VOL. XVI NO. 156. WILMINGTON N. C, SATURDAY MORNING-. MAlGH 30. 1867. WHOLE NUMBER 4,509. THE - DAILY J 0 C R N A I.V 1 Kf CJEMIAIID rnitE, Proprietor. Term of Natacrftlon I (Hily r wt.oiii year, invariably in advanra, f 10 00 " i months, ' " fi 00 " thro! month, " " 3 00 " wo ror'h, " " 1 00 tv r kiy I'ajxr, one year, aw " six month, " 2 00 AH Iff tern fn business connected with tkia office jvn;t fee addrwad to tho proprietor. flat tf Adrrrt Wings Acvrnmrw-KT will Ls irsortod at ILo rats of 11 por square fur the first inMrtion; 13.50 por week ; and IS per month. Tea line or leas aro counted as ft o,nare. Longm Advertiaoreenta In proportion. Advertisement inortHl evcrY other day art r barged t)Pw at oarh and rvi ry Insertion. ' Advrrtixriacnts orJcif il tn the !niif will w lisrgrd CO prr cent. Additional to above raff". Marriage, lonth and OMtnirr Nrtif arc ihargrd a Advertisement. Ko rnM.ct.tkm rrSocV.op tionp:ivae character i!l bo allowed in onrclnmn", f ithr at dv-Ttie-r.iwits orothmri-r. W Ni publication mado without ft ri-poiinl-Me nimf. TUB DAILY JOURNAL. IVJUIIXOTOX, x. c: . SATURDAY, MARCH 1G7. JiPICV DERATE IX THE IlorSE. THE BUTLER-BLNGIIAM IJUARREL. Fort l-'lklu-r atnil Mooii...'rh Ainlnn i inn Conpljar- ami the llatit; lnp( of Mn. Snrrittl. r'l'ho bear fight between Butler and Bing ham, (referred to briefly in our telegraphic columns Thursday,) was renewed in tho IIouso Tuesday. Butler, it will bo seent again mado tho "damning admission" that Mrs. tiurratt " was an innocent woman, hanged upon tho kcaffold." A great deal more U destined to come out, if thesu two Radicals continuo their quarrel, and itrc. mains to bo seen whether Mich admissions 'will damago tho Destructioniets in the eyes of tho loyal North. Mr. Butler asked and obtained unani mous cunsent to makn a personal explana tion (tho time being limited to fifteen min utes.) He tatcd that ho had caused to be placed on tho de&k of each member a copy of Mr. Bingham's epooch tho other day, in the personal discussion with himself, show ing, in parallel columns, tho ppeech as it appeared in tlx manuscript of tho report -t . a t t - 1 J t crs, nnu mn Bpeccu ns puuusneu in tue "Globo." Tho speech, as written, con tained G8!) words ; aa printed, it contained 1,047 word, and there were, in tho report er'd mnnuscript, 292 erasures and altera tions. Uo hud understood that, in a per Honat ueuave, a mctaoer nan do ngni 10 make any changes nnlcss they wero sub mitted to tho member affected by them. That mlo had been violated in this case. la tho matter thus interpolated was tho pcntenco, "What does the gcntlemau (meaning Mr. Butler) know of the evidence in the cae, and what docs he care for the cvidenco when ho thus assails tho official conduct of thoso men who constituted the court t no would state the evidence on which he had mado tho other day the state mont that Mrs. Kurratt was improperly convicted. He held in his hand the print , cd report of the trial, aud had examined it with great enro long before, becauso this was no sporatio thought of his. It was tho .result of cn.rc.fnl, anxious investigation, for another and different pnrpope to see who wero In tho great conspiracy. The gentle man (Mr. Biugham) had fiaid that he was the advocate of tho United States on that trial. That wun n great mistake. ITo was the special Judgo Advocate, whoso duty It wa to protect tho rights of the prisoner as well as of tho United Stutes, and to sum up the evidence and stAte tho law. But there was one piece of cvidenco within the gentle man's (Mr. Bingham's) knowledge which he nau not produced on that most momentoas tnaL When Booth was captured bv Lieut (Jolonel Conger, there was, said Mr. Butler, taken from his pocket a diary liko the ono L now hold in my hand, (holding up small morocco co vcret I pocket diary,) in which ho set down day by day, his plans, his thoughts, his motives and Lis excuse. That Was put into i-ossossion of the Government, but it was not laid before tho Military Com mission, although tho gentleman (Mr. Biug ham) did lay before the court Booth s to bacco pipe, spur, knife, and other articles found on his person. The diary was not produced.