DAILY JOURNAL. WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1867. TIIK BtYEKPKK. la an ancient abaft of Falun, Year by year a body lay, God-preserved, m though a treasure. Kept nnto a walking day. t Not v.8 tnnaoil, not the passions, .4 Of the busy world o'erhoad, i Sonnds of war, or peace rejoicing ! Could disturb tbe placid dead, . ; Ones a youthful miner whistling, ' Hewed the chamber, now bia tomb, Crash I the rocky fragment tumbled, Closed bim in abysmal gloom. Biily years paassed by, ere miners j Toiling, hundred fathomi jf ep, , Broke upon tbe abaft where rested I That poor miner in bis sleep. i Aa tbe gold-grains lie untarnished la this dingy soil and sand. Till they gleam and flicker, stainless. In tbe digger's sifting band. As tbe gem In virgin brilliance Bests, till ushered into day ; .41 go uninjured, uncorrupted, Freeh and fair the body lay. '.-.'(:-. r . ' ;.; And the minors bore It upward. Laid it in the yellow sun ; Up from out tbo neighboring houses, Fast tbe curious peasants run., Who la he V with eyes they question ; Who is he ?" they asked aloud ? Hush 1 a wizened bag comes hobbling, ranting, through tbe wandering crowd. O I tbe cry half Joy, half sorrow As she flings her at his side ; "John I the sweetheart of my girlhood, Here am I, am I, thy bride. Time on thee has loft no traces, Death from wear has shielded thee I am aged, worn and wasted ' ' O t what life has dono to me ?" i - - i t Then his smootli, unfarrowed forehead Kissed that ancient withered crono ; And the death which had divided ..Now united them in one. ; ; i , ; NEWS ITEMS. '! iiiscellanesus. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. TT7 Represent, In this city, tbe follow Vt ing Insurance Companies, viz : r, THE SECURITY INSURANCE, of New York. THE NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE Co., of New York. . f THE MARYLAND LIFE INSURANCE Co.. of Baltimore. t . These Companies are all first class, with large surplus capital, and we can safely recommend them to tbe confidence of this community. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. ATKINSON A SHEFPERSON, 11 and 12 North Water Street. ' Jan. 20 J7-12m For Galo snif font. A NEWSPAPER FOR SEMJ-WiCEKM ncwiraMr. situated in one of tho very wealthiest sections of Kastern North Carolina, at the terminus of Jour linea of Railroad. nn1 tiavimr . fin a arivArtifiinir Jpatronage and good subscription list, is offered ror sale on reasonable terms, the proprietors winn ing to engage in otter business. For furthor par ticulars, apply at THIS OFFICE. iulyll . 2ia-lm BRITISH PERIODICA L$. The IVondom Quarterly It view (CoBser'tive.) The Kdlnburgh Re-view (Whig.) I The Wcitmiatttr ReTiew (Radical.) Tbe Jlorth British Review (Free Church.) AKP Blackwood's Kdlnburgb Magazine (Tory.) These foreisrn periodicals are regularly repub lished bv ub in tbe same style as heretofoie. Those who know them and who have loDg sub scribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war ol the last lew years has uepnvea oi their onco welcome supply of the boat periodical litoraturo, will bo glad to hare them again within their reach; and those who may never yet have met with them, will assuredly bo well pleased to receive accredited reports oi tno progreps oi Eu ropean science and literature. J. j TERMS FOR 1867. A STEAM EXCISE AND MACHINERY TTOR sale all la complete manias; order Ju 2 Cylinder Boilers, 86 inches in diameter, 32 feet Ion?. Cylinder 141 inches 24 inches stroke independent pump and heater, Fly Wheel 9 feet, anipio snaiting, puuies, &c Tho complete machinery, saws, carriage, Ac, appertaining to a firBt class circular saw null may be purchased with the above. - For further particulars refer to Mr. N. 8. Car ..enter, Wilmington, N. C, O. G. rABSLEY. "aprii 2 158-tf FOR RENT fTHE Sumner Residence of John J. rff X Conoley on Wrighteville Sound a large I ;!Jjj two story "dwelling,; with necessary out-JuL& bouses. Apply to JOHN J. CONOLEY. iunell - 218-tf a. e. sHErHzuD. 1. c. vozevx. SHEPHERD & Lwui TTORNEYS AT L1W, FAYETTE YILLE, N. a July 13 ; 245-lm f, B. EIEDSET.' ' ' A. T. BOBIASOs . l:::zz21 l kczinson. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ho 4 South "Water Street, . wTutisro-rox, h. a march 21 118-tf JAMX8 4.XDEB80S, v J. LOEB, ft IXCIA5 JOKES. French Yice-Consul. JAMES ANDERSON & CO., C 0 MM IS SI O N MER CHA NTS, ASD SEALins IS " N A V AX. S T O H K S, COTTOS, ' AND OT11EU PRODUCE, Soatb Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. a July 12 18C7 ' f 241-ly t l per an. 7, M a Gen. Hindman clonics that ho has turned Eadical. Tbo wife of comedian Tony Pastor died loss xnursoay at Saratoga. Braxton Bragg is Tresident of tho New Orleans Water Works. Mm. Jefferson Davis and daughter were in Augusta last Tuesday. Alice Cary has written a new novel, call ed "a'h Bishop's Bon. General Sickles has put some of his of ficers in arrest for meddling in State pol 1U0S. llev. Dr. Joscnh Parkpr. nf TinndnTi. is I or reported as being the author of "Ecce .Dens." Hon. A. IL Stephens, of Georgia, weighs ninety-iour ponnos. tus words are much weightier. jjoncr Joiin went worth nas been mado a Long Legged Doctor by Dartmouth Col lege. The ,widow of tho lato Major Dade, who i was massacred in the Florida war, witn 112 ox ms command, died lately in Pensacola. Dickens forever. Now Dombey t Son are ont in the Globo edition which Ilurd k Houghton are publishing with Darley's drawings. Colorod Aaron B. Sweat denies that ho wants to be a Carolinian Congressman. His district was in a profuse perspiration about it. , An erudite corrcsnondent of n. Pittslmrfr paper says that among the ladies on the Silver Palace car excursion are some of the most noted literati of the land. A one-armed Confederate named Bullock, teaches