o 4V a "0 WlXMMGrTON, SUNDAY MORNIN&, JANUARY 13; 1867. WHOLE NUMBER .4,504: VOL. XVI-NO. 01. . 4!i..i T II E DAILY JOURNAL EN a KUUltD A rHICK, Proprietors. . Ttmi of Hmbaerlpt Ion I Daily Tape r, ou year, invariably in advance, $10 00 is months, -t. 5 00 " three months, " '" ' 00 V one month, M ' 1 00 Weekly rior, ono year, " " . . 8 00 " six months, M " 2 00 AU lottery on business connected with thia office taunt be addressed to the proprietor. . , ROtS Of AdTOTlUlM ' AbvxaTUEjfzirrs will be inserted at the rale of $1 por square for the first Insertion; $3.50 per week ; end M per month. Ten lines or Veee are counted m a square, Longer Advertisements In proportion. Advertisements inserted evert other day are charged ae new at each and erery insertion. Advertisements ordered on the inri le will he , charged SO per cent, additional to abovo rates. Marriage, Doatu and Obituary Notices are charged as Advertisements. No publication reflecting npon private character will be allowed in our columns, either as advertise ments or otherwise ; r No publication' made without a rcsponsi ble name. THE DAILY JOURNAL. WILMINGTON. N. P.: KITKDAY. J AS CART 13. 16 T. Murder In New York. Disappointed love Lft.i once more occa pinned ft terrihle tragedy in New York. Mrs. Funny Willard, a widow lady about thirty-two year of ag, n newDpnpvr com jK)sitor by trade, was nuot and killed at her iriucfe of residenco, in New xork, on Sutnr dy, by n young policeman, named Thomas in. iiuke. lhe assassin immediately on the perpetration of tho deed shot himself in the head. The tragedy occurred at the boarding Iiouho of a Mrs. I3urke. The iu- mati'fl of the house, attractetl to Mm. Wil hird'B room by tho iistol Bhot.i, found the lifelesx body of Mra, AVillard, tha (japing pi.slol wound in the region of whose heart and tho bloody utains which marked the flow of tho life curront, indicated tho vio lent manner in which alio had met her deatli. A bhort distance from tho body of Mrs. Willard lay the lifeless body of her murderer, bin head and face covered with noro from a bullet shot in tho right tem ple. lUiiko was a roundsman in tho police force, and is understood to have been a disappointed auitcr for tho hand of Mrs. W'illanl,' On Saturday afternoon lat, Mr. Willard, who was forewoman in tho female department of tho "World" composing room, left tho otlieo for the purpose of re turning to her boarding house. While on , ht-r homeward ride in the street car, she encountered a male acquaintance a rival of young Unrke for the hand of the lady who, upon reaching Twentieth street, cour teously assisted her from the car, and passed on. It is supposed that this act of gallantry was witnessed by Ihirke, who, stung to madness by jealousy, followed her to her rcsidonco nuil shot her, and then took his own life. Mrs. Willard was a woman of irreproach- . able character, highly esteemed by all who knew her, and endowed with remarkable energy. Besides her position' in 'the "World" oflice, Mrs. Willard filled tho post of fashion editress of the " Kanday Times and Messenger," which oQice she filled with ability. She also had charge, at tho timo of her death, of the Ocean Lodge table at the Masonic x air, in tho further ance of which enterprise she had labored with much zeal, and in recognition of which service she was, on Friday evening last pre sented with a valuable diamond ring by a number 01 her Masonio mends, bue , was atxmt thirty years of age. - ( Unrke is represented as a young man of " good character, handsome and ambitious, ..and mamfostly had set his heart upon win ning tho woman he had loved, "not wise ly, but too well." To Whom It may Concern Bomo figuring genius lias given us tho probable nnmber of Southerners which the adoption of the constitutional amendments will consign to the shadow of private life during their natural lives. The following compose both variety and kind :. Confederate Executive, President and Cabi net Confederate Congress 132 Governors and buff. , 140 Confederate Legislatures. 1,850 btate Judiciary, including District aud Cir cuit Courts 23 Trobate Judges " CM United States Judiciary. . , ., t Marshals lVmtiuastcra 3,525 Axnenxors anil Collectors 100 Lighthouse establishmunte Cuntoms i. ...... .. f,l lft National Congress M U-ft Urgular Army 313 I .eft Navy , , , Hheriffj County Clerks Ad't all lawyers, except as-included above among judges . Afld fur Clftiks in . PostoflVobs, Custom 091 6,050 Houses, etc 5,000 Ada 10 cover justiot ottnereace 5,000 Total above all clauses. 