( That diary appears now before our judiciary committee and let mo say hero that I did not obtain my informa4 uon irora that committee with eigh teen pages of ntries, mado prior to tho time of Mr. Lincoln's assassination, absent. Xho edges show that those pages were all cut out. What I want to know is, first, was that diary whole when it camo into the or it was good judgment on tho part of those who were prosecuting tho assassins of Abraham Lincoln to put in a tobacco MMvt v AAV . . - f y, t 1i V ' M la VT-uwfcu pipe found in Booth's pocket "as an evi dence against tho prisoners, while tho diary, m Booth's own handwriting, detailing all thft rmrtienlfirn nt liia ritiin W!ij t VTpli1'! 1 did not charge tho able, bravo and gal lout soldiers who sat on that court with any wrong. They did not eeo tho diary. They did hot know of its existence. If they had they might have givon a different account iuo uauci, uo Bpoiiaieu inai vooa.i WhosnpproRsed that evidence? Who caused that innocent woman to bo Lanced while ha had in his pocket tho diary which woulel J have shown at least what was the idea and! what were the thoughts of the main con - epirator? Jxhere is still remaining in that tuary a memorable instanco written but a few hoars before Isooth g death. I quote 11 irom memory : -" 1 nave enaoavoroa to cross the Potomac five times and failed. I propose to return to Washington and givo myself up, and clear mysoll from tins great crime. now clear nimseix t xy giving himself up and disclosing his accomplices? no were tney? w no epoiiatea inai dock alter it got into the possession of the Gov ernmeni, 11 11 was not spouated Deioref vny was not Lieutenant Colonel Conger allowed to go on and state what had been found on Booth s bodv? Tho nneation was carefully put to him bo that he should not toil about tne Dooic lie identified knife, pair of pistols, holster, tobacco pipe, car- tridges, a bill of exchage, &o., but he was' nowhere asked '! were theso all the arti - 0W tVlQ. n,. fr.n .1 An P.tk 1 T U - ' duwv wwo tuuuu vu uuvu ( it uc halbecn asked that question, he would have anawerad that, ks hia rocket a h lathor cafpinT in death. It CommiHwion if that evidence? had been produced. Thnt evidence, fonnd on Booth's per son, Fhonld hnvo leen produced.- I understand tho theory to be that the rrn son it was not produced was lest "Booth's glorification of himself should go into tho case. I think that n lamo excuse. : Jf an awnsin can glorify liinisr-lf, let hira do eo. There is no danger of it. T lioref ore, 1 1 again say, hero was a mof-t emarkatile piece of evidence found on thf bodv of the great conspirator concealed. will take t hut back. I mean it was not it forward, not brought to tho groat pal mind. I beliovo that pieco of evidence would have shown what, in ray judgment, the wholo case now shows that Booth, tip to a cer tain hour, meant a capture and abduc tion of Mr. Lincoln, and that ho changed his purpose and resorted to assassination. Mra. Surratt may or may not have known f that change of purpose. Wh3t 1 find fault with in the Judge Advocate, who did not bum up for the prisoner, is that there whs no notice by him broneht to tho mind of tho court, in his very able but very bit ter argument against tho prisoners, of this change of purpose. If Mrs. Surratt did not know of this chango, she would nave had no knowledge- of the intended assas sination, and therefore could not have been convicted. These aro the reasons v.hy I say that 1 am glad the blood of that wo man, whether she were innocent or guilty, is not on mv head. I meant, bv no intend- ! ment, to say a word against the. officers who composed that commission. lhoy wero military men, who relied, for the Jaw, upon the Judgo Advocate, who thought they Lad all the facts before them, but be fore whom all the facts were not put. I do not mean to say that they judged wrong under tho light which they had. Tho point which I make, and the point which thould stand mado before the country, is that all tho testimony was not before tho tribunal. If all tho testimony had been presented wo should liavo been able to pursue the accom plices, and to find out who it was that changed Booth's purpose from capture to assassination : who it was that was to pro- lit by the assassination, and that would not profit by tho capture of Mr. Lincoln ; who it was that should succeed Mr. Lincoln in case the uullet mado a vacancy, xu some aspects of the case that .diary might not have been legal testimony, but its moral evidence would have carried conviction to the mind of everybody, because it was the dvmg declaration of a man who, assassin