:c) i .... VOL. XVI---NO. 192. WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 11; 1867. WHOLE NUMBER 4,605. T II E DAILY JOPRNA L . KVCK1.HAKD fc rniCK. Proprietors. Term of RnbM-rlptloat Iily ricr, one year, invariably in advance, 110 00 !x months, " 6 00 thred month, " " 3 00 " one month, " 1 00 Weekly Paper, one year, , M 3 00 " lixmonUia; " ( . 2 00 All letter on buainoda connected with Uila office must ba addrmisod to the pro rte tors. UaUe of AdrartUiag AiVKnTii43fi-jrra will be inserted at the ratoof 11 per square for tho first insertion; 13.60 per week; and $9 per month. Ten liiKM or Iom are counted an a square. Longer Advertisements in projorUn. . Advertiscmenta InsHrtod every other day are chargod aa ucw at each and every Insertion. f Advertisements ordered on the insile will le tharftflM 60 per cent, additional to above rates. Marriage, Death and Obituary Kotieoa are charged aa Adrcrtisemenla. No publication reflecting upon privato character will be allowed In oar columns, either ti advertise ments orothoraiae. r No publication .niado without a rcsponsi Lla name. tup: daily journal. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MAY 11. 18C7. Correnpoiidence of the Journal of Commerce Studies In the Shenandoah Valley. "Winchester, Va., April CO, 18G7. Over tho thirty-two miles of valley from Harper's Terry to this pluco little has been done, except fy tho kindly hand of Naturo, to repair tho ravaged of war. Tiles of brick, apparently lying just whero they foil, mark the sites of tho Armory and work shops at the Terry.- On tho lull abovo tho villago aro tho skeletons of two Btono churches. Trom tho valley you enn bco through their burncd-out windows to the blno sky beyond a weird and picturcsqno effect. There are curious things here, which aro euro to be pointed out to you. Une is tho ironle of Washington winch a owcrful imagination descries among tho angular rocks, near the top of the Alary- land heights. I looked anxiously for it, nnd to obu'go my cicerone, confessed that I thought I raw it. Another standing object ol interest is tuo noketty old engino house. tho point Wappui of John Urown's raid. At the Terry, and at Charlcstown, some miles up tho valley, whero he was executed, you hear quite n much of John Brown as of Khoridun. Time has softened his memory, nnd tho people speak of him more kindly than of hoiuo of tho later raiders, lhnro is not much at Harper's Terry now to tempt a traveler to (stay, unless ho has leisure for a trip to tho frowning heights across the l'otoinac, and tho bhenandoah, and back of the town. The game of long taw played between tho batteries on Maryland aud London hciprhta mnst have been noisy and exciting. The chill of the April wind, lik the eclwing rattln of the cars, seems to be multiplied u hundred fold in theso gorges. In summer, when the sombre crags are covered with foliage, I should like to climb them ; but now let me button np my ovcr co.it, and catch the train for Winchester. As m o ascond tho valley and reach the open country, we get into warmer air. Tho jHiach and applo trees aro in full bloom ; the wheat is np thrco or four inches ; the trees (except the sycamore) aro in leaf. Tut through this mask of greenery and llowcrs wo sco always the unhealed gashes of war. Tho stone mills which onco dotted this beautiful valley aro burned down, and tho pooido have not tho heart to rebuild them. Nothing fits more gracefully into a landscape than ft mill, with its great wheel in slow motion. Tho foam and sparklo of tho waters, and tho sleepy hum of the burr- ton es are delightful to the senses. lut a mill in ruins is tho saddest of objects, be canso it is a typo of war in its most fero cious aspect. I oris, stockades, "or tempo earthworks, the contour of which places, soon to be replaced by iron Lead pieces dipped in zino, and practically indestructible. Winchester is especially interesting ' to tho Northern tourist, because it is one of the oldest and was one of the most aristo cratic towns in Virginia. Nowhere else, not even at Richmond, did the proud blood of the genuine Virginia stock assert itself more loftily. When the war broke out all tho wealth, fashion and intellect of Win chester sided with the Booth. Twenty-one of her young men were killed at the first battle of Bull ltun, and nearly every other battle in the State made mourning in her homes. She was at once the shield and the t irgct of the contending forces in all the great struggles for the possession of