23.745 Pwr of Womca U Tarktr, A man meeting a woman in the street turns his head from her, as if it were for- bidden to look npon her. Anv one, there jcire, joiiong the Christians, wno may have diwnimiotis or altercations with Turks, if be lift a woman of spirit, or a virago for his wjfc, sota her to revile and brow-beat theuiy and by these means not unfrequent ly gain his ioiut The liigheut disgrace uthl shame would attend a Turk who should rashly lift his hand against a woman ', all ho eau venture to do is to treat her with liar.h and contemptuous words or to march oft'. The sex lay such stress on this privi lege, that they are frequently apt to indulge their paaaions to excess, to be most nnrt-a-honablo in their claims, and violent and ir regular in the pursuit of them. They will iniportnne, tease and insult a judge on his ' bt'iiclu, or even the vizer at his divan ; the ofiiccrs of justice do not know how to re wut their turbulence ; and it is a general observation that, to get rid of them, thev often let them gain theircause. Sir George Jsirpenls lurkey. . .' A Kwbojr. Falls Heir to a Fortune of - - ' 900,000. - . . Tokonto, Jan. 5, , 18C7. A newsboy of thi city, named Henry Martin, has fallen heir to SliOO.OOO in Texas, i Ha lather was a farmer, and a resident of llochester. He ' was killed in the. first battle of Bull Run. ILw mother was unable to sortDort the fam ily, and sent Harry to a charitable institu tion, from whicn be escaped. The boy's nncle settled In Texas some years agot and accumlualed a large property. He wan killed in the battle of Bhiloh, fighting for tho Confederacy. A relative had been searching three months for the boy. , Both left for Bocheater to-day. A , THE FORTIETH COJfOn.ES. 6ESATE. marked- It. ;M .Conserrativee marked (XT KI5XXSOTA. . , , Alex Hamsay. r ' "i Dan! 8 Norton, t .1 . KKW IlimHlllK.' 'Aaron n Cragin, r Jas W Patterson, r .1 ' KEW YORK. (Radical members coKwacnccT. James Dixon, o Orris b 1 erry, r CALIFORNIA. John Coupes, r Cornelius Cole, r -' - DELAWARE. O eo Read Itiddle, o Willard SaulBbury, c Edwin J) Morgan, r Vacancy. I SEW JXIUiET. ,AO Cattell, t F T Frelinghuysen, r ! KEY ADA. ' Wm M Stewart, r Vacancy. ' OHIO., Benj FWade, r John Sherman, r i OBEOOX. . Geo H Williams, r Henry W Corbett, r ! PEWKSYLVAIOA. :Chas H Buckilew.Vj Vacancy. RHODE 1HLAMJ. Wm Bprague, r : Henry B Anthony, r 1 - TEKBESflKC- , ' jDavid T Fowler, r J S Patterson, c -VEHWOXr. Oeo F Edmunds, r Justin H Morrill, r ' j WISCONSIN. 'Jas B Doolittle, c (Vacancy. i wur Tinfitvri. TT.LIKOIS. Ttichard Yates, r Vacancy. ISDIA.V. Tlios A Hendricks, c yacancy. IOWA. James T7 Grimes, r James Harlan, r XAKRAH. Vacancy Do. KENTUCKY. James Guthrie, c Vacancy. MAI9K. Itt M MorrUl. r SV P Fessenden, r 'MtRSACBrSETTS. Chas Buinner, r . Henry Wilson, r MARTLA5D. lU-verdy Johnson, c ' Vacancy. MusnrBi. John B Henderson, r Vacan7. M1CIII0AN. Zachariali Chandler r Jacob M Howard, r - .Peter O Van Winkle, r 'Waitman T Willey, r HOUrtE OF ItEriiESENTATlVES. ' MISSOUBI. NEW YOllK. 1 Stephen Tabcr, c '1 Dcmas Barnes, c 3 Wm E Itobinson, c 4 John Fox, c 5 John Morriasi.y, c ft Thus E Stewart, c 7 John VT Chanter, o 8 James Brooks, c 'J Fernando Wood, e 10 Win f I Itobei tson, r 11 ChasH Van Wyck, r 12 J ohn H Kerch nun, r 13 Xhos Cornell, r 11 JVL Proyn, c 15 J A Grinwold, r , , I'; Orange Ferriii, l ; 17 C T Hnlbnrd, r IS James M Marvin, r 19 Wm 0 Fields, r 20 A H Laltin. r 1 Wra A Tile, r 2 C A Kewromb, r 3 Thomas E Noell. c 4 J J Gravelly, r 5 J W McClurg, r C It T Van Horn, r 7 Penj FI.oan,r : 8 J F Benjamin, r 9 G W Anderson, r kiohioan. ' 1 Fcr 0 Beaman.T 2 Chas Upson, r 3 Austin Blair, r 4 Thos VV Ferry, r SHE Trowbridge, r 6 John F Driggs, r MINNESOTA. ' 1 Wm Windom, r 2 Ignatius Donnelly r NEW JEMhKT. , 1 William Moore, r 2 William A Newell, r 3 Chas Sitgreavos, c 4 John Hill, r , 5 G A llalscy, r ' VKVADA. Delons B Ashley, r i onto. 1 BenJ Eggleston, r 2 1111 Havss, r 3 Bobert C Schenck, r 4 Wm Lawreneo, r 5 Wm H Mnngen, c 6 lteader W Clarke, r 7 Saml Shallabarger, 8 C if Hamilton, r 9 Ralph P Bnckland. 10 James M Ashley, r 11 John T Wilson, r 12 P Van Trmnp, c 13 G W Morgau, o 14 Martin Welker, r 15 Tobias A Plants, r III John A Bingham, r I itosooe Conk ling, r J U Churclnll, r Dennis McCarthy, r 1 T M l'omoroy. r :." Wm H Kelsey, r (J Wm H Lincoln, r 27 H anulton WarX r ' 28 Iwis Selye, r ?.i Jiurt an Jiom, r J M Humphrey, c II Van Acnnah, r LU.VWAKK. John Nicholson, C. ilmsois. NBJndd, r 2 J F Farmsworth, r 3 r. Ji nasiinurnr, r A C Harding, r E C Ingersoll, r Burton C Cook, r ' 1 it c 1 8 H P H Bromwell. r Shelby M Cullnm, f Lewis W Boss, c . t 9 10 A O Burr, c 11 Sam'l Miirshall, e 12 John Baker, r i i i it if...... 17 Ephraim B Eckley, r in Hums v snaiiJing, r At large, J A Logan, t , 19 James A Oarbeld, r INDIANA. ORKOON, . , J D H Henderson, r PENNSYLVANIA. 1. Samuel J Randall, 2 Charles O'Neill, r 3 Leonard Myers, r 4 W D Kelley, r 5 Caleb N Tavlor, r 6 B Markley Boycr, o 7 John M Broomall, r 8 J Lawrence Getz, c 9 Thaddeus Stevens, r 10 Henry L Cake, r Wm E Ni black, c 2 Michael C Kerr, c M O Hunter, r 4 V m S liolman, c 5 Geo W Julian, r ft John Cobnru, r 7 II D Wanhburno, r 8 Oodlove S Orth, i 9 Schuyler Colfax, r 10 Wm Williams, r 11 Jno PC Shanks, r IOWA. 1 James F Wilson, r '2 Hiram Trice, r 111 D M Van Anken, c 112 CharleB Dennison, c 13 Ulvsses F Mercnr, r il4 Geo F Miller, r 3 4 5 Wm B Allison, r W M Longhridge, r O M uoiige. r 15 A J Goldsbrenner, o 6 Asivhcl W Hubbard, r 15 Wm H Koontz, r KAN8A3. 