though he was, waa telling tho truth be tween himself and God. How was Booth, bv comincr back to Washington, croing to clear himself of tho great crime commit ted ? lhat tmestion still remains, were the eighteen pages of Booth's diary gone when it comes into the possession of thf learned Judflre Advocate V If so, why did he not inquire what had become of them, whether Jjieutenant t;olonel Conger gave tho book to somebody, whether if went from his hands into other hands, and whose knife it was that cut out those leaves ? I should not have pursued this matter further except that the gentleman (Mr. Kingham) charged mo with haying mndo the assertion I did without an exam ination of the evidence. n has chosen to bring this matter here, not I. And I desire now that, in somo form, this mat ter shall be fully and thoronghlv investi gated. Here the fall of the Speaker's hammer indicated the termination or the fifteen minutes allowed to Mr. Butler. A propo sition for an extension of time was made. but Messrs. Van Wyck" and Broomall ob jected. Mr. Bingham asiied lenve to reply to jNlr. Butler. Mr. Broomall inqnired ns to tho length of time ho desired. Mr. Bingham said that he onlv wanted tho time that was given to his assailant and accuser. Tho Hour-o granted him fifteen minutes. Mr. Bingham commenced bv calling on Mr. Butler for the book. Mr. Butler, holding np the report of the assassination trials, asked was that the book ? No. sir. paid Mr. Bingham, I mean tho diary. Oh, said Mr. Butler, the gentleman can not have that. fNote by the Reporter. Mr. Bingham supposed that Mr. Butler had Booth's diarv. while lie only had one which he said looked i .... ... . - like it in outward appearance. This misap prehension caused Mr. Umgbam to say. less 8ir ; tliat is another exhibition of fairness and manliness. Mr. Butler tried to explain, but Mr, Bingham would not permit hira, and re quested that he should sit down. If he had not tho diary, lie said he should not havo said n word about it, But, interposed Mr. Butler, I know who has. Mr. Bingham said: And I do not. He then went on to say: As to tho report fur nished to mo of tho hurried and excited debate which took place between myself and tho gentleman, and which was provok ca oy an unjust ana unwarraniea impuia tion on his part, none the less unjust and disreputable because ho selectod tho softest word in the language 1 ho Speaker intimated that tho word " disreputable" was not a proper word to apply to another member in debate Mr. Bingham I beg the Speaker's par don. 1 o say that an accusation is disrepu table is not unparliamentary. I did not say tho gentleman is disreputable. I am only sorry that the Spoaker did not discov or euen words as that when used by my ac ensec. lnt 1 tako it back, under tho direc tion of tho Speaker, and perhaps I will not be permitted to say anything. Ihe Spoaker intimated that 31r. Uin; ham might proceed in order. Mr, Bingham continued: In the excite ment and hurry of tho timo it so happened that tho report of my reply to the gentle- man was tho most imperfect report that was ever sent to me of remarks made by me in 1 the House. ' Anv gentleman may examine 1 it, and he will fail to find, in the corrections I that I made a smjrle accusation that is not, I bv exDreas words or bv necessary lmphca- tion. in the notes of tho reporter. 1 char ged the eentleman (Mr. Butler) with con- stitutinsr himself an uniost accuser. I charged him with having - assailed mv ofu ciai conduct on this floor and elsewhere. I charged him with having assailed the of- nciat conaucc 01 men wno were nis peers in - 1 the field. And yet the gentleman is driven to eucn straits, alter making 1 this assanlt upon me, and tries to get out of the dim- culty into which he has put himself bv cat tine up this mutilated rerxrt of rpmarks and printing it. lie is entitled to all he can gain by any such conne of procedure. And therefore I leave him, simply adding the remark that, in the condensed reports - of the morning papers, I find substantially J .AJ J .1. S 1 . t , every won uwi tuwiusu iu uii jtm even down to the very last word that I I bpm tn nrpftowft ttiatT.defv thia ralnmnv the verdict of tho Military I said he had condemned without knowing or carjng for the evidence. I say so yt t. If j' he is the Lawyer he is reputed to be, then ho is it) he pitied for coming here, and s.r raigning his peers for not consenting to sd- j loit the testimony of a man accused, made after the fact. I defy him by any investi gation which he dare'institute," here or any where, to show that any communication j came into ray hands, purporting to- be the I production of J. Wilkes Booth, that was j not made after the fact, and long after the j fact. Is. there any lawyer in America or' England who would say that the words and declaration of an accused felon, after the; fact, arc evidence which tho advocate for, the Government is bound to admit in any ; court? 