tLe yilley. y.ranty-iix time3 Winchester wi s taken and retaken. In the morning the rebels and in the evening the federals would be in tranquil possession. While gray cavaliers were galloping at one end of the long street which runs thiough the town, horsemen in blue would be scainpei ing out of tho other, and rice verm. The register at Taylor s Hotel shows alternate pages rilled with the names of noted offi cers, Federal and Confederate, who hap-iH-ncd for tho timo being to command the beds nnd rations of that hoeterly. If con stancy is a thing to praise in war as in love, the people of Winchester have some justifi cation in claiming that they wero true to their unlucky Hag. They sacrificed every thing to tho cause .of secession, and havo become from tho richest and most prosper ous jopulation of the samejsizo in the State, to tho poorest and neediest. Ono example was mentioned to me where a wealthy gen tleman as late as tho fall of 1864, when the most sanguine Southerners wero beginning to despair, sold his last real estate, and in vented the proceeds in Confederate bonds, which six months later were worthless. , A moro quiet, subdued and patient ieo ple, under their sufferings, I havo never seen. One of tho most remarkable things it would bo ominous under other circum stancesis their taciturn demeanor. One evening, in the office of Taylor's Hotel, I carefully observed the bearing and conver sation of the scores of old men and young men in gray (the ' remains, carefully pre served, of their Confederate uniforms.) There was little said upon any subject, ana that in a low voice, but politics, past, pres ent, or to come, was not hinted at. Most of the loungers stood or sat and smoked their pipes and stared into vacancy. whom chloroform was administered prepar atory to tyin the external iliac artery. The fourth case occurred in St. Marv's Hos pital,' London. It was that of a stableman, i to whom chloroform was administered to facilitate the reduction of a dislocated thnmb. Printing. Railroads. THE JOTJRN'AIi ' Wilmington and Man Railroad Co, The ex-Queen health. of Naples is in failing JOB nniiimiiin bb 'K O 1 illLUllIU , Two women have been elected as parish i overseers in England. The Chicago contributions to the South ern Belief Tnnd amounted to So, 000. There is npChineee firm in San Francisco with a capital of 2,000,000. ESTABLISHMENT. GENERAL DIRECTORY. they were ready to be drawn into conver sation. and, if asked, expressed themselves freely and courteously upon all subjects. Nothing surprises a Northern man more than the entire freedom of these people from malice towards the government In this resiect, as in the reports of their feel ings towards the freedman, they aro grossly misrepresented and generally misunder stood. They accept the situatrom with a degree of resignation which I could not have expected among a race of men so sen sitive and high strung. But under this surface- of composure there is an apparent anxiety, such as one observes among the inhabitants of regions which are often de vastated by earthquakes. They are afraid that tho worst shock has not vet come. If the people of this valley could but receive from some authoritative source an assur ance that tho Radical party will not devise some new punishment for them beyond the Keconstrnction Bui, 1 think they would approve that measure cordially, and get to work under it in good faith. Till then the indust ry of the Shenandoah Valley is under a blight more deadly and paralyzing than all that the weevil could inflict on its wheat fields. Bnt I find that this subject grows under ray pen, and 1 close with an anecdote clipped from one of the local papers, which may not have fallen under your observa tion. Any comment of mine would spoil its perfect beauty A IsoKiiE Act. An act, touchingly beau tiful in its nature, came to our knowledge last week. A few days previous, after the family of Maior B. B. Washington had ( , that gentleman remarked to his little daughter, an interesting child of three years, xsannio, youjiave hod a nice uin rarv earthworks, tne contour or which is wmiamuuio u yuuruiuoMsieiomuiH still undisturbed, aro to bo seen at promi- ar South are perishing for the want of nent points on both sides of tho railroad, food." " Ta," said the little cherub, "I Tor miles tho fences are all destroyed, the have 15, and 1 11 buy something for them rails havincr lecn removed and burned bv to eat." 