a colored school in Tennessee. A two-armed Bullock performs the same duty for Massachusetts. Assistant-Secretary Chandler has gone to Colorado and will not resume his duties before the middle of September. The "Professor" White, who played Daniel once too often in the lion's den of a moral menagerie at Kochester, is still abed from the effects thereof. The families of tho President, Socretary Wells, and his Assistant Faxon, sailed from Washington , for Boston in a gunboat on Saturday, i Sanford Conovcr is done for. His mo tion for a stay of proceedings has been de- . niod, and this week ho will bo received in to the congenial gloom of the Albany pen- iienuary. Dr. George B. Loring, who aspires to bo Governor of Massachusetts, br wav of bid. lately dined tho whole Legislature at his larm in waiem. bereno ilowe was conspic nous by his absence, t A special dispatch from Omaha relates that General Meagher lost his life by tho breaking of a rope on which ho relied for support on coming down from the hurri cane deck, i Taper collars havo trone nr 50 ner cent in price during the past week. Six per day is an ordinary allowance for a moder ately neat man. Old Bob, at the Boling t broke, melts them faster than they can be 'buttoned on. Petersburg Index. Sergeant John Lynch of Cincinnati, a member of the Fenian army under General O'Neill which invaded Canada in June, '1SG3, died at the hospital of the Sisters of Charity in Buffalo at i) o'clock Saturday morning of a gun-shot wound received at tho Battle of lUdgeway. ' . Letters have been received Jfrom Eomo in which it is stated that Bishop Bosecrans, of Cincinnati, is to be the successor of the lato Bishop Timon, of Buffalo. Rochester, with the countios of Livingston, Steuben, Ontario, and Monroe, will bo created a separate diocese, with tho Very Rev. Wil liam Gloason, of Buffalo, as the first bishop. A few days since we were shown by Mr. J, M. Rawlinson, of this place, a Mammoth Squa&li grown in ms garden, winch is rather ahead of anything we have ever seen. Its weight is thirty-three pounds, and it measures a fraction over four feet in cir . cnznf erence, and is about sixteen inches in diameter. We do not know the name of the monster variety, but learn that the seed from which it was produced were procured from the Agricultural Bureau at Washington. Yorkville, (S. C.,) Enquire. Dr. Isaac J. Hayes, who planted the United States flag on tho northernmost known land of the globe, and thence be held the open Tolar Sea," and who has . received from the Royal Geographical So ciety of England tho Victoria MedaL and from his fellow-countrymen tho mantle dropped from the shoulders oi Kane, is now living in New York. Ticknor & Fields have iust rennblished an cnlarced and il lustrated edition of his Arctic Road Jour ney in 1851. . . A Hartford paper pricks the pathetic imliblo mown by the melancholy Merrill. It points out that preparatory to " wildly t"?y tuuKuig mw me stream, ine Irrcpl Uernu had procured a policy o: r : - .denial uisurance" on his' life, which was to expire in nve days. And that fur tl: cm 3 i.3 was moved to appear andar f 1 by tha trgimcnts of detectives whom t-3 increJulous izsurance company de- Troy to look him up. And t: -1 tae wild and mad plun&' I Por any 1 of the Reviews. For anv 2 of the Reviews. . . ........ For any 3 of Uio Reviews. 10 For all 4 of the Reviews , 12 For Blackwood's Magazine. ........... 4 I For Blackwood and 1 Review. 7 j For Blackwood and any 2 of the Reviews 10 For Blackwood and 3 of the Reviews. . 13 For Blackwood and the i Reviews. . ... la CLUBS. A discount of Itceidu ver cent, will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus, four copies of Blackwood, or or one iwmew, win oe een& to one address for $12 60. Fonr copies of tho four Reviews and Blackwood, for $18 00, and so on. POSTAGE. Ylleil sent by mail, the Postage to any part of tho United States will bo but Twenty-four Ccnta a year for " Blackwood," and but Eight Ccnta a year for each of the Reviews. FOR REST. TIIK Building on Front t . known f as Mia No. 1 GRANITE ROW, . E-i;'ti 'till tho 1st of October. For particulars, apply to TEISKEN & SAUMAN. j uno 26 231 it PHILADELPHIA USiVERSlTI or WEDICINE AND SURGERY. THOS. C. LEWIS, WHOLESALE AND UKTAIt. DKALEK GROCERIES, FISH, PROVISIONS, &c ALSO, AGENT TOU - SITTING'S N. C. RYE WHISKEY, " Wo. H Market Street, W1LM1XGT05, N. C. apri!20 . 174-tf THOS. I). MEARES. ATTORNEY AT LAW. iTr. Wilmington, II. S lias rcHumed the practice of Law in the Courts of New Hanover, Hampson and Duplin counties. Office over the Store of Ryttenberg Bros, fob. 2 . 108-tf Premiums to New Subscribers. New Subscribers to any two of the above period icals for 1BC7 will bo entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the Four lleviewt for 18CG. lew Subscri bers to all five of the Periodicals for 1807 may re ceive, gratis, Blackwood or any two of the " Four lieviews" lot 1800. i Theso premiums will be allowed on all new enb- . i,l Wa.,. Anl 1 1Sr.7 Subscribers may also obtain back numbers at th following reduced rates, viz : i The JVortri, jjruisn rrom January, jshu, io .De cember, 1806, inclusive : the Edinburgh and the Westminster from April, 18G4, to December, 1806, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for the years 1805 ana i8oe, at ine raie oi i ou year loreacn any Review : also liiacKwooa lor iowj, ior 12 50. ' tff Neither premiums to subscnoers, nor dis count to Clubs, nor reduced prices for back num bers, can be allowed, unless the money is remit ted aim to vie jrwaaners. No premiums can be Riven to Clubs. THE LEONARD 8C0TT PUBLISHING CO., 110 imiton street, ft. x The L. BPUB. CO. also publish the j FARMER'S GUIDE, by IIenby Stkvesb, of Edinburgh, and tbe lalo J. V. Norton, or lalo uonejie. z vois., iioyai uo- tavo. 1G00 oatres. and numerous Encravrngs. Price 1 lor the two volumes by Mail, post paid, $8. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY. ANNAELESSIC LINE. Great U. S. Mail Route for the North THE Steamer of the above Line leave Portsmouth daily (Sundays excepted) at 11 o'clock, A. M., on arrival of the jrreat Express Train of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad. Passengers leaving Wilmingtgn, N. C, by tho 0:05, P. M., train, arrive atWeldon in time to con nect with the train of the Annameseic Line, ar riving in New York t 5:20, A. M., next day, Uic QUIC1LLST Tiaiii 1SV HAi aiAUHi. Be aure and ask for Tickets and have Baggage Checked -via ANSA51KSSIC LINE. H. V. TOMPKINS, General Agent. , C. I. TROWBRIDGE, General Taasenger Agent, iulyll ;21G-tf BRICK FOR SALEM j ' T) UILDEIIS, and the public in general, in ,1 want of a good article oi u will find it to their advantago to make their puf- nhintia at the Kiln near GoldBboro . N. C. I ' The Brick made at this Kiln are produced by experienced Brick-makers ; much superior to any made in the State. j The Kiln is situated on the Railroad. Theeo Brick will be sold low for cash. Merchandise or Produce. Samples sent if desired. Apply to JULIUS A. BONITZ, Agent, Goklsboro', N. C. julyll 246-lm tt. i- :i f e l to TIIK Philadelphia Vniveraiiy ot Medi cine and Surgery was organized in 1848 Chartered by tbe Legislature, February 26, 1853. Name changed by a legislative tnactment to the Eclectic Medical College of Philadelphia inlSGO. In 1863 it purchased the Pennsylvania, Medical College, established in 1842, and the Philadelphia Medical College, which had previously been merged into the Pennsylvania Medical College. In 1861 it purchased tho I'enn Medical University. Tho Trustees of tho separate schools united, pe titioned, and obtained a special act of the LegUla- turc, couBouuaung inese limuiuuuiia na cji wag ing their names to that of the Philadelphia Uni versity of Medicine and Surgery, M&rch 15, 1865. All these various acts arc published in the statutes of Pennsylvania. The cost of tho building and museum was over ono hundred thousand dollars. It will bo observed that the University, as now or ganized, is the legal representative of the four medical colleges that it has absorbed. It is a liberal school of medicine, conhned to no dogma, nor attached to an)' medical clique ; but embraces in itn teachings everything of value to tho profes sion. - x tiessions. It has two full sessions each year, commencing on tho 1st of October, and continu ing until tho 1st of January as ita lirtt session, and from the 1st of January to the 1st of April, aa its second ; tho two constituting one full course ot locturcs. It ban also a summer session, com mencing tne let of April and continuing until Au gust, for tho preparatory branches, such as Latin. Greek, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, etc . j j wktts. Tickets to tne lull course or lectures $120, or $00 for each session. Tor the summer or preparatory course $25. Graduating fee $30.- versity has issued Jice hundred scltoUirships, which are sold to first-course students, for $75, and to second-course students and clergymen for $50, each constituting the holder a lii'e member, with the perpetual pi ivilegea of tne lectures, and all the teachings of tho school. The only addi tional fees are a yearly dissecting and matriculat ing ticket, each of which is $5. The Advantages of ScJiolarships.Tho student holding a scholarship can enter the College at any time during the year, attend as long as he chooses, and re-enter the institution as frequently as do eired. It requires uo previous reading or study to en ter the University on scholarships, hence, all pri vate tuition foeflf are saved. Students, by holding scholarships, can prose cute other business a part of the tune. The candidate for graduation can present him self at any time, and receivo his degree as soon as qualified. In case a student should hold a scholarship and not be able to attend lectures, it can be transfer red to another, thus preventing any loss. I'arcnts, guardians, or mends oi tudonta winn ing to purchase scholarships for them a year or more ueiore uicir attendance at tne University, can secure them by advancing one-half the price, and paving uio Daiance wnen tne student, enters. Physicians, and benevolent men can bestow great benefit upon poor young men, by presenting them a scholarship, and thus enabling them to obtain an honorable profession. The Faculty embraces seventeen eminent phy sicians and surgeons. The University has asso ciated with it a large hospital clinic, where every form of medical and surgical disease is operated on and treated in the presence of the class. College Building. The College building. lo cated in Ninth Streeth, south ef Walnut, is the finest In tne city, its front is collegiate gotnic, and is adorned with embattlcments and embras ures, presenting a novel, bold, and beautiful ap pearance, xno iacade is of brown stone, orna mented by two towers, rising to tho elevation of eignty feet, and crowned witn an embattled para pet. The building contains between fifty and sixty rooms, all supplied with water, gas, and every oiner convenience wiai moucrn improve ment can contribute to facilitate medical instruc tion. Only five hundred scholarships will bo is sued, and as two hundred and fifty aro now eold, those who wish to secure one should do bo at once. Money can be remitted by express, or a draft or check sent on any National bank in the United States, when the scholarship will be re turned by mail, signed by the President of tho Board of Trustees, Jos. S. Fisher, Esq., and the Dean of the Faculty, W. Paine, M. L. All orders for scholarships or other business of the Univerpi ty, should be addressed to Professor W. Paine, M. D., Philadelphia, Ta. NEW BOOKS. 