1 treat with contempt and jcorn any intimation from feuy quarter that I or inv associate counsel were under obligations to admit anv j,neh evid nc-. The law does i K fnot reouiie if. 'the common law, the I rrrowtfi of centnries, the' ' caihe-rod of a flouwtod years, exclude it. "Perhaps ! that great monumrnt of wisdom and l-ru-1 L ing is not equal to ;ho iteoiiipui-aUt; jciJiis 1 ' of the incomparable hero of Fort Fisher. ! L. Laugl iter, v.hich the Speaker endeavt-rcd to tuppres."j 1 l;ope thet i- j-arliamon- tary Mr. Butler tried to get lit n remark, out Mr. Bingham would not lot him, adding that tho gentleman from Massachusetts had no right to ask favors at his hands. ' ; , Mr. Bingham continued I never saw tuvy memoranda by ."John t Wilkes Booth which indicated any 'plan or motive by which ho was to carry cut his projected conspiracy. I never saw any such thiug; and I am not surprised that the gentleman would not let me eo the book which he pnt into his poekf r. Sir. jjutier a gam essayed to make an ex planation, but with no better result than before. . Mr. Bingham said : No. sir: I do not care about if. Having refuswl to let me insijf et the book on which he based his charge, lie m;iy row imitate the example Feen m the vision of the Apocalyp&e, and turn round and cat it. I Laughter. T The gentleman talks of n, spoliated book. m spoliated it xnat is aoour as miercstiDga query as that tovhich I referred the 'other-day " Who killed Cock Robin V" Who knows that it was spoliated ? If John Booth tore pages out of it was that tion V The gentleman's words are potent as they are unwarranted. Let tho galied jndo wince. My v.it!u ra f.iu r.nwrr.i Wilkes spolia- fs im- I challengo him and dare ltim, here or anywhere else, in this tribunal or in any tribunal, to aserLthat I spoliated anv book. Such a charge as that, without one tittle of ' evidencoria only fit to como from a man who lives in a bottle and is fed' with a spoon. I Laughter. Ono word more to show the ' heartless maliciousness of this :ssault if j that bo parliamentarv. I have great respect i for the Speaker, personally, and mainly for j his entire - fairness ; and if anytbing said I by me, in tho heat :nd" excitement of the I moment, rer-'ts even colorribly on the Speak j er, l asli the reporter to record that, m the t presence of the House, I recall it and dish j claim any f-uch purpose of any sneh inten- j tion. Tho Speaker lemarked that Mr. Bing-1 ham had reflected on him. Then, said Mr. Bingham, I ask the? Speaker's pardon. I believe that a more j impartial presiding officer never sat since the Commons first met. "What is the state- ment here showing the utter heartlessness . of this accusation, its utter disregard and j contempt for all decency and law ? It is ; that I controlled the evidence in the court. The gentleman (Mr. Butler) knows that I was not the official organ of that court He knows that its Becorder was the Jndrre Advocate General of the United Htntes. 7 And vet I am to be at fault because I did not overrule the official organ of tho court. The gentleman has undertaken a task cn- tirelv beyond his rowers, and only proves in this thing which he has undertaken to do, that tho execution of the war on his part, in this instance as in others, is by no means up to the high and founding mani festo.. Laughter. 