'lho child was brought to town one armv or tho other, aa the tide of vie- next day and at her request was taken to a tory and defeat oscillated np and down the commission house. There she purchased a valley. Even the stone walls are partly barrel of flour, and had it marked down, tho upper row of boulders haying been knocked off, it is said, by cavalry charging over them ; though that Btory smacks of the incredible, x torn Opequon Creek to Winchester, whore one of the most obstinate and decisive battles of tho war was fought, there is a clean strip of CITY OFFICEI19 Mayor John Dawson. J O Burr, EH Murray, W II Lippitt, A Adrian, w A Wrieht, W 8 Anderson. Marnhal I'.obcrt liansom. eeiailMpiilij Marshal It J Jones. (Jerk ami Treasurer-T W Anderson. Clerk of the Market It M Williams' Chief I'ire jM'pnrhrwntll J Jones. Chief Fire Wardens B V Ueerv. Fire Wardens li fechuiken, iirat ward ; James Shackelford, accond ward ; B W Beery, third ward; W Burkhoimor, fourth ward. City Purveyor t H Jarnos. Wood JnKpecloraF V B Yopp, J W Totter, r Thompson. COl'STV OFFICERS. Chairman of County Court Vn A Wright. Suierior Court CUrkB. A Bagg Clerk of (M)uUy Court XI B Wood, Jr. Sheriff Samuel It Buntinpr. 1 ' County Solicitor John L llolines. Register George W Pollock. iSjiecial Magistrate John J Conoley. tijMXial Court S D Wallace, W 8 Larkins, John A Taylor, John A Sanders, John D Powers. ' Count j Surveyors James W Williams, John Moore. (JomUy Trustee Owen Fennoll, Jr. Constables It L bellcrn, J. Peterson, James H Philyaw, K. D- Hewlolt. OonmiMee of Finances D Wallace, John A Tay lor, John A Sanders. Wardens of the Poor John A Taylor, John A Sanders, Archibald McMillan, Isaac James, Luke B Duggins, W 8 Larkins. Treasurer of Public Buildings Samuel It Bant ing. : : County Hanger O F Alexander. Coroners John O Wood, Daniel P Bland. Standard Keeper John C Wood. Wreck Master John A Banders. Entry Taker John J Conoley. Superintendents of Common Schools Q D Wal lace. James Kerr. W S Lai kins. John D Powers. K letia Bryan Educational. fflBB B & B B . SUPERIOR W0RKIIEN LOW PRICES! V OtUIVD John CI Inspectors of If aval Stores John S Archibald Alderman, James O Bowden, Bowdon, Alfred Alderman, Thomas W Player, W J Price, B Southerland, J M Henderson, It C John son. Inspectors of Timber, &c.li H Bowden, James Alderman, George McDufiio, W il Munroe, Tur lington, H M Bishop. Inspectors of I'ronisions, tc D E Banting, John W Monroe, George Alderman. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED! aGesebal SrpERrsTEjrDtxt'g Office, I n.MrGT, . u., May a, ieo.; i W asd alter Slay- tli, only one dally Passenger Train will be. run on this road. Iave Wlhiiington..r.i..V4si;';L.i....,8 20 P.M. Arrive at Kingsvilte. , . .... ,i , . . .-.,8 00 A. M. Leave Kingsville. v,......4 15 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington,'..... v.. ....... .4 00 A. M. Close connection made at Wilmington with the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, at Florence with the North Eastern JUilroad for Charleston, and Clieraw & Partington Jiailroad for Cheraw, and at liingsvmo wun the Kouta Carolina Haiiroad for Augusta. . ' WM. MacEAE, Gcn'l. Sup'L may 4 , l8G-tf Wilmington and Weldou Railroad Co. Omcs Caxsr Esgixeeb and Bcp't., ) 4 Wilmington, April 26, 18C7. ( CIUHQB OK UHBDCIiG. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY. MAY 6TTf, THE passenger trains will run over this road as follows : .;. .;-.- . Leave'Wilmington. . , . 6:40 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. Arnvo at WUninigton. . 6:50 V. M. and 7:15 A. M. Iiave Weldon. . . .... . . .10:30 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. Arrive at Weldon... .... 3:00 P. M. and 8:54 A. M. Trains will pass Goldsboro', going North, at 10:55 A. M. and 10:50 P. M.; going South, at 1:25 A. M, and 2:25 P. M. r Tho night train each way is an accommodation train, and will run daily, and connects alt the way toNewlorkvia Itiohmond. The day train will not run on Sundays. It connects by all the routes North, by Richmond, Old Bay Lino and Anncmcs- sxx Lane. - Trains connoct closely with trains to Balcigh audNewbeiu. 8. L. FREMONT, Cliief Eng. and Bup't. anril 20 179 Papers copying Bchedulo on the line will change OmcE Geh'l Sup't Wil. k Maw. It, It. Co.. Wilmington, March 6, 1867. , UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE rrHE following rates will be charged on JL Oram from Wilmington To Charleston. . . . . .;. . . . v. '. ;i. . 15 cts per bushel "-Colombia,.... 12 " " "Augusta. 