1 PAINE'S PRACTICE OK MEDICINE. A new work just issued by W. Paino, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medi cine and Pathology in the Pluladelphia Univer sity of Medicine and Surgery ; author of Paine's Practice of Surgery ; a work on Obstetrics and materia aiedica : autnor or ew School ltemocucs; au Epitome of Eberlie's Practice of Medicine ; a Review of Homteopathy ; a work on the History of Medicine : Editor of University Medical and Surgical Journal, &c, Src. It is a royal octavo of 960 pages, and contains a full description of all diseases known in medicine and surgery, . includ ing thoso of women and children, together with J. VAN SICKLE, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER IN SNUFF, TOBACQO, april 5 AND - SEGARS, No. 12 Market Street. 191 6m First National Bauk of Wilmington. EDWIN E. BUBRUSS. President. A. K. WALKER, Cashier. a TT ITT a X T a AITS O. XJ W A III lAl; .Tj, A. J. DeROSSET, JAS. II. CHADBOURNE, WM. U. McRARY, Directors. RUSSELL & ELLIS, SHIPPING and Commission Merchant, - , Wilmington, W C. april 1,1867 Wiy WM. S & DUNCAN J. DEVANE. ATTORNETS AT LAW. Ornci North side Princess Street, ' Second Building irem water street,. . , . Wilmington, K. C. ; I March 15 . 142-tf James Shackelford, giiippwa AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 16 North Water Street, (up stairs,) . Wilmington, N. C. flinairmmAnfa 1 T civrs ar i art anil C.fvr-rrr Pwv. duce solicited ; and all business entrusted to my care will nave my personal attention. , i number orders wul nave attention. Oct. 5 ; ;.. ... ;.. ... .f .' 7-tf A. A. MOFFITT, : W. D. MOFFITT, J0H5 MXAUEIN ! MOFFITT, BR0. & CO., I SA ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT Nokth Water Steeet, j : Wilmington, K. C Will give prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores. General Pro dace, etc., elcl Also to receiving and forwarding goods. ' i 'Orders solicited and promptly filled - 3uly 27, 1867 j B. U. COX. CHA3. fJLElUXEE. J0HS I.'Smn. COX, PAKZIALEE & DIVINE, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION - MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. O. Offiee in Flanner's fcuildine. North Water street. near Wilmington ana weiaon luuiroaa f epot SAH'lJ tl. CA1T50K. JA1TES STOELET. CANNON & ST0KLEY, GROCKRS & GOMMISSION MKIICIIANTS, No. 4 Sontn Wmter Street, ; WILMINGTON. N. C. " 'I . . ' 7-tf New York end ether C2rd3. h. doixsxb, a. roTrcs, j. cwmrnDiH Dollser, Potter L Co., COMMISSIOIT WKUCIIAXT9, I New Yoftic. Liberal cash advances on consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton and other Southern produce. . Not. 14 41-ly Oct: 5 S. Wl TICK, of Wilmington. C T. KEBASK, i of Alamance county. W. X. EEVKOLDS ft EBO., of Norfolk, Ya. j YICK, MEBANE & CO., n bocers, ! A j-"-kv '"; FORWARDIIVO AND COMMISSIOJI MERCHANTS, j Corner Chesnut and Water Streets, n Wilmington. N.C. . i 2-tf J. B. BTAEB i, I 0. LnreBIEBT. j STARE & LINEDERRY, V COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! Ko. 164 Front Street, v . i ' " New York. ' i i - ...-.- All consignments to ua are covered by iusuranro from point of ehipmcnt, and fowarded by ALEX. JOHNSON & CO. through Wilmington freo of eommiision., . ; Septw 13 ! ;-. 237-tf ScpL 29 joa, ii; blossou. JJ WM. H. iAMES. 257-ly KEKT BBOWS. rpius bank, la now open for tne traniac tion of business. GOLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bonds and Securities, NOTES OF SOLVENT and other State Banks purchased and sold. EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH ERN CITIES always on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United States, with prompt returns. " DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention given to the accounts of business men. Sept. 12 ' 298-tf JAMES & BROWN.; CIYIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS, ItKAL ESTATK AGENTS. O ARTIES HAVING' REAL ESTATE! CITY. I LOTS, Timber and Turpentine., Lands. Ac. &o. to bedosposed of, would do well to call on us, as through our connection with a New York Gene ral Agency, we have peculiar facilities for bringing such-property to the notice of northern buyers. s umce oia iiann oi iNortn Carolina, corner Prin cess and Front streets. . r .t Feb. 19. . j) l21-tf THOS. EVANS. EMFIRE I DISTILLERY. R. BLOSSOM de EVANS. Manbfacturers of Spirits Turpentino, Rosin, Tar, Pitch WH.31I3TGTOW, If. C. June 26 230 tf I. T. FETTXWAT. BO?EB KOOBI. PETTEWAY & MOORE. GENERAL COSIMISSION MERCHANTS, I North Water Street, Wn.snnoTOH, N. O. PROMPT PERSONAL attention given to the sale orshipment of COTTON, NAVAL STORES, LUMBER, and other produce. Ordwrs solicited for Merchandise. Have constantly on; hand Fertilizers of all do scriptibns. - ' . uct.ii4, ioo. j o ly ALFRED M. WADDELL, A TTORNEY AT JiAW, p. G. WOBTH. K.i G. DASIEL- WORTH & DANIEL. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MEIU j I CHANTS, ' Mrovm's Wharves T. C. .and B. O. Worth's old stand) SouVi Water Street i IXril'I' Klire strict TT sale or shipment, of Cotton, C. H. Robinsow, Jas. C. Smith, F. G. RoBnraoy, Alex. R. Smith, of Cumberland. Robiuson, Smith & Co. SUCCESSORS TO C. H. ROBINSON & CO., and COSTIN & SMITH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Wilmington, N. C, personal attention to Naval Stores and general produce; Also, to receiving and for warding Goods. Dealers in Bagging, Rope, Twine, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair, Salt, Coal, Ac, Ao. .: i ' - - i Agents for River Steamers A. T. Hurt and Gov. Worth, and Steam and Sailing Lines to New York ana l'nuaoeipnia. ; j isept. 12. .