WHOLE NUMBER 4,566. THE DAILY JOURNAL. K.VC1ICL.I1AUO i PH1CR. Proprietor.. Term of Sabaetipttoa s Or ily Pn rMi on year, invariably in advance, 11 0 00 " alx month, 6 00 " three months, " .' 3 00 " mo month, " 1 00 WreUy Ppcr, one rear, " M 3 00 Ix months. " 2 00 All letters on business connected with this office must te addressed to the proprietors. Rate mt Advertising i ADTERTiBrKTXTH will be Inwrted at the rate of II per square for the first Insertion; I3.W) per week ; and 13 per month. Ton linea or lew aro cor.ntM as a qnare. Longin Advertisements In proportion. Advertisements Inserted evorv other day are charged as oew at each and every insertion. Advertisements ordered on the inside trill be tharged 60 per rent, additional to above rates. Marriage, Doath and Obituary Notices aro charged as Advertisements. No publication reflecting upon private character will be allowed to our columns, either as advert is-e- ments or otherwise. $TT No publication made withont a reeponsi Ms tamo. Congress of the United States, any civil government which may exist therein ftnan he deemed provisional oniy, nnu m h re spects subject to the paramount authority of the United States at any time to abolish, modifv, control or supersede tuo game ; and in all elections to any oflice under such provisional governments all persons shall Le entitled to vote, and none others, uho aro entitled to vote under the provisions of the fifth section of this act ; and no person fchall be eligible to any office tinder such provisional governments who would bo dis qualified from holding office under the pro visions of the tmru article pi saut consti tutional amendment. SCIirTJLEE COUFAX, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Lafayette b. Iosteb, .President of the Senate pro tern. TIIK DAILY JOURNAL. WILMINGTON, N. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1807. The' following is the Constitutional Amendment referred to in the 4th eection of the above Proposed Constitutional Amendment. AETICXE XIV. Six. 1. All tersons born or naturalized a the United States and subject to the ju risdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the etale wherein tuey re side No State shall make or enforce any aw which shall abridce the wivileees or A W mmunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due pro cess of law, nor deny to any iierson within its jurisdiction the equal protection of tlie laws. Six. Representatives fahall be appor tioned among the Beveral States according tr their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State ex cluding Indiana not taxed. IJut when tl riRht to vote at nny election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, representatives in Congress, executive and judicial officers of a Suite, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to nny of the male iu habitants of such Stato being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the num ber of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such Stato. . , Sec. 3. No person shall bo a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and ice President, or hold any office, civil or military,, under the United btatoa or under any State, who, having pre viously taken an oath as a member of Con gress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any Stato, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insur rection or rebellion aga inst the same, or given aid and comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. Sec. i. The validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, in cluding lebts incurred for payment of pen sions and bounties for services in suppres sing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any Stato 6hall assume or p iy any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrec tion or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the ioss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obliga tions and claims, shall be held illegal and void. Sko. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforcs by appropriate legislation the RECOXSTRHTIOX, Tltr Military Hill The t ont Itutioiial Amendment -.Tli Tent OnlliTlie p plemesttary Military Dill. As Congress has completed its Recon struction legislation, wo collect together the various acts which bear upon tho subject in ordor that our people may fully understand what is now required of them. The following is the act gone rally known THE SirERMAV-SIIELLAB.U'.OEn DII.Ti. Aa Act m provide for tho morecfncirnt povera- men of the rebel Btatcs. Passed over the President's Veto, March 2, 18C7 "WmrtEAfl, no legal Stato governments or adequate protection for life or property now exists in the rebel States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Missis nippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Arkansas ; and whereas it is necessary that peace and good order (should be en forced in said States until loyal and lie pub lican State Governments caa be legally es tablishod : Thcreforo lie it enacted by the Senate and House vf llnnresennlites of the United states of Amen i.a in Congress assembled. That said rebe States shall bo divided into military dis tricts and made subject to the miltary au thority of tho United States, as hereinaf ter prescribed, and for that purpose lr cinia shall constitute tho first district North Carolina and South Carolina the sec ond district : Georgia, Alabama and Fieri da the third district ; Mississippi and Ar kansas the fourth district ; anil Louisiana and Texas the fifth district. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it ahall be the duty of tho President to as sign to the command of each of said dis tricts an officer of the army, not below tjio rank of brigadier general, and to detail n sufficient military force .to enable such officer to perform his duties and enforce his provisions of this article, . t ll 1 J. A A. 1. 1. 1. auiuoriry wiimn ine uismct to wuicu ue assigned. The following is the oath of office re i ,, u V T V Tt, 'erred the 5th stion of the abo clinll Via tda lntv t1 onMi nnipr flfiicnen I n aforesaid to protect all persons in their nl ftlw.in the Gth Supplementary bill be- richts of ierson and property, to suppress low franchised for participation in any rebel- ion or civil war against the United States, nor for felony committed against the laws of any Shite o"r of the United States ; that have never !een a member ol any otate Legislature, nor held any executive or ju dicial office in any State, -and 'afterwards' engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, and. given aid or com fort to the enemies thereof ; that I have never taken an oath as a member of Con gress of the United States, or as on officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislatnre, or as an executive or ju dicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, and af terwards C'li&rasred in insurrection or rebel lion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereoi ; that l will faithfully support the Constitution and obey the lavs of the United States, and will, to the best ol my acuity, encourage others bo to do. So help me God." which oath or affirmation may be ndniinis tered y any registering officer. Sec. 2. 'ihat after the completion of the registration : hereby provided for in any State at fush time and place therein as the commanding general shall appoint and di rect, of which at least thirty days' public notice shall be giveu, an election shall be held of delegates to a convention for the purpose of establishing a constitution and civil government for such State loyal to the Union ; taid convention in each State, ex cept Virginia, to consist of the same num ber of members as the most numerous branch of tho State Legislature of such State iu the year 1860, to be apiortiout;d among the several districts, counties, or parishes of such State by the commanding general, giving to each representation in tho ratio of voters registered as aforesaid, as nearly as mav Ik, lhe convention in Virginia shall consist of the same number of members as represented the territory now constituting Virginia in the most nu-ineiou-. branch of the Legislature, of said State iu the year 1S00, to be apportioned as aforesaid. See, 8. That at said election the register ed voters of each Stato shall vote for or against a convention to form a constitution t .eief r und r this act. 'lhose in favor of such a convention shall havo written or printed on the ballots bv which they vote for delegates, as aforesaid, the words "for a convention ;" and those voting aga such a convention shall have written or printed on such ballots tho words "against a convention." The persons appointed to superintend said election, and to make re turn of the votes given thereat, as herein provided, shall count and make a return of the votes given lor and against a conven tion ; and the commanding general, to whom tho same shall have been returned shall ascertain and declare the total vote in each State for and against a convention. compensation to be paid to all delegates and other officers and agents herein author ized or necessary to carry into 'effect the purposes of this act, not herein otherwise provided for, and shall provide for the levy and collection of such taxes on the pro perty in such State as may be necessary to pay tho name. Sec. 9. That-tho word " article " in fhe sixth eection of the act to which this is sup plementary shall be construed io mean "section." ' insurrection, disorder and violcnco, and to lnnish or cause to be punished all disturb era of the publio pooce and criminals, and to this end ho may allow local civil tnbu nals to take jurisdiction, of and try offend ers. or. when in his indtrment it may be necessary for tho trial of offenders, ho shall havo power to organize military corami sions or tribunals for that purpose, and all interference under tho color of State au thority, with tlv? excrciso of military au thority under this act shall be null and void. Seo. 4. Jndbe it further enacted, That all persons put nuder military arrest by virtue of this act shall be tried without unneces sary delay, and no cruel or unusual pun ishment shall bo Inflicted: and no sentence of any military commission or tribunal Tiereby authorized, affecting the life or lib erty of any person, shall bo executed