15 " i " WM. MacBAE, : General Superintendent, march 6 . 135-tf Transportation Office, Welmiuqtok, Chablottx k R. B. R. Co., 1 Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 1, 1868. f MRS. RANSOM'S FEMALE SEMINARY. WILMINGTON, N. C. aHE SECOND TERM OF THIS KSTTTUTION . will begin on the 8d of February and close on the 28th of June next. A ' Board of Visitors," composed of gentlemen whose names will be announced hereafter, has been invited. . This Board m ill be present at the examinations, and will visit the Institution at other times to examine into all matters oertaining to the Seminary, and a full report of its observa tions will be made. , It is important that nupils intending to enter for the next term should do " as soon as posai- For particulars, apply to Was. Jan. 23 ROBERT RANSOM, Principal. 104-tf NEISE RIVER ACADEMY IS SITUATED fit Wayne county, N. C, two miles north of White Hall and seven miles from Moscly Hall (Depot). " " TERMS : ' '.; ;;' Primary Branches. ......... ...$10 00 Sciences, Ac...... 18 00 Languages, Ac, L . 25 00 Board can be had m highlv respectable families for $10 per month. No incidental expenses. : 1HOF. H. t. UllADY, JR., PrinciDal. feb8 113-tf ILL. October and 6th streets. Sept. 29 Mrs. E. A. Gillican open her School on 4th, on Mulberry, Thursday, betwoen 5th r. - RAJLIIOADS. WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER R. President Henry M Drane. Directors Jonn JJawaon, ilenry utt, u li i'ars- R. ley. A J DeRosaet. D 8 Cowan. Geo J W McCaU WE Mills, James G Burr, Richard Bradley, J Eli Oregg, General Superintendent William MacRae. Secretary and Treasurer W A Walker. General FreiglU Agent John L CantwelL WILMINGTON A WELDON RAILROAD. President R R Bridcrers. Directors T K Dickinson, Wm A Wright, 8 D Wallace, Alfrexl Martin, A H VanBokkelon. Eli Murray, Ed Kidder, John Everett, W D Faircloth, John Morfleet. Engineer aim Superintendent S L Fremont, Secretary and Treasurer J W Thompson. Superintenderd 2YansportatiGn Wm Smith. General Ticket Agent and CUrkim M Pois eon. General Freight Agent GL Dudley. Master Mechanic 11 Hankins. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE AND RUTHER FORD RAILROAD. President Robert H Cowan. Directors 8 J Person, A H VanBokkelen, John A McDowell, Robert B French, Walter L Stoelo, Stephen W Cole. Samuel H Walkup. ENye Hjitch- inson,lHaywood W Gaion, C C HendersoD, A G Lo gan, A li Hoimeaiy. Superintendent WY J. Everett. Master of Transportation -i H Allen. Secretary and 2veasurer I T Alderman, Master Mecftanic W Gill Freight Agent W R French. The Journal Office Is now bettor than ever prepared to do all kinds of miN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING! In the best styles of the art. TROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, 1866, the Mail X' Train on this road will leave Wilmington at THE LID1ES' DEPOSITORY. VIEW OF THE CONTINUED AND IN creasing destitution at tho South, and in com pliance with requests both at borne and abroad, a nuniDer or ladies or jB&itimore have formed them selves into an Association, under the name of " THE LADIES' DEPOSITORY." Its object is to receive needle and othor work and to dispose of it solely for the benefit of its ownors. Orders will also be takes at the Deposi tory for any kind of work, so as to provide em ployment for those who have not tho necessary materials. As considerable expense will be incurred in' pro viding a place of business and the requisite assis tants, and as the enterprise cannot of course be seu-supporting, the Association must depend upon the contributions of its friends. The annual lption has been nxed at fo. and au who i favorably disposed are earnestly requested to give their prompt and liberal aid, by donations or otherwise, to help those who are doing their ut most to noip themselves. xne Association nave taken the store jno. ai. Lexington Btreet, and expect to be in operation by the llta oi February. ; President Mas. PEYTON HARRISON. Vice President : Mas. JOHN H. B. LATROBE. .. Treasurer : Mas. W. W. 8PENCE 7 o'clock, A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Hill at 8 o'clock, P. M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, A. M., on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. ana arrive in Wilmington at s o-ciock, tr. si. WM. H. ALLEN, Master; of Transportation. Nov. 1 80 tf Recording Secretary : Mas. JAMES A. STEUART. Corresponding Secretary : Mm. THOMAS MURDOCH. Managers; J. BAKER, 81 South Charles SECOND SPRING STOCK Mercantile. SPRING