1 Let the gentleman read mv argument on that subject, and let him show where it is false, corrupt, malicious or unjust. I re cognize that, at last justice is the rule ofj conduct, both official and unofficial, inas- i much as it is the attribute of the great God of nature. Nothing gives mo more ; pain than to be compelled to utter oven an angry word towards my fellow-man. I may have spoken now with a heat unbecoming in mo in this place. If I have, I shall ask tho poor privilege of softening mv angry words in the official report. fflero the fall of the Speaker's hammer indicated the close of Mr. Bingham's quar ter hour. - Mr. Butler tried to make a brief ex planation, but Mr. Tile and others objec ted. . - : Mr. Hamilton Ward asked leave to offer . . m t- 1 a resolution reciting Montgomery uuir s declaration that Mrs. Surratt was improp-1 erly convicted, and Mr. Butler's" deciara- j tion to tho same effect, and directing the 1 Judiciary- committee to inquire into tho matter. Objection was made, and the IIouso re fused to suspend tho rules to let it bo offered. II AIR RESTORER. THE only actual restorer of the Hair ever offered to the public - We are prepared to prove what we say, viz: That it HAS and WILL. PRODUCE the GROWTH of HAIR on bald heads, except on very old persons, and koep it from fall in" out-. " - It does not dy the hair, bnt v. ill re store the original color, rno odor- is pieasans and agreea ble, and it makes a delightful dressing-. To prove what we claim for this celebrated and justly popular medicine, we refer to the following1 prominent citizens wno nave tried it ana ppeak from experience. - Ldwm Jrorreet, tne areas American traKotuan, who discovered the Restorative, and for whom it was named. Mr. Forrest was bald at the age of fifty, and has secured a fine suit of hair by the use of this medicine, as all can testify who have the pleasure of his acquaintance. Also, to wm. 11. jiOKec, oi r.aiumore. J. B. To!k, Esq., of O. Klinefelter, merchant, Baltimore. Mrs. Sara! Maynard, " Mr. J. F. Wi.eeloch, actor. Not York.: Col. E. F. Best, Griffin, Owr.ii. i Maj II. T. fcott, Houston, I .:. And hnndreds of others through thf country, CARB, BOYK.IN & CO i Sole Proprietors and Wholesale Druggists, t 41 light street, Baltimore. For sale by Druggists generally. -rrice fl per bottle. Liberal discount to the tradf . " march 20 - " 117-2tw-3m. 0 ITS! OATS! I 0VTS!!! AAA Bl'sHBLS prime Maryland r- 48 bbls. Mulletta, in store, I For saletry' MITCHELL A HDQQIK8. .l-4t Printing. mn ESTABLISHMENT. J.J - mi w .'If v iV SI'I'RIIIIII! WORKMEN' (3 The Journal Office Is now better than ever prepared to do all kind ot I'l.AIN OBNAMEYrAl. JOBvPRINJI.NC ! . . Tn t!o best sfyl.-- of tho art. lUH.KOAil & STKA.MJiOAT COLOR PRiiUTirUC AST i.vLET VTMan nas or UMW1M. i'lll.M'I.MI. Will receive swoial attention.- ' ri Wedding. Business and Visiting Cards Printed i-.i the hand onict styles, on short aoticc. BILL-HEADS, -CIRCULARS- y POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, ROOKS. PAMPHLETS, BILLS OF LADING, DRAY AND OTHER TICKETS. And every other description of job work PROMPTLY DONE, AT THE Lowest Hates ! i:GELUARI) ii PRICE, Proprietors. P. Heinsberger, BOOK BUN DEll, AND BLANK BOOR MANUFACTURER JOURNAL BUILDINGS, WILMINGTON, N. 0 ACCOUNT BOOKS Made of the best Linen Paper, Ruled and Bound to any pattern desired. Ledgers, Journals, Execution and Trial Dockets, and all kinda of Blank Books Law Books, Music, Periodicals, Magazines, &c, &c, bound ... in the best manner. JHLTEJIj iktg OF ETERY DESCRIPTION wmmmM imm- Til VVVI f a I M f f mmw I LOW Educational mt. jmMi.ii's FEMALE .SWIlNtltY. W 1 L M I N G T O N , N . C . THE SECOND. TOM OI' THIS IXSTITCTIo ; will !x srin on the Jd of February aud clii- vm '4 the 2f! U of Jane next. A Io&rd of Ti.-itori," cuniixeed t f g ntks:u n i- whose nanifcb m iil tf- annonuwd hercaftr, hut ; ti, 'n..'j T,..i ii i... ru. t ,t ii f. examinations, and will Tisit the Institiiticn at.. othr-r times to examkie into aU niEtur fHftainir. t to'the 8ciuiaarj,-&nd a, fnll. wport of iti (-'ws- i tionB will be made. - - . - , It is miportant tliat ttapils intending to onUr . or me next term snonia no so as eoon poh?i me. ror parucuiare, apply to " Jan. 2t ''- - V.'-:--i Pi'incipal, lH-tf ' XEISE RIVER ACADEMY T S SITrATED in Wnyiir roiintt. .1 two niles r.-rth of Tiliit.- Kan , v( n r-v'W frow ,Mtdy Hall (Depot). . . 'xephh , , - '.''. Priuiary Bracehcs ..... ... .... $10 (i) t BCKJuetK, iVC.i. . . -, ..... . . . . . Langna f?o. &c, . . IS t-U ....... 5 CO : uoant can to mui iu i ieuiv r l-tAljIO liiUUliCS for Ht rier moritU r.o iiu-Kic-mel eso-nsee. rnor. n. r. t.i;.rv, jk., ' Pvinripal. i - - ' . li:l-tf ' fet. 8 Mrs. E A r.illican TII' opea her School on Thuratlar. uetotx-r itn. on finioprrv. itptwpr n Stu and flth street t. " Kept.20 1 THE LIMES', DEPOSITORY. TN VI FAY OF THE CONTIN UEP AND IN- JL ercasing deshtntion at the South, and in com- ! pliance with reqaeta both at homo and abroad. S a number of iadies of Baltimore have formed them- "j selves into an Association, nntlcr the name of ! 