nntil it is approved by the officer in command of the district, and tho laws and regula tions for tho government of the army shall not bo affected by this act, except in so far as they connct with its pi o visions : J'rort tied, That no sentence of death, under the provisions of this act, shall be carried into e&jct without the approval of the Presi dent Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That when the people of any one of said rebel Slates shall have formed a constitution of government in conformity with tho Con stitution of th United States in all res pects, framed by a convention of delegates elected by the male citizens of said State twenty-ouo years old and upwards, of what ever race, color or previous condition, who have been resident in said State for one year previous to the day of such election, except Buch as may bo disfranchised for participation in the rebellion, or for felony at common law ; and when such constitu tion shall provide that the elective fran- chiso shall be enjoyed by all such porsons as havo pe qualihcauons herein btated lor electors of delegates, and when such con stitution shall bo ratified by a majority of the persons voting on tho quostion of rati- . fication, who aro qualified as electors for delegates ; and when such constitution shall have been submitted to Congress for examination and approval, and Congress shall havo approved tho same ; and when " said State, by a vote of its legislature elected . ' tinder said constitution, shall have adopted the amendment to the Constitution of the An Art to Prescribe an Oath, of Office anil for other Pnrpoui, Be it enacted, That hereafter any person elected or appointed to any office of honor under the government of the U. S. or profit either in the civil, military or naval depart ment of tho public service, except tho Pres dent of the United States, shall before en tering upon the duties of such office, and before being entitled to any of the salary or other emtl inients thereof, take and sub scribe the following oath or affirmation " I, A B, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have never voluntarily borne arms against the United States since 1 have been a citi- z n thereof ; that I have voluntarily given no aid, countenance, counsel or encourage ment to persons engaged in armed hostility thereto ; that I have never sought nor ac cepted, nor attempted to exercise the func tions of any olhce whatever, under any au thority or pretended authority, iu hostility to the United states ; that 1 have not yield ed a voluntary support to any pretended government, power or constitution within the United States, hostile or inimical there to ; and I do further swear (or affirm) that to tho best of my knowledge and ability, will support and defend the Constitution of tho United btates against all nemies, foreign and domestic ; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same ; that I take this obligation freely, without any menta reservation or purpose ol evasion, that will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help mo God," which oath, so taken and signed, shall be preserved among the fues of tho Court, Houses of Congress, or tho department to which said officer maj appertain. And any person who may falsely tako said oath shall be guilty of perjury, and on conviction, in addition to tho penalties now prescribed lor that ol fence, shall bo deprived ol omce, and ren dered incapable forever after, of holding any office or place under the United States Approved July 'Z, lob'.:. The following is the bill Supplementary to the 8tevensSherman Shellabargtr Bill. Aji act supplemental to an aet entitled an act to provide lor tuo moro eincicui govfirnmeui. oi in: rebel States, passed March 2, 18G7, and to facili tate restoration. lie it enacted, Cc, That before the first day of September,-1867, the commanding GENERAL DIRECTORY CITY OFFICERS 'Mayor John Dawson. ' Hoard af Aldermen B T Wella'cc. H YonUkhn, J G Burr, "EH Murray, W II Lippitt, A Adrian, W A Wright, W S Aiidereou. Marsha? Robert liai!oj.. Sfwial Deputy MnrskutH J Joaos.. Clerk atul TrmsurerH W Anduisou, Clerk f 0m Market -liaukins. Vfiiff i'ire Departmcr.!1', 3 ,louf . ' ; Vhiif Fire It 'aniens BIT htsnry. ! Fire" Wardens U Bchufliau, first ward : James Shackelford, second ward ; B W Beery, third ward; W Burkheiaier, fourlti wart. Lily thirzeyor ajamcs. Wood IntpectorsY V B YJp, J W Potter, - Thompson. (Ol STY OFt'lCEHS. Chairrnan of (xmniy CmirtVim A Wright. Superior Covrt Clerk 11 A Bagg Clerk of County Court V. B Wood, Jr. Sheriff' Samwl K Bunting. Comity Solicitor John L itolmen. llpgimfr George W Pollock. Sjciu Magistrate John J Conoley. 