AND SmaitlER GOODS. at : -M . M K ATZ & C (K'S 23 MARKET STREET. WE ABB OPKSIXO A LARGE ASSOUT-mentof- STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, . Consisting of TRINTS from 10 cents per yard np, ; POPLINS from 25 cfcnts per yard up. SILKS, GRENADINES, JACONETS, LAWKS, MUSLINS, CHALLIES, MOZAMBIQUES, BAREQEB, GINGHAMS, WHITE GOODS. SILKS, MULL and BISHOP LAWNS, NAKSOOK, ORGANDIES, ' JACONETS, EMBROIDERIES THREAD and CLUNY LACES, ... TABLE CLOTHS, DIAPER, LINEN and COTTON SHEETINGS, SILK MANTLES, BAREGE GRENADINES and ZEPHYR SHAWLS, LADIES FURNISHING GOODS rABASOLS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, CLOTHING, BOOTS, ?.v SHOES In fact, every variety of class Store, AND NOTIONS. Goods found in a first WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, with thoso "good and past At prices to compete old times. march SI M. M. KATZ & CO., . 23 Market street. 157 MILLINERY. S P R I N G"B TIL E Sf WE'LL OPEN ON TUESDAY, APRIL 2D, a full assortment of latest Stylet BONNETS, ; " l ' ') . hats, ' " FLOWERS, RIBBONS, SILKS, CREPES, LACES, TRIMMINGS. RAILROAD & STEAMBOAT COLOR PRIIMTINC AND EVEKY DESCRIPTION OF ARE NOW OPENING OUR SECOND SPRING STOCK OF MERCANTILE PRINTING, DM GOODS, Will reeeive special attention. Wetlding, Business ami Visiting Cards THE GREAT QUESTION Printed in the handsomest styles, on short notice. H . H ' From Nannie Bird Washington, (Aged lhree Years,) To My Little Sisters in the South." country bs far as tho eye can boo, north and south. It looks like the rolling unfenced praino of Illinois. ' W aterloo or Sadowa might have been fought hero. It is tho traditional battle field of which we have often road, comprising within its limits BOmo Email orchards and a few lonely farm houses, and traversed by three or four roads, which were tho general lines of nd vauco and retreat for both Bides. The roofs and spires of Winchester in tho far back ground fill up tho picture. For a dis tanco of six miles from tho Opequon to this quaint old town, tho battle of the 19th of September, 1SGJ, rnfred .with flue tuating fortunes from daylight until dark It was a fair stand up, give-and-take light, worthy of veterans of the Cth Corps on ono Bido and of Jackson s old forco on tlio other, and ended, as tho wholo world knows, in lono of the most complcto and important victories achieved by the Federal troops in that year. For deeds of personal daring, especially on tho imrt of tho con tending cavalry, led by such gallant fellows as lorbcrt, Averill and Custer on ono side. and Fitz Loo and Loniax on tho other, this battlo ia. unmatched in our annals, lint I do not propose to light it over again for your readers, though, if snaoo poruuttod, I could tell somo things about tha battle which would bo now and possibly interest ing. bhcridau a report or tuo aiuir, I be lievo. has never been published. This natural Imttlo-lield is for tho most rartl covered with gross. Thero are occa sional patches of wheat, which is unoom monly lino this year. Sovcral pieces of ground were shown me which have been rented by Northern soldiers at a low figure, nnd promiao goodly crops. There is no better and surer wheat ground in tho world than this in tho Shenandoah Valler. from Curloua Clock. Many years ago there was a clock made by one Droz, a mechanic of Geneva, which was renowned for its ingenious construc tion. : The clock was so made as to be ca pable of performing the following move ments : I here was exhibited on it a negro, a shepherd and a upg. When the deck struck the shepherd played six tunes on his flute, and the dog approached and fawned upon him. The clock was exhibited to the King of Spain, who was greatly debghted with it i 4. , . : V The gentleness of my dog," said Droz, " is his least merit If your majesty touch ono of tuo apples wnicu you see in tho shepherd's ' basket, you will admire tho fidelity of the animal. 