117 Daniel S Morrell, r ;i3 Stephen F Wihion. r !19 G W Scofield, r 20 Darwin A Finney, r j21 John Covode,"r ' 122 J K Moorherfct, r 2 Thomas Williams, r '24 G V Lawrence, r Sidney Clarkr MAINE. . 1 John Lynch, r , 2 Sidney Parham; r " 3 James G Blaine, r 4 John A refers, r 5 Fred'k A Pike, r MASSACHUSETTS. 1 1. Thos D Eliot, r 1. Oakcs Ames, r ' ' 3. Qincry Ywitchell,r 4. Sam'l Hooper, r 5. BenJ F Butler, r 6. Nat P Banks, r' 7. Oeo 8 Boutwell, r n. Job.p B Baldwin, r 9 W B Washburne, r . 10 Henry L Dawes, r MARYLAND. VERMONT.' . L P E Woodbridgo, t 2. Luke Poland, r ' 3. W O Smith, r , ' wisconsix. " ' ; 1. Halbert E Paine, r t 2. Benj F Hopkins, r , 3. Amasa Cobb, r '- , 4. Chas A Eklridge, e 5 Philetus Sawyer, r C C C Washburn, r WEST VIRGINIA. 1 C D Hubbard, r i 2 Benj M Kitchen, r ; 3 Daniel Palsey, r 1 Hiram McCullougli, c 2 8 Archer, o 3 C E Phelps, c 4 Francis Thomas, r . 5 Frederick Stone, o Frederick Stone, Conneetient, California, Kentucky, New Hamp shire, Bhode Island, and Tennessee, choosing twenty-mna members, are yet to elect. a.t. : 1 North Carolina Ltgislature Members of the Legislature of North Caroll- Z- . SeiIo lSGO'OT. . ' SKNATX. 1st district, Pasquotank Bufns K. Speed . 2d district, Camden and and Perquimans, Dr, Currituck, Wilson D. terrenes 3d district. Gates and Chowan, H. Willey 4th district, Tyrrell and Hyde, Jones Spencer 6th district, Northampton, U C Edwards 6th district, Hertford, James Barnes ; 7th district, Bertie, David Outlaw . 8th district, Martin and Washington, J.E Moore nn district, Halifax. Mason Lj Wigiriaa 10th district, Edgecombe and Wilson, Jlenry T liiara 1 1 th district, Pitt O Perkins 12th district, Bsanfort, Isiah Beep ass , j 13th district, Craven, Mathias E .Iaulv 14th district, Carteret and Jones, Calvin . D, Koodoo 15th district, Greene and Lenoir, J H Coward ' lt.th district, New Hanover, Ed D Hall ' 17th district, Duplin, Isac B Kelly iHth district, Onwlow, Jasper Etheride 10th district, Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, Baltr Lloyd 20th district, CumlK rland and narnett, Archi ua.a Aiciean 21st district, Sampson,' John C Williams 22 i district, Wayne, W A 1 homps-m -' ' ' 23if district, Johnston, 1 homaa D Snead ? 24'h district, Wake, Willi D Jon a ' 2th distiict, Nash, LNB Battle 26th district, Franklin, Washington. Harrisa 27th district, Warren, t A Thorutoa 28th district, GrinvillB John Bullock 2S:h district, Peroon, John W Cunuingham 3oth d'stnet, Orange, John Berry 31st district, AUmanoe and Bandolph, M, S. Robins 32d district. Chatham. R B raschaJl 33d district Moor and Montgomery, W B Rich ardson . , . 3lth district, Richmond and Eobeon, BI McBae 3Vh district, Ansoti and Union, D A Covington iu oisirici, uuuioru, rcter Adams 87th district, Caswell, Livingston Brown 3sth district, Rockingham, U Hand 30th district, Meckleuberg, J H Wilson 40th dlsUkt. Stan! V and Cabarua 41st district, Rowan and Daviiv Robert FJohn- 41-1 district, Davidson, J M Leach 4.ld district. Stokes and Forsyth J E Matthews 4 un aisirict, Asbe, Surry Ac, A C Cowles 4 ith district, Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander, nnui 46th district. Burke.' Ac. A C Avenr 47th district, Lincoln. Gaston and Catawba, H It sicuoraie 48th district. Ruthtrford, Polk and Cleaveland, C L Harrisa . J . Uisu-ict, cuncoHJoe, iienuerson, L S I soon and examine tor themselves, as I am deter Gash . J '" I mined to seJL - N. FREDERICK. WU district, Haywood, Macon to., j s .love, Jrl Deo, T , ? T . BOT6S or cojotojfs. . ' Anson; A JDargan.W'P Kendall " Ashe and Alleghany.Eobert Gambrill Alexander, Dr J II Carson Alamance, B Y McAdeu, A II Bovd Beaufort, Henry Harding, C M Gorbani Bertie, DrPT Henry, J W Beasley Bladen, J A Richardson Brunswick, D C Allen - ' Buncombe, Montraville Patton " Burke, John Sodderth Cabarrns, J M Lfng : " Caldwell, James O Harper ' Camden, W G Morrissey ' Cartel et, J M Perry CaswelL I'hllip Hodopt. Wm Long ; Catawba, W P Bernhardt Chatham, G Moore, G May and Thomas W Womble Chowan, B D Simpson Cleveland. Geo W Whitfield Columbus, Dr J M McGougan Craven, S W Chadwick and A C Latham Cumberland, W McL McKay and T H Lutterloh Currituck, W O Oranberry - Cherokee Duplin, T 8 Kenan and Zach Smith Davidson, C F Lowe, DrJ II Sholton Davie, J H Clements Edgecombe and Wilson, Dr J H Baker, J n Woodard . . Franklin, Capt Joseph J Davis Forsyth, P A Wilson, E B Teague Oates. Dr Iigh ; - Granville, E B Lyon, W H Jenkiuc, U Freeman Greene. F II Bountrec Guilford, W It Smith, J T Morehead, Jr., J 8 Houston Gaston, D A Jenkins Halifax. D C Clark, W A Daniel Harnett Dr B C Williams ; Havuvood, Green Garrett Hertford, Dr G C Moore - ' - Hyde, Tilman Farrow Henderson and Transylvania, Jas Blythe Iredeil, J A Itosebro, J H Stevenson Johnston, Terry Godwin, B B Hinnant Joiica. Jacob F Scott Jackson. Thaddens D Bryson Lenoir, B F Bright . Lincoln, Dr M L Brown Martin, Abner S Williams Jl cDo well, James eal Meeklenberg, R D AVhitley, J M Hutchcjon . Montgomery, Allen Jordan : - n:. ; Moore. William M Black Macon, W G Crawford Madison, N Kclecv Nash, Jonathan M Stone New Hanover, B Jl Cowan, C W