-'.II 230-tf Wilmington, N. C. OEO. HABBI6S. ( W. W. HABBISS. A. . Sep. 1 287- , MITCHELL & DYM0TT, CAS AND STEAM PIPE FITTERS. IK ALLEY IN BEAB OF GLOBE SALOON, WILMINGTON. N. C, Where all orders can be left, and will be promptly attended to. , . Oct. 5 ' 7-tf MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. JAS. F. McREE, Jr., TTAH RESUMED the practice of Medicine, and may be found at ms residence on x ront street. Oct. 4.. 6 tf THREE NEW SOUTHERN BOOKS. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, CATAWBA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THE Proprietors of this celebrated Wa tering Place, having gone to great expense since theXast season, in changing the position of and repairing tne CottageB, grading tne wains anu 1 : T1..MJ: . I 1 1. mn.AfK., JSK: 3!nrsPMNGihW their Pathology and treatment by all the new and toj?i I)en the SPRINGS for the re- to 0ed meftQda. $7 . pogtageSO cents. cepuoa oi tuiw u , Address the author 933 Arch Street. rhhadBl- batarday, June 1st, i07. . Being situated in the Northwestern part of the El.ln in . nnnntnr rmtltrllli B fnr ita hns.utvs.nrl healthfumess, these together with the virtue of the waters, make ft one of tne most oesiraoio wa tering places in the country. ; : . THE MINERAL WATERS 1 of these SPRINGS are tbe White and Blue Sul phur, and Chalybeate, and they possess all the finest qualities of these waters, and are sovereign remedies for all diseases of the liver, : bowels stomach and kidneys. Tho SPRINGS are accessible by any of the roads leading to Salisbury, N. C, and at that point the Western Nortn Carolina itauroau wui convsv visitors to Hickory Station, at which placo conveyances are always in attendance to take them to the SPRINGS. Dr. White, of the Medical College, of Virginia, will be at the Springs the 6ntire season, and in valids may rely upon good attention. ' Having again secured ine services mi anu Wrenn. and made ample arrangements for keep ing a good table, and the best wines, liquors and ciearB, and naving engaged ennui s uana. ior me season, and we safoly promiso to all every con venience for pleasure, comfort and amusement that mav be desired. I Hoard per montn ..o uu Board ier week J .$18 00 Board per day $3 00 pbia. Pa. ALSO. A NEW W0BS. Entitled Now School Medicines, whch is the only work ever published upon Materia Medica, embracing all the Eclectic, Homoepathic, and Bo- tamo reniedioa, witn a lull regular Materia Med ica. rrice $5 ; postage free. ;- : Addroes as above. s UNIVERSITY JOURNAL MEDICINE AND STJUOEKY. A Semi-montltly Journal of Medicine, Surgery, I'nyswiogy. Hygiene, ana (renerai Juaerature devoted to tlie Profession and the People. The cheapest medical paper in the world, pub lished every two weeks, at the University Build ing, JNnuii btrcet, soutn of walnut. bingie copies.-. . . fi oo Five copies to one address. ....... ... . 4 35 Ten " , " 7 50 Fifteen " '' 9 30 Twenty " " 10 00 The gatter-up of the club shall have one copy gratis. Address W. PAISE, M. V., Editor, Philadelphia, Pa. may SI 200-tf EDWARD J. II ALE & SON, No. 16 Murray Street, New York, WILL PUBLISH, EARLY IN AUGUST, 1867 - 1st. A DEFENCE OF VIRGINIA, and through her, of the faouui l, in receut and pending con tests against the sectional party. By ProfeBscr Robert L. Dabney, D. D., author of the Life of : General (Stonewall) Jackson. 1 vol. 12mo , cloth, u oo. 2i. DIARY OF A SOUTHERN REFUGEE, dur ing the War. By a Lady of Virginia. 1 vol 12mo., cloth, $2. ' Dr. DABKEY is well known as an Author. His Life of Stonewall Jackson has bad an im mense sale greater, probably, than any other Southern book over had. H e . has devoted much time and research to his treatise, and has col lected much novel aud instructive information for the vindication of the Southern peoplo. The rad ical questions in ciouate are subjected to thorough and searching inquiry. Several of our most eminent Statesmen, to whom the MS. has boon submitted, have approved his work in the highest terms. THE DIARY OF A REFUGEE is from the pen of a Lady who holds the highest social and lite rary rank among the ladies of Virginia. Most of the four years of the war were spent in and near Richmond, in contact with distinguished military and civic characters. Like many of the best wo men of Virginia, sho was a constant attendant upon the sick aud wounded, in the Hospitals that city, tier dook is admirably written, and is a thrilling narrative of scenes and incidents which came under her notioe during those four eventful years. A large number tif copies arc already subscribed for among her extensive ac quaintance, without the employment of any agent. Either of these books will be eeni by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price, or both together on receipt oi to. ; . ' .Early orders from the irado solicited. Agents wanted, to whom liberal discounts will be mado. HOWELL. UARRISS & HOWELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, - A I and ; : ' M i- 154 Water Street, New York. X IBERAL ADVANCES MADE ONI CONSIGN I 1 MENTS duce, which commissions. Feb. 24, 18671 to our New York House on Pro- will be forwarded through free of I26-ti WILMINGTON, N. 0. Office on Market, between 2d and 3d Streets, Nov, 27. 62- A. II. YanBOKKELEN, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, North Water Street, HaU & Nutfs Wharves, WIldttlNGTON, N. C. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, NAVAL STORES and other Southern Produce for sale oil shipment, will receive prompt personal at tention. ' - 4 i ' Merchandise and other artiolos forwarded to any point desired. Orders for purchase of Mer chandise and consignments of same Ior sale solicited, Nov, 1. 