'I ho King took an apple and the dog fiew at his hand, and barked so loud that the King a dog, which was in the same room during tho exhibition, began to bark also ; at which the superstitious courtiers, not doubting that it was an affair of witchcraft, hastily left tlio room, crossing themselves as they went out. Having desired the min ister of marine, who was the only one who dorod to stay behind, to ask the negro what o'clock it was, tho minister asked, but re ceived no rtply. Droz then observed that tho negro hail not yet upon which tho minister repoated the que tion in French, and tno DiacK immediately answer od hini. At this new prodigy the nr ra il oes of tho minister forsook him, and he retreatod precipitately, declaring that it must bo tho work of a supernatural being. It la probablo that in the perform aneo of theso tricka, Droz touched certain springs in the mechanism, although that is not mentioned in any of tho accounts of his clock. " Can I better provide for my Family, than by (prmllng a small portion of my In tome for a Volley on my LifeT" 30,000 Persons have Insured in the iETNA LIFE INSURANCE 00. OF HARTFORD, CONN., Anil others are Daily Applying. TI1K principle of LIFE ISSURANCE has become so well demonstrated, that it is hardly necessary at this day to go into an argument in its support. Every individual who. has a family or dear ones dependent upon his existence, is in fact. overlooking, if not violating, one of the most im portant duties of life, in not guarding them against want, and protecting them from poverty, should death deprive them of his support and assistance. On an INSURANCE POLICY, procured at a small premium, a requisite sum is secured in case of death, to provide them wth subsistence through 1 i" t l. 1 i. , 1 1 c me. oeuiuxug nuuu a uuuuy uub umy wanes 1110 past mora pleasantly, but will bring to the death' bed the happy consolation that your wife and child ren will not be left destitute, or to THE COLD, CHEERLE83 SYMPATHY OP AN UNCHARITA BLE WORLD. To those whoso good impulses are moved to this accomplishment for their family's toiure protection, THE JETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. is most cordially recommended for tho carrying out of these desires. The Company has been in existence for FORTY EIGHT years.and now, with a Capital of over $4,500,000 00 stands as ono of tho solidmonctary institutions of the nation and offers positively tho best induce ments for LIFE INSURANCE in the world. Over five hundred risks have been taken in the last twelve months upon the most influential citi zens of North Carolina.' Out of this number four havo died, making 13,000 in cash paid over promptly uj survivors ; ana Dut lor this lore- thought and ACTION not one dollar wenkl have 1aa1 KnonicK 00011 1C" P1 u,.eir estates tor tne neneat oi tneir r t" i bercavou loved ones. After the 2nd vnar 50 per cent. ; Dividends is paid to Policy ,; holders every year dm ing Life, and at death the Policy is paid to survivors. Risks on ages from 14 to 65 years are taken for a term of years or the WHOLE TERM OF LIFE on amounts Irom J1.000 to $10,000. and tho rates are regulated according to age. THIS PROVI SION CANNOT BE TAKEN FOR DEBT, BUT GOES TO THE FAMILY OR OTHER DEPEND ENTS FOR TH.fc.U4 ttriAUaXi CSE BILL-HEADS, J CIRCULARS, ....... POSTERS, . ; PROGRAMMES, . ' BOOKS, PAMPHLETS BILLS OF LADING, DRAY AND OTHER TICKETS, And every other description of job work PROMPTLY DONE, AT THE ' Which we offer at a still greater reduction in prices: - Good Brown Shirting 12 Cents. Common Calico. .10 Cents. Good Calico.'............. ....12J Cents. Very Good Calico .16 to 18 Cents. Bleached Shirtings, 12 J; 15, 20 and 25 Cents. Handsome Muslins .25 Cents. 1,000 dozen Hose and Half-Hose, at very low Mas. CHARLES street. Mas. 3. JT. BANEARD. East Baltimore street Mks. J. HARMAN BROWN, 76 Courtland street. mrh. jutUM WM.li. 147 Cbarles street Mas. A. D. EGERTON, 230 Howard street. Miss FRICE, Charles street Mas. JOHN S. GITTINGS, Monument and 8t r Paul streets. -Mas. J. It GOLDSBOBOUGH, 234 Eataw street Miss HARPER, 10 Cathedral street Maa. PEYTON HARRISON, 90 Read street" Miss DORA HOFFMAN, Franklin street Mas. CHARLES HOWARD, Cathedral street Mas. HUNTER, corner Baltimore street and Broadway. . Mas. JOHN H. B. LATROBE, Read and Charles streets. Mas. MERRICK, Monument street Mas. THOS. MURDOCH, Howard street Mas. READ, Mulberry street Mas. T. PARKIN SCOTT, 10 8t Paul street Mas. BAYARD SMITH, 101 Monument street. Mas. W. W. SPENCE. Bolton street Mas. N. B. SMITH, Saratoga street Mas. JAMES A. STEWART, 103 Park etroet Mas. B. R. SPALDING, Charles street feb. 21 124-tf Thanking the Ladies for the kind patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope, by our S T Y LE8 j, ; and , O TP P R I C K S, to merit a continuance of the same. ' M. M, KATZ & CO., nrrrrrr Great Improvement in Dentistry t SENSITIVE TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN! - ; BY at almple application the Tooth ta ren dered insensible to pain during the operation of filling, without injury to the nerve