bv Col. Harry Gilmore, laid upon his horse and placed in charge of two dismounted men witn orders to carry him to an ambulance and call a surgeon. . OoL Gilwore thus re lates in his book, entitled " Four Years in the Saddle," the subsequent fate and brutal treatment of one of the noblest spirits that perished for the "Lost cause." " On my way to Culpepper, I overtook, near Brandy Station, the two men I had placed in charge of Pelham, making their way back to Culpepper, with the body across the horse, just as they had started from the field of battle, his head and hands hanging1 down on one side, his legs on the other face, hair and hands soaked and clotted with mud and blood. "Overwhelmed with horror. I had him laid on the grass in the fence corner, and then, to my astonishment, found him still alive. Imagine my indignation and vented wrath, when I found that instead of look ing for an ambulance, they had moved to ward Culpepper, a distance of eight miles, four of which they had already accom plished. I firmly believe that had suroieal aid been called to remove the compression At , L , . l . on tne unuii, ms me might nave oeen saved. "An ambulance was immediately sent for him, and by the time I had dispatched my business with tho telegraph, Pelham had arrived in town, and was at once con veyed to Bessie's home, where the ladies had all things in readiness for his te- eeption. Three surgeons were soon in at tendance ; and after, by gentle hands he had been washed with warm water, his feet and hands swathed in flannel, and some brandy poured in his mouth, the surgeons commenced relieving the compression on tne brain, llie piece of shell that had struck him was not larger than the end of my Little finger. It entered just at the curl of the hair on the back of the head, raking through the skull without even piercing the brain, coming out two inches below the point where it had entered. The skull was badly shattered between the entrance and the exit of the shell As the surgeons re moved the pieces, I selected one as a me mento of one of the most gallant and high ly esteemed officers of the Southern army. He was just 21 years of age. I lie surgeons soon pronounced his case hopeless, and left him to the care of Betie and myself other friends crowded in. About L, p. m., his eyes opened he turned toward me with an unconscious look closed them drew a long breath, and died with out a struggle. We dressed liim in his best uniform, and had bnt ju3t laid him on the bed, when the door was gently opened, and Stuart entered, having returned from the fight at Kelly's Ford. G reat tears rolled down his cheeks as he silently gazed on the lifeless form, and then retired. "Exhausted with fatigue. I lay down upon the floor, and slept soundly beside the mortal remains of a companion who had ridden to tbe field that morning in usually fine spirits ; but such is the fortune of war." . ) Thns, indeed, rerihcd a great and food lad. He was carried to his home in Alaba ma, and buried beneath her loved soiL In Richmond his body lay in state, and the ladies of the doomed city not only covered his coffin with wreaths of evergreens, im mortelles ana pure white roses, to desig nate the purity of his life, bnt they paid to the form mbi peur, tani rrproch the tri bute ol their tears, i. very where on the way he was greeted with funeral honors, and the noble heart of Pelham passed into his tory as the type of that pure chivalry that glowed in tho hearts of the youth of the army, and the loss of whom hath caused much mourning throughout the South. I write the above, glad of the opportuni ty to bear my testimony, feeble a it is, to the virtue, to the honor, the peerless cour age of the subject of this sketch. lours, Trrou. ATT.T EXECUTED at the O sale at Oct TEX J0URSAL OFFICE XX JOURNAL OFFICE.

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