MeClamiuy Northampton. B B Peebles, E A Martin Onslow, A J Murrill "'.'" Orange, W W Guesa, S D Unisted " ' Pasquotank, J B Jones " ' Perquimans, Thomas Wilson t: .: r . Person, W A Braduher , Pitt, Wli Williams, John Gallows v Randolph, E T Biair, Joel Ashworth Richmond, Petr MeRse ; - Rowan, O G Foard, W H Crawford Robeson. Bory McNair, J A Mc Arthur Bookingham, "J nolderby, R B Henderson Rutherford and Folk, G W Logan, N Scoggin Sampson, John Bardin, O W Antry . Stokes, Silas Westmoreland Surry, Harrison M Waugh - . , , StanJv, S O Morton Tyrell, iV W Walker Union, Jonathan Trull Wake, C J Rogers. Jl'II Buss, Robt S Perry Warren, John R Tumbnll, T I Judddiu . Waslungton. Charles Latham Watauga, William Horton Wayne, J H Eveictt, O C Oarris Wilkes, P Horton, Dr Tyre York YadkinrT M Vestal Yancey and Mitchell, Mr Williams. DaL . . U. S." Judiciary' The Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States are as follows Mr Chief Justice Chase, of Ohio Mr Justice Wayne, Georgia . - ' - v Mr Justice Nelson, New-York , u. ; t , Mr Justice Grier, Pennsylvania 5 f, Mr Justice Clifford, Maine, . . ... Mr Justice Swayne, Ohio f i i " l Mr Justice Miller, Iowa Mr Justice Davie, Illinois Mr Justice Field, California , Mr Justice Stannbury, Ohio Beporter, John W Wallace, Ohio Marshal, D S Gooding 1 Clerk. D W Middleton The Judge of the District Court of North Caro lina is G W Brooks. District Attorney, D H Star buck. Marshal, Daniel R Goodloe. Miscellaneous. ERCV1AN GCAX0 . SUBSTITUTE ! ! J BAUGH'S ' k. a w b o n k .-. ; Super-Phosphate of Lime.! liv 1 "Manufactured under the formula originated in 1854 and patented by BATJGH & SONS, SOLB PBOPBIETOKS, ' DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, i; Philadelphia, V. B. A. ' This old established MANURE is manufactured from Bones that have not been burned or steamed, and it contains all their original organic matter. It is active in its operation, and is a fertilizer of great durability. It does not exhaust the soil like Peruvian Guano, but on the contrary permanently improve it. , : Previous to 1861 it was introduced into the Southern States to considerable extent, and again in 1865, where it has .been used with remarkable success upon Cotton, Cora, Tobacco, sad all Crops. A trial will convince anv planter of its merits. Pamphlets containing well-known sontuern evi- ounce iurnisneu upon appucauon vu new xor or , . . , . . v 1 Philadelphia omces. ava-Sold bv Dealers in all the principal cities and towns throughout the United States and Brit ish Provinces. ; BATJGH & SONS, Bole Manufacturers, , Office, Wo. Jto Soatb. Delaware Avenae. . .? :' PHCLAPKLPHIA. . . BAUOU BROTH KR8&CO . GENERAL WHOLESALE AGENTS, 181 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. WORTH 6i OAS1EL, Agento, WILNLNGTON, N. C. Jan. 8 86-3m DAVENPORT FEMALE COLLEGE, IiENOIR, N. C. ' mHE SPRING TERM WILL COMMENCE ON J. the lath of January, 13G7, with a full corps of instructors. . ' - i TERMS. Board for twenty weeks. ; . .$75 00 Tuition in English course . . . 20 00 do. Ancient and Modern Languages, each 7 50 Music and use of Instrument 25 00 Oil Painting 25 00 Drawiug and Grecian Painting, each. ...... 10 00 Incidental fee. 2 00 1 For catalogue, address i Hev. J. JL GRIFFITH, . ., Lenoir, N. C. Jan. 5. - 84-2tawlm Spirits Turpentine Casks jQQ BBW YORK, 100 SECOND HAND. Prime Quality, for sale at reduced prices by A. H. TANBOKKELEN. Hall's Wbarf. Oct. 11 .. 1 3 ; , 12-tf A GOOD INTESTMENT. HO TEX. PROPERTY FOR SALE I - AS I Hav made a change ta mr hast nesa, I offer for wala my fntereet as half part ner in the CITY HOTEL, Wilmington, N. 0. Anv person wishing to purchase, would do well to call Educational. Floral College. N. C, REV. L. McKIXS0V,..r...4..t..PBixciFAi- THE EXERCISES OF THIS INITUTIOS will be resumed Wednesday, 16th of Jannary. The following are tue rates, parablo in specie or its equivalent one-half in advance : Board per month, 12; Enghsh tuition, flO. $12, J15. Music on Piano, 20: Music on ' GuiUr, $15. Oil Painting, $15; Drawing, $10; French, $10; Latin and Greek, $5. Fuel apd Lights extra. ' Pupils are required to mrnisii uieur sneets and Towel. For further particulars address the undersign ed, at Shoe Heel Depot. 1 J m. u. Aicnaiu, Secretary Board of Trustees. Dec. 29 . : 78 tlCJan WARREXTO.Y FE3IALE COLLEGE, WABBENTOX, K. C Rev. J. B. Soixman, Principals and Professors of Maj. Jas. II. Foote, ( English, Aneient and mod ern Languages and Mathematics. Mrs.J,B.Soix.MAN, Matroull. Mrs. Jas. II. Foote, f Mrs. JosiaEngliah Literatures and Math- ematics. Mrs. Tavlor, English Literature and Mathmatics and Composition Mrs. Hteeii, i me Arts. m Capt. Weiss, Prof, of Mutic. THE FIRST SESSION OP TniS 1NSTITU tion will commence ou Monday, the 14th day of January, 1867, under new auspices. Ihe Prin cipals having purchased the entire grounds and buildings, are Having tno latter elegantly rehtted and furmsuea anew ror tno reception of pupils. Warrenton is one of the most plf asant towns in North Carolina, noted for its social, religions and literary