30-ly Jas. L. Hathiway and Utley, Formerly HATHAWAY & Co., Importers of MOiLaSSES and SUGAR, Wilrnington, N. C) Shipping and Commission Merchants, itt TEARL STREET, NEW I0EE. We sclicit consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Shootings, Yarns, Tobacco, and other Southern Products, to the sale of which our prompt per. onal attention will be given. We will make liber al advances upon receipt of Invoice and Bill of Lading. All Merchandise and Produce shipped to us for salo are insured from point of shipment, with or without advice. Invoices should always accompany esch shipment. Both of us having had over twenty years' ex. perienee in business in the South, and our J. L. HATHAWAY three years in Now York,' we feel confident wo can secure full prices for our friends who will favor us with their consignments. JAS. L. HATHAWAY, WM. 11. UTLEY. ' Aug.; Sit. ' j-H i - ,273-lyV ';. SPENCER D. cT YanBOKKELENV C OMMISSIO JV ME R C II AN 2, DCALEB IS .. NA VAL STORES, COTTON & PRO VISIONS, : ITO FRONT ST., NEW YORK, OLICTTS CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, NAY All STORES, and other Southern produoo and Manufactures, and will fill orders for Mer chandise, all of which will receive his prompt personal attention. uontsgnments insured rrom point oi shipment in all oases, unless otherwise directed. ' A. H. VanBokkelen at Wilmington, N. C will arrange advances, attend to shipment, pay taxes. freighb and all other expenses on Consignments to mo when aesirou. Nov.il. ; 30-1 y HILTON STEAM SAW MILL, O. Q. PARSLEY, PnorBiETOit. WILMINGTON, N. C. ; I860. ORDERS WILL HAVE THE PERS0N- i attention of tho Proprietor- March 12. 140 tf AH ALEX. 0HNSOS, JB. i X. T. MCKETHAJt ALEX. JOHNSON & CO., O ROGERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Sonth Water Street, Wilmington, N. CV Sept 13 2Q7-ly S' fllAltrE & TU03IS0X. succEttsons to 1 NORTH, .OIIASE tt NOKTU, MAN Cl-WCT VltK-US andWliolc.au Dea lers in Stoves, Heaters, aud Rangers, heavy llollowware, Plain, Turned, Tinned, and luiaru- ellod Ilollowware. ; - Ofllce, tiOQ North Second Street, i PHILADELPHIA, PA. jundl 1 212-Om-ood wmcci KOBEIS. MICHAEL OBOlfliX. i REMOVAL ! . jr. rilHE Undersigned begs to Inform his ena- JL tomers and the public generally, that he has removed his HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING and SHAMPOOING establishment to those elegantly furnished rooms situated npon the Northeast cor ner of Front and Princess Streets, in the base ment of the First National Bank building, where he would be pleased to receive and wait upon his friends in his usual manner ; feeling satisfied from his long experience in the Tonsorial Art, that he can give entire satisfaction to those who patronize him. iiis assistants, iESTUS PAINE and JAMES GARROWAY, are well known to the public as masters of their profession, and he need not say that every effort will be made to please and satisfy, ! In addition to his Barber Shon. he has estab lished a first class - : BATHING SALOON. which, having been placed in charge of polite and competent persons, every comfort will be secured to those who wish to enjoy a delightful bath. Ho also, negs to present his compliments to the Ladies of the city, and respectfully solicits a share of their patronage, and is ever ready and willing to attend to any call that may he made upon him. All he asks is a trial, when he will guarantee full satisfaction. , ' . i ' GEORGE HOSLEB. ; : Wilmington, N. C, March 28, 1867 154-tf j CRONLY & MORRIS, J AUCTIONEERS AND GENERAL AGENTS, I Wilmington, N. C. - Stocts, Real Estate and all description of mer chandise bought and sold on commission. Our personal attention given to any business intrusted to our charge. i From our long experience in the misiness, we feel warranted in referring to the public generally. Sept. 28. - . ' - - , THE 2 GREAT QUESTION, IN PREPARATION, A Life of General Pat. Cleburne, of Arkansas The Stonewall Jackson of the Southwestern Confederate Army, E. J. Hale & Son, (late Editors of tho Favette- uille N. C. Observer), respectfully solicit the or ders of Southern Booksellers. Merchants. Teach ers, Professional gentlemen, and others, ior any articles m then line, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest wholesale cash prices. Theirs is the only tsoutitem Look Hwse in Neio 1 orfc. July '& . , r 253 POWDER ! POWDER ! ! Tho Subacribera being Agents for Children under seven vcars of aire, and servants DuPONT'S POWDER MILLS. nan price. , , , . , A. RE IN CONSTANT RECEIPT OF SUPPLIES XA. direct from the Manufacturers, and are pre pared to fill orders for all descriptions of Powder VEHICLES MADE AND REPAIRED, fTUlE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW T UL. ner of Red Cross and Second Kfawwta. r to make to order any kind of vehicles, such aa Buggies, Sulkies, Carts of every kind, Drays and wagons., ; ' liepainng also done with neatness and at tne shortest notice. . Blacksmi thing, Painting and Trimming neatly done. Old Buggies made to look as good as new ones. :, Give me a call and try my work, is all I ask. . :.,. Tonus reasonable. Shop on lied Cross and Second Streets. JAMES LOWREY. Jan. 8 86-tf i THE LADIES DEPOSITORY. IN VIEW OF THE CONTINUED AND IN creasing destitution at tho South, and in com pliance with requests both at home and abroad. a number of iadies of Baltimore have formed them selves into an Association, under the name of " THE LADIES' DEPOSITORY." Its object is to receive needle and other work and to dispose of it solely for the benefit of its owners. Orders will also be taken at the Deposi tory for any kind of work, so as to provide em ployment for those-who have not the necessary materials. As considerable expense will be incurrod in pro viding a placo of business and the requisite assis tants, and as the enterprise cannot of course be self-supporting, the Association must depend upon the contnouuons or its fnonds. The annual subscription has been fixed at $5, and all who are favorably disposed are earnestly requested to give their prompt and liberal aid, by donations or otherwise, to help those who aro doing their ut- moBt to ncip t-nemscives. 