'Special Court & D Wallace. W H l arkins. John A Taylor, John A Sanders, John D Powers. County surveyors Jurats Williams, John Sioore. Covnty Truiiec Oiven Ft-nut H, Jr. Constables It L Sellers, J. Peterson, Jaraea II Philyaw, E. D Hewit t. I . Vommiu.ee qj tinartee-a u alsace, John A Tay lor, John A Sauderc. J Wardens of the Poor Joh;i ATarlor, John A Sanders. Archibald McMillan, Iissac James, Luke B Huggins. Y 8 l arkiurf. Trtamrer of J'vMic ltiuHna -imwi K cunt- 1UC. C v.nly Jianyer O F -Alexander. - Cormiers Joiiu-C Wood, laiaicl 1 Bland. Standard AYqxr John C Wood. Wreck Ma for John A Sanders., Entry Taker John J Conoley. . Superintendent . of Cownmn Schools S D Wal lace, James Ecrr, W S Larkine, John I) rower, II K Bryan. Inspectors of Stores John S James, Archibald Alderman, James O Bowden, John C I'owden, Alfred Alderman, Thomas W Player, W J Price, B Sontherland,.J M Henderson, R C John son. - - Inspectors of Timber, d-c L H Bowden,' James Alderman, George McDuilie, W il Monroe, E Tur lington, H M Btuhop. ' lnspeetor$ of Provisions, dc D E Banting, John W Mnuroe, George Alderman. Educational ms. R ISSO SpTf F3I A hll SEMINARY. WILMINGTON, N. C. milK SECOSL TEBM OF THIS ISSTnTTIOS X w ill betriu on the 31 of Febmarv and rlrw i n the 2Sfh of Jnne neit. A Board of Visitors," composed of gentlemen whose names will be annonnced hereafter, has been invited. This Board will be present at the examinations, and will -vinit tho Institution at other times to examine into all matters pertaining to the Seminary, and a full report of it5 pbecrra tions will be mad-. . It is important that rapila intending to enter for the r.ext term should uo so ss eoon as possi ble. - For particulars, apply to Mu. BOBfcRT BANSOM, Principal. Jan. 2S l(4-tf KEYSE RIVER Al'ADEJHY TS SITITATED In Wayne comity, N. C, X two miles north of Whito Hal) and neven miles from Moeely Hall (Depot). ' - . TEEMS : . . Primary Branches.. . jlO 00 ! Sciences, Ac.,.. , , , 13 00 ; Languages, Ac.,. . : ' 25 00 J ttoaru can te had in highly respectable families for f 10 per month. Ko incidental expenses. Pp.or. B. F. OltAui, Ja., ! . Principal, feb 8 f V 113-tf Mercantile. JANYARYIst, 1867. rkl BACCOrSTS r made tit. W e hope I v on? ratrons will call in and pay np. ; 51. M. kaYz A CO.. i 23 Market Street. Jar. 1 fiivtf I. HEAT ItEOUCriON IX 23 Dry Goods, &c. A. & S. YTITC0YER. DRY HATS. I'EALEBft TS V AT Market St. HICES 23 Market St. Mrs Et A. Giliican open tier School on 4th, on Mulberry, IT?""-' VV October and (5th street Sept. 29 Thursday, between 5th f a majority of tho votes given on tha uestion shall-be for a convention, then such convention shall be held, as hereinaf ter provided t but if a majority of said otes shall be against a convention, then no such couveniion shall be held .under this act : Provided, That such convention shall not be held! unless a majority of all such registered voters shall have voted on the question of holding sucli convention. bee. 4. lliat the commanding general of each district! shall appoint such loyal offi cers or persons-as may be necessary, not exceeding three in each election district, in any State, to make and complete the regis tration, superintend the election, and make return to him of the votes, lists of voters and of the persons elected as delegates by a plurality of the votes cast at said election; and upon receiving said returns he shall open the same, ascertain the persons elected as delegates according to the returns of the officers who conducted said election, and make proclamation thereof : and if a ma jority of the votes given on that question shall be for a convention, the commanding general, within sixty days from the date of election, shall notify the delegates to assem ble in convention at a time and place to be mentioned in the notification, and said convention, when organized, shall proceed to frame a Constitution and civil govern ment according to the provisions of this act, and the act to which it is supplementa ry : and when the same shall have been so ramed, said Constitution shall be submit ted by the convention for ratification to the persons registered under the provisions of this act, at an election to be conducted by the officers, or persons appointed by the commanding general as hereinbefore pro vided, to be held after the expiration of thirty days from the date of notice thereof to be given by said convention, and the re turns thereoi shall be made to the com manding general of the district Sec. y. That if, according to said returns, the constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the votes of the registered electors qualified as herein specified, cast at said election, at least one-half of all the registered voters voting upon the question of such ratification, the President of the convention shall transmit a copy 'of the same, duly certified, to the President of the United States, who shall forthwith UA1L.KOA.DS. WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER E. K. President Henry M Drane. Directors John Dawson, Henry Nntt. O G Para- ley. A J BcKosaet, V 8 Oowan, Ueo J v McUall, W E Mills, James G Burr, Richard Bradley, J Eli Gregg. General SuperinleivJent William Macliae. Secretary and Treasurer W A Walker. General Freight Agent John L CantwelL WILMINGTON A WELDON RAILROAD. President R R Bridgers. ' Directors P K Biekinuon, Wni A Wright, 8 D Wallace. Alfred Martin, A, H VanBokkelen, Eli Murrav. Ed Kidder, John Everett. W I Faircbth, John Norfleet. Engineer and Superintendent S L Fremont. secretary ana ireasnrer j w Tnompson. Sttveriniendent Transportation Win Smith. . General Ticket Agent ana vws; nm a.fois- i Bon. Generrcd Freiaht Aaent Xf L Dndler. Master Mechanic M nankins. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE AND RUTHER FORD UAIUKOAD. President Robert H Cowan. Directors S J Person, A H VanBokkelen, John A McDowell, Robert 8 French, alter L Steele, Htcphen w coie.namnei ti wamup, nsiye unton- msoo.jtiaywooa w utuon, u unemieison, au JjO- gan, A It lioltnesly. bupertntenaentr- Y. J. tverett. Master of Iransportalton W H Allen. Secretary and Treasurer 1 T Alderman. Master' Mechanic J B Gayle. freight Agent w li t rencli. THE I ID1ES' DEPOSITORY. IN VIEW OF THE CONTINUED AND IN creasing den tit ut ion at the South, and in com pliance with requests both at home and abroad, a number of iadios of Baltimore have formed them selves i iut-o an Association, under the name of " THE LADIEo' D POcITOBiV Its object ' is to receive needle and other work and to dispose of it eoldy for the benefit of iiH : owner. Orders will also be taken at the Deposi tory fur any kind of work, bo as to provile em- -ploy ment for thotse who have not the mcessiiry , materials. - . " ; As considerable expense will be incurred in pro-: viding a place of business and the requisite assis- ; tanta, and as the enterprise cannot of course be ; sell-supporting, the Association nsuKt depend upon the contribution. of its friends. The annual subscription has been fixed at $5, and all who are ' favorably disposed a e earnestly reqnested to give . their prompt and liberal aid,- by donations or otherwise to help those who are "doing their nt-1 most to help themselves. The Association have taken the store No. j Lexington street, and expect to be iir operation by the 11th of February. , , ...... President : Mns. PEYTON HARRISON. Vice President : t Mrs. JOHN H. B. LATROBE. Treasurer : Mil '. W. W. BPENCE. Recording Secretary : Mrs. JAMES A. STEUART. Corresponding Secretary : i Mrs. THOMAS MURDOCH, Managers: . '" CHARLES J. BAKER, Si South Charles j M. M. K1TZ & CO. WE ARE WEEKLY RECEIVING NEW GOODS at the present LOW PRICES and jltavealso REDUCED the prices of our WINTER STOCK i consisting of variety of 81LK8, - . -' POPLINS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, MERINOES, DELAIKKS, BOMBAZINES, ALAPACAS, CAPS, GOODS, CLOTHING D00TS, SHOES, Ac,, fc. W II O X. K S A X. E AID nitTAlt, NO. ir MARKET 8T WILSirNQTON, S. 0., : and - ". ,. MARION C. H., S. 0. . ; f j As our Mr, A. WTTCOVEIt has eatAbliahed a branch Lnsiuoa at No. &i Warran Stmt, New Yorkwht io all ho CLOTHINQ sold by tu is man ufacturfcd, eolelj for our own utorea, thereby wiy lug thy firtt coat on thorn, if they bad to to pur chased already jtnadu. rartiea visitir Wilming ton, will find it to thoir advantage to Call on the above named firm, beforo callhig elsewhere. A liberal discount kllowcd to tho trade. " ; ITItS! rasr 1 1 FIRS ! ! I PLAIDH. DOMESTIC," LINENS, TTHS WILL PAY THE t ? i l'icca tor Stii description of FURS. Wo arc conutubtly Eikia lurgo ahipmeat to Lui-cpv, Uiin gnta, for .the i-urchaue.of thin mattriul for lurgb manafa-cturluR houae, and tro constHiufntiv in a pomiicn io dsy more liberal rri j tea than caa bo tad eiaewherB. -. -..A. 8. WITCOVER, ' No. 15 Market etreol. SHIIiTINGS, MII-LINERY, HATS, ". BONNETS, PLUMES, t RIBBONS, FIRE AND LIFE i X f V. fl N C A G K K C Y. WE U present, in Ihi city, th follow ing lnaatiauce Ccmpabien, via : THE SECURIT? INSURANCE, of New York. THE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE INSCRASCE Co., of New York. THE FQCITABLE LIFE INbCRiKCE Co.. ot pcw tors. THE MAUYLASD Baltimore. LIFE INSURANCE Co., of HAIR NETS AND COILS READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOI 5 THE 3 GREAT QUESTION, p Can I better provide for my Family, than by spending a small portion or my In come for a Policy on my Life V Mr.s street Mbs. J. J. BANKARD, East Baltimore street. Mes. J. HARMAN BROWN. 76 Courtland street, i Mrs. JOHN DCER. 147 Charles street. I Mrs. A. D. EGERTON, 230 Howard street. Miss b KiUh.. Charles street. Miss FOTHERGILL, Garden street. Mes. JOHN 8. GITTINGS, Monument and St. Paul streets. Mhs. J. 1 GOIjDSBOROUGH, 231 Eutaw street. Miss HARPER, 10 Cathedral street. - Mrs. PEYTON HARRISON, 90 Read street. miss jjuka uvtt xiA,, rranklm street. Mrs. CHARLES HOWARD, Cathedral street. Mrs. HUNTER, corner Baltimore street and Broadwav. Mrs. JOHN H. B. LATROBE, Read and Charles streets. Mbs. MERRICK, Monument street. Mes. THOS. MURDOCH. Howard street. Mrs. READ, Mulberrv street. Mrs. T. PARKIN SCOIT, 16 St. Taul street. Mrs. BAYARD SMITH, 101 Monument street. Mrs. W. W. pl r.NU.fcj, Bolton street. Mrs. N. R. SMITH, Saratoga street. Mrs. JAME8 A. STEWART. 103 Park street. Mrs. B. R. SPALDING, Charles street. feb. 21 124-tf MERCHANTS OF WILMINGTON ADVERTISE IN TUE Sl'MXEK SKVVS. ; NOTIONS, BROADCLOTH, PANT-STUFTS, to as LOW RATES as they are sold iu New York ; are determined to make room for onr Spring j StOCk. - . ' tr-. M. M. KATZ &. CO., 23 Market Jan. 1. 23 Market Street. 