advantages, accessible by Railroad, pos sessing a lieaitiiiui climate, snrrounded by a weal th v, refined and thriving population. In its appointments wiinm, botn in regard to in struction and boarding, they intend to make it take rank with tho most respectable Female Col leges of our lind. Pnmls will be allowed to at tend sncn places ot worship on Sabbath as their parents or guardians mav trropcribe. One of the teachers will alwavs accompany young ladies to the bouse, of worship, Punils will occupy their privnte rooms, while prenarir.g tueir ftUMH-s, The Chapel,. Prlor, Diuing-room, Recitation rooms and chambers, are all under the same roof. neatly carpeted, well ventilated, and thoroughly wsraicu. Debts cannot lje Con traced by tho pubils with out BDecial permission 1'rojrt parents or guardians, Competent Instructors wiii be placed in all tho Departments., . . Terms per Session of (ice nwrf'. Tuition in all the higher English Studies, $25 00 Primary Departments, - 17 f.0 Aneient and Modern Languages, cacu 10 0!) Music on Iiauo, . 2o 00 Use of Iustrumeut, . 31)0 Music on Guitar with use of Instrument, 25 00 Music on Harp with use of Instrument, ! 55 00 Tainting in Oil Colors, - 20 00 Painting in Water Colors, 10 00 Drawing, Embroidery, Ac, 21 00 Board, exclusive of lights and washing. 75 00 FAT3IEXT : One naif m advance, the otiier half at tho close of the Session. ; ' :' ? , ; Pupils must furnish their own towels, and one pair of sheets each, and have . their clothes well marked. ' " Everv room is supplied with a fire place. From two to four young ladies only, will occupy one room. Dec. 4 57 tf Wilmington Male and Female Semi- nary, LOCATKIJ at the Residence of the-late Dr. Fred, nill, corner of Fourt h and Mulberry streets. ' - - -r G. Vf. JEWETT, t Associate . r '. Mas, M. A. vJEWETT, Principals. ' Miss E. V. JEWETT, Assistant, and Teacher on the Fiano Forte. Nov. 11 ' - . . 89-tf Mrs. Ransom's Seminary. ' 1MIK Building being completed, and the Teachers having arrived, I. .have opened my SEM.IN ARY for Girls and young Ladies, near the corner of Orange street, Wilmington, N. C. Eve- rytiung win be taugnt wtnen can be desired is tno thorough education of a lady. It will bo to the advantage of all tliat the pupils be entered as soou as possible. For particulars apply to the rnucipal. Owiig to tho scarcity of money, mv tuition in the higher English Branches will be Seventy-Five Dollars, and in the primary department Fiity Dol lars per year. Other charges as in Circular. , - , MRS. K. RANSOM, " '" '' "''-' ' . PrincipaL- Oct. 9. " 10-tf Mrs. E. A. Cillican "IXTILLt open Ur School on Thursday', 11 October 4th, on Mulberry, between 5th and 6th streets, SeiU. 29 Printing. JL8. EVERT DESCRIPTION NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE PAMPHLETS, RAILROAD WORK, BLANKS, . . i t : CARDS, irom one line visiting cards to the largest size, in colors if desired. t- POSTERS, IIABILLS, I in lact, every kind of Letter Press lYintmg is rx- ecu ted at the JOVRIIAL JO BO RPI C K . In the same boil ling with the Journal is a com plete And the proprietor, : Mr. P. UEIN8BKRGCR, TT?11 - X - 1 1 1 . J A . . . ' nuiHtii uines uo putiweu ki receive OMers in that line as well as RULING. ! ( Orders lor P1U i'lU or UlSPING reeeivwl by either the Journal or by Mr. Heinsberg r be promptly attended to. .- -, , Nov. 14 ,. . . , . , ; PLOWS ON C0SIGXMENT. r V BOXLNQ iXEs. . r ' - - . , TURPENTINE TOOLS, Ac. WALLACE 80UTHEBXAND. Bo Railroads. WlLvIlSGTON & W ELD0X Ii. R. OrncsCjairr Enoinkeb & Stjprriictknde-t, 1 WrUtfiMrron, ; Kov. 1, 1866. ; -jr. M.i.2lTMH. CHANGE CF SCHEDULE. rK and afttr Mesoar. Iht 5th last.; the V followins fast Schedules of time will be ran over this Baiiwavci . t - J : GOING NOUTH. i. Leave Wilmington ... i 4 35 A. M. and 11 05 A. M. i Arrive at Gokbjboro'. . 9 25 A. M. and 2 57 P. M. Arrive at Weldon ...... 2 00 P. M. and 6 35 P. M. GOING SOUTH. - j Leave Weldon. . . . . . . ;iY 00 A. M. and 7 55 P. M. Arrive at Goldslwro'. . 3 00 P. M. and 11 60 P. M. Anivc at Wilmington . 8 0 P. M. and 4 30 A. M. Close connections arc made by both trains go I mg hontn. I . . lhe 5 A. M. tram from Wilmington, and 11 A. M. train from Weldon, do not run on Sundays. Close connections are made by the 11 05 A.v M. train both ways batweu New York, and jNew Or leans. ' By the train that leaves bore at 11 5 and the one that arrives hero at 4 30 A. M-, c'oso connec tions are made between New York and New Or leans. Connections are made by the other trains, i but require more time. To go North, by Bav Linn. Ipavb at fi A. M. Vn po br ANTSEMKSSIIl. leave by tho 11 05 A. M. train. Either train con nects by Richmond. ! Close connections at GoMsboro with the N. C. trains by tho 5 A. M. train and by eillitr to New born. ' I . B. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. Nov. 4."' ... 