- a: VOL. XVIr-NO. 175. WILMINGTON, N. G, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 1867. WHOLE NUMBER 4,588. , i ... T II E JA l LY, J 0 C RN A L . jCttOKLHAHD At THICK. Proprietors. Terms of Babe rlptioiti i Daily Tftpcr, one year, Invariable In advance, $10 00 " six months, " 5 00 ' three months, v 8 00 one month, 1 00 fVeelly Paper, one year, " " ' ' 8 00 " aix mouths, " 2 00 All lotion on business connected with this office must be addressed to the proprietors. , Ilalra of Advertising l Advkbtigimests will be Inserted at the rate of "Ik per square for the flrut insertion; $3.50 per ; wee ; and t3 per month. ' Ton lines or less are counted an' a square. Longor Advertisements ia proportion. ,-; Advertisements Inserted every other day are charged a now at each and every insertion. Advertisements ordered on the inslle will le charged 60 per cent, additional to above rate. Marriage, Death" and Obituary Notioos are charged an Advertisements. ' t i N publication rofloeting Cxn private character , will be allowed In our columns, either aa advertise ments or othor V " y r No publication made without a responsi ble namo. TIIK DAILY JOURNAL. "wTlMIXUTON, N. C. ' ' SUNDAY. AITJL 21, 18C7. UKttKHAL HIKLEV ORDER-Jfo. 10. "IlEADyrABTEita, 8nroM Military Dihtrkt, " Chaui.ehtox, 8. C, April lltli, 1W7. f "Oenkral OnniiUB, i 'No. 1U. "The general destitution prevailing anions tlio population of thin Militury District cannot be re lieved without affording means for'tlio develop ment of tlmir iniliiKti lal resources. The nature and extent f tlie destitution demand extraordi nary measure. The nooplo are bornn down by a heavy burden of dbt ; the crops of .'rain and trard'ii produce failed lant year ; many families - have been deprived of shelter ; many iiioio nool food and clothinn ; needful implements and auxil iaries of husbandry are very searce ; tho laboring population in numerous localities is threatened with starvation, uuloss supplied with food by tho Government of the United States ; tho inability pf m laro poriiou 01 mo people iq pay taxes leaves tho loeal authorities without adequate mean of relief ; and tho gravity of the sitnatif a ia increased ly the general dispoMitlon shown by creditors to enforce, upon an inipoverialiod iwoplo, tho imme diate collection of all claim. "To snller all this to go on without restraint or remedy ii to sacritlee tho general good. Tho rights of creditors shall bo reHpecUd ; but the iippoal of waut and suffering must be needed Moved by these considerations, the following reg ulations are announced: They will continue in forco, with such modifications as tho oceaaiou may t require, until the civil government of the rcHpoc tivo Btates ahull bo oBtabliohed, iu accordance with the requirements of tho flo eminent of the United Btates. "Tho Commanding General eameally doeires and confidently boieves that the observance of these regulations, and tuo co-operation of all per sona concerned In employing fairly and juutly the advantages still remaining to thom, will mitigate thedintress now existing ; and that tho avenues of Industry, enterprise andoranization thus opened, will contribute to the permanent welfare and fu ture happiness of tho people. "I. Imprisonment for debt is prohibited ; unless tho defendant in execution shall bo convicted of a , fraudulent concealment or disposition of his prop erty, with iutout to hinder, delay and prevent the , creditor in tho recovery of his debt or demand. And the proceedings now established in North and Bouth Carolina, respectively, for tho trial and de- f termination of such questions, may be adopted. " "II. JudgmenU or decrees, for the payment of money, on causes of action arising between the l'Jth of Ileiinmlxir. 1Si,(l .n.1 ihn nt M. ISOo, shall not be enforced by execution againat the property or the person of tho defendant. l'rooeedinKS in such causes of action, now pend ing, shall be stayed ; and no suit or process shall bo heroaftor instituted or commenced, for any ueh causes of action. hereby directed to suspend for twelve calendar montns tne aaio or all property upon execution or process, on liabilities contracted irior to the 19lh of December, 1H00, ntdess upon tho written con sent or the actenuantH, except m cases where the plaintiff, or iu his absenco his agent or attorney, shall upon oath, with coroborative testimonr. al lege and prove that tho defendant isrerooving, or lutenda fraudulently to remove, LiH property be yond the territorial Jurisdiction of the court The salo of real or prBonal properly bv foreclo sure 01 uioriKaRo is ukpwiho Buspenueu lor twelve calendar months, except in cases whero tho pay ment of interest money, accruing since the 10ih day of May, 1805, shall not have been made before the day of sale. " IV. Judgments or decrees entered or enrolled, on causes of action arising Biibseonent to the 15th of May, 1SG5, may be enforced by execution against the property of thodefendaut ; and in tho application of the money ariwing under such exe cution rcRard shall bo had to tho priority of liens, unlens in cases where the good faith of any lien shall be drawn In question. In such eases tho usual mode of proceeding adopted in North and Kouth Carolina, respectively, to determine that question shall be adopted. " V. All proceedings for tho recovery of money nnder contracts, whether Tinder seal or by Carole. the consideration for which was the purchase of iregrum Bunpcuuea. judgments or decrees entered or enrolled for such causes of action, Bhall not be enforced. ' VI. All advances of moneys, subsistence, im plements and fertilizers, loaned, used, employed or required for tho purpose of aiding the agricul tural pursuits of the people, shall be protected And the existing laws which have provided the most efficient remedies in such cases, for tho lender, will be supported and enforced. Wages , for labor performed in tho production of the crop hall be a lien on tho crop, and payment of the amount due for such wages shall be enforced by tho like remedies provided to secure advances of money and other means for tho cultivation of the oil. .... 