or tooth. Every operation . warranted to give satisfaction. Charges aa low aa any Dentist in the city. Teeth extracted without pain. ' THOS. B. CABR, M. D., No. 35 Market ereet. ...... i-- march 12 140-tf prices. Lowest Hates I ENGELHARD & PRICE, Proprietors. P, Heinsberger, BOOK BINDER, AND 31 Ml twenty to forty bushels an acre bcim a com' nion yield, jbut at present tho rconlo lack I first was a lately 30 years of ace. livinc in Death from Chloroform. ' 1 The April number of the Medical News and Library Telates four cases of death from the inhalation of chloroform. The the mouoy, and what is of more importance, I Dloomington, Illinois. She was apparently the corij'i tenet) m tniUuro disposition of our in good health, but suddenly expired after iovrni i:ni, news-wy 10 carry on any en- inhaling about a aracnm of chloroform terpriHO succciisf ully. Of this more further on. The only signs of vitality, or rather of lifo-in-death that I discovered in this mngnilioent bat i'.e-tr.ict, were going on at tho Union cemetery, j".' t outside of Win rbcsUr. Hero tho bnri.d c-rpi were ro-in-terin' t!.o xcmains of r.hV.'- . who fell in tlio t- r:.L!a battles of the Valley. Tall wlitj l.-li at rrcseut tiark theix rcstics given for tlio relief of pain in the extrac tion of teeth. Three days previously she had inhaled chloroform and had six teeth extracted without any bad effect The second case was on the occasion of the per formance of an operation by Professor Hamilton, of New York.- The patient was a robust woman. The third case was of a maa ia the hospital at Toronto, Canada, to BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER JOURNAL BUILDINGS, WILMINGTON, N. 6 HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS In every variety. A splendid stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, . which we will sell at NEW Y OR K P RIO E a OUR CITY PLAN: ' i Small Profits and Large Sales has been a splendid i ' ; Success. " WE SHALL EIGHT IT OUT ON . THAT LINE." PoUte attention and fair dealing to all of our customers, we leei assured, will entitle us to a continuance of the'liberal patronage we have re ceived this Spring. REMEMBER, WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY I april7 MERCHANTS OF WILMINGTON ADVXBTISK IS : -. THE SDHTBR HEVV1. fTyiE above named paper is published jl weeaiy in sumter. . v., wnicn Doing imme diately on the W. & M. Railroad in direct com. i munication with Wilmington, and having a large circulation in the section in which it ia published, is orxerea aa a anranie advertising meaium. uerms uoerau Address DARK & OSTEEN, Proprietors. feb. 10 115-tf LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. NOTICK l hereby given that the nndrr. , signed have formed a LIMITED PART NERSHIP, in accordance with Acts of the Legisla ture of 1860-'C1, entitled "Limited Partnership," Chapter 28, for five years, to date from January 1st, 1H07, ana to terminate January 1st, 1S72. 'lne natnre or tne business to b transacted is a general Wholesale and Commission business in the city of Wilmington. James A. Willard and A Willard of the city of Wilmineton. are the OEN- : ERAL PARTNERS under the stylo of Willard Brothers." W. II. Willard. of tho city of Balcigh, ia the SPECIAL PARTNER, and as such baa con- trinutea ana pain in to tno capital stock, tho sum of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) in rash. JAM. A. WILLARD, A. A. WILLARD, . , .'. - General Partners. , - W. II. WILLARD, Special Partner. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 27,J3fc7. 123 Cm ! A. BAST, JOHH O. EAJUtI Wilffliostou Iron aud Conner Works HART & BAILEY, Pbopbietoim, No. 17, Front Btieet, below Market, , AVUmlBcton, H C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. (TVIB gnbacrlber navvincr anallfled as Ad- ; X - ministrator de bonis non, upon the estate of oamuei j. aeery, aeceased, at tne Beptember Term, 1866 01 New Hanover County Court, hereby . : , 1 1 - . . . . uuuuej au perouns narmg claims against nis es tate to present the same within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. , All persons indebted to the estate of bis intes tate, are requested to make immediate payment. JAMES B. MoPHERSON, Administrator de boms turn. Dec 19 70 -tf ;-; wv ';v A CARD. milE Subscriber having related his Lav 1 boratorv. ia now nrpnarw! In na.kn a.na.lvia of soils and fertihzers, or any substance that may bo desired, which will be done on moderate terms. Special attention devoted to Agricultural Chem istry. Office journal Bundings. - D. M. BDIE. Wilmington, N. C, mach 1 ' 131-tf nEDRICK & RYAN. 163-tf ACCOUNT BOOKS Bound to any pattern desired. AND SUP PORT. Nothing can possibly be gained by delay . .1 - 3 J 1. 