17 tf Papers substitute this for present notice. WlLJIIXOTON & WKUWS JiAIL.WAD, i . Wilmington, Jan. 9iS(J7. j mi Z3C SEALED: PROPOSALS A UK 11VVITED, and will be received un- til tho 21at instant, at 12 o chxk M., for car- i vtiig the U. S. niails between the Wilmington aud Weldon Railroad depot and the PoKt office in Wil mington, for one ycr from the lf of February next Subject to any .changes of echediile, double or bingle, uanv. . f ' S. L. FREMONT, v : Eiigiiit:r and Sup't. jan. 10 ' 88 t-d VHL:UL,T0. ii MKlHESTElt 11. R. Office Gkn. Scpi. 'il. AMas. Raiii ltoan, l Wu.MiparoN, N, C, 3d Nov., i88. J tltAMJK OF SC1IKDULK. ON AND AFTER THE 5th NOVEMBER, 13G6, tho following Schedule will go into ellect on the Wilmington a Manchester R. JJ. : JiJ.l'Rti5 TUA0.N. Leave Wilmington daily at , , 4 50 A. M. 3 30 P. M. Arrive at Kingsviiie ; " . ,. Leave KingsviUe .- - ; " Arrive at VViliningto:! " .... , 1 20 A. M. , 10 33 A. !1. TRAIN. ,- 8 20 P. M. 7 45 A.M. ,i 4 30 P. M. 3 45 A. M. ACCOMMODATION Leave Wilmington daily at. . Arrive at liingsviiie : . Leave Kingsviile i " Arrive at Wilmington " Close connections made' by both iTrains at Wilmington with tho Wilmington it Weldon Rail road, at Florence with : the JSorth Eastern Rail road tor Charleston, and at lungsvuw with the South Carolina Railroad. f WM.McRAE, Nov.4-33-tf . -;i Gcn'ISup't. Transportation Office, Wilmington, CuaiujOTte & IX. It. R. Co., - " i Wilmington, N. O.J Nov. 1, 1806. TROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, the Mail Train on this road will leave Wilmington, at 7 o'clock, A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand. Hill atl 3 o'clock. P. Si. Returning will leave Band Hill at 7 o clock, i A. M., on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and arnvs in YY linnngton at i o clock, i zi. Wfll. 11. AJjUi.N, Master of Transportation. Nov. 1 j 30 tf TRANSPORTATION' OFFICE, Wii, Chab. & Ruth. R. R. Co, . Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 8th, 18C7. F ROM AND AFTER JANUARY 11th, 18G7, the Mail Tram on this road will run as follows : Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. : , GOING WEST. .-I., : Arrive. Stations. , . f Leave. Wilmington. ' ' 7.00 A. M. 3 Riverside, rya.00 ' NorthWest,' . 8.40 " Marlvillc. . , 9,19 " Rosindalej ' 10:05 " Brown Marsh, 10.37 " Bladenboro', , s 11.09 . Lumber ton, . .--12.07 " Moss Neck, " ' 12.37 P. M. Red Banks, 1.08 7.40 a; M. 8.85 . 9.18 .14- 10.00 " 10.32" 11.04 " 11.57 " 1 12.34 P. M. 1.05 " 1.25 " - Shoe Heel, j. ., i . 1 3C . 1.51 Lauriuburgh. 2 06 2.26 " Laurel Hill, 2 23 " 3.00 " SandHuL7 V J ' J Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ,. : GQINGEAST.' -w,.f Arrive. . . - . .. Stations, . . Leave. ! 7-00 A. M. 7.33 8 08 " 8.33 8.53 " 9.23 10.00 10.53 Sand Hill, Laurel Hill, ' 7.31 A. M T5J " ' ltarenburgh, 1 , Bhoe Heel, . ' .t.t Red Banks, Moss Neck, Lumberton, Bladenboro', ' ; f - Brown Marsh, M.! ' ! FosindakV ? Marlville, North West, 1 , , - Riverside. 8.28 , " 8.50 . 9.20 " ' 9.50 " 10.48 ' 11.20 ' 11.25 P, 11.58 1240 1.23 220. M. 11.53 P, 12 39 ' 1.18 ' 2.00 ' 3.00 1 Wilmington. By order. W. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation. t 8o-tllJ jan. 8 ' HEW ASD THRILLOWO BOOK. The Last Ninety Days of tlie War IN NORTH CAROLINaI ; , BI COKNELIA PTTTTJ.rP SPEXCER. : Edited by Ilcv. Dr.' Deems. ' A 1 PORTION OF THIS BOOK APPEARED 2. in numbers ot Tfie Watchman, and attracted gnat attention in this country and Lurupe, Re-written, enlarged with many most important adihtions, these chapters appear in a handsome volume. The very last acts of the wav occurred n North Carolina ; the writer was in the midst ot mem. Moreover, she has bad access to the pri vate papers of LEADING ACTORS, and to other sources of information.. . , j No war-book which has vet appeared equals this book infidelity to trwh and in graphio and pictur esque description. Nowhere else can the impor tant information in this volume be obtained. " At ought to De in the bands of every one who desires to know how the war was really car ried on. j jsa- It is a handsome 12mo volnma of 2s elegantly printed, and wsll bound, and Bent by man. pre-paid, ior i ou. s ' jut- Tti utual deduction to the trade. ' Agents wanted for this work everywhere, md liberal coninulsions allowed. AppIv for cir. eular. '. v ..-.. ... . ..,- W. H. CHASE, Publishing Agent, 119 Nassau st. (Boom 20). N. Y. Letters should be addressed to 'Box 5780 Sew York. Nov. 7 . 35-tf s WOOD WANTED. irjlHE TJKDERSIGXKD wUl parehase la A any quantities, . DOGWOOD AND PERSIMMON WOOD. . cut as follows ;..", 1 DOGWOOD, 2 to 6 inches thicki 4j feet king not SP IV : , ' I DOGWOOD and PERSIMMON VTOODi over 6 . inches thick and upwards, 4 or 9 feet long not split. ' - .. ' - Wa win also purchase Persimmon Wood cawod into 2 Inch rough edge plank. . -- - cor. Church and water ets, wimington, a. C, .. . - First buuding below Shipyard. Mercantile. JASrARYlst, 1S67. Ot'R ACCOrsfTS ar ramie oat. we nops our patrons will call in and pay up. M. M. KA IV6 v. iU.. 23 Market Street. ! Jan. 1 ' ' 80-tf GREAT REDUCTION IN r RICES J23; 23 AT Blarket St. 1 Hnrfcet St. 51. M. KATZ & CO. WE ARE WEEKLY RECEIVING KEW GOODS at the present LOW PRICES and have also REDUCED the prices of our , WINTER STOCK. consisting of a variety of SILKS, rOPLINS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, I i . - , ' . MERIN0E3, , DELAINES, , BOMBAZINES, ALAI'ACAS, PLAIDS, DOMFST1CS, LINENS, SlimTINGS, MILLINERY, v HAT?, BONNETS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, HAIR NET3 AND COILS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOI NOTIONS, . BROADCLOTH, i PANT-STUFFS, to as LOW RATES as they are sold im New York ; we are determined to make room for our Spring Stock. ' " . .. I M. M. KATZ & CO. 23 Market Street. Jan. 1. - ! 