'VII. In all sales or property under execution or by order of any court, there shall be reserved out of the property of any defondant, who has a family dependent upon his or her labor, a dwelling honso and appurtenances and twonty acres of land for the use and occupation of the family of the defendant; aod necessary articles of furniture, apparel, eubsistence, implements of trade, hus bandry or other employmont, of tho value of live hundred dollars. Tho homestead exemption shall inure only to the benefit of families that is to say, to parent or parents and child or children In othot cases, tho exemption shall extend only to clothiug, implements of trado or other emidoy ment usually followed by the defendant, of Un valuo of ono" hundred dollars. Tho exemption hereby mado shall not bo waived or defeated by the act of the de fendant. The exempted property of tho defendant shall be ascertained by the Sher iff, of other oflicor enforcing the execution, who hall epeoiUcally describe tho same and make report thereof iu each cue to the court. ' VIIL The currency of tho United Btates. de clared by the Congress of the United States to be legal tender in tho payment of all debts, duos and demands, shall be so recognized in North and Month Carolina. And all cases iu which the same hall be tendered in payment, and refused by any public officer, will be at once reported to these Headquarters or to the Commanding Olticer of the Tost within which such ottieer realties. " IX. Property of an absent debtor, or one charged as such, without fraud, whether consist ing of money advanced for tho purposes of agri. culture, or appliances for tho cultivation of the sod, "hall not be takeu under the process known as Foreign Attachment ; bnt tho hen created by any existing law shall not be disturbed, tior shall the possession or the use of the samo be in any wino interfered with, except in the execution of a Judgment or final decree, in caes where they aro authorized to be enforced. . " X. In suits brought to recover ordinary debts, knowa as tions n ; contractu, bail a Loretoforo authorized, shall not be domanded by the suitor, nor taken by tne (sheriff or other oliicer servin" the process. In suits for trespass, libel, wrom lul conversion of property, and other cases known as actions e (Ulwio, bail as heretofore authorized may be domanded, and taken. Tho prohibition of bad in cases e. cortiracCn, shall not extend to mar. ties about to lcavo thr State ; but the fact of in- tention must bo clearly cstabllhhed by proof. "XL Incriminal proceedings, the usual recogni sances shall be required and taken by the proper civil f "leers heretofore authorized by law to take t!.o f ; J'rotidad, That upon complaint being r 7 r - -;:.jtrate or ether person author ' ,. ,w ft v.:.t Ut treacli cf tha peace, or any criminal offhnce, It Khali bo the duty of such magixtrate of officer to issue hie warrant upon the recognizance of the complainant to pros ecute, without requiring him to give security on such recognizance. ' ... " XII. The practice of carrying deadly weapons, except by olVicers and soldiers in the military ser vice of the United Btates, is prohibited. The con cealment of such weapons ou the person will be deemed an aggravation of the offence. A viola tion of this order will render the offender amena blo to trial and puttiubment by Military Commis sion.' Whenever wounding or" killing bh ail result from the uue of euch weapons, proof that the par ty carried or concealed a deadly weapon, shall be deemed evidence of a felonious' inUrnt to take the life of the injured person. "XIII. The orders heretofore itnod in this Military. Department, prohibiting the punishment of crimes and offenccfr by whipping, maiming, branding, stocks, piliory or t her corporeal pun ishment, are in forco and will bo obeyed by all persons. , "XIV. The puniuhment of doath in certain canes of burglary and larceny, imposed by tho ex iting laws of the provisional governments in this Military District, is aliolished. Any person con victed of burclary ; of larc ny when tho property stolen in of the value of twenty-five dollars ; of as sault and battery with intent to kill ; or of any as sault with a deadly weapon, bhall bo deemed guil ty of feljny, and nha!l be punished by imprison ment at hard labor for a term not exceeding ten years nor loss than two years, in the discretion of tno uourt Having jurisdiction thereof. Larceny, when the valne of the property stolen is less than twenty-five dollars, shall be punished by impris onment at hard labor for a term not exceeding one year, in wie aiscreiion oi tne court. " XV. The Governors of North and South Car olina shall have authority, within their iuriadic tions respectively, to reprieve or pardon any per son convicted and bentenced by a civil court, and to remit lines and penalties. "XVI. Nothing in this order shall bo construed to restrain or prevont the- operation of proceed ings in bankruptcy, in accordance with tho acts of Congress in eneli cases