'TnE LiVDIES DKPOSITORY." Its object k to receive needle and other woi-lc ! amt-to dispone of it solelv for the benefit of its ) owners. Orders will arlso he takes at the Deposi- j toiv for any kind of -work, so as to Provide cm- r iloyment for thowe who have not the neconsMT ' materials. A considerable cxpenso will be incurred iu pro- : viding a place of buwucss and tho requisite aasiis- tantw. and as the i uttrpriae cannot of course be etlf-Bupporting, Tthe Aawx-iatiou must depend i upon the contributions of its friend. The anunal ! subscription has been fixed at to, and all who are j favorably disposed ae earnestly requested to give I their prompt and liberal aid, by donations or ' otherwise, to help those who are doing their nt-; most to neip tnemscivea. I me AesoeiatKin liaTe talien tho store rso. Pj, j Lexington street, and expect to be in. operation J by tbe Uth of l-Vbruarr, President : Mm. rEITON ..HAEELSON. Vico Prc-aideiit : Mb?!. JOHN II. B. LATP.Or.E. - Treaaurer : Mas. W. W. fcrENCJi. j ) Recording Secretary : v Jla. JAMES A. STEUART. Corresponding Secretary : " Bias. THOMAB MURDOCH. Managers : Mk. CHARLES J. BAKER, St gout h Charica -street. Mes. J. J. RANICAItD, East lialtiuiore stiot. Mns. J. HARM AN BROWN, TC Courtland etreet. Mas. JOHN DUER, 117 Charles stroet. Mks. A. D. EGERTON, 230 Howard ctrH. Miss FRICK, Charlts street. Miss FOTHERGILL, Garden street. Mas. JOHN S. OITTINOS, Monument and Ht. J'aul streets. ?b. .T. l;. GOLDSDOROUGH, 251 Eutaw btreet. Miss HARPER, 10 Cathedral street, Mr.e. PEYTON HARRISON, &0 Read etrcet. MiB8 DORA HOFi MAN, Franklin ftrcet. Mne. CHARLES HOWARD, Cathedral street. Mrs. HUNTER, corner Raltimoro etrttt and Broadway. Mb: JOHN lC R. LATROBE, Road and Clmrlee htreets. Mas. MERRICK, Monument street, Mes. THOS. MURDOCH, Howard street. Mrs. READ, Mulberry etreet. Mas. T. PARKIN SCOTT, 10 St. Paul street. Mes. BAYARD SMITH, 101 Monument etreet. Mes. W. W. SPENCE, Bolton street. Mas. N. B. SMITH. Saratoga street. . Mrs. JAMES A. STEWART, 103 Park ftreot. Mas. B. R. SPALDING, Charles etreet. feb.21 121-if MERCHANTS OF WILMINGTON AKVEBTleE IN T1IK H'MTEH NKWS, THE above naiacit paprr i publialted weekly in Sumter, S. O., which bcinfr imme diately on thf W. k M. Railroad iu direct com munication with ; Wilmington, and having a large circulation in the section in which it in published, ia offered as a durable advertising modinm. Tirms liberal. Aildress DARR A OSTEEN, Proprietors. IU H3-tf POTATOES! POTATOES! POTATOES! 150 50 275 1IBLS. PIffIC EYE POTATOES. EBLS. PEACH BLOWS do BBLS. JACKSON'S do. Above lot just received aiid for eaie at ADRIAN & VOLLERS', Corner Front and Dock streets. '-'AA-; ." '- 129-tf feb. 27 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE Snbscriber having qnnllfled as Ad ministrator de bonis non, upon the estate of Samuel J. Beery, deceased, at the September Term, 18C6 ot New Hanover County Court, hereby notifies all persons having claims against his es tate to present the same within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. All persons indebted to the estate of his intes tate, are requested to make immediate pavmcnt. james b. Mcpherson, Administrator tie bonis non. Dee. 19 . 70 tf A CARD. THE Snlmrribrr havini; refitted bi La boratory, is now prepared to make analvsia ot soils and f ortilizers, or any substance that ni ay le desired, which will be done on moderate term's. Special attention devoted to Agricultural Chem istry. Office Journal Ruiidings. !,.'., D. M. EUIE. Wilmington, N. C, mach 1 131-tf PAIXTS. OILS AND GLASS. AURGE Jot jnat received, eonalatlng in part as follows: English and American White Lead and Zinc, Assorted wlors Dry and in Oil, 7,415 lbs.- ... jutj Doses. Linseed and Machinery Oila- - : -i t. m - . - - wuuuen, t-rusnes, sc., &. ror saio at the low est prices, for cash, at Jf. JAOORI'8, , : D Market street. Dec. 28 ? .- 77 BIBLES, PRAVER BOOKS, PSABILS and Ilyuina and Select lna," and " Presbyterian rsalmodist." - v ! Received at 1 - LOVE'S BOOK STORE, i feb. 19 ,.. . - 12-3- s - COOPERS WANTED. TWO first class Spirit Barrel Maker aa : ; nd steady employment by application t ' - - PETTEWAI 4 MOORfi. ii ft,ai utf Mercantile. "JAftTAUT 1st, 1S6T. 4t II At'COVXTS mi aaatle nt. V lioj ; cur ur ratroim will csll in and rr up. . J3 Market Btroct. J. n. t W-tf ltHT ' -irr r ' iiCYT " H - ' .