80-tf r Country and City Retailers "tl jitAt find It to their- advantage before VV buying elsewhei-u to call and examine our very large and well selected STOCK OF GOODS,, which wo can sell at very low prices ; consisting o '; PRINTS, - ' 1" DELAINES, MERINOES, 1 SCOTCH PLAIDS, BLACK and FANCY SILKS, liAiSM!.Li, ALAPACAS. SHEETINGS, 8HIBTINGS, BLANKETS. CARPETING. f Great variety of WOOLEN GOODS and NOTIONS or every description. ; u . BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS AND SLIPPERS," : for Men, Ladies and Boys, in endless varicl " and of superior make and finish. 1 ' READY MADE CLOTHING Of ever quality, make and finish our own. . ' aau- facture. ' - " --i't'l-r BROADCLOTH, CASSIMERE3, TWEEDS and Gents' Furnishing Goods just received. HATS, CAPS, TRUNKSAND VALISES, : and every description of Goods required in a f Country Store. , ; i, ,; i ,r .--. ', . 1 hose Goods being Imported direct from Europe. by ourselves, are offered at lowest prices, and on most accommodating terms, by ;- j HULt. AiJEtAU K1HJL, - ' , j 18 Market street, Wilmington. ; Oct 25. . . . (.24-tf u A. BART, JOHN O. BAILET Wilmington Iron and Copper Works. V HART t BAILEY, Peopmetoks, No. 17, Front Street, below Market, Wtlntlagtoa, S. C. WE ABE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH, on short notice, Brass and Iron Castings, finished and unfin ished. New Machinery made and put up. : , Old Machinery overhauled. ! V All kinds of Patterns, Ornamental and Agricul tural. Will supply Drafts of all kings of Machinery and MiRwork genarally. TURPENTINE AND WHISKY STILLS, v ' Aire -v. -.f';?1.-.; COPPER WORK ; in all Its branches. ! .Jrj 1 ; A full supply of Belting, Packing, Hose, Steam and Water Pipo and Fittings. . - Machine Bolts, Nuts and Rivets, and all other article generally found In a Machine Supply Store. Also a large lot of Crucibles, from No. 85 to 100, and warranted good will dispose of them below Manufacturers' prices. Cash on delivery. March 29. ; 154 tf . WHOLESALE BCIERSI HO STUDY THEIR INTEREST, WILL NOT purchase before they examine our stock and prices. Our experience, together with the extent of our business in the jobbing department, gives us ad vantages ot pofseesed bv anv other House ir the State, and but by few Houses in the South. . Our stock of - . ... ; ' DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATS, r Are now complete, and will be sold at great bar gains, for caan or eity acceptance.. " - . ' . . - . HEDBICK & RYAN. Nov. 27 . . . fia-tf LI USDS OP BLANKS FOR ' ; .. SALS AT TIT'S Dry Goods, &c. I. & S.I WITC0VER, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING ll ATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, IIOLESAIiB AND RRTAIXi, NO. 15 MARKET St., WILMINaTON, K C ASS i MARION C. n., 8. 0.' ',-"'' As our Mr. A, WITCOVER has "establishea a branch busiuess at N(. 94 Warren Street, eir, York, where all tho CLOTHING sold by us is man-1 nfactuKsd, solely for oar own stores, thereby sav mg the iirst cost on ttxcm, u they had to bo pur chased already made. Parties visiting Wilming- ton, will Jindit to theiij advantage t calonthe . above named firm, before calling elsewhere. -A.-liberal discount allowed to the trade, ,, FIRS! FURS!! FIRS M ! - t WE! WILL PAY THE niOITESf MARKET prices for all dcecriptions of FURS. t j We aru constantly making large shipments to. Europo,; being agents! for the purchase of this ' material for large manufacturing houses, and are -; consequently in a position to pay more liberal prb; , ces than can bo had elsewhere. . -i . : A. & 8. wrrcoYEit," w , J I No. 13 Market street. Dec.'2!" ! " : t" ...... i a-tr JULES " EMAIL JAREp'o,. PE PAR1S. Tho New Ileautlfler xtf the Skla. 'rv- TliTIMofclALa tnoil CELDURATIUl LAPIIS : j, rniUS secret of beaatlfylng the shin belOg X known only to Messrs. Jarod A Rene, ' they honorably etato that it differs from all other pre paratioim. It gives to the most harsh and freckled tskin loth the texture and color of polished lvorjr,fc removing all discolorations, whether appearing as freckles, tan, morphew moth, or black worm specks, and is especially successful in smoothing; out themaiks left by tho small pox. . , . . Tho agents of "L'Email do Paris most confi dently submit to tho publio the earnest endorse nienta or such distinguisiiooladies as - -SIGNORA RISTORVMUe FELICITA VESTVA LL : Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL, Mrs. D. V, BOW- , EU3, LUCILLE WESTERN, Mdm'e PONISI, . - Mrs. EMMA WALLER. LUCY