mado and provided, nor with tho collection of any tax, imiKst, excise, or charge levied by authority of the United States or or tlio provisional Uovermnouts of North and Kouth Carolina: but no imprisonment for ovnnlne taxes shall be allowed. Nor shall this order or any law of the provision! governments of North or Kouth Carolina operate to deny to minor chil dren, or children coming of age, or their legal rep. reseniauvcs, nor to suspend as to tliem,J:uiy right of action, remedy, or proceeding, against Execn tors, Administrators, Trustees, Guardians, Mas ters or Clerks of Equity, Courts, or other ollicers or persons holding a fiduciary relation to tho par ties or the subject matter of tho fiction or pro ceeding. , " XVII. Any law or ordinance, heretofore in forco in North or Bouth Carolina, inconsistent with the provisions of this General Order, is hereby BUHpended and declared inoperative. " I$y Command of Ms jor General D. E. Sickles, ,1. W. CLOUS. , Capt. 38th U. 8. Inft., A. P. C, A A. A. A, G. Oi in ial : J. W. Ci,otjH, Aid-dc-Camp. From tho New York Buu. Bi(kft Table Poisons- Tea and Coflec What vrs Tlilnli we Ii Ink mid AVliat wc Drink. A case now before the Court of Appeals has developed boiuo curious facts in regard to what tho public conimonlj 6upposo to bo coffee. ' Tho dispute arises from a fail ure of a certain machine to do, what the inyentor claimed for it. Tho beauty of this machine was a peculiar and miracu lous power of restoring, "when properly applied to damaged coffee, much of its original freshness and flavor." The ma chino, "when properly used," would, it is alleged, "turn out" two hundred and nine bags of colFco a day. It would bo in teresting to know precisely what raw ma toriid was used in this ambiguous sort of mill, but nothing ia mentioned beyond blacklead, sand and soapstone. These are nice ingredients for the breakfast table, but they only assist in giving weight and coior to tne wretcnea compounds which such machines "turn out" under the name and disguise of coffee. If the publio knew one-naif tno trasn that enters into the com !L! P . . - pusiHon oi wnai is commonly sola as ground coflee they would be struck with as tonishment and disgust. Among the most innocent ana relresning of these is old cofj fee grounds, which constitute a valuable vehicle for the reception of "original fresh ness" by tho combined influence of chem istry and machinery. Chiekory is another of the least delete nous ingredients of adulteration. Beyond theso tho public had better not prosecute tucir inquiries, until at least they have re solved to give up tho uso of all such coffee. An analysis of the vile compounds called cofleo would bnntr some strancro facts to light. Tho ingredients used for such mix tures may bo divided into two classes tho innocent and the poisonous. The former are for the most part disgusting alike to the iancy and tho palate, euch as tho second hand rcfuso of other people's coffee pots, and various roots and grains. Tho latter, or poisonous class, is smaller in bulk, but tho materials aro solccted from the drug store with reference solely to fragrance, flavor, color and weight, and without the least regard to thoir unwholesome qualities. Many of them aro absolutely poisonous, and we are assured by a physician that much sickness and distress are caused by tne uany use oi cneap substitutes for coffee. The same is true of three-fourths of what is Bold and drank as tea. The consump tion of tea and coffeeis so enormous that immense fortunes are realized by this class of adulterations. For tea, a great variety of native leaves are so ingeniously substi tuted as to almost defy detection. Senator Johnson and the Mexican Ques tion. Washington. Anril 1G. After tlim Sonata had to-day voted to go into executive ses sion, Senator Johnson rose to introduce a rcsoulution, but it was declared not then in order. The resolution, it is said, recites various noints in Mexican affairs. nnA nn. eludes with an exnrefision ftrmnnrrin.t. in tha way of appeal to the Liberal government in behalf of Maximilian and his army should they fall into the hands of the troom of that renublic in other wnrrla socoudinsr tho efforts of the executive in the same direction.. Tho Hartford (Conn.) merchants have petitioned tho city government for an ordi nance requiring foreign merchant? and manufacturers, or their " drummers." to procure a license beforo soiling merchan dise in that city by sample or otherwise. Major General Shalcr, of New York, has declined, in advance, a testimonial to which Beveral thousand dollars had already been subscribed, on tho ground that it might hereafter embarrass him in the dis charge of his official duties. It is a rare caoe, and worthy of imitation. A young rat was making observations in a basket of clams at Gloucester, on Mon day night, when ho inadvertently put his tail between the shells of one of the clams and was held a prisoner, being found the next morning. The Taris horse meat butchers sell about eighty horses a week now, and expect du ring the Exposition to double that number. Twenty-five thousand persons from other Btates and counties .visited, Florida last winter. , - . - , . Tho J awn ova vi n f jm nl nfi n rr th oefalt lishment of an insurance company in New iorjs wua a largo capital. ; " i GENERAL DIRECTORY. s CITY OFFICERS Mayor John Dawson. , Board af AMermenH D Wallace, H VonQlahn, 3 G Lurr, Eli Murray, W H J.ippitt, A Adrian, V A Wright, W 8 Anderson. Marshal Robert Kansom. ; -Special Icpnty Marghal R J Jones. Clerk and IreasurerT W Anderson. Clerk of Ihe Market Ilankins. Chief Fire J)rrrartmerdYl J JoneB. Chief Fire llarnB W Beery. Fire Wardens H Bchuiken, first ward ; James Shackelford, second ward ; Ii W Beery, third ward; W Bnrkheiraer, fourth ward. CVy &?