1 1 . (S. . - in wis uuvt auu uiacu uiajr uo iuu ui two cour ses, one of which may leave your family or depend ent friends destitute, and the other ASSURES them a comfortable support at your decease ; can Made of the best Linen Paper, Ruled biAClQ UO m. UiUUU nuiwu AO w asu vuvowi I iitUY . i . . 1 1 an . "1 one knows mat u tne pressure oi tne times wars 1 hard upon a man in the fulness of his strength, it will be far more severe upon a woman aud child ren left at each a conjuncture as this without re sources or protector, and it is easier for a man to pay his premium than for his family to live with-! out his aid and without means. ' For further information call on the Ajrent who now extends the invitation to every one, rich and ! poor, to avail himself of the advanatagea offered by onoof the LARGEST, SAFEST, BEST. CHEAP EST AND MOST POPULAR AND-RELIABLE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD. v JOHN E. SPEARMAN, Agent, Market Street, between 2d and 3d., . Wilmington, N. C. , in,27 , , " - lOJ-SUw Wtf Ledgers, Journals; Execution and Trial Dockets, and all kinds of .Blank Books Law Books, Music, Periodicals, . ' Magaiines, &c., &c.t bound ' in tie best manner. 01? EVERY DESCRIPTION BEAVER CREEK MANF'G COMPANY'S .:. ;Ja STR.AMELB CLOTH. J, SHE ETING8, . - . . . . . 30 INCH DITTO, COTTON YARN, AND Call, an or very superior qnahty can be furnished at snort notice. - j. h. Pat.t.. Prest. Beaver Creek Manrg Co. A. JUUJUHUN A CO., Agents, Wilmincton, N. C. apnl 12 ' ' 167 K BEST FAMILY FLOUR WARRANTED. I UAllUKlig, at PAINTS. OILS AND CLASS. A LARGE lot jnat received, consisting In XX part as iouows ; -- Enghsh and American White Lead and Zinc, lft.UW Jim. Assorted colors Dry and in Oil. 7.415 lbs. Window Glass, jjoo boxes Linseed and Machinery Ous. Tarnishes, Brushes, Ac., Ac. For sale at the low est pnceB, for caeh, at N. JACOBl'S, V Market street. Deo. 28 77 BIBLES. PRAYER BOOKS, T1SAJILS and Hymns nd Selections," I "Psalmiata." "Psalmody " "Hymn Books. ana lTesbytenan Psalmodist." Received at . , LOVE'S BOOK STORE, feb. 19 123 may 8 OEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front Street. CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. COOPERS WANTED. mVVO first class Spirit Barrel Makers can JL find steady employment by application to raiTgWAX mvoius. feb. 21 V 124-tf VERY SUPERIOR .- .-1 QTJGAK CfllKl HAAIS.. . TvT C- O 3,000 pounds low for cash, at ' .. - . . . . 11 and 13 Front Btreet. i CHAS. D. MYERS. Agent. ooutocu l',maj8 OLTJUIS. VJ ; PARASOLS, FANCY GOODS. circu 17 HANDKERCHIEFS, ; ENGLISH HOKIERY, Ac. u.uiut;tt, a itxAN. march 31 23 Market street. 157 1 W ni W5 ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH, on short notice, Brasa and Iron Castings, finished and snn isbed. New Machinery made and put cp. Old Machinery overhauled. All kinds of Patterns, Ornamental and Agricul tural. Will supply Drafts ef all kinds of Machinery and Millwork genarally. TURTENTrNE AND WHISKY STILLS, - . ASD COPTER WORK in all its branches. A fall eutmly of B3ltiDir. Packing. Hose, fiteam and Water Pipe and FittinKS. Machine Bolts. Nuts and Rivet, and all other articles generally found in a Machine Pnpply Store. Also a large lot of Crucibles, from No. 85 to 100, "i wwTanuxi gooa wyi cuspoae or them below Manufacturers' prices. Terms Csh. March 23. 151 -If THE 1VIL31INGT0N SOAP WORKS. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW IN FLLL Iteration, and ia mannfa turins in l.-irgc 'juantity, FAMILY SOAP, warranted to be unsurpassed in quality, and at LOWER PRICES ihanit can bo imported from the Norlli or ( Isewhero. Tho tHtr niigo of lealtrs and tLippcra is re-apoctflvsoliciu.-d.ajid orders will receive prompt attention. Arply to DxROSSKT A CO., Wilmington, N. C, ajra2.5 178 ItspacUl TAFtf HEADING I HEADING ! - A SII and WhlU Oak Heading 2. feb. 21 Wanted bv PETTEWAY & MOORE, 124-tf All Kinds ef Blanks J7IOB PALE AT THE iftrKvi. avrwv. RAGS-RAGS. 1MIK- hf Rhe.t rash prices will he pnl.l t.tr CLEAN COTTON or LINEN RAGS at he - . JOfUNAI. (ii-Uck ' SHIPPING AUTIf ES RI KOUKIGN OOTWAUD 9TAB1F1:!T rV ' For at at lh Oci. '.im( v t i vvU'V ALL Sale KINDS OF". BLINKS AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE

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