80-tf oViVVU uaic iiiMiitu iu uic mH& above urui1 nter i imblifltifcA , T TT1T1 runtrn i I "-"v " i v. uvjuic uiiuio- t1 I iN A LI hi; A M 11 AM r 111. diately ou the W. A M. Railroad in direct com. uiumcuu uu tvuiumgion, ana naving a large circulation in the section iu which it is published. " . - A' J J ll. -l ... , id ouertju as a nur&Die aavernaiug meuiam. Terms uoerai. Address " DARR A OSTEEN, Proprietors. feb. 10 H5-tf OF HARTFORD, CONN., And other are Daily Applying. IlIK principle or LIFE ISSURAXCE haa become so well demonstrated, that it is hardly necessary at this day to go into au argument in its support. Every individual who has a family or aear ones aepeuuem upon nis existence, is m tact, overiooKmg, 11 not violating, one oi ine most im portant duties of life, in not guarding them against want, and protectmg them from poverty, should death deprive them of his support and assistance, On an lMSUliAAUfc I'OLIUlf, procured at a small premium, a requisite sum is secured in case of death, to provide them with Hubtuatcnce through life. Securing such a policy not only makes life Eass mora pleasantly, but will bring to the death ed the happy consolation that your wife nd child ren will not bo loft destitute, or to THE COLD. CHEERLESS SYMPATHY OF AN UNCHARITA BLE WORLD. To those whose good impulses are moved to this accomplishment for their family's luture protection. THE .ETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. diately Upon its nest assembling;- and if it is most cordially recommended for the carryinir tl.o 1 mnninimii onnaap trt I Vinnrrouo tho tha I OUt OI U1CBO uesires. 1UO IUIUUIUT UU8 DCen in JaMmn r.n t whi,h nil thfi rPcri.rfp.rMl existence for FORTY EIGHT years.and now, with a and qualified electors m the btate had an Capital 01 OTCr $4,500,000 00 --st tt h inflnJ f f r.,l stands as one ?f the solid monetary institutions of DUMUV) . V-. . ... ....... Mv.A, WUV. if ConreR-s shall be satisfied that such con stitution meets the approval of a majority I Over live hundred risks have been taken in the nf the nnaliried electors in the State, and if telTe months upon the most inllueutia,l citi POTATOES! POTATOES! POTATOES! Country and City Retailers "VTT1I.1. find it to thctr advantage before IT baying elsewhere to call and examine our I very large and well 8electd STOCK OF GOODS, wmcn we can sru at xcryanv prices ; conBisungo PRINT8, -DELAINES, MEBINOE8, SCOTCH PL1DS. BLACK and FANCY SILKS, ALAPACA8, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, BLANKETS. U A B PET I K G. Great variety of WOOLEN GOODS and NOTIONS ot every description. BOOT8, SHOES, GAITERS AND SLIPPERS, for Men, Ladies and Boya, in endless varied and of superior make and finish. READY MADE CLOTHINO or ever quauty, mane ana nmsn our own anu- factare. BROADCLOTH, CAS8IMERE8, TWEEDS and Gents' Furnishing Goods just received. HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS AND TALISES, and every description of. Good? required in Country Store. These Goods bemgiri ported direct from Europe, by ourselves, are offered at lowest nrices. and on most accommodating terms, by ; SOL. BEAR & BRO., I 18 Market street, Wilmington. Oct. 23. 21-tf These Companieb are all rt clacs, with larga surplus capiial, and we can ealeiy reccmt&end them to tho confluence of this community. Losses Promptly Adjaatcd and Taid.1 r":' Wj. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR will bo with cs, and give thia branch of onr busi ness his exclusive attention. ' , ATitlNSON k 8HEPPERS0N, 111 and 12 North Water Strset. jam 20 - 87-12m VEHICLES MADE AND REPAIRED. THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOWrlT prepared, at his shop on the cor- y ner of Red Cross and Second Htu. s- f to make to order any kind of ehlu, ucii aa Buggies, Sulkies, Carts of every kind, Drays and wagons. j - -- -- Bonairine alao done with neatness and at tha shortest notice, i Blackxmithlng, Painting and Trimming neatly done. Old Buggies made to look as good aa new ones, uive me a cau ana try my work, is all I ask. I Terms reasonable. Shop on Red Cross ana Second Streets. I JAMES LOWBEY. Jan. 8 I 86-tf JULES JAEED'S " EMAIL DE PARIS.' The Nmt BeaatlOrr of the Skin, - 150 sot 275 BBLS. VViK. KYK POTATOES. BBLS. PEACH BLOWS do BBLS. JACKSON'S do Above lot just received and for sale at transmit the same to Co jgress, if then in session, and if not in .session, then imme- feb. 27 ADRIAN A YOLLERS', Corner Front and Dock streets. ,. : 120-tf ; U 1. Hiil, v JOHlf O. BA1LEI U iimingtoa Irou and Copper Works. j HAUT & BAILEY, Pkopiuetoks, j No. 17, Front Street, below Market, Wilmington, If. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE Subscriber having quail tlcU aa Ad ministrator dc bonis non, upon tho estate of oaniuei o. ieery, cieceasco, at tne BcotemDer TESTIMONIALS FBOfif CXLEBEATED LAJDIZS j THIS secret of beautifying the akin betag known only to Messrs. Jared A Rene, thev honorably state that it differs from all other pre parations. It gives te the most harsh and freckled skin botn the text lire and color of poiished ivorv. removing all disoolorationa, whether appearing a irecKies, tan, morpnew, mo in, or DiacK worm specks, and is especially successful in smoothing out the marks left by the smmutfox. l tie agents of " Lxm&u de Pans " most conn dently submit to the pnblio the earnest endorse menta of such distinguished ladiea aa . : . SIGNORA BI8TORI, mie FELICITATESTV A LL ERS, LUCILLE WESTERN, Mdm'e P0NI8I, Mrs. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RUSHTON. NOEMIE DE MARGUERITTES, Mia AGNES8 PERRY and many others, whose high standing in the pro fession gives the stamp of truthfulness to their intelligent and genuine approval. J.he Beauufui Lucille Western says : 4 ' I find that the " Email n produces all tha bril liancy of ronge and lily-whito, with the great and peculiar advantage or total tiarmieasnees. It re any ados to tne ooitness and beauty of the akin. 1 have suffered eo much from the various white lotions, Ac., which my theatrical profession ob liges me to use, that I consider it a perfect bene faction to find a preparation which gives the neces sary whiteness to tho akin, and ieav cs the akin cool ana smooui. Miss Maggie Mitchell says , - I have tried the skin beautiiler, " L'Email de Paris," and found that it instantly imparte a natu ral bloom and freshness to the complexion. " Jared's Email de Paris " is used aa a dolicate beautifier of the skin for Theatre, Saloon or Ball lioom, ty tne most renned and scrupnlona Iadios : producing all the beautifying effects of ronge ana lihy white, without itheir vulgar glare or injury to the skin. Sold by all first class Druidfjta. Perfumers and Ladios' Hair Dressot9. - - L. ItAbcau. fc22 Broadwav : Dumas Barnes A Co.. and F. C. Wells & Co., 2icw York, and Eugene Jouin, 111 South. Tenth street, and Johnston, liol loway A Cowdcn, Philadelphia Agents. Sent by mail by addressing 1 ' . . . . JAitED A RENE. General .gcnU axul Importors, N. Y. ijv oa-ua the nation and offers positively the best induce- Term, 18oG ot New Hanover County Court, herebv t TE menta for LIFE IS SLRANCE in the world. notifies all persons having claims against his es- ! m zens of North Carohna. Out Of this number four have died, making 23,000 in eash paid over promptly to survivors ; and bat for this fore thought and ACTION not one dollar would have been left of tneir estates ior me oenent of tneir bereaved loved ones. After tne 2nd year Dividends Is 50 per cent, holders United States proposed by the Thirty-ninth general in each district defined by an act Congress, and known as article fourteen and wheu said article shall nave become a part of the Constitution of the United btates, said State shall be declared entitled to representation in Conrress, and Sena tort and Representatives shall be admitted thereirom on their takinc the oath pre scribed by law ; and then and thereafter the preceding sections of this act shall be iaoperative in laid State : Provided, That no person excluded from the privilege of holding office by said amendment to tho Constitution ol tho United States shall be entitled an act to provide for the more effi cient government of the rebel States, ap proved March 2, 18C7, shall cause a regis tration to be made of the male citizens of the United States, twenty-one years of age, and upwards, resident, in each county or parish in the State or States included in his district, which registration will include only those persons who are qualified to vote for delegates by the act aforesaid, and who shall have taken and suDscnbed the follow ing oath or -affirmation : I, , cto solemnly swear, or aflirm, eligible to election as a member of the con-1 in the presence of Almighty God, that I vention to frame a constitution for any of am a citizen of the State of ; that I said rebel States, nor shall any such per- j have resided in said State for months son Tote for members of such convention. I next preceding this day, and now reside in . oju. o. uxitu uo t j Mr ciuueu, xuHb me county vi , ui mo jjuidu vu , until the people of said rebel States shall! in said State, as the case may be ; that I H Jr 7 J admitted to representation in the J am 21 years old ; that I haye not been dis- the said constitution shall be declared by Congress to be in conformity with the pro visions of the act to which this is supple mentary, and the other urovisions f said act shall have been complied with, and the said constitution shall be approved by Con gress, the State shall be declared entitled to representation, and Senators and Kepre- sentatives shall be admitted thereirom as I herein provided. "f Sec. C That all elections in the States mentioned iu the said ' Act to provide for the more efficient ko ernment of the rebel States," shall, during the operation of said act, be by ballot ; and all officers making the said registration of voters and conduct ing said elections shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, sub scribe an oath faithfully to perform the du ties of their said office, and the oath pre scribed by the act approved July 2, 1862, entitled "An act to prescribe an oath of j office:" Proviaed, That if any person shall knowingly and falsely tako and subscribe anv oath in this act prescribed, such per son so offendinsr, and being thereof duly convicted. Fhall be sumect. to the pains. penalties and disabilities which by law are EST AND MOST POPULAR AND RELIABLE Drovided lor the pumsnmen. oi ine crime MxirAmja jvh xrtiu noiuju of wilful