(rceyor W If James. H ood Inspector V 15 iopp, V7 Potter, Thompson. COl'STT OFFICKRS. Chairman of Ccmnfy tkntrlVfat A Wright. . . Superior Court Clerk U A Bagg Clerk of County Conrt B B Wood, Jr. . $imF-5amuel Ii Bunting. f (hui'dy Solicitor John L Holmes. Herjider George W Bollock. Sfitcial Magixlrate-3ohn 3 Conoley. Special OptrtH D WaUace, W B Larkius, John A 1 aylor, John A Sanders, John D Powers. Courdy Surveyors James W Williams, John Moore. Cmirtty Trustee Owen Fennell, Jr. ; ConstabtesR L Keller, J. Peterson, James H Philyaw, E. D. Hewlo.t. CowinUtee of Finance-BH Wallace, John A Tay lor, John A Banders. Wardens of the Poor John A Taylor, John A Sanders, Archibald McMillan, Isaac James, Luke B Huggins, W 8 Larkins. treasurer of Public Buillings -Samuel It Bunt ing. : County JlanjerO P Alexander. , Coroners John C Wood, Daniel P Bland. Standard KeeperJohn C Wood. Wreck Master John A Sanders. Entry Taker John J Conoley. Superintendents of Common Softools 8 D Wal lace, James Kerr, W S Larkins, John D Powers, B K Bryan. Inspectors of JV'araZ Stores John S James, Archibald Alderman, James O Bowden, John C Bowden, Alfred Alderman, Thomas W Player, W J Price, B Boutherland, J M Henderson, R 0 John son. ' Inspectors of Tbitfjtr, &c. L H Bowden, James Alderman, George McDullie, W M Munroe, E Tur lington, II M Bishop. Inspectors of Provisions, kc D E Bunting, John W Mum oe, George Alderman. UA1L.KOADS. WILMINGTON & MANCHEHTER It. II. President Henry M Drane. Directors John Dawson, Henry Nutt, O G Pars ley, A J DeEosset, D 8 Cowan, Geo J W McCall, WE Mills, James O Burr, Richard Bradley, J Eli Gregg. G eneral Superintendent William MacRae. Secretary and IreasurerVf A Walker. Oerueral FreigM Agent John L Cantwell. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD. President Uli Bridgers. - Directors P K Dickinson, Wm A Wright, 8 D Wallace, Alfred Martin, A H VanBokkelen. Eli Murray, Ed Kidder, John Everett, W D Fairclotb, John Norlleet. Engineer and Superintendent S L Fremont. Secretary and Treasurer 3 W Thompson. Superintendent Transportation Wm Smith. General Ticket Agent and Clerk AVm M, Pois eon. General Freight Anenl GL Dudley. Master Mechanic 11 Hankins. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE AND RUTHER FORD RAILROAD. President Robert H Cow an. Directors S J Person, A H VanBokkelen, John A McDowell, Robert S French, Walter L Steele, Stephen W Cole, 8amuel H Walkup, E Nye Hutch inaon.lHaywood W Guion, C C Henderson, A G Lo gan, A R Holraesly. SuperitUenilentVf. J. Evorett. Master of Transportation Xf H Allen. ... Secretary and Treasurer I T Alderman. Master Mechanic J B Gayle. . FreigM Agent W B French. Legal Notices. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, KEW HANOYEB COTJXTT, Court of Pleas and Quarter Session Term, 1867. -March Phihp Hemsberger and Herman u. Juiers, Ex ecutors of the last will and testament of Frederick W. Knohl. vs. Mary Knohl, widow of Frederick W. Knohl. Petition for Account. IT APPKAIUXO to the satisfaction or the Court that tho defendant in tliis cause, resides beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore, on motion, ordered by the Courtjthat advertisement be made for six weoks in the Wilmington Journal, notifying the defendant to appear at the next term of this Court and answer tne petition, or the same will be taken pro confesto, and heard cz pane as to uer. Teste. ROBERT B. WOOD, Jn., Clerk New Hanover County Court, april 10 lG5-law-6w. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COOTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions March Term, 1807. George Z. French. ts. Thomas M. Cook and I . , ... , , T.V. Foley, late part-f 0nlual Attachment, rters under the firm of ! Thomas M. Cook & Co. j ON Motion it ia ordered by t he Court, that Ipoblication be made for six weeks in tho Daily Journal," a' newspaper published in the City of Wilmington, for the defendants to ap pear at this Court, on the second Monday of June next, and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment by default will bo rendered against them. Teste. ROBERT B; WOOD, Jit., Clerk New Hanover County Court, april 16 170-ltaw-Ct STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COTJNTX. ; 1 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions March Term, 1867. Hedrick & Ryan, ) , vs. V Original Attachment. L. A. McLanrin. ) ON Motion, ft is ordered by the Conrt, that publication be made for six weeks in the "Daily Journal,' a newspaper published in the City of Wilmington, for the defendant, L.A.M0 L&urin, to appear at this Court, on tho second Monday of June next, and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment by default will bo rendered aRainBt him. and the property levied noon bn nnn- demned and sold to satisfy the plaintiff's debt and costs. Teste, ROBERT B. WOOD, Ja., Clerk lew Hanover Couoty Court. aprillG 170-ltaw-6w Groceries moR CASH. Wo offer great advantages to CASH BUYERS OF GROCERIES, At GEO. MYERS', 11 and 13 Front 8treetr CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. april 17 PORK AND ItUON. 