-- - . . - -. - ruicES ..' )- !Inrkt Si. JI. M. KATZ (0. rrrE A.tti: ueekl keceivtno nj:w : V GOODS at the present LOW PEKOES and 1 hsvp a!?o ItEDUCT.D tbo priM of onr Wl!OT.R PTOCK ft'iistBiiiift of a variety of ' CVl LKn, . " POPLIN, mnr.r.88 cloths, PKLAINES, I iujir.AZiNr;H. ALXrACAB, PL.VIDR. mtt t'ivt-pv I0rESTlC3, IJNEN8, " SmP.TINOS, HATS, : ? BONNETS, TLUMES, i RIBBONS, nAIR NETS AND C0IT.9 READY-MADE CLOTHING, ikwts and fcnor.s." NOTIONS, BROADCLOTH, . PANT-STTFry, to sa LOW RATES as they are sold in Kw York ; we are determined to make room for our Spring Stock. . ' ' - -. M. KATZ & CO., 23 Market Street. . 80-tf 1 Jan. 1. . Country and City Retailers WlLXi find It to thrlr advantage before buyine elsewhere to call and examine our very larR and well selected STOCK OF GOODS, which we can aell at ttrylow price ; consist ingo PRINTS, . . DELAINES, - MERINOE8, , SCOTCH I'LAIDS, BLACK and FANCY SILKS, FLANNELS, -ALAPA0A8. t - - - SHEETINGS. SHIRTINGS, i BLANKETS, ! CARPETING. 1 Great variety ot WOOLEN .GOODS and NOTION3 oi' every description. . BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS AND SLiri'F.RH, lor Men, Ladies and Bow. in endless varirt and j oi ftnpenor make and finish. f READT MADE CLOTHING , of every quality, make and finish our own ana tactnre. '. BROADCLOTH, OASSBIEBJES, TWEEDS and Genti Furnishing Gooda Juet receiveil. . HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, and every description of Goods roquired ia a vouuvry wore. ! Theae Gooda being imported direct from Europe, by ourselves, are offered at lowest prioos, and on moet accommodating terms, bv SOL. BEAR &, BRO., X8 Market street, Wilmington. Oct 25. i-tf L. a. HABT. : JOHX C. BAILEY U iimingtou Iron and Copper Works. HART & BAILEY, PEOPBncroBa, No. 17, Front Street, below Market, Wilmington, It. C. TTTE ARE NOW rREFARED TO FURNISH, TV on enorv nouce, tfrass and Iron Castuigs, flnlahed and nnfln- labed. New Machinery made and put up. Old Machinery overhauled. All kinds of Patterns, Ornamental and Aftricul tnral. ..... .,.m "PPP Vr of all kings of Machinery and TURPENTINE AND WHISKY STILLS, ' . ;.';... AND I : COPPER WORK iu all its branches. -': : A full supply of Belting, Packing, Hose, Steam and Water PiDe and FittSiM. - , Machine Bolts, Nuts and Rivets, and all other aruuMje geoerauy iouna in a fiiactune Supply Stors Also a lane lot cf Crnnihlcui frnm Na ok tr. ino and warranted good will dispose of them below Mmiavmwi si ayWa A PrUla) VtVlfU March 29. 164 tf BLANKS. WE HAVE, AND KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, almost every description of Blanks esnally required in this place. Merchants in want of Railroad Receipts, Ellis cf Lading, or other Blanks, bound er loose, can ob tain them at short notice. - Clerks of Civil Conn. RherLffrf. Mo-istra and j Constables, can be supphed from our present stock. I ox have their Blanks printed to order, at short ; notice. . . ENGELHARD A PRICE. Old Stand, Journal Bnikiiscs. rrt 2. Princess (treat. WUmina-ton. N. 0. ALL KIND OF BLANKS F OR SALE AT .THE Dry Goods, &c. ATin.-fTTC0ER, DRY GOODS; CLOTHING CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, Ac., &c.t Ac, - WHOIKSALE AND RETAIL , NO. 15 MARKET ST., TVILMIKQTOS, N. C, MAEION C. IL, 8. C. A cur Mr. A. WITCOYEF. baa established a branch buiuooa tt No.: 94 Warren Street, Kew York, whero all tho CLOTHING oold byua is taan- rfactured, nololy for our own etores, thereby ut ing tho f.ret coBt on them, if they had to bo pur chased already made. Parties visiting Wilming ton, will find it to thoir adantago to call on tho above namod firm, before calling clsowhere.. A UberI disooont allowed to the trade. . , 1TRS! FCRSn FCRS!!! XTJ-E WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAEKET f T prices for all deecriptiona of FUriS. We are constantly making large shipments to Europe, being ageuta for the purchaae of thia uiaunai lor targe manaractoruig noasea, ana are j consequently in a position to pay more liberal pri : cos than ran be had elsewhere. A. & 8. wrTCOYEB, i No. 15 Mirket atrflnt. Dec. 29 ' 78-tf FIRE AMD LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY- WE Represent, f at (hi city, the follow ing Insurance Companies, via : .... THE SECURITY IN8CRANCE, of New York. . THE NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE Co., of Now York. i. i. THE EQUITABLE IJTE INSURANCE Co.; ot New York. i THE MARYLAND Baltimore. LIFE INSURANCE Co.: of Theae Companies are all first class, with hurpe eurplus capital, and we can safely recommend them to tho confidence of this community. liosaes Promptly Adjusted and Paid . MaJ. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR Hvill bo with ns, and give thin branch of our bnst I lies bin cxrtaeivo attention, j ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, : 11 and 12 North Water 8treot. . jaa. 2y 1 . .. , 97-12ai VEHICLES MADE AND REPAIRED. TEE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW J TT prepared, at his e hop on tho cor-Cl -tit-r c f Led Croaa and Sooond Street, KZ F to make to order any kind of Vehicle, euca aa Buprsies, Sulkiea, Carts of every kind, Drays and WfonH. f Repairing aleodono with oeatces and at tho fLortcbt notice. BIackimitbin)r, raintiog and Trimming neatly done. Old Bnggiea mado to look aa Rood an new ones. Give me a call and try mv work, is all I aek. ; r Terms reasonable. Shop on Red Ctom and Sooond Street. I JAMES LOWBEY. jan. S ."L. . ' ' tMI JULES TAIiED'S -" EMAIL;.'" DE PARIS." The New Oeantlfier of the Skin . Timiosuxs rnosi ceixeeated titnixs : THI8 areret of beautifying th akin being known only to Messrs. Jarod & Bene, they honorally stato that it differs from all other pre parationH. It gives t the most harsh and freckled skin both tho texture and color of polished ivory, removing all discolorations, whether appearing as frocklca, ten, morphew, moth, or black worm epeeks, and is especially sccoossful In smoothing ont tho marks left b the eauLi pvt. The agents of 'L'EmaU do Paris " most confi dently submit to tho publio the earnest endorse ments of such diatinguiehed ladies as - - - SIONORA F.ISTORL M'lleFELICITA VESTVALI. Mies MAGGIE MITCHELL, Mrs. D. P. BOW . ERS, LUCILLE WESTERN, Mdm'a PONISI. sirs. j;msia WALLER, LUCY BUSHTON. : KOEMIE DE MARGUERITTES. Miss AGNESa FERRY and many others, whoso hijja standing ia the pro fession gives the stamp of trnthfolness to their intelligent and genuine approvaJ. I find that tho "Email" nrln n n, va liancy of rouga and lily-whito, with the great and peculiar advantage of total harmlessness. It re ally adds to the softness and beauty of the skta. - jlhu iuouui;uui i C4ivii says j . I have suffered so much from th varfnna utm lotions. &C. Which DIV theatrical nrmfnmmlnr. Ah. liges me to use, that I oonadder it a perfect bens faction to find a preparation which gives the neces sary wuuencss to tne emn, ana leaves the skin cool and smooth. Miss Maggie Mitchell eaye si- " H ''- f- I have tried the alun boautifler, "L'EmaU de raris," and found that it instantly imparts a natu ral bloom and freshness to the complexion. - wj mio uoou as a ueucato beautuier cf the ekin for Theatre, Saloon or Ball iwum. vj ujo moat rennea ana noninn nm i.Aim . producing all the beautifying ffiocta of rouge and lillv whitn. wtt.hnnt f Imir vTifuav rla n r.iU t 1 - ' - o"-w v ujyuij J Sold by all first clasa Drncrciatn. Pnrfnmnra Ladies' Hair Dreaaors. L. Ieabean 822 Rroadwav i Domaa S&ntM A Cs, . and r. C. Wells A Co., Mew York, and Engens Jouin, 111 South Tenth street, and Johnston, Hol ktway & Cowden, Fbiladelphia Agents. Sent by man ry aadressing i JARED & RENE, ' , General Agents and Importers, W. Y. Nov. 21 j CO ood-fim GE.MIXE JVo. I PERtVIAtf CTAX0. 150 TtM'S h,PPed wnder Agent's Cer- TIFICATE 'AND WARRANTED .' - OESTHNE AND Ko, J, DAILY EJECTED AND FOR SALE, TO ARRIVE, AT LOWEST Fine RES, by . ,.::,;,.).'. ':: ; , - , i ji ana i 1 1 and 12 North Water St. march 21 151 Ct FANCY GOODS 10!.l.An.S, J I'ARA-OLS, IIAND&ERCHf EF3, . CORSKlJo, ENGLISH HOSIERY, &C. IIKUBICK & RYAN. : - 115-tf marcH 17 THE LOiT CAUSE. : PHOTOGRAPHS of Ocncrala and 67 Statohintn of the Ute C. S. America, sent fre on receipt of 25 cents. Address, ' SOUTUJiRN 1'UBUHI.SG CO. Baltimore, Md., , V. O. Box 1121. ' i . -. 143-lm - march l 'i BOOK-KEEPER, , BOOK-KEEPER, WASTED a altaaUon aa Do.ik.htf pr by a gontlernan of txperinire.- Satisfactorv iftfactory Cy mcrtim giyeo. ..Afldrnss E0X 1S2,.,. Wiiniinton. ' 153-tf march 27 WESTERN BACON. Ipr IKr. Mti and shoulder, for sal mLIJTS X 3tUECHISON. !-'r M'--;v-rr 151-lw march 2i - . :;,:RAGHr fTUUS ntgueat eaaa price u Wui "air "cesium crnc.