'The Association have taken the store No. 97 i, Lexington street, and expect to be in operation by the 11th of February. " . ; President Mas. PEYTON HARRISON. : 4 Vice President: . ! j Mas. JOHN -H. B. LATBOBE ! ; . Treasurer : Mas. W. W. SPENCE , Recording Secretary : ; Mas.; JAMES A. STEUABT. i Corresponding Socretary : , i Mas.j THOMAS MURDOCH. T ;;':-', ; Managers : Mas. CHARLES J. BAKER, 31 South Charles may 28 J. GOLDEN WYATT & CO., . Proprietors. 2C6-3m 4-4 BAGS! BAGS I! Uigbest cash prices paid for CLEAN COTTON and LINEN RAGS, AT THIS OFFICE, jane 11 221-tf . 6 i .f Aa- i c zzizuj arrT'rca to appewf w ro- I U-U;.Yit:;t3t-3F9.J i July a NEW BOARDING HOUSE, SMmiTILLE, N. c. THE subscriber would respectf all jr inform the publio that he has recently re-fitted and furnished the BAY HOUSE, at Snuthville. and is now rrenared to accommodate them with board by the dav. week or month, on reasonable terms. The Steamer Ida O. Potter -leaves Wilmington every afternoon at 3 o'clock, for Smithvilie, re turning every morning at 6 o'clock. Persons de siring the sea breeze can spend the night at the Tl A V TTnTTW. .n fnm In ima fn. tiTminBallA M. rf , .nl IVKU111 .JL. 1-1,1 iv. y .11. I -w at Manufacturers lowest cash prices. We keep constantly on hand a full and well as sorted stock of DuPONTS' RIFLE AND SPORTING POWDER, eg-. i!g-. . . . in Kegs, 25 lbs. Half " 12J ' Quarter kegs, 6j lbs. Cases containing 25 canisters, 1 lb. each. Cases containing zo canisters. lb. each. A. F. & Co Musket, Rice Bird shooting, FF. FFF. Blasting, C, F., FF., F.F.F., - liarreis oi 100 ids. . , Kegs of 25 M f :, . s PATENT SAFETY FUSE, for blasting, in lots to suit purchasers- ' .' v The attention, of Dealers throughout the State is called to the fact of their being able to pur chase supplies at home at as low prices as they can in Northern markets, and orders are solicited. O. G. PARSLEY & CO. may 21 203-3m-eod BEAVER CREEK MANF'G COMPANY'S STRAINER CLOTH. SHEETINGS, 80 INCH DITTO, COTTON YARN, AND 6all, all of very superior quality can be furnished, at short notice. J. H. HATJi, . Preet. Beaver Creek Manfg Co. A. JOHNSON & CO.. Agents, Anderson, the aaa ESPECTFULLY INFORMS T THE citizens of WilminCTon, , that arv orders loft on his ELAXL- a at the ttore of Heo-rs. Ueii:i & i:r3, rlinsct april 12 1 w. ajjvuiCf m Wilmington, N. C. IU7 U New York Spirit Barrels. surriix or new xoik n-mpir . X. Spirits Turpentine Barrels, of the! very best quality, on hand and for Bale. low, Dy JAMES ANDERSON 4 CO. July 10 212-tf SACDATU SCHOOL BOOKS , FE01TTHB AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PRI2XEXIS, Fpellers, Readers, CatecnUms. Oneetion Looks. Hvmns. Sabbath Echoo' Bell, Bibles, Testaments, Reward Cards, Library, - ,a.w i. j I street. Mas. J. J. BANEARD. East Baltimore street. Mas. J. HARMAN BROWN, 76 Courtland street. Bias. JUiia JDUttit, 147 Charles street. Mas. A. D. EGERTON, 230 Howard street. Miss FRICK, Charles street. Mas. JOHN a GITTINGS, Monument and St. raui streets. . Mas. J. R. GOLDSBOEOUGH, 231 Eutaw street. ouss MAivrjt-ii, tu uatnedrai street. was. Pisxiw jiaiuuuon, au itead street. Miss DORA HOFFMAN, Franklin street. Mas. CHARLES HOWARD, Cathedral street. Mas. HUNTER, comer Baltimore street and r Broadwav. Mas. JOHN EL B. LATROBE, Read and Charles sireete. -a Mas. MERRIf"., Monument street, Mas. THOS. MURDOCH, Howard street, i Mas. READ. Mulberry street. Mas. T. PARKIN SCOTT, 16 St. Paul street. Mas. BAYARD SMITH. 101 Monument street. Mas. W. W. SPENCETBoltoa street. . Mas. N. B. SMITH, Saratoga street. Mas. JAMES A. STEWART, 103 Park street. Mas. B. E, SPALDING, Charles street, feb. 21 124-tf H S3 " Can I better provide for my Famil v. than by spending a small portion of my in come for a Policy on lay Life V 38,000 Persons nave Insured in tbe 'iETNA LIFE ! INSURANCE CO. 1 OP HAETFORD, CONN., .' And others arc Daily Applying. TIE principle of LIFE INSURANCE has become so well demonstrated, that it is hardly necessary at this day to go into an argument in its support. Every individual who has a family or dear ones dependent upon his existence, is in fact, overlooking, if not violating, one of the most im portant duties of life, in not aruar diner them acrainst want, and protecting theni from poverty, should death deprive them of his snpport and assistance. On an INSURANCE POLICY, procured at a small Sremiuni, a requisite sum is secured in case of eath, to provide them with subsistence through life. Securing such a policy not only makes -life pass mors pleasantly but will bring to the death-! bed the happy consolation that your wifo nd child ren will not bo left destitute, or to THE COLD. CHEERLESS SYMPATHY OF AN UNCHARITA BLE WORLD. To those whose good impulses are moved to this accomplishment for their family's imure protection. THE iETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. is most cordially recommended for tho carrying out of these desires. The Company has been in existence for FORTY EIGHT years.and now. with a Camtal of over $6,000,000 00 stands as one of the solid monetary institutions of tbe nation and offen positively the best induce ments for LIFE INSURANCE in the world. Over five hundred risks havo been taken in the last twelve months upon the most influential citi zens of North Carolina. Out of this number four have died, making $23,000 in cash paid over promptly to survivors : and but for this fore thought ana ACTION not ono dollar would have been left of their estates for the benefit of their bereaved loved ones. ; After the 2nd year 