50 BARRELS Heavy Rcvr Mess Pork. 13 Tierces Prime Sugar Cured Hams, C Hhda. Prime Western Shoulders, i Hhds. Clear Sides, now landing ex-Steamship "Pioneer" and fr sale from wharf at lowest market prices uy O. G. TARSLEY k CO. 170-lw april 16 COTTON YARN. BAX.ES COTTON TARN, 7 to 10 Iba., on consignment, for sale by 10 nuti lit & april 14 : 169-5t GLUE I GLUEII O TONS best Eaelith Give, landine from O Steamship Fairbanks, for salo in lots to suit, by SyOLTU & DANIEL. Railroads. NOTICE. OFFICE SEABOARD & ROANOKE RAIL. IIOAD COIHFASY. IT has been understood by the Officers in charge of transportation via the Seaboard In land Freight Route, that letters addressed to the Railroad Agent at Portsmouth on the subject of freights, are uuanswtred, and that inconsequence causes of delay are not explained, and claims for losses and damage unsettled; and as the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, who are the for warding agents for the liiie "are satisfied that these causes of complaint aro not due to their agents, but to the inacuracy of tho mails, in order to test thin subject tho Manager of tlio Seaboard and Roanoke Road requests that whenever per sons have written to the undermgnod, Agent of the Seaboard Road, and after waiting a reasonable time for a roply have not received it, that they will address letter encloHiug; a duplicate of the letter they had previously addresNcd to tho agent. If this is oorapliod with, andtl s Manager of the Seaboard Road receives the letter, be gives assur ance that it shall bo promptly im estigatod and re plied to. Till A IF T Vrtiicrl-tt Pnni I t l. 41.,. most expeditions and direct route, and avoiding to a great extent " marine insurance," also the cheapeet freight route between the Northern cities and North and South Carolina. As freight consigned by the Companies' connec ting steamers is forwarded from Portemouth with in twenty-four hours after being landed, there is no reason iorueiays, and although Ireiglit may sometimes be missent, it will, in such case, be promptly traced, and if not found, will be paid for. The Companies forming thia line cannot be re sponsible for the ranid transoortation of freights or for charges upon it unless sent from Boston by of Central Wharf. . From New York by the Old Dominion Steamship Company, Pier 37, North River. From Philadelphia, bv Clide's Steamers, 14 .utjiaw are Avenue, or via tne Annamiaeio Lane De pot, rnuaacipnia, YYumiDgton and Baltimore Rail road, and from Baltimore via the Bay Line Steam ers, foot of Union Dock. I For freight to the Seaboard Company by Schoon: era or other Steamship lines, the Companies can not be responsible until lauded on their wharves i'ersous writing about freight that has not reached them, will please bo careful to state tho date of shipniout, by whom shipped, from what place, by what lino of Steamers, and if possible vuuueo n copy oi uio inrougn receipt to J AS. W. McCARRICK, Trans. Ag't Seaboard Inland Air Line, ! Pm-tH7tinnt.il-Va J. M. RoBixsoN, Managing Director andGoncral oupenntenaent. , j march 2tt , j 152-lni W ILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. Office Chief Engineer & ScTEKiNTENDEirr, 1 VILSrXNQTOH, ! KOV. 3, 1866. t cnxKCiv. nil1 Kr:ni.'TiTTT.v OH and after Monday, the 5th inst., the following fast Schedules of time will be ran GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington 4 35 A M. and 11 05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro'. . 9 25 A. M. and 2 57 P. M. Arrive at veltlon. .... 2 00 T. M. and C 35 P. M GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon. 11 00 A. M. and 7 85 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro. . 3 00 P, M. and 11 50 P. M. Arrive at wunnngton. tl 0OP.M. and 4 30 A. M, Close connections aro made by both trains go ing South. I Tho 5 A.M. train from Wilmington, and 11 A, M. train from Weldon, do not run on Sundays. CloaA rmnm-ftnnn ra mirlo ! tla 11 ik i ir train both ways between New York and New Or- By the train that leaves here at 11 05 and the one inai arnvea nere at 4 30 A. M.., close connec tions are mado between New York and New Or leans. Ltonnecuona are made by tlu ether trains. but require more time. To go North, by Bay uine, .leave at o a. m. To go by ANNEMESSIX, leave py me ii uo a. jn. traimi iitner train con nects by Richmond. trains by the SAM. train andby either to Newr S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. Nov. 4. 17 tf Papers substitute this for present notice. WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER R. R. office Gen. Sett. Wrx. & Man. Rail Road, I WrXMINOTON, N. C, March 12. 1867. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THE ISth MARCH, 18C7, the following Schedule will go into, effect on me miming wm a, Aiancnester a. a. : EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave "Wilmington daily at. ......,. 3 30 A. M. Arrive at Kingeville " ... 1 20 P. M. Leave Kingeville " ....... 145 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington . ......10 48 A.M. awjummodation; TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at. .L 8 20 P. M. Arrive at Kingsvillo " ....... . . . 8 00 A. M. Leave Kingsville " .... 4 15 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington " 3 69 A. M. tlose connections made by both Trains at Wilmington with tho Wilmington & Woldon Bail road, at Florence with tha Wh Pno.n T).;i -" v Auovv.' u Acau road for Charleston, and at Kingsville with the ouiun tjaroiuia rvauroaa. J . . WM. MacRAE, Nov. 4-33-tf . Gen'l Sup't Office Gen'l Scp't Wil. & Man. B. R. Co., I Wilmington, March 5, 1867. J UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE milE rollotvinir rates will be i JL Grain from Wilminctoh I To Charleston. . . . ....... Cheraw ; " Columbia " Augusta.. 