KU8HTON, " - NOEMIEDEMARUUEUITTES, Miss . w ., ... L AGNESS PERRY, and many others, whose high standing in the pro fesstoii gives the stamp of truthfulness to their intelligent and genuine approval. T The Beautiful Lucille Western says : ' ". i: I find that the " Email ; produce all the bril liancy of rougo and lily-white, with the great and peculiar advantage of total barmlessness. It rfr ally adds to tho softness aud beauty of the skin The Magnificent Vestvali says :- I leave suffered so much from the various white lotions, Ac., which my theatrical profession, ob liges mo to use, that I consider it a perfect benei faction totind a preparation which gives the neces sary whiteness to tho skiu, and leaves the skin cool and smooth. - : -.: - -. . Miss MagKie Mitchell save : 1 have tued the skint bcautiner, "LiKroall do Paris," and found that it instantly imparts a natu ral bloom aud ireshuoss to the complexion. , - - . " Jared s Email do raris " is used as a delicate bcantiiierof the skin for Theatre, Saloon or Ball Room, by tho most relincd and scrupulous ladies : Sroducing all tho beautifying effects of rouge and by white, without their vulgar glare or injury to the skin. ,. Sold by all first class Druggists, Terfamcrs and Ladies' Hair Pressors. f -... L. Isabeau, 822 Broadway t Dcmas Ramcs & Co.. and F. C Wells . Co.. i New York, and Eueeno Jouin, 111 South Tmtli street, and Johnston, lioU loway uiwucn, A'hiiacieJphia Agents.' Sent by man py aaaressmg japttti ppvi? General Agents aud Importers, N. Y. " Nov. 24 , ooood-om ,. ,ti . the r,, V AMERICAN I DITTEUS1 r : THE GREAT SOUTHERN TONIC, AXD THE MOST PALATABLE STOMACHIC . . j , . EVER tgRO. TpOR the care of Dyspepsia., Disordered Dl- X gestion. Flatulency, Sluggish Clrcnlatkm of the Blood, Bilious Complaints arising from a mor bid condition of tho btiomach and Bowels.' An Elegant Tome in debilitated states of the Diges tive Organs, or of the system generally. For tho loss of appetite it is the most wholesome and ef fectual Tonic in the world.! It strengthens nature I and enables the system to triumph over disease. in waaeiumess aucnuea witn tremors and general nervpus derangement, it is peculiarly adapted, giving strength and tone to the nerves. To deli cate Ladies and Children! it is invaluable and in fact whenever a pleasant; and, agreeable Tooie is wanted, this should bo used. Dr. Johnston B. Jones, lone of the most tdcv(i&o and well-known PbysicUno m tks Southern States, w-stifles td its great value, besides many others who havo been . grtatly jbetieflted by the use of these Bitters. - ; V . ; H Prepared and sold by ! ! f IL B. SAUNDERS, . , .... - MaanfacUuieg Chemist, ' 1 ' Chabol Hill.N. C ' - Scldinllaleighby ; - WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. "Wilmtilston ; : :. Dec. 25 ! " K. WILLIS. 47 Market Htrect. . . . 75-lmeod ;M SAUNDERS .'twj CATHARTIC AND ALTER ATITE PILLS. KECOSitflCXDKDbrihebest phynlclaju. lhncly Vegetable. . No Cakjinel jn Ahem, Aerer Gripe; ' Being Coated with Gam Toll? are Perfectly Tt;Ljse.,-r- ,,J., :: --4 . For regulating the BoweSa, and for tho.cure. f Bilious F vtr, fciH Mis Headch, COnsrfp'itioff or Couiuvmess, JaUndkvj, lndi;,'eiioi. Jfva. Dys pepsi, Liver iitjse, DtizzinesSf Jossof Appo tite. Sick Headiiche, and ad disease's w here a re liable CaLimi tuedicine 14 ruqiifced. s i.. - Dr. W. lv Malk ttrwUo has no superior as a rtiy sician iu North Caroliana. has examined the for. mula by which thesa . Pill are made and highly recommends them. r OA. W. 4. Martin," tltat distirfgafshed Patriot audlTofesnor of Chemistry in the University of North Carolina, has analysed them,' and certifies that they contain no Mercury or any other miner al constituent whatever. "1 , ,.. . , . ; f CaU and get a CIRCULAR, ' Prepared and sold by 1 - - - . ' r . . B.;B. SAUNDEIui, . . . jlanufacturing' Chemist, ' "1 -' t -. .--, .. I . Chapel HULL a. C. Sold in Raleigh by I Wn.LIAMS A HAYWOOD. Wiilmington ; ' v ' -1- E. WILLIS, Dec. 25 75-lmeod TURPENTINE LAND AND STILL. FOE i;.;,;i;i(,,,:;.RENT.l,...,:-,:j; -t fi f AAA SKW BOXES, asd na, la XUU.UUU barrel STILL and FIXTURES, an in running orier. For farther par ioolars, ap ply to KEirH KthCUNEIV , ! rWilmihgton, N. O. Dec. '20 ! - t . s 71tj , Tarboro Southerner, Wilson Carolinian, Fay etleville News, Goldsboro'News, copy three Unes and send bill to this office for collection, imme diaUly. . ; ... .. 1-; . - - - ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE., rilliE tinbaci ltr having quallUrd as Ad- . JL -, nnnistrator de bonie npon the estate of Samuel J. Beery,' deceased, at the Bt ptember Tnn, 18 otNjjw Hanover Couuty Court, hereby notifies all persons having claims against his es tate to present the same within the time prescribed by law, or this notice wid be pleaded in bar of a recovery. -t All persons indebted to the estate of his intes tate, are requested to make immediate payment, c ,-. r ,.: - - t JAMES B. Md'HERSON, 1 !. ' 2 . , A4inisistrator. d$ twi . o -j..., ft A-...',

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