50 per cent. Dividends is paid to Policy nomers every year aarme JL.ir. and at death the Policy is paid to survivors. iiisKs on ages irom n to t3 years are taken for a term of years or the WHOLE TERM OF LIFE on amounts from $1,000 to $10,000, and tho rates are regulated according to age. THIS PRO VI SION CANNOT BE TAKEN F'OR DEBT. BUT GOES TO THE FAMILY OB OTHER DEPEND ENTS FOB THEIR: SPECIAL USE AND SUP PORT. Nothing can possibly be trained bv deiav in this duty and much may be lost. Of two cour ses, one or which may leave your family or depend ent friends' destitute, and the other ASSURES them T. comfortable support at your decease ; can there be a doubt which is to be chosen Every one knows that if the pressure of the times bears hard upon a man in tne fulness or nu strength, will be far more severe upon a woman and chili ren left at such a conjuncture as this without re sources or protector, and it is easier for a man to pay his premium than for his .family to live with out his aid and without means. For further information call on tbe Agent who now extends tbe invitation to every one, rich and poor, to avail himself of the advanatages offered bv one of the LARGEST, SAFEST, BEST, CHEAP EST AND MOST POPULAR AND RELIABLE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD. JOHN E. SPEARMAN, Agent, Market Street, between 2d and Sd., Wilmington. N. C. Jan. 27 103 2tawwtf W A I LEY S lAjTIiNT SELF-FASTENINO WROUGHT-IRON BUCKLE TIE. i . FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED AT LOUISIANA : j " ' STATE FAIR. . C lis as cheap a tie, and the best one yi t inventod. It is the strongest tie, standing by test aistrain of (2,000) two thousand pounds. iha most easily adjusted tic, as it is self-raeten- in. :i he most simple, requiring oniy to sup tno band into tho buckle, and the elasticity of tho cotton fastens itself, and it cannot becomo un fus ed. . For sale in largo or small quantities, by ROSS, ROBERTS A CO.,' Commission Merchants and General Agts., bfl Front 8treet, New York City. DkROSSET A GOr Agents, Wilmington, N. C. iulylC ! 247-3iii ' TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES, lvt.ion of the National Banks. j ' ' Washihqtok, D. C, Feb. 20, 1867. hereby certified that the First Na tional Bank of Wilmington, N. O., a Banking Association organized under the Act " to provide . a National Currency, secured by a pledge of united States Bonds, and to provide for tho circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3d' 1861. having complied with the, requirements of section 15 of said Act, and with the regulations of this Department made in pursuanco thereof, has this day been designated as a Depository of Pub lio Moneys, except receipts front Customs, and by virtue of such designation will also be employed as a Financial Agent of the Government. (Signed) F. E. SPINNER, j - i " Treasurer U. S. -march 2 132-if r IT Is ...-tie: SHIPPING ARTICES - 1 HXJ FOREIGN OUTWARD MANIFESTS X3L For sale at the . OoL 6 , JOURNAL OFFICE. AU Kinds of Blanks SALE AT THE ' ' - JOURNAL OFE. all i:i:;l3 c? jcd 7z?:i T it V a . ; FASHIONABLE IIair-drcssingt Shaving and Bathing ,. ': , ; SB SSa. TSa C9i XJO TS&S 9 ' COllNKR OF FRONT AND PRINCESS I ". STREETS. UNDKIt TIIK FIRST NATIONAL BANK. " STRANGERS AND OTHERS WILL FIND THE most elegant Saloon in the South, with polite and skilful barbers, and every appliance of com fort and convenience. ' Ti l I . M T w ORDINARY BATH. .50 Cents. SHOWER BATH........... ..75 Cehts. LADIES will be waited upon at their dwellings. , From his long experience, the undersigned guarantees full satisfaction to alL .' - Tho -undersigned regrets mat mere nas ueen recently ; some misunderstanding regarding his . prices and begs leave to state that in future this will be avoided. Gentlemen hereafter wishing baths will please aekforihim. I . . GEORGE HOSLEB. april 23 - 170-tf GREAT INDUCEMENTS. DRY 0OODS, NOTIONS, &o SELLING AT A SACRIFICE, i r 1 THE Subscriber Is now offering (lis re- maindor of his elegant and handsome assortmen of. r . WINTER GOODS, ' at panic prices, and will dispose of them at a great sacrifice, In order to make room for tha SPRING STOCK, which he will soon receive from New York and Philadelphia. ; The attention of the ladies especially, is invited to these IMMENSE SACRIFICES. II. HARTZ, No. 17 Market Street. ' marcnl ' 131-tf EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. H AVISO qualified at Jane Term, 1807, of .New Hanover County Court, as Executor ot tho last will and testament of P. K. Dickinson, all persons indebted to his estate are requested to make payment, and all those having claims or de mands tf any sort against the same, are notified to present them within the time prescribed by B0BT. H. COWAN. Executor. June 19 . 225-2m OLD DOMINION NAILS. ULIi assortment of these superior Nails F always on hand. may 22 ATKINSON & SHEPrERSON, - . 11 and 12 North Water Street. 201-tf ALL KIND OF .BLANKS 03 BALE AT THE journal orncs UAC3-UACS. rnn tlSiest eash prices be raljfor . BLANKS. HAVE. AND KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, almost everv description of Blanks usually required in this place. Merchants in want of Railroad Receipts, Bills of Lading, or other Blanks, bound er loose, can ob tain them at short notice. Clerks of Civil Courts. Sheruxs. uaefotratAs and Oonstables,!can be supplied from our present stock, or havo their Blanks printed to order, at short BOtics. I - . . - . ENGELHARD & PRICE, , . ' Old Stand, Journal Buildings. Bent 28. Prinoeas street. WUmington. ft. a ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK .TLY EXECUTED AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE 1ALL KINDS '.03 8 ALB CF CLAXXS , J L.it i

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