15 eta per bushel ......... n " j. 12 . " 15 " " " WM. MacRAE, General Superintendent. I , 135-tf march 6 WIL,, CHARLOTTE & RUTH, R. R. CO., Mujasaies, march 20th, 18G7. FFrTT mills Comuanr hu no thMnn v.t.i. JL arrangements to New York with any Steam ship Company. Goods will be received and for warded by earnest opportunity either way, and no charee will be made excent imrh a a tho rvr, V ( WW Mw pany has to pay. i WM. H. ALLEN, Master Transportation, march 21 i 148-lm Wilmington Dinnatch and Wahohnrn 1,, copy 1 month. Transportation Office, Wilkinoton, Chaklotte & R. It. B. Co., J Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 1, 1866. J mm FROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, 1866, the Mail Train on this road will leave Wilmington a.t 7 o'clock, A. M. on Tuesdays, TTiursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Band Hill at 3 o'clock, F. M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, A. M., on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington at 8 Cclof.-k, P. M. W M. H.. AXJuEN, Master of Transportation. Nov. 1 ! 30 tf NOTICE, THE Co-partierlilp heretofore extstlHg nnder the name of Busbell, Ellis t Cox, is this day dissolved by mutual comscnt. Either partner will sign in liquidation. The shipping and commission business will be continued in this city by RUSSELL A ELLIS. I JUS&r-U JJ. RUSSELL, CHARLES S. ELLIS. JOSEPH J. COS. april 1, 1367 ; 15D-lm PHILADELPHIA CITY MESS PORK. I ( BARRELS Philadelphia new MESS rt J PORK handsome, bright and full woight. For sale from wharf by NORTH & DANIEL, april 16 170-54 . ALL KINDS OF BLANKS Tj03 RAT.Tg at TTTZ lj JCUI!ALCJ'nC2. Educational. MRS. RANSOM'S FEMALE SEMINARY. WILMINGTON, N . C . THE SECOND TI RM OF THIS INSUTUTION will begin on tJ;e Sd of Ftbruary and close un the 28th of June next. . ; v A ' Bo aid of Visitors," composed of gentlomen whose names will be announced hereafter, has been invited. This Board will lie present a,t the examinations, and will visit the Institution at other times to examine into all matters pertaining to the Seminary, and a full report of its observa tions will be made. It is important that rupila intending to enter for the next term should do nn as soon tin possi ble. - . : . : -. : .-, For particulars, apply to :: Mm.. ROBERT RANSOM, . ' Principal. . Jan. 2S ;ri-i :-.. ; .. lo-t-tf NEISE RIVER ACADE3IY IS SITUATED in Wayne county. S. V., two miles north of White Hall and seven milt iroin Mosely If all (Depot). Primary Branches. i 10 00 Sciences, Ac...... vU IS 00 Languages, Ac.,.. .;.. . ... . M ., . . . . . 25 00 Board can to had in highly respectable families for $10 per month. No incidental expenses. Peof. B, i GRADY, Jr., Principal. fc8 . 113-tf Mrs. E. A. Gillican open her School on Thnnd.v. VV October 4th, on Mulberry, between 6th and 6th streets. Sept. 29 THE LIDIES DEPOSITORY. FVLEW OF THE CONTINUED AND IN creaaing destitution at tho South, and in com pliance with requests both at home and abroad, a number of iadies of Baltimore have formed them selves into an Association, under the namo of "THE LADIES' DEPOSITORY." Its object is to receive needle and other work and to disposo of it solely for the beneht of its owners. Orders will also be taken at the Deposi tory for any kiud of work, so as to provide em ployment for those who have not tho necessary materials. As considerable expense will be incurred iu pro viding a place of business and tho requisite assis tants, and as the enterprise cannot of coHrso be self-supporting, the Association must depend upon the contributions of its friends. The annual subscription has been fixed at $5, and all who are favorably disposed are earnestly requested to give their prompt and liberal aid, by donations or otherwise, to help those who are 'doing their ut most to help themselves. The Association have taken the store No. 07.J, Lexington street, and expect to be in operation by tho 11th of February, President Mks. PEYTON HARRISON. . Vice President : Mrs. JOHN H. B. LATROBE. '. Treasurer : ; Mi; s. W. W. SPENCE. Recording Secretary : t Mks. JAMES A. STEUART. ' Corresponding Secretary : Mes. THOMAS MURDOCH. Managers : Mku. Mas. Mrh. Mas. Mbs. Miss Miss Mna. Mbs. Miss Mrs. Miss Mbs. Mbs. Mbs. Mbs. Mbs. Mbs. Mbs. Mrs. Mbs. Mas. Mas. Mrs". ; feb. CHARLES J. BAKER, 34 South Charles street. J. J. BANKARD, East Baltimore street. J. HARMAN BROWN, 76 Courtlaud street. JOHN DUER. 147 f!hW A. D. EGEBTON, 230 Howard street. FRICK, Charles street. FOTHERGILL, Garden street. JOHN H. GITTINGS, Monument and St. i OLDSBOKOUGH. 234 Eutaw street. HARPER, 10 Cathedral street. PEYTON HARRISON, 90 Read street. DORA HOFFMAN, Franklin street. CHARLES HOWARD, Cathedral street HUNTER, corner Baltimore street and Broadway. JOHN H. B. LATROBE, Read and Charles streets. ... MERRICK, Monument street. THOS. MURDOCH, Howard street. READ, Mulberry street. T. PARKIN SCOTT, 16 St. Faul street. BAYARD SMITH, 101 Monument street. W. W. SPENCE, Bolton street. N. R. SMITH, Saratoga street. JAMES A. STEWART. 103 Park utreet. 1 u. a y AUU A. Ul A, I B. R. SPALDING, Charles street. 124-tf REMOVAL. T"VR. T. B. CARR has removed f- jkr uio uuico aiia resiooiifl tn t tin South side of Market street, directly vLOTTyi opposite his former 1ilca of 1 prepared to perform any operation belonging to hia nrnfoairirtr. JfV. 11 1 i . - i . j . ' u , miu an luuuuru improvements Charges in all cases will be moderate, snd propor tionate to the material desired. leeth extracted without pain. Jan- 3 83 tf . MERCHANTS OF WILMINGTON ADVEBTISK IN THK SUMTER NEWS. TIIK above named paper is puhlishea diately on the W. & M. Railroad in direct com mumcation with Wilmington, and having a large circulation in the section in which it is published, is oflfered as a durable advertising medium. Address DARR A, OSTEEN, foh in Proprietors. leb.10 , . , , 115-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE Subscriber having qualified as Ad miniHt.rfttir Aa Tatto 1 sa" ry, deceased, at the September Term, 1866 ot New Hanover County Court, hereby notines all neraona having olaJm. i.: f tate to present the same within the time prescribed j " uuu uuum wuiu pieauea in bar or a recovery. i All persons indebted to the estate of his intes tate, are requested to make immediate payment. ini en c inojrllJKilioorH, Administrator de bonis non. Ieo.l 70tf A CARD. THE Snbseriber having refitted his La iwir. IT 17 IB T riTW n.ftn.tu.J X 1 . -T- r. ; . ' . t"c("lcu wuuuis auaivsis of soils and fertilizers, or any substance that may be - uo wjutj uu uiuueraie terms.- Special attention devoted to' Agiicultural Chem istry. : Omce Journal Buildings. Wilmington, K. C, mach 1 . M" Bi3i.f PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. A LARUE lot Just received, wnUllnr In part as follows : -Enghh and American White Lead and Zinc Wtels-Dry and in Oil, 15 lbs! Linseed aud M,a.4.ir, osi. WK) boxes. irar & For sale at the low- "" v,li . iX JACOBI'S. Dec. 28 9 Mai kH street. BIBLES. In avvm raol-w V.ctTT 'Twm a Selection.,' .1. "Psalmmia " "P.t. .1 Tr , '.. and "PresbTeri,; pATU "mu tM0' Received at feb 13 LOVE'S BOOK STORE. COOPERS WANTED. nTVVO first clag Spirit Barrel Maker can I VlTlA o(AaJM . 1 t 1 . . . jfETTEWAY A MOORE, feb. 21 121-tf FANCY GOODS. rtUJLLARS. J PARASOLS HANDKERCniEFiJ, . CORSETTS, - ' ENGLISH HOSIERT, 4c. Mercantile. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. AT M . M . K AT Z & C O. 'S 23 MARKET STREET. TTTTE ARE OPEMSO A LARGE ASfrORT IT mcnt of STAPLE AND FANCY. DRY GOODS. Consisting of PRINTS from 10 cents per yard iip.( POPLINS from 25 cents per yard upT SILIvS, GRENADINES, JACONETS, LAWKS. MUSLINS, CHALLIES, MOZAMBIQUFS, BARE G E H, G I N G II A M S. WHITE GOODS. SM KS, MULL and BISHOP LAWNS, NANSOOK, ORGANDIES, JACONETS, EMBROIDERIES THREAD and CLUNY LACES, -- TABLE CLOTHS, .... . DIAPER, LINEN and COTTON SHEETINGS, SILK MANTLES, BAREGE GRENADINES and ZEPHYR SHAWLS. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS PARASOIJS, , HOSIERY, GLOVES, CLOTHING, - BOOTS, SHOES , AND NOTIONS. In fact, every variety of Goods found in a first class Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. At prices to compete with lltoso good and past VIU 1 1 Hit. rj, M. M. KATZ & CO., 23 Market street, march 31 157 MILLINERY. SPRIN G T YL'E SI W E'LL OPEN ON TUESDAY, APRIL 2D, a iuu assorimont 01 latest Btyles BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, SILKS, CREPES, LACES, TRIMMINGS. Thanking tho Ladies for the kind patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope, by our S T YLE S and L O W P RICES, . to merit a continuanco of the same. M. M. KATZ k CO., ' ; 23 Market street. march 31 157 Country and City Retailers TXriL.li find it to their nlvintxr. VV, buying elsewhere to call and examine our tr;riHi wa pan anil of 7vin wWnna : PRINTS, DELAINES, MERLNOES, - SCOTCH Pr.ATDS r . vrv.-.To BLACK and FANCY SILKS, ALAPACA8, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, BLANKETS, CARPETING Great varietv of WOTiTFM nrrTia " BOOTS, SHOES, GAITkltS AND SLIPPERS, for Men, Ladies and Boys, in endless variet and oi superior mane ana nnish. 1 READY MADE CLOTHING of every quality, make and finish our own anu faclure. 5 BROADCLOTH, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS and Gents Furnishing Goods just receivl. HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS AND VALLSES, and every description of Goods required iu i Conntrv Htnrn. , These Goods being imported direct from Europe, by ourselves, are oflered at lowest prices, and on uvea Kwiuui-jutung terms, oy SOL. BEAR A BRO., 18 Market stn.-et, Wilmington. Oct. 25. 24-tf I A. HABT, JOBS C. BAIXiET Wilmington Iron and Copper Works. HART & BAILEY, Peopbtotoes, No. 17, Front Street, below Market, Wilmington, It. C. WE ABE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH, oa short notice, . ' u'S' "4 boa Castings, finiehed and unfin fna. New Machinery made and put np. Old Machinery overhauled. Ail kinds of Patterns, Ornamental and AgricuL- WUl supply Draft of all kings of Machinery and Milrwork genarally. TURPENTINE AND WHISKY STILLS, : AND . ' COPPER WORK in all its branches. A fnU supply of Belting, Packing, Hose, Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings. Machine Bolts, Nuts and Rivets, and all other articles generally found in a Machine Supply Store. Also alarge lot of Crucibles, from No. 86 to 100, and warranted good will dispose of them below Manufacturers' prices. Terms Cash. . Marehtt. 1M 4f ' - - : -. T Laborers and Serfants Famished. HE Undersigned Is prepared to farnUh at short notice, negro laborers for corrnv Servants, Mechanics, Aa, on reasonable terms. Harry'sf -Che8tnot nd Wftte' Streetsover , - - ( ...... H. E. SCOTT, 1 Wilaiiston, a, Apra 10. P - fggfc ' i Dry Goods, I j V. & S. W1TC0TER, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING IF ATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, ic.,' tCc, c. V H O Ij 1C S A L E AND RETAIL, NO. I", MARKET ST., .WILMINGTON, N. C, and . ,"' .. . . , MAIUON C. H., 8. C ' ' As our Mr. A. WITCOVER has cstabUalied branch butiness at No. C4 Warren Street, New York, whci o all the CLOTHINO sold by tw Is man ufactured, solely for our own stores, thereby aT. ing tho first cost on them, if they Lad to bo pur chased already made. ; Parties visiting Wilming ton, will find it to their advantage to call on tho above named firm, beforo calling elsowb.ere. A liberal discount allowed to the trade, , FURS ! FURS! ! FIRS U I TT7-E WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET f t prices for alt descriptions of FURS. . Yi e are constantly making largo hipments to Europo, being agents for the purchase of thia material for large manufacturing houses, and are consequently in a position to pay more liberal pri ces than can be had elsewhere. - A. & 8. WITCOVEB, No. 15 Market street. Vee.m - 78-tf FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY, WE Represent, In this city, the Allow ing Insurance Companies, viz i i THE SECURITY INSURANCE, of Now York. THE NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE Co., of Now York. - . ..... THE EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE Co., ot New lork. , . TnE MARYLAND Baltimore. LIFE INSURANCE Co., of Theso Companios aro all first class, with largo surplus capital, and we can safely recommond them to tho oonudonco of this community. A Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. MaJ. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR,, 1 will bj with us, and give this branch of our bual- ncus his exclusive attention. 4 - ATKINSON & 8HEPPERSON, . - 11 and 12 North Water Street. jau.20 97 12m VEHICLES MADE AND REPAIRED. rrUIE SUBSCRIBER ; IS NOW J- prepared, at his shop on tho cor- uur oi xveu vross ana oecona streets, to make to order any kind of Yehicion, uci aa Buggies, Sulkies, Carts of every kind, Drays and ltepauing also dono with neatness and at the shortest notice. Blacksmithing, Painting and Trimming neaUy dono. Old Buggies made to look as good as new ones. Give me a call and try nvr work, is all I ask. .. , Terms reasonable. Shop on Red CrosB and Second Streets. . JAMEU LOWBEY. Jan. 8 86tf JULES ; JAREDU I s . "EMAIL DE PARIS." .:- ;. The Nevr Beautlrler of the Skin, ' TESTIMONIALS X0at CELEBRATED tACIES : THIS secret or beautifying the skin being known only to Messrs. Jared & Bene, they honorably state that it differs from all other pre parations. It gives to the most harsh and freckled skin both the texture and color of polished ivory, removing all discolorations, whether appearing as freckles, tan. momhnw. mnth m F.1.1.1, Bpecks, and is especially successful la smoothing out the marks left by the bmall pox. - Tlie agents of "L'Email do Paris' most confl dently submit to the publio the earnest endorse ments of such distinguished ladies as SIGNORA BISTORI, M'lleFEUCITA VESTVALL Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL, Mrs. D. p7B0 W ER3. LUCILLE WESTERN, Mdm'e PONISI. ' ' Mrs. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RUSHTON v NOEMIE DE MARGUERITTES, Mies J AGNEStj PERRY ' and many others, whose high standing ia the pro fession gives tha stamp ot truthfulness to their intelligent and genuine approval. The Beautiful Lucille Western says i k I find that tho " Email " produces all the bril liancy of rouge aud lily-white, with the great and peculiar advantage of total hannlessness. It re ally adds to the softness and beauty of the akin. Tho Magnificent Vestvali says v- I havo suffered so much from the various whit lotions. Ac. wliieh mv fhr,afn'1 r-r : i hges me to use, that 1 consider it a perfect bene- uu" " frepajauon wmcn gives the neces- sary whiteness to the skin, and leave the skin cool ana smooth. j , r . . 4 Miss Maggie Mitchell says : I have tried the skin beautified, "L'Email de rarw," and found that it instantly imparts natu ral bloom and freshness to the complexion. " Jared's EmaU do Paris " is used as a delicate beautuierof the skin for . Theatre, Saloon or Ball xvjvw, ujr iuo most rennea ana scrupulous ladies ; producing all the beautifying effects of rouire and llllW Whitt wtrh-,n 4 1. w1 1 ".a wuu wava vuiiu gi&re or M.JIIT7 w Sold by aU first class Druggists, Perfumers and Ladies' Hair Dressors. L. Isabeau, 822 Broadway ; Demas Barnes & Co., and F C. Wells A Co., New York, and Eugene Jomil. Ill South Tnth )i-m( .nY.u. lit. . . . - miA ivuiigkvu. uv lOWay & Cowden. Philldelnhi Aant Ant trm mail by addressing . JARED A BENE, Oenoral Agents and Importers, N. T. Noy2A ;--.- 60 eod-Cra EMIGRATION TO VENEZUELA t rpiIE VESEZUEM COMPA5 Y " havo JL appointed Jacob Loeb, Esq,, at James Ander- Company. He is authorized to order, or chart a vessel for every Flirt EmoaAjrrs. He will furnish the stock of the Company to anyone desiring to emigrate, entitling to 1,230 acres of Land. Parties in vicinity of Wilmington, will please oomm unicatO with him. Parties in vicinity ofiAleigh, N. C. will communicate with S. S. Rowland- Esa. Partita in Rrmth ru communicate with CoL B. H. Rudto, Augusta. ueorgia. HENRY M. PRICE, President Venezuela Co. march 18, 1867 M4n TO TURPENTINE DISTILLERS. LEX. spritst, r . commission! merchant, Sowth Water Street, i WlLKISOTOS, N. C. Is rcdy to make the usual advances oa Naval et proceeds of sales promptly remitted. -- . 156-3m Great Improvement in Dentistry I SENSITIVE TEETH FILLED W1TII. OUT PAIN1 T, lPl Application th. Tooth U ren- ifeWe. to pain durimr thVoneraTi?n ChameM u.aa irrnt"3 t giw satisfaction. exhffi"uhon1. thecity. :Teeth THOS. B. CARR, M.'D., . - - , j No, 35 Market eeet march 12 , uo-tt .... All Kinds of Clanks .JJlOIl SALE AT THE . 7 . -:s l ". -naruhl7 115-tf joussal ozn:

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