and corrupt perjury. , Sec. 7. That all expenses incurred by the several commanding generals, or by virtue oi any orders issuea or apiuiumtui8 1 jan 27 made by tnem nnaer or uy virtue 01 vms act, shall be paid out of aDy moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 8. That the convention for each state ehall prescribe the fees, salary and paid to Policy every year daring Lire, and at death the Policy is paid to survivors. Risks ou aces irora 14 to U years are takwi for a term of years or the WHOLE TERM OF LIFE on amounts from $1,000 to $10,000, and the rates are regulated according to' age. THIS PROVI SION CANNOT BE TAKEN FOR DEBT, BUT GOKS TO THE FAMILY OH OTHER DEPEND- ENTH FOR THEIR SPECIAL USE AND SUP PORT. Nothing can possibly bo gained by delav in this dnty and much may be lost. Of two cour ses, one or wliicn mav leave your lamii v or aeoend- ent friends destitute, and the other ASSURES them a comfortable unpport at your decease : can there be a doubt wmcn is to oe cnosen t verv one knows that if the pressure of the times bears hard upon a man in the fulness of his strength, it wiil De lar more uevero upon a woman ana cnua- ren left at s ch a conjuncture as this without re sources or protector, and it is easier for a man to pay his premium man ior ma iamuy to live with out his aid and without means. For further information call on the Agent who now extends the invitation to every one, rich and poor, to avail himseir or ine aavanatages offered by one of the LAKtih-sr, oainssr, ujsst, CHEAP. J0UX E. SPEARMAN, Agent, Market Street, between 2d and 8L. ' Wilmington, N. C. 103 2taw wtf no up mow TOSS Hoop Iran, for sale by WTLLLIAMfl & MURCHISON. march 24 . - . - 151 lw tate to piesent the same within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of a recovery. , ..- All persons mUebted to the estate of Ins intes tate, are requested to make immediate payment. JAJHJKS V. MCPHERSON, . Administrator d Iwmi turn. Deo. 9 - - fs , 7V-tf . i A CAUB. rpilE Snbsrriiier bavins re filial hi I.a- X boratory, is now prepared tj make analyi of soils and fertilizers, or any eul ataiu e that may be desired, which will be done on moderate terms. Special attention devoied to Agricultural Chem istry. Omce Journal Handings. . D. M. BU1E. Wilmington, N. C, mach 1 , 131-tf PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. AL.ARGK lot Jmt received, tonilstinc In part aa follows : English and American White Lead and Zinc-, . ' , 15,000 lbs. Assorted 5fjIoM Drv and in Oil- 7 415 ih Window Glasa 300 boxes. Linseed and Machinery Oils. Varnishes, Brushes, Ac., Ac. For sale at the low est prices, for cash, at N. JACOBrS, . 9 Market street. ABE NOW PREPARED TO FUKNIHH. .... . on snort notice. Brass and Iron Casting, iinithfd mil rnfiu , isned. , . .. New Machinery made and put p, . : v;a uiacuiijHry overnamca. i i All kinds of Pattenis, OrnampuUl :! Airicol tar&L - Will supply Drafts of all Lings of Machinery ano j Millwork Renarally. j TURPENTINE AND WHISKY STILLS, i ' ' ' ASTD -' ' : ! COPPER WORK iu all its branches. A full supply of Belting, Packing, Hone, bttam and Water Pipe and Fittinpa. Machine Bolts, Nuts and Rivets, and all othet article generally found in a Machine Supply Store. Alao a large lot of Cracible, from No. 85 to 1K), .nd warranted good will dispone of them blo Manufaeturera' price. Terms Cash. Harob.29. IM-tf V , CLANKS"" 1, ' ; w WE HAVE, AND KEEP CONSTANTLY U HAND, almost every description of Blank asnally required in this place. Merchants in want of jiailroad Receipts, Bills of Lading, or other Blanke, bound or loose, can ob tain them at short notice. Clerks of Civil Courts. Sheriffs. Magistrates and Constables, can be supplied from our present slock, uon Nov. 21 -1 f tovs tut JL-JU TIFICATE AND'.V I PEUCVIA.V GCAX0. pped inIcr Anfa Or- ATK ):!( ) C.L: ViUi: AD No. 1. DAILY i.Xi'FCTi a aD for; BALE, to Aiu-ivr:: at loweht .'OH A, SHEPrEngfIs. 3 1 and 12 it-rtli V'ter bi. - m-ct Wt.VXH., PAJt -olh HAND: 10 BIBLES. PI! HER BOOKS, JL "Psalmists." "Paalmodv." "Hrmn Books " and " Presbyterian PsalmodisU" received at LOVE'S BOOK STORE. feb. 19 ,i :i- 122- - COOPERS WASTED. TWO first elasa Spirit Barrel Maker cam find steady emplovmnt by application to : - PJCTXKWAl as KOOK1C - feb. 21 - . 1 . -, . a . 134-tf L' 1 or have their Blanks printed to order, t I notice. Peptlft. - ENQELHARD A PRICE, . Old titand, Journal UiulUin tnncm)s atrot, wiiminirton ALL K15D OF BLANKS pOR BALE AT. THE iOUESAL OiTICE. march 17 THE 67 EI;CKU-.F, f..''.LItX J7v3Ii"li., Ac. Uiii'IUCJi m RYAN. 113-tf LOsT .CACssE, State'm-n ofj march I the his C, tnfrali and 3... America, acnt free on receipt of 2i pelit'. Address. iiHiumfu; six, P. O. Box 1121. 143-lru XOTifE WIXE HINE. flWE miderUjcntui has on band a superior JL article of bcupvtmoiix and Flowers, -WINE, which h can furnish, in bottles, by the duzD, in kegs or barrels. I 7. J. STANLEY. 120-4W Whiteville, N. C. tVb. 27 I. B. BAKEtt, RKSl'MES the practice of LAW. Office on Front Street, ovr Lippitt'a Con foctionery HUite. - i . , , march 14 t . ' " U2-U SAGSRAGS. ; TUB Ultiit rasb price will be p